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212 009 UNCLASSEFIED.. PROCE'SSING-DATE--ISSEP70 2 ~~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104510 C'p C ~ j_AR-STRACT/EXTRACT--lU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ETSH fl G) AND 0.015 G T ';S A AZOSISISOBUTYRONITRILE WAS ADDED TO 2.2 G N-VINYLINDOLE (1) WITH AZ Cfl COOLING, AND THE MIXT. HEATED IN A SEALED TUBE UNDER IN 18 HR AT 70DEGREES TO GIVE 72PERCENT N-BETA-ETHYLTHIOlETHY,LIN0QLEj 6 SUR7 70 170-20EGREF-Si 0 PRIME20 1.0897, N PRINF-20 SUBD 1.6020). SIMILARLY,-THE FOLLORING COMPDS. WERE PREPD. (COMPD.v PERCENT YIELDt B.P.-mm.t N FO PR PRIME20 SUBDf AND D PRIME20 GIVEN): N-IRETA-ISOPROPYLTHIO)ETHYLINDOLEv 77 771 161DEGREES-2, 1.5870t 1.0605; N-IBETA-TERT-BUTYLTHIO)ETHYLINDOLEP 65,' 141-2DEGREES-Ir 1.5770, 1o0325; N-iBETA-ETHYLI*HI03E'rHYLIMIDIAZOLEt 65 74 .74, 129DEGREES-1, 1.5350Y 1.0663; N-(Bc,TA-PROPYLT141O)ETf4YLI.MIDAZDLE, 72t 145DEGREES-2, 1.5272# 1.0536; N-(BET&-BUTYLTHIOJEI'HYL1141DAZOLEt 94.7 14 159DEGREES7-2.i 1.5218t. 1..0377;_ N-IBETA-ETHYLTli,IOIETHYLBENZIMIDAZOLE, 389 190-20EGREES-2i.1.6010i 1.1409; AND N-(BETA-PROPYLTHID)ETHYLBENZIPIDAZOLEt: 42, 190-IDE'GREES-1, 1.5885t 1.1162. SO SUB2 WAS PASSED INTO 2.37 Go N-VINYLIMIDAZOLE AND 1.5 G ETSH WITH COOLIING.AND THF MIXT.,HEATED 16 HR AT 800EGREES TO GIVE 61PERCENT N-(ALPHA~-ETHYLTHIOIETHYLIMIOAZOLE, R SUB4 L13-14DEGREES, D PRIME20 1*0766, N PRIME20 SUB0.1.5270. I AND N-VINYLBENZ11410AZOLE 010 NOT REACT WITH ETSH IN THE PRESENCE OF SO SUB2 OVP-MEC SUB6~H SUBi SO SU83 H AT 0-70DEGREES, THE STRUCTURES WERE PROVED BY NM~ SPECTROSCOPY. R SUBF VALUES. 14ERE GIVEN. UNCLASSIFIE~~ Abs-t-ractidg Service. Ref. Code: 0499-587 CH'DIICAL ABST. 90189tv Synthesis of rQ G. Urktitsk. hist-, Or -KhjW,._IrkUtsI,. USS~O ~Kihlfm- elerotsikl. jjidin".-M 128-9 (Russ).- Reaction of 2, ,3~dihydroindole with Cslf~ in the presence of metallic KI in dry ~ioxaae in an autodave 0.,5 hr at I I 1217g Aryloxydihydropyrani~ VII. Condensation of acro- r 1ein with vinyl ethers of, fluoro-, chloro-, and bromiophenols- sk CI ~~4~u5bxj. Ah;#j. Geterolsikr. -IN -iffeam of X ~m passed thiough a nxixt,. of 0-7.6 g tH,:CHOC,FF-P and 11.2 g C4:t-.'CHClIO, heated 8 hr in tin autoclave at 190* to give 92T~.-2-(o~fluoropheno.,zy)-3.4-dihydro- pyran W, bio 136', &0 IA751, n:',0 1.5179. Sirnilarlk'prepd. ivere la as follows (R, R', % yield, b.pj, d"r and n2v* givit,n): Cl, H ome., (11),85,138/9,1.2100.1.545LI; H,Cl(m-iso r) (In~, 71, 112 1.2129, L-5475; H, Cl (IV), 80,'95.5*/1, 1.2100, 1~5471; Br, H (V), 74, 155o/7, 1,42240, 1.5629; H, Br (VI), 71, 160'/13, 1.4270, 1.5640 - CI, Cl.(VII), 67, 111 */0.5, 1.3400,' 1 ~562'9; : 19r, Br (VM), 14, No.adduct could be isolated by (X,X-Y-QI,Br-p) Q-0- -Ir xo-~Ioy (A X - Y w, EO p 0. (XII, X - Qljlrp, Y - Ft) R heating acrolein with the trichloro deriv. at 190-2100o. rv (2.5 g) was hydrogenated. itri 15 gi EtOI-l over 0.5: g Ranvy Ni to give 2.4 g 2-(p-chloroplienoxy)t~tialikdrop4ran (M), bq HO', d2, 1.1821" "'0 1.53,215. With cawytic amis. OUIACI, VI M- acted with EtOH fanming 2 sym-imid I mixed acetal: X (m. 101o), )a (known), and XII (b, 161', d" 1.3895, nU 1.5103). REEL/FWfE 19841740 Abstra~cting S be Ref. Code: Acc.'N ' ~j '4~1 (A 11 o469 ~MO0329 CHE ICAL AB51.... INS 7.7-77% AP0100329 With propargy] stle., O-cresol, and p-chlorophenGI, VI gave only the resp. mixed acetals: 2-(p-bronaopheii.oxy)~a-I)ropN-AYIOXY- tetrahydropyran, yield 29%, b3 IS-00., d- 1.4121,;00 1.5662;_ 2~ (p-brom~phenoxy)-~(0-atsylo~k)tetrahydropYnu'i, vield 777, m. 93.5 ; and 2-(P-brom6phe~noxy)-6-(P-Oiio~opbtnllY - itetrallydropyran, yield. 90%, lii.~: 85.5*. 1~ (5 R) Ivas stirred 12 hr'with 0.075 9 SnCIOH20 to gtve a Po 3,me I X. 'Tile % yield, M.P., ji7j, and mol. wt. of the polymers obtained1rom the cur- responding monomer are indicated vi parezitheses-; 1 (73,' 107', 0-995, 2100); W (70i 115", 0.319., 2V0); IV (78,'~ L20', 0-340, - V (88 142 0. 0 481, 3200)- VI (81, 146* 2400), 6 0,493, 3~50)- S.'.K- Banerjee 19841741 M '44,7w-m- -I F, g r im 'It USSR MC: 5-37-312:6-2 ,MORTSCIVA".., I. L. TA-Bfi-RAYE-VA, Ye. jhf. SMfrT2, V. V. , IIAYEVSKIY, I . T. VIEffect of Hea~t Treatment on the Cr-1-6ical Currents of' D-I;.,,?_--y Alloy~~ of Xiobii-,-j With Zirconium axid Tltanitur" Moscow, splnvy i soyedin.-sbormi-It', Alloys zuid Compounds-collection of wanks), ".Nlauka% 25:7-2, Pp .101-M (frcm "Kh S'A I -Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dee 72, abstract No 12 D5C-1 [i-6 iranslation: Critical current is studied as a fumetion of t-;,,ternn.l netic field --trength for H-b-Zr wid Vrb-Ti alloys Cf dif ecrceritra-- tions and after different annealing temperatures. The were related to existirng c-once-pts on, the of tr-mi~j"'r-'t, mlrr(~IJ ir, rigid svipercon,2;actars. This aed '-o the follmvin~; conclus4r-ni-. to the nori-al state ir the alloy 11-5 at-% 7"r tz-'-es -DIII-ce as rc".IOJ~ r1' d-e.,itruct-J, an of electron pairo wh,~n they have reached v Critical Velocity. Destruction of sm3preonduc - .1 0- t i- 3 tY -'I) allo-ITS 11, vlth ',15 arils 75 nt-5 L cf' and with 60 at.~'j Ti talrec place d-Qe ,o th e r o' -1 C) 'oj t vortices. A direct* relaticn, is -nd betw(~(-n trie anne~.,"rl- ti 7r) I L 1 these al"loys and the force of of, supo-rccr~auct;lngl 7,r('-,-rtJceF to th,.: 112 SKVORTSOVA, 1. L. et al., Sv,~~rkhprovodvushchiye sphl, y i y d-' 1972, pp 101-111 M ae 0 rononhom'gene-Aies which are seEregated during rient treat,17.1ent. &!1l'i'n illustrations, One t&ible, biblioCraphylof folurt'~--en 2/2 USSR UDC'6ZO..172.17:1.174 ZHUP KASHPERSKIY, V. S., ORT~QVA MTV, Ye.,. Kiev "Mechanical Properties of Sitall in Fle~xure, Extenslan, an& Comp-re-ssion" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 4, Apr 71, pp 80-83 Abstract: A method and results are presented of experimental investigation of the elasticity characteristics (Young, Modulus, Poi~son, coefticient in ex- tension, compression, and flexure) and the ultimate strength of. caste sirall M of composition number 23 in extension and compression. easurer-ent. of: de- formation was performed using tensoresistors. A brief description is pre- sented of the characteristic forms of rupture with various ty-pes, al. loading. 45 USSR UDC 59:616.981-455(57"'.52) AYKDTj3AYEV,- 11. A. , KOIL:EYEV, C. A. , KUNITSA, G. M., TLEUGJY~SYLOV, M... K. , TRYKIN, V. S. SKIlWaSKOVA. S. S. , NMENT, 1. P. , and- SUP, N, V. M. Central-Asiau I Dill ScienL777"" =asea~rcAn`ti Plague Institute, Alma-Ata "A Tugai Focus of Tularemia in Dzhambulskaya Oblast in the Lover Chu 'Flow" Moscc-,7, Zoologicneski"y Zhurnal, Vol 50, No 10, 1971, pp 1595-1598 Abstract: Rhipicephalus pumilio, the tick which carries and transmits tularemia bacteria, can circulate the bacteria over a long time-zpan due to its ability to parasitige hares and other rodents at all stages of its development. The flooded fields in this region, on uhich cattle grazc, creato ideal conditions read of the 4xodid tick. Dennacentor daghestanicus is the doninant for the sp species becx,,se of its high percentage of infection by tularc-rJa bacteria and L because it preserves the bacteria in its body for a loiig period. Bacteriolog- ical studies -acre made of 117 mammals and 19,000 ticks olf various species. In infected hares Datholo-ical-anauoz,.ic chances were maniftsted b- y enlargement of the spleen, in scz-~e cases by a chpnge in the color o-nd teNture of the liver, and by the characterist:iic ~Cur,~ arrangei,,ient of cocci-bacteria In the spicen, liver, lungs, lymph nodos, and blood. 30~stralns of Pwiteureela cularensis were found in ixodid ticks and 7 strains, in the hare (Lepus tolai). These strains decompose glycerine and circulate in the tugai focus. USSR UDC 612-35-017.1 SUKERM., R. I. "8 0 LEONTIYEVA, L. I., and LADYGim, v. I., Central Scientifi-Raseagr* ~boratory, Novosibirsk 14--d-tcal Institute 'I nduction of Auto-Immune Cellular Response to Liver Cells in Mice by Implantation of Spleen Cells From Syngenic Donors With Toxic Hepatitis" Leningrad, Tsitologiya, Vol 13, No 5, May 71, pp 636-643 Abstract: The effect of lymphoid sDieen cells from donor nice, after repeated treatment with CC11,, on the liver parenchyma~was studied. Both the eight control and the 32 test animals (CRA strain) were given H3-thymidine intraabdominally over a -period of 6 days, thrice daily. Toxic hepatitis was produced by CC14 inhalation. 1he animals were sacrificed 16-20 hours after the last CCl4inhalation and 9-10.hours after the last,H3-thymidine injection. The spleens were removed, ground and ce" suspensions prepared for implanta- tion. The recipients were sacrificed 58:hours after the transfer and their liver, spleen, and inguinal lymph nodes removed and studied. Splee Cells from test and control donor mice were transfused in a dose of 25xiog into normal recipient irdce and into miee which were subjectett to a single CC11, intoxication immediately after the transfusion. nis b4 to otinw-lation of DNA synthesis and to reutilization of labelled Products of regenerating, 1/2 SWIMMIK.. R. I., et al., Tsitologiya, V01 13, No 5, MAY 71, pp 636-643 hepatocytes. Cytophotometric examination and evaluation of DIZA in helztocyte nuclei of recipients injected vith spleen cells obtained from test donors showed that the number of tetraploid and octoploid nuclei had slightly increased. The activated DTIA synthesis is considered a response of the liver cells which had been attacked by cell-bound atuto-antibodies transferred in the spleen cells from CC14-treated donor mice. Histograms are shown. UWE Uw 616 -988 -25-022 - 395 .42.o,6.2 (57 VEMTA.J? L. A., OBUMOV, G. D., KC)VAIYVA, Ye. I.,4jWqAj qN~ .10GUM, - I V. Y~. VOROT)2VA) R. N... NIKOLAYEVA, S. P., ~ WITITOVA, T. 4.4jand ROSLYAKOV. G. Ye... Thabarovsk Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and MicrobiolojEor, 1(habarovsk "Landscape-Epidemiological Subdivision of the ATT,.ir Terri-tol,y Vith Respect to Tick-Borne Encephalitis" Moscov, Yo--ditsinskaya Parazitologlya i Pax-azitarn)rye Bolemi, Vol b2, 110 1, 'Jan/Feb 73, pp 28-32 Abstract: An evaluation of the danger of human infectI *on 'With ti(-k-13C)rj-e encephalitis in territorial sub(Uvisions of the ATrmx rei-~Jon differinf resDect to natural cLaracteristics has been caa7ried out on the basis of a w-m- ber of factors, principally the local density of Dodid. ticks. qL le -Judex of probability of infection (a pro,'Ixict of the ratio of perrons wljo have visite(I forests by the ratio of those Yho observed the attacli'ment of ticks by the ratio of ticks infected with the virus of the disease) ^:msod on data coll-e c I.- e d In 1969-71 was, used as a criterion. Regions vith a incidcimce of the dir- ease vere located in the zone of forentz;, tl'osc witil C, mo4erate incidepce in the subnzowa of the southern tayl-in nz-,' in. P-r-ri ulturally developed areas in the zone of conifeTous-wide-leaved forests, and those witb 1/2 V-EFETA L. A., et al.j Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya I Parazitarnyye Eol .1 j Vol 42, No 1, Jan/Feb 73, PP 208-32 a low incidence in the stibzonc of the middle tayga. Acute foi-mis of tlte disease occurred. both in regions with. a high and a lov incidence. The ratio of focal (meningoencephalitic) fonns and the index of liAhalAty, which corresi)onded to this ratio, showed soz,,ie tendency of increasing, from the soath to the iiorth. 16 USSR UDC 576. SKALA, L. Z., WYASHENKO, B. N., LIKHACHEVA, N. A., ahd SK110PITSOVA, Ye. K., All Union Institute of Disinfection and Sterilization "A Study of the Mutagenic Action of Halide Containing Disinfectant" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiolo:gii i Immunobiologii, No 11, 1971, p 146 Abstract: Four iodine compounds and four chlorine compounds were tested on bacteria and phages in concentrations cauqing 86-99% inactivation of the microbes. The frequencies of mutation observed-in E. coli were. 6xlO-b by iodopiron, 4x10-6 by iodonate, 3x10-6 by iodolan, and 6xlo-6 by an aqueous iodine solution. Chlorine compounds yielded similar results on E. coli: l.lxlO-7 mutations were observed after application of chlorsuccinamide, 5xlO-6 after KDI(hTsK, 3. a-10-6 after sulfochlorantine, and 3.4xlo-6 afterchloramine. The frequenc with which the bacterlophages reverted to wild type ranged from 5x1j)-6 to 7x10- Since the frequency of spontaneous mutations in E. coli K12 (reversion from thr- to thr+) is 7.6xlO-6, it is concluded that the strongly inactivating iodine and chlorine compounds exert no mutagenic effect on the bacteria and bacteriophages investigated. 3o - Transfor,w-tioh and Stnicture- USSR UDC '. 546.,1-19 * 5:46.56 + 'v, RMINO 1.YA.), PRISELKOV YU-A-, Z11"MOV, 1-YE., -MIATE-1t", 2--'t~~,ZT2;TJ;cw: YU.A., T~EMW A.V., and SPITSY11, V.I., Institute of, Phyrical chc-'Aist'ry, "'Oscow Academy of Sciences USSR, and Moscow State University iucni ',~, V. lkmono2ov' Moscow Ministry of Higher and Secondary Speoialize& Eaucation US-Sa "Evaporation oi. the Copper-Gallium. Alloy in the Field of PhaGe Tranzsfoln'.r_~ziolls" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya Rhimicheslv~yn, Vrl, 4) Arjr 70, PY) 757- 761 Abstract: Partial vapor pressures of copper and galliiza were copper-gal I ium (15.5 at-1%,) alloy in the temper~vture 11.71-1395zK. ExPeri- mental data plotted as lot; p vz the inverse temperature z~vlw the fuuz'--ions are not linear, but complex cua-ves w-Ith many extrema, excee~dinf', any possible experimental error. Me partied pressure curve of galliwi ey'flibill-~d such anomalies much more tbaa did copper and they. appearea in liqtdd~ e-,,eroCenecus, and solid phases. In the fusion process the partial prescure ~if coppe-r wa,~.-~or w~A;; noticed to drop. Contrary to zome repurted data, radioactiv4ty did. not affect markedly the behavior of copper wapor, except that thr-~ rate of tte drop ia Pun, ial pre35ure of copper vapor -was increased. On the basis of difi'erentia'i aaalysis~ phase conversi-nz were dete=ined to tnke place at: 12564-*3'JX 1_196or-K) 129~-30K, and 1236-30K. The authors thank-N.G. Savostina for part~_cijxating in the research. USSR UDC 678-746.2-136-622-9:66-094-532.2 PASHKOVo A. B-9 SLABKATAx--L. D.~ LYUSTGARTEN, YE. 1-0 and LEGOTINA, A. B. -"Phosphoric Acid Cation Exchange Resins of Macroporous Structure" -Moscowl Plasticheskiye Massy, No 7, Jul 70s, PP 9-11 Abstract: The authors investigated the process of the phosphorylation of macroporous copolymers of styrene with divinyl.benzene of varying porosity. A kinetic study of the phosphorylation of copolymers of gel and macroporous structure showed the advantage of the latter for polymer-analogous transformations. The phosphords-containing groups were introduced into the copolymer matrix by the Friedel-Crafts reac- tion by phosphorylation of the copolymer with phoiiphorus trichloride in the presence of anhydrous AICI in a tetrachloroethane medium with 3 subsequent oxidative hydrolysis of the product with a ~Copolymer:AlCl 3 :PC13 molar ratio of 1:1:3. The optimal phosphorylation conditions were established. The phosphorus content of the phosphorylated copoly- mer specimens was determined calorimetrically by IS. N. ZELENITIA. 22 - USSR UDC 537-311-33 SLABKOVSKIY, I S., NFO /expansion unknown/ Termopribor, Ltvov ."Temperature Relationship of a Hydrogen Solid Solution in Certain Transition Metals" LIvov, Fiziko-Khirdeheskaya Mekhanika YAterialov, Vol No 4, 1973, pp 1CO-101 Abstract: This work was performed to find the decomposition temperature of the solid solution of hydrogen in cobalt and nickel by the method of x-ray spectroscopy. Plate samples (lOx5xO.3 mm) were vacuum annealed and hydrogenated in a 26% solution of sulfuric, acid. Shifts in the K,,o lines were absent after annealing at temperatures of 2000C for Fe-H, 3000C for Co-H, and 4COO C for Ni--H. Since shifting of KCO lines was caused by the in"ctraction of hydrogen atoms and the metal atoms, then the absence of shifts after annealing indicates decomposition of the solid solution. Thusj solid solutions of hydrogen with iron,, cobalt, and nickel decompose at approximately 200o 300, and 4000 G respectively. 1 table, 12 bibliographic references. USSR uDo 66c)-131-2-196:620-176.i6 SLABODIL~PKT -.1. 11T., SOFROSIENIKOVI A. F., GOVOITIOV A. A., and TDMNI-Mjl~.. L. G. -giberian 1-letallurgical Institute "Investigation of the Hydroabrasive Wear Resistance of Cr-11i 14bite Cast irons" Noscow, Izvrestiya Uchebnykh Vysshj-kh Zavedeniy-Chemaya Aetlallurgiya, No 6, Jun 73, PP 101-103 Abstract: Alloys containinG 17-lW,* C", 2-3-5%> C and ver 0 )belted in an acid induction furnace in order to study the hydroahnas!yc; res.-stance, of white cast irons in the cast and hrmt-treated conditlon~; in z~clation -L,-, car- bon and nichel ctoafx-nt in the alloys. 11; was shown thtat ineroased nic'.1-lel con- t=t has little effect on wear resistance, and hei~.t tri-sadL.!-~C!nt ex-ert5 little effect on cast iron durability. Industrial tests ,;hovad thaz the durability of cast wheels of pump3 opureting ia the water of a hydxaulic pit j- time times higher than in series pumps. 2 figures, 2 t~ablesp I bibliographic reffrence. hk USSR Md 576-831-51616-006-097 'IK, S. R. SLABOSPM I KA, A. T. and RMUTA, 11. B. ZATULAs D. G., RYEM W40M Institute of Microbiology andOW n~~of Sciences UkzGSR NThe Effect of Different Doses of Bacillus subtilis 572 Toxin on Some lmaunolo- giml Reactions and Tujaor Growth In AnimaW'. Xi9v9 UkrobiologichesIdy Zhu=alp Vol 330 No 2# 1~=/A]Pr 711 IPP 201-205 Anstracti &Terlmental data are reported from study of the toxic or atimulatinc, effect of the metabolic products of sap--opliytic bactexia. Toxic metabolites wexe obtained by groving Bacillus subtD-is strain 572 on synthatic Gauzze -medium No 2 for 10 days at Wi Op followed by filtration and 1yophilization. Haterial was stored dxy and diluted Just b9fore actual. ime. AXter th-3 auir-als were injectedf the following 1,ar,=aters wezv studiedt 1,=-zggWt!nin pro- -din level in rabbitr;, , and the n.- oista=e to tuno-- duction in nice, proroi growth in nice. LD was deterAned and the materlal wasr;~ arLmittiatered in, ths 50 range of 0,05-1.5 Or Xt was detoritined tlv%t tht ef:Vtt-at of cU7 tor-1c Mtrate Is dose-dependentt at dos* =tps 1110-115 U., howgj~lutinatioa processas axe activated, the propaxdin level In blood isInemaseds and It'he 1/2 71, USSR 2ATErIAq D. G. et a1.# Hlikroblologicheskiy Zhurnal Vol 33, No 2. Mar/APr 71t pp 2-01-205 resistance of an organism to tumor growth is intensifted. When the dose is increased to .5 ID50 and higher, the protective forces of the organism axe weakened.and t=or-growth is,intensified 15 -.1/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE-090CT70 :4-ITLE-THE ROLE OF TOXINS OF CERTAIN SAPROPHYTIC MICROHES IN THE ETIOLOGY -Or- EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPARALYTIC DISEASES :-U-: ._AUTHUR-('O3)-KElNIKq S.Rot SELIMOV# M.A.v $L-ABUSPITSKAYAr A-.T. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR .:SOURCE-LHURNAL MIKROBIOLOGII EPIDEMICLOGII I 114MUN081t]LOGLK, 1970, NR 4, pp 81-86 DATE PUBLISHED --SUBJECT AREAS-810LOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES _-RIAL SPOPE, VIRAL PIC TAGS-BACTERIAL TOXIN, SOIL BACTERIOLOGY,BACTE .-VAL(;-INE RABAES, EXUTUXIN, GASTROINrl-STINAL DISEASE _.tONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,TAOXY REEL/FRAME--1990/1535 STEP NO--UR/0016/70foOO/004/0081/0086 [,CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0109595 UNCLASS IFIE Rqui 212 024 UNCLASSIFIED PRUCESSING DATE-09OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0109595 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXAMINATION OF b4 STRAINS OF uyric (N SOIL AERIAL MEOLUM AND ECOUNTkREO IN THE 6ACTERI-At SAPRUP. INT_-STINE OF MAMMALS DEMONSTRATED THAT~AMONG, THE SPORE BEARING BACTI--RIA OF BAC. SUBTILIS VESENTERICUS GROUPS THERE WEIkE STRAINi, WHICH PRODUCED SUBSTANCES OF THE EXOTOXIN TYPE; THESE SUBSTANCES CAUSED A PATri(3lLOGICAL .-PROCESS OF ENCEPHALOMYELITIS TYPE IN ADMINISTRATION TO LABORATORY 'ANIMALS. THE MENTIONED TOXINS WERE RESISTANT TO THE AGIION LF LOW CONCENTRATIONS OF PHENOL, PRODUCED A CU14ULATIVE EFFECT IN TESTING ON ...ANImALS* AND WERE CAPABLE OF PENENTRATING FRG-Pl THEGASTRONINTESTINAL TRACT INTO THE BLOOD AND BRAIN OF ANIMALS (RAMIT) DURING THE AGONAL STATE. SINCE DURING 14AKING OF RABIES VACCINE THERE MAY OCCUR C3NDITIONS -AIDING THE.ACCIDENTAL INTRODUCTION OF SUCH TOXINS.INTO THE PREPARATION, ADDITIONAL CONTROL FOR TO.*XICI:lY (W THE VACCINE' IS SUGGESTED. Lo TECHNICAL TRANSLATION FSTC-HT-23- lo63-71 ENGLISH TITLE: System of Research and Experimental Girganitation in YaMz 70REIGN TITLE: Simt-zma Organizateii IeesIedovf%tnl'6kikh I Opyttiqkh Robot m YaYZ AUTHOR I M. L. Rev.nlt2.!~L Deputy Cbief Dcl%ignar. And -Deputy Director of the Expa. imiintal Shop SOURCE S Standarty I "chestvo. Nn. 10, 1970, pp 53-55 Translated for FSTC by Leo f~,nnn4r kavcclatos NOTICE rh~ votcot, 4 iki~,"ll Ww 6 wl tranilatcd JN pic'emcd ill tile orlizinal tvit. No attenil't lia, bcvn in,ale to %t:rif% the ivcurjc% of ~in% 5,attilient cortraimi.) herviti. This trat'&Utioa " FA'ii~'lwd ,;it, .' 11"n'nwin 4 ct,py It'd Ill: rllat oll 1-1 order to cxj~ditc tile -Jvi,jniit;iw)n of lkv,jucws for additio.wl copics of this 4W d,-c,wj,nt hould bv Adivswd it, 0q.,itinctu A. t,J 'r"linic.ll infotpiwit,-, ,;crvlcc. = SpringfivId, Vi,gi,iia 22 151. Approyod fur public rcleaw: di5ifiltution unhomod, USSR UDC 537-311-35 SLABUN, V.I., SAF1YAN, T.L. OPreparation Cf Epitaxial Films Of Solid Solutions 0f'Pbx5n,_xTe And PbxSnl-xSe And'Measurement Of Their Ele~trical Parameters" Tr. Goa. optich. in-ta (Works Of State Optical Institu te), 19'(2, 40, 1% 171, PP_ 30-31 (from RZh:Elek-tronika i ye~re primaneniwe~, No 10, Oct 1972, Tbatract No 10B105) Translation; Evitaxial films are prepared of solid solutions of Pb,ln, Te and _,Se by sublimation from vapor iaLa freshly-cleaved KCI wafars, and the PbxSnl electrical parameters are measured. I.V. 112 CO UrliIC LAS.SIFIED: PROICESStNG lj/;TE---Z0N0V70 V A' TITLE--PAEP~,kATICN -F PURE dETA AND GAMMA PICOLINES 6 THE LEOTROPIC FRACT16NAL UISTILLATICi jF A BETA PICOLINE FRACTION -U- :,,,-,~UlHfjk-104)-Pr!,lVALOVp V.YE.v GLUZMANt L.D., YEFIMENKU, V,,M., SLALHINSKlY, YU.A. CLNTRY OF INFC-USSk E__i(CK!~ K~-, I.A. 1970, (5 J v 38-42 -ATE PubL l5hEC------70 ~'._'SudJEu AREAS-CHEMISTRY .~.TQPIC l*4GS-AZEGTRGPEp ISCMERt DISTILLATIGNo PYRIt)llqi-*,t HETEROCYCLIC INITRGGEN LCOPLUNC C C."4 T R C L, MAkKlhG-NO RESIMi"rIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1734 STEP N,3-- UK/ 006 8/ 74) NOW 00 50031310042 ACCESSfCh N-_---APGl,?5335 2/2 OV UNCL ASS IF I /W PROCESSING DA,rE--20NOV70 C IRC ACCESSIr-N NG-AP0125355 A *-STRACT/fIXTRACT-M GP-0- Ai3srRACT. AZECITIROPIC ULSM. Of- A BE-CA U PICCLINE f-RAC.TICN FORMI,'4G AN AZEOTROPE (e-0PF--R(,ENT.,H SU132 0) H. lgo.30EGi~EES YIELGED (jrjP~;'IICENT PURE HETA AND GAIMMA ISOMERS WHEN THE 'FLUX RAI-10i'l WAS COLUMN HAL GREATER THAN 70 THEOkErl CAL 'PLAT ES ANP,THE RE -0 99PERCENT PURE ISOME45, WHEN APPLIED To 30. THE VETHOD ALSO YIELDC', ALPhA. ANC GAYMA PICOLINE ANO 2P6 LUT101WE FRACTIOUS, FORMING AZEOTROPES (46.5, 62-5t AND 51.0PEACENT H SU8Z Of RESP.1 B. 94.40.EGREES, AND 95.50EGREFS* Ief. Code: -q/Lq 78824c Separation of 2,4-lutidine by an neotropic rectifica- zU!an,L.,&2.; Slachinsku.'Y' hka tion method. Glu K t P. (USSR). Koks Lut ne, (1) of 99% purity was sepd. in 79.6% yield by a~ieotropic distn. of 617.5 g crude 1 (45,0217c 1, 26.151%c- 2.5-latidine, 3.43% .34utidine, and a-,#-, nd-y-;icolitie,2,6~lutidine,a--idColfziN-in 2 a p lesser arnts.) with HIO to inake 3 I-and dehydration afthe dis- tillate by azeotropic distn. wiO C4116. The reniaiOing azvotropes had close which rendered, sepri. impossible. Lucile S. DOvison ALS REEL/FRAME WWI -112 013 UING L AS 5 1 Fl ED PkOCES~ING DATE--090CT70 -:I -ON THE PROBLEM OF CPT INVARIANT NT I L E THEORIES OF INFINITE COMPON1. ~FIELDS -U_ -AUTHOR-SLAD9 L.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR URCE-TEORETICHESKAYA I MATEMATICHESKAYA FIZIKAP 19il'Ot VOL 2, NR L, PP .67-72 PUBL I SHED----70 .DATE ..SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS ~-_-T.OPIC TAGS--LAGRANGE EQUATIUN, TENSOR ANALYSIS, ELECTRO14AGNETIC FIELDS T"~i-,':ELECTRON SPIN CONTROL liARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~,.,PROXY REEL/FRAME-197811227 STEP iNO--UR/0646/71)/002/001/0067/0072 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0046150 f F 2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATC--09aCT70 ,c-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0046L50 i-ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-tLI) GP-0- ABSTRACT. --T4iE PROBLEM OF THE %CONSTRUCrION OF CPT INVARIANT THEORY OF INFINITE COJ4PUNENT FROM TENSOR L.11NEAR FORMIS ARE CONSIDERED ONLY. SUCH LAGRANGIANS ARE CPT INVARIANIT FROM TENSJR FORMS ARE CONSIDEREU ONLY. SUCH LAGRANGIA4S A%~: CPT INVARIANT UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: THE FIELDS TRANSORMNG UNDER THE CLASSES Ar Ct D OF REPRESENTATIONS OF THE PROPER LORENTZ CROUP (IN THE 1) HAVE THE USUAL CONNECTION aETkiEEN SPIN GELFAND YAGL.0,14 CLASSIFLCATION -:-:AND STATfSTICS; FOR THE CLASS B FIELDS STATISFICS 15 NOF C014NEI-TED WITH .,-,.,.SP.IN,..gUT WITH THE PARAMETER K SUBI., WHICH LABELS IRREDUCIBLE .~,.,..:,.::~.-,k~PRESENTATICJNS OF THE PROPER' LORENTZ GROUP. THE CLASS -E FIELDS ARE SHOWN TO ALLOW NON CPT INVARIANT THEORIES. UNC L A S S I F I E D liFfla.111MIF R 11m,11.1"W ........... E - - 13 P0 V 7 0 I TL E- - - U S"F U T 0 3 Y b J C F I r- I ~AUTHDR 04 0 i%'~*61-i IA I U 6 K I K A 5 L A;*.) K11 t-- 14 T SV AG S HU MA I I A A.V. CCUNTRY OF INF!3--[jssr11 -S OU, (NC;S(70~ R' E T' fl IWO, 30(3) 73 t, c -~DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-A,"ATER. I ALS TOP I C TAGS--U--'~EAF DYE t INA TURAL F I BER C ON T R 0 L ARK I NG-140 RESTR ICT ION s DOCUW--'--4 CLA' SS--UNCLA SS IF "I10 PROXY RE; L / F R Ail s p 14 1'j -3002112.62 -r U 0 3 2 T G 3 0 0 3 0 o 7 3 0 0 7 3 6FIC, AGCES~S ION 212 (1-09 UNC L A S S I F FE 0 OROCESSING UATE--13NOV70 C I RC ACC Emm S S I CIN AP 0 12 8 67 d ABSTRACWEXT~< --M) AB S T i.A C, TJ i&~:F A1CAN 3E USED AS A N 'AG T ADOITIVE OF (Nti S,J*,34) SU,'112 S 0 . S U ti,'t i' DJP,[,%G OATCH A%D G I ),',,T I N U 90 U S OYEEING OF COM F I dE R S A,)J.'q. OF 2-3 "i-L. [ TO fl-tc- DYEING IMIXT. IMPROVE-1) THE SELr-CTIVITY ANU RE~IJCEO THE COMUMPTIGA OF DYES aY SIMILAR TO 10PERCENT. FACILITY: I VANOV. ME LANZ HE VY fK0,'43, IN. FROLDVA, IVANGVJP USSR. UN L A S" 7- !1*1!i i-111". 'I T V-11111-1-01 oil i5l", -11, - =1w USSR UDC: 669.15-194:621.753.58 SlIATAGIN, 0. A. , BESEDINA, E. B., Hil: EV_ V_. KIIALENOMY, S. F.j Lrkrainian Scientific-Research Institute of fie as Khar 0v "Gas Porosity with Horizontal Continuous Casting of Carbon Steels" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 12, 1973, pp 39-41. Abstract: Gas porosity is widely developed in horizontal continuous ingots. The reasons for the development of elevated porosity of the axial and upper zones of square ingots are studied. The method of vacuum melting is used to determine the composition of the gas in the pores. So-ong deoxidation and degassing of metal during pouring is used to produce billets which, following rolling with various degrees of compression, fully sati5f), the requirements of the state standards. 11c studies showed that the primary reason for the development of porosity during, continuous horizontal coasting of steel is hydrogen. It is recommended that -the metal be degassed during pouring by bubbling an inert gas through the liquid metal in the roceiver. 4 43 It PY.I.ATION BrrWEE4 THE UrGSITION CONDITIO3.q A?M Tl1r, VOI-T-MPE~r M.1.UCTERU71C:; OF EVITAXTAL P-n-JUKTIONS [Artt,Ae by 1. 8, Slzdli,t~y V. V. T,0,k- hosta I st~ S----~tatB - 'zrdV 51,e'o- JWS 71 WW' Irt 2, 19 1.pp '1 -21 The epttaxi4l prjcu%s aqrCqsafulj.v 11-d to ate encovatera d.t ined dimuitirg tolLen. d~-?I~Vjz~j F,-rful -;k)wec darjtes t.,~ bat,JOLL= uI.IcIL to r7w itructurally anti e1cctrojohyVtr AlAy V111torn jayar of n~Ticonductvr uav*ral tem of microna thick tind from term, to hun4red. of 7-7 sqi;are mtllimetors in area. The p6licarjons psrtaining to the gtv~-m proll= ..i are only a E-. Li (11 roportud an the juncttesna oUrAlmd by tim diffusion of gold into an me taxW allicon III. h%ving a NW~do%i`a volti" of LOO valto it) an a rem of I mi. Mize and Renyan 12) prepared no apitaxial. cantsollable diode with a breakdown voltage of Soo vnita in an art,4 of 1 M42. In the pa,;~t by Howard And Jorma (31c the creation of on epitaKWI, diode with, a 1-teakdown voltage of SkIlovoltioi In an area of 0.2 c-aZ was 1jidlemted. AccarAing to the o-i1jrara of. Latbrop[41. a thick (to 250 vicrons)_mpltaximl-l*jrr-c" be ob- tained in sections of. the substrate not exceeding, A.') m LP tttanatar~ This is -Can- n~tod with stattatLcaLcauttamination -- nifican pattictwo sattUtax an Lhe hotparta or 0o ca actor -- getting at% to the growing layer. The apit6xial silicon filan obtained from the gas phase farmi defocts during the growth prorate (tripyramidR and packing datecte). which irs-ruam the properties of the ie-n-ju"rtjona. giving them soft custlacrarAotics, ai%d decrm,aa- trig ths lifeek4OWD Voltage [5, 6). In order to obtain it high-quality P-n-~unc- tt~ it is ntt"SUACY that the substrate *urfuzQ not. hAv* any chomleal or ism- In this paper a study'vas Watle of tl~a dopoaltio" f4cLars affttl"S the varpholoal and the 7401staot" of the spttuxtait. layers of *Utcon abtsinted by reducing the silleon ttetrAChloride by hydrogen. Th4 Invarse watt mmqorta cluar- actarlatics of the p-n-junctlons are presented which were forived bj tbv follw- tall procodur*si 1) Deposition of the unalloyed a-cypa lAywc on tha p-tjro aubatuata. . a - -1 1 61, THEP_wDaYFtu4IC STUDY uF THE Cru=31 =-.r r;;? FMAXTAI, SIUCON MH Sit~t'. 7: [Article by 1. 1%. !Uad~,o. V. V, Tu,hLeyic)!; Navosibir2t), tratra uprovadnikov -- Trudy 9 Struktura Ru4slan. PoirL 2. 1969, pit 7-141 CnA or V,_ i-jost L=parranr parameters of th apit.xLal process is the pr-th rate of the fiin. in thy c.1se or deposition on the crymtatlog~s2lhlc plane, the growth rats will I's determined by moveral parameters: the czm- 44.1tr4tion of tbe slam mixturne the deposition temperature and tho ;i~ flow r4t.). In atd"r to grow films wLtl 1110~n physical p-Ocrtias It IiA v4tjt I'a- "IrLealt corrtctly to select those deposition parameters. In addition, the I study of. tile kinetics of epitaxial growth permits us to obtain,informatlott about the possible deposition machAntmal, In We, p&palr Ali effort haa 1-"a mada to explain re-Littianx of the gr*wth rate of epitencial silicon film grown by reducing the silicon tatrachlorlde by Ji7drogtom !a tW vertical renctor on ;ha b4qjM OfL the nodal of kwpipi thy chemical ".Llibri= in the. reaction zone. Th-rmadyraste Amlysis The thermodynamic ansilyats of the process of epltxxLal ar- ge *111- Wn a= be performed u%Lng the followl.nj aseumptionti. 1. The growth nachantals Includes only tva chemical reactions, the Awposition reaction 'let. it . 0 Wk and the pickling reaction tilt. alct'. rho cocrectrieve of this aeffumption can be. boxed in the following way. 7'he principal byproducto of the chemical reactions of epitaxial growth are sili- con dLchlorlde and trichLoroaClana. However, scanlrding to the pubIls4*4 eaq.. lit 21 for low concentrations of silicon toLrachloride to the initf.&4 gas mixture It is possible to neglect the formation of trichlarom Llano. TZ UP&LASS PROCESS NG 0ATE--2TNl)v70 1/a .19 c TITLE--Dl FFUS ION OF BOROm INTO EPITA;KIAL S!LICON -U- N AUTHOR (03)-SLADKOV, 1 .6. 1 TUCHKEVICHt V V stim i oT ,M 4 -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOLlqCE--FIZIKA I TEKHN. POLUPROVat APR. 1970p 41 (q) 793-796 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, PHYSICS '-,TOPIC TAGS-- KY DROGEN CHLORIOE, PHYSICAL 0IFFUSION, 1'-*LECTRl,C PRf1PF!.`JYt 'RHAL. EFFECT EPITAXIAL GROWTH OIFFUSLON, SILICONt OORMNI ME COINTPOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 100CUMENT LASS--UNCLA5SlFIE0 ..PROXY REEL/FRAME-3003/0150 STEP PIO--UR/Olt49/70/004/00-'t./0793/0796 cl-Rc ACCESSION NO-AP0129~,06 (Ji'LICL A S "I I I I 1- 0 r7.7, 77 7 7 v2 039 UNtLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129406 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DIFFUSION OF B ENTO EPIrAXIAL LAYERS OF SI GROWN BY THE H REDUCTION OF SICL SUB4 ON P TYPE SI SUBSTRATES WAS STUDIED AT 1000-1300DEGREESC. THE WFFUSION CGEFF. -SEC INCREASED FROM .10 PRIME NEGATIVE13 TO 10 PRIIE NEGATIVE10 C,*Il PRIMc2 ~,OV6R THIS RANGE. THE GEiNERAL TENDENCY 'OF THE UIFFUISION PROCESS 'WAS CONFIRMED. BY,ELECTRICAL RESI.STANCE MEASUREMENTS. THE RESULTS AGREED .-CLOSEL-Y WITH EXISTING EXPERIMENTAL DATA,',, BOTH AS REGARDS THE ABS. OIFFUSION COEFF. AND AS REGARDS ITS TEkP. 0EPENOENC'E. UiN C L A S S I F I E D i NMI _SS! '0V7 112 029 UNCLASS IF I ED FRO L E i'll" DATL-27N TITLE-DISTRIBUTION OF ANTIMONY IN AUTO EPE"KIAL S I L! LCON I L. i'Ll Sf A I N L- 0 .3 Y THE SILANE AND CHLOR101c METHO Ds _u_ .-AUTHOR-104)-SLADKOV, I.B., TUCHKEVICH, V.V6, SHIM I OT, !ldl. YAV I CH, 3.S. Vl)FO"-USSQ. COUNTRY OF ,'~~:,SQURCE-FIZIKA I TEKHN. POLUPROV., APR. 1970, 4, (4) 796-798 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ~,SUBJIECT AREAS-PHYSICS, MATERIALS JOPIC TAGS-ANTIMONY, SILICON, SILANE, CHLORIDE, PHYS[CAL Olf-F S GROWTH, METAL FILM COklTqOL MARKING-NO RFSTRICTIONS --UNCLASSIP 11-0 00CUMENT CLASS PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0148 SIFI) NQ--t)R/0441)/7e)/I,')O4tOO(t/07HOTO_METk IC TfTRATION AND THE INDUCED OPTICAL ROTATORY DISPERSION --'-:.MEASUREMENTS AT LOW RATIOS OF OYE: BIND.ING SITES IN,~~IcArEo THAT _APPROXIMATELY 20 PER CENT OF ONA IN ONP WAS FREE Or- H-ISTriNES. ~INSTITUTE OF GENETICS OF MICRQORGANISMA, MOSCOW. 1/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED P~OCE5SING DATE--230CT70 -TITLE--STRUCTURE OF DNA AND HISTONES IN THE NUCLEOHISTONE -U- 4A .AUTHOR-(04)-PERMOGOROV, V.I., DEBABOVt V,.G., SLAQKQ~ I.Ael REBENTISH, B.A. -OU, NTRY OF INFO--USSR C OURCE--8IOCHIM. SIOPHYS. ACTA 1970, 199(2), 556-8 PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SOBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--DNA, MOLECULAR STRUCTURE9 BUFFER SOLUTION :'~'-CbNTROL MARKING--f40 RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ._~PJROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0313 STEP NO--NE/0000/70/,199/00?/0556/0558 .':CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119300 UNCLASSIFIED 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23f3CT70 ..C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119300 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CO AND UV MPhSUREMENTS OF NATIVE SOL. NUCLEOHISTONE FROM CALF THYMUS ANDtITS CompriNE4TS AT SEVERAL SALT CONCNS. ARE REPORTED. CD CURVES WERE OBTAINED FOR NUCLEOHISTONEt NATIVE DNAY DENATURED DNA, AND HISTONES IN DIL. PHOSPHATE BUFFER (0.7 PH -6.81. CD CURVES WERE ALSO 013TAINED AT INCREASING SALT CONICNS,, UP TO 2M NACL HN ADON. TO PHOSPHATE BUFFER). CHANGES IN CD, GF NATIVE DNA BROUGHT ABOUT BY HIGH SALT CONC, WERE E~XHIBITED IN DECREASE OF T14E PEAK NEAR 275 Nil; IN ZM NACL THERE WAS A SIMILAR DE'REASE IN THE PEAK OF THE NUCLEGHISTONE IN DIL. BUFFER. THE CO SPECTRUM [IF DENATURED DNA OVER THE RANGE 260-300 N,4 WAS RELATIVELY UNAFFECTED BY SALT CONCN. THESE AND OTHER DATA SUGGESTED THAT IN SOL. NUCLEOHISTONE DNA HAS A DOUBLE HELIX CONFOR.MATION CLOSELY RELATED TO THE CONFORMATION OF.DNA IN SOLN* OF HIGH SALT CONCN., AND THE HISTONES ASSUME THE~PARTIAL ALPHA 14ELIX CONFORMATION. FACILITY; INST. GENET. SELECT. MICROOORGS.s MOSCOWF USSR. UNCLASSIF 10 I I 5EP7 O~ .1/2~ 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE .-rl.TLE--EFFECT OF COOLING CONDITIONS ON THE MACROSTRUVORE.OF A BRASS BAR C2~,~'OURING HORIZONTAL CONTINUOUS CASTING. -U- SHATAGINP O.A.c L:A THOR--,51AQQ�UWL9l&-mX&.T. RADZIKHOV'SKIYt..V.A.v BYKOVAP U KELMANt*.L.Dv -'.COUNTRY-.OF INFO--USSR .,SOURCE--TSVET. METAL. 1970t 43(l) 73-5 *i-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~,SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS 'JOPIC TAGS--BRASS, METAL CASTING, CRYSTAL STRUCTUREt C RYSTALLIZATION, ~-,~!,~MFCHANICAL PROPERTY, MFTAL COOLINGt COOLING RATE MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS UMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -"PROXY R,EEL/FRA4E--1986/0602 SrEP NO--UR/0136/70/043/001/0073/0075 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102597 UNCLASSIFIED-. .212 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINS DATE-liSEP70 ~r -.%-.IRC ACCESSION-NO--AP0102597 :ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE COOLING CONDITIONS OF A BILLET EFFECT ON THE STAUCT~IRE OF THE ~`~'FORRED IN.A CRYSALLIZER EXERT A DETG. CAST METAL* INCREASING THE SOLIDIFICATION RATE RESULTS IN FINER GRAIN SIZE; THIS ENHANCES THE MECH. PROPERTJ~ , HORIZONTALLY 'ES. BRASS BILLETS CONTINUOUSLY CAST, HAVE A DENSE STRUCTURE; NO PORES OR nTAFR INTERNAL T -,.,,DEFECTS ARE PRESENT, RESULTS SHOW THAT THE SOLIDIFICATION RAfE, WITH OTHER CONDITIONS BEING EQUAL-, DEPENDS bN THE ,SURFACE TEMP. OF THF ROD. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE COOLING (SOLIDIFICATION) RATE ON TK RATE OF WATEP ,.~-,.FLOW DURiNr; 14ORIZONTAL CONTINUOUS CASTING OF THE ALLOYS"WAS STUDIED- EXPTL, THE COOLING CONDITIONS WERE CHANGED Bir CHANGING THE WATER FLOW RATE IN THE CU.WATER COOLED JACKET, WITH INCREASING WATER FLOW RATE ~-THE SnLIDIFICATION RATE OF INCkEASES. A SATISFACTORY EACH ZONE AGREEMENT WAS OBTAINED BETWEEN EXPTL.. AND THEORETIC)iL DATA. UNCLASSIFIED, U -"Z;:-Ti UDO: 629.78:621-38 S~~TVPQJ- A. N.- and IMS I PAN, P. 1. 11JAmalysis of the Operation and Calculation of the Basic Par,illinterr, of zi Cir- cuit Tramsio-tor-Type Phase Modulator 'With a Control Varkw-.11 aletostr. j. teklin. vozd. f lota. Peg- rieshved. BuildLiv, and 'Techno"J-o,~Y of the Air r":Leet. Rc-pubI.0; .5ciertific-Technical Colicctiort of Articlo--)~ vyp. 26, pp (from PIrDi- M I No 3, lular !()72~ Ab:,?tract 10 3 4i oscow, N Trmslatiqn: The hig-h economy and th e h Igh degree of re-lia't,31ity of slri~lr--riz- cuit~' tr-ansistor-type pkase modulators vr*Lth varic:,%p coMrol co!-.~~Wmei viell with trends in the desi--n of modern e1cntronic aircraft, equipzuit. Tht-,- el%!Ctric circuit of this type of riodulator is easily reda'.-Od. ill tth,c cc,,--~- pladty of the physical processes in this type of mcdulatt.or,. rminl.y con,-'uitj.( by.the nonlinearity of t6 volt-favad character.L;tic of the varica, D~ vory frequently m_,-:es the desi,-:n of Vhir, type of' mtodulator diff."Levilt. A th".", typir, -ocWator is po:3siblo , of p"- s a ji: -nly by makint-, a dUailot,.' of Its pivcec:3ei and rigorously calculating;.Ic paramet~!ro. A quantil ,-v analysis is preseited of ths - -1 on,,~.-ation of a tr;na-*La1.(,r-typ(-- rhasx. ticdul;,fc~r -vlith varicap control in tho Circuit of th~, modulatrr. A Is for calxulatirr, thr; tr,.uineonduct;-aicf, of a viodualfttor aloyla ~,,jltli I-,hc.- USSR SIASTE! M, N'. a-rid P. I., 32-molptostr, i tekhn. vc-zl. flota. Re"-'p. sb. -26 ved. temat. nauch 1971 26, pp 2' of th e nonlinea--r distortion of it s characterlstic3. Good f*,t is n-c-ted bot-Meen the calculations aud the experimntal d, Original article. one illustr7ition.and ata three bibliogrzj-,hic entries. Reamiz. 2/2 IQ2 USSR UDC: 621-375.024 WS 1 PAN P. i. "Experience in the Development of Transistorized DC Amplifiers" Samoletostr. i tekhn. vozd. flota. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-tekhn. sb. (Air- craft Construction and Air Fleet Technology. Republic,lAterdepartmental Sci- entific and Technical Collection), 19TO,.VYP-21,.pp 671~..70 (Prolm'M-Radio- -tekhnika, No-11, Nov 70, Abstract,No 11D140) The authors analyze the operation of several transistorized DC amplifiers. The basic electrical Parameters, of the DC umpiifiers are cal- culated, and the possibility of using the amplifiers in control circuits with aatomatic phase control is evaluated. It is shown that stabilization of zero drift in a DC amplifier in the frequency band is ixVroved by a factor of 3-4 if the amplifier ia connected in a balanced circuit with tr~msistorq which are selected in pairs for theirelectricall parametin-s. -This is con- firmed by the results of climate eating of 35 DC amplifiers in the tem- f t perature range from -40 to +700C. Bibliography of five titles. R e s um' . ._USSR, UDC 621-376.4 AST=Oi-Ao No and NOS PAN,, -I. 44. 0 0ntr 11ing' Yari ap'!. Ph asaModulator With a 6 V ab, Radioelektran. letatelln. apparatoy (Aviation Radio Electrordes collection Of- TWICS) PO 40-0 (from RZh-Radio- 4- Vw-4., KharIkov, Kharlkoir, aviats.'In-rtj 1972, -.'tekhhika No U Nov 72, Abstraet~ No 11 D247) Translation: The authors study the development of an apericodic phase modulator which can find practical application in the development of,special -transmitting devices. The given calculations of the parameters and.characteristics of the 4- modulator show that this type of modulator is.of skomple consuruction and can operatei due to the absence of resonance elements within it,Jn a broad range of frequencies with:sufficiently high stability ofJts parameters. Original article: one.Mustration and three bibliographic entries. Resume. 108 M Vacuum Tubes UDC 621,385-.537.525 AKSENOV, I. I., AHELIN, V. Z., BARANOV, N. G., SLATIN, V. I., SMIRNOV, S. A. "Construction, Electrical, and operating Characteristics of Hf3avy-Current Controlled Discharger" Flektrcra. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Gazorazryadn. pribory (Electronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Gas-Discliarge Devices), 1970, Issue 4(20), pp 67-71 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 5, May 1971, Abstract No 5A170) !d for operation in Translation: A discharger is described which Is inten& circuits of capacitance storage elements and protective, device,,;, with volt- ages from several hundred volts to 10 kv. The device can copmutate currents in a pulse up to 100 ka and is characterized at the came time by a resource 4 of the discharge.: The construction of the discharger well iu excess of 3.10 and the technology of its production are described and the electrical and -operational characteristics presented. USSR UDC 677A54-171a539.16.04 ILA=2-911- D., KIRILEM, YU. X., VOL'F, L. A# l 1JZOS iA. 1.j SHAPIROr YE. I., 9 . P.,'PANCUMOV, G. M.r VLASOVA, 1. D.x KAUCHAMKIY, D. A., and IO.RMUSOV, V. A. "Radiation Resistant Polyvinylalcohol Fibers Containing Ferrocene" Leningrad$ Radiokhimiyal Vol 13# No 5, 1971, PP 786-787 Abstracti Folyvinylalcohol fibers containing ferrocene were obtained by Impregnating a freshly formed or thermostabillized M-fibers with 5-189 solution of 1,1'-di~~cetylfermeenylfoxmaldeliyde resin fl,l'-DAFF in 'acetone. After the impregnation the material was heated to 140-160'C for 10-20 min, resulting in formation of chemical bonds between the hydroryl groups of the M-fibir and the metkylal gxoup of 1#1'-DAF? resin of cheuioally bound loll-DAFF resin). The 1,1'-DAFF resin ua;s obtained by polyenondensation of diacety1fem- cene with formaldehyde in W=ol at 50'C and In presence of sodium carbonate. The modified fiber wa's subjected to /-raUation in presence of air oxygen. The strength and the elastic1ndicators of the ferrocene containing material were superior in cozparison to the starting material. I ~rsl, MIN USSR UDC 677.494.712 .-DW KIRILENKO, Yu. K. VOL'F, L. A., MOS, A. I., KLIMENKO, I. B., VISHNYAKOVA, T. P., and VLASOVA, 1. D.,'Lenlngrad Institute :of the Textile and Light Industries imeni S. M. Kirov, and Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas lndustriels imeni 1. M. Oubkin "Polyvinyl Fabrics Modified With Ferrocene-Containing Compounds" Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol XLV, No 2, Feb 1972, pp 446-447 Abstract: Heteroorganic compounds are already widely used as mtodifiers of chemical fibers, and specific methods are known for imparting desired prop- erties to fibers by the use of silicon- and boron-containing compounds. However, the use of ferrocene-containing compounds in this way has not beer described, although these compounds impart a number of valuable properties to polymers, notably resistance to heat and radiation. Ferrocene-containing compounds are of further interest in having possible biological effects, including an effect on blood-formation. Polyvinyl alco~iol (HA) fiber was treated with 1,1-diacetylferraccue-fornal(lehyde (DAFF) resin-, obtained by condensation polymerization with formaldehyde in the pzresence of Na2CO3 in ethanol. The freshly formed fiber was submerged for 1-5 minutes in 5-20% solutions of the resin, then heated at 140-180' for 10-20 minutes. (45 USSR SLATINA, S. D., Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii,.Vol XLV, No 2, Feb 1972, pp 446- 447 The fiber became resistant to the effect of hot water. Apparently, in the fiber-resin reaction there was condensation of the PVA hydroLyl groups with the resin methyl groups, so that simple ester bonds were formed between tile two-polymers; this was confirmed by comparison of the.number of hydro)Wl groups in the initial fiber, the resin-processed fiber, and the heated resin, and also by infrared data. Graphic data~ accompany the.paper. 2/2 UDC 612.172.2 YAKOVLEVA, M. I., KATRUSHENKO, A. G., and !1LAUTSITAX.S a Vr. Department of Ecological Physiology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Leningrad "An Analysis of the Self-Regulating blechanism of Heart Rhythmic Activity" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeai I. M. $.echenov, Vol 59, No 9, Zep 73, Op 1403-1409 Abstract: Eleven male chinchilla rabbits were trained to decrease their heart rate by means of instrumental conditioning using feed-back with a bioregulated loop. The transition of heart rhythmic activity onto a new-level involved a decrease in the number of self-reinforcement impulses. After 10 to 12 experi- ments a lowering of heartbeat rate by 20 to 30 percent, achieved in 2 to 3 minutes, was observed.. Initial experiments required 120 to 180 minutes for any lowering of rate. The stability of the changed rate also increased with further trials, This data is said to indicat J. -e that the evolved regimens of heart activity are stable and adaptive, leading to minimization of biologically negative effects, in contrast with the classical conditioned reflex. A time link beween the structures regulating positive emotions and t1iose regulating the functional control is also proposed. 1-0 1 '..4 6- Pt %,.0 %..,? I II L- 4.J 5 r= ES !i;~M ION V1 E5 (U) During tbIS,quzrtoi'1y rcpartli)g period, five ncw were -1z ;ocat~d fro* Oe Irntlc,jte of Bfochtml.try and of Microorganiom. at FuRhchlno. On the banin, of tberc artV.-R--g. it w46 ~ssible cu idcntif! 13 .j n,- pernanall0ro wiLh Elie InatiLuLa. The perrofia"ItIes. th e ruljects of the afLicies. 4V.'-' thV 4lfttC2 are given below: 4-0-~Iutarlc acid 19"(65) -i antlUot-= acid acid %,~Xorlutaric acid prod~ctlon 19,10 1. tid 191 pil- candidii le"I~tlcji (b7) 1971 Sla-04, V, A. %-Oxoglutarit atia 1971 T acid IM t o-oxoglutartc acid (65) 1971. D _A j-axoglptarlt acid 1071 Two a( the five new articles were. autliored by ?er."aalitjos alra.,idy Identified with the EnAt1ttitt Qf SIOC114ML11try and Phy61G',C,;;Y *( Hl.r. rtiorran lama - One of th.ftq arti'lee dealt with penitIllium =.Pactum OR) end the other with 09) %ethane oxidising b4cteria . Reforvnee 65 was 3otntly I sswed (rove the Abo,v* Institute and the InstiLut.% or, MitroliloWay Im%nj, A. Kirkhen,ilitayn Rj&jj possibly Witating some joint work bvtwetn the tuo,facilit tes. 10 71 W USSR UDC 547.436 KOSTYUKOVSKIY, Ya. L., BRUK, Yu. A., PAVLOVA) L. V., SIA KOKUSHKINA, A. V., IfIRIKIN, B. S., BELEN'KAYA, I. A. "Alkanethiols and Their Derivatives. 1. Acid-Base Properties of N-Substi- tut ed O-Aminoalkanethiols" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 42(104), No 3, 14ar 72, pp 662-665 Abstract: The acid-base properties of a number of N-substituted ~-amino- alkanethiols and some related compounds are studied under standard conditions to evaluate the effect of structural singularities of thiol an the acidity of the S11-group, and hence on sulfhydryl reactivity. The resulta of the studies show that increased acidity of the SH group it-, daterninod chiefly by the ca- pacity of the given compounds to forin a zwitter-ion structure, and to a lesser degree by the nature of the alkyl substitUents usociated with the nitrogen atom. The effect of alkyl substituents on the. basicity-pf the amino group is not so clearly expressed as a consequence of other factors connected with the. inductive effect. I q Fill, 111111RIF USSR UDC 615.849.1..,612.82 SMAYLENTE, A. A., and SLAVC1fEVSKAYA,,,N. M., Chair of Pharmacology and General Toxicology, !Rhingradll S ari i to n - I iyg, i e n eMedical Insti- tute, Leningrad, Ministry of Health USSR "Action on the Central Nervous System of Alkyl'Derivatives of- Cysteamine and Cystamine and of Some Amiftoalkyldisulfides" Moscow, Farmakologiya i Tloksikologiya, Vol, 33, No 3, Miay-jun 70, pp 271-275 A s t rn c The pharmacological activity of cyst-eamine, cystamiRe, 2-di- methylaminoethanoL 11C1 (HSCH2C111 zN!,-1,e?.HC1)(I), 2,2'-bis-(dimethyl- amino),diethy1disulfide HC1Q4iA9'NCH1)C SSG-k,)Gll (II), L2 11-carboxymethyl-2-amitioethanoI H-101ir,"l? 112NHCH.2~0r)-a.llcl) (III), Ide NCI '.HOOCC1-1?NECH CH 2,21-i(carboxymethylamino) diethyld-sulft L t SSC112GH2NHGH,)GOO11.2HCL (IV), guanidyLcyst4lmine Ct-THC112(',112:3SCli2Cli2tHiG(=1411)Nli2).2-HBr M, S; -beta-amirio~thylisothiourea 112SC~=14H)NH2.2HC1) (VI), 1-thio-2-aminopropane HC1 (MeCH(NrH2X'H2S1-1.HCQ (VII), and 2,21-dier~iinodi.t->L--~)-~yLdi-sulfide JICI NeCH (N112) CH2SSC112 CH (NH2 )Me. 2 11,01 (VIII) was StWiied in experiments on Mice. Introduction of Me groups into cysteamine and cystamine increased the toxicity, while introduction ofZOO11 into cysteamine (Compound III) reduced it. In doses of 20 and. 50 mg/kcr, all com- C2 !!Mit I USSR %.1AYLENE, A. A., et al., Farmakologiya i Toksikoloj;iya, Vol -13, No 3, May-Jun 70, pp, 271-275 pounds tested except VI had a depressing effect on the motor com- f the orientation reaction. in a dose of 100 mig kT, all ponent o compounds tested had this effect. All ten cotn~)ounds enhanced the action of barbamyl and chloralhydrate. None of- them prevented convulsions produced by corazole (phenylenetetrazole). Cysteamine, cystamine, I, II, IV, V, and VIII in a dose of 50 mg k- and all ten compounds in a dose of 100 mg/kg delayed tlxe onset of stry- chnine convulsions. Cystamine, IT, V and VIIreduced tL--,e lethality from strychnine administered in a dose of 1.65 mg/kg, which other- wise hat! a 100~,i lethal effect. I And Il reduced from 100 to 40- 50%' the lethality that resulted from the administration of 20 mg/kg nicotine. All compounds tested delayed the onset of arecolioe convulsions, but increased their ai, ntensity and.~duration. The compounds studied depressed the central nervou's systemt but did not exhibit a pronounced activity as anticonvuLsants. 2/2 of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences Lithuanian SSK "Antileukosis Effect of Basic Amino Acid Derivatives Containing the Di(2- Chloroethyl) Amino Group. 1. ApPlicatio of MD-3 PrepIration of Experi- R mental Leukoses of Mice, and Effect on the Blood and Hemopoietic Organs" Vilna, Trudy Akademii Nauk Litovskoy SSR,- Seriya Biologicheskaya, No 1, 1970, pp 1-37-150 Abstract: Mice inoculated with three leukoses (heiroblastosis La, lymphaleuko- sis NK/Ly, and TsOLIPK No 8) were treated with preparation MD-3. The prep- was found to have a strong antileukosis effect, especially with respect to hemoblastc5is La. MD-3 administered intrapt~ritoneally 10 times in doses of 10 mg/kg of body weight caused laukopenia La alIbino mice, af- Imarily the lyr4hocytes. The absolute number of leukocytes az"ter fecting pri 10 doses was reduced b7 a factor of 4. Normalization of the. leukocytes was observed on the 25th day of the experiments. When ~M-3 wafj -administered 4nrraperitoneally in daily doses of 30 mg/kg for 10 4a;ya, sorvival was pro- longed in 86% of the mice. Infiltratioil of leuktmic cells Into the Uvk~.r and spleen waa found to be considerably decreased. 1/1 1/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE-EVALUATICN OF AUTOPaOTOLYSIS CONSTANTS CORRELATION EQUATIONS, PKrF PKAJiH -U- --.,AUTHOR- (04-1-KREShKOV, A.P., ALDAROVA, N.SH,., SLAVGCRODSKAYAP MoVe 5OURCE-ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970v 44(1)o 241-3 PUBLISHED-_70 AREAS-CHEMISTRY auTANUL, ACETONEt ---------- .~PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/0875 STEP NO--UR/0076/70/0441001/0241/GZ43 PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 FOR 14ONAQUEDUS SOLVENTS 13Y TANGAhlQVv BUB*, ;,_~CLRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124538 UNC-LASSIFIED 2/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ..CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0124536 .,ABSTRACT./EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THEORETICAL REI.ATIVE ACIDITHS WERE CALCD. FOR NON AQ. SOLVENTS. A LINEAk CQAKV--LAJU0AJj PK SUBA EQUALS 0.0145, E SUBB 9.71 (E SUB6 IS Uff RELAI*IVE ACIDf.VY) IIIA-S FOUND FO!l AUTOPROTOLYSIS CONSTS. ARE.LINEARLY RELATED TO PK SUBA; PK SUBS EQUALS 0.843t PK SUBA 1.74. THI,S EQUATION WAS USED FOR THE PREDICTION OF THEORETICAL ACIDITIES OF PROH, BU011v NPHEXANOLv NtHEPTANOL, N,OCTANOL, ACETONE, MECOETs AND MECOPR. 1"HE AUTOPROTOLYSIS OCNSTS.:OF THE COMPOS. NOT' USED IN THE.CORRELATION ARE IN GOOD AGREEMENT WITH PUBLIShED DATA. FACILITY; MOSK*k KH114. TEKHNOL. INST. IN* MENDELEEVA* MOSCOW# USSR. UNCLASSIFIEO USSR IMC 616.211/.2)21613.63-0? W&MAWY1 ~1 P. , of the All-Union Scientific Reseaxch Institute of Synthetic ITUBT-0-- "The Problem of the Continuous and Intermittent Action of Tveprem" Kiev$ Zhurnal Ushnykhj Hosovykhg i Gorlovykh Bolez,,ieyf No 5,, Sep/Oct 71, PP 102-103 Translations In certain techological processes In dustry the air in the plant contains products of destruction of the original chemical compounds which cannot always be fully interpreted. Among such substances are heat-resistant weaving emulsions (tempre-2, teprez-3, and teprem-6). ~They consist of a mix- ture of hydroxyethylated compounds and polyethylsiloxane flLdd Ho 5. The emulsions are applied to the polyamide yarn in the formation stage. With the presence of temprea-2, teprem-3, and teprem-6 on the yarn, the. processes of hot stretching and thermofixation may be accompanied by-, evaporation of formal- dehyde, acetaldehyde, caxbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere of the production areas of the plant. These products pollute the air in the production areas for hot stretching of polyamide cardy which may result III occupational diseases of the uppar respiratory tract. This paper presents the results of investigation of the, threshold concentrall ions ~jf the volatile products of teprem-21 tep-AVM-3p and tepnm -6# Which proluce olfactory per- USSR SIAVGORODSKIY, L. P., Zhurnal Ushnykhf Nosovykh, i 'orlovykh Bolezney, No 5, SOP/Oct 71, PP 102-103 ception, and data of toxicological investigations of beat-res1stant weaving ezu1sions. The investigations were performed by a -I-,echnique developea by V. A. Ryazanov, K. A. Bushtuyeva, aruiYu. V. Novikoy (19~7). The Thres- hold concentrations for tepitm-2 which produce olfactory perception were determined on 13 test subjects, for teprom-3 -- on 19 aubjeotc,, and for Steam- gas-air mixture teprem-6 -- on 22p all priactically well persors. A total of 720 determinations were carried out. With an assumed (,'onsta4t, composition of the products of destruction of these lubricants, fo urto eight concentrations were made and each concentration tested on the subjecto not less than. three times, It was established that the ninimum perceptAble. concentrations of volatile combinations of teprem-2 in the:air are, at a 0.01 mg/0 level, those of teprez-3 -- at a 0 .007 mi/0 level., and of tepxem-6 -- at a. 0.07 mg/0 level. The maximum imperceptibell concentrations of the vapors in the air are 0.008 mg/0 for teprem-2, itithin the range of. 0.003 mg/m) for tiiprem-3, and. 0,004 ng/m3 for teprem-b'~ The subjecto camplained of no unpleasant sen- sati ons in the nose or throat during the inve stigations:0 No cha-ages in the jaucous membrane of the nose or throat wemnoted by examInatlon. Study iras also made of the inhalation effect of teprem-3 vapors ih the air on test 2/5 --a-84- - ------- U.01 S R SIAWORODSKY, L. F. Zhurnal Usnykh, flosovykhl I Forlovykh Bolezney, 110 5, Sep/Oct 71, pp 102-103 animals exposed for periods of 6 and-24 hours for 6 months. The experiment ca=ied out on 180 male albino rats. The animals were divided into six groups Of 30 rats each. The first$ second, and third groups of the animals were subjected to 6-hour exPosilre 5 daysa week. Thefirst group of rats was maintained at a O.3C�0.022 ig/z3 level of teprem-3 concentration in the air (by aldehydes), and the second group - at a 0.86+0.039 mg1413 level. The third and sixth groups were ~control animals and i~ere npt subjected to Inocula- tion. The fourth ar4 fifth groupts of albino rats wexe kept wider 24-hour effect continuously for a 6-month period', tho fourth gxoup being subjected to the effect of teprem-3 concentration In the air at a 0.213W.018 mg/M3 level, and the fifth group at a 0.7a0.035 mg/m~ level. Duriilg the experiment the test animals manifested no lachryration or increased socretion from the nasal cavity. No visible changes were established by autopsy in tile mucous mem- branes of the upper respiratory tracts of the test animals. In the course of the investigations t~e weight of the animals, latent time of motor reaction, total protein contert wid protein spectrum of the blood aerwi uere taken into account. Pathomoxpbological investigations were perfoxited. The chloxide, residual nitrogen, and cholineesterase contents Pf the 1,,lood were studied.. The results of statistical processing of the chronic experiment data pernitted 3/5 MM --- ---- I r i I 1A. - , ". ~ i " M1,i USSR SIAYGORCDSXIYI L. P.j Zhurnal Ushnykh, Nosovykh, i C;orlovykb Bolezney, No 5, SeP/Oct 711 PP 102-103 establishing the statistical significance of the changes in the blood pressure and blood protein values. Thus# in the animals of the first and second groups, which had been subjected to a 6-hour effect, reliable changes as compared to the control group were revanded in the blood pressure , i, e. i a rise from 57.8 to 72.5 mm mercury column, 5imilar results were observed in aninals of the fouith and fifth groups# subjected to a continuouz 24-hour effect of teprem. The amount of proteins in the rats of the firat ana second groups was reduced from 45.8 to 21.88-24-30 as compaxed to the control group, Identical changes were obtained in the animals of the fourth and fifih Mups. Statistical processing of a.number of'other Indexes, atiplied in investiCating the inhalation effect of teprem on. the laboratory anituils, p-,Mduced no reliable differetices when compared to controls. StiuUoi,s of the general concli- tion of the animalst effect on the centrzil nervous system, blood indexes, and results of pathaLmorphological investigations do not permit. eatmblishing any significant differences with a fourfold increase of exposure to the effect of teprem, which points to the.wide range of1the toxic action of tepren. Medical and hygienic eramination of 355 sazpies of the adr of industrial plants demonstrated that the maximum tepren content was within the limits of 0.15 11 .1 IMF MIN WSH SLAVGORODSKIYj L. P. , Zhurnal Ushaykhv Nosovykh, i Gorlovykh Bolezney, No 51 Sep/Oct 71, pp 102-103 mg/d (from the reaction to chromotropic acid). Thus, pollution of.the atmosphere of industrial plants with volatile products of teprem below the maximum permissible concentrations for.acetaldehydep forraldehyde, and con- centration of toprem-3 at 0.2140.04 mg/O'lsvel has no significant effect on the condition of tho upper re5iratory tract and intexnal organs and may be regarded as harmless. Co=lusionsi 1, Concentration of teprem-2, teprem-3, a-A teprem-6 in the air of wn order of 0.007-0.01 mg/0 has no harmful effect on the upper respiratory tract. 2. Increasing the exposure to the effect of teprem-3 vapors on the bodies of albino rats from 6 to 24 hours for a period of 180 days was not accompanied by any increased toxic effect. USSR Lm c621. 791.85 SIAVIN. G. A. and MUDYSHLY A. F. Moscow "Some Crysts.1lization Peculiarities of the Liquid Hotal o4Z the Bath in Electron-Bear, Shot Weldine' Moscow# Finika i KhirAya Obr--botki Materialov, No 1, Jan-Feb 72, pp 37-44 Abstracts Results axe piesented of an inveatigation of tho c stallis, tion ry of the liquid metal of the bwth by electron-be-am shot (EBB) uelding. The peculiarities ot the cn-stal]Azation pracess, axe analTze-d and ssib e sea PO 1. ja strue-If.ures ard their relation to properties of uelded joints ara- discu3sed. Temperatuxe measmVments revealed thpt in the MIZ welOmcr method the rates uf "cling can vary in largar 11milts am-1 thpt higher 7-ates can be obtainod than In the continuous weld-tiZ method. Sueacei chamtetorlstics of produced by EBS %felding P--e analyzed with particulax attention given to tho clearly expressed distinati" of the cryata.D.Iration. DeponAing or, the- EBS welding methods, there -xv generalay t1ave typos of which =e discussed by iefez%ance to suxTace vicroaections of the reaa--faco. On the basis of investigations of effects of exystallization ProCO-,:Z*-- on prop-Brtics of welded jo-ints on thin-valled expezimental mcdals (rat ~dels of electron apparatus of XB copyer, I~P-I nickel, H29FA8 alloyp Y.N.4.' rlAoblump ard IlbI8310-i ateel), a number of qualitative characterlatics of i4elded jointa can be improved, including vacuum density theimal risi6tancop rAronjrth, and pliasticity. Fiva illustrations, tvo bibllogm- phic references. 54 USSR uDc 621.791.754.053.001-5:621.3.ol4,3:539.4;669.14.olB.44 Sia N. Candidate of Technical Sciences, MASWIA, N. D., Engineer, and Vag M-OVA) T. V., Engineer "Study of the Relationship between Technological Strength ancl Crystallization during Pulsed Are Welding of Heat-Resistant Alloys with Nonconsumable XLectrode" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 6, 1971, pp 17-19 Abstract: Results are Dresented from an experimental study of the relationship of the welding mode to the nature of crystallization of the bath. The experi- mats were performed using specimns of heat-resistant austeuitic steels and allcys,, welded by pulsed are welding with steppeed~wrement of the electrode during pulse pauses. The relationship of the'erystallimation process to the structure and technological streng~th of the metal-of the seam is demonstrated. A technological parameter--thee-radius of the- tail portion of the initial crystallization Ifront--is suggested., characterizing the -n-alatioaship of the crystallIzation process to the structure and technological strength. The influence of welding conditions on the radius of this tail portion is studied- The technological possibilities for adjustment of the structure and properties of the seam during pulsed are welding are demmstrated.~ IA 62 USSR t= 621-791-85 KHUDYSHEVY A. F., and 2.LAVIj!,,'j.'A. " Yoscow Investigation of the Technological Possibilities of Percussive Electron-Beam Welding of Sheet Metals" Moscow, Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Yaterialov, No 3, 14aY-Jun 71, PP 13-19 Abstract* Data of an investigation of the technological and thermal character- istics of a peercussive electron-beam are presented and the efficiency of the -&atter for -weldin- sheet constraetions ib discussed, The effect of parmneters of electron-beam operating conditions on the relting ciapability and the seam formation is demonstrated. The pulsed introduction of heat Is found to viden considerably the technological possibilities of the electron~-bcam welding, process. Ranges of optimum values of electron-beam vd!lding Imrameters Vaich colTespond to a maxirtium wIting capability of the cheat W=ce are determined. Six Mustrations, tbxee tables, three bibliographic references. 6o USSR UDC 615.47:616.G92.9 KABATOV, Yu. F., and Veroyatnostno-Statisticheskiye ',Iletodv v Meditsinskikh Issledovaniyakh i Hadezhnost' Meditsinskay Apparatury (Probability-Statistical Methods in Medical Research and the Reliability of Medical Equipment), Mascow, "Meditsina," 1971, 296 pp Translation: Annotation: The book presents mat_jj(!m.,jt4caI methods of tile theory of reliability applicable to problcrnt. of medical and mudical-technical experi- mett. The book reviews methods of planning the experitient, processing its results, confidence evaluation of statistical data, checking hypotheses, increasing the reliability of medical equipment, anti economic evaluation of the efficiency of increasing reliability. Using a large number of examples, the efficiency of emplv- ing tiethods of re- 'Y liability theory in clinical and experimental medicine i sdemonstrated. The book is intended for doctors who use mathematical mathods in their practice, as well as for engineers engaged in designing and operatiiig medical equipment. Table of Contents: Page 1/7 116 USSR K-ABATOV, Yu. F., and SLAVIN, M. B., Veroyatuostno-Statisti,cheski-ye Metody v Meditsinskikh Issledovaniyakh i Padezhnost' Meditsinskoy 4pparatury, Moscmi, "Meditsina," 1971, 296 pp Page Preface 3 Chapter 1. Mathematical Apparatus of the Theory of Reliability in Medical Practice 1. Concepts of Random Event, Random Quantity, and Probability 5 2, Basic Theorems of Probability Theory 10 3. Laws of Distribution of Random Ouantities 17 A. Concepts of Distribution of Randmn Quantity, Function, and Density of Distribution 17 B. Binomial Distribution 22 C. Poisson and Exponential Distributions 24 D. Weybull Distribution 27 E. Parameters of Distributions of Pandoia Ouantfty 29 F. Normal Distribution 36 0. Logarithmically Normal Distribution 44 11. Charlier Distribution 46 1. Truncated Distribution 50 2/7 USSR KABATOV, Yu. F., and SLAVIN, M. B., Veroyatnostito-Statisticheskiye Metody v 14editsinskikh Issledovaniyakh i Nadezhnost' Meditsinskoy Apparatury, Moscow, "Meditsina," 1971, 296 pp Page 4. Relation Between Random.Quantities 52 A. Systems of Random Quantities and Laws of Their Distribution 52 B. Basic Concepts of Correlation,Analysis 55 , C. Basic Concepts of Dispers-ion Analysis 62 5. Basic Concepts of the Theory of Random Functions 67 6. Information Theory and CurrentIfedical-Biological. Problems 70 A. Info-.mation and Entropy 70 B. Information Transmission 77 Chapter 2. Reliability of Results of the Medical Experiment 1. Reliability of Results of Computations 94 2. Checking Hypotheses 98 A. The Histogram and Distribution.Density 98 B. Comparing Theoretical and Empirical Laws 100 3. Evaluating the Confidence Interval of Distrihution Parameters 110 A. Confidence Evaluation of Statistical Data 110 3/7 -- 117 USSR KABATOV, Yu. F., and SIAVIN, M. B., Veroyatnostno-Statisticheskiye Metody v Heditsinskikh Issledovaniyakh i Nadezhnost' Meditsinskoy Apparatury, Moscow, "Meditsina," 1971, 296 pp Page B. Binomial Distribution 112 C. Poisson Distribution 115 D. Exponential Distribution 117 ~E. Normal Distribution 118 F. Logae-thnically Normal Distribution 121 G. Charlier Distribution 121 4. Evaluating the Confidence Interval of Relationship Parameters 124 A. Confidence Evaluation of Relationship Par6m6ters 124 B. Confidence Evaluation of Correlation Coefficients 124 C. Confidence Evaluation of Coefficients of Linear Regression Equation 127 D. Confidence Evaluation of the Results of Dispersion Analysis 128 5. Planning Scope of Experiment 129 Chapter 3. Reliability of Medical Equipment. Some Facts From Reliability Theory 132 A. Terms and Definitions 132 4/7 USSR -Statisticheski),, M.-tody v KABATOV, Yu. F., and SLAVIN, M. B., Veroyatnostno ( P Meditsinskikh Issledovaniyakh i Nadezlinost' Medits--nskoy Apparatury, 1,110scaw, "Heditsina," 1971, 296 pp Page D. Factors Influencing the Reliability of Medical Equipment 137 C. Indicators of Reliability 139 D. Working States and Modes of Pieces of Medical EquipMent 143 E. Principles for Evaluating the Reliability of Tcabnical Devices (or Systems) 144 2. Classification of Articles of Medical Equipment by Conse- quences of Malfunction 146 3. Selecting Indicators of Reliability of Medical. Equipment 147 4. Normalizing Quantitative Significance of Reliability Indicators 160 5. Optimizing Quantitative Significance of Reliability Indicators 170 6. Calculations of Reliability in Developing Medical Equipment 179 A. Basic Propositions 179 B. Technique for Calculating Reliability by S-idden Malfunctions 1.83 5/7 118 USSR KABATOV, Yu. F., and SIAVIN, M. B., Veroyatnostno-Statisticlieskive I'letody -'r Meditsinskikh Issledovaniyakh i Nadezhnost' Meditsinskoy Apparatury, Moscow, "Meditsina," 1971, 296 pp Page C. Principles of Calculating Reliability of Mechanical Assemblies of Equipment by Gradual Malfunction 190 D. Calculating Design Elements for Reliability for Different Concrete Loads. 197 7. Ensuring Reliability During Development of Medical Equipment 205 A. Designing Equipment 205 B. Designing Electronic Equipment 209 C. Designing Mechanical Devices 214 D. Concerning Manufacturing Measures 218 B. Technical Servicing and Repair ofIfedical Equipment. Spare Parts 222 A. System and Types of Medical Equipment Repair 222 B. Calculating Spare Parts of Medical Equipment 225 C. Determining the Makeup of the Tools and Spare Parts Kit 232 9. Planning and Evaluating Results of Testing for Reliability 234 A. Planning Scope of Testing and Checking Type of 6/7 Distribution 235 USSR KABATOV, Yu. F. , and. SLAVIN, M. B. , Veroyatnostno-Statistic,i.--~skive Metody v Meditsinskikh Issledovaniyakh i Nadezhnost' Ifeditsinskoy App-aTatuxy, Moscud, '-'Heditsina, 1971, 296 pp Page B. Evaluating Parameters of Distributions and Their Confidence Intervals 253 C. Determining Basic Quantitative Indicators of Reliability 256 D. Typical Features of Evaluating~Reliability by Results of Testing Medical Laboratory Instruments 257 10. Evaluating Economic Efficiency of,Increasing the Reliability of Medical Equipment 262 -A. Taking Account of the Time Factor in Evaluaring Eqonomic 262 Efficiency 269 B. Evaluating Saving of Costs in Operational Sp"here G. Comparative Evaluation. of the'Bfficiency of,.Variations With Intraplant Planning 271 Appendix 2715 A. Supplementary Tables for Calculations 275 B. Basic Concepts of Higher Mathematics Used in the Book 285 Bibliography 290 7/7, - 119 UDC 624.19.04 SIAVIN, 0. K., SHAPOSHNIKOV, V. N. ,'P1 os c oW 1%lodeling of Diffraction of Stress Waves Near Tunnels by a Method of Dyna..dc Photoelasticity" .Moscow, Stroyitellnaya Mckhanika i Raschet Soyoruzheniy, No 5, 1972, pp 36-40. Abstract: The solution of diffraction problems when the wavelength of the exciting wave is comparable to the dimensions of the diffracting obstaclos is a very difficult problem for mathematical computation, requiring the use of numerical methods with digital computers. Therefore, experimental metKods of studying unstable wave processes, including the riethod of dynamic photo- elasticity, are quite important. This article presents e)tporitlelltal rasul-.s produced by modeling three characteristic classes of difEt-action problems by dynamic photoelasticity. Stress waves were excited in a thin plate 3 mr-I thick of a high-modular polymer by exploding a point chaTIle of lead azide. The light source used was a flash tube. The interferenze band pictures %..-ere interpreted on the basis of the dependence between birefringence and Srresses. The studies showed that the, effect of stress' col)contratioll'pril"larily resuit- -ing from the presence of fie cerogcnc, it i-es offinite dAmeni-ions in a continLrjus medium, has a dual natura: the geomaric nqturo, relatc-d -to Olt D/L pora- ter, ant; the physical nature, related to tho p C /pC pirijimote-r. The studics ,72 111 lit 1 FTHRI nT' HIIIII'm IMHO mamunt -,,Wjlf I USSR UDC 624.19.04 SLAUN, 0. K. , SEAPOSHNIKOV, V. N., Moscow, Stroyitel Inaya Mfekzhanikai Raschet Soyoruzheniv. No S, 1972, pp 56~140. revealed the nature of the influence of parameters D/L md 11 ()Il tilt, sollition of the diffraction problem, allowiiig expedient comrol o~ this effect. The A studies indicated that during explosive drilling work, explosions should be calculated to excite a waire, the length of which is less than or equal to the characteristic transverse dimension of the mine. 2/2 USSR UDC- 533-95:537-84 SLAIVIN, V. S., SOKOLOV, V. S. "Closed Energy Cycle With MD-Generator Using the T-Layer Effect" Novosibirsk, Aerofiz. issledo-vaniya--sbornik (Aarophysicml Research--- collection of works), 1972, pp 76-78 (fromRZh_Fizika, No 6, Jun 73, abstract No 6G63) Translation: A thermodynamic analysis is made of a closed energy cycle Ivith MHD generator using the T-Iayer effect. A generator of this kind is thought of as a limiting case of the MHD generator with lafainar flow in which absolute separation of the functions of the working fluid -- tbe.electrical conductor (electrically conductive T-layer) -- and the gas whose arnthalpy is to be con- verted to electric energy becomes possible. Analysis showed that a power plant with IMID generator and a T-layer may have an efficiency of 50-6o% if the gas at the reactor outlet has a temperature of 20CO-2300QK and the mass frac- tion of the T-layer in the flow of working fluid is no greater than 5%. 1/1 - 33 - USSR UDC 533-95-.538-4:621-362 SLAV~I-N, V. S. nA Study of the Unstable Flow of a Stratified Gas Streant in the Channel of a MD-generator" Riga, M.-gnitnaya.Gidrodinamika, No 3, Jul-Sep lQ73, pp 63-70 Abstract: It has been demonstrated that a stratified flow involving layers of hot, conductive gas alternating with layers of cold, nonconducting vorking fluid is more efficient in terris of average electrical conductivity than a uniform flow with equivalent heat content, Further, it has been shown that there is a class of flows whose interaction with a magnetic field will estab- lish this type of layering and thut it will persist. The interaction of the hot layers with the magnetic field makes the flow significantly unstable. In order to localize within the PSID-generator the perturbations occurring as the hot, rapidly moving gas is retarded by the slower-layers, it is necessary to develop a stable supersonic flow at the input of the generator. The model developed in this article considers the current-carrying layers as weightless pistons retarded by the flow of the nonconducting gas. A given emf is assigned to these pistons. The prioblem is aolve4 numerically by the method of characteristied. 1/2 USSR SLAVIIIJ. V. S., Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, 140 3, Jul-Sep 1973, pp, 63-70 A shock wave is formed ahead of the "piston", dividing the flow into equilibrium and perturbed sections. Frora the descriptLon of the shock wave and the boundary conditions of the problem it is possible to 'Lind the equilibrium flow in the channel. Difficulties in computing the shock wave parameters in the real situation were avoided by initial weak- shock wave; it is proven that the integral energy characteristics of the flow are only weakly dependent on the initial parameters of this shock wave. The nonequilibrium. flow.was calculated by the method of characteristics. Considering the electrical efficiency of the conversion process, it can be determined that the following characteristics are required for maximum efficiency: 1) the length of the zone of interaction should be on the order of.10 calibers: 2) the average retarding force acting on the conducting layer should be approximately equal to .075--15 times po (the initial presqure); 3) the initial M number of the flow at the inlet ~b should be greater than or equal to 1.5. Under these conditions the stable gas flow at the input to the channel will not be upset and reverse flows or powerful shock waves will not arise. 2/2 USSR uDc: 62i.39i.883.2 SLAV131. V. Ye. --pirrgo m for Optimizing the Process of Radio Comimnications in inter- ference With a Moving Object" Tr. Sib. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta nri Tomsk. un-te Works of the Siberian Physico- technical Institute Associated With Tomsk Universi-,.Y), 1970, vy-p. 51, pP 291-295 (from RZh-~-Radiotekhnikal No 6, Jun 71, Abstxact No 6A42) Translation: An algorithm is constructed for solving the problem of setting up radio communications with a moving object against; a background of inter- ference. The algorithm, which is set up for a limited s-tV of the object in the zone of action of the radio line, ensures tritaismission to tbe object s nu-, 1) of of a predetermined number of commands with reccptiat~ of the am!2 n acknowledgirento, transminsion of a giVen number of miiissa(~',!.~s with rcc,~~,ption of acknowledments, and reception of a predetermined numbt-rr of messa,7es. The problem is solved by the criteriom of obtaining maxi=m information in the course of a communications session. 'Ibe resulU:int algorithm pernalts carrying out analysis of the process of radio coam-,inication in interference and synthesis of an optimum cotmnunicqtti*on,-) r~ys*~c-nj wi,1111 thi! idd of a high- -speed digital computer. 11"wo tables, bibliography of three titles. N. S. 50 Ar gairl, Yu. "Research on the Control of Bmeellosis in the Uzbek SSE" Tashkent., Pravda Vostoka, 29 May 73, P 3 Abstract: In work conducted during the past 20 years, a dry antibrucellosis vaccine for the control of brucellosis of animals has been develoved. Orders for this vaccine are now being placed by the chin Veterinary Admi.~istration, Mnistry of Agriculture USSR. with the Uzbek Biological Combine. Research on the control of bracellosis is being ccuducted In Uzbekistan by the Uzbek Scientific Research Veterinary Institute (UzNIVI). According toDoctor of Veterinary Sciences 11. Mi. Shevchenko, Deputy Scientific Director of UAFIVI, credit for the development of the dry vaccine must be given not only to its originators (H. Nevskiy, M. AbidZhanov, Y. Grin1ko, and. others), but also to veterinarr practitioners who applied It at farms and elixiinated brucellosis at a number of sovkhozes of the Uzbek SSR. The dry vaccine In the forn of a pouder is added to the combination feed and consumed by all animals of the herd at a farm. On being consumed by the animals, the vaccine not only exerts an effective prophylactic action, preverting transmiissiork of bnucellosis from diseased to healthy animals,, but~also makes it possible,to &-tect diseased animals, By using this property of the vaccine, brucellosis of farm animls 9 USSR SIAVIN, Yu., Pravda Vostoka, 29 May 73, P 3 in the'Uzbek SSR will be completely eradicated within two "rears, according to estimates made at UzI-I-rVI. Scieritists abroad have become iaterest-ed in the dray antibrucellosis vaccine; requests for inforzation have been received from England, Australia, and France, According to Donltjor of Veterinary Sciences N. Isamov-, Head of the RadiobioloEv Laboratory~ U7NIVI, a new method for diagnos- ing brucellosis has been developed at UzITIVI, which is based on t-Ile application of radioactive tracer atoms. This method has been accepted b,,,- the Technical Council of the Ministry of Agriculture Uzbek SSR. 2/2 F. Mathematical Frdbl:ems of Semiotics USSR UDC: 8. 74 SLAVINA, L A TRIBIS, L. 1. "On Algorithmic Elimination of Bilingual Lexical Ambiguity" Minsk, Chastnyye vopr. avtomat. analiza. tekstov--sbornik (Sp-ecial Problems of Automatic Text Analysis--collection of works), 1972, pp 290-310 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 5, May 73, abstract No 5V894 by T. Nikolayeva) Translation: The paper deals withithe specifics of a lin- guistic symbol for a computer: machine perception of a symbol has to do only with the signifier.. Therefore to trans- late polysemous words into another language it becomes as- sential to pick the signifier in t 'he.other language. It is necessary to find diagnosing features which determine the translation equivalent in the given context. The.paper is an investigation on algorithmic elimination of ma line lexical ambiguity of 137 English word forms representi~ng 50 nouns and verbs. A preliminary experiment on a text mass of-1.5 million words and work with four informants made it possible to dis- 1/3 USSR SLAVINA, L. A.V TRIBIS, L. I., Chastnyye vopr. avtomat. analiza tekstov, 1972, pp 290-310 tinguish 270 Russian word equi7alents. The following are distinguished: 1) lexical di agnosing features; 2) morpho- logical diagnosing features; 3) formal graphemic features. Types of lexical diagnosing features are described. The con- cept of text segmentation is introduced to define.the context (papers by M. V. Daneyko and V. W Petrovskaya). A segmen tation fragment is presented, The authors define the diag- nosing force of isolated segments with respect to a zero segment containing the word to be translated. A list of standard operators is given. For more effective access to the computer memory the diagnosing featuTes are arranged in.order of decreasing frequency. A set of codes is described information interdependent with the word form to be ana- lyzed. Examples are given of machine processing of English words. The article ends with a description of the work of an algorithm for eliminating lexical ambiguity; the flowchart of the algorithm is given. An algorithm is pilesented for 3 2/3 - A-- . - -- ~ ~ . - -I - -- -- _-i- --- I MIM ~319 III USSR UDC 621.3-035.2 XR&VMKIY, G. A., DERGUOVA, V. S., SLAYINA, L. CUSEVA, 11. P. , and SAMOSUDOV, V, V. "Joining Graphite With Graphite and Hetal by Electric.-Are Welding" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Yetally, No 7, JU 71, pp 44-47 Abstracts A method of joining graphite parts with graphite and metallic parts by means of a metallic interlayer depo5itecl on the slaTace of the graphite part by the elec-tric-arc welding practice is discussed. The following materials with amean linea-- expansion coefficient with respect to graphite and metal were investigated for their utilization as interlayerss V, Til Yloj V, Zr, 11b, and Kovax. It was found that Ti and Zur are the. nost prorising interlayer materials. The use of Kovaras an interlayer ipaterial.-, is recommended for welding graphite with stainless ateel iLnd otbar steel. types. Three i.1lustrations, three tableso six biblio, refs. 31 USSR UCC 539-621 KOSTETSKIY, B. 1. BARMASIME iv'YO, A. I., aad SLAVINSKAYA Ukrainian Ar:ademy of AgricUtural Sciences "7no Role of Crystal 'Structurc and Orientation of ingle Cr-i;tals in -the ForrmItion of the External Friction Process" Kiev, Metallofizika, rio 40, 1972, pp 24-27 Abstract: The princirles of fo-m-ation of the deformation constituent of an external friction force were inyesti,,;ated for four crystal structures (copp_er zm silicon (f.c.c,), zinc "HC~), and niobi, (b.c.c.) in connection v-"." (:~'!stallqlraphic orientation. The relationship of k friction parameters doformation i7rocess to '_-ryztallog'V;:-q)hic oritinti.tion was chmm. Die dI.,11.,)catioi) astricture in the frLetion contact zone ~;ith the change of cowittionn invcstigated. Me diffraction pattern of layer Jeform- fit tile slirface and subsurface zone of friction contact was shown. 12 -,e, 18 biblio~~raphic references. USSR, UDC' 621,791.754:621.64i:669.715 BUKAROV, V. A., ISHCHENKO, Yu. S., PISHCHIK, V. 1'. AN[) SLAVTI-,'SKIY V. D. Engineers -odes" "Pulse-Arc Welding of Aluminui-ii Alloy Tubes Using N'oncorlsumable Flocti Mos cow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 11, Nov 70, pp 14-15 Abstract: Results are presented fron technological studies of pulsed argon- arc welding of joints in tubes of Nklg6 an6 SAVI alloys usinga tungsten electrode without filler wire and reverse polarity current. This type of welding provides satisfactory quality of:welded seams For these alloys. A new technology has been developed for welding tubing with isall thicknesses up to 2 mri, with programed welding mode changes achievcd by changing the pulse repetition frequency of current pulses. A PUISe-deViCe has been developed, allowing welding by a pulsed arc using standard direct current power supplies. A L TITLE-SPIPLIFiED OF CIIJI-I.EiIIE A U T W17R - (,D 3 -L E V SH T Y tN V A S L A 'V K I t~A,-jw t 4. "C> P AN I it K COUNTRY OF [;'JFO--USSR E-- -PE' l,*,At3. E F T EK Ft f 0. f ill~.~S Ctl,~ri .SOUIN i'E FT E E' N 1 7 (5), 47-8 9 0 UATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~~,;SUBJECT AREAS-CHEM ISTRY OP I C TAfjS--CU,',IEN,:i HYDRO -ROXIDFt TH ERM A L ANALYSISI 11 H EN GL A C E T 0 N i- EW-10t'IETRY C 0 N T R f) L A P 1 -N G - - N, 0 1 E S, T R 1 C T 10 [1 J S 0 (5) 'C C L --j!"; C L i, S, 1 1 81 N- "i 1) - - tjj,~ . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . lot Pli oc I- s s 1 C:,-~ T J. ~i V7 J 212 0 L _A C 1 R C A C C ' 3 S i "I I! - - A P 0 1 J, VI 6 A3ST",A(. T/7: -f-- U) i') 0 - m E re C: I T L C A L. L Y I N r,"'. i.i i r t, T ,:j.- T L f: L I X T . rl F P"i"i A:1',2 "i, 1'~, 2 t"' A!'I L-1 2. 5 IML. '.IXli.':ATE ',ol'i I'D. L P THUS G; C jM P G I W I TH L I ~l P;l; F I ;'I ~i ~3F i'EAT A'~O 96PE,!,-EdT H SJB" SO kj~- 7 0 t; GR E S '4 1 A T i1 'u TO I IN CR S 1 FH i2 T THE I E I P i'l T 1-1 L -WT!). _I( I I E S j F T vi E" .41. T H v k. _;-- C 1 1; 1 C.; 'C F Ol f, F E S . DIE (13'iC'j. D I F F E -.R E- NIC TH E 114 1 T i A 0 !iv%X. Tw_-~P. 1 TH A A 1) 1-1 '1 F I E 0 1 T H AIR T I Fl C I A L ',I I X T F I I I S A 1:1 t I [HE i L A T I i L:E 7 R R 0 _~ W,~ S C,7 T I--- FACILITY-- S 1,Mf LA,' TO I C 'N LASTED 14 1 KU 1 BYSnE Z A T:- V Z P U I B Y S I F U SS Ref Code Acc. Nr. Abstractin Service. 14a CliDlICAL ABST. 4-TO 0034225"- r- 74189b Complex hexacliloride of cerium(IV) nith cemidm, Bayanov A P -.,% iu,'~=L'(Kafedra Obsh,~h. AnaL Kififfi., !5b. St., -Novokumetsk, %USSR). Zft. A'8org, KPim. 1970, JJ5(.1,i, 215-tj (1~usS). (-52L;CL;ld M-rmed a-, a i-ellow crypt. ppt. when Cet I V) and CSCI solni. lwer6 mixed togeifter. Soly. of esoCeCle increased in the ord-er CC], 'J--,tOfl ~