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-ral sensitivity of x-ray vidicons Is determined Abstract,_ The spect complctely by the ratio of energy absorbed in the semiconductor layer of the target to the incident energy striking the x-ray vid'lcon. In this article, the spectral sensitivity of an x-ray vidicon with a target of lead oxide is calculated. The relative spectral sensitivity fuitction of the x-ray vidicon with the lead oxide target has t%x) Piaxima: one in the 30-50 KeV energy range, resulting'from the cptimtil relationship between absorption of radiation in the end glass and in,the semiconductor layer, and another in the 90-100 KeV energy range resulting from the photoeffect on the K-shell of the lead atoms. A certain reduction is to be expected in the natural resolving capacity of the target (ignoring aperture distortions) in the area of the second maximum, since a great portion of the energy is absorbed by the ph.otoeffect on the K-shells of the lead atoms. 203 Wains USSR UDC 621-791. oil. col. 5:669-721 669.5 ANTONOV, YE. G., Engineer, POPOV, 1 S-v Engineer YA03HIN, B. F-, Candidate of Technical A* - Sciences, 030KINA, T. h-# Enogineer, NIKOTAYEVA, -I- S., Technicia.1, %UKFryEV, Engineer, MILNCjVA,-Y_-E--. I-, Engineer, SENPAGIN and I. S., Engineei" . 4r 'Ef feet of Plare-earth Elements on theIieldabil-ity of Magnesium- Zinc and ~~ignesium-Zjnc_i-lirconiun Alloys" Moscad, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, ~No 12, Dee 70, Pp 6-8 Abstract: The effect of some rare-earth metals cn tae weldabil- ity o' nagnesium-zi nc and TaFnesjum-zinc-zirc-,~jjjj_, , alloys was um studied in experimental melts. Sheets of the allo7s, 2 mn thick, were obtaiaed by rolling cn a "Duo" laboratory mill from flat ;ots cast ia metal molds. Before rolliag,the in6pts were aeat- ed to 380-40-00 C (11 intermediate heats, 2-3 Passes) Shrinkage was 15-25 percent. After rolling,the sreets vere annealed at 2600 C for an hour. The filler wire was made of the same -mate- rial. The results indicate tnat rare-earth morals (neodymium, 1/2 YE. G., et al., Qvarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 12, Dee 70, pp 6-8 lanthanum, mischmetal) at the rate of up to 0.6 percent by weigh't affect the not-shortness of the studied alloys in different says during welding. The most probable reason forithis is the varying effect of rare-earth metals on the 'plasticity of the studied al- loys in the region of the lower limit of the brittle temperature rangeo as well as the varying effect on the magnitude of the lat- ter. The -Weld cracking resistance of tae alloys can be increased by alloy additions of lanthanum and cerium mis!CkLmetal and the use of -filler wire (2 percent Zn, 0-45~ percent Zr, 3.44 percent cerium chmetal, the rest Mg). USSR UDC 621.791.019 AINTONTOV, Ye. G., POPOV, A. S., YAKUSHIN, B. F., OSOKINA, T. H. MIKREYE"'. 1. M., SHIMOVA, Ye. 1. `2 g-j Moscow and' NIKOI AM), IlMetallurgical Action on Seam Strength in Magnesitan Alloy Welding" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 2, Feb 71, pp 53-55 Abstract: The problem considered in this paper is the metallurgical means that can be used to deal with cracks ". in magnesium alloy weldu, specifically magnesium alloyed with zinc, and the efficiency of the means. Melts of the WfD3 series and severa). r--iagnesium-zinc melts were the subjects of the ex-- parimentation; the defect of the first class of alloys is tba, tendency of its welds to develop heat cracks caused by the changL in the lanthanum con- tent. It wna atiourn;,,d in these tuatp that thu intuoduction of rare earth metals into the alloys would improve their renistance to the formation of cracks since oagnesium forms eutectics with these metals. It conclusion reached by Lhe authora is that one cause of cracks forming in the welds that did not con.tain zirconium is the large crystalline structure of the weld metal, and that the resistance of the weld to cracka could be im- proved by the addition of 0.55% Zr. USSR UDC 669-72.5--539-374 IVANOV, V. YE., TMUISKIY, G. F. SHPAGIN, 1,V., XORIIM-Rmo, L.A., laMISm T,K() J, I.N.1 and NIKOLAYENK0, A.A., aeysic ca In8titlfte~.~ of the Academy of Sciences USSR "The Effect of Admixtures on the Cold Brittleness of Be!ryllium" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Mietallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 31, Wo 6, -i-an 71, pp 1286- 1P92 Abstract: The dependence of the transition temperature of beryllium frcm tLe brittle into the plastic state on the metal purity is investi&tted. Th' s de- pendence is very sharply expressed at low concentrations (- 0.05%) of t~-_,e ad- mixtures. By the replica method and the transmitting elenlron-microscopy method, the deformation mechanism and the desintegraticn vhar;-.c-(1er of berylli,Lfli at temperatures corre,,;ponding -to the brittle and plastic states was Studied. The contribution of turning to deformation and the potent2al to brittle fuilure on cleavage elements dec-rea5e with increasing purity; Purthcr, In the pure., metal there an ears the Possibility Of a light zlippil)F, On grldrL bourdari-S. p .1 The strength of beryll'-iz~ incrvazes idth increasing bend-ing te~3-G temperature up to the transition temperature from there brittle to the plastic state, which is comected with the decreased tendency of beryllium to'brittle failure on cleavage elemtns. Six illustr., one table, 21 biblio. refc. j tt t~. USSR IJDC 569-725: 539-292 aad laRISTEL WAINOV, V. Ye., TIMUTSKIVY) G. F., Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of,Sciences, Ukrainian SSR "The Effect of Grain Size on Cold Brittleness of Beryl-1-ium" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i IMetallovedeniye-, Vol 31, No 6, jun 71, pp 1281- 1285 Abstract: An investiaation was made of the derendence --f the brittle--olaz'-~-ic transition temDerature (Tbi of high-prurit;r -Derjllium determined from bending test result8, on the grain size d. In the Scope Of the theory of R.W. Armstrong this dependence is characterized by the equie--Iion r2b = A B d2, vhere A and B are constants. The lira~ting poi2sibility of lowering Th for the metal under consideration by a decrease ofthe grain sii-2 is anallyzed. The cross-breaking strength ana the yield Point near Tj-, change in. relation to the grain size in accordance idth T)resented. functions. The coefficients of these -f~mctions are determined for three tapes of the metal, t",le diL3t-lled, hot- pressed, and hot-pre-saed deformed t)T,--s. On, the basis of calcu!-~tions and. the analysis of results, an attempt is made to aetermine the defortiation r"'ech;'.ni-Zm and the breakdo*,ni c-aracte of p re beryllilim. The r,'L beryll-;%~M i s brought about principally as a result at realization of the. mechani-,m characterized by high breaking stves*es. Thive illuotr., otie ta~).Le, four formulas, 15 biblio. ref'r. 1/1 PiU)CESS[NG UATE-11DEC70 ~037 UNC L A$ SI F I ~--D TITLE-ELECTRLINIC COMPOTEkS AND IMAGE IDENTIFICATI06 C C Vi T K YUf I-%FCj--LSSR SEPTEMBER 20, 1970s P At CUL 5 A-8 PULLISHED-20SEP70 ,.~,_-SUaJE(,T ARLAS--lNAV I GAT ll'_'N, ELECTkCNICS ANO ELECTRICA4. EN(IR. ..,..TCPIC TIC PERSUNNELl IMAGE INTENSIFIERt S I GNA L CCMPUTER APPLICATION Z:CG.lTKCL MAKKING-NG RESTRICTLUNS ,:,:DCCUMENT CLASS-UNICLASSIFIED ,"-PROXY. FlUiE NL~-----FU7('/6'35011/B04 STEP CARC ACCESSICN NO-M014M69 ............. 212 037 UINCL ASS IF I E 0, PROCES!-) I NG, OAT EE- !I D E L 7 ~-:-C lkr ACCESS16N INO-ANO 14016 9 -AfiSTRACT/Ex TRACT-- (U) GP-0- AdSrRACT. A C C OR 0 IN G'CC, THE, AR I[ CL L, THE J t' i -, 6Y -,AG,E IDENTIFICATION RESEARCH IN THE SOVIE-V UNU-IN f 5 b F- I P.f; C 0 -'N DiR', T E G ~SEVERAL INSTITUTES. LNE OF THEM IS TliE INSTITUTE OF Mi%THE~"t"TIL3 01-1 THE SIBERIAN 8RANCh OF THE ACAUEMY OF SCIENCES, USSR. ~ 'THE 6*0,~,K 15 DONE ~T -ljS LA3 GRATORY HEADEC bY DOCTOR OF TECHNICAL SCIE,\(-,L:S -N I Kci L A Y Z A Gop, U Y K0 . sz- P 'J A T X I CATi(T'j OF 1!,11VALL:_':,',i Cii.'~C'IIUM -u- HCR-105)-YA.K0311 V.A., BDCH:~ARIEVA, T P K0Z(lq E Z L A. CdUSOVA, L. L _~~VAK-, L.P. .) I ;I, %4TAY OF IiNFC--USSR (7- 2621 106 ER ENC E-0 T"R YT I Y A I IDBRET., PK014t OBRAZTSY, TOVARNYE IN' AK I 19 7 0 _E_ PUSL ISHIED-26JAN701 JECT ARE4S--CHE,%IisrRY TC TAGS--,",ETAL 0XIDATIO-N, CHROMIUM, CHE1,111CAL PATEf,!T, oZwlr-, NTRQL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFlEi) 0 XY IF E L / F RA -H E - - 3 0 0 114 6 5 STEP 1,40- -LIR /04',32 70 001,1 /0 00 00 0 0 t-CCESSIGN 12 0 18 UNC LASS I F I E 1) P R U F S S 1 DAT E--27:.l,3V7 0 RC -ACCESS [0l'! ~Q 12599-5 5T.:~ACT/EXTi',ACT_-((J') G,1-0- A-_,i`)TRACT. C R PRIME.'POSITIVE f.S OX(DIZCD TO Ck PRIA~:6f','DSITIVI~ It"I AN ACIDIC MEDIUM I hl IHE PR"_Sl",CE ~)F i*.!~! H.G. M.-NICL SU732) ~;ITH CzWj!ZC-0 AIR. F"CILITY: !~!J:_-,: Z H A N SK I Y FILIAL KHARIKOVS: GGO UIRD;:~,j K -:A LENINA PGLITEKHNlCHESX.O('.;(J 1111,S)TITI)TA 11 V, I 14A USSR UDC 535-44;621,378 BELOKRINITSKIY, N. S., GNATOVSKIY, A. V., DMILEYK0, IN. V., ZAKRAROV, V- P-, and SHPAK, M. T. "Holographic Recording of Information on Amorphous Semiconductor Films" Leningrad, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 209, No 2, 1973, pp 330-332 Abstract; This paper is a report on the application of local variations in the structural and optical characteristics of InSb, InSe, !nTe, GaTe, GeTe, and Te for holographic information recording. In an earlier paper (N. S. Belokrinitskiy, et al, Pis'ma v ZhETF, 1% No 4, 1972, p 198) it was found that in GeTe films under strong light pulses a growth of crystallites was observed, accompanied by changes in the physical and optical characteristics of the compound. Similar characteristics, including the transmission and absorption spectra, were explored in the present paper for the compounds listed above. The equipment used for the holographic recording is shown in schematic form. Records of objecte measuring 2X2 mm2 toJ5X15 =2 were made by illuminating them directly with neodymium and ruby lasers. Samples of the images obtained are shown. The authors thank V. N. Pavlyuk for running the experiment. USSR UDC 541-14+535-34-15+535-373 KELIKIK, V. I., PUCHOVSKAYA, G. A., MiARCHMO, N. P., and -SWAX, M. T. Feculiarities of IR Absorption and Phosphorescence of Products of Benzo- phenone Photochemical Reactions" TAningrad, Optika i SpektToskopiya, Vol 34, No 1, Jan 73, PP 101-105 Abstract: The authors isolated in pure form the products of the benzophenone- benspinacone photochemical reaction, studied their IR ab'sorption and phospho- rescence spectra, and compared the results with benzophenone data. The effect of low temperatuxes and solution concentrations on photochemical reaction ef- ficiency was studied. There was found to~be considerable weakening of the photochemical transformtions of benzophenone at low temperatures. 90 USSR UDC: 535-373.3 ASLAIUDI, Ye. B., TIKHONOV, Ye. A. and SHPAK. X. T. "The Quenching Nechanism of Fluorescent Organic Dye Solutions in Two-Photon Excitation" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, December, 1972, pp 1105-1108 Abstract: A descril0tion is given ox experiments to determine the mechanism of fluorescence organic dye solutions under two-phaton. excitation from a ruby-laser. Three dyes of the xan- thene group ,.Jere used in the experiments; their solutions have a quantum fluorescence output of approximately unity, and the spec- tral position of their maximum long-wave absorption band corres- ponds approximately to resonance for two-photon abzorption of a neodymium laser radiation. Curves plotted for the intensity of the fluorescerce as a function of change in excitation po-wer are found to deviate from the square lair, and seven causes are listed and explained for this deviation. The diagram of the experimental setup is reproduced along with a textual explanation. It was found that the radiation intensity of the solut-J.'on is strengthened at the fundamental frequencyt thus confirming the presence of a phenomenon of forced emission at this frequency., 63 - USSR UDO 535-370 548.0 LISOVMOt V, A$, and SHPAX "Fluorescence of AntW-acene Single Crystals Whose Surface Is Disturbed by an Impurityll leningxad, Optika 1. Spekt:ioshopiya, Vol )21 No 4t Apr '12', PP 735-739 Abstracts Tho article describes. rezults of a study of the 11Lzore-scencta ard absorption spectra of 8.ntKraceiie single crptals on whos- Surfhco i-npuritiez (particularily carbazole) are *Vuttereds Vhen cnxbazole is applied t; the surface of -.n r~niliracene simglcr arystal, there is a. zignIficzMt chmge in the fluorescence npectrtm of Ulte anthracene cmtalf along Ir.A.t.11 exciton fl.,30rez- cence of crystallino ruithracene, a new bru.14-hind specti-in appeara, Whifted to the long-waye region fron the stArt of.fhe oxaltor, fl.noresconoe. The noro carbazole sputterod on the anthracene. the C.-toater the intensitty of the new luminescence. I'he intensity of the exciton f1wrescow-4i di-minishes. A z-,atu- ration effect is olnervefto A&Utional Ntructureleas ab:iox-ption is obser.'ed from the long-wave side in the absorption spectrum of the anthxacene crystals -.1/3 USSR USOVENKOg V. A., and S"AK, H. T. Optlizo. i Spe~Kroskapiya, Vol 32, No 4, Apr 72, rip 735-239 a of unsputtared with sputtered carbazole as oompued to ilia absovTtion~ spectrm bands of. the now, zeo*~IOW,-.? B. 'the 4- bae~,Pa-,..'_ 1~ Uedi- -The ecru M6 cqii:6 of ~6f - - ~: :si.i r vrei'_ -i in'A -6ateii --cr la i_~ I -- " ~.insd by so~ d4polai.Ued. I his 'ipjiying naphthalene and diphenylene oxi(16 to~ the surfue of ant~,:.~za~,,cue cryss- A compaxison of thooretiml predictions and the alove exte"7i""~~ntn_l 2'-,- sults Indicates that the Jxqq-v;a-ve lunineacence is the x%,-sult of the S-DUt-Off of local levels from the exciton band. 4xperiments shol;.f that tho implintation of carb~zole molecules in tho anthracene lattice dioes not lezad to Vae forna- tion of local states below the exciton band. During c0idlfitation of the anthm. cene-carbazole vdrLurof paxt of tho , carlwwlo forilit, 3. solid solution with tho Pjitbraoenet whilo tho reat is eliminated on tho (3urface of the 2P 70 USSR LISOIFMO, V. A., and SHPAK, M. T.# Optika i, SPOIAXOSICOPir., Vol 32,* No 40 Apr 72, PP 735-739 microblocImt microcrystals of anth:mcenet The latter I)ortion of the mrba- zole is responsible for the broa-d-band spactr=. Ibe authors tlmnk N. I. OSTAPEMKO for usefta d1scussion of the re- cults USSR UDC: 535-373.2 DYADYUSHA, G. G., PRZHONSKAYAI 0. V., TIMONOV, Ye.. A., and T. "Investigating the laws of Radiation Transitions from the Second State of.Dye Molecules" Excitation Singlet MOSCOW, Izvesti a AN SSSR Beriva Fizicheska vol 36, No 5, 1972V Pp 945-950 Abstract: This paper is based on an earlier article ivritten by the authors named above a~d published in the Jovrnal of Experi- mental and Theore tical Physics (ZbF;TP,, 141, 330, 1971). The ear- lier article an-nounced the discovery.of intonse rzhortijalre r.,-di- ation from molecullar solutions of cyanine dyez, if"hich was inter- reted as radiation frora the second electron-st-te excitation ISO, eand showed experimeatally tbat this rtidiation is not heL'cr .4 connected -writh A. 1*11 r photoci 1 -1 trans f ormat ion, or the - n-sence C)J. contaminants. In tho preiont paper, the author;~, clarify the lav.-n- of shortwave fluorescence by investigating two homologous cyanine dye molecules. in the first, oscillatJcn of tl:,a 'K electi,cn sys- tem is po~~sible in two mutually perpe,n'Clicular dillectiono, -,long the axis of synnrtntary and at right angleB to it; +~jC! 8,t!cond ty- is characterized by a inuch greator linearity of oi:,cillation o~ the X electron system. The renalts of experimentiit-ion with bo th 1/2 USSR TODC: 535-373.2 DYADYUSHA, G. G., et al, Izve3tiya AN 333R Beriya Fizichei~kaya, vol 36, No 5, 1972, Pp 945-950 molecules, excited by the mercury lamp type DR~Ii-250 With excita- tion wavelengths of 313, 366, and 405 na, are given. Information regarding the nPutual positioning of absorption and radiation os- cillators of the molecules was obtaiined by invootigating the :po- larization spectra. It is coacluded that oince the second ~axcita- tion triplet state cannot be higher than the second singlet state, it is probably either in resonance or close to it. 2J2 Lasers and Rasers USSR MEMOICRINIMMY, N. S., A. V., RIIIILMKO, Pl. V., V. P. KO.-MOV, I.. V., ard SHPLK 11. T. I" -'c3:lnSt!tutc, Acadcm~ox-sci,llcoz Ukrainian SSIR "Rcco:c,'Liw~ of Cl-,)tdcal on. 1-morp-hour, Filrs of Se::,I-conducting com- pounds'l 1-10scow. v 2_hul:~)--l F."i7sp.:xiiicatallnoy i Tcorotichc;rhoy riniki, Vol 15, No 4, 20 F,-,b 72t -pp 1~11C-200 o;,A.Ical ing vztion o' I.Lccr 7,,~eliatlcm. Tiili~ op~,is Up thc ity 0-1, Orr Oo-" 10-5 nc~c) Z% T.Itllaut- tho need for sut~3equcnt pz-ocv,7sinr:. G-Ac and a :~Zlcl I. CMU. V, Z!- lor,~-r racliatioll by ;1,40 t,.o b--::::, e1 ~!.l in Y intev)isl~y z~nd alt il.,cl an c 0 n v t-1.10 c f 550 for C 'T~! -L/ _3 USSR mummoury1y, !q, S., at ta.r PiUIi-.-,.a v Zhmmal J,-I-u;ptIrine.,AAl'noy i Tcore-L-i- chc--!COY F4-7,iki, Vol 15, No 4, 20 Feb 72p pp 198-200 and ,- 250 for InSb. The interforenco holotpmm rrating o:f the i-adiation field was x-ccordcd on the fil lcs i-,cx-c moscd to isdintion pulrur. of a frc:e- rwimirg ruljy A = 0.69 nicron~ und ncodpni-mii ( 'A ~- 1.06 nicrons) laacr. Given a sufTicicnitly hom-o?-cneov.3 1--3cr fiald ni-mlitude dirtribution, int~;i, rc-ice- re grati-i,-s i-tth a of up t* 10100 lincs/rm wcm obt-n-inclal I rcrrc- scntjm&~ al"C1,1r.'nug Se-c"Its with diffea-cit. cpactra-I and slxuctural pi-o-I=tics, Ims fonlid. .1;0 CL XCIn't-don b:Avuva the s-1--mpic ricrar,0don conditic-Is the raxinum frcmivney. There mra optiv.31 ;nndin.tion cilcx- Gif-3 for ti:,-, -0.1 J/4sq i= for -rccor~I- ing on U*IL' e i*01!-,ri vith I!r;c,6yiiiII1;i I-xcr rad:1-a-tion - 509 t-ia fcm,..3 of fIL-1 --trUctill".1 ch~:-ur5c3 1mg, iho mcordlnr, d(,-prudArq-:) QjI '61-10 &-nsity of the recoiderd grating. Ill the (if iAth a frcqu-c-icy oT -YvIO-2OD the ILIC3 rcrircnult of 1"cily hatc~clcl, in an z,-",,xyI)o".,; ,-,tatc divie.,:Cl in In 14'..ho ro-corclinre of p,--4tUrj-.'3 vith a spatial frequcnoy of 2/3 63 03SR r-is"ma v Zhu.-aal Rzz;parJx-.,-.1ta.1'noy i Teoreti- 4, 20 Pic;b 72$ rp -1000 j.......... i:; ovo- the arca of --he bu-,- -'ho optical den.-Aty of the ,.r,2L it possible, to obt%in -, grating in th"f, uz-c aG u- 11. C11 of I T sf-%tc- V. S. for vf~oful dinct.~,sions of the results. USSR SMRAV~ M. T.- Corresponding Member of the Acade-my of Sciences Ukrairian SSR, and TI CPioV, YE. 0., Candlaate of Physlcomathematlc~vl Sciences "The Study of Nonlinear Phenomana in Organic Dye Solutions and Their Use for the Creation of Highly Efficient Frequency-Tunable lao-ers" Kiev, Visnyk Akademli Nauk U-krainslkoi MR, blo 11., Nov- 71, PP 9-18 Abstraett Studies on the phyzics of organic dye solution lasers were begun at the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences Ukrainiazn S.811t, In 1966, based on the use of passive dye-solution Q-switches. 7be work has been done in conjunction with the Institute ot Cirganic Che7aistz7, AcadeMy of Sciences Ukrainiazi SSR, which has supplied various types of cyanine dyes for experi- ments. The principal results of these studies are as follouss A theoretical and experliaentzal study was made of' the mec1=1sn for light intensification and generation by solutions of complex organic mole- culeo, and optizal conditions were found for development of the generation 1/2 USSR SHPAK, M. T., and TIKHONOV, YE. 0., Visnyk Akademij Nauk Uka-ains1koi BOR, No no Nov 71, pp 9-18 process on singlet-singlet electron-vib:Lational transitions of these mole- cules. A number of resonance -~4 nduced tonlinear effects In organic dye solu- tions were found and studied for the first time; vizz., supo-rILU-i-Inescence, resonance induction of j fe iayleigh scattering and fLAYap efffect, the ef"' ct of a solution with intensive Raman effect bands on 'the gzneration process and spectrum. Highly effective oreanic dyes ware found which frequency~tuning generation in the visible and near il.91'rarad wavelength rwige by Yarying the composition of the active molecules anct their concen-tration in solutions and by the use of selective cavity elements, Rec,-ntly the authors have been studying the possibility of employing complex orgganic compounds In the crystal phase for the second-harmonic generation of ruby and neoaymium lasers, In intensive harnonic is found to be generatett by tripheny1methane, diphenylnethane# anthraquinone,and some c.yanine dyes. 2/2 7' 0 USSR UDC: 621.373:530.145.6 BELOKRINITSKIY, N. S., ZUBRIL1N, N. G., SHPAX, M. T. "Investigetion of the Transfer of Excitation Enera Bet-ileen Impurity Consters in HeodVmium Under Forced Emission Conditions i v kondeps*rovan. sredakh Meru Transmission in V sb. Peredacha energi Condensed Media-collection of Woe4g), Ye revan, 1970, PI) 73-62 (from Kh- -Radiotekhnika, No 5, MaY 712 Abstract NO,5D228) Translation: The authors studied the spectral composition of forced emission of triv~alent neodymium cation on the transition 4 F, 3/2-"-"11/'2 in phosphat(-, glasses and inorganic liquid POG13-SnCli, ar, a function (if rh(- snar of th---~ curve for effective Iris(--r amp.13fication for the case of dfl,-,pe~rs:jon cavitios, baoed on Fabry-Perot interferometers. When the cavity is tun(id to a regjori close to the maximim of the lUmineseence band, a frequency shi.f-, was obseinted in the minimum, of curves for the frequency.dependence of thresW.d pumping einergy, as well as a flattening of the peak in the vicinity of the -.-ini==, leading to broad-band e:--dssion (-100 cm-2 for triple the plu-pitg enera above the threSh-cid Is the tuning frequency moves away frr-,m the luminescence maximum toward longer waves, two extrema M'-'Y be produced. the short-wave arm of the luminescence band, there is no retuning of the working frequency or broadening of the forced emission spectrum. 'Phe nature 112 BFJOKRINITSKIY, N. S. , et al. .Peredacha eneUii v kondensirovan. sredakh, Yerevan, 1970, pp 73-82 of broadening of the transition 4F3/241'jll/2 and the way in ~rhich the spatial nonhomogeneity of the field of modes generated and the transfer of excitation energy affect the spectral composition of forced emission are analyzed. It is assumed that in the media under study, exchange of excitation en-er&y between optical centers takes place over time intervals no shorter than the times which are typical for peak emission (-10-6 s). A. K. 1/2 043 UNCLASSUFIED PROCESSING DATE--- 271NOV70 TITLE--SUPF-RLUt4lNESCENT EMISSION OF LIGHT FRom ORGANIC DYE SOLUTIONS ~AUTHOR-(02)-TIKHONOV, Ye.A., s4z!.~a~' T COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -_S0URCE--UKR, FIZ. ZH. (RUSS. ED.) 1970p~ 15(2) 344-7 DATE PUBLISHED -------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, PHYSICS ~.;','-TOPIC TAGS --DYE, LUMINESCENCEr RURY LASER, ...:-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 0OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 -PROXY LASER RAIDIATION REEL/FRAME--2000/2203 STEP NQ---~)R/Ot85/71')/")15/002/034410347 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125783 IFTED 2/2 043 UNCLASS I F I ED 'PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOL25783 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EMISSION PROPERTIES OF 10 PRIME NEGATIVE5 M SOLNS. OF lilPRIME, Dit4ETIiYLI~IDOLE'fRICARBOCYANINE IODIDE IN GLYCEROL AT 300DEGREFSKWAS. STUDIED. EXCITATION WAS EFFECTED WITH A PULSED RUBY LASER POLARIZED LINEARLY THE RELATION BETWEEN THE EXCITATION SPECTRA AND THE EMISSION SPECTRA IS DISCUSSED. COHERENCE OF T14E EMISSION WAS DETD. BY YOUNGIS METHOD. FACILITY: INST. FIZ., KIEVv USSR, 112 026 UNCLASSIFIED 'PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--.LUCAL EXCITON ~)TATES IN A NAPHTHALENE CRYSTAL CONTAINING IMPURITIES AUTHOR-(02)-OSTAPENKOr N.I.t SHPAK* M.T. ',COUNTRY. OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-IZVs AKAO. NAUK SSSR, SER. FIZ. 19701 34(3)t 552-6 DATE PUBL ISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTBY, PHY51CS :~.`,.TOPIC.'TAGS--l:XClT0Nv ABSORPTION SPECTRUM, LUMINESCENCE SPECTRUM, NAPHTHALENEw SINGLE CRYSTALt INDO.LEr -FURAN. SULFUR, CHEMICAL PURLTY :~:'_,.-,CCNTROL :MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS t1 CLASS-U-NCLA SSIFIED tPROXY REEL/fRAME-2000112022 CIRC ACCESSICN STEP NO--AP0125610 UNCLASS[FIED 1W.110 I I _no~lr- ------ --- - - .2/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED IJROCE~SSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0125610 IR(; BS TR AB,STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.~ THE ABSORp'rl0N AND LUMINESCENCE A P SPECTRA IN POLARIZE0 LIGHT WERE STUDED OF NAPHTHALENE SINGLE CRYSTALS CUNTG. liNDOLE, THIANAPHI'HENEs 09 BENZOFIJRAN, AT 4.2v 20.4t AND 77DEGREESK. EXCITON SERIES IN THE SPECTRA ARE DISCUSSED, 1. E. THEIR VARIAT.ICN WITH TEMP. AND IMPURITY CONCN. (SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO LOPERCENT). FACILITY: INST. Fit., KIEV, USSR. UNCLASSIFIEG 1 7111-1 - Ell I Ll fel W-71 m I a w UNCLASSIFIED PRCCESSING DATE--17JUL70 "I.TLE-LUMINESCENCE CF PHENANTHRENE WITF, At ~THRACEME IPPURITY ADSORBED .F.ON AAY ZEOLLJE~-tj- 'UTHOR7-DENIS~-~KOt G.I.# LISCVENKO, V.A-# K, M..J* CLNTRY CF 14FC--LSSR -.,,,.CU,R,CE-ZF. PR.IKL. SPEKTRCSK. 197.Ov 12i I Ii 108-12 DATE PLBL ISHEG ----- -7C S.U E!J CC T-ARE A &-T-GH E 14, 1 S T PY T-OPIC TAGS-LUMI.NESCENCEI ANTHRACENEe ZECLITE, ADSORPTION, HEprANEj ZHEMACAL SEP--ARATICN* PHENANTHRENE CENTRCL- PARKING-NC FESTRICTICNS .CCCUPENT, CtASS-UNCLASSIFIEC "PROXY REE.L/FRAPE--1984/1323 STEP NC--UR/C368/7O/Ot2/001/0108/OL12 ,(;IRC ACCESSIEI~ NC--APCC55S54 UNCLASS IF M; cc., s ~Ab' tractin rvice, Ref. Code 0055994 CHEMICAL: mn. (o -70:. A P f-,-116417g Luminescence of phenanthrene with gin antluacene impurity adsorbed on Nay zeolito.: Qsyi,%nkR. SZ,!~ I... Li~!21:Sjjko V. A.. Pa. M-',T4`~ (USSR). Zh. PriN. YMlroxk.: 1970, Sh 12(l), lob-12 (Xuss)~ Fluiore~cence- ghli phosphore~a-nce spectra were recorded at 770K;l ' The samples Wdre prepd. as descrilxd (G L Denisenko, 1968). The inititO concu. of pherianibrplire, gontg. traces of anthratene in heotane "d in zeolitewas 10~3. and 10-'L-10-3x/cm~. Changei R the spectra on evacuation, expqsqre. to - airi and washi~lg -with heptane in- dicate that on exposure to air,;,Ihe hydrocarbons arelorced ~0= the teolite surface where the' M aggregates sbWW to nfixed y crystah. This phenomenon cap be usiA relm 4oWe tr:~ces of anthracene from phenan'threne. V. zitko REEL/FRAME 19841323 USSR UDC '535- 33 YEWAKOVA, YE. G. M.SNOVA, T. L., MALT1011NA, N. N, YOSIN, -A. M., 01NOPRIMKO, 111. 1., CHERti-ISHEV, YE. A., and, SHPAK,- M ~.. ... institute of Phys- Icsto Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, KieV-"~~ "Electron-Vibrational Absorption Spectra iri the Near U11 of Phenylsilane and Rethylphenylsilanes" Kiev, Ukra-Inskly Fi-zicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 17, No 5. Mly 72, Pp 811-817 Abstracts The article describes results of a study of electronic vauor and crystal. absorption spectra for phenylsilarie q6115 S 114 3and. Methylpheny-Isilaries C6H SIH CH as well as a comparison of the ef- 5 2 31 C6l'*5St 102, C6H 5Si (CH3)3 'feet of the silicon atom on the aromatic ring with the effect of carbon in hydroca-bon molecules similar in ctructure. It vias found that replacenent of the caebon atom by silicDn In the tioleculas investignted results in a 300-360 CM incr'easc In the spectrmn shift to the long-wavelen,~th rerlon a-n-d intensi- fication of the transition considered. This indicates great distortion of the hexagonal s)-mmetry of the pi cloud of the phenyl r.Lnl-"in organosillicon USSR YMMOVA, YE. G., et. al., Vkxainskiy Rizicheskiy Zhurnal, Val 17, No ~5, Yhy 72, pp 811-817 molecules as compared to the analogous hydrocarbon nali!cuiea. The spectral data suggcst that 'there ia kyperconjugation between the Si-H bonds and the phnnyl rinG. Electrlortic excitation iz found to have P. Great-:!.- effect r-1 the silyl group them on the --lkyl group, possibly duo to the (p d)-,-interact-ion between silicon and the Di electrons of the aromatic ring. &3 USSR UDC 621-373.826 GANDELIX4N,, 1. L. SAPAj, V. T., TMMIOVj YE. A., and SHPAK, M. T. "Transient Generation of' Organic Dye Solutions During Picosecond Optical Pumping" V ab. Nelineyn. orotsessy v optike (Nonlinear Processes in Optics -- collection of workis),~ Vyp.2, Novosibirsk, 1972,, pp, 70-74 (frorm M-Radintekhnika, No U., Nov 72, Abstract No.11 D148) Mcan~lation: None. USSR UDC 339J94 BABKOV, L. M. XOVNER, M. A.$ MIEL-NIK, V. I., PUChKOVSKAY&, G.-A KhARChONKO, N. P., and ShPAK, N, "Vibration Luminescence, and Absorption Spectra of Benzophenone and Their Interpreta- tion'" Leningrad, Optika. I Spektroskoplyar Vol 35, No 1, Jul 73, PP 58 64' Abstract t Benzophenone has a number of properties that are presently of interest I :-significant piezoelectric effect, 10T%- conversion from the excited. singlet level to the triplet state, high photochemical activity in hydrogen- containing solvents, and effective transfer of excitation energy. The majority of,these effects are due to the characteristics of the, electron structure of the benzophenone molecule, In this study, in-fra-red spectra and luminescence and absorption spectra of benzophenone are obtained and their oscillatory structure is resolved. The problem of normal molecular oscillations of berzophenone in the ground electron state is solved. On the basis of a calculation of the frequencies aand othapes of oscillations the fiequencies are related to types of symmetry. of the C2 group and to oscillations of bonds and angles. The changes in the oscillatory frequencies. with excitation to the singlet and triplet electron states are determined and an interpretation of the vibron transitions is sugge5ted. USSR ux 615 7~~Tl SITAK, R. S., Kiev- Institute of Advarced Training r Pl~, s1clans, Ki y "Classification and 'Use of rilood-Extender Solutions" Kiev, Fanmtsevtichni.j- Zhurnal, Vol 27, No 31 INRY/jUrl 72, pp 25-29 Abstract: On the basis of data given in the literature, the ysrorc!rtles of blood-extender solutions are mvie,..,ed. The comoorition of a tpljat nwnher or salt solutions, solutions cont-alill:ing, compnnents deriva~,cl. frow li%wmi solutions containin,g cotaoid- rort~i,,!a to 0,,~.,anisrt, v.,A that art! mseLi. ar 1,avo -Proro"i, is rtt0;t2fi that, A. A. P,~aU-1--lz =_1 A. G. 52, 1, 193Y) a metholt for tlh;~ preparations fro.-I, sea wnter iW (T~--,C*L VC1 0.,,2, cacl20.2, 11::11010_ 1, 0.1, IFIH)I?Gij. 0.(,I,,I,, -)Ixv~aoz I for this purpo.,ic. At thc_- ]~.,tb. Inteirli-Ilti.(inal'. of `.~.,ramffu,,Alorl held at Moscow in Aug a functiom). classification of solutions was pro,-)om,~d wliielk tImxm into anttshock sr)'~utions, colu- tioms for detoxiffication, and solutions fo-i- pjarent,~-.Wal nut,.~,Itlbll. 'Ble parti-C12r, in antishock solx1tions, which Wiould circulate in th:e 1-3 days, i- ot Jave a molcciAar wcijyit of CX),(,(Y)-70,0OO, wrhi'e ~Iiose in tw)'Iutions for (letuXifi- J. ij catiun, which slao,_Lld be eliiziinated from the blood wltiiin '24 111's.1 ln~lst halre a USSR SUAK, R. S., Far,,ma-%-Isevtichriy Zhunwal, Vol 27, DIO 3., May/Jull 72, I)p 25-29 molecular weigjit, of 10,CV30-20,000. At t~4 Kie-i Inst-itul-,e ft~r the Advanced Training for Physicians, procedures have been develope("! I'Or the preparation of "utes n tides stable concentrated Plasma subct-1%, packa~(Led in, a--u',es. 'Eiis -i c1 Ringer solution, Ringer soil-ition vith glacose, RirZer solution with novacain, Ringer solution ascoribic acid, and Ringer-lactate nolution. On the basis of the research that Ims been conducted, industrial proftuction of -'t,h-- solutions mentioned can be organized. At present only the phanrmies of the IFkra:Lnien SSR prepare thlese solutions in an amount exceeding 200 tojas par year. 2/2 19 615.454.oi4.45 USSR UDC SHPAKJ~'R., Sol Kiev Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians, Kiev "Effect of the Conditions of Sterilization on the Stability of Concentrated Blood Plasma Extender Solutions in Ampules" Kiev# Farmatsevtichniy Zhurnal, voi 260 tio 6, nov/Dea 71, PP 37-40 Abstracti The effects of stex-4-lization at 119-i2loC with steam under pressure on the properties of concentrated blood plasma extender solutions Viere sttdied. Ringer's solution (18.0 g NaOll/al), Ringer's &oluttion ulth glucose (18.0 g NAU/ml), Ringer's solution uith novocain (9.0 g HaCl/W.), and Ringer's solution with Ila Iactate Q.0 g NaCl/ml) were subjected to the action of steam under pressure at 119-1121 C for 5, 7, 10# 15, and 20 min. The sterility of the solutions that had been treated was determined aaoordir4t to procedures of the USSR Pharmacopoeia for the testing.of blood extenders, The pq, the content of physiologically active substances in these solutions, and the con- centration. of products of decomposition of these *ubatances in the solutions were also determined. The results showed that sterilimi-tion under these con- ditions (autoclaving) of Hinger's solution for 5 min, Ringer's solution with glucose of 10 rAin, Ringer's solution with novocain for IJ ~ninl and Ringer's 36 USSR 40 SHPAK, R. S., Farmatsevtichniy Zhiamiag vol 26, uo 6 -Nov/Do c 7:L PP 3, - solution with lactate for 5 min did not ebangs sIgnific-antly the physico- chemical and physiological proyerties, of'the solutions, The concentrated Ringer's solution was sterile after aut6elaving for 5 ~dn. 1/2 009 UNCLASSI FIED P9011-ESSING D;"4TfF--0/ii--_'CD) TITLE--ENZYMIC DETERMINATION, OF GIXCIOSE~ IN RINGER'S SOLU110N C0tlT41r,41*kG GLUCOSE -U- &UTHOR--SHPAK, R.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,5_dU9,CE--FARM. ZH. (KIEV) 14-10t 25( 1), 62-6 WE PUBLISHED ------- 70 508JECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND mEotcAL SCIENCES r.6PIC TAGS--ENZYMEj GLUCOSE, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS .~QNTROL HARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DdCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO P-ROXY FlCHE.NO----FD70/605007/E07 STEP NO--UR/0491/70/025/001/0062/006S .~.IRC-ACCESSATON Na--APOI.39-905, UNCLASSIFIE0 2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-04DEC7C CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139905 A.BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A MODIFIED METHOD FOR AN ENZYMIC DETN-;~ OF GLUCOSE (1) IN A STABILIZED RINGER SOLN., I.S PRESENTED v'I DETAIL. PREP. REAGENT BY ADDING 2.MG GLUCGSE OXIDASE AND 10 MG CRYST. H3 TO 25 ML K PHOSPHATE BUFFER OF PH 5.9~., MIX. ADD 1 ML LPERCENT ALC. SOLN* OF 0 DIANISIDINE. DIL, WITH H SUB2 0 TO 100 ML. ADD 3 ML OF REAGENT TO I ML OF DILD. (1:400) TEST SOLN. HEAT ON A WATER BATH AT 45DEGREES FOR 30 MIN. COOL IN ICE WATER, AD 50PERCI:-:IqT H SUB2 SO SU84 TO 10 ML VOL. MEASURE THE COLOR [NTENSITY OF THE Sol-N. col-C)RIMETR [(:ALLY ~~,-:WIITH A GREEN LIGHT FILTER OR AT 532 NM. -CALC. THE I'CONCN. FROM THE FORMULA,X EQUALS (Y PLUS 0*003)-0.006, 4HERE X IS I CONCN.p AND Y IS THE -ABSORRANCE. THE ACCURACY OF I DETN., IS '~PLUS OR MIN(J$ 2PERCENT wirti .-.,,,,,.LI,GHT FILTERSY AND PLUS OR MINUS IPFRCENt ~'AT 53Z~ NMO FACILITY: .:KIEV. INST. POSTGRAD* TRAINING PHYSICIANSt KIEVs USSR, USSR SHPAK. S. A. UDC: 621.391.81:519.'472 "On Autocorrelation Processing of a Pulse Signal With Stepped Triangular Shape" V sb. Materialy Nauch.-tekhn. konf. Lenin&r. elektrotekhn. in-t svyazi-.--Xl-v----3 (Materials of tile scientitic ~_e_Zri-nicaf Cori- 4P. ferenc; of Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute of Coin- munications--collection of works, No 3), Leningrad, 1971, pp 0 ISS-157 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 3, Mar 72, Abstract No 3A65) Translation: The paper discusses the form of the autocorre- lation Tunction of a triangular pulse, a5.well as -the change in position of the maximum of the function as the pulse shape changes. Resumd. 24 USSR UDC 547.446 SHEVCHUK, M. I., SHPAK, S. T., and DOMBROVSKIY, A. V., Chernovtsy State University Ifw-Halo-w-isonitrosoacetaDhenones and Their Conversion to Aroylcyanides by Reactions With Triphenylphosphine" Leningrad, Zhurnal Organicheskoy Khimii Vol 7, No 5: May 71, pp 1004-1007 Abstract: Reaction of bromomethylarylketones with alkyInitrites and gasseous HC1 or HBr gives good yields of w-chloro- or w-bromo-w-ison:Ltrosoacetoo'henones. Nitrosyl chloride formed in this reaction from isopropylnitrite and HC1 reacts with w-bromo-w-isonitrosiacetophenones replacing the w-brormine with a chlcrine atom to yield their w-chloro derivatives. The products obtained are stable crystalline materials, soluble in common organic solvents. Ifeating equimolar amounts of w-chloro derivatives with triphenylphosphine- (TPP) results In a vigorous exothermic reaction leading to the formation of TPP oxide and aro- matic ketoacid -aitriles. The (,.~--bromo derivatives react'niuch less vigorously in thia reaction. 13 USSR SHPAK. V. D. "Markov Recovery Processes with External Transitions Forming a Semi- Markov Process" Mat. Metody Issled. i Optimizatsii Sistem [Mathematical Methods of Investigation and Optimization of Systems], Preprint 73-37, Kiev, 1973, 56 pp (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal KibernetiRa, No 10, 1973, Abstract No 10V58) 'L Translation: This article suggests a class of randoir processes -- Mnr- kov recovery processes with external transitions, forming a semi-Markov process. These processes, in addition to their discrete components, are characterized by two continuous components. The method of imbedded semi-Markov processes is applied to these processes to produce analy-Lic formulas for determination of their basic characteristics (probatMities of states and time spent in a fixed area of a rhase spice) which, as in the case of semi-Mark -ov processes, satisfy the Markov recovery equation. The only significant limitation used in concluding these formulas is that when tile first (controlling) of the~continuous romponents vanishes, the second (contTolled) continuous component also vanishes. As an illustration of the application of the proco~~ses, a qufaloing system of MIGI I with a liwted num'ber waiting positionn and intensi- 9 USSR SHPAK, V. D., Mat. Metody Issled. i Optimizatsii Sistem, Preprint 73-37, Kiev, 1973, 56 pp ties of arrival and servicing times of requests depudent on line length is studied. In terms of Laplace transforms, the probabilities of states of the system in the transient and stable modes, the distribution of the busy interval, and also the distribution of time to first loss of a re- quest are determined. The solution of these problems in each caFe is reduced to analysis of a system of linear algebraic equations which .5 called a standard system. The corresponding recurrent formulas are pro- duced for solution of the standard system. In the case of the busy in- terval, recurrent formulas are also produced for calculation of higher order moments of this random quantity. From the introduction 2/2 USSR SHPAK. V. D. "Distribution Rule of Busy Pc:riod of Supplementary Channel in M/M/2 Queueing system" Kibernet. i Vychisl. Tekhn. Resp. Mezlived. Sb. [Cybei-nctics arid Coiiiputcr Technology. Republic Interdepartwntal Collection], 1972, \10 18, Pp 49-58 (Translated from Refcrativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1,973, Abstract No 099, by the author). Translation: Methods of embedded semi-Markov processes are used to de'Linc the generating function of the busy period of a supplementary channel ill queueing systems with random utiliZation of channels of type bl/IM/2, whell the stream of arriving requests is nonordinary and thei,c is a delay in Connection of the supplementary channol.' Magnepium USSSR UDC.: 669.721.41 KFXHIN. V. A., VYATKIN, 1. P., (31UKHROV, M. V., SmEua-v.- 1. ToRelationship Between Quality of Magnesium and its Degree of Degassing During Refining" Liteyn. Proiz-vo, Metalloved. i Obrabotka Met, Davleniyem [Foundry Production, Metal Science and Pressure Working of Metals -- Collection Of Works), No 6, Krasnoyarsk, 1972, pp 46-48 (Translated from Refe-rativnyy Zh-urnal Metallurgiya, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8G205, by the authors) . Translation: 11c influence of the degree of oxidation of Mg on the effect of its degassing during refining is demonstrated. The degassing, offect of Mg raw material is twice that of bar remelt. It is recommended that raw Mg be used as the raw material for the manufacture of Mg-based working alloys. I table, 5 biblio. refs. USSR UDC 62-55 KOZLOV, YU. M., LESKOV, V. G. r�RAIMVp V.- M. "An Adaptive Linear System" USSR Author's Certificate No 308417, filed 11 Aug 60, published 2 Aug 71 (from M-Avtomattika, Telenekhanika i Vychislitel'n'a~,a-Teklmik~,, No 7, Jul 72, Albstract No 7A167 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces an adaptive autcmatic linear control system with stability-boundary output. The system contains a main loop and an adaptive loop vhose output is connected to the input of the main loop unit U - -vith the paremeter to be varied, while the in-put of the adaptive loop is connected to the output of the main loop of the system. To improve the accuracy and stability of the system )Then the parameters of the main loop vary over a vide range, the adaptive loop is made in the form of a series circuit comprised of a first filter, a fre- quency doubler, a second filterer-d a phase shifter. USSR UDC 533.69.01 BORISENKO, V. I., SHPAKOVA, S. G. , Institute of Mcchii-nics, Academy of Sciences U]krSSR, "Investigation of the Interaction Between a rluttc-rin.--, Circular Wing and the Flow of an Ideal Fluid" Kiev, Prikladnava mekhanika,, Vol, Viii, ~Io. 7, Jul 72, pp 86-91 Abstract: A method DroDosed earlier by on eof the authors for solving t1he three-dizens ion a! problem with the vibrations of a circ~ular wing in the flow of an ideal lioulid and based on the extension of the theory cf a circular win-~ develope-' by 1(ochin to the problem of steady-suate vibratIcris of such a wing is used to study the interaction between a w-,-y and a fluid at lvw-frequercy oScillations. A method was developed For solving the three-dimensional pr6blem of oscillations of a circular wing in -the-. flou of an ideal liquid, and the hydrodynajnic forces ar-ting on the oscillatinj me-m- brane were determdin,~~d. Expressslons are- obtained for the lift and the longitudinal moment in the case when -the frequency of the oscillations is small and the shape of oscillations of the inemx-aye- coIncides wi-th th:~ first or secopd fo"., of oscillations in a vacimra. it is noted that this probl~,m was solved by E. Van Spige! u8ing the acceleration potential muthod and that 1/2 BORISEIMIKO, V. I SHPAKOVA, S. G., Prl,hladnaya mekhatika, Vol. VIII, No. 7, Jul 72, pp 86-9-1 in final analysis t-be soiuticn of the problem red-uci~.~! to M infinite systw. of alcrebra-ic equ-at-iors. The advantage of the method presented in this Daner is that t'ne -".mression obtained makes t posshie -cc e%Dres-, I dro- -.;y dynamic forces in explicit form in terms of the coc;"Picients determining the wing shape. This facilitates the study of Comple), modes o-E motion when the shapes of the oscillations are unknoim beforehand, as,, 101, exI-9-11ple., in solving problems in hydroaeroelasticity, 2/2 1/2 UNCLASS 1, FI ED Pi-~,0CES5ING DATE-13,"i-OlV70 T EX l.";G I N A L C IJ'-! M f] T A. P H 0 S P H AqAtNZIU~~ H.ETAPBOSPHATE AND CADN', I U M I"I T "I P HJ S P HT EA. " 1ME- T A P H' 0 S HTYSTEMS-u- .A.UTHIIR-(03)-~31J.'-(HALI,'V.,A, G.A., TOKMANY I-A4p SHPAKOVA, V.&I-4 -C0Ui4TPNY OF v,,Fi-1--ussR .SOURCE-Zli. NEORG. KHIM. 19-10, 15(6), 1691'7-3 .DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 "SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY JOP I CTAGS-PHASE DIAGRAM, PHOSPHATEi CADRIUM COMPOUND, BARfUM COMPOUND, CALC IWA PHOSPHATE, IMETAL COMPLEX COMPOUND. -CONTRdL MARKING-NO k-ESTv~ICT1WlS DOCUMENT CLASS-WiCLAS,~HH,1D -CIRC A(:CE55jL),N i*,4(0--AP01'3,)0~.!l UWGLASS!Hi~ij Oil 11INC L A S S I F VEID Pk-OCESSING DATE-13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NJ--AP'-)'!35081 Ass rRACT/EXTRACT--(UJ G.P-0- .43STRACT. SYSTEMS OF t A I P0 SIJB3) SU,32 -64,190 SU83) S032 AND COP0 S0133) SUB2 SUB2'~F'D~0' M8A(PO SUB3) SUB4 (M EQUALS CA OR CD), C0,N6RU&'jTLY M. 880 AND RESP. EACH SYSTENI FORMS 2 EUTECTICS. PHASif'. DIAGRAMS AkE C0f6TfW(,TE0. FACILITY: kOSTOV. It'llf.i.-STROIr. INST.11; ROSTOV, US'sk UNCLASSIFIED T ~7 T C c0 0 f 0, ratio 'Wri tes e - n ol- SlIch a "YS ILL in cr n c, nation 61: 0 l h as eva oaw Cae . re a-Cy TU 3 7 0, vd. a, M'Y.1 A . 3 0-1 0 n t'ne t,,- Al 17 0 n C, JC in a s C11 c: a Q Cc.,- i Vi - n s - r, C. T I- S * W: - darl , . ea cro ac L-i ~ cl 0 d s 110 -is - t o - N:1 -rr~r Is whiCA CO rl--- -- cz., t ~2 on CC r C- tlic- u 'C s r e s v c Co- a Go ~ X P - p C D o r i~ C t E c: u L f us cca-pie-:1 d b e cn, 1-3 t V I yo I nk C-7 17 7' Z S a 1. C as 0 :7 7L or ur, an~ L J_ rid se;is' v 1'r, u i- fo-r uater pol o "o i 1-:7 -.-Ir 41 C! 32 al- to zll~~ oric L, diver;-; 777W __ MEN ,a.W-MRSH i L04, A RVIIIIII-5 IfIlEMIMIJ4 illikkilffloib, NOW 2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PRGC*ESSING DATE--18SEP70 ~.T'WE-EFFECT OF ORIENTATION ON THE,ELECTRICAL STRENGTH OFIPOLYMER FIL-,,',S AUTHOR-(05)-ROMANOVSKAYA, U.Set SHCHERSAXy P.M., VOROBYEVo V.P.It YARTSEVA, COUNTRY 0--USSR ..:,-SOURCE-VYSOKOMOL. SOEOIN. SER. 13 19701 1211)t 27-31 .'~'OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt PHYSICS -TOPIC TAGS--POLYSTYRENE RESIN# COPULYMERr PLASTIC FILMt ELECTRIC PROPERTY MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/0927 STEP NO-.-Ulk/0460/701012/001/0027/0031 212 014 UNCLASSIFIIEO PROCESSING OATE--13SEP70 .v rT ~c R ACCESSION NO-AP0055625 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INCREA$E OF POLYSTYRENE ii) 09 STYRENE-ALPHA-METHYLSTYRENE COPOLVMER (11) FILM ORIENTATION, AS INDICATED BY THE INCREASE IN-fHE BIREFRINGENCE SMALLER Tlq4N OR EQUAL TO 5 T114ES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3t ALSO INCREASES THE ELEC. BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE (E) 30-50PERCENT. A FURTHER INCREASE INTHE ORIENTATION HAS NO EFFECT ON THE E OF 11 AND DECREASES THE E OF 1. UNCLASSIFIED ORGANIZATION OF AIWANCED TPAL.Nj.'X FOR XIARIAMIWDICA1 IN DONFTS)ZAYA OBLAST [Article by C.P. gobets, head ~f Donct9kaya Oblast Herith Shchuchkin,'dleputy heed"or Douetakaya Obl' art H~qlth De, WOMM of Lha oramilizatlonal ui d, u April huosian, N'o sub..Litte Furtimr '1=nrnv4.1,~ent 6f =ceical' care for Lh~- people and ~afcvuardinj~ their health, synEematic extension of the pcrioO of active of Soviet peoplk;, depend, In many respecta, on the competence of publi- health woxkets. 'rhey F~olve problc= that requirt. prefound' rpcctkk1 lknv~. I ladae, keeping regularly infon~ed on modazn advances in =cdicline 4-..d practice, ii high degree of awareness, and a coa=unis.t attitu4e tevard. uo- . In our country, the allocaileiis for public hea t are increasing every yoar; Its matc.ial have is expanding; thc quantity of rxdical opecial1sto to growing, end they should be so used as zz bcst =uct t"l, demanda o~ working people with regard to accesulible and highly qualificd =adical cAre. This abligatea the advinletrators of public hQalth orgaciza- tionA and Inotitutione to br properly trai-id In the field of r,1,iAj;c=,tct, scientific planning. ruid,economics of public health, and to have *ri;h Is personal standards. There arv more than 12.290 physictans and .44,0CV, p.r,-dicall p,,r-- sonnel In Donutokays Oblast. it is a oomplex Eaak to aevantv "hesir qualification% and it cannot be fulfillod by tererrin, u;-c;.Ltc categories of Individuals to courses (wth 4"ence frcm V-rk), t~ or facultion for advanced training of phyaicizr.Le. For thlq rklat;~;n, wr are aearchinr, for me [arms of advanced training for mc~~itis, 1--a1 basert. and we believe that our experience mer.1tr Att411LICTI. Advanced training of puUlic health organizers it tho ublGnt. their attendance in clavaea of modern manage~,znt methods are offered in thrce 40C lndepond4nr groups. A two-yeav school for public health oro,~anixcr.-; waz~ artablished on far bac'k as 1968 for the first group. which In'lud*11 a ;VP J IPS 59 0 UDG 534.232 1 iF DZYGALO, V. I., 'ONOVALOV, C. P., il"OZENTS EIV, V. it. 5~11PALT~*Dv, V. F., MALAKHOV, YU. V. , Institute of `etallurgy and 61r'-5ciences of the Kazakh SSR "A Piezoelectric Radiator" Moscow, Otkrytiya, lzobret!jj~ ~shlen 2a= ve Obraz Ls, v, Tovarnvyu Znztki, No 23, 1970, Author's Certificate No 276552, Filea" 11 Na--v-68', p 147 iNbstract: This author's certificate introduces a piezoelectric radiator Which contains a piezoelectric element and electrode places. As a dtscinguishlnj~ feature of the patent, the reliability is~ improved by mu,-,-king -~-.ach of the t-.ind- ings in the device in the form of a conductive layer of liquiii which is iso- lated from the ambient medium by an acoustically tra-a5P--.,1rPnt membrane tightly connected to the piezoelectric element around the periphery. 1/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATF--040EC,70 'TITLE--ONSET OF THE HYDROGEN ABSORPTION OF STEEL OURIKG CORROSION IN HYDROGEN SULFIDE ELECTROLYTES -U- '-APTHOR-(0Z)-SRPARBERt I-S., SHREYDER, A,Vs; ,,,COUNTRY OF INFO---~USSR ,,.S_0URCE--,ZH. PRIKL. KHIM. iLENINGRAO) 1970t 4'314), 905-7 PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS .TOPIC TAGS--HYDROGENg AOSORPTIONt STEEL, AQUEOUS SOLUTION, SODIUM CHLORIDEv SULFATEt HYDROGEN SULFIDEt CORROSION RATE,.7HERMAL EFFECT, -ELECTRODE POTENTIAL/(U).ST3 STEELtAWOKH13 STEELP WOKH101LOT STEEL TROL -MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO 7PROXY REEL/FRAME--3004/0973 STEP NO--Ulk..!0080/70/043/004/0905/0907 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0131558 1 7 212 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--OqDEC70 2 2 CIRC,ACCESSION NO--AP0131558 R CAC CI ~ --ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STEEL CAN BL DEsrROYED AS A RESULT AA B S D TRH OF H ABSORPTION AT THE SAME TIME THAT THE STEEL IS BEING CORRODED. TH IS THIS POSSIBILITY WAS EXAMD. FOR STEELS IMMERSED IN AQ. SOLNS. OF NA p P -IME PRIME POSITIVE, CL PRIME NEGATIVE, AND -SO SUB4 PRIMEZUEGATIVE APPR (APPROXIMATING DRAINAGE WATER) AT A PH 5v WITH OR WITHOUT H SUB2 S, AND WITH BUBBLING OR WITHOUT BUBBLING OF AIR OR IN'THROO-GH j-HE SOLNS. STEADY W ITH STATE POTENTIALS OF STEEL ELECTRODES WERE IMEASURED: AT 30-90DEGREF-S AND S TATE THE VALUES WERE COMPARED WITH CALCD. VALUES FOR THE H SUBZ -H PRIME THE V POSITIVE AND FE-FE PRIME2POSIT14VE ELECTRODES-,.WHEN THE MEASURED POSIT POTEN POTENTIAL IS LESS NEG. THAN THE VALUE FOR FE BUT 140A E NEG. THAN THE H VALUE, THE 2 PROCESSES MIGHT OCCUR SIMUL;TAJllEOUSLYo~; STEtL ST. 3 CAN VA LUE ABSORB H WHILE IT 15 CORRODED UNDER ALLf"THE CONDITEONS USED. WITH OKH13 3R At S0 STEEL9 H FORMATION IS NOT POSSIBLE DURI~G CORROSION IN 14 SUB2 S FREE SOLNS. AT 70DEGREES AND 90DECREES AND I'S BARELY POSSIBLE AT 30DEGREES AND 500EGREESv WHILE IN SOL-N'.,. SATO. WITH H SU82 5, SIMULTANEOUS CORROSION AND H FORMATION CAN OCCUR READILY. ON THE BASIS OF POTENTIALS MEASURED WITH KH18N10T STEEL,~LOCATING.VIE PRO13E AT SOME DISTANCE FROM THE SAMPLESt H SHOULD NOT.SE FORKED D.IJRINGt CORROSION BUT IT ACTUALLY IS; THERE ARE DISCRETE ACTIVE.AND PASS'LVE SITESt THE LATTER ~,,'_-BECOMING MORE DOMINANT AS THE TEMP, INCREASES* UNCLASSIFIED 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ---RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROCESSES DF-EXCITATION AND INTERNAL _INHIBLTION IN TRACE CONOITIONE0,REFLEXE'S -U- M.K.1 SHPARKOVSKI:Yt IsAf ..COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -;_~.~SOURCE-ZHURNAL VYSSti-EY NERVNOY DEYATELINOSTI, 1970, VOL 20p NR 31 PP -578-584 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND--MEDICAL SCIENCES, BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL -SC I ENC ES 1. %~:TDPIC TAGS--CONDITIOINED REFLEX, NEU;ZOPHYSIOLOGYr SALIVARY GLANDt :,:;C&JTR0L 14ARKI,_NG--N0 R.ESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1997/1908 STEP NU--UR/0241/70/e,)2.01003/051810~84 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APO!20565 UNCLASS IF IED USSR ~~OSTfY. K. and~,Srid'%',-,:~~[44,", ~Amtvk Chair a l' "rtun a ni~n~ -al. i?--.y:35_o1oZ,,-, St4 Ute cherkassy Pedagogical In Ilielationship e t, 4 e c nthe Processes of !excitation and ::_ntv_-na1 'lr~,ibiLioa '1'rlde Conditioned ~.eflexeslf `ervncy DeyaLellnosli, 'io :p Mosccrr, Zhurnal Vysshey J. NJ C; Abstract: The interact~_3oa of exc.Itation and Ln~%_;b4_7.ion was 1r, az."rla da-,-_in.7 the formation a,d stabilizaricn of l6race co,~Jitioncd rC1,_-.w:eS b,,r tria ard secretary mQthods. Durirg the formation al' -tr~_ckii ref. Iexes, ihe azwunt of socration L-1 -rasponse to the poSitive sign;sl _-c-cro&;;cd Ti:~ero wa,,; a to_?.porarzy --s- regariless of the net-~-,cd e,-,playad to form the reClex. d~ 1,ion in the stabilization pariod. i, -~- ~n the tema- iradbition o. ifferentia Ch, perature of the parotid gland, socretion, and reaction ol~ t~he ai*aii.-al '~o tne w stimuli of the trace reflexes varied with the methad of thrzir in- dividual traits and the state of tie ardmal durin.~, the The trsce conditioned reflex formed from a pre-ex-istin.n. reflex by gnduailly Dause was characte.-nized by a rise in temperature oj -zhe glii.n~ :1.11 110s:~~1:150 zu cond.4tioned stimull;s, INTner. a trace conditioned reflex wa,; dir(-;,ctiy 1r, r0- 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSLNG DArE--230CT70 C I RC. ACCESSION NO--APOL20565 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TRACE -5 ADNI THE- DY,%-A,4[CS OF NERVOUS PROCESSES IN THF_ C014D ITIONED REFLEXE PERIODS OF THEIR FORMATION ANO STAB ILI ZArION, WERE SI-0031ED ON SEVEN DOGS, ANO THERMOELECTRIC METHODS WUE APPU~D, Irj rHE FIRST PERIGO THERE WAS A CONSIDERABLE OECREASE IN THE MAGNITUDF$ OF PRELIMINARILY-FLABORATED POSITIVE CONDfTIONED REFLE;(ESt AND 1.14 THF_ SECOND THEY-WERE OFTEN OISINHIBITED FOR A SHORT T114l-. If HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED-THAT THE NATURE OF THE TRACE CONDITIONED REFLEX, OF TEMPERATURE-. CHANGES IN THE PARCITIC GLAND, OF SECRErrON ANO THE 3EHAVIOUR OF THE DOG- IN-qESPONSE TO THE STIMULUS OF A FRACF A.-PLEX DEPENO ON THE MANNER OF ITS FORMATIONt ON THE ANIMALIS, INDIVIDUAL:PROPFRT[ES AND ITS STATE DURING THE EXPERIMENT. FACI~LJTY: CHAIR OF HUMAN AND ANIMAL!S P:flYs1nL0GYt PEDAGOGICEL INSTITUTE, CHERKARSY. U,,IrLASSIFIED USSR UDC 0'69.29:620.183 TIRASPOL-SKIT, V. I., KOTLYAR, A. A. , GRODSKIY, E, A., NBONOVA, 0. YA., RATNER, L. A., and Sh?kRO, N. B. "Thin Structure and Properties of Deformed and Annealed Twngston Single CrystaIr", Sverdlovsk, Akadc,,Taya Nauk 555R, Fizika Metallov i Netallovedeniye, Vol 29, No 1, Jan 70, pq 175-1710 Abstract: Structural chan.-es occurring in tluagston single crystals durIn'..? hot rolling and subsequent annealing were investigated, using the mothods of X-ray diffraction microscopy and by measuring the microhardness and r6sidual oloatricaj. resistance at the liquid nitrogen torporature (78*K). Tho experimental tochnique and procedure for producing tungsteri.single,crystals are described. X-ray photo- graphs are presented of single crystal structuro before and after rolling, and also of samples strained at 30~' and annealed at various tompora.ures (1200 to 214000). They show that' the dislocation density inside tho subgrains increases with strain, and at 25~ the subgrain boundaries are no longer discernible. This state is conditionally characterized as prefragmentary. AtE = 27,lvi a quali- tatively now fragmentary state occurs. The substructure and properties of do- formed (up to A'~) tungsten single crystals after annealing at various tempera- tures are studied. 1/2 USSR MRASPOL'SK11Y, V. I., et al, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Fizikz LqatnUov i Metallovedoniyos Vol 29, No 1. Jan 70, pp 175-179 The variation of the residual electrical resistance and nicroliardness of samples deformed at 25 and 30~ and annealed at 9000 aro presented in gaphs and analyzed. The res;ilts shm that hot rolling with 30 strain produces a prafragmentary or fragmont-ary substructure, depending on strain. The step-by-step annealing of single crystals with a prefragmentary substructure induces only relaxation and polygonalization. In the case of a fragmentary substruottwe it also induces ro- crystallizatiou, which leads to a totAl softoning and a parfect atructure. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. 2/2 54 Q MIRI, RIP1,1111,911RIM LWR UDC 547.419.1 YURCHRNKO, P. I., ZHMUROVAt 1., L. R# , RIMANOV, A. V. Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy oT Sclenceat Ukraine in SSR "The .' Auxoahromic Effect of the Triphonylphosphinomethylene GrouV' Leningrads Zburnal Obahchey Khimil, Vol 42(104), Vyp li, 1972, pp 2354-2359 Abstracti The wave length of maximum absorption -- in the range of 400-600 nanameters -- was measured for axobanzenes of the general formula 4,4'-YC6 HjX ---VC H X in acetonitrile banzene and heptane. Y groups genera ly had t7he form o~ tCH,) H anii various triphenylphosphine groups. The X groups were generally SyUogen or organic acids. ~ The synthesitt Is Siven for several of these compounds not previously reported in the literature. For the Y group (C6H 5)3P the wave length of maximum absorption waa slightly higher than or equal to compounds containing the Y g=up (CH ) NI; holKaver, 2012 the (C6H I P for both of these groups is significantly less than r 5"3 CH group. The wave length of maximum absorption was also determined for a series of azostilbenes of the form YGAP-:~--CH%J141" N- C6 Hj~, USSR YURCHENKO, P. I., et al.t Zhurnal Obshchey Kbiiaii, Vol 42(104)t Vyp i1, 1972, Pp 2354-2359 These compounds can be prepared from the coi responding azobenzene as followst -11,CG114N=NC(,114X (Cal CO The for the azostilbenes is in general about 20 nanaireters longwr max than the max for the corresponding azobenzene, Preparative jTo- cedures and physical data are given. 2/2 21 121 N-41 11; 11 .~ I Nlva~fj 191119; AM 'ONCLW~'SIFI'El PNOCESql'4^p DATE -020CT70 0 t2 ~: JITLE-IMPLEIENTATION OF LENIN'S OUTLINES IN THE ARCTIC RESEARC14 -U- AUTH0mi'-(02)-TAESHNIKOV, A.F.v SHPAYKER9 A.G. COUNTPY GF INFO-USSR, ARCTIC OCEAN -k~_SOUKCE--0KEAN0LUGIYA# 1970, VOL 10o 14R 2w PP 198-212 DATE PU~LlSHED------70 ~-SWJECT AREAS-EARTH SCIENCES AND ')CEANOGRAPHYv ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES JOPIC TAGS--GEOPHYSIC EXPEDITION, ARCTIC CLIMATE, ARCTIC GEOLOGYv "LIGRAPHIC DATA9 ME _OCEAN TEORDLOGIC. DATA "CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -!PROXY kEEL/FRAME--1990/1392 STFP NO--IJR/0213/70/()10/002/0198/0212 CIRC ACCtSSIGN NO--AP0109458 UNCLASSIFIED Z/2- 012 UNCLASSI FiED: PROCESWIG DATE--020CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109458 .,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(.U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. V. I. LENIN GAVE N4UCH ATTENTIO-14 TO THE AFCTIC STUOIES FROM THE FIRST DAYS OF THE SOVIET PnWER. ON THE 2NP OF JULY, 1918, AT THE MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF PEOPLE'S COMUSSARS HE SUPPCRTED A PROPOSAL TO ORGANIZE THE HYDROGRAPHIC EXPEDITION T9 TLiE ARCTIC OCEAN. BUT THE INTERVENTION INTERFERED. ON THE 4TH OF MARCH, 1920, BY LENIN-S PE~SONAL ORDER THE PRESIDIUM OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF NATIONAL ECONOMY DECIDED TO ORGANIZETHE NORTHERN SCIENTIFIC (;OMMERCIAL EiPEDI TION WHICH WAS LATER REORGANIZED INTO THE,JNSTETUTE nF 14ORTHERN STUDIESt THE ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC RESEARCH 1NSTITUTE.t THIS EXPEDITION ALSO GAVE B-IRTH TO THE INSTITUTE OF ARCTIC GEOLOGY. ON . THEM IGTH OF MARCH, 19Z1, Vo 1. LENIN SIGNED A DECREE ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE FLOATING MARINE RESEARCH INSTITUTE WHICH TOGETHER WItH 7HE CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF FISHERIES.RESEARCH GAVE BIRTH TO THE ALL UNION I.NSTLTUTE FOR FISHERIES RESEARCH AND OCEANOGRAPHY. AS AN IMPLEMENTATION OF LENIN'S OUTL-INES A WIDE PROGRAM OF INTEGRAL OCEANOGRAPHIC AND HYDROMETEOROLdGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN THE ARCTIC BASIN AND IN THE MARGINAL ARCTIC SEAS WAS COMPLETED. THE STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF THE 05TAINED DATA YIELDED INFORMATION OF GREAT THEORETICAL VALUE. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS AND REFERENCE MANUALS ARE THE PRACTICAL OUTCOME COVERING THE OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE SHIPBUILDERS9 PORT SPECIALISTSIAND OTHERS CONCERNED., FACXLITY~4- ARKTICHESKIY I AN TAIR KTICHESKIY N-1 INSTITUTO UNCLASSIFIED UDC 62 1. 1. 5. 1`92 (C E'8. 8) GORYU-117011, I r_'-O*V, V. Y','. V. ant! i~' ysico, Inst'.V;utc 1!~eni A. F. Ioffe "I'llethod. of Prep_n;Ang Copp-ar-j Tin-, and FhocphOrV_z-_'~I-_.'i0 S-IrW10 CrYStair," d USSR Authors' Cartficaifa Vo 2~2210, a cj 2j (11~cL ), Mal 11 Jun 68, 12 NO published Jul 70 (from VO 3- 1-4= 71, Abst---act Translationj T,,.c~ ncthr;_- of 1~1 nk-", CU, 1"n-, crystalf~, 41 S. Jt i i i thz~.L th'_, I.I. IR xL, [7.'! 0, 1 0 aolu-I"Loa iij z,n n L i~J.Lii 11L, -4 6:-~ 2.?_~ - 1,~ t) I ". ~- F j.s 1.1,-.!:c:n -.,itth z:.-n is conduclued excess G-P 1-1.C at, 1000-1u.) 03C _I_..L. h,.r ulth svbs,~aucmt slo!, cool." w.: a rat(, cv,~ -10rL -1 dedhrl 41. _-A I'lilF A1 N rm ;IU .,111 1 U1,;IAT 1; "MI! USSR UDC 621.376.2 BRONNIKOVA, YE. G., LARIONOV, I. M., 'SER, 8 IA%PI 2N "Problem of Planning and Designing High-Frequency Single-Layer Single-Side Mid Filters" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-takhn. sb. ~Electronic Engineering. Scientific and Technical Selection), 1970, ser. 9, vyp. 2, pp 45-58 (from RZIi-lladiotekh- nika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9D230) Translation: This article contains an investigation of three possible schematics for single-layer filters. The difficulties in planning and designing such filters for high-frequencies are demon- ntrated. The basic problems arising when designing such filters are listed. Thera ara 161. illustrations and a four-entiy bibliol;raphy. _30 USSR UDC: 61e2.822.3.08 L,,_L. V., Physiology of Vision Laborato y DUDKIN, K. N. and Headed by V. D. Glezer) and the Scientific-Technical Division eaded by N. S. Slepchuk) of the 1. P. Pavlov Institute of Physi- M ology, USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad "Construction of Postatimulus Histograms on the 'Veuron-11 Analyzer" Leningrad, ,Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR im., I. M. Sechenova, No 10, Vol 58, 1972, PP 1636~-1638 Abstract: Histograms of the poststimullus time (PST) are used in many neurophysiological investigations in the analysis of neuron responses to stimuli, these histograms being obtained through mea- surement of the time of the pulsesin response to the stimulus, and the accumulation of the measured time intervals repetition of the same stimulus. The purpose of this article is to show how such histograms can be constructed with.the "Neuron-l" analyzer. A block diagram of this inatrument in.the mode of time interval syn- chronous summation, the mode in which poststiz[ulus histograms are constructed, is given together with a description of the equip- ment's operation. A sample of the poststimulue histogram of a USSR UDC: 612.822.3-08 DUDKIN, K. H., et al, Piziologicheakiy zhurnal SSSR im. 1. M. Se- che.nova, No 10, vol 58, 1972,:pp 1636--1638 light-stimalated neuron is shown. 2/2 USSR SIIPET G. Biologicheskiye osnovy i metody massovogo kul'ti:Lovaniya kormovIyIen 1_'ez:-)ozvonochnykh .(Biological and Methods of Mass Cultivation of invertebrate Feed, 'by 1. V. Ivleva, Mosco Xauka, 1969, 171 pp. ~w Kiev Gidrobiologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 6 No 3, Ma' ,/Jun 70, r~p 1-j" -137 Abstract: Cu]-tivation of invertebrates is of utmost interest in connection wit"I their use as feed for fish production. Crayfish, worms, anr" other species are used fish under artificial conditions. Mass production of free- to feed young, living nematodes, arterdsia, dapImia and other species are t.Hescrib~-:!d, to,~ether with the necessary equipmint, proper food, incubation periotia, riaturation periods, the density of the cultures, maintenance of developmental conditions, e-Uc. Accord- ing to t'.,e title of the book, one would expect to finei in i*~ c1ata on the cultiva tion of various worms used for fish bait, as well as data on the incubation of var- ious species. However, the material contained in this book.-Is IJXdted to in,'rerter- brate feed in fishraising. A 13,4 0 V 7 0 1/2 008 UNC L;A S S IF[ PROCES'SING DATF E-- SYNTHE S I SOF NITkG;GEN1-,US OfkIVATEVE~ C& PHENCAYACE'ric ;ftclot i. T I T -U- AZOMETHINES AUTHGk-(Q2)-SHPEY'lR# L.F.i PAVLOVSKAYAP14.YE. 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,.~..:SOURCE--U.KR. KH!M. ZH. 1970p 361 1), 75-7 :DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AR -CHEMISTRY SU5Jt V EAS AGS__o .,:~TOPECT -GANIC.-SYNTHESIS, ORGANIC f41 T`OGEN COM-Pout4D, Azo Com"OUND CONTROL MARKING-ND RESTPICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 REEL/FRAME-2000/1974 STEP NO--UR/0073/70/036/001/oo75/0077 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0125563 j 2:/,2 008 UNCLASS IF I FP 0~',OCESStNG DATE-- 131"JGV70 -~CIRC ACCESSION IN-0-AP0125563 .-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- A6STRACT, P - H ("I CSUB6 H S064 CH.'] A?JD M AND 0 H SUPIZ 14C SUB' H SU34 Gli Ft"'R;-!, AFTER 1,5-20 MIN AT 500E(.t~EES' I 'A"40 P, (4rWIC SU,50- 1-1 SU134 CH,;flC SU36 ii SUaq 011y' 111. 2~00E-G 1~ 17 F: S 52DEGREESt RFSP. AFTER 413-50 I'l[Ni THE, LAT',Ek MUXTi GAVE A (OMPL11. F~-F THE SAME BANAL. M. 146DEGPEES. (LONGER HUATiNG C-AIJSED DECOMPM. OF- THIL AZO;-ItIETHINE) . THE FOLLOWMG Y,I:X,HOC :~SU136 H SUB-It~:Ctl:N)C 5IJ96 H SUB-f OCH I(X,Y, AND 1M.P. GIVEN): M, SU32,C9 SUB2 H WERE SIMILARLY PREPD. 171-3DEGREES; 0,P, L90D&GREES; Prmt 113DEGRFE:S; P'p 2190E:(~REES. X, ml SUb2 CCH SU32 OC SUF36 11i SUE34 CHO At-40 Y:I.H SUB2 NC SUB6 li SW34 otIC SU82 CO SUL12 H LJKEWISE GAVE AZi~;-,,=1rH1N;:-:5 (XYt! AND M.P. GJLVErj); 004, 156DEGRFES; 90, 2240a-GREES; PrM, 1,~30EGRELS; Pil-11, 248DEGREES. Tlif SAIAL CC;~IPDS. M. 154DEE c -GI ::ESv 228DEGREFSt 146DEGREES, AND, WERE PREPL). BY REACTI OF X,H(C SLJF36 H W14 CH:PA, SU46 H 5064 OHtY 41TH CLCH 502 CO SJt32 lit 3UT THE YIELOS 'WERE POURER. FAC I L I ~T.Y KHAR'KOV. SEL'SKUKHjZ. INST. .1m. 00KUCHAEVAp KHARKOVI USSR, -4 ;-f-;NC L A SI F1) imm ri fis ~mm h.; in n Writ i4m, fin b n fimm. 11himmil hill ll i hn i 11 i i di A mi .......... lamm"ImMil NEW 030 UNCLASSIFI~ PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 .,_:T-4TLE--CREEP OF METALS IN TENSION AND COMPRESSION -Ll- _,.~,AUTHOR-(02)-STEPAN0V, V.A., SHPEYSMANP V.IV. .:.-'COUNTRY OF KNFO--USSR OURCE-FIZIKA METALLOV I METALLOV EDENItt FEB. 19,70, 29, (2)t 375-380 PUEIL ISHED-.--FEB70 .,.:,SUBJECT AREA53--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--CREEP MECHANISM, TENSALE STRESSt COMPRE$SIVE STRESS7 LEAO ALLOYs COPPER ALLOYP ALUMINUM ALLOVi HIGH TEMPERATURE EFFECT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFTED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0337 STEP NO--UR/0126/70/OZI)/002/0375/0380 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129569 UNIC f- S_ f F -1 E 01- 101,16fil 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC7C CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129569 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RELATION BErWEEN THE CREEP CHARACTERISTICS OF PB, CU, AiND AN AL ALLOY UINDER TENSION AINO COMPRESSION .(AT THE SAME ABS. STRESS) WAS STUDIED. THE STEADY CREEP VELOC[ry 'D MAR EDLY IN EACH ATTAINED UNDER COMPRESSION AND TENSIONt RESP.j, DIFFERE i~ CASE. THIS DIFFERENCE WAS ATTRIBUTED TO THE EXISTENCE OF AT LE,-',ST TWO DIFFERENT ATOMIC MECHANISMS CONTROLLING THE CREEP PROCESSt THE RELATION BETWEEN THESE MECHANISMS BEING SENSITIVC-To TIAG SIG~% Or THE APPLIED STRES.So THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CREEPJN THE TWO~UIRECTIONS WAS GREATEST 'AT LOW TEMP.; AT HIGH TEMP,. ONE OF THE ~ATOMIC- 14ECHANISMS WAS DOMINANT AJD TENS ILE AND COMPRESSIVE CREEP WERE MORE SIMILAR. USSR UDC ~621.81:621.78 VORONIMA, L. V., SHPEYZMAN. V. M., BABEY, YU.& I., and VEYNGARTEN, A. M. "Influence of Surface Hardening on Properties of Structural Steels" Sudostroyeniye, No 2, Feb 71, pp 47-53 Abstract; Studies were performed to deternmine the influence of the form of microirregularities on the physical properties of surface-hardened steel specimens. Specimens of type 20 steel and type 12 KhN3A steel were subjected to carburizing with sur- face rolling, while specimens of type 40 Kh tDteel were subjected to induction hardening. Microhardness and surface smoothness of the specimens were measured. Carburized.type 20 steel was found to have a maximum microhardness of about 900 kg/mm2 at 0.1- 0.3 mm from the surface. Surface rolling waa found to increase surface smoothness, increasing the radius of curvature of peaks and hollows, thus improving the operational properties of the metal. Fatigue tests were also Oerformed in nir and in a 1,14 aqueous solution of sodium chloride. The surface rolling increased 1/2 fatigue strength, particularly in the salt solution. Type 20 steel carburized with subseqUent surface rolling was found to be equal to alloy steels in fatigue strength. The fatigue st:rength of type 40 Kh steel was increased by almost 50% by induction hard-oning. Tile hardening processes were also found to decrease the coefficient of friction of the metal surfaces. Corrosion resistance was;little changed by the treatment, however. 212 Converters USSR UDC 621.374.5(088.8) GITROVITS, L. S., MAYUTIN, S. G., SHPIGHINETSKIY, YE. S. "Procedure for Combining a Piezoconverter with the Acoustic Line of an Ultra- sonic Delay Line" USSR Author's Certificate No 278746, Filed 29 Jul 68, Published 16 Nov 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 111, Abstract No 4G269P) Translation: A procedure is proposed for connecting a piezoconverter to the acoustic line of a delay line by a matching layer of indium alloys under pressure and Lhermal conditions. In order to increase the pass band of the delay linet the piezoconverter and the acoustic line are connacted by a layer of indium-thalium-silver alloy containing 0.3-5.0 percowt thalium, 0.3-2.5 percent silver and under a pressure of 25-30 kgjmT~2 at 130-135' C, and they are held under the indicated conditions for 3-6 hours. In order to increase the sound propagation rate in the matching layer, the latter is cut in the form of a plate of alloy rolled into foil at an angle of 40-45* to the rolling direction. USSR UDC: 533.9... 16 BEREEZHETSKIY, M. S., GREBENSHCHIKOV, S. Ye., KOSSYY, I. A., SBITNIYCOIIA~ I. S.. SHPIGELI, 1. S. "Electrostatic Probe Measurements on the L-I Stellarator" Tr. Fiz. in-ta AN SSSR 0-1orks of the Physics Tnstitute, Academy of Sci- ences of the USSR), 1973, 65, pp 82-99 (from *Rzh-FiziXa' No 6, Jun 73, abstract No 6G356) Translation: The paper describes methods of using electrostatic probec to.measure the parameters of a plasma injected into the L-3. sterl'.1-arator by a spark source. Isolated T,_-ij-,iuir probes, an emitting probe, a raulti- grid electrost-atic probe,and de-nabin probes wort- used to niutsure tile pla:~"11'1 potential, electron ternperaturc, ion temperature, ion conquntration, fluc- tuating ion flow to the wall of the chajrber~ and quasiconstant ion fluxes. The probe design5 and electrical measurement ~setup are dezc-ribeil, and the possibilities of the probe method under conditions typicia for the L-I stellarator are discussed. A brief review is given of the principal results of measurements. Bibliography of 22 titles. USSR UDC: 533.9...16 LANILKIN, 1. S., SHPIGP-T',_I. S. "A New Double-Path Stellarator Design" Tr. Fiz. in-ta AN SSSR (Works of the Physics Institute, Academy of Sci- ences of the USSR), 1973, 65, pp 50-64 (rrom RZh-Fizika, No 6, Jun 73, abstract No 6G344) Translation: A number of requirements are formulated for toroidal systems. A rev double-Dath stellarator design is proposed wilich Is capable of satis- _fying these requirements. The new system differs from preceding designs in the high stability of the field configuration as to stri-,ctural orrors . and has improved properties wbich ensure confinement of plamna and individual particles. The design of' the system gives readly access to ths! varking volume azid provides excellent vacuum conditions, as well. as having light mechanical loading of the most complicated elements of hardware. Bibli- ography of 11 titles. USSR UDC: 533.9 ... 16 GEL, I. S. S HPI "Concerning a Governing Principle of Plasma Diffusion in Stellarators" Tr. Fiz. in-ta AN SSSR (Works of the Phy6ics Institute, Academy of Sciences tfrom RZh-Fi Aa, No 6, Jun Y3, abstract of the USSR), 1973, 65, pp 5-10 zL No 6G363) Translation: Within the framework of the present conception of the collision mechanism of plasma diffusion in toroidal systems, an analysis is made of a irjmber of published experiments on plasma containment in stellarators. Calcu- lations of diffusion conditions made on th~3 basis of the theory showed that in the cases analyzed there should be an actual observable experimental linear relation between the time of plasma containment and the rotational conversion angle of a line of force of the magnetic field. 1A 40, iS U S SJR UD-C, 533-1 ALIKRIN, L. B. and 3HPIVGELIBURD,,I. Ya. Iree lllove~ment of aGyroscope with -2lexible Axis on a ".1ovable Base" Sb. Nauclun. tr. Navosib. elektrotekhn. in-t (Sci~!ntific Tra=ac- tions of th~3 -`.ovosibirsk Electrical ':-,n~7ineer4in-r, Institute-collec- tion of1works) 1970, ~Nro, 2, pp 144-161"(from 14~o. 2, Feb 71, Abstract -'-4o. 2A77) Translaticn: The equations of motion are given for an incomplet-ily symmetrical gyroscope with a flexible axis, sift up on a movable base, with nonlinear internal friction forces, periodic ccm-ponents of transmi'ted accelera~-icns of the base, and other disturb' U LI ;I ing factors taken into account. By means of these equations, cn the basis of asymptotic methods of th theory of nonlin~:-ar oscill~iticns, a studyLis made of the various modees of the gyroscope motion in- eluding transient ones (in transitions through fundamental and parametric resonance). The paper considers a symmotrical -yro- scope with a flexible axis under a lonf~itudinal compres:T-ive Iforce caused by a slowly varyi-ri- component uf the lorigitL~dirial projres- sive acceleration of the base. V. V. Kremeatulo F-- Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: CHE,,,IICAL ABST. Ai-77 4-' -AP00314220- OCY7 V f- 71269s Complexing of titanium with ff-beuxoyl- and PI- cinnamoylpheny1hydroxylallupes studied by :aii ewazt oi method. Lobanov, LL. * ; Fes'kw - I'M Savostinai V. al V& Shpigun, C Xr. IvI. (,kl'6sk. Gos. UMV.0 Iiloscowl -Tt)1-4 (RUSS) Oklli I 7 ZW. Nearg. Mww was extd. frorn &N HCIO, by C61-14 01n.A N-mbenzoy~J":nVI, h)droxylarniue (FIA) or Al-einnaft~oylptietiylliydroxl,lamiti(1 -en. as"log k,' (HA), Extn. coasts (k.) by R-k a~d HA', Kk are 9.61 :f- 0.04 arid ~.94 OXA' resp. , Stability cowiti. fKz u6 or by th-t L. Siflen' to K4 and 0), detd, by the, Bjerr Dyrssiln (1053) are tabulato" ~Or i+fA-TA(IV) coniplex, log a. is -46.2 and for [W-Ti(N) comple;x 1-52-0. HM TR RETIM/FRAME 19710873 IMM "I"i I MIR, "Iffir I USSR SIiPII:jIBERG, A. YA., et. al. expression k~jz)=j'Xdj. i.e, ,k(T) 0 where > n. A miet-hod is suggested for determining the weight vector X if the vaLues of the auto- correlation function k(T) are fixed where 1T~ < n, allowing a shift register with linear feedbacR to be used to construct:simple process generators far with fixed, rapidly attenuating. autocorrelati,on functions. processes USSR UDC 631.811:632-95.026 _SH=jYg__L. Kh.. Plant Genetics Department of the Academy of Sciences of the "Effect of Liquid Top-dressing with Trace Elements on the Damage of Beans by Bacteriosis" Moscow, Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve, No 9, 1971, pp 43-44 Abstract: A study was made in 1966-1968 of the effectiveness of liquid top dressing under the conditions of Moldavia where beans &re damaged annually by bacteriosis. The experiments were performed with a regionized variety Kishinevskiy Shtamboviy I and a prospective variety Kishinevskiy Bomba 5. Data are presented -for control lots (sprayed with water) and lots on which NPK, PK, K and N macrofertilizers and trace elements in the form of CuS04, ZnS04 MnS were. applied. 04 0114)1104 and "3B03 In the experiment with trace elements, the lowest amount of damage to both varieties of beans from bacteriosis took place in the version using phosphorus fertilizer. Liquid top-dressing with nitrogen fertilizer in 1968 had a low effect. The damage to the leaves of the beans in this version was h.Lgher than in the control version. In all versions, with the application ol 1/2 C2 Ma3m- 1011 ~ M ~ WE R -, ~ ~ W 1 f - I ~ T 7~772,M USSR SHPILER, L. Kh., Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve, No 9, 1971, pp 43-44 trace elements the damage to the leaves and beans themselves from bacteriosis was reduced. The leaf damage was lowest in the versions using copper and zinc. The solutions were applied in the amount of 600-800 liters/hectare of 2 percent.mineral fertilizer and 0.05 percent trace element salt. USSR UDC! 681.3 ARVICH, P. N., MFYTILISH, A. L., SHPILETZKAYA, Z. V. "Mathematical Model of Binary Channeis Considering Actual Statistics of Distribution of Failures" Metody. I Sredstva Tekhn. Kibernet., [Methods and Equipment of Technical Cybernetics--Collection of Works], No 10, Riga, 1970, pp 31-41, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 5, 1971, Abstract No. SVS99). No Abstract. USSR SHPILEVO A. YA. "Use of Method of Conformal Mappings for Construction of Filtration Flows in One Class of Pieceivise-homogeneous Mediall Tr. Kafedry Teor. i Eksperim. Fiz. Kaliningr. Un-t. [Works of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, K;Iingrad University] 1970, Vol 3, pp a 97-104- (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Mekhanika, No 1, 1972, Abstract No 1B122S by M. W. Khmellnik). Translation: A solution is presented to the planar problem of determination of complex potentials of filtration flows in a piecewise-ho-mogeneous mediun, the division boundary of the homogeneous zones of whicli is a curve defined by the equations I+ 2~ a$ + It 2~ a-4.12) Me a>1. c>0 (-oP-O The flow is defined with respect sLngular points through a complex flow potential created by these points in the homogeneous medium. For this, the author first studies the Rieman surface, consisting of 2 examples of flow plane 7~x+iy and, using a Zhuh-evskiy transform 1/2 USSA SHPILEVSKIY EDUARD "Optimal Classification of Observations of Random Processes" Stat. Probl. upr. Tr. Seminara. Vyp. I (Statistical Problems of Control, Works of a Seminar, No 1 -- Collection of lVorks] , Vil'nyus, 1971, pp 61-75 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika., No 1, 1973, Abstract No I V344 by A. Dorogovtsev).~ Translation: The random vector process 0 of class A.. is defined by a system of linear stochastic equation5: dot f)d1-Fr.1jCt, Ili, Odw,, d~(==A~ (If. I) dl-!- A, Qt, I)Of tit I) dull with indepeadont vinerian multidimensional processes w (t) 2 N. It is assumed that the a priori~probiabilities pi of values Lli, i 1, ..., N and the loss function I losses when process ()tis re- lated to class A. if e actually belongs to class A. -- are knuivn. The problem consists in determining the class to which the process 0 belongs; t 1/2 SIIPILEVSKIY EDUMD, Stat. Probl. upr. Tr, Seminara. Alyp. 1, Vi Pnyus, 1971, pp 61-75. based on observation F,sin [0, t]. 'Ibe, optimal classification is that in which the decision that 0t belongs to class Ak is made if litp '< IIIP (Afl~s), i~- AT. i.A Based on the results of R. Sh. Liptser and A. N. Shir 'vayev (RZINat, 1969, 77V48), equations are produced for the a posteriori probabilities P(A Examples are studied. 2/2 36 -------------- USSR UDC: 621.317-77 MAYEVSKIY, S. M. , BATLICE VICE K. , SHFILIKO V. U. UXACHMIKO, L. F. TROMIMETS, A. P. "A Wide-Band Automatic Phase Meter Frequency Converter" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekbn. konferentsli po radioteklin. r::!1-, ill "Ya. T. 2 Oe- ports of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Cori f ereace on Radio Engineer- ing Measurements. Vol. 2), Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 99-101 (from R"I'li-Radiotekh- nika, No 12, D~c 70, Abstract No 12A332) Translation: To measure phase displacements over FA broad frequency ranF,,,:, frequency conversion is used in niany phase, neters in or6*.r to transfer the measured displacement to a fixed low frequency. 'Phe autLors describe one c.rcuit for this kind of conversion with a frequ.?,ncy shil'ter a-;, the hetern- dyne voltage source. Block diagrams are presented, and the pn~yerties of the shaper and converter are described. The proposed circuit vas used by the authors to transfer measured phase shifts to a frequeacy of 277 Hz in the frequency band f"r-cm 500 H% to 100 kHz. An estimate is giver. for -the phase error when the voltages to be compared are distorted by odd harmonies. Bibliography of one title. E. L. 39 Mining, Pe tr6 leiiii. Geolcigical, -USSR UDC 553.982.003.12:56.07 NESTEROV 1. 1. SUPILmm, V. 1. "Procedure for Evaluating Predicted and Prospective Reserves" Moscow, Geologiya nefti i gaza, No 6, 1972, pp 1-6 Abstract: A procedure for evaluating predicted and prospective oil and gas re- serves is outlined. The procedure is a general one but is discussed specific- ally as applied to Western Siberia, Predicted and prospective reserves are distin guished as the area estimates of the reserves of any section a.-, a whole without indicating uiiere accumulations of oil and gas can be discovered Within the section and a specific discovered but not drilled out trap respectively. The subdivision of Western Siberia into districts for purposes of applying tile procedure is discussed. In performing the, lu evaluation, the reoerve density -- the rafto of the total e%plorcd geological, reserves of hydrocaribons to the area of the standard (gas is recalculated into oil)-nand the III-C-3c.3t pos,ihtp number of peolo~,Lcal, anti hy(trogeologival pailametc!-,s founded froiii the genetic point Of view are deterriined with respect to each vtandard Section for the oil and gas-bejrijig coj~,pjex. Correlation analysis and the least squares met4od are then applied. Formulas aref derived vhich can be used to estimate the density of tile reserves within the limits of a prospective territorj. 1/2 USSR IATESTEROV, I. I., et al., Geolo-iya nefti i gaza, No 6, 1972, 1-6 Qualitative prediction or analysis of the standards using pattern recognition algorithms can be used to draw the boundary of prospecti've areas. TL'ie evalua- tion of Lhe proportion of oil, 3as and condensate In potential resources and the isolation of prospective structures- -ire also discusz,,ed fron the qualitative and quantitative points of view. The level of geological knowledge permits evaluation of the prospective reserres of a trap Dihich has not been drilled out only very approxmately. The evaluation procedure can be used at this tire not so riuc'a to evaluate the poten- tial possibilities of establish the order~of eyploratory drilling. a region as to USSR UDC 518.5:681.3.06 GORBACHEVA, R. M., PLAVNIK, G. I., SHPILIMAN wAkVw"--- "Use of Digital Computers to An ze the History of Formation of Upthrusts band Algorithm)" Tr. Zap.-Sib. N-i. Geolo.go-razved. Neft. In-t [Works of Uestern Siberian Geolo- gical Prospecting Scientific Research Institute], No 36. 1970, pp 198-203, (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V635 by the authors). Translation: An algorithm is described and a block diagram is presented of a progiam allowing paleotectonic analysis to be performed by digital computer. The initial data used are the structural maps of the contemporary surfaces. Processing of these data by digital computer on the basis of the vrogram pre- sented allows the values of morphological parameters of paleographic upthrusts to be produced (marking of closed isohypses of paleog.1aphic upthrusts, number of complicating domes, area of upthrusts, its amplitude, etc.) and produces palcostructural maps. USSR UDC 621.313,12:538.*4 HOROZOV, A. Ye., SYAS'KIN, Yu. M., SHPIL'RAYN. E. E. "Analysis and Optimization of the Cycles of Atomic Liquid4letal MHD Installations" V sb. Ma itogidrodinam. metod poluche-niya elektroenergii (Magnetohydrodynamic Method for Producing Electrical Energy -- Collection of Works), No. 3, Moscow, "Energiya", 1972, pp 268-282 (from RZh-50. Yardernyye reaktory, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11.50.32) Translation: A technique is presented for optimizing the cycles of atomic liquid-metal MD installations by an analysis of the expendt!d electrical energy. The cycle of an MHD injector installation is investigated. It waF- found that for a given surface of the scram system of the nuclear reactor and the maximum permissible temperature at the center of the fuel elements and also for the condition of independence of the effectiveness of the two-phase nozzle of the injector from the initial stage of steam dryness, the optimum cycle should be the cycle in which the initial point of the process of steam expansion is located in the left boundary curve. The effect of the fuel. 1/2 7 USSR MOROZOV, A. Ye., et al, Magnitogidrodin'am. metod po ucheniya elektroenergii, No. 3, Moscow, "Energiya", 1972, pp 268-282 component cost of electrical energy on the selection of optimal parameters of the cycle is analyzed. It is shown that with an increase in the fuel component the initial parameters of the cycle also rise. The case when the upper temperature of the cycle is limited by structural considerations is considered. In this case the optimal dryness of the vapor is in the range 5 ill., 10 ref. 2/2 ------------- USSR UDC 536.722 SHPILIRAYN, E, E., KAGAN, D. N., BARKHAMOV, L. S. "Experimental Study of Thermodynamic Properties of Berillium Oxide in Liquid and Solid Phases" Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, Vol 9, No 5, 1971, pp 926-928. Abstract: A mixing method using a calorimeter with an evaporating liquid is used to measure the enthalpy of berillium oxide in liquid and solid phases in the 2,000-3,200'K interval. The material studied was under its own vapor pressure in sealed ampules of tungsten and molybdenum.. The results of measure- ments are used to produce the heat of melting and heat capacity of the liquid phase of berillium oxide, which have not:been published previously in the literature.