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Acc. Nr- A I bstr .acting Se rvJ ca, Ref. Code: 4P0049532 ciiEMICAL ABST, -7bER6370 I IG4472h Phase diagraza of a haimh=-91 UM ystem. Tsyg~~uova, I. A Tylkina, M. A.; Savitskif :M- (U.53R). Jr,~. Ak,7d- Nauk -Y-Y-YR. allelal-1970, Alloys were prct)d . from iodide f4f, With,a purity of 09 S,`o and U1 of AV-OW type with a purity of Wqq,5,*~. ~ Annealing was at RO and 1000* for 500 lir. There is unlimited soly. of the ccimporichts in the liq. state. MA12 melts congruently at 1590;:�- 25'. the microhardness of the.c sistivity is oinpd. is 740 k~jmm, elec. re 170 X 10-4 0111"1 cm, and tile tra~niitiqrx to the supercondUcting state is at i.650K. I-lf-kl melts congniently ~Lt 1800:', its micm- hardlicis is &)LI kg' ~Mnll, -Ple,-. resistivity is 5W X 10 uhm cal, and the transition point tectic reaction at JW- =L-45% its ~rnicv~hardriess ii'd 70 kg,/.Mml, elec. resistivity is 60 X 10-1 obra cm and. the transit6g.painE is at 7.8*K. HfAh, melts congruently it 1650 --1: 25', i64nicrohard- ness is 740 kg/rrim% and tlec. reshtivity is 75 X 101'~ ohm:; cm. HfAI$ melts congruently at 1590',~ its Inicrohardness .N 350 kg/- min', and the elec. resistivity is close t that of AE Theifor- mation of Hf4-Al3 wash not confirmed. There are. it eutt&-Ica between tile resp. compds. in the ~ystein, at'. 1530i 1550, 1496, abd 1540* - The in. p. of Hf wheti. alloyed with Al 12~pidlyr de- REEL/FRAbIE Not AP0049532 creases from 2222' to M300 (the eutectic trzasitim), the max. soly. of At in P-HI being 33-5 itom %. The 0y, of 11 ia a-Hf decreases from 30 a0m %, in alloys quenchid~,at a ump. close to the rn.p., to 12-5 atom %'at 1000'.' In'the regioii of solid wins. the alloying Avith At 'is aotompanied by an-~increase in hardness from 170 kg/rnru7 for-ptiri I-If to 4*20 lr~/zqim' f,)r an alloy at the boundary of s4tn - and thp, elfx. resistivib~ ifictc4iml frour. 36 to 170 mjcruhtjj,:nA for the Islitue alloys, L. Holl .j USSR UDC 621,385-032-21 (0,T3.8) M. MOROZOV) A# V.) IVANOVA, K. N., B43LCIUSOV, A. I., BARON, V. V., M OVCFiINNIKO'V, M. A. "filloy For The Production Of Oomponents Of The Cathode Unit Of Electronic Devices" USSR Author's Certificate No. ~24642, filed 14 August Ic6q, published 15 e, No 3, March 1972, September 1971 (from RZh--Slektronika i veye 2riman2pji-L Abstract 110 ~75,Aq) Translation: A cathode-heating unit is~proposed by which, with the object of increasing the stability, reliability, and longevity of' a component, the cathode hrlder, Bcreene, and pistons are produced from Rv-6 or W~-8 alloys baced on niablum. The RN-6 alloy contains (Percent by weight): tunEsten 5-7, moly bdenum 4-6, zirccnium 2-2.5, remainder niobium. The cout of the proposed alicy is considerably less than the cost of tantalum. The alloys ere characterized by highly stable properties and sufficient plasticity, which makes it possible to produce tubes, wire, sheets, and foil 1-0.1 = thick, from thom under ir-dus- trial conditions by the method of processing various sep.-2inlehed products by presBure. Use ot the electron-beam method Of rmaltin~~, considerably reducea the content of gaseoue impuritiGe, and a throe-fold remOtIng is used for a more uniform composition of ingots. Sheets 0.5--0.1 mm thick are obtainod by the hot fo ing method end cold rolling with internisdiate recryotalli'mation onnvalin&s. -202 USSR RAUTTaTy- and ZUDIN, 1. F. "Twenty-Sixth Session on Problems of the Structure &nrl Heat Resistance of Metal 1 ic Mate-rials" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk USSR, Metally, 1,10 5, SeP-Oct 72, PP 215-216 M Abstract: 7he Twenty-Sixth Session "Stnicture and Heat, Resistance of Metallic Materials" was held in Moscow, April 3-6, 1972, at the Institute of MAallurgy imeni A. A. Ba-ykov of the Academy of Sciences USSR. Fifty reports were given. I. N. Frantsevich and M. D. Smolina reported on new physical heat-re si stance criteria and indicated the necessity for development o-f nethods of fine roentgenospectral investigations in combination with q%lantun-mechanical calcu- lations of zonal structures of the energy spectram, Ye. 14. Savitskiy apd V. B. Gribull indicated the possibility of using computers for predicting the fusing temperatures of hiph-melting.compounds. ~A series of rerorts (D. A. Prokoshkin, Ye. V. Vasillyeva, V. Ye. Panin, V4 K. Grigorovich) dealt with investigations of the relationship of the main characteristics of the electron structure to the crystalline structure and properties of mterials determining their heat resistance. The subject "Phenomenological and Physical Analyses of the Role of Defects in the Development of Deformation and Disintegration" was dis- cussed in reporLs of V. S. Ivanova and V. A. Yermishkina, Ye. P. Leyko ani 1/3 ..IJSSR SAVITSKIY, Ye. M. and ZUDIN, I. F., Izvestiya Akademij Nauk USSR, Metally, 140 SeD-Oct 72, pp 215-216 E. M. Nadgornyy, V. S. Smirnov and V. 1. Valdimirov, S. V. Serensen, and N. N. Rjkalin and M. Kh. Shorshorov. V. T., Toroshchenko obtained interesting endur- ance characteristics of VN-3, VU-4, TSM-2A, and TsM-6 alloys by sy~nnetrical cantilever bending. I. R. Kr3nanina and I. P. Fedosava reported on tests of disks and rotors of E1415 steel. . V. D. Sadovskiy establishi!d. that the recrys- tallization process proceeding through growing of neur nuclei decreases the effect of high-temperatare mechanical treatment in the hardening part. I. L. Mirkin used 1% Cr-Mo-V steel to show the regular change of heat resistance as a function of the distance between particles. 0. A. B~innykh reported on the effect of size reduction of grains on the creep of B143,7A st~!el. The effect of beat treatment on the stability of -the structure Of E1893 alloy was dis- cussed by A. V. Stanyukovich, Ye. Ye. Levin, and Ye. M. Pivnik. L. Ili. Zimina reported on the positive effect of N'b 0-10ying of Ili-!Cr-Fe, 2li-Cr-2".0-W-Ti, and Ni-Cr-Mo-W-Al-Co alloys. G. F. Fedorova reported on the direct relationship between characteristics of interdiffusion!and heat resir:.tance. Various sta-es of the aging process, the mchanism of creep, and rtabillty of alloys of hi,-,h temperatures were discussed by M. A. KrAshtal. L. 1. Pryaklhiiia reported on the effect of Ta and Mo alloying elements on increased strength of tungsten. 2/3 .0"Sawmraw OHM ,~._USSR SAVNSKIY, Ye. ~1. and MAN., 1. F., Izvestiya Akadeniii Nauk USSR, I'L~tally, Sep-Oct 72, pp 215-216 No 5, Composite materials were discussed im many reports. A series of reports dealt vith.problens of surface alloy:~ng. The 27th session is scheduled for April 1974. USSR uDc 669.017/.018.451620.18 AGEYEV, H. V., SAVITSKTY, YE. M., KORNILOVo 1. 1., ZUDIN, I. F., and PROXOF'YrV, D. I., Eclitors qtruktura i Svoystva Zharoprochnykh kietallicheakilcb Haterialoy (Structure and Properties of Heat-Resist=t Metallic Materials), Moscowe, "Nauka," 1973, 262 pp Translation: Results are generalized from studies associated with the pilysical criteria of heat resistance; the role of the electron structure of alloys; t*he princip"es of alloy and dispersion hardening of alloys; thc~ physico-chemical basis for developi-nal composite materials; dislocation mechanisms of failure and deformation; the development of alloys onthe basis of Fe, Ni, Mlo, 14b, and other refractonj elements; ways of increasing the heat resistance of alloys and others. This publication is intended for researchers, metallurgists, metals experts, the designers of the powert avievion, and metchine-building industries and for other specialists. CONTEITS Section One FROBLUIZ OF THE FHYSIC0 CM11CAL THWRY OF HE AT IMTSTANCE YE. M., SAVITS41Y, V. B. GIRIBULYA Predicting Refractory Compounds in the Binarl Sys", s Uith the Aid of a Digital Computer (Postulation of the Problem) 3 :D. A.- PROKOSHKE4, YE. V. VASILIYEVA The Relationship Between High-Temperature Strength of the Transition 1/7 USSR AGEM, N. IV., et &I., Structure and Properties of Heat-Resistant Metallic Materials# Mocow, 1973 Metals and Their Electron Structure 11 V. Ko GFIGOROVICH The Heat-Resistance and Electron Structure of Metallic Alloys 20 A. P. GULYAYEV, S. B. MASM1KOV Prospects for the Develom New Heat Resis~- ent of Heat-Resistant Alloys -tant and Scale-Resistant Grades of Steel and Alloys) 29 A. P.-GRUZINt S. V. Z51SMt YU. L. RODIONOV The Distribution of Xlements in the Micro-and Submicro-Regions of fleat-Resistant Grades of Steel and Alloys 41 A. M. BORZDYKA Relaxation Resistance of Austenite Grades of Steel and Alloys in Relation to Their Structure and Heat Treatment 49 B. A. APAYL-V, s. A. 14ADymiov, S. K. IUMTAYLOV The Interrelationship of Alloy Weakening During Heating With the 'Redistribution Processes of the Alloying Elemlents Between Pliams and With the FXfect of the Contacting Medium 58 Section Two DISIOGATWrj I-MCHANIS143 OF HIGH TEMPMITURE DEFOR14ATIOJIN 2/7. 65 Ussa AGBYEV, If. V., et al., Structure and Fropertles of Heat-Resistant ?Ietallic Materials, Moscow, 1973 V. S. Ivanova, V. A. Yermishkin Theory of High-qemperature Creep in Metals 6t, B. A. Movchan, L. M. Nerodenko Statistical Approach to the Description of Plastic Deformation and the 1.10 Heat-Resistance of Metals I. R. Kryanin, A. I. Fedosovf.Yu. F* Belolipetskiy, L.,T. Ostrovskiy, V* P. Rabinovich, G. N. Zelentsov, 14. G. Kabelev5kiy, L. N. 141inkin, V. I. Voropayev, L. I. Stolyarova, V. N. Romanov Metal Structure and Structural Strength of the Elements of Powerful Steam Turbines 80 N. N. Rykalin, M. Kh. Shorshorov, V. P. Alekhin Problem Associated With the Structural and~.Energy Characteristics Associated With the Kinetics of the Microplasti6 Deformations Near the Surface of a Solid 89 V4 M. Rozenberg, A* V. Shalimova Problem Associated With the Reasons for the.Onset of the third Stage of Creep 96 Third Section 3/7 USSR AGEYEV, K. V., et al., Structure and Properties of 'Heat-Resistant Metallic Vaterials, Moscow, 1973 BUT- IWISTANT METALS AO COMPOSITE MATERIALS V. Ye. Panin, Ye. F. Dudarev, V. Ye. Ovcharenkol I. I. Kochepasov, I. I- Zayats Raising the Thermal Stability of Composite Materials lilhich Are Based on Nickel and Reinforced With Tungsten and1folybdenum Fibers by Directed Hatrix Alloying K.~ 1. Portnoy Structure and Heat-Resistance of Composite Materials A&,I* Somovt M. A. Tikhonovskiy Controllable Phase Transitions and Composite Materials section Four PROBW-IS OF ALLOYING AND HEAT TMTING HEAT-REWISTANT ALLOYS V4 - X Sedovskdy, S. 1-1. Petrova , Yu. P. Surkov ffigh-`1'emperature licat-Treatment of - Heat-Resistant Alloys 11. F. Lashko, L. Vi Zaslavskaya, L. S. Fedo'tova Particulars of Alloying and Phase Hardening of Martensitic and Heat- 88sistant -Grades of Steel 141ith 1ZA Chrom ium I L. Mirkin, L. S. Marineriko, M. A. Lyubchik & Basic Factors of the Structure of Alloys Which Determine Th~-,ir 103 1271 4/7 66 USSR N. Vot et alot Structure and Properties of Beat-Resistant Yetal:Ljc Materials, Moscow, 1073 Heat-Resistant Properties 1, R, Kryanin, L. P. Trusovq Z. N.,Petropavlovskaya uipment Elements Structure and Properties of Grades of Steel for Power Eq S, V. Stanyukovich, Ye. Ye. Levins Ye. Mo Pivnik Effect of Structure on'the Heat-Resistance and Plasticity of Nickel Based Alloys 154 M. P, Braun The Problem of Microalloying Heat-Resistant Steel 1 0. A.~ Bannykh, R. N. Volkova, B. Ve Kuborskiy,. I. A. Rastorguyeva. The Effect of the Structural State on the Short-Term Hea4-e-Resistance of a Nickel Based Alloy G, B. Fedoroy, Ye. A. Smirnov Interdiffusion and the Diffusion-Themodynamic Criteria of Heat--Resi'5tance 171 A. Ya. Shinyayev Regularities A5sociated With Changing the Characteristics of Dilffusion in Alloys,as a Function of the Composition and the Phase Structure Diagram 179 He A,.Krishtal The-Effect of Crystal Lattice Defects and Diffusion an the Particulars of Processes Which Develop During the Working. of Metals and Alloys in the 5/7 USSR AcEnv, X. V. et al., Structure and Properties of~Heat-Resistant Metallic Materials, Moscow, 1973 High-:re-,rperature Range 186 11, Zimina Prospects for the Creation of New Heat-Resistant. Alloys Alloyed with NiobiiL 196 T. G. Berezina, I. I. Mints, V, P. Kendysh The Effect of the Energy of the Defects of Packing on the Thermal Stabili- Of the Substructure of Heat-Resistant Austenitic Grades of Steel 203 A. V. Bobylev The Nature of the Fatigue of Copper, Aluminum, and Nickel During Stretch- ing 203 A. F. Savitskiy, I. s. Chukhlantseva Preventing the Formation of Intercrystalline Pores During Cyclip Heat-Treatment With the kid of Alloying 211 Section Five G WAY5 OF T~M HEAT RESISTANCE OF ALLOYS . V. 10 -Prosvirin Pr'DPerties I Structure and the Mechanism of - Formation of lieat-Fesistant D"rfusion CoatingS Which Are Applied From a Suspension 218 67 USSR AGEYEV, X. V., et al., Structure and Pnpertles of Heat-Resistant Metallic Materialst Moscow# 1973 Yu* Ms Iakhtin The Effect of,Nitriding on the Properties of Heat-Resi3tarit Alloys 225 1. Alentkin, V. A. Kulikoyr 11. 1-1. Zaytseva Studying the Formation of the Microstructure Duririg the Internal Oxidation of Binary Nickel Alloys 229 Yu. 1. Kozub Creep and Long-!Ferm Strength of Refractory Materials With Protective Coatings in an Oxidizing flodiun 237 I. N. Frantsvich, Ye. A. Zhurakovskiyj D. F# Kalinovichy 1. 1. Kovenskiyt I.I. D. Smolint A* N. Ostroul&-ov Some New Physical Criteria of Heat-Resistance 244 USSR i UDC669.294.5-2931849 SAVITSKIYI YE. M.o TYLKIFA, M. A.j ALYUSHIN, V. YE., XUZIYAO YU. B., and TR=51 V, S., Moscow "Ternary SiV=- and Chi-Phases in the Ta-,,Nb-R9 System" Moscow, Izvestiya kkademi-I Nauk SSSR, Metally, No it Jaiij'Feb 74, PP 229-233 Abstracti The structure and certain physical and mechanical propertiea of - sigma- and cbi-phaBes, in tho ternary s~,stem Ta-Nb-Re were investigated, whem it was found that thia system Is characterized by a largo region of ternaxy solid solutions of Re in Ta and lit, low solubility of Ta end Ub In Re, and tbo formation of two compounds of the sigma- and chi-phase type whore the signa- phase exists only at high temperatures, being decomposed into the alpha-solid solution and chi-phase. Lattice parameters, melting ;oints, hardness, re5isti- vity, and transition temperature to the superconducting stato were determined for the sigma- and chi-phases. Alloy coipposition and trusition temperatures are given for alloys with a constatn Re content (approxiau~toly 719), for the birary chi-phase (Re Nb) wid the binaz7 chi_~pha~.s, The transition temperature 3 to the superconducting state of ternary chi-phases was 1.5-2 times higher than the transition tamperature for binary chi-phaaes in Nb-He and Ta-Re systems. Two figures# one tabla, seven bibliographic 'references. A 6 A5 9 ~L~ 73 FNVl1MNM1,NTA1 INFIXENCES ON HEAT IMSISTANTE OF MrIALLIC MAII-JUALS M11AL C0"'er" (Cf ( On er:', ~A 'I, LAr,', hy pl~bor 01, the r.;6 , anA Cai,,iidalr or T-.,:hnical Science .6 a., n olk Aka4~."H Nault SSSR, Russiall N~L, 1`rntJv;-= nr'ttie ifirivionct, ol: the phyzievehemical envir~n- =-'it thr heat re4istatsce or metallic materials w*rc di-mussrd 'Y Civt$tiijts and 3pociali3ta of the metalluraical. , power rnrin- our marhine-buildina and aviation industrien front various ,~;tirs or the country at a coliferetice organized by tho Scion- tific Council for "Phys corlarmical princlple~ or ohvtining new b-nt;rosistwit inureanicMatorialn", the Institute *C Hptwwl~~ I urc or the A.5 USS11 and tho-Contral. Scientific Research, Inati- tuo or Terhnmlocj~ (T0411711ash~j beld in Moocow on P-4 April. Participating in. thp conference wer& eLb*-jt 500 roprestiotativts of fteientitic-t-onearch ill3titutes# VUZ, planLix. and or-Canizationsi h5 report3 were heard. In the introductory address or Yo. M. Savittiki)r ls~ ez- phasize-3 that th~ doVelop.,~M of con tVp_.rry Wine, rlwmirat equitvvent, rfmkotry ind mail y pUysicitchof4ic3l, struc- !U"s is tharacterl%rd by it evitstnitt prowth or unit Capacity, MC1,0850 or, the lixtdo oil motni. increa5c or thq rates ar.A tem- p'!ratw~.4 of prucesson. and the application of deop vacuun, in- ert catics or varlttu~ upt-,"3sivr physictichemic*L modin and ce- ill;t-tita. In much extreme runditiowi the interaction or tho ma '"" ials with the otternat onviriinmv.3t, ncquirn, o paramount irmpo;_ Mo. The principal reports board at the conferestev were de- voted to t1woretical 111d expowimolital investicaticion of the hent rissistance or metallic matorials in air and wparous me- din, and ttso in atiperitunic flows or gas, to the influence of too USSR UDC 669-15'24'9-95-- -7194:620.183 SAVIT~,,FIY. Ye.-.16.., POPOV, V. Ft SMIATKO, 'AM N,# and SAPELINI P. KOV' P. Iloscowl Cbelyabinsk IlThe Effect of Cerium and Niobium on the Structure of Kh25T Steel" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, No 5, 1973, ~Pp 145-149 ''Abstract The oDtical metallography of specimens of Kh26T steel from exr-erimental and industrial melts makes possible the unco- vering of t-he dilff-ference in the development of excess phases on grain boundaries of the cast metal. Tificroadditions of ferroce- rium and ferroniobium favor a coagulation of separatjon3. Semi- transparent film separations of chromium ocarIbides (Cr2&) in common cast steel are arranged on grain boundaries in he form of continuous se-oarations, they oacup a 5-10,timvq preater sur- face than in the exmcriment,-O. steel, Their qu;~ntity in the metal with ferrocarium ana ferroniobiun is much 101-Terjand -they axesepa- 1/2 40 - -USSR SAVITSKIYg YE. M., et al,o Izvestlya Akademli Hauk 5SSRj ITO 5, 1973, pp 145- 149 rated and distributed more uniformly in the matriix. Microalloying with ferrocerium and ferroniobium ftavored a hi-her coaj~uiatior' of chromous carbides, if compared taith ferroceriwm. A suIbst2xitial difference in the distribu-tion of chromium carbides in fractures of the metal of pipes before and after thennal treatment was uncovered. 1,"icroalloying of steel, with ferroceriumn changes com- pletely the structure of the investigated steel Cafter forging: the grains were highly elongate(I and showed a fine-fragmented structure. The relation was established between the chenge of the structure and the increase of Dla-stic characteristics of high- -alloy steel of ferrite type. Three figures, one table, ten ,biblio- graphic references. U SSR UDC~ 669.018 .45:548. 55 SAVITSKIY. Ye. M., BUMAINOV, G. S., SHINYREV, G. D., DORONIKIN, Ye. D., SERGEYEV, N. N. "Use of Plasma Heating for Growth of Single Crystals Gf Refractory Metals" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 12, Dec 73, pp 40-41. Abstract: Plasma heating is used to int,ensify metallurgical processes and create new methods for production mid refining of metals. The method of cathode-ray zone melting allows pare, low-defect single crystals of various metals to be produced, but cannot be used for large sinale crystals, since the diameter is limited by surface tension. This has required the devolop- ment of another method for production of single crystal,-, of refractory metals, allowing the production of large single crystals and their purifica- tion of carbon. 'Fbis article describes a method for producing large single crystals of tungsten and molybdenum using plasma-are heating. The productivity of the method is several times higher than that of cathode ray zone melting. it is economically competitive with vacuum-arc melting, but produces higher- quality tungsten crystals. The quality of the tungsten crystals is approAi- mately equal to those produced by cathode ray zone melting. UDC:~ 669.'28-840.62M78.2 SAVITSKIY. MORGUNOVA, N. N., BURKHANOV, G. S., KATAYEV, R. S., Moscow "Influence of Iron-Group Metals on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Vacuum-Melted Molybdenum" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 6, 1973, pp 145-149. Abstract: The ductility of molybdenum can be increased by increasing the purity of the initial raw material, by deep purification to remove inter- stitial-impurities, and by alloying with thermodynamically active elements and rhenium. Recently, the influence of metals of group V111 on the ductility of molybdenum has been extensively studied. This work studies the influence of iron, cobalt and nickel on the structure and technological ductility of vacuum-melted -nolybdenum. It is found that alloying with iron-group mctals has a modifying influence on the structure, facilitating an increase in the solubility of carbon, the formation of a developed substructure and more even distribution of molybdenum carbides through the volume of the metal, increas- ing the technological ductility and reducing the cold-shortness threshold. Iron has the most effective influence on increasing ductility, cobalt has the least. Nickel occupies an intermediate position in this respect, Alloying Savitskiy, Ye. M., Morgunova, N. N., Burkhanov, G. S., Katayev, R. S., Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Metally, No 6, 1973, pp 145-149. of molybdenum with iron-group metals increases the reCT)rStallization tempera- ture of the molybdenum. The temperature of the beginning of recrystallization of molybdenum alloys with 0.1% Fe, Co or Ni falls in the 1000-1100' C interval (degree of deformation over 90%). Increasing the annealing temperature of alloys of molybdenum with iron, cobalt and nickel facilitates an increase in ductility and a decrease in strenath and hardness by relieving internal stresses. 'nie maximum ductility is achieved after annealingat the recrystal- lization level 1100' C. 2/2 25 USSR IM-C: 53T.312-62 SAI;FIT-Z-;~--TY, lie, M., BAIRION. V. V., YEFIMOV, Yu. V., "Structure and Superconducting Properties o-f Alloy~~ Iii the Systeza" Moscow, SverkhFrovod-'as'nchiye. sp-'Iavy i soyedin.-sbor-ulk (Supc-roordiicti-~-. Alloys and of worls), "Nauk-" (fro'~ RZh-EP-diotekhn,-J.-ka, 'No Dec- 72, abstract 11c 12'D561-1 r z-~' "S -xni 6 Tran'slation: Solid-state transformations are deze--,-rI.-"rcd End pl-~~Fe grams are plotted for allr~y,,-. of the vanadiun.-tai-,tal-wil zyctv-;-n ;n the basis of methods of ruic-rocccpic, radicGraphic, x-ray --ind an a, - yses, as well- as by measurin,~z nicrohnrc3r~rs and the sition point. for n1loy phatses. Th(, cc-m7v,,wnd T~V,) vit"-i slxuc-Lux~' of thr, el ~ Mg% ty-pe is forDied et IL20cC arid about at-.,'.~ LaWlalvm. A-", 112,-,OC ani' 29 at.5 tantaliii!i this phase decays outecl-oida"'.2y to bee lattice and a. pha2e with ~tr~arture, of' thf-~ M-"CtI2 typt.. 1,1tt(a, L; Jj~.o fc, mead by a j),!r,'Af!f~To.ida3. a 11 1--r d 12'0 tan, 11 2 un. ~p It ic, humogeneous at 80,01,2C Jin U:e the T". of the high-te!uperatur-1- plf-~,.--;e wit' '~'fvynjzonal attice Of -'ile Mtt"v- i,-Y!-);,- reaches 10 K. Four ilivstraticai~;, biblliogrvphy of niz-,c U t1t: USSR UD-C: 537.312.6-2 SAI-TIT-SKIY, Ye. N. , BARON, V. V. , GINDINA, S. D. Change of the Point of Transition to the Superconducting Gtat-e in A-1--loys of Variable Ccmposit.ion hased on the Example of the System" Moscow, Sverkhprovodyashchiye splavy i s--3-edJ*r.--.--,-,ocn~k Alloys a-rid of works), "NallUl", .1-972, rp 1"6-17() Urclj: FZh.-Radiotekhni`iru, No 12, Dee 72, abstract No 121)5c,;2 f s u.,-,. Translation: A pro.;~edmre is 6e7eloped for measuring t,-w tc'mp~!nat-llru CC transition to the superconducting statc on alloyc. o vwr~iable conro~3--irn. The s-necimen was rnade by th,~! ijethod of electron-4beam ncine thr; Com-Dosition of the suecimen varied fron 100j'~ tpmtallm~ on rne eu.1 to 201'~ on the other end. The transition temperatures of allop; in "'i en i Cb J " m- -tantalim systern. were measured on a single specimen of' ab ;%TC- or nition; the electrica-I resistances of all al-loys in this C, at 300 77 K were also detemined. Two illustrations, biblioCrc;rhy of eight titlEs. USSR UDC: 5 37. 312, 62 MA' SAVITSKIY,_,Le~ -M. BARON, V. V. , IJK fl.OVIJ B. 1). Producing and Sit-ludy'Lng Coatings o If I-131'3n on Substrate.~ of Different Metals and Alloys" Ivlozcu~, Sverlhprovodyashchiye splavy i :Fc),yedin.---sbornik (Simerc.,onduct--ve o=o-unds-collectian of lvorks), 'Tauka", 1.91,72, pp 15-5~) (from Alloys and C 4' RZh-Radiatekhnihaa, Yo 1-2, Dec 72, abstract No 12D5',0 -Sur'fl) Translation: A meQod is develoved for producinC, cotltinjs wit'], the presence of niobiumi ~-nd E13Sn on aubstrates of diff~_rei,.t r,~etals tmi -a1_1Cys (copper, molybden-am, st,_~el, etc.), The structure and ouperc(-mluctive properties of the coetings are studied. The tei=,rature of transillim to the superconductive state is equul to approximately 17-5-17-8 K. '111ree illustrations, biblicgrephy of eijr~ht titles. tjSSR 537. SAVIMUTY, Ye. V. V. F. A Study o- C-:' -~IiObiuw and ""-CO'Iil;r S-~',igle ~"OscOw) Sverkhprovo~jyjsj,,cj,. . jye srlavy J Alloys -n d COMPOunds-collect; 0' R-7h-Radio- Of vorks "VaWka -0 PP NO 12, D2C 72, abstl'Ect NO 12D559 or T"anslat ': Cur't'eo ~'rc PlOtted fc).r 4;ho magreti~7!-Ltj(-n specinens o- ri f s i r:., e o r y.-. 1, a I -obium With 51" :-~ircoruizj The results _Y C1,1t, r;r Magri C, +- cfields, the ri~sldua' r~! mon. ent and the it '0-u "diai;laczietic moment. Three illustrations, biblioerpa-hy of 13 title USSR UIJC 5 37 - 3120 SAVITSKIY, Ye. 141. , DAIRON, V. V. FFOLOV, V. A., KOZIMTA, N. D. "Effect Of -A-lun-unum on "he Sm3erconducting and Mech,,mical Prcraer"ies of Mobium. and Titwiium Alloys" Moscow, splavy i soyedin,slorn_ih (Sup-C-3-conductlive -72, 'froll" Alloys and Compounds--collection of works), "Nauka" 15 % RM-Radictelmnik-n, 11'c 12, Dec '12, abstracIt Ro 121j.553 [r6m,!6j) Translation: An ime~t-igation, --a-< made of a2loys in 10,,e -alumimua syst-em in the ~-scjld'E solutior region arljacent to the niobium- - ti nium sice U-1 I Constra b num, cor cen- tZI th mt ratio U/1' - 16/55 End u 'U,j- C),' aj~,:~Ijjn tration u1) to 7.2/Z by weight. The in't-IroduC-Lin k, uces t 'r superconductive transitior. Point in the alloys in both tho c;tst and on- nealed state. The critical currerit of the. alloys is- a~I:i5o redlic:ed. The density of the alloys increasen with introauction of al-mpinun , ard there is li~lle chan-ge in duct-flity., Three i llustrat ions, onq, table, bibliog- raphy of seven ti-ties. M.-M, 11P.Hum VAMIKI INEWNWRIM1111111, USSR UDC: 537-31P.62 SAVITSKIY, Ye. 14., DEVINGTAL Yu. V. ,GRIBULYA, V. B. "Ati Attempt at Computer Pred-iction of the SuPerconductive Transition Point of Some Metallic Compounds" Moscow, Sverkhprovodyashchiye splavy j. scrye6in,--sbornik A-1loys and of vorks), "Nauka", -1-972, rip 7-120 (frr.4,- IiZh-Radictck~hnika, 'No 112, Dec 72, abstrVet Eo 12D56)4 [r6,~ur,61) Tr~nslation: The authors consider the ftsucll-s of predictinE, A~43 typ'e pounds and their prop~~-rties ly using a comouter on the basis of data on the electronic structure of the atarns of, cbemical elem,ints. The worl: I s done by using the methods of pattern rocognition. An aria3y5',Is is r.,mde C-f the interaction of vanadium, riobiun~ ancl tantnlizi with elcrents of the periodic table. Examples are given of forecasting t~e order of maq=-Itudc; of T. for type A..)B compou-nds as compared with expe-rinental data. It is shou-n on the '-asls of these data that tbe~properties of ='teri~is car. be predicted by ccmputer methods. Oneillustration, seven rraldlei, raphy of eirl"t titles. "T USSR SA-KTT~!qx, -W. M. and KLYACHKO V. S. Metally Kosmicheekoy Ery (Space Age Yztals), Moscows Sovetskaya Rossiya, 19?2, 189 pp Translation of Introductiont Some call our century the atortdc canturyo othcre the space age, still others - the W of synthetic materials. But if we are to be true to tradition and give the epoch a name according to the main xate=ial from which the tools of labor are, basically prepareds then it is far moxe accUrate to call our time as it was previously# the iron age or the W of metal, which remains the number I material -- the carcasts# the framwork of all mankind's material cultures the backbone of industry. In facts every year more than 600 million tons of~metal axe produced in the world# that is# more than 150 kilog~-ams for overy inhabitatn of our planet. Today in use by manldnd are several billion tons, of motal products. And all the nynthetic materials taYen together so far have repliced Do more than 6 percent of the metal. Metals possess a whole series of properties which xre not found in any other materials. Glass is hard, but brittle. Resin is plastic but Dot lazting. Only metals combine durability and plasticity at the same tize. They can be processed well by casting and presaure (forging* stamping, pressing, 115 [7 USSR SAVITSKIY, YE. M., and KLYAMKO, V. S., Space Age Metals, Hoscow Sovetse'aya Rossiy-., 1972, 189 pp and extrusion)l they can be cut and welded. If they did not possess such a complox of properUes ', the creation of nearly aU machines ard machanism would simply be impossible. Xiany, metals are heat resistant, and chemically stablo; they possess high electric conductivity and other valued que2ities. Take, for example, the magnetic properties of notal.-s. Witbout the magnetic needle of the compass seagarersq goologistsp and touristo would lose theyr way. Without the permanent magnet in the -spark plug the motors of automobiles# airplanes, and tractors would not start. Without iron cores there would twa no electrogenerators, electric motors, or txwisfarmers. And that means that power stations would cease working; electric trains and stroot- cars, latbe3 and =chi-nos would stopl the electric lights mnd tho television screens in homes would go out; ---adio receivers and telepho~jas irould fall rsilent, etc,, etc. In a word ~ life without magnjtic~ materials is voif 1xicanceivable.. . The power of space rockets many times exceeds- the power of the Vreatest hydroelectric poKer stations. Concentration of such monstrous force in a asing Lel-- comparatively suaU volume was successful only by sharply ir-cm I the peratura and pressure in the coabustion Chanber, For tbLoi special materials 2,15 USSR SAVITSRly YE# Hot and JMYA CHKOR Vo Be, Space Age ketals Rossiya, 1972, 189 J4 , pp 08cow, Sovetskaya Chapter 2. A Bit of Theory Chapter 3 ~ChaPter 4: 148tnurgic--a "HOMeopatte 41 Chapter 5 Metals Enter Into union T 53 . Chapter 6. he Foundation or Those Who Civilization ~ SUbdued th 62 Chapter 7. . e l sky Met'als Of Atomic:. St ti 73 Chapter 8- ons a Electrons In Team 6.2 Chapter 9. chapter 10 Attack Of High-T..peratures 92 log .. Chapter 11 At-the Tip of fh8_.Py2:UjtU 142 5 Chapter 12,, one Sixth Of Mendeleyev's dh&rt or "The Nobl 149 Chapter 13. Plans of Wor e Work t'letlll Too 'feeds a 1) o' 3tor ks of th 157 .4164 e First Order . Instead of a Conal usi 173 on 183 515 USSH SAV1T5KIY, YE- If., and KLyACHKo, V. So Rossiya, 1972, 189 pp SXc8 Age Metals, "loscOw, Sovetskaya in the Directiver, Of the 24th Congress of the CPSU on the Five-Year Plan for the Develoment of the National ~, tion and assimilation of the most ecoto 'Conomy of the USP)-R fOl' 1971-1975, the crea- 0:' the basic tasks of Soviet s MIcal new 1aate1-'1&1G IMS given as one To guarantee each bran li"ce and techrology. is the most important eh the metallic material,, nOC04;~ary to task of etallurgsts an Z, seeking, discoveries, d neta, it -- such book. X13searchers today. Their In creatina and successe, wj-1l also be the aubject-, of the Present other interesting 4t the anthors have RttemPted tual. and to shl)lf t)),Lt, together 1,1ith P-1vaical and iftlport~ant &~Mas for creative forces Of people al)PlicatlOn of tbs 1 tell and ceaSelesslY developing ,metal onomyip ; t 0 ri ec_ ,,there existE -hr- rao'it Co:'Plox att-r-active, tiOn- Its devOlopment One of tl',,o barves, of civiliza_ and the tempo of progreto " aig1lificant degree detexmix as of the ent Lre lea the living Standax-d Made durThe authors thaak nr6fGslsor A. country and each of us. Ing preDaxation 0, P- GulYaye f the manuscript f v f07- JUG valuable comments Table of Contents, Or publication. MaUrIal ljo 1. Introduction Chapter 1. The Page 4/3 KOY to Durability 5 9 33 were necessary. At the present tine the power ceiling of rocket engires is deterlained not only by fuel possibilities but also by tho capability of the combustion chamber materials to maintain stability durimg high temperatures and pressures. When a apace shipt returning to earthl penetrates the dense layera of the atmosphere, colossal temperatures and pzeusuxes also develop on it sul- faces, The safety of the ship depends on mateeals capable of withstamAing them, Materials which are durable at ultra-hiSh temperatures and pressures are also necessary for MW generatorsg which. have higher efficiency in direct relationship to the working temperature., i,: and for appaxilLtuses irhich synthesize dia-mondag and in many,, many other branDhes of teohnoloU.. atomic energy requires materials which axe not only able to withstand high temperatures, but are also durable in a zone of pametrating radiations, and in aggressive chemical environmentz. ~ Electronics and x-adio technology also need super conductors and total isolators of electric currentf and converters of 1~4at energy into electricity and many other naterials which possess at: times incompatible properties. USSR UOC,~ 669-018.45:669-172 Savitskiy, Ye. M., Burkhanov, G, S,, Monokristally f iugopl,a%,ki'l%-h i redkikh metallov i splavov, Moscow, Nlauka Pres�, 1972, 258 IT- The book is designed for researchers and practical metallurgists, metals scientists, metal physicists studying and producing single crystals of the refractory and rare metals, as well as specialists:of other types interested in the application of single crystals in technology. Table of Contents Foreword 5 Chapter I. The Crystall-;ne Structure end Tnteratomic, Bond In Metals 7 Crystalline and Amorphous Bodies 7 Defects in Crystals 19 Bibliography 29 Chapter 11. Growth Processes and Methods of Production of Metal Single Crystals 30 Growth from the Gas Phase 31 Growth from a Melt 33 The Mechanism of Growth from a Melt 34 The Zone Melting Method 0.6 The Chokhrallskiy Method 53 USSR UDC: 669.018.45:669-172 Savitskiy, Ye. M., Burkhanov, G, S., Monokristally tugoplavkikh i redhikh metallov i splavov, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, 258 pp. Growth of Large Single Crystals of the RefractorY Metals Usina Plasma Heating Growth from the Solid Phase (Recrystallization Methods) Bibliography Chapter Ill. Fine Structure of Single Crystals of Refractury and Rare Metals Bibliography Chapter IV. Physical Properties Elastic Properties Magnetic Properties Thermal Expansion Ifeat Physical Properties Electrical Properties Thermoelectric Properties Thermoemissive Properties Bibliography S4 C8 61 64 85 86 87 88 90 92 93 99 102 112 3/5 USSR UDC: 669.018.45:669-172 Chapter V. Mechanical Properties Creep aad Long-Term Strength of Single Crystals of Tungsten nnd Molybdenum Bibliography Chapter VI. Cold Shortness of Refractory and Rare Metals and Alloys Bibliography Chapter VII. Single Crystals of Alloys of Refractoxy and Rare Metals The Molybdenum-Niobium System The Molybdenum-Tantalum System The Tungsten-Tantalum System -Molybdenuin System The Tungsten The Molybdenum-Rhenium System The Tungsten-Rhenium System The Niobium-Zirconium System The Copper-Zinc System Single Crystals of Metal Compounds Bibliography Chapter VIIIL. Plastic Deformation of Metal Single Cry!ttals Bibliography 4/5 47 =111011110~m- 115 134 136 138 150 152 IS3 IS8 159 159 160 165 167 169 170 174 176 202 USSR UDC; 669,018.45:669-172 Savitskiy, Ye, M., Burkhanov, G. S., Monokristally tugnplavkik-h i redkikh metallov i splavov, Moscow, Nauka Press,1972, 258 pp. Chapter IX. Heat Treatment of Single Crystals 204 Bibliography 219 Chapter X. Influence of External Action on Stability of Structure and ProDerties G-f Refractory and Rarebletal Single Crystals 221 Thermal Cycling 221 Influence of Bombardment by High Energy Particles 233 Influence of Plasma Stream 236 Compatibility with Vapors and Melts of Alkali Metals 238 Influence of Ultrasound on Dislocation Structure of Monocrystals 239 Compatibility with Nuclear Fuel 240 Bibliography 240 Chapter XI. Applications of Refractory and Rare Metal'Single Crystals in Technology 242 Bibliography 249 Conclusions 2SO Index 254 Rare', I63tals USSR 'UDC 669.7933'8542921293'26'1:620.181.41 NAUMKIN, 0. P TEREIMOVA, V. F. , SAVITSKIY YE. M. "Scandium Alloys and Their Utilization in Engineering go V sb. Redkozeml'n. met. _L_~L~Ayv (Rare Earth 1~1-tals and Alloys -- collection of works) , Moscow, Nat&a PressIP 1971, pp 2&-34 (from,RZh-b~--tallurFiya, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 41776) Translation: Data are presented on the structure of pha-se diagrams amd the investipation of the properties of Sc alloys with Cu, La, V, I;b, CrIland Fe. A comparison of the physical-chemical interaction of the metals and Sc with the elements of the periodic. table permits the conclusion to be drawn that Sc differs appreciably from the rare eiArth mtals as a result of the difference in electron structure, the electrcmegativity, and atomic radii. The Study of the properties of pure So, the construction of the phase dial T M-IL-, with the ele- ments of the periodic table, andthe construction of the coq)osition-property diagraras permitted discovery of the areas of industrial application of Sa and development of a number of Sc alloys. 9 Illustrations, 1 ta-ble, and a 13-entrf bibliography. 1/1 Few 0" WW"M -M" , OF USSR UDC 669.85/86 SAVIIS"I- XE, II. R4re rth, Metals, Alloys "Prospects )f the Investigation and Ap'lication' of Ea and CompouncLs 1edko'zeiw1`n',. Twt. 4_: (R' -49iW, ltkaj~ ~6nd A ilo3 s collection of W-O'dW) Ma4cotr Naitka Prdss.-,~J971 -s.Lpj.~~f to ieta 72, vi RZK- llurg~ya, No: 4, Apr -41771) Ahii it -at the' ,:T,rmlatlon: ~Tfie primary thing!, present t ne in~ the metal P .6iem is;tbe li 0 -question 'Of' their - app cad A; in t ie nationrl economy. Accor6ing1,y,, str, necess ary.. to develop., the" ph JcA1 'chem! iral:metallurgy, and the Y" t~etal physics of the entire I family. of ~- rare earth elew~ cs and each elemnt indi- ~,,-.vidually considering itsspecific characteristic f eati tros - It is especially izu- portAnt to discover new properties to establish entirely new areas and their application. For the development of the theoretical principles of the applica- tion of rare earth metals itis necessary -to study the Oectron ntructure and allo the nuclear properties. Via basic areas of furthei : -esearch in rare earth metaln in the near future are presented. Biglit mustrations, 2 tables, and a 28-entry bibliography. 36 PRINCIPLES OF HEAT RESIST/,NCF Of MTALLDC iW-7--RIALS (Conferenco in F;o::cow) CArticle by Correnpondlnq Me..%ber of the AS VEER Y~-. ?-. and C, ididate o- Technical Sciences 1 Akademil 'Nuk -SSR RU!3:t--Cr.' Vol 41, No 8, Auqu--t .971, ri-IT0=7 The Institute of 'MebalLurgy A. A. Uaykov an4 the Scientific Counril. fa.--=nysjcochemjca1 princ4plo: of obtaining new ficat-r~,,ii-,tant inorganic materials" held on 20-22 April In Dl=cow a conference on the problen.of heat-Irpsint.3-.1, Participatirv; in it:s work werQ jver COG persons -- repr~!-~,ente- tiver of v7aclemlc and branch Inntituter and "IUZ of m~ y- i -. II In. cit C.; of the,ccunLry. Ye. M. Savit~~kiy pre-centod an analy!~!z cf urrjent problems in the creaLion. of heat-rer,15tant materials (ef~~ccts ol therr,'zo- cycling of ziinvie cr, y5t4ls of tungsten and mol-ybdenun- and their alloyn). Thl:. nLxt Lhirr- reporL:; were to Uz,y Influrnce of thpr'nocyclnq oil th~l' Ot alloys of molybdenum, tunq~ta.-- hrid other metals, It .4a~ shown that the loss of resistence of tho7e witerialn, -quriln~; ther.-n-a- cyclIN. 11F, cauved by relzx-3tion and alz;c, the ani-sotropy of the -v'p-irate (V. 1. Kinf~levrXiy and,N. N. Tlv~ '~et~~od of int,,rnal.friction was proposed as. a r-on- 'dt~st-..;ctive F5kethod of moriltoring ;ind~fonbaantincj the thermccvcl-c resistonce of sample5 of tL1r1,jStCn (V~ S. 1,;ordyuk and otaers). cc,:-~positicn bcned on ivon co-"~ nickol were ex-anined In a connidercb.'! pot:z1-cr, o~ the )r-~einortc-. he ~vffect 0~ nickel on tungsten and fiber leads to a lof;5 of strength, at: the fiber Prvci- %-b~-Ion oi the h..irm'ol influence oi the reaction 01 11,10 niNel Matrd' Y. r-Lith the stre"5t~enar is possible by alloying the Matrix -- crear- ng difikisior. bii~riers of titanium nitride (A. T. Tu;tanov). Y. 1. 136 USSR IUDC 5'39,21:536.42 ~J IT, Kilf Ye. Problems of Polymorphic ',.,'e t a I sand Alloys" V sb. Metalloveae llur 1 e otion Of ,Iorks) K M gy-co-L -,OSCOIT, "Nauka," 1971, P_ 26 (from Kh-Fizillaa. No. 9, 1971, Abstivact 1%T0 - 9E308) --Translation: The present state of the phenomenon of inetal polymorphism -Js considered from-the motallurgical point of vieT.. The possibilities -and advnant,a~,~es of its, tt~cchnice-..-, use as applie,,~. to various inetals and [~jlloys are dincussed. Data is given con- cerning 'the crystallir4e structure of variou,.3 inodific at.f Ons of `)2 metals possessing temporature polymorphisn (-we, i:n, Ti, Zr, U, Pa, rare earth --etals, etc.). The rule of the vla~iticity 01-., -Ole high-temperature modificat ions of polymorphic Letals is consi- dered, accordir-,- to which the hi-"ast -tem,"eraturc ,_,od if-c-, t ion:,- of all the rolymorphic -_--tals -poasess as a re --ult, of the form-a- -c U~, -he o ==0 e o- me al I tion o-- the cubic la'--ce and C, f plaStic defQrMa- bond between atoris, thc grea-tuest caP-_bi1LL,,7 O.L 6 tion. Practical ex=-Tuleo are offered of the u2e of the ru`es -or USSR SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., Metallovedeniye (Metallurgy--collection of works) MoScOW, "Nauka," 1971, pp 16-26 (from RZh-Fizika, No.9, 1971, Abstract No. MOB) estimating the purity, heat-resistance, stability against recrystallization, choice of the optimal temperature interval for pressure processing, attempts to control the cold-brittleness of polymorphic metals, and the construction of plastic alloys using coarse polymorphic. metals. Author's abstract. USSR .UDC 621.357.8:669.794(088.8) TEREKHOVA, V. F., KULAKOV, Yu. A., S.AVITSKIX" SHELKOVA, 1. G. "Method of Electrolytic Polishing of Rare Earth Metals and Their Alloys" USSR Author's Certificate No 305203, Filed 27/01/70, Published 13/07/71, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal,.Khimiya, No 2, 1972, Abstract-No 2 L248 P from the Resume). Translation: A method of electrolytic polishing of rare earth metals and their alloys in an electrolyte containing HNO3 and glycerin, differing in that in order to improve the quality of polishing of ttrium and its alloys, Y oxalic acid is introduced to ths electrolyte in the following ratio of com- ponents, wtA: HNO 3 __ 40-50,,oxalic acid 20-40, glycerin remainder, and 2 the process is conducted at 20*C and D =1.5-3 a/cm 27 USSR UDC 669. SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., MIKHAYLOV, B. P., BARON, V. V. "Electrolytic Coating of Complex Shape Parts With Niobium" Probl. Sverkhprovodyashch. Materialov [Problems of Superconducting Materials Collection of Works], Nfoscow, Nauk-a Press, 1970, pp. 203-208. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal kietallurgiya, No. S, 19.71, Abstract No. S 1777 by the authors). Translation: A method is developed for electrolytic deposition of even super- conducting Nb coatings on parts of a nonsuperconducting material (Cu, brass, Fe) of various sizes and shapes. The influence of electrolysis modes on the structure, evenness, thickness, purity and superconducting parameters of the Nb coatings is studied. The possibility of electrodeposition of even-thickness superconducting N7b coatings (on parts of various sizes and shapes) with a trans- ition temperature of about 8.9-9.0*K is established. 4 figs; 4 biblio refs. i/l USSR UDC 669,,312.62 SAVITSKIYY, Ye. M. , MYZENKOVA, L. F. BARON, V. V., ZMARTYNWk, L. F. "Study of the Structure and Superconducting Properties of Niobium Single Cr-jsV-als with 5 and 10% Zirconium" Probl. Sverkhprovodyashch, Materialov [Problems of Superconducting Materials Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauk-a Press, 1970, pp. 148-155. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 1784 by the authors). Translation: The structure of single crystals of the alloys of Nb with 5 and IVI. Zr produced by the method of cathode-ray zone melting is studied. Data are presented on the distribution of Zr and interstitial inp urities through the length of a bar of the single crystal. The transition t6-,Terature T.- is measixed. For the alloy Mb-S*Q, Zr, TC=10*K, for the allo), Nb-iU',4 Zr, IO.S'K. Magnetization curves of specimens with various crystallographic orientation are measured. 5 figs; 1 table, 6 biblio refs. USSR UDC 669. SAVITSKIY, Ye,.M., BARON, V. V., MIKMAYLOV, B. P. "Study of Structure and Superconducting Properties of Cast Alloys in the Niobium- Tin System" Probl. Sverkhprovodyashch. 1111aterii1ov (Problems of Supe:rconducting Materials -- Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp. 99-10S. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5,.1971, Abstract No. 5 1779 by the authors). Translation: Ingots of Nb-Sn alloys are studied. The structure is studied (by macro-and microstructural analysis), as well as the phase composition of the alloys. Color etching is used to reveal the phases. The possibility is establ- ished of producing ingots of Nb-Sn alloys with various sizes and geometric shapes with contents of Sn up to 50% with even distribution of components having a transi- tion temperature of 17.5-18.0'*K. 3 figs; I table; IS biblio refs. Tllm 1 5 RM USSR UDC.669,293.5,296.537.312.62.539.374 SAV-ITSK.I,Y,.,Ye.-M4, BARON, V. V., FROLOV,~V. A., STARKOV, V. N., KORCHAGIN, P. A. -ARXVS19_,T_.__I._;_DSIPOV, V. N., SERDYUJKOV, Yu. A. "Cathode-Ray Melting and Deformation of Superconducting Niob ium- Zirconium Alloys Under Industrial Conditions" Probl. Sverkhprovodyashch. Materialov [Problems of Superconducting Materials -- Collection of Wor~~s], ~Ioscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp.187-192. (Translated fron Referativnyy Zhurnal IMetallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 1785 by the authors). Translation: Industrial modes of melting:ingots 90 mm in diameter and weighing up to 45 kg in a cathode ray furnace by the method of double vacuum remelting, =d modes of hot pTessing of ingots into bars 50 mm in diameter and forging of pressed bars to 18 -22 mm, in diameter are de~VelOped for alloys of %Nb with Zr. Bars produced by cathode ray melting, hot pressing.and ftraing are used to pro- 0 duce wire 0.2 mm in diameter, the mechanicaland superconducting properties of which are measured. 2 figs;,16 biblio refs-. 63 - M, USSR UDC 669.292.5.793.669.293.5.793.669.ois.s SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BARON, V. V., NAUMKIN, 0. P., YEFIMOV, Yu. V. "Vanadium-Scandium and Niobium-Scandium Systems and Th4.!ir Superconducting Proper- ties" 'Probl. Sverkhprovodyashch. Materialov [Problems of Superconducting Materials -- Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press,, 1970, pp. 178-186, (Translated from Ref'erativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. S 1752 by tile authors). Translation: Based on their own experiments and the data from the literature, the authors study the regularities of the change of Tc of superconducting alloys in simple eutectic. systems-of the transition and nontransition metals, as well as in the eutectic sectors of the state diagrams of binary nystems with the formation of intermediate compounds. Composition-Tc diagrams of, the binary systems of V and Nb with Sc and the state diagrams of these systems are presented. The Tc of the superconducting element is increased or decreased upon dissolution of the second component within the limits cf the area.of homogeneity of the solid solu- tion. In 2-phase eutectic mixturesp TC of each of the superconducting phases changes along anear-horizontal straight line when the cm-,position of the alloy is changed. 5 figs; 25 biblio refs. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.891.5. 71. 725.018. 8 (088. 8) STROGANOVA, V. F., TEREKHOVA, V. F., SAVITSKTY, Ye. M., STREL111SOV, Ye. I., IGNATOVA, L. I., NAKONECILNIKOV, A. l-7-ZAV'YALOV-,-"A::1T1. (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov, Physics and Energy Institute] "Calcium-Based Alloy" USSR Author's Certificate No. 276422, Filed 17/12/68, Published 16/10/70. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. S, 1761P). Translation: In order to increase the corrosion resistance of binary Ca.-Al alloys, it i,,, suggested that they be additionally alloyed with Be with the following relationships of components (in %): Al Be 0.3-0.8, remainder Ca. The new alloy, while retaining high mechanical PTOPOI-tiOS, has corrosion resistance defined by the weight gain of specimens of 0.003 g/cm2 per 100 hours! i. e., is practically not cLxidized in air (in an atmosphere with normal relative humidity). The melting point of the alloy is 580-600', the specAfic gravity ~.1.7 g/cM2. It is suggested for use in atomic power ong! T)vc ring. USSR UDC 669. SAVITSKIY, Ye.M., BARON, V. V., MIKHAYLOV, B. P. "Structure and Superconducting Properties of Nb3,3n-Based Alloys Produced by Substitution of Phases in the Solid-Liquid State" Probl. Sverkhprovodyashch. Materialov [Problems of Superconducting Materials Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp. 112-119. (Translated from Re ferativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5JI 1971, Abstract No. 5 1780 by the authors). Translation: Substitution of the low-melting phase in Nb-Sn alloys with other superconducting alloys (Pb, Pb-Sb, Pb-Bi) with transition temperatures of from 7.1 to 8.20K is performed: The influence of structure on the superconducting properties is demonstrated: alloys are produced havin.-significant ductility and capability for plastic deformation. 5 figs, I table; 15 biblio refs. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.296'784-018.28 t 539-531669-977 SAVITSKIY, YE. M., KUL'BANH, A. A., and UYSTYUKRIN, N. A. "Study of Hot Hardness of Cast Zirconium Carbides" V sb, Tugoplayk. karbidy (The Refractory.Caxbides -- Collection of WcrRs), Kievt "Naulk. Dumkap" 19701 PP 211-214 (from RZh-MetalAurgiya, ho 3, Max 71, Abstract 140 31780 by authors) Translationt The article presents data on hot-haxdr-ees measuroments of cast specimens of Zr carbide with a porosity approximating zero and density close to theoretical. Ha ' _eSS Measurements by the static iwthod were carried 5 rn out in the 900-16 0 rarge. Wtening of Zr carbide (c&,st and hot-pressed) is observed with an increase in temperature. Three illustrations. biblio- graphy with three titles. .......... 7, US UDC: 537-312.62 El Z BYCIMOVA, M. I., KOZLOVA, N. D., LYS UKO, Ye. 11. ,RAY,011, V. V. , SAVITSKII? Ye. M. , TUPEITSKTY, V. !.I. "'Shielding Properties of Alloys in -he Niobivw.-Titanium System" u_ V sb. Probi. sverkhrrovodvash ch. m, at erialov (Problejrz of SunDerconducting Materials-collection of wor-":S), ~,~Oscow, 15,70, pp 166-1-12 (from P -Radiotekhnika, 1, 7h 10 5, 1-fay 71, ~bsiu-ract 110 5D569)' Trans-la - , : 1I t,' on "he authors study -the distribution of the rza,,,Tnetfc field in superconducting for quantU111 parana-Goetic w-mlific-,-s i-dth t! e use of hieldin6 plates made 'Lrori niabliurr;-tit~F-nium alloy. It is shoiqi that shic-1614; of HT-1 alloy can partially screen the ficla and appreciably i=Drov-2 field homogeneity. At a maGnctlic field strength of h,000 oersteds, a uniformity of_ 10 3 is obtained -in a volume of 5 x 8 x 120 mm. Five illustrations, one table, bibliography of thirteen titles. Resuirle'. USSR UDC: 537.312.62 BARON, V. V., DEMIDMIKO, T. F. ,KLIYOV, S. I., SAVITSKIY, Ye. 14. , ThTEVSKIY, V. M. "Superconducting Magnets for Quantum Paramagnetic Amplifiers" V sb, Probl. sverkhDrovodyashch. materialov (Problem of Superconducting Materials-collection of works.- oscow, "Nauka", 1970, 209-215 (from RZb-Radiotekbnika, No 5, MaY 71, Abstract No 5D550) Translation: On the basis of the operating principle and -par.-viters of the paramagnetic crystals of quantum. paramagnetic amplifiers, the authors give a basis for the requirements to be satisfied by the characteristics of super- conducting magnets and solenoids. The results of development :ad eYperim(_:-nta*'I_ verification of superconducting magnets end solenoids with winding of copper- -plated and insulated grade IUIS wire and shields of NT-I ~alloy and compound are presented together with their design peculiarities. Types of supercon-, ducting magnets and sectionalized solenoids are created in. the developmental process. Two J.1lustrations, bibliography of four titles. USSR- UDC: 537-312.62 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M. , YEFIPUV, Yu. V. 20"VVc-o`nT=ucting Metallic Compounds" V sb. Probl. sverkhljrovodvashch, materialov (Problems of Surerconducting Materials--collection of works), Moscow, "Natika", 1970, pp 71-78 (from RZh- -Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5D56) Translation: The authors discuss the principles which k;overn the change in temperature of transition to the superconducting state in metallic com- pounds as a function of the type of crystal structure, degree of ordering, electron structure, chemical composition end cancUtions of formation. An analysis is made of the effect which pressure, interstitial impurities, alloying, heat treatment and other factors have on the siiperconducting proper- ties and structure of various compounds. The principler~~ uhich govern the change in critical temperature in binarl and ternarj alloys bwed on the compounds are discusses as well as the characteriatic singularities of Itcomposition - diagrams. The rAximmm critical temperature it; observ'.~d in compounds of the Cr3Si tYPe, By changing therax,)dV-ir;jtiLc fi--otors (concen- tration, temperature, preonure) or by upplying magnetic, radiation arid oth,2r fields, the structure and properties of superconducting compounds ran be controlled within certain limits. Some of the possibilities of raking different articles from brittle su-nerconducting compounds, are pointed out. Six illustrations, two tables, bibliography of sixty-nine.titles. Resum'e. USSR UDC: 531-312-62 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M.,,WON, V. V., WKHAYLOV, B. P. "Investigation of the Structure and Superconducting Properties of Cast Alloys of the Niobiun-11"in Systed' V sb. Probl. sverkhprovodyashch. materialov (Problems of Superconducting Materials--collection of works), Mbscow,~ "Nauka", 1970, pp 99-105 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5D559) Translation: An investigation is made of the possibility of making niob-iiLm- -tin alloy ingots by the method of high-frequency nielting in agraphite crucible in an inert atmosphere. A study is made of the structure of the alloys (by the methods of raacro and microstructural analysis) end the phase composition of the alloys. Color etching is developed to reye.Q phases. It is found that niobiur-,tin alloy j.Drots of various simi!s and geometric shapes can be produced with a tin concentration of up te3 50 percent by weight vith fairly uniform distribution of the components, and witb a ts~-mrperature of transition to the superconducting atate of 17.5-18.0tT.. Tbroe illustra- tions, one table, bibliography of fifteen:titles. Resun6. USSR ~UDC: 537-312.62 S ~SKAY,~ V. A., STARKOV V. N., KORCIIAGIN, AVI9 ~Ye.. BARONS V. V., FROLOVP TI-011 =1 A T. I., OSIPOV, V. N., SERDYUKOV, Yu. A. "Electron-Beam Melting and Deformation of Superconducting Nibbium-Zirconium Alloys Under Industrial Conditions" V sb. Probl. sverkhDrovadyashch. materialov (Problems of' Superconducting Materials--collection of works) 2Moscow, T'Nau 0, 1970, Dp 187-192 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika,, No 5, May 71, Abstract.No 5D554) Translati2n: Cycles for smelting ingots 90 mm in diameter weighing up to 45 kg: in an electron-beam furnace by the method of double vacuum remelting, and schedules for hot-pressing the ingots into bars 50 imn in diameter and for forging the pressed bars to a diameter of 18-20 mm are worked out u-nder industriall conditions for niobiura-zirconium alloys. Wire 0.2 rrm in diameter is made from the bars produced by the methods of electrcrri-beam melting, hot-pressing and forging, and.the mechanical and superconducting properties of this wire are measured. Two illustrations, bibliogralmhy of i3ixteen titles. ~Resumre. USSR UDC: 537-312.62 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M. , NEMENKOVA, L. F. , BARON, V. V. , MARTYNOVA, L. F. "Investigation of the Structure and Superconducting Properties of Single Crystals of Niobium With 5 and 10 Percent Zirconlumpt V sb. Probl. sverkliprovodyashch. materialov (Problems of Superconducting Materials--collection of works), Mosco~r, uka" ~ 1970, PP 173-177 (from RZh--Radio-tekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5D5'z,2*) Translation: The authors study the structure of single crystals of alloys of niobiu ith five and ten percent ky wei&ht of zircenium. made by the method of electron-beam zone melting. Data are given on the distribution of zirconium and introduced impurities with respect to the length of the single-crystal bar. The temperature of transition to the superconducting state is measured. For a niobium alloy With 5 percent zircnoium, the tran- sitim temperature is 101K, vhile the corresponding temperature is 10.5'K for an alloy oll njobium. with .1.0 percent zirenoium.; iMatmictization curve'.3 are plotted for specimens with various ci~jsta_llographlc orientations. Five illustrations, one table, bibliography of.six titles. Resurig- 148 USSR UDC: 537-312.62 SAVrMKIY, Ye. M. MI KHAYLOV, B. P. , BARON, V. V. 'O-TFStructure and Superconducting Properties of Alloys Ba:-:ed on the Compound Nb3Sn Made by the Method of Phase Substitution in the Solid-Liquid State" V sb, Probl. sverkhDrovokyasheb. materialov (Problems of Superconducting Materials--collect-ion of warks), mosc~w-,'~qauka!', 1970, pp 112--119 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5D545) 'Translation: It is shown that the low-melting phase in :Tb-Sn alloys can be replaced by other superconducting alloys (Fb, Pb-Sb, Pb-Bi) which have a temperature of transition to the superconducting state from 7.1 to 8.20K. It is shown how structure affects superconducting properties; alloys are produced which have appreciable ductility and the capacity for plastic de- formation. It is found that the method of substituting -the low-melting com- ting f hig~i-melting and ponent can be used for alloys of any system:. consis o low-melting phases which have the necessary crystallization temperature interval. Five illustrations, one table, bibliography of fifteen titles. Resume. USSR UDC: 537-312.62 SAVITSKIT WKHAYLOV B. P., BARON, V. V. %"Electrolytic Niobium. Plating of Articles With a Complex Shape" V sb. Probl. sverkhurov2Lvashch. materiUov (Problems of Superconducting Materials--collection of works), Moscow, "Rauka", 1970,.-Up 203-208 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5D54h) Translation: A method is developed for electrolytic deposition of supercon- ductive coatings of niobium on articles of nonsuperconducting -material (cop- per, brass, iron) of various sizes and shapes. A study is made of the effect 'which conditions of electrolysis have on'the structure, uniformity, thickness, purity and superconducting parameters of the niobium coating. It is found that uniformly thick niobium superconducting coatings can be electrolytically deposited (on articles of various sizes and configurations) with a tempera- ture of transition to the superconducting state of about 6.9-9.0'K. Foul, illustrations,.bibliography of ten titles.., UDC: 537-3i~-62 TSKIY, Ye. M., BARON, V. V.5 NAU16IN, 0. P. , YEFDVV, Yu. V. "Vanadium-Scandium and Niabium-Scandium, Systems and Their Superconducting Properties" V sb. Probl. sverkhDrorrodyashch. materialov (Problems of Superconducting Materials-collect ion of works) , MQscow, "Nauka", 1970, PP 178-186 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika., No 5, MaY 71, Abstract No 5D546) Translation: Taking characteristic experimental and literature data as a basis'. the authors consider the principles which govern the c2hange in Tk Of superconducting alloys in simple eutectic systems of trwLsition and non- transition metals , and also in the eutectic segment of phase diagrams of binary systems with the formation of intermediate compounds. "Tk composition" diagrams are presented for binary systems of vanadium- and niobium with sc--ri- dium, as well as the phase diagrams of these systems. In -alloys of super- conducting system of the eutectic type, superconductivity is observed both in the case of allaying of two superconductors and in the case of alloying of a superconductor with a "normal" element. 'The T~ of the superconducting element goes up or down as the second component is dissol-,red within the limits of the region of homogeneity of the solid solution,. In two-phase eutectic mixtures, the Tk of each of the superconducting phases varies a-long a nearly horizontal straight line as the composition of the alloys changes. Five illustrations, bibliography of twenty-five -titles. Authors' abstract. 146 UDC 546.641. USSR SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., TEUIVICIOVA, V. F., and SHELKOVA, I. G.~ T'Study of the Fine Structure of Yttrium Single Crystals" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov [Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals - Collection of Works], Nauka Press, 1971, pp 70-73 Translation: A method is developed for polishing ard etching yttrium single crystaLs. The fine structure on the base plane, on the plane of' the second- order prism, and on the intermediate planes is produced. Data of structural and X-ray analysis attest to a rather high degree of perfection of the single crystals produced in the laboratcii-y. 4 Figures; 4 BibliQgraphic References. BUCTRICAL 9MINEERING Materials USSR UDC 621.385.032.213.6 0. HOROZOV, A. V., IVANOVA, K. It., BELOUSOV, A. I., BARON, V. V., V. X., OVCHINNIKOV' H.:. A. ROZHDESTVzASKIY, "Alloy for Manufacturing the Parts of the Cathode Junction of Electronic Devices" USSR Author's Certificate No 304642, filed 14 August 1969, published 25 May 1971 (from Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy,Tovarnyve Znaki, No 17, 1971, Wo H OIJ 1/20) Translation: 1. An alloy for manufacturing the parts of the cathode junction of electronic devices based on niobium is introduced. It is distinguished by the fact that in order to improve strength and stability of shape of the parts, the alloy contains tungsten and zirconium additives. 2. The alloy according to item I distinguished by the fact that it con- tains 7-9% tungsten and 2-2.5% zirconium4s introduced. 3. The alloy according to item I distinguished by the fact that it con- tains molybdenum is introduced. 4. The alloy according to item 3 distinguished by the fact that it con- ta:Ens 5-7% tungsten, 1-1.5% zirconium and 4-6% molybdenum is introduced. USSR UDC 537.312.5 SAVTTSKIY, Ye. M., PIROGOVA, S. V., and BUROV, 1. V. "Calculated and Experimental Values OfIlectrical Conductivity of Single Crystals of Alloys in the Molybdenum-Niobium and Tunasten-Tantalurr Systems at 4.2*K!' Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov [Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare ILatals -- Collection of I-Torks3, Wauka Press 1971, pp 89-94 Translation: The electrical conductivity of alloys in the molybdenum- niobiun and tungsten-tantalum systems are calculated near absolute zero on the assumption that the Fermi surface area of the alloys is an order of magnitude less than for the spherical Fermi surface, while the trans- i, the verse scattering cross section is. equal to 21r (6i1t. where A S wavelength of a condurtivity electron at the Fermi lavol Oect i.c.. I Th r a conductivity of mozloci'ystalline alloys in the molybdcnwri-niobium and tungstan-tantalum systems is measured at 295, 77,and 4.2'K throughout the entire concentration inter-ial. The calculated and exparimental values of electrical conductivity of 4.2'K are in good agreement. 4 Tables; 5 Figures; 14 Biblio. Refs. USSR UDC 669.236 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., CORINA, N. B., POLYAKOVA, V. P., and SHELYAKIN, L. B. "U,--:e of the Method of Ion Bombardment to Determine Fine Structure of Noble Metals" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov rSingle Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals Collection of Worksl,,Nauka Press, 1971, pp 60-62 Translation: The t!se of the method of ion bombardment is used to determine the fine structure of ruthenium single crystals. The fine structure is determined on prismatic planes of the crystal. A comparative estimate is made of the etching pictures observed. The possibility is shown of using this method to determine the structure of the noble metals. 5 Figures; 10 Bibliographic References. USSR UDC 669-172:541.12.03 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BUROV, I. V., LITVAN, L. N., BbMItWONT, G. S., and BOICAREVAI R. N. "Work Function of Single Crystals of lfolybdenum-Niobium System Alloys on (111) Face in a Vacuum" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov [Single CrystaJs of Refractory and Rare Metals -- Collection of Works], Nauka Press, 1971, pp 74-77 Trnn lation: The work function of single cr-.7stals of the molybdenum-niobium system of alloys on the (111) face is measured in a vacuum of 10-9 torr throughout the entire range of concentrations. Usin-- a thaxmo-emission projector, an emission picture is produced for Lhe alloy Ma + 421". Nlb, and anisotropy is established similar to th:t-pz-oduced for Dure metals with a BCC lattice. The experimental results producad with single crystals of the alloys confirmed the general nature of the monotonous change in emission properties in solid solutions of binary equilibriun systems both for polycrystals and for single crystals. In perfoTming measurements with single crystals, a change was noted in the fine atructure of the alloys, influencing their emission propErties. 2 Tables; 2 Figures; 11 Biblia- graphic References. 7 USSR UDC 669-172:541.12.03 SAVITSKIY 'O%YA, V. P., and BUROV, I. V., LITV.AK, L. N., POLYkK Ye. M. "Thermo-Emission Properties if Iridium Single Crystals" Monokristally Tugoplaveikh i Redkikh Dfetallpv [Single Crystals of Refractory -and Rare Metals -- Collection of Worksl,:Nauka Press, 1971, pp 81-85 Translation: Certain thermo-emission characteristics of an iridium single crystal areproduced in a vacuum of lo-9 torr, grmin by the method of zone refining by an electron beam. A thermo-emission image of iridium is pro- duced in a Martin projector, The brightnelss, of luminence indicates the following order of increasing work functiba for various faces: (311)-(110)- (100)-(111). It is established that the iridium does not change its emission picture with changing residual gas pressure in the 10-5- 10-8 torr interval. An instrument with flat geometry is used to determine the work function on the (100) and (110) faces. The following values are produced for full cur- rent: for the (100) face at 1,900*K, 5.37 + 0.05 ev, for the (110) face at 1,900'K, ~ - 4.83 + 0.05 ev, The Richardsm work functions cor- respondingly are 6(100) ~ '~,50 + 0.05 ev, 4.85 4- 0.05 ev. 7 Figures; 10 Bibliogrzphic Ref:~rences. :1/1 50 USSR UDC 539.26-548.735.4 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BURIKHANOV, G. S., OTTENBERG, Ye. V., and KWHISHCHEV, V. A. "St udy of Deformation and Polygonization of Molybdenum Single Crystals" Xonokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov [Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals - Collection of Works], Nauka Press, 1971, pp 112-119 Translation: The metallographic, x-ray, laue, and topographic methods are used to study the influence of certain conditions of deformaLion in rolling along the (100) plane in direction [1101 and annealing modes on the fine strueture of molybdenum single crystals. It is demoDstrated that with increasing degree of deforiwition, blocks are broken up, the dislocation density is increased, and stressed areas arise. An increase in the degree of deformation before heating causes an increase in breakup of blocks during heating and their disorieptation. The influence of annealing temperature and deformation on the substructure of molybdenum single crystals is established. 8 Figures; 5 Bibliograplitc References. 53 USSR UDC 669.172:620.17 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BUPdaL41NOV, G. S., RASKATOV, N. N., and SIUIYREV, G. D. "Mechanical Properties of Large Tungsten Single Crystals" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Ifetallri-v [Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals -- Collection of Works), Nauka Press, 1971, pp 139-143 Translation: The mechanical properties of large single crystals of tungsten up to 40 mm in diameter produced using a low-temperature plasnia at room temperature and 1,000-2,000'C are studied. It is established that the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of single crystals, which appears stroagly at roon temperature, becomes in,5ignificart at.1,000-2,000'. 2 Tables; 3 Figures; 5 Bibliographic References. -56 USSR UDC 669-172 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BURIGMNOV G. S., and DOKAREVA, N. N. qrO~rLn=tin Dependence in Extension of 'Llfolybdenum Single Crystals" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov (Single Cr stals of Refractory y and Rare Metals -- Collection of Works), Nauka Press, 1971, pp 171-176 Translation: When molybdenum single crystals grown by cathode ray zone vacuum melting in the [100], 11101, and (1111 directions are -put in extension at room temperature, strong anisotropy of mechanical properties is noted. The greatest plasticity is noted when the axis of extension corresponds to the [1101 direction, the greatest strength -- when this Pxis corresponds to t'he (1001 direction. Anisotropy with -respect to a reaches 30%, with respect to 6 -- 207. and to -- 30%. The courso of the deformation curves Lor various orlentationn, like thc anisotropy of plasticity, is expDrIned on the basit; of the orientation dependence of intersecting j;lippage in the BCC lattice. 4 Figures; 10 Bibliographic References. USSR UDC 669.172 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BURKILANOV, C. S., RASKATOV, N. N., and SHN-YREV, G. D. "Formation of Growth Structure During Growing of Tungsten Single Crystals From a Ifelt" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov [Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals -- Collection of Works], Nauka Press, 19~1, pp 19-25 Translation: The formation of the growth structure of oriented tungsten single cryscals is studied with various temperature grad4ents as a function of the content of carbon in the. tungsten and the growth rate. A possible mechanism of formation of the growth structure of tungsten single crystals is described. It is established that the formation of a coarse grovith submacrostructure occurs due to macroscopic fluctuation of impurities in the crystallizing tungsten. 6 Figures; 13 Bibliographic Aeferences. USSR UDC 669.28.172 BULGAK, L. V., SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BELOMYTTSEV, Yu. S., SARATOVSKIY, L. N., PAVLOVICH, T. h7 -,.Mt-fftXKAYLOV, S. M. "study of Structure and Properties of Molybdenum Single Crystals Produced Under Oilless Vacuum Conditions" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov (Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals -- Collection of Works], Nauka Press, 1971, pp 57-70 Translation: Data are presented on the mechanical properties and structure of monocrystalline molybdenum, produced under oilless vacuum conditions by cathode ray zone refining. I Table; 4 Figures; 2 Bibliographic References. 48 USSR UDC 669.172:669.28 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BURKHMOV, G. S., TETYTIEVA, T. V., and KUZ",11SHC11EV, V. A. "Influence of Thermal Cycling Treatment on Fina Structuve and Properties of Molybdenum Single Crystals" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Netallov (Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals -- Collection of Works], Wauka Press, .1971, pp 119-124 Translation: The nature of the change in microstructure and properties of molybdenum single crystals as a function of the time ojf theninal cycling in an atmosphere of helium in the 400-1,600'C temperature intenial is studied. It is demonstrated that structural changes are related to the occurrence of two parallel processes; 1) annihilation of dislocations and coalescence of subgrains; 2) multiplication,and motion of,deformation dislocations, order- ing of these dislocations into new subgrains. It:is esViblished that during the first stages of thermal cycling, the first process predoimlinates, while dominates. 6 Figures:; -later the second pre 5 13ibliograpjiic Rdferences. am USSR UDC 669.172 SAVITSKIY, e. M., BURKHANOV, G. S., and AGEYEV, M. N. .. _Y "Effect of High-Temperature Hardening on Substructure and Ductility of Tungsten Single Crystals" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Kedkildi Metallov [Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals -- Coilection of Works], Nauka Press, 1971, pp 135-139 Translation: The effect of high-temperatur:!, high-speedliardening on the fine structure and plastic properties of tungsten single crvstals is studied. 4 Figures; 3 Bibliographic References. UISSR UDC 669.018.1 R M., ZAKHA OV, A. M., BURYJIANOVy G. S., and KATAYEV, Tniitute of Metallurgy imeni -A. A. Baykov "Study of the Trinary System Molybdenum-Nickel-Carbon" IVUZ, Tsvetmaya Metallurgiya, No 2, 1971, pp 91-94 Abstract: Microscopic and X-ray phase analysis plus determina- tions of the solidus temperature and.microhardness are used to study molybdenum-carbon in the trinary system Mo-Dii-c up to 0.5 and 3.5% Ni. Isothermal cross sections are constructed at 1800 amd 12000 and polythermaL cross sections are constructed with constant nickel content (0.35-7o) and carbon content (0-01"0). At 18000, a Liquid phase and the carbide M02 are in equilibrium with the taolybdenum solution, while at 12000 the~delta phase (solution based on MoNi) and Mo-2C -ire in equilibrium. The blo-Ni-C system forms no ccmplex carbides in the concentration range studied. Alloying of molybdenum with nickel increases the solubi- tity of carbon in the molybdeAum in the solid state at high tem- peraturesz at 18000, the solubility of carbon is increased from 0.04 to 0.07% by introduction of 0.8% Ni. Allolring of Ylo-C with nickel decreases the solidus temperature and expands the tem- peratures range of crystallization. 1/1 48 Refractory ~Ia*terials USSR UDC 669.018.45 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., and BURMAINOV, G. S. Metallovedeniye Splavov Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov (Physical Metallurg Ely of Refractory and Rare Metals), Moscm,, "Nauka," 1971, 356 pp Annotation: The second edition of the monograph contains a number of new materials. Works of Soviet and foreign researchers are generalized, ex- perimental. dataare given on the structure and properties of refractory metals and alloys, and a study is made of the areas of application of these metals and alloys. The treatment of the book is from the physico-chemical position. Concepts of the interatomic bond nature and basic physical properties of refractory metals, e.g., thermal, electrical, and mechanical, are considered. Fundamentals of the theory of alloys, the e~q)erimental methods of constructing phase diagrams, and the i-ateraction of refractory metals with other elements of the periodic system arc dascribt~d. Modern concepts of the nature of cold brittleness of refractory nicta,la and mothods for controlling cold brittleness arv presented in a separate chapter. Par- ticular attention is given to obtaining and investigatiug the Ftructure and properties of single crystals of refractory metals and alloys. Data are given on the oxidation of refractory metals, and ways of improving their thermal stability and compatibility with other materials are considered. 1/8 USSR SAVITSKIY-, Ye. M., and BUMI&NOV, G. S.., Metallovedeniye Splavov Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov (Physical Metallurgy of Refractory~and Rare Metals), Moscow, "Nauka," 1971, 356 pp Problems o~ melting, pressure treatment, heat treatment, and welding and soldering of alloys and refractory metals are considered in the last chapter. In conclusion, basic areas for future investigations of refractory metals and alloys are noted. The edition is intended for physical chemists, metallurgists, metal scientists, metal physicists, designers, mechanical engineers, and specialists frm, other branches who are working, in design bureaus, research organizations, and in industrial enterprises in advanced technology. The monograph may also be used as a textbook by teachers and students at metallurgical, physico-tedinical, chemical, and rpachanjcal engineering schools of higher education. The book contains 56 tables, 188 figures,Iand 1340 references. TABLE OF COkENTS 2/8 40 USSR SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., and BURIGLANOV, G. S., Metall ovedeniye Splavov Tu goplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov (Physical Metallurgy of Refractory and Rare Meta 1s), Moscow, "Nauka," 1971, 356 pp Foreword to the First Edition 5 Foreword to the Second Edition 8 Introduction 9 1. Natural Resources and Methods of Obtaining Refractory Metals 11 Natural Resources and Basic Mineisis 11 Production Methods 13 ReLerences 16 11. Electron Structure. Interatomic Bond, Crystalline Structure, and Basic Physical Properties of Refractory and Rare Metals 18 Interatomic Bond in Transition Metals 18 Crystalline Structure 35 Physical Properties 38 Compatibility of Refractory Metals and Alloys With Various Materials 56 Machanical Properties 65 Recrystallization of Refractory and Rare Metals 76 ...M.Mm M-M USSR SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., and BURKHMIOV, G. S., Metallovedeniye Splavov Tugoplavkikh I Redkikh Metallov (Physical Metallurgy of Refractory and Rare Metals), Moscow, "Nauka," 1971, 356 pp Effect of Irradiation on Properties of Refractory Metals 83 References 84 III. Physico-Chemical Interaction of Refractory and Rare Metals With Elements of the Periodic System 99 Current Status of the Theory of Metallic Alloys 90 Special.Features.of the Technique for Investigating Refractory and Rare 'Metals 99 Interactlon of Refractory and Rare Metals of the IV-VIII Groups (within each group) ill Interaction Betveen Metals of the VA, VIA Groups and With Metals of Other Groups 113 Interaction of Rhenium With Other.Refractory Metals 129 Certain Ternary and 11-fulticomponent Systems. cf Refractory and Rare Metals 131 Interaction of Rare and REfractory Metals With the Introduction of Impurities 138 References 4/8 41 I vinA USE r Munn 07T USSR SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., and BURKWOV, G. S., Metallovedenive Splavov Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov (Physical Metallurgy of.Refractory and Rare Metals), Moscow, "Nauka," 1971, 356 pp IV. Problems of Refractory INfetals and Alloys Brittleiiess 157 Brittleness of Metals and the Interatomic Bond- 157 Methods of Determining the Temperature of Trantiition Form Pla,;tic to.Brittle State 160 Factors Affecting the Temperature'of Transitiou from Plastic to Brittle State 162 Methods of Controlling the.Brittleness of Refractory Metals 180 References 183 V. Single Crystals of Refractory Metals and Alloys 186 Methods of Growing Metallic Single Crystals 187 Specific Features of the Zone Cleaning Process 190 Produ,-~tion of Molybdenum and Tungsten Single Crystals 195 Evaluation of the Purity and Degree of Perfection of Metallic Single Crystals 196 V8 USSR SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., and BUPUKRANOV, G. S., Metallovedeniye Splavov Tugoplavkik'L i Redkikh I ,%tallov (Physical Metallurgy, of Refractory and Rare 'Metals) . Moscow, "Nauka," 1971, 356 pp Substructure of Refractory Metal Single Crystals 199 Growth of Refractory.Metal Single: Crystals With a -elon Given Crystallographic Orientat 205 Effect of Plastic Deformation and Heat Treatment on Tungsten and Molybdenum Single Crystal:Structure 207 Rhenium. Single Crystal Deformation 210 Effect of Inclusions on the Substructure of Deformed Single.Crystals of Refractory Metals 211 Mechanical and Certain Other Properties of Metallic Single Crystals 213 Anisotropy of Single Crystal Properties of Refractory Metals With Body-Centered Cubic Lattice 221 Production and Properties of Single Crystals of Alloys of Refractory IMetals 225 Production of Semifinished Products From Tungsttn and Molybdenum Single Crystals and Their Properties 229 References 232 618 42 USSR Ye. M., and BLIWIANOV, G. S., Metallovedenive Splavov Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov (Physical 11atallurc, of Refractory and Rare Metals), ay Moscov, "Na, uka, 1971, 356 pp~ VI. Refractory and Rare-Metal Alloys 235 Chromium-Based Alloys 238 Molybdanum-Based Alloys 240 Tungsten-Based Alloys 245 Rhenium Alloys 251 Vanadium-Based Alloys 255 Niobium-Based Alloys 256 Tantaluza-Based Alloys 265 Titanium-, Zirconium- and Hafnium-Based Alloys 268 Alloys Based on Precious Metals 270 Metallic Compounds 273 Materials of the Metal-Metal-Oxide Type 2 7 5 Protection of Refractory Metals and Alloys Against Oxidation 276 References 281 718 USSR SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., and BURnUONOV, G. S., Metallovedenive Splavov Tugopla-'Aik-h i Redkikh Metall-ov (Pbysical Metallurgy.of Refractory and Rare Metals) Moscow, "Nauka," 1971, 3f6 pp VII. Smelting and Processing of Refractot-j and Rare Metals and Alloys 2 '6 Smelting and Casting 286 Pressure Working of Refractory and Rare Metals and Alloys 305 Heat Treatment of Alloys 327 Welding and Soldering of Refractory Metals 335 References 337 343 346 43 7 USSR DDC 669.018.045+537.312.62 SAVTTSKIY, Ye. M., MYZENKOVA, L. F., BARON, V. V., and MARTYNOVA, L. P. "Study of Structure and Superconducting Properties of Single- Crystals of Niobium, With 5 and 10% Zirconium" Problemy Sverlhprovody ash ch ikh L~~aterialcv (Problems of Superconducting Materials--Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka. Press, 1970, pages 148-155 Translation: The structure of single crystals of the alloys of niobium with 5 and 10 wt.% Zr produced by the method of cathodes ray zone melting is studied. Data are presented on the distribution of zirconium and inter- stitial impurities over the length of a monocrystalline bar. The transi- tion temperature is measured. For the alloy r4obium-5% 2r, T. 10OK; for the alloy niobium-10% Zr, Tc = 10.5*K. Magnetization cunres of specimens with various crystallographic orientation are measures, 5 figures; 1 table; 6 biblio. refs. USSR UDC S:&VITSKIY, Te. M-.,, and YEFIMOV, Yu. V. "Superconducting Metal Compounds" Problemy Sverkhprovodyashchikh Naterialov [Problems of Superconducting Haterials - Collection of Works], Moscow,, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 71-88 Translation: Me -regularities of the change in transition temperature for metal compounds are studied as- afunctionW type of crystalline structure, degree of order of this, structure, electron structure, chemical composition, and formation conditions. The influence of pressure, interstitial impurities, alloying, keat treatmentOrd other factors on the superconducting properties and the atructuTe of various compound5- is studied. 'rhe regularities of the change in critical temperature axe studie& in binary and, trinary, alloys based on compounds, and the 'chaTacteristic features oi th*e "contposition-TC11 diagrams are discussed. The maximum critical temperatures are observed in compounds With- structures such as Cr Si. The structure and properties of superconduc t4 ng 3 compounds- can be controlled within certain limits by varying tfb-- thermodynamic factors Cconcentration, temperature, pressure) or by, applying magnetic, radia- 1/2 81 USSR SAVMSKIY, Ye. M., and YEFIIIOV, Yu. V., Problemy Sverkhprovodyashcbikh Materialov (Problems of Superconducting Materials - Collection of Works), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 71-88. tion, and other fields. Certain possi5ilities- are notea for nanufacture of yarious products of brittle superconducting compounds. 6 figures; 2 tables; 69 biblio, TefS., 2/2 USSR UDC 537.312.62:549.2 SAVITSKIY,.Ye. M., BARON, V. V., and MIKHAYLOV, V. P. "Structure and Superconducting Properties of Alloys Based on the Compound Nb3Sn Produced by Substitution of Phases in. the S,olid-Liquid Stat~l" Problemy Sverkhprovodyashchilh Materialov [Problems of Superconducting Materials - Collection of Works), Mosctrw, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 112-119 Translation: The Possirailitr is established of replacing the low-inelting phase in NbL-45n alloys with_ other superconducting allcys~ (Ph, Jlb~sb, Pb--Ri) with transition. temperatures from 7.1 to 8.2'K. The influence of structure on superconducting properties- i~ demonstrated; alloys are produced with signifi- cant ductility,and capability-for plasticIdeformation, - The possibility is established. of using the method of replacement of the l0vt malting component for alloys of all systeins comsisting, of refractory and lov melting phases~ having the necessary,, crystal li 7atiow tempexature interral. S figures; I table; 15 biblio. refs.. USSR UDC 669.018.4.537.312.62 SA BARON, V. V., FROLOV, V. A., 'STAPJCGV, V. N., KORCHAGIN, ~i, T. I., OSIPOV, V. N., and SERDYUI(01.7, Yu. A. Cathode Ray Melting and Deformation of Superconducting Niobium-Zirconium Alloys Under Indusstrial Conditions" Problemy Sverkhprovodyashchikh Naterialov [Problem of Superconducting Materials - Collection of Works), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 187-192 Translation: Modes for production of ingots 90 mm in diameter weighing up to 45 kg in a cathode ray furnace by double vacuum remelting, and modes of hot pressing of ingots into bars 50 mm in diameter and forging of the pressed bars to diameters of 18-20 mm hav*e been developed under. industrial conditions for alloys of niobium. with zirconium. Wire 0.2 mm in diameter has been pro- duced from the bars manufactured by cathode ray melting, hot pressing, and forging; the mechanical and superconducting properties of the. wires are measured. 2 figures, 16 biblio. refs. 90 ... ......... 7 USSR VDC 537.312.62:538 BARON, V. V., DEEKDENKO, T. F-, KLLMOV, S. I., SAVITSKIY, Ye M., and TUREVSKIY, V. M. "Superconducting Magnets for Quantum Paramagnetic Amplifiers" Problemy Sverkhprovodyashchikh I'Laterialov [Problems of Superconducting Materials - Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 209-215 Translation: Based on the operating principle and parameters of paramagn-~'tic crystals in quantum paramagnetic amplifiers~ the reqni-rements placed on cft.~racteristics- of superconducting magriets-. and solenoids~ are explained. I~esults are presented from the development and euxpetimental testing of superconducting magnets and solenoids with:windings- of copper and type RINEi insulated wire and shields of N'T-I alloy and compounds, as well as their design features~. Types7 of superconducting magnets and sectioned solerwids were created in the procesk of development. 2 figures, 4 Diblio, refs-. 91 USSR UDC 669.017:539.4+548.55 SAVITSKIY, Ye M. , BURKMkNOV, G. S. , ZALIVIN, 1. M. , Moscow "Structure and Mechanical Properties of NiAl in the Polycrystalline and Single Crystal States" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 11, Nov 72, pp 111-113. Abstract: The ififluence of interstitial impurities and structuTe on the cold shortness of the metal compound NiAl (CaCl -type crystal structure) and the dependence of mechanical properties of NiAl single crystals oi- the crystallo- testing are studied. The material has a graphic direction of compression 41 body-centered cubic lattice with a mixed tyTe of interatomic bond, primarily metallic. Production of the compound in the single crystal state with reduced content of interstitial impurities causes an increase in~ductility arid a dis- placement of the cold shortness threshold in compression testing from 400-500% to room temperatures. Studies of the mechanical propeTtles of single crystals show their stronger orientation dependence,in comparison to other face- centered cubic and body-centered cubic metals. Ile aniron-opy of co.-Ilpressive strength was approximately 200%, as opposed to 30% for body-centered cubic metals. 30 ---------- USSR UDC 669.018.52:620.18 SAVITSKIY BARON, V. V., WZENKOVA, L. F., Editors "Superconducting Alloys and Compounds. Works of the Sixth All-Union Conference on the Problem of Superconducting Materialsto Sverkhprovodyashchiye Splavy i Soyedineniya. Trudy V1 11sesoyuanogo Sov. po Probleme Sverkh. Materialov. (English Version Above], Nauka Press, Moscow, 1972. Translation of Foreword: The articles presented in this collection were read at the VI Annual All-Union Conference on Metal Science, Physical Cher-ustry anci Metal Physics of Superconductors, held in blay of 1969 at the Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov, Academy of Sciences, USSR. Fifty-five reports were read at the conference, some of which are pub- lished in this collection. I The.problem of superconducting materials, their investigation, the development of products made of superconductors, their application con- tinues to attract great attention of researchers and designers working in various areas of new technology. Furthermore, interest in this Problem is tontinually growing, and some of the materials developed aTe already in use in instruments and devices operating at helimn temperatures. 1/8 USSR S"ITSKIY, Ye. M., BARON, V. V., NfYZENKOVA, L. F., SVeTkhprovodyashchiye Splavy i Soyedineniya. Trudy VI Vsesoyuznogo Soy. po Probleme Materialov, Nauka Press, Moscow, 1972. an increasing number of works Recently, the literature has contained , on the physical and chemical analysis and metal physics of superconductors. Physical-chemical analysis allows the relationship of superconducting pro- perties to chemical composition and structure to be established. The theme of the reports read indicates the increased depth of scientific research work in these areas. In addition to the classical trends -- study of the structure of superconducting binary and more complex state diagrams and their properties -- works have been deve Iloped on the use of m.-thods of pre- diction and calculation of the properties of superconducting alloys and compounds with computers, as well as the study of the heat capacity and heat conductivity of superconducting alloys. Studies of the electronic chaxacteri.stiLs of superconducting materials and the suidy of the influence of high cooling rates and hydrostatic pressure on the pi-itrztmeters of super- conductivity are continuing. This book turns its attention to methods of stabilization of superconducting cable, new methodological, developments and the design of solenoids, 2/8 88 USSR SAVITSKIY, Ye, M., BARON, V. V., MYZENKOVA, L. F., Sverkhprovodyashchiye Splavy i Soyedineniya. Trudy VI Vseso)-uznogo Sov. po Rrobleme Sverkh. Materialov, Nauka P~ess,.Moscow, 1972. This book is designed for researchers and practical workers -- metals scientists and metal physicisti, plant, institute and design bureau specia- lists studying,.producing and applying superconducting.alloys and compounds. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword I.- Structure and Properties of Superconducting Compounds and Alloys Based on 11tem Ye. M. Savitskiy, Yu. V. Devingtall, V. B. Gribulya. Attempt to Pre- dict.the Transition Temperature to the Superconducting State for Cer- tain Metallic Compounds Using Computers 7 A.I. Golovashkin, 1. S. Levchenko, G. P. Motulevich. Eiectronic Characteristics of Sputtered Alloys of Vanadium with Gallium 20 Y.~G. Kukharchuk, A. 1. Moyseyev, T. A. Ugollnikova. Production of Diffusion Layers of the Compound V Ga on VanadiumiVire 29 3 Ye. N. -Savitskiy, Yu. V. Yefimov. Structure and Properties of Alloys the System V Si-V Ga-"V Al" 34 3 3 3 ve UNCL ASS I Fl ED PROCE5SING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--NONLINLEAR FREQUENCY CONVERTEROF,SPECIAL GEOMETRY.-U- .,.AurHOR-(O41-i3OKNTt B.V.v KAZAK* iN,Svr LUGINA, A.S.r SAVKrNi A.YE. ,-COUNTRY Of INFO--USSR 'SOURCE--ZHURNAL PkIKLADNOI SPEKTROSKOP11i VOL. 12, FEB. L970. P. 223-226 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 k.SUBJECT AREAS--ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL- ENGR. TOPIC TAGS--FREQUENCY CONVERTER, FREQUENCY SHIFTINGP CRYSTALt GEOMETRY :CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/0916 STEP NO--UR/0368170/012/000/0223/0226 Cl RC ACCESSION NO---AP0107445 UNC L A S S I F I E 0 z12 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSUNG DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107445 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DESCRIPTION OF A 511ECIAL CUT OF KOP CRYSTAL CORRESPONDING TO A GIVEN TYPE OF NONL14EAR VAVE INTERACTION FOR THE PURPOSES OF FREQUENCY MULTIPLICATION (HARMONIC GENERATION), -NCY GENERATION), AND FREQUENCY SHIFTING (SUM AND DIFFERENCE FREQUEE RETURNING OF LASER SYSTEMS. THIS ONE S-INGLE CUT CONTAINS ALL POSSIBLE PHASE MATCH ANGLES REQUIRED FOR FREQUENCY CONVERS1014 AND TUNING WITHIN THE TRANSPARENCY BANDWIUTH OF THE CRYSTAL* IN SUCH A NONLINEAR CONVERTER, BEAM FOCUSING I.S EFFECTIVELY UTILIZED TO EMPROVE CONVERSION AND LOSSES DUE TO REFLECTIOWARE REDUCED TO A MINIMUM, THE PROPOSED CONVERTER MAY BE USED AS THE BASIC ELEMENT FOR A NONLINEAR SPECTROGRAPH, UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 531-36 SAVKIN, M. 1. NTKT_TRTA M. P. Itso, -stems Which OI)erate on the me Problems of Analyzing and Synthesi~~ing Sy Boundary of Stability" Tr. Mosk. avilats. in-ta (Works of the Moscov, Aviation Institute). 19701, vyz). 216, pp 134-170 (from RZh-Mekhan:Tka NO 7, Jul 71, Abstract No 7A13C)) Translation: The full system of equations is writter 3ut for a loor to stabilize banking of aircraft together Twith a correcting loop d,_z-3cr.4b,2d lin a previous article (see ab!ftract No MO. The syste~.i is _Iineaxized. The stabilit-y of the lirnearlzeci system is analyzed. The problem o-r choos- ing the parameters of the ste~ilizatlon system is considered6 The methods proposed for calculating t1he parameters are approxiwate. A. M, Pormallokiy. USSR UDC: 531-36 SAVM M. I. "on Self Alignment of Systems Operating on the Bounda of 'Stability" 'ry Tr. Mosk. aviats. in-~.ta (!Works of. the *scow Aviation Ynstitute), 1970, vyp, 219 pp 105-133 (from RM-Meldianika, No Jul 7.~, Abstract Nc 7A138) Translation: A system for stabilizing banking of an aircraft is considered, The par rs of the stabilization loop are not constr~_?it due to factors such as a change in velocity head. It is proposed that "approximate" con- stancy of the Daraneters of the 3tabilization,loop be ensured by means of a correcting loop ("damping loop") -,oith high gain. It is assumed that the gain is adjusted in such a way that the correcting loop~is on the stability boundary. The study is done Ly frequency' methods. A. W. Formal'skiy. 112 027 UNCLAbN 11- 1 tD Pl~OCtS~,ING DATE-SOOCT70 TITLE-FORMATION OF SUPRAMOLECULAR STRUCTURES IN Flt.%!S OF CRYS7ALLINS POLYMERS -L- AUTHOR-051-KARGIN, V.A., SCGCLGVA# T.I.v 8fLYYv V.A.v MIRONOVICH, L.L~v SAVKI IT" V CCUi ~YOF INFO-USSR SUURCE-VYSOKOXOL. SGEDIN., SER. 8 1970, 1243)t 215-Lo iATE PUBLISHEC--70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, CaYSTALLINE POLYMERs CAPROLACTAM, .CRYSTALLIZATION, SPHERULITE, CRYSTAL ST.RUCTURE CCNTRriL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO iFAUXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1675 STEP NO--UR/0460/70/012/00310215/02-L RC ACCESSIO NO--AP0125296 UNCLASSIFIED -027 UNCLASSI'FIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 C-IRC ACCESSIGN NU--AP0125296 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE NATURE OF SUPRAVQL. STRUICIITURES IN CRYSTL. POLYCAPROLACTAM 'I) DEPENDED ON THE PRE~ENCE OF HUMUGENEOUS AND hETERUGENEDUS NUCLEATION AGENTS IN I MELTSY THE RATIO OF AHIGH 'WAS A FUNCTION 6F CRYST&. TIME AND CRYSTN. TEMP. HETEROGEREGUS CRYSYN. SITES WERE MORE HEAT RESISTANT THAN HOMOGENECUS ONES. SPHEAULITES FORMED ON HETERGGENEOUS CRYSTN. SITES HAD AMORE ORDERED CRYST. STRUCTURE. UNCLASSIFIED kdc. Nr Abstracting Service.- Ref. Code AVIO1934- U k 0 CUMICAL ABST. 112136s Mect Of the dime6sions of spherWitic &=ations on the strenob and strain cap . aL.ty of I irop!dent. Belvi, PO Y in V. A.; SAvkjB.,,_,NrAG.; Sviridehok 'A. 1. t A ekh', F OLte I Minsk U&3R)__D5JiI. A a E0 88. 4 1 N Pon (huss). '~he strain capacity of the a rantol. lucture of up PP-2 polypropylene films was investigated by moT16 axial stretching on a specific app. which permitted *continuous 6bsem-aii.ion and recording an photographic film of the various.stages in the defbrma- tion process. The rate of I fil M' deformation %va's 1 m Im/ml- ramol, structure had a pronounced effect The nature of the sup primarily on the deformation mechanism and dii0tegratian of the films. Stretching d-I film Aose suptamol, ktucture can- sisted of clearly exprmsed sph~rulites with shoply &fIned boundaries caused deformation 6f "*the' samples alon', the 6orders I I' - low deforniati6n of the sph~ ulites them- of the spberu ties at selves. During defortriation of I filMs ~vith finer sup mol. struc- tures in which sharply Ofined.boundiries beiweenlt~rae individual spherulites were absent, deformaii*'growth'began jimt as in the other films, but the zone of trunsitionInto the recoused p6ition had a broader, more diffuse form. , The decreade 'nisoherulitie di- mensions not o,-dy changed the narure'01"the deformation bu~.also improved the mech. properties. DBJR L 19851890 USSR UDC 627.81.034~'47+57) BE-YROM, S. G., KASKEVICH, L. NI., RYBKA, V. G. , SMIN, V. SHIROKOV, V. M. "Dynamics of Revision of the Banks of the Novosibirsk Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoir in 1966" lzuch. i ispol'z. vodn. resursov SSSP. 1966-1967 V sb~' (Study and Use of USSIZ Water Resources. 1966-10,67 -- Collection of Works), !T~scow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 134-135 (from M-Elektratelchnika i Ener:iqlika, No 2, Feb 11, Abstract No D45) Translatnon: A brief description of the level and wind-wave conditions of the reservoir, data on the nature of revision of the reservoir banks and the dynamics of the bottom layer of the layers of water involved in the wave action 4n the shore zone and data on the alluvial displacements along the shore are presented. USSR MC 669a4.oi8,8t62o.192.63 SAVKINA, L. YA.p IAZAREVA, N. A.o FELIDGAWLER0 E. G., and A.QPOVA, N. F. "Tendency to Intercrystalline Corrosion of Low-Carbon Steels Containing Chromium and VickeV' Moscow# Notallovedeniya I Tormichookaya Obrabotka Hetallov, No 29 1973, pp 55-417 Abstracti Effects of contents of carbonp chrouit"i, molybdenum, tungsten, and niobium at relations lib/0-5s 7, 17, and 20 On -the tendency of low-car-bon steel containing chrorduz and nickel to inta=xystanino cor-'nosiori was exl--rimentally investigated by the A.PI(CCGT 6032-52) mothW, on specizons water quenched from 10500C and tempoxod at.500-8000C for 0.25-1000 hra. The 00OKh16V20 steel was not inclined to intercrystalline corTosion at car"con content -zz-0.06;5 or by nioblum presence according to lib/C:_z~~.17. Alloying with Mo and W at the rate of about 2% dinialshas fjonewhat the tondenoy of the-stool to intexvrystalllne corrosion, The latter appeaxz at highor teraperatures, The higher the nickel content the lowtr tk4 allovablo carbon content In the stool at which ieAxMsWl1ne cortanion U absent. Five figures# one tablet six bibliographic. references* 9 - LTDC 669.1-017-001.5 YA., and FEL'DGAIMER, E. G. PALK EW. "Influence of Phase Composition and Alloying of a and -v Phases on Impact Toughness of- ferritic-Austenitic Steels" Spetsiallny-ye Stali i Splavy [Special Steels and Alloys-,Collecti.oll of Works), 'No 77, Metallurgiya Press, 1970, pp 92-95 Translation: In steela with 21'a Cr and vaTiable nickel content (0, 2, 4_and 6'.) and carbon content (0.035, 0.101), the influence, of phase ~ compoaltion and alloying of a and y phas,es on impact toughness is studied. 2, figures.' USSR UDC 669.15.018.85 SAVKINA, L. YA-- FEL'DGANDLER, E. G. "Effect of Phase Composition and AlloyinF of the a and y-Phases on the Imnact Toughness of Ferrite-Aust3nite Steel" Sb. tr. TsNI1 chern. rietallur,~ii (Collection of Works of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy), 1970, vyp.. 7.7, pp 92-95 (from, RM-Metallurgiya, NG 4, Apr 71, Abstractl4o.41654) Translation: A study was made of the effect of phase composition and alloying of the a and y-phases an impact toughness In steel with:21% Cr and a variable content of Ni (0, 2, 4,and 6Z) and,C (0.035, 0.10%). Inere are 2 illustra- tions. USSR UDC 62o.136.1 t~69.ol3.2.8 BETLYAYEVA, V. A., FEL'DGANDLER, E. G., KAPUVKIN, 1. 1., a[,(i,.SA. A L. Y Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous YetallurCj, "Phase Compositica and Intercrystallime Corrosion in OOW_i16V15V3 (ru-844) Steel" Moscow, ~btallovedeniye, No 5, May 70, pp &8 Abstract: Phase compo6ition and intercrjetallin-Z corroalau in EI-844 ateel were studied after quenching samples from 10500C and temc-rim~; between 550 and 7500C fron 'on for periods ranging , 15 minutes to 1000 hours. E ina" composition of the steel was; O.o2&-% c, 16.o4% Cr, 15.501, 2.84% mo, 0.41% Si, and O.GO3'A N. (TWO SaMles corAained 0.12 and 0.1,-~ N and one other atumle contained 0.6,,' 11b). Carbide precipitation was done by using an electro.Lyte consin-tin;; of 200 j KC1 + 200 rLI HCI (SP- 'Vt-21-19) + 50 9 ammniwm c1trate In D04Y) ml water at a cu,-. rent density of 0-05 a/cm.-. Isolation of the exz,05s pluuies An a m-ple with 0.00%, C Wts dona by uuin- ar. electrolyte of 13,50 ml Cli Oil + 50 till. 1T1 + 30 I osure time op five Fours. citric acid at a current density of O.CY2 a/crP ara an e.A.P Separation of Lhe 1.1 C,, and A3~ phases was done by treatin4,r the anoilic deposit with a mixture,oi Mro-en peroxide. and FX1. Experimental data revealed that upoa teiq)ering the steel at 0'50-7500C for 100 and 1000 hours the cubic carbide 11~3c'6 is the priuary precipitate. By lowering 1/2