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UDC, 620-173-162 BABEY.. Yu. I..% GCIL'UMTS, V. M., VYGOVSKIY., 1. B. F4, and GNATYSHAK, 11. 11. "Effect of VWte Layer on Wear Resistance of 50X Steel" YAev,.Fiziko-nimichaskaya ~~--khpnika Mhterialov, Vol 7, 110 5, 1971) PP 7-10 Abstract: An experimental investig - of ite layer on the ,atlon of the effect Wh wear resistmice of 50X(0-49~ C, 0.21%- Si, 0-65% Mn; 1~' Cr, 0-2h,4 NO steel war, conduct2d. The white layer was formed by turning t1he opeciv!an Journal ring on the latb, with 88 miettr/min cutting cpeed and 0.15 ma depth of cut, or by m3ans of Mechanical-ultrasonic trcat=ent. Test shmrcd that the vear msistrince of -the specimenp, with white layer was equal to the on-s, which vere quenchled at 8500C Eaid draun at 1,500 C wear of these npecimns was albout one third of the wear of unir~-.Ivoved specivens. T he i -vear of the bronze- and stcoal busn ngs r-ubbing against tliese spocimns ime rediAced by ~-~bmit the sar--:- amount. The uhite layer is for,---ad b-r quenching =11 drauinC, dut, to thti h-aat rem-r- ated by the cutting tool. The nicroradigraphic spectral analysis showed that the rontent of cvabon) 'USSI? B=IYJ IYU; I., et al., Fizil-0-121imicheskaya Makhanike 1-5-~terialov, Vol 7, NO 5, 1971P r--p 7-10 chrome and other carbide -forning eleirnntsis higher in 412ie vIalte layer and lower in the sublayer than in the oriGinal metal. USSR UDC 621.372.852.3:621.372.82a' VZYATYSHEVt V. F., RYABOV,.B._I., RAYEVSKIY, G. P. "Attenuator without a Phase Shift Based on Diclectr--c Vlave Guides" Tr. Ilosk. energ. in-ta (Works of 'Hoscow Power Engineering Institute), 197,11, vyp. 100, pp 128-135 (from RZb-Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 72, Abstract No 7D137) Translation: The schematic is presented for an attenuator which operates by the principle of interference of two counterphase wave processes ~with identical amplitudes. A study was riade of the double-channel version in which tile input signal is divided equally between both channels. In each channel the si-nals passing through the phase converters undergo identical with respect to magni- tude but opposite in sign phase shifts and are then added in an adder, forming a signal the amplitude of which is proportional to the cosine of the phase shift. Me characteristics of the attenuator are analyzed. An experimental model is described. There are 3 illustrations. L/2 018 U,%ICLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--0')CJCT70 TITLL-Tll,'.E VARIATIONS IN THE DENSITITES OF FLUXES FROM DISCRETE SOURCES IN THE DECAMETER WAVELENGTH RANGE -U- AUTHOR-105)-LiRAUDE, S.YA., LHUK, I.M.s LEBEDEVAP U.M., MEN, A.V.# RYA30v, 13. P. COUNTRY UF INFO--USSR SUURCE--UKRAINSIKII FILICHNII ZHURNALs VOL, 15m FE13- 1970, P. 177-190 DATE PUBLISHED----70 SU3JECT AREAS-ASTRUNOMYIASTROPHYSICS 'TUPIC TAGS--ELECTRON FLUX, RADIO EMISSION* CRITICAL WAVELENGTHP SIGNAL ANALYSIS C 0.3 T A 0 L14ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PRUXY REEL/FRAME-1991/0323 STEP X-0--Ult/0185/70/015/CUO/0177/0190 CIRC ACCESSION NU-AP0110211 UNCLASSIFIED 212 cia UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0110211 At)STKACT/C-XTRACT--(U) (;P-0- ABSTkACT. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIME"ITAL SfUDY OF THE TIME VAkIAULE INTENSITIES OF RADIATION FLUXES FROM RADIO Ei-tISSION SOURCES IN THE DECAMETER WAVELENGTH RANGE. THE STUDY 15 6ASED ON UBSERVATI(ANS 6F THE FLUCTUATIONS 1:4 RADI(i SIGNAL SE'UENCES AND ON L'ING PERIOD OBSERVATIONS OF THE MEAN VALUES OF THE DENSITIES Or RADIO FMISSIW-4 FLUXES FROM A LARGE GROUP OF DISCRETE RADIO SOURL'ES. THE RADIC EPIISSICN SPECTRA OF IMUST OF THESE SOURCES SHOWED U14LY SLIGHT VAkIA*,'Icj,%S WITH TIME, dITH THE EXCEPT10N OF 3C84, 3C144- ANO 3Cti-61. THE TIME VARIABLE FLUCTUATIONS IN THE RADIGI EMISSION SPECTRA OF THE*SE SOURC-S ARE FOUND TO BE GREATER AT LOWER FREQUENCIES. POSSIBLE PHYSICAL CAUSES OF THESE TIME DEPENDENT FLUCTUATIONS ARE DISCUSSED. FACILITY: AKAOENIIA NAUK UKRAINS.IKOI RSRr, INSTITUT.RADIOFIZIKI I ELEKTRONIKI; KHARKOV, UKRAINIAN.SSR. UNCLASSIFIED ULV UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 -TITLE--FLUX DENSITIES OF SOME RADIO SOURCES IN THE FREQUENCY RANGE 12-25 MHZ -U- AUTHOR-(05)-BRAUDE, S.YA., LEBEDEVAt O.M., MEGN, A.Y,l RYABOVt B.P., ZHOUCK, [.No ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR LETTERS (GB), VOL. 5t'NO. 3, P. &9-32 (MARCH 1970) ~_DATE PUBLISHED ---- MAR70 ,7SUBJECT APr~AS--ASTRONOMYtASTROPHYSICSt NAVIGATION I'TOPIC TAGS--ELECTRON FLUXv RADIO TELESCOPE? COSMIC RADIO SOLiR,--E/(U)UTRI RADIO TELESCOPE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ":PROXY- REEL/FRAME--1992/0539 STEP NO--UKYOOOO/7010051003/OIZ9/0132 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0111732 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--16OCT70 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0111732 'ABSTRACT!EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THIS PAPEk PRESENTS MEASUREMENTS ..:OF THE FLUX DENSITIES OF 33 DISCRETE RADIO SOURCES, 14ADE WITH THE RADIO TELESCOPE UTR-1 IN GRAKOVO, AT FREQUENCIES RANGING FROM 12.6 TO 25 14HZ. FACILITY: ACAD. SCI. UKRAINIAN,SSP-i KHARKOVv USSR. UNCLASSIFIED mm pw--mn UDC 523.164.42 BW.UDE, S. YA_. ZHUK, I. N. ULBEDEVA, 0. 14. MEN A. V. and RYABOV B. P. institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, Academy o~rciences"~ 'Iqi~~Ikov "Time Changes in the Flux Densities of Discrete Sources in the Decaneter Range" Kiev, Ukrainskiy Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol. 15, No. 2, Feb 70, pp 177-190 !a y the problem of Abstract: Two series of experiments were conducted to c r;f- the flux variability of sources in the decameter range. The purpose of the first series of experiments was to determine the type of fluctuationr. in signais oc- curring in 5-10 consecutive measurements of sources with first and third types of spectra, The second group of experiments was to determine the change in the average flux density with time for 30 sources, each of which was measured for several months. The first gro .up of e:geriments indicated that fluctuations in signals received from thesources are associated with the ionosphere and no-, with processes occurring in the sources, The following sources were selected for the second series of experiments to determine whether the average flux den- sities of different sources vary over time: X10, 3Clll, 3Clg&, 3C218, 3C274, 3C353, 3C123, 3C405, 3C461, 3C84, 3C98, 3CI44,and 3C346 in Cassiopeia-A.- Experi- ments show that spectra of the majority of these Bources were stable and inde- pendent of time. Some typical reoults of measure=nts made durLng 1966-1968 i/2 USS? PAW71-7, S. YA., et al., 'araJnsk:Ly'2rizicheskiy Zhu=al, Vol 15, NO Feb 0.1 PP 177-190 are given for several of these sources. The data showed, hosiever, that-as distinct from the majority of discrete sources where the avez-age specrra rc;',zIned I.Mchanged over a considerable time period within the accixavv of measurement, tire chtanges in intensity exceeding the natural spread of data and error of measurement were observed in the spectra of three discmte sourcest 3CS4. 3Cl4u and 3C461. The data were ins;ifficient to establish the perioF~ of variabi- lity of these sources. A discussion of the question indicates that this variaoillity cannot be explained vithin the framework of e\isting mcAv-ls,and the physical processes responsible for this flux variability a~: low frequencied remain an open question. It was concluded that since a systamliTic inevease in the flux of Cassiopeia-A at low frequencies war, not observed, one7would expect that in an injection of particles with a total energy of We a 104 ergs, which is about 10% of the relativistic particles of the entire Cassiopoia-A, the variability observed during 1966-1967 must be atTelatively rare,phenomenon. Further systematic studie*a of these and other sources in the decameter range are recomended# Food. Teehn Logy UDC .597.0/5-14 AMYSIMNAl L. Hoj HIRILRINKO, N. S.t RYUOV* F. P., ard 1-:EL111n,-OVq G. B.~ Dnepropetrovsk State University "Ikynamics of the Relative Size and Weight of the Viscera in Tilapia, mossambica Peters Fed Chlorella!' Moscow, Voprosy Ikhtiologii., No 21 19?lp pp 343-348 Abatracti In 10-month aquarium axperimentap Tilapia. mcasaubica. Peters ims given granulated food containing different percentages Of Chloxolla arA othor ox-ganisas (Daphniat yeasts) or nongmmulated facd not containing Chlorolim. The fishes given Chlorella-contalaing granulated food e-x1AbLtedjrxe-,tOr vreight gains and linear growth than did the fishes Ted nongranulated food not contain- Ing Chlorellap and the p*siological changes In the formar trare fower than in the latter. Moreover, ths food with a high Chlorella content (granules containing 70 to 100% agla) had less effect on the relativo size and waight of the livert gallbladderl spleen# heart gonad3, etc. than d1d food vith a low (30%) Chlorella content, non&;ranulated foodw or food Pat containing Chlorelia, USSR UDC: 621.384.639 V ABROSIMO , N. K. , A-L.MkZOV, D. 0. , DIMIYEV, S. P. , KAOUNTIKER , D. KILMITKOV, A. V., 14IROITOV, Yu. T. , 1MMEIEV, G, F. , SEAT ___n_ mmu; N., UMMV j V. 1. , OMAR, Ye. G. MALY- MEVS T F., MIOINOSZON, I. A., PERECUD, V. I., ROUDESTITZNSKIY, B. V. , ROYFE, I. M., SEREDMUKO, Ye. V., Physicotechnical institute imeni A. F. Ioffe, AcadenT of Sciences of the LSSR, Leringrad, Scientific Research Institute of Electlrop~sical Equipment imeni D. V. Yefrdnov, Leningrad PT-he Leningrad Synchrociclotron for a Proton Energy of 1 GeV" Leningrad, Zhurnal Telkhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 41, ',1,1o -9, SeP 71, -Dp 1769-1775 Abstract: The Da-ner describes the synchrocyclotror. at the Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe of the Academy of Sciences of the USSIR for a 'proton energy of 1 GeV. Proton beam paran-aters as well as the characteristics of the main systtmss of the accelerator are presented. Tbe beam channels are described, and the la.vout of the accelerator building is given. Tlae installa- tion has been in successful operation t;ince 1970. Mime ta-bles, two figures, bibliography of tVeive tities. 83 p. UR 0482 M00470W Soviet.Inventions Illustrated,:Section II Electrical, Derwent, 243012 CIR&T F51 SUPPLYIM Lf!j~ORMAXION-30 A: ers !(3), have their digits of thd"same value conne~'tid:in 04ra a -(l)'; The to the first'3t&ge' ~(8)~ of ~ the commutator -theInputs inputs of the readers are connected to of:the second stage (9) of t4~conmutator (1). The outputs of both stages of the commutator are connectred to the input -of -the',amplitude decoder (4),which is conne~tid in series vith the code convert The, er (5), and tha:ta npr (6 information Is recorded in the' module ~(2). 6.6,66 as 1082311/18-24.G.ISTRIZMK et al.VO=Mt MAMNERY CONSTRUMON RESANSTA23.9-69MAl 16/ 5.5.69. Class 21c. 74b. Int.;Cl.G 05g. C08c. AMORS: Strizhaki, G, I.; Ryabov, K. G.; Ernandes, L. F. 14 volgogradskiy- Hauchno IsSileff"To". atdl'~Tiy Institut Telchnologii V Mashinostroyenlya -13790569 WE um USSR UDC: 624.072.2l/.23 RYABOV, N. S. "Clarification of the Theory of Compressed and Bent Rods" 4-Ya Vses. Konf. po Probl. Ustoychivosti'v Stroit. Mekh., Tezisy Dokl. [Fourth A.11-Union Conference on Problems;of Stability and Structural Mechanics, Abstracts of Reports -- Collection of Iforks], Moscow, 1972, p 48 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal'MeWianika, No 12, 1972, Abstract No 12V873, by A. V. Dyatlov) Translation: An initially straight rod subjected to axial and transverse forces is studied. Representing by u the displacements along the initial x axis of the rod and by w the displacements along the - axis, perpendicular to x, the author composes equations of equilibrium considering the deformed state of the rod ON -Q d1w X=O ax- W dQ dlrj- dw + iv XT+q=O dx dx' X. Q+LAI=o 1/2 dx USSR Ryabov, N. S., 4-Ya Vses. Konf. po Probl. Ustoychivosti v Stroit. Mekh., Tezisy Dokl., Moscow, 1972, p 48.. After substituting the dependences d1to Al dX2 EP dx into these relationships, two nonlinear differential equations are produced relative to bend w and axial displacement u. No practical applicatiop of these equations is indicated. Comparison with results of the o-rdinayy linear theory is not included in the article. 2/2 USSR UDC 624.073.1 S. IlConcerning the Theory of Thin Plates" Moscow, Stroitel'naya Itekhanika i Rashchet Sooruzheniy, No 3, 1972, pp 16-18 Abstract: A theory of thin plites is presented, the prilinciples of which make allouance for the 'deformation of plane cross sections. The theory leads to a single sixth-order resolving equation; this permits Lhe rigorous satisfac- tion of three boundary conditions~on each edge. 1 figure, 8 references. USSR UDC: 539.1.07 MOKOV, K. P., RYABOV N. V,,,.,,,PTAS1, K. N. "Use of Photographic Pilms for Individual Radiometrj of the DauFiter Products of Radon" Tr. Sovuzn. n.-i. in-ta Driborostr. (Woeirs of the Union Scientific Research Instit,ute of Instrument Building), 1970, vyp. 12, pp 184-191 (from RZh- -Metrologiya i izzaeriteilnaya Telrhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 1T.32.1471) Translation: The authors consider the Dossibility of individual monitoring for the atmospheric content of radon decay products according to the "latent" energy by pumping air through a filtering cloth while simultaneously using a ZnS(Ag) scintillator and a photographic film to register the a-activity of the specimen. The paper gives the results of theoretical and experimental studies on determining the sensitivity of the method and the measurement range. 1/1 033 UNCLASSIFIED OROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--EFFECT OF THE STRUCTURE OF STEEL ON THE HYDROGEN DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT -U- _:,AUTHOR-(04')-VOLKOV, V.YE*t RYABOV, R.A., KODES, YE.S., GELD, P.V. -.--.c0UNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,-SOURCE-FIZ. METAL METALLOVED. 1970, 29(2)t 431-2 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS _TOPIC TAGS--llYDROGENr GAS DIFFUSION, METALLURGIC RESEARCH FACILITY, STEEL MICROSTRUCTURE, ALLOY DESIGNATIONi DIFFUSION COEF:I:ICIENT/(U)34KH,4 LOW ALLOY -STEEL CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ..DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/0338 STEP NO--UR/0126/*170/029/002/0431/1)432 ACCESSION NO--AP0124,094 --04DEC70 -2/2 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126094 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT WAS STUDIED OF THE STRUCTURE OF STEEL ON THE H DIFFUSION COEFF. UINDER GAS ELEC. DISCHARGE CONDITIONS. THE EXPTL. SETUP AND THE PROCEDURE U$(:D HAVE BEEN DESCRIBED PREVIOUSLY. SAMPLES OF STEEL 34KHM IN THE FORM OF DISKS 37 MM IN DIAM. AND 1.0-1.6 MM THICK WERE USED. THE CHEM. COMPN. OF T14E STEEL WAS: C 0.35; CR 1.10t MO 0.25, Sl 0.33, AND 14N 0*56 WT. PERCENT. THE STEEL HAD A PLATELETLIKE PEARLITE STRUCTURE. ON GROUP OF SAMPLES 14AS VACUUM ANNEALED AT 850DEGREES FOR 1 HRP WHEREUPON IT WAS COOLED WITH THE FURNACE. THE ANNEALED SAMPLES HAD A GRANULAR PEARLITE~ STRUCTURE. THE 2N9, GROUP OF THE SAMPLES WAS HELD IN A PR BATH AT 350DEGREES FOR 30 MlPli WHEREUPON IT 14AS QUENCHED IN OIL. THE QUENCHED 5~41NIPLES HAI) THE MARTENSITIC STRUCTURE. THF LOWEST DIFFUSION COEFF', IS IN ]'HE STRESSED ,MARTENSITIC STRUCTURE AND AMTSo TO 2*8 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE7 Cli RPIME2-SEC; THE HIGHEST DIFFUSION COEFF, IS IN THE ANNEALED STRUCTURE OF GRANULAR PEARLITE AND AMTS, TO 6.3 TIMES A10 PRIME NEGATIVE7 CM PRIME2-SEC.' THE DIFFUSION COEFF. IN THE PLATELETLIKE PEARLITE WAS 4.5 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE7 CM PRIME2-SEC., FAC I L ITY: URAL. POLITEKH. INST. 114J. KIROVA, SVERDLOVSK# USSR.: - I 1- 4 r l/Z 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DArE--09OCT70 -JITLE-CLASSIFICATION OF HYPOFERRIC ANEMIAS -U- ~~,i_AUTHDR-105)-RYA60Vt S.I., RUDAKOVA, T.L.v SENClilK,,R.V.t MASKEYEVA, ZH.M.1 SHOSTKk,. if7D. '_~.-CUUNTRY OF INFO-USSR cUUR^E--TERAPEVTICHESKIY ARKHIVIF 1970, VOL 42, NR 4, PP 101-105 TE:.PUBLISHED----70 ,'~SUBJECT-AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES VIPPIC: TAGS--ANEMIA,-PEDIATRICS, MEDULLA, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ,i.C,G-%TR1;L MARKING-NO RESTRIC-TIONS -..DOCUMENT CLASS-UINCLASSIFIED ~,.PRUXY REFL/FRAME-1990/0943 STEP ND--UR/05O4/7O/Oii2/OU4/0101/0105 CIRC ACCESSION Ni-j'--AP0109100 2/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--09OCT7C CIRC ACCESSION NJ--AP0109100 ABSTRACT/-r_XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTKACT. THE ARTICLE PRESENTS THE DATA CONCERNING THE EXAMINATION OF 200 CHILDREN WITH DIFFERENT FORMS OF HYPOFERRjr ANEMIAS. ON THE BASIS OF THE INVESTIGATIONS CONDUCTED THE %3-ST TO SINGLE OUT JU FORMS OF HYPOFERRIC ANEMIA TAKING INTO .AUTHORS SUGrE CONSIDERATION THE CONDITION OF MEDULLARY HEMOPOISES AND THE RESULTS OF THE STUDY OF THE FUNCTIOiNAL ACTIVITY 00 THE CELLS OF THE ERYTHROID SERIES. THE RESULTS OF THE MORPHOLOGICAL AND FUNCTIONAL [NVESFIGATION OF THE STOMACH ARE OF GREAT HELP* FACILITY: KAFEDRA VNUTRENNIKH BOLEINEY 5TOMATULOGICHESKOGO FAKULITETA I LENINGRAD MEDITSINSKOGO INSTITUTA IM. 1. P. PAVLEVA NA BAZE BOLINITSY NO 2 ZHDANOVSKOGG RAYONA. i tLif- i ~t- i: FT: T F f-i USSR Mo 62-1.514-57(088-8) Y.V., LEDIN, A.A., PROMOROV, V.V., RMNOV, YU.M., RYABOV, S.P. GU3ANCV, 'Converter of D-G Voltage Into Stabilized A-011 USSR Author's Certificate No 248789, Filed 27 May 68, Published 26 Jan 70 (from 0': Y"CP) RZh--Elaktron11ku I yeya primanonlya, No 10, October 1970, Abetr.;ct No 1 3, Tranalation: 7no invention pertains to b converter of d-c volta-e at:~,~"zod a-c, which contains a parallel thyristor invortor, a bloz): for prelim-nary ization, and a ferroreGonacce trun6formar--ro.-alotor, the =agnatic circuit o~' whlc~ has a nonlinear section. The secondary winding is placed on ""is caction, an' con- nected in eoriee with the choke of a highor harmonia fIltar and wit'n t;^~G part. The primary and compensation windings ai=ltunooualy ircIL;do tho linear LAnd nonlinear sections of the xaznatic circuit. -!:ith the object of raducIng thu of the converter, it is proposed to czke the linour aoction of the =aEnatic circuit In the form of two identical cores with a gap, the over-all crona Doction, o-1' which a equal to the designed cross section of the linear partj and tho cholke of a filtor with two identical windinga is connected in counter series. Each of tho win&inj3 ;-a Placed at one of the cores of the linear section of t?a zagnat.'c circuit. ~iitn ~V`.,o object of increasing the reliability of oporation und reducing the tranuitl~:, ti=Q, it is proposed to pluco on the nonlinear aoction a windlng of the mugnatic bl_-~a of the block for proliminbry xagnotizution. 2 ill. I.R. 72 61 16, 9 9-1 ME W. h, i USSR UDC 539.4.015.1 DERYAGIN, B. V., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR, PAPLAUSKAS, A. B., RYABOV, V. A., and S&MMOV, N. I., Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy--6f-5-c1*e-nc:es ;--USSR, Moscow "Strengthening of Class by the Hydrothermal Method" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 195, No 6, 21 December 1970, pp 1326- 1328 Abstract: It is shown that when glass Is subjected to hydrothermal treatment under dynamic conditions, not only is the surface of the glass dissolved, but it is also greatly strengthened. Under:certain conditions, strengthening by a factor of 5-6 can be obtained with retention of the optical properties of the glass, and glass with a light-diffusing surface can be obtained with strengthening by a factor of 4-5. If the optical properties of the glass need not be considered, tenfold strengthening may be obtained. This is valid only with respect to defects,of the glass, abstracting from other factors. 3 figures, 5 bibliographic entries. 112 019 1JNCL4SS IF ID PRC;CESSI;4G -JATz:--13N0V70 TITLE--1~';T";'ACTI'3N OF GLASS WITH -elATER #JNDE:r~ UYNARIC HYDe.0THE.-~1AL CONDITIj~6 -U- AUTHGR-t04)-1)ERYAGIN, B.V.9 PAPLAUSKAS, A k YA B t.1 V ,V.A.rSEAENOV , INi. I COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SGURCE-OCKL. AKAD. NALIK SSSk 1970, 191(b), 1316-18 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT ARFAS-MATERIALS, CtiEMI[STRY TOPIC TAGS--GLASS SURFACE PR(PERTY, LIQUID. GLASS, WATER F L O'd R AT E CONTROL MARKING.--rill, kESTRICTIO~JS DOCUMENT C1.ASS--Ui%1CLA'SJF1'E0 PqOXY REIEL/f-R,Ai-1E--3006/L12d STEP NCj--UP,/0020/70/11)1/'J;)6/1316/1313 PkGCESSING DATE--L3NOV70 212 019 UNC L ASS 1 F ED CIRC ACGES S I ON 13i4 81 It ASSTRACI (M UP-0- A~',STRACT PATE OF GIJISS i~~MOVAL (DELTA) CHAf,",ACTFRIZING THE INTC_4i.ACTI~jN GF GLASS wITH IIYOkGTH~_-RIMAL Cf-j.'-,tr)[TI0N'S IS STUO[EO. AN IfNITIAL jf'.;CRE~%SE IN OIZLTA lf.11TH TEMP. (T) IS PRACTICALLY rilE SA14E FOR ALL THE /#AlER FLOW RATES USIED 13.3 p c). /i , 9. 1 , AN"D 17. 8 N- SEC BU T IT SHA~-PLY ENCREASES FRam St-l-.,.IE GRIT. REACHING i4AX. VALUES (DELTA SUBMAX) AT T SU13,14AX; Fl_-~.R. HIGHER FLOW' RATES DELTA SUBMAX IS HIGHTER. AND SHIFTS T13i-;ARDS THE HIGHE.R -,,:tAPS. WITH FLMTHc--P OELTA DECREASES, FOR F(.0d XATES LARGER 1,NGREASE fr4 r.eip. T~lfktl 2 M '-SEC THF- GLASS SURFACE HAS A MAT OR Si4l](Ml FliNISH DEPEINDIN,111 ON THE TEMp. OF THE WATER FLO*ii; FOR FlLwO kl-,',TES SPALLER, THAN! I IMI-SEC. THE GLASS SlJkFACE IS COVERED le~ITH THE PRODUCTS OF THE WATER GLASS M',11PONENT INTEt-lACTION kESULTING IiN KURMATION Or- THE L16HT DISPE,~,SIDN SURFACE. izACILITY: INSr. FIZ. KHIM.t 140SC04, USSR. 2- 040 PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 1 / UNCLASSIOIE TITLE-SHADCW EFFEC r DUF I NG PHASE~YR.ANSITIUNS -U- V.M., RYA8QVt_V*A* COUNTRY OF INFG--USSR ~,-_-SOURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 1970s, 12(1)t 260-3 DATE PUBLISHED-70 ~SUdJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--FERR(JELECTRiC MATERIALo ION THEORY, SHADOW ZONEt CRYSTAL LATT;ICE DEFORMATICNt ANISOTROPY, THERMAL EFFECT#:VIBRATION# PHASE ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION,, BARIUM TITANATE CGNTRGL MARKING-W RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/PAAME-1996/1857 STEP NO-UR/0181/'TO/OLZ/001/OZ60/0263 CIRC ACCESSlf--N, NO-AP0118821 =__ ~ - __ - __ - __ U-11.1C t. A S S I f I E 0 2/Z 040 UNCLAS~SIFIE6' PROCESSLNG DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP01188ZI AESTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE VARIATIGN OF TliE FORM OF THE ION SCATTERING SHADOW PATTERNS DURING SMALL DEFORMATIONS OF THE LATTICE AND ANISLTROPY OF THERMAL VIBRATIONS WHICH ACCOMPANIED PHASE TRANSITIONS OF THE DISPLACEMENT TYPE IN FERROELECS. WERE STUDIED. IN TERMS OF THE MODEL OF A CHAIN ATOMS OF 2 KINDS WITH ALTERNATING CHARGES, THE BEHAVIOR OF TI-E WIDTH OF THE AXIAL SHADOW DEPENDING ON THE.14AGNITUDE OF SHIFT WAS CONSIDERED. A STATISTILAL CALCN. WAS MADE OF THE ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION iJF-'FAST IONS SCATTERED SY A CHAIN CjF $A, TI IN A NONSYM. PHASE FOR BATIO SUB3 CRYSTAL. THE EXPTL-* CBSD. SHIFT OF TAE LINEAR, SHADOW IS A CONSEQUENCE CF ITS ASYMMETRY PRODUCED BY A ULFFERENCEAN CHARGES IN THE SHUFTEG PLANES. THE PROBLEM.WAS:ALSOwCONSIDERED OF THE EFFECT OF THE ANISCITREPY OF THERMAL VL8RATlGNS,,PR0bUCED IN THE:YRANSITION INTO A ~.'~:'NONSYM, PHASE9 ON THE SHAPE OF THE AXIAL SHADOW. UNCLASS lf-IED 7-- ~ffflll! Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: ff0048312 CHEMICAL ABST. 04V Z) Aj;~ 93956r Auto-epitaxial synthesis of diamond crystals. Derva- frin, B. Lvuttsat; V. G.; Fedoseev, 1). Y." V (1-it. Fiz. Khirn.. Moscow, USS ).~ Pakl. .-IMd NWuR SSSR (1), S6-7 [Tech Phys) (Russ)- 1970, 19, By using tht~ method described by Derya sgio, cr al. (1968), a -,8(),u diam. and 120,u long diamond crystal wasgrown on the' (I I I lattice of a support crystal. REEL/FRIAME Vle USSR UDC: AGRAYOVICH, V. M. and RYABOV, VR.A. "Effect of Shadow in Phase Transition" Leningrad, Kzika Tverdogo Tola, Vol 12,,lillo.1, January 1970, pp 260-263 Abstract: The authors study change in the shape of the shadviv accompanying small deformation of a lattice and heat variation anisotropy which occur during shift- type phase transition in ferroelectric crystals. Behavior of the width of axial shadow is studied as a function of shift using a two-type atoni chain model vith alternating charges. Using the statistical testing method, the authors calculate the angular distribution function fo*r fast ions scattered by the B---Ti chain 5-n a nonsymmetric phase for a barium t-Itanate, crystal. The authors conclude that the experimontally observed chift in linear shadow is.the result of its asy=ctry evoked by the absence of charges in the shifted planes. Problema associated with the effect of heat variation anisotropyspresent during tranaition to the nonsym- metric phave,,on the shape of the axial shadow are discussed. -1/2 016 UNC --Z30CT70 LASSIFTED PROCESSING DATE ,.l.TlTLE--SCATTERING OF FAST CHARGED PARTICLES ON CRYSTALS -U- ~AUTHOR-RYABOV, V.A. OF INFO--USSR .--:.:S.OURCE-.-PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDIi, 1970, VOL 389 NR 19 IlP 63-67 -.-'-DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 'SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS a ~i,-TOPIC TAGS--ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION, CHARGED PARTICLE, CRYSTAL CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .!,PROXY REcL/FRAME--1969/1697 STEP NO--GE/0030/70/038/001/0063/0067 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108227 I L11- A-V 1-1-f- I C Il 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ClRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108227 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ANGULAR DISTR13UTION OF FAST CHARGED PARTICLES SCATTERED ON A PERFECT CRYSTAL IS STUDIED. BY INTRODUCING THE MANY PARTICLE CORRELATION FUNCTIONS THE VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION CONVENIENT FOR NUMERICAL ANALYSIS IS OBTAINED. IT IS SHOWN THAT THIS DISTRIBUTION DEPENDS ESSENTIALLY Wil CORRELATIONS BETWEEN THE THERMAL ATOMIC DISPLACEMENTS OF A LATTICE. A TWO PARTICLE MODEL IS CONSIDERED AS A PARTICULAR CASE, WHICH RESULTS ARE COMPARED WITH EXPERIMENTAL DATA. IT IS EVIDENT THAT FVEN ;IN THIS SIMPLEST CASE -:''.THE-AXIA-L SYMMETRY OF THE SCATTERING YIELD IS DISTURBED. TH(S IS DETERMINED BY THE DIFFERENCE OF THE VARIOUS CORRELATION TENSORIS COMPONENTS AS FOUND. FACILITY INSTITUTE.OF PHYSICS AND ENERGETICS, OBNINSK. ill-rl A---C 4:~ I -~ ~ 4 1, i_ 'A -) 3 1 1 L L Li USSR U'DC 1669.243 + -1 :669-052 0569,27 1 1 MiSHIYANOV) N. P., KO!ZSITIIKOVj B. I., LIMI, Yu. D., 11- HZT V V 'i RYABOV V~ G., VASILIYEEV, 1-1. G., and ShUSTITSKIY, V. D. "Certain Problems of the Production.of Copper and Nicke-1 Fran Complex Crude Sulfides Moscow, Tsvetnrje MetaIlly, No 10, Oct 70, PP 11-14 Abstract: Difficulties encountered in the production of coppe-r zund nickel from sulfide copper-nickel ores am discussed. Procedu"Ies USCU ~I the USSR for sep- aratin,- these motals as 1,zell as cobat are evaluated, -,nd tlh~! necessity for the reconstruction of present copper-nickel production commines is iti,esoed. A plan is recom-mided which woidd involve the parallel. production of copp~:r and nickel with an exchange of zeni-products bet-ueen thc~m . A pro6uction chart and a table containing -the compositions of basic materialS used ir. pro- cessing sulfide copper-nickel ores are presented. The recor,1110.naecl plaa would ensure the recovex7,T of 98-991ej Cu, 905-97% Ni, and 85--87/'; Co, ai~d would increase the recove---l of noble metu -as and platinim. The plan. :ulmrolvez a subst,nnti-al in- crease in thq uso of oxygen, not,only for mlting but also ! ,'-Dr converting, ores and concentrates. The plan would also nake it possible, to iftilf-ze more compleLe- -1/2 ------ 2/2 USSR u D lei, 60,'9.718.66 RYABOV, V. R. "Calorizing SteeV' Hoscow, Alitirovaniye stall (of. English above), Matallurgiya, 1973P 2~9 PP (from Alitirovaniye stali, Metanur~glyar 1973, pp 2-4) Translation of Annotationi A study was made of the th,~oretice_l princ~iplc~~ of liquid calorizing and obtaining conbination compounds bettiten alum'inu't_l and its alloys with steels. of different clazses. The xaaulto cf the studi 'es of Soviet and foreip scientist-s axe generalized. Tho boox-. io do5igi-led -fox' the engineering and technica workers at, the netavllurCical and. nachine building plants, the scientific and technalogical proccss ple-nning institutes, It can be used by the students of the co=esponding institutions of hir,,hc-- learning, Thore are 96 lllusti!ations, 25 tablos and a 181-ontry bibliography. Contents Foreword ......................................................... 5 -Chapter I Calorizing Processes 1. Some Data on the Interaction of Different Metals in the Solid and Solid-W(juid Statos ............................. ...... -7-7 USSR RYABOV V. R., Alitirovaniye stali, Metallurgiya 1973, 239 pp 2. Ca.lorizing Techniques ............ .......................... 17 Cha pter II Formation of the Intermetallic Phases During Calorizing 1. Properties of the Intermetallic Compounds of the Aluminum- Iron System and the Laws of Their Formation ................. 26 2. Method of Obtaining Intermetallic Compounds in Pui:e Form and a Study of their Properties .......................... o...... 29 3. The Formation of an Intermetallic Phase.Zone in the Aluminum- Iron Compound while Heating .......I........4...... ...... 46 4. Formation of a Zone of Intermetallic,Compounds with LiqW.d Aluminum In Contact with the Solid Steel .................... 55 5. Determining the Temperature of the Occurrence of Intermecallic Phases with a Solid Zone and Steel Contact .................. 63 6. Contact of Solid Steel with the Aluminum Melt ............... 68 Chapter III Kinetics and Wetting Mechanism and the Solution of Iron in Liquid Al uminum 1. The Wettability in Al-Fe Vapor and in the Intermetallides ... 78 2. Procedure and Results of Measuring the.Solution 1[inetics 87 3. Mechanism of the Solution of Iron in Liquid Aluminum ........ 91 4. Diffusion Coefficient of Iron in Liquid bluminum ............ 95 5. Growth Kinetics of the Thickness of the reAl and Fe Al. Phase 3 5 . ? Lavers with Simultaneous Solution of Iron in Liquid idui.-iinum 99 214 USSR RYABOV, V. R., Alitirovaniye stall, Metallurgiya, 1973, 239 pp Chapter IV Ternary Aluminum-Iron and Third Component Systems 1. Procedure for Studying Ternary Systems ....................... 110 2. Characteristic of Ternary Systems ............................ 112 3. New Ternary Systems of Aluminum-Iron and Rare Earth Metals,. and so on ..................................................... 132 4. Selecting Alloying Elements for Iron-Aluminum Compounds ...... 147 Chapter V Calorizable Steels 1. Effect of the Chemical Composition of the Base I-fetal on Its Calorizability ............................................... 151. 2. Effect of the Chemical Composition of the Calorizing Pools on the Calorizability of the Base Metal ......................... 167 3. Effect of the Calorizing Conditions and Steel Thickness on the Properties of the Transition Layer ........................... 177 Chapter VI Effect of Intermetallic Phases on the Properties of Steel-AlumLnum Compounds 1. Phase Composition- of Steel-Aluminum Compounds ................ 182 2. Element Distribution in the Vicinity of the Joint Between i:he Aluminum and the Steel (Micro -r,-p,-y Spectral Analysis) ... 189 3. Corrosion Resistance of Steel--~Aluminum Compounds and Structural Elements ..................... .................. ........ ... 199 3/4 6 USSR RYABOV, V. R., Alitirovaniye stali, Metallurgiya, 1973, 239 pp 4. Effect of Intermetallic Interstitial Layers on the Strength Characteristics of Steel-Iduminum.Compounds .................. 207 Chapter V11 Industrial Methods of Calorizing Products 1. Heat-Resistant Coatings ....................................... 212 2. Bimetallic Castings ............... 221 3. Application of Calorizing for Welding ...... . . ...... ...... 224 Bibliography .......................... .......................... 233 4/4 OMM Mi WIN IN Oftw. MR; MUTATE TIMERM MI, ITH USSR uDc 621-791:546.621:532.72 LARIKOV, L.N., PAVC101KO, UM., RTLI~OV, V.R. LOZOVESIMA, AN., LJ~OCHEIXO, A.G., and YEREM-11A, A.N. "Determination of Aluminum Self-Diffusion in Intermetallides Formed Duriiig Weldine' Kiev, Avtomaticheshaya- Svarka, No 6, Jun 71, pp 7-1-72 Abstract: In the present 'work, conducted by the Institute of Electric Welding jointly with the Institute of Metal Physics, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, vith the use of isotoue A126 self-diffusion was studied in samples of pure aluminum and FeA1 alloys having the following intermetallic phases, FeA13, FeAl, Fe3A1, Fe2A15, and FeA-12' Equations for the teniperature relation- ship of self-diffusion coefficients were derived. 1 table, 2 bibliogra)bical references. USSR UDC 621.791.856.3:6651.15-194:546.621 RYABOV~-V. R..,YUMATOVA, V. I., GRABIN, V. F., BUTNIK, A. P., DZYKOVICH, I. Ya., KUZNETSOV, Ye. P., and BELOZEROV, L. F., Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton "Effect of Nickel and Chromium in Steel.on the Characteristics of Alloy Combinations" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 2, Feb 71, pp 18-23 Abstract: An investigation was made of the effect of additions of nickel and chromium to Armco iron on the characteristics of the diffusion layer which appears during calorization. The dependence of the durability of steel-aluminum alloys an the additions contained in the steel was also studied. The nickel and chromium alloys.with steel were prepared in an induction furnace with a capacity of 7 kg, and the ingots obtained were annealed at 1100-1200*C for three hours. They were then rolled into plates measuring 220 x 1200 x 3 mm. After slag removal, the specimens were calorized in an aluminum bath and cleaned. TestB were made of welds of experimental alloys prepared in the ADSV-2 automatic welder, and the phases of the layers formed during calorization and welding were studied 1/2 65 M'~ USSR RYABOV, V. R., et al, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 2, Feb 71, pp 18-23 by X-ray analaysis. The introduction of nickel and chromium was found to delay the growth of the calorized diffusiou layer.: 2/2 USSR UDC 621-791-856.3:621-9-419:620.1~3 ZOTOVA., L. M., RYABOVI V. g,!,, and LANGER,, N. A., Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Pa oir,"_ of Sciences UkrSSR "Contact Corrosion of Aluminum-Steel Welded Joints" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 9, Sep 70, pp 19-23 Abstract: A review is made of available data from expeitimental and industrial investigations on the corrosion resistance of aluminum-4iteel welded joints. Various methods and procedures for the protection of Gur-h joints against destnic- tion by corrosion under service conditions are described. Data are given on aluminum-steel pair characteristics in sea and fresh water, polarization of various bimetallic joints, and potential distribution in welded joints of aluminum with steel. USSR UDC: 621.791.8A.3.011 RABKE4, D. M., and JVYAB0V__V,,,R,-_ Institute of Electric Weldiru-r imeni Ye 0. Paton, Academy of Sqiences Ukrainian SSR; YLREHENK0, V. R., LESNIK, N. D. Problems of Material,: Science, Academy and PESTUN, T. S.-; Institute of ~of Sciences Ukrainian SSR "Surface Phenomena iii Welding Aluminum Directly to Armco Iron" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka,NLo 11, Nov 70, pp 20-23 Abstract: The behavior of liquid aluminum.with respect to solid iron is of great theoretical interest for a number of metallurgical processos. This study concerns the effect of temperature-time conditiotis.or. tile spreading of aluminum over iron ;-.nd the internietallide phases FL-31d, Fe.-A1151 FcA13, .111MI at; waximum The kinetics of spreading was analyzed in vacuum (1-3,10" CullipVraturell Of tile u1sing flinlitig awl Lt"Low:f1pic h)[11; pilotograpily for recording tho process. Use wat; made of AV-000 (99.99~; Al) tint! arflico iron. Considered were the ponsible mechaniam for contact interaction of liquid aluminum with iroa and the conditions for produciag welded Joints of 1/2 fu USSR RABKI, N, J). H. et al, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No- 11, Nov 71), p!) 20-23 iron with altminum with a minimuin interlayer of brittle iaue-r-mediate phases. I-letting was found to improve with temperatura. Quality welding of anneo iron with aluminum is achieved by minimum contacting tAme of. iron wit-a its melts and high dissolution rate of Iron in alvxninun. msw~ Weld ing USSR uDc 62i.791-75-Olla669.14.01&1-669-715 J~,, Candidate of Technical Sciences, YUPIATIOVA, V. I., Engineer, J tlp RV~Jr~~ BUrNIK# A. L., Engineer, GRkBIIiI V. F.,~Candidate of 1~,-chnical Sciences, KUZHETSOV, YE. P., Engineer, and BELOZEROV# L. F., Engineer, Institute of Electric Welding imeni YE. 0. Paton "Effect of Alloying Elements in Steel on'the Proparties of Steel-Aluninum Welded Joints" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 4, Apr 71, pp 9-12 Abstracti A study was made of the effect of alloying elements (%b, ~!n, Si, Va, Ti, Zr, Co, Nd) in steel on the properties of the diffusion zone created during aluminizing and welding and on the~strength of welded steel-aluminum joints. The preparation of samples and the experimental procedure are des- cribed. The results show that introduction of alloying elements into a steel base delays the growth of the aluminized diffusion layer. The silicon intro- duced substantially reduces the microhardness of the aluminized diffusion layer. The platinE method (aluaLnizing or galvanizing) 14fore itelding strcngly affecto the hardness of the joint. 1/2 02S -UNCLASSI FI ED PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 :-.TIT,LE--2HASE COMPOSITION GF NEODYRIUM, IRON AND ALUMINUM ALLOYS IN THE 0 ;70 33.3 AT* PERCENT NEODYMIU-4;RANGE -U- AUTHOR--VIVC"HART 0.1., ZARE%-HNYUK,- O.S.y RYABOV,. V.R. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~_AOURCE--M. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, METAL* 1970v (1)v 211-13" j3ATE PUBL IS HED-----!--70 .~SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS ,,.-TOPIC-..TAGS--NEDDYMINUM ALLOY, ALUMINUM ALLOYt IRON ALLOY CQYSTAL LATTICE STRUCTUREip-ALUMINUM CONTAINING ALLOY ,-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0537 STEP ~4,)--IJR/0370/701000/001/t*)211/021'1 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105522 PROCESSING DATE--IISEP70 :-025 UNCLASSIFIED Cl RC. ACCESSION040-AP0105 522 p ~,,'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT"(JU) G -0- ABSTRACT. VARIOUS ND-FE-AL ALLOYS 4ERE ANNEALED- FDR-~-2500' HR AT 500DEGREES AND THEN QUENCHEI). THE TERNARY COf!PDS.~;,~0Sl.:PRIMEr PSIv AND N SUB2 WERE FOUND AND THE TEPNIAkY PHASE PHI ~SUBZSOLTD"S.OLN. OF AL IN THE COMPO. ND SU82 FE SUB17. THE PSI PRIME -PHASE CAN: B& EXPRESSED. BY THE APPROX. FORMULA NDF~: SUB2 AL SUBIO. T14E -PSI. PHASE HAS A VARIABLE COMPN.t NDFF SUB3.3-4 AL SUBS.7-89 AND A ~-.?JFTRAGONAL. STRUCTURE WHICH IS THMN SUB12 TYPE. !TS LATTICE PERIODS VARY FROM A:.EQUAL.S,8.84v-C, EQUALS. 5..05* C-A.EOUALS 0.571 TO A POUALS 8.781 C --.EQUAL-S' 5,,04 -ANGStRDM,- P-A .0.574. THE STRUCTURE OF.THE N SUB2 PHASE IS NEIT~KNOWN, AND ITS COMPN. VARIES (NOFE SUBI.2--71.65 AL SUB0.9-0.35). THE SuLro SOLN. ND SUBZ-(FE, AL) SUB17 IS CHARACTERIZED BY A CONSIDERABLE -ENSION. THE MAX. AL CONTENT IN THE~SOLID SOLN. IS 45 AT. PERCENT. ~ EXT - THE SY6TEM NO-FE-AL IS VERY SIMILAR. TO THE LA-FE-AL S-YSTEMS (0. S. THUS$ ZARECHNYI)J(t. ET AL*9 1968)v AND THE. CE;FE-AL SYSTEM (0* S. ZARECHNYUK, ET AL*_*P~'49691 P--93846e Altuninum-rich phase of a phase diagram of the molybdenum-iron-aluminum system. Markiv, V. a.: BAMAIS-_ hova V. V.- (Inst. Probl. Mater alommstva. 7 T --Kiev r. Akad~!Aa,41 Ukr. RNIe. Ser. .4 1970. OPO (Ukrain). 'Alicro5copic,ani ~1,69 72 A x-ray'methods were tised for the"yoof Alurnimn-rief 'FeAl:systern~. .-The -mo-4,a&-Al plihse diix" the investigation 115.binaty..and 75 ternary s; W ma sr on yskems.,.- gothd I ct~ons of tim Mo-oFe-.Al diagram 4i Wa- ind i 1054* -Are pre~entecl Two tern.ary-.~fiu~, 9 a~d $,. wer Iemascertained in the isotherinal section At 1050". Iv1vlqe.nAh' ' (N ph is titragonal i~ith tst C a -.d 8.43 A and seems to be isotypic with TiAlj. The a 3.76 n c S phase wi th'a compri of 5 at' f" 2%1o, 35 at. % Fe, and 60 at. % Alv4snbtst4diediu~etail. '.Ac N and S phases were stable. at >IOM-10.16?, tesi). Binary comIxIs, of FtAl a~%d FtAls-eidst,*m equil. withVojA a in the isothermal svction 4*t SM Frant*k Ctinar J REEL/FR'AME 1198000ou 12 USSR RYABqT._Y~ -SAYENKO, M. I., Institute of Electric Welding YUMATOVA, V. I., IE.~-Ye. 0.'- Paton, An UkrSSR, KAZACHINSKAYA, N. V., Kiev Polytechnic Institute "Use of the Method of Multifactor PlanIning of Experi-ments for Studies of Calorizing of KhlfNIOT and Type 3 Steels Before Welding With Aluminum" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 12, 1972, pp 34-37 Abstract: The dependence of diffusion layer thickness formed upon calorizing of Khl8NIOT and type 3 steels on melt temperature, calorizing time and specivien volume was studied. The influence of heating rate and cooling on growth of the diffusion layer was also studied. Mathematical dependences vicre produced, show- ing that in direct welding of aluminum with steel, calorizing and the production of bimetallic castings, the basic factor determining the thickness of the diffil- sion layer is the melt temperature. This provides technological possibilitics for regulation of layer thickness, The influence of volume (mass) of the specimens is less significant. 67 USSR RYABOV, V. S. NIKRALIN, I. S. DC Amplifier" uDc: 621.375.024(088.8) USSR Author's Certificate No 26l.466, filed 1 Jul 68, published 12 IMay 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, A15stract No 11DI37 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a DC ampliffier which con- a bridge with two adjacent arms made up of paired variable re;iistors, and with fixed resistors in the other pair of arms. The:purpose of the in- vention is to i=rove the thermal stability of the amplifier and to obtain a unipolar voltage at the output. To this end, two transistors of identical conductivity type are connected.with their emitter-base junctions opposed in the .Uagonal of the bridge between the fixed,and variable-resi3tors. The collectors of these transistors are connect,ed to a co=wnl load resistor and to one of the output terminals; in this hook-up, the fixed resistors of the bridge act simultaneously as the feedback r6mistors for the tranalutors. USSR RYABOV, Ye. A., and TU~LANOV, 0. A. (Institute of LETOKHOV, V. Spectroscopy, USSR Academy o Sciences) '!Molecular Gas Luminescence Induced bya C02 Laser Pulse" Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, December 1972, pp. 2025-2032 Abstract: Ultraviolet --ind visible luminescence induced by radiation from a C02 laser is investigated in N113 and C2F3C1 gases absQrbing the radiation. The luminescence is found to be of a threshold nature. The dependence of the threshold on gas pressure and dependence of luminescence intensity on intensi- ty of the C02 laser pulse are measured. It is found that luminescence is produced without any delay with respect to the laser Pulse. The role of vibrational heating of molecules by the laser pulse with subsequent dis- sociation, and light emission by the. decay products and.also other possible mechanisms of luminescence production are discussed. 1/1 ----------- USSR UDC 621.527 RYABOV, V. V., SAKSAGANSKIY, G. L. "Evacuation of Chlorine-Containing Mixtures by a Titanium Discharge Pump" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 5, 1972, pp 166-268 Abstract: The experimental procedure and results are presented from a study of the kinetics of prolonged evacuation of CI by a titanium magneto discharge pump of the diode type. The experiment was p'erformed on a superdeep va 9uum test un- it with background and operating pressures of 2-3-10-8 and 4-6-10- torr re- spectively. More than 1,400 hours of C1 pumping does not lead to noticeable worsening of the pump parameters. The Cl pumping speed under steady stace con- ditions is -802 of the air pumping speed. The sorption of the C1 in the opera- ting temperature range of the pump is irreversible. Reliable vacuum measurements in systems containing Cl are possible only with the application of magneto dis- charge manometric converters. Thermoelectronic, converters are inapplicable in these casein. 1/2 032 UMCLASSIFTED POCESSNG DATE--020CT70 .TITLE--KINETICS OF TITANIUM OXIDATION AT HiGH TEMPERATURES IN A MIXTURE OF ~CARBON DIOXIDE WITH CARBON MONOXIDE -U- -*AUTHOR-(02)-TIKHOMIROV, V.1.9 RYABOV, YE.M. ~,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--ZH. PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAD). 1970,,43(2), _DATE PUBL ISflED------70 ~:.SUUECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--OXIDATION KINETICS, TITANIUM,. CARGON CRYSTAL SIRUCIURE 01HUS P' N COEFFICIENT, HIGH J 432-4 Dli)Xlt)F, CAR1304 M;)IIJXli)EI TU PERAT RE OXIOAT I '\I- S r" I CTS 1_,,C"Nl~ GL CLASS-UN'CLASSIFIED ~-'PROXY RCEWRAME-1987/0850 STFP %'O--UP./0060/70/043/002/0432/0434 CIRC ACCFSSI0;N -NO--AP010,036 212 11332 UNGLASS[FIE0 PACCESISING DATE--02')CT70 -CIRC ACCE.S.510-14 NC-AP0101tZ36 .~ABSTRACT/EXIRACT--IU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE KINETiCS OF T14F JX[014. OF CoM. TI, GFADE BTI-1 IN FORM OF PLATES 15 TIMES 7 TIMES 2 MMI AT 850-11500C-GREES FOR 2-3 HRt IN MIXTS.:CONTG. Alki COo OR ~.O SUB,?# WAS STUDIED IN LAB. EXPTS. THE OXIDIZED PLArFs WERE INVESTIGArED BY USING X RAYt VETALLOGRAPHIC, AND CHEM. METHODS. THE REACTION RATE FOLLDWE0 THE EVANS EQUATIONS 0 PRIME2 PLUS K SUBP Q-K SUBL EQUALS K SUBP T, 14HERE Q IS THE WT. INCREASE OF THE PLA.TEi T IS TIMEP AND K SUBP AND K SUBL ARE JHE PARABOLIC AND LINEAR RATE CONSTS.p RESP. AT 850-900DEGREES, A MONULAYER AND AT HIGHER TEMPS. 2 LAYER SCALES WERE FORMED. IN ALL CASES THE SCALE CONSISTED OF RUTILE. THE HARDNESS OF rl-fE DXIOIZED'PLATES DID NOT DEPEND ON THE OXIDN. TIME. rHl-= CALCD. DIFFUSION COEFFS. OF 0 [IN TI WERE 0.023 AND 0.030t 0.068 AND 0.14, AND 0.092 A14D 0.51 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE8 CM PRft4E2-Sr-,C. FOR THE OX-10N. WITH Up (;0 SU8i2 PLUS COs AND CO SUB2, AND 900 AND 1000DEGREFSr. RESP. THE OXIDN. OF TFOCCURS IN AN t IWERMED'IATE REdIUN. AT SM'ALLER f HAN -9501)E!GREE~S' H'E OX10h. rl-CORS STO'itHIUMETRICACLY ON THE I&T8R-FACE 'SCALE-:-METAL. AT HI'GHER rEliPS. Sg,%IE- CHEMISORPTION ON-THE tNTERFACE-SCALE-GAS TAKES PLACE. 26 (4) SOV/19-59--6-169/309 AUTHOR: Brill', V.D., Ryaboy Yu. A. TITLE: A Testing Stand for Gear Transmissions PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 19r,9, Nr 60 P 35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Class 42k, 21 Nr 118640 (602325 of 21 June 195a) 02' A stand for testing and running-In gear transmissions, mainly reductors. To'~permit the prpgramming of tests and the controlling of loads during the-process, the stand is designed in the form of,a hydraulic~installatior. consisting of an electric motor, 4 hydraulic ti-ansmisnion coupled with the gear transmission being tested,,.a teat-programmng device, tensiometers for measaring the inpL~t and output loE.ding moments of the gear transmission, a4d tachometers ftr checking the rotation speed of the transmiasi~Dn. 2) The test-pro- gramming deylee consists of.e. gear-rittio control mechanism and a loading-moment control meebaniijin, both interlinked with a differential.gearo Card 1/1 .......... USSR uDc: 6P_i-3T2-54 ILIrA, P. A., SUDAKOVA, V. I., RYABOV, Yu. A. "An Electromechanical Filter" USSR Author's Certificate No 281672, filed 4 Nov 68, published 29 Dec 70 (from RM-Radaotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6V439 P) Translation: An electromechanical filter is proposed which contains see- tions formed by series-connected resonators and restraints iThich operate in the torsional vibration mode. To improve the resistance of the filter to vibration, its sections are arranged in parallel and interconnected by restraints which operate in the longitudinal vibration mode, and the free ends of the sections are connected to the base through quarter-wave reso- nators. 71 USSR UDO 621.W2.061.2 GOUJBNICIIIY, A.F., LWIS, A.A., r OStability Criteria Of The Frequency Chars ateristic a Of Hiorckslectronic AGtive RG-Gircuita" glektrosvyazlt Ho 3, Mar 1972, Pp 53-59 Autract: Criteria are considered and functions are foond for an evaluation of ihe stability of the frequency characteriatica.cif microelectronic active RO-circuits. The real moahanie& e the duets bi. li zaticn of frequency character- istics is consideTed. Functions are C2'iteria for evnluation of the deviations of the amplitude-frequency characteristic and phavo-froquency characteristic of a circuit. Two examples are given which Illuutroto the basic results of the work. 2 fig. I tab. 19 ref. Recoived, 9 M-ar 1971. 1/2 oio UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE--SYNTHESIS OF SUBSTITUTED TETRAPEPTIDES CORRESPONDING TO THE 14-17 SEQUENCE YEAST CYTOCHROME C. -U- S.D., YEVSTIGNEVEVA, R.P., MELNIKOVA, S.A., RYABOVA, .:COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR OBSHCH, KHIM. 1970o,40(1)9 242-5 -;oAtE PUBL'ASHED--70 ~~SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES PEPTIDEt CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS 'CGNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED _PROXY REEL/FRAME--i98911255 STEP NO--UR/0079/70/040/001/024210245 CiRC ACCESSION NU--AP0107731 ~212 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 ACCESSION NO--AP010773t ...-ABSTRACT/EX.TRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TREATING O.LS G GAMMA ME ESTER OF CARBOBENZOXYtLvGLUTAMIC ACID IN TETRAHYDRGFqRAN WITH 0.086 ML ~N,METHYLMORPHOLINE AND 0 164 ML ISOtBUO SU82 CCL AT MINUS 15DEGREES, FOLOWED IN 10 MIN BY 0.27 G BENZYL ESTER OF L,LEtICYL.S,BE-NZYL,L.CYSTElt-.-E,HCL- AND 0.086 ML NYMETHYLMORPHOLINEi GAVE OVERNIGHT,97PERCENT BENZYL ESTER OF Nt~CARBOBENZOXYr(GAMMA METHYL L GLUTAMYL)tLvLEUCYLvSvBENZYLiLtICYSIELNEw M. 142-30EGREES. SIMILARLY WERE PREP0. IN.50-80PERCENT YIELDS THE FULLO~;ING PEPTIO.E ESTERS; CARBOBENZOXY,L,LEUCYLwS,BENZYLvL,CYSTEINE,BENZYL ESTERP Mo 100-100.5DEGREES. IME ESTER, M. 115-16DEGREES); CARBOBENZQXY,DLtLEUCYL, StBENZYLtOLiCYSTEINE BENZYL ESTER, M. 89-9v5DEGREES. TERT,BUTOXY, CARBONYLiLiLEUCYLoSiBENZYL#LiCYSTEINE BENZYL ESTERv M. 86.5-7.50EGREES. CAR8GGkNZOXY#D1-'v(t-TE7HYL GLU'tAMYL)',DLoLEUCY-L,,o-SiBENZ'YL,DL'tCYSTeiNE BENZYL ESTERO' M. 140-lUEGREES. TERTiPBUTOXYCARBONYL*L,GLUTAMYLI (BENZYL ESTER)PLPLEUCYLPSiBENLYLPL#CYSTEINE ME~ESTERt M. IZ9-9.5UEGREES. LARBOBENLOXYlStBENLYLoL#CYSTEINYLiL,GLUTAMYL(METfiYL ESTER)PL, LEUCYLrSvBENLYLvL,CYSTEINYL BENZYL ESTER* M. 124-5DEGREES. C-ARBOBENZOXY# SiBENZYLvLoCYSTEINYLtLiGLUTAMYL(BENZYL ESTER)PLiLEUCYLtST iiENZYL,L,CYSTEINYL 14E ESTER, M. 160-60.51)EGREFS. CARB[IBEN7-OXY,S, BEt4ZYL,DL,CYSTEINYLtDLiGLUTAMYL(ME ESTERJ#DLtLEUCYLrSrBENZYLp DLiCYSTEINE BENLYL ESTER, Me 145.5-60EGREES* USSR UDC 51 SBITNEV, A. I., jj&W&"L MWD. J44 "List Algorithm for the Solution of the Problem of Constructing the Optimal Traffic Schedule for Industrial Transportation V sb. Prom. kibernetika (Industrial Cybernetics ---.! collactioa of works), Kiev, 1971, pp 316-327 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V544) No abstract USSR UDC: 51:330.115 SBITNEV, A. I.j_~ ~,L. "On an ODtirnim Problem in Setting up a Traffic Schedule for industrial Transportation" 14 (Technical Cybernetics-collection of V sb. Tekhn. kibernetika. 'Vyp. J. no 14), Kiev, 1970, pp 59-66 (from R2h Kiberne-tika, No 7, Jul 71, vorks , Abstract No 7,V672) Clio abstract] .... ....... 112 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 .-.TITLE--SHOWER SPARK CHAMBERS FOR RECURDING PARTICLES FLYING AT LOW ANGLES TO A BREMSSTAHLUNG -U- .,;,AUTHOR-(04)-KRYSHKIN, V.I.t RYBAKOVAI.Wat STERLIGOV, A.G., USOV, YU.P. :rCOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .,SOURCE-PRIB. TEKHs EKSP. 1970f 11 5 ill!~- ~7. ,,-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 Z,-SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TAGS--SPARK CHAMBER, CASCADE,.BREMSSTRAHLUtiG, SMALL AN~LE '..,.SCATTERINGt ELECTRODE DESIGNt PEON, ELECTRON POSITRON PAIR, SYNCHRorRON ~~(;VNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAML--lr)91/107(, STEP 140--UR'/0120/7U/001/L)OO/0054/-JD5-1 CIRC ACCESSION Nb--AP0110766 UNIC[ASS IF !EO wr --2/2 ql -0117 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DAT'E--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION 11110--AP0110766 ABSTRAt'-TIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN APP. IS DESCRIBED FOR REGISTRATION OF PARTICLES LEAVING THE TARGET AF SMALL ANGLES WITH RESPECT TO THE BREMSSTRAHLUNG. THE APP. IS EQUIPPED .4[TP SHOWER SPAkK CHAMBERS WHICH HAVE OPENINGS ACTING AS CHANNELS FOR TH=-:BREMSSTRAHLUNG. IT TS.DESIGNED FOR PARTICLES FLYING AT 2-15DEGREES. THE MIDDLE ELECTRODE OF THE IST CHAMBER AND IST 3 ELECTRODES OF THE 2ND CHAMBER ARE 14AOE OF P81 THE REMAINING ELECTRODES OF~DURALUHIN. THE.APP. WAS USED TO .01ETI THE LIFETIME OF A NEUTRAL PION AND THE ANGLE DISTkIBUTION OF E -PRIME NEGATIVE MINUS E PRIME POSITIVE PAIRS IN THE 1.5-GEV E SYNCHROTRON. FACILITY: NAUCH. 15SLED. INST. YAD. F12., ELEKTRON,.AVTOMAT., TOMSKt USSR. 1/2 Oil UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE-NEW PHASES OF ANALYZING AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BY GAS LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY -U- :~AUTHOR-(02)-NARMETOVAt G.R., RYABOVA, N.Os COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-UZB. KHIM. ZH. 1970. 14(1)v 29-30 D AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--AROMATIC HYDROCARBONt PETROLEUM REFINERY, S110CA GEL, ZEOLITE# CHROMAT06RAPHIC ANALYSIS/(UIKSK SILICA: GEL, (UlIN11600 SOLID CARRIER, .(U)CAX ZEOLITE CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0320 STEP NO--IJR/0291/70/014/001/0029/0030 CIRC ACCESSION.NO-AP0137425 2/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0137425 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AHIGH BOILING 18.P. SIMILAR TO 500DEGREES) MIXT. OF AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS WAS 1~50LATED FROM A PHENOLIC EXT. FROM THE FERGANSK REFINERY, IT IS A CLEARv VISCOUS, CHERRY RED OILv D PRIME20 SUB4 EQUALS 0.987) SUBR N PRIME20 SUBD EQUALS 1.5783 AND MOL. ST. 312, ZEOLITE C4X ABSORBS 22PERCENT AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS, NAX 24PERCENT AND SILICA GEL KSK 52PERCENTo THE SOLID CARRIER INZ-600 (0*25-0.5 MM, CALCINED 5 HR AT 500DEGREES) WAS IMPREGNATEO WITH 10PERCENT OF THIS OlLo TWENTY TWO AROMATIC HYDROCARBONSo 0-,P- 80-270DEGREES, WERE WELL SEPD,, ON A 2-M BY 4:M?4 COLUMN AT 120 AtIO ZOODEGREES, INJECTION BLOCK AT 220 AND 300 DEGREES, WITH 90 ML N-MIN AS CARRIER GAS. GOOD RESULTS WERE ALSO OSTAINE0 WITH IPERCENT OIL ON HCL TREATED SAND, CALCINED AT 500DEGREESo FAC.ILITY: INST,,KHIM., TASHKENT, USSR* UNCLASSIFIED TIM P TRIPIN ON RRM USSR UDC 576.8 GUBERNIYEV, M. A., CIMIROV, 0. B., DROZHENNIICOV, V. A., KDLOBOV, A. V., ANISKIN, Ye. D., and KOZLOV, V. A., In!;titute of Experimental Biology, Academy of Medical Sciences 1JSSR "The Effect of Some Radioprotectors on Processes Associated With Lysogeniza- tion of Bacteria and Induction of Intracellular -F_xonucleasel' k,7 Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No 1, 1970, pp 38-42 Abstract: The radioprotector finam (an aminothiol inhibited the frequency of lysogenization of E. coli SF-14 (Al -try-$r) by ~-phage and inhibited the synthesis of induced A -exonuclease at different times after infection. The effect was most pronounced in early stages of infection. After thirty minutes the inhibiting effect of the radioprotector an A -exonuclease activity de- creased sharply. Results of determination of the~activity of ?,-exonuclease are consistent with data on the effect of finam on lysagenization of the stune bacterial strain, This suggests that enzyme systems play a part in the de- velopment of lysogenicity in bacterial cells. These em,.ymes may be DNAses of the endonuclease type. 52 _`:~'1/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-KINETICS OF SENZENESULFONAMIDE SOLVOLYSIS IN DILUTE FUMING SULFURIC -U- ACID .AUTHOR-(04)-RYABOVA, R.S.9 VINNIKv M.I.s LAZAREYA., VoT.,r ERLIKH, R.D. COUNTRY OF INFG--USSR :,SOURCE-ZH. ORG. KHIM. 1970, 6(4)t 797-800 "DATE PUBLISHED- -70 ~SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY -TOPIC TAGS-CHEMICAL REACTION KINETICS, AMIDEr SULFURIC ACID, BENZE14E 'OERIVATIVE, ORGANIC SULFUK COMPOUNDi CHEMICAL REACTION MECHANISM ~CCNTRCL PIARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 60CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEO -PROXY REEL/FRAME--200012153 STEP NO--UR/0366/70/006/004/0797/0800 C_1R.C ACCESSION ND--AP0125736 UNCLA S S I F I E D OWN ------ Oil UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSING 1)ATE---30ucr70 C-'IRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125736 AUSTRAC7/EXTR.ACT-[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SOLVOLYSIS OF PHSO SUBil NH SUB2 IN OLEUIM CONTG. 0.01-1.63PERCEN-T SO SUB3 GIVES PHSO SUB3 H tJID H SUB2 NSO SUB3 H AND IT IS A IST ORDER REACTION IN r'ESPEGIF TO PHSC, SU82 NH SU82. T~-E EFFECTIVE RATE CONSTS. INCREASE WITH SO -SU,13 CONCN. IN' THE LINEAR FASHION. A REACTION MECHANISM IS PRGPOSED TNVOLVENG THE -FOR14ATICN OF A COMPLEX BETWEEN PHSO SUB2 NH SUB2 AND H SU82 S SUB2 0 SUB7-(WHICH EXISTS IN OLEUM) ANO~ITS DECOMPN. TO PHSO SUB3 H AND H SUB2 SUB2 0 SUB6 H WHICH REACTS WITH H -SU32 SO SUB4 GIVING H SUfiZ NSO SUB3 .,~H AND H SUB2 S SUB2 0 SUB7. UNCLASSIFIC USSR UDC 77 SAMOYLOVICH, D. M., ARDASHEV, I. V., R. V. "Concerning the Formation of a Latent Photographic Image in very Fine-Grained Photoemulsions" V sb. 1-lezhdunar. kongreos po fotogr, nauke, Moskva, 1970, Prircda fotogr. chuvstvitellnosti (International Congress On Photographic Science, Moscow, 1970, Nature of Photographic Sensitivity -- Collection of Works), no place of publication given, Vneshtorgizdat, no year given, pp 329-332 Hiom RZh-Fizika, No 12(1), Dec 70, Abstract No 12DI321) Translation: The chemical stabilization of very fine-grained emulsions by Ag + ions Is investigated. The calculation shows that in one microcTystal of such an emulsion with a thickness of 11,25 mp there Is 1,10-2 mobile Ag ions but,con- sidering their concentration on the surface, not more than one ion. The forma- tion of more than one Ag atom in the photoiysis of this microcrystal is there- + fore impossible and only an increase in the surface concentration of Ag can lead to the appearance of.photographic sensitivity in the Microcrystal. One of -the Thethods.1or- increasing the, condentratic; n1- of., mobile - A$, ion's is z~.ynthesis 1/2 SAMOYLOVICH, D. M., et al, Mezhdlrim'. kongress Po fotogr. -~aake, Moskva, 1970, 7i, no place of publication-given, Vneshtorgizdat, Priroda. fotogy, chuvstvitellnos~ no year given, pp 329-332 with a large excess of Ag+ ions: experiments showel that a similar synthesis in an excess of Br ions or in a small excess of Ag ions does not lead to the appearance -of photographic s2nsitivity of such s-nall microcrystals,but "Titb an increase in the excess of Ag' above a certain threshold, the sensitivity sharply rises. It was shown that Ag absorbed on the microcrystal froin without Is 1=1 ionic form and is separated by washing. The dimensions of the Ag-groups pro- ducing a considerable change in photographic properties of the microcrystal under these conditions (fogging,-desensitization), including the presence of gold, were evaluated. A. L. Kartuzhanskiy. 112 C24 UNCLASSIFIED PRUCESSING DATE--160CT70 TIT.LE--POSSIBLE INTENSIFICATION OF THE CHROMIUM PLATING PROCESS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-DAVVE)OV, A.D., RYA80 *.KASHCHEYEVt V60o -',COUNTRY OF !NFO--USSR .:SOURC.E;---ELEKTROKHIMIYA 1970, 6-12)i~2~92' __-~D AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 ,-,~'SUBJtCT APEAS--MATERIALS TAGS--ELECTRODE, AOHESIONt METALi CHROMIUM PLATING -.:.-.CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -:,PROXY REEL/FPAME--1989/1397 STEP NG--UR/0364/70/006/002/0292/029?- ,-CIRC. ACCESSION NO--AP0107870 UNCLASSIFIED pill I 212 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING UATE-160CT70 ZIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107670 4BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE POSSIBILITY OF INTENSJFYING THE CATHODIC DEPOSITION OF CR ON A SMOOTH STEEL ELECTRODE 4AS STUDIED BY USING A COLD ELECTROLYTE OF THE COMPNO IG-1.): CRO SUB3 400, H SUR2 SO SUB4 3f NAOH 60t SUGAR 2. WITH INCREASING C.D. THE CURRENT EFFICIENCY INCREASES LINEARLY BETWEEN 6,1 AND 4.5 A-CM PRFME2. WITH INCREASING C,D. THE HARDNESS OF THE CH DEPOSITS~INCREA$ES. AT HIGH C.D. A REVOLVING DISK ELECTRODE WAS USED WITH OHMIC POTENTIAL DROP BETWEEN THE STUDIED ELECTRODE AND THE REF. ELECTRODE* UNDER POTENTIOSTATIC CONDITIONS AT MINUS 1.2 V A DENSE-CA DEPOSIT WITki GOOD ADHESION TO STEEL WAS FORMED. THE CURRENT EFFICIENCY EXCEEUS 60PERCENT. THE MICROHARDNESS IS 1100 KG-14.M PRIME2, WITH A FAST',~ELECTR(J-LYTE FLOW THROUGH A RAR-ROW GAP BETWEE14 THE ELECTRODES THE OUTPUT OF THE PROCESS CAN.70E CONSIDERABLY INCREASED. THIS 15,1APORTANT FOR-THE APPLICATION Of THICK DEPOSITS OF SOLID CA, E.G. MTHEREPAIR OF WORN OUT PART,S4 FACILITY: INST. ELEKTROKHIM.i MOSCOW1 'USSR# UNCLASSIFIED f" MIT, a, i~ .1 -1 212 008 UNCLASSI FIED Pl:',OCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140278 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M) GP-0- ABsrPACT. ONE MOLE C SUB7-9 FATTY PCIDS ME ESTERS AND 1.45 MOLES HYLDROXYLAMINE SULFATE (AS A 12-14~)ERCENT AQ. SOLN.) 15 IUXED I?%Jl AIN 01-fitt-1FLED VESSELt 7-39-1.32 MGLES~ PIA014 (AS A 53-60PERCEN-T AQ. SOLN.) ADDED, Af 20-25DEGREES, AND THE MIXT. AGITATED AT 20-25DEGREES FOR 2 HR. HE4TED AT 55-60DEGREES FOR I HR H SUB2 0 ADDED AND ACIDIFIED TO PH 4-5 AT LESS THAN q0DEGREES TO GIVE AN OILY ORG. LAYER WHICH CONTAINS 65-70PERCUIT FREE.-ALKYLHYDROXAMIC ACIDS (1), .7-20PERCENT FATTY ACIDS AND THE BALANCEP, SUB2 0; THE YIELD OF I IS 72-8PERCENT, S Ace. Ur:. Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: fif0049170- CHEM-ICAL ST. AB riva- RY. py ter -3* (petroleum bath to give 92.3% 1 (R Pr, RL A0, m. 62 Similarly prepd. was 90% 1 (R = Bu RI = A0. in- ether). 56.5-7.5* (petroleum etlier). I (R ='Bu, RI Bz), in. 57-8, yield by refluxing "10 g benzoyl isothipcyanate was prepd. in with 17 nil BuOH and 9 ml, toluene; I (R = Bu, RI CH v CH2NH2CI) (III) was also prepd. Thus, 18.8 g R butyl\anth6- genate in 20 nil H20 was treated with 12.5 g 'XaO,CCll,3Ct in 30 nil H-.0. kept overnight, azW 60 g 50% ethyltnediamint.- (IV) 7" (def r added togive 34% 111, m. 176-1 compti.). 1fonly6 Wwas added (1: 1 inole ra, tio), 84~7,. I (R Bu. R1 CH,CFr,.N'IIC- (S)OBu), in 64-5' (benzene), was fornited 1. Haidue REEL/ FRAI ME P 11,10M- [it's WE is 019 UNCLASSIFIED Pl?,OCESSrNG DATE--IISEP70 411,TIli~lF_--_i4EASUREMENT OF THE SPECTRAL SENSITIVITY OF PHOTOFILMS UF--2T# ur-R, -AND. SC-5 IN THE 1. 5-23. 6 ANGSTROM REGION -U- ;-~AUTHOR-_MOVSHEV, V.G., RYABTSEVt A.N., SUKHODREVp N.K. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 4.1-SOURCE--ZH. PRIKL. SPEKTROSK. 1970, 12(2), 214-9 ~~UAT&%PUBLTSHED ------- 70 JECT-AREAS--METHODS AND EQUIPMENT PI TAGS -MEASUREMENT, PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM* GELt SILVEP, BRO?410E, SITIVITY INCREASEt SPECTRU4, PHDTrt-!ETI:R/(U)IJF2T PH0TCrqA0HTC FIL-A, ~:,,,.-.(UIUFP,L.,PHOT,CG;tAPHIC FILMp (U)SC5 PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM, (UWF? '.MICROPHOTOMETER -CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICT113NS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ;~PRQXY RFEL/FRAMF--lq89/0I75 STEP Nn--UR/016.9/70/012/0r,1210774/q279 -..CIP,C ACCESSION NO--A40106831 UNCLASSIFIED 212 019 UN CI-4SSIFIE0 OkOCESSING DATE--11SEP70 CIRC AtCESSION NO--AA0106831 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AFTER EXPOSURE (5 Sr--c-l THE FILMS WERE DEVELCOED IN THE D-19 DEVELOPER AT 2009GREES, 141TH DEVELOP'JENT TIME 2 MTN FOR SC-5, 6 MIN FOR UF-R, AND 8 MIN FOR Ur--2T. PH0TOjvFTRIC MEASUREMENTS WERE MADE ON THE MICROPHOTOMETER r-l-F-2. T14E CHARACTERISTIC CURVE OF THE FILM SC-5 REMAINS PR4CTICALLY.(JNCHANGE0 WITHIN THE SPECTRAL REGION STUDIED. A SMALL DECREASE 1;N THE CONTRAST COEFF. WAS OSSD. FOR UF-R AN.D UF-2T FILMS IN THE LONG WAVFLFNGTq REGION* THE WAVELENGTH DEPFNDENCE CURVES SHOW-THAT THE SENSITIVITY Or--UF-2T IN THE 5.~4-13.43.ANGSTRO'4 REGION-AND OF UF-R UN THE 5.4-3.3., A%4rSTqgli REGION IS CONST., THEN DECREASES WITH WAVELENGTH UP TO LAMODA 21*.T ANGSTROI. A SLIGHT INCREASE IN THE SENSITIVITY WAS.08S0. AT LAMBDA 21.7 ANGSTROM. IN THE 1,5-24-ANGSTROM REGION, SC-5 HAS THE HIGHEST SENSITIVITY6 MEASUREMENTS OF THE ABSORPTION COEFFS, OF GELATIN AND AGBR IN THE 1.5- 23-.6 ANGSTROM REGION REVEALED THAT AT LAMBDA 10-24 ANGSTROM, THE SENSITIVITY OF THE FILMS FOLLOWS THE ABSORPTION OF THE GELATIN' LAYER AND INCREASES WITH DECREASING THICKNESS OF~THE LAY ER. IN THE 5-10 AN"' STROM REGIONv T14E ABSORPTION OF THE GELATIN LAYER. 15 NEGLIGIBLP AND THE SENSITIVITY OF THE FILMS INICREASES WITH INCREASING DIAM. IF AGBR GqAT114S. UNCLASSIFIE'D USSR I um 669.m.25:62o.18 RUBTS-EY, I. A., GOLOVASHCHUKo &. I., and FRUMIX, 1. 1,, Electric Welding Institute imeni Ye. 0. Paton "Structure amd Wear Resistance of High-Carbcn Cr-Ti Alloys" Moscow, bletallovedenlye I Termicheskaya, Obrabotka Vietallov, No 1, Jan 74, pp 46-Q Abstracts The combined effect of carbon, titanium, and chromium on the abrasive wear resistance of alloys was studied for the purpose of seleoting a highly wear- resistant deformable alloy for the cladding layer in a weaz-rosistant bimetallic sheet. The iron-base alloys studied were UZ%h6m, U25F,16VNI U25WT41M, U25Kh6T8M, U25T81,1, U2OXh6t4M, and U30Yh6T414, containing about 6% Cr and 2-V,, Ti with 1% Mo. The beat combination of hardness and wear resistanco properties was exhibited by alloys UZOKh6T4M and UZ5Kh6T4H because they had an austenite- carbide or austenite-nart-ensite-carbide structure and more than 30% retained austenite, The other alloys either had less than 30% retained austenite and too large a quantity of titanium carbides with improper proportions of TiC in combination with complex c,;-,-bides F~C and ?~,C6' Two figures, two tables, eight bibliographic references, 3j6.421.1o669 -196 t ax .13-38 FRUKN# I* I. g WaYAH, V* V. y GOLOMMMo A,, I v GRABU t V. P, and RTAB75EV, I. A., Electric Welding Institute Imeni Ye 0. aton a the Acadcay Date=ination of the Heating Temperature In Rolling Higb-Carbon Chrome- Titanium Steele -548 Xoscow, Stall, No 6* Jun 73, pp 546 Abstract t The temperatures of beginning fusion of e ight high-caxbon chromiuz . steels with and idthout titanium were investigated with the help of a high- temperature microscope. The heating temperature in rolling or forging of U Ingots of high-ca ban allayed steels weighing up to 1:0 kg must te -1U-20 C below. the temperature of begi=ing fusion. For, Ingots of higher weight, considering possible development of liquation pheno=enat the heating tez- perature must be somewhat lower. Titanium. hinde=ing the developzant of a readily fusible ledeburite eutectict in high carbon chrozium steels raAsex; their fusion tenrerature and extends the temperature range of aeiormation. 'fhe eutectic con3ista r-ainly of cb=mI= carbides, The presence: of caxlbon In the investigated steels lowe= the fusioao'.temperature and raiajs the Vanti-tir of ledeburite eutectic. FOLUr figures# two t-0161n, three M3,io- gxuphic 7.Vtorences. JL/j USSR U..'-'. 669-245 RYABTSEV, L. A., ?1CfA1W1,;A, L. 1. and IG,~XWV, D. V. "High-Temperature Oxidation Resistance of Nick,el-Base' Allo Y Izvestiya Akadeinii Nauk- MR, HeLally, ao 6, Wov-Dec 70, Pp l9u-191 Abstract: Tiiere is little if any information on the oxidatl*oa of mult:~_ co-mponent nickel-base alloys with o4idizability as afulictioli of alloy,.ng. The purpose of this study was to determine. changes in the iii&ii-temporal-ure oxidation of nickel-base alloys at 9000 C as a function of open-air oxidation time and an increasing number of alloyin, elements Three- Ni-Al alloys, with 3, 10, and 3-3.3 wt alaminum. were selected for the study. It was found thl~Jt the high-te-mperature oxidation resistance of the-j"-solid solutlLon bared on M3AJ (13.3//. Al) in I'lli-Al allovs'j,.j hi,,,hor thall t' at Of 610 Y-11101id SO-114110A (3 wt.% Al) due to Lb~! forpiliti.oll of dent;c oxide fil= of upinel-type y-A12()3 "4L'(' S '1204- ~i'fhe pruEjence of t.1lic YI-phase in two-phase (-&t') alloys causes higher oyidation rebistanc(, 1/2 39 USSR .RYABTSEV, L. A., et al. Izvestiya Akzdeaii' Sa-'&" Lally, no 6, NQv-uec 70, pp 190-191 (at 4i.gii temperatures). Subsequent addition of chromium (io wt.,',,') and titanium (2 wt.~) results in a higher oxidation rusisca-ace of thu nlckel ddition of allaying elements Such as alloy with 6 wt.Z Id., The furth~er 'a Cungsten, molybdonumand n.W;;ium has no appreciable effi.-ct o6 high-tempera- ture oxidation resistance. 2/2 -- . - - .1 1 . 011 Biocherdstty USSR UDC 547.964.4+577.17 SHVACHKIN, YU. P., VDVINA, R. G., POZNYAK, H. G., VOLUSICAYA, ~YE , V..,j XaMEX19-j~-r KRT-VTSOV, V. Y.0 GRAMM, A. K., KRASNUSHCHEIRYGY, S. P., 1!OVC5ELV1j V. A., GIRUDEEV, V. S.o OMNIK# A. M., K&UMMA, Z. B., FEDOTOVg 1. P. t IVANOV, A. I., YUDAYEV, V. A. "New Synthesis of Human Insulin!" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimiij Vol XLII1 (CV)s No It 1973, pp 216-217 Abstracti Human insulin was synthesized on the basis of obtaining A and B chains by the solid phase methcd fR. B. Merrifieldp J. 4m. Chem. Soc, I No 85g 2149t 1963; J- Stu.!~, et a2.1 Tverdofazny- sintez peptidov, Ifoscow, Nfir, 1017 and subsequently combining the synthaticdnains into the complete role- cule of the biologically active hormone* Here, a new version of the synthesis is realized which rarmits exclusion of treatment of the chains vilth sodium In liquid ammonia ~ihich eliainates the danger of undesirable side reactions caused by.this reagent /I A. Rargling et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1-10 88, 5051, 196g. The A and 13 chains of humaan insulin were synthesized on an automated device using a spherical chlorozetby]-ated copolymer of stMne with 11*:Of divinyl benzene as the insoluble carrier. All operations were performed in a nitrogen atmosphere. The derivatIves of tho L-amino acids used in the synthesis of the A and B chains are listed. The fluorobydrates of the chains were con- -1H1;,;1;A; j~ 111 44 1 'k w, USSR SHVACMN, YU. P., et al., Zhurnal Obshchey Khimiij Vol XLIII,(cv), 210 1, 19739 pp 216-217 verted into S-sulfonates which exhibited no differences from the S-sulfonates of the corresponding natural chains of bull insulin. The synthetic A and B chains were recombined both with the correspozidin.- natural chains and among each other, The resultant compounds had specific insulin activity of com- gaitude to the previously synthesized insulin co po parable mag a unds, Z K. Lubke, et al,, Adv. Enzymol., No 33,' 445p 19797- 2/2 112 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSUNG, 0ATE--llS&!70 TITLE--THER4AL CONDUCTIVITY OF LIGHT HYDq-0CARBONS(PROPYLENE) -U- AUTHOR-KAZARYANI V.A., RYARTSEV, N.I. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR PROM. 1970 15(l) 45 AT EPUBLISHED ------ 7.0 ~~'SUBJECT AREEAS-rHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--THERMAL CONDUCTIVITYt PROPYLENEr CRITICAL PRESSURE, Lo'l TEMPERATURE EFFFCT ARKING--N,9 RESTPICTIONS 011TPOLM it-_"' DON RENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED __'DROkY OEEL/FRAME--1989/0212 STEP N'O--UR/049?/7,3/Olr-/~101/0045/0045 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106868 ci 212 017 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING 0ATF--llSE7P70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106868 ABSTRACT/EXTkACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT* THE THERMAL CONDO Or LIQ. r%-%!D GASEOUS PRnPYLEN&WAS DETD. WITH AN ACCURACY OF 2PERCENT 4T 182.5 TO 425.lDEGREESK AND 0.1-50.6 MN-M P0,1ME2. AT 359.7t 378.8t AND 399.ZDEGREESK, THE THERMAL COND. INCREASES SHARPLY AT PkESSURE.S CLOSE TO THE CRIT. PRESSURE. AT ALL TEMPS. AND PRESSURES INVESTIG?ATED, EXCEPT THOSE NEAR THE CRIT. REGION,,.TH;-: EXCESS THERMAL CONDO' (LAMBDA SUBP,T MINUS LAMBOAT) IS-A MONOTONIC FUNCTION OF-T"E D.~ UNCLASSIFIED 12 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--30OCT70 :'.~''TITLE--THE RESULTS OF THE SUAGICAL TREATMENT OF CANCER GF UPPER REGIONS OF T14E STOMACH -U- AUTHOR-m-03)-KUZIN, M.I., RYABTSEVP V.G.v BAYANDINP L.P. tGUNTRY OF INFC--USSR '_~:SGURCE-KHIRURGIYAt 1970, NR 51 PP 47 52 ~~-.__DATE PUBLISHED-70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-SURGERY-i--STOIIACHt CANCER, CARCINOMAr SUTURE, HEART, LUNG, METASTASIS CONTROL MARKLNG-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0137 STEP NO--UR/0531/701000/005/0047,fOO52 CIRC ACCESSIEN NO--AP0129393 212 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE---30C)CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129393 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AT THE N. N. BUkDENKO FACULTY SURGICAL CLINIC BETWEEN l9ft8-1967 3704 PATIENTS WERE TREATED FOR CANCER OF THE STOMACH. OF THIS NUMBER IN 1375 CASES *37.BPERCENT) THE TUMOR WAS LCCATED IN THE UPPER REGIONS OF THE STOMACH. DURING THIS PERIOD OF TIME 300 GASTRECTCMIES AND 134 PROXIMAL RESECTIONS OF THE STOMACH WERE PERFORMED. POSITIVE RESULTS OF OPERATIONS WERE RECORDED* DURING THE LAST YEARS THERE WAS A SIGNIFICANT INCREASE OF OPERABLE PATIENTS WITH GASTRIC CARCINOMA (FROM 63*4PERCENT TO 80.lPERCENT)i AS WELL AS THE RESECTABILITY (FROM 40.9PERCENT TO 49PERCENT), APONG RADICAL OPERATIONS FOR GASTRIC CANCER TOTAL GASTRECTOMY WAS MORE OFTEN PERFORMED (FROM 13PERCENT TO 20.2PERCENT). THERE WASIA PRONOUNCED DROP OF THE POSTOPERATIVE LEThALITY AFTER GASTRECTOMY (FROM 30PERCENT TO llo4PERCENT) AND AFTER PROXIMAL RESECTIONS [FROM 29PERCENT TO 13.3PERCENT). REDUCTION OF THE POSTOPERATIYE LETHALITY DEPENDED UPON DECREASE OF THE NUMBER OF SUCH POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS AS FAILURE OF ANASTCMOTIC SUTURES ANU CARDIOPULAONARY COMPLICATIONS. THE REMOTE KESULTS DEPEND ON THE STAGE (IF THE DISEASE, METASTASIZATION AND FORM OF THE TUMOR. A FIVE YEAR PERIUD AFTER GA$TRECTOMY SURVIVED 18.2 PER CENT, A TEN YEAR PERIOOt 15 PERCENT UF PATIENTS. AFTER PROXIMAL RESECTION OF THE STOMACH 24.3 PERCE NT OF CASES SURVIVED A FIVE YEAR PERIOD. FACILITY: FAKULITETSKAYA JKHIRURGICHEskAYA KLINIKA I MMI IM. I. m. SECHENOVA. USSR UDO 621.314.61 KOGANi V.L., RYABTSEV, V.M.-. "Supplementary Semiconductor Filter" Elektron. takhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. ab. TakhnoL (Electronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Technology And Organization Of Production), 1970, Issue 204), pp 110-114 (from RZh--Elaktronika i_ eye primeneniye, No 1, January 1971, Abstract No 1B480) Translation, The circuit is described of a semiconductor filter which is inten- ded for supplementary smoothing of the pulsations of reealated high-voltaj;e sources of d-c voltage. The filter is connected In serieB with the load al, the output high-voltage bua o.0 the rectifier. The third lead of the aemiconductor filter in connected acroas a high-voltage capacitor with the grounded terminal of the rectifier. The semiconductor filter comprises throe trt%neiators Included in the circuit of a compoeite emitter follower, three semiconductor diodee, a capacitor, and two resistors. The circuit developed for the filter assures supple- mentary smoothing of pulsations of approximately two ordiBra of magnitude in a wide range of load currents irrespective of the magnitude of the d-c voltage of the source. The circuit elements assure protection of the tramsistors frCM voltage surges. A computation is presented for the basic parameters of the filter and an indication is given vith reupwoct to theiroiptimization- 3 Ill- I tab. 2 ref. L. R. 1/2 041 UNCLASSI-FIED PROCES:SING DATE--o 40EC70 rITLE--GENERALIZATIOM OF THE 0EaATIONA~ CHARACTERISTICS OF A SECTIONAL 'PLASMATRON WITH COMPRESSED CHANNELS -U- ,,AUTHOR-(04)-KOSARENKOV, V.A.# RYABTSEVi'YE.I.v STELKAKH, G.P., CfiESN(3KOV, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR PRIKL. 14EKH. TEKH. FIZ.; NO., I,, 11)t )JAN-FEB 1970) '-.'_'DATE PUBL [SHED--------70 .,SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS -JOPIC TAGS-PLASMA ACCELERATORt VOLT AMPERE.C.HARACTEREST(C, PLASMA JETP ~_.FLOW*VELOCITY, PLASMATRON -'ZONTROL MARKIN-G--NO RESTRICTIONS .4~-OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--3002/0214 STEP NG--UR/OZ07/70/000/001'/0115/0118 w CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOIZ7825 U,*,4r LA4 S S I F I E 0 '.~-212 041 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESsm DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127825 ASSTRACT/EXTRACT--~U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE VOLT AIMPP-RE CHARACTERISfICS OF A SECTIONED CHANNEL PLASMATRON WERE DETERMINED AT REDUCED PRESSURES. THE VELOCITY OF THE JET MAY BE INCREASED BY 114CREASING T14E GAS CONSUMPTIOINi REDUCING THE PRESSUREt AND IMPROVING THE NOZZLE OESZGt'll. THE JET DI'APHRAGM PLASMATRON STUDIED CONSISIED OF 6 St"CTION'S WLT'~l 20 ril" DIAMETER ANG 20 MM HIGH CHANNELSo THE 4, 8, 12 09 16 Mbl NOZZLE elAS ATTACHED AT THE ANODE SECTTf(jN; THE ARGON CONSUMPTION WAS VARIFD FROIN 0.2 TO 3.5 G-SEC. THE EXPERIMENTAL PRESSURE RANGED FROM 1.33 TIMES 10 PRIME2 TO 1.33 TIEMS 16 PRIME3 N-H PRIME2o UPON COMPRESSION IN THE CHANNESL, IT VARIED FROM 1.33 TIMES 10, PRIIAE3 TO 1~.33 Tll-',ES 10 PRIME5 N-M-PRIME2. THE ENTHALPY OF THE JET WAS CALCOLATEO FROM THE THERMAL BALANCE OF THE SYSTEM, THE DATA OBTAINED WERE COMPAREJ WfTH GEN~RALIZED C'RITERIAL RELATIONS. THEFOLLOWING CORRELATION WAS OBTAINED: U E(,fUALS [.PRIME NEGATIVEO.1 K PRIME NEGATIVE.1.0 0 PRIME NEGATIVE11.3t WHEN 10 PRIME2 SMALLER THAN I S14ALLER THAN 10 PRIME3, 5JIMES 10 PRIME3 SMALLER THAN K SMALLER THAN 5 TIMES 10:PRIl-lE2v AND 1 SNALLER THAN 1) SMALLER T4AN 5, WHEREBY U WAS DERIVED FROM CHM'S LAW, I lROM THE u il -4E GY 'it 3 OF ME CHAk'I'll AND EQUATION AND 0 REPRESENTS THE RATfO UJIiE DIAMETI THE NOZZLE. UNDER CERTAIN DONOITIONS THE RELAMNSHIP BECOMES (i LOUALS 0.6 1 PRIME NEGATIVEO.2 K PRIME NEGATIVE1.0 0 PRIME NEGAl'Iv--I.3 L PRIMEO,65v WHEN 0.3 SMALLER THAN L I 1.0.t WHEREBY L.rS A:GEOMETRIC FACTOR, THE FORMULA ALLOWS: ESTIMATION OF-THE OPERATIONAL '~CHARACTERISTICS OF PLASHATRONS.. L A s s II -E 01 USSR IDC 577.150.6 TROFIMEW, N. M., TIKHOINOVA, N. P., KUBLITSKAYA, 11. A., and RYABTSEVA, N. A. "Strains of Botrytis cinerea, Pathogens of Gray Mold of Grapes, and Producers of Enzymes of the Pectinase Complex" Kishinev, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Moldavskoy SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh i Khimicheskikh Nauk, No 4, 1971, pp 41-44 Abstract: In connection with a study of gray mold (Botrytis rot) of grapes in the Crimea, five strains of Botrytis cinerea were isolated from infected grapes. These strains differed in morphological, physiological, and bio- chemical characteristics. Two of the strains isolated (Nos 20 and 30), which infected grapes most frequently, had a high pectinolytic activity. This activity was preserved during artificial cultivation of the fungus on a medium based on sugarbeet pulp, After the culture fluid derived from strains Nos 20 and 30 had been separated by filtration, an enzyme prepara- tian with a high pectinolytic activity was isolated by precipitation with alcohol or amonium sulfate. 11he prepaTation also had some proteolytic. activity and expedited the hydrolysis of cellulose. Tests Jn the wine- making industry indicated that the enzyme preparation, which acted on the skin of grapes, increased the yield of juice (by 2-4%), of tanning 1/2 USSR TRDFIMENKO, N. M., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Moldavskof SSR, Seriva Biologicheskikh i nimicheskikh Nauk, No 4, 1971, pp 41-44 substances and dyes (by 30-50%). and of some other products derived from grapes. The results of the tests showed that enzymes derived frCm Botrytis cinerea can be used to advantage in the wine-making and grape Juice (fruit juice) industries. 2/2 17 USSR UDC 536-53 "Semiconductor Thermoresistor Gauges and Instruments for Temperature Wasurement" Sb. tr. Proyektn. i n.-i. in-t. Urallskiy Promstroyniiproyekt (Collection of Works) of the Desi,-,n and Scientific Research Institu*te. Ural Promstroy- niiproyekt), 1970, No 25, PP 77-88 (from RZh-Metrolo~iya i lzrueritellliay-a Tekhnika No 8, A119 70, Abstract No 8.32.~9-4T- Translation: The features of application of semiconducting therwresistors for temperature measurement are considered. The basic characteristics, advantages and shortcomings of thermoresistors as temperature gauges are given. The electric circuits of semiconductor thermometers of the type ET-12-0, ET-300, M-3, ETP-4, B-T-P-1A and ET-1, the methods of standardizing the ther-moresistors and the determinations of the parameters of unbalanced bridge are given. Description is given of the designs of cited instraments and their sensing elements and the technical characteristics presented. 6 ill., 1 table, 4 bibl. entries. Resume 112 015 UNCLASSIFI.ED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 _TITLE--TR',ANSCORTIN (31"011IG PROPERTIES AT HYPERTENSION IN THE GENEALOGICAL M ASPECT AND TWINS STUDIES -U- AUT[IOR-(04)-GERASIMOVA, YE.N.j IGNIATOVA, L.N., RYVKIN, [.A., RYABTSEVA, S . v . OF INFO--USSR -SOURCG--VOPROSY MEDITSINSKOY KHIMIfv 1970p VOL 16t NR 3, PP 296-300 ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES IOPIC TAGS--HYPERTENSIONt HEREDITARY DISEASE-, HUMAN GENET ICS q .tGNTROL MARKING--~Nn RESTRICTIONS, MENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0145 STEP NO--UR/0301/70/0161003/0296/0300 CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0120845 UNCLASS IF IED 212 015 UNCLASSIFIE07 PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120845 A6STRACT/EXTPACT--(U) GP-0- 43STRACT. THE BINDING PROPEkTIES OF TRANSCORTIN IN PATIENITS WITH HYPERTENSION ARE OECREASED. THE ANALOGOUS PICTURE WAS SH-OWN IN MICIN' WITH NUR~IAL BLOOD TENSION ;~,HOSE PARETNS WERE SUFFERED-WITH HYPERTENSION. IN ONE EGG TWH~s THE PRONOUINCED CONCOROANCE It'll THIS FEATURE '~iAS 0EMONSTRATED. THIC CG.NCOPOAINCE WAS.YELL CORRELATED WITH THE ARTERIAL TENSION LEVEL. THE DATA PRESE,"ITED POINT TO THE INWOLVEMESN'T OF HEPEDITAL FACTORS, REALIZING IN THE CnURSE OF HYPERTENSION DEVELOPXENTs IN THE DETERMINATION Cc TRANSCORT11"I BINDING LEVEL. IT MAY BE SUPPUSED THAT THIS ONE OF THE POSSIdLE MECHANISMUS OF TRANSMISSION nF HEqEDITAL PPEDISPOSITION TO HYPE.TENSI FACILITY: THE DEPARTMENT OF BfiXH-EMISTRY I ST MEDICAL FNSTfTUrE AND A. 14YASNICOV CARDIOLOGY INSTITUTE USSR ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES1 MOSCOW. UNCL A SS I F I ED USSR LDC 577-3911,547-436 ZABALUYEVAj I. I., and, A. K.. Central Scientific Research Institute of Rcentgenoradiology, 8 ry th USSR, lAningrad "Effect of Desynpathization on Cell Proliferation in the Thymus of Irradiated Mice in Cases of Cystophos Protection!' Noscow, Radiobiologiya, Vol 12, Vyp it Jan/Feb 72, PP 132-136 Abstracti A study was made to determine the effect of sympatholityn on cell Ixo1iferation in the thymus. 11ale white mice were given 5 arA 10 mg/kg doses *f sympatholytin intraperitoneially 2 hours before exposure to. 500 r in-,uUa- tion. Subsequent exanination of the cortical layer of the tk7rus showed that after 1 day synpatholytin aggravates radiation damage to lymphoid cells and, after 7 days it inhibits the restorative process by delaying maturation of lymphocytes. This effect was diminished with a lower dosage and a greater time lapse, When cystaphos was Mulaistored Uith an equal dose of-aympatholl-ting the structural changes in thyr-us cells were loss severe. Desympathization does not seett to affect the prol'Lectivo.cf4ect of cystaphos on cell Prolifera- tion follow1mg irradiatlon, 1/1 S0!,7,Pk.T_ S4555 CV~ASCXS 11, MACTIVE IMUDITION by i(ITOSIS IN TIM PRESENCE OF PATHOLOGY (MEPLIMENTAL INVESTIGATION), jArticle by bukh"Contral Scientific Uaearcb Institute of Poontganalogy and Radialogy-TT99177rn-ra-try of Health. Leningrad; Moacow,.Vestntic AkaAdemtl Maditrinakikh Ilauk SSS&R.ussian, UP 10 1971,,pp 57-601_~ 7 It, has. been.. established, that- palnful,s-tioulation 0.r-excitstion -of animals land* to a marked inhibittarLoUnitatic activity In tissues (I.A. Utkin; G.S. ScrelLn at al.t S.Ya. Zalkind; I.A. Alov, and others). Friedenw6ld and Duschko voiced the assumption that the. sympatho- adrenal system mad, in particular, -the. hormone, apinaphrine,,partictpates in this reaction. .7his has been confirmed idmintitratl*ft ot adrenalin to.saimals-induced a- mirkad.dac~aia inuuwb*i,6f.dIv1dinjt tolls (Bullough; V.V. V.V. Upyavlenskay& and V.N. Dobrokt6tov. and others). Other researthers (t.A. Alov at al.; A,K. Ryatwk.hR) established that. after s4ronalectomy, painful stimulation of animals hardly lnc!%Ic*w reactive inhibition of toll division. Thus, there are many reasons to believe that the adrenal hormone, epinephrine. plays a substantial part in Cho n*Uto- horm3nal machaniaw. of reactive, inhibition of toll division. In the present work we continue Investigation of the call dtvtsl.= ir~hl- bition reaction in the presence of pathology Induced by odmintstrotton of that's- labile partuast" toxin to animals. We demonstrated that administration of this toxin to rate leads to weakening of Inhibition of call division upon algosic stimulation. At the same timee,-admiMstration of taxin per as, does not appreciably alter mitotic activity in the corneal epithelium. This served am the basis for the conclusion. that tht,action of thermolabilo partussis toxin Is inhibition of adrenal function (K.K. Ryabukha and r.V. Osipova). liowe"r; ihere;might have been other reasons as Voll for %makwaing of the call. divialon'InhibitiCO' of 'Wrpori- 'mental ant"'Wila iir4ad'az-the basis:'f6r'thle assumptinn. The vorphological change's in tho Adzenals,wers fiegligible 7. 14, &Ad 21 days after sdaintstra- tion of piriussis t6aln,', vhireas the"21vir pjaaantod isultibis od"4 ancrotic foci. Other authoxu, (L.S. hibinova it ra.) have also obierved ginilar changes In the.liver toxin'to 79 1/2; -:- 025 UNCLASSI`FtM~: OROCESiS IING DAT E-- L3NOV70 TIrLE--PROUE0 OF THE MECHkNISM 01: THE 'THERAPEUTIC ACTION HOM(JPDIETiC TISSUE TVANSPLANTATIC14S AFTER DAMAGE BY IRRADIATION -IJ- AUTHOR-(02)-RYABUKHAt A.K.j AYEZVAYAl S.P. CdUNTRY OF IN'F0--USSR SOURCE--AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR, DOKLADYt VOL. 1911 MAR. 1, 1970, P. 244-246 DATE PUbLISHED--01MAR70 :-SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES JOPIC TAGS--TISSUE TRANSPLANTs BONE MARROW TRANSP Api rRAT, RADIATION -PROTECTIGN, RADIOPROTECTIVE AGENT CC.NiTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1994/1091 STEP NO--UR/0020170/191/000/02q4/0246 I RC ACCESSICN NO-AF0115110 --------- -- ~W2 025 UNCLASSI FIED' PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AT0115110 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE THEPAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF TRANSPLANTED 001NIE MARROW Oil IRRIAIDATED RATS, IN THE CASE WHERE THE TRANSPLANTED TISSUE IS PREVENTF-D FROM RESETTLEMENT IN THE BODY. THE MARROW WAS TRANSPLANTED IN DIFFUSION CHAMBE'~S (0.45 'iICP CN PORE DIAMETERS; AFTER 500 AND 600 R DOSED OF IRRADIATION. THE FISSOE WAS CONTAINED IN THE DIFFUSION CH4MBER TO PREVENT ITS IENT THE BUDY WHILE ALLOWING ECTS Of- ITS ACTIVITY OT RESETTLEN IN THE EFF- INFLUENCE THE IRRADIATED ANIMALS. SURVIVAL CURVES FOR THE RATS SUBJECTED TO 500 k DOSES SHOW A STRONG BENEFICIAL INFLUENCE OF THE MARRC~-- TRANSPLANT; 41PERCENT OF THE ANEMALS WITH THE TRANSPLANT SURVIVED 21 DAYS AS COMPARED TO 10PERCENT OF THE ANIMALS WITH NO IMARROW IN THE 'IMPLANTED DIFFUSIG-N CHAMBEq. RATS SUBjECTED TO 600 R DOSES SHOWED NO EFFECTS OF THE TRANSPLANTo AND MOST ANIMALS DIED WITHIN 12 DAYS. FACILITY: TSENTIZALINYI NAUCHNO ISSLE00VATELISKIV RENTGENO RAGIOLOGICHESKII INSTITUTY LEININGRAD, USSR.. 3"WaRr F ft -M I L USSR Tji"jo,616-00128+612.419 RYABUKFIA, ~A K., and REZVAYA, S. P.. "The Question of the Nifechani-sm of the Therapeutic Action of Trans- planted Hematopoietic Tissues in Irradiation IITP-amatall Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 191, No 1, 1970, pp 244-246 Abstract: Because of diverse theories concerning the therapeutic effect of transplanted tissues, a method was devised which excludies migration of cells, using a ring chamber 21-21.5 mm in diameter and 5 mm high, both sides of which were,closed by a 45./-k millipore filter, precluding cell diffusion. Before irradiation, bone marrow was obtained from tibias and kept in solution at 400. Upon irradia- tion of rats, chambers containin,-, 20-25 milLion live cells were st;r-- gically placed within the animals. Controls received empty chambers. During the 2-day observation period, all rroups were kept unde,.-: or- dinary conditions. All rats receiving 600 r died within 6-12 days. Of the 39 treated animals and 40 controls receiving 500 r., 41--,, of treated and only of controls survived 21 days. Inasmuch as the cells could not migrate from the ctuumbero, it is evident that the therapeutic effect is due to the vital activity products of the bone marrow. IC 1: ~T