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USSR UDC: 681-3.o6:51 IMALININ , S. , NE1.11ROV-S-~-A.YA, V. , RYAB-);71 'YJY I. S. , YELTAHINIKO , Ye. -7:21WO-A-FWAROROM, KOV, L. "Deterrdnistic Model of Evaluating Variants for Constinuction of Syste= of Scientific-infornation- Servicing With Respect to Time arili Cost Cri- teriatt V sb. Vopr. modelir. i optimiz. sisteininfai-,,i. obslu;ih. (Pi,oblems of Modeling vind Opt-imizinf., infornuition Bervicing of works), vyp. 2, 1141rscow, 1970, !)p 1--9-71,(from 7, Jul '(I~ fiffintruct No W716) Translation: In constructing the nndel, prinaxy attention is given to selecting the f"unctional structures of systerm. of servicing. Tvo nethods; of data processing are taken f.-.-,to cansidf~,raticn- centralized and decentralized. The process of functioning of the systems i-; represented it, the model by- a set of linear expressions of ~ the -:,crm, Aout ~inXi 1/2 MA.I."i III, S. et al., Vopr. nodelir. i o-otimiz. sistem inforili. obsluzh. vyp. 2, Moscow, 1970, pp 39-71 where Xin is the line vector (I x m) which mans the intensi-zy of the flow of docil"nats at the input of the process; X is a matrix which maps conversion of the flou, at the input into tile floir -at the ou-,Dut; Aout is the line vector (1 x n) vhich naps the intensity of the flow of docu- ments at the output of the process. The tire criteriori is defined as the two-dimensional vector :6 = (I(t);Vc)), where :t(t) is the average tire for dist-ribution of information counted from the moment when it ap- pears in the riedium external to the system; t(c) is the average time of response to demands as reckoned from the instant the systen receives the demand from the user to the instant the user receives the response from the system. The cost criterion is -,mderstood to mean the intt*!nsitv of expendi- tures of materials, labor, equi-pnent and monetary mearris necessary for normal functioning of the system. The proposed rindel is illustrated by an example of a system- of scientific-information ser-71cing in electrical engineering. 2/2 - 59 - IISSR uDc - 681-3.o6:51 MA LIT I !N S. N, E~ff-ROVSKAY A, V. BY AB Ell 'KIY, S - , YEELTAR ENKO , Ye. , RLJMYP-II- 2~~EIII SIR.-TA-ROKOV, L. "Deterministic Model of EvaluatinG Variants for Construction of Systems of Scientific-Infornation Servicing With Respect to Tirle wnd Cost Cri- teria" V sb Vopr. nodelir. i optimizz. 'siitem inform.* obsluzh. (Problems of -iing e Mode nd Optimdzin,- information Sei-vicing Sys tems --collection of wo rk, sv~rp. 2, Moscow, 1970, -_PP 39-T.1 (from M_Kiberaetika, lio 7, Ju3 71, Abstract No TI716) Trwnllut~Joii: In conz-,trucUng the jaodel, pri.r.,iary att,7~-nt,_Toii Iii, cilifin to 13CICCUItt; thc,- fuanctlontl f;tructure-je of systow, of Servicing. Two mthods of data. processing are taken inLo emoideration; centralized and decentralized. The process of functioning of the system is represented in the Mdel by a set of linear expressions of the form Xout XinX, 1/2 MALTINEI, S. et al., Vc)i)r. rodelir, i onti-Aiz. sistern inform. obsI.uzh. vyp, 2, Moscow, 1970, T)D 39-7i where Xin is the line vector (1 x m) which mars the intensity of the flow of documents at the input of tile process; X is a matrix which inaps conversion of the fl-o,.,r at the input into the floir at the ou-"put; ~~Out is the line vector (1 x n) which maps the intensity of the flov of docu- ments at the output of the process. The time criterion is defined as the t-vo-din-unsionna -1,ector w-here t(t) is the a%rerage to time for distribU4-j(7,,rj of information counted from the moment; irhcn i'.. V.P- pears in the mcdiu2:,. eyternal to the system; '60 i,, Uir-, avel-age L-141!:Q o~' response to de-Unds as recl-oned from the instant tile system roccives tile demand from the user to the instant tile user receives the response fr the system. The cost critcrion is 1xnderstood to inean the intensity of expendi- turen of materiOn, labor, orjuijjttx~nt ond ju)rie"ary mazins rieeil-::i~atnj for norinril functioning o" thr- zyntem. Illic proll-osed mo ~5 4 11ustrated by an ex,---~Iple of a of scientific-information servicing in electrical engineeving. 2/2 - 59 - USSR UDC: 518.5.681.3.o6 ROWNE-N-1-0, A. RIWANTSEV, V. , SHAKITIAZARYPIT, Ye. "Some Problems of Modeling and Optimizing the Activit3r of tthe United Scientific and Technical Publishers" V sb. Vopr. modelir. i ontimiz. sistem inform. obsluzh.. (Probleras of Modeling and Optimizing information Servicing Systems-collecLIon of works), vyp. 2, Moscow, 1970, pp 148-170 (from No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No 7V778) Translation: A proceduve for organizing the activity of an information agency is proposed which is based on utilizing the nietl-4ods and iLe-ans of fonnation, trnnsmirsion, accumtilution, ordering, tuid p~,---)cesslng of flow.,; of statistical and accounting information on the f ning of th'2 United Scientific and Technical Publishers. . This methjd proposes a study of the stream of information traffic in the United Ccientific and Technical Publishers, tuid also construction of ar, infor=tioxiell and mathematical n-3del of the orFanization. As a criterion of optirdzation, the infor- the authors use the cost of losses due the lack- of accord oe 1/2 ROMANENKO,, A., Vopr. modelir. i ontimiz. sistem inform. obsluzh. , -,ryp. 2, Moscov, 1970, pp 148-170 mation to the requirements of users of the United Scientific and Tech- nical Publishers. The optimi zation problem is solved within the frar-,--- work. of filtration theory. I'm approximate search algr-&),,--fthm is proposed for optimizing the selected criterion. Illustrative examples Lire given. V. Yd]-heyev. 2/2 - 81 - - ---------- 1:rSSICV x X-1. STUDY OF THE HICROM"HULOGY ANP Of Arw"XIMMS IN EPITAX- TAL Arlo fALLIUM ARSFAI= A-S A 1VIC1,104 OV 'MZ, CkCVrJ TIM [Article by L. C. Lvvret7t'y*vm, H, D.Y.L.11sovs. I. -Y-1vonint D. M,..,Kra3i2'- nikova. r. A.~G-7rntxov, Yu. M. Ru-nt.rv, M. 1% Takubonva, Torok, Svv,,ail.Lr.k. Krjttalt." I'X-11 J-4, A study wda mode or the apltaxlal lavers of Ita"t,- ateenide Src4- in an open iodide system on subs trates dot Ik c %I nnt~v 2dezrvev Iron (111)A in the (110) direction. The trtwth tim varied fri-v on* al-te to three hours. It ... &-natratel that 1., .11 ge,-t4 ti-v 1-Its 4,,S ith - Ip- utt, the growth of the lavers of the given OrItntation tad-tn place bv th i I t it%% of the parallel otops. TrIcre am 4 aE trvwuh defects leading to lt~L- turbance in the ordered nation of the *te,". VI*wft AITO the At(~(h ho!,., c1r growth hilItt end i;o= centerm of retardation of the step,% In which the Stert form locri Pileups and lgopa~ There to O'SlinitiCAMIt T*#t!tAt1gdmq"t Ct the r* surface of the %tcwtvis I"ar VtEh a owth~- time " ths~ Vtouth III I I a and hole4 disappear$ the denq1ty of the center* Of retardation of the scope docreanc, and the configuration of the steps charges. 'Me ritarrangemnt of the surfaze I th Kyarm to actomptanied by variation In elloyl~j level. A clear cor-.- a t on a4m been tatasyliehed betvaerk the electron coocoattation In the layer w,4 the density of the cantors of retartlatlact of tht ttqp*. The bmervo,t carrela- tion indicates that the nonuniformity of allPylam and the forsocion of tha transition layer can be connected vith Lro-th defects *ad thoir affect bm:tho motion of the growth at". 130 G-73 1,11L.C) OF T14, ChYSIALL"ATI(Al 1h1fPLKAT,-X.X TV TSIL MUP- V L, QV LPI[AAIAL. CALUU-4 N*,:,L;v1vi: (Arri~lr hv L, r. Lovr nt'yrys. 1. V. Iv-Irt, 1~v. ti. Patnv(-V, L. h. krimil' Y- M. A. 'Lu-l-~ ~vrc, =zaa nT 14~ odcramurptiology so,J t.- dtitribt,clon of tho AdrixtilTr with rcAm*ct V) tolckne*m of Vie nuto,enlTaxIal laym. of rAlliom arl-Ide With 0'. 0.075: 1, 1) A orientation 1-f a !=Ctlon ~, tit. cryzithIllia- tEm in tim GdA-141-11 Me ..Itaxv varied -It.ln top ronac of 600-7wll C.- hire, t1w ti.exrod, a=Ic SuPetapturntion vas kept C.Attant. for me stntlonary section, the .0timal tcweratturv rantre (675-70f)" Q Is phaorved at which Cl-e InVera pr~ &K-re perfect UZth respect t0 t1tructurs, Kith tTS6 9Tt4tCSt Clarity, lrrtr,.Ijir -Vaterr Of Xr-th stagus on the urfnec. ang: with wt^vjmmn adiefttme tubtentratin wka ~-- &*.*ttron =tIjLtty. In tits rvituetton, In ttm trystalliration trmaer~Luvu fc~ optitmal ~ Mw jrwth arr raoLtittel wic weakly, the growth tact, ;;rorm. and toe alloyini; level Intreasus. Vie Increase In temvr&tUUC A1,0100 00t1c,al I~mda to local Luolatim of tme doand :masa. Inhibition of the pr-th atazes In these sections and dem- tr,,ctgwo .0 tt~e repularSty. Here. chit ?vwth rate Arcrametv-s. and thr alloylrFt -tal Increases. 'i tw. an analysis of the veoulto mhowa that thr clew ttorralatiun to bovirv*4, t,. 0"atistated characteristics- "no Or tim tuvartent ra- ~tilato" of c;mtur* of tov a4aixtusto by t1so strv~tpr. layer Is tits surface Wderty- ,Cructur# and the xechtien ism of Itm, Arawth. 201 UDC 631--~2'31 AITILOV, v. r,., - VDIusov P. S. V' A T , . 0- ) ,VdT0V G. D. ., Cl. C' 0" :r 15/16 -1 fiL 0 A 1 , 2 1)r 70 , 1 Y- . m, ~'el J v"'ChInlit-I . are kno- -1 whi h of o c contain a Set Imults;l Iril--h sylIC."I rmn i Za t ion 0-f r sori,,2~ of - o- zyncn th, : of th-- * : Co -,,-:.z-'t-L l L:l of (Iajl-a -I:- C-S a 27CSU!t Of C I-L U. 2-1%! r Of 4 for re, undancv -"~-,cd or~ Canization or imput c "ata i theoe is coi- . n o:1 0-, %: u J, c JI I i I t Lo ~ t J- i I XU, V. M., et al., USSR Authors' Certificate No ~~C)S!,~,o terse ct ionmi counlin,- -,lnits of all ma-chirier, of the set; tile output data, J(Ircssjl and control lines of the intersectio"~l coupLinf, unit of each r.--ciiine if the co7.-~Plcx are connected to the data, address, and control inputo of t-.e Amctional sections of the corretmoridimp cm-Puter of the comp ._wv.. Anothu-r unique fuatm-o of the sp,~cilll-piirposc con-pater corplex ~krl the fact that. i.-,h.-, interSect-ional camulinir imit Of eacIl rechille (if the cormley. Contains !"ml, out of n" (where n > mt) i~ circuits, majorizing inhibit ~,atcs, b7-CII_S F~'ICS., assembl- circ-uits, a-,d a control refdoter with a control. si-nai cir- cuit: the of cach ~,:._-Chin-_ of the comp-le- beinst; connect-ed to the r,ajurity circuit inp,_,t, t!1r01U;;II thf-, I~Mjoriziu~.- irdlUbit -~'at~ to tl~C firsstl assei,,,bly innut, and t3,11ou;J1 the by-pars gatu to th~! tile cont-rol illpl)ts of tha gate-, coupled by cont-vol the outr)utr Of C0,211-1-01 eircuitl w'hich is connected to tth,2 control rerldst~_,r oull- put. Tai:; I-alKe's it- por;sEnle to redace thr. tima ard. 'nard~.!arc rclundancy for of inpat (tata, and orbani,.,.c.- oporatina of Ul- 00,~:,JACX. USSR UDC: 519.217 V.-P., SUMAROKOV, L. N., TDIOKHlN, S. G. 11come Problems of Analysis of Linear Stochastic Nets" V sb. Inzh.-mat. metody v fiz. -4 kibernet. (Engineering and Mathematical Methods in Physics and Cybernetics--collecti-on of works), Moscow, Atom- izdat, 1971, pp 44-62 (from RZI-Kibernetika, No 12, DC-C 71, abstract TINO 12v142) CNo abstract] . ... ......... 1/2 024 NCLASSI FIED P;~OCL'35, IlG UAT~:--l 3NOV70 U TEELS U TITLE--FACTOR Al"'ALYSIS 01' THE TIECHAN I CAL CHAt%A(:rEi.,l STICS UF S AUTHOR-( 02 )-MATSEGOR I -NI V RUMY A N'r SE,V.t Vo?, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE -ZAVOO. LAB.t 19701 26t Mt 55-60 DATE PUBLISHED - - - - - - -70 SUBJECT ARE"'IS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--.14LASUREMENT, STEEL 11ACjPERTYp VIWACT STkENGTH9 HA-IDNESS, DUCTILITY, ELONGATIUIN, Y IJU NG Md UUL U ST F 14 5L F 5 T A I'--"N 0 T H CUNTROL. MARKING--NJ RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UINCLASSIFIEU PROXY REEL/FRA,4E---20u0/0244 STEP CIRC ACCESSWN NJ--- 0 12-4 0 0 6 2/2 024 UNCL ASS IF I Eli PROCESSING DATE-- I 3110V70 CIRC ACCESSION NC-00124006 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) (311-0- ABSTRACT. THE QUESTIC];*11 OF INIPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF EXPERI;IIENTS DESIGNED TO 0ETf_-Rl.jt','ELl rHE PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF STEELS AND OT.'IF*k mfz'rp~LS 13Y '~FASURING A RESTRICTED NUMBER [IF COMPGS[TE PARAMLTEKS CGNTG. THE SAPIE- INFORMAT[ON AS THAT CONTAINED IiY THE WfDE SET OF PARAMETERS G'lNVENT[ONALt_'( MEASOREO IS DISCUSSED. THUS, FW EXAMPLE, THE SIX MECHAiNiCAL PAR~'j,%IETERS OF STEEL USUALLY MEASURED (UTSt YS? HARONESS, 114PACT STRENGTH, RELATIVE ELONGATIONi r"ELATIVE TRANSVE,-~SE CONTRACTION) MAY BE REDUCED TO TWO 'EFFECT[VEI STRENGTH AND 'DUCTILITY CIIARAC TERI ST I CS. THE EFFECT OF THIS 15 THAT ALL THE REf-',UIREi) IINIFORMATION MAY b[ SECURE-0 6Y MEASURING TWO PARAMETERS ONLY. ON", 1.11, S-5 USSR UDC 531.36 HOROZOV, V. M., RUBANOVSKIY, V. N., RUMYANTsry, V. V., SAIISCNOV, V. A., 'Hoscow "Bifurcation and Stability of the Steady-State Movements of Complex Mechanical systems" Moscow, Prikladnaya Hatematika i Nekhanika, Vol 37, No 3, 1973, pp 337-399 Abstract: In many cases it is possible to simulate modern equiplent such as rockets, spacecraft, gyros, and so on by mechanical systems comprising absolutely solid-states and particles and the deformable (liquid and elastic) bodies con- nected with them. A study is made of the steady-state -,.Movements of ccrij)le).: systems -- mechanical systems containing subsystems with a finite number of degrees of freedom and elements with distributed parameters, that is, continuous media. The steady-state moveiients correspond to the stationary values of the potential energy V or variable potential energy 14 of tho system. The problem of stability of the steady-state movements in reduced to investigating the nature of the extrenum of the potential energy V or 1-1. ~IinimLri potential energy cor- responds to stable movement. The stability (insLabiltty) conditiong of the steady-state novomentr; can he obtained as conditionc. of 0oftited positivelless (sign variability together vith certain additional cond-itior.5) of the secOndDry variation of the potential energy 62V or 621,; in ran), important cases. These general results are applied to the solution of a number of sp,~.cific problems 1/2 USSR HOROZOV, V. M., ET AL-, Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol 37, No 3, 1973, pp 387-399 of the stability of steady-state movements of co-mplex systens, and the conditions of stability of the movement of a solid-state wiLh liquid and elastic parts in different force fields are discunsed. Thus, theinveutivation includes complex syntkins consLnnd.ned by h~plnnu-,'Jc relations, movement of a solid-state having a cavity partially filled with it liquid of density p the surface tension of which is negligible around it stationary point 0, the construction of a complete picture of the distribution of the positions of equilibrium of a complex system, their evolution and bifurcation on variation of the system paramefers, the problem of stability of uniform, vertical rotation around a stationary point of a solid-state with a thin, rectilinear, nonextensible elastic rod in a uniforta field of gravitational force rigidly fastened to it. and the movement of a solid-state in a central ticwtonian force field bearing thin or thin-walled inextensible elastic rods each of which has 2 planes of symmetry. 2/2 17 USSR UDG: 621. 317. 39: 543. 275. 3. 08 TURUBAROV, V.I., PODOLISKIY, A.A.$ KALAKUTSKIY, L.I., j0QVMTOV,_L_M., POPOV, B.I., RUMYANTSEV, V.V. and VORONOV, A. F. "High -S e ns itivity Device for Cotitinuous Measurement of Dust Concen- tration in Biosphere" Sb. Fiz. metody i vopr. metrol. biomed. izmereniy (Symposium. on Phvsics Methods and Biomedical Metrology ProblemO Moscow, 1972, pp 288-289 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metrologiya i lzmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 1972, Abstract No. 8.32.1007 by V.S.K.) Translation: The design and operating principle are described of a continuous -action, electronic, induction dustmeter, developed by the Leningrad Aviation Instrument Building Institute jointly with tile Kuybyshev Aviation Institute. The dust concentration measurement method is based on the relation between the size of aerosol particles and their charges received in the corona discharge field. This type 5 USSR TURUBAROVI V. I., et al., Bb. Fiz. metody i vopr. metrol. biomed. izmereniy, 1972., pp 288-289 dustmeter measures the surface concentration, therefore the change in dispersion concentration does not cause errors in dust concentration count. The dustmeter can be also calibrated by the weighing method with constant dispersion concentration and variation of weight concentration. Several modifications of electronic dustmeters characterized by sensitivity and range have been developed. The technLcal characte ris tics of EIP-3 dustmeter are: sensitivity, 10-2 mg/m3; we ht, 5 kg; power consumption, 10 w; dynamic concentration range, -10 overall dimen- sions, 280 x 190 x 80 mm. Test results of electronic induction dust- meters are presented. 2/2 ~Vk USSR UDC: 531-36+62-50 RUMIYANTSEV, V. V. "Controlling and Stabilizing Systems With Cyclical Coordinates" Moscow, Prikladnaya matematika i pekhanika, Vol 36, 11o 6, 1972, 966-976 Abstract: The system considered in this paper is holonomic and mechanical, with generalized coordinates and mom-enta represented by qi and pi respectively, i -'~: 1 1 6:0 0 IrI4 The equatioii of motion of the system is given by the Hamilton canonical equations dqi 8 H dpi dt dt + Qi where H = H(t,qi,pi) is the Hamilton function and Qi Q-(t,o-,Pj) are generalized nonpotential forces. The following idenlitiN are assi2med: QQj of - M 0 (1 1 , k+1 n), qx L USSR IJDC: 531-36+62-50 MIYANTSET, V. V., Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, vol 36, No 6, 1972, pp 966-~ ~76 where the q,,,are said to be cyclical coordinates. With these re- lationships as background, the particular problem of the applica- tion of the controlling forces to the mechanical system through the cyclical coordinates is considered in detail. Two examnles are studied: one, of a heavy point in a material circle of speci- fied dimensions in the vertical plane, rotating without friction around the vertical diameter; the'other, the motion. of a heavy gyroscop3 in a Cardan. suspension. 2/2 Ac,c. Nr. Ref. Code: TITLE-- ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LENIN AND STATE PRI7ESv U.S.S.R, ' NEWSPAPER--- IZVESTIYA, MAY 29, 1970, P 41 COLS 1-5 ABSTRACT- NINETY ONE BASIC AND APPLIED RESEARCH IfORXS HAVE 077N NOMINATED FOR THE STATE PRI2ES. TWO OF THESE '*THE VIULTI-PU.~Pos~ INDUSTRIAL HELICOPTER KA-26m BY ji, 1,_ J~APICLVI, AL.PFIROVICH, f V,_B,_pARSHEVSKlYp A._A,___pMl .RZlY~yj E L",ROTASHNIK I N. N. PRIOROV. A,_~, SATARO~J~ - AND OTHE DEVELOPNENT OF TUI~&1071A.Nl S, 8, BREN AND V, A_. tqA2AROV 'JETI~_d14H D REDUCT10m TO D THE DEVELOPM T A E A K A K D ' I , -8 -8-4 N *N N N N N ' 6 A~ 3SURED S UHICH SERIAL PRODUCT10N A SYSTErs F TECHNOLOqICAL PROCESSE so BY p _qzmE-f,50Vj WIDE USES FOR TITANIUM ALLOY -.* DA__K- R~::r-j 0 M T CEE1 A RAD VASILISUN V XUR; MARM yLD ~&&Y . I . . .- . ._ .__ . 9 , , P. A- G_ SHIM_ - 1* MUSAIIIENKO A 1 - p D Y TC- UB = MITTE BEEN S AND G 2- HAVE A5HKo g MI ISTRY f IO U TRY AT S *' N N IND Reel/Franc Ace. Hr. 4MM4123- OA SERIES OF INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE DXUFABODY 711TH FLTJID- IE LLl.KD---CAV-lT-IF--S-w -691y BY NMO ISEYEV - -K -1~7'- /65 N. 7 ~4%" - i'RA Hl(;.q PRECrSION V,.--3t,13UMY-ANTSEV AND F. L, CH RNOUS-XO AN JIG BORI-Wliflt~ WITH 1 000 X lj600 AND 1~.400 X 2Y2110 MM PLe'lTEN3Q. BY Ai,KIR YANOV V G. ABRAMOVICH. IN 6-5-tj J-l2j*-lz:j-0q A. 1. YEGUDKI HAVE BEEN SNI"liTTZI) BY THE CO',,IPU- TATION Cf~td OF THE ACADEMY OF ACIENCES AND THE MINISTRY 0-7 TI-117- RESprCTIVELY. MACHINE TOOL CONSTRUCTION AND TOOL INDUSTRY, *THE RADICALLY IMPROVED MELTING TECHNOLOGY OF eRITICAL-PURFOST HIGH- ALLOY STEELS AND ALLOYS OF IMPROVED QUALITY ACHIEVED BY THE I14ERT GAS TREATMENT OUTSIDE THE FURNACE, BY IOJ,-V.. ]~LA i-;',jT' 0. M. CAKHOM No V, SIDOROV. S. K. FILATOV. B. A. M KHAYRUTDIN'OV I P BARMOTIN -L K. KOSYREV- X P BAI(Pif,11-11 H,,KHAYRFTD TULIKO. BEEN SW1,11TTED N* _N441 - millknev AND y* A'rr% S Eq T M BY THE 71 6S ~JALLURGICAL PLANI Reel/Frame - ----------- F)LDcl Q53072 V- % 1. b" - UR 0289 PRIMARY SOURCE: Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdelenfya, AN SSSR, Seriya Xhimicheskikh Nauk, Nr 12(162), Nr 5, PP YU. 4-Rumy n t s e TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF EPITAXIAL DEPOSITION RATE IN GaAs-J~H SYSTEM Factors contributing to temperature dependence of chemij:al vaporprocessesfateare considered. The maximum on (fie temperature dependence of the opell ptocess rate it: GaAs-J-H system has been explained by surface catalytic acUvity chaiigirig resulting crystal phase composition changing. Kinetic equastions are derived for GaAs crystallisation on Cj5Aj A(III) and B(III) substrates. Activation energy of the process bas been obtained iis equal to 32:t1 and 3ft-1 kcallmol for A iind B orientation respedively. .sef 112 030 Ij MICESSING CATE--20NOVTO UNCLASSIF.IE ,.TITLE--FUSED OHMIC CONTACT FOR ZINC SELE IDE -U- AUTHOR-(03)-DUBENSKLYt K.K.v RUMYANTSEVA* A.V.t RYZHKINt YU.S. OF INFO-USSR ,.50URCE--PRlb. TEKHo EKSP. 1970o ly 227 18, PUBLISHED--70 SU8JECT AkEAS--MATERIALS JOPIC TAGS-SINGLE CRYSTAL, GRAPHITE, ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY, ZINC SELENIDE MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASStFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1994/17il STEP tiO~--IJI~/0120/71:)10()I/()00102~7/0228 212 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS[NG DATE-20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0115540 A6STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A METHOD IS DESCR13ED FOR OBTAINING AN CHMIC CCNTACT TO ZNSE BY ALLOYING 114 INTO THE SINGLE CRYSTAL PLATELET GF ZNSE. THE ZPJSE, AFTER POLISHING, IS ECTCHED IN A FRESHLY PREPO. HCT SCLN. OF 6 PARTS K SUB2 CR SUI~2 0 SUB4 PLUS 4 PARTS H SUB2 Sri SUB4 WITH SUBSLQUENT WASHING IN 25PERCENT NA011. THE ALLOYING TIME (40-bO SEC) IS DET0. BY THE TIME NEEDED TO HEAT THE GRAPHITE COAT FROP 300 TC 540DEGkEES ANO TO COOL If TO 300DEGREES. ALLOYING WAS DONE IN,He THE TOTAL KESISTANCE OF YHE.CCNTACT-15 APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO 10 PRIME NECATIVE2 OHM-CM PklMe2. ALL! r~-F-ft ) J I I A - Ld USSR r N-V G Centi7al Scieatific 'L~escaroh lrist,~tctc of Sanitary EducatioR News A out thic Virus, Science Eacpahds Its Ilorazons" -runze, Sovetskaya ll~-Irgiziya, 11 Feb 70, p Abstract: 'Many livinc), o.-ganisms asstime the shw-le Color -:)SI-- su---t- ble for liviti- under particular cond L -L fics that capacity to adapt to its b.ack'grlloand. U--, the bark of a 'Cree it is brotn, on Leary brancheo it tnvn'; gr-ec.-I. c[l,-1q!'(!- are 'Ids protectiv,--. imc chan ism The tany va.rus is cLew~!r way 'Coo. I 'c Chalw~2L ic~' Clotl.d.11", tlCie capf3alc - to -C i. t i nC-h tii~i it attacl 3. a foreim r 3. _v ~; t: I I oc'II i S:;q% i i: a t7"" t7 1c proto-ki c'nt(' -'Ovt: or dactroy tk".e the format-on Olf C-1111tibodlez, vroich neutralize, invader. T I ic, inw-cling virus plci'-es itz'i!'If a CJ-p~--Ilc 4,"rom the -~I-O~C-in of its hc~t; it seems to llbelowf.ll : Thti- coln- k;~ patible i;nitiL, by a-ts Inner enzyales, it destro,m- itt; host. .~'anc7 ida tes of Mledical Sciences, 7Man'Ov' W- 4rus 1/2 r !-- in g wt- clhickers and mice, have shown th,-,"-- V.L Us S ~11 rM'YANITS~~','A, r3r., et aL., Sovetskaya 70, '17rom a chlickc-:n cell and transferred to a mousc casts C."fE its and makes itself a new capsule of mouse protein, S-Ah-,ce iu beccI'es compatibLe it d-)es not provoke formation o," '2-o ip c t the mouse from those IMpostor-cheaters, a attenuated vi-us ob-calned from a recovered anirziaL overtloraQS t:'-,c -f,:IL!z;e barrier of thc- virus. --.:hese discoveries arQ si,~-nificant in orotect- ing human beings from disease. USSR UDC' 8. 7 4 AYNBERG, V. D., KONOVODCHENKO, 1. G., MOLOSTVOVA, L. V., RUIVANTSEVA C. D., SABSOVICH, L. L. tAt"IMM"My" ;&i=,.,.44 "Expansion of the Library of Standard Procedures of the TA-111 Translator" Tr. TsNII stroir. konstruktsiy (Works of the Scientific Research Institute of Structural Parts), 1971, vyp. 20, pp 5-7 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V616) Translation: A list of developed standard procedures of the TA-IM translator is presented for: 1) formation of matrices and algebraic operations on them,; 2) printout of files using the alphanumeric printer; 3) exchange offiles in ready-access memory with the external memory of the computer. It is noted that reference to all the developed procedures is made using the standard procedure operator pN(q,, q 21 .4., qn. ) whera 111 is the library number of the standard procedure, and q,, q 20 .009 qn are its actual parameters in place of which the identifiers of the variables and fil 'eS, the numbers and arithmetic expressions can be substituted.- All of there described procedures are formulated as standard prograuLs. in the 1S-2 system,i and the TA-1.14 trinslitor is used without auxiliary shaping subprogram. Tiley art:., written on the magnetic tape of the translator library and find broad application, increasing the volune of the ready-acces and external memories used, facilitating the pro,grala- ming process in ALGOL and reducing the solution time of the problems. CA UDC: 616,B95.8~091-07-.615.214 PYWSLVIS DEALING WIIII PATHOMORPHOSIS OP SCHIZ0111RENIA AS RELATED TO "~M:ISMkTiag (if PlyclICITROPIC DRUCS [Arttcle ~v K.B. Simlavlc~, Ea. Vartarivan f.-L-.Z&v.U!jy k, t.hvR zns~tit Cce ;r-T,-s!ctiatrY, Um---Act%~deMy of Med1cal .." ~ I V~I.t=ik Mkadamif Mrc.-Itainskikin Na,sk Russian. NO 5, May 1971. ?rzblems dealing with therapeutically determined alteration (patho- Of clinical Mani festations and patterns of development of pay- chi~-e ctmmld~rrod wIthin the frAmework of schizophrenia are the subject Of nVt5tij;UtiQrS P6TtAinin?, eftinl'y to treTRPeUtit PathOeOr?hOSiU a. vel-1 as %~ the co~repr of larger symptoms, provocation qyinrton-mit Inter- meiltatr i~ndroitas, ate. One of the most popular pathogenetic conceptions Itnterqr~ttn-, the heterogeneity (if reactions to drugs Is the effort to relAr~ tkie differences in influence of "Yc~otrc;;ir a;anta to the depree of the pathological process (Petrilowilch; Janzar.Vk; liOnrich. others). Accord!nf, to this vicur, pharmacogenic pathomorvhosis can 4)~cur t-~!v c!-urInp ncrivati-an of Elie M~vin 4-oaaa, an4 is g forces of the d-s r.l=mt r,,~vAe o'buerved with a chronic malinant caurza or at rl)t- ~InE to this vj~ (Janzarikl, nubar; -,~Ynzrrupic druy,3 have only a svrpromatic acElon, i.e. their in-'Iue~ze only of reducing manifestatior.8 of the disease. S:9-4- z: the T4-( Ittite of Pvvcr:----tn,*, L:::Srt ;-MS, ~re indt- C,Xt'V,a C--!, Of tome b~izl !--. th1r, J-1,ht of nricZ. And we ta'Ke the to vnlc~. the. following positionii, but strictly In the nature of. C-?t c-f thet-npeutir pathomorphosiH to possible during rAtiotial n,'.mii%qtrAtIon of pharmncologictil agents not only during a period of ex.cer- b.lZtOn but AtAO during other phaser. of the poitbo"Legical procezz. Rows V-x r , :'izi natwir,i ooid severttv of therapy-rolated chanzes in the clinical finit4yigIt .11, T.&*,tea to 1) Neveritv of brain function dar4ige; 2) degree of activity or, or, --te contrary, stubilizarion of the process. 7~ ~~bstanti.tte these po4ttionA we hAd to compare the results of A~minfqtrntion of psychotropic agents to at least three ArOUPq Of - 126 - UPSR urc ft?.822.3+6i2.821.6 NIODYMOV, K. K.,_RR-1YYA1?1'"q-VA L. K. and LOBACHEVAY V. P., labora:;ory of Heurophysiology, Institute of Psychi6~try, Academy of 1,11edical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Spacial-Temporal Systems of Connections Between Evoked Activities in Condi- tioned Reactions in fihn" Moscow, Zhurnal Vysshey Nerfnoy Deyatellnosti imni I. P. Pavlov, Vol 23, No 2, Mar/Apr 73, PP 366-374 Abstract: The feasibility of investigating complex forms of c-onditioned. activ- ity according to the principle of systemic organization of electrical activity in the human brain is analyzed. Deterninations of correlation connections (cc) between evoked activities in different functional cortical areas during elabor- ation of a trace motor conditioned reflex (stimulation vith light followed by verbal confirmation) revealed generation of high Cc between motor and visLw~l areas at the beginnin.-, and at the end of the trace patist. and a marked decrease in Cc in the rdddle of the pause. By means of a special computer a16-orkthm, models of spatiial-te=oral systems were designed for Cc fon-An;- between the different cortical areas duririg the action of a non-siannl stim,,ilur, and trace conditioning with a 5-scc delay. In -this oystem, principal Cc cxlt;t between ac round activity and evoked activity in the first second axt-er stLm.,, b kg 11ation. IM USSR MOMAMOVI K. K., et al., 2burnal Vysshey Nervnoy Deyatellno3ti imeni 1. P. Pavlov, Vol 23, No 2, blar/Apr 73, pp 366-374 During conditioned activity, a Cc system is formed throughout the whole trace pause, with especially pronounced Cc appearing in the first and fifth second. When such a system is formed, motor reactions appear. The undel. is considered useful for definin3 systemic cerebral activity and the participation of individ- ual functional areas. 2/2 1/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED Pr-',OCESSrNG I)ATE--18SEP70 TITLE--USE OF EMULSIONS OF SILICO ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN YIROLOGICAL PF~ACTICE -U- AUTHOR-(04)-KRISTAPSON, M.ZH.t ROMYANTSEVAt N*P.v REZ141YCKSt A.A.p ATRENA, AoKo ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .'~SOURCE-VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGIls 1970p NR It PP 116-120 '~DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BI#OLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES JOPIC TAGS--TISSUE CULTURE, VIROLOGYv ORGANOSILICON COMPOUND, WHOLE 81-000 ~:CCNTROL RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--19d7/0065 STEP NO--UR/0402/7l;l/OOO/OOI/Ollt)ltJI20 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103745 2/2 025 UNCLA SSIFIE'D PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 CIRC-ACCESSION NO--AP0103745 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PAPER PRESEN'rS THE RESULTS OF TESTS OF. NATIONAL SILICO ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OR CILOVANEES FOR PRODUCTION OF NATIVE PLASMA FROM THE WHOLE BLOOD AND TESTS OF TH:-:IR TOXICITY FOR TISSUE CULTURES. 89 ... ....... .......... us,S_~ D 5 7 6 503 0 1 7 w7us L L d cm o f S c 1,2 rL C C C Lat'vian SS~,a v a - sa o U., o o 0 r! n Co- anoslLico _DOLII*iC~3 105 cow, voprosv V*L,.~t..i~-,O-j,-C,(-"--~*.-A*,, 1~0 1 1970, pp s trac u, -~:.~In sr) _- r,~. c -,:) n, 12, ;:a- rom, tlr~c blood of and so,.no- I mn Lo o C-i c j s o L I the plasilia Wiuhcj~,.-c t: o, ~D 17C --"Ito, 2: a s j e 1 c o 11 L 1.1n, t(2:-~. t-Lj' COZ CICIC Wa,3 5-1.0, alu` for s F, C: C, r - Tjj L o; in-, c Q F f J, L 1 ntsa,. C, to test -L- ~j Cj ozi,"ar sfl-.17-, C; a -L1 Ic notod `vi L/I USSR UDC 669.295.015.3:543.42 GRIKIT, I. A., and RUMYANTSEVA, T. I. "Spectral Determination of Oxygen in Powder and Sponge Titanium and Titanium Alloys With Preliminary Extraction" Moscot-i, Metallurgiya i 10iimiya Titana (Institut Titana) , Metallurgiya Publishing Rouse, Vol 6, 1970, pp 146-149 Translation: A description is given of a methodology for spectral determina- tion of the oxygen in powder and sponge titanium and in secondary titanium with extraction of it by carbon and agitating in an argon riedium with a direct current are using a nickel bath. A theoretical evaluation and ex- perimental check of the possibility of restoring titinium oxides and alloying elements with carbon in the direct current arc showed that the oxygen is extracted from the fused, alloyed specimen of secondary titanium at a slawed rate in comparison with spec:Lmens of non-alloyed titanium. 7,771.9 A and' arg A recording of the analytic lines of oxygen ,on 7,030.2 on an ISP-51 spectrograph with a chamber with a focusfng distanre of 270 rwii an Infra-760 photonlates. Ilic coefficient of variation for i~xygeri conc(,n- trations in the interval 0.1-0.5Y, is 10-15%. Three iklustrations, one table, band two bibliographic entries. USSR UDC 669.295.015.3:543.42 GRIKIT, 1. A., RU14YANTSEVA, T. 1. , and RYS 1YEVA, Yu. 1. "On the Dependency of the Erosion of Titanium-Nickel Alloys and the Intensity of the Arc and Spark Spectrums on the Nature of Interatomic Links " Moscow, Metallurgiya i Khimiya Titana (Institut Titana) , Metallurgiya Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 149-154 Translation: A study is made of erosion and spectrum Lntennitv in binary alloys with certain structural states (hard solutions, Outectics, and intermetallides). Manufactured alloys were studied in the are and spark modes with coal and copper antielectrodes. A certain dependency was es- tablished between the intensity of the spectrum and the phase diagram, solid subs tance- liquid. In the arc discharge, the erosion mechanism has a warming nature. In the high-voltage spark discharge, erosion also occurs due. to mechanical destruction of structural components. It is demonstrated that erosion is determined by the stability of structural components, which are characterized by heat features which depend on interatomic links in the crystalline lattice. Three illustrations, one table, and 30 biblio- graphic entries. 1/1 2 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--SPECTROGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF OXYGEN IN SECONDARY TITANIUM AND TITANIUM ALLOYS WITH PRELIMINARY r:XTRACTION -U- AUTHOR-(02)-GRIKIT, I.A., RUMYANTSEVA., T.[,. ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-ZH. PRIKL. SPEKTROSK, 19709 12(4)v 602-5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 'rSUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS :,TOPIC TAGS--METAL DEOXIDATIONP TITANIUMt TITANIUM ALLOY, ;LrQk)ll) Mi7l'Al_ ,~.-PROPERTY, CARBONP ELECTRIC ARC, SPECTRO.GRAPHIC AN41..VSI~# OXYGE114 ~_CQNTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CL.ASS--UNCI-ASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAMC--3007/122/t STEP NG--UR/03liPO17C)/0121004/0602/0605 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136635 fin 2/2 036 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCE"'SING OATE--040ECTO CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136635 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. :THE TOTAL E 'IT ri .OF 0 BY C FROM T! SAMPLES INTO A NI MELT IN AN AR ATM. BY USKNG A D-o' C .ARC WAS OESCRIBF-10. 0 WAS COMPLETELY EXTO. FROM TI SPONGE,ANO FROM NON ALI.OYED TI POADER IN 90 SEC., WHICH WAS THE SAME AS FROM METALLIC TI. THUS, 0 CONTEsa Im THESE CASES COULD BE D~TD. UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS. IN SECONDARY T! ALLOYED BY AL, SI, MNt MO, ETC. 9 IN TI PLUS AL PLUS ZR, AND IN TI PLUS AL PLUS C ALLOYS, THE TOTAL EXTN. WAS REACHED AFTER 12-0 SEC. ALLOYE") Tf MUST BE EXTD. GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 120 SEC. A14D TEMP. OF THE LIQ. METAL BOTH MUST BE GREATER THAN 20OODEGREESK. THE RELATIVE STO, DEVIATION WAS 10-15PERCENr FOR 0 CONCNS, OF 0.1-0 ,5PERCENT. UNCLASSIFIE-0 v USSR UDC 621."85.,932.032.'6.002.237(CF.F.,,.B)-(47) :',,21.3~97.62:621.397.13 ALEKSEYMV, 1. A., CLINICA, A. P.,,.1!':wo%'O1 A. V., and VA T Y "Luminous Coating for Screens of Cathode-Ray Tubes" USSR Author's Certificate No 275240, filed 7 Mar 69, 3.'~ NOV ?0 M-Ele'-troaika i yi~ye primallen iye, No 7, July 1971, A',).;tract 'Nc; 7A284P) Translatio-: The rro----ed of 60 -70 'arcent, ucrcsm".) cx 0 60 4 :2 -u--::,O to lf5 PC-Gont' to to C1 tU ~';,a p,~rcen-. r:)!!i t.?a at Mom.-sn't Of CO ic% o,-' 'L" ~c i"ji 1, 3it 1*1~1'~Jsi'--dt-.! ratio in all tn-~! cc;lar C"'Ianneh.- 02 a tultv!.~ion pic-.~Ir') ""-I I-a qual~-'Y (-ff t"- i L imWr c~f Li r. of F ~ -1 i c n ca E-. C U 2 -.'o r d oo L'; 4 40 nof "!1C USSR UDC: 62-1.385.832.032-36 ALEKBEYEV, I. A., ZHUKOVSKAYA, E. I., GLINKA, A. P. ,~LIOROZ9,XA RIPWANTSEVA T. Ya. "A Luminescent Coating for the Screens of Cat hode Ray Tubes" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Proqrshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarryye Znaki, No 22, 1970, Soviet Patent No 275240, Class 21, filed~7 Mar 69, P 58 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A lurniriescent coating for t'he screens of cathode ray tubes based on cerium-activated yttri= alur-anate Y3A-15012-Ce. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the effectiveness of screen emission in the blue region of the spectrum is improved and the time of afterglow is reducea by in- troducing the phosphor Sr3(PO4)2'EU into the composition of the coating. 2. A madi- fication of this coating distinguished by the.fact that color saturation is increased by additional introduction of the phosphor Y2SiO5-Ce., 3. A modification of coating 'No 1 distinguished by the fact that its ingrecUents are taken in the following pro- portions (in percent by weight): Y3A15012-Ce--60-70; Sr3(PD4j)2-FIU,--30-4O- h. A Modification or coating No 2 distingulahed by the fact that th,.,! ingredients are taken in the following proportions (in percent by weight): Y3AI5Oj,Z-Ce--6D-70; Sr3(P04)2'E, --20-15; Y2SiO5-Ce--20-15- 1/1 USSR UDC 546.257'6+620.181 TRAVKIN, N. N., GRIBOV, B. G., RU-MANTSENIA V. P., KOZYRKIN, B. I., and SALAMATIN, B. A. "A Thermographic Study of Organometallic Compounds. Y.. Thermal Dissociation of Bis-Arene Compounds of Chromium" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol XL, No 12, Dec 70, pp 2677-2679 Abstract: Bis-Arene w-complexes of chromium are a prominent and increasingly important source of pure chromium, low-resistance filmm-type resistors, and other products; but the decomposition of these conpounds has not been thorough- ly studied, and this impedes their effective utilization. Heat resistance of several of these compounds was determined experimentally; they can be arranged in the follGwing order of increasing resistance: Cr < (C2H H5)Cr < I(CH93CO312Cr. It was shown (COO Cr < (CH3C6H5)2 5C6 in addition that decomposition of bis-A'rene chromium compounds proceeds according to the general formula (Ar)2Cr-2Ar + Cr. 23 Thin Films USSR (JOG 547.1'L3 --t- 621 7931 GRIBOV, B. G., RUNQN'---VA T , TR V K, 11, 1 , P A S E I17X 1 .14 , KOZYRKITI, B I and B. A. "Study of Metallic Films Obtained by Pyrolysis of Chromium and ',Iolyb- denum, ;-(-Complexes in the Gas Phase" 0-582 ,..oscow, Doklady Akademii Ilauk .0.35R, Vol 194) No 3, 1971), Pp 53 Abstract: The article describes rozuIts of -i study of i~ e proportles e 5 is 0 17 of metallic chromiwn and molybdenum films obt;ai. d by t-;e 1'11Y~o orgranic chromium and molybdenum compounds. The orjanurrietallico u5ed were bis-benzene-, bis-toluene-, bis-ethylbenzene.-, bis-xylene-, bis- nesil%ylene-, L~,Qir iodlides, aniline-, diimethyl- aniline- and me3itylenechromiura tricarbony], carbonyl and bis-ethyl-benzene.molybdenum- The rezuit,ant metallic films possess considerable mech.-anical. strength and hardness, ei-evated corrosioa and acid resisLanceand high adhesion. in order to szua-y the properties of the pyrolytic chromium and molybdenwm films, electro- 1/2 USSR et al., Doklady Akadamii 'Nauk SSSR, Vol 1(~i,, No 3, GRIBOV, B. G 1970, pp 580-582 physical p~-rareLers were measured and the strucrure and proP--a,7LJ_"es of the films determined by the elect.-on diffract-ion rier,:iod LnC electron microscopy. The results indicate that a number o. .-_cu'L-JaV-r'ies in metallic fil mis obtained by thie pyrolysis, of plained by the character of t1leir formi.:,tion during thermal de, c1) 0 s I tion, and their composition and properties depa'ad on the conditions under which the thermal deconposition is carried out, as viell as on the initial organometallics. 2/2 USSR UDC 616,988-73-036-R(470.44) ZMYAWVSKAYA, K. G. and DRUNIN., -D. Iop Saratovskaya. .9=92~~miological Station,, Salratov Medical Institute "Ornithosis in Saratovskaya Oblast" Moscow, Sovetskaya Meditsina, No 9, Sep 70, PP 150-151 Abstract: No case of laboratory-confirmed ornithosis in hurrans iras reported in Saratovskaya Oblast before 1967. As part of an epidemiological ntudy conducted in the oblast from October 1966 to TLme 1967, 75 hospital patients ithose symptoms sug- gested ornithosis were given serological and skin tests. 9he 75 subjects had been admitted with tentative diagnonea of typhoid, paratyphoid,, pnciAvonia) Infl"Aeazu, and inflLumition of the upper respiratory 'tract. BIght vwve dif Knosed au havilig ornithosia (1 with Ue pneumonic form, 1 with the influenita )~e Four of thd! ty eight had had occupational or other eontwto'~vith birds. USSR UDC 619:616.986.7:636.8(470.44) MALAFEYEVA, L. S., RUMYAINTSEVA Ye. V. and ABRAMSON, L. A., Saratov Medical Institute and Sarafo-vs-ka-i~"-6-6"1'-'a-s'i"-~-anitary Epidemiological Station "Infection of Cats With Leptospira in the Town of Saratov" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i immunobiologii, No 11, 1971, p 147 Abstract: Eleven of 118 cats caught in the central area of Saratov and investi- gated for 13 types of Leptospirae by the agglutination-lysis reaction yielded positive results. Antibodies to L. icterohaentorrhagise were found in sevea cats, L. pomona in four, L. tarassowi in one, L. grippotyphosa. in rmtr, and L. australis in one. One of these had antibodias to two serotypes mid another one to three serotypes. The titers ranged from 1:100 to 1:160. Although nn quantitative evaluation of the epidemiological significance of this relatively high frequency of leptospirosis among cats can be made, it is believed that (Alseased household pets may well be the cause of sporadic leptospirosis in man. While 28 cases were recorded in Saratov in 1958-1965, other cases might have occurred without being properly diagnosed. It is therefore recommended tests for Leptospirae be performed routinely in patients with fever. USSR LEBEDEV, !.V., RU,~'n-VICHYYW, B.S., YASTREBOVA, YE -V- O'bSCOW) "Investigration of the Boundavj !ayer by Mcans of a Ea~:;er" Moscow, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mekhanicheski i Tekhnich~,-.!-,0y Fizil- NO 1 197 PP 150-152 Abstract: The article deals wi~lh special featureo of vellocity mea3urez-~,ient in ,y layers by means of a laser Doppler shift velacity meter. TLe resull's boundar are presented for bolundary layers of streams rotclting 11i V.M-dimensional vortex chambers. 3 figares, 5 bibliographic entries, USSR uDc: 621-649 DrAITRUK-, M. I., MENU, A. D., Institute of Atomic Fnei,ZZ~, N~,:zcow "A Vacuum Lock" Moscow, Pribory i Tokhnika Eksm~-Ili-M-C!-ita-, No 2, Mar-/Arj). 72, vr-, 15)4-15C, Abstract: The articlt-- clescrices a vacuvr, loc]: cove---el'! 111','37-t, -uthcr' S Certificate No 22~130-1 (Byull. izobret., 196E., i1o 33). The lock 1C G-erIF--.ea for use vith the N20T vapor-oil punp. The 1ecd-throu',"n rr'C-11i'll" i~3 in dipineter with a -vert-icrO. axis. As a ~distinguisshizir, featur,~~ of the lock-, the cover pleAle izs held fiCainst- t", seal by its G,,ni !7.),it. In oy- -11fif- and clcsinE the loch, plate is ra-iEed and lovered a vac-u,,~~ by a coLTact ho-iL'u ucnnec-Ic-d to the Plate throvj;h tvo cr-bl,--:1 The hoi,-t- shaft seal are described. 'Me lock is f-~pod -for ~.prjrcx(rfitci.1.y tlircc y(2-i,- of c-Peration (m--re th- 3000 orer-ing arzd, closinC --yclei~) vjic! 1s, reco;:- mended for extensivo usc in ~iacuum The caeliice 6e ui-~ed 1- conj-,mction vith pz~xs operat-1-j-, a-. -peedi Of 10000-1(.,:;C~oo 11, 1 -, e authors thEink G. Ya, Shchepkin for interent -In the work.. T-hrei-- f--1,17urev, one table, oft' three tfftit~s. 'USSR UDC 621.i65.2511534.t.ooj-5 I RUNOX , B. T. , DON. E. A. rJEYEROVTCH, L. B. , S-LYUGIN, 13. S. , and KOVAL', G. S. "Vibration Condition of Bloc-Type Tutbo-Units" "Kotelln. I turbi.n. ustanovki energ. blokov" (Bo'ler and Turbine Installations of Power Units) Mosccw "Ener4riya", 1971, nr~ 192-201 (from RefPrntivnyy Zh-,irn-,il.-Turbostroyeni-yc-!t No 10, Oct Abstract 10,49.4-6) ,estpd, on the basis of drita from vibration Abstracts It is sugp studies carried out by the All-Unlon Institute of Heq-t Engineerinig- im, F. E. Dzerzhinskly, on more than 120 tt)rbo-units with evalution of vibration parameters, to use the effective value of vibrati-M speed as a critericn for evaluating the state of vibration of a f.urbo-unit. In accordance with developed COST project, eva.luation of vibration 2hould be made by the lar;re!7t rtif?,,isured value of the effective vibration speed of a bearing: inaccord-ance with the fol- lowing scales excpll.enl - not hip %, ,her than 1,8 mm/sec, good - not higher than 2.8 mmlspe, satisfactory - not hither t?ian 4-5 mmi/sec. 14 figures, 1 table. USSR UDO 633-510811-2 RUVOV, V. I., and BORODINv G. I.j Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR, Depaxtment '--qr-Kr62ZT=O6Y Tashkent, Fiziologiya i BiokhUdya Vozbuditeley VilttL Khlopchatnika (Physio- logy and Biochemistxy of the Agent of Cotton Wilt), Tashkent, 1'Fan,11 1970, 182- pp Translationj Annotationi The physiological and biochemical characts--isties of pathogenic and non-pathagonic of Verticillium and Fusaxium are given in the monograph. Results of study of the respiratory pigments, enzymest free amino acids# and proteins are cited. %'Onsiderable attention is given to the nature of the toyAc subetances of -the nycelium. and culture flluidp and the effect of these substances on some physiological and biochemical processes in cotton. Considerable space is taken up with the effect of che.-deal substancest lightp arA temperature on the pbysiological-biochenical and pathogenic prope#ies of Verticillium dahliae. The division of Verticillium dahliae into givups diff ering in their pathogenesis Is substantiated. The book is intended for (pnoral microbiologists, and also for instl=- tors and students of soil biology faculties of universition. 116 USSR 10V UN , V. L, and BORODIN, G. I. s Physiology and Bloche-Mistry of the Agont R of Cotton Wilt, Tashkent, "Fan,," 1970, JE2 pp Foreuardi Wilt is one of the nost dangerous cot-%,-,oil diseases and is well- known in all of the cotton-growing regions of the uorl.d. Verticillium and Fusarium wilt have been part-iculaxly widespread in Central Asia during the past few years (Firsov, 1964; Popov, 1965)-- Data provided by the Institute of Plant Protection report that in the years 1960-1963, in Uzbek SSR, 66-1j of the cotton area in Andizhaai oblastt 6ro in Ferg-ana olblas"E,, in Buk-hara oblast, and 59% in Tashkent oblast were affected by Verticillium wilt. At the same time qq,~!, of the cotton plants on the individ=. I fazns of Andishan oblast, 86% in Fergaiia obla,-tl in BuU-im oblast, and 60;j' in lasHcent oblazt wero affected by the disease. In the Turlejaon 8311, more than K--1f of the fine-fibered cotton plants in the Harlysk group of rayoau were infected with. Fusaxium wilt. The intensive development of the parasite in the plant cells disturbs the nonaal growth and development of cottonp the ovaries and pods drop off, and the yield is reduced. The fibers of diseased plants are decreased in strength and are of low industrial grade (I-1alinin and Koroll , 1964; Sauquil and Rocho 1964). The agents of Verticilliun and Fusariura wilt axe Verticilll= and Fusarium species of fungi. The representatives of Fusariun are typical facultative 276 USSR HOW, Y. L, and BORODIN, G. I., Physiology and Biochwdstry of the Agent of Cotton Ult, Tash1cent, "Pan-." 1970, 182 pp parasites. When interacting with soil microflora ard plantsp they act as para sites, antagonistup symblonts, and metablonts (Beld:er, 1967 1,2 ). The representatives of Verticillitua are chaxactorized 'by a more 'vividly expressed parasitism; the pathogenic for= (Verticillium daILUae) are preserved rainly on the vegetative residue in the oil (Verner, kialyshllcin, and Kvint, 19411; Behken, 19632; Fedotova, et alt 19631 Benken and Khakinov, 1964). The ability of the fungi to penetrate into and affect the plant depends on -the aggressiveness of the fun~M, the cotton variety, the phwe of the plant's developnontt chemical composition of tho collo molaturo, tempe:naturc-3, wui so on (1offe and Aakarovao 1964; Urunov, 19641 Aslarova wv) Eviuadaliyov, 1966; Viytenok, 1966j Sadasivant 1950). It is lecno~m that different varieties of cotton are not simi-larly affected by itilt and that exteanially the disease is wst porceptible at cextaln phases of the plant's (Lovelopment. Phosphorus- potassium fertilizerz help in reducing the niciber of Alt-aXfected plants and inoxv-asing the quantity of AcetinDrVoes -- antagordsts of Verticillium &Ihliae in -the soil, hitrogon fertilioers, to the contrary, increaso the percentange of d1seased plants and the number of fungi and bactex-Aa In the cotton 316 USSR RUNOV, V. I., and BORODIN, G. I.. Physiology and Bloch?9mistry of the Ag-ent of Cotton Wilt, Tashkentp "Faal" 1970, 182 pp rhizosphere (Uzenbayev, 1964; Tupenevich and Menlildyey, 1964; Tupenevich and Egamov, 1964; 1',U--netsov, 1964; Isayevp 1964; Bekker, 19671). The biochemical and particularly the pathogonic lability of the agents of wilt are of considerable interest, When new and hir~hly resistant vaa-ieties of cotton are introduced, alnost no wilt can be noted during the first year of the plant's cultivation. Within a few years, howevor, this variety begins to low its resistant qualities, and just as the susceptible varieties of the plant, is affected by the disease (SolovI-yeva and liul-Jwedovat 1964). Such accommodation to mew conditions of existence and the appearance of certain now mutual. relationships with the plant-host are linIte(I. with metabolic changes in the pirasiter and first o-.L' all its enzyne syatens, There is no doubt that the strugGle against cotton wilt as aGaInst any other disease will be successful with increase in the knowledge of the physiolo~#cal and blo- chemical ch2--acte-risti-cs of the agent and the toxic substances which determine the mthogenesis. T6 work was carried out at the Laboratory of Biochunistxy ard Ricroorganisms of the Hicrobiology Section of the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSAIL ResuLts of Investigations on the biochemistry and physiology of the agent of wilt con- 4/6 USSR RWTOV I V. 1. , and BOBODIN, G. 1. 1 Physiology wid Biochenietry of the Agent of Cotton Wilt, Tashkent, "Fans" 1970p Ia2 pp ducted in the period 1962 through 1969 and literatuxv data are included. -tents Table of Con Page Forewax-d 3 Chapter 1. Biology of the Agents of Cotton Wilt 5 Morphological Indoxes and Pathogenesis 5 Effect of Exterwa Factors on Development and Pathogeneais of Fungi 7 Chapter 32, Oxidation-Reduction Procesoes 25 Hydrolwe3 26 Omyreductase 38 Acceptors of rulactron Transport 47 Oxidation-Hoduction Systems 62 Stfect of InUbitozs on Ifitrogen Hotabolism 66 Chapter IU. Nitrogen Idetabolism 76 proteins 76 Amdno Acids 76 tabolism in Pathogent~ VaxLeties of Cb=eterietica of Nitrogan ble Fungi 5/6 86 USSR RUNOV, V. I., and BORODD, G. I., Physiology ana Biochez-Listxy of the Agent of Cotton Wilt, Tashkentp "Fanp" 1970, 182 pp Effect of Inhibitors on Nitrogen Metabolism go Charter IV. Toxins 109 T~vdc Substances of Fusarium and Verticillum Ftuigi lit Effect of-Inhibitors on Toxic Compounds'ofierticiniun dahliae and Fusaxium Vasb-dectum 135 Characteristics of the Effect of the Toxic Substances on Cotton 140 Conclusion 156 Bibliography 158 616 USSR UDC 582.288:616.9-098.-581.12:633.51 SALIKHOVA, B. S., BORODIN, G. I., RUNOV, V. I., and CHIWENKO, L. I., Microbiology Division, Academy of*~ttvnees_4ebek SSR "The Effect of the Toxic Compounds of Verticillium dahliae Ifycelium on Gas Exchange in Cotton Leaves" Tashkent, Uzbekskiy Biologicheskiy Zhurnal, No 5, 1970, pp 28-31 Abstract: The mycelium and culture fluid of V. dahliae contain a group of toxic substances that appear to play a major role in the wilting of cotton plants, When these substances are applied to the plants, the leaves show signs of Verticillium wilt (loss of turgor; appearance and luminescence of yellow spots), suggesting that the mechanism of action,of the toxic sub- stances produces changes in the chloroplaats and, consequently, in the gas exchange of the leaves. Changes in the intensity of respiration and photo- synthesis in cotton leaves following application of the toxic substance of V. dahliae (yellow pigment) were studied using a gas analyzer. The yellow pigment markedly increased respiration, which reached a peak after 20 hours. Exposure of the leaves to li8ht or addition of ADP or NAD resulted in secondary activation of respiration. After 72 hours the rate of respira- tion decreased; after 96 hours it was below that of the controls. 1/2 USSR SALIKHOVA, B. S., et al, Uzbekskiy Biologicheskiy Zhurnal, No 5, 1970, pp 28-31 Photosynthesis was simultaneously suppressed. The yellow pigment impaired the regulatory mechanism of the cells by disrupting phosphorylation in the mitochondria and chloroplasts. Mus, cotton plants affected with Verticil- ium wilt are apparently killed as a res,41t of impairment of gas exchange in the leaves. 2/2 22 'ftt~o- I ogy USISR UDC: ~)82.288-58,1 .19 GUISEPPOV, V -A. and R I.Iicrobioloor Diviisi-,.)n, k~ademy of S,,!-i(-.,nces I Ulzbek SSR 4- -Lp 7;'L -1 "Some Charac-I'leristics of Nucleic Acids in Verbicilliix- girl Tashikent, Uzbekskiy Biologicheskiy Zhurnal, No 1, 1107i, pp 20-22 Abstract: Differences in nucleic acid content and micleotide composition (guan- ine, cytosime, ader;Lne. thyni-ne) of D7;,,'A in patholg-.-nic J'-.xigu-s (V. dahI i--le ~ieb. and ricnp'u-ho,(-,enic fimgus (V. lateritium B(,,rkel) wc2re shudied.*Lon af DUA and 04A in mVcclin bu Ulu jllothcvd and of Iru- cleotide composition accordinC to th., Vanyu3h--Ln method ohuiled ~h-~t in V. da-hllia'-~-;, a slow increzise in ITIA Wid a fao-t J.ricromne In WIA 10-14 In addition, MNA coitlcid, dccreliflod by t4m, ilftli dayl `~,)I~JJI JIIIIf~ ed unchaugcd. in the case of V. latevitlun~ rio vr~ao ob7,,2rv.---d in DINA con- tent with aging of the cultura, whereas, tie IUIA contonL wac a-I.J.gIrLtly il-,;-rf~,,er th-,Ir. in V. dahliae. Nevertheless, the chtxactev of the cliurige ta HN"A content wao the same for bLeth Dar,;zi. Ln Mt- of V. d-al'aize, guanine azid --~rtcsizne are while all rucleatides exist in eqmL%alar quz~ztit*-es in the MIA of V. -haterititL'R. Aine3 in RIA of both fwlgtal sli ci, i, c- e to The ratio of purines to pyrijai(. e e S C's cne, 112 021 UNCLASSIFIED PAQCE$,SlNG DATE--040EC70 TITLE--ISOLATING TOXIC SUBSTANCES FROM VERTICILLIUM DAHLIAE -U- ~"AUTHOR-(04)-CHEPENKO# L.I., SALIKHOVA, B.S., BORODMI G,I.j R -V.1. ,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :.:SOURCE--UZB. BIOL. ZH. 1970# 14(2)p 7t-2 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 f 1.-.SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--PROCESSED PLANT PRODUCTo PLANT TOXIN, FILTRATIONt CENTRIFUGATIONt ELECTROPHORESISt PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHYP THIN LAYER :CHROMATOGRAPtWo BIOLOGIC PIGMENt CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0018 STEP jND--IJR/9t)79/70/01,'~/Oo2/oO7l/OO'f2 ACC SS f r-l I I ml, -A D n 13 -1 ? 17 rTRC I IfU ' INL I 1~ I L- I -t 212 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSENG DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137217 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, TWO METHOD!; WERE USED TO EXT. TOXIC SUBSTANCES FROM V. DAHLIAE IIN AMTS. SUFFICK(.-NT FOR ANAL.- (1) V. DAHLIAE MYCELIA WERE HOMOGE'NIZE0 REPE-ATEDLY IN DKSTD. WATER AND FILTEREO. AFTER SATN. WITH (NH SUB4) SUB2 SO SUB-to THE: FILTRATE AND CULTURE FLUID WERE EXTD. WITH BENZYL ALC. (2) AQ. EXTS, OF MYCELIA AND CULTURE FLUID WERE MIXED WITH NACL AND EXTD. SEVERAL riAES WITH PHOH-CHCL SUB3 (1:1). IN EACH CASE# AFTER ADON. OF 3 VOLS. OF ET SUB2 0, THE ORG. PHASE WAS EXTD. WITH WATER. THE AQ. EXTS.,liERE CONCO. AT ROOM TEMP., AND ANY EMULSION WAS REMOVED BY FILTRATION OR CENTRIFUGATION. THE ISOLATED SUBSTANCES WERE SEPO. BY HORIZONTAL PAPER ELECTROPHORESIS INTO YELLOW AND RED PIGMENTS AND SUBSTANCES WHICH FLUORESCED IN UV LIGHT. PAPER, T14IN LAYER, AND DEAE-CEELLULOSE CHROMA'10G. REVEALED 2 YELLOW* 3 REO, AND 3 FLUORESCENT COMPONENTS. SPECTRAL ANAL. WAS ALSO PERFORMED IN THE UV AND VISIBLE REGIONS. BOTH EXTN. PROCEDURES YIELDED THE SAME GROUPS OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES, IN PURER FORM AND IN SHORTER TIME THAN WAS.;PREVI:OUSLY POS$LBLE. THE PHOH-CHCL SUB3 METHOD IS PREFERRED SINCE LEFSS EMULSION FORMS. 4i YU-1-1 Ux, 669_14. 016. 45 .0'21.4.38 U."), S R TERESHKOVICH, A. S., Engineer, RUNOVAt. A, U., Candidate of Technical Si~iences, ZHAKOVSKA]fA, 1. S., GOiiSER0VSKATr,-_T_. Engineers, Car4tra'_, Scientific Fesearch Institute of Kachine Building Technology. Leningrad Xetal Plant "Heat-Resistant Steel TsZhl3 for Cast Parts of Gas Tur~b:Lnes" Teploenergetika, No 5. 1970, pp 23-25 Abstract: On the basis of the :Uivestigation of a scri~is of experimental variants of alloys for cast parts of gas turbipost th(1- coinposition of steel 3KhlU'N2ZV6B (TsZhl3) was selec-ted as the optimal one from the point of view of surface 0.25-0..30' C. 15-17~ Cr, W., c-5_6.z--' w properties and weldability 1)/Q a "?) 0 0.8-1.Z~ Nb. Details on the prod"tion and application of the ritoul aru pro- sented. The steel is recoz=ended for the pr(xluction of profilu castings of the gaiding units of gas turbines and other similar subass=blieu with a working tezperature of UP 750' C- Wr - USSR UDC 61.6.9-016.21-084.4 TER-KAR&PMAN, A. Z., and YASHWVA, S. A., Central Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow "Indices at Epidemiological Service Rendered to the Population According to Re- ports of Sanitary Epidemiological Stations" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 7, Jul 70, pp 39-44 Abstract: Form 36, routinely filled out by all Soviet s.initary epidemiological stations, provides detailed information on a great variety of infectious diseases, especially on trends over a period of years and in diffe:rant parts of the country. It is helpful in assessing the health status at a given time and in planning pre- ventive measures. Form 3o has three sets of Jjvlices. Tito first appliens to Jji- dividual patients and covers completeness of hospitalization, timeliness of hospitalizatibn, laboratory tests, confirmation of diagnoses, ote. The second set of indices concerns activity in epideaic foci, including f:roquency of detect- ing a source of infection, completeness of epiAemiologic~tl. inspection of Ifoci, bacteriological examination of individua13 who had contaot with sick persons, etc. The third set involves systematic bacteriological axamina:tions of mandatory groups (food handlers, workers in central water supply installitAons, :institutionalized WI;1iiiiih 161116, W!,Ell; ~H! AA 11R USSR TER-KARAPETYAN, A. Z., Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii J. Immunobiologii, No 7. Jul 70, pp 39-44 children). The shortcomings of Form 36 are analyzed, and some suggestions for improvement are made. USSR UDO 615,214.32.099 MITROFANOV, V. S., IN A- W- I? I UL'YANOVA, 0. V., and FORFIRIYEVA, R. P., institute of Pharmaco ogyj Academy of Medical Science$, ljoscow "Evaluation of the Toxicity of nuoracizine hoscow, Fhrmakologiya I Toksikologiya# No 58 Vol MMYj Sep-Oct 71, pp 50-542 Abstracti Fluoracisine (hydrochloride 10 -diethylaminopropionil)-2- trifluoromethylphenothiasine) is an antidepieasant whose possible undesirable side-effects is of zedle-A Interest. Heart actiong respiration# liver function and blood sugar were tested in groups of dogs administered 2.5 mg/kg fluoracisine daily for 30-45 days followed by an increase to 5,0 m&kg for the next 25-35 days. A group of rats ns also tested. No effect on the cardiovascular system or liver ifas observed* Floweverg skin lesions and a tendency to weight loss, as well as Increased excitability, were produced. It is concluded that long-term adzinis*xatlon of f2uoracisine in offectIve dosaps produces little or no toxic effect. 1A Microbioio:gy USSR UDC 576.311.1 IMO -RULIRVA- V_ F. , Biochemi MAKST VA, G. A., and stry Laboratory, State Control Institutes of Medical Biological Preparations imeni L. A. Tarasevich, Minis- try of Health USSR "Kinetics of the Reaction of Anthrax Allergen and Nitrous Acid" Moscm-7, Biok-himiya, No 5, 1971, pp 965-169 Abstract: Treatment of anthrax allergen with nitrous acid resulted in the diazotization. of tyrosine and tryptophan and deamination of free N112 grouPs' The rate of both reactions varied with the concentration of 111110 2* 0.56 M nitrous acid quickly inactivated (within 5 min) the allergell (by 40%) while sharply decreasing the concentration of the phenol, indole, and NH2 grOuPs, Treatment of the allergen with 0.11 11 HN02 inactivated the allergen more slowly (40% within 48 hours) and gradually decreased the concentration of the above-mentioned groups. The rate of the deamination reaction was higher than the rate of diazotization of tyrosine. Since the rate of inactivation of the allergen was equal to that of the diazotization of tyroqine, there would appear to be a relation8hip between the specific activity of tbe anthrax allergen and the phenol graups. The phenol groups inay be the 1/2 'r.--TTFF USSR MAKSIMOVA, G. A., and RUNOVA, V. F., Biokhimiya, No 5, 1971, pp 965-969 determinant of the allergen or may perform a structural function by creating a definite conformation in the region of the determinant:. The aminc, and indole groups are an insignificant factor in the allergen's activity. 2/2 M I ME. USSR UDC 576.311.1 MAKSIMOVA, G. A., and a Laboratory of Biochemistry, State Control Institute of Medical Biological Preparations imeni L. A. Tarasevich, Ministry of Health USSR, Moscow "Investigation of the Kinetics of Reaction Between Anthrax Allergen and Nitrous Acid" Moscow, Biokhimiya, Vol 36, No 5, 1971, pp 965-969 Abstract: When nitrous acid is added to a solution of anthrrx allergen and the mixture is kept in an ice bath under constant stirring, bio reactions take place: diazoti.:taLion of tyrosine and tryptophan and dearTifivitJon of f ree 14112groups. The rate of both reactions depends an the coo cent ra ti on of nitrous acid. With a final 0.56 M nitrous acid in the mixture, the al- lergen is inactivated 14OZ during, the first 5 minutes and, at ne same time, the concentration of phenol, indole, and amino groups markedly decreases. With a final 0.11 M nitrous acid in the mixture, it takes 48 hours for the allergen to be 40% inactivated, and the concentration o2F the above-mentioned groups decreases less rapidly. Since the rate of allerl,en ixactivation ts the same as Lhe rate of tyrosirie diazoLization, I.(. was conclix3ed that: the toxicity of anthrax allergen is deter-rdned by phenol groups, while indoie and amino ~jrouns aro of' no ~:Jnnff.I ca 11 USSR UDC 576-851-511-097-207 MAKSIMOVA, G. A. and RUNOVA V. F, Control Institute for Biomedical Preparations imeni ;alr~-~seiny- "N-Acetylation of Anthrax Allergen" Moscav, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Spidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 8, 197-1, p 144 Abstract: The NH2 groups of anthrax allergen were blocked and the relation- ship of these groups to the biological activity of the preparation was studied. N-acetylation was carried out with acetic anhydride. The activity of the modified allergen was found in bioassays on guinea pigs to be virtually the same as that of crude and control allergens. Since t1w: specific activity of anthrax vaccine did not changa after scetylation, althow.0 about 70% of the M~ groups wen, blocked and about 40~ of the inaale groups vere modified, it vas concluded that the activity of the allergen vas not attributable to the amino or indole groups. Corrosion' USSR ux 620 193 - 4: 66) .24'23 SVISTUNOVA, T. V.X MUM Z. K., and SAMUROV, A. A., Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrd-ua-freTa "Knife-Line Corrosion in Ni-,,,o ilaloysl' Moscow Yetallovedeni,re, Flo 5.Y May 70., pp 2-6 Abstract: An investigation was imde oil the specMe and ccr.~~ im.J effect of (0.02 arid 0.04%) and iron (5% 'Tax) on the deGree of knif -lLne carrosion in 17(0' 7 and 47om27F (i.45-1.6r- V) alloys and of their crystal stmcturc iind phase compoui- 1% tion after heatinG to 1150-1300OC- Sheets 3 rm, thick were water quencheJ from 11500C after furrinve heattll,:, and then quenched a',ter induction heatin6 at 1000-13000C and after weldirl~:,. was done on sheet measurin.- 3 x 100 x 150 izrn using, the- TIG mi!.thol. Analysis of the obtained data revealed that S.n the proc#~os of m~-ulerheatin- the heat-affected zone of welds (above 12500C), structural c,haanas ta.e Place that 'Q~ ' C Z, promote knife-line corrosion in the NTOI , alloy with 0.04,1, arid l.-I, ve. Dissolving of the caz~bides and mdistribution of the alloyin.,,,j elerents 1-1.!,,~Ins with carbon, whicii is concentrated in the gmin boundarlerl iuid catires the fonra- tjon of eutectic dendritic carbides M6C find MopC) which larvic 0 the lorr-rAt Lori oC 1V2 USSR SVISTUNOVA., T. V., et al., IMetallovedeniye, 110 5, MaY 70, Pp 2-6 iched boundary zones. molybdenin-n-enr To inhibit knife-line corrosion in the N701~27F alloy, carbon and irr~n content should not exceed 0.02 and IA. respectively. Rmer6ence of knife-line corrosion in the superheated zone of IN701,127F weld sww-.)les wiLh an increased iron and carbon content causes the formation of a solid matrix of %C and Eu2C dendritic carbides in the grain boundaries. Knife-line corrosion in Ni-Mo alloys can be eliminated by heat treatiAg, the weld Joints at 1050-11000C with subsequent air or water quenching. 2/2 Acc. N Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: CHUIICAL ABST. &C-70 fl, W300a Reaction of vanadium, bromide wifn hydrogea, oxyge-2, Mid water vapor. AmirgvA, ~S. A , Rupchevit, V. A.; Romanova'. 1, N - (USSR).-72h. NForg- POM2), 330-4 (Russ). Dehydration of VBrl-.61120 is acco ied by Mediate r-~acti n,'products the hydrolysis of VBr3 with the inte being VOBra and VOBrj, lnHatm,VBr&wasjreducedtoVBFt. The latter was stable up to 1000*. VBr; and VBrt we're oxidirod with 0 at 345* to V104. VBrs reacted with steam at 180* and VBr, at 420* to form V:Oj. JIMJR ?11 REEL/FRAME 19830,964 Ace. Nr: Abstracting Servi Ref . 'Code: jV0053886 ce: CHMICAL ABST. &-70 0 r 117295C ThennocheWcd trausfarmatlon~f chr'O'n&M 4*4 bromides. Rup2bg wk,, Romappya T V Amirova, S. A. (USSR).-MKIVeorg Im. 1970, 16(2). 32-1-19 (Russj. Reactions of CrBrs.M.01 and Mnlgrl- 0 in N. t oxidizing. or reducing atins. at eleviated temps. were detd. by thermagravimetry and anal. of reaction produ6ts chem. or by x-ray diffraction. In inert atm. the reactions roce~ded aL-' MV) o CrBr3.5HtOti) -o, CrBr2AH:O cording to: CrBrp6HjO, 4000 -- CrBrs + CnOa oCrBrt + Crs()2;, and IvInIgro.41120(l) 1450 MnBr2.4ff%0(1) o MnUr2.H20 Mn]3r, -'htnBt2. AH of oxidu. of CrBrs and CrDrs.1o CrxOs is -55,400 and -66,600 cal/mole, re5p., and th-qt of MnB;rl to Un404 or Mnj()a is -29,070 and -32,300 eal/mole, resp. Anhyd. CrBt-3 and CrBr2 reacted with steam to f"M CnO~ and AH of these reactions: is 16,9W and 10,5W calfivale, resp. Riiaction of with steam gave MnO and.Mu,04, 'Oth*AH 35,8W and 39,400 cW1 mole, resp. CrBr,, 'CrBr2. and.MnBrl were reduced by H to Cr- Bri, Cr, and Mn, resp., and AH of these reactions are g340, kO.58D and '72,800 cal/mole, resp. HUJR REEL/FRAME USSR UDC 621-313-333:538-4, K-ALIM, A. Ya. 1J1KRY-LF;C0V Ch. K. PETROVICH A? R. A. MU MUM - - ~, I. ~" -and ULL-LkNIS, L. Ya. "Flat Induction Pump Characteristics Jith Heteroageneous Electro- ma,,,pietic Porce Distribution Along the Channel Adth" Riga, IT-Tagnitnn-ya Gidrodinamika, No 4. Oct-Dee 71, pp 94 -98 Abstract : Velocity profiles and p(Q)-characteristics of magneto- hydrodynamic (1240 ) machines with accountint, for local sli-o-Dinc- along the channel width .Ath non-unifor-ra diotribution of clectro- magnetic forces are calculated and comDared laith ex-oorimmentally derived results. The latter comnly satio-Loactorily with theoreti- cal calculations. The velocity -orofiles calc ated for various flow rates Q and a current load o-L" A;=0.27xlPj11/:"i, show that at- nel borders. Ti pumping conditions a reverse flow exintq on chan. lnvesti,~~-.tion revealed that the calculation of T 'AID-riachinen b,7 simultaneous accour-tin d draulic proces- _q for electromagnetic --n 1hy ses resu2ts in more Drecise conformity of thco_-:~etical and cx*eri- mental data. Pive illustr., four formulas, six biblio. refs. USSR ijDc: 69-058. DEENISOV, R-UaEff V. N., TARASOVAp I. V., GOLUKV, A. V., 'cien- ti c Peiimrch Institute of Foundations and Subterranewt Structures "A Method of Studying Rock Masses and Liners of Subterrimie an Structures" Hoscow, Gtkrytiya, Izobreteniya, PronWshlennyye Obrazts3r, Tovarryye Znaki, No 7, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 329h17, Division 0, filed 26 Jun 70, published 9 Feb 72, p .163 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a of studying rock masses and liners of subterranean structures by measuring stresse:3 in a drilled shaft. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, accuracy is ft.- proved by return-ing the rock mass to its initial positien after reasuring, the Btresses in the drilled shaft, using pickups to re$ister the pressure in the rock mass. 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE---30OCT70 .TITLE--ADSORPTION PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALLINE MODIFICATIONS OF IRON HYDROXIDES AND UXIDESo 111. CHEMISGRPTION OF WATER VAPOR -U- AUTHOR-(02)-LIEPINAP L., RUPLISt A, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~.,SOURCE-LATV. PSk ZINAT. AKAD.' VESTISY KIM. SER. 1970t (1)1 33-7 ,.DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 "SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY --A050rl,PTI'Nj ISJTHERIM, CHEMISORPTION, WArEtk, ~TOPIC TAGS IkON C13MPOUNDI IRON OXIDE 'AARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~-PROXY REEL/FRAtIE---1997/0679 STEP NO--UR/0454/70/000/001/0033/0037 ~CtkC ACCESSION NO--APOLL9587 UNCLASS IF I ED 21/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30ocr7O CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119587 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AOSORPTION ISOTHERMS OF WATER VAPOR WERE MEASURED ON THE SURFACE OF ALPHA AN01 G.A,'AMA FE(OHO SUB3 TREATED AT 25-300DEGREE-S. CHANGES IN THE EXTENT 01: CHE-MISURPTIDIN CHARACTERIZED BY A DECREASE OF THE AREA OCCUPIED BY A SloNGLE e4ATER -10L. (SIMILAR TO 20-30 TO SIMILAR TO 10 ANGSTROM PRIME2) INUICArE THAT THE TRANSITIONS, ALPHA FE(OH) SUB3 YIELDS GAMMA FE SU82 0 SUB3 AND GA14MA FE(OH) SUB3 YIELDS GAMMA FE SUB2 0 SU33v OCCUR AT 200-500,=GREES AND .2.00-25DEGREES, RESP. CHEMISORPTION TAKES PLACE OJNLY ON THE ~~DEHYDROXYLATED SURFACE OF THE SAMPLES. FACILITY: RIZH. ,~'..POLITEKH. INST.i RIGAr USSR* LISSR TjDc: 621-374.5 YAMENKO, V. I., IVANOV, V. 1., "A Device for Delaying Radio Pulse Signals" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobretcniya, Promyshlennyye Obraz~sy, Toyaxnyyc Zna:Y~i, No 32, Nov 71, Author's Certificate No 319060, Divislon ]'I, filed r-, Feb 'r0, published 28 Oct 71, p 173 Translation: Mis Author's Certificate introduce* a device for delaying radio pulses. The unit contains a central signal oscillator, EL controlling signal pickup and a multistage delay channel wliere eac~i stac,(, consi,-ts of' a delay line with uniformly distributed taps, a tap comtmutatcr, a menory unit and multichannel analyzer controller. As a distin~.;uishiug, feature of the patent, the precision and stability of delay are improved by con- necting the inputs of the analyzers for all stages of tKe channel through switches gated by the controlling siCnal pickup to the corres-ponding inputs of the tap commutators, the inputs of the reference channels heing con- pickup to the con- nected througgh a switch gated by the controlling signall trol signal oscillator. The outputs of the analyze-r chnunnels are connected 1/2 YAMENKO, V. 1. et al., Soviet Patent No 319060 through the corresponding junctions of the memory and controller module to the appropriate inputs of the tap commutators. 2/2 TIT i F ~11 TM "NIM11-91 N�R," troiql V" 1/2 015 UNCLASSIFLED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE--ALKYLATION OF BENZENE BY A PROPANE PROPYLENE FRACTION ON ALUMINUM 1. OXIDE PROlllOTFD BY BORON FLUURIDE -U- AUTH0k-(02)-K0ZUREZUV, YU.I.t RUSAKOV, A-Pe COUNTRY 'IF INFO--USSR '.SUURCE--NEf-TEPERERA13. NEFTEKH114- (MOSCOW) 1970t (2), 42 ~bATE PUBLISHEU---70 ,SUBJECT ARLAS--CHEMISTRY 'TOPIC TAGS-BENZENE, AL!YLATION, ISOPROPYL BENZENE, BORON FLUORIDE, -ALUMINUM OXIDE ~CFTNTRUL MARKING--f-40 RESTRICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY KEEL/FRAAE-1992/1881 STEP NI(J--UR/031t~/70/'~)00/("02iDO42/0~)~t2 CIRC ACCESSION Ntl--AP0112861 U14CLASSIFIED loPol. Mll F MI. L off I I I "V IN' I I 015 'UNCL ASS IF I ED PRUCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION' NU--AP0112861 ABSTRALT/EXTk4CT--(U) GP-0- A&STRACT. THE UPTIMUM ALKYLATION CONDITIONS WERE AT 75-IOODEGREESP 5 ATMt C SUbt, H W66 VOL. IVELOCITY 1.0-1.5 14R PRIME NEGATIVElt 5-7:1'C SUbb H SUBS-C SW53 fi SU36., ~;IIH O.ZPERCENT BF BASED ON C SU66 H SU56, THE CONVERSION OF C SUB3 H SUB6 IN I PASS ,:.~:ATTAINED 97PERCENT TO YIELD ALKYLArE BASED ON C SU83 H SU86 !NCLUDING ISO-VRPH. FACILITY: KRASNODAR,FILIAL VSES. NAUCH. ISSLED. ,INST. NEFTEKHIM., KRASNODAR, USSR. 1/3:~ 018 UNCLASS'IFIED PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 f--HETERCCYCLIC SEMICAk8AZGNES AND THIUSEMICARaAltINES. Ix. CYCLIZATION! 'OF, N 9ME THYL I SAT IN BETA 1 2 , PlIETHYLTHIGSEM. I AR AZ NE -U- c B fj -,-,'AUTHCRl-(03J-IL-FFEq I.S., TCMCHINq A.B., RUSAKOVv E.A. '~ccu,~,Tizy oF INFC-USSR '-SCURCE--ZH. CBSHCH. KHIM. 1970, 40(3)p 682-7,9. :.DATE PUEL ISt-EG----70 SUaJECT ARE-AS--CHEMISTF.Y %TGPIC TAGS-CYCLIZATIUN, KETGNE, BROMINATED ORGAN[C COM'GUNC)o BENZENE CIHEMICAL SYNTHEsis, rRIAZINE, MERCAPTAN, `1~03T(31.--FFECT CCNTRCL MARK-TiNG-NO RESTRICTIGNS CLA~SS--UNCLASSIFHD PROXY KEEUFP~AME--3002/1118L SICiP CLIRC ACCESS*lCN NO-AP0128b02 UNCLASSIFIE0 2/3 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCFSSIING DATE--20,NOV7C CIRC., ACCESSICIN' NO--AP0128602 ..A8STRACT/LXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. TO 96 .5 G 0,E]RC -SUB6 Vi SUF34 ME WAS AOL) E 1) (jVEk 2 HR AT 9GDEGREES UNDER UV L113HT 29zML 6.11 TO Ylf~I.D 013RC SuEll~ H SU84 CH SU62 BR7 WFILE FURTHER ADCN. QF 29 ML 131Q. IN' -i HR, HEATING 1-0 150DEGREES AND REFLUXING THE PRODUCT WITH H SUB2 0 CACL SUB3 8 I-iR GAVE 34.fl--PERCENT 0,bkC SUB6 H SUB4 CHO,~ F., SU69 99.511EGREES. GOROPCPANCELIC ACID OXli~IZED i-,lITH KP.N0,SUB4 IN AQ. NA0H AT IDEGREE GAVE 23PERCENT C,BRC SU66 H SU84 CO SU82 H AND 43.6PERCE,'.T Or6RCMLPF!EhYLGLYCXYLIC ACID Mt M. 97-102DEGREES. 0,6RC 5,066 H SUB1, COCNt M. C34DEGPEES, FAILED- TO REACT SATISFACTORILY WITH CU SUB2 ICN) SUB2 EUT, KCPT ;NITli CUNCL). HCL I DAY THFN HEATED I HR, GAVE l12.8PERr-ENf 1; ThIGSENIICARBALUNE 1M. 219L)EGREES. THE~ACIO AND 2,~IETI-'YLTH143-SLI-IlCtfBAZII)E GAVE THE 2,METHYLTHICISEMICAkBAZONE (11), M. 156DEGRELS; SIMILAR VERIV. OF JINITROPHENYLGLYOXYW; ACID M. 1450EGREES. -FLUXED 10 N11,114, GAVE 83PERCENt Ll AND M NPChr RE 2,METHYL,3,,",ERCAPTC-15,HYDROXY,6,(2,BRCIP.CPIiENYLI,L,Z,4,ritIAZINE, H. 235.5CECREES, WHICH DID NOT REACT W'ITH MENIH SU62 ALONE, WHILE WITH CU CATALYST KEACTICNS OTHER THAN SUdSTITUTI,0N TOOK PLACE. 51MILARLY WAS PREPO. 55PEkCLNT 2,11,ETtiYL.3,IJEfZCAC!TO,5*hYDRGXY,6,(2-*NlTiZ(JPHENYLI,1,2,4,TPLAZINEI H. 247.50EGF,LESt WHICH 61TH POWD-FE IN ALC'. AQ. HGL GAVE 9T.5PERCENT Z,METPYLt3,ivERCAPTU,5,HYjRUXY,6,(2,At4lt4OP,HENYL)Plr2r.4,TRIAZINE, M. LARGER THAN 330DEGREES. SIMILARLY WAS PREPD. 3tt4ERCAPIU,59KYORCJXY96P(Z,AMINOP~iENYL)91:,2t4tTRlAZINE, M. ABOVE 300DEGRELI-S. UNCI L AS S I Flb 0, 3/3 016 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 GIRC ACLESSICN NU--AP0128602 -Ai3SVR,4CT/EXTRACT--TKEAT~1,Ej%T OF N,10,ETHYLISATIN BETAt(Zt~"ETI-YLT.410SEI~ICAP~LiAZONE) WITH ALKALI GAVE NOT CNLY 399,1)1,1-;ETFYL,Z,3,oEiiYDKO,1,3,4,TRIAZACARBAZOLE,2tTlilONFt BUr ALSO 29M.ETHYL,3,MERCAPTOv5tiiYDki3XY,6,(2,(METHYLAMI..,40]PHI.--.It,YL),#lt2,4,TPIAZIPiEI A. 211DEGREESe UNCLASSiFIED USSR UDC 535.2'43.25 GRITSKIN, V. G., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and RUSAKOV, L. A., _Engin'!er "Automatic Series-Connected Dynamic Spectrograph" Moscow, Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniva, 'No 8, Aug 70, pp 19-21 Abstract: The described spectragraph applies the nethod of dynamic spectroscopy based an the production of a three-dimensional intense contour which is close to the contour of the amplitude momentary signal spectTun ir, time- -- ireqaency -- intensity coordinates. In comparison with visual oscillographic and spectro- graphic methods, the described method is characterized by a ma-re eitteni-sive ap.- plicability and improved quality in distinguishing complex at:.oustic signali. The resonance frequency and the damping of the filter, in the capacity of which is employed an analog model of oscillating circuit (A11,10C) , can be varied by simple means and according to any rule within a wide range. The se~lection of one of the spectrograph's seven frequency ranges LI-125; 2-250; 4-500; 8-1000; 16-2000; 32-4000; and 64-8000 hz) is realized through a change-over switch at the expense of variation of the amounts of two capacitances. An equal mean density of details on all parts of the represeatation is attatned by equalizing the filter transmission band for all frequencies. The working principle of the 1/2 I ~51 1~~114111~ 1REMM, km.41~51. RAIN HE USSR GRISHIN, V. G., and RUSAKOV, L. A., Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniya, No 8, Aug 70, pp 19-21 spectrograph is illustrated in the flow sheet and the AM0C and transmitter dia- grams. Numerical characteristics of the four AMOC amplifiers, developed by tile Physics Faculty at Moscow State University, and the function of their voltage output variations are presented. The transmitter block serves as recipient of the signal modulating the beam brightness of the oscilloscope which is provided with a darkening system of the beam's backward run. The amplitude-irequency characteristic of the signal analyzer, that is to say, the dependence of the continuous voltage output on the frequency with constant signal amplitude at the input of the M10C, represents a straight Line outgoing from the. orl-gin of coor- dinates, as the quality factor of the contour increases linearly in relation to frequency. The dynamic amplitude characteristic of the spectrograph's through channel is practically linear in the range of 46 db; thp dynamic range of the AMOC amounts to 70 db. The time required to get the dynamic spectrogram of a signal is T = ('s + td)'n, where t. = signal duration, td = damping time Of transients when switching the contour (tdt~~l see), and n = 125 (number of lines). The device can be used to analyze heart defects by sound. Phonocard- iagrams and dynamic spectrograms of heart sounds in mitral arld aortic stenosit-, are shown. 2/2 USSR UDC 576.851.511.097.2,095.18:547.281.1 MAKSIMOVA, G. A., and UN State Control Institute of Medical Bio- logical Preparations le'notMarasevich "Effect of Formaldehyde on the Activity of Anthrax Allergen" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologif i Immunobiologii, Vol 10, Oct 70, pp 59-62 Abstract: The anthrax allergen is a protein-polysaccharide-nuclein complex containing 80-86 percent protein. The protein fraction represents the active component. Formaldehyde, which reduces the activity of the allergen, inter- acts with am-4no, phenol, and indole groups of the allergen protein, forming methyl bridges between them. The present study was conducted to establish which of these groups represent the active ccmponent of the anthrax allergen. The method described previously by Takeya and Mifuchi was used, in which the anthrax allergen was allowed to interact with 1.5 percent -and 20 percent formaldehyde solutions at pH 9.1. The activity of Atll .,iampleis decreased about 50 percentt regardless of the formaldehy4e concentration. Tyrosine and tryptophan concentrations were reduced 30 perceftt and '10 ptrcent, re- apectively; the concentration of frett amino groups decreai)cd with increasing formaldehyde concentration. After the samples were heate4 to 100*C for 30 1/2 USSR MKSIMOVA, G. A., and RUNOVA, V. F., Zhurnal Kikrobiolo$ii, Hpidemiologii i Immunobiologii, Vol 10, Oct 710, pp 59-62 minutes, the biological activity of the allergen was completely restored. At the same time, the concentration of phenol groups returned to normal while that of amino groups and tryptophan remained 50-60 percent below the initial level. On the basis of these results, it was concluded that the activity of the anthrax allergen was associated with the phenol groups, while the amino and indole groups were apparently of no significance in activity. 2/2 53 USSR uw 66o-552 GOROMI, A. V., and E-USAKOV, L. N.1 Petro3raf chesk y Analiz Frotsessor v Metallurgii (Petrographic Analysis of Processes in Metallur,3y), lqloscoxr,, "MetaUurgiya, " 15473 2-3 Translation of Annotation: 'I"his book reviews the many ye.-~trs cf study of the authors in the arev~ of hi(JI.-telnper-ature rc-11-Icti-Ola of For example, studies of the features of the behpvior of idnei,E~2- c::):::jxjunds durintr,- elecUra- and irtcAaUo theiinal treatmant toiather with p'henou,.en~t occi_krrin~ the vielLing of P.--utals r(Aated to scimiz formation and tile an~ 0,entrzr-t2'-G7', of refractory nutcrials in 7-.Y~etailurj-ical furn,,.).ce2 shrw I;he o- petrot,;i-a-phic method.,; in tbe ,Ludy of iwchanisms ol' pro- cesses. The basic thrust of this book in directed, oi, principles of the evolution of miner-al Compounds in Conr1j.-I";iono. The book is int2nded for speciaUst's working in v.rjaas of. chemical technology, experinent-al teehnoloUy, mineraio-!y, w1u; ~trolo-", an also for teachers and studento in univervities. If,6 284 references 'fable of Contents: pa Forcword 3 Tritraduction 6 USSR GOROKH, A. V., and RUSAK0311, L. W., "M etalluri ,iya, 1973, 21-8 PP . Chapter 1. Study of the Chanf -CharFc 1,hterianls in lar-h- ,es in Furrace Termerature Reducin-, Processes Blectrothermal Processes 9 Prenaration of Silicoa and Its P-1loys Frort Oxid,:!s 10 Preparation of idloys of Chromium From Chromituij Ores 6 Preparation of Ferro-Yolybdenwn.from M;olybdenitt, Concentrates 103 Metallotherzinl Processes 117 Alumino-thernal Reduction of the Oxides of Chronduin 118 Study of the Principles of' the Formation of Sl,~r,,s atiring Metallothenal Production of Iron-Rased A]Ioyr, 137 Chaptor 2. Study of thr-, Processes of Scum. Formiation Scum Formation in R~~action Zones of' Furnaces Scum Forruition in Rotary KJ,Ins 14hich are Treatini, Zinc Cc,",;ef; :L8 Scum Formation Outsidc the Reaction Zone of Fu=,aces Sew Forma' ior- Under the Arch of Closed Ftirnaces 75~( Ferrosilicides 200 Chaptl-r 3- Study of tha- of the Foralt-ion and Msintejration of 11-afractory 11-"Icerlals 223 Behavior of Alwiinosilicate Refractord Material in 11hast Fur-alms 22'zl 2/3 USSR Ar L. "Metallur,~*a, 1973, 28'2 PP GORO. A. V.; and FOAM 'Refracton- Material in Blast Furnace WeIlEl Behavior of 22'r Behavior of Refractory Ilaterial. in Furnaces 237 Behavior of Refr--ctorj Material in Shaft Furnaces 248 Conclusions 275 References 277 3/3 USSR uDc: 669.162.12:622-782,004-12 OSTRGMOV.V M. Ya., RUSKUVA, A. G. j, PEMMIOVp N. I., RUSAKOV L. It. TIA UOY, G. P., and ABROSDIOV, A. S. "Structural Specifies and Metallurgical Properties of Pellets blade of Titanium- blagnetite Ore Concentrates. Report I" Izv. VUZ, Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 6, 1970, PP 33-37 Ab5tract: Pellets made of ilmenite-titajio-magnetite ores from the southern Urals (60.87% Fe; 10.14% TiO 2) with basicity (CaO: SiO 2) 0.40-1.38, roasted Under isothermal conditions in a current of air (60 I/hr) for 30 minutes were studied. The composition and structure of the pellets were determined by the roasting temperature. With low-temperature roasting (11SO-1220* Q, the processes of sintering and recrystalization occur in parallel with oxidation of the ore grains, and highly porous, but low-strength pollets are produced consisting of hematite, psoudobrookite, calcium ferritos (Influxed pellwl,!J) and silicate glass, With high-temperature roasting (1250-1300* Q, oxidation prc~ccdOS Lhe recrystallization and sintering processes of the titano magnetite. These pellets have increased strength but low porosity,and consist of homatite (solid solu- tion) and silicate binder; the predominate rtass of the tl.tanium oxides is present as a solid solution consisting of hanatite. TVD illustrations; one t ble; three biblio. refs. 59 - USSR UDC 534.222.2 LEBEDEV, M. A. and RUSAKOV M M. (Chelyabinsk) nObtaining an Explosion With a High Concentration of Rnergyrf Moscow, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mekhaniki i Takchnicheskoy Fizikip No 1, 1973, pp 168-170 Abstract: Results are described of experiments on the head-on collision of clus- ters of tungsten particles with a density of approximately 1 g/CM3, moving at a speed of 24 ka/sec. As a result of the collision, there takes place an explo- sion with an energy concentration which is more than 50 times greater than the ewrgy concentration in high explosives. 2 figures. 4 references. 1/1 /2~ 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 "T-,ITLE--USE OF A BOLOMETRIC METHOD TO MEASURE RADIANT LOSSES IN AN IMPLUSE PLASMA ACCELERATOR -U- ''AUTHOP-(02)-OEREVSHCHIKOVY V.A,t RUSAKOVI N,,V* .COUNTRY OF'INFD--USSR ~'SQURCE--MGSCOWj TEPLOFIZIKA VYSOKIKH TEMPERATUR, VOL 8v NO L, JWN-FEB 70, PP 17-21 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 'ISUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS ,TOPIC TAGS--PLASMA ACCELERATOR, BOLOMETER, RADIATION R Cf%lER MAPKING--NO kESNICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFTE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1991/1803 STEP NO--UR/0294/70/008/0'31/0,')17/0021 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120494 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 025 UINCL ASSI F I ED PROCESSING DATE--Z30CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120494 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MICROFICHE OF ABSTRACT CONTAINS GRAPHIC INFORMATION. A PROCEDURE IS PROPOSED FOR MEASURING RADIANT LOSSES IN AN EROSION IMPLUSe PLASMA ACCELERATOR BY USING RAPID RESPONSE RADIATION RECEIVERS PLACED A CONSIDERABLE DISTANCE FROM (HE RADIATING VOLUME OF THE PLASMA TO ISOLATE THE EFFECT OF BOMBAROMENT BY PLASMA PARTICLES FROM THE EFFECT OF RADIATION. 'LOSSES OF ENERGY TO RADIATION ARE IMEASURED IN END TYPE AdD COAXIAL ACCELERATOR MODELS. DIAGRAMS OF THE ACCELERATOR MODELS ARE.SH014N IN THE FIGURE. IN THE END TYPE MODEL, LOSSES ARE! 16-24PERCENT FOR AN ALUMINUM CENTRAL ELECTRODE AND 7-10PERCENT FOR A LITHIUM ELECTRODE. LOSSES COME TO 3-5PERCENT FOR THE COAXIAL MODEL. MOST OF THE RADIANT LOSSES FALL INTO THE VACUUM ULTRAVIOLET SPECTRAL REGION, WHICH POINTS UP THE UNDESIRABILLTY OF USING OPTICAL FILTERS IN SUCH MEASUREMENTS. THE AUTHORS THANX YU. P. RYLOV ..FOR INTEREST IN THE WORK AND DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS, AND 1. N. POPOV FOR ASSISTANCE IN MAKING THE BOLOMETER. , I INITIATING ELECTRODE; 2 EXTERNAL ELECTRODE; 3 INSULATOR; 4 CENTRAL ELECTRODE. FACILITY: ALL-UNION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INST146T&OF ELECTRORECHANICS. UNCLASSIFIED ------------------------------- USSR UDC 621.397.332.2:621.317.799:531.71 ANISKOVICH, A. G., RUSAKOV, V. I. "Selecting the Type of Scanning for Television Neasuring and Control Devices" Nekotome vonr. teorii i proyektir. televizionno-vychisl. sistem - V sb. (Some Problems; of Theory and Design of Television Computing Systems - collec- tion of works), Tula, 1970, pp 21-30 (from"RM-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4GI87) Translation: It is demonstrated that the accuracy of TV-instmments for con- trolling the dimensions of parts can be incroaaed by rep,lacing, the ordinarily used line scanning by driven sweep exponential or continuous sinusoidal scanning. There are 6 illustrations and a 4-entry b1bliography. A/ 3.32 Acc. Nr: Ref . Code., VR 641 r4D40328 PRIMARY SOURCE: Eksperimental'naya Xhirurgiya i Anesteziolo-iya, 1970, Xr pp 2,2-.27 EXPERIMENTAL USE OF AIETHYLURACYL IN GASTRIC RESECTION V. L R~~ia-komv Kh. K. -VishaZurou The authors reports on dynamic studies of morphological ,-hanges in the wall of gastro-intestinal anastomosis, in the duodenal stump, the iiver and the pancreas at different dates following gastric resection in experiment Avith and Nvihout the use of methyluracyl. 4.), aduit mongrel dogs ivere uied. Siudil-i showed chat combined use oVmethylurac%,I and penicillin was accompanied by clear-cat morp~oiogical changes: decreaselof 01arnmatory infiltration in the anastomosis and in other in!ernal organs early efter operation. By the 310th day with methyluracyl inflammatory reaction di- sappeared entirely. REEL/FR&xp_ 19741759 uDc. 621.3T3.4p ARTEM'YEV, S. M., ZYRIN, S. S.,, RUSAKOW V. N. "Qualitative Comparison of Different Multiple-Tank Drift Type Self-Excited Oscillator Circuits From the Standpoint of the Possibility fov Stabilization and Frequency Tuning" Elektron. tekhnika. Nlauchno-tekhn. sb. Elektron SVCh (Electronic Technology. Scientific and Technical Collection. S11F Electronics) , J.P70, 13, No 7, PP 805-816 (from Wh-RadLoteklinika, No 12, Doe '(0, Abstract Ito 15.~710 Translation- The results of a steady-state tuialysts are titkum ull the bunis for g1ving th(., characteristiev of varionji wt1tiple.-tank- drift type nelf-excited oncillator ciroultn rrom oi* ntwidpoint of ntltblli7atiOn an(I frequency tuning. Resum6i. USSR LT-Tc 68-1.3---5 & "A.KOVA V. V. "A Converter for Changing Tire Intervals to Parallel Bii:iiry Cc-ac-" Moscow, C)tknrtiya, Izabreteniya, ProrrzrsblenWje Obraztsy, Tovarny~-e Znaki, No 4, Feb 72, Author's Certificate No 326730, Division 1,, filed 21 Ma., 70, published 19 Feb 72, p 214 ' Translation: Ilds Author'!j On-tifiemLo inL1-0(11jCOS ~L mnyerlor Por charlp.- ing time intervals to biDary p&rallel code, 'The dovice quential-action counter whose di'gital-place outputs are :,-onnected to one aeries of inputs of corresponding coincidence gates. As a diatinguish- ing feature of the patent, the other inputs of the coinci.dence jT,.atE!S are interconnected by pairs throug~i delny elemcifts. The input of the delay e1e---ant for the first dl-igital rJace is connected to the -Aitput of' a timix~~ circuit whose inputs a--E connected to the input of the 'E- out- puts of the coincidence gates are conneetc-d.through out-plit del--r Emlc-r.~.ents- to the outputs of the device. 243099 WAVEGula FILTER is a half-wave raeoTiator in the 'shape of a metallLsed diolet=LC parallel-epiped,which has a length af~half ~he resonant waveleaStb and the s4me cross secitton -as the.waveguide lu which.1t, -is to be.inatiatled. The coupling aportures at-the.resonator inpiA a and output faces are produclqd by vemoval of: the metal coating along a alit-like area. 18.10.67. as 1191528/26-9 Yu.S,B0NDART5FV et al- (16.9.69.) But.16/5.5.69. Class 21g, Irkt.Cl. H03h. AUTHORS: Bondartsev, Yu. S., Pogorelov, Te. A., Rusaw Yu. V. USSR W)C 613.632:661.631 OZEROVA, V. V" RUSAKUY 6.9fi.S., and KORENEVSKAYA, S. P., Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occu'patTona? Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "The Effect of Yellow Phosphorus on the Human Organism Under Conditions of Present-Day Production of Phosphorus and of'Salts Derived From It" Moscow, Gigiyena Truda i Professional'nyye Zabolevaniya, Vol 15, No 11, Nov 71, pp 19-21 Abstract: A total of 337 workers exposed for 3-5 years to work in the produc- tion of yellow phosphorus were examined. They had been ei:posed to low concen- trations of P at the maximum permissible level or slightly above it. Of the workers examined, 119 were evidently in good health, while the rest complained of headaches, pain in the region of the heart, low appetite, and recurrent pain in the region of the epigastrium and on the right side belovr the ribs. Disturbances of the functional state of the liver with rel;pect to the pi,~;,ment and/or protein function were found in a large number of cases, while marked symptoms of toxic hepatitis were generally absent. Densitographic investi- gation of the bone structure disclosed some changes in it that could be ascribed to the action of phos-phorus. Daterininations of Ca and ph(,-),~;phoric acid in the blood scrum indicated that the content of Ca vas riarmal In ever.-v case, while that of P in the blood serum was above normal. in 36 cases. 030 UNCLASSIFIED OROCESSING DATE--30OCT-TO .,,TITLE--KINETICS OF THE SETTING OF LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT ISOPRENE NITRILE ..:-'COPOLYMERS STUDIED BY A SPECTRAL TECHNIQ?JE -U- AU THOR- 10 2 ll;;RUS t NARGARITOVAt NoFs OF INFO--USSR SOEDIN.t SER. A* 1970, 12(3), 520-7 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :-SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS ..10PIC TAGS--MOLECULAR WEIGHTt ISOPRENE, NITRILE, COPOLYMERI, ACRYLUNITRILEr BENZOYL PEROXIDE, TRIETHYLAMINEv 14ARDNESS# ACTIVATION ENERGY tCCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..PROXY REEL/FRAME--199511187 STEP NO--UR/04591701012/003/0520/0527 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116652 JNCLASS IF 12t) 2/2 030 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116652 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE 14ARDENING KINETICS OF ISUPRENE NITRILE COPOLYMERS (1) (PREPL), BY TELOMERILATION IN CCI SUB4 SOLN4) ',qITH CH SUB2:CHCN ( I I ) IN THE PRESENCE OF BZ. SUB 2 0 SU62--PHN14E S062, BZ SUB2 0 SUBZ-ET SUB3 N, AND (HOCH SU82 CH SUB2) SUB3 N-bZ SUB2 0 SLIBZ SYSTEIMS WAS STUDIED BY IR SPECTRUSCOPY AT 2238 MINUS 2a3 C14 PRIMENEGATIVEt. THE HARDENING RATES OF I WERE DETD. AS A FUNCTION OF INITIATOR CONCNI. AND ITS CHEM. STRUCTURE, AND OF 11 CONTENT IN 1. THE ACTIVLITION ENERGY OF HARDENING IN THE PRESENCE OF BZ SUB2 0 SU82 ANU 6Z $U82 0 SUBZ-ET SU83 N WAS 9.8 AND 5.4 KCAL-MOLE, RESP. THE HARDENING RATE AND THE UEGREE OF HARDENING DEPENDED ON THE LOCATION AND LENGTH OF 11 UNITS. "FACILITY; M05K. TONK01 KHIM. TEKHNOL. IM-LOMONOSOVAI, MOSCOWp USSR. F. S