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USSR UDC 621.372.852.3:621.372.826 VZYATYSHEV# V. F., RYAMOV, B. I., RNfEVSKlY, G. P. "Attenuator without a phase Shift Based on Dielectric Wave Guides" Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta (1,11orks of Mosccni Power Enginecring Institute) 1972, vyp. 100, pp 128-135 (from RZli-Padiotekhnika. No 7, jul 72, Abstract No 7B137) Translation: The schernatic is presented for an attenuator which operates by the principle of interference of two counterphase wave processes with identical amplitudes. A study was made of the double-channel version in which the input signal is divided equally between both channels. lit each c1lantiel the signals passing through the phase converters undergo identical With respect to magni- tude but opposite in sign phase shifts and,are then added in an adder, fonlia, a signal the amplitude of which is proportional to the cosine of the phase shift, The characteristics of the attenuator are analyzed. An e-x-perimental model is described. There are 3 illustrations. 1/1 tsSEL UDC 615.12+61639 BAMOV, N. K., Candidate of Medical Sciences, ,TEVSKIY, G. S., Candidate of.Medical Sciences and SKOLDINOV, A. of 'Chemical Sciences "Psychopharmacollgical Substances" tva imeni D. I. Moscow, Zhurnal Vsesoyuznogo Khimicheskogo ObshchesL Mendeleyeva, Vol 15, No 2, 1970, pp 156-164 Abstract: WHO recommends that the xroup of psychopharmacological substances include only those products which effect the psychic functions and the experinece of life. The group includes innumer- able neuropsychiatiric drugs. Neuroleptics, acting on the auto- nomic nervous system, defres the autonomic functions in schizo- phrenia and maniacal states by disturbing the extraphyramidal system, they may induce lack of muscular coordination. Derivatives of Phenothiazine, thioxanthene, reserpine and benzoquinaline are re- presentative of this group. Tranquilizers, the anti-anxiety drugs, Include anticonvuleants, barbiturates, meprofan, some phenothia- zines, iind hundreds of allied products. Antidepressants used in manic,-Liepressive reactions include hydrazine and some inhibitors. 1/2 USSR BARKOV, N. K., et al., Zhurnal Vsesoyuzno.go Khimichskogro Obshchestva, imeni D. I. Mendeleyeva, Vol 51, No 2, 1970, pp 156-L64 Psychostimulants such as coffee, theophylline anti theobro-mine stimulate body and mind, but the ephedrine and atiphetamine analogues act on the CNS as psychic stimulants. Psychotomimetics are-without therapeutic value,. But with all these drugs, side lergic reactions and many untoward paradoxical syndromes f ect, al are likely to occur. 2/2 USSR UDC 539.4t[624.011.1-F624.014] _MYEVSKIY, G. V. "Prestressing the Walls of t1elded Rolled Sheet Structural Elements" V sb. III 1-lezhdunar. honf. Do predvarit. napryazhennvin metal. konstruktsiymn. T. 2 (Third International Conference on Prestressed Metal Structural Elenents, Vol 2-collection of works), pp 228-235 (from M-Mekhanika, No 11, Nov 71, Ab- stract No 11V924) Translation: A new technological process for manufacturing steel sheet struc- tural elements has been developed at the Electric Arc Welding Institute imeni Ye. 0. Paton) and it has become widespread in the USSR. The process is based on refraining from banding the sheets and replacing this operation by elastic and elastic-plastic bending of prewelded panels. A study was made of the phenomenon of formation of residual bendin g moments occurring during this ~operation_in closed circular cylindrica.l,shells. The effect of the stresses formed on the strength of the welded element was also studied. 1/1 USSR M)C: 537. 31-2. 62 SKITOIff-SROVA, 1. L., TARARAYEVA, Ye. I,%, SHIMID-T, V. V., 1. 1. I'Eff,-ct of Heat Treatment on the Cr~'Gicall Ciirrents of Binary 111loys of Niobium. Llith Zirconium and Titpmium" Moscow, Sverkhprovoclyashchiye spla,.-j i soyedin.--sborni'E Alloys and Compounds-collection of works), "Eauk-a", 1~)'1`12, pp (froir- RZIi-Radicteklin L .'o 12, Dee 'T2, abstract No 12 D561 [r(Eslm.,161 Translation: C-~iticzal current is studied as a funct-..Ion of external mur-- netic field strength for Nb-Zr ard !CD-Ti alloys of cont.:entra- tions and af"ter d4fferent anneal-na, temperatin-es. Une experim;nilal dL,ca were related to exi2ting concjpts on the flow of cvx-rent in rigid superconductors. This led to the follo,Wing con. elusl om.;. t of to "~ie ncrmai st,~te in the al'oly Iflb-5 at"'Z z"I. takes !is L rc.--Ul destruction of electron fairs vher. they have reacheft P- vc-locity. Destruction of --alea-conductiv4ty ii) P-Uoyr, of Irb ~,rlt'li ~,nd T- at,7 "r, and -with 55 az~dz 8" Wl.,- 1--lace due to the ~moticn c" vortices. A direct relat-im found between the of these alloys end the force of adhecion of supercorduc-l"ing, vorticc.-~- to t1-- 1/2 USSR SKVORTSOVA, I. L. et al. , Sverkhprovodyashchiye splw.,y soyedin. 1972, DD 101-111 which are segreGated during heat Seven macrononhomogene.,. illustrations, One table, bibliography of:f'ourteen titles. USSR uDc 669.293129512961297.01:,?.11:537-312.62 IVA14OVp 0S. p I.. and STEPANOV, N.V. Sverkhprovodyashchiye splavy sisteyq niobiy-titan-tsirkoniy-,"afniy (3uper- conducting Alloys of the System ~'iobitra-Titani=-Zirconitmi-Haf-.rLium), Moscolf'o "Nauka" Press, 1971, 161 p., illustrationsl bibliographic references, 1550 copies printed. Translation of Annotation: The monograph discusses a system based on decaying solid solutions of niobiwt. Data on the phase structure of two- and three-component alloys (as a part of the above quaternary system) as well as on their superconducting properties have been critically analyzed and correlated. Rresented are the latest data an the phase structure of alloys produced by the authors and other iw-7esti- gators. Presented are, for the first time, the phase structuxe of the entire quaternary system Nb-Tj--Zr-Hf and the superconducting properties of this system. The effects of various factors (composition, structure, thermo- mechanical treatment) on changes in the critical parameters of binary, te--naiy,. and more commlex allo-is are describea. The book is intended for metal scien- ticts, physical riaetallurjsts, and other specialists engaged in the research, synthesis, and application of plastic superconducting rnturials. Translation of Table of Contents: 17troduction 5 "IMUIU111 10 11, t USSR 1VANOV, O.S., et al., Sverkhprovodyashchiye splavy sistemy niobiy-titan- tsirkOniy-,,afniy,. Moscaw, "Naukall Fressj l971. Ch. I. 2!]22reonductors of the Second Kind Superconductivity Phenomenon Characteristics of 39cond-Kind Sdperconductors, Specifically of Niobium and Its Alloys The -Importance of Superconducting Materials for the Advancement of Technology Ch. Ile Phase Structure of Ni_T1i_Zr-Hf A112n Phase Diagrzims of Binwy Systems: . Niobitm-Titvaum (23); Niobium-Zirconium (24); Niobium4tafnium (28)1 Titanium- Zirconium (32); Titanit=.-Hafnium (33); Zirconium-Hafnium (34) w Phase Diagrams of Ternary S~ratems; Niobium-Titanituu- Zirconium (34); Niobitini-Zirconim-lHafnitmi (38)- Niobium- Titanium-Hafnima (41). Phase Diagrams of the System Niobium-Titani=-Zirconium- Hhfniizu; Isothexmic Sections of the System (42) Isothermic Ntxahedron'of.the System'(45) Ch. 13:1. lobiun- ,~~rcondqct#~, Properties of AlLoZe of t item 11. Titanimn-Z 'irconium-Hafniin 2/3 Mrary Allcr~rs: mini- 'tanimn (47); Niobiizi-Zirconitm (50); 8 8 10 20 22 47 USSR IVANOV,j O.S... et al., Sverkliprovoclyashchiye splavy sistemy niobiy-titan- tsirkoniy-gaf'niy, Moscow, "Nauka" Press,, -'1971. Nlobium-Hafnium (54) Tern=7 Alloys: Niobium-Titanium-Zirconium (57); Niobium. - Zirconimn-Hafnima (62); lfiobium,-Titani=-Hafr~ium (67) Alloys of the System Niobium-Titanium-Zirconivn, -Hafnium: Section With 70 at.% Niobiura 73); Section Idth 50 at.% Niabimn (79); Section With 30 at. I% Niobim (85) Ch IV. Processing and Mechanical Properties of Nb-T-i-.Zr-.U Alloys cessing Properties of Alloys: Forging (94); Rolling and Draidng (96) Strength and Plasticity of Alloys: Idobium-Tit-anium- Zirconium (97); ffiobimn-7Arconit~m--Md'hiun (99); Niobiwa- Titanitm. -Hafnima (100); Niobiwa"Titanium-Zirc6nim- Hafnium (101) Conclusion- - S/ Appendix. Illustraticq.,"for All Articles References 93 105 107 161 3/3 USSR UDC 615.214.22:547.869(Ftorphenazinum) LYUBIMOV, B. I., RAYEVS -04, OSTROVSKAYA, R. U., BARKOV, N. K., and 7.- KROLEVETS, G. N., Laboratory of the.Pharmacology of Nervous System, Pharma- cology Institute, Academy of Medical Science,USSR, Moscow "Neurotropic Properties of Fluzophenazine',' Moscow, Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya, Vol 34, No 3, May-Jun 71, pp 287-290 Abstract: Neurotropic properties of fluzophenazine -- 10-(~ -[4-0-hydroxy- ethyl)-pipersinyl-11-prODY1}-2-trifluoramethylphenothiazine dihydrochloride were investigated. The drug was found to be a highly potent neuroleptic. It produced catalepsy, inhibited conditioned reflexes of avoidance, spon- taneous motor activitv, averted phenamine-induced hyperactivity, prolonged and potentiated tlie anesthesizing effect of sodium thiopental and hexo- barbital, synchronized EEG, and blocked EEG-activation provoked by an acowtic stl=ulant and phenamine. Flupheiiazine is an extremely potent antiemetic. Co--pared rwith triftazin, fluphenazine is less toxic and exceeds trifluoperazine in neurotropic activity. 1/1 1/2 020 UNCLASSIFIEb": PRbCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--THE EFFECT OF SOME AGRENERGIC BLOCKING AGENTS ON THE AMPHETAMINE TOXICITY IN AGGREGATED AND ISOLATED.,MICE -U- K.S.t GURAP S.YAo~ COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR "'.'_S.OURCE-- f3YUL LET EN I EKSPERIMENTALINOY BIOLPG I II MEDITSINY, 1970t VOL 8,9p 51 PP162-65 ..-.,,.DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,-..~-SUB.JECT-AR-EAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~'_JOPIC TAGS--TOXICOLOGYt WHITE MOUSE, ADRENERGIC BLOCKING AGENT, A. 4PHETAMINE, 1300Y TEMPERATURE. ,~:CONTROL MARK I NG--N, RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0212 STEP NU--t]R/0219/70/069/00~5/0062/OOb5 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120910 UNCLASSIFIF-0 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIEU PRUCESSING DATE--160CT7C CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0120910 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF FOUR ADRENERGIC BLOCKING AGENTS OF ALPHA AND BETA TYPE (PHENTOLAMINE, TROPAPHENY PROPRANOLGL, PRONETHALOL) ON 'THE A4PHETAMINE TOXICITY 1N AGIGREGATED AND ISOLAT60 AL31NO MICE AND ON THE FOLLOWING INCREASE OF THE BODY TEMPERATURE WAS STUOIEU. PriENTOLAMINE, TROPAPHEN, PROPRANOLGL WERE FOUND TO DECi.-,EASE THE AMPHEFAMINE TOXICITY IN ISOLATED AND AGGREk_~'ATED MICE. PRONETHAt.G.L wAS FOUND TO BE EFFECTIVE ONLY EN RESPECT TO AMPHETAM114E TOXICITY IN ISOLATED MICE. THE INCREASE OF BODY TEMPERATURE, INDUCED BY AMPHETAMINE, WAS FOUND To 6E PARTLY PREVENTED BY rS -ALL THE ADRENERGIC BLOLKING AGENTS OF BOTH ALPHA AND BETA TYPE. IT -3 THAT THE CENTRAL EFFECTS OF THE STUDIED AGENTS 00 NOT SEEM TO SUPPOSC BE CAUSED BY THEIQ ADRENEKGIC BLOCKING PFOPERTfES. FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF PHARMACOLOGYt USSR ACADEMY OF,MEDfCAL SC~ENCES, IN110SCOW. G15 wx t A t s i V- f al PROCESSSINC- DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGI CAL AGEINTs -u- AUTHOR-(03)-8ARKOVt N.K., RAYEVSKIY, K.S~bt SKOLDIINOVr A.R. COUNTRY OF 1.*,.',FO--USSR T"~ VSES. KH[M. OBSHCHEST. 1970, 15Q), 156-64 0 AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 ,SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENrES PHAR. JOPIC TAGS--TRANQUILIZERs HALLUCINOGEN, 04ACOLOGY CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REELIFRAME--3009/0146 STEP NO--(JR/0063/ 70/,3L5/002/0156/016,t CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139011 UNCLASS I F: 1E0 mmm_ W-1 I _'3N L21 "WIMPRIN 71-111TIM, M.F11001"I"1111,1111 1111 ~N`ill 1 11.1 1"I'llI'~lli-*"i,-~i~ki,,i;l),I~ 112 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCTIO PROPERTIES OF AMINOHYDROXYACETIC AND GAMMA A-"IINGHYOROXYBUTYRIC ACIDS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-DSTrOVSKAYA# R.U., ARTEMENKOs G*Not VSKIYj K.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -S OURCE--FARMAKOL. TOKSIKOL. (MOSCOW) 1970, 33(2), 13T-42 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 '~_:-SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES _:~TOPIC TAGS--AMINE DERIVATIVE, HYDqOXYL RADICAL, MOUSE, TO'XICITY, 'TICt ANTICONVULSANT NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, ACETIC ACIDj 13UTYRIC ACIOt ANESTH~ DRUGt LIVERr ENZYME CONTROL MARKINIV--NO RESTRICTIONS ,-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/(1792 STEP '4t3--UR/0390/7-3/(333/032/0137/0142 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0119699 VINCLASS I F IFD rmw~i al womm-11 =nmnnm ~' 212 035 UNCLASS IFIi EID PROCESSING 0ATE--230CT7C CIPC'ACCESSION NO--AP0119699 ~:ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AMINOHYDROXYACETIC ACID (20 f4G-KG) AND GAMMA AMINDHYDROXYBUTYRIC ACID (40 i4C-KG) GIVC-N 10,P. TO MICE POTENTIATED THE ANESTHETIC EFFECTS OF NA THIUPENTAL, NA 3ARBITAL, AND NA HYDROXYBUTYRATE. THE ACIDS ACTIED DIRECTLY ON iNEUR)-')TR(?PIC COMPON-L-NTS AS WELL AS INDIRECTLY BY INHIBITING LIVER ENZYMES wlilCH METABOLIZE THE ANESTHETICS~ GAMMA AMINOHYDROXYBUTRIC ACID AT 20 MG-KG GIVEN I.V. TO RABBITS POTENTIATED THE STIMULATORY EFFECT OF GAMMA AIMIINOBUTYR[C ACf0 .(20 VG-KG I.V.) ON THE ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM# AMlf',vOHY0RCXYACETIC ACID -t62.5 iMG-KG-I.P*) REDUCED THE TOXICITY.AND LETH,4LITY OF SEMICARBAZIDE 4 (200 MG-KG I.P.j IN MICE BY 70PERCENT,14HEREAS GAMMA AMlN0HYDKOXYBUTYRIC ACID REDUCED TOXICITY BY 71PERCENT AT 62.5 MG-KG I.P. AND LETHALITY BY 50PERCENf AT 50 MG-KG. HIGHER DOSES OF~THIS LATTE't',, COMPO. WERE LESS EFFECTIVE. GAMMA AMINCHYDROXY6UTYRIC ACID PARTIALLY PROTECTED JlliICE AGAINST CONVULSIONS INDUCED 6Y CURAZOLE (100 MG-KG.S.C.), STRYClqNLNf.!- (2.5 MG-KG S.C.), AND NICOTINE (0 05 MG-KG IV.)#. FACILITY: LAH. FARMAK04 NERV. SIST., INST. FAIMAKOLot Hoscowl USSR. UNCLASSIFIED ounds USSR LTDC 54]L.6:547.1'118 RAYEVSKIY, 0. A., DONSKAYA, Yu. A., KHALITOV, F. G., and MITOMINA, L. A., Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry Imeni A. Ye. Arbuzov Academy of Sciences USSR "Conformation of Dialkyl(aryl)cyanomethylphosphine oxides" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 6, Jun 73, pp 1339-1341 Abstract: IR spectra of diethylcyanomethylphosphine oxide and diphenylcy- anamethylphosphine oxide show that in solutions these compounds exist in an equilibrium of two conformers. Under conditions of higher concentrations, considerable association of molecules is noted. The dipole moments of these compounds in gauche conformation, exhibiting the polar grouping P:O and C:N, are considerably below the calculated values obtained from the vector analysis, because of Coulom interaction. 1/1 USSR UDC 541.6.547.vi18 RAYEVSKIY 0. A., EHALITOV, F. G., DONSKAYA, YU. A.) and SHEFU,20,GORN, T. M., institute of br-g--anic and Physical Chemistry Imeai A~ Ye. Afouzov Acad. Sc. USSR "On the Conformations of Certain Chloromethy1thiophosphinic Acid Chlorides" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Hauk SSSR, Seriya KB"-icheskaya, No 4, Apr 73, PP 795- 800 Abstract: Results are reported on the study of spacial structures of the com- pounds with the general forrula RCIP(S)CI~Cl where R = Cl, C~,H5-1 C6H51 P-ClC6114, and CI~Cl using IR spectroscopical and dipole moment methois. In solutions these compounds exist in an equilibrium of two conformers, one of which has the trans orientation of the P:S and C-Cl bonds. Analysis of intramoleculsr interactlonr, has been carried out and related to -the stabilization of Uric reculting, spacial structures. It has been noted Uiat replacement of a phosphoryl oxygen atozq by an atora of sulfur has practically no effect on intramolecular il,.teractions. Vi UMC 541.6t54t.12?,4t547-1'118 RMM=-Q- A. - 11EIRE'.3HCHAGN, A. U., FRALITOV, F. G., and DONSICAYA; YU. A., Inatitute- MITT&MIc and Physiral Mardstry imcni A. YE. Arbuzoif, Ace-dery of Sciencem USSR "Amlysis of Conformat'lonaI Equilibrium of Tris(chlo-ramethyl)-phosphine Oyida" Mozcout Izvestiya Akademii K,--uk SSSH, Seriya. Mmichasllmym, Ho 3, 1972, PIP 710-712 Abstraott The follo1iijig confomations axe possible t 0 0 a u C17 P P P P ce\ ce CC CL CL CL cc C, ce CLP CL ct P cl USSR 'auh ~32 H Sr J~hj!A ch s-y RARVSKIY' 0. A., e4. al., Izvestiya Akadepil I a No 3 1972, pp 710-712 ThaxIR spectra, dipole mora-ents (D,14.) z~xd Ke:,:r con3tLztz; (K.C.) can pi~o'r de information on the conformationa-1 equillb-Aun. aaadl thi.) vctumA px~~aeznf- in X X 1012, N-alues for thc! fon-s fror. The D. H., in A # and K.C. the=odynamic calculations axe as followat At 1-* , -n -23 mid 1~6 C, 416 and 63t 1). 4.12 and 38; 2, 5,07 "lad 375t F, 6.07 and -5261 a.~U P, 6.5- and -206. The measured valuea axe 2."11 and ixid.1catinji, a nl-nture of fo=ers. The forms C, D, and E ui4y b-, elininated duE) to tli~ir D.h. and K,C' values. The prolable equilibria are A B and F G. Th3 equilibria A#B P G are unlikely on the basis not only of th5 clo,,,*a-L I r to exporl- mental and calculated piaxametera but also of: theoretical cii1cult,-tionE3. Foiai Pt in which all the C-Cl bonda a:m diracted towaxd ono aida has tho least ha considerable influence of tho alactxos tic tezaction ateric hindrance. T. in in imlicated In that A ia the most stable forn. In AO the P 0 and C - C1 dipoles are oriented antiparzllel. 2/2 20 USSR WC 341.6t347.1'118 0 VERESHMUG111, A. IT., ani la=TOV, P. G., Institute of c Cal Chemistry imani A, Ye.. Arbuaoy, Academy of Scienceis USSR "Conformations of Trimethylphosphate and Trimethylthiophosphate" Moscow# Izvestiya Akaderdi Hauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskayat No 2t Feb 729 pp 353-358 Abstracts There are 16 possible conformations of trimethylphosphate, six of which can be excluded from equilibrium considerations due! to t3teric hinderance. To determine the predominant conformation azong the remaining oizeu, the IR spectra and dipole moments of trimethylphosphate and the Kerr constants of trimethylthiophot3phata wrare detendned. The isomeric couposition was deter- ained on the basis of the integral band intensities of Y P10 (1250-1350 cm-1) aad Y Ps (57o-67o ci-1) in re.lationship to the texpernturs and the dielectric constant ofIthe medium* Th3 band at 1180 ci-1 (for trimethylphosphate) and at 2840 ca7 (for trimethylthiophosphate) were used for comparb-tive purposes. The conformational composition urAer various conditiom vnz determined. The most stable conformation is the one with cis-orientation of one anl gosh- orientation of two alkoxy groups in relationsUp to (thio)-phosphoryl groupt one of the forms in which the aLkOXY gro is in the tmmm-position. is in equili- briuyA with the predomimant confors'lor. 1 1 W-- USSR UI )C 541.62tY+~.11118 KHAMOV, F. G.t and ZYABLIKOVAt T. A., jr4titute of Organic and Physical Chenistry imeni. A. Yet Arbuzov# Academy of Sciences USSR "Isomeric Equilibrium of Dlzethylmethylpbosphonate and Diethylehlorophosphate" Moscow,, Izvestiya Akademii Naak SSSR# Seriya Rhimicbeakayal, No Zp Feb 72; YP 348-352 Abstract: IR spectra, of liquid dimethylmethylahos-phonsto and diethylchloro- phosphate studied in temperature range 1,40-*'4100 K showed the c'.datence of definite reversible spectral changes. Chanacteristic changes vere olzerved in the range 400-700 ca 1 corresponding to the valonce vibrations of P-C and 11-01 bonds, indicating existence of &a equilibrium of tw(a isameric forms. Interma energies ( 4~ H) ve re found to bo. 0. 75 Xenl/ld for diethylchloro- phosphate and 0.40 Xcal/M for the diomthyLaothylphosphaniLte. The relatiousbip of atoolute Integral Intensities of the absorption barda Of )' P-01 and made it possible to determine the couposItion of the isomeric foi.-as for 9J;2 nolecu3n dipole mo=nts to be 60A0 of the more polarileas polax Isoner in case of distbylchlorophosphateg W 6503 of tkie leza polarslaoro polar isomer in case of dimethylmethylphosphonate. The Isomen ifere identified by zeans of the IR spectra and dipole noments, A dynamic equilibrium of the isomeric fonts was pointed out by means of PHR spectroscopy. USSR UDC 54i.6047A1118 -Q.-A TOVv F. G.t and PUDOVIKs X, A.v Inatitute of Organic Phys Lstry ineni A. Ye. Arbuzov, USSR Acadenq of Sciences "Conformation of 0-Mothyl(Phenyl)-VethylcUorophosphonates" Moscow, Izvestiya Akad. Hauk SSSR,, Beriya Xhimicheskayat No 1. Jan 72, Pp 173- 1?3 Abstracts As a continuation of their earlier study of the effect of the nature of substitutes on the conforeation position of this aster group in coxpounds of the general formula ]~Y(O)ORO the authors take up the problen of the identification of conformovi Yn the 0-metlwl(phenyl)-net?~ylphosphonates. Infrared spectra show that for th*3e compoundal atabilization of one conformer is a characteristic feature. The dipole-moment Aiethod Is used to establich that such confoxmtion = occur either with a form having the cis-position of the banda PwO and 0-0 1 oronahaving thw hauche-position -.3 (projection of OC coming between PO and PCI.). 48 - USSR uDc .541.61547xiiB MYE KIY. 0. A. MiALIT011, Fz G., and PUDOVIK, H. A., Institute of Organic M And FIWE-calChemistry imeni A. Ye. A:rbuzovt Academy of Sciences USSR Wconformation, of Some 14ethylphenylphosphirLic Acid Esters" Moscow# lzyestiya Akadenii Nauk SSSR, Serlya 1(himicheskayap No 11p Kov 71g PP 2595-2598 Abstracti The authors used the methods of IR spectroscopy and dipole moments to study the conformation of the methyl, phanyl and para~-nitrophenyl eaters of nathylphosphinic acid. These compounds are characterized by stabilization of.the gauche position of the ether group relative to the phosphoryl group. A choice between two different gauche forms cannot be made in this series of compounds because of the closeness of the moments of the P.-CH arA F-Ph bonds. It is suggested that one of the causes of gauche form stabUi4y Is the possi- bility of competition between mobile electrons,of the benzene ring and ether oxygen to fill vacant 3d orbitals of the phosphorus atom. USSR UDC 54.67 ISHM&YEVA, E. A. MMSOV, R. A., KHALITOV, V. V., and PUDOVIK, A. It'. L ts LffiW&te+nTve ity imeni V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin, Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry iemai A. Ye. Arbuzov, USSR Academy of Sciences, Kazan' "Estimating the Dipole Moment of the P-S BohW1 Roscows, DokL-;tdy Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1971, V61 197, No 4, pp 862-864 Abstracti Successful use of the dipole-moment method in structural studiea depends largely upon a rational choice of the moments of the individual bonds. In addition, special difficulties arise in connection with calculat- ing the dipole moments of ordinary bonds in:which rotation is possible. There is no published infotmation on the dipole moment of the P.-S bond,'which, apart from being of interest in itselfj would make possibLD extension of use of the dipole-moment method to the.structure of organophosphorus compounds. The authors studied exDorimentally the dipole moment of 2-thiono- 2-methvl-1,3.2-dithiaphosphorine, and applied infrared spectroscopy to determine the dipole moment of the P-B bond., It was found that the negative end of an ordinary P-S bond is the phosphorus, just as It is in the case of the P-0 bond. Vax-lous graphic data on the infrared spectra of the above-noted compounds accompany the paper. LISSR UDC 541.61661.718.1 A. KHALITOV; F. G.9 Institute of Organic and Physical Chev"tj~y Ingn Kr A. Ye. Arbuzov, Academy of.Sciences USSR "Conformational Analysis in a Series of Acyl Dichlorides of Substituted Phenylphosphoric Acids" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Kbimicheskaya, No 10, Oct 71, n 2177-2181 Abstracto In continuation of their atudies.on isomeric conversions or organophosphorus compounds, an investigation was carried out of the effect of replacement of a methyl group by a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, using ZR spectroscopy and dipole moment determinations. Four acid dichlorides were studied, derived from phenylphosphoric acid (I), 2,4-dich- 2oropherr y1phosphoric acid (U), 4-tertbutylphenylphosphoric acid (III) and 4-nitrophenylphosphoric acid (IV). IR spectroscopy abowed that In the liquid state or in solution all of these compounds are an equilitrium oLixture of isomeric forms. Dipole moments were determined in CIC14' (1) -- 3.38; (II) - 2.50; (111) -- 3.60; and (IV) -- 3.70 D. It was deterAdned that the trans-form is more stable than the skew foxn.- Consequently the conjugation energy of 2p- electrons of the ester oxygen with phosphorus 3d-orbitals is 1/2 LISSR R&YEVSKIY, 0. A., and XHALITOV, F. G., Izvestiya Akademil Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 110 10, Oct 71P PP 2177-2181 small. It could be assumed that this is due to the chlorine aton competing for the 3d orbitals, i.e. the 3-d orbitals of phosphorus resor.:_ita with 3P orbitals of chlorine, decreasing considerably the 2p-3d orbital interaction. This in turn leads to the trans-skew equili brium rather than cis-skew, hlorine atom. when the methyl group at phosphorue at9a is replaced by c 2/2 -57 USSR UDC 54-1.6+661.718.1 RAYEVSQ,,AQ, A., and KHALITOV, F.. G., Institute of Organic and Physical =emastry imeni A. Ye. Arbuzov, USSR Academy of Sciences "The Conformations of Certain Derivatives of Phosphorous Acid" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSR, Seriya 11himicheskaya, No 4, 71, pp $43-845 Abstract: In view of earlier studies of tetracoordinated phosphorus deriva- tives, indicating a characteristic dynamic equilibrium of isomers, it was of interest to investigate trivalent phosphorus derivatives in this con- nection, for -which purpose methyldichlorophosjffiite was iitudied in inedia of different polarity, in the temperature range-from 150* to 380*K. The dipole moment was determined experimen tally, and comparison with the computed value for possible conformations led to dhoice of the cisscid form. Analysis of the interactions of unbound atoms supported the conclusion that this form is justified both for methyldichlorophosph:Lte and for other deriva- tives of phosphorous acid. 27 T. Organophos~ho rous Conipounds USSR-- UDC 542-93-:661-718.1 GDZMW;,, I7.,P'., and RAYEVSM,-*--Q. A. e of Organic and Physical Chem- Institut A. Ye. Mu"Mov Tc of. Sciences USSR "Pi-DiethyXamino-4,5-dimthyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphole .nes VOSCOV- Ttvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 110 7, 1971, Alistract-:. Descriptions of physical characteristics of products obtained by analyzing 2-diethylandno-4,5-dimethyl-1,3,2..;dioxaphorphol_-nes are presented. These~produets are assigned thestructure M. OR M CH37C-0 - P N(C2H ) -I/- -, 5 2 CH3 C 0" Rt Abihodioxa-phospholenes are colorless liquids, yellowing instantly on contact vithlair. They are corm_letely miscible with nonpolar orCiLnic solvent's and have &,dittinctive weak odor. Paramagnetic renonance spectra of compounds assij5-ned structure, (1) with different BLCbstituents contain a sharm cinglet peak that is 7 USSIIU GOMM;, E P., and RA'EVSKIY, 0. A., lyvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Kditdcheskaya, No 7, 1971,-PP 1494-1497 tTital-of a methyl at a double bond. The integral intensity of Ithis peak corresppnds to two such met!Wls in :the molecule. Thus there data are in agree- ma=t.with. structure (I) - Tbis assigmnent va,s further supported by infrared spectm of -the compounds, found -to. have weak absorption bands tit about 1740 cm-~ Mit,,~Vand-has been found to-char;acterize.tetra-substituteiI ethylene bonds in dibxappbsphlenes. 26 USSR UDC 541.62:661-718-1 RAY&VTQM---O.- A. SHAGILULLD4 .1 R. R.., and PETROVA, L. YE., Tnstitute of Organic and Physical Chemistry imeni A. Ye. Arbuzov, Academy of Sciences USSR "Study of Rotational Isomerism of the Acid Dichloride of MethylphoBphoric Acid" Moscow, Izvestiya Akade-,ii Nauk SSSR, Seriya lGiDideheskaya,' NO 7, 1971, Pp 1426-1429 Abstract- Two physical methods-vere used in assigning Geometrical configuration to possible rotational i!iomers of the acid dichloride of mtht,11',hosDhoric acid (ADNSIA): infrared spectroscopy and dipole woztents. infrared spectra were used to determine the existance of a dynamic equilibrium of isameric formr, and their relative p-roportions in a nonpolar riedittviri. Bixt)eftit~entnJ dipole moni,Unts were compared with calcitlated values to -ascertain which Isomeric forms are pres- ent in equilibrium. Absorption bands in the infrared s-peotra were assigned to snecific: isomers. A well-defined dependence of absorlition band intcnsitlies on dielectric nerneability of solvents led to the detern-imation of the ratio of absolute integral band intensities caused by particular kinds of vibrations of the two isomers found to be present. The asnignment of -w-as rAde by the dipole method. The experimental dipole moment of JuXVA in CCLL at 2980A 1/2 7 77P USSR RA)INSKIY. 0. A.J, et al., Izvestiya Akademi.:L Nauk SSSSR, Seviya Khivdcheskaya, No 7, 1971, pp 1426-1429 is 3.40+0.03D. The moment closest to agreerent with the ex-perimentall values is observed for the equilibrium.composition of 20 percent of the trans and 80 percent of the gauche forms. The low probability of con:ifrurations vith layer- ing of identically directed dipoles P-C and O-C led to the determination of one of the configurations of ADWA being the trans-form. 2/P 29 USSIR UDC 547-341'139.61+547-391 PLWVIK, A. N., BATIYEVA, E. S., SHkGIDULLi:1, R. R.j_:VjN4,i-,Y3KDjC, 0. A., :L PEMVIX, M. A., institute of' Organic and Physical Arbuzov, Acad-emy of Sciences USSR I%eaction af ikiides of Diphenylphosphinoui Acid with ~-Un,-:aturated Acids" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, Vol 40, No 6, Jun 70, pp 1195-1202 Abstract: The mechanism of the reaction of diphenylphosphi-nous acid amides with -\ tunsaturated acids was investigated. 'Protonation of tie nitrogen atom of he araide leads to the formation of an amine ani subsequently the amide of the unsaturated acid and siphenyl-Dhosphinous acid. Association of the latter leads to the final product, nam~ely P--carba-ioyI.-alkjl-or alkenyl- diphenylphosphine oxide, depending on -.,;hether an&, h-unsaturated acid of ~~ae eUylene or acetylene series was used. The proposed mechanism was confirmed by IR spectrometvj. uDc 530.183.4+541.6t547.1'118 USSR RAYVISKIY 0 A. AKAPSIN, V. D., MALITLOV,.F. G. ,DONSKAYA, YU. A., Institute diabolical Chemistry imeni A. Ye. Arbuzov of the USSR Academy of sciences "Dipole Homents and Conformations of Some Phosphorus Thioacid Derivatives" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSR Seriya Xhimicheskayap No 11, 1972, pp 245J-24_54 Abstracti Results have been DrGsented previously from confomational investi- gation of systems containing ihe P-0 bond (0, A. Ratevaki7j et all., IEV. AN SSSSR, Ser. khim.j 17251 1970; 0. A. Rxtevskiy, etal., 1z,,,. AN SSSB. Ser. khim, 2177P 19711 0. A. Ravevskiy, et al.# Izv. Ali SSSR. Ser. kh1m., 348 1972). Identification of the conformers and analysis of the factors causing ene=_y stability of the conformers made it possible to evaluate the role of such interactions as the van der Waal's and Coulomb Iforces and the mutual orientation of the bonds. An analogous study has new bBen made of systems containing the P-S bond and the results are compared with the pxeylous studies of the P-0 bond. The dipole moments were measured for tty! propyl ester of diethylthiolphosphonic, acid (1), the propyl ester of dieihyldithiophosphonic acid (II), the dichloranhydride of methylthiolphosphoric acid (111) and the dichloranbydride of methylthiophosphoric acid (IV). A ve3nion of gosh-trans 1/3 USSR RAYEVSKIY, 0. A., et a-'.# Izvestlya Akademil Nauk SSR- Serlya No Ili 1972, pp 2451-2454 equilibrium was established for compounds (III) and (IV). The population of conformers In the nonpolar environment is 0.8 gosh and 0,2 trans. No clear spectral signs of isomer equilibrium were observed for compounds (1) and (U). The similarity of the experimental values of,the dipDle noments, of these con pounds calculated for the gosh-forn indicates.that this form is stabilized. These data indicate the energy advantage of,:the gosh-conformer In the case of alkyl, O(S) Alk A- Alk Alk substitutions on Dhosphorus and realization of the thermodynamAc equilibrium of.the gosh and trans-form for the dichloranhydrides. With rearat to the O(S) O(S) Alk 2/3 C1 Cl 55 - USSR RAYMISXIY, 0. A., et al., Izvestiya Akaemii Nauk SSR Seriya Khinicheskayal No 11, 19?2, pp 2451-2454 types of conformations there is a defined analogy with the systems containing the P-0 bond. The difference in position of the confontational equilibriums for the compounds with the alkoxyl and alkthiol groups is explained by the variations and intermolecular interactions. A quantitative evaluation of the factors affecting the stabilization,of the transformers indicates a decrease in the resonance component in the alkthiol group by comparison with the alkoxyl group. 3/3 USSR UDC 541.5s347.11118 OV, F. G., VERSCHCHAGINj A. N., VWLU2HSKM, I. M., N4*qtt1n= Physical Chemistry Imeni, A. Ye. Arbux-ov of the USSR Academy of Sciences "Conformational Analysis of Some Compounds. Containing the P(O)CF2C1 Group" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSR Serlya. KhimichesLaya, No 11, 1972, pp 2446-2450 Abstracto Astudy was made of six compounds containing the PCH C1 group: the dichlorcanhydride of chloromethylphosphonic acid (I), dinethyl (cb1oromethyl) phosphine oxide (II), the methyl(chloromethyllpbosphonic acid chlo-ride (III), diph;nyl(chloromethyl)phosphizie oxide (IV),: phanyl(chloron;athyl)phosphonJa -acid chloride (V) and phenylmethyl(chlorom'ethyl,)phosphine oxide (VI) PlR2 P(O)CH2 C1 1 2 2 R R C1 (I); R' R 3 (11); R1 ex C1, R2 CH3 (III); R R2= C6 HS (N); R C05 R2 . C, (V); Rl = C6H5. 2 R Of (VI) -1/2 3 USSR RAiEVSXIY, 0. A., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Hauk SSR Serlya, Khimicheskaya, No 11, 1972, pp 2446-2450 On rotation around the P-C bond three positions of the G-Cl bond are possible corresponding to the peak potential energies 0 0 0 Cl- P 2 2 Rl R RO-"- R2 Rlk~~Cl trans gosh-l gosh-2 The infrared spectral data, the dipole moments and the Kerr constant were used to investigate the spatial structure of the compounds containIng the P(O)CH2 al group. Equilibrium of the goshand trans-conformers, the 'position of which depends on the nature of the substitutions on the phosphorus atom is character- istic of all the investigated compounds In solution. The factom causing the energy stability of the conformers were evaluated quantitatively. In the absence of bulk-I substitutions the electrostatic Interactions play tho defining role. The frequency of the valence escillations of the phosphoryl, group depends on the spatial orientation ofthe irregulax group. 2/2 USSR UDC 541.124:541.67:547.11118 RAYEVSKIY, 0. A., BELISKIY, V. YE., ZVEREV, V. V. "Evaluation of Effective Charges in Phosphoryl Compounds Based on Orbital Electronegativities" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimiclieskaya, No 11, 1973, pp 2491-2494 Abstract: When discussing the intermolecular effects in cemplex orgaric molecules the concept of effective charges (0 ) and the c:rlnc'ept of the orbital electronegativity (?~) which is considered as the linear function of the charges on the atoms are used. The basis for the method of finding the charges in the molecule in the given_paper Is the principle of incomplete equilization of the electronegativities ZJ. F. 11uheey, J. Organ. Chem., No 31, 2365, 19667. The effective charges are found on P and 0 atoms of a number of symmetric phos- phoryl compounds with the general formula R PO. In considering, the nature of the phospharyl bond, a formal path is selecied. with the assumption that the double bonded nature of the phospharyl group is the result of overlap of the 3d-orbital of phosphorus and the 2p-orbital. of oxygen. The charge distribution on phosphoryl group atoms in the R31,0 type compounds is tatulated. A line-ar relation was found between the chaigen on tho phosphorus tind oxygen atoms of 1/2 'USSR RAYEVSKIY~ 0. A., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Kh' cheskaya, Lid No 11, 1973, pp 2491-2494 the phosphoryl group calculated on the ba3is of the orbital electronegativity and the sum of the induction constants of the substitutions on the phosphorus atom. 2/2 USSR UDC 543.422.A.:541.57:547.11118 Rg~VffIY 0. A.. DONSKAYA~ YU. A.t ANTOKHINA, L. A. "Infrared Spectra and Internal Rotation With Respect to the P-N Bond of Some N-Arylamidoclichlorophospl-atealI Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk- SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 11, 1973, pp,21,97-2501 Abstract: A study was made of the infrared spectra of compounds with the general formula H(RC6H5)NP(O)Cl2 where R =~P-OCH3 (I), H("), p-Br (III) and P-Ho 2 (IV). According to the infrared spectral data for solutions of N-(p- mathoxyphenyl)amidodichlorophosphate and N-pbenylamidodichlorophosphate, con- formational equilibrium is characteristic at the same time an Tor N-(p-Br- phonyl)amidodichlorophosphate and ll-(p-1102-Pilenyl)amidoditkilor(,plio-~,pba-'.e, one steric structure is stabilized. It is proposed that the forms with shielding of the PO and NH bonds and their skew mutual arranguTent participate in the equilibrium. The observed variations in the displacement of the conforma- tional equilibrium as a function of.ihe nature of the sub8titutlions in the -D- PGSitiOn Of the benzene ring are explained by a different degree of conjugaiion of the nitrogen atom with the phosphorus part of the molecules, 1A -25) USSR UDO 541.124:547-1111C RAYEVSKIY, 0. A., DONSKAYA) YU. A. "Intramolecular Interactions in Phosphoryl Compounds" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Hauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 11, 1973, pp 2494-2497 Abstract: On the basis of the principle of incomplete equalization of the electronegativities, the charges on the atoms and groups of a number of phos- phoryl molecules were calculated. The data obtained were compared with the experimental material on the H-bond energie s with phenol. For the 002H5, OC6H5 V substitutions, a significant role of and ZN(CH3 the resonance effect on the electron density of the phosphoryl oxygen is char-, acteriBtic. The conjugation is appreciably,less for G! ond C6H5. Within the limits of error of the calculation and the experiment thorle Is no rovananca componant for the SC2115 and S005 groups. The nature of variation of the dipole moments of the phosphoryl grouping under the effect of both the induc- tion and resonance interactions of the substitutions is estimated. 1/1 USSR uDc: 621.372.81.09 KAUdYK, V. A., MARKOVA. S. A., RAYEVSKIY, S. B. "Results of Numerical SollatiOn of a Complex Dispersion Equation for the HE,, Wave in a Two-Layered Circular Waveguide" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 17, No 9, Sep 72, pp 1948-1951 Abstract: Research has established the.possibility that complex waves may exist in some kinds of waveguide structures, meaning waves which have com- plex propagation constants in spite of the absence of energy dissipation. In particular it has been found that such 'waves exist in a tvo-layered cir- cular waveguide. Analysis of the dispersion properties of complex waves requires simultaneous solution of two complicated transcendental equatiors derived from the initial complex dispersion equation with a large number of parameters and additional logical conditions. In this pa-per the authors give the results of a numerical computer solution of the dispersion equation for the HEII vave in a two-layered circular shielded vaveguide for the case ol" comulex. waves. NEI, ~UDC 621.372.09 S. B.. Gor k Polytechnic Institute "Complex Waves in a Two-Layer Circular Shielded Wave Guide" Go-,'kiy. Izvestiya vysshik-h uchebrn Vol XV, No 1, ykh zavedeni)r, Radiofizika 1972, pp 112-116 Abstract: The first results of the numerical solution of the dispersion equa- tion. for the case of complex waves propagated in a two-layer circular shielded wave guide were presented by Krohne [M. Krohne, NITZ, No 11, 655, 19691. Rere, a more detailed study is made of the dispersion properties of complex waves in this type of structure. Results are presented from solving the dispersion equa- tion for the case of complex waves on a computer. Dispersion curves are pre- sented which show that complex waves exist in a two-layer i0iielded wave guide only in the presence of a two-valued section in the dispersion ciiaracteristics of the nondamping waves. This is confirmed by the fact that all the dispersion curves of the complex waves in a with.a dielectric core begin in the -two-valued sections of the curves presented by G, I. Veselov [G. 1. Veselov, et al., Radiotekhnika i elektronika, Vol 8, No 9, 1530, 1963). When the dis- c:haracteristics of the nondamping waves do not have two-valued sections, no complex waves are detected. When the values of E 1,2 and 1jl,2 are close to 1/2 US&t RAYEVSKIY, S. B., Izvestiya vysshikh uchevnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, Vol XV, No 1, 1972, pp 112-116 limiting, the dispersion curve of the complex waves acquires a two-valued nature. This is connected with the fact that the point at which a change in sign of the group velocity of the nondamping waves takes place on approaching the limiting E and Ii shifts downward along the $ r aXis (6 is the 1,2 1,2 1,2 2 propagation constant alone the wave guide axis and r is the shield radius). 2/2 U117a in, ~-Aa ME, I M M M_ R".. H U. U63R uDc: 621.3-t2.853.1-001.5 SA3RGO11.1SKIY, V. Ya. RAYEVaW "Analysis of the Dispersion Characteristics of an Elliptical L'aveguide With a Dielectric Rod for He,? Wave" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol. 16, No 6, Jun 71, pp 941-945 Abstract: This paper investigates the dispersion properties of an elliptical waveguide i-rith confocal dielectric rod for the F,,Ell mode. T~,-- dispersion curves calculated for such a waveguide are comparaA u-ith -the- dispersion characteristics of a waveguide w-ith coaxial rod. It was found that at firly high 91, just as in circular waveguides, the dispersion cuvves have a two- valued section at certain values of.the parameter o-1/4.2 (where 0-1 and CL2 are the semimajor axes of the rod and shield), i. e. there is anomalous dis- persion. USSR UDC: 621-372.853 RAYEVSKIY, S. B. U "Electromagnetic Oscillations in an Open Resonator of Elliptical Profile with Dielectric" Kiev, Izvestiya VUZ Radioelektronika, vol. 14, NO. 5, 1971, pp 483-488 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine the natural two-dimensional oscillations in an open resonator of elliptical profile with a dielectric between reflectors, without taking in- to account the diffraction losses. The effect of the dielectric parameters on the resonator frequency spectrum is also assessed. In this problem, the center o.Lf the resonator is the locus of the elliptical cylinder cavity, made of a uniform dielectric, and set symmetrically with respect to the reflectors and confocally with them. Beginning ~,-ith the Helmholtz equation for the poten- tial function in an elliptical coordinate system, the author ob- tains an equation for determining the characteristic resonator freauencies. This equation is especially convenient since it con- tains only elementary functions. The relative positions 01V the fundamental and first hamonio oScillations in the spectrum are investigated. 15o - USSR UDU 621--72.825 RAnVSKIY. s-p-, S~--ICRGC,14'aay, V.YA. "Dispersion Equation Cf Elliptical Corrugated Waveguide" Radiotekhnike i elelctronilca, Vol XTII, NTO 6, June 1972, Pip 1297-1`100 Abstract: The paper is devoted to f orntilation cf a dis-parSion 4Dquation for even B6 aves in'sn elliptical wavepiide with a rectang'alfir corrugation. The even wave HSTI is the dominant wave off such 4 waveguide. The longitudinal und cross sections are shown of the waveguido under consideration* 1 fig. 4 ref. Received by editors, 29 Kirch 1971. UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--30OCT70 TITLr----Ai)HFSIONi ADHESIVES, AND BONDING. PRINCIPLES OF THE CLA'sSIFICATION't CODING, AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN INFORMATION RETRI~VAL LANGUAGE -U- AUTHOR-( 02) -,UX,~,V_Uay, v.G., PRITYKIN, L-Mo CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PLAST. MASSY 1970v t2), 7-10 DATE PUBL [SHED ---- -- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYv MATERIALSt ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGR. TOPIC TAGS--ADHESIONt ADHESIVE, CHEMICAL BONDINGr INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL# INFORMATION CENTER COINTROL, MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ROXY REEL/FRAME--199211692 STEP NO- UR/0191/70/000/002/0007/0010 CIPC ACCESSION NO--AP0112666 UNCLASSIFIE0 027 UNCLASSIFfIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ::I.RC ACCESSION NO--AP0112686 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TERM ADHESION WAS CRIT. DISCUSSED WITH REF. TO DEFINITIONS GIVEN IN THE LITEKATURE. ADHESIVES WERE CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THEIR ORfGIN I.E., SYNTHETIC, ELASTOMERS, AND NATURAL ADHESIVES. A UNIFIED CODING SYSTEM FOR:AOHESIVES IS PROPOSED* THE SYSTEM CAN BE PROGRAMMED'tFOR AN INFORMATEON RETRIEVAL UNIT AND EFFECTIVELY USED IN SOLVING MANY COMPLEX PROBLEMS. UNCLASSIFIEU mmmmmillom un Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: AP005253(; CHEMICAL ABST. S-7C , e Ref. Code: 0 / 101-159r Compatibility~ of poly(vinyl chloride) with butadi- r ene-acryloritrile rubbers. Aivnzpy, Nlindiva.-nv Kh G., Zelenev. Yu. V., 0 ane, v Rdywskl _ - - - Ti7- T F F " T 36 - a L, ij e ~,,, N 3 , Q enina, N, os ow I , M. y8o , -bier- B 197 Q, 120 1, 10-14 (h6si . .iR spectroscopy and detn. of e c a g o t e mee . oss ang e in to T terv as tablis ed that the title polymers are miscible and compatib"e. At soine component ratio,. the mixtr. have characteristics of b' narvkvstems,. The obscl. phase transitions are due to glass teMP5. of poly(vinyl chloride) st'high temp. and of but adiene- acryloni- trile copolymers at low temps. CPJR J .4y,& REEL/F&WE 19821179 Y - Acc. Nr: AbtttActi ng sS,e iced: Ref Code: -00052527' CHEMCAL AB S'~ T, Inaics ter a 101607V K- biiorptio~t by vuIcAnizates of r Wa elastomers. Zhivni& & A.; Vaseoln R Nt: Gut V h (Mo ME TekhnoFftist~ Was. W-Ocii. From., M;'-Yer. W-137-0; 10-19ARuss)! sokoruf~i.)ioedl -C v c'' I 41 M- -Zil aru7ates ica. of %0 iib~6rption o : natN. rubber - ul (1) (amoked sheets)~ contg. -35 parts M-45 rubber and' a varl- able content of S.- CaCO3, Tid,, and sorption occurred in.the bulktbf the 1. J)nlike swelling, H1.10 ab- so a mult' t Wi--ess ~ which obtyed Fick's taw at 'I ThL~ H20 stage a was in e en m o i n f t e, lo~'rsite. abWaorbed t e mute C' er, which increased fitted racks in A in dimensi s followiri, the ti e ud thi s~cces- on ffism, I j---, 1. -- I -.- .. . - 1 -.1. . I las 4 .. .1 .1. id- Uve stag 2 sorp hot, invo ve p ticization. es tion I pn -ha-vin Thus, pre of at ls~ a hijh~-~ resistance to nonsol- vents should employ p ed ving pr~oducti of min. portisiky. ures gi CKJR REELORAME ...... .. .. 7777" Rubber and Elastoners, USSR RA%QLK.1Yj_ V. G. and PRITYKLN, L. M. "Adhesion, Glues, Cementing. Principles of Class 4 ficati 011, Cod ng, Far-ma-ion, d Information-Search Language, Terminology" a n Moscow, Plasticheskiye massy, Vol 2, 19703 p%,o 7-10 Abstract: The authors discuss the problem of coding Zor v.,-eiaus cf glues which should reflect their origin, type, applica-Hon, etc. tZja-l adhesion as a surface phenomenon encompassing or in%or- action between the surface molecules of condensed phasiz!s. The na-ural, pose a classification of glues into: synthetic, resins, an.-I synthetic glues are subdivIded into solid and liqu1d, wiLh fur"iKoc Of the solid glues into films and powders, and oC the Uquid on~c-. into. -xi inert solvent type, active solvents, monorzers, oliqomc~xs, and types, and the natural glues - into those of plant oriqin Wid an-i-lal ori'(~!in. On. this basis codes are proposed for gluc nomernCJJtUrC_~ "V~1iCi-I XOVOal _507~0 of the classification properties. rinally, a rather compiex info.:-iazion- search system for glues, adhesion, and cenei,ting is propojed- coj~..sistjng o~ 39 information cells, witli proper UDC numbering system.. 11, . ma ! ~-Imummlm.. i. 013 W~CLASS I F1 ECj ; ~;Pq SS I NG, DAT 'E 13~,-IOV70 TITLE-THE ACFTYLCH0LlLNFSTE:RASE 4CTEVITY fN CAUDAL ~'FGIQNS Or- flL -MEDULLA 3LONGATA -U- 0 0 AUTHOR-RAYGO GeONTRY OF INFO-USSR SO-UkCE--3YkjL LET E,*.; I EKSPEklPE-4TAL'N0Y MULOGH I iMIE'DITSINY, 1970, VOL 491 pp 102-106 ,JATE PU3L ISH~ ------- 70 IEDICAL SCIENCES SUBJECT AREAS--B I CLOG ICAL ANDh TOPIC TAG'S--BRAIN, MEOULLA, HISTOCHEMSTRYt ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE MUMEN'T PROXY REEL/FRAME-3004/0:02 SUN' C I R.C ACCESSION NO-AP013IL95 -- --- ----------------------- PRGC'SSIN~; DATE--13.'l0V70 018 UNCLASSIFIE0 CPC ALCESSIL3N NO-AP0131195 ARSTkACWEXT~~,ACT--(M GP-0- A13STkACT.1 DtMING HISTOCH~MICAL OCTECTION OF -TYLC A Cic MOL I NE S T E,,~A SII F F E R E;N T10 K P I i C- L C'f 3 1 C A LSTRUCTURES OF THE M,zDULLA IN P',ICk(,,CE.LLULAt~,~VL-,'~iT,~,AL AN-, GIA11T CELL RETICULAR 4,JCLEft IN Sr P 1 N A L A,',IJ ME01AL VESTIBULA"' ~zJUCLEI IN TW: ~EGPON OF THE SINGLE GA-4G-LION) THE ALITHUR -ESTABLISHED A DISSI~IILAR C[101-1"EsTERASE ACTIVITY FJ;,R EACH OF: THE NUCLEI NIJVESTIGATED~ IN RETICULAR NUCLEI A HIGH CH0LlPiESTEkASL- ACTIVITY WAS MAINLY OBSFAVF0, IN BOR,)Fr~ LINE ZG;NES. THE TOP"IGRAPHIC SCHE.MIES OF LOCA LIZATI IN OF ACTIV' dCETYLCl+JLlN-c-STFF'ASE IN DIFFERENT REGI&IS OF THE r4t~UULLA (313LONGATA C0MPAR*E0. A l.'C GI NIG TO UATA OF MfCr~USCOPIC 1~-iVESTIGATICJN OF L~IFFEKEENT LEVELS OF f~ETICULAR " i FA~ ~~' u NUCLEI T4lE AUTHOR `0~-iPILEfj SCHEMES CF LC;CALIZ. r -!~ THE,~EIN '-F CELLS P~JSSESSNiG CHOL11NESTERASF ACTIVIrY. FAC I L I TY: FIRSr LENIINGRAD 1. P. PAVLOV ~MEDICAL IN ISTITUTE. USSR UDC 546.185+547.245 KIREYEV, V. V., KOLESNIKOV, G. S. (deceased), RAYGORODSKIY 1 1-1 , and OKULEVICH, P. 0. , Moscow Institute of Chemical-V-e-cVt~o"r6gy-~-Iiie-n-r -"~. I . Mendeleyev "Reaction of Alkoxycyclophosphazenes With Chloromethylorgaiosilanes" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 41 (103), No 4, Apr 71, pp 792-797 Abstract: The reaction course was measured by the amount of the chloride evolved butyl. The following starting materials vere used: hexabutoxvcy- clotriphosphazotriene, triphe-noyytributoxycyclotriphosphazotriene, chloro- methyltributoxysilane, chloronethylmethyldibutoxysilanei chloromethylmethyl- pbenylsilane, and chloromethyltributylsilane. The products were shown to contain.the P-0-CH2Sil- group. It was proposed that the reaction takes place via ionization of the P-O-R bond in~alkoxycyclophosphazene followed by a nucleopbilic attack of the phosphazonium ion on chloromethyltriorgano- Silance. RAPT j , ?- WJC: entr, i3f f e c e C 2'i t Ta-?rell Dep-th y 1'eninCrad ~b8-flract. "'o'uI)rOvodnj,.-c).v tj, -e 3s the 3-2, 972, ,I c ti, n - -ar,,-.-' 't 6 of vo I t Ot ` dep,)-i the ,I;- L, - ch..1'a - ,_ '.~ed 0; Ivol ~ C, c the -)c Lild c 1, --)C) r C 2f) --C- buit; i ot e t 0- 0, CC-) 2 '71C e 01 tho 74 f Lo 12 /3 UNCLASSIFIED ~PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 silLE--DETERMINATION OF THE PARAMETERS REPRESENTING THE EVAPORATION OF METAL PARTICLES IN AN ARC PLASMA -U-1 AUTHOR-(02)-LUZHN0VAv M.A.s RAYKHBAUMv* YA.Do COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ZHUR., JAN. 1970v IS (1)v 77-81 DATE PLJBLISHED---JAN70 _-SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALSP PHYSICS TAGS-ELECTRIC ARC, EVAPORATION, BIBLIOGRAPHY, SPECTROSCOPY, SPHERIC METAL- POWDER# BISMUTH ALLOY, LEAD ALLOY# TIN ALLOYt SILVER ALLOYP PLASMA ARC, MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS '--DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,,-,_PF,GXY:REEL/FRAME--199510206 STEP NO--UR/0170/70/018/OOL/0077/0081 Z IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0115910 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 037 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0115910 ftAi3STKACl/EXTKACT--lU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EVAPORATION ;jf-- SPHERICAL METAL PARTICLES (81, PBs SN, AVG* ETC.1 IN THE PLASMA UF A D.C. ARC BURNING BETWEEN,C ELECTRODES 6AS sruoiED SPECTROSCOPICALLY AND BY AN X RAY 81, Pbt SN, ABSORPTION METHUD. THE EVAPORATIUN PARA14ETEKS 03TAtNED Fu AND AG AGREED CLOSELY WITH THOSE CALCULATED THEGAETICALLY ON THE ASSURPTION.THAT HEAT TRANSFER TO THE PARTICLES WAS MAINLY GUVEPNED BY THERMAL CONOUCTION PROCESSES. THE EXPkkIMENTALLY MEASURED TOTAL EVAPORATION TIME* HOWEVER, WAS 35PERCENT GREATER THAN THE VALUE CALCULATED:ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE.EVAPORATION OF THE PARTICLES USEYED THE SREZNEVSKY LAW* THIS-DIFFERENCE WAS ATTRIBUTED TO THE EFFECTS OF THE TRANSITIONAL (TRANSIENT) STAGE OF EVAPORATION. UNCLASSIFIED BABSKIY, Ye. B., "Mathematical Model of Changes in Action Potential Length of Fibers of the Myocardium in the Process of Assimilation of a Rhythm" Upr. i Inform. Protsessy v Zhivoy Pripode [Control and Information Processes in Living Nature -- Collection of Works] `-Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 182- 188, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 V592 by V. Mikheyev). Translation: A mathematical model is studied of changes in the duration of action potential (AP) of fibers of the myocardium during the process of in- creasing the frequency of heart contraction (frequency phenomenon). The ini- tial assumption used to explain the frequency phenomenon is the statement that the kinetics of the reactions participating in the goneration. (if the AP and restoration of initial values of conductivity is dot~.Vrib(~d by a first order equation such as whero a and 6 are the rate constants of certain hypothetical reactions de- termining the kinetics of changes in yi; yi is tbe instantaneous value of 2 BABSKIY, Ye. B., RAYMBAUM, Ye. Ya., Upr. i Inform. Protsessy v Zhivoy Pri- pode, Moscow, Nauka. Press, 1971, pp 182-188. certain dimensionless functi~ans m, h and n, characterizing changes in conduc- tivity of ions during the excitation cycle; yiOO is the stable value of these functions. Restoration of the initial values of conductivity is characterized by the restoration time, meaning the interval between the end of each AP and the moment of development of flie 5ubsequent AP. it is concluded that regula- tion of AP length in the process of assimilation of rhythm is achieved by the two components A(C), the function of restoration time, and B(t ), the function r of restoration, as well as the phase relationship between them and the possi- ble influence of changes in ior concentration gradients on these components. It is noted that one task for further investigation is clai-ification of the physical and chemical nature of these components and testing of the regulari- ties produced on other biological objects in,which the length of the excitation period is changed during assimilation of a rhythm. 2/2 80 USSR TJDC 53-L .715 M YE. A. RkXXHER__XBM_ and BASHI "Photoelectric Tolerance Monitor" USSR Authoral Certificate No_?q Cl. G 01 b 11/02, filed 7 Apr 69, published -May 71 (from RZh-Avtomatika Tele -Tek a, 4 meldian-ta i Vychislitellnaya zhnil: No 1, Jan 72, Abstract I-To IA378P) Translation: A photoelectric tolerance monitor is proposed which, Contains a mirror measuring device consisting of an illuminator, photodetector, a mirror measuring device consisting of an illu~ainatorj photodetector, a mirror whose angle of rotation depends on variations in the ateasured. quantity z~nd the directed beam from illuminator to photodetector, and an ilectronic up-it for processing signals from the photodetector. The monitor also c-ontains a refezence scale and an assembly for adjusting for appropriate tolerance limits, mounted in the path of the ligh beams from the rotating mirror to the photodetector. -mating the monitoring process, the assembly,for adjust- For the purpose of auto 11 ~ %, ing the appropriate tolerance limits takes the'form of an iiwobile,mirror and, mounted in front of it.? a program carrier -&ich is moved durixig a change in the tolerance limits and is immobile during monitoring. ill%i;~~-Irations. PROCESSING DAT:Z'7--13N-0V70 TlTLE--~*1,-:r-4'4'.%'ICAL PROPERTIES '::,F i'iUCLEEUS r_luLp__:l.13uS 03F THE INVERVE-JE-6r:AL DISCS BASEb ON U,'~TA OF 5A''4-_-Dl.SCUlM"rKY IN EXPE,-V~f:%T -U- -'%UTHG-_l-(04)-TSIVYAlll, YA.L.v J_~-.AYKHINSHTEYNt V.Kli., MOSOLUVAi OVSEYCIiTXKi YA.G. CGUA'fTPY OF 1'~'IFO-USS4 SOU-RCE--C?T'L'jPE0IYAi TRAWMATOLOGIYA1 P-ROTEZIROVANIYE, 1-370, NR 6, PP 55-60 PUBLISHED ------- 70 S.U6JECT A~'.EAS-BIGLOGICAL APID fief) I CAL SCIENCES, BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES TOPIC JAGS-60NE DISE-ASEr ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY, MEDICAL TRAINTNG !-ARK I NG-110 RESTRICTIONS _SIFIED bocuMENT CLASS-UNCLAS PROXY-PEEL/FRA,%icl:---Ik)03/0915 STEP NO--IJR/9115/701/000/00~>/0055-/1)060 ACCESSInN.NG-AP0121~)980 ullic L Ass I F I E D 2/2 022 U.NCL ASSI F LED PROCESSING DATE-- 13)NOV70 C IRC ACCESSUON '40--AP0129980 ABSTRACT/E-XTRACT-M) GP-0- Ali STRACT IN TH I SP,'IPER THE RESPONSE OF THE INTEKVERTEBKAL LUMBAR OISCS TO EXPEkIMENTAL VERTICAL COMPkt:SSION [S ELUCIDATED. THE 03JECT (IF THE STUDY WAS CAL;AVERIC 1,14TERI 'I'L. 'v~A;~IGUSLY TREATED PPEPARATIONS OF THE HUMAN LUMBAR SPINE IWC:~E Su3;-1ITTE1) TO COMPIRESSING LOAD 11`4 A SPECIALLY CO'4STRUCTEL) APPAKAIUS, dA,~~00 I SC 11:11: TRY PRESSURE: IN NUCLE-US PULPI)SUS OF THE 015C UNOER' STATIC CUNDETION"3 WAS CHOSEN AS BASIC TEST. lPjF0k,,JAT1O;4 ABOU'l THE INTRAUICAL PRESSURE. WAS OBTAINED KITH AID OF A S,'ECIAL DL-V[Ct--i NEEDLE PRG6E CF G~IGINAL C 0,'-,4S7RijCTI0,%,. DISCS OF VARIOUS DFGREE OF OFGENERATICI.N HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED. ON 3ASIS UF THE EXPERIMENTS THE AWHOPS Pi~OPCSE A CONCEPTION OF TH~ AINICkTI-iATION FUNICTIJNS OF LUMBAR ItNTF.-Ii.'EATE6.4AL DISCS. FACILITY: KLINIKI TRAVIMATEILOGill I ORTOPE011 1 OrOELA FIZIDLOGII NOVOSIBI.RSKOGG INSTITUTA TRAVMATOLOGII, I ORTOPEDII, U!'17CLASS IF IEO /2 :032 UNCLASSI FI ED PROCESSING DATE-09OCT70 TLE--CL,INI.CO hLECTROENCEPHALUGRAPHIC PARALLEI-S IN EPILEPTIFORM -.SYNDROMES, DUE TO SEVERE CHRONIC ALCOHOLIC INTOXICATION -U- __..~,AUTHOR-(02)-6ERGELSGN, N.M., RAYKHINSTEYP4* V.KH. NTRY OF INf-O-USSR CCU, Sl~ NEVR0PAT-_"LOGI I IPStKHIATRIL IMENI S. S. KURSAKOVA, 1970 SO URCE-LHURNAL -736 ~VOL 70, NR 5, PP 731 DATE PUBLISHED---70 SlUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEOICAL SCIENCES .~-TOPK TAGS-ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY, EPILEPSY, ALCOHULr L'ANCEPHALITIS, _8RAIN, CEREBRAL CORTEX CCNTROL 14ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PRUXY REEL,'FRAME--1994/1124 STEP NU--UR/021#(>/70/070/005/0731/0736 GIAC N0-00115143 UNCLA55IFIED 2/2 032 PROCES-StlIG DATE-09OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0115143 ABSTRACT/rEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTkACT. THE AUTHukS ANALYZE THE C1111"ICAL AND EEG DATA IN 140 PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC ALCOHOLISM AND EPILEPTIFORM SYNDROMES AND IN 10 ALCOHOLICS WITHOUT SEIZURES. IT WAS POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH 3 MAIN TYPES OF 33G CHANGES: 1) RELATIEJ TO TOXIC ENCEPHALITIS: 2) REFLECTING THE DYSFUNCTION ljF DEEP M100LE BRAIN STRUCTURES; 31 CORTICAL FOCI lRRITATION. . THE LATTER ryp..,.: OF CHANGES WAS i E G R 01UP 5 SEEN ONLY IN PATIENTS -JITH CUNVULSIVE ScIZURES. THE 2 F00-1 R WERE CHARACTERIZE0 BY PATIENTS WITH ALCOHOLISI'-'. lN, GENERAL. 'FACILITY: KAFEDRA PSIKHIATkIl NOVOSIBIRSK ME0IfSlNSK(JGCj INSTITSUTA AND OTDEL FIZIOLOGIL. FACILITY: NOVOSIBIRSK N I INSTITUTA -TRAVMATOLOGII UORTOPEDII. SSIFIE0 -LNC-t.-A USSR UDC 911.3.616.986.7(571.14) CHULOVSKIY, I. K., 2&Y-K and KOVALERCHIK, R. Ya. "Leptospirosis in Novosibirskaya Oblast" V sb. Vopr. infekts. patol. (Problems of Infection Pathology -- collection of works) Vyp. 2. Omsk, 1970, pp 144-147 (from RZIi-Meditsinskaya Geografiya, No 4, Apz 71, Abstract No 4.36.87) Translation: Over a 20-year period (10,46-1965) there wc-re 901 cases of leptospirosis registered in the oblast, In 1946-1957 Leptospira hebdomadis -vailed. * Later L. pomoria preva-, led witb and grippotyphosa sero-groups pre :concurrent increase in the role of anthropurgic foci. USSR UDC 911.3.0"16.986.7(571.14) C;WL0VSKIY, I. K., and ALPATOVA, G. Y. "Problem of Sporadic Leptospirosis Incidence Among the Population of the S'11 Kolyvanskiy Rayon in Novosibirskaya Obla V sb. Vopr. infekts. patol. (Problems of Infection Pathology -- collection of works) Vyp. 2. Omsk, 1970, pp 148-149 (from Mh-Meditsinskaya Geografiya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4.36.88) Translation: In 1968, 32 population points where leptospirasis was not recorded were studied retrospectively. Blood ser-um was investigated in 147 people who had suffered febrile disease similar clinically to lepto- spirosis in the May-September period. In 37. cases scruja was found con- taining antibodies to Leptospira of serogroups: pomona, australis, batavine and tarrawovi in 10.00-1:1,000 Liters. ............ 112 014 UNCLASSIFfE0 PROCESSING DATE--230CT7i TITLIC--HIST9CHEMICAL FEATURES OF THE ASHKENAZY 4HIJERTHLE) CELLCS AND THEIR POSSIBLE ROLE IN THE FUNCTIONING OF.THE THYROID,GLANO -U- AUTHOR-102)-RAY N.T.I.SMIRNOVAw VE.A. --USSR COUNTRY OFANFO -7 SOURCE--TSITOLOGIYA 1970v 12(2)9 287-97 DATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND-MEDICAL~'SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS---THYROID GLANU# CARCINOMAt.HISTOCHEMISTRYP ENZYME ACTIVITY CCNTROL 14ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CI.ASS--UtICLASSIFIED PROXY PEEL/FRAME--1997/2035 c I RC ACrESSION INE-1--AP0120678 STEP NO--UR/9.053/70/012/002/01.~7/0197 CESSING DATE--230CTI 2/2 014 UNCLASSI.FiED P R ri CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120678 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TWENTY-EIGHT ADENOMAS AND 32 CARCIND'AAS,OF THE THYROID GLAND WERE HISTOCOEM. EXAMD. THE FOLLOWING ENZYMES WERE DETECTED: 0EHYDkOGeNASES OF THE KREBS CYCLE, LACTIC ALPHA-GLYCEROPHOSPHATE OEHYDROGENASE, DEHYDROGENASES OF THE PENTOSE CYCLEt GLUTAMIC ACID DEHYDROGENASEP NAD AND NADP OIAPHORASES, THE HISTOCHEK. PROPERTIES OF THE FOLLICULAR AND HUERTHLE CELLS WERE DESCRIBED, THE ACTIVITY UF THE OXEDOREDUCTIVE ENZYMES IN THE HUERTHLE CELLS IWAS VERY HIGH. THERE WERE NO LOCALIZED DIFFERENCES IN THEIR PROPERTIES. THE BEST DIFFERENTIATION AGAINST FOLLICULAR CELL! WAS OBSO. WITH SPECIMENS TESTED FOR ISOCITRIC AND SUCCINIC ACID DIEHYDROGENASES. THE HIGH METABOLIC ACTIVITY OF THE HUERTHLE CELLS DID NOT PEIRMIT,CONSIDGRATION OF THESE CELLS AS REGRESSIVE TYPES* THE ONCOCYTIC CELL SYSTEM IN THE WHOLEiORGANISM APPARENTLY PLAYS AN IMPORTANT COMPENSATORY ROLE.IN HOMEOSTASIS, FACILITY: LAB. HISTOCHEM. ELECTR.ON. MICROSCOPY9 iNST. EXP. CLIN. ONCOL., MOSCOW, USSR. 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFI.Eb.. j.ITLE--CYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF THE PHAGOCYTOSIS EFFECT OF HYDROCORTISONIE -U- ~.AUTH(jR-(02)-RAYKHLINp N.T.v SHNYDMANT I.Me ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -'SOURC,E-BYULLETENl EKSPERIMEI.ALINGY BIOLOGII NR 5, PP 106-108 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 OF QUARTZ DUST UNDER THE VOL 69, I MEDITSINY, 1970, -SUBJECT AREAS--BIPLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES JOPIC TAGS--WHITE RAT, PERITONEUM, MITOCHRONDRION, DEHYDROGENASE, PHOSPHATASEt PHAGOCYTOSIS,,HYD,ROCORTISUNEP LUN113i RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISEASE TCONTROL MARKING--f-40 RESTRICTIGNS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY l%EEL/FkA"_lE--1998/0199 STEP N0--UR /0219/ 70/06'31005 /0 106/010-3 CIRC ACCESSION' NO--AP0120897 -iJNC !-.A-'-.- 212 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120897 ABSTKAC T/EX TRACT-- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 1 NALBINO ftATS 24, 48 AND 72 HOURS AFTER INJECTION INTO THE PERITGNEAL CAVITY OF 100 MG OF QUAkTZ DUSIT WITH THE AID OF CYTOCHEMICAL kEACTIONS TO SOME MITOCH"INDRI '';L (NADiDIAPHURASE AND SUCCINIC DEHYDi~OGENASEI AND LYSOSOMAL (ACID r"HOSPHATASE) ENZYMES THE AUTHORS INVESTIGATED THE PHAGO,-YTOSIS OF THE LATTER IN CONDITIONS jF ADDITIONAL EFFECT OF HYDROCOMSONE. 0 N THE BASIS OF THE DATA DERIVED A SUPPOSITION IS SET FGRTH TO THE EFFECT THAT HYDROCORTISOINE IS, APPARENTLY, CAPABLE TO STAaILIZE LYSOSCMAL AND i,41T0CH0N0kli%L MEMBkANES AND THUS DELAY THE OEEATH OF CONIOPHAGE, THE MATERIAL is DISCUSSED IN THE LIGHT OF PREVIOUSLY OBTAINED RESULTS ON THE INH131TING INFLUENCE OF 'HYDROCORTISONE ON COLLAGENOGENESIS IN THE LU.NGS IN EXPERIMENTAL SILICOSIS AND THE DATA OF OTHER AUTHORS CONCERNING CERTAIN OTHER MECHANISMS OF HYOROCORTISONE EFFECT OWTHE CELL. FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF EXPERIMENTAL AND CLIMCAL ONCOLOGY OF THE ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE USSR9 MUscowel FACILITY., KASAKH INSTITUTE OF INOUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES. A -E f-.-iD ll%-l JJ7_ USSR UDC: 621.374.5 Active Member of the Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering. Electronics and Communications imeni A. S. Popov "Simple Corrected Delay Lines With High-Quality Transfer Characteristics" Moscow, Radiotekhnika, Vol 25, No 12. Doe 70, pp 59-69 Abstract: The avthor considers homogeneous delay lines ~m which each link con- tains no more than one inductance coil. The optimirn types of the simplest cor- rected links are found with respect to the quality of the transfer characteris- tic of the line. As a basis for solution of the problem, the author proposes development of the concept of group delay as applied to this particular case. Estimates are found. In essence, cascade connection of ,,we siiq)lo I-Iimks is taken as the initial structure to be corrected. 1n addi1ion to solving the basic problem, a convenient three-dimensional interpretation ol' the correction problem is derived. By passing from one plane to another, all possible modifications of the simplest corrected Links may be traced. The best,solution3 for links with mutual inductance and correcting capacitance may be recommended for practical application where specified conditions of optimality are satisfied. 77 77 7 -"~ , 72- 1, 7. 'Ace. `Wr: 'f. Code: UR'0422 '#0042297' PRIMARY SOURCE: Standaity i Kachast:vo, 1970,,Nr 1, PP_?;7-,?40 Major Problems of Qualftttry.. AegaV,dov G.-GO; The auth6rs single out a number. of the most imoor- tant theoretical problems of qualimetry, arranged ip Elie -order of their - appearance in the solution of practical problems of estimating the quality of whatever objects. T REEL/FRME .19760235 OT tk USSR ALFIMOVA, YE. YA., KOLITOVER, V. K., and RAYMNM L. I.I., Branch of the Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences USSIRA Chernogolovlva (Moscov Oblast) "Luminescent Probe Study of Conformation Changes in Endoplasmic Reticulum lv`enbranes"~ Moscow, Biofizika, No 6, 1972, pp lo43-io47 Abstract: The dye 1-aniline-8-nanhthalene sulfate (ADO) irhose fluorescence varies with the degree of hydrophoby of the surrounding medium was used to detect and study conformation changes in microsomal membranes of liver cells induced by alterations in the ionic composition and temperattire. Calcium in low concentrations (I to 3 W,4) maarkedly ircreased the f,ntenaity ol' fluorescence of the microsomes produced by the dye and the corresponding curve was more dis- tinctly S-shaped than the curres reflecting the additi".ja of other cations. Me latter in large concentrations (100 mm or rpore) intensified the fluorescence of the dye bound with the microsories due to Intein-ction idth the lipid compo- nents of the membranes. Analysis of the temperature factor revealed the therm,"l structural changes characteristle of cooperative systems. Z it 1! 1,1 - it2,~ Itj -1 _V F 1F. ~MFL M., M.-M-111-M, USSR MC 6 V-.015.1'.543.42 KOWTOVER, V. K., PAYMALIT, L._44'riYASA=, A., IL.., an! BLYUHENFELID, L,.&.,. Institute of Chemrffl-7~51697'= Laademy of Sciences, and I'loscow State- University imeni H. V. Lomonosor OATP-Induced Conformation Changes im Mitachondria-l-Mier.Dranes investigated 'by. the Kethod of Spin ?robineru Moscow, Doklady Akademil Nauk S5ZEL, Tal 197.. Na 1,. 1971, PP 219-222 Abstract: It is generally believed that oxidative phosphorylation in mito- chondria is accompanied by changres in the: conformation of the correspondin3 enzyme systems. However, the occurrence of taese cjaanges has never beea definitively proven. The abliect of this study was to ietect -- by means of spin probin- with neutral, nonpolar molecules -- conformation chancres in -ruto- ni sub- chonlrial rE-mbranes ax mitochandriaLparticles djr!r47 their activation with AT?. The study material was obtained from nattle hearts; the test substance, a radical, was o-f synt~_etic orii~=. The results of sya!atrographic analysi-s showed increa5ed solublUty of the radical after addiiion of KIP, which in- dicated conformation changes in-membrane lipoproteins. TurtLeraore, a lowered pR produced similar speetral ch-vLges, suggesting, that aji increased concentra.-- 112- USSR OLITOVER, V. K., et al, Ooklady Akademll Nauk SSSR, 101 197, 'o 1, 1971, pp 219-222 tion. of protons can induce conformation charges in which the niLnber of nonpolar groups on the "exposed" portion of the mitochondrial lipoprotains increases. 2/2 .1111,!; W41") 13 March 1973 t;UC: PRINCIFIX5 OFF STNNDAPIDIZING Tilr MICROCLULATr. OF TNDIVITV.~Aj, CAS-DEIIIISF. DINUX.5 (Art1cl., 1,y Profvs-nur ,J.J.-4- of M,,Iirpl a, r f4j,,- P.-S-0m. t-1 Vrl,a 6 Ap,il 197-1, p,, 45-491 In !n3u:jqj. 3afo wo_-X_,r, conditions it CntCZr1a1;r Of the mininn. PCtrOle=, atomic, and other branchvs og khthl.'Lry, I's well ns In the 014-10VItirm ( -tm3orwat~r arrnn AM n,,-.r space an Inportant role if. played by in4l,vidual cas-defense jevicea, 'Ohis rnleirt will '~X,kmlno tlljrt~lrms concf-rnihr. the 1~ttjrjg Of norG for p4ra-rv :ers ozf r-he space under the suit c:onneCLCd witit misurai,ce of U`~V~Al hn,,,jr-A7i1 a! tke nrraninm. Th- tirr,~ncy qf rtw-sp q,, t A , cVn_ qr, ion I, ditIonej !;y tte fact thilt owl Of the .=In factors leadima to a docitue I ;rt IWU011,11~j al,ilLty antl a docrt.-a-z" In the duration of imrit in Indl-~idual ras - devices conslots of a chanre In Iwat, exchanCe conditions bet.%~-rn the arCanizirt AM the Kurroonelng Mdlm. On the ba--its of n-,r own data Co"It4inell Lit literat,;re (I. S. Kandrar, et al.1 V. 1. Kri-c'mrinj S. H. q~orodfn~kty, It Al.. It, 01~ nettin7, ..' nrr.,s for nirroclInattc parmv--ters it *;,,peara to be jnntified to to a !"rtaln a Conditional di~lttion CE functimal rtltnr nr thp Into opt imais rA~rnt silt-los ond maxLr.kl. Tite microclimatki: rondl- tions in the spire ljrld~r the siAt can also be divided into three mmft~s rar- r~~P*MdLnr, to tlv.nq st.h-.C. tWtLnjj r,lcrocliratic conditiona are con.,ldered to le, t4oac u-.111rh emilt" the pr-n,,rv,;tlon, ef thr thermal tntlatire uktho,jr a pi-nnotineoll t;lr~jjn- lr~, of physkolor,',~:,%l tIv, rrv)ret~,Aat ion I.,ocnanistis (lable 1). ilio- cmdittuns thc A:,~~ne of .,., WfIlm of heat Crort thin out-11,11. with qVtLrAl !"V'It~,ro of hraL r~iiilon (f*,'%r-,re fit al,j A, A. !%utilova; L. Qppl and V. Yokl I Vitti-I 11. 1. Folesnikuv). 4be speed of air movertent I; considered to t~ ".jil to inet.irs/second, tnaan~uCh as even Ist BVIls With forced wntil;iti~n as A rule tt does not exceed these valtics. 4th an optinal rmicroclL,,~tr of ras-dotenbe d"icot, for indlvidu4t ptoLet-Llon the duratlun t t"Lir war to d.:t.rmiiv,,f not by the thermal state of the OrCQnism. but by 11 - USSR C, 37.T-37, 3~1'4-7 :77. 4 .1,;,,A-17,2 1 3-. r, 3 F. lY I-C --:(I 2-111- 2-J1 W-11i ~)-7J .1 4 .. . . . . . . . . . ! V .1ft4 'UnC life tlCn4l 9. N :tal te:~;CrAt--re (in e~cv~s) istateS or tne or,-,sniS;t 10. jkv~rare toly W:~.rat'lr,7 (in df,,rr"-3) C-p t i mi I C-ae!t or. 3. il#rnL-.iAl,lv 12. ?.itq of heirt ccrtrartl~ns (!,.is P-r tni. 4 'Aaxi=l 13. Qinira-rm (if r~zsl.,~rc 5: Deavy work 14. llis-.;Praru-t- c1 a!-. !-n*ir s~~t with 6 ;Ork Of a;MTQ~ LIten3iC7 h;n1dity art 7: LI.Olht work 15, U-'- to ptst len,ra:imi i bcat 1v a., "rfor-.~Ce of '~-to of hevr (q,151ty -- ",I: -- 2-3.5 of r-'. f.t! i,- w.-,- rat. or dev-, iom-tir. dppen,jq ot. trio ri,rimp awl OlaraCLAE of mork, pr.,*.-,ct I-on s1ituatton and ~o on. HaInLvn.Aw,~ ,I all upt Iiial i0f:noclkmati, lndk~vjllal fa-.-difvnqc devices, ai a rula., r-I otrez th, .'Ik'qLn'1tA'm if lo".1t h --t ,P, - of I Lop, i d c lo-d th-i iold f artifi,tal , ,Iat ,nr, i; Y, t mo, . 11., ~,Ats ap,~~ars to Lw. the wst effectivo, frein a ploy o lologle a Hoyg tail ic viLo'wJ,o)w,L amlvontprtj.niiin~, vith v!rard to practical rPalizatkon ( alienra and hlch,,12 .ovard and SnTr"a; Nunnelcy; C. H. tocrodinsie.Ly, at al.. 1970). Lijut'! cw,lold wAti onvire Ow. elimination of hentrorl,,arily oly tho, rond,,rtjv,, ~'Lhod. 'ibaL is 6*ly what, they arc! used the basic ineevis ~ubjcct to tinrmalization, Ton5koot of thn paramters of the heat carrier flowing alcoar. tub,!n In con"acL with the t~ody of the suit, Inasnuch as WILh t1w conductivt, tauthod or heat re- -ial tto,-To to an InIon-.0- ~oolinr of Ow- t-ly nptim-il th,,r--1 itato of the or-,anl:m. Is ensurqd ith a IlLlher to~npmrkkLtlre of the "nuclo,j5" ('W,le 2), 1-.' t, of t1w 3'jrr~rt. ~f thl? Wooly pronolea a (L)croaw~ in III-' lCifinf'S or In casn of the per!ornance of irrorh 11-aited !,.I duration or cpl- n-lic apt-rzt~kani it is j~,r--A!s&Lb1o to aim nUL only at aft OpUnal microclimaLe a- tim unoler trm VIL:1 *iut also at rtirttlimatia ctinnttionr with imich not all or '.Iv! licat pro,liced 1jY the body is eliminated. In this case :is well, ho~;..t-C, U. Is ml,.,,25.4ty L,, nwilirC a tIICrMAllY SLaUIC State Of the f LIK- or.-anlaza cvcn with its Ur;lwr thtr=1 conLent. (7) . . . . . . 10 too I. 'I. I . . . . CIO j 4 6~'P'# to 4 -1 so -till 50-70 oo"W~." 8.40 1. Index Ifeat C'n,tiont (in Xchl/kZ) r~enor;oltlon of i~oolsture 2. 3. 'ork of avera-,e intoinsity (Cranshour) e.. LL,-;ht uorh 10. late of bract contractions 5, :Ien t Ow.tts p,3r mintite) 6. !:,,ctal tt~,,,,writurc (in cnperaturc of c=lant a- 7. AvrraE;e temperature of the the Input. of the.liquid skin (in dnrictim,l) Cf~ol~d culLo(in (cir-,:,endituro around too lttars/hwir) '.ArrocIL-.atlc conditions cnourlnc a tji~rmally -stable state of the otcmn- tow.~ ot,irir.~,, the ACC14milarLon of haao~ not excer4lonr 1.7; Pcalliti; art: constiscred pcrnissL!,'c by us (See Table 1). At the sam rL".Ic there Ls observed A 3 USSR RAYKHM&N, Ya. -A., et al., Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, PromyshlennYye Obraztsy, -TdVa:~~YYWT~ikl~, No 22, Aug 72, Author's Certificate No 298936, filed 8 Aug 68, published 14 Jul 72, p 249 to the input of the memory device, and the second outputs are connected to the first inputs of the first and second comparison circuits respectively. The second inputs of these comparison: circuits are connected to the outputs of the address registers for the given X and Y coordinates, and the outputs are connected to the first inputs of the modules for transfers along X and Y. The second output of the module for transfers along X is connected to the second input of the module for transfers along Y and vice versa. The third inputs of both transfer modules are connected to the corresponding outputs of the point analysis circuit, and the third outputa are connected to the inputs of the point recording circuit, whose output is connected to Hie first Input of the point register, which Is connected to the maiiory device and to the circuit grouping block whose output is connected to the point analysis Input. 2. A modification of this computer distinguished by the fact that the functional possibilities of the machine are extended by adding a coordi- nate register, boundary decoder, logic operations module and circuit suita- bility decoder to the circuit grouping block. The first output of the 2/3 USSR RAYMAN, Ya. A., et al., Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 22, Aug 72, Author's Certificate No 298936, filed 8 Aug 68, published 14 Jul 72, p 249 suitability decoder is connected to the first input of the logic operations module whose outputs are connected to the corresponding inputs of the coordinate register, while the second inputs are connected to the outputs of the boundary decoder. The inputs of the boundary decoder are connected to the outputs of the coordinate register, and the second output of the suitability decoder is connected to the input of an element counter whose outputs are connected to the address register of the memory device. 3/3 -COMPUWrS,~~'Dlgital USSR UDC 681.323 RAYKHMAN, Ya. A., RUDKO, V. A., BUTKOV, Yu. G., FUIUMAN, N. A., and KOZLOV, "A Specialized Digital Computer for Calculating the Interconnections of Integrated Systems" Moscow, Oktrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 22, Aug 72, Author's Certificate No 298936, filed 8 Aug 68, published 14 Jul 72, p, 249 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A specialized digi- tal computer for calculating the interconnections of integrated systems. The computer contains a memory device, address registers for given and current coordinates, comparison circuits, registers for points, an analysis circuit, a recording circuit, and an input/output module. As a dist4nguish- ing feature of the patent, speed is increased and the device is simplified by adding a block for transfers along X and Y and a circuit grouping block with its output connected to the first.inputs of the address register for current X and Y coordinates, whose second inputs are connected to the first outputs of the blocks for transfers along X and Y retipectively. The rirst outputs of the current coordinate registers are connected through a converter 1/3 USSR RAYKHMM, Ya. A., et al., Otk-rytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 22, Aug 72, Author's Certificate No 298936, filed 8 Aug 68, published 14 Jul 72, p 249 to the input of the memory device, and the second outputs are connected to the first inputs of the first and second comparison circuits respectively. The second inputs of these comparison circuits are connected to the outputs of the address registers for the given X and Y coordinates, and the outputs are connected to the first inputs of the modules for transfers along X and Y. The second output of the module for transfers along X is connected to the second input of the module for transfers along Y and vice versa. The third inputs of both transfer modules are connected to the corresponding outputs of the point analysis circuit, and the third outputs are connected to the inputs of the point recording circuit, whose output is ccnnected to the first input of the point register, which is connected to the memory device and to the circuit grouping block whose output is connected to the point analysis input. 2. A modification of this computer distinguiohed by the fact that the functional possibilities of the machine are extended by adding a coordi- nate register, boundary decoder, logic operations module and circuit suita- bility decoder to the circuit grouping block. The first output of the 2/3 -R-P I I Pill RIM I III "i4AMPI, 411 EIMM'I I I M:Will 4o .1-1 -----j-- ' Ili Mr."M i USSR RAYMAN, Ya. A., et al., Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 22, Aug 72, Author's Certificate No 298936, filed 8 Aug 68, published 14 Jul 72, p 249 suitability decoder is connected to the first input of the logic operations module whose outputs are connected to the coxresponding inputs of the coordinate register, while the second inputs are connected to the outputs of the boundary decoder. The inputs of the boundary decoder are connected to the outputs of the coordinate register, and the second output of the suitability decoder is connected to the input of an element counter whose outputs are connected to the address register of the memory device. 3/3 USSR uDc: 621.396.6-181.5(o88.8) GL OV, I. M., ZAYTSEV, V. A., KOZLOV, V. A., RAYEILMM11 Ya. A., TRYAKOV, E. N. "A Microphato Assembly Device for Making Phototemplates" USSR Author's Certificate Uo 263414, filed 3 Jan 68, published 9 Jun -10 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6V209 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a microphoto assembly device for making phototemplates. The device contains a stand with i.1- luminator and shutter, a coordinate table with linear displacement data units, a composing diaphragm with sliding screens, an interchangeable objective in the form of a lens raster or high-resolution lens, and a program control unit. To improve accuracy (resolution) and increase productivity, a removable holder with a projection lens is mounted in a horizont-al bage on the coordinate table which rests on the upper surface of the stand. The table is equipped with an aperture for the lens and a receptacle for holding a photographic plate. The com)osition diaphragm with sliding screers hangs under the coordinate table. on calumns which pass through the stand. Fastened on the columns between the co=osition diaphragm and the lens is a ring for the phototemplate blaxik. 44i~ Aw.mak.6M USSR UDC: 681.3.061.62 BOBRYSHEV, D. N. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, ZHIDAKOV, V. P., Fn"giff"er""" "Experience in Development of a Computer Information System for a.Scientific Institution" Moscow, Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Proizvodstva, No 3, 1972, pp.36-40 Abstract: The paper describes the technical basis of a com- puter information systemo in particular, the devices for input and output of information, and alsg the software, which offers a set of all kinds of possible programs to facilitate communi- cations between users and the system. 63 - ''USSR ~UDC 576-858-09M83076-895-M RAYKO~A KLIMMO, S. M., KCSTYRKO, I. N., GROMASHEYSM, V. L,, a~&_I'VOV,' D. K., Institute of Virology imeni D. I. Ivanov.Aiy, Academy of Medical Sciences LISSR, Moscox "An Investigation of the Ability of Sumah Virus From the Uukuniemi Group to Proliferate in Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 6, NOV/Dee 71t pp 731-735 Abstracti A. aegypti mosquitoes experimentally infected with Sumah virus (added to nutrient suspension) were inyestigat-.ed by eloctron nicroscopy and titrations on nice for 2 months. The results revealed a regular re- production of the virus in the ziosquitoes. The virus Is present. in the cytoplasm, the intercellular spaces in the opithelial tissues# ard sallivery gland ducts of the mosquitoes from the 11th day after Infection, but trans- mission by bite occurs only when the virus concentration is at least 2.5 1g ID per 0.01 ml of mosquito tissue. ~Virus particles have an oval shape, with Ne long axis 900-1000 A and the short axis 700-M A long, and they have a two-layer membrane which Is 90-100 A thicka 1/1 USSR UDC 61n .822.8 Department of Normal PhysioloL RAYISOV --ry, Kharlrov Medical Institute "Relative Lmortance of L-imbic Structures in the Regulation of Vegetative. Components of Behavioral Reactions in Rabbits" Kiev, Fizioldhichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 19, NO 2, 1973, PP 153-158 Abstract: The role of the different limbic struct-ures in the orcanization of- the vegetative comonents of behavioral reactions was inliestigated on 14 rabbits, 2-3.2 kg in weight, with monopolar electrodes implanted in different locations in the dorsal- (I%j and ventral (II) hippocarm, a regions, the lateral (III) and central (IV) a.7fgdaloid nuclei, and in the septum (V) - An indiffer- ent electrode -was positioned between the periosteimi and the subcutaneous fascia in the frontonasal area. The exi_--riments were conducted 6-7 days following implantation; in all, 360 stimulations of 57 discreta locations in the struc- tures indicated above were carried out, and the E1KG and pneurnograms (PC-) fol- lowed. Heart rate was slowed most often on stimulation of II -- 62% of the --L 1 caused stimulations in this region elicited a decrease in the hea rate, 21.4~''n an acceleration and 16.6p" of the stimulations caused no changes. Thc analor~ous values for the stimulation of the different locations in I, 111, 17!, and V were, respectively, 43-0-49-59P, q?.0-43.0~ and 12-7-2,?.51P - V was leai;t effec- tive in slowing, the heart rate (only 43-.9,6 Of tho rtiria1_atJ.r_.-nr> slovied thc rate). q M2 ft-M 1 M-2 '411 fl, 11 IN I V. ff tI i R r! 1 -11 11 f, 311 P I It", iVT 1! 111 i IN - In 14, M r$ I I N~, I hl 1 -1 il It I It 11 FM iff M 6 --------- I&M---- USSR 153-158, RAYISCTV, T. K., Fiziolohichryy Zhurnalp Vol 19, No 2, 3-973, .L PP The observed changes in the heart rate followed a 2-5 see latent period, and there were indications that the effects of stinailation were pol3Thasic. In several instances arrhythmia was noted after stimulation of II and III. PG studies showed that the predordnating response was PM acceleration of respirE.- tion. The most active ?one in this respect was V, stinulation of dif-~-'erent locations elicited -respiratory acceleration in 81.&t4j of the cases, slowing. iLi 3-65' of the cases, and no chanGe in 14.6rto of the casea. Sti-Laila t, ions of 1, 11, DIF, and III evoked respiratory acceleration, respectively, in 76.a,1r", 65-C5, 69.7%, and 73.4d,, of the cases. The observed changes in the heart ratiu and respiration ray 'be cons-d-ereft to xQflect paTasympathetic or s,,mmal~aetic inHuences on. these structures. It in ccnceivabIle t1m;t the of-Peots of the lim1bic system are mediated th-rouU11 the mosencep,111.1ic portion of tile reticula-r formation. 'Yqe present, studien have shown that -there c!xists scre structural differentiation in the limbic system for affectinG the cardiac and the respira- tory corU)unents of behavioral reactions, 2/2 USSR UDO 669.11-.013.8 SHUSTOV.A., Z. F., SINYAVEIA, R. A., =LIYA;.'G7.A, V. :~OZ.`:., !. L., G. G., RAII~,OND, E. D., --id NEEFEBOV, V. "Inclination toward Stress Corrosion Cracking of lKiii0iLTi (E2-156) I-Eigh-3-trength St--inless Steel" Xoscow, Zashch:ita Metallov, Vol 6, Nlo 6, Nov- cc 70, pp '96-7C0 Abstract: This article contains the results of a stujy of thv~ ei"fect !.-)f heat treatripant conditions on the inclination of Joints of :~tael to -;s a h4Ga-stre cr`h sz~:O! oF marten- stress corrosion crack-ing. This steel .:>n,. L, . ated by quenciing fron, 9 0-1,050 and c;nzne;; ~-It 3C0 or sitic class heat-treL ~I . ,7- ~~ s 121) - ir h 6009. The stress-rupture strength of the steel o r m. e. r case and > 100 kgfim in the latter case. It was eariler i;h_-.u neither tide basic r--ta-I nor the -,,-elded joints of this st,:,~,l in the fully heat- 4. Loreated state ?...ere inclimed to st-ress corrosion cracking . In tne. proz--_;n'~. in- vestigation the J--clina-bion toward stress corrosion cra:.,xa_n1r -,.,as ev ua:L-,,--.d by --linp miss "P - o . the time of occurrence of cracks in the welded joint in a _t z 0 m %,emperature. From the tabulited data it is noted that um.-amealed sa~-,-ples and sc.,-,ples annealed atu 300 o-diibit an inclinaLion townxd st_-css corro-iorl. crackinZ. 113 USSR U 700 6, Ncir-Dec 70, PP 49" TOVA, Z. F., et al., Zashchita I"-Ie-I,*,- 0, , - I 0 Welded Joints anmealed at 600 are not inclined to such crac-',cLn-,--. Pict-ures are J L, .1 U presented show-~mg the ir,,Lc ro structure of a welded jo:ht mE--I;e of 1`1116N1413 3-00-1 and the hardness distri-bution in the welded joLqt. Gcmpariso-n of metallo.gvaphic 1d s- -1 .. and corrosion studies shovs that the section near tne ~m Jected to hearing 0 in the temperature range of 475-5 0 is distingtLished b7 T corrosicn, ro:iist- ance. Iti is possible to decrease the tendency tuowar-d corrosion CrLcica--,~* 01 MI&1,14B steel joints not on!,, by high temperature armealing (6(-,3 0 but also by high teraperature quenching of the steel before ueldinrr. The tondency of the welded joints toward corrosion cracking was for-nd to dep-----nd cn the structural state of the basic 7.-,etal before vrelding. A table is pvesent-(;.~d sho-.Tino- the ef- Lect of slow cooling and indured heating on the stress corrosion cracking of lKh1611-143 thick sheet steel in a saline n.-Ist atmnosuhere. a of I- -,J; ~,VLB Ste,.~ naT, E!Ilded 'joints* of Tt is C-,ICluiC IKh1 e~ "o ial with a strength of 100 kg/nm and aunnealed at 300 and 60-; a:72 not, incl-.Ired to o-ion. Slow coo'ing of the steel during quot-.-chin- Increases the stress corr U endency of the imannea]ed and -lowAermerature (300' a=%,eaLid joLn-t3 L to stress corrosion cracking. Heating !En'16114B steel to high tempera- 2/3 I WiN.W. .. -M.M-PiN USSR SI STOVA, Z. F., et al., Zashchlita '~Ictallov, Vol 6, Nlo 6; "c-v-Dec 70, --p 696-',100 Lure annealing in the 475-5500 rainge can cause a -;.-endency to-.-~ard corrosion -1,--,der st-ress. IN'han quenching .ith slow cooling the ~.01~ TC'.-'~2-11C cr:.--cking is exJ-Libited after a sho M v r Anuttesy at 475-550 tl'e case of air delay (5 Tn quenching this imcli-nati3on -Js ezdiibited after a longer pn-riod (2 hours) 3/3 ....... .....*..... .......... uR o482 J~ .ction ~I Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I hemical, Dervent, 236676 ARGO.";ARC 'WELMING TO-RCH has a water- cooled arringemenE in the forra of two coa ial cylincrical channels inside a housing, whW-, are jointrd at the lower par., hyradial openinge- To reduce the prctrusion of the electrode to 1.0-15mrri the ratic, of length of cylIndrical parc-of norzle to its bore is made 0.3-0.6 and this improves the 'Lift of the tongsten electrode. 30.11,67. as 1200836/ 25-27. A.K3ARAINOV et alia. (19.6.69.) Bul.M.2.6S Class 21h. Int.Cl. 323k. cherenko' G. P.; AUTHORS: Barzjnoy~ A. K.; KryukoVskiy, V. N.; KU Konradi. G.; Raymond,E.,_,P.; Agroskin, Ya. Z: 19741933 uDc: 669,15'782'7431295-190' USSR ZHIRONKIN, A. N., BURKANOV, A. G., RAYNE,%_ B05COVIKOV, A. A., SOKO- LOV, V. L., PERSIDSKAYA, L. V., GABERTSEITEL', A. I., TOLOOdW, V. G., TARAPATIN, P. S., Leningrad Kirov Plant "Graphitized Steel" Moscov, Otkrytiya, Izolbreteniya, ProrWshlennyye Obr-nztsy, TovarnyYe Znaki, No 12, Apr 72, Author's Certificate No 3342'[2, Division C, filed 15 Sep 69, published 30 Mar 72, p 104 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a priphitized steel vhich contains carbon, silicon, manganese, titrmiur, and iron. As a dis- tinguizhing feature of IL-he patent, friction propertieo *xe improved 'by adding copper and tidUng the cotaponent,_~ in the following. prol-,ortions in percent: carbon--1.3-1.5; Bilicon--1.3-1.6; mangwiese---0,3-0-5; COPPer-- 1.2-1.6; titanim,0.25-0.h. Impurities are as follow:: (in percent): sulfur--less than 0.03; phosphorus--less then 0.035; chrornium--0.20; hickel--less than 0.20; the remainder iron. USSR UDC 5~7.3il.x3:546.28 SIROTA, N.N., KORSHUNOV, F.P., RAIRTES, OInvestigation Of Radiation Effects On Semiconductor Crystals And P-N Junctions" V eb. Radiatsion. fiz. nemet. kristallov (Radiationu Physics Of Nonmetal Crystals--Collection Of Works), Minak, Nauka i tekhn., 1970, pp 6-17 (from RZh--Elektronike i yeye*primeneniye_, No 1,- January 1971, AbBtract No IB123) Translation: The effect is studied of neutron irradiation on single crystals of Si and the p-n junctiono prepared on their base. The radiation defects are deter- mined which play a dominant role in the change of the electrital properties in Si in tho proccee of irradiation by fast neutrons. it is 4ilso ahown that an Increave of resiatance oV the base of the p-n junctions during, the time of irradiation leads to attenuation of modulation of ito conductivity and to a decrease of the forward current. The overall dependences mentioned make it possible to clarify the process of change of the volt-ampire characteristics of the p-t% junction. It is establish- od that irradiation leads to a decrease of the contact potential differences and the dioplacement of the p-n junction to the Bide of the highresiotance base. 10 ill. 24 ref. Author's abstract. 86, USSR UDO 557.)ID546.28 MAKAREVIGH, A.I., L.S. "Effect Of Pile Radiation On High-Resistance Silicon" V ab. Radiatsion. fiz. nemet. kristallov' (Radiation Phyeica Of Nonmetal Crfstals--Collection Of Works), Minsk, Nauka L tekhn., 1970, pp 18-21 (from RZh--Elektronika i _X~Xi~.primeneniye, No 1, January 1971, Abstract No IBIO) Translation: 'fhe affect is investigated of pile radiation an high-resistancs P-type Si It is sha4n that with comparatively small dosos of fast neutrons 2), defects are formed' in high resistance Si which gives rise 10 n/cm to the appearance in the forbidden band of the energy lovels E + 0-27, ELI + 40 and E ' + 0.42 o.v. It is shown that defects of the qivacancy typo, a complex of prfmary defeat Imparity, and an accumulation of defects are respectively responsible for these levels. 7 ref. Sum-ry. USSPI uDc: 621-318-57-529 FDGILEEVSKIY, G. V., SOSKOV, A. G. ,BAr V. Ye., STNIILYkNSKIY, I. I. "A Kipp Oscillator for a Ti=-- Relay" USSR Author's Certificate 11o 254629, filed 28 oct 68, published 12 Mar 70 (from RZ-h-Avtoinatika, Telenekhanika i Lychislitellnay~a Tekhnikf:, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract 11o 11A66 P) Translati on: -This Author's Certificate introduces a kipp oscillator for a time relay. The der-*ce contains tvo transistors of different conductivity types, a discharge resistor, and a controlling and a main capacitor connected between the base of one transistor and the collector of the other. The re- quired slope for the curve e~Tressing hold time as a function of controlling U 'Voltage is attained by selecting the time for recharging the mair conedenser an order of magpitude greater than for the controlling capacitor. One illus- tration. N. S. 28 UrC D1:*.*,':L');"~~!iT W HYDPOLOCY ANM IN LIT11VANiA A. Yu of the t-TI-o-L-171unnixt t-W~ith-lt- Ian Laloratory of the ~Wn Geoptiysic!, Obnemotory. H~Gc-, P,-jin. n~ 1.2. 11)7., .,,hritted 10 jq7Z. 11if-i nrr'mte r-ntainn a h.1tf r1irvey Of th- d"el-ipmtm ' C! ~~7tlrr)IOAI J~d -"tW`ot(J1"97 1:1 otif- 010 StAL-11',4 C-V--111- A I,to'47 III W~,I. of 0- 1!tVtr14jIWnt Cot th. 1.Y4rP- m4,t--!r t1nZ1241 statWn network and atientific reaemrCh urork. T ~hc history of the dt-.cloptamat of h)dzcmetaorological ceivneto In Uth- uania rqc~cni sc-.cral CPnt-;ric2. 'here Is infor=tirtn that soma rg t~t ri-eer. spring ignI other phenomena vithin the frnmetra.-k of the on "n~turaj phllot~oplq" w.1% tatt.,11t In the ancient Vil'n," Vniyvrslt~r years - I -of I.% *ALutence (151U). Original scleralfic papers L,P-in *--,red ot the,l!~Irary of the V111-1yur ntati Unive -r.41 E y, imm~ V. F~p-k.s. pip-:rn were b7 Prc;femnor A. Milevxlkly and Protemsor Ya. Povha;ovakly .4a thy-. Ilit.d o'" -zeteorology w-itttn I., Lutin in the firbt hal., of tk~e Z;evrntCt.m*-.1. C.rtt~try (111. Thq ftrat ahs~rvationII of the air tamiurat"t In 'Uy 177:) by the Vice-Chant.llor of the university Martinan PaChobut as I= VWny14% %vive c~jvtl-rjel loteretoptinn for &jrt thnn 206 years. It Is ' I~ I 4ge the I*YQI of mtenrology at the end of the Cirht"nth and pwa" . o I ud the bc;Inning of the ?,'I-jetcajth Centuries by the docijawnts of the thI,n KlmfstrT of ~'f Ott A'11.11~ ymplso ulvich rectoememdovi the orgronization of mt!t- 66to!1)31~41 tibivrv4tions at Oil tlm tralzing institutions of the olkTut by t-1 mLzel. Of Ll.t Vil'n-iu& vnkrev~it-j (4j.. -,ha first. mttenzolq7j'al data On tmrrl~f~ry of Litiviania were issej in the papers by A, K~ Vo- u.-.4 other prc=Ln4nt scientists of the time. ne crqrtat repreestions after the uprining of 1831, In particular, clc- Ln4 VLI*n?us UnIvermityv retarded the proarems in meteorology In Lithu4iiia for many d&c&dcv. Some revival took placa only in the second half a! the Cvntury in -nner,tInn with the lse.Limity of votunt.try aubstrihacm of the "I"- jkian 1;oo4.a~,hfc W:Lety and the h4tin ?h7sictl Obsematory. Before the begivm'-.~~. of t4tt fir4t Wnrld Ar tLere were about 30 meteorological atativne; at uut"at% 130