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USSR UDC 621 357 -7:669 -214-5'295 SOFIROMOV, A. If., VOLOSHIN, A. G., PMSIIOV n KIR V I YE. N. V. A., a d P. "Structure of Ni-Ti Alloys Prepared Electrochemically" Izv- vyssh. ucheb. zavedeniy. Khimiya i khim. takhnol. (S:budias of the EI:Lgb-er Inst-itute of Learning. Chemisti-f and Chemical Technology), 15, 'No 10, 1972, pp-1567-1569 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal --Thimiya, No 7, 1973, Ab:5tract No 71,387 by L. S. Kanevskiy) Translation: Me conditions were studied for the simulta.-.-leous electro- deposition of Ni and Ti and the phase compositions of th;.,~compt*.)und obtained. The alloy is precipitated from a boron hydrogen fluoride and a sulfate electro- lyte at a Dk of 1-20 a/dnP. Photoelectrocolorimater anti X-ray ztudles shmTed that the.concentration of Ti in the alloy fluctuated from 1-10%) as a function of the Dk and the composition of the electrolyte; an increase in. 1~, increased the Ti concentration. The Ni-Ti alloys re-prosent.solid solutions of Ti sub- StItuting for R. Calculation of the cryntal lattice conntant 4% Ni-Li [Sio. Inaybf.' 13hould read a,,,,, t' fotwo. a, ga- re a value of -TIJ(lerit'red fMz ne 6~~at'c aNi-Ti Of 3-56 and 3-'54 X for alloy- a: dib taine'd from the bo.-tva-hydrogen fluoride 4ncl,,from the sulfate electrolyte reape d USSR UDC 541. 11 SOFRONIKOV, A. N., VOLOSHIN, A. G. , and P-VRVIY,, E. N., Odessa. Staee University imeni 1. 1. Nechnikova VIS tructure of the Ni-Ti Alloy Prepared Ele~trochemically" Iiianovo, Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Tekhaologiya3, Vol 15, No. 10, 1972, pp 1567-1569 Abstract: When the simultaneous electrodeposition of titanium and nickel is carried out, the rate of discharge of nickel ions is somewhat lower and that of titanium somewhat higher than for the depos:Ltioni:of each metal individually. The phase composition of such simultaneously deposited alloys was studied. The concentration of Ti, analyzed by colorimetric and X-raly teqhniques, ranged.from 1-10% and varied with the particular acid used in 6e electrolyte solution and.with the surface current. USSR UDO 621.~185.546.191681 Mr IY, N.N. , PrASHCH: ~0) A.A., PRESNOV, V.A., KRUGLOV, I.I., GOLE1,13MEV61" MHURMOVA, A. P. "Excess Currents And Aging Of Light-Emittifig Diodes Based On GaAsf' Elektron.tekhnike. Poluprovadn. Pribory (Electronic Technics. Scientific-Technicel Collection. Semiconductor Devices), 1971, 16s,,;e 7(64), pp 16-20 (from RZh:Elektronika i yeye primenen~yel No 4, APril 1,072, Abstract No 4B347) Translation: The aging was studied of GaAs light-emitting diodes with zinc all the acceptor. Both conventional and Pnomalous aging visa abnerved. It is ehoin that the excess currents reavonsible for aging consist of~ volune and surfaco components and have a tunnel-thermal natur6 and are connected with. nonunifor=- ities of the p-n junctions. ill. 5 ref. Summary. IA -USSR UDO 621.382.2 MAMMOV, A.P., NICBIRMOKO, B.A., CRUITE V*D4j A&VA"ViAA on Of p-n Junctions In Gallium Arsenide Under Conditions Of Proton --;~-Ir ti ilia on Fiziks i takhnika poluprovodnikov Vol 6, No 4s~Apr -1972, PP 717-720 Abstract- Gallium arsenide crystals were -irradiated in acyclotron by protons mini bolated:p-ajunetions is shown and Ath various energies. A scheme for obt ng discueeed. The energies of the bombarding protons were meanured with the aid of -alumizzw.-b toil placad before thi5 cryotals being Irradiated. Tho results o-f the _n Junctions during-proto ;r r -studies ahowthat isolation of p n 11 radistion is an effective mothod of' improving the characteriati6vor galliu~.,~ arsenide P-n ions- 3 fige- 5 ref. Received by editors,' 12 1,1ay 1971. Unct J 187 USSR uDc: 621-396.6-181-5 BAZHENOV, V. K., WYAKOV, V. V., PRESNOV, A. .-,"Voltage-Capacitance Characteristics of a Metal-Dielectric-Semiconductor Capacitor With Deep Centers" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. Polyprovodn. pribozy (Electronic Technology. Scientific and Technical. Collection. Semiconductor. Dev.".ces) 1970, vyp,. Abstract 5(55), PP 17-22 (from RZh-Radiot*&khnika.. No 6, jun 71 No 6V194) Translation: The authors study the voltage-capacitance characteristics of MDS structu-res vith deep acceptor and donor centers in the semiconductor layer. Resimr-A. II.-, -A i Ij !I., C~,: 11111 L USSR UDC -621-362-3 VIKMIN,, I M and PMSIIGV, V. A. Controllable Two-Base Diode" 'Leningrad, F-tzika itekhnika 2o2aroyodnikov,: Vol 4, No 10,,'October 1 0, 97 PP 1999w_2000_ Abstract: The two-base diode is a three-electrode semiconductor with. two ohmic contacts at the ends of a filamentary semiconductor and a single injector contact between them. The primary parameter of the two-base diode is the ratio of resistance of one base to the sum of the resistanc6s of both bases. The simplest method of controlling this ratio is by cbanging the resistance of the first base; such a change can be realized through the field effect. Other characteristics of the dLrice are described in this bTief comuunicatio The accompanying diagram shows the comections of. the L device andt its einitter volt-ampere characteristics for various load,resistancen. It is stated that -n structures are being used since the two-base diode 'does not as yet exIst. -n-P P I -- 7 . I , - -. ;~ ~ . . r, lz~ - 1 z - - " .1 1, . : . ! - 1 i :-1 % v i I I T;I:tl L.: 1 1 1.11n, kilL - -.11- i--Ii: ,:i -"~ - ri; t~ -- IJ 1-1- ; , I ~ ~ -- j IfIr", i [LdII H .... ..... . . ..............- -!,Z Semiconductors 4(rlransiscors USSR UX 621.31-5.592 KUSTOV, V.G., ORLOVS V.P.5 t~j~~.A.x and AZIXOV, B.S. "Spectral Photosensitivity of Nonuniform Semiconductors" 669-672 Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov,-' Vol 4, No 4, 1970, Abstract: This paper considers the problea-a of the proper approach to the question of semiconductors with nonuniform distribution of :recombination par-am eterG over the crystal volume. In deriving the basic relationships for this situation, the authors assume that there is d clearly expressed monopolar photo- Conductivity in which monopolar diffusion-does not play an iraportaat part ir. the tormation of the photoconductivity spectrum. Since there-ls no bipolar diffu- sion, the diffusion and drift process limited to.the surfac:e are nLgligibly small. They assume further that the specimeti,under considLeration has a laminar nonuniformity in "he direction of generations w*th each laver having a specif led.relaxation time for nonequilibrium majority carriers ar4d a specifiEd ab- sorption factor. The results of conputations made from an4lquation theY derive are compared vrith the experimentally obtained :photoconductivity sipectrum for GaAs at 77* K; the two are found to agree. The authors conclude that for soicim-cns less chan O.Oi cm thick-, the probability of the format:L*on of clearly LLLiet-- t11r-411k!(!11XU~1 localL nar, USSR UDC 621.377.622,322.5.001.572 PRES LIA-11 NESTEROV, P. V., and SHAMNOV, V. A. WN. "Research on Dynamic Switching of Magnetic Thin-Film Elements With the Help of a Digital Model" Sb.''Nauch. Tr. po Probl. Mikroelektron. Mosk. la-t. Elektron. Tekhn. of Scientific Works on Problems of Micr oelectronics, iXosc(x,, Institute of Electrical Engineering), h To 5, 1970, pp 133-141 (from Referativinyy Zhurnal -- Avtomatika, Telemekhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No 8B113) Translation: A digital model of a magneti6,thin-film element of a memory device is selected and justified. Results of theoretical.research on the effect of the front of intensification of the switching field, the initial angular displacement of the magnetization vector, and the magnitude and dispersion of the anistropy field on the switching of magnietic thin films .,~e cited. 21 -USSE UDC 621.'D96 6-181.5 P =-,IS!-! UIKH. ~- L. VTC--'; A. A. On the Problem of I Approacb to the n, ,Cal Integral"ed Circuits" Elektron. tekhn-JI,:a. 'Nauc'I.-tekhn.*, sb. M*-;kroeI,-:~ktroni"a t f4 c prj~j *j:-,r _qj CELI colq i:! C tc r aele etrol, 1971, vyp. -1(27): pp 53'-63 0-rom. R~h-Fad~ v r, c) p _U6 Abstract ITO 8V24-4) Tr 91at~on: The article dea!Ft,-vith one of t h L. f o rr-., a I f an ar"- .ra functional G- integ ~Cd circu-ts ba~:cd on circuits vath cur2-ej-it is sh wn h i firij.I'Ll ".IuLonat'a -.'j ttl and without storn,,:e can be realized in the chrisen bp-sis., An ali:orith~u g the crig~nal -:7ee-like c2 rcu- t-,d th I j. L, -L switching. USSR 1W 543.42.001.4 BOSHWYAK, B. M., ZHTGLINSKIY, A. G., and PIESMMUNA, I. P'. "Investigation of a Pulse Light Source With a Hollow Catho. V Sb "VII Ural'sk. Konf. po Spektroskopii, IW1. Vyp. 1" [In the Collection "Seventh Ural Conference on SnectroscoD 1". Sverdlovsk, 1971, Y, 1971- No Pp 19-21 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, No 10, Oct 72. 32. libtrologiya i Izmeritell- Tel-Janika. SingleT sue. Abstract No by V. S. K-) naya S Translation: The installation diagram with a pulsed holloir cathode is resented and the conditions of the separation by time of the admission processes into the discharge of atoms of the cathode material and their excitations are determined. The optical Dart of the installation consists:of the.ISP-51 ronochromator crossed with the Fabrj-Perotletalon. The registration of tbe emission is carried out photoelectrically by means of synchronous detection. The inveatif;ation of Vae.separation of the processes of excitation and admission of atoms into the discharge was carried out on the Cu. 1 5'18-2 line, emitted by plasrra in the cooled copper hollov cathode. Spectrally pure neon at 0.5-0-7 mra Hg pressure vas,used as discharge carrier. Tvo ii-lustr., four billio. refs, 185 JJT~E--REACTION OF tING DAT'E---l8SEP70 UN LASStFlEQ: *OCES THALLIUM (111),CHLORIDE WITH SODOM PYROPHdSPHATE -U- UTHOR-(03)-GRINEVAI A.V.t ZHUKOVAw G.TV'P.PRESNYAK*i~~N.To ONTROL: MAriKING-NO kESTRICTIrNS MUM EkT CLASS--UNCLASSMED ft.DXY'~,*';RtEL"f~AAMt--1967/0790 STEP NO--UR/0078/70/015/002/0584/0584 I R-C..: AME S S I ON NO--AP0104236 UNCLASSIFIED PPY-~AKJW, A.., TASS Correspondent 174etal With Assigned Properties" Kommunist, No 47, 24 Feb 73, 4. Translation: Scientists are penetrating ever deeper into the secrets Of -the-structure of metals. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S. M. Bar aziov has dEscavered a new phenomeno n, yiel ding the key to important peculiarities of the structure and properties~, of iron-based-alloys. On ~20,February,, the Committee for Inventions and Discoveries, Council of Ministers USSR.--acknowledged that the.studies.represent a scientific discovery and recor -ded it in the.State Register of the USSR, his extensive experiments, S. N1.- Baranov discovered that alloys based.,on irons having no silicon or containing only its monoxide' have valuable properties. They have increased toughness, high~fatigue resis- ftnce, excellent low-temperature properties, and good weldability. It is t sting that the secret of Damascus steel is that this alloy contains n ere i no silicon. Leading Soviet scientists have evaluated.the new discovery highly. On. its.bdsis, a method.has been developed for production of high quality t s of staol. vithout silicon, with propertiol assigned in advance. It YDO I i : i flil I ti 11 1 - . : . iiii I-A ;HHH- !id iiuli;-i 1 NU UA 1 C--u4u-f- i V UNCLASSTFIED PROCE.$ ---',EXPLOS ION GENERATES ELECTRIC"POWER -U- L E --AN0104019 -Lr-~ ~11 0 I - 69 - - I UNCLASSIFIED, - - I --- - - j LASSI'FIE P 0 a U14C ~ESS-ING DATE- 27NOV70 ,CONTROL MARKING.--NO RESTRICTIONS ~,:,DDCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ---.PROXY-.REEL/FRAME--1999/087,7 STEP NO--UR/9013/TO/000/000/0000/0000 C IRC ACCESSION-NO--AN0122921 -LASSIFIFD- NI U 12/2 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS114G DATE--27NOV70 .-'IRC ACCESSION NO--AN0122921 --(U):GP-0- ABSTRACT. Vi YE. TSAREGORODTSEV, DEPUTY A-5STRACT/EXTRACT Nt COMMITTEE FOR INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES, HAS qEVEALED THAT CHAIRMA, k, ~~:,THE HIGH ENERGY ELECTRONICS7 A NEW DIRECTION is~ sc i r; fmc EPuRsu-,-o f3y ACADE14ICIAN P. L. KAPITSAt LED TO HIS DISCOVERY OF A HIGH ENERGY PLAS,"lA .1AISIDE-OF A.DISCHARGE. I N THIS HE WAS AIDED BY TH&~ DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH FREQUENCY GENERATORS, YHE "PLANOTRON" AND "NIGOTRON4. ACCORDING TO 0 G EES ;KA,P.ITSAi S. THEORYt THE TEMPERATURE ON THE OROER.OF bNE MILLION E 11 ~C o-TO :CEN.TRIGRADE INSIDE THE DISCHARGE IS NOT1 TRANSFERRE THE GAS THAT IT 6ECAUSE THE SO CALLEO~BVNARY ELECTRICAL LAYER IS FORMED AT PLASMA INTERFACE 'WHICH INHIBITS THE; HEAT TRANSFER. THE FINDINGS ~~'_`~HAVE. SEEN,. VERIFIED BY NUMEROUS EXPER.IMENTS. STAGED A'T THE PHYSICAL I'ABORATORY- OF:THE ACADEMY OF SCIEWES4 Q. S cS. R.0 HEADED'BY KAPITSA* UNCLASS;FIED US6~ UDC 539-37 PMNYA Aj, J, T.1 ISLIMOV, V.. D., and CFERNOUSOVA, K. T. BEGDIOV (EffiTO-r-S T__ Vliyaniye predvaritellnoy deformatsii na svoystva metEillov i splavov (Effect of - Preliminary Deformation on the. Properties. of Metals and Alloys), Collection of Papers, Alma-Ata, "Naukall-Press) 1971~ 135 p..' illustrations, graphs, tables, .1500 copies printed. Translation of Annotation- The papers in this collection deal with studies on the effect of prelir-dnai-f tin, and plastic deforration on the properties of copper,. alunin-im, nickel, alloys includjm_q eutectic and Outectoid'oompositions. I The papers offer new data on the specific characteristics of changes in plasticity, strength,and structure of the above materials. These characteristics bece_,~me apparen:E following plastic def orm, ation-induced activation. of p]hase a.-nd structural transformations and consist in the development of rheotropio recovery-type phenomena superplasticity, and transformation of thermal britt:';.eness zones. The papers reflect data on the influence of stretching rates of speci-riens and their state on the developr4nt of these effects. 'Me results of the studies are of interest for the theory of metal alloys*, their treatirent techniqaeB, ard uses. The collection, i.s intended for scientific personnel of institutes and engineers of. IrLtal. working. plantsj gracbliate atudento, and metallurgical students. Translation of Table of Contents: 1/5 33 I j ~I USSR PIESNYAKOV A. A. (Ed. et al. VliYaniye predvaritel'noy deformatsii na .0 Y I It . I svoystva metal-lov i splavov, '.'Vauka Press, 1971, 135 PP Chervyakova, V. V. Effect of Chrom ium and Zirconium on Copper Plasticity 3 Aubakirova, R. K. Development, of Superplasticity Following Pre- -n1 7 straining of the last E'utect6id Almdnw -Zinc Chernysheva, Yu. P. Effect of Straining Rate on Copper Plasticity 14 Atfoakirova, R. K., Presnyakov, A. A.,and Karpenyukj A. N. Changes in Flow Curves of the: Supe~piastic Al-Zn Alloy With 18 -Tiemperature Tokseitovaj R. K., Chernousova, K. T. and Baimbetov, 11. Effect of Pre-straining -on. tha., Decomposition of ck!_Solid 27 Solution of the Cu-,% System Kagasova, L. Ya (deceased) and Presnya~ov--A. A. Effect of Pre-straining on the Plasticity of Tin-Lead alloys 32 2/5 PFz-S?TYAKOV A. A. (Ed.) et al., Vliyaniye pedvarit--l'noy deformatsii na svoystva r--tallar i splaavoF', "Na-aka", PreSs .1, 1354p. 197 Chasnikov, A. Ya. Effect of Pre-strai~nim on, the Mechanical Properties ,of Oxygen-Free Copper and Somia of Its Allpy$ 39 ~Kuzf =in,. V. G., Claernousova, K. T., and IsmaguloNia, M.., A. Effect of Additions on.the, Formability of LS64-2 Rt-ass 44 ~18 'Pres kov -Ai~ A.: baild':DuysemaliYev~ U. K. Li va TWa il hiba: S. H.j 't ons: oi! the Die Influence of &iall 1~z Addi i SupeiTlasticity of the f.I-Zn bAecatoid 48 Presnyakov, K. A., Alimanova,R. B., and VoLkof~on, G,. 14..,Effect of the Stretching Rate on the Plasticity:ot Cold Jelork-ad (after Hot 'dolling) Corrverciai -Grade Nick--I, 4 Chasnikov, A. Ya. and Chervyakova, V. Vi.-Superplasticity of Straineil 0(-Brass and Pure Copper. 62 Sakbayeva, H. N. Changges in Inte,rdiffurion Parameterp of Cu and KL as a Function of the luaount of prelijidnary Plastic I)eformation 65 311. USSR A. A. (Ed.) et al V.1iyaniyp:predvarite1 noy defomatsii na svoystva metallov i splavovj, "Nauka". Pr6sis., 1971.1 135: pp. Chernysheva, Yu. P. and Alimanova, R. B.. Aging of High-Purity Copper 70 77, , Soymin, N. Ya. Analysis of I-lotion Picture Films of Tensile Tests on Lead Specimens: 75 Soymin, N. Ya. Characteristic!]~of the Wvelopment, ofl~Localized Deformation of.Lead Following~Tensile,Tests': 80 Vresnyakov, K. A. The Accuracy of 1~basuring the Characteristic Curves of the Ifechanical Properties of bbtals and AUoys 85 .So N. Y a. and Presnrakov, A. A. Methods of Plotfing True Ymin D3fo-Tmtion Diagrams 86 Chernous.ova, K. T. and llorozov, G. P. 146chanical Properties of Cast OTA-3 Bronze 91 4/5 USSR PMSIFWIOV A. A. (Ed.), et al.,: Vlivaniye predyarite tl1noy deforratsii na svoystva netallov i splavov, "Tfal-lka" Fre 56, ; 1971, 135; PP. Vil Ims, G. F.j Mironenko, Yu. P. and Poznyyz~k, E. L. Automatic Canpeensation With an Inverse Strain-G~ge Converter 96 Dzhangirov, E. V.., Svidenko, V. N. and'Shullkinj V. Ya. Methods of Detendxdng Slip and Adhesion.Zones Following Plastic Deformation by! Rolling 100 Svidenko, V. N.., Grekov, A. M.~ and Shkarletj V.J. Study of t i -Displacement Rethod . Metal Plastic Friction by the Kurapov., G. G.,and PozrWak~,E. L. The .'Flovr-in of apecimen Metal in the Freo Hole in.Opeln Upsetting 117 Mironeh1w., Yu. P.., Powryak, E.: -,and Villmsp G, F. Tortable Device for Netal HarcLqesa Determinations 120 oyi With' Cerivin an the Polyukhov, V. V. Effect of Microa np. Fracture Quality of Hall Steals 126 5/5 7~; USSR A. A. (Doctor of Techn. sciences). ~"Superplasticity of Metals and Alloys" Alma-Ata, Vestnik Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Aug 71, no 8, pp 10-13 Abstract: The phenomeGon of superplasticity,which was first revealed in the forties,became a topic of extensive research in the years following. It was suggested that a metallic.substance.goes.into *a peculiar state termed "quasi-liquid". Subsequent research indicates that~the effect of superplasticity may be classed into~two effects, one of whicb, being related to transformations, consists of deformations ~.(minus neciking) and stress-reduction by about one order of magnitude: it is identified as ordinary superplasticity. The second effectresulting.from very extensive deformations,shows stress reduction.byabout two orders of.magnitude and may reflect some necking. The factor responsible for.the occurrence of real-superplasticity is the metal's transition to a:na%j state close in nature to a liquid. The physical essence of this effect is reduced to the "locking" of metallic bond.forces.between-the atoms Within bounded masses ..having weak interactions, In other wor6,jn.superplastic'i,ty, one deals 1/2 7r-r USSR MUM, A. A. (Doctor of Techn.. Sciences), VestnikAkade 1i nauk PES ml P Kazakhskoy SSR, Aug 71, no 8,,pp 10-13 with a division of a single collective of electrons within a solid into several loosely bonded and very mobile (relative to olae another) "small collectives". All experimental data combined indicato that plastic deformation, in general, and superplasticity, in particular, are the result of.specific transformations in the metal,generated by.either deformations or temperature variations. This, naturally, makes an earlier theory ''stipulating plastic deformation. as a result of crystal dislocations, -untenable. It is suggested, however, that the development of plasticity may-be determined by thq properties of~tbe crystal lattice (not its defects). The institute of Nucleag.Physics.of the Kazakti Academy of Sciences will z 6outinue -these studies to gain new and1greater insig4t into solids and :metals and their phenomena., n bn USSR UDC ;669.017:620.172 TRESNYAKOV, A. A., SOYMIN, N.YA.Vand'AURAKIROVA, :R. K., Alma-Ata I'True. Superplasticity" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 1, Jan 7i,*pp 106-108 Abstract: Th(? ch;inge in strength cbaractcri,5tics of All-.7n cutectic alloy, ty-I: A-35 teclinical aluminum.and type S2 teclinic-al zinc during the process of extension was studied. Flow,curves were constructed 'imthe coordinates "flow stress:-- elongation." Cylindrical specimens with a gauge Portion diameter of 5 % 20 mm were held for 15 minutes at the exTerimental temperature, then subjected to ten!;Ion directly in the furnace. With an elongation of about 111094, the: defoxiiiation 2 resistance drops to values of less than 0,029 kg/mm . Turther flow ,of the material occurs at strength levels.too low to be measured by the available instruments. Analysis of the experimental material inEcates.that true superplastic flow is. a.rather comzwn -ohdnomenon USSR -PP.ESNYAKOV, A. A., et al., Izvestiy Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 1, Jan 71, pp 106-108 during plastic deformation of metals and alloys. It is deter- mined that the appearance and developmenv.of.true Buperplastic flow of metals and alloys results from the influence of a sigrii- ficant number of factors, depending on which 4,-:he phenomenon may occur or may not. The nature of development of true super- plastic flow (the moment of its appearance and, its:duration) is determined by the effects of such.1factors:aa preliminary and present deformation experimentaL ~emperature,~Land other vftich 'facilitate-its appearance. ~2/2 - -- A.- ~~ ~ . - t - --- --,- - - - - ---- -- 7 7 -~2/2 024 PROCESSING DATE--30OCr7O UNCLASSIFIED ~'CJRC ACCESSION.NO--AP0121820 w '~,ABSTIRACT/EXTRACT--(U) ~GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE PRESENTS EXPERIMENTAL ~-OATA ON THE MICROHARDNESS OF ALUMINUM A~ A FUNCTION OF THE HARDENING TEMPERATURE AND DEGREE OF ROLLING* ALUMINUM WITH A PURITY OF 99.7PEPCENT AND DEGREES OF COLD HARDENING OF 0, 13, 30,:50, 60, 70, AND --:~80RERCENT WAS USED FOR THE STUDY. HARDENING OF THE SAMPLES STUDIED WAS :ARRIED.OUT~WITH TEMPERATURES OF 600DEGREESC. AND BELOW AND IMMERSION IN WATER AT-;ROOM, TEMPERATURE. 8ASED~:ON, AN~ OF: THE, EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS BY~~-THE -:AUTHOR:S ~ THAT~ ATR~ANSFbRMAT ION IN THE DATA$ 'A CONCLUSION IS MADE ~ALUMINUM OCCURS AT -ABOUT 400DEGREESC, WHICH SETS THE HARDENING. UNCLASSIFIED PR Oll UNCLASSMEO Of -4 r' TULGi-EXPER IMENTAL 0 E T E R 14 1 14 A T T 9 NOF THE:l EXTENT ~OF LONG R ANr F4 HP TH-P CHANGED IMARKEDLY AT 12.5-20 ATOM PERCENT PT,'APPARENTLY, DUE TO FORMATION OF ORDERED CU SUB7 PT AND CU SUB4 PT PH~ASES. ----------- -t/ Z' :-03 2 UNCL A S:S I F 1861 PROCES$rNG DATE--18SEP70 ,,:..T,ITLE- EFFECT OF PRELIMINARY DEFORMATION: ON THE'PLAS:TICITY OF ALUMINUM -U- -.-~~Al)THOR-(03)-BOK, B.I.t DL14ANBUSINOV, YE.W. PRESNYAKOV, A.A. 2-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~AKADe NAUK KAZ. SS GURCE. -VESTNO, R 1970y' -26(2), 53-T :PATE- PUBt ISHED ------- 70 I~'SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH., IND.j CIVIL AN.0 MARINE ENGR -T6PICJAG5--PLASTICITYt ALU MINUM ALLOYI,,PLASTIC DEFORMATION, METAL ._OEFORMATIOI~, WOPK HARDENING, MECHANICAL PROPERTY -.-CONTROL MARKf Nfj--&10 kESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~-PROXY REELIFRAME--1989/1744 SrEP ND--UR/0031/.rO/OZ6/002/0053/0057 C IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0108111 -UNC LA-S 2/2 0132 UNCLASSIFIED PAOCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0108111 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE WAS STUDIED OF THE PLASTICITY OF AL 199.7PERCENTIF~W~11CH.WAS~I)EFOR14E-D PREVIOUSLY BY VARIOUS DEGREES OF WORK HARDENING BY COLD ROLLINGo, THE AL SPECIMENS WERE COLD ROLLED WITH DEFORMATIONS 0-80PERCEINT (FIINAL TEMP. AT THE END OF-ROLLING LESS THAN 100DEGREES).-,S,PECIMENS WER'r_:~THEN CUT INTO PIECES (WITH AVOIDANCE OF AODNL. WORK HARDENING). THESE:SPECIMENS WERE SUBJECTED TO-TENSION WITH THE FGLLOWING ELONGATION RATES: -MIN. THE PLASTICITY 14AS DETD. AT 2,4110,20,50,100, 500, AND 1000 MM 20-600DEGREES AT INTERVALS OF 25DEGREESo INIT14L PLASTIC DEFORMATION HAD A LARGE EFFECT ON THE MECH. PROPERTIES. AT 20-250DEGREES THE PLASTICITY.OF PRELIMINAPILY DEFORMED-AL DECREASED SINGNIFICANTLY, WHILE AT 35076000MREES. THE PLASTICITY INCREASED. IN THE LOW PLASTICITY ZONEI PLASTI-Cl-TY-MAX. OCCURRED AT la0l 2009,~AND 300DEGRI.-ES. RHEOTROPIC. RECOVERY~ WAS".ACCO41PAINED BY :AN,' ABNORMALLY HIGH PLASTICITY AT S;!MILAR TO .-".-~575-DEGREES..' THE SUPERPLASTICITYl- 4ACCOMPANIED- BY AECRYSTN. WITH -STARIL'IlAtION) OCCURRED NOT: Okl WITH:; ALLOYSzBUT ALSO.WIT14 PURE METALS AALI AND IS -THE RESULT OF DEFORMATI ON: ANQ STA81LI'LATION.* UNCLASSIF,l F, I; PR" 3~ E MESSING DATE- 11SEP70 OF CERIUM IN COPPER AND~ITS EFFECT ON THE PROPERTIES OF RASSES::-U- UTHOR-OUItEMALIYEV, U.K., P:R!EaSNYA A.A.r SAPAROV, K.S., KOZHAMBERDINP JVI 'dA OU .N ky T OF. INFO--USSR OBRAB. METAL. I970y -METALLOVED. TERM. (2)p 36-8, 43 --~-~~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~~_:SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS E!_TAGS-._CERIUM CONTAINING ALLOYt COPPER ALLOYf BRASSt ALLOY .-S rGNA-`rlON-t_.fERR0CERIUMq METAL MIELTINGP ..PLASTIC[Tfy.t TENSILE STRENGTH, L- CTRIC RESISTANCE/(U)CS642:BRASSI- MAS$ 0 NT R 0 LMARKINL-1--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--U.NCLASSIFIEI) -.P R OX YPEEL/F-RAME--1988/1342 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0106019 UN'CLASS I FIED -,.!-2/3', ~'024 UNCL'ASSIFI D PROCESSING OATE--11SEP7( ,-.,CIRC ACCESSION'NO--AP010601'9 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--LUI GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CU ALLOYS CONTG. CE 0.03-0.5PERCENT WERE MELTED 3 TIMES.IN .ARv THE SPErIME~6 OBTAINIED WERE .SEALED IN EVACUATED QUARTZ AMPULS AND ANNEALED AT1300DEGREES WITH SU8.SEQUENT,-CO3LTNG BY 100DEGREES EVERY-24 HR ANO COOLED WITH A FURNACE FROM-400DEGREES. MOREOVER, ViE ANNEALED ALLOYS CONrG. CE 0.05PERCENT WERE'HELD IN AMPULS AT 3001 500i'AND 800DEGREES FOR 3 HP AND ~)UENCHED FROM THESE TE-4PS-. IN WATER. . THE LS-64.2 AND LS 59-1 BRASSES (CU 63.7 --AND. 58,6; 'PS 1.75 AND 1,05PE,RCENT, RESP',):. CONTG. F~ERROCERIUM 0.05~-G-.5PERCENT'WERE I.NDUCTtON MELTED UNDER' A CHARC-OAL LAYER, HELD IN TH&MOLTEN STATE FOR 10 MINt AND CAST INTO CU'WATER COOLED m0LDS. r-E IS SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL- TO 0 1PERtENT CAUSES THE REF14EMENT OF CU STRUCTURE AND FORMS CU-CE SOLID S.OLN. JURTHEP INCREASE OF ITS CoN.C% LEADS TO, T E RPTN. OF THE 2.NO CECU SUS& PHASE, IN ~FDRM OF: P11INT H JNCLUSfO ,NS, THIS INDICATES THAT.T4E MAX. CU AT ROOM SOLY. OF~CE IN TEMP.* IS.6,05PERCENT. THE METALLOGRAPHIC EXAMN. UP, THE SPECIMENS QUENCHED FROM 300-800DEGREES SHOWED THE MAXe SOLY, JOF 0.15PERCENT AT 800DEGREES#,~* CEIMPROVES THE MECH. PROPERTIES'OF CU BUT WHILE ITS AnDNS. Up'-T0.0*5PFRCE-NT INCREASE THE-JENSILE 'STRENGTH 22#;~5-5.3 KG-CM PRIME21 i (ELONGATION DELTA AND R:;EDN* IN ARE-4 PS11 INCREASES ONLY THE PLASTtCIT UP TO.CE OeIPERCENT (UP TO DELTA EQUALS 68v PSI EtQUALS; 82,5PEPC514T) AND THEN, RAPIDLY "LLS TO IS SIMILIAR TO 30PEKENT IP!;l AND DELTA)i AT 0*5PERCENT CEo THE ELEC* APSISTAINCE OF ALLOYS.INCREASES FROM Is SIMILIAR JO 1.75-TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE6..T0-JS.SfMILIAR- TO 2.2.5 TIMFS If) P9114E: NEGATUVE-5 -OMEGA CM AT O.SPERCENT CE. NO EFFECT-Olt FER.ROCERIUM ON THE -BR ASS STRUCTUR E WAS NOTICED, -UNCLASS IF IED 3/3 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATc--11SEP70 IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106019 ADONS. MARKEDLY DECREASE PSI OF THE LS 64-2 BRASS AT 20-250DEGREES (FROM SIMILIAR TO 45 TO SIMILIAR TO,37PERCENT FOR 0 AND 0.5.aE,RCEN-T.FERROCERIUM AT 20DEGREES), BUT BEGINN114G AT 2500EGREES THE Psr.vs. TEMP. CURVES FOR ALL ALLOYS ALMOST COINCIDE EXCEPT OF THAT FOR -8000EGREES THE-0.05PERCENT FERROCEPIUM ALLOY THAT AT,400r 500t 6001 AND PSI EOUALS,20i Bt-451 AND 32PERCENT, RESP.#:'COMPARED TO SIMILIA.R. -5 AND 5-10PERCENT FOR OTHER ALLOYS. JHE RESULTS OBTAINED 1T 5t 0-5, 0- FORTHE LS 59-1 BRASS SHOWED THAT MOST EFFECTIVE ARE THE FERROCERIU.M ADONS. TOGETHER WITH THOSE OF NI, ST, AND MN. THIS ALLOY.CONITG. FERROCERIUM 0-15, NI 0-35.t St 0.11, AND MN 0.18PERCENT SHOWED TWO -AX. OF 700 AND 850DEGREES:(D PLASTICITY M ELTA EQUALS 190 *AND 170PERCENT, 4ND:PSI EQUALS 10OPERCENT). NEVERTHELES59,:ITS;PLASTICITY AT RESP. -50'.0nFGREESv_SIMILAR TO THAT OF THE'LS 59-1 BRASS WITHOUT ADDNS., IS .20,. RATHER- LOW -(PSI 20-40PERCENT) :AND SHOWED MIN. 12.OPERCENT) AT 100 AND ~300DEGREES., -LF-.D- - -- --- USA- AfFolywater Major Scientific Discove:ry": Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 27 Mlay 70,,p 4 Translation: The architects of new molecules have created an original ~IstructurgTl and obtained "polywater," This substance differs from ordinary water even though it is obtained by the condensation of water vapor in quartz capillary tubes. TheCommittee on Matters of Inven- tions and Discoveries in the Council.'of Ministers' USSR has examined this work of Corresponding Member of~the,Academy:of Sciences USSR B. V. DERYAGIN and Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences N. N. -FEDYAKIN and has registered it as a major scientific discovery. We asked Deputy Chairman of the.Committee on Matters of Inven- tions and Discoveries V.-YE.'..TSAREGORODTSEV to co:mmenIt on this impor- ant. research of Soviet scientists* t USSR, PRESNYAKOV, A.9 Pravda Vostoka 27 May 70, p 4 IlDespite its seeming simplicity the water surrounding us con- many-still:unknown tsecrets~ltl he said. "This is indicated by ceals the fact of obtaining 1polywatert for:example.% Research on it has -been under way for a long time at the., Institute of Physical Chemis- try.of the Academy of Science.s.USSR. "What are its distinctive pea s"> Its density reaches 1.4, as t while its refractive index is 1.49 (that of normal water is 1.33)- "In its consistency this water:is.reminiseent of petroleum elly. It has very low volatility and does not freeze at even very low temperatures.. For example, due to its increase in viscosity it asses.into a,glass-like state only at -500 C, Investigators have p e long studied the decomposition of the state 6f this Isuper-dens wa- Verl by heating it. to, 3000 C. During the experiments:the vapor con- 21 ;P .. . ..... . ..... USSR PAB,9NYAKOVP A., Pravda Vostoka, 27 MAY p :4 densed, and the resultant liquid had the same properties as Ipoly- water' prior to distillation. It has,been established that the -8000, and structure of this water decomposes only on heating to 700 This.experiment confirms that transformed into ordinary,water there aren't any impurities.participating in the.production of Ipoly- water-' "What is the nature of the origin of tsuper-dense water?f Scienti5ts have not yet given a definitive ahswer to thia question, However, it is thought that it is formed by the polymerization of ordinary water during the.condensation of its vapor. The actual -mechanism of this polymerization, in the opinion-of foreign se-en- tists,* is unique and is based o the:appearance of especially stable :Varieties of hydrogen bond,between twQ oxygen atoms. "The Soviet scientistsl:discovery:has had wide repercussions -3/5 USSR PRESNYAKOV, A.j Pravda Vostoka, 27 May-70, P-4 in various countries and especially in t he U.S., England and Belgim. 1polywaterl is being investigated in at least 10 U.S. 'At present, scientific centers. Theoreticians and spec.-I.alists in quaatum chem- istry have been drawn into a'd.have confirmed many findings n of the Soviet invest-igators. "As acknowledged by many world scientists, the Soviet investi- discovery of a new state of water is of general scientific -interest and will be studied thoroughly. In December 1969 research results were reported at a scientific~ meeting in Plorence. The pro- gram of a symposium, which will be held in the U.S. in June 1970, 'includes more than 10 reports by Soviet and foreign scientists on lpdlywaterl iavestigations* "For the time beingp" said V.!'YF,. TSAREG%ODTSEV in conclu- jig 515 USSR BOK, B. 1. ,PRZSITYAKOV, A. A. d C ardness of Deformed Aluminum of Industrial Purity" M roh Alma-Ata, Vestnik Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoy,SSR, March 1976, p 71. -Abstract: The article presents experimental data on the microhiardness of aluminum as a function of the harde ing temperature and de,ree of rolling. n Aluminum with a purity of 99.7% and degrees:o-' cold hardening of 0, 13, 30, -50$ 602 70, and 80% was used for the study.: Hardening of the samples. studied ca s of 600% and below and i-' ersion in water was rried out with temperature at room temperature. Based.on an analysis of the experimental data,- a coaclusion is made by the authors. that a trans formation in th.e.altiminum. occurs at. about 4000C Which hardening.. USSR LTD c621-385 nLISTYEV, V.I., and I I.N. "control Device for TBPM 16/1200 Vsing Semiconauctor Devices" Vestn. Khar'kov. politekhn. in-ta (Herald of Khar'kov Polytechnic Institute), 1971, No 54,pp 62-85 (fram Rzh-Avtomatika Telemekhartika i: Vychi slitel nqya Tekhnika, No 1, Jan:72, Abstract No JA446 y B. U.) Translation: Signals generated in the TBFT4 16/1200 syi~chro generator go to a control pulse shaping unit, in.which pulses:are shaped ac-cording to amplitude, shape, and duration and then go -to a decoder. On the,other hand, a potential level shaping unit sends to the decoder.voltages fixedin v-slue corresponding to the state of the dynamic flip-;flops in the counter decade. The decoder generateG a pulse- coinciding in time with.a., certain digit on the 7BPM 16/1200 digital druid, located opposite the printing hammer. This pulse triggel.s tlie current pulse shaping circuit in the printing unit. The current pulse-, going to a certain eleetroragnet of the hanmer, causes its actuation. A pulse is formed to run the paper at the moment when there is. no printing. This pulse goes to the p--,TY---r transport unit, wbere a current pulse is. formed,. caiis~Uig actuation o 'L the TBPM 16/1200 step mechanism. 3, illustratliops Bibliogr;~.phy ',P-'th 3 titles - 1/1 MM-13111 USSR UDC 621.317.42 KISELEV, V. A., PRESNYAKOV, P.-P. "Device for Measuring and Automatic Recording of the Induction Distribution 'and.Controlling the Thermal Stability of Magnetic Systems in a Broad Tempera- ture Range" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. KOntrol'no-ismi!rit. apparatura (Elec- 1tronic Engineering. Scientific and Technical Collection. Measuring and Con- trol Equipment), 1970, vyp. 3 (21), pp 94-106 "from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4A267) Translation: A description and ca Iculation of the errors of an experimental magnetometric device for rieaauring and au.t,omatfcally riscording the distribution and variation of the inductioa in the wokkingi gap; of mtignetic symtems in the temperature range from -70 to +200* G are'pregente'd. The dpvice is based on a two-coordinate potentiometer with an accuracy of 1%. The.possibility of compensation of the signal of the basic magnitude of the induction of the measured field and recording insignificant variations Of it with variation of -the temperature in a small measurement limit on a magnified scale insure a 1/2 I '. - r: -~ , ~ 1: - ~ I "I 'I ~~i I ~ I I, 1--l',illi~1 ~ "I M,*,, i1 ~[ til. .. 1- - . 1-- - . - --- I - - 11-1.1- 1. 1-- .... .T-77---, .11 - :F,,P-----.,l.,.,-,--7, - "-, -- i~~ . I T~~-- --- - -- I EXPERIMNTAL STUDY OF THE H&CHETOHYVRODY14A11IC MCW OF A LIQULD-hXTAL IN A V=TANCAIAR DUCT WITH CONDUCT114C VALLS (ArtleLe by 9. 1. Pzitriygy. Y!u. H ~kha lov CrJ.~ Of Lenin.AtCML4 rQergr Lnstitu Timetal 1. nurchatoy, MostcV. tssft' Salsbars, IAZA Symposium an Electricity from M1 1966, pp 849-8371 Reaulta. are presented fronan 2Xparimantal a Wjy of.lsmt"T. and 041" to a -turbulcat rui. of- uniria 11 ractanFulsrd~jct. with conducting wails. Trio stulies were made on a opetially equipped sodium sloop. The purpose of the sttid. Les was to 4eteemine the lassie in the wells and the magneto- hydrodyn4ol.- liOnaamin the d0ferenc. ragiawo of caytzirut of the betal. Astudy wits madu of the vaynetchydrodynavAc. flow ~ of a cOAJUCLL.S ; -cc In the rectangular duct,of & ruignerchyArodynandc. generator *Lth ndl4t.1ax. wells for motal. viiiecluss to 3o inlaeco In a lone r-Inanntl diw:8441'.~sis wax made of the ptessurs li"ses without load as m, itinctimn, of. the flev -p4*Vam*%vr3. cc 'I the Tht ntributLon of the losses in the wal %_and to the-tatal-laiges As detirtoludd.* -Tiie'effici dnx:l of con"rolon of: the kIn- atic energy Into electric energy with 41ffvrent duct parameters w" investi- gttcd in d short duct. From Cht point of Viev of improving the efficiency of the co~let Cycle of the cmnveralo~ syste 0% In a.ilouid metal, mAxneta- hydrodynamic generators -ith high metal temperature in the operating zqne of the Rnnerator (600-800C)sTa preferable.' The ~treation ,of ikicti CederACOM ring the Insulated encounters highly'afinifIcant difficulties of wn%ifactu walls or covtrlnri operating at tomperatuies an the order of NO% ame utth metal velocities of. 50-100 whoc. Along '#Lth the noirch for mrAns of sciivlog this problem It is of interest to lnvc*tL&a9o ordinary generators for ubich the upper and lower wells were Made Of QtAinl*08 steel,. And the side ails. electrodes. The most signLficant feature of such generators Id the sLsaiflciust idlo whi h are accumulated from the losses caused by c= pressure 1:~::~ c a h and loaves connected with din offect of the malratic field Ae f USSR UDC 620.178.16:669.973 !?RESNYAKOVA, G. N., LYUBARSKIY, I. M., UDOVENKO, V. F., MAR'YAK- S. S., Physico Technical Institute of Lovi Tlemperatures,,Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR "Friction and Wear at Low Temperatures" Moscow Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka ~Ietallov, -No.,3, 1971, pp 9-12 i, r Abstract: The friction an,d wear of GOL steel,, with respect to ~40Kh steel were investigated in a high ovacuum,(5*Lo_ 7 -mm HO and in air at room temperature and at:,-.190.C Low-temperature vacu= manipulators made it possible to cool the samples to cryogenic temperatures, create norm,al.loading,?and;transmit data -to a measuring system outside. the chamber.. It was found that in the,presence of friction in air a vacuum, low tempera- tures.had no effect on wear for,the.indenters (steel. G13L). For ''ring (steel 40Kh), lowering th 6 p a e em erature in the atmosphere does not change the wear, but lowering the temperature with friction in a vacuum increases the:wear sharply. The friction coefficient increases on lowerinq the test temperature in a vacuum; when testing in air, it is;Less than in a vacuum and, is- ~-7 -7 USSR YDC: 620~ 176 16:669.973 PRES N . LYUBARSKIY, 1.~ M. UDOVENKO, V. F., MAR-YAK- EMS K, -S. S., Physico Techni al institute of I. CH Low Temperatures, Academy,qf Scientes.11krainian SSR p AlFriction and 'dear at Low Temperatures" Noscow, Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No-31-1971, pp 9-12 Abstract: The friction and wear of GM steel. with respect to 40Kh steel were investigated in a high 0vacuum (5,10-7 mm Hg) and in air at room temperature and at -190 C. LoTjr-temperature Vaculim manipulators made it~DOSsible to cool the samples to and.transmit data cryogenic temperatures, create normal loading,. to a.measuring system outside the chamber. It was found that in the presence of friction in air and in a vacuum, low tempera- tures-had no effect on wear for the indenters (steel GUL). For a ring (steel 40Xh), lowering the temperature in the atmosphere does not change the wear, but lowering.the temperature with ~friction in a vaCuum increases the-Prear sharply. The friction coefficient increases on lowering the test temj.5eravure. in a Vacuum;'when testing in air, it is less than in a vacuum and is 1/2 7 7, Ind 6~2;,95 YUMMN, If. 11. EMCHANCV, A. V. , KEMEIGMA.IEVA, 17E. A. BAV 11Z Mb M., L. 1. , GRISUla, YE. A. g and PjIM11YAKOVAt 6 0 "Propanid - A Highly Effective Herbicide for Weed Control in Rice Paddies" V eb, Khim. sredstva zashchity rast. (Cheraical Plant Protectants -- collection lof works), v~T I Foscoll, 1970, pp 156-163 (from RZ, h-.K-qimiya, No 13, 10 Jul 72, y. 0. A. Korotkova) Abstract- Vo 1311514 b, Tmnsla-1Ciont As a result of a study of prop-n-kd yield dependence on the solvent, reactant molar ratios rund crystallization con-~Litions, it is ausmestc-4 that pror:unid be obtained by acylation of 3,11-C! It"11 E,..cos Hfus7 -3 2 In a petxoleun solvent medium at a 3,4-C! C 9 and solve t ratio of 110-5. 2 6 3 `2 The reaction is conducted for IZ-15 houm with stirrin-, and at 14-0-!60', dis- tMing the aqueous azootrope at Q,O-95' at the be-ginning of the process, and 135' al the erul. The unreacted &tartlng:mOrials art,% recycled. Tho- rcsultaxit rTanid has a purity of 9B.5-0.9,5 Percent, melting point b9-910, yield 3-98 parcent. USSR UDC %7-551 .4 3 GARNOVS A. D. KOLODYAZ V.Y ALIYEVAp ;S. N. GRANDBERG, I. I. I OSIPOV,, 0. A,.. and PRESHYAKOVA, T. M., 9!bUltural-A-Cademy Wosiov-on-Don State Univarsityknd All-Unio&OW imeni K. A. Tiniryazev "Complex Compounds of Metals With Nitro en-Conta,-~.ning Ligands. XIX. 9 Complexes of Tin Tetrachloride With 1-Pyridylp-yrazoles and Their 5;-Hydroxy(smino) Derivatives" grad, Zhurnal Obshchey Rhimi V 1 40 Lening 0 No MaY 70 pp Ill 1120 Abstract: Continuing their study of complexing in systems with several donor centers, the authors studied the iiiteraction of tin tetrachloride with 1_(Ot., & or Y-p-yridyl)pyrazoles and their 5-hydroxy and amino derivatives. The.dipole mom6ats of the resul- tant complexes were determined and their IR spectra studied for purposes of solving the question of the configuration and tautomer- ism of the ligands. A comparative study was mado ofthe IR spectra of,ligand and complex molecules in order to establish the localiza- tion site of the coordination bond. UNCLASSIFIEbl PRbCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0139889 ABSTRAC_T/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ASSTRACT. AOPLICATION OF A 'SHADOW CURRENT' METHOD PROPOSED BY GRINBERG (1957) TO THE DERIVATION OP CONVENIENT ASYMPTOTIC FORMULAS FOR CALCULATING THE FAR DIFFRACTION FIELD OF AN ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE INCIDENT ON ANIDEALLY CONDUC'T[NGIPLANE WITH AN INFINITE RECT-ILINEAR SLOT* THE-FORMULAS, ASSUME THAT ME VECTOR OF THE WAVE FIELD IS PARALLEL TO THE EDGE OF THE:~SLZT. JHEY ARE VALID FOR ANY ,...-..ARBITRARY ANGLES OF INCIDENCE AND OBSEAVATI ONO GOOD AGREEMENT IS OBTAINED BETWEEN THE RESULTS:OF :THIS METHODAND EXACT RESULTS. FACILITY: MOSKOVSKII ELEKTROTEKHNICHES-KII INSTIT,UIT SVIAZJr MOSCOW, ~USSR.:, -titpu-l LA 'I's 1-7-, ------ C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136450 USSR uDc: 621-382.323 GALSTIYAN, V.- G., NOSIKOV, S. V., PRESS, F. P., PASTUSIIKOV, V. V. "Use of a Scanning Electron Microscope to Study Defects in Dielectric Films and Semiconductor Structures" Moscov, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 1T, No 9, Sep T2, pp 1911-1919 Abstract: A scanning electron microscope,vas used to study defects in films of silicon dioxide, processes of dopant penetration through defects during diffusion, and the influence of localized diffusion regions on the proper- ties of MOS structures. A procedure is developed,for studying semiconductor objects on the scanning electron microscope-and Interpreting the observed patterns in accordance with the.nature. of,~the contrast.: USSR tx: 6.21.596.6.002 PRESS, F. P. "An Organic Developer for Positive Photoresists Based on Nlaphthaquinone Diazidesil Ele-ktron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Poluvrovodn. iiribory (Electronic Technology. Scientific and Cechnical Collection. Semiconductor Devices), 1970, Vyp- 1 (51), pp 175-181: (from Rtli"Radiotekhnika,, Ho 12, Dec 70, .'Abstrac't 12v468) Translation: The paper describes a developer for photoresists which contains no ions of alkali zetals.:: The organic. developer was used for making-an experimental batch of planar transistors. Verification over a--oeriod of half a year showed that the. process is sufficien'.1y repro- Aucible. Bibliography of four.titles. Ye-. M. USSR UDC: none TRESS, R., Candidate of Technical Sciences, BGKUTI,~V., Engineer "An Inductive Pressure Gauge" Moscow, Radio, No 5, May 71, p 32 Abstract: The article describes a device developed at the Institute of Technical Cybernetics, Academy of Sciences of the Belorussian SSR for -measuring small air press-ures of constant value or changing at a high fre- -Pressure on an elastic~pickup diaphragm changes the inductance of quenzy differential windings. In addition to this pickup element, the device consists of a measurement bridge, oscillator, amplifier, demodulator and output gauge. The inductive pitkup, used in the device is cylindrical with a variable gap. The pickup is connected in one arTri of tha mensuremcTit bridge in such a way that when pressureacts on the diaphragm the bridge becomes unbalanced, and the resultant 'Signal is amplified and sent to the demodulator. The demodulated signal can be made vislble by urAng, nny Icw- voltage oscilloucope with a sinsitivity of at least 1.00 mV;/cm. The output microarimeter gives the absolute value of constant pr6issure. The device uses a battery power supply with current drain of no more than 10 mA. jll.. :T , , , .; ~ ,1 :~:I ! USSR UDC: 5511-511, UL%ML.A_ Ya- "A Model for Calculating Fallout of a Ifeavy Nonhomogeneovs Impurity From a Volumetric Source Under -the Effect of a Wind Which Varies With Altitude" 7 sb. Atom. vzryvy v mirn. tselyakh (Atomic Explosions for Peaceful Pur- poses--collection of works),-.Moscov, Atomizdat 1970, pp 98-102 (from RZh-Mekhanika, Ho 4, Apr 71, Abstract4fp hB88T) 'Translation: For a heavy impurity, the equation of 'turbulent 3cattering is wHtten in the form ac de de OC a'C O'ej x V where c is the voluraetric concentration of particles of a given wei fraction, K is-the coefficient of hori2ontal turbulent diffusion; ux(;,,), z) are the horizontal components of~. ind velocity given as functions u V altitude in the reige, O