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Ed Y r: N I C.A L 7 A.A N S LA T 10 Ni I NGLISH Tj rl.r, MUMS LASER TWAM U-SA TRANSITIS91').4 PROCCEDINCS OF THE FIRST ALL-0105 C**;FZRZ,%Ct, KrzV, SUMBIR 1968 I'MaLM I'MDACsil MUCIIINIM-i AUTHOR: 1. A. DERYUGLN. ET AL. SOURCE! XTEV ORDER OP LENIN 9WE LNIVERSTTY IMMI T.C. SCHEVCHENK0 A*04&tVJf0fF3TC~Y ACSI NOTICE - iY Tli, of thit publicAtion hmn tramlAted a,i pri~wriwd in thr ompnol wit, Nj, Attcmpt 1,4% 6mn mole to verlry t4v Accorny tif an) trAticnivot connined I'vivin, Thii 1% publidicill WiTh a mattimum f copy cillums And paphict pfcparaltmn in orcicr it-, ~,jw,htv the of m(ormati,on. 1wh1w rvk,,,,v. Dislill".ti-I 'wl,milvd, 0.17 Kell_ablnty~jfie USSR Lm c 621.396.69.019, ABRANDV, V. A., PM V. VILIPPOV, V. A. L'O.V "Predicting the Reliabi'lity of Electronic Equipment" Bb. n such tr. po nrobl. mikroelektron'. Mosk. in-t elektrcn. tekhn. (Col- roblems of croelectr,.:~-iiics. ~vkiscow L-.sti- lected Scientific V.1orks on Fz tute of Electronic Tech)~~oiomr), 1970, vy-P. 5, pp 165 '173 (-Prom RZh- T 11 Abstract ' No 7V329) -Radiotekhnika, No 7, ul. 712 Translation: The paper deals with the prediction. of reliabiliLy of' U quartz resonators with regard to gradual and sudder. failure;:. Sud&m failures are distributed according to Poisson la,.j, graAuril tailures are studied by statistical m!~thods. As a result of the sttiqy, EL rodel is developed which enable.,; determination of;,th,e reliability of elements whose outi)ut characterist~* es are aDproximated by a linear lav. Resua Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, Cryogenic USSR uDc: 621.541 ROMIANENKO, is'. T., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, PRONIKOV. S. IT., Candidate of Technical Sciences, KULIKOV, Yu. F., Engineer, Moscow Eigher Technical Academy imeni N. E. Bauman "Pneumatic Damping in -Pnewatic-Cryogen--C.Equipment" Moscow, Izvestiya VUZov: Marshinostroyeniye, X0,7, 1973, PP 83-87 Abstract. The paper gives the results of a theoretical and exp, erimental StUdy-of pneumatic valve drives aimed at developing drives with a pre- determined law of speed variation and actuation time. It is shown that when special deceleration devices are used it is possible to reduce the speed of valve seating and to obtain the proper actuation time. Ana- lytical expressions are found for approximated determintLtion of 'the speed of the pneumodrive piston. USSR UDC 54.1.42 PANICHEV, N. A., PRUDNIKOV, Ye. D., TURKIN, Yu. I., SHVEDOVA, I. V. "Scintillation Method of Recording in the Atom Absorption Method of Spectral Analysis" Minsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spaktroskopii, Vol XVIII, No 5, 1973, pF 772-776 Abstract: The scintillation method of recording in the atom absorption technique for spectral analysis is.based on recording the absorption pulses of the analytical line caused by evaporation in an atomizing source of individual particles the composition of which includes a defined e".ement. In the example of analyzing Zn, Cd, Cu, Fb, He, and Au the possibility of direct analysis of these elements in powdered samples by blowing them into an air-acetylene flame in an oxygen stream -with a relative sensitivity of 10-5 to 10-6y is demonstrated. A study was made of the effect of tiie number of particles containing the defined element on the efficiency of the scin- tillation recording. The method is highly promising for evaluating the form of the, concearratior. distribution of the: elements in the sample composition and analysis of an object with a.nonuniform concentration (rr-)r-ks, industrial aerosols). A bloc:1t diagram of the experimental device and the tabulated experimental data are presented. 92 - USSR PANICIIEV, N. A., et al,, Zhurnal Priklddnoy Spektroskopii, Vol XVIII, No 5, 1973, pp 772-776 A comparison of the detection limits of,the scintillation method of recording in the emission and aCcm absorption raetliods of analygis performed for Cu and Ag also showed that the latter is more sensitive. The result is explained by the higher "Level of spectral noise for measuring emissioa radiation by comparison with the number of nonselective absorption pulses. 2/2 212- 021 UNCLASSI FI'ED PROCESSING CIATE--30OCT70 ..:CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOLL8863 ~.wAASTKACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. METHODS WERE DEVELOPED FOR THE FLAME SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC MICROOETN. OF 5 TIMES 10 PRIAjE NEGATIVE5PERCENT Ll SUB2 Or RB SUB2 Or AND CS SUB2 0 FROM 10-MG SA14PLES AND DOWN TO 5 TIMESJO PRIME NEGATIVE4PERCENT Of: Ll:SUB~ Or RB SU!3Z By AND CS SUB? 0 IN I-G SAMPLES. DECOMP. 1-10-MG SAMPLES IN A MIXT, OF H SUB.? SO SUB4 AND HF (I DROP 1:1 H SU82 SO SUB4 ANO.~.!..5-2.0 ML HF),- EVAP. 'ro ORYNESSo AND CALCINE, LEACH THE RESIDUE IN 0*5 ML L:l HCLiAND 1.0 ML li SUB2 0, FILTER, AND DIL. TO 50 ML.WITH H SUB2 0. DET. LIt RBt AND CS ON A FLAME PHOTOMETIER WITH A DIFFRACTION MONOCHROMATOR.AND COMPARE WITH SAMPLES CONTG. 0.1-0.0001 MUG LIP RB, AND CS-91. USE AS BUFFEA A SOL.N- CONTG. i 100 MG NACL AND 25 MG KCL-ML. THE ERROR IS 3-5PERCENT'AT A ELEMENT CONCN. OF 0.1-1.OPERCENTr 10-15PERCENT'tAT A CONCN. OF 0.01-0.001PERCENT ANO-20-30PERCENT.AT A CONCN. OF lo PRIAE NEGATIVE.3-10 PRIME .14EGATIVE4PERCENT. FACILITY; LENINGRAD STATE UNIV., LENINGRAD, L UNCLASSIFIED ff~. I -. .............. .jijjj~ WE PON1. IMER -J- USSR UDO ARSENIYEVA-OEYLIF kON&P Phoicamiasion From Thin Layeire Of Aluminul Uch. zaR. LGU (Scientific Annals* LeningradState UnivsrBity)r 1970, No 354, pp 27-30 (from RZh-Elektronika i yo yo primenen&e, No 2, Nbniary 1971, Abstract No 2A8) Tranalationt The optical transparency and spectral distribution of t1aa quantum yield of Y photoemission of thinlayers of Al as a function cd' the thicknees of the layers was investigated in aealed-off devices in a vscuum of (L x 10- 9 mm of marcuy. The monotonic increase of Y wimp obtainad,during growth of thick- noon of tho Al layer and attainment of maxiinum X with a Oilcknvos identical for all frequencies 6000). -Tho depth of the-photo6lectron yimld was determined to be -%.-, 650 � ~O R. The work function or ~Al was moasuredl it was equal to 4.22 ov and did not depend on the thickneas of the layerp Ths effvGt was Inyootigat- ed of vacuum conditions an the photoemIne ion cheractarlotics: it was discovered that, with a preacure of lor-5 mm~ of merrcury:.Y. decreased and did. not grow during an increase of the thickness of the. layer 14ith vaturation. at the same thickness and at a oonstent magnitude. of tho vork funotioa~ (4.21 ov~,.. Th* reason for this henomanon was not determiasd* illm: 6 Irof W, NEWS,, 0047079 IVR 04-82 A- K1 A Soviet'Inventions Illustrated S n -Eleettical Derwent, ectio 11 10790550 . ......... . ........... ..... 1*12 042 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE-30OCT70 -i;TLE-THE 0-FECT OF lki-AL)IATIONION THE PROPERTIES OF ViELDS 114 HIGH ALLOY STEELS -U- AUTHQR-(G5J-VGTINGVt S*N.9 KAZENNOV, YU.I.:, AGAPOVA, N.P., PALCHUK, N.YU.j -._PkuKtlLjl0Vv V.I. _____tr-TXFC-USSR GUNTRY C SQURLk--t'.GSCUW, SVAROCHNOYE PkUIZVGDSTVGI NO 3, 1970, P? 4-6 _JAT EPU6L ISHED-- -70 SUBJLCT AREAS-MATERIALSY M.ECH.v INO.9 CIVIL AND M4RINIE ENGR TOPIC TAGS-HIGH ALCOY STEEL, ALLOY DESIGNATIONi MECHANICAL PROPERTY BIBLIGGRAPhYt IRRAUIATIONP NUCLEAR METALLURGY, WELD JOINTp METAL iE7ST) 8 STAINLESS STEEL# (U.)00Klil6lNI5Pi38 STAINLESS STEELs WELCING/(UJ.GKHL6NL5M3 fUJCpKH20N40B STAINLESS STEEL, LUJIKH131420FR STAINLESS STEL-Lr (LOUMD5 STAINLESS-STEEL CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMkNT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1'49911303 STEP NO-UR/0135/70,/000/003/OOC)410,006 CIRC ACCESSICN NCJ--AP0123262 UNCLASSIF'IED A 212: 042 UNCLASSIFI'ED: PROCESSENG DATE--30OCTTO G1KC-'ACCESSIGN NU--AP0123Z62 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-o- ABSTRACT. MECHANICAL PROPEfrTIES Wi::RE- DETLRKINED OF SAMPLES CUT cur FROM THE METAL OF WELUS IN 00KH16NL5,'-',35-, GKHl6hlbN3B, OXH2ON40B, 4NO IKH13M2bFR STEELS FOLLOWING IRRADIATION W11TH A DOSE OF 2.8 TIMES 10 PRIMEA NEUTRtCM PRIME2 AND 4.3 TIMES .10 PKl,'-'iE2i NEUTR,GH PRIME2 (E LARGER THAN OR EQUAL TO I MEVJ AT A TEMPERATURE OF ABUUT ICUDEGREESC. TESTS WERE CARRIED,OUT USING.00-5.5REAKING MAC.HINES AT 2O.t 350t ANU 650DEGP.EESC IN THE,AIR* UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 023 UNCL~SSIFtED PROCE;SSING I)ATE--30OCT70 TITLE--INCREASING GYROTRON EFFICIENCY AT THE FUNOAMENTAL GYRORESONANCE BY l_. WAY OF CORRECTING THE MAGNETOSTATIC FIELD DISTRIBUTION -U- _~'AUTHOR-03)-GLUSHENK09 V.N.t KOSHEVAYA; Si-.V.o, PRUS V.A. -OF --USSR OUNTRY INFO :-.'SOURCE--IZV VUl~ RADIGELEKTRONIKA, VOL., 13t JAN. 19709 P* 12-17 ~_~-DAT&PUBLISHED ---- JAN70 '-.,SUBJECT AREAS --NAVIGAT.90N -~~'.TOPIC TAGS--MAGNETIC RESONANcr--, GYRO, MAGNETORESISTANCE, TRANISIIERSE MAGNETIC FIELD ~'_',~CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED _FR0XY_ REEL/FRAME--1991/0142 STE PNO--UR/0452/'70/013/000/0012/0017 ...CLRC ~ACCESSION NO--AP0110108 UNCLASSIFfED -,-,212 023 UNCLASSIF180 PROCESSING 0ATE--30OCT70 .CIRC-ACCESSION NO--AP0110108 'ABSTRACT-/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIME-NTAL STUDY OF.A PHASE METflOD OF INCREASING GYROTRON EFFICIENCY AT FUNDAMENTAL GYRORESONANCEt BASED ON THE USE OF AN AAGNETOSTATIC DIRECTIVE FIELD WHICH VARIES ALONG THE LENGTH Or- THE INT~RACTION SPACE, IT IS SHOW14 THAT THE MAXIMUM TRANSVERSE ELECTRONIC.EFFICEENCYOF 0, GYPL)rROx WITH CGRRECTED MAGNETOSTATIC FIELD DISTRIBUTION IS ABOUT 70PERCENT. THE MAXIMUM ELECTRONIC EFFICIENCY OF AN EXPERIMENTAL GYROTRON REACHED 40PERCENT, DEMONSTRATING THAT THE DEVICE-OPERATED IN A NONOPTIMAL REGIME. THE OPTIMAL REGIME-COULD BE ACHIEVED BY INCREASING THE VOLTACE (W-HICH WAS NOT FEASIBLE DUE TO TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS) OR 13Y USING LONGER RESONATORS. THE BEST 11,4PRUVEMENTS IN EFFICIENCY WERE OBTAINED ..WHEN THE MAXIMUM OF THE SIJPPLEMENTAKY~MA5NETOSTATEC FIELD WA!' 0.7L F ROM THE.FRONT OF THE RESONATORt WHERE,L~ISJKE RESONATOR LENGTH* UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 539.3 PRMAKOVY A.P. (Dnepropetrovsk Structual.Engineeritig InstiWte) -Z7ar Equations of the Curvature of Mi Nouline~' ldly Slopir;gr Miltilayer Shells" Kiev, Prikladmaya Mekhanika, iuo 3., 1971, PP 3-8 Abstract: Nonlinear equations of the curvature of a mildly aloping multilayer shell, consisting of an arbitrary number of transversally i-cotropic layers, on the basis of the variational principle of E. ReisrmAr, with. acco-Unt, taken of tMn3verze Glicer de:rormatiotia of the iayarr) ar-~e obtained. The hypot~aesis of straight normals riot used, it be-ing assumed that rhe stress distributiOn with respect to the thickness of the shell corresponds to the classic solution, and for tangential shifts of all the alyero a linear la-w- of change -vr'Ah re- spect to thickness was adopted. The order of-the system of the basic equations of curvature of a multilayer shell does not depend upon the number of' layers. Ifigure~ 8 bibliographic entries. 107 I MM ME! USSR UDC 539,3 RASTERYAEV, Yu.. 1C., and PRUSAKOW, A.- R.. "Cross Bend of Nonsyarnetric al Multilayer-Sandwich Plates" Kai= Izvestiya VUZ, Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika, No~4,1970, pp 49-56 Abstract; Equations describing the flexure of thin multilayer plates of nonsymetrical construction are derived using the variational method and -layer transverse displacement. taking into account the deformation.of the The boundary conditions for varioua casesi:of edge fastening are ot,.tained from the variational equarion. The 1,Td o fstress distribution in the case of a cylindrical plate flexure, which was found by using the hypothesis of nondeformable normals, is being applied for determining the tangential stresses T and T yz across the multilayer plate., By introduction of new functions 0 for ces and displacements the initial-systein,of five equations for the plate flexure is reduced-to a system ofithree equations. The re- sults of the solution of these.equations f6r the case of,,a three layer plate of symmetrical construction, aze~ compared wlth,,tho~ei. ob tafned by various other theories.. 52- formuLas' 2:~~ J_' USSR uDc 62o.186-5:669.i4 VOROYM, T. I., PEL'TS, E. 1. and PRJSA.KOIf, B. A. "Phase Recrystallization of Steel at, HeatIng" Moscow Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabatka metallov, ilo 6, !97o, pp 62-6, Abstract: An investigation vas made of two stee.'s (typed; 40 and 50) to confirmi. an earlier-proposed recrystallization scheme . The struc,~:are of overhE,ated Steels after repeated heating at 50 degrees/ndn chances su-ostantially and de~er_ds greatly on the microstructure developing at overheating. After repeated heatine, sections resembling the initial overheating- grain in =F,,nitude and. shapi! are clearly vis- ible. The assured diurneter of the real austenl4te grain formed durin,-,, repeated heatinC at a m.,nification of 100 is 40-50 times smaller timn the diameter of -the sections observed at a magnification of 5- !rhe real grains increase with increas- ing repeated heating temperature, but even after a 28-hr holding time, they remain -L ocrap araller than he initial overheating grains. A metall hic study n, of bDundar-i- of sections at large magnifications did not~sho*w any sig es in Dlacer, corresponding to the grain boundaries at small magnification. 'Ihis suggests that the sections observed are not grains, but rather,"pseudogmins". ThiS i8 COnfirmed by the results of a study of the microstructure formed, during tbe repeated. heat treatment, in the preliminarily overheated and water-cooled type 40 steel. The V N i R,; I "i, r 't, etrat of all, for t-~ n,ii- of fev i I me to brially durrriL u t; 1., 4vc:t:lx,-~ astt"Ciatlon vas r. on", i-1 .1 f~,:d oxy I., five experimental oQ si,qn L1jr`JU.j, 3r-1 0.1 A%Z:;~' ~f t:'w head untorpriua. our ~:ii7.tri~.vjtiun lz a~! follo-azz three plants are locatijd in Lqnin~;r&d aa.1 tw-j :ia ftlaut, Ont: bran0i in X"rvlia, an,,, t1,.-- otUer In oblast. The aasociation t%irns oot rore 400 of electronic instruments and experts taon tv Aj -CC.-Ultrivs of the world. The years 1~92-1965 wero a of ax-,ran--Iy rapi technical rooqii plAno lord ';vCt1-an'a,t .1u a Ociationilk-trIM1.4ition to tho n~, Synten Of w ile h s planniaq and ocoaondc! stimulation tone 01 tht? fiv~t in tlle countryl optincd broader oppar t;jn i tier for furt;tor dLvIoj- wnt of production and rejolution of social pro~)Icrm. It iz well-known ttsat it was at in. 04V that the first cor'PrelwnuiVe piall of 30clal 4cvL-Ic?j,,ront in Ca,2: country.wai; workod out. It% aim war. to har--On.~ouaiy vvr,~-. bine tile inteXt-,sto Of the atata, thc :atcri2ri3;c. a-rt4 vac.%~ worn C: r. And vha period ut it!) vp~vativn, fitted alzosr. completely within tbc frwiaLor; of t.-.,, ;.i.,inti, river Year Plan. 'rho. social development plan app,~ared as a rr.~,3ult of Collective thought, since it containt; propona.1r,naa.., lay Svotlana woeKers at xrictings of party anCi manalortont 19 61d Inorianiie Cbmpounds USSR 'UDC 541.11 1"SAKOV, V. N., SOKOLOV, V. B., and CHAYVMOV, B. B. -"Reaction of Xenon Difluoride.with Halog.en Pentafluorides" Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, Vol,XLV, No 5, 1971, pp, 1102-11-05 Abstract: The method of differential thermal analysis was used to study the binary systems XeF2-CkF5 and XeF2-BrF5.. The experimental technique and the synthesis of XeF2 and CZF5 are described. The phase diagram of the XeF2- CU5 system shows that these components do not react or dissolve in each other and in pure chlorine pentafluoride, a phase transition is observed in the solid state at -134'C. The phase diagram of the XCF2-BrF5 system shm7s that a congruently melting compound with~the composition XeF2-2BrF5 (dystectic point at 23*0 and one incongruently melting. compound with the- composition XeF2'9BrF5 (pritectic point at -37*.C) are, formed in thei sys~am. Ihe phase separation and solution mechanisms are described. The maximum solubility of Xenon difluoride in bromine pentafluoride does not exceed 11.2 moles per 1,000 gram of pentafluoride. Binary systems of XeF2-IF2, XC%BrF2 alld XeF2-CLV5 werpi. also studied and the mechanism of formation and issociation of the cOmPOunds XeFfIF, and 5 Xep2,2BrF5 is discussed briefly. USSR UDC: 541:123 YEZHOV, V. K. PRUSAKOV, V. N., and CIMYVANOV B.B. ,he Physico-Chemical Properties of Hea-,ry V4-tal Fluoride Mixtures" Moscow Atomnaya energiya, Vol 28, N to 6, j= 70, p 497 th Abstract: 7bis is the fourt article on the fusibility cui,(e of t xe.-Ion difluor- ide-~uraniwu- hexafluoride E;,,stem. The authors used th- diff-arential then-,ov, rapny method, forlstudyinE; the fusibility curve of the XeF2-UF6 systezm. The ob-"ined diacram shows a mixture with unlimited =utual soluIbility of the co.-,iponents in the liquid state and crystallization of chemical cowTjound withlwat solid solution form- ation. The diagram shows one dystetic -poirt correspondinr to the fomation of the congruently fusible XeF~'Ur6 compound of stoichioi~-.etric compouition. The nneltinc point of this. compoand is 22,0+ 50C. An evaluation of the stability of Xel'6"JT'6 showed that the degree of dissociation of the XeF.2-Ur% does aot exceed 20 percent vithin its meltin6 temperature ran(.,re. A achen-atic representation of the structure of. XeF2,-trF6 is given. gig USSR, UDC: 541-323 PWSAKOV V. N., and IMHOV, V. K. I 1~7 "'the Physicoo.Chemical Propertieso f Heavy Metal Fluoride Mixtures" Moscov, Atomnaya energiya, Vol 28, No 6 June~,1970, p 496 Abstract: This is the third article on the stfoject with emp-21asis oil i;tate dija- gram of the uranium hexafluoride-niobium pentafluoride system. The authors sv.1died the liquid-vapor and liquid-solid stateb of equilibrium of the uraniimrn hexESI!Aoride- niobium pentafluoride system. Exerimental data showed that a region of lt-aited ~Tdx_ ing exists at 0.23-0.74 mol- fraction concentration of UF(,. The up er crii~ical tern, .2 oerature of stratification is 122 1' 2QC. The presence bf an area olC stratification vas. checked visually. The composition and eut6ctic point deterain --,d by extrapolation ofthe experimental data are 0.75 mol. fractions~of UF 6 and 51.01 0.50C. The urLn- Fa - J IUIM hexafluoride-niobitLa pentafluoride systdm complies -aith tAh"! u 1 rule Ln Vne -he zyste-m sho,,-.,s a region of low niobiizz pentaf luoride concentrations. Elsewhere L positive deviation fram ideal behavior. The experimental results are in agl*eei~-ent vith the itheorj of isometric solutions. Third-order Van Laar equations can be used for descrroing the UFF syste-I., 6 IEll I! I MI M'' USSR UDG 631-547.04 IGNATIaV, A. D.,t and GOMIUCOV, A. I., Institute of Plant --- T- -- Physiology, Acadertv of Sciences USSR, and First Moscow ~~-dical Institute ~Residues of Chlorocholine Chloride in Wheat and Their Toxicological Signifi- cance Moscow, Khimiya v Sellskom Hhozyaystve~ Vol 9, No 6J, 197,1, p-p 56-58 Abstract: The authors made a long-term sanitary and twzlcolo6, cal titudy to determine residues of chlorocholine chloride (CCO) 'in troated wheat crops and to establish their safety, limit for human and aninal hes1th. In 1967--1969 field tests, CCC residues were analyzed in the grain and strww of two varieties of vinter wheat (vh-eat-wheat grass hybrid 186, and Mironovskaya 8C6). It was found that there are no residues of CCC in the grain of wheat tmatetl with doses up to 4 kg/ha,, but that in the case of combined trcatm~mt with CCC and 2,4-D there am slight residues approximating, ~ the limits detected by chemical analysis, includine a method as sensitive as thin lacer chromatogray;hy. The 2,4,-D apparent],v delays so=---what the brealtdo~.m of CCC in plants., thus prwotl''ng the appearance VJ. insignificant residues. Reco=endatians fo~, the -use of CCC in agriculture must be strictly observed vo as to obtain the raxtMim production effect and at the samo time assure the absence of haruXul 'impurities in treated 1 17 iT lj~ 32 USSR um 666.113.431-47- -31.2a, i I ELINOV3 V. A. UDOUNKOO N. G., IMMINS V. KH., PRUMU,14 L. M. A. G., ORLOV, V. N., VYSOTSKAYA, Z- I-,, and CHEZUTYSHEV, A. V. "Glass for Ultrasonic Delay Lines" USSR -Aut1ior sCertificate No 366156, Filed 26 Jun 70, Published 16 Jan 73 (from Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 7, Mar (a) 73, Claim No 1453164/29-33) Translation: A glass for ultrasonic delay lines, inClUdinf; 2"i ZnO, 1"aO, 02 J, K20~, if; distincuishcd 1jy the fact that, in order -to obt~An s-Wole ncowstic properties it contains the above components In the fo1J_ow1n;,.4 zwou_ntc, 61 SIC~ 40-65; ZnO 5-2.5, BU-0 10-5-30; 425, and fu~vthermoj-e Sb20 0-05-3- 3 Epidemiolo'gy~ USSR UDC 576.851.71+576.858.731, GOVDIN, R. B., and SILWHANINA, K. L., Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov, Leningrad, and.Institu~e of tpidemiology and Microbiology imeni N. F. Gamaleya, Academy:of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Detection of Rickettsial and Ornithosis Antigens in Indirect Hemagglutination -is of Erythrocytes Chemically Combined With Polycondensed immune Test by Mea, Globulins. Report I: Use of Sensitized Erythrocytes Prepared With Boron- fluoride-Bis-Diphenlydiazenium for Rapid Detection of Agents of Tickbome Rickettsioses sMoGcow,,Voprosy Virusologii, No 3, May/Jun 70,.pp 366-371 Abstract: A new modification of the ind1rect hemagglutination reaction for rapid detection of rickettsial and ornitho6is antigens has been developed, The results of tests and comparative evaluation of red blood cell (RBC) %4 preparations were presented. RBC preparationswere made by conjugation of erythrocytes with polycondensed globulins of rabbit sera immune to Dermacentor sibiricus, D. rickettsi and'other..agents of tickborne rickettsiosis. 4,4-bis- diphenyldiazonium a.pure, highly'stable bifunctional compound providing standard conditions. for makIng OC. preparations- was used for poly- condensation of immune globulins and.-chemical conjugation with'f ormalinized 1/2 2/2 027 UNIC L A SS I F I PROC.-:SSING DATC-13,110V70 ~CJRC ACCESSION NO-AP0126401 Gl)-0- -ISTP T A 4N E 'of L F [ f', A r 10-: f,1j:3j7kj--cT HA TEST 1-0~~ RAPID !.li~: RICKE-Trs(AC A -N U oRN1T;-i;-sls IJI~P;Tli~ 'ell A EN s 'PED. THE P"PFk PRESE'4T.S THE RESULTS OF T.,~ I s i riu c p r t v L- -L E ~l A L Ull, T I 0,-N, q- F 11"FJ , -~;-DD CL r% G -:LL RBC ) P k E PA, BY Li P,-jj~YC 0 ,OFERYTrii~GCYTES 'eilT, N D E IN S E " G L~j 3 UL IN S OF RAU61T Sl~RA 1*,l,',liJ`lE FG.-~ 0. I C, -TTSI,l AND 0 TH t R AGENTS OF NCK TrEj FEVERS. lNG'll 0 ;r- I M Uti E, G L CJ 11 U L I N S IJ T H 114 FOR PJLYC,VlDFNSATlnpNl (CHEMICAL "SEW I C A L C;",\IJ J 6-A T I U IN, w I T H F 0 R AA L 1 NIE 1 Rb C IS -11 HENYLOIAZONli'l C HE M ED 4- 6 L; -~;:,~-'.130ROFLULIRIDE 'AlAS U-SED vi,'-!ICH -tiAS A PUrEp: HIGHLY. STAILE BIFUNCTIONAL COMPCOND PR~-'V.1~71NG STANDAP0 CONDITIONS, F.OR NIAKING ~klC PREPARATIONS. ALL Fj A T C ir i E S ;3F 'R q C P R E A R A F 1! J IN S MA D -E "AC G r- R' 0 111 G 10 THIS llil'-TH(:)L) ~F!\,ICTLY SPEC[F-lC- THEY GAVE CROSS fr,LACTIONS~WlTtl A"ITIGC-IS (JF* RICKETTSIA RELONGIN(j TO THE GROUP OF AGENTS UF TICK. BORNc' SfIolf6i FEVERS AT THE SAIME TIME DID NOT INTERACT WITH ANYOF HFT'--R,1Lf-jGfJlJS :,~RJCKETTS[A OR BACTERIA. NO NOINISPEC IFIC REXCT IONS w!-ki: ObSE-i-,vEI) di'm EXTAACTS FRUM THC ORGANS 01F UNINFECTED ANIMALS E[Ti!F-rr,. AT THE SAAE TPAIF AS -1 ~'; E I j I- ~ SHU4N lHAT UTILIZATION OF 11 Rd C PIR E P AR A T 10' S INSIhIED [IN OUR EXDE~il-~E,'4T-S HfGH SENS!Ttviiry OF 11NJIRECT HA T-s r. ITS SDN`IT,rVJYY ~,IA- M0-500 FOLD.HIGHFm THA~, THAT 0- C('r AND'20 30 ANE).10-50 i:JLL, if][GHER THAT OF INDIRECT HI TEST 41WIT14 RSS SE-,N.,S!TIlEU~ I~ITH RICKETTSIAL AND~FLIJDRESCENT ANTIBODY.1 ECHNI'QUE ri RESPECT IVELY. ~..,-'FACILITY*.- VOYENNO-MEDITSINSKAYA AKAUEM, HA, JIMENJ 3 M. KIROVA, P DE li I OL 0011 L V! I I Q L 0 G I I [MEN11 4 F . A M A L Cz I LENINGRADt V :1NSTVUT i- -AMN SSSRt MOSKVA:. UNC LA S 5 1 F I FD 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED-1 AOCESSING DATE--090CT70 OF CHROMIUM ALLUYING ON ELECTRON STRUCtURE AND ORDERING IN NI SUB3 MN ALLOY.-U- AUTHUR-100-FADINt V.P.s RYABYSH.KINAs G*A.t PANINP V.YE.r PRLISHINSKIYP GUN RY OF INFO-USSR CE--IZV. VYSSH. UCHEd. ZAVEU* v FI Z 119709 13(Zlo 44-51 ~~P~TE PUBL ISliED----70 U13JECT AREAS-PHYSICS, MATERIALS "~_fo P I C-TAGS--ELECTRON STRUCTURE,, CHROMIUM ALLOY, MODEL- 14ICKEL ALLOYp MANGANESE NQ--UR/0139/70/013/002/00~,~4/0051 2/2 022 UNCLASSUVFE~D I~k OCESSING VATE-0 19 0C. T 7 0 CIRC ACLESSION NO-AT0114356 1-~;ArqSTR-AGTJEXTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 'A sTUDY OF PAIIAI~ETERS W'HICH .'CHARACTERILE THE ST4TE OF THE ALLOYS (RESISrANCE It, IINTE;~NAL INDUCTION SATN., B SUb5p ABS. THERMAL EPIF. S) ANU OF THE NjE-,JTR01--1 DIFFRACTION DIAGRAMS V~AS USED TO DET. THE EFfECT OF CR ALLOYING ON [HE STROCTURE OF THE D 8ANO AND ON THE ORDERliliG PAOCESSES. THE AVON. G::' CR GECRE.4-SES THE VALUES OF B SU3,S FOR THE DISUROEREL) ALLOY AS WELL AS THE CHANGE IN 8 SUGS UPON CoRDERING. THUSt THE A1TIFERROMAGNETIC INTEAnCTION 0~ THE ATOMS IN THE MN-CR PAIRS IS GREATER THA14 IN THE MN-MN PAIRS. THE CR M R NEUTRON DIFFRACTION DATA SHOW THAT EVEN FOR SMALL AMTS, OF.! IS 1, ILA. TO 9 AT PEPCENT) A HfGti DE%GRF-E OF LCINIG RANGE ORDER IS ESTABLISHED IN THE ALLOY. THE VALUES OF A ARE GREATER INITHE ORDERED THAN IN THE DISORDERED "ALLOY DUE TU THE INCREASE IN THE U. OF ELECTRON S-,Arf---s IN THE 3D bAND OP THE 0,:kOERED ALLLYS, RESU4T-iNG IN AN, TNCP,,EASED PR09ABILITY FOR THE SCATTERING OF THE 4S ELECTRONS JN rHE 30 k5AND. THF VALUE OF S 'EQUALS FIR) INVIGATES THAT THEI~E IS A CLOSED FF-1041 SURFAC~ IN 301H THE DISGRUFARED AINU ORUREO ALLOYS FOR LOW CR CONCNS. (~MALIA:k IHAM 6 AT. :-P':kC1-hT) ANO AN OPEN FER141 SURFACE FOR HIGHER CONCNS. I-OR ALLUYS WIJ'H LOW CR-CONCN THE MODEL WITH,A~RIGID.31)- 6ANU IS APPLICABLE. LARGER E,~3U~ ~BAND' V31 PER tUR(s THE S*TAUC7URE OF TH FACILITY: 5 If3- flZo~4,EKH* INST. IM. KULNETSOY A TOMSKq: USSR. 'IFIED UNCLASS USSR UDC: 621-375.026 10ROZOVA, G. N. FRUSLIN, V. Z. and Y "Optimization cf Signal Input Levels in TbT Amplif icat".Lon" Moscow. Radiotekhnika, No 9, 1972, pp 86-88 Abstract.: It is sometimes necessary, iii atraveling wave tube amplifying the signal of several communications lines, that the signal/noise ratio for all the lines be the same. To achieve this, a special law for the frequency distribution of signal inputs is chosen. The purpose of this paper is to find isitch an optlimum law. The authors begin their search with~.the solution for the nonld-near differential equations of a TWT operating In a node of low non- linearity with several unmodulated signals applied to its input. The law is obtained and the coefficients in it found throueh the use of an electronic digital computer. The resvlts are given of an experi-ment performed to calcuiate the signal/noise ratio for all signals with these coefficients specified, and to choose the optimum values of these coeffioients -- i.o the values at which the difforencelbetween the maximum and mini-mum signal/noise values is a minimum. 54 USSR UDC 621,030 PRUSOV, A. "On Probability of Brittle Failure of Plates", Minsk, Vestsi Akedemii Nav-uk BSSA, Seryya Tizika-Telmichuykh Navuk, No 3pl971, pp 25-V Abstract: The brittle failure of a rectangular plate subject to bending in two perpendicular directiohs is analyzed. The probability of such a failure is given assuming that the probability oi failure with bending in each of.the two directions is known from experiment. Also formulae are derived for th6 probability of such failure taking into account the size of the plate and the duration of loading. In case of nonuniformly loaded plate the formulae for a uniformly loaded Lplate are applied to an element of the plate and then integrated over its surface, 107 'USSR UDC 537.533.3+537.534.3:621.38.032.269 PRUSOV, 1. A., and RO~JANIV, L. Ye. "On the Problem of Calculating the Field of kxisymmetric Magnetic Lenses" Teor, elektrotekhnika. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-tekhn. ab. (Theoretical Elec- trical Engineering, Republic Interdepartmental Scientific-Technical Collec- tion), 1970, No 9, pp 101-104 (from Uh~-Fizika, No 12(1), Dee 70, Abstract No 12Zh681) Translation: A method Is proposed for calculating the field of axisymmetric armored magnetic lenses which is based on reducing the given problen to the problem of determining the scalar magnetic potential. The case is considered in which P (p is the magnetic permeability of the-zagnet). It Is shown that at u the solution of the boundary value problem is based an repre senting the scalar field f by the potential of a simple layer of several sources of the field, the.aensities of which are assumed to be given on a certain surface S' located a small distabc'e h from thesurface of the maonet. The problem reduces to an integral Fredholm equation of~the first order which is. solved by the method of collocations. Authors abstract. 49 VSSR UDC 536.24:-532.526 PRUSD-V----V. A.. Kiev Civil.Aviation Engineering Institute "Flow Pattern and Friction Coefficient at:the,Outlet of, the Rozzle Discharging a Semiopen Turbulent Stream With a Symmetric Velocity Profile" Kiev, GidromeLbanika, Akademiya Nauk Ukriinskoy SSR, No 2i, 1.972, pp 27-33 Abstract: The article describes the experimental invescigation of the two dimensional flow of air along a wall. The wall consisti~.d of a 300 raii wide plate. This plate also formed the bottom: side of the convergent noz,,le. The static pressure was measured by a hole inthe plate. The total pressure was measui-~d by a hole covered with a razor blade, the edge- of the bLade being at 0.04 mm above the plate. Tile distance from the nozzle t:o the hole was v;7ried by sliding the plate in and out of the noizle. The velocity profiles were obtained by means of a total. pressure probe. The friction was calculated by an empirical formula giving the shear :3tre~--,s at the wall as a function of density, viscosity, half -thfckness of the razor blade 01 = 0.04 mm) and dynalaic pressure (difference between tile total and static pressures). 1/2 3-1 ilel:ij - =411 USSR UDC 771-537.61 FRUSS P. Kh Candidate of Sciences, MUSMVICH, L. V., TVANOV, A. M., MODEL, N. M., MMYCHENKOV, M. S., and MCHKOVA): Ye. V. "The Interference 'Resolvometer ILIR-11" Leningrad,, Optiko-Yekhanicheskaya Promyshlennost', No 9, sep 72, PP 310-34 Abstract: The technical characteristics, operatinG principle, and design of the first industrial sample of a displayed autonkitic device, the laser interference resolvometer LIR-1, are described by reference to its optical schema and photo- graphs of the control desk and principal blocks. The resolvoneter WaS developed according to the technical assignment of the State Optical Institute by the K:-as- nogorsk lVechanical Plant for the determination of resolutions of photographic materials in the 440--2960 r;m-1 range. A Isser of the W'-30"A type ( ;), =63'28 is used as light source. The LIR-1 iso a two-beam interft!!ro.'7ieter in which interference bands with sinufloidal distribution of brightness develop by inter- action of two flat waves. It is designed for operation under laboratory condi- tions. Visual or diffraction methods can,be used for the evaluation of exposed and processed resolvogi-axs. Tests of a series of high-resolution photofilms yielded a value of the resolving ability vIiiah can be characterized as R > -1 2700 mm. , because all frequency groups up to t;he limiting, wem reproduced. Values of R for high-resolution films.are presented. Four illustr., ore table) t'1ve biblio. refs. Adwrption'; USSR UDC 546.633:543-544-6 SHATSKIY, V. M., KRIVENK-0, S. V., KOMISSAROVA, L.' N., P-1-MYT, G. F.3 PRIDM-A,, 11. M., KE=1SR, YA. A., and TVOP,03011-, V. A., Chain o, inori;anic '"Synthesis of Novel Phosphorus Containing Sorbents and the Stuky of the Sorptio-n of Scandium on Them 3- 658 Ylosecrv, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Vol 13, No 6, TZOV-Dec 72, pp 6, Abstract: Outiral conditions for scandium sorption and separation frorl Iron have been dete=incd on a pilot-plant scale. A specific sorbent r,,s use(I in the process. It was the product of the co-polyncrization of styrene %,rith divinyl- benzene phosphorylated with PIM, and subsequently hydrolyzed alcoh,)!_';c potnssium bydroxi (., solation. Ld 'Me optinal conditions for the se"pration Lo on this sorbent are as ' llows: the sorption is carried out from a 0.1 1' lVC)4 solution; a "pp~ a,.umonlum fluoride solution is -atoed for the de-sor-pHon; unC'er thesa con'ditionn ill one irorn is ir-olti.ted pra c - ticaUy completely. Repetition of the (1 )4- CSOITUon procf:!sr, Ndth v. ifrc~-'i portic,n of the desorbent removed T4, of sca-niiirri. This s-orbent jriy be uc:ed for the c,--r- centration of scandiiLm out of tb-2 solutiono with hi-h iron e.,mitent. in ar!6.i -I,-, ic, n to. iron this ,,method also scraratco all nonc- and divaienb aiomocnto, C0.1",.-Il elements and other ii:pirities fxom Ecandium. 1/1 Wa 546s6,4549.34.6+547.466 ]FAMIM 9 Le Ise WRIYANOVA Ge N* and BZM UV& R. M. Moscow Stato Univer- sity ineni X. V, Lojionosov "Nonionic Exchange Sorption of Monoiminodiacetates af Fare Earth Elements on a Cation Exchange ResirP Noscow, Zhurnal Neor~cheskqy Khizii, Vol 17# No 1, Jan ?2j. pID 214-21.7 Abstracts Chemical and spectrograpbic analysis of the composition of oluates formed during passage of iminodiacetic acid fhmjthrough a cation exchange reain In the rare earth element form showed that separation of rare eaxth elements occurs at the expense of mono and d1iminodiacetates. Absorption of LMDA by tha cation exchange resin in the procesa of the ioa exchange separation la not due to cation exchange sorption but to the appearance of noiAon1c exchange forces. The input of such a sorption to the separation of rare earth elements my be considerable. Analysis of the mixtures of rare earth e1aments In the cation exchange resin phase inthe equilibrium and in the elution solutions shown that the composition of the adsorbed complex diffors froz the composi- Uou of analogous mixtures In other phase3s : The adsorbed compUx may partici- pate actively in the procese of the ionic excNU.P. t, SI: -:7PPS 51;.IR 70 GOTAINEN(I EFITAXIAL SLUM! FILM WITH ME APPLICATt= OF NVOROCEN OF KtGl( Sn-VY 'r M AONTIM1110; DISTIURUTUM PROFILE ""TY 'i", rk A. L. ShimaJ11*1na. A. S. L 0v I r'jL._t:. ~,rutkIrk V. V. f1h rc e0o, ov. Novolilbirlik, Protses4y 't all) 'e Sloyev Pol, oil r 9 _pr-vlldniko~ TrudX Part 2, 19b~' pp Ill, distribution profile of the adMiXt.TGS in the QPitRXIAl layers plays the decisive tells. to insuring the given operating characteristics, of t(je seali- conducting dalvLcts, The requirament.on obtaining precision profile" Is Incii4wifled ilhairply in cljnnacclan with microalintaturlilation and t1ja terhriclo" of aDltj Store clr~ ell t ry. on the other hand, thr, nature of the admix turn. dA*trlbut$km In the epl- taxial Layers, provides rich Information POMIttinj the the lrethn; anial: of the Interaction of tht-adiat9tures with thi-gicmling c"Ittal. fn practices the admixture dtat rLbutIon depends, the effect of talunr Chit, its I-Vhva tcal factors am~inp. which the principal onals ai to Clio reaction kin- series Ill C.60 gas phase. the captuni And disiplocament of admixtures, Juring'this growth rile phs#s equilibrI4 and On diffunitih over the surface and In the solid StAte,. There aresallitral.paptra dovoted to the admixture distribution duXing epitaxtol growth 11-3, 5, 61; however, in theft the masit Inpartaist questiam.ts not IVIVeStUaLlMd - the dill tribilk Lott at the Ellik in the -body connected with pun, cotful AIX*ylnx Irnm the gas phona to the Rrsmeth prcra^g. f:r". ill I-rivestigated the admixt%irs distribution In the filla-subatrate systtri for the ease where the alloying admixture was evaporated frou the solid phase and then was Again crystallized frola the vapor-roa mixture. In the Indi"ted paper a study was made of a distributIon profile at the admixtures on the basis of the diffusion theory in the solid st&co,, and special experiments were performed with Antimony and boron. The author USSR UDC 621-165+6o,-1.438-018 OGLOBLIN, G. A.., PHMOVSKIY Yet. N., PAKSHIN A. V., and OZEROV V. I. "Investigation of the Efficiency of Steam-Gas Plants With Different Modes of Discharging Gases Into the Boiler" Tr. Sev-.-Zap. Zaoch. Politel~hn. In-ta [Works of the Northwestern Correspond- ence Polytechnic Institute', No 19, 1972 PP 36-40 (from Referativn3- I , P y Zhurnal, Ho 10, Oct 72. 49. Turbostroyeniye. Single Issue. Absi- act No f thermal effic- Translation: Tie suggested method simplifies the analysis o. iency of steam-gas plants (SGP) with discharging imder conditions of- partial loads. The efficiency reduction on load reduction of SGP becomes less intensive with increase of the gas temperature t before the gas turbine, but at t3 > 0 3 1200 C the load reduction effects-an efficiency increase of:SGP. T~ie shielding of the combustion chamber of the'gas stage by steam superheating heat suarfaces ~w 'he 1 increases the efficiency of SGP and increaces it the more the lorer t oad of SGP. Two illustr., six biblio. refs. 77- -.77, Thelliodec TimMment USSR UDC: 621.762.32:539.21.9 DOROFEYEV, Yu, G., ZHERDITSKIY, IN. T., RIQgng . "0 INUIUL V. V. LMIKOV, K. K., Novocherkassk Polyfeclinical-lhstitute "I E ffe ot &Thermorgechanical Treatment on Diffusion of Carbon in Steel-Produced by Dynamic Hot-1,ressing" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 4. 197.2, pp 36-39. ract: Studies were performed using specimens produced by pressing with Abst subsequent heating and dynmic hot-pressing at 110.01% with holding at this -essing was teaTerature for 20 minutes. Aftcr the holding, d"wmic hot-pi porformed at J 100, 1000, 900 ancl 800'C in, j die heated to 600"C with sub-se- J quent rapid cooling of the specimens in water, The diffusion of cafton occurred in a rarefied gas medium, using C14 as a label,:- It was fotnid that with high-temperature deformation with shock loads and subsequent hardening recrystallization processes are suppressed. Therefore, relie-f of hardening due to elimination of dislocation imperfections occurs incompletely, and the structure of the material has high intenial stresses and dislocation 1/2 Woo! USSR DOROFEYEV, Yu, G., ZHERDITSKIY, N. T. , PRutyruxov, v. MURAL, V. V. LMIKOV,. K. K., Novocheikassk Polytechnical Institute, Kiev, Poroshkovays Metallurgiya, No 4, 1972, pp 36-39. density and low mosaic block dimensions. The increasc in dislocation density reduces the diffusion of mobility of the carbon atoms, resul~lting from their capture by structural defects, theiconcentrationof which increases ..with decreasing dynamic hot-pressing temperature. X UR 0482 Y Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Sectfd~ It Electrical,. Der went-2 ~238649 PMECTROMEC 4 MICAL ?ROGRAMD Y4TVITH REM)TE L A -by,.vartation of the length LTEPATION, of the prcgtA=e cycles'.. .1t tmp.loys a synchronous dev ic es for, setting thie, cycle motor and ratqhet~ 'Len rhs. also graduated (s ep-hYl-steP) motors. in orderto shape lovirs and'stiort-term commands, thtre is added a graduated motor, a,servo meahanism bearing a.profilea cam which is rigidly fixed to the ratchet wheel.. This Ls connected vLa a pawl to~the synchronous motorshaft." Also added is a short-term- command servo mechanism with pxpanding cam P moun ted across the diaOter:of the-ratchat wheel. ~This mechanism is linked via a pawL, to the settur mechanism for cycle length. 6.2.68 as 1215550/18;-24. L.V.PRIIT Wit et. atia. NORTH CAU(;ASUS FITSVEMETAVTOMATOW'TPECIAL DES.ZUR.(21.7.69) Bul 10110.3.69. Class 21c. Int.Cl.G 05f. 19771583 -112 wqcLA~-SIFI~a PP'LOCESS ING. DUE-20NOV70 I TILE 4--i-~S f-RUCTU ~E CF IkU4 PUWDER MCULOXIINGS IN H.ELATIM Tu IHE MOULDING T liC Vt YUvt-.o KalT.INi,: 1) I ZHERDITSKYo N.r., j3iwTSKJ.Y', V.T.*. t%'T RY 6F 1% FJ--LSSR SCL 1. RCE---PCl,*-'5h9L--VAY-A E TAPR. 1970, (41 39-43 70 APLA -MATERIALS, MECH., !,No* CIVIL AND MAR]INE EMGR '-JGPK T #*G' i -- I f; Ui PawJiER- P(joUER IMETAL VOLO, I NG 13 W o F- AMET'AL PRUVERTY, G A A I NSJ,UCTURE, INTERNAL STRESS C r- N T R 0 Lli A F K IG,- -C, R E 5 T R I C T I G N S IJ3 c W4 E. i"; TC L.~ S SU N C L A S S I F I C 0 ~QXY R EL i- C--- 3 'C"J 6 / C6 3 5STEP 1440--UR /0246/ 70 MOG M04 Oo 39/ 00 43 IAC A C C E 5 S I L* 1% X, A P 0 13 ~4 3 9 7 LA S S I F i E 13 Uj,~CLASSI FIED PROCESS UNIG OAT C-- 20NOV 7 0 J-P,113 397 -:A. 3 f P A C TE: X T KCU J C0 -A6 ; "IRAIC TT H E11 1 CR-J 5 TQ,uc r ui%l FcjF FE MwOER `lz WI-0 l;,GS Pr!DijiJCI-L) UNUER STA!,IJARD ST/kTIC AND DYiNAMlC CC%'oITlCNS WAS S-IJENED, ;-4i%b L~Z-RRELATEC ~z I Til THE PARAMETERS OF THE ~VtFJULDING P.913CESS. THUS VATEI>IALS SUrijECTE TO STATIC JINL);: DYNAMIC Pt~OCE'~~ MAY JIFFEk Cf--NSl6& MIG;?L;.5TAU-CTURE ANij PHYSICUIE ;