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.2/2 0. 15 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE-30OCTTO -ACCESSION NO-AP012.46Z5 -~-C,LRC --,.--ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* THE DEPENDENCES OF (CH SU82 CHCNCH SU82 CHEICONfiCH SU82 OH) SUBN (1) CGMPN,~o YIELD:p -AND REACTION RATE ON :YHE" COMPN. OF THE MtXT* OF MONOMERS11 ACRYLONLTRIJ-6 (111 AND -ME ER D D o a a I _THYLCLACRYLAMzoE (111), AND ON AEACTIONJIME~W E ET M N ME REACTIVITY RATIOS OF 11 AND LII,WERE 0*98 PLUS OR MINUS 0.05 ANO 2*33 PLUS OR MINUS O*Lv RESP4 I WAS ENRICHED IN III C0,1PARED WITH THE ORIGIhAL-MONDMER MIXT. COMPN. BUT III W S SPENT S16NIFICANTLY FASTER AS A COPGLYMN. PROCEEDED. COPOLYMN..RATES-WERE-HIGH (EaG. CONVERSION AFTER MIN FOR A,95:5 11-111 MIXT. WAS 75-80PERCENT) Bill THE RATE DECREASED WITHJIME AND WITH INCREASING 11,17CONCN.; MTHE ORIGINAL MONOMER MIXT. -FACILITY:.'LENINGRAD. INST. TEksT-,.~ UGK.. PROM. lm.- KIROVAV :~LENINGRAD'v. USSR. J)Nr ASSIFIED looms=, USSR UDC 51 EVSKAYA, L. V" SHCHAPIRO, A. D. .WY ."Mathematical-Economic Models of the-Development of the Subbranches of Petroleum and Chemical Machine Building" Sb. tr. In-t gidrodinam. Sib. otd. AN SSSR,(Collected Works of the Hydrodynamics Institute of the Siberian Department of the 'USSR Academy 'of Sciences), 1971, vyp. 4's, pp-149-164 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 99 Sep 72, Abstract No 9V540) Translation: On the basis of the existing control system, many branches of the national economy are combining so many different subbranches that it is impos- Bible to construct a united sufficiently conceivable mathematical-economic model adequately describing all the subbranches. In this. paper an effort has been made to construct models of the distribution of car)ital investments for the future in the petroleum and chemical machine buildings branch with satis- faction of the given requirements for the branch production by years. Inas- much~as in.the given case the capital investments are not restrictions but must be defined, the possibility arises for conuideration of each subbranch indi- vidually. For each of the inventigated subbranches the problem oil optimizing the capital investments is formulated iw the following way, it! is necessary to find the optical capital investments (by the *criterion of minimum reduced ex- penditures) under the condition of complete 'satisfaction of the, demand fOT the production of each type for the given subbranch for all years of the planned period. The models for the formalization of.,the problems are selected beginning 50 SR ALIYMKAYA, L. V., et a!., Sb. tr. In-t Eidrodinam. Sib. otd. AN SSSR, 1971, p. 4, pp 149-164 with the internal structure of the subbranches and, primarily, One nature of the basic equipment. If the basic equipment.of the enterprises is sufficiently specialized with respect to the subbranch, then the integral (variant) model is Most adequate. For the polymer machine building subbranchi a paxtially inte- I model is constructed; in this ra way the nonlinear nature of the dependence g of. the 5pecific capital investments on the production volumes is approximately -taken into account. For the petroleum equipment production subbranch the model of linear programming is constructed which takes into account the con- ditions, of - mutual interc1hangeability of the types. of equipment. The model is given ia-the contintions.statement also for the subbranch of papar and cellulose machine building various conditions of: tho introduction and mastery of 'facilitieg during different periods are considered here. 2/2 USSR UDC: 537-533.3 B0lTTDA-,ZB.M,0, Yu. 11. EUJIVIMMU!, V. I., IL1111, V. P., ISKOLTS3=06 A M 1,T,: S I]-jj'T Yjj . )!e,. "'T ~X G, S . and SIDEW J~fi P . C "cal Convertors in Por6ed Light Load Operation" Hovosibirs~-r. Al No 6, 1971, pp 7-14 Abstract: F m~~J Ic;--d oi~eratiou i r, de-"in-d as that mode of operation ol:~ ~-'-O o~. an converter in vhich a 1-1'l,q,-,.-----,----n'.- of hir- li density is pic-l,-cd up Lin recording processes 10 ~-10 L, C, rat -ion. In this kind of oj)L~ration the obtained !y fl-.-ncy "iGn of this pape:v, is 11,C) C ell look zat the lix.,.oic effoct'-) tortcl-Jaw, to L> (I u a.!: -.T,- k-3, tlivough the of which is to C, c,"ect of :the elect-a" c fiQld the. Mc, --ho Dh 6 a -- d e% -nd t h e L w arge. in causing tlj.i,:; distortion. -- 02" --iv~?IL a-~ld e r ment, -UT, :Ljj Z a vI e~ 77- SSR UDC: 621 U .315.592 BATANIN, V. V. PIMMIYAN, V. M., and POPOMA-, G. V. "Nature of 1.26-I.iO ev Radiation Bands in the Photolimaineseence er Imptrities" Spectra of Gallium Arsenide With Capp -L Leningrad, Fiz:Lka i teldudka poluprovodni-kov, No 10, 1972, pp 1874- ~pw 1878 Abstract: A number of earlier works h,?ve shown 1,-Ilat in the liwines- cence spectra of undoped n--type GaAa:in the pres%itice of copper, ra- d iation pe-aks with energies of 1.26-1.)0 ev are obse--rved. The ulthors of "i e Twesent P.L-i)cr find thal the nature o-- reconabina- a to tbis -enQr,,,7y band lai*'.;~ beon inadeqwr'-Gely tion center corret;poTjding AIM tudied, and iii thiti paper obtaiz additional InTor.-nation rOVID." i E theL cbsract&rJs-'[-,icn of the ban,"', thus - cheddinL' 11 C-111; un Jo, the generation 1,nd nature of the recombiriati. i c -L t or, ex xri- ents de3cribed weie Derformed on n-typo GaAs t.,pecimens obtair by 'M -.,a br,--jad re. ;jc- of cop-,c-r and donor ir-iDurizi-s. The accept-or Oonceiitrailcnc3 wad thc in each specim-en w-ere also. measured, the latter by the van der Pau method in ~he 50-300c) K interval . T.-he v,)-Iot-oIIMI!D.:!.~: e!]Ce Spec'U'a were obtained in t-he rau:ce ol 4-3000 X, usinc:~ tho FIT USSR UDC: 681.2.088 WIN, B. L,. NEUYMrN, Ya. G., POPOVA,,__J,,A,,, RY SHKOLINIK, B. A. "'Estimates of the Dynamic Error of Measurements" M Metrologiya, No 1, 1973, pp 33-44. OSC614 Abstract: Standard and minimized estimates are produced for the dispersion of dynamic measurements based on the uneverLiess of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of a device and the moments of its.weight function. The esti- mates are useful under conditions of incomplete information on the dynamic properties of,measuremant equipment both in the: stageof planning and in its ~operation. A 8.74 USSR POPOVA, 1. 1. mum "Hardware-Software Method of Expanding the Immediate-Access MemoTy-of the 'Minsk-221 Digital.Computer" q achisl. tekhn. v mashinostr. Nauch:..-tekhn. sb.. (Computer g_. Scientific and,Te Technology in Machine BuildIn chnical _llection), 1970, Dec, pp 135-140 (f* m RZh-Kib'ernetika, C o r0 Nd 89 Aug 72, Abstract No 8V650) Translation: A method is considered for expanding the imme- diate-acc-ess memory of the "Minsk-22" computer,:in the program- -interruption mode with actuation of, an auxiliary core-store stack. This provide erabl expansion:of the possi- s a consid e bilities of the digital com uter. Author's resumg. p A&- Nr, h M-36812 PRU=Y SOURCE:. lZurnal Xikrobiologii, Epidamiologii, Immunobiologli, 1970, Nr 1,:; pp,;$/ -JI' DYNAMICS OF DISCHARGE OF TYPHOID BACILLI IN CHRONIC CARRIERS IN DIFFERENT SEA-SONS OF THE YEAR AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN THE EPIDE. AUOLOGY OF THE DISEAsE. S, R,,&hotnfk Ya. At. Ferdina, id, 0-1. Sktr _vatecia. N. S. SolauLtl, K. I-Ro. Timoshkina, Al. M. She 1kovich ~peykir-,, .-a, 'M. The feces of forty five carriers of typhoid baCiIJUSr were examined In di Went semns Of 111e.ye3r. The greatest number of bacilli was discharged from January to Ma~ (0.1 to 960 Million per gm of feces were the number of bacilli' found tociughout the year). Thete'll'arej the authors recommend examination of carrier'S 'to be carried out Mainly during Me Hot halt 'Of them Y"r. There was established no association between (he seasonal distribution of the Incide=e of the disesse and the Intenisity of bacterial discharge. REEL/F E :1972:170 USSR UDC 534.7 GAVRILOVI L. R., GERSON!, G. V., ILIINSIKIYI 0. B., POPOVA, L. A., "Stinwlatior of Human Peripheral Nerves by Focused Altras4?und" Akusticheski-y 'Ziliurnal, No 41974, pp 519-523 Moscow I Abstract: Stimulation of the fingers, palm,,and lower third of the forearm of 5 subjects by focused ultrasound at frequencies of 0.4S, 0.887, 1.95 an", 3.67 mHz produced 3 types of sensations - tactile, temperature, and pain. The thresholds varied with the type of sensation, being 16weat for the tactile "rom 'he ensations. The thresholds rose as the focal range was slAfted L fingers to the palm and then to the forearm4, (Ultrasound directed at certain spots on the n%zl- and forearm produced a distinct.senzation of cold, an- unusual- response because it is p sically impossible for tiltrasound to chL hy M the tissues). The thresholds of the tactilolsensations were vixtuAlly inde, pendent of the duration of exposure to ultraso=d lasting I to 100 msec. However, they rose considerably when the duration was decreased to 0.1 msec or less. Some suggestions are made for constructing ultrasonic apparatus to be used for stimdat-ing ner-ure- strUctilres, USSR uDc 6l2.821-7+6l2.822.1 RANIMV, I. V., ~?gff L. A., and KATINAS,. V. A., Institute of Experimental Yadicine, Academy of Sciences USSR, Len ingrad "Changedin Cat Behavior and Brain Bioelectrical Activ-1ty During Drowsiness ..After Polarization of Some Brain Structure leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSR, No 3, 1973J pp 367-372 Abstract: In chronic experiments on relatively unrestrained cats, micropolari- zation of various brain structures_(sensoriraotor, temporal, and occioital cortex) combined with electrical stimulation of hypnogenic zones (reticular formation or posterior hypothalamus).markedly altered the "rit-ual" of the animals' behavior (licking and washing movements) that generally precedes natural sleep. Micropolarization in the preparatory period len,-thened the period of active -washing movements and raised the thresholds of electrostimiu- lation of the hypnogenic zones to induce sleep. But applied while the animals were drowsy, micropolarization accelerated the onset of .*Ieep and rade it longer and deeper. The sleep resulting from the cor-bined effect of electro- Stimulation and polarization of hypnogenic zones was characterized by a change in the correlations of the slow- and fast-wave sleep phases-in the various the slow-wave and ~ st-vave brain.structures. Synchronism diBappearedrand la phases became typical of the deep structures and cortical regions, respectively. 63 DDC 669.215'292.018.5 USSR a A Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrument "faking" "some Physical-Mechanical Properties of Weakly Alloyed Gold-Vanadium Alloys" Kiev, Fiziko Yhimicheskaya Hekhanika Materialov Vol 8, No 2,, 19 72, pp 111-112 -act: The solid solution zone in gold-vanadium alloys extends to 60 atomic Absu vanadium [W. K8ster, at al., Z. F. HetalIkunde, Vol 54f No 1~, 1963; H. Eicke, at al., Z. F. I-letallkunde, Vol 55, Wo 9, 1964]. In a broad coricentration range the.alloys of this system have a negative temperature coefficient of electrical resis tance which at about I atomic X vanadium becomes close to zero and remains constant in practice in the temperature range from -2000 C to +800* C. A study was made of the effect of small additions of vanadium on some of the mechanical and physical properties to obtain the optimal composition of Che alloy having simultaneously low specific electricail. resistance (p) and low temperature co- efficient of electrical resistance (a). For the burden material, 900.91'7~ pure gold.and vanadium iodide were used. The electrical prope'.rties of the alloys were studied in the work-hardened a tate and, af ter annealing at: various tempera- tures in a vacuum with a residual pressum of --;2-10~-4 If g. The vaues of p and a were determined in the temperature range of 20-60* C, nd the thermal emf of the alloys coupled with copper was determined in the 207100' C range. 1/2 USSR POPOVA, L. A., Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika, Haterialov, Vol 8, No 2, 1972, -pp 111-112 Even large additions of vanadium significantly increase p and reduce the cc- efficient a which with a content of -about 0.25",.,V in the nilloy passes through zero and becomes negative. The increase ini, annealing temperature has no effect in practice on the value of r, and raiser. Ct insignificantly for alloys with a greater vanadium content. The microhardness and thermal emf of a gold alloy with 0.26 % V coupled with copper as~a function of:the annealing te-uipera- Lure is.ploCted. To a temperature of 300*;C the. mi,crohardnessIof the work- hardened speciment remains constant.and then decreases sharply and reaches a minimum at 500-600* C. The.thermal emf does not change in practice on in- creasing the annealing temperature.~ 2 /2 J~_ UDC 621 -23 USSR .376. P PEWMOV, A.A., PON TJFLIN, E.K aSwitch Parameters Of Integrated Interruptor" V ob. Elektronnayg takhnika v avtomatika (Electronics Techniques In Automation--- Collection.Of Works), Moscow, Izd-vo."Sovetokays Radio,u No 2, 1971,PP -64 59 Abstroott The results are presented of a statistical study of the parameters of tho IP-1 silicon integrated interrupter (praryvatel') which to used an a prodision.analogue switch in varioue automatic and talemachanic1dovices for C010=tation of voltages up to 6. v.~ --~ The principal elactri"l cirauit and the nnibeAdivof the bass lead outs'of , the IF-ol. ire presented.- An estimated is 'd' 'of :the4ors -possible during,' opm on~ 4 fig. 2:r9f., 0 rr a VROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 -0 4 E--STRUCTURE OF HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE HPES -U- OR~102) -'KAGANt D.F., POPOVAt 'L.Ao, 4010) .----,.-,.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -MASSY 1970, Mp -AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH.t IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR ...... ~~OPIC-_TAGS-MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, POLYETHYLENEt PIPE, MICROPHOTOGRAPHY, FRACTURE, SPHERULITEP PLASTIC FABRICATION ,Z:CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~~PROXY REEL/FRAME-1997/0660 STEP NO--UR/0191/70/0001003/0032/0033 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119568 UNC LASS I F tE D el ------ UNCLASSIFLED ,-.~CONTROL M4RKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~_::DACUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --PROIXY REEL/FRAME--1987/1076 STEP NO-UR/0419/70/000/001/0112/0112 --f-IRC--,, --- NO ICCE-S-SION -7AP0104474 -- -- - ---- - - -- - --i-v ~ -- - I - .. r. - - r. I;i--- - - - --- - - , - I rt- V~:, IA -) i I - u Acd. Nr; AMMZ47 Re.L. Code: UR 0301 PRMARY SOURCE: Vopro'sy 'Keditsinsr, Mi, 1 1970, Vol 16, Nr I pp /o/ - /0,1! TWO-DIMENSIONAL CHRO.MATOGRAPHY OF COPTICOSTEROIDS ~MIXTURE W THIN LAYER OF KSK SILICA-GEL G. A.- 0 ova, A. Volkov~,,V. I.; Gaziyev,_ The separation of ar"ficial mixtu're of b.iolo"'ica IV cor- tisole, cortisone, their teirahvdroderivatives, carlicosterone, aldosterone, 11-dehydrocorti- costerone, substance S (iccoiding toReichstein) its tetrihvdroderivative, and deoxycor- of tv," ticosterone in thin layer of K.SK silica-gel by means )-diniensional chromatography An systems which do, not induce ehanges id'the molecule of corticosteroid, The cortico- steroid content of human urine was studied. REEL/FRAXIE 19730.1'74' USSR uDc 6i2.821.2+616.8o-oo8.lt6-02:616.831, 031-84 POPOVA L. T. Pakyat' i yeyo narusheniya pri ochagovyRh porazheniyakh mozga- (Mamory Disorders n l Focal Lesions of the Brain), 1-bscow, 1~72: 208 pp Translation: Abstract The monograph is devoted to a neurolosychological analysis of memory impai=ents resulting from focal lesions of the brain. It consisted of two parts. in the first, the author examines'Ithe min stages in the study of memory and its connection with the brain substrate; psychology of memory, current ideas on the neurophysiological, biochemleal, wrid morphologiAcal changes 'that ray serve as a material substrate for tbe:fixation,of past experience; cerebral organization of iramory with a discussion of tho role of the limbia system in the mechanisms of memorizing andremembering; itrthods of experlmental -he study of memory impairments resulting from focal lesions of the brain. T second part of the book sets.foith the results of a neuropsychological study of memory disorders due to lesions.of the limbic system, left temporal lobe, and frontal lobes of the brain. shows the heterogeneous structure of the defeat in relation to the site of brain injury. Tharesults of this study-can be used in topical diagnosis and in research aimed at elucidating the structure of the most complex pyschic function and its organization in t e brain. M4 USSR POPOVA L. T. Pamyat' i yeyo narusheniya pri,ocha~ovyIkdvporazheniyaICh mozga, -19721 208 pp The monograph is intended,for neuropatholo ists, psychiatrists, neurosurgeons, psychologists. Contents Introduction... PARP I. PSYCHOPEYSIOLOGICAL ASPECT.OP MAORY... 6 Chapter 1. Vain stages in the study of memory.and its connection with the brain substrate... 6 Chapter 2. Some aspects of the psychology of memory... 12 Chapter 3. Neurophysiological basis-of.~mem .ory... 17 Chapter 4. The limbic: system and.memory... 31 Chapter 5- Methods of experiviental-st!idy of memory in focal brain lesions.. . 6o PART II. VEMORY 13TAIM-SMS M FOCAL MAIN LESI.ONS... 69 Chapter 1. Memory inpairments, in. lesions: of'the lixalbic oyfitem... 71 Chapter 2. M-emory impairments in lesions of the left temporal lobe 153 Chapter 3- Yamory impairments in lesions of the frontal lobes 172 Conclusion... 184 Bibliography... .187 2/2 ---- rM 1JDC 621.378.3 MiLOVSKIY, 11. D.V Pkj~OVA L. L., Scientific Research Radio Physics Institute "Stability -of a Single-Frequency Laser in aNotiuniformly Broadened Active Material" Gortkiy, Izvestiya vysshikh uchevnykh zavedefiiy, Radiofizika, Vol XT, No 1, 19721 pp .19-26 Abstract: The stability of the single-frequency mode of aone-dimensional model of a traveling wave laser in a uniformly, broadened active material i7as investigated earlier [H. Risken, et al., J.'Appl. Ph ., No 39, 4662, 1968; Phys. Let ., No 26A, 275, 1968; N. D. Hilovskiy, Izv.-yyssh. uch. zav., Radio- fizika, Vol 14, No 1, 93, 19711. The study showed that as a result of multi- photon interaction with sufficiently large excess of the pumping no over the threshold value no (X = no/nu - 1 >A ), the stationary mode becomes thresh thresh c unstable. Investigation of the analogous problem for a laser using a nonuni- formly broadened active material with respect to a broad class of disturbances depending on the coordinates and time In the present article demonstrates that nonuniform broadening essentially decreases the value of XA study was Made of the one-dimensional model of 'a traveling wave lnser using an active material nonuniform broadening of which arises as a result,of tile doppler io~SR MILOVSKLY, N. D., et al., Izvestiya !Zsshikh, uchaynzkh zavedeniX, Rzdiofizika, Vol XV, No 1, 1972, pp 19-26 shift of the natural frequency of each molecule moving in the +~-direction with a velocity v/v v(YrCP /c) with respect to a stationary coordinate 0 system. The losses of the laser resonator are assumed uniformly distributed with respect to the entire volume-(length Analytical expressions are obtained for the shape of the "amplification line" for.the spectral components of the field disturbances With an arbitrary ratio of the luminescence line width to the natu al width, iith an increase r in this ratio the critical excess of pumping:over the threshold value for which instability occured decreases. The developed theory permits analytical investigation of the shapetof the troughs inithe "amplifictioa lines for amplitude and phase disturbances and estimation of the frequency range within which instability can occur, establishment of the.presence of three different mechanisms of amplification of the.amplitude.and phase disturbances and esti- m tion of the effect of each of them.on this process,~ finding the law of vari- a ation of. the critical intensity of the stable s 'tationary single-frequency gene.ration as a function of Q ~ and estimation of the power of Lhis generation with:respect to order of magn2tude. 2/2 Ref.,' Code: UR 0246 PUP0029104 c Nr -PRIMY'SOUCE; Zhurnal Nevropatoldgii_i Psikhiatrii, 1970" Vol 70t,;PPJ2.~- CONCERNING A LONG-PERIOD ARTIFICIAL VENTILATION PARESIS 7'. OF THE RESPIRATORY MUSCLES FOLLOWING ACUTE POLIOMYELITIS The author analyses the homeostatic reactions':64 an organism in "etrocess of an inces- Sant 10-year artificial ventilation in patient-S with paralysis of respira ary muscles. These patients following acute poliomyelitis in 1958 did not have their own respirztion. The report contains systematic data on the blood gas content and acid-Ilkaline balance, as well asthe reaction of the respiratory center to adequate stimuli (hyperkapnic gas mixtures). In paralysis of respiratory muscles an absence of, respiration proper, artificial ventilation may support the life of a patient during many years. Sometimes the artificial ventilation may be exces- sive, that is why there may be compensatory changes. In the acid-base belance. One of the comp- 11cations of the hyperventilation and immobilization Is nephrolithiasis. Its prevention con- sists of the avoidance of deep stages of hypokapnia. As experience shows the limit of allo w*ed hypokapnia in the process of durative artificial ventilation should be eonsidered PC02 equal to 26-28 nun. As a result of chronic hypokapnia an ex8t,ation of the respiratory center on nornial levels of partial pressure of.carbonoxide in arterial blood ensues. REEL/FRAMF, USSR .-PASTUSHIMIN, V N. JQZ_O V_A I'Stability of Smooth Envelopes-7"---tlliptical Plane wi h Fi in an nite Bending" 4-ya Vses. Konf. po Probl. Ustoychivosti v Stroyit. Mekh., Tezisy Dokl. -[Fourth All-Union Conference on Problems of Stability in Structural 11fe- chanics Theses of Reports -- Collection 0 Works], Moscow, 1972, p 137, (&Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, No 10, 1972~ Abstract No 10 V291). Translation: The process of sudden, snap deformation and bulging of smooth shells is studied. The bending of the shell is represented by means of two coordinate functions, one of which is:symmetrical relative to both axes of. the plane, while the other is inversely syr.-imetrit:al relattve to the large axis of the elliptical plane and-syrmctrical relative to the small. axis. A variational method is used. to, reduce the I-roblem to a system of two nonlinear algebraic equations,. Stud), of the solutions of the equation system produced shows the possibility of a s-iimetrical form of loss of stability with a snaps A loss of stability in "mixed" form is also discussed, consisting of a combination,of symmetrical:and inversely symmetrical.forms of bending relative to e axis. The limiting values of OP initial parameters of the shell for which the !'mixed" form of loss of sta- bility represents a genuine danger for thinwall three-dimensional systems are discussed. USSR UDC: 51 DONIN, L. D., POPOVAA, L. P., KHOTYAKOV, M. A. "Development of an Algorithm for Solving one of the Problems of Compiling an Operational Schedule for Intraplant Deliveries of Material.Resources" Pribory i sistemy avtomatiki. Resp. mezhved. temat. nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Auto- mation Devices and '~-ystems.,Republic.InterdepartmentaI Thematic Scientific and Technical Collection), 1973, vyp. 27, PP 5T-62 (from~RM-Matematika, No 9, Sep T3, abstract No 9V595 by the authors) Translation: The paper points out the failures of the existing method of providing material resources to the subdivisions of an industrial enter- prise. A method is suggested for compiling an,operational schedule of cargo deliveries for the plan period, TheAtages of compilation of the schedule are described, and an algorithm is: worked out for solving the problem of one of the stages. Mechanical Propdrtie, s USSR ~UDC 669.14,.C,18.8,620.18:620.17 VOZNRSLNSKAYA, N. M., IZOTOV, V. I., UL'YtJ?OVA, 11, V. FOaVA .4.L. S., and PMAK YA. M. "Structure and Properties of High-Strength lKhl5N4M13 Stainless Steel" Moscow, Metallovedeniye I Ternicheskaya Obi!~abotka Metallov, No 1, 1971, pp -32-35 Abstract. The article describes results ofa study of the effect of tempering -temperature on the ~~tructural state and mechanical properties of Mi15114AM3 a ~t' nsi'ic class. (EP-310),stainless steel of the transition austeniti -max e Industrial electroslag-refined steel was used for the study. It was found that after tempering at 2000 C the steel has higher mechanical -properties (ductility, impact sOtrength,and crack propagation energy) than -widely-used structural high-strength steels (3010,GSNA) or maraging steels. The high strength is determined by a high dislocation: density, the presence of twins, and Une retention of a sufficient cuantity of carbon and nitrogen in the solid solution. Tempering at '100-3cOO C causes a certain decline in str&ngth a d an increase in ductility and impact stren h as a;result of reduced car- n 1/2 =M - ----- MM MM MI , I T., I PINIM BOOM USSR VOWESEWSKAYA, N. M., et al., Metallovedeniye i Termichesykaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 1, 1971, pp 32-35 bon and nitrogen content of the solid solution, with retention of high dislo- cation density and distortions of the second kind. No precipitations are found with the decrease in the number of interstitial a+onz in the solid solu- tion. At 450-5000 C there is secondary hardenin consisting in the form-tion of highly dispersed particles of the chromium carbonitride 11,;)X, accompanied by a slight reduction in ductility and impee ,tstrength and a significant decrease in crack propagation energy. The structure is characterized by a decrease in the dislocation density and a significant decxl~~ase in distortions of -the second kind. At 550-6500 C there is, reve2!se , ck-4- r tramsformation. The transformation begins at about 574.0 C,,with.the maxim un amount of stable austenite formin, after heating to 625-6500 C for 1-2 hours... At 650-7000 C there is a decrease in strength, with formation of the carbides 1f'23% along grain body rxd boundaries. 2/2 o 7 USSR UDC 539.5 POTAK, Ya M. SUKHOJ'IN, A. M. , TRANTSEVICII, Ya. V., GRIYZROV, G. N. , ~%NTROR, "N. P7~M'orsicow, Tbilisi, Leningrad "Study of Mechanical Properties of High Strength Stainless Steel of Transi- tion Class EP288 [Khl6N6, SN-42,A] at Cryogenic Temperature" Problemy Prochnosti, No 10, 1971, pp 97-100.* Abstract: The purpose of this work was to,study the properties of one of the most common chrome-nickel low-carbon steels in class EP288 at cryogenic temperatures. The studies were performed using experimental melts distin- guished by their low carbon and chr omium contents and varying contents of austenite in the steel structure. Heat treatment of the.steel included ...hardening in water from 1,0000c, at which level dis olution of carbides occurs, cold treatment -7001C (2 hours) and'tempering at 250"C (I hour). The data indicated that type EP288 steel with the nominaICOMP05iti0n, as well as all experimental melts except for one, has high ductility and impact toughness, including high impact toughness:of.specimens with cracks at down to:~-2530C. The nominal steel has.high strength at both room and cryogenic temperaturesi the level of which increases;with decreasing test temperature. 1/2 - --,- -- -,- -- I - - - . - - -- - - -- - -- - -,-- --59 ~l--------- - I - - -- --- --- --- - --- - 4 777777 jq 7 - Ace Nr- ce: Ref. Code: Abstract- -S6rVi ing 00,54511-INTMAT.:AERbSPACF, ABST. Certain t*lar torrelations betwetm -the do- A7O-2MW gree of manifestion of the. skin aaWW6 reaction.and cha InIl" in dw EEG azeompanying local'in- -6filisencephillel Ststic- Juries 6 'f Am4al tures; of the hu n b It ma. r4irt, Nekotor~*-xa ononwnye sootnod"ita vyrazhennotd. k.GR,. 1 hirienenii-EiE.6. pri .10"1'nykh OvreAde- niiakh lim6lFheskjkh Mnentsefarnykh4 struktur rrozga-cheloveka). 1. G. Dallbkian L. P Latash And L., T. Popova:(Akadem N6uk SMR.- Laboratoriia Probl"t; U len'ITM =Mme Cheloveka' i Zhivot- Pykh, Moscow~ ~USSRJI-. Akisdomila NAuk SSSR, Doklady, vol. 1190, Feb. 1. 1970, . 991 p -9M. All refs. In Atim an., Investigation ofthorote of a selective injury of only on,e specific formation of a limbal', s .(or.~P( a disturbance of certain ystern components of the system). in the suppression.olthe skin gqlvank reaVion. A studywas made of patients with various typeb of focal brain injuries, involving e .7L a comparison ~th special of tiw dynamics of the skin gilvanid reactiori %Wth the nature of *the changes in the EEG and the. location of th.e.patholoijical process in 4he brain. Comparisons of changes in,the biocurpents" in the brains of patients with injuries in'various~p' rts of the bl d With wrious degrees of a rain an, manifestation of the skirl galvanic, reicilon- revealed some in. teresting relations. It was found that the skin galvanic reaction 'is absent significantly miore often in ~patients; with inj~uries of the mediobasad temporal. formations, in the EEGs of whon there are signs of REEL/FPU*1 E USSR 669.14'24'26,621.17 KQEOM. L. V., LITUNENK01 D. A., nUITIN, Y. -N.,, and GEORGIYEV, 14. N., Central i-cle"MtVfi~cResearch Institute of Ferrous KeUlaurg3r .:,IfResistance of Low-Alloy Ni-Cr Steel to Crack Development" Moscow, Me-tallovedeniye i Termiche,9kaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 1, Jan 74, 6o-62 V P Abatracti The effect of nickel and chromium in low-alloy normalized steel on resistance to crack development under impact loading was investigated Uhere the nickel and chromium were not alloyed together in the same steel samples. The steel Investigated contained (in %)s 0.2~,C, 0.?- Si, a.2 Din and nickel contents of 0-59, 0.93, 1.80, and 2.4,01 and chromium contents of 0,30, 0-60, 1.40, ancL'2.20. Better combinations of stren8th and ductility properties uere ob3erved,whan Ni and Cr contents are.less than 1%. Impact atranZths were also better at the lower alloying contents, and the amount, of ferrite' and prelite was almost the same for these alloying component contents, As a result of the better ductility and lower tendency toward crack development.for Ni contents of 0.6-0.Wpo and Cr contents of 0-5-0-rZ, these steels are oultable for u!~e under 'conditions of Impact loads at positive-temperatureej arrl of the tmo types of USSR C 669.141.241~.214:620.178-2 U 0 andl GEORGIY7W.,~~,~ 1. YA., Scienti- (G EO R G I Y EV , _T fie Research Institute. o-f Automobile: an& Tract-or Ma te a I s ~Ce tral Scientific Research Instituti-a. of Ferrous MetalLurgy n "Tensile Characteristics of Quiescent-and Boiling Steel" 3cow Motallovedeniye i Termicheskekya, Obrabotita Metallov, Mof NO-8, 1970, pp 66-67 A bstract. This short article deacribes experirrentt3 madla -,,i.'-h two L laboratory melts, boiling and quiescent, the::laLtr,-r di_,oxidized by aluminum. A table of the chemical CoM Ositir in o-f both substances -given. T"ie purpose of t h edeoxidatuion wa2 to obtain a steel with a. chemical composition. akin to th6t obtaint-d vith silicon and manganese. Ingots of each alloy weighing we:re forged into rods of square cross section, 14 mm on a side, aaal from thL~se, specimens of standard form were made -for shock, 'b_~-jdin(,, zuype 1, jr, accordance with GGOm. standard 9454-60. Thu tensiil,_~ a~.r(:Vngtjj,9 of the specimens in fracture under ihi,,3 Wiock trealin,:,at w ais~ ere de termined. Results of these tests are given. in th,:., form of curves .~of the tensile qualities of both steel types as functions of tile tuallperaturv. ills, 77 . r Se:, 4 Abst ting, R -* rv te: de , cHEMICAL' ABST / A0 V k. - 6 4) APC05,9(;24 112019f Kinetic nciples of t e iom of sty-; h baik polymerizat " pri r in the presence of trifluoroacetic a6id.: 'U rene lat-vLA-F - Beloeorodskava. K. V.,.:Dukhnenko. E. AL; P ashy A. F.- (Leningrad. Tekhnol. Inst; !in. a ! V YAO Omal. Soedin Ser. 0 1 ' ' rate 01, of PhC XH,,. (1~ i X02H i ymn' n PhEt c6ntg, CF. H (11) as the catalyst olmys the'~relation,V _.:hjconcn. II]ILconcrL. _11'~ (k is a const. ', iemm. W ift, 1. rno'le see a., b, 'vep). 0% 9.7 x 10 ", 1.5. 1,9; -10-.',3.'2 x .10 -11, 1L2,1.8; 20", 18.7, ,~ 10-3, 2.2 1.4. The activation ener*- is 9,6 kcal/mole. The decrease of a kith te p m . shows that the iolvation: of. jmlyityrrne ioiis with _ 11 decreases with the ternp. The moL wt_ of,~polystyr~he in- creamwith the,11 coniril- . REU/FRAME :19840926 Z~Z_ 7 "r- .777 USSR UDC: 533.6j2l.661.013 VERESHCHAGIN, I, F., MI SEPMOV, S. G. "Some- Cases of Motion of an Aircraft With: a Complete Inolernal Program!' Uch. z a-o. Perm. un-t (Scientific Notes of.Perm' University), 1971, No 239, -pp 171-181 (from RZh-,Mekhanika No T, Jul 71, Abstract 1~0 TB142) Translation: An aircraft is considered as a system of several connected bodies, one of which is a platform. It is aszumed that t e la7ws of rmtion th for all these bodies relative to the platform are known. Some special casesare considered: 1) the system consists of a shell. within which a sphere rotates at a constant angular velocity, the elli-soid of inertia o~ the system being a sphere; 2) the vehicle is al solid of revolution within which a sphere rotates. For the given cases,.- integrals dre derived which define the mtion of the vehicle about the,center of mass. G.:S. Aronin. 33 UDC 632.95 KROH, YE. M., POPOVA, M. N., STEEPANOVO D. YE, t X&LkBINA A. V. 'Thiylation of Aorxynorbornones", Irkutsk, Khimiya. aroma*. i nepredel'n. soyedin.-sbornik (Chemistry of Aromatic and Unsaturated Compounds -- collebtion. of works), 1971, pp 305-310 (from M-Khimiya, No 10, May ?3, Abstract No ION533 by T. G. Chekareva) Translationt Compounds of general formula M R -Bu# Ph# MeCOO (MCO)Zps, (EtO)2PS' H, --a aryl jare produced by thlyla- tion e, aroxynorbornenes. Examplesi 5.5 g of PhSH is added by drops to 10 g of14-creaoxynorbornene, Catalyzt is HOI (gas). The mixture is held for 3 hours at 45-50 0C, and 9-3 g of compound I is Isolatedb y vacuum distillation (R -,Phi HI - 4-HeC6H4), boiling point 162-5oc/10.01p n?-VD 1.5985, yield 63%. BuSH is added analogously, but at 85-900d. Addition of (Meo)2PSSH and (EtO), PSSH Is done without a catalyst. Tpe follo wing type I compounds are synthesized 2 (given are R, Rot bolling point In C/Mq h29bj d 0~ yiel'11 in %)I MOCO, 4 Vj j= t;vw 6- ILISSR, KRONj YE. M., et al., KhWya aromat. i nepredelln. 8oyedin.-abornik, ~1971, pp 305-310 2-MeC H 1.1464 A 40 145-8/0.03, 1-5585, , 541 MeCo 3-MeC H,., 142-5/0-03, 1-5581, I#14-59, 691 McCO, 4-14eC H 6 -2/0-03t 1-5608, 1.142~,'62.2, MeCo, 4-C1 - 6 49 1 0 C04 210-5/1, 1-5684, 1.1266, 69.61 Ph, 2-.eC A 153~-9/OM, 1.6015, 1-1420v 56.5; Ph, 3-14eC6H 4, 152-3/0-93, 1.6019, 1 1429, 59-7o Ph, 11-ClC6"4' 129-3,1/0.08l 1.5413, 1.112g 50.11 Ph, 4-BrC6"4, 172-4/0.08,,106184t 541 (Meo),PS, 2-Me '6H4? 1 1-5655, 1.1849t 9585t (?I,,-0)21'$t 3-1'16C6H4# - t 195547t 1.16300 981 (14eo)2pso 4-MeCAI 145665, 1.2005, 94.4; (14POYSI -4 -naPhthYl v 1& 5995 v 991 Bu, 2-1-!eC6HL, 142-7/0.06, 1.5465, p 621 Bu, 4-Me H4p 141-4/0-031 1-54519 1.0328t 651 bu, 3-MOC I' C6 6114 150-2/0-~ 06, 1.5443, 1.1004, 6?; .8u, 4-CICOW,200-3/0-03, 1-5545v 1.3006, 601 (EtO) PS, 2-Xe 091 9644Y F 1-5545t 97: (Eto)zm C04 2/3 tJSSR uDc 621.372.413.ool.5 POPOV,~A. V., POPOVA, M. N. ]'Diffraction Losses of a Dielectric Oi_pen Resonator" Moscow, Rediotekhnika i Elektronik-- vol 16, No 12 Dec 71, pp 21715-2181 Abstract: The parabolic equation method is used to study electrozmgnetic oscillations in a dielectric prism with mirrors on.the ends assuring that the wavelength is short compared with the dimensions of the prism and tile index of refraction -is equal to or greater than unity. The problem is -formulated as follows. Let an infinite prism IxI < 1, 1 y I < a be f illed with a.dielectric with permittivity e and permeability )j such that n JIF!t The ends lxl= I are closed by ideally conducting mirrors, and tile faces jyj= a are in direct contact vith~ EL vacuum'. The authors find the tvo- -dimensional (independent of the z-coordinate) electromaEnetic oscilla- tions with frequency w = kc in the dielectric and surrounding space. T'he authors thar"I, S. A. lGhozioskiy and N. G. V$Lkhitov for constructive criti- U cism. Two figures, bibliography of six tiiles.. USSR uDc 621.382.323 POPOVA. M. V., STAFEYEV, V. 1. "The Injection F911. Static a Common-Base Circuit" Moscov,-Badiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 16, No 10, Oct 71, Pp 19o4-igil Abstract: The paper is a continuation of research by these authors on the injector FET (cf. Piadioteklinika i Elektronika, 1,071, Vol 16, No 20, 1894). On the basis of expressions developed in the first part of the work, the authors analyze the current-voltage curves ofthe collector-base and emitter-base loops. Analytic expressions in pararetric form are found for-these curves. The results of computer*analysis are presented for the effect of basic parameters on the behavior:of these curves. The ruling principles found in the on N-triodes are compared with the theoretically determined behavior. The,results show qualitative agree- ment. Six figures, bibliogr by of five titles. ap 144 USSR UDC .382. '23 621 POPOVA, M. V., STAFEYEV, V. 1. "The Injection FET. Static Characteristics in P_ Common-Mitter Cir~ui Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elel-tronika, Xrol 16, No 10, Oct T1, pp 1894-10,03 Abstract:- The authors present the fundamental's of a quantitative theory and calculate the static current-voltage curves in the common-em-itter circuit of a neir semiconductor device which consists essentially of four layers with a 'Leak connected between.the emitter layers baving a. rcsistance which depends on the voltage applied to the collector lwyer. This leah is what provides the proper current -gain dependence required for operation of the four--layer structure. While the device combines the action of tile .conventional bipolar injection transistor and the FET, it also has a number of new properties, in paxticular,~it has negative differential resistance of 11-type in the collector current-voltage curve, and S-type in the emitter current-voltage curve. The paper containst.he results of compixter analysis of these curves for a number of combinations of basic parameters of injec- tion FET's. It is shown that -he N-triode is similar to the injection FET. L Seven figures, bibliography of five titles. M. T -7 il, I w2afu5nmi 6...... h, 1 i 1, 1 1 -_i o, 1 i m 0 4 ...Am It ",a-Aa Im, ~ ililzwii" i : 1 : I ; 1 11 1; ; It 11 1 : 1! : I I I . -" suflulid N.H.,. M.Wim-wa.0-1... 6s I . . I H li ~ I : A I I . i I I . .. i -- i 5911145';937 USSR UDC N_ and'. GAR, K. A., KHEVIA1 7 A " , ~Q J -,J_ A. , All Unibn:. _71 Scientific Research ln;ti'~ute hJulaM22= I Ma n sof. P lAnt-, Pko tection ",Biochemical Mechanisms- af th,e- R e _s- nc~e of Insects::to._-DDT"at Elevated Temperatures" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR~,, V.b-r- 196, No 5,.1971',.pp- 1241-1244 Abstract: DDT is toxic to ins-ect-s, because it iniiibits-oxidative rmati-on. af- ATR. However,.DDT.toxicity phosphorylation and the fa decreases when temperature rises. ab.oLve- 31.40C. Some Investi.- gators believe that at DDT is metabolized and. detaxified at a -faster rate.. Thi,i- &tudy was performed to. determine the degree of oxkda-tive.phas.phorylatioti inhibition- after addition of DDT and other in~e:atiaides. The tests.-were- done in the Warburg apparatus on- the:: mitochondrii of--weevils. (B.-punctiventris). after th.e tnse:cts--~had.been incubated,.with- out insecticides, at +17'C ('caLd)'- andl,4-270C .(warr.) forl,varibus. USSR GAR, K. A. , KHEYMAN, V. A. and, POPOVA,.N. A., Doklady Akademii Na,uk SSSR, Vol 196, No 5, 1971, ~pp '1241-1244 periods. After addition of DDT, phosphorylation was inhibited 26% in "warm" weevils and-90% in "cold" weevils. Oxidation was accelerated by a factor of 1.5 in bothipreparations. Chromatography revealed that.all DDT.was-absorbed by the mitochondria and that there were no DDT metabolites in either group. In the presence of other ins ecticides, the differences 'were less pronounced or absent.. It was,concluded th'at the pre- ceding-incubation at different temperatures changed the suscep- ~tibility of mitochondria to DDT. 2/2 u t %A t-j L- t r i c. u T 50" S6L-Lk-'W*(j A~00M:z-1 EMON V S PC5- Name: InatiWte of Photosynthesis. Purhchino Dencriptioni (U) During this quarterly reporting period, one new article .~locatcd from the Institute of Photosynthesis in Pushchino. On the basis o~ article cu plant growth, it was postsible to zscoclate thrett new p~-.-Xvns A i~Nith tht% institute' S. C. lthmrlova, V. L. Shmeleva, and Ya. F. le~axov o the present time It has not been possible to identify very zany pe:s---z g4- ;".z 11instituLe; howevrx, the cozpleta listing of staff members Idontified date is given below- 1q11-.r'4n !TQV3, L. Gavrilova, V. A. Sadovnikova, N. D. ''Shmeleva, V. L. ... . ........ rov'. A- -N.- S Ida Makaro-, A. D. Stakhov, L. F. Stolovitskil, Yu. a. 2~t~ I Map- ~ -A 1-1 - ------------ 0 --r' - surovtsev"V. 1. Olovyaalghnikova' G. D. Popova, t~. B. Yevatigneyev, V. B. -Azr'i6d1ture.1 BOYK0, 1. B. ard Uzbe4 Scientific Ro5earch instituto of Sanitation, Hnoliene and Occupational Diseases ifThe Effect of, Some Organophosphorus Posticides,or, the Biological Value of Negetable Crops" -5 Ta sh 'icon tMeditsinskiy Zhurnal Uzzbekistana-, No 9, 50P 70, PP 35-37 Albstract: Organopho~~phorus chamicals, now bo~-nrr widely usod on plants for pest, d'sease a,-d -.;cod co:~~trol bccat:,sp of theJ,A rap:~4, VIroly:,,ation, widle, range of aro higi~ly to-~j.c for Lvin, ontit,171-;r into action, ard i3oud te-in tu"ou-r` pro~--~Ict;~3 corkt-,-~Jnf-, of "osQ cliuc-'Cals. They MIS Syr.%, . -. It a. -, 4. ~ U" qaa2.L%. also affo,~t tl~~ LJ~y as wUl as va~-Jo-as biological and sardtary indices of the -Udy W~ an P products. it.5 R3 M--da of the stability of the org ophoz horus compoijands talophos, a nt, -1.0 + bazudin, and their effect on the ascorbic acid tontent, carotene ara total- siaZar c*ntent :im several .ai;etables. The veget-able specizons were col- L A lected for ]Abora. --cry tests 3 to 5 days after treatment. It vas demonstrated that -pea or ar Lp"-; c propor"es of the vo7retablo3 wore ~retaJxed for 3-5 chan, days afto. 'aa Use 01 paSt4014CS. jeSj4X ~~C4 -s v- a retained ,,,l ar A. L, 40%~ntS 01' pUL; C. Cr 4 A. 4. J. J4 in the bQgetablos on 4r I-lea to 35 days. The pes'Li:--idas reducers the ascorbic aid - ------ - ---- m ; m U E. j- M - . . I . . - I.. I I . w USSR UDC:612.006.3 Institute of Physiology, Siberian Department, Academy of Scl Ncyvosibirsk fis ymposium. on 'Adaptation of Man and Animals to Extreme Environmental Factors" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR, No 10, 1971, pp 1,563-1,564 Translation: A symposium on "Adaptation of Man and Animals to Extreme En- ironmental Factors" was held in.Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, from 12 to 17 v October 1970. It was organized by the Institute of Physiology, Siberian Department, Acadeany of Sciences USSR,.and the Combined Scientific Council f or ".Human and Animal Physiology." More than 200 persons attended the sympoiium. Among them. vere 1.6 foreign scientists from 10 countries (Enp jand, Bulgaria, Holland I dia, Poland, United States, West Germany, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Yugoslavia). There were 10 sessions, at which 75 reports and com,munications were presented. There was also a conference on the International Biological Program as well as a meeting of the section "Adaptatton of Man" that was attended bV Prof. 1/7 25 USSR 14 POPOVA, N.K., Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR, No 10, 1971, pp 1,563-1,5& W e ne i r (England) general secretary of the section, and Prof. Z. 1. Barbashova (Leningrad), chairman of the Soviet National; Committee. Papers were presented at the first session of the symposium on the central mechanisms of physiological adaptation. B. Anderson:(Sweden) and D. Blye (England) discussed the participation of biogenic amines in the hypothalaw-c mechanisms that regulate body temperature. Interesting facts were reported by Ye. V. Naumenko (Novosibirsk) on the role of serotonin and the catechol- amines in regulating the processes of 'adaptation. In a wide-ranging paper, A. D. Slonim (Novosibirsk was the first to generalize the results of long- term studies on the role of conditioned refl6xes$' habituation, and memory in physiological adaptation. The significance of.temperature conditioned reflexes in temperature adaptation was the-5ubject of a paper by R. r. 'nyanskaya and V. B. Kulikov (Leming ad). '01 r A M. Ugolev et al. (Leningrad) discussed the effect of some stressors, specifically temperature, on small intestine enzymatic activity. The next session examined the problem of heat production and themoregulation, devoting considerable attention to the role of contractile and noncontractile 2/7 USSR POPOVA, N. K., Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal S -1,564 SSR, No 10, 1971, pp 1,563 thermogenesis in regulating body heat. K. F, Ivanov (Leningrad) cited data suggesting that muscle contractions play aleading role in all thermoreaula- tory functions. Equally convincing data were.presented by K. BrUck, et al. (West Germany) and P. A. Korniyenko, et al. (Koscow), who emphasized the importance of the biochemical mechanisms of t.emperature adaptation. Some pects of this approach were discussed by V. V. Khaskin :(Novosibirsk) in s a his paper "Thermodynamic Characteristics of, Adaptive Changes in Animal Muscles." This session also heard an original paper by ~1. Gembchinski (Poland) on "Behavioral Thermoregulation" in~rodents and an interesting communication by S. Dzhelineo (Yugoslavia). on adaptive changes in basal etabolism and chemical thermoregulation in small mammals and birds in M relation to. seasonal influences. 0. Adholm's (England) paper aroused a of interest at a session devoted to cold adaptation. He presented the results of many physiological studies conducted in the Antarctic. 11. 1. Kalab.ukhov (Astrakhan), Ya. Guri";ki, et al. (Poland), L. Novak. (Czechoslovakia),' 4nd* others dii;VUSSCd the role of chemical thermoregulation in adapting to the ambient temperattire. Yu. F. 26 A-1 USSR POPOVA, N. K., Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR, No 10, 1971, pp 1,563-1,564 Pastukhov (Magadan) described an experimental model of so-called "accelerated" adaptation of animals to cold. A- special session was set aside for hibernation. The interesting papers of P. Morrison (Alaska), M. B. Shtark (Novosibirsk), M. G. Kolpakov, at al. (Novosibirsk), G. Pf. Daudova (Leningrad), and.others discussed a number of matters pertaining to the functioning of several systems and metabolic peculiarities in hibernating animals during.and:after sleep. Important facts were.reported by M. N. Yurisova'(Novosibirsk), who showed that the rocess of slcrq activation of the hypothalamic-neurosecretory system starts p in the period of deep sleep in red-cheeked-su,sliks. Three, sessions were devoted to hypokinesia and adaptation to muscular activity. Many. of.the reports and remarks made at the.sympQsium threiv light on various aspects of these,problems. For example, K. It. Smirnov (Novosibirsk) and S.~F. Manziv (Kiev) cited convincing data that can be used to evaluate hy- pokinesia by. determining the optimum motor activity characteristic of a iven individual or species of animal. In doing go the asti.-essirent of hy- Pokinesia is based on the biological characteristics of the species. This 3/7 L USSR POPOVA, N. K., Fiziologichesitiy Zhurnal,SSSR, No 10, 1971, pp 1,563-1,564 is-a very interesting and promising approach. A. B. Gandel'sman (Leningrad), Z. I. Barbashova (Leningrad) an&othars voiced approval of the comprehensive ecological-physiological approach tothe study of adaptation to physical stresses- A. B. Gandel'sman said that the,eavironmental,factors (e.g., temperature) that influence the effectiveness of motor and autonomic func- -tions are exceptionally important I. P. Bel'skaya (Novosibirsk), V. V. Vinogr,adov (Novosibivsk), A. D. Soboleva, (Novosibirsk), and A. Yu. Yunusovi(Tashkent) pres.ented papers on adaptation to the arid zone. They cited many factors relating to the effect -of high ambient temperatures and -limited water. They showeel that the morphological and physiological changes,observed in animals under these conditions vary with the ecological characteristics of each species. Orig- inal data were presented by A. D. Soboleva (Novo.sibirsk),,:1L,7ho found adap- tive morphological changes in the lungs of rodents following a water deficiency. J. S. Weiner (England) presented new data on the activity of the gonads. Dragnev (Bolgaria) discussed the activity of the cutaneous glands in cattle aused by adaptation to high ambient temperatures. c A / 7-. USSR POPOVA, N. K., Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR Uo 10, 1971, pp 1,563-1,564 'A series of reports dealt with the physiological -genetic aspects of adapta- tion of animals to extreme environmental fatiors (Yu. 0. Raushenbakh, et al., Novosibirsk). Papers were read at the section devoted to adaptation to mountain conditions and hypoxia by M. M. Mirrakhimov (Frunze), L.. G. Filatov, et al, (Frunze), A. G.- Zhironkin and I. S. Breslav, Leningrad), and many others.; They de- scribed the results of long-term studies and discussed some problems con- cerning various aspects of alpine and'hypoxic adaptation. A somewhat dif- ferent paper was read by S. Tromp.(Ilolland) on the effect of ambient tempera- barometric pressu e on asthma in man. ~ture r The attention of investigators has recentlybeen.drawn to neural and endo- crine mechanisms of population interrelationships. The papers of R, Andrews (Uhited State4 and N. K.* Popova, et al. (Novosibirsk) dealt. mai,11,r with the functioningand role of' the hypophysis-adrenal system in Che interrelation- ships. A related report by E. R. Vzhdavini '.(Ufa). discussed the effect of community.existence of animals on the toxicit~r of some compounds. .6/7~ 7T- USSR POPOVA, N. K., Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR, No 10, 1971, pp 1,563-1,564 One session was set aside for a discussion.df the adaptation of aquatic animals to environmental factors. The focal. point was energy metabolism in fish at different ambient temperatures and rates of movement (V. A. ',Itatvukhin, Novosibirsk; 1. V. Ivleva, Sevastopol; many others). The proceedings of the symposium were conducted in a businesslike atmosphere. There was a broad and livelv discussion at:.all.,the sections. The papers and discussions gave those present a fairly com lete idea of the current status of the problems touched on at 'shed in the form of thematic The proceedings of the symposium will be publi collections. 7/7 - 'LFFERTM 'Wr. --,PTM I : J .1 ! 1. ;;. I :. . I Acc Ur o e: VRo.41 Ref C d v2F4 VmjL9517 PRIMARY SOURCE: Antibiotiki, 1 J.'Vol 15, Nr pp EXPERIENCE WITH LOCAL USE OF GLYCOCYCLINE IN CERTAIN LOR DISEASES 77 N. V. 17aspodino A. 1. Kumina, V. S. Aloshkivich, m. N. P S. 1. gfd&tt~e ,~povq, F. E. Dzerzhinsky's ~Policllrllcl Moscow A6quous solutions oF glycocycline at a concentT6tion of 500 to 20.000'Units/ml and le powders were used locally as eat drops, solutions for washing the sinus cavW -s and aerosol inhalations in the treatment of'144 for cases with microflora sensitive cycline. 110 patients suffering. from exacerbAted chronic pharyne-larytigitis, sinusitis. ottils.and tonsilitis shawed satisfactory results. The antibiatic applications weie -:saUs1;kctory- tolerated by the pafients;~ No severe sido' afects were obs6; ed. rV REEL/IFRAmE' 1-9820438 UNCLASSIFIED, 016 PROCESSING DATE N NO _C IRC ACC ESS I El --AT0132488 ~'_A0S'TKACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.- KINETIC DATA WERE SHOWN FOR REDN. OF ARNO SU82 ON NI-BENTONITE CLAY CATALYST USING ~.FCLLCWING AR:, M,G SU_-2 NC SUBb 14 SU04, t4*HCOC SUB6 K SUB4t '4*HOC SUb6 H 's P#:MEC SU86. H SUb4, PtETOC SU86* H SU54t PvHQC SU116 H SU84. THE U84v ~'_-CATALYSTS USED WERE KI-BENTU'NITE CLAY AND f4l-CU-FE-BEf '4TONITE CLAY. THE GF- IFYOROGENATION WAS FOUND. TO INCREASE WITH DECRL-AASING VALUE OF THE ,.,.:.,.,:,CATALYST POTENTIAL VS. SCE, AND A LINEAR RELATION WAS':FOUND BETWEEN THE -SHIFT OF THE CATALYST PGTENTIAL,~ CHARACTERISTIC OF RELATIVE ADSORPTION ABILITY OF THE VARIOUS -.141TRO COMPDS., AWTHE REACTION RATE~ THE SAME WAS FOUND BET, wEEN REACTICN RATE COEFFS. AND THE HAMMETT SUBSTITUENTS GONSTS. IN THE SUaSTRATF-S.-!THE,RESULTS ENDicATE A HIGH _"'___iE'&ERGY OF BCNOING OF THE ADSORBED H BY TK;Nt CATALYSTS ON THESE -SUPPORrS, WHICH BRINGS SUCH CATALYSTS INTOq-THE APr:A. W-- ACTION OF PT ~-`---CATALiST5.- FACILITY: INST, XHIM.'PIAUKf ALMA-ATA, USSR. -- - --------- U-4-, t A UNCLASSIFIED;_! P R 0, (E S S 1 G DA T 13 NO V7 0 OF NMOBENLENEC &U: M-4. PEA:LE!jT4GE PALI-A01UM A 1,4 ".) PLA7 INLI14 t - Q X.1 Z) c P 'L L -D I UiA CATALYSTS 0 N A L U,:i I NU?~ WK3 ;k - (13 5 A VELY E VA G.A., SIJKOLSKIY, 0..V., POPOVA, N. M. COUNTPY OF INFO--USSR IZV. AKAV. NAUK KAZ. S54, SER. K H 114. 1970 20 ('2) , 25~-31 DATE PUBL I SHED ------- 70 ~..~SUBJEG T ARE_-;AS--CHc:.i ISTRY T'11.1~ 5-- N I T rk"Jb bN I LINE , CHEMICAL REDIUCT.IrAv vALLADIUm, uvr A L Y S I' -Y PLATI..'.14UM ROL MARK PESTk ICT WM. _~DGCUMFNT CLASS--UNCLAcSIFIED PROXY R_PELlrhRA-4E--300 1/0206 STEP NO--- :UR/0360/701020YOD2/0025/0031 CIRC A 0_- E S 5 1 ~1'q '101- - A P -0 1 6 0 3 A S-1- lrrl~lfw~ 1 .... bA.H.H.'.4 1 1: ! I ; If H I ; ; I I i : I . ; 2 016 UNCLASSI F I ED PROCESS I NGY DATE-18SEP70 ~-CIRC ACCESSION...NO--AP0054895 ABSTRACTIEX-TRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE:GEv SE, I AND S[, SE, I .,,-,.SYSTEMS WERE INVESTIGATED IN AN ATTEMPT TO FIND NEW P, 9: G 1 (,,R4 SOF GLASS ~-.:FORMAT'j ON. FURTHERMORE, AN ATTEMPT TO F1 IIND NEW TERN4RY &3-MpDS., 4NALOGS -OF THE- CHALCOGEP4 IDES, WAS MADE. SOME 20-25 COMPNS. K6RE SYNTHESIZED [N EACH SYSTEM. GLASS FORMATION OCCUPIES VERY BROAD REGIONS. IN BOTH 'SY STEMS, THE GLASS FORMATION REGION. GOES FROM THE SE CORN IER DEEP INTO THE SYSTEm. GLASSES ADJACENT TO THE GLASS FORMATION REGION CRYSTALLIZE AND ARE OF LOW STABILITY. GLASSES OF THE GEt SE, I SYSTEM ARE .~~MORE STABLE IN AIR AND HAVE A LOWER CRYSTN. CAPABILITY THAN-GLASSES OF -THE zj S 1, SE II SYSTEM. THE LATTEk ARE UNSTABLE IN Aj~:. ALL 3 TERNARY .-,.,.CGMPDS. (GESE! SUB2# GE SUB2 SE SUB3 I SUB2r AND GE,SUR2 SEI SU86) HAVE -ANAL GG.S.::--- TH E, PROPERT1 ES: OF- TH ESE; COM PO S,. ARE COMPARED WITH T140SE OF ESE SU82f,-:SISEF SUB2, AND GET SU02* UmGt- 1. A-S 5, USSR UDC 6 12 NAUKOVA, T S., and PQR=T-X-,-S., Moscow Institute of Medical Stomatology, and Brain Institute, USSR Academy of.Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Role of the Amalysors in System Activity" Moscow, Uspekhi Fiziblogicheskikh Nauk, No 2,'1972, pp 54-115 Abstract: The activity of the anslysors Is examined in the light of P. K. Anokhin's theory of the functional system. The.authors cite the literature and results of their electrophysiological studies to demonstrate that in the formation of defensive conditioned reflexesi the conditioned signal and ad jadent analysors are included with the unconditioned reflex analysor in the operational structure of the functional system. These analysors are shown to participate in all the key mechanisms of the functional system - afferent synthesis, preparation for and decision making, correction. of the results of action, and so forth. Signs of trace processes and forward. reactions are ev-11.dent at all levels of the analysors. Multisensory influences converge in thecortical and brainstem portions of these analysors. ALL levels of the ~analysors beginning with the first switching relays serve as a substrate to integrate heterogeneous excitations. This substrate is the..basis of their a key mechanisms of the functional system. -participation in th USSR UDC 612 NAUMOVA, T. S., and Moscow Institute of.Medical Stomatology, and Brain Institute, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Role of the Analysors in System Activity", -MOSCOW) Uspekhi Fiziologicheskikh Nauk, No 2,, ~1972, pp 54-115 Abstract: The activity of the analysors is examined in thelight of P. K. Anokhin's theory of the functional system. The authors cit e the literature and results of their electrophysiological studies to demonstrate that in the formation of defensive conditioned reflexes, the conditioned signal and ad- jacent analysors. are included with the unconditioned refleianalysor in the operational structure of the functional system.. These analysors are shown to participate in all the key mechanisms of the ~f,uncticnal system -- afferent synthesis, preparation for and decision making,correction of the results of action, and so forth. Signs of trace processes and forward reactions are evident at all levels of the analysors. Multisensory influences converge in the.cortical and brainstem porti ns of the e 0 s analysors. All levels of the beginning with the first switching relays serve ap, a substrate to integrate heterogeneous excitations. '11iis substrate is theibas-s of their participation in the key mechanisms of the functional system. USSR UDC 669.017.12 LEVI, L. I. ,BAT-A&MKIN, V. Ye. , ZIN, U_,_ and SKAZ V. Ye. , Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Scientific Research Institute of Electrical Engineering' flOa the Problem of Improving Nickel-Calcibm Alloys" Ordzhonikidze, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 1, 1972, pp 109-111 Abstract: The deoxidation of nickel and nickel-calcium alloys by blowing the surface of the liquid bath with hydrogen and continuously evacuating gas from the furnace chamber was investigated on brands NP-2 and NO nickel. It was found that B-12 I/min hydrogen blowing for 20 min guatantees sufficiently complete deoxidation of nickel (0-003-0-00'% 02), regardless of in4tial oxygen concentration. With puring temperatures of 1530* and higber, the ingots showed large grains; with a temperature of 1480* equiaxial small- sized grains predominated. The typical structure of the produced NIKA allay is discussed by reference to its microstructure. These alloys contain fewer impurities than existing alloys, TwoA,11ustrations nine bibliographic references. TIJ7_1_~_-_ -27-z-~ ri USSR UDO 621o38. BkLABAMIN, V. YE., KULESHOVA, T.F., NIKONOV,,B.P., PQPDJA~'. "Multilayer Materials Based On Nickel With Calcium Or Strontium For Cores Of Low-Tomporature Oxide Cathodeou Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-takhn..ab. Elektron.BVQh .(Electronic Technology, Scientific-Tachnical Collection, Microwave Electronics), 1970, Issue 9, pp 110-116 .(from RZh--Elektronika:i.yeXG 2rimenamiyo, No 1, January 1971,Abstract No IA68) Translationt A multilayer core is proposed for an oxide c6thade, operating at 0 temperatures of 850-1050 K, with the object of stabilizing the speed of entry of an activator into the oxide layer. The unItilayer core is made in the form of a band of nickel with addition of calcium.or strontium, covered from both aides by a film o-? pure nickel. An alloy of.nickel with calcium.or strontium and.nickel of mark- NW serves as a starting material for the production of ouch bands The joint of the billet is accomplished on the unit for diMsion welding A360.08 in a pcuum at a temperature of 850,'� 25P 0 and a specific pressure of 0.8-1.0 kg/mm, The welded billets are rolled.without heating, with intermed- iste annealinge in a vacuum (or in an H atmosphere) at a.tftperature of 1/2 USSR ~POPOY&.-O. "Al 'tude and Healti-~ ti Moscow, Rabochaya. Gazeta, 6I-eb 70, p 4. Translation: Mountains are attracting i n c r ea sn Ig numbers of scient- ts with very different specialties - from geolod)Lsts to astrono- A. mers and space explorers. Frommountains they can observe the sky terference created by the dense layer of atmosphere on without the ini~ flat ground and study man's ability tia adapt to rarefied air. nditions under which the investilrators have to However, the co work in the mountains are fairly difficult. The experience of international mountain climbers and scientific expeditions ir, the f the highest th Joalolut),r(lia, Himalayas, in the region of - peak on ear , 0 h s that the maximum, level at t&-hichiman caa stay for any length of ow s time is about 5-500 meters above sea level. This~is exactLy the altitude of Elbrus. ILL-At is why the gaze of many Soviet scientists is fixed on the Caucasus. Here excellent natural cQndirions for all kinds of research are to be found. 1/ 6 -USSR 4 POPOVA,,O., Moscow, Rabochaya Gazeta, 6 Feb 70, p 4 Expeditions of the institute of Physiology irai!ni A. A. Bogo- molets, Academy of Sciences MtSSR, have been~ working!' in the Elbrus region for.many years. They are directedby Professor Nikolay Niko- layevich.Sirotonin, who has devoted 35~ Years of* his life to studying the effect of high altitudes on the human body.: Understandably, L the I Marl -al t itude" pro- -physiologists must be 'he first to:speak on for o- blem, and it is,they who must pave the way therS. -ntists started from scratch, with obaervations on The scie lower animals. They had to do that in order to perform all kinds of -experiments, to study the effects of an oxygen defipiency on a living -organism. Snake -e found to be farily tolerant s, fish, and turtles. wej: A. of,altitude, although they:adapt:poorly,l to its, ef f Ofc.ts. Then followed work with rabbits and dogs and, finally,: an. Scientists accompanied a group of mountain climbers as they iey found that human scaled the peaks and observed their Condition. V beings, unlike animals (especially the.lower ones), are quite sensi- tive to high altitudes but much more adaptable to.i~ew conditions. 2A u SSR -POPOVA, 0., Moscow, Rabochaya Gazeta, 6:Feb 70, p 4 .,Moreover, training enables them to acquire resistartce to --n oxygen :deficiency. What are the mechanisms of iAdaptation to high altitudes? The answer to this question was pArticularIV important for ed' n e, en da-Ficiericy or hypoxia is associated with many IC3- tor an oxyg 1- U all -~diseases. once a way was fo ad to increase~resist ce ishypoxia, -a start could be made on the prevention,and.treatment of some very serious diseases. However, a great deal of work was required before -tie group of Ukrainian scientists under the-direation.of~N. N. Sirotinin found the most effective approach to mountain acclimatization. Professor Sirotinin suggested that it be done in stages, with pauses at certain sections of':.the climb., During these pauses.people~engaged in various ti ities. Physiological studies showed that und4r these conditions ~~ac 1V L the musclo-,s elaborate myoglobin, which.binds oxygeli like blood hemo- tore it in the tis ues. S C globin and helps to The method of hardening the body~has already found practical 3/6 9 41- .7 uss-k Moscow, Rabochaya Gazeta, 6 Feb 70, p 4 POPOVA, 0. A branch of a sanatorium.forbronchial asthma patients was built in the Baksanskiy canyon first at the tourist camp "Elbrus" and later .(this year)-in-the village oil A_~-au. - In cases adhere asthma is not complicated by severe cardiac disease, treatment is highly effective. Mountain. climbers are aware that some of them may experience ~psychic disturbances at great heights which pass as the body becomes ...'acclirciated. This suggested to tile scientists the possibility that :_,~Adaptation to mountain conditions might affect schizophrenia. Some ~experivients and observations conducted over.. a period of years hieved confirmed the assumption., The -first, successea: have. beeo ac' in combatting this persistent disorder.: A search is also under way for methods of treating leukemia. Work on this immense task has just starred. But from their observa- tions on the course of blood diseases, physiologists may be able to make- certain suggestions. For example,,in leukemi&albino mice, the blood returns to normal after theanimals are exposed to high alti- tudes. The reason is that in the proces .s of adaptation the body 4/6 UUSR 'kOPOVA, 0., Moscow, Rabochaya.Gazeta, 6 Feb 70, p 4 m b rces, i t o ilizes all its resou n ensifying,-among other things, its --hematopoietic capacity. can this- approach be used to control leu- kemia? The method of gradual acclimatization is very effective per se,.but not equally so in all.cases. Scientists have to determine the 4ndications and contraindications in,body diffe:rent states. Moreover, there is no Alinal answer as yet to the question of how Long man can remain at high altitudes or what the "celling is on his to adapt to hypoxia.: Many mountain climbers think it is the 5000 m mark, that a long stay there, let alone doiR~ any work, is impossible. The physiologists are more optimisticin this respect. To continue with ita research, the Institutit is constructing r a whoLe network of scientific stations~in the Elbriis re-ion. Worv sUarted this year on the main, lower llcampll'of the:physiologists. It is near the village of Terskol, 210O.m.above sea level. it is surrounded by blindingly white peaks. :A nerpentinL'), road winds from here to Elbrus, to the line of perpetu4l snow. it~is possible to 5/6 100 F77 7 USSR 0., Moscow, Rabochaya Gazeta, F eh 7 0,p 4 stop here at "Ledovaya Baza!.', 5800 m above sea lavel. The last point of "civilization", the highest in the Soviet Union, is the tourist hostel "Priyut Odinnadtsatill, 4100 m.above sea level.. Many scientific editions have their bases here, exp But this altitude does not meet all the requireafent of the physiologists. They are planning to build a laboratory an the eastern f the Elbras, more than 5500 ove sea level. An attempt peak o m ab was made to put up a cottage here, but a hurricane carried off the comparatively fra-il structure. . Last year two teams from Sirotinins expedition again climbed the Elbrus in order to study tite conditions there. It was decided to dig;outla small !place in the rocks. A small new prefabricated house will beerected there with the help of a helicopter. 0. K. Antonov, General Designer for Aviation Tech- -nology and Lenin Prize laureate, agree&to the project. This year the Ukrainian physiologists are plannir ~g to do :.~their res6~ch on the highest Europe. -6/6 ED i:;A~, --30OCT70 019 UNCLAS$101'11 PROCIESSiNG DATE :.VITLE=CHEMILUMINESCENCE ANO KINETICS OF;,,TF-,tRALINF- OXiDATION IN ACETIC CATALYZED BY COBALT ACETATE -AND SODIUM: BROMIDE -U- 0. G. -,-AUTHORl!-!,(lO3)-Z,AKHAROV, I.Va iBALANOVtA.A. :PDPOVAS :tIOUNTRY OF INFO-USSR "SOURCE---DOKL. AKAD. NAIJK SSSR 1970, 19015):~.1132-5 TE PUBLISHED- -70 :_tUBJECT Ai~EAS-CHEMI STRY C TA' G S-Ch E 11 1 LUP I NESC E Nr_ EPERUXIDE, 14ETAL COMPLEX CCMPOU.NO9 NAP.liTHALENE, ORGANGCOBALT COMPOUND, SOW UVo COMPOUNOr BROMIDEg OXIDATION tNT R C LPARK I NG-NO RESTRICTIONS -UNCLASSIFIED ENT CLASS D_ ----UR/0020/701t!?0/005/113211135 REEL/FRAME 300110041 STEP NO 'IRC ACCESSION NO-AT0125877 UNCLASSIFIED -30OCT70 UNCLASSUFIED PROCESSING DATE ~JKC_ACCESSION NO-AT0125877 BSTR-ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT., KINETIC CURVES WERE SHOWN FOR .~_:-CONSUMPTION OF O-AND FOR PRODUCTION OF CHEMILUMINESCENCE IN THE TITLE ,"...REACTION 50-60[)EGREES.UNDER VARIOUS CONDITIONS. ADDED NASA Nor ONLY ~_~_:ENHANCED CHERILUMINESCENCE BUY ALSO ACCELERATED THE UPTAKE OF 0 AND AT -NABR CONGN..UP TO 0.5 RELATIVE.TO COIDAC) SUB2, THE INTENSITY OF CHERILUMINESCENCE IS NEARLY PROPORTIONAL TO THE RATE OF OXION. 1__.:TETRAHYDRONAPHTHALENE (1) CONCN. AFFECTS THE RATE OF OXIDN WHICH J~._FOLLOWS:A SQUARE ROOT LAW IN THE ABSENCE OF NABR; IN THE- P~ESENCE OF _"NABR, ON DECREASING CONCN. OF I THE RATE OF OXIDN. TENDS TO REACH A CONST. VALUE DEPENDENT C-N CWACY~SUBZ AND.~NABR CONCNS.~. THE SAME APPLIES ~-,I-TO -INTENSITY OF.LUMINESCENCE. WITH A MUCH GREATER A14T. OF CO(OAC) SUB2 :'..~THAN NABR IN THE SYSTEM, THE RATE OF OXIDN.,REACHES A CONST. VALUE AND ~DOES NOT CHANGE AFTER FURTHER INCREASE OF-ADDED SALTs AS EVIDENTLY ALL _. .,:.NABR 15 BOUND AS CO MONOBROMIDE. EVIDENTLY THE EXPECTED METATHETIC ItEACTION EQUIL. OF NABR AND COlOAC) SUB2 DOES EXIST IN THE SYSTEM AND _-:CO8ROAC IS ACTIVE IN CHAIN PROPAGATION WHILE CDHBR PRIME POSITIVE --POSITIVE TAKES PART IN CHAIN BRANCHING. THE CHAIN INLTIATIO14 REACTIONS -.ARE GIVEN. THE USUAL CHAIN PROPAGATION AND~TERMINATION STEPS ARE E'q. THE OVERALL REACTION IS AUTOXION. 'WITH 2 :PATHS FOR FORMATION -PERUXLDE.' FROM HYDROCARBOWAND PEROXIDICRADICALS*'AND FROM ~_:,-.~,PEROXIOIC'_-RADICAL AND THE HBR COMPLEX*WITH:.THE METAL SALT. FACILITY: MOSK..FIZ.-TEKH. INST.p MOSCOWt:USSR. 77777, USSR UDC-546.7,11"8:548.55 Zor Probleqis of DVORINA, L. A., and P In$'titute Materia.l.-Science, Academy of,sciences UKrSSR "Preparation. of Nickel I)isili6ide and: -Its. Chemical Properties" Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, 'Vol 6, No 11, Nov:70, pp 1969- .1972 Abstract: A study was made of methods of elemental synthesis and siLicothermal reduction of nickel- ~ oxide .:in vidcuum. The starting.materials were metallic nickel in powd-er; from (GOST 9722- 61), nickel oxide, and powdered metallic silicone (KP-1 Tade) ra Li g- a The investigation was conducted in the 500 0 after I i Nickel disilicide is formed at 9000 exporiure ilicon. Iii -he ~by the direct reaction of elementary nickel and- :tjL licon-themal reduction of nickel :oxide in vacuum, the reaction mixture is heated at 800-1200'. C wW-v intermed-iltite P_%poGures for.16 hr at 100.0 C intervals, :The finAl expoGure at 12001 c -a' acids, disilicide is stable toward minex L lasts 2 hra, Nickel I 1111calies, and other chemically chorri~s'ive agent6. np. USSR UDC 576.858.73 BORTSOVA, S. M. , PLIZQ31AQ M and TERSKIKH,:I. L, Institute of Virology imeni D. 1. Ivanovskiy, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Production of a 'Cold' Variant of an Ornithosis-5,train and~lnvestlgation of s olo ical properties" t 131 Dec 70: pp 721-~723 Moscow, Voprcsy Virusologii, No 6, Nov1 Abstract: The effect of low temperature (8*C) on the development.of the orni- thosis inducer in a culture of chick fi.brobla'ts was studied. In particular, it was found that the cold-adapted strain produced was no longer pathogenic when applied intranasally to white micas which are usually,highly susceptible to.this strain. The antigen prepared was active in complement-fixation and hemagglutination tests. The strain also possessed pronouncea immunogenic properties, so,that it appears to be useful as a:strain, for live vaccination. 4 UD C 576.8 58. 73.09 22: C,*, L5. 33- USSR d TER-SKIKH, I I . 1 n.-, ti t LI t C0 f- ~jWL~a 0. BORISOVA S M., a r. :Ices USSR Viro-I ogy. irnen D. lvanovskiy, Academy of -Yedical ~Scie "A Penicillin-Resistant Strain of Ornitho -sis virus and its i;iologi- ca roperties. rosy Viruso' ocii, No 1, 1970,; pp 114-116 !.,ioscowj Vop Abstract: Ornithos-is virus CLori strai'll) -was isolated. from tl-le organs of a dead parrot and grown in chick, embryo yTclj'.Iz sacs in the C) pre-nence of increasincg, a-mounts of penicillin. After ttl-te 19th ~Ipassagq- the strain wws nointoxic fo.- white mice in 1:5, 1:10, 1-20, and 1:40 di"LLI-6i(Jris, where4,a tlv~ conLrol or original strain ki'led all the animals within 3-1.~ hou-vs of innoc n -ant-,:strain losr-its camDlement- ulation. The penicill.L --.es4s(. ivity while retaini g its Iliem -glutinatit-ig ac- ivity. ici ixing-act- n a tl'ssue culture its growth was similartD:that of theicont-rol. 191MUM USSR UDC 624.131.522:624.152.525 POPOVA 0. V. "Distribution of Stresses and Displacements in a flomogeneou-5 Half-Space Beneath a Circular Foundation" -0snovaniva, Fundamenty i Mckhanikika Gruntov,~ No 2, 1972, pp 10-12. 'Abstract: The contact axisymmetrical problem is studied ivith full contact and formulas -between the bottom of a circular, rigid foundation and the base are c.oncluded for the stress and strain.components along the vertical line passing through the center of the circular foundation. Iliv formulas produced are,compaTed with the theoretical studies of.:other authors. 23 Eoldemiblbgy USSR. PISKAIREVA, N. A., KUZNETSOVA, E. Ye. an PRATUSEVIC11, R. M., itute of Childkens Infections ~Lenlngrad Scientific Research Inst "'Acute Febrile Diseases in Children Caused by Mixed Enterqvirus and Adenovirus infection" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 5, 1971, pp 624-625 Abstract:, Hospitalized children convalescing from dysenterl (Sh. sonnei) developed a disease of focal character. Virological and serological studies revealed the participation of two viral agents -- adenovirus and ECHO-1 virus. -The clinical picture included the syndrome of serous meningitisin some cases and symptoms of respiratory infection in others. In some children, it was .-impossible to tell from the clinical symptoms which patbogen was more signif- icant.' In a few cases the viral infection exacerbated the dysentery. Thus, aa-isolated group of children recovering from dysentery (Sh. sonnei) ex- perienced an outbreak.of diseases with heterogeneous clinical symptoms caused bLy ECHO-l virus and adenovirus type 3. USSR PISKAUVA,, N. A., KUZNETSO'VA, E. BRODOVA, X., D., gra Sci ritific Research TRUSMSKATA, E. P..' and YA-KL NSKAYAO K. I.:,.Lenin,, da -ens infections Institute of Child OVirological, Clinical and I=unological Characterization of Harz Kong A2 Influenza in Children" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 4, Jul/Aug 71,p49z Translation: The 1969 influenza outbreak in Leningrad was caused by a new antigeni-- strain of influenza virus of sero type A2 (ifong Kong). During the outbreak, tests were performed on chick embryos infected with materials coi- lected from 53 patients with sporadic forms o-f the disease, wiVh eight samples Collected from foci, and with 10 samples collected from children who had died of influenza. Twenty-three hemagglutinating agents were 1solated and identified as A2 Ron--, Konv influenza viruses. All strains. were seivitlive to inhibitors. erological investigation of paired sera of, .188 parsons rovoaled that specific shifts took children. fairly early, Positive Shirts occurred in 0.2A of chilAron agcd up to I year, which cf~nsidarably exceeded ~analogous shifts in a similar groulp of chi.1dron 1n..prvvJ.4U'1 Years. The express method of immunofluorescent analysis of n6se arA throat 6.*iears yioldod pooitive PPCIUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED J.AOXY RELL/FRAME-2000/2L76 STEP t4fj--t)R/0366/70/t)16/OG4/0879/083n Cji~C, ACCLS-c (GN N1(17-00125756 UNCLASSIFIE0 PRO4~;ESSING DATE--160CT70 f2 033 ..~,,,,TjTLE--OI SPERS ION AND ABSORPTION OF L IQU I D, 'WA TER IN INFRA RED AND RADIO fREQUENCY-REGIONS -U- V-M-i MIKHAILOVi.B.~A*t ALPERUVI',TCHt L-1.1 POPOVA, ~;,CbUNTRY OF INFO--USSR p i_-SOURCE--OPTo COMMUN* (NETHERLANUS)t VUL. It NO, 6*v 301-2 (JAN. 19701 P Att PUBLISHED----;-JAN70 5r., ~,._SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS bp IC TAGS--IR ABSORPTION, ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE DISPERSION~ WATER 1',~Z-ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ---UNCLASSIFIED CLASS REEL/FRAME--1986/0083 STEP NO-"NE/0000/70YO01/006/0301/0302 __J: IRC ACCES-SION-NO--AP0102173 7= r, r" -;.,I -'t t;,nj tA t, x:j cl I, C, ito a w !E o i,- CL (D ~h rr man :1 w :y r: 00 > - fl-'U P. lu 0. "0 11c ' 11 1 4 1 r l trl ti ri !rj ri t;l IMtl r 11 1`11 1. h ~ 1 1 . , - I a 73 00 rrj~ll r, :j :r n 16 t, f ,j 1-4 -S n 0m ft V, I R o eA n III ' o ty:I It .4 j. t" It n t 0 rj :3 Ulf z-cP-,fi-I C, In, 'I !i nit. m Cl 01- 1. :1 1. 6~ wtE ft n n~j 0. C) ftnIt0 .1 JD V~ b ft ft :JP 0C, ;1 :1 O:m 0 nt4 cl l .1, (r "I PjP:1 r, n ft n 0 11 -S ~o v- r, -10r wn , fr 17 0 10 It 1,11 "-- If '4 It :1 I-r :3 '1 LI u1 0 0 f-arj; c i::r ca of 01-0 n D.K ",q I;V:J: C-I rl 'h CL .1 m I I 7-' r, i. r! .1 "ru V ID, 0 W - 0: I., ILI n0 -< Is r- 9: ri #IQ 002~~ 1-4 0 fr :01 21 If., I, It f. -i0 fr V, ILI) CI 11 111n 0C :f o 0 2h t'. n 0 -A :EK, 0':3 :3 Z,G 0re :" :j; 1, ~~' f~ U- . r) O u c" - , " W ) 00 11 - r I - nf- V V. 00 K0fr 0 " It 01 1. 0" 1 C t- fr C: ~r' 1 % Q 9 , It. It CL14'. m It C, Vt., 0. rr L: 1-1 0. < 1 -rn (D0 . f, V;01 ' r) IV M IJ C6 ell 0 ') ?" " (D ,j '.3'00 WLIt.0 Ili it) :j E4 f1l ft. M ~fj ti 1jP 0It fr ft ':3 (n 'I 1-0 "1 It:n 'r Ln I- fr r,