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USSR UDC 538.q61 KATYSHEV, Ye. G., PANASYUK, V. S.,-~- G., R01MANOVSKIY, V. F., SAMOSHENKOV, Yu. K., SOKOLOV, A. A., SPEKTOR, Ya. M.,,STEPANOV, B. M. "Investigation of Electromagnetic Emission of a Modulated Electron Beam" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 42, No 11, Nor 72, p 2446 Abstract: The paper gives a block diagram and the parweters of an instal- lation for studying velocity-modulated emission of an electron beam, as well as the results of measurements. The beam energy was 32 kev, beam current in the pulse 0.25 a, pulse duration 1; us, pulse repetatian rate 25 H-, fre- quency of the modulating rf field 482 PUN, length of tbr. emiS13ion rOgiOn 55 cm, and pressure in the SySteM 10-4 = Hg, It Was found.that the emission power received by an antenna with effective area of 750 sq. cm at a distance :,of 2.5 m from the beam is 1 mw. The vector of intensity of the modulating electric field lies in a plane which passes through-the axis of the beem. The ratio of emission intensity on the second harmonic to that on the first harmonic is approximately 5%. Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: ~,PO0533GO CHEMICAL ABST.,:5~/& ///f) ~2,a 101497i Properties of hermetie sealants under h*t and -humid climatic conditions. gapkwz~~-.V, f Yu.; ~jadaeashvili; G. R.-(USSR). :.-T?ULt. Mater~ 1970, (1). 37-8 (Russ). Several polymeric ses(antsl e.g.. nonhardening inastics UNIS-50 and Secornastic (1) tBritish,1, Thiokol sealant, GS-1, PO!Vef, and porous Poroizol UU Gernit P fflfi~ and PRP-1 were tested in Tbilisi (dry climate) at.~23 to -L-40' and in Batumi (humid climate) at -20 to +411 * for 12 months. 11 'and III deteriorated slightly ~n the hot-,hurnid climate, the latter being the more stable of the 2. 1, tested in Tbilisi and 'Batumi, formed aprotective impermeable coating which inhibited its deg- radfition. GS. I retained'adequAte tensile strengths tind el~nl ation at break,alchough its ptopert ies slightly deterioraW in Tbilisi. CKJR REEL/FRAME 19830383 UNC A S-1 0 POCESttNG DATE--IISEP70 '024' FIE' ~'~'r;ITLE_-INVESTIGATION OF PH AND RWOR2 OFTHE SKIN SURFACE IN PATIENTS, PSORIASIS AND ECZEMA, -U- ~4UTHOR-PANKRATOV V_G. -','~p_'0VNTRY OF INFO--USSR E -VESTNIK DERMATOLOGII I VENEROLOGIA, 1970, NR 2, PP 20-25 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AND MEDICAL SC.IENCES _TOPI. '_-TAGS-~-SK-IN DISEASE9 LESIONt HYDROGEN -ION CONCeNTRATIONt TISSUE TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~.'00CUMENT CL4SS--UNCLASSIFIEO :--PROXY REEL/FRAME--1985/1853 STEP NO--UR/0206/70/00-0/,10"1/00--0/1025 CJRC ACCESSION '40--AP0131898 ~i-_ F=- 024: UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSINS DAT-E-11SEP70 -Cl R C -ACCESSION NO-AP0101896 -TEL MlwTIo",lS .OF :_ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--M) GP-0-- ABSTRACT, ELECTROMETRICAL Of- R PH AND RH SU,B2 OWTHE SKIN SURr-ACF WAS ~CARRIED OUT DVV401', IC ALLY IN 19 F THE: BODY IN 57 PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC ECZr.-,MA AND 77 PATI~t~~TS SITES 0 WITH PSORIASI.S, AS WELL AS IN 102 HEALTHY SUBJECTS IN 21 SITES 0)F T'lE BODY. THE AGES OF ALL *.rHE SUBJECTS UNDER STUDY WERE Br-T!4EEjN 21 AND 55 00 OF EXACER!34TION YEARS. PATIENTS WITH C14RONIC ECZEMA DURING THE P-Pit AN INCREASE IN PH ANb' RH SUB2 OF THE SKIN SUqF4,CF B'ITH IN FOCI OF PATIENTS W.rTH PSDq[ASIS LESIONS AND IN APPARENTLY NORMALSK[N. IN IN PK0,GRE5SI-VE AN(I STATIONARY. STAGES-A HIGHLY. SIGNIFICANT' REOUCTION OF _RH SUBZ (INCREASE IN THE RESTORATIVE CAPACITY OF THE.SXIN) OF THE AFFECTED AND:,APPARENTLY NOPMAL SKIN'AND.*AN INCREASE OF-PH ON THE SURFACE OF PSORTATIC.-PAPULES. THE PH OF T4E APPARENTLY NORMAL SKIN IN THESE ':.':~'SUBJECTS, WAS-EITHER SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN NORMAL OR WITHIN THE AGE LIMIT. -IN ;THE.-. COURSE OF TREATMENT A TREND FOR NROMALIZATION OF BOTH INDICES WAS:- OBSE9VEY. BOTH IN PATHENTS WITH ECZEMA AND WITH PSORIASIS. T14E PH 40" ~:.W SUB2 (IF, THF SKIN SURFACE REFLECT THE STATE OF M'a_TABGLIC PRCCESSES twRING JN tTHE SKIN*- tiful-i V~Zlj--T-tn Rullyev, T. A.. Electron-.W&m Light Modulator .................. Z34 flus te I , , Ye. It. , Paryrin, V. R, Mustel'. Ye. R., Parr- a r" Loner ....... Internal Nodulation of t 231) gin, V. N., solamatin, V. S., Baglikov, V. Z. Pankrato-.-._Yj__1i.. Pat- ~ Visible and Infrared LightModulator ro-;ed ou a ;~-V.-.-PWntme- F, LithL.. N~taniobztv C"etal with U' orientation 248 Wide Hand an &~Litf-iucl Hitanfobate Cry tal witt _9U* Oritntatt on 3 Ponomarava, romichevo H. thast Relations of the Synchronous MoAa at L^**,v Emisaion, with Modulated Dielectric Constant of the Resonator .................... ............. 258 !.,Oeryu#n, 1. A., Nonlinear Dist orcions in Microwave Modulators, Solomko. A. A. of Laser. Emission ........... o............ I ........ -'Zovlave, 11. , .. ., M... Utilization of GaIlluto Arsenide Crystals for ~Xikolaysv. I. V. Modulation of Radiation vith a Navelongth of A - 10.6 microns .......... I .................... 26 4 'ko, V. D. Scow Types of Faraday Modulators and Their Nonlinear Distortions ........................... 273 TroOko, V. D. Method of Simultaneous Determination of the Frequency Ch aracte ris tics of the Photoraceiver and Faraday Modulator ...... 4 ................... 278 sh rhenko, U. P., Applicatiot, of Ftfrzztlion Acoustic Call for 0 b --nk o , Vu. L. Svochronization of the Pulse Loser Emission .... 260 1% 1 ciov, Yu. D Wideband Light Detector ........................ 283 ozarov, Ye. G. Lrt4v, A. S.. sensitivity'and Inertia of a rhatodiode Light AmAdAtki r. (rv, A. S., vY.,.t:;-,k01f, G. 1. Retaiver vith Parametric Amplifier ............. fthh-Ftoquency,and Low Ina tia Photoravistor Light Detector with SuperhTizh-Frequency Bias ... 293 299 "0 486 r y 12 -C H IN I c A L 7 1~ A IN z LA 7 c N LNCLISH rITLE: PROBLEMS OF LASER B"4 DATA TRJV4SMISSION PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST ALL-UNION CONFZRZ',Cr, FIEV. SEPTEMBER 1966 (ol(EIC.14 TITLE: PROBLEM PMOACIAI JNF6KmTSL1 uEntsym IZLUCH=ty--m AYTf;0Ri 1. A. DERYUGIN_ET Al, KIEV ORDER OF LENIN STATE 1,141VERSITY IMENI T.G. SCHEVCHENK6 Ttaii4alcd for FSTC by ACS1 NOTMEE Thv omttillsof thi% publicAtion kive been translated as rrewnted in the original text. %,o Attvilipt 114% burt flutle to vcrify the accuracy of any %tatenicrit cormilticd hemin, This is publisbcd with A. minimum of copy editing and graphics preparation in order t" cilicilitv %liv di%%cininatlum ofinforinuion. Appi-wurl Ge pokilic rVIVAW, Di%tfibiltitln kInlinlitt2d. WIM USSR UDC 669-7125.4 IZHVANOV, L. A., ARTF141 YVJ, V. I.Y and FAMIATOV V. I. "Preparation of Berylliim iodide" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No SeP/Oat 71, PP 109-110 Abstract: Two methods vere tested for the preparation of beryllium iodide: the classical method adopted for iodine refinement of 2irconium, and a modi- fication of this method with the evac,,iation of the vapors of iodine and unde- composed iodides, as wel]. as the method of thermal dissociaticn of polymeric beryllium iodides. In experiments on the thermal dist5ociation of iodides on an incandescent tungsten filament, a deposit consii;ting of silicon wili 2-5% Be was formed. The temperatLxe of the beryllium,tu:~nirig vao varie-d from room temperature to 7000, and the filament temperature ~,7as varied from 650 to 13000- The following cotirse of thep.-incipal process cr-n be sugge5zed: at the Be12; on the walls oX the glass ampoule, first brouGht turning: Be 4 L to 1--cuum.1 2Be12 -~ Si02 2BeO +,S114; and at the fiDament: SiI4 --7s-Si 212. Attempts to obtain beryllium in a metaIapparatus :by Icssing beryllilim iodide vapor over ar- incaiad~e3cent metal strip 'were also unsuccessful. The experiment with the filament revealed a gray crystallin(i diepo~lt about 1 rri thick and weighing 0.1 g. S-pectroam-lysis showed that-W:Le deposit is be--yllil:m contaminated with iron (up to 2%) and iTith traces of nickel and chronium. T-Lis 1/2 USSR IZHVANOV, L. A., et al, izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, MetallY, No Se.P/Oct 71) PP 109-110 contamination of berylli-m is probably a con5equence b:)th of the transport of, impurities from the initial metal as vell,as the rei~ction of iodide~.~,witla contaminated material, in spite,of the container lining. 2/2 USSR UDC 535-347-083 KEIMA0, R. YA., PIM-RATOV, Vs M., GORLLOV, L. V., AKSMOV, A. S., KRETOV, V.F. "Automated Device for Measuring and Recording the Spectra of Optical Circular Dichroism" lbscow, IzmeritelInaya Tekhnika, No 11, i973, pp 23-2J#. Abstract: The first Soviet instrument for measuring and recording the spectra of optical circular dichroism is described. This instrument can be used to study the spatial structure of organic and inorganic compounds, materials of biological origin and others having the properties of optical activity. The spectral range of the instrument is 2.110-600 nm; the meaomremnent ranges in units 10-4 of optical density are 150- 200-lo-4 and 300.10-4 with a sensitivity no worse than one percent of the measurement range. The mathematical description of the.operation of the device Is presented along with'its technical specifica- tions and a brief explanation of its schematic'diagram.- USSR uDc: 6a.396i15 PAJNFMAWQUq-XC. D. RAKOV, A. I. Ifusi ng a Digital Computer to Process Data on Failures of Radio Relay Lines" Tr. uchebn. in-tov svvazi. 1.1-vo svyazi SSSR (Works of A(~ademic institutes of Comminications. Ministry cf Cornmimicati6ns of the USSR 1970 vyp. 51, PP 135-i42 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 5, M471,,Abstract No 5D394) Translation: Ilhe paper deals with the problem of forming initial information for digital computer calculation,of the reliability parameters of radio relay commmications lines. Bibliography of five titles, Res=4. in 010 UNCL 4SS I FiED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--PREPARATION OF DIHYDRIC PHENOLS HY CATALYTIC OXIDATION OF PHENOL IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS -U- _w~__AUTHOR-(04)-MAKALETSI B.I., IVANOVAI I.G., PANKRATOVA, K,G.t KIRICHENKOp GoS.- _:'_.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '.:~SOURCE- NEFTEPERERAB. NEFTEKHIM. MOSCOW 1970t (2)t 23-5 D ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 _..SUBJECT.AREAS--CHEMISTRY _"-~~JOPIC TAGS--PHENOL, CATALYTIC OXIOATION, DISTILLATIONI CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS --NO RESTRICTIONS ......CCtITROL MARKING ,.._:DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIVIED :::7~-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/051)6 STEP NU--UR/0318/70/000/002/0023/0025 CIRC ACCES)SION' N'0--AJ?0lll)lF84 j- Jl- mg~ H 1, 2/2 010 UNCLASSIFlED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 10--AP0119Z~84 .ZIRC ACCESSION N ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CONTINUOUS CATALYTIC OXION. OF P-HOH I,% A~). SOLN. YIELDED A MIXT. OF 192- (1) AND 1,4- C SJ66 H SU84 1014) SUB2 (11). THE OXIDATE WAS CONCD. WITH SIMULTANEOUS AZEOTROPIC DISTN. OF PHOH IN N-, FOLLOWED BY EXTN. OF I AND It WITH ETOAC AND DIISOPROPYL ESTER AS SELECTIVE SOLVENTS, THE MAX. YIELD OP 70-5PEPCENT I PLUS 11 WAS OBTAINED AT PH 3-5 AND 30 ATM WITH 5-1.5PERCENT PHOH SOLN. AND 0.01-0.03 MOLE PERCENT CUCL SU132 AS F-ATALYSYi 8ASEO ON PHOH. 11 -FORMATION WAS PREDOMINANTv T4E COINVERSION OF, PHOH BEING 20-5PERCENT. FACILITY: NOVOKUIBYSHEVSK. FILIAL NIISSI NOVOKUIBYSHEVSKP USSR* V~ USSR UIr, 'U'15-37:1576-85i.49+576.851-5511:0'i5.451-l-')1-036.8 SHORSWER. S. B., SOLODOWTIXOTI, Yu. F., and TSURIKOVA, Z. F., 'Moscow T~stitute of Spidemioloa and Microbiology, and Yaroslavskaya Oblast Epidemiological Station "A Study of Reactivity to Combined Typhoid and Tetanus Vaccinations" Moscow, Zhurnal 1,Ukrobiologii, Epidemiologii, i Immunobiologii, No 2, 1973, P 132 Abstract: Reactions of industrial wor-kers to vaccination by Vi-aritifren and Vi- monovaccine against typhus, and by these vaccines combinod irith tetanus tozoid were compared. Poit-vaccination reactions were ~ not darender~t on age or sLIX. Reactions to Vi-antigen conbined with tet-anus anatoxin lrerQ no t wre severe than those to alone. Zhus t-he co,-2bination can be recom=ended, for practical use. Vinonovaccine combined with tetanus toxoid, causecl reactivity that exce-eded D--=isz;IbIe levels. Consequently fuzyther research :-,,ust be carried out an this coz--nination to decrease reacbivity to it prim- to its reco=iendation for use. Ac Ref. Code: UR 0069 PRIMaY SOURCE: Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, 970 Vol 32, Nr 1, pp STUDY OF STRUCTURE FORMATION IN AQUEOUS CASEIN SOLUTIONS n ratova, M. N. Zholbolsviiava. A. S.; Izmavlova, V. La Summary Structures formation in aqueous alkaline casein soluLlons involves disordering of caseln molecules, transition to the statistical coil conformation and further. aggregation leading to lfi*e formation of a thrte-,dimen3ional structu-,e. The stmgth -of Nis structure is ma-inly due to the hydrogen bonds. and van-cler-Waals (hydrophobic) bonds, According to the classification proposed by_R, A. Rehbinder, the casein gels,structure --an be clas- 5ified a~ a coagulation-wndensation structure.~ 1Y E 7 _j 2 7*10V 7 0 1/2 07-8 U ASSI FIED PPOCESS DATE -_lT_I-TLE--A CGNTACr PROBLEM 'FOR THE TORS I ON 'OF A TWO CJ~VITY. HYPERIVOL010 (IF REVOLUTION -U- AUTfiOR-(02)-8UZUNv T,N.p PANKRATOVAt 14.0. --USSR ZOUNTRY OF 1 N FO pl :SCURCE-PRIKLADNAIA MEKHANIKA, VOL . 6, APR. 1970, P. 131--134 ~..,.~,~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .-SUBJECT APEAS--PHYSICS, MATHEMATI CAL SCIENCES, MECHo-p I~JD.j CIVIL AND MAR I I NE ENGR ~_:_,JOPIC TAGS--FREOHOL-4 EQUATIONI SECOND 01~UER EQUATIONj BOUNOARY VALUE PROBLEM? INTEGRAL EQUATION9 TORS101AC VIBRATION, tDRSION STRESS, BODY OF REVOLUTION -04TIOL MARK ING--NO R ESTP ICT iraNS .00CUME."IT CLASS--(JNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/0097 STEP. ti(]--UR/0198/'70/0~16/tIOO/OL31/0134 ACCESSIOM '10--AP0127723 212 028 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATLE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127723 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ASSTRACT~., DISCUSSION OF'AN ELASTIC TWO CAVITY HYPERBOLOID OF REVOLUTION WHOSE STRESSED~ STATE IS CAUSED BY THE ROTATION OF A RIGID STAMP APPLIED TO THE' SURFACE OF THE HYPERSTOLOID FROM ITS.APPEX TO A CERTAIN CROSS.SECTION* AELOW THIS CROSS SECTION, THE SURFACE IS ASSUMED TO BE FREE OF STRESSES. A FREDHOLM INTEGRAL EQUATION OF THE SECOND KINDi EQUIVALENT TO THE BOUNDARY YALUE PROBLE,140 is OBTAINED WITH THE AID OF- A METHOD OF. STUDYING DUAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS WITH KERNELS IN THE FORM OF ASSOCIATED LEGENORE~FUNCTIONS. THE TORSIONAL PROBLEM IS SOLVEO NUMERICALLY. A RELATION BETWEEN THE TORSIONAL MOMENT AND THE AINGLE OF ROTATION OF THE STAMP IS OBTAINED, AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE TANGENT.IAL STRESSES ARISING 6ELOW THE STA14P IS DETERMINED. 'Ii ~T 17' ji Acc. Nr: Abstra:ctlng Service: Ref. Code: ol q &O0385AX CHMICAL ABST 14-_ 79193a Reacth)n of diethyt- an cadmiun~ with organic peroxides, -j- . I.,. I . i I M V. V.A.; B ko 1. V. -Gorki, U skoxo, ,u W 30(11)~ IJ4" of 0.9 g. 0()k!-'iA g'PhjCd in (Raft). Reaction ltil-s ih 2. cyclohexane ke -,amp Itil C ptseveral hr in a sealed~ gave 4ome~i tHa, whille treatment with HItO liberited PhOH 'fek-SuOH, iinr~acted peroxide and. ionic Cd. With iquirnolir,agiitsi. of rieact.arii:s the products were in the form."61' i_ s6lid Vibich ~w anal. con6ined ionic Cd- ' some, 010013ti-10- it'4' and -le~I;BilooBtf4ort - iiiith 2 ruoles of the hydroperoxide and:even WW''e;xpess o'jf'it tb~~r~ac- tion gave-a-good yield of -Cd(OORa-krI)j kl6fig~Ailrith4ome 1&12% Cd(OBu-Itri)q which evidently formed fibfi:i the peg~ideeb', los5 ~of 0. Heating thb ptro'* tlO(l 4hriive' ))3u- krl~and%%O. lltiCd and BzA in W1, gave mixed C iand Cifle, and afttr heming it 401 gave a pp%. which oil hydrj~b~sis ga~,e CtH4, ionic Cd, aad BzON, while the filizate *~ave'C,,Ht4, EtPh,andEtOBz. Ph,Cd-2kndBzAin'Ctilii5hr~at46"-irave a VpE. of PhOBz and PhOlOft ~ hydrolyi;io W14, ioiii~[ Cd, PhOH, DzOH. Thus Phir-d and, urt-BuO y eld OH did not PhCdOOBu-IerI since the lat"ir w" reditc~d t6 ilik! alkbxy~tnt' og. PhICd and BzX~ yields PhOA2:, PhQ40Ba.~ and Cd(O z -ithBZ20% dia e 06in-I The reactions probably in4olve" plues; of the coordination type, G.; U. ff j REEL/FRAME 19731720 USSR UDC-621.039.538:539.125.5 VASIL'YEV, G. A., VESEU:IN, A. P., YEGOROVP Yu. A., ORLOV, Yu. V., PAIUM YEV,,Xg, V., PISKUNOV, V. 1. "Space-Energy Distribution of Reactor Neutrons in Metal Hydrides" V sb. Vopr. fiz. zashchitv reaktorov (Problems in Reactor Safety Physics Collection of Vorks) , No. -5, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1972, pp 91-105 (from RZh-50. Yadernyye reaktory, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5.50.58) Translation: Current designs of the shielding of nuclear reactors include hydrogen-containing materials, the presence of which in. the shield makes it possible to shorten the size of the shielding aud reduce the contribution to the power of the dose frcin neutrons of interinedlate encritJos. Varlous hydrogen-containing riatetials are used In the shield: water, olyethylene, paraffin, concretes with an increased concentration of hydrogen such as Serpentinite concrete, etc. Metal hydrides may also be included in such materials. Metal hydrides have a high nuclear density of hydrogen, in some cases exceeding the nuclear density of hydrogen water. , In studying the passage of neutrons through metal hydrides,one can show the perturbing 112 USSR VASILYEV, G. A., et al, Vopr. T iz. zashchitZ reaktorov,'No. 5, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1972, pp 91-105 effect of the metal nuclei on t1i eform of the attenuation function or the form.of the energy distribution of neutrons, and he can also show the role of the metal in the accumulation of moderating neutrons. - The problem of the pas- sage of neutrons through lithium, magnesium., titanium; and zirconium hydrides was investigated. The experiments were: conducted on a water cooled water -moderated research reactor. 8 ill., 8 tables, 37 ref". 2/2 will, "INIM11011 1~~= Ry USSR LIDO 620.193.5 NIIaTIX, V. I., K01USSAROVA, I. P., and MXRAT"YEVA NV., Academy of Civil Aviationj Central Scientific Researche~'Planning and Desigm Institute Imeni 1. 1. Polzunoys Leningmd. "Experimental Verification of the Parametric Method of Calculatin6 the Heat Heelotance of Metals at, Varylag Tempsrat=e" "J'alov, Vol 9Y Kievi Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mek-hariika Mate- No 51, 19739 pp 71-75 Abstract: steel brands 201- Khl&NlOT, and Kh25T were subjec- ted to heat resistaace tests in air,under steplike c1langing tem- perature conditionst the interval of the latter being un to 1500. A graphic variant of the parametric method based on the use of an equivalent time nomogram and the parametric heat resisvazice diagram were used for the calculatio;T of the~characteristic of heat resistanceg the mass loss of the metal.Tabulated exmerimen tal data of the mass lOss of the-first two steel~brands a~ two- 42 USSR NIKITIN, V. 1.$ et al.j Fiziko-Dialcheskaya Mtskhanlka Paterialovo Vol 9p No 3, 1973, PP 71-75 -step and multistep temperature, change are In ggood agreement with calculated data (maximum difference 22% and 24%, respecti- vely). The correlation of calculated and e.-merimental data for Kh25T steel enows a maximum difference of 2~% at relatively com.- plex multistep temperature changge-conditions. The investigations indicate the possii)ility of calculating with sufficient accuracy the heat resistance of metals at changing temperature by the pa- rametric method. Three figures, three tables, three bibliographic references. 2/2 USSR uDc: 621-396.6-181.5(088-8) KIAZARINOV, V. L., PANKSEN, "A Device for Orienting Modular Elements With Rigid Leads" USSR Author's Certificate 'No 277895, filed 26.Feb 69, published 12 Nov 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, MaY 71, Abstract No 5V15B P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces EL device for orienting modular elements with rigid leads. The device contains a unit for moving the elements to be oriented, a contact head, and a measul-~ement block. The productivity and operationta reliability of the device are improved by fitting it with a rotating base on which contact heads are mounted in a circle. Thes,e contact heads are connected by controllable clutchc-s (e. g. electro- mmpetic clutches) to motors and indicators which show ithen the leads of the element being oriented coincide wit h the contacts of the'heads. I I If.l. 111 V117i mij 1r 11 ll4n uT".-almili A.11-- 'I"m T, 'T USSR UDc: 621-396.6.002-72:6,~i-757(088.8) KAZARBIOVII V. L., PANKSEY, Yu. A. TROSHINA, A. G. "A Device for Spatial Orientation of Modular Elements With Rigid Leads" USSR Author's Certificate No 283342, filed, 26 Feb 69, published 7 Dec 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6V325 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for spatial- orientation of modular elements with stiff leads. The device con+ains a vibration hopper equipped with a spiral chute which has an opening in the Vall for rejecting improperly oriented modular elements, and a specially shaped outlet chute for feeding properly.oriented modular elements into the worUng positions. To improve precision in orienting modular elements vith short stiff leads, strips are located inside the Yibration hopper lengthwise of the outlet chute and further from the bottom of the chutL~ than the height of a module board and closer than the total height of a modular element. In the bottom of the chute is a channel with a width equal to the minirmim diameter of the circumscribed circle for the leads of a modular element and a depth greater than the lengtth of the leads. --2/2 033 UNCLASSI FEED, PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0131495 ,--A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. OXrDN. WAS STUDIED OF B CARBIDE 10F THE COMPN. 29.BIPERCFNT Ct 65.35PERCENT Bt 0.1ilPERGENT OF THE TOTAL .8 IN THE FORM OF B SUB2 0 SUB3, AND SIMILAR TO 2.7PERCENT 0, CORRESPONDING TO SID SUB2v CAOi MGOP B:SUB2 0 SUB3t~ R SU82 0 SUB3s, ANO AND AL OXIDES), DISPERSED BY ULTRASOUND IN 62PERCENT H SUB2 50 SUB4 CONTG* ~ CRO SUB3 AND K SU52 CR SUB2 0 SUB7. THE OXIDN. OF B CARBIDE WAS ~COMPLEX AND COULD NOT BE EXPLAINED BY A SIMPLE REACTION. IN THE BEGINNING, THE OXION. PROCEEDED SLOWLY; FIRST OF ALL FREE C IN 6 CARBIDE AND ONLY-APPROXIMATELY EWUAL TO-2PERCENT OF BOUND C WAS OXIDIZED ANO SOL. C COMPOS, WERE FORMEDs DERIVS. OF H S,UB2 CO SUB3 AND MELLITIC ACID WERE SUGGESTED. AFTER SOME TIME CONTENTS OF.0 IN THE SOLN, SHARPLY INCREASED AND AFTER GREATER THAN 45-55;MINt BESIDES 8 SUB2 0 SU83f ORG-ANOBORON COMPDS. AND CARBONIC ACIDS 'ALSO WERE FORMED, FURTHERMOREr THIN OXIDN. LAYER CONT6. !; ON THE:: B-CARB I DE SURFACE WAS' FOUND, WETH THE FACILITY: INSTO VYS. :RATIO S-O~APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO 1:0.87. TEMPot, MOSCOWVUSSR. L L r: USSR UDC 681.327.66-616 AVGUST, V. I., ONISHCHEENKO, A. P., and,PANNIKOV, S. I., Khar'kov Poly- technical Institute VIA Device for Measuring the Coercive Force of Thin Magnetic Films" USSR Author's Cerr-ificate, No 280668, Filed 3 Apr 69, Published 4 Dec 70 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Avtomatik4, Telemekhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 1971, Alstract No 8B238 P) Translation: A device for measuring the coercive force of thin magnetic films is proposed. It contains a source of a sinusoidal magnetic field which reverses the magnetization of a film, an amplifier for the voltage induced by the current which remagnetizes a film, null-balance devices, a flip-flop, and a measuring instrument. The device is distinguislied by the fact that a differentiating circuit is connected in front of the voltage amplifier, while the output of the amplifier and the output of the pader source are connected to the null-balan6a devices. The purpose of this is to increase the precision of the device's measurements. In order to automate the measurements, the outputs of the null-balance devices are connected to a ci-rcuit which forms a time interval between the out-put pulse of the null- balance devices in direct-current voltage. 2 illustrations. k USSR UDC 621.892.8 L="K K. TRET'YAKOV, P. P., ZUSEVA, B. S., GRIGORI)TV, P_ F. , KULIKOV, GLAVATI, 0. L., GORDASH, Yu. T-., RABINOVICH, 1. L. "New Aviation Oils with Dipole I)I)e Additives" Neftepererabotka i Neftellzhimiya. Resp, Mezlived. sb. [Oil Refining and Petro- cliemistryRepublic Interdepartmental Collection], No 5,3971, pp 38-41, (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Aviatsiyonnye i Raketnye Dvigateli, No 12, 1971, Abstract No 12.34.9, from. the Resume). Translation: The re-sults of studies of the physical, chc1mical and operational properties of a new aviatioli oil containing a Dipole-type additive by lahora- tory methods, and the results, of 50 hours tests of this-1 oil in a Type UU-82T one-cylinder installation indicate that this oil is sigvificantly superior to Type MS-20 oil udithout additives, presently used for piston aviation enilines, and is equal to and in some respects superior:to aerosholl oil W-100, a foreign type. 3 Tables; 3 Biblio. Refs. N I --020CT70 U CLAss:IF F PkOCESSIVG DATE U-2 017 oTRANSPLANT TAKE MADE -,TI-TLE--A_:STUDY INTO THE 'CHARACTER OF THE CORNEAL HoM -AID -OF THE SEX CHROMATIN. TEST ~_11_ H,~THE PAN- V. UNTRY OF INFO-USSR OURCE-VESTNIK OFTALIMOLOGII, 1970t NR 2,,~.PP 14-19, DATE PUBL.ISHC-0----70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES GPI,C-TAGS--ICORNEA* CHROMATINt HOMOTRANSPLANT, RABBIT '_:D0CUXE";T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ._PROXY CIRC ACCESSION' &0--4P0102671 STEP NO--tJR/0357/70/000/002/0014/0019 ~-Z/z 017 UNICLASSI FIED PRO'CESS[NG DATE--020CT70 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0102671 ~~:'ABSTRACT/FXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE QUESTION AS TO THE ~ATURF JF JH.E CCRNEAL GRAFT A COITROVERSTAL ONE. THE STUDY OF THE FATE OF A TRANSPLANT~4 DISK IS C[),'-.PLICATED 8Y DIFFICULTIES IN I NTIFYI THE DE DONLRIS AND RECEPIENT"S. A BIOLOGICAL MARKER SEX CHALIVATIN, INHERENT MAINLY IN FEMALE TISSUES, VIAS E14PLOYED FOR THIS PURPOSE,BA:K IN 1960. TO LOOK INTOTHE FATE OF THE CORNEAL HOMOTRANSPLANT THE AJTHJR JTILIZED SEX CHROMATIN IN EXPERIMENTS ON RABBITS. A TOTAL OF 75 PAaTIAL FULL THICKNESS KERATOPLASTIES WERE PERFORMED. THE BASIC PREREQJISITE WAS :OPPOSED SEX OF THE DONOR AND RECEPIENTv THIS ALLOWI*NG THE DONOIR'S AND RECEPIENTS TISSUE TO BE DIFFERENTIATED MORPHOLOGICALLY. IN THE COURSE -OF STUb-IE5 C-ONCLUSION WAS REACHED TO THE EFFECT THAT IN TRANSPARENT AND NEARLY TIRANSPARENT HOMOLOGOUS GRAFTS (WITH THE FOLLOW UP LASTING UP T0.1 YEAR) THE-STROMA, RETAINS INDIVIDUALITY OF THE DONOR-S TISSUE, THIS TESTIFYING TO THE TRUE ADAPTATION. IN:SEMT TRANSPARENT~A%W OPAQUE DISKS THERE JS IN PROGRESS A macesS OF SURSTITUtION. EPITHELIUM IS REPLACED .-BY THE RECERIENTSIS TISSUE, THE r)[)NCRI,S ENDOTHELIUM CAN REMAIN INTA"T _~!:FOR AS LONG AS UP TO I YEAR ITHE FOLLOW UP,PERIOD)4*1 WITH FAVIURABLE COURSE OF-ADAPTATION THE DONORIS.TISSUEpPARTICIPATES WTHE FORMATIO OF 7THE SUVER LINE RING0 Ace. Nr.: 041186 Ref Code: USSR UDC None PANOV A' Engineer "ijit6grated Circixits" Moscow, Radio, No; 1, 70, PP 32-34 Abstract: This article deals with integrated circuits, which has been brought into assembly-line production in the Soviet Union. The integrated circuit is defined as'a device containing four siliconn-p-n planar transistors -tn,a metallic polymer body with pin-leads,, providing stable operation in broad rangus of tempera- ture,, humidity, and mechanical action, and weighing 1. 5 grams. L Plan and profile views of the device are given together with some electrical- specifications. Characteristic auz-1ree of the c1rcult :tr_e~Aaistors-are also presented; it is asserted that the integrated R~el/Frate uff. APO 66 64n circuit transistors have better stability in operation and superi- or temperature range than individual transistors of comparable function. An integrated circuit, type number JYM6.0 suitable for broadcast and amateur receivers, is described. This is an r-f am-olifier,.carefully matched to the receiver antenna to give a low noise figure in the 30 and 145 DEz frequency bands. A sample schematic showing how the 11.2-16.0 is used in.a radio receiver in- dicates that it contains three transistor stages of resistance- coupled r-f amplification, a diode detector, a fourth transistor final transistor of the in- used as an audio preamplifier. The tegrated circuit feeds into two conventional transistors connect- ed as a push-pull output stage. A second schema~tic shows how two 11M16.0's ray be connected as a.high-fidelity audio preamplifier. RIouating instructions for the integrated circuit are also given. 5- 19750979 E'D Ut 'NI C-1 L A S S I F FECTION III 'N to: ln'Ljtut~ of Piophy"Ics, Pu"Itchino (U) During t1au quarterly reporting period, 13 now articles '~Ocated from the Inrtitute of njophysics; at Fu"hthirlo- On t:ne baris of =C- ticles. it was possible to associate 19 new p,,rsons with the fkzr-tit~~t~- T--.~~4 dater 61 the ar persons arc listed below together uith.tbe subJcrtcl e*nd -2asurmatiov 0 XI tridocrixic system. ,.C5110 phorphalipid;; 1 71-1 Gaziycv, A. 'I. DNA -;vannikova-A.. G. plant. phya'.91ory isii i4-0 Kiselev, Ye. Yo. Inuscle physiology rrave" A. EPR spectra -X4LiManOV, A. A- radlati.= effects S;O Panev, A. A. endocrine system 1970 15 7C. Z) ravoyan, V. G. EFR spectra potatikov V 1. Muscle phygioloa~ .197a Pontuikovs, G. U. chromtoGraphy phospholipids i970 Rovin. A. F. radiation effects 11700-3) (24) Euk heruthUr. chromatography 19;0 4-12-1-1-i, -I,,. (2C) Trincher, K. S. plant physiology 1 -- radiatLofu~'f'~ IM(-13) U5) Zaikin, A. N. hydrogort paroxida 1970 ---------- T. DNA 1970 Z-111 DNA 1970 ~-A- H. C) USSR ux 616.8-o2:6:L2.766.2 PANOV A. G. LOBZIN, V. S., and MMAYLEW.O. A. A., Military-14edical Academy imni Kirov, Ieningrad ."Ifeurological Yanifestations of Proloage4 Hypodynamia" Moscow,, Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikbiatrii, No 4, 1973, PP 5o6-511 Abstract: Neurological and muscular reactions were studied in 22 healthy youn-'r persons during 70 to 100 days of continuous 'b~-djvst. 7he neurological dis- turbances developed ir. a definite sequence. The f irst, 'I to 10 days were marked by adaptive reactions; the subjects complained of muscular pain, headache, hyperhidro--is, and mild insomnia. There ~ms some dissociation between subjec- tive and objective symptoms during the next 20 days. 14iiie the number of comm- plaints diminished and sense of ifell-being improved, insormia worsened, 1.rruscu- lar hypotonia and hypotrophy progressed, and strennth decreased. SyrTitor* of o=1 autom atism and nystagwid twitching of the eyeballs, appeared. About the 8th week the initial neurological manifestations of hypokpamia intensified and some new ones developed, e.g., irascibility, anorexia, apathy, and a-7gressive- ness. The diverse neurological reactions comprised three clinical syndromes: asthenoneurotic, periphereJ. nervous -muscular,. and interhemisphore py-ramidal as>mmetry. 1/1 37 NrAlko 1081 Ref Code: Abstracting Service: .0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated,section 1 Chemical, Derwent, 241658 RTA,~DABLE DRUIL e.g. for the asmembly' of tirculix ru bar sections-ouch as those making up V-belts and other drive-belts, consists of the ring (2) slipped on Azid -fastened to.'the shaf t (1) the ring supports the radially-movable.int6rnaV sebtidits (3) and the external sections (4)., which form% the working surfaces of the assembl Arum. py The discs (5), 'are fitted at the ends:df -the, ring; discs have profiled cuts in.the form 6f Archimedes faces, 14:01,11bi their internal sur ch the: racks (6) intermesh. The racks~l 4re fa~tenO to the external sections (4) and by the doweLq,(7):to t he spokes-0) of the internal sections. on one of the external sections there is a pr.6jectior.t (9).which engages with the braking assembly (10)1 which limits the-rotation of sections (3 and 4). The groove',M) supports the pin (12) towhich the supporting heel (13):isfastend-thia heel siid*s~in tUe Smoove'.114)" of the Inclined support (15),,.which also limits the radial movement of the sections (3~and':Q relative JZEEL/FRAME JL98' 9:18Z") USSR UDC 577.150.8:577.153.4:615.785.4 TONKOPrY, V. D., SAVATEYEV, N. V., BRESTKIN, A. P., and PANOV, A. N., 'Evo utidn.1 Military- Medical Academy Imeni S. M. Kirov, I-astitute! Physiology and Biochemistry Imeni 1. M. Sechenov, Academy of'Sciences USSR, Leningrad "Determination of Cholinesterase Activity in Tissues of Animals Afier the Action of Reversible Inhibitors" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Uauk SSSR, Vol 207, No 3, Nov 72, pp 736-738 Abstract: A new method was developed for the determination of cholinesterase activity after introduction of reversible inhibitors, based on their ability to retard cholinesterase activity with irreversible organophosphorus in- hibitors [POI]. The inhibition of the enzyme -- j -- can be determined by the rate of cholinesterase hydrolysis of'acetyleholine after additioa of POI to the investigated tissue in absence of:and after addition of the reversible inhibitor. The formula for the cholinesterase inhibition is.* Vj/vt 100 j,% 100 1/2 lg vo/Vt -IT !"i-4:16. Jill USSR TONKOPIY, V. D., et al., Doklady Akademii~Nauk SSSR, V01 207, No 3, Nov 72, pp 736-738 where v, represents respective rates of enzyme hydrolysis; v. -in absence of inhibitors, vt -- after incubation with POI, vi -- in presence of reversible inhibitor, and vt i -- in presence of reversible inhibitor followed by incubation with POI. Animal,experiments were carried out on the inhibition of cholinesterase in blood and brain. Considerable de- pression of cholinesterase activity was noted with armine as the irre- versible inhibitor and galantamine as the,reversible one, corresponding to clinical-symptoms. The Hestrin and potentiometric titration methods showed no depression of enzyme activity. 2/2 USSR uDc: 621.396.0'.ohg.75.002 MARIIN, Yu. A., PANOV, A. N, "Aut ted Inspection of 11rinted-Circuit Boards" I sb. Obmen opytom v radioprom-sti (Experience Pooling in the Radio In- duptry~-collection of works), vyp. 4, Moscow, 1972, pp 38-4-1 (from'RM- -Rddiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V327) Translation: The paper deals with methods of checking printed-circuit 'boards.~ The methods are compared, and structural principles for designing automatic checking equipment are outlined. Resum6. JPRS 500,15 23 Janunry 1973 UDC 5TT.'L50-8:5TT-1-53.4.-615.735.4 DrT=fLX_'=O CEOLINESTEFASE ACTI-irMC P; A;;;AALG,' [Article LV D. Tanko V. C ztki and AL_9~ 21y, ..... AyAJL'm .A. F. #= Ptroy Academ7 of MIlItary PodidLne Iotni S. 14.-Urlov, Institute of Evolu- ~phy#tojDg? Ma 1100h9mistry izani.l. b!. Ac,Aaeq~ of . Sciences MGRt Leningrad (presented by Acadcmicien Ye. M. Kreps. 27 February 19T2); Moscow, DcAlady, kkademil Tauk Russian, Vol ZOT. No 3, 19?2. Come reversible cholinegterace (ChE) -inbil-kters, including SILI&nths- izine, tncrIde, snd-ou,_trv,-&re round-in wide uve im wy-_7to=_%t*lVST- and experimental ctudita. When studying the relsticoship between the anti- cholineittrase actlYlty of reversible inhibitors (1) and their biological affect, it in extremll important to know the degree or enzyme Inhibition (j) in various orgnaa and tisffuea of the orV=i*:s tollovitig Injection of these irbibitors. Tbe jagnitudi or j iegigrents the ~nalstion of Chr con- ed In the enzyme-Inhibitor ccz;lex: IEtJ to the total centration cotbine QZz7--a concentration LE10, and in the ease of a car-Pa%itive type of inhibitor, Is expressed In the formila: where 11] Is the inhibitor concentration in the tissue studied, and Ki Is the inhibitor const&nt. It would seem 'that the siciplast way to determine the srAgnitude of 3 would be by the reduction of ChE activity in 'he tissue sample in relation to the substrate - thaucety1cboline (ACh), for example. If the concen- tration or the substrate IS] is relatively low and does not yet reduce the enzy=10 catalytic effect (inhibition by an excess of vubstrato in charae- ~,,~tarintic of acety1cholineuterase), then the relation of vo, the rate of enzy=atio reaction before administration of 1, to Yt. the rate of enzymatic [I USSR C) MOW -Now" USSR UDC 615.355:577.153.9.014].015.45: 612.822:612.452.018 PANOV A. Medical Military Academy imeni S. M. Kirov, Leningrad "Norepinephrine Content in Albino.Rats' Brain After Administration of Cd-7 and Gd~42 Cholinesterase Inhibitors" Moscow, Farmakologiya i roksikologiya, Vol 34, No 3, M~iy-Jun 71, pp 275-277 Abstract; Cholinesterase inhibitors Gd-7 (0-ethyl S-$-ethylmercaptoethyl ester of methylphosphinic acid), capable of penetrating the central nervous system, and Gd-42 (the mr--tbylsulfomethylate of I) - incapable of such penetration -- were used to study the influence of acetychloine on the liberation of norepinephrine in the brain of albino rats. Both agents, at I;D40-50 doses, produced convulsive seizures and death of some animals. Norepinephrine levels in the brain of surviving animahs, 1-1/2 hr after administration of the agent, did not differ from control. group levels. Gd-42 caused a drop of norf~pinephrine at,3 and 24 firs; on the 3rd day the levels returned to normal. Gd-7 caused a significant drop in norepinephrine level on the 3rd dav. Mien sublethal doses of these agents were used, causing no convulsions, no differences were noted between the experimental 1/2 USSR PANOV, A. N., Farmakologiya i Toksikologiva, Vol 34, No 3, May-Jun 71, pp 275-277 and control group in respect to the levels of norepinephrine. It was con- cluded that it is not the brain cholinesterase inhibition but its inhibition in peripheral regions of the nervous system, which is responsible for the lowering of norepinephrine levels, along with convulsive seizures leading to asphyxia. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.319.53:621.382.2.01'2.1:546.28:621.384.6 BAYANOV, B. F., IL'IN, A. V., PAKIN, V. N.,,P ~~V.,A. P., SM'VESTROV, G. 1. ~~LO -3 Generator of Current Pulses with an Amplitude of 106 and a Stability of + 10 with a Repetition Frequency of 2 Hz" Tr. Vses. soveshchaniya po uskoritelyam zaryazhen. chastits 1968. T.I. (Works of an All-Union Conference on Charged Particle Accelerators, 1968. Vol. 1.), Moscow, 1970, pp 183-286 (from RZh--Elektronika i yen primeneniye,'No 8 August 1970, Abstract No 8A285) Translation: This paper considers a generator created at t1le IjistLLute. of 1%uclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, wbich at an in- ductive load of 0.1 microhenij guarantees a unipolar current pulse of sinusaidal form with a duration with respect to the starting.point of 1.2 microsecond, tile a-iplicude of which is equal to 106 a and the stability to plus or ninus 0.1 per- cent, The generator involves; stored capacitance which Is cliarged via a controlled rectifier into thee primary winding of a transformer. For regeneration of energy, arecharge of the capacitance! is performed via a special recharge choke coil and rechargd diodes. As a second variation of the commutator, a gam-discharge, rec- tifier was developed, which is controlled with the help of a pulne of the magnetic field. There are two references. V. I.. ijerylliuln USSR u.Dc 669-2751725 VASIKAy YE% A., and PANOV, A. S., moucow "Interaction of Tungsten with Berfiliule, Moscow, Izvestiya Akademil NaWc SSSR, Metally, No 1, Jan-Feb 74, PP 197-199 Abstracti The kinotics of W-Be Interaction were studied over the 700-1200'C temperature intainial using single-or pital tungsten and powaer-motal beryllium. It was found that these two metals interact to form boundary layers comprised of W-Be compounds. At 7000C Only one new pbasawas detected 0 in the W-Be contact zone with a small growth rate. Betwiibn 800 wid 1200 0, three W-Be compounds were formed i ViBe2' adjacent to the tungsten, WBe,.v next to the beryllium# and an intermediate compound -- VBe,.O The growth rate of these layer.3 was found to be a function of both time and temp4irature and an equation vas empiric8lly derived for the temperature relationship of phine growth rate, At 800-1200 C the WBe.. growth process occurs in a single kinetic stage while WBe2 and WBel, growth proceeds in two kinetic phases. Two figures$ one table, 14 bibliographic references. UDC 669.28~17251296:669.27317?-5.296 PANOV, and RYSI?. III., Moscow A. S -A, I "Kinetics of Solid4hase Reactions in Systems lHo-Be-Zr and 1W-Be-Zr11 loscow, Izvestiya Alkademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 1, Jan- a~b 1970, pp 202-20~ Abstract: This paper is the continuation of an investigation of so I id phaza reactions in complex systems of the type A studywas nada of thc 'L solid-phase interaction of tungsten and molybdenurm with zirconiuri borryliL,~, a-z. 900-15000 C. it was assumed that, in the case of tunossten, at 900-11500 C t~-e process of interaction is limited by the kingLic, phase, and at 1200-14000 C oj the diffusion phase. For molybdenum. the process is linited by the kinetic phase in the entire te.?qporature interval 900-14000 C. Une -energy Df acrivation of the process of growth of the WBe2 layer or tv~ngsten forithe kinet-~,.- phase is 32.2: kcal/mol and for the diffusion phase -_ 22.67 ka;Ll/nol. Tho energ, of j activation of the process of gro on molybdenum fi)r the kLnotic Of ROB02 is 27.7 kcal/mol. It is shown that in all cisa3 the rate otlayor growth do- pends on teVerature and time. 6 2 .019 - UNCLASSI PIED' PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 OF PHOSPHORUS INTO.VANADIUM AND ZIRCONIUM -IJ- ~,.:..,AU[THOR-(02t-VANDYSHEV, B.A., PAN,9yt,,A.,S. C.,OU,NTRlY OF INFO--USSR ~~A~OURCE-IZV. AKAD. NUAK SSSR, METAL. 1970,:(21, 231-4, DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,-SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ..-TOPIC TAGS--PHYSICAL--DIFFUSION*,PHOSPHORUSi- VANADIUMP ZIRCONIUMV ANALYSIS# 1SOTOPE, REACTION MECHANISM~ C(WROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO ~.PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/1160 STEP NO-UR/0370/70/000/002/0231/0234 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121719 -~-2/2 ol UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121719 z*8 STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DIFFUSION 140131LITY OF P IN V -'AND-ZR.WAS STUDIED. THE DIFFUSION IN V WAS INVESTIGATED AT ..1200-1450DEGREES AND THAT IN IR AT 950-1200DEGREES. THE,DIFFUSION CONSTS. WERE 111EASURED WITH THE AID OF THE LAYER RADIOMETRIC ANAL., BY USING THE ISOTOPE PRIME32 Pq CAPABLE OF BETA RADIATION WITH A MAX. SPECTRAL ENERGY OF 1.7 MEV. THE DIFFUSION OF P IN V IS PRINCIPALLY OF THE BULK IDIFFUSION TYPE, WHEREAS IN THE CASE OF ZR-r THE BOUNDARY TAKES PLACE. AN INTERSTLTIAL DIFFUSIO-14 MECHANISM OF P IN -S PRESENTED.. H I ~Tl: iIT rl;:11:;i lild I I k1g -045 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--IISEP70 -1 -LE--KINETICS OF SOLIO PHASE REACT]DNS IN MOLYBDENUM-f BERYLLIUM AND ~-11RCONIUM AND TUNGSTENt BERYLLIUM AND ZIRCONIUM SYLSTEMS -U- ~~,~~AUTHOR' -PANDVP A S.t RYSINA, M.M. -','-COUNTRY OF'INFO--USSR -".'-.SOURCE--IZV. AKAD-. NAUK SSSR, METAL.' 1970, (1), 202-5' ~~,:-DATE PUBL ISliED-----70 AREAS--MATERTALS TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL REACTION KINETICSt MOLYBDENUM, BERYLLIUM, ZIRCONIUM, ~.~_,__.,TUNGSTEN, CRYSTAL LATTICE STRUCTURF, CRYSTALLIZATIONt ACTIVATION ENERGY _,.CONTPn_L MARKING--NO RESTRICTION'S :,`:~DOCUMENIT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0536 STEP NO--[)Pt/0370/70/000/001/0202/0205 CIRC ACCESSION,NO--AP0105521 771 2/2 045 U4CLASSTFIED PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0105521 ~_AB5TRACT/EXTqACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INTERACTION' CF W AND MO WITH V-11TERMETALLIC! COMPD.- ZRBE SUB13 WAS STUDIED AT 900-1500DEGREES ON SALmPLES 10 MM LONG AND 3 MM THICK IN THE CONTACT ZONE A NEW PHASE WAS ''FORMED WITH A HCP. STRUCTURE WITH LATTICE PARAMETERS A EQUALS 4.43 PLUS _:_OR,MTNUS 0.01 AND C-EQUALS 7.31 PLUS OR MINUS 0.01 ANGSTROM FOR W AND A EQUALS 4o48 PLUS OR MINUS 0.01 AND C EQUALS 7.37 PLUS OR MINUS 0.01 'ANGSTROM FOR MO. THE MICROHARDNESSE'S OF THE PHASES FORMED ON ND MO W A WERE-2140*2290 AND-1680 KG-MM PRIMEZ AT ~A- LOAD OF 100 G. THESE RESULTS INOICATE COMPNS; OF WRE SUBZ AND MOBE 5U82.' THESE-PHASES GREW FROM THE SIDE OF THFJiIGH MELTING METAL. THE IN IN THE -TERACTidN TAKES PLACE _~:FOLLOWING STAGES-. -DIFFUSION OF BE THROUGH ZRBE SUB13 AND ITS APPROACH TO THE CONTACT BOUNDARY: DISSOCN. OS- ZR'BERYLLIDE.flEAR THE INTERFACE; FORMATION OF MO OR W BERYLLIDE BY THE REACTION M PLUS 28E YIELDS MBE DIFFUSION OF REP W, AND HO THROUGWTHE BEPYLLIDE FORMED; AND DIFFUSION OF BE INTO W OR mn WITH THE FORMATION OF A SOLID SOLN. AT ~1200-1500DEGREES THE GROWTH RATE OF THE WBE SUB2 LAYER IS LIMITFD BY THE DIFFUSION RATE OF BE THROUGH WBE SUB2 AND PERHAPS B&OR JR THROUGH ZRBE SUB13. .,AT LOW TEMPS. THE PROCESS IS KINETICALLY CONTROLLED. THE _,ACTIVATION -ENERGIES WERE CALCD. TO BE 32 W2 (KINETIC STAGE) AND 22967 tDIFFUSION STAGE) KCAL-MOLE FOR'WoEiSU32.AND 27*7 XCAL-MOLE (KINETIC -STAGE) FOR'MOBE SUB2. Graphite USSR UDC~(546,831+546.821):S46.261 USHAKOV, B. F., ZAGRYAZKIN, V. N., ~A. S. "Interaction of Graphite with Titanium an.dZitconiuWl Moscow, Neorganicheskiye, Materialy, Vol 8, No 11, Nov 72, pp 1,921-1,925. Abstract: Specimens of remelted iodide titanium and zirconium 99.9 wt.% pure and spectrally pure graphite were tableted. Diffusion a-nnealing was performed in a.vacuum at 1,200-1,9000C.. Metallographic and x-ray studies indicated that TiC and ZrC layers were formed on the Ti and Zr, The diffusion layers grow evenly on the Ti; the carbide front is smooth. ~I The diffusion layer on the Zr is uneven. The mechanism of formation and growth of the rarbide layers on the titanium and zirconium was studied in detail at 1,200-1,400%. The reac- tion diffusion factors were determined. It,was.shown that at 1,200*C and below, the process of formation and growth of the carbide,layers is determined by boundary reactions. At higher temperatures, the determining stage of the process is diffusion. Equations are produced for the temperature dependences of reaction diffusion coefficients of carbon in the carbides TiC and ZrC. :~ -`_1/2 022 UNCL ASS IF I ED' vkoc~.-ss I NG DATE--L3NOV70 T.-ITLE--ANALYSIS OF CJNCENTRATEJ CONSTANT Y--!CIRCULA,TOR -.U- .AUTHOR--PANOV, A.YE. Cc- UN T. R YOF INFO--USSR .SOURCE-RAGIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA (RADIO 'AND ELECTRGhICS):r 1970, NO 2, PP 296-306- 'DATE PU6LISHED ------- 70 .:.SUBJECT AREAS--ELECTRONICS ANO ELECTRICAL ENGR. ',TOPIC TAGS--CIRCUIT THEORYt FERRITE, ELECTkON IC CIRCUIT E L E M, E;N T :tQNTR0L.MAKKING--N0 R ESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT C L A S S -- UN C LA S S I F I F 0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1861 STEP NU--tJP./0109/70/000/~')C)2/0293/0306 :CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01306,38 USSR UDC: 621,315-121:621-375.4 SVISTOV, N. K., PAROV, A. Ye. "Experimental Study of I)mnel-Diode Microwave Amplifiers With Circulators 'Based on LC Elements" Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta Works of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute), .19721 vYP. 110, PP 154-157 (from FO)-Rudiotehhnika. 110 8, A~lct 72, Abstract No 8D19), Translation: Pilot models of single-channel and five-chL~nnel amplifiers with ferrite Y-eirculators on LC elements were experimetitally studic:d on. frequencies of' 0.6-2-2 G11z. A conclusion is dravn conci!rriinfr tbr-, possi- bility of developing a direct-amplification receiver with a single-stage tunnel-diode amplifier connected at the input and a regenerative tunnel diode detector with a volta e of 100 jjV at the detector output for an input signal power of -10-1~ W and a noise factor of 4-6 dB. Bibliog- rap4y of two titles. V, Ch. UNCLASSIFIED.7 - ___7 --30OCT70 03 Z~NSINO OATE jtTLE-PECULIARITIES OF THE INTIRPRETATIGN.OF X RAY PHOtUGRAPHS OF -AUSTi:NITIC STEELS -U- AUTHOR-(05)-L)OLGlYv A.-A. VOLKOVp A.S.t STAROSTINy A.P., MIKITASj A.P., PANLV :A*Yt:, C 6Zff7TY-0'F- I N f 0-- U 5 S R "4 zVUc; SVARCChNL;YE P 0 STVG, NO 3v 19701 PP 36-37 '.~":._QATE PUJLISHE0---70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALSt MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TGPIC TAGS-AUSTENlffC STEELt BIBLIOGRAPHY# WELD DEFECT, X RAY TECHNIQU~ .~RADIOGRAPHIC JOINT INSPECTION9 RADIOGRAPHY .' ftos ~DOCUNENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED 14ArKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .:.~.~.~-PROXY.REEL/FRAME-1949/1316 STEP NO--UR/0135/70/000/00310036/0037 ~CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0123275 UNCLASSIFIED . f I 7 USSR UDC 74 DOLGOPOLOV, V. 11., GOINDVJ:V, V. P., 10 D N. Y,0ST0I"&IiICiI!IK-O, V. G., 1--iDOR- EMKO, 1. 1. "Generator of 1-11ormal Discrete Random Processes with a Given Correlation Func- tion" V sb. ReEtional'a. nauc1i.-*,(,.khn. se.-mi-,iar -po st,it. mmli:,.u. i.iod,-*-IJ-r. kontrolya ob'yektovs konsLru?tivncu!.ozh. strukturw,, (11,6,-Jonal ";cientilic inct Technical SemLnar on Statistical Aimlysis, Simidation tind AuLt-mation of the Control of Objects with Structurally Complex Structure:- collection of works), VYP 3. Taganrog, 1971, pp 13-21 (from RZh-Kibernetika, Io 7,.JLl 72, Abstract No 7V562) No abstract 61. Abstracting SeNyice: Ref. Code Acc. Nr. AL AB~T. -5- CHEM1C A10045325 r, 90&q7M Synthesis of con 8441-Poymeric o4a' fluorine v akov~U,. F- Koc ov. K. compounds. anovi, &-U IM A. -AW6d-- Nauk SSSR 1970i 190(1)~ 122-4- [(;h~m I.( A mi-it. 0 polyp K w [(1,2-difluorovinylene)-g- Phertylemil (1). as obistine&'iti 8.5-90% yield by adding p-LiCsH4CF:CFCI. .. t an amt.. ',of 0 p-BrCji,CF:CFCl in ether it - 75o undo r or. - '116 1 miit. r A was a bright yellow powder, decompd '. .>3,20", and had. av. mot. L wt. 844 (dy. -7). 1 (n 6) was obtained in 30-5% viejd by dig. solving mixed I in toluene ~nd cooling. Addn of EtIO to the mother lio. yielded !-40% 1, (ni =.4) (1a) ..,..The rnoth'!,r liquor from this step was thon poured into* 41M to ppt- ~~ 15110, 1 (n, i~' :-J' 3) (M), m. 17.5-. The abserwe of Cl and Br (end;grojp&.1 and the some elementary compn for 4 1 sug te' a cyc ic qrA d I j~Wre. A added 3 moles Br after, i I R0,16 give 65% dy~~otrisf~, (1,2.difluoro - 1,2-dib~omoetityl6tie)pheo~106e]'. Qycloiajrilkisr~.. (1,2-difluoro- 1. 2-dibrornoet hvfene-The~Ae4i 1 (62%) itra$ iiizailarly obtained at hiqher terrip, after 3 r from Ii, I were Ox ~,%d U, terephthalic acid by CrjO-j in 40% HOA~.; R REEL/FMME 13780249 1-12 010 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING OATE-27NOV70 TI.TLE-1114P~~OANCE STUIL)Y OF VOTASS,11,14 NITR.ATE S,0DIWA NJIRP.TE, POTASSIUM NITRATE POTASSIU4 DICHROrRATE POTASSIUM IN[TRATE THALLIU-1-CHLORIDE MELTS --.-,,A.UTHOR-(03)-DELItiAPSKIYe YU*K.t PRISYAZHNYY, V.D., PIANOV, E.v. ,:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SDURCE-ZH. NEORG. KH14. 1970, 15(6), 1663-;-6 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SU13.jECT AREAS--CHEt4l')TRY ~TOPIC TAGS--BINARY FLUID SYSTEMt MOLTEN CHLORIDEt POTASSIUM NITRATE, '':NITRITE,, FUSED SALT# THALLIUM CHLORJOEI SOLUTION CONCENTRATION, ELECTRIC CAP ACI-TAINCE, POTASSIUM CHROMATEt SODIUM NITRATE .-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME-3006/1392 STEP NO--UIfk/00't8jf?Ul4l5/OC.I(.i/1663/1606 ._CIRC ACCESSION N(J--AP0135066 UNCLASS f F HID ------- 77-- -212 010 UNICLASSIFIED PiROCESSING DATE-27-NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0135066 ACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~CAPACITANCE~ OF BINARY sys'rEMS OF :KNQ SUB3 WITH NANO SUBIP K SUB2 GR SUB2 0 SUB7, OR TLCL WAS MEASURED AGAiNST PT ELECTRODE IN AN A.C. AND DIAGRAMS OF Cil-PACITANCE VS. Cn-NCN. ARE PRESENTED, THE DIAGRAMS LOOK ANALOGOUS TO THOSE OBTAINED BY USING SURFACE TENSION DATA AND, AT LOW FREQUENCY A.c., b-,EPicrED THE PRESeNCE OF CHEM, REACTIONS IN TPE SYSTEMSi FACILITY; INST. OBSHCH. NEORG. KHIM., KIEVr USSR. UNCLAS~IFIED~ PROCESS;,,ING DATE--230CTTO 024t UNCL:AS5tFtE0:. rITLE--EFFECTIVENESS OF SCIE;%CE;.THE INSTITUTE AND THE BRANCH _U_ -A.UTHOR-PANOV N. ~-~~C:OUNTRY. OF INFO--USSR --t,'~-_.SOURCE--PRAVDA, JAN. 15, P. 2 PUBL ISHED--15JAN70 _-SU&JECT AREAS--BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIE ES tic '~-TOPIC TAGS--k AND D FACILITY FORMAT [ON, HIGIACK EDUCATIC-N UNSTITUTE R AiND 0, RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION INTERFACE, INDUSTRIAL R ANID Ds CONTRACT R AND NSTITUfF, 01-SIGN 8 - A Do R AND D ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE,,AVIATION ll URE U, R AND D CAPITAL INVESTMENT, R AND 0 C00i'DINATION, MINISTERIAL TECH'NICAL COUNCILt SALARY SCHEDULEF R AND 0 MANPOWER SUPPLY, R. AND~D MANAGEMENT, R ,~CGNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :"l---PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/1071 STEP NO--UR/9012/70/4)00/000/0002/0002 z~:'~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AN0121646 UNCLASSIFIED 024 UNCLASSIFtED PROCESSINU DATE--23OCT70 -ACCESSION NO--AN0121646 GP-0- ABSTRACT. EFFECTIVENESS OF SCIENCE: THE INSTITUTE AND THE BRANCH. (BY No PANOV, SECRETARY 01: THE KUIBYSHEV PROVINCE PARTY COMMITTEE. PRAVDA, JAN* 151 P. 2. 1,400 WORDS. CONDENSED TEXT;) A LETTER ARRIVEO AT THE KUIBYSHEV P0LYTFCH-,lIC INSTirUTE NOT LONG AGO. IT WAS AN OFFER:FRaM THE U,S,S.R. -MINISTRY OF -THE PETROLEUM REFINING AND PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY TO-SC-T UP A BRANCH LABORATORY AT THE INSTITUTE TO DEVELOP NEW AND IMPROVED CAtALYSTS FOR 'PETROCHEMICAL ENTERPRISES; THE MINISTRY OFFERED LARGE SUAS TO FitiANCE THE WORK AND AMPLE.LABORATORY SPACE WITH~THE NECESSAR'Y EQUIPMENT. To ALL APPEARANCESt' THE MINISTRY HAS A CONSIDERAOLE INTEREST IN THE HELP OF THE SCIENTISTS OF THE HIGHER SCHOOL AND IS CONFIDENT ITS EXPENDITURES WILL QUICKLY BE RECOUPED. THE BRANCH LABORATORY THAT IS NOW BEING SET UP I& ALREA.DY THE 28-TH SUCH IN KUI6YSHEVlAND.I5:ONE_MORE CONVI_NCI.N`G ILLUSTRATION THAT THE NEW TYPE OF RELATIO14SHIP BETWEEN HIGHER SC1400L SCIENCE A14D IZSTRY THAT CAME INTO BEING 10 YEARS AG'CO HAS FULLY JUSTIFIED ITSELF. THIS ACCEPTANCE DID NOT COME IMMEDIATELY. FORMERLYr MOST RESEARCH WAS, AS ARULELi DONE ON SHORT TERM ECONOMIC CONTRACTS. THE EPISODIC NATURE OF INDUSTRIAL TIES PRECLUDEO.LGNGRANGE PLANNING AND A PROPER UTILIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC FORCES,,' THE TRIVIALITY'OF T-4F PROBLEMS HANDLED 14AS FRUSTRATING. OF COURSEP NE:ITHER noDuc.'rion WORKERS NOR THE HIGHER SC1400L SCIENTIFIC COLLECTIVES WERE SATISFIED WITH THE SITUATION. HE NOT15N OF SETTING UP BRR ~ 01 :D1 LIGENT JWNT. SEARCHING LED TO T AN -LABORATORES. -INSTITUTE SCIENTISTS !TOOK UP tHE TASK WITH AID FROM THE 'PROVINCE PARTY ORGANIZATION. UNCLASS IF [ED `024~1- 'A !PRbcl~'ss ING DATE--25OCT70 F EEO RC ACCESSION NO--AN0121646 --TODAY THE BRANCH LABORATO KUIBYSHEV HIGHER ABSTRACT/EXTRACT R ES OF THE SCHOOLS ARE FULLY FORMED SCIENTIFIC COLLECT,IVES OF MANY YEARSI -EXPERIENCE OF CLOSE CREATIVE TIES WITH INDUSTRY, MANY OF THEM PERFORM ~HJNOREDS OF THOUSANDS OF 'AU8LES' WORTH OF WORK FOR El~TERPRESES EVERY 'YEAR. THE OVERALL VOLUME OF RESEARCH AT rHE HIGHER SCHOOLS, THANKS TO THE CREATION OF THE BRANCH LABORATORIES,~HAS INCPEASE0 FIVEFOLD, BUT THEMAIN THING IS THAT THE COLLECTIVES OF SCIENTISTS ARE N13W WORKING TO RESOLVE.THF IMPORTANT AND BASIC PROBLEMS20F PRODUCTION. IT IS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CREATIVE COLLECTIVES TODAY THAT THEY ARE NO LONGER CONTENT MERELY TO WORK OUT THIS OR THAT PROBLENI. THIS TENDENCY ~BErAME PARTICULARLY MANIFEST AFTER THE TRANSFER 01: THE HIGHE R SCHOOL LABORATORIES TO THE SYSTEM OF BRANCH MINISTRIES. FORMERLY, THE L'ABORATORY COLLECTIVES WERE CONFINED TO THEIR ECONOMIC R~;Glrjfv, WHETHER THEY SO'DESIRED OR NOT. THIS NAIRROWED THESUBJECfS 01: THEIR RESEARCH AND DIMINISHED THE ECONOMIC EFFECTIVENESS OF THE INTROOUCTICIN OF THEIR RESULTSIN PRODUCTION. THE EMERGENCY OF THE LABORATORIES INTO THE WIDE SPACES OF WHOLE BRAINCHES OF INDUSTRYOPENED UP NEW OPPORTUNITIFS FOR ,'THEM* THE MAJORITY OF MINISTRIES HAVE TAKEN AN ATUNTIVE ATTITUDE TOWARD OURLABORATORIES, SEEING THEM QUITE CORRECTLY AS ONE OF THE IMPORTANT MEANS IN THE SUCCESSFUL STRUGGLE FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL PROGRESS IN THE BRAINCHES. FOR EXAMPLE, THE ECONO.MIC EFFECT OF IMPLEMENTING ONLY THAT PART OF THE WORK THAr.HAS BEEN DONE RECENTLY BY THE LABORATORIES OF THE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AMOUNTS TO 12,000,000 RUBLES. AT THE AVIATION INSTITUTE EVERY RESEARCH RUBLE YIELDS SfX RUBLE OF PROFIT, UNCLASSIFfED -~-416- 024 UNCLASSI~FIED'j. PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 C llq C, ACCESSION NO--AN0121646 ---,-A8&TRACT/EXTRACT--6UT A NUMBER Of:: OUR MI-NISTRIES HAVE REFUSED ON INSUFFICIENT GROUNDS TO TAKE LABORATORIES OF PRoVEN cr-IMPF~TENCE "UNOER THE I R W INGII THUS THE MINISTRY OF THE PETROLEUM E-XlRt%Cl'ING INDUSTRY ~ACTED WITH RESPECT TO AN EXPERIENCED COLLECTIVE THAT HAO TO ITS CREDIT A ..NUMBEk OF ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE CREATION OF INSTRUMENTS AND DATA PROCESSING AND COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR THE AUTOMATIOROF DRILLING A111110 FOR THE ANALYSIS OF TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICES OF ENTERPRISES IN TL: E 'PETROLEUM EXTkACTING INDUSTRY. PETROLEUM INDUSTRY WORKERS SORELY NEED SUCH APPARATUS AND IMPLEMENTS. MANY INSTITUTES OF THE BRANCH ARE CONCERNED SPECIFICALLY WITH DEVISING SYSTEMS OF AUTOMATION. BUT NO COLLECTIVE HAS CREATED INSTRUMENTS AND OTHER MEANS-OF AUTOMATIUN. ISN'T THIS A CASE 'WHERE IT WOULD BE CORRECT TO~EMPLOY THE SERVICES OF BRANCH LABORATORIES WORKING IN THEHIGHER-SCHOOLS :LOC-ATED,. IN THE. COUNTRY'S GEL CENTERS?. WHEN TALK TURNS TO THE BRANCH.LABORATORIESP SOME COMRADES INCLUDING SCIENTISTS WHO VALUE THIS TYPE OF,RELATION SHIP BETWEEN SCIENCE AND INDUSTRYr FREQUENTLY UNDERLINE WITH SKEPTICISM THEIR 8ELIEF THAT THE PROBLEMS THAT SUCH LABORATORIES ARE SET UP FOR ARE USUALLY WORKED OUT IN ~A FEW YEARS. THIS IS HARD TO SEE. THE MORE THAN 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE -ACCUMULATED BY OUR BRANCH LABORATORIES MAKES PERFECTLY CLEAR THAT THERE ABSOLUTELY 140 DANGER OF "RUNNING. OUT OF SUBJECT. MATTER,,. RATHER, THE STORMY:DE-VELOPMENT OF INDUSTRY POSES TASKS:GF EVER GREATER COMPLEXITY -:AND INTEREST. UNCLASS I F lE0 UNC 'A W. -14, -~024 L S I FIEO CESSiING DATE--230CT70 .I,RC ACCESSION NO--ANO 121646 _.,._,_ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--IT IS IMPORTANT ONLY THAT THE COLLECTIVES PROPEPLY SELECT A SCIENTIFIC LINE OF ENDEAVOR AND HAVE A CORRECT KNOWLEDGE OF THE DIFFICULTIES, IMMEDIATE.TASKS AND DEVELOPMENTAL PROSPECTS OF THE BR 'ANCH IN QUESTION. IT IS HARDLY COINCIDENTAL-THAT THE MI~JISTRIES, WHILE FINANCING CONCRETE RESEARCH OF IMPORTANCE TO THE BF-IANCllt HAVE BEEN INCREASINGLY WILLING TO SUPPORT THE SCIENTISTS' CHOICE OF PROBLEMSP HOOLS THEMSELVES. -LEAVING THE SELECTION OF SUBJECTS TO THE HIGHER SC' THE INTRODUCTION OF RESEARCH RESULTS IN INDUSTRY IS OF THE GREATEsr INSTITUTION'S ACTIVITIES. HOWEVERt -SIGNIFICANCE IN ANY SCIENTIFIC & THERE ARE STILL MANY SHORTCOMINGiS AND LOOSE ENDS 114 THIS MATTER, AS A RULEr A HIGHER SCHOOL IS CAPABLE OF ENSURING BY ITS OWN EFFORTS THE CUSTOMER ENTERPRISES. .,INTRODUCTION OF RESEARCH RESULTS AT ONE.OR TWC UNFORTUNATELY, SOMETIMES THLPIGS' STOP AT THIS 1>01 NT. MINISTRIES 00 NOT ALWAYS ENSURE THAT INNOVATIONS ARE INTRODUCED AT ALL INTERESTED 9RA-14CH ENTERPRISES. WHAT IS THE WAY OUT OF THI S? IHE C1313RDINATING ROLE OF THE MINISTRIES MUST BE INTENSIFIED. IN-OUR VIEW, 'IT WOULD 13E USEFUL TO 71INCLUDE HIGHER SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVES ONITHE STAFFS OF THE mimisTRIES' SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL GOUNCILS:FROM THOSE SCHOOLS WITH WHICH THE BRANCHS.ENTEPPRISES MAINTAIN THE CLOSEST CREATIVEiCONTACTS, IN THE SECOND PLACEr THERE MUST BE A STEPPING:UP OF THE ACTIVITY OF THE HINISTRIES' TECHNICAL SERVICES IN RENDERING ASSISTANCE TO THE BRANCH LABORATORIES AND A STRENGTHENING UF THE: TIES OF THE )il$flog SCHGOLS WITH THE SPECIAL DESIGN BUREAUS THAT THE MINISTRY HAS A~r 11S DISPOSAL. UNCLASSIFIED 024 UNCCASSITIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 Cl RC ACCESSION NO-AN0121646 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-A 44ECHANISM MUST BE DEVISED THAT WtWL0 ALLOW THE RESULTS SCI ENTIF IC RESEARCH TO BE ASSIMILATED MORE QUICKLY. THE HIGHER 14AVE EXPERIENCED CONSIDERABLF DIFFICULTIES 1~4 OBT'Alf4ING CADRES OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS A!'4D ENGINEERS FOR TH-r BRANCH LABDRATI)RIES FIECAUSE SEARCH ...SIMILAR LABOR IS PAID AT CONSIDERA13LY HIGHER RATES iN RE- -INSTITUTES. IS THIS JUSTIFIED? n4E QUALITY OF ENGIINIEEkSl TRAINING IN HIGHER SCHOOLS HAS fMPROVED SIGNIFICANTLY AS A RESULT OF INVOLVING OEPARTMENTAL SCIENTIFIC PERSONNEL ANO STUDENTS IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE -LABI]RATOP IES PROVINCE PARTY SO.A14CH' FACILITY: ''COMMITTEEe EEG ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOSIS BROUGHT ON BY DITRAN P. A. Patiou The paper concerns data on the influence of ditran on thi! b3ckground activity of the t~EG in different brain structures. It was demonstrated thal the relieviqr, effect of ditrarl on the mean evolked potentials uf the visual area of the brain daring an -Jov., bioelectri- Cal activity precedes a decrease of (he amplitude of evokeio rt-sporiF,.!s. Dl;arder~ of th, charac- ter of adaptation of Visual evoked potentials, the incon.."I'MILIA iaT11"5Ljr1I5 Of resporvies to the intensivity of stimula, an increase of variability and an abence of Correlations between t~e analyzers - are important links in the development of experimental psychosis. 119 90672 USSR uDc 621-385.623.4 Z" P-11. KORMSYEV, V.N. "Investigation Of Self-Contained Focusing Lena For Klystroms With A Ribbon Electron Stream" Elektron. tekhniks. Nauchno-tekhn. ob. Elaktron SVCh (Electronics Technology. Scientific-.Technical Collection. Microwave Electroni 9), 1970, No 6, pp 60-67 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primanoniye, No 10, October 1970, Ostract No 10A146) TranBlationt The results are presented of an investigation of a self-contained focusing len'a for klystrons with a ribbon electron stream. The investigation wan conducted by the method of modeling in an electrolytic bath. With the help of the aberration parameter which is introduced, the optim= form and dimensions of the electrodes of the lone arc evaluated.1he results of the experimental investigation -are presented, Summary, UDC 51:330.115 PANOV, S. A., TSARFIN, L. V. "Economics-Mathematics Methods in the Solution of Problems of Planning of .,Shipping-of'Goods By Hourly Schedules" 1i,4 NAotor. Vopr. Issled. Transp. Potokov, [Some Problems of the- Study of Tiansportation Flows --Col lecti on of Works], No. 2, lkloscow, 1970, pp 54-64, '(Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 5, 1971, Abstract No. SV592, from the Introduction). Translation: nie specific problem of optimization of the transport process in truck transport arising in connection with the new. technology of housing construction is studied. One specific feature. of the problem is that each consumer indicates in his order not only the name and volLmie of products required, but the delivery time during the day. The problem is stated, various mathematical models are analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of each are described from the standpoint of statement and possibility of solution. UDC 621.372.061:538.56 USSR TAFT, V. A., GORELIK, V. Yu-,2~ "Circuit with Two Variable Parameters" Tr. Mask. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp. (Works of Moscow Institute of Railroad Transpartation Engineers), 1970, vyp. 330, pp 43-47 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8A178) Translation: This article contains an investigation of the problems of Studying the stability of a linear electric circuit,with periodically varying capacitance and inductance. The characteristic equation of the system is derived the roots of which determine the stability of the systemi The bibliography has one entry. VDC 621.372.061:538.56 USSR TAFr, V. A., KARAULOV, A. N.,~P~ANV. T. Ta. "Two-Loop Circuit with Variable Capacitances and Inductances" Tr. Mask. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp. (Works of Moscow Institute of Railroad Transportation Engineers), 1970, vyp. 330, pp 57-66 (from RZh-Radiatekhaika, No.8, Aug 70, Abstract NG 8A.176) Translation: This article contains an investigation of the problems of studying a,two-loop electric circuit with four variable parameters. The system of equa- tions of the circuit is reduced to canonical form. Expressions are obtained for variable parameters in the form of finite Fourier series. An expression is presented for defining the system (characteristic equation) in finite form. There is one illustration and a cwo-enrry bibliography. 40 USSR UDC: 621.317.765.8 GLADKIXH, G. A., PANOV, V. G., PAKHOMOV, I. P., and CHICIIIK, P. D. "Infra-Low Noise Frequency Generator" F, 'Moscow, Prib~~ry i Tethnil:a 'Eksperimenta, No. 1971, pp 124-125 described in this Daner is designed for Abstract: The instrument, tuning measurement devices by producing elect-rical noise in the frequency range. of 0-1 MHz. Known in spectrometry as '11-he method of heterodyning to zero, the basis principle o~ thi:; instrument is to shift the noise spectrum into the infra-loir frequency range. As shown by the accompanying block diagram, the instrun~znt consists g throuf,, a matching stage to a band-pasis of a noise source feeding h amplifier, and thence to a multiplier, wh(-re it is mixed with the output of a heterodyning oscillalor. The beat frequencies qre then put through a low-pass filter. The.noise source is a silicon stabilitron o-L- the D614V type connected in series with a NPIll SiIicon transistor, and the heterodyning oscillator uses 1T403V transistors, its tuned circuit being resonant 'to 35 kHz. A cir- cuit-diagram of the noise generator is given. 82 USSR UDC 621.W. SMINITSKIY, S. G., Candidate of Technical S.,ciences,-BUIKDI, Pjv~,Qv. - V. I. t -idi Ie A. Ye., Candidate of Technical-Sciences, C -,,j da' of Technical Sciences, Gusarov, 0. P., Engineer, and-TYUGAYEV, V. A., E'ngineer, .1--loscow Power Fnp gineering lastitizte , Heat and Electric Po-..-,rer Plant-22, Zoscovi Regionall Ad:-:ddnistration of Po-,-.,er System 1,11anagement "Electric Automatic Control and Protection S5rstem of OVPT-500- Type Turbopump Feeder Unit" 0 Moscovi, Teploenergetika- No 6, Jun 73, PP 33-36 Abstrac': A new electric sirstem of automatic control and -orotec- tion with complete eliminat-ion of hydraulic members vias installed on the turbo-Dump feeder unit Nol, OVPT-500 type, of the Heat and Blectric Power Plmt-22 of Uoocov! Regional Ad2iiinistration of Povier System Yl~-xagement. The system is mainly based on typical a~itoma- tion means used in technological processes in electric po-,:ier pl.---mtso The vvorking of the system is discuso,;!d by re-ference to its co and the po- functional circuit, the diagram of itrol :_,echaanism wer supply diag-_am of electroma,3nots o-f `L~'_-_Jction ~,,Irives. The des- 611 -z -C opr_-~-tin- conditiono o cribed. system considerably simplif-Jed t c o remote control. :-'-ive the.turbo-Pum feeder unit, in particular it figures, four bibliographic references. Semiconductors and Transistors USSR UDC 621.315.592 and SWRNOV, L. S. GERASIMENKO, N. N., DVURECHENSKIY, A. V.,X22LMV "Threshold Energy of the Formation of Radiation Defects in Semiconductors" Leningrad, Fizika i tekhnika poluprovodnikov, Vol 5, No 8, 1971, pp 1644- 1646 Abstract: The authors set themselves the problem of determining the threshold for the initial formation of a defect of the Fr~hnkel type in semiconductor radiation under electron bombardment in this brief communication. For their experiments, they chose the A center in silicon (the assoclation of a vacancy with oxygen) of the n type with a resistivity of 2 ohm-cm and an oxygen concentration of 2-1017 per cc. The specimens were irradiated in a van de Graaf,accelarator at room temperature. The measurements were made by the electron paramagnetic resonance method atia temperature of 77% with a spectrometer having a sensitivity of 1013 spins/gauss. The irradiation dosage was kept small to maintain constant the rate of.A-center accumulation. Gratitude is expressed to R. R. Sevast'yanenko and M. 11. Shadrina for pre- paring the specimens and to V. A. Abramenko.and S. A. Sokolov for performing 1/2 U 024 NCLASSIF10 OCESSING DATE--27NOV70 AND MODULATFD STRUCTURE IN'AGING ALrZN ALLOYS -U- AUTHOR-105)-KLES)iCHEVi G.V., TOLDIbli V.A SHUMILOV, D.V. PAN011t V.N. p ELECTRON 'RAHE-3001/0555 SITIP PROXY REEL/F CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0126302 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 ~_CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0126302 ,.At3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-()- A3STIRACT. THE FORIMATION IN ALrZN ALLOYS DURING THE DECOMPI'l. OF THE SUPERSATI). SOLID SOLN., OF SPHEkOIDAL ZONES EINRICHED -WITH ZN WAS STUDIED TO DET. 'WHETHER THESE tGj'qc-::S ARE THE RESULT OF SPINODAL DECOMPNo TWO COMPETING PROCESSES WERE DETO. DURING THE DECOMPN. OF THE SUPERSATO. SOLIO SOLNS.: THE FORNIATtON ")F ZONES AF40 THE FORMATION OF A MODULATED STRUCTURE. ZONE FORMATION PROCEEDED wITH THE ACTIVE PARTICIPATION OF VACANCTESP AND ~THEREFORE. IT IS ASSUNIED THAT ,LOURING THE EARLY STAGE OF DECOMPNo THE LONE FORMATION CAN SUCCESSFULLY -COMPETE WITH THE MODULATED STRUCTURE FORMATION. VACANCIES STIMULATED THE RAPM GROWTH OF ZONES AND SUBSEQUENT TRANSFORMATION OF THESE ZONES INTO CRYSTALLITES OF THE BETA PHASE, ZONE :t:ORMAT I Utl CANNOr BE REGARDED AS THE REALIZATION OF SPINODAL DECOMPNo! THE STUDY,~WAS CARRIED OUT WITH AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPE OF AIN AL,ZN 1 40 wT. PEkCE-,'iT ALLOYj WHERE5Y THE SPECIMENS WERE HEATED DIRECTLY IN THE EtECTRON: MICROSCO11E AND THE -DECOMPNe.-MAS OBSO. AND. STUDIED*~ FAC, I Li ry: ~CHELYABINSK. GOS. INST., CHELYABINSK, USSR. I i r A_i~ _r T_ T 772.~f EEO' P40CESSING DATE-27NOV70 AND -*40CULATFO STRUCTURE IN AGING ALrZN ALLOYS -U- lM..-(05)-KLESHCHEV, G.V., TOLDIN, V.A.. SHUMILOV, D.V., PANOVv ~-:RASPDPOVP YU.G. COUNTRY OF INF0--USSR ~OURCE--DOKL. AKAD. MAU SS.) 818 SR 1970, 191(4)u -20 AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 Ecr AREAS--,',IArERIALS (1) P I. CTAGS-ALUMINUM ALLOYt ZINC ALL(Jyr SOLID SOLUT.10111f ELECTRON 4'~~,~Ml.CROSCGPEi METAL AGIN-G, 14ETAL 141CROSTRUCTURE ,lViTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED WAY REEL/FRAME-3001/0555 STEP ~10-.-UR/0020/701191/994/081810320 IRC ACCESSIO-N NO--AT0126302 UNC S S I F I E 0 024: UNCLASSIFIEO~ PKLICESSMG DATE--27NO1170 ACCESSION NO-AT0126302 i i Y'kiCTIEEXTRACT-W) GP-0- A3STRACT6 THE FORMATION IN 4LrZN ALLOYS ~ct I P'J' GTHE DECM-IPIN. OF T14E S UPE --'S AT D oSOLID SOLN., 01: SPH.EkOIDAL ZONES :-BNPICHED WITH ZN WAS STlJJlED TO DEr, WHETHER THESE Z(j,"IES ARE THE RESULT -~-DF--~SPIINOOIAL DECO-1P.N. TWO CG'~PETIN,"G PROICESSES 1~2RE OETD- DURING THE N r 0- ZONES AND TH- PECOMPs . OF THE SUPERSAT0. SOLID SOLNS.: TfIE FO I F E ":.FMATION OF A MODULATED STRUCTURE, ZONE Ff3d.'IAT[G~l P-RnCEEO!=D WITH THE 'ACTIVE PART IC IPAT 10i"! OF VACANCIES, AND THEREFOI~E IT IS ASSUMED THAT '.'b'UAIhG Tt4E EARLY STAGE OF DECOMP~". THE ZONIE FM4ATI(]'-% CAN SuCCESSF:ULLY -'tOMPETEE WITH THE 1-10DULATED STRUCTURE Fl)"MtATICN. VACANCIES STIMULATED GRO',-iTH OF ZONES AND 5UBSEQUEi`4T TRANSFOA-MATION OF THESE ZONES --INTO CRYSTALL(TES OF THE BETA P~i;\SE. ZO~-.'E FORAATION CANNOT BE REGARDED ,-AS THE REALIZATION rjF spr!\4,nDAL DECOMPN. THE STUDY kAS CARRIED OUT WITH ~AN ELECTRON OICROSCOPE OF AN ALpZN 40 wT. PERCENT ALLOYt WHEREBY THE viFRE HEATED DIRECTLY IN THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPF AND THE '.-DECOMPtis WAS n850. ANO STUDIED. FAC.11-ITY: CHFLYABINSK& GOSo -:"~EDAGOG. INST.t CHELYABINSK, USSR. 'If - USSR UDC 621.357.1:66/.847(088.8) D., BUKIN, So. PIL"IOV V: P M BUDANOV, V. V., KIBET',O, V. ite "Electrochemical Procedure for obtaining Ronga USSR Author's Certificate No 303317, filed 11 Oct 69, published 14 Jul 71 (from RZh-Khimiva, jjo 12, Jun 72, Abstract No 12L2.86P) Translation: An electrochemical nethod of obtaining rongalite using cathode reduction has been patented. It is distinguished by the fact that in order to improve the process, increase the vield and improve the quality of the product, zinc formaldehydebisulfit~ is reduced at a pH of the electrolvte of 5-6,, Dc 5-10 a/dM2, a rau, materials.concentration 2z 6--mole/liter in S02 at a temperature of 85-1000, and the zinc formaldehydesulfoxylate formed is con- verted to the product by known procedures. USSR UDC 681.325.54.042 SUKEIOV, L. N., SHLYAKEITIN, V. T., KRYLOV, Yu. D., PANOV V. P., and PARAMONOV, K. G. "A Reversible Binary Counter" USSR Author s Certificate No 280542, Filed 12 Dec 68, Published 9 Dec 70 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Avtouatika,jelemekhanika, i Vychislitel'nava Tekhnika., No 8, 1971, Abstract No 8BI88 P) Translatiow The purpose of this invention is to ensure stable operation of a counter, given a significant level of noise. This is achieved by hwr- ing each digit position of the counter consist of two "memoryp cells con- nected in series via an AND cell, while a,NOT inverter~ls connected to the input of the first position. The binary reversible counter includes an inverter, which is meant to control the counter.according to the change in potential; delay lines consisting of logical "memory":elements; logic circuits consisting of AND cells; and memory elements cohsisting of logical "memory" elements. 34 Tz M "I IT M- ;,il 111:11j I KIM USSR UDO 621-~032-269.1 PA`101 V.P.9 GORBATOV, D.M., 'FE7SUNINNA, N.I.* Transliterated from Ukrainian] 'Development Of Electron Guns With Ribbon Flow" Ukr. fiz.zh* (Ukrainian Journal Of Physics), 1971, L6, No 6, pp 966-970 (from RZh--Elektro ka i AbBtract No ni Xeye IIA23) ~nis, No 11, Noy 1971 Translation: In order to improve the properties of klystrone with a ribbon beam it is desirable to increase the value of the parveance of the flow per unit length. As a result of the study with the use of an electrolytic bath of the effect of the anode aperture, corrections are obtained to the magnitude of the perveance and the dependences characterizing the~nonunifpormity of current takeoff from the cathode. The basic geometry and experimental data are pr nted for electron guns with a linear pervaaace:.of 133, 2-20,.and 360 microamp/v m with.voltages above 10 kv. Summary. USSR UDC- 681.327.2 SUKHOV, L. N., SHLYAKHTIN, V. T., KRYLOV, Yu. D., POW, V. P., PARMONOV, K. G. A Reversible Binary Counter" Mosco-if, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 28, 1970, Soviet Patent No 280542, Class 21, filed 12 Dee 66, p 40 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a reversible binary counter -which contains digital places on timemory" cells,1AND cells, and a control bus. As a distinguishing.feature of the patent, operational stability is.ensured in the presence of an appreciable level of industrialinterference by making each digital to it place of the counter in the form of two memory cells connected in ser~-es through ~an AND cell, and connecting a HOT inverter,toUe.input.0,f the:fIrst digital place. T77 "054 UNCLASSIFtED~ PROCESSING DATE--L8SEP70 J'_TITLE--APPLICATION OF METAL CERAMIC ALLOYS:FOR HANDLING HIGH TEMPERATURES SSURES,-U- PRE PTHOR-102)-STEPNGVt S*A-v PA '-'~CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -~SbURCE-MOSCDW, KUZNECHNO-SHTA,4POVOCHNOYE PROIZVOOSTVO# NO. 2v 1970t PP 44 .-.-,.,D,ATE- PUBL IS HED ------- TO `---SUBJECT, AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR '7_~TOP I CTAGS--ALLOY# DIE cAsTING, CUNSTRUCT,IDWAAI~RIAL, Ht(4t TEMPERATURE .-,._-.~MATERIALf. CERMET PROOUCTt VACUUM TECHNOLOGY _-CONTROL f4ARKlNG--N0 RESTRICTIONS ..-DOCUSENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .; PROXY Rr--EL/FRAME--1985/0272 STEP NO-,-URI/0182/70/0001002/OOq3/00ft4 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100778 21-2 054 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCES5 ING DAT6-18SEPIO '.'C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100778 EXTR~lkl ABSTRACT/ '-T--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THIS ARTICLE PRE~;:,IJTS SOAC OF Tl-l~ RESULTS OBTAINED FROM IWOIRK DO Pll~ EBY rHE NII TRAlKTOR"t!;Et_'Kfi0Z~-iASH ISCIENTIFIC RES.-ARCH iNsriTUTE FOK AGR. I CULT URAL TRACTORS 4AD ,If, ON THE APPLICArION OF REFRACIORY ALLGYS TO INsrRomil'-f"ITS FOR Ar HIGH TEMPER-ATORES AND PRESSU-RES. SUCH MATERIALS ARE METAL CERAMIC MADE SY PRESSING AND SINTERING IN A VACUUM* A rABLE IS GIVEN LISTING THE TYPE INUMBER OF THE ALLOY# THE ctitlweNEN-rs OF THE LATTER,.AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS, TOGETHER WITH NOTES AS TO THE POSSIBLE USES INSTRUMENTS MADE OF IT CAN 13- PUT TO. SOME DETAILS CONCERNING THE MANUFACTURE OF THESE ALLOYS, STEEL TYPE NUMBERS, THE TEMPERATUREt THE DURATION OF T~E HEATINGI Al'E GIVE, PLANTS s N. SUCH AS THE CHELYAB[tq K AUTOMECH-AN ICAL- PLANT AND T14E VOROSIfILOVGRAD AUTOMOBILE VALVE PLANT IN -WHICH DIES MADE OF SUCH ALLOYS ARE USED# ARE LISTEDo AND DETAILS OF THE MATERIALS A-RE PRESENTED. THE AUTHORS CONCLUDE THAT REFRACTORY ALLOYS :ARE WIDELY APPLICABLE FOR DIE CASTING,;AND.THAT A SUBSTANTIAL ..~:-t..:IMPRQVEMENT IN THE STABILITY OF DIES AND PUNCHES CAN BE MADE BY PROPER CHOICE.-OF ALLOYS u I I- L a 3.3 Titanium USSR UDC 621.669.27 MEYERSON, G. A., KREYMER, G. S., GLUSHKOV, V. N., ~"~ Moscow In- ftuv- stitute of Steels and Alloys "Study of the Influence of Conditions of Production of Metallic Tungsten on the Properties of TISK6 Alloyll Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 6, Jun'72, pp 31-35, Abstract: The possibility is studied of producing fine-grained, homogeneous tungsten powder in commercial muffle furnaces using direc,t input of hydrogen, and the influence of the grain size of the tungsten powder produced on the physical, mechanical and cutting properties~. of the hard alloys is investi- gated. W 3was reduced to W in ones.tage in an industrial type GSPI iruffle furnace. Direct input of hydrogen allows a homogeneous, I'Lie-grained tungsten powder with adsorption of over 0.2 ing/g and mean grain size less than I Micron to be produced. The properties of TISK6 alloy were studied as functions of sintering temperature. It was found that the alloy has a finer WC-phase grain structure and higher physical, mechanical and cutting properties than standard TLSK6 alloy. 'rho cutting proportics are 10-30 higher than the standard alloy. 1/1 --230CT70 01,4 UNCLASSIFIED PROCES5tNG DATE TL E--EX CHANGE OF MOLECULAR DEUTER;IUM WITH DIMETHYL FOR-4AMIDE IN THE -,~._-,-.-.~PRESENCE OF A COMPLEX HYDROGENATION.CATALYST -U- AUTHOR- (02)--Y EFI MOV v O.N., PANOV, V.V. _.".,~C.OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~,---__~4OURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRt SER. KHIM.11970, (2), 491-3 I)ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY# NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ATOP I CTAGS--DEUTERIUM, FORMIC ACID, AMIDEt CATALYST, ~iYDROG::, ATION, RHENIUM COMPOUND, COMPLEX COMPOUNO, RADIOACTIVITYt rRITIUM NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~OOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1784 STEP NG--UR/0062/71*)/00,1)/O(.,2/049L/0493 CILRC ACCESSION NU--AP0123581 212 `014 U,,yrLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0123581 :_:,~._A_I3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXCHANGE OF 0 WITH iCONME SUB2 IN THE PRESENCE OF THE HYDR-733GENATION CATALYST (1) FORMED FROM RH AND NiPHENYLANTHRANILIC ACID (AVILOV V. A#t ET AL,t 196 9) WAS F()UNO, ON TfIE BASIS OF A KINETIC STUDY, SHOWN GRAPHICALLY%, TO PROCEED Bf REVERSIBLE TRANSFER OF ONE D ATOM TO THE HCONMIE SU82 MOL. UNDER THESE CONDITIONS 0 EXCHANGES WITH H IN THE C-ME GROUP OF,ACNME SU82 WITH PARTIAL HYDROGENDLYSIS OF THE C-14E BOND TO FORM Ch SUBIt AND HCONME SUB2. IT WAC SUGGESTED THAT THE PROCESS INVOLVES SUCH_'EQUIL. AS RH. .0:CMENME SU132 S 82v ITH EACH PLUS 0 SUH2 FORMS AND IS FOFURMED FROM ~MEDRH, O:CDN14L- U W OF THESE CAPABLE OF UNDERGOING TRANSLAT-ION OF AND H A T04S . F OM DATA ON REDISTRIBUTION OF RADIOACTIVITY WIT+i TRITIUM TRACING IT WAS SHOWN JHAT -THE ME GROUP BOUND TO C. TAKES PART IN THE,EXCHANGr-. FACILITY'. lNST. KNIM. FIZ., MOSCOW, USSR. I EAl USSR UDC: 621.373:530.145.6 ARKHIPOV, V. K., YERSHOV, Te. I., PAKOV, Ye.j.., RYZHAKOVA, Z. L., and.TARASOV, R. P. "Generator of Specially Formed Light Pu_1ses Based on the Gas Laser" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Gazoraz, adn. ribor (Elect onic Engineering$ Scientific-Technical Collection of Gas Discharge.Devices) 1970, No. 3(19), pp 33-36 (from,RZh- RadlotekhnikA, No. 3, March 710 Abstract 110. 3D250) Transla-1%61-ion: A light-pulse generator Is described in which light signals in the nanosecond range are formed with the deviation of the light beam of a helium-neoa laser LG-56 in an electrooptical deviating device under the action of a pulse cont-rolling voltage. The structural peculiaritiee and the basic output characterist- ics of the generator are given. Amthor's abstract USSR UDC 8.25'-681.3.06 GITE%IAN., E. M., PANOYp Y. I.. "The Use of the Method of Recognition of Classes for Automatic Control of Chemical Processes" Avtomatiz. Khim. Proiz-v, [Automation of Chemical Production--Collection of Works], Moscow, 1970, pp 29-31, (Translated from Referat:ivnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 5, 1971, Abstractflo. 5V665). No Abstract. USSR uDc: 621-396.69:621.31B.4(088.8) PANOV; Lu. A., ANTOINOV, V. P., GOROZHANIN Yu. A. "An Inductance Coil" USSR Author's Certificate No 266869, filed 24 Sep 68, published 15 Jul 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 1, Jan 71j Abstract No M~,4 P) Translation: The proposed inductance coil is made in the form of two helical windings which are mutually cow:ial and contains a regulating element. In order to regulate the inductance of the coil, this element is rLade in the form of a cylindrical shield, placed between the windings of ~the coil. i 1 11.1 i I; H I 1JSSR UDC 535.65 PANOVA, 1. N., and YUSTOVA, Ye. "Problem of the Effect of Errors in Reproducing Color Addition Functions on the:Readings of Photoelectric Comparators" Tr. metrol. in-tov SSSR (Works of the USSR Metrological Institutes), No 114 (174), 1970, pp 159-166 (from RZh-Metrologiya i Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No, 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2.332.1838) Translation: The problem of tolerances on the spectral sensitivity curves of radiation receivers and the spectral curves of correcting light filters in objective color comparators is investigated.' As a result of the experiment the following was discovered: for the scale range of the EKTs-l and FKTs-Sh comparators the differences in theaddition function systems of M. M' Gurevich ard D. A. Shklover are not reflected in the measurement results. In the same way the measurement results from =ing the comparatOrS do.not depend on the choice of illumination source. The system of zonal rs.(red, green, blue) used for approximate estimation of the light filte whiteness carry systematic errors exceeding the comparatOr measurement errors by an order. There are 3 illustrations, 4 tables and a 3-entry bibliography. ..112 015 UNC L A SS i F I E~ PROCESSP," )A jo i - T L 3NOV7 0 I T L E- -C. AT ;,L Y T I CPYCOLYSISAiiAS CCI F NO E N SA f EF k L::'-!, THE S 14 B E L I -%'S K I :~DEPGSIT -U- AUTHOR-(04)-LYSYKH, O.V., PAUSHKIN, YA.,.Ii. ADELSON, S.V., PANOVA, [.YU. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SCURC E ---GAZOV. PROM. 1970t ID(3), 44-7 (RUSS) DATE PU5LISHED ------- 70 U S J E C T, AREAS --CHEMISTRY9 EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANCO.APHY TOPIC TArS--PYROLYSIST ALKANE, NAPHTI IEENE, E-iirYLE`-,E. HUTADIENIE, CATALYST, NATURALGAS, PETROCHEMISTRY GONNOL. MARK ING-NO RESTRICTIVINS DOCUMENT CL:~ I F I ED PWOXY TFIJ 212 015 UNCLASSI F I E.0 PROCF NG DATE--13NOV70 SSU .-C IRC ACCESSION NG--AP0,128549 ABSTRACTIE-ATRACT--(U) GP-0- A;3STRACT. CATALYT[C PYROLYSIS AT 760-350EL)EGUREES OF THE 53-1250'F_'(;kE-ES FRACTION OF SHEBELL."'45K[I C)AS CONDENSATE '.vAS EXA,'-,D. fl-k- PY;'GLYSIS FEED HAD 1). 0.743 G-CIM PRI,'IL-3 AINO N - t% -FINS, 51.7 "J. PER.CENt A N D :CONTAINED 40.9 WT. PERCF.lT PARA i~ tl -%PHTH~NE S 7.4 WT. PEkC&NT AIRO'4ATICS. THE GPrIl,,lW-t FEEO-STcl:kV,l r.T. tRATIO 4AS 2-2:1. THE MAX. YIELD OF ETHYLEiNIE (-)6.4 -fir. W,4S AT 8500EGRELES A"'10 -1 R - NEGATIVEI, AND THE -'-lAX. OF BUT.ADIE.NE SPACE VELOCITY 0.9-4 PRIINE (8.35?PkCcNT BY wT.) AT S000': _''S AND, SPA G r F CE VELOCITY 2 HR PRUME NEGATIVG1. THE CATALYST C WVN. is vir G~IVEN. FACILITY: M'ki4KHGP 1A. _GU8KINAp MOSCOW# USS.R. USSR uc 6:L6.9,3i.55) GIADKOVSKM, A. P. , 1Z -3-NIKOV, A. L., T. A., DLNER, Z. S., iUWDIA, A. P., ard VITIVXER, V. S., Leningrad Hospital 410-1i i3otkin, and -itute imeni 1. P. Chair of Infectious Diseases, First Leningrid Heiical Inst Favlov. and Institute of Epidemiology and Rim ironi Pasteur biolozy "Clinical 5)rmptoms and Btiology of Botulism" Xoscow, Klinicheska-ya Xeditsina, Vol 48, No~q, Sep 70, pp 79--83 Abstract: Froa .1959 to 1967 the authors treatoi 14 cases 'of botalism. most of which were caused by eating marinatel or sal~,xl mushrooms ar home-canned fish. The incubation period ranged from Z hours to 3 da,-ys. The d.L:;eai;v was incorrectly diagnosed in all but one case, owiii4; to urdfamili-irity with Utio 3.ymptoms on the part of tho first doctors to see the pationts (botulizz, hai; for, somotimo boon virtuall- eradicated in the USSR The initial. syvipLoms an, characteristic and readily detect-able. They incltdo a coril-tization of 1ndica'-6J,orj5 of ga--trointostimal dizorders (vow-tting, nausaa, qonstipatj0n, IbdOMirlal P,'.L-.Lrr,), wWA sympLoas of im- paJ--od viz;ion (an4socoria, mydriasis, diplopia, blro ,haropLosls, 1-.ystagmus, etc.), impaired swallowing, speech, and rospiration. Pro-ript:1-niqlCtion of antiootulinus sarw* usually provnnt4 further devolopiiont or tho syr;ptoms faixi, oor~binod with anti- biotics a"a hormones plu3 cardiovasoular aguims, strychrdj-,o,, physostiaxine. and p1locarpine, brings about recovery w1thin about 'AL month. USSR 621.?'2.001 UDC 0 AXSENOV, G. I.j and PANOVA, L. A. "Gas-Permeability of Metal Powders" Tr. kuybyshev. aviats. in-t (Works of Kuybyshev Aviation Institute), 1970, vyp, 42 9-16 (from RZh-metallurgiya, No 3, Mar 71, Abstract 110 3035&by p 0. PadalZ Translationi The reason for the appearance of pulsations in the hopper during rolling is the gas displaced from the compacted volume. r1hen a rolling speed equal to critical speed is attained,, tho displacenent rate reaches a value ai which the lifting power developed by the gas flow becomes equal to the weight of the powder-in the hopper. Pulsations begin. Powder pulsation results in nonuniformity of strip density withrespect to length. A formula is suggested which =Jtes it possible to determine the critical rolling speed if the magnitude of critical peraeability and the ratio of overpressure of displaccd gas to the height of the powder co'Lumn in the hopper axe known, The authors eyperimentally determine the yalues of critical V, and H 2 por- neability for various fractions of FZh5 and PZh3 brands~of ir'On powders, Fll-i'? brand of copper powder, pulverized bronzel carbonyl nic1tel,.and Iron. The dependences of critical permeability on height of powder level in the hopper are obtainedi Five illustrations. One table. USSR UDC: 8.74 SEREBROVSKIY, L. A., SIBIRYAKOVI P. G., LINETS), N. Ye., PA- NWk, _,L. A. "A System for Automating Programming and Output of Technical 'Documentation into a Program for Digital Control Computers (YaUZA-1)" V sb. Tsifr. v-vchisl. tekhnika i 2r.ogrammir. (Digital Com- puter Technology and Programming- -collection of works), vyp. 7, Moscow, "Sov. radio", 19721, pp 126-133 (froin RZh-Kiber- netika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No BV635) Translation: The structure and principal technical operational and tech al characteristics are given for a programming auto- mation system whose input language is the YaUZA universal coin- mand autocode. The systeri can be used to prepare programs for an extensive class of digital Control- computers. The system is adapted to a specific digital computer by specifying its parameters and cow-and system. The system is realized on the M-220 computer. It auto- matically joins programs a single large-volume program 1/2 USSR ~17 Zr~ 036 NCLAS;S I I 1 0 F DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--EFFECT OF STRUCTURE FORMING SUBSTANCES ON THE CHEMICAL Apo THERMOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF A CELLU'LOSE HYDRATE~FiaER -U- AUTHOR-(05)r-MIKHAYLDV# N.V.p TOKAREVAr L*G.p TEREKHOVAv G*M.t MANVWSOVA, F v M. v N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE 9 --KHIM. VOLOKNA 1970# (2)r 37- DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 --CHEMISTRYt MATERIALS SUBJECT AREAS roPIC TAGS--CELLULOSE RESIN, SYNTHETIC FIOERv DIAMINE, PHTHALATEj FILLER, PIGMENT,THERMOMECHANICAL PROPERTY, FATIGUE STRENGTH CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0873 STEP NO--UR/0183/70/000/002/0037/0039 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137901 UNCLASSIFIED 2 036 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 C I RC ACCESSION NO--AP0137901 AaSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CELLULOSE M FlaERS WERE MODIFIED WITH A.M. OF N, S, AND P CONTG. ADDITIVES. I FIBERS~MODIFIED WITH 0.4-0.5PERCENT SV I COMPN. (A CONDENSATION PRODUCT OF N',N PRIME 01,BETA,NAPHTHYL P,PHENYLENEDfAMINE AND AMMONIUM DIAZOPHTHALATE15, 0.6PERCENT CARBON BLACK, AND 0.2PERCENT BLUE OR YELLOWPIGMENTS EXHIBITED SUPERIOR FATIGUE STRENGTH AND OXIDATIVE DEGRADATION RESISTANCE. UNCLASSIFIED ir&liul!Iad 60 1 i lilajiA We 1 !Mi h6l!i TEC*v:M ICAL TRANSLATION YSTC-HT-23- 521-72 _Q ENGLISH TITLE: RIGid ACUVO Capflulr-s for saf-acy Exploolves FOREM' TITLE- Zhestkiya Ativityle, Gbolochki Ellyn Prvdokhranitelkn)rkk, A,_S. Bakharovich , v. F~stvj;janko, T. M. AUTHOW; E Pawo~v-a Vzryvnoye Delcl 1070, No.. 69/25, 284-ZSS Translatrd-for FSTC by Albert I.. PC "body LEO QINSM ASSOCIATES, INC. N, () T I C C. - Me cw;tem~ ~,f th;., piblicatiorl have bca tramiated ~i ptestimd in tin oriplull t,.t. No Iltomp; iws been ill'alc to vv,ify tile accur.1cy of Ali-Y slatement Colltailled Ilmla. V~4 mmAltiLln ii PUbli.11Cd ~101 3 Millittlom of copy vdiflig isid i-,rjrhi,:5 preparation in older to eqedite the di:scminativa of itiformation. lkcq%,csts for zJdiviolwl copies of this documcrit should bc 4ddrcswd to Departmem A. Natijoal Tcchnic2l hformation servico, 5priiigficld. Vi;giiiia 22151. Approved for public relrasc; distributiori unlilluted. USSR UDC 621. "~.292.8:621.382 F DORUSt G.A.s FURSEt'.0, VD. !A fE "Amplification Of Electronic Current During Irradiation-C-f Crystals And Films of-A2 By Fast Electronan B6 Poluprovadn. tekhn. i mikroelektronika. Rasp. mezhved. ob. (Semiconductor Technology And Microelectronics. Republic Interdepartmantul Collection), 1971, Issue 6, PP 76-80 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primenamiyap No 10, October 1971, Abstract No 1OB240~- Translatiom. The dependence of the amplification factor of the ele C4 -ron current in A2B6 compounds as a function of the energy (E,,) ana tba intensity of the electron beam (in) ig investigated in a wide intarval of values (2., 5-40 kev; in, 10~-12 __ 10- a/cm ), It is shown that in highly-sensitive single crystals cf CdS and CdSe during steady electron excitation with the enerey o;. the electrons 30 kev and 20 v of the voltage applied to.the apacimen-Y r" l0;-1- The maxim= possible value is estimated with E = ,-0 Lev undelextrome conditionewhich for single crystals of WS can attain Taluen of 10 2 ill. 16 raf. A.13. i58