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USSR uDc 621-391-19 MRMAYIEV, V. F., KIRKOROV, 11. 1., and IfOROZ,_ S. M., 14insk Radio Engineering Institute "Method of Forming Similarity Measures in Pattern Recognition" USSR Authorz' Certificate No -163105, a. G o6k 9/00, filed 9 Har 71, pub- lished 20 Dee 72 (from Otkrytiya, Izolbreteniya, Rrojnyshlennyye.Obrazt5yj Tovamyye Znaki, No 3, 1973, p 101) Abstract; The method.-- based on the conversion of physical characteristics Into electric signals, a comparison of theim 'with reforenca signals, and the cumulation of the difference signals obtained from a comparUon of them c ~L a with a threshold signal-- is unique in that to reduce the recolpition error the probability, after the signals are con-pared. with the refoxence sigmals, difference signals are compared with each other, the resultant signals of the,excess are sm-ned according to the K-th attribute for the reference sig- nals of each class,and the resultant eums axe accumulated for a subsequent comparison of them with the threshold signal. 9 USSR UDC 621.791,052-620.1.001.4:669.788 P. K., Engineer, RATKHAKOV, V. N 4~ITRQZ. V. G., Candidates of Technical Sciences, and ROSSINEVICH, L. L: 11ngN~e1-r1_14t'w;'~n1L11 "Study of the Efficiency of Welded Joints Between Dissilimar Steels (IZKhlMP and Kh5ML) in a Medium of Hydrogen" Moscow, Khimicheskoye i Neftyanoye Mashinostroyeniye, No 11, Nov 70, pp 25-27 Abstract: This article presents the results of an investi,,~,ation of the effects of hydrogen on the metal in the area of a welded joint beelreen 12'KhDIf and Kh5ML steels. The investigations were performed using spel-imenij which were held in an autoclave at 5700C under a hydroatatte pressure,of t"hnical hydro- gen from 100 to 300 kglcm2. The temperature used in the experimeTItS was 570 + 10*C. The experiments showed that whereas holding tinder 11 90 kg/cm2 hydr~~gen pressure at 570% for varioue times up to 4,000 hours had little effegt on meahwdcal properties, holding at 273 kg/cta2 hy4lrogen pressure resulted in the development of a tendency to brittle ruptiire, pr1jaarily along the line of the welded seam, Notcb-aensiti.vity of dia w4al wmij increaBed in all cases. No noticeable chaups in the st 'ructure oe the.,zletal were discoT- ered. However, in all cases the exposure to'hydrogea resiAted In slight surface decarburation along the seam. ..... ......... .. .... q Z; Radar USSR UDC 621.396.963 BARANOV, 1. H., DYIMOVICH, N. D., SKVORTSOV, S.- M., SOKOLOV P. 1-1. MOROZ, V. G., FOGORELOV, B. F. "Radar Display for Determining the Parameters of Atmosphw-ric ~nhomogeneities" USSR Author's Certificate No 253178, Filed 11 Dec 67, Published 24 Feb 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhaika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9G51P) "Translation: A radar display containing a video amplifier and a plan position indicator has been patented for determining the parameters of atmospheric in- homogeneities. In order to represent the radar image of:atmoapheric n!10.10 geneities in the form of a series of concentric black and white rings, a coding tube is included between the video:amplifier and the plan position indicator via a pulse amplifier. This coding tube converts the video s-ignals from the atmospheric inhomogeneitieo into a train of pulaes equal with respect to magnitude and different with respect to width and duty factor depr--nding oa the distribution of the instantaneous values of the video sigaal voltage. The Joint effect of radial-circular scanning of the plan pos:Ltion ii%dicator and rectangula-z pulse vo:ta,-,e create concentric black mad white circles on the c e ' ' : screen.. 'The width of each circle corresponds to a defln(Ld interval of atzc- s spheric inhomogeneity intensity, Th, is facilitates decortaination of the Inner er c ei i ty structure of the inhomogenelty at the giv" point in timal and It permits _u 2 -USSR BARANOV, I. M., et al., USSR Author's Certificate go 253178, Filed 11 Dec 67, Published 24 Feb 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9G51P). information about the intensity of precipitation with respect to area to be obtained and zones Bafe for aircraft flights to be determined. There are two Illustrations. 145 J`PRS 59231 8 June 1973 UDC 323.43 MELD=RT~_RX3VLTF-4VF. ffASLUMO THE i~C Mtf~ TUX AT===9 OF MARS ON TRE MhRS-3 AITTOKATIC SPACS SWIOM W-AArticls* No r A ~-'r vzl~' A. pp The V-2 instrument designed to venamrs the water vapor content in tht &tooophere of the planet was. installed on the Hore-2, and Ma:rs-3 auto- "tic, Space station* (artificial Xart ' satellites). -_Such have M* follosting. Import ant ~#~Iointajiia -by oxisom smith, gzm44 obf*rv&t1ow* [14)s, L) ibe measuremnts sro~takon- with 'clean spacing (1000-150 k= in* the. pericanter of the, orbit) band the -ap-tj .1 resolution to about 3-10:kw, .,.two.!Prdqrs..bttter.than.-from the.1arthi-4) *11.tbe djffjeuItiss,-c==Vctv4 with. talluric absorption are completely removed, and smaller miounts. of IL20 too be imossucod then fire& the Earth. The IV-2 Instrueent .(via. 1) measures the H70 content in the atmoe- photo of M*vo by the magnitude of: the obvmtlon at the center- of"The 1.38 u band. The RZO band of A - L.38 u in formed in the aptetrom of the vs- flacted *olsr roft*tLon. and ite,equivalant vidth dops not In prart4cs dopa6d on-the vertical ttapersturs distribution to the atmosphere of the planet. Thin is the theovitical difference of the IV-2 frork the iris device used tat the same purposi on the knerican Marinst-9 station 181. The trio recordo the rotational band of HZO In the 25-50 u region ttio Intensity of which depends so strongly on the vertical twopersture distribution that the band can be observed also to absorption and in emission (91. Since the expected equivalent. width of even the strongest lisox at the cantor of the 1.38 u band in the spectrum of Mars is sad1l, the module- tiou mothod to used to measure It. The interferenco-polartaot too filter cost- prising a plate of Iceland spat (a double refracting crystal 5) and two polarolds (4.6) and the interference filter 3 separate throe lines, to the cantor of the bandt 13,788. 13.607 and 13.827 JL on rotation of the second polaraid 6 the transmission, peake of the Interference-polovisatinei tutor (Article submitted by Academician G.Z. Petrov on 28 June 1973.1 11 - USSR - A) USSR UDC: 539-128.2 BALDIN, A. X. BE ZUN i, Yu. D., ZIITOVIYEV, L. P., ISSINSICHY,, ITS", I.- _Z_., KAZA G. MIKHAYICV, A. I. , INTO 'OV, G. P. H. 1. and PUCHTK "Acceleration and Removal of Deuton Beams from the OIYaI Synchro- phasotroall Moscow, Pribory i Tekhni_'Ka !Eksperimenta,-No. 3, l0a7l, pp 29-31 Abstract: This article describes the realization of a propo!:~al deutons with existing syncnro- for accelerating -and extracting I " phaso-tron sy.-tcnns made J.n an oarli(jr article (!',Ozno1,,, Ya. D. , et al, Reprint O.IYaI, 1968, ~Xo. R9-4214, Dubna),. The basic j.d.L.-a of the proposal was to multiply the linear accoleration by two through halving the velocity of the deutons going inco and cominz out of the linear accelerator compared to the Nlejoei-Pr of the 'ire- 'ion in the synchrotron is done in two steps: tons. The acceleraL first, doubii_n,~: ~.he acceleration; second, reachine -lie limiting,-, frequency of -~he acce- ----ting sy~~.em and then makinR the transi- USSR vwn 621-73.o6 SOGRISHIN, YU. P. TISHAKOV, V, A. MOROZ V. YA. "The Effect of Loading Rate on the Resistance to Deforuation of Metals During Cold Upsetting" Abstract: Cylindrical samples 20 and 30 mm in diameter were subjected to oold upsetting by polished ha-mering blocks with a loading rate of 12-100 m/sec. Results obtained with an hydraulic dyna-mcueter and oscilloCraph indicate that the i deformation resistance is affected by the loadinG rate tLt all stages of defor- mation. This effect can be described by the dynamic ccx!fficients KD and Kb, which were determined from the ratio of yield stretoses for dywamic and Station- ary loading and from the ratio of.specific streneth, reopectively, Nairit**--ly ,t and rL- - p d!m/p st. The qj-,c,-,JX1c t~tren,,-,th of .1,0,'Yi3A, KD a,,3 g~ Ma,13, 1X11-1 Vri. -Itec-1:3 F-rid 1~,'143713 nickel ulloy inereo-ned 1)y 1.6-60% with in- creasing londing rate during defomition. In contraot, -the spi~eifje otrc-nffth of AK6 and B96 alturinum alloys decreaced with Increasin,'., laadin~z, rate.. Coinmion to these two groups of metala vaii an intencive strangthexOng, during, th(-, initial stages of deformation. The dynamic coefficients cf st(-els and nlck~-,,l arLoy vex-- hig 114 i t Wt~,,; Jer,: `ian ~her than unity at all stages of deforituation, unity for alumini= alloys defoitied by 0.1$. A decrea!:.o- in defonitation resis- tance of aluminum alloys during high loading rate can be 4ittriIuted 4o the mechanism of hot deformation because of the thermal effect. USSR UDC 53.07/.08+53.001.5 E. M., MOLCHANOV, S. S., PYSILKIN, B. N., SOLOWYEV, N. S., Physics Insti- tute im.eni--Iy-. N. Lebedev "A Method for the Stabilization of Synchrotron Radiation Intensity" USSR Author's Certificate No. 256117, Filed 26 Jun 68, published 31 Mar 70 (from RZh-Fizika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1A453 P) Translation: Precise (or programmed) switching on of accelerating field voltage is necessary to stabilize and raise the level of beam intensity in a synchrotron. It is proposed that the time of switching on be controlled with the aid of a pulse of a current of particles circulating in orbit at the time of injection in each acceleration cycle. This made it possible to increwie inteasity by 20% as compared with circuits connecting the switching on to theAevel of the magnetic field, V. Papadichev. ill USSR GL,kDYSIMV, V. A., KUSAUROV, L. N., MOROZ, Ye, M. UECHAYEVA, L. P. "The Focusing of a Beam of Ions with Drift in aHeterogeneous Magnetic Field" Moscow, Tr. Fiz. Instituta imeni P. 1q. Lebeclev. Vol 53, 1971, pp 226-238. Abstract: The drift of ions across the'gradient of a magnetic field can be used in the performance of external injection into a cyclotron by directing the ions so that the beam drifts along the boundary of one of the sectoxs of the cyclotron to the central area. This work clarifies the nature of the trajectories of ions in this drift and studies problems related to the focusing of the beam. The motion of particles in the median plane of a magnet is:studied, and it is considered tb~it the system of coordinates is rectangaular, and the field is it function of one coord- inate only. In spite of these simplifying assumptions, a good deal of- necessary information is produced concerning the nature, of the trajectories during drift. USSR UDC 669-295-053-24 MUM,, S. I., MOROZ YU. A. and ROSTOVTSEVA B. T. -A "Blectric Conductivity of Iron-Titanium-Containing Materials in the Solid Phase" Sb. Tr. Vses. n.-i i proyektn. in-t titana (Collection of Works of the All- Union Scientific Research and Design Institute of Titanium), i-97o, 2,pp 14-22 (from RZH-Metalaurgiya, No 11, Nov 70,, Abstract No uciW Translation: laboratory experiments for the determination of the specific electric conductivity of oxides, chemical compounds of the system Fe2o and charge materials, used for smelting Ti-sl;ag, are conducted. 3-FeO-TiO2 The electric conductivity of all the materials studied increases considerably with increasing temperature; at room temperature their nagnitudes are variable., at 13000 they approach each other.while reaching high magnitudes of ^.-10 7 in., 4 tables, 7 bibl. entries. Authors' abstract USSR UDC 669.293.053.24 MOROZ, _YTJ. A., and DENISOV, S. 1. "Technological Features of Single-Stage Continuous Melting of Titanium SlaE~' Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. i proyektti. in-t titana (CQllc,7_,ted works of All-Union Scientific-Research and Planning Institute for Tita- nium), 6 1970, 15-17, (from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No 1, 1971, Abstract No 1 G185 by the authors) Translation: The reasosn for disruption of the continuous pro- cess of melting of titanium slag in one stage, such as bubbling of the slag, movement of processea of charge melting ahead of processes of reduction, rapid melting throughthe space around the electrodes, sintering of charge on the, and formation of refractory 11chills" in the furnace charge, are studied. These technological. difficultieo are eliminated when high ratios of furnace power to charge mass are provided, as when melting is performed in single-phase, single-aLectrode furnaces or when wood waste is used in the chal~ge during welt- ing in the ordinary three-phase, three-electrode electrIc fur- naces. 8 biblio. refs. 7A USSR MOROZ, Yu. A., and DENISOV, S. 1. UDC 669.295.04 "Technological Specifics of Carrying Out a Single-Stage, Continuous Process of Melting Titanium. Slags" Moscow, Metallurgiya i Khimiya Titana (Institut Ticana) , Metallurgiya. Pub- lishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 15-17 Translation: The article reviews causes of disruption In the ane-stage continuous process of smelting titanium slag, such as: slag blistering, the processes of melting down the charge in advance of the processes of restoration, rapid melting near the electrode. spaces, charge caking on top of the fuxaace, and the formation of refractory "salamanders" in the furnace charge. These technological difficulties are eliminated where large ratios of furrLace capacity to the mass of charge in the furnace are ensured, which takes place during smelting in one-phaset one-electrode furnaces or where wood by-products are used in the charge during smelting in the ordi- nary three-phase, three-electrode electric furnaces. Eight bibliographic entries. Wcwdy"LA6 %J.L DeposiV Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. i proyaktn. in-t titana (Collection of-, Worka of the All.- Union Scientific Research arui Desiga Institute of Titanium) , 1970, J, pp 7-14 1from M-E~atallurgiYa, SNO 11, 110v 70* Abstract No It G144) Tzanslations According to its mineralogical couposition, the kinetics of reduction of Fe oxideso and other properties, the concentrate of the Obukhovskly deposit bwically resembles that of. the Samothoaiskiy deposit. Much more solid briquettes can be preparod from tbea Qbukhovakiy concentrate than frox the Bamatkanskiy# although, a large quaa-Lity of sulfidie pulp aLkali la needed for this (14-15% as comparect to 941%. for the Swaotkansidy con- centrate). Standard Ti-sLags (TiO. 60%) carr be produced ~ from the studied -concentrate of the Obukhovski concentrate. However, slag smelted from the. y deposit contains lax-ge quantities of impur!Lties. (by4.2%), end in addition, it is leaner in T102 (by 4.4%) content as compa~=d to slag smelted from the Samotkanskly concentrate. 6 ill. 5 tables. Author's aWitract, U UDC 669-295-054-79 YDROZ) Wo A., and SIDORENKO) A. P. Two-Stage Titanium Slag Production Procedure" Noscow, Tsvetnyye Yetally, No 2, Feb 70, pp 47-49 Abstract: A description is given of an experiment in obtalning titanium slags from a concentrate with the composition 26.16% Fe 203-1 65.2% TiO2, 1.65% SiO2, 2-5UP' A120 o.11% cao, o.43% mgo, 1x24, MOO, and 1-51dir Cr2O Me advanta~;es and Y 3 disadvantages of using the two-stage procedure to produce the slags are discuBsed. It is shown that in order to obtain low-iron titanium slag it is alao necezsa;~7 to reduce the titanium oxides. The idea of a mandatory and regidar increase in t~ie FeO content in the charge when melting the concentrate (which is reauced in advance) is stated and experimentally confirmed. The results of rideroscopic nnaly- sis and x-ray micrography of the initial reduced concentrate, after tvo hours of holding at 12000C and at 14000C, are presented and discussed. The characterir;tics of the reduced concentrate and the electrical conductivity of the solid charge materials at various temperatures are tabulated. The redistribution of oxygen between Femet and, TiO2 at a temperature above 12000C indicatAss taio necessity of reexamining the energy consumption during two-itage melting of titmnium slag in 1/2 USSR MOROZY, 'YU. A., and SIDORENKO, A. P., Tsvetnyye 14--tally, No "e, Feb 70, pp 47-49 comparison with the existing technological process. From the data presented it is obvious that 1r& of all the expended energy goes to the aTduction of oxides, of which only 6.5% is expeaded on the reduction of iron oxides and 10.Vq on the reduc- tion of titanium oxides. In the case of preliminary red-action of iron oxides the energy expenditures for the production of slag in the second step of two-staj,.-,e smelting drop by a large amount (6-5%)- Whet charging the amelting Parnace (the second step of the two-stage smelting) with hot reduced concentrateP the ene-Ey expenditures on heating it will be the same as in the smelting furnace by the existing process. The heat balance in this furnace is discussed and factors are Mentioned which lower the efficiency of making titanium slag from rich titanium concentrates by the two-stage method. 2/2 USSR UDC~ 621.791.85.037 GRAWN, V. F.., KRAVCHUK, L. A. , .42.HO?rX 12TSHTAB, G. S. (deceased) "Electron Gun for Xicrowelding and Kicrormchinin'g," Kiev, Avtomatichaskay 3varka, N"o 4, Apr 70, pp 72-73 Abstract: The article describes an electron gun developed at 'fhe -Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. ?aton for t r beam microwelding and irdcroviachining with a acccloraLi voltarre and a becua current of up to iml. ~he ran I.s col-,q)ara.- tively sImple, ine:q)onsivo, and reliable, and is slAtablo for both laboratory research and Lndu:;,.trIa)L uce. An eloctron optic system is used with a triode electron projector, ono alectro- magnetic Ions, and a doflection systam, ale--~vn projector all-soldered caze with a glaso in4;u!atov,. T~ie alectroi optic system is protected by a case, which aszu-es I'ix-m attach- =ent of the high-voltage cable and its rlexibla co-izioction. with the projector, biological shielding of the operator, electro- interlocks, and convenient access to the cathode assembly of im Acc. Nr.: 010G713- Reg. Code: 1A LY 0 QQ 0 Chizhikov. A. I ; Permiwm V. P.J 1okhimoxicb, V. I j ;ilawxx.-J~y .; Moro---- Zan Grizorlyav, V. ------ 0i Continuous Casting of Steel Into Billets of a 16arge Cross-Suction (Kepreryv- neya razlivka atali v zagotovki krupnogo aecheniya) Moscow, lietallurgiya, 1970, 135 Pp (SW047) TABL9 OF CONTENTSs Preface 5 Casting Machines Used in Development of Production, Techniques of C4stings and Their Adoption 6 Continuous Casting of Steel Into -6arge Sheet Bars 8 Thermal Conditions in Formation or Large SheetBars 10 P ropertles of Steel at High Temperatures , 33 Stresses in a Shaping Ingot an d Methods for Their Reduction 40 Adoption of Continuous Steel Casting Into 170~920 mm Sheqt Bare 57 Adoption of Continuoua Steel Casting Into ~OOX1500 Pm Sheet Bara 63 Characteristics of Continuous Castinff:of We Slabs With i Side Ratio of Reel/Freh 19890037 Ace. Hr.: AM VJL067JL37 1 - 10 (i5on5oo mm) CrysUllizers for Continuous Castin; of Wids Slabs Production of Shaped Castings of pL.Iarge,Cross-Section TherTal ?arameters Characterisricifthe Format4on. of.Square Continuous ZXXX Ingots Investig4tion of Technologi;al Fact$rs Determining the QualiV of Shaped Billets With a Gross Section of 280 X 280 (.%jaij6ty of Merchant Shapes Produced From Castings of a Square Gross-Section Improvement ot Continuous Steel-Castigg.Technicpes BibliograpbV GiTen am results of investigations of conditions in formation of large continnous ingots. Given, are results of the'development and adoption of techniques for 76 84 91 92 102 112 117 23L USSR num: 621.9.048.4 MOROMIKO V. N., ONUFRIMIKO, I. P., GASIK, L. 11. ZHURA, V. i., MOLCHANOVA, "Electrospark Production of Polymetallic Compositions" Kishinev, Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materialov, No 4(46), Aug/SeP 72, pp 8-12 Abstract: The paper gives the results of experimental studies of electro- spark formation of polymetallic compositions produced by the set-up shown in the figure. Hinged to rotor 1 are anode rods of tungsten, copper, chromium and silver, 83wingping out an the rotor turns, the anod 0-.- period-".- cally approach the surface of cathode 2. By properly combining the 2-ota- tional velocitien w, and w2 on the-one hand, and velocity- W, and the pule-(! repetition frequency of the spark oscillator on the other hard, the tran:~fer of anode material can be regulated so as to form overlapping alloyed zones a, 0, a, r. Experimental studies show that 'this method of alloying can be used to produce intermetallic compoiuids in surfacing which cannot be made in any conventional metallurgical process., By proper selection of Farameters, surfaces with any desired physical properties can be produced. 1/2 - "'j, il - 1. T 9-1 -,~ -1 X-f -~Tk I-& i I I .. - . .. .- 1 11 .. I I .. I - T ! 1 ! I I . I .: I I . I I I I . f I I I I I 'UA o482 -70 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemical, Dey-went, 242214 MTAL V.ACUUW24C. AOUTINE utHises variable rarefi7dation in"the feed,funnel and high residual pressure in the treatment chamber itself. Varying the residual pressure above the meniscus In the funnel and maintaining the residual pressure inside the chamber ensures smooth control 61 metal feed and at the same time keeps a constant metal level. Electron ring or vortex pumps are sultablel'scaled to the upper lip of the funnel. This Allows idetal to be poured into the funnel without dAsturbing the residual pressure control.' 13.5.66 as 1078M1122-2. GROAT.I.YA et al(II.9.69) Bul 15125.4.69. Class 16b, 3lb2.* Int.Cl.C 21c, B 22d. :19750364 ..... . .... DIX -18 9, USSR MOROZEV V. V "One Principle of Selection of Strategies" Kihernetiku -- na Zluzhbu Kommunizmu. T. 6 [Cybernetic.,, in the Service of Communism, Vol 6 -- Collection of Works]., ~~oscow, Energiya Press, 1971, pp 185-180, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 10, 1971, Abstract No 10 V665 by A. Mikhaylova). Translation; The game r k is studied, consisting of repetition k times of the antagonistic game r with compact sets of strategies of players and con- k tinuous win function. The win function of gwne r is defined as the sum of the wins of player I in k realization of game r. The asymptotic behavior of --the maximum guaranteed probability of success of player I (i.e. production of winnings no less than the guaranteed winning of player I in one realiza- tion) is studied. Two examples are presented. 21 USSR UDC 620.193.1:669.295 TOMASHOV, N. D., ANOSHKIN, N. F., MOROZNIKOVA, S. V.* OGINSKAYAO YE. I., RUSKOL, YU. S., and CHEMOVA, G. P., Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR "Investigation of the Effect of Palladium on the Engineering, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Titanium Alloys OT4 and VT1411 Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 9, No 6, 1973) pp 672-675, Abstract: The possibility of increasing the corrosion resistance of titanium alloys.OT4 and VT14 by means of alloying with 0.2% Fd -was studied. The alloys were produced in a vacuum-are furnace with the palladium r_-Aded in the form of powder. Structure of OT4 and OT4+0.2% Pd was the alpha-~;olid t3olution, and VT14 and VT14+0.2,b Pd--fine grains of the alpha-i and alphall-phtses -inside a beta-matrix. Strength properties of the titanium alloys were improved somewhat with the addition of palladium while ductility was lowered. The add tion of 2.0% Pd significantly lowered the oxidation tendency of the alloys at 600 and 8000C, and especially at 10000C. 3 figures, 4 tables, 6 bibliographic refer- ences. USSR UDC*621.771-216.5 :621. 97-021*539.4-014.1 ROZORETOV1. V. A. Engineer, -YgZQZQY,. Doctor of Technical 3ciences, LEONOVt V. P., Engineert and SOFRONOVt Ye. I., Candidate of Tech- nical Sciences "Deformation and Stresses in Mounts of Roll Stands of Four-1figh Rolling Mills" Moscow, Vestnik Yashinostroyeniya, No 9, Sep 739 pp 16-21 Abstract: The strength conditionslin the mount of a roll stand of the four-high rolling mill 5000.of the All-Union 3cientific 4 Institute of T-fet, Ilur ca.1 Yachi- Research,, Plannina, and Desig a gi nery were calculated. The deformations and stresses %-rere dete.-- mined, using Castigliano Is theorem, for a sim-plifted fona of the mount according to a presented schema. The applied oalculation met-hod of the inflexibility and strength of closed tyme mounts considers the clearance between the mount stands and the. bea- rings of supporting rolls and the variable sti-ffness of cross j ties. On- a level with the calculationst including, the fati.-Iue strength, the stressed condition of the inountovtas also investi- gated by the polarization-optical nethod on a simplified model 1/2 USSR RIDZORENOV, V. A., et al., Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, No 9, Sep 73, pp 16-21 of optically active ED6--YT material. The results are discussed by reference to optical stress-strain pictures (photoelastic method) and the stress-strain diagram of contour stresses. Determined values of the reserve strength factor and of the deformation and rigidity of.the-mount are interpreta-ted. Four:~figures,, t-ao tables, twelve formulast two bibliographic references. 12-4 ir USSR MOROZOV, A..A., SERKIN, A. F. and STEPANENKO, V. N. liStructural Analysis of Transient Processes" Metody i Sistemy Obrab.--Eksperini. Inform. [Methods and Syste-ols for Processing of Experimental Information -- Collection of Works], Kiev, 1972, pp 42-48 (Translated from,Referativnyy.Zhurnal. Kibernotika.. No .10, 1973, Abstract No IOV210) Translation: In order to study the properties of the t~ransient proc- esses of certain s-stems resulting from random p-.rturbations, it is W suggested that structural connection functions and St-niCtUTZ11 connection matrices (in the vector case) be introduced; Fo-r example, the struc- tural connection function of two processes x (t) and x (t), a :S t is"fixed by't'he formula ..2 T T-t f dt I a (t, -c)q (t, T)dT 0 0 1 2 1,2M T T-t fdt f P(t, T)dT 0 0 1/2 USSR MOROZOV, A. A., SERKIN, A. F. and STEPANENKO, V. N., Mecody i Sistemy Obrab. Eksperim. Inform., Kiev, 1972, pp 42-4& where qi(t, T) sign[xi(t + T) x,(t)j,~i 1, 2, but p(t, T) is a certain weight function, 0 :!L p(t, T) Comparison of function r (T) and the matrices composed from 1,2 ~such functions with standard functions and matrices allows, in a certain sense, analysis of the transient processes generated by random pertur- bations. R.. Liptser 2/2 USSR UD.C 62-52(047.1) NIOROZOV-A.- -A-- "Possibility of Using Blocked Thyristors in Automation Devices" Vestn. Kiev. Politeklin. In-ta. Ser. Avtomatiki i Elekt-ropriborostr [Herald al Institute. Automation and Electxonj-(.- Instruments of Kiev Polytechnic, Series], 1971, No 8, pp 32-35, (Translated from-Roferativn3py Zhurnal Avto- matika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitellnaya Tekhnika, No 11, 1971, Abstract No 11 A14). Translation: The basic properties of blocked thyristbrs and methods of control of blocking are described. The advantages of,blocked thyristors in the design of various direct current circuits in automation pulse de- vices are indicated. 2 Figures; 3 Biblio, ilefs. . . . . . . . . . . USSR MOROZOV, A. A. "A Spin Generator in a Norlhomogeneous Field" Leningrad, Yadernyy Magnitnyy Pezonans, No 4, 1971, PP 121-125 Abstract: The author cliscusses certain questions associp-ted with the effect which nonhomogeneity of the magnetic field surrounding a spin generator of the Scheltzer type has on its operation. A compayison of the conventional single-section pickup i-rith the low-interference modification having two physically spaced sections shows that the two-section pickup has a phase response with less slope. However, since the tharacteriutics of the P114R gaussmeter are determined as much by the ekternal interfvremce level as by the properties of the spin generator, the two-section ma(Lification may still be preferred. One figure, bibliography of,three titles. USSR UDC 621.362.002:621.;~82.32 ZAFdJDNYY, D.I., MORALEV, S.A., MO-OZOV, AsAe- OProblems Of Planning And Analysis During Simulation Of The Technological Process.Of Production Of Integrated Circuits Based On M,Structurao' V sb. Mikroelektronika (Miorcelectronica--Colleotion Of 'Works), Moscow, Izd-vo Osovetokoye Hadiov a 140 4p 1911# pp 294-~02 Abstract: The specific spacial features of the use of mathematical statistics durino, selection of a strategy of systematic investigation are studied and ex- periments and their interpretation are conducted, am applied to tha technological process of production of integrated circuits based on metal-ina,,ilator-samicondlictor (MIS) structures. The principal stages of tha:oolution ot the~problamm considerad era shown In the form of a block diagram of~the control process. A complex algo- rithm and a program using algorithmic languaga!.ror the "Minsk-22' electronic computer ware developed for solution of the.problems considered. The mathemati- cal provision worked out can be extended to other forms of technological pro- ceases. 2 fig. 15 ref. roffil!W10 "I NO 'I'll. II;',t%4itIHLI 13H&A0IM`W USSR UDC 621.317.799:621.372(088.8) KUDRYAVTSEV, G. I., MOROZOV, A. A. "Device for Measuring Spatial Harmonic Amplitudes" USSR Author's Certificate No 272403, Filed 25 Mar 68, Published, 22 Sep 70 (from RZh-Radiatekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abs#act No 4A274P) Translation: A device is proposed for measuring the spatial harmonic amplitudes structures closed in a ring comprising 41 superhigh frequency oscillator connected with the decelerating structure and displace2ble along the &cej:eratihg- structure of thereceiving probe and a;superhigh frequency detector With a display. The device is distinguished by the fact that in order to simplify the measurements, the superhigh frequency detector input is con- nected to the receiving probe and the output of the suoexhigh frequency oscillator. A spectral analyzer is used as the display, and the receiving probe is made to move continuously around a circle along the decelerating structure. F p i a USSR UDO 621.7,82.2(C88.8) DANILIN, V.N., KCNSTANTINOV, P.B.,_,VCRgZ 14 k.A 'YAVSKIY,A.A. W FILATCV, A.L., CHER' N "Transistor For Circuits 4ith Automatic Gain Control" USSR Author's Certificate No 256084, filed 10 June 67, published 19 March 7C (from RZh--Elektranika i yeye primeneniya, No 11, Novembor 1970, Abstract No 11B16~P) Translation: In the proposed str~jct J -ire of a trunuietor for circuits with A-Q, the electrodes for the emitter and base are made by alloy-d.lffusiQn technology (in contrast to deposition in mesa structures), and the small iotlva areu of the emitter junction4 necasaary to assure a decrease of gain at high frequency, is assured because of a radial clearance between the base layer and the emitter electrode. A high-resistunce semiconductor wafer with a resistivity not less than I serves as the base for the device, and the Inverability of the dimensions of the emitter electrode assures reliability of the emitter lead out connection Irrespective of the area of the emitter junction. By changing the area of the radial clearance, it is possible to obtatn transistors of Ya r1ous classes with constant dimensions of the initial blanU [zagotovkaj. P.S. WON USSR, UDG 621.~82.5 DARILIN9 V.K., KONSTANTINOV, POB-1 FILA7W, A.L., 01rRRNYAVSKlY,A.A. *Increase Of Gutoff Frequency CC asin Of Alloy-Diffused Transistors" Elektron. takhnika. Nouchno-tekhn. ab. Polu2rovodn. pribary (Electronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Semiconductor Devican), lqjO, Kotl(51), pp 152-161 (from RM-Slektronika I yeye ErAmeneniz-4, No 12, Decombar.1970, Abstract No 12B417) Translation: Methods are described for an Increase of the cutofV' frequency of the gain FT of alloy-diffuaad transistors (to 1.5-2 GHZ). The technDlOgiGBI method proposed makes It possible directly to decrease the thickneno of the active bass and the area of the emitter junction of the translator. Vith &n inoreass of the cutoff frequency, it in possible to increase the value or tho brw*kdown Yolt*gG of the emitter junction, and also to obtain a transistor sultable for use In circuits with direct automotic gain control. Experimantsl reoul-to ara, preoentedo 10 r04 Sumary. 2/1 OWN INSEWMIN, -IF7 ......... . ------ :1977134 -7kN 91 UVC- 614.23*616.211:658.36 Llr=~~M SCREIZLING OF WOPUK OF OTOMITNOLAIRYNG014GUTS IN THE OnPATIEVr , RV O SE ICE F OSLAST HOSPITAL tArricle b7 A.B. Morox.v candidate of medical. 5c-'encea M :cc~ Scientific & 7 Fe,"arch a-, Hiaao and Thro&L (d r-cc~r: ~r-~ , door N.A. :7 Scbz7cvsxiy). RSFSR Ministry of HeAlthl Moscow, Savetukol~ T YTo 5, 1.971, subiaitted 10 December 1970, ill, 39-44) In view of the fCt that OrKiniZaLintl of and SaCtIng norms ror working hv-u:s of EXT (air, noso, throatj specialirra tA oblast consultation polyclinics. in the oucparlent sem-ice, have not been covered sufficiently it, -he dc=enzt,. literatra, we svt the goal of 4+,ti-cmining the actual time -,~. by "r pphynlcians, of investigating the quality of the Lhernpoutic and c2nsultotive aid rendered by them to pAtients, and of developing C i, c , =.=1 work volume for ~~NT concultantii as related ro &crvice to outpatients od developed by the nbl": Lo~pital polycLintc. "Me cilrononetv,* moth ~kll-Ln4cn Scientific Research inntitute of Soclnl '"'5~ipnr and rublic Pealth C:Pa0!,;4t10n i.,,eni N.A. Scza~;%Ixo, or o-tt-;,etienc wavt was "-ed, after r.oL~n;~ some rlated cc the spocitic activity of HIT cens"I cant s. tr."inaz! t-Y b~ -'Ti~-. 'l.klay .a Par- In dif~CTC'lt TUIALI-, f.,T* t~n ~~crk wlnekn, in ZCf, CiLl- wLich were tile ccnter-, ot obla~tz and i%ltonnnous republics. ana wlil.cli were si'*-"-~ 4n aifferLnc clinite and e~ona:.-.Ic Zones of En,, nation. Nllrficg, '~C~e J'Qw to kdcp Llw~- tLI16.4 aolt cards on vhich' W AJ-11- tc '.~Mtl'CEC-ALLOn Allta, were reeerded the U~ ~pvnt on oich patient. --i Ili CtbCZ tor.4Z ~f n,LIVity Of VNI' during the (toy. At tile ti--e. -,n evalua,~io. ;,~pert ophilonj wns n.,~!e it the ju5t!fIcarinn for tht~ and Ili LIW Ll-rougliness an-4 qti;Aity i-f rhernpeutic 41~9-.103ZIC ~~CLVICk!!l ~O the PlCleltt. In all, over 1,060 cards per ~itlent were filled out, anti 100 tina card's for the ENT dortor in Tile course V.)-k d.iy. Orw data gathered ward caded and pr"v-ised by tile mnthoj of Cla.sificat!on of che obtained data that rhe E-Nl sr-Aaltsts rS' -ier po . -Iinies i2nd-~.r not only consulrati~ btit Alpo therapentic and ~1~4%,)SLIC "14 CO the inri~bltants off a ri~:ilber of rural regions. In addition, - S2 Ylagnetohydrodynamics 'USSR UDC: 533-951 YESIPCHUK, Yu. V., MOROZOV, A. I., TILININ, G. N., TROFIMOV, A. V. "Fundamental Properties of Plasma Oscillations in an Accelerator With Closed Drift and Extended Acceleration Zone" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 43, 110 7, Jul 73, PP 1466-1473 Abstract: The authors investigate oscillations in an accelerator with closed drift and extended acceleration zone. It is shovii that oscillations with a fairly high amplitude level are set up in all investigated work-4n-- modes. The two main types of instabilities having the highest amplitudes are studied. It is shown that in the case of easily ionized working sub- stances, modes with one or the other type of instability -- ionization or drift -- can be independently realized. Previous studi4!s have shown that conductivity anomalously high compared with Coulomb conduction is observed across the magnetic field in an accelerator with closed drift and extended acceleration zone. Based on available data it may be stated that this con- ducitivity is caused by buildup of oscillations in the accelerator, the main contribution apparently coming from transverse amplitude electric fields. Electron drift in crossed electric and magnetic fields intensifies 1/2 #USSR YESIPCHUK, Yu. V., et al., Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol h3, No 7, pp 1466--1473 transverse diffusion. In previous work transverse conductivity had been connected only with an ionization wave. It is shown that in many modes of operation without an ionization vave, in which drift oscillations are the fundamental waveform, the conductivity across the field is still several orders of magnitude higher than Coulomb conduction. It Is hypothesized that the mechanism responsible for both ionization and drift instability may be oscillations with a frequency close to the electron cyclotron frequency. USSR UDC 533-92s621.039.01 VINOGRAWVA, A. K., VINOGRADOV, V. P., and "Neutron Radiation in a Magnetic Plasma Compressor" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 43. No 8, Auca 73, pp 1637 t64o Abstracts A- magnetic plasma compressor ie a quasi-equilibrium,co-axial plasma accelerator. Previous- compression system e)~periments had reported a neutron yield of 0.5 - I times 107 at an initial discharge voltage of 24kv and a:discharge current of 650 ka. The experizents reported in tKis article used significantly lower values and longer process times. It was found that a yield of up to 4 times !05 neutrons was observed over a wide range ol deuteritun &a pressures and condenser voltaj~es. The temperature and den*ity of the plasma in the zone of focus was not high enough to permit a noticeable intensity of D-D "temperature" reactions, indicating that the neutrons were produced most probably by some unstable processes. The experimental- device contains a central electrode and ten peripheral electrodes. When the central electrode. was negative, both the neutron - and X-ray emission sbowed a series of unequal peaksl. When the central electrode was positive, both forms of radiation had a single sharp peak, The radiation intensity also varied along the axis of the electrodes. 46 USSR UDC 533.9.07 A. I., NEVROVSKIY, V. A., and SMIRNOV, V. A. MOROZOV, .."Action in the Plasma Flow in a Closed Drift Accelerator System With Feedback" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, No 3, 1973, pp 543-549 Abstract: In a closed drift accelerator system undesirable perturbations of the plasma parameters are observed. The purpose of the e-%periments described in this paper is to investigate the applicability of a simple feedback system for damping out these perturbations. The system consists of a device for sensing the perturbations, a band filt6r, a delay line, voltage and power amplifiers, and a control electrode. Circuits of the entire control system and the sensing device used to measure the ion current oscillations in the channel are given, The experiments done -with this equipment are described, and oscillograms showing the effects on the plasma perturbations by the feedback system are produced. While complete suppression of the perturbations could not be realived, the experiments demonstrated that stabilization.of the perturbations was possible. USSR UDC 533.9.07 MOROZOV, A. I., NEVROVSKIY, V. A., and SMIRNOV, V. A. "Investigating Forced Oscillations of aPlasma Potential in an Accelerator With Closed Electron Drift" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskay Fiziki, No 3, 1973, pp 535-542 Abstract: It is noted that closed electron drift plasma accelera- tors with extended zones of ion acceleration are known in American science literature as linear Hall accelerators. The present paper gives the results of experimental ifork in the investigation of the response of the accelerator an external perturbing sig- nal which is regular in time and is varied in frequency from 30 to 800 kHz. The following characteristic reactiGns of the plasma were noted in -the experiments: the dependence of the, amplitudes of t1he forced oscillations on the amplitude of the forcinE signal and its freqi~ency (the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the plaama space).;the amplitude distribution of the signal in the accelerator channel; the phase delay of the harmonic signal in its passage through 'Whe plas= (the phaae-frequency characteristic). A Oross,- sectional diagram of the experimental accelerator is -iven; its basic primciple of operation wans described in --a earlier article 112 I 9V i"I 1Ht ~ ft 1111-:: 1 V 1j iN.,Mffl, 14-di-fl!"Hi. rung, Himiln, irtflnhlm.11~11rm 21fileviffliffifICHM11A USSR MOROZOV, A. I., et al., Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, No 3, 1.973, pp 535-542 (G. Janes and J. Dotson, in the book Prikiadna.a Malrnlitnaya -,idro- diiiamika -- Applied Nagnetic Hydrodynamics -- I'Mir, 11 hoscow, 19,65, j:235). The authors thank G.- Ya. Shchepkin for his assist=-ce in organizing the experimentsand Yu V...Tesipchuk and A. II. Kapulk-in for discussing the experimental results. 2/2 USSR UDC: 53349-07 ZUBKOV, I. P., KISLOV, A. Ya., and MOROZOV A., L r, "Optimizing the Parameters of Heavy-Current Ion Accelerators" Leningrad, Zhurnal Telchnicbeakoy Fizik-*t., No 4, 1972, pp 898-900 Abstract: This brief conmiunication demonstrates the poosibility of reducing the relative dimension of the ionivation zone eaid in- creasing the compensatioa of the output ion angLilar jaoMpn-L, witb the consequent reduction in the angular loss at the output of a two-lens accelerator. Modifications of the acoelerator vith one, two, -and four lenses are investigated and an :Uiioortatt remxlt is derived; it is found that the magnitude of the discharge Voltage can be increased while the required current is Lwa- intained con- stant. A diagram of the accelerator'used in the author's experi- ments together with oscil I ogra= of the discharge clu,rent and voltage is given. Imminograms ofthe out-put ion curo:-ent are also shown. Conveztbrs USSR UDC 621.31-5.592 MOROZOV. A.-I "Piezosemiconducting Wedge-Type Ultrasonic Surface Wave Converter" Leningrad,* Fizika i Tekhnjka Poluprovodnikov, Vol 6, No 10, October 1971, pp 1994-1996 Abstract: A wide band wed,ge-type piezosemiconduc Ling ultrasonic surface X,,ava converter in inte-ratad execution is described. The vredq~e is made of- a lo-,.,- resistance CdS single crystal. directly in which a transverse ultrasonic body wave piezoconvertur is creatt;.-d by diffusion of Ag in air. I'he resnIts of experimental testing of the converter are given. The rj:!.,ultfj show that use of this type of converter permits a decretwe: in conversion losses and increase in the operating frequency range as a result' of complete acoustic matching of this piezaconverter with the wed-e, absence of an intermodiate layor at the piezo- converter-wedge intprfice, a large electromechanical co-uplin~ constent and low damping of the ultrasonic waves in the monocrystalline wad~ze, Use of piezo- semiconductors with a larger electromechanical coupling.constriat, for ZnO as the wedge material can lead to still greater improvement of thase characteristics. UDC 539,293:534.286.8 GULYLYEV, YU. V., KHITA, A. M., HOMI,iA. V., and ZOV A I., Institute f o fS c eel Elp"r -Radio Engineering and Electronics# Acaderv o "Ultrasound Photoabsorption in CdS and Cd$e at Low Temperatures' Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fiziebeskaya, Vol 35, No 5, Ha7 71P pp 889-894 Abstract: The article describes results of a detailed study of ultrasound photoabsorption in photoconductive CdS and Cd5e crystaIs in relation to tem- peratuz*p, conductivityand illumination intensity in tbe 2_50D K temperature range and 2-3 Hz frequency r;;mge. Experimental results shov that the ob- served photoabsorption of ultrasound is.due to the extitatilan of photoelec- trons and their interaction with ultrasonic waves throvgh the piezo effect but ew-mot be explained by sound absorption by free elmatrons. The most prob- able raechanism ar pears to be ultrasound absorption by iolectrons bound on small impurity centers -- absorption of the Debye dipolo electric relaxation type. The authors thank S. G. KAJASHNIKOV and I. As YX MLLOV for discussing the work and V. N. FEDORETS for assisting in. the wasukements, USSR UDC 533-9-07 VOLKOV, T. F.9 and 1110ROZOVI, A. I. "NOMMM "The Magnetic System of a Tubular Multilem Acceleratoif Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fizikit:Vol XLT1, No 6p Jun 71, pp 1247-1256 Abstract: The main component of a tubular multilens, accelerator, as pro-Dosed recently by Horozov and Shchepkin, is a system of coilti which makes it possible to obtain a radial magnetic field. In the present article, the magnetic field of this type of system is computed; the need for this computation a-rose from the development of electronic and Ion models of tubulam multilens accelerators. As a first approximation, a system of infinitely thin wings or coils is con.- sidered. It Is assumed that the system is sufficientlylono so that the efffect of the ends of the magnetic field on them middel rortion of -1--hp, field may bo ignored. Equations describing the magnetic field are obtained and then extended to the case of a real accelerator consisting of a finite number of ringsp although,as In the pervious case, it is assumed 'that the rings are Jainitely thin. Formulas are obtained which allow one-to calculate the MaZnetic field for an arbitrary number of,,rings, taking into consideration the effects of the ends of -the field on the sddcUe, these effects being of 1/2 USSR VOLKOV, T. F., and MOROZOV, A.I., Zhurnal Tokhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol XLI, No,6, Jun 71, pp 1247-1256 considerable interest in the real case. The structure of the formulas shows that the middle portion of the magAetic field. consists of the field of an infinite system plus the disturbance:froih the end * Semi-infinite systems are easo examined biieflyl In subacquent articles,. ~be dy4udcs of paxticles in tubular multilens acceleratomwill, be amalyzed. 2/2 ticousucs USSR KMITA, A. 14. , V. 11. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Academy of Sciences USSRj Moscow "Impurity-Dipole Absorption of UltrasonicWaves in CdSe at Low Temperatures" Leningrad, Fizika T verdogo Tela, No, 4, Apr 719 pp 10114014 Abstract: The absorption of piezoactive ultrasonic wave:.; in pbotoconducting CdSe crystals at a frequency of 3-109 Hz was investigated by the echo method with lon- gitudinal ultrasonic waves generated from the free end sarface of a sample placed at the antinode of the electric field of a coaxial quarter-wave resonator. To avoid the effect of infrared background the resonator anij sample were placed directly in the tube of a heliiun cryostat and cooled in heliu-1 vapors. 17 was observed that in the temperature range 4.2-150K the pr,(-,,dr)trjjnant ab-sorption me-cha- nism for ultrasonic waves at low conductivities is impua-lty-dZpale absorption of ultrasound that is unconnected with the conductivity of the crystal at constant current and is caused by the capture of photoelectrons on small impurity centers, absorption of the Debye dipole dielectric relaxation typt~. If the conductivitlY of the crystal is sufficiently high, ordinary electron ah-sorp~_-ion of ultrasonic k, USSR KMITA, A. M., et al, Fizika tverdogo tela, No. 4, Apr 71, pp 1011-1014 waves is observed. As the temperature increases,~he impurity-dipole absorption decreases due to a decrease in the effectiveness of impurity centers. The effecrs observed in CdSe were very similar to effects observed by other authors in CdS and support the generality of the theory that has been established for i-mpurity- -osemiconductor class, in dipole absorption of ultrasound for crystals of the pieL which impurity electron states exhibit natural dipole moments. According to the theory the phenomena observed in CdS areexplained by the absorption of piezo- active ultrasonic waves on photoelectrons captured by.small impurity centers which have fairly high natural dipole moments'at helium temperatures; these elec- trons, being bonded, do not make a contribution to the conductivity of the crYs-Cal in a constant field but can participate in the absorption of sound as free elec- trons by interacting with the variable field-of the waves. It follows from the theory that this mechanism for absorption of sound at low coiiductiviti,!s is predominant in the low-temperature region for this clast; of crystals in which there is a sufficient concentration of capture centers,, 2-12 4o USSR MOROZOV, A. I., BELYAYEV,' A. D., VITRIKOVSKIY, N. I., Institute of Semiconductors L vfamtheoAMTe"Ry of Sciences UkrSSR, Kiev "Acoustoelectric Effect in CdxZni-XS Single Crystals" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, No. 4, Apr 71, pp 1079-1.083 Abstract: C Zn S photoconducting single crystals Bromn by the synthesis method ~x 1-x from the vapor phase with a ZnS content from 0 to 40 inol b and with a dark resistance of 105-1010 ohm-cm were investigated. Indium contacts were applied in a vacuum. on the {00011 plane. The electroacoust.ic effect was studied In a -Dulse mode with longitudinal ultrasonic waves in the.20-40 freqi-,ency ran.3e. ladi~! pulses of a length vlOO Psee and an amplitude of up to 200 v were used. A parity electroacoustic effect was observed in the samples,and tbe effect incroased with an increase in the Zn content. The magnitude of the parity electroacoustic effecz was studied as a function of the conductivity of the samples (a = 4-10-10-2 10-5 ohm-1-cm-1), the spectral composition of the illumination (A = 0.4-0.7 P),and the intensity of the ultrasonic wave. The strength of the electroacoustic effect reached 15 v and the value of the average field in the sample was 100 v/cm. It is noted that the effect cf elec4---on-phonon interaction has been discussed thecre- tidally but that the mechanism for the rise of a parity a-coustoelectric effect re- quires further explanation. Z MLYAI and IR NITSYN. 14. A.. Institute of Radiotechnology and Elea- ttan-Jc7l~�--kda"my of Sci ences USSR "Electroacoustic Interaction of CdS with Pure Surface Shear Waves" Pis1ma v Zhurnal Eksperinentallnoy i,Tooreticho5koy Fizi),i (Letters to the Jour- nal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol 12, No a, 20 Oct 1970, PP 396- 399 Abstract: Electron absorption and amplification of surface shoar waves as well as electroacoustic (EA) surface wave arfects are stviied thith CdS mono- cryzitals. Two sets of electrodes were attaf,,had to two sides oT a 'long (50 =), etched, photoson5itive CdS crystal: one on tho [1010] plane for excitation and detection of 3sw and one on the [0001] plans for measur:4jg Rayleigh waver, for purposes of comparison. A parallel beam of light falls normal to the [101.0] or [0001] planes between a pair of pickup elactrodes. The vemaituier of the crystals is shielded from light. The length of the crystal provided tlDii neceasary time delay for the pulse. When the ax-yatal was illuminated, 41 strong electroacoustic affect and electron absorption was observed,fpr both types of ",ves. A drop of 'Water between the pickup electrodes produced Rayleigh wave attenuation of' 10 to 1/2 MOROZOV, A. I., et al, Pis~ma v Zhurnal Eksperimentaltnoy i TeoreLicheskoy Fiziki, Vol. 12, No. 8. 20 Oct 1970, p 3906-399 15 db, and the EA emf fell by a factor of 6 to 10, depending on interelectrode conductivity. No attenuation effects were observed for -fhear waves IaQking longitudinal components. Application of indium, resin, and other maLerials capable of shear deformation did have an effect, For example. liquid salol had no affect but, on hardening. damped the svw ty 4 db. At the same time, both liquid and solid forms damped the Rayleigh waves by 32 db. The surface shear waves penetrate deeper into the surface layer. The effective constants of electro- mechanical coupling, Rayleigh and shear wave velocitiesp~a,nd tho dependence of the ssw on. the driftfield are calculated. The*uthors thuilt Prof.,$. 0. Kalashnikov for his interest in the work. 2/2 L9 70. pp 9-19 Abstract: A number of theoretical and experimental endeavors have been devoted to stationary coaxial plasm accelerators with their ovn magnetic field (i.e., a field created exclusively by the electric current, pausing through the accelera.. tor); nevertheless, proper understanding of the pr-,>cesoes tiLking place in sys- tems such as these is as yet laaking. This Is explainod not only by the diver- sity of the processes but also by their complexity and interdetpendence. In the present article simplified equatioAs have been obtained whiah describe slouly changing two-dimensional flows of-well Wnduating, quaiti-namtral, nonviocoua plasma in a channel, Detailed attentiomis devoted to.a case that is of Practical interest.- namely, flow in a chamal withi sol.W mwUl, 34eaAy conducting walls which serve as electrodes. 4 flgtiros, 14 bib IIW&pbit# entr iris. UMMIDIRE1 USSR MOROZOV, A. I., et al (Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, USSR "CdS Epitaxial and Textured Film Piezoelectric Converters" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, May 1971, pp 922- 927 Abstract: The article concerns a study of CdS epitaxial and textured film piezoelectric converters grown on sound conductors of Ge, CdS, GaAs A1203, and fuzed and crystalline quartz. The variation, rrith frequency, oi the con- version loss and the insertion loss in delay lines with such converters in the 10-3000-Mc frequency range were measured. . It is shami that the charac- teristics of the converters do not depend!an temperature in the 78-430*K range, and the dynamic range comprises more than 80 decibels. The article includes 6 figures. Figure 1 is a schematic drawin$ of the film piezoelectric converters with eound conductors. Figure 2 is an electron diffraction pattern of a Cd5 epitaxial film an a GaAi sul3trate. Figure 3 shows curves for the dependence of the specific resistance of CdS films on the temperature of the heat treatment in different media. Figure 4 shows 1/2 :7 USSR MOROZOV, A. 1,,,,et al, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, pp 22-927 a number of curves for the conversion loss of semiconductor converters as a function of the frequency. Figure 5 shows the block diagram of an arrange- ment for measuring the insertion loss in delay lines with one piezoelectric converter in the 2-3-gigacycle frequency;range. Figure- 6 shows curves for the irserti.on loss as a f unction -of the frequencys 2/2 38 ra I USSR UDC 533.9.07 ZUBKOV, I. P., KISLOV, A. Ya., LEBEDEV, S. V., andtffl "Ion Motion in a Two-Lens Accelerator With 'Closed' Elec:tron Drift" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 5.1, No 3, Mar 71, pp 526-533 Abstract: Ion trajectories in a two-lens accelerator with closed drift of electrons was calculated, and the distributions of ion current densities in the accelerated channel were measured. Thelarticle is a continuation of a description of studies of a high-current quasistationary ion plasma accelera- tor with closed electron drift. An averaged Piature of t1be motion of the ion component. inside the accelerator channel and the region of ionization of the working material (hydrogen) are given-Jon motion-was analyzed by wo methods: first, ion trajectories were, calculated on the basis of experimmitally measured distributions of electric and magnetic fields, and then a picture was obtained of the distribution:of ion current densities allong the channel with the aid of double electric probes. It was concluded from the study that the averageh picture of current densIty distributions qualitatively agrees with calculations of Ion trajectorie.1 made on the basis of measurements of electric and magnetic fields in -the accelerator USSR ZUBKOV, I. P., et al, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 15, No 3, Mar 71, pp 526-533 channel. It was also concluded that the interaction of ions with the magnetic field basically determines the geometry of the ion cur-rent. 'ks a result of this interaction, the beam moves close tothe outer insulator in the region of.the first lens; however, the greater portion of the ions generated in the vicinity, of the first lens continued to accelerate in the second lens without callialon with the wall. 212 Wifflft -k* 4jjO.~jjjhjffjjjF 1111MOM-lit'141101-ifil W Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 40, No 8, Aug 70, -Pp 1776-1779 Abstract: It is noted that beams of charged particles for field diaoiostics in a plasma have been applied in several previous studies but that all these studies were of a very special nature. Thie article presents calculations ffor the, fairly general case of probing axially symmetric fields with charged particles. In principle the probing can be conducted in two methods: with a broad beam ("panoramic probing") and with a narrow beam, ("point probing"). The first method is an malog of shadow methods and clearly shows tile qualitative structure of the field as a whole, and tile second method makes it possible to determine quan- titative parameters of the field. The velocities and trajectories of the parti- Cles are obtained in the form of series in terms of Inveripe powlers of the Initial velocity, assuming that the energy of the particles is large and chat they are only slightly deflected by the field under investigation. Formulas are derived expressing the characteristics of an axially symmetric electromagnetic field in terms of measured deflections of the particles. -7, O~ESSING DATE--230CT70 041 UNCLA P R OF ULTRASOUND:IN CADMIUM SULFIDE AT LOW PERATURES -U- ~~A:UTH0R-(_04)-GULYAYEVv YU.V., KMITA, A.M., MEDVED, A.V.j MOROZOVP A.I. COUNT RY OF INFO--USSR -,,SOURCE--Fll* TVERO* TELA 19701 1213)t 690-9. OAT EPUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS OPIC TAGS--ULTRASONIC ABSORPTIONP CA0141UM SULFIDEr PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY# T PROPERTY, ELECTRON CAPTUREP, POTENTIAL WELL, TEMPERATURE CRYSTAL IMPURITY, CRYSTAL DEFECT MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/2005 STEP NO--UR/0181170/0'LZ/003/069010699 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105079 wz 041 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ,~-~--CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105079 ABSTPACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. ABSORPTION OF: ULTRASOUND WAVES WAS INVESTIGATED IN PHOTOCONDUCTING COS CRYSTALS AT 2.5-50l)EGREESK AND AT 2*2-3.2 GHZ. THE ABSORPTION COEFF, CAUSED BY ILLUMENATION OF THE CRYSTAL CAN EXCEED BY SEVERAL ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE T14E COQRESPONDING ABSORPTION COEFF. OF ULTRASOUND BY FREE ELECTRONS CALCO. BY THE LINg-AR THEORY OF WYATT. THE OBSO. PHOTOABSORPTION OF ULTRASOUIN't) DOES NOT HAVE A SINGULAR RELATION WITH THE INSTANTANEOUS COND. OF THE CRYSTAL OVER A WIDE RANGE. ON INCREASING TEMP. FROM HE TEMP. TO 20DEGREEK, THE PHOTOABSORPTION OF ULTRASOUND DECREASES APPROX INVERSELY PROPORTIONALLY TO TEMP.; ABOVE 24DEGREESK AT CONDS. SMALLER THAN 10 PRIME NEGATIVE6 OHM PRIME NEGATIVEl-CM PRIME NEGATIVEI, NO.NOTICEABLE PHOTOABSORPTION WAS -OBSO- THE DEPENDENCE WAS ALSO STUDIED OF PHOTOABSORPTION ON THE APPLIED CONST. ELEC. FIELD. AN' EXP`LA-N-A-T-IO-%V--IS- PR-S",SE-D- FOR- THG E-X.PrL. DATA - IN- TERMS OF NOTIONS ABOUT CAPTURE OF ELECTRONS (PHOTOELECTRONS) IN SHALLOW POTENTIAL WELLS OF LARGE RADIUS DETD. BY THE PRESE14CE OF IMPURITIES AND -CRYSTAL DEFECTS. THESE ELECTRONS, BEING BOUND OR OUASI BOUND, DO NOT CONTRIBUTE10 THE STATIC COND. OF THE CRYSTAL, BUT.CAN PARTICIPATE IN T4iE ABSORPTION OF ULTRASOUND BY INTERACT114G WlfH THF ALTERNATING ELEC- FIELD CREATED BY THE SOUND WAVE. IN ANALOGY WITH THE DEBYE THEORY OF IDIPOLE RELAXAT13N INSOLIDS9 AN ELEMENTARY THEORY WAS DEVELOPED OF SUCH ABSORPTION AP40 QUAL. COMPARISON WAS-14ADE WITH EXPTo FACILITY: INST. RADIOTEKH. ELEKTRUN., MOSCOW, USSR. 7777777 Ref Code: "Adc-. Nr. Abstractinj;~Service: 04048388 CHEMICAL ABST. /We"I/ 94412x EpitaxwpiezoetectrUtransdaters. oy'! -L-; Wroz A Ginzis. A. D. KotelVnLnqjCjj. f - M.: Aitichothin UPAT"Umv. V. V. USSRI (InSL. Rildiptekh. Eiddro Trerd. Tela 1970. 12(l), *109 3 AL:; i ~It' tp ke i ~ I -13 ~(Russ), tmns- ducers were prepd., based a '01S films ~gr6*~ by, ps -tN nVort. Prequency characteristic* werp- investipted'a these transdacers of longitudinal and transverse ultrasound waves"at 10~4M MHz. The dynamic range of such piezoelec. trahoucersis >80 de6bels- The relative tran-unissiow band is, 100~420%j, with canvoriion losses of 20-5 decibels. Good:teinp. stability. was noled f6r:these trartsducers. Data are given on dampling oflojigitudinal Wtm- sound waves in Ge at 80, 3m, and 4~6k. -Pros*ts for O~Ppli- cation of piezoelec. transducers are4iscUs4ed. A, Libaalyj 13 REEL/FRAME 19800096 USSR ry) gmd Blijctroacs., USSR et al (Instoitute of Radio Engi nearing -Academy of' Sciences., mloscmr) ftEDitaxial Piezoelectric Transducers" Leningrad Solid State Physics; January, 1970; PP 109-13 A A ABSTRA(I Enit--cial -oiezoolectric transducers of nadmivyi su:Lfide filins gro-m by a rzetthod ~f gas transport reactions -vere successfully obtained. The fre- acteristics of the piezoelectriiz conversion of lor4gitudinal and quency ch---~ tramsverse ultrasonic wa-,.res in the 1CI-600 Mc frequency range 1rere studied. "t IM3 shmni that the dyaam.-Lo range of ,uch piezoelectric transducers, exceeds 80 db. and the relative pass band is 100-120% for con1mrsion. losses of 20-25 db. Good themall stability wa3 obtained for the characteristics of thO epita:dal -ar -s was given for t 3. zduce: I measured vrith a gemanium acoustic delay line. Data, rigitudinal ultrasonic waves in gernm-rium idth temperatures of the dam, ing o 'L lo, BOY 300Y and 430*K. The prospects for the use of epitaxial transduters were cUscussed. 1/2 USSR 'solid State Physics; January, 1970 MORO&W, A. I.) e' al. PP 109-13 The aubhors e-zipress their tbarfKz to S. G, Kalashnikov "or his interest in the work and Yu. V. Proklov arA B. A. Stankovukiy for their discuzsIon of the results. Tbc~ article includes three fig-pires, one of then, two phobographs showing the microscopic structure of a cadmium sulfide -film 25 IL thick. There are 10 'bib 'o Ii graphic refereices. 2~~2 T ISSR 7 - Y,0110ZOV, A. I.; KISLOVP A. YA. MOD% "'Distribution of Total Pressure in a Plasira Emitted from a (~,a i-st, tio. as a nar-f Injector" Leningrad, Journal of Technical Physics; Appril 1970; PP 768-71 Abztract: The article concerns the measurerront of the total ,)rei;ruxc distributlon In the current, of a plasna emitted from a quani-station=-y pl;Lsr-a in,-cctor preor vrii; Its o,,m rnnctic field. Me total ura wa. .:;Ure nonaor the sencir4g, element of which ,mc apiezoelectric crystml o,-r' bariun. tit,,mate- T3-ae aIuthors describe a method of calibrating the ~resnurc zensor by riians of a "n-ag- rn-lic" shock. This method rmaltes it possible to detex-mine not only the sens"iVIty but also its own frequency. of the scn= in the work it is shown that the natiu*c of the distribution of the total pres- E;Ure at the output of the injector varier, strongly with the polarity of the cc,-tral (Aectrodc; this ir. caused by the app=ance o~.a "Hall" eleatrical current within 1.,he injector. Me article includes five figures: Figure 1 chows a crims section of thf~.- pres- sure sensor; Figure 2 shows oscillograms of the magnetic fitAd and siLpals from the pie-Zoelectrie sensor; Figure 3 shmm the calibration c=,ve; Figures 4, and 5 1/2 - ifolm :112 011) UNCLASSuF I E6 PA E S S I.'-fj 0 A T E - - 1 3,-,j 0 V 7 0 T.ITLE--Tf4T-: R~3SSEdILITY OF US I' G GAUSS IAU, APPC IN EVALUAT .14'4G A T I JAM%11,*-.,G !.NVULNERAbILITY 0F RCCEPTION -U- AUTHQR-(02)-iA0R0Z0Vr A.K. TRATAS, YU.G. ,t0U-'TRY OF T'r4FO--USSR ',.SOUP CE--I%iGSCO'rjr RAD[OTEKHNIKA, NO 1, 1970, PP 25-Z9 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS"NAVIGATION, MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 10PIC TAGS-GAUSSIAN-DISTRIBUTIONt COMMUN I CAT I ON JAM 14 tPiG tI N T ER F E R ENC E IMMUNITY UNTROL MA-KKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :OKWENT C L A S S -- UN CL A S) 5 1 F I ED PqDXY PEl:L/f4KA.'lE--1'399/1359 STEP ~4i)--UR/Olt)d/'10/000/001/0025/0029 CIRC ACCESSION Nil--AP0123317 AS 5 1 F 1 1z 1) From In 108 1 2/2 '030 UNCLASSIFIE0, PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCEiSION NO--AP0123317 :A3STKACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- 465TRACT. C JNDI T 10 -'d SAkF GIVEN FOR THE USE OF GAUS S I AN APPROX I MAT I ON I NEVALUATING. THE RECEPTION JAMMING ULINJEAABILITY OF BINAKY SIGN I.Nv AL' BY kECEIVE-RS WITH ELElr'-N'S. THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE HAS T,-jG ILLUSTRATIONS Aw TivO BlfJLIOG,~APHIC ENTPIES. S I F I ED USSR UDC 8.74 MRDZOV,-A.-M., LEONTOYEV, A. G. "On the Problem of Physical Generation of Random Binai7 Sequences for Sir-u- lation of Errors in Communications Channels" V sb. Peredacha diskretn. soobshch. po kanalam s ZLu 2p ruyushchimisya oshib- kami (Transmission of IDiscrete Messages Over Chennels Irith Gxruped Errors--- collection of works), Moscow, "Hauka", l9T2j pp '16-226 (from M-Kibernetika No 6. Jun 72, Abstract No 6V500) Translation: Yethods of physical generation of random numbers are classi- fied along with continuous realizations with a given dii3tribution law. Principal- attention is given to obtaining, equally distributed random nw.,bers, It is shown that registration of a periodical3,y changing state at random times gives the least. deviation from a given distributim law. Formulas presented for calculating errors. A0inethad of generating binary random sequences is recomm nded. Authors' abstract. 44 IMRW V sb. Peredacha diskretn. soobshcb. po kanalam s i7ruppiruyuhchimisya oshib- kami (Transmission of Discrete Messages Over Channels Vith Grouped Erl-vrs-- collection of vorks), Moscow, "IfauYa", 1-972, pp 126-1314 (from Kb-Kibernetikal No 6, J= 72, Abstract No 6V497) Translation: An explanation is given of a block: iiagram fo-r a random se- ce generator. The complete schematic of the device is 1riven and the qimn interaction between subassemblies is explained. Feedback. is introduced to improve accuracy. Algorithms are presented for checking the random sequence generator, and a coEparative analysis of the algorithms is given.. Authors abstract. 1/1 .ffmj~"~I-N USSR UDC 535-37:548.0 'W"ZOV A. M., MOROZOVA, L. G. , FEOFILOV, P. P. "Luminescence of Uraniiza in Scheelite-.Structured Nonderystals" ~Leningrad, Optika i Snektroslconiya, No 1, 1972, pp 100-110 Abstract: An investigation is made of activated uranium in mono- crystals of molybdates Hd ~pgstenjjes of group II mellils with the general formula, Me Me 0 (Me Ca, Sr, Be; Me No' W) with scheelite structures. In this investigation, the authors used very low temperatures, including helium levels, in which unusually rare structures were formed at the centers of several specimens. Growth of the crystals is described ard. the absorp- tion opectra of the crystals plotted.iIxamples of the latter are shown forIjrWVj-U and BaWO -U together with the luminescence spoctra of Me Me 04-U crystals, and an extensive table of the 71yaminescence spectra of these crystals,obtained at a temperature vf- 4.20- K, is compiled. USSR uDe 681-332:519.2 M09=4 1. SUDAKOV, D. M., ZAKHAROVi V. M., Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR "A Random Number Generator" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tora.-nyye znaki, No 23, Aug 71, Author's Certifficat4a. No 310255,, Division G. filed 20 Oct 69, published 26 Jul 71, pp 152-153 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a random number generator with arbitrary distribution. The device contains a module for shaping uniformly distributed random numbers connected to a number register. The outputs of the most significant digits of the n-umber register are connected to the address outputs of a memory device. The proposed random number generator also contains an adder. As a distin- guishing feature of the patent, in order to improve the accuracy of approximation to the distribution curve of the random nwifoer.9 generated, the device contains multiplication units connected to the output of the memory device. The second inputs of these multipliers except for one, 112 7 USSR MOROZOV, A. M., et al., Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 23, Aug 71, Author's Certificate No 310255, Division G, jiled 20 Oct 69, published 26 Jul 71, pp 152-153 are connected to the least significant digital place outputs of the register through nonlinear contiguous digital converters$ the one di al out- multiplier is connected directly to the least significant git s of the register, and the outputs of all mLltipliers are connected ut p to the adder. 2/2 171 7~ RA . ... ...... UDC 519:21 D. M., M. I)istribution of Moments in Time of First Intersection of a Rising Level by a Normal Random Process" Tr. Vychisl. Tsentra. AN Gruz SSR [Works of Computer Center, Academy of Sciences, Geor ian SSR], Vol. 9, No. 3, 1970, pp 80-86 (Translated from ReferativnyY Mir- _-nal Kibernetika, No. 4, April, 1971, Abstract No. 4,V92 by V. Chistyakov). Translation: A random process is studied in which the one-dimensional distributions are..normal: (D (X) e TdU 'A heuristic conclusion is presented for the formula for the distribution function of-the.moment of first intersection of level x=f(t) by the process. Axis t is divided into smali sectors and line x=f(t) is replaced by a brokep line consisting of sectors parallel to the t axis and sectors parallel to the x axis. The follow -iug assumptions are made., The distribution function of the moment of first intersection, calculated A for the broken line, converges as the sectors are made shorter with the corresponding 2 USSR UDC S19.21 SUDAKOV, D. M., MOROZOV, A. M., Tr Vychisl. Tsentra. AN Gru;: SSR, Vol. 9, No. 3, -1970, pp 80-86. distribution function for the line x=f(t). B) The intersection of the process with sectors of a broken line parallel to the t axis and sectors parallel to the.x axis are independent. C) The number of intersections of sectors parallel to. the t axis is indepen- dent and distributed according to Poisson's rule T Discussions are presented for the cases f(t)=kT and M)=a-tloe In the case of arbitrary f(t), a formula is written immediately, No limitations on f(t) or on the rardom. process are given except for (1). Abstractors note. It is well known that;the flow of crossings of a high, con :Me assumption of independence and Poisson nature stant.level is a Poisson flow. the number of crossings of afinite level in neighboring,intervals approaching 0 in length seems unjustified. 2/2 2 029 UNCLA I PROCESSING DATE--ISSEP70 SS FtE6 ~.:TITLE-OPTICAL CONSTANTS, LUMINESCENCE, ~ND'INDUCED RADIATION OF LANTHANUM :,.~~-~NIOBATE SINGLE CRYSTALS ACTIVATED BY NEOOYMIUM -U-, z:-_AUTHOR"(05)-BAKHSHIYEVA, G.F., KARAPETYANIF V.YE.,,MOROZOV, A.M., MOROZOVA, -TOLSTOYt M.N. ~,_COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~,:,S14URCE--OPT. SPEKTROSK. 1970, 28(l), 76-81 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 '--SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TAGS--SINGLE CRYSTAL, OPTIC PROPERTYr THERMAL EFFECT, LUMINESCENCE, 71 LANTHANUM COMPOUND, NIOBATE, CRYSTAL StRUCTURE ~~`..C.ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -_,~PIRCXY RE.EL/FRAME--1980/1315 STEP NQ--U.R/005L/70/0281001/0076/0081 ACCESSION NO--AP0049477 UNCLASSIFIED It fail a i 029 UNCLASSI FIED: PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 .:--,C*IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0049477 GP-0- ABSTRACT. LANBG SUB4 Sr-NGLE CRYSTALS OIAM. 8-15, LENGTH 70 14M WERE ISOLATED FROM THE MELT AFTER HIGH TEMP. TREATMENT OF LANBO SUB4 IN INERT ATM. UNACTIVATED CRYSTALS AND CRYSTALS ACTIVATED WITH 1 MOLE PERCENT ND PRIME3 POSITIVE WERE STUDIEDo UNACTIVATED CRYSTALS ARE TRANSPARENT IN THE RANGE 0.27-6.5MU; THE LIGHT ABSORPTION IN THE RANGE 6.5-9.0 MU CORRESPONDS TO THE VIBRATIONAL -FREQUENCIES OF NBO SUB4 TETRAHEDRONS. P1 WAS OBTAI14ED AT 5 WAVELENGTHS IN THE-RANGE 435.8-656.3 M-4U. STRONG BIREFRINGENCE WAS DBSD. ACTIVATION OF THE SINGLE CRYSTALS,.WITH~ND PRIME3 POSITIVE CAUSED STRONG -ANISOTROPY OF THE CRYSTALS. LUMINESCENCE SPECTRA WERE RUN AT 77MGREESK. THE LUMINESCENCE DURATION WAS.120 MUSEC AT ROOM TEMP.; IT DI:D NOT CHANGE ON HEATING OF THE ACTIVATED SINGLE CRYSTAL TO 250DEGREES. -THREE AXIAL ELLIPSOIDS WERE CONSTRUCTED.FOR THE SEP. LINES IN THE LLIMINESCENCE-SPECTRA OF LAN80 SUB4 MINUS NO PRIMUPOSITIVE SCANNED IN -POLARIZED~ LIGHT.. GENERAT10N OF FORCED~ RADIATION OCCURRED IN THE ACTIVATED SINGLE CRYSTALS AT A SINGLE FREQUENCY, 1~.0624 MU. SHIFT TO 100622 14U OCCURRED ON HEATING OF THE CRYSTAL TO 30DDEGREES. - UNCLASSIFIED UNCLA PRdC't SI~IG DATE--18SEP70 S MED- s Ll:---QPTICAL CONSTANTS, LUMINESCENCE, AND INDUCED RADIATION Of LANTHANUM T,E RIOBATE SINGLE CRYSTALS ACTIVATED 43Y NEO.DYM.IUM -U- G.F., KARAPETYAN,. V.YE.,,MOROZOVI A.M., MOROLOVA, ::j"~t,6;Go ITOLSTOY9 Me-No I..:CbUNTRY OF INFO--USSR --OPT. SPEKTROSK* 1970, 28(l), 76-81 ,.::DATE PUBL ISHED------ 70 _SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS --SINGLE CRYSTALt OPTIC PROPERTY, THERMAL EFFECT* LUMINESCENCE, JONI: TAGS LANTHANUM COMPOUNOP NIOBATEv CRYSTAL STRUCTURE. ._CONTROL MARKING-140 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1980/1315 STEP NO--UR/0051/701028/001/0076/0081 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0049477 UNCLASSIFIED 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROC~SSIN-r, DATE--18SEP70 -:~~JRC ACCESSION NO--AP0049477 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. LANQU SUB4 SINGLE CRYSTALS DIAM. -8-15, LENGTH 70 AM WERE ISOLATED FROM THE MELT AFTER HIGti TEMP. -TREATMENT OF LANBO SUB4 IN INERT ATM. UNACTIVATED CRYSTALS AND CPYSTALS ACTIVATED WITH 1 MOLE PERCENT NO PRIME3 POSITIVE WERE STUDIED. -6.5 UNACTIVATED CRYSTALS ARE TRANSPARENT IN THE RANGE 0.27 THE LIGHT -ABSORPTION IN THE RANGE 6.5-9*0 MU CORRESPONDS TO THE VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES'OF NBO SU64 TETRAHEDRO45. N.WAS OBTAINED AT 5 WAVELENGTHS IN THE RANGE 435.8-656.3 MMU. STRONG BIREFRINGENCE WAS OBSD. ACTIVATION OF THE SINGLE CRYSTALS.WITH NO PR'IME3 POSITIVE CAUSED STRONG lNISOTROPY OF THE CRYSTALS* LUMINESCENCE SPECTRA WERE RUN AT 77- DEGR EESK .THE LUMINESCENCE DURATION WAS .120 MUSEC AT ROOM TEMPo; IT ~:~~Dll) NOT.CHANGE ON HEATING OF THE ACTIVATED SINGLE CRYSTAL TO 250DEGREES. "--.~,lHREE AXIAL ELLIPSOIDS WERE CONSTRUCTED FOR THE SEP, LINES IN THE .x-~..,,LUMINESCkNCE SPECTRA OF LANBO SU84: MINUS NO PRIME3 POSITIVE SCANNED IN ~':POL7ARIZED L.IGHT. GENERATION OF FORCED RADIATION OCCURRED IN THE '-ACTIVATEO.SINGLE CRYSTALS AT A SINGLE FREQUENCY, 140624:MU. SHIFT TO 0'622 KU QCCURRED ON HEATING OF THE CRYSTAL -S. TO 300DEGREC OOSZ569 :UR 0482 A A Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section,III Mechani cal and General, iDerwent, C) 243461 CUMUIAI~m CHARGE&: OF EULONVES are Qb- tained tfy chairgidj.thO mxp~bsiyv iatd'an elastic shell, e.g. otpolyethylene provided iii th an inserted body of the corresponding shape &*d an overall length equal to the 16 ngth of the aboire shell, and subsequent seating apd: qubjeoting 0 the action of coupregoad air of: a liqui,d unde.1- 6.12.67. as 1201819/40-2S; elevated pressure. Add to 210724. X.L.ROSIPSKu ~et- axio. $afe4y: in the Mining and Metallurgicollind,. Res. Inst. (30.9.69.) Bul.16/5.6. 69. ClaIss 7$c. Int.U.C06b. 19821254 W AA0052569 Rosinsl4y,_N.. L., Matyunin,, V. S.; TolstyR S.; Morozov, A. -;it~z--netsov, N. M. Ma!SSXevsk& Gasudarstvennyy Hauchno-lusledovatel'skiy Institut 20 Be-zOgastxOsti Rabot v GorM ProSyshlenn-osti a A,4400435457 UR 0482 Soviet Inventidns Illustrated, Section 11 Electrical , Derwent, 243263 RANWM atHBER GEVJEWTOR In vhicW the4=ursjvy and rapidaction of ran -pumber gea6ratha. dom is obtained by the formation of random duratt' on strobed pulses spread accordingto.the naturo~. aistribution law around its m"n value usep a- fluctuating potential produc-eO by a noise &rLerator. 'determined b he pulses art! The duration of the instantaneous value qf'-t4e noise "arsplItia'de. the method renders it possible t6~choo'se the PUIOA length, correspopding~ ~o the, noise maximum,, sptne- what less than the period in which in combiqation with the heat pulses:from a eptaput,or, the iliput from 4 trigger can be iaterm-pted ~n such a-way 4i to interfere Vith its CountAns. R0 as (24, 9 69, Bu 1 161 3.3,69. Gla#s 420L, 214.~-ZTWID g~ I 03k..L ~ 43505 UR 0482 nnPO Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwent, 243264 RANDOM for operation in AMBER GENERATOR conjun4ion with the'b~:t ~Pulzes of 0' di&Ltat computer, offlars' acculeatk and irap1d:,working. It basically cousists:of a "i)isl~;Senoratpr! 4,rivix4 Lving; pulses, a strobe pulwahapergi of random duration and also rtc4iving_lc~woier. beat p,41ses.. The random jeago -qutput V~~szjv fall upon all coincidence gate receL4ing pulses:1rom a constant frequency.werator.7! lRepcei output, pulaeO, of standard she pe and belzbt~ e4teris triSger; It:hence i26-iicaivU' :ibm a second coincidence gate a th instant jof:arrival'af the computer beat. At beat.~ny random poteotial~pkisjiat In the lx~t gate passes through to.the camputet'i lowest register digit, shift tokes:p4ce anO.theiregi;ster'ghows ~*91RM1RMMFwM9Mirm Mao ]WHOMMIMM the random number.' Thepulte shaper consists of a triodej the~grid of,,which.receives both ;he random noise Potential and the beat. The front of the combined squarc wave.-signal causes little change on thegrid. owing to shunting resintors; the rear gives a Ahsip negative voltage drop and the valve amplifier provid"; :anjanode paeltial linear with the noise input,, coincident with the rear beat pulse face. A 18.1.63 as 814308/M-2 A ot%7n 12.9.69) But 16/ 5.5.69. Class 42m, 214 jn.t~ 0 03k. I W__ GI 900 8 JNC ASSIFIE PROCESSING UATE--160CTIO L 0 tUlTLE-PURTABLEE DEVACCE +()R PREFLIGHT -MEDICAL EXAMINATIO44 OF PILOTS -U- ~~VfH-OR' 4-021-MOROZO-Vi AvN.* iSTERLIKOVv V*P. rbUNTRY OF INFO--USSR %OURCE--VOENN0-M'l:DITSlNSKII ZHURNAL,, MAR. 1;7-0, P. 69, 70 ~OATE PUBL ISHIED--MAR70 .SU.B.JECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES IC-TAGS--HE0JCAL EXAMINATION, MEDICAL APPARATUS, OLOOD PRESSURE, -MI'L I TA RY MEDICINE IRCRAFT PILOT r,.El-ATROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS---UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY R-cEL/FRAME--199512056 STEP NO--UR/0177/70/C)OO/00ilt/0069/OC"70 RC ACCESSION NO--AP0117299 U L .. ..... ........ ~"Z/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED P R 0 C E$ S 1 .14 GDA T E-- I 60C T 10 CIRC ACCESSIOIN NO-AP0117299 A-BSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DESCRIPTION OF A COMPACT PORTABLE' DEVICE FOR SIMULTANEOUSLY RECORDING SYSI'OLIC AND 0fASf,")Llf, ART~~"-RIAL z',.:-.PRESSUkE, BODY TEMPERATURE AND PULSE RATES DURING PAEl.-L [GHT MEolc4L ~~,--~EXAMINATION OF FI,Yl,qG PERSO' Nl~- THE DEVICE USES A OfSTAL PERINETRIC N EL BY KAZARIIAN 11965) FOR,tRTERIAL 0SCILLOGRAPHIC TECPNIQUE PROPOSED ~-PRE,SSURE RECORDING FROM FLUCTUATIO NS F EXTERMITY PERIMI:TERS. A SLIDE RULE IS USED FOR REAUING THE PULSE RATES FROM 0SCJ LLOGRAMS. A ZERO METHOD SERVOSYSTEM IS:USED AT A FREQUENCY OF 400 HZ.:.FUR TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED:! PROCESSUNG DATE-20140117C I: STRUALN'T TJTLE`~-A fwu~.l Aljl_t~N F~jk ME PREFLIGHT: IMLOICAL EXA)ITNATION UF AUTHOR-( G2 )-Vu"R0LC.V rA.N. STE-RLIKOV#1 V.P.~ CCUNT RY C f- INFC--USSR ZH KNALY N 0 j, 1970, PP, 69-7 0 E-VOYI-I'ANG-MED I T S It.-SKI Y Pu8LISFE0------7C SU&JELT AIRLi'~S-BIOLOGICr4l. MND IIIEDICAL SCI ENCES TGRIC. TAG5--AIV(;RAFT PILOT, i'll-01LAL EXAMINATIGN, 11LOUD VkESSUR.E' M;_=oICAL EQUIPML-Nit 600Y Tfi.MVEF-ATUR~9 tiEART, RATL c-- N a r~ E s r R I C T I UN S D,CL;LJMENT CL;"lSS--UNCLAS5lF IEU PRGXY REEL/) KAME--3C0alG363 SIEP 21 Z C2t U.'% C L A S S I F I E 0 P Rtj C Fi S I N t.'p 1) A T11-`0 N 6 V 7 0 CIRC A C C ~-- S S 1, N~-W--APO L S,~t- 15 0 A5ST-KA'*L"f/'r-AiAACT--(U) G~~-(,- A6 S T RAC T I Vil T H E PR I G f) 0 FPi~z-:-FLII~HT M~:JICAL LUSES mUCH '112MG IN TAKING THL PULSEj THE PHYSICIA~i :i4EAbU;-(C,"LNT GF Thr_ AAl(-i;llAL IIRLSSURE Ai.N0 BODY 'HAVF DEVELOPED A PU'RTABLE I.,',jSTRU,,',z:Nl' 3Y MFANS OF WHICH IT tS PUSS IBLE TO St MULTA-,,,'-CU SLY MEASURE kW '.,E(:GRL) THE VALUES OF THE~ ~YSTIJLIC AINID UIASTCLIC ART"--ik[AL Pi-'IESSUkLi BGGY TC-VPEKATURE AND PULSE AATE. TIHIS ts ACCCAVLISHED AUTCMA F IC ALLY, IHE INDICAMRS UF ARTERIAL P,QSSURE AND PULSE RATE ARE RECORDED IN THE FCR;14 OF AN 05CILLoGRAM, ON tiEAT SENSITIVE lL'~,-'-'.-.-,0APEK, Af~D THE 1300Y TEMPERATURE (DEGREESC)AS DETERMINED bY AN AiiRffij "4N0 I CATCR. JAA A .04 Ve 78jL7 I UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustra~ed, Section I Chemical Dervent, 237322 NO -RE51DUAL~2XTDISING ON _r'ASIFICATION.- ~-OR ~ RF51DUES ~THOD IL by incomplete: g burning in air br o4gen,'differi in being carried out in two stages UPC at 500-700 Cand then at 1200-1400 C vith the fontation of gaseous products. The preli inary oxidation chamber ib fed with part of thatair, O.L.of the stoichio-' metric quanrity, and:wLth all,the fuel to be gasified. The whol f fuel is evenly heared elmass 0 in the chamber. This causes considerable destruction of the c6mpLax compounds, introducLag atoms of oxygen incoithe molecular structure of. the fuel. The process Lp this chamber is not brought, to a thermodynamic balance, so the condensation reactions do not 'wave time to finish, and chei product, cancaining 4 rich selection of active radicals, enters the reaction chamber. where, being mixed with tbeq remaining air.,Lt reacts up to the point of terminaL gaseous products con- 19V31977 AA0038781 siderably more rapidly. By eliminating intermediate oxidatioti, the proces~:takes place more energetically, Less j erkily, is easily regulated, and produces leis soot. 29.3.67. as 1146013/23-26, MASLEXNlWV, V.M. et~ -aL. Theoretical and Practical Mechanics Inst. Siberian Sect. Acad. Sciences U.S.S.R. (7-7-69) Bul. 8/12.2-69. Class 24e, Int. CI. C 10j lennikOV, v. M.; Vvskubenko, Yu. A.; Dimitrov, V. I.; AUTHORS: Mas V; Zharkova.p-.G. M.; FLorozov, A. - r. an-d CH so ~ D. V. i Prikladnoy Mekhaniki sibirskog Institut Teoreticheskoy Rdeeniya AN SSSR 19731:978 Ace. Nr. Abstracting Ser~Ace': Ref, Code #00340'71 CHMICAL ABST. Y. e rye rO 74276c Thermegraphic study of te reactlDn.of B14T ii Mth rA V=adium pentoxide and mo~ybdenumland mgsten plMes. mo vaninov. N. P ; Mnra=vm~-A- P., -ChenwM-m lnst.VWrMffO9el--KhO Zern,)Voi, UK (Azovo Zh. lVeorg. A'him. 1970i t5(l) -K"C I rAS' 0 BiMsOa with VsO5, Moo;, alid. WOz, reip~, wRre studied Oj~rrna- thm O~iqle's to Bi~1110jj re4rLs --.kith gralphically and by DTA. BiVO4, BilMo0a, BiX%, ajid TiO~- UWR give REEL/FRAIIE ELECTRICALIENGINMING Materials USSR 'UDC 621.385.032.213.6 ZO SAVMKIT, YE. H., IVANOVA, K. N., BELOOSOV, A. I., BARON, V. V., RGZHDESTM,.SKIY, V. OVCHINNIKOVP M. A, "Alloy for Manufacturing the Parts of the Cathode Junction of Electronic Devices" USSR Author's Certificate No 304642, filed 14 August 1969, published 25 May 197.1 .(from Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Fromyshlennyye Obraztsy,Tovarayye Znaki, No 17, 1971, No H OIJ 1/20) Translation: 1. An alloy for manufacturing the parts of the cathode junction of electronic devices based on niobium is introduced. It in distinguished by the fact that in order to improve strength and stability of shape of the parts, the alloy contains tungsten and zirconita additives. 2. The alloy according to item 14L.5tinguished by the fact that it con- tains 7-9% tungsten and 2-2.5% zirconium is introduced., 3. The alloy according to item 1 distinguished by the fact that it con- tains molybdenum is introduced. 4. The alloy according to item 3 distinguished by the fact that it con- tains 5-7% tungsten, 1-1.5% zirconium and 4-6% molybdenum is introduced. USSR uDc 678 -M6.1ag.a: 66-085-3/-5 PYANKOTI G. N. YOROZOV A. V. 01-M-CEFEMNO, S. 1.p 1VL,KCH:[, A. M,, F.ESSOZ,'01f, V.G., -CHM $,u DYA C., 1. T.., and GOLOMYY, Yij. F., Instit te G.), of Physical Chemistxy imeni L. 11. Pisarzhevoki.y.. Kiev., Acad einy of Sciences -,Ukrainian SSR, and Institute of Chemistry or High Molecular 4-'onrlpouncis, Kiev, of Sciences Ukrainian SSR "Radiation Tlechnology of 1,11enufacturing Glass-Plastics" Kiev Ehimicheskaya Promyshlennost' Ukrainy, No 4, 1970, pp 5-10 Abstract; Product-ior4 of glass plastics usin., electron accelexato-~s as radia'~ion sources is described. The operating principle is explained vlth an example of the unnufacture of a cylindrical sheet of cross windJA~;. 7he r.=.ircl. Speed, feed pitch, -hat during, the time of paw,:.'a,-re of the windin; and dose strength are selected so t section across bean cross-section the required degree of po~jrmcri:vltion of t1W binder is attained. Vne degree of polrzeriza tion between la~:ers -w(;uii1 on to-D of each other is regiCLated by the energy of the impinging radiation ani lpe&m cvrrent. Me source of fast ehar6ed -particles in the wdel setwj) ic an accolarato.- With %~ev. -y ensuzv radiation maxim= electron enerCr oz 0. Ir, 4Electrons at this enerp, polyzerization 0" a 0-2-0-3 rza- layer of glazs-plastics. Yn -t'--s -ayer, vhea tLe density of the current of the beam is several teno of micrompperea per square cqntimeter, dose stren Pth of 106-107 rads/ace in produced. MOM- Illgltlullmmnm WMIM111wim A E PROCESSING DATE--16SEP70 016 UNCL S F1 D -;,-T,lTLE--CERTAIN APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTER IN PLANNING 01: RESEARCH WORK -U- -THOR-(02)-MOROZOV ,u U,- AO A V.t AGEYEVAv N.V, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 01 ...SOUIRCE-STANDARTY I KACHESTVO# 1970s NR 2# PP 77-79 D AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ~ITOPIC TAGS--R AND 0 PLANNINGP COMPUTER APPLICATIONt R AND D ORGANIZATION .~.:~STRUCTURE, CODING, R AND 0 MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _'~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -',PROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/2035 STEP NO--UR/0422/7010001002/007T/0079 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100600 UNCLASSIFIED PRdC~S S I ~G DATE--ISSEP70 0 6: UNC L A SUF I EF D C IRC ACCESSTON.NO--AP0100600 ;".A,BSTR ACT/ EXTRAC7'--~ (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SYSTEM DEStRIBED 15 EMPLOYED AT. THE ALL UNION RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR STANDARDIZATION WITH THE AIM OF -:CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAJOR STRUCTURAL UNITS OF THE.INSTITUTE IN THEIR SCIENTIFIC OBJECTS, THE PRINCLPLES-UNDERLYING THE .,,SYSrEM OF NUMERICAL CODING OF RESEARCH WORKS ARE EXPLAINED. UN CLASSIFIEO ~T USSR UDC 6P_1.385-03~-21 (o88.8) SAVIWKIY, YE. M., WFMCa A.-Z' IVANOVA, K .N. BELCUSOV, A. I., BABON, V. V., -)V, M. A. ROZ=STVEN%M, V M., OVCHINNIK,. "Alloy- For The Production Of Components Of The Cathode Unit Of Electronic Devices q USSR Authorls Certificate No. N464p-, filed 14 August 1969, publiEhed 15 September 1971 (from RZh--Elektronika i Me primeneniye, No ~# March 1972, Abstract No 3A49) Translationi A cathode-heating unit is proposed by whieh) with the object of increasing the stability, reliability, and longevity of:a component, the cathode holder, screens, and piatons are produced from RN-6 or RN-8 alloys based on niobium. The RN-6 allcy contains (percent by weight): tun,-,vsten 5-7, MOIY- bdenum. 4-6, zirconium 2-2.5, remainder niobium. The cost of the proposed alloy is considerably less than the cost of tantalum. The allays am characterized by highly stable properties and uufficiont plasticity, which =keB it possible to produce tubes, wire, sheets, and fail 1-0.1 = thick, from them under indus- trial conditions by the method of processing various semifinished products by pressure. Use of the electron-beam method of smelting considerably reduces the content of gassous impurities, and a three-fold rem!.~Iting is uBed for a more uniform composition of ingots. SKeeto 0.5-0.1 mm thick are obtuined by the hot fo ing method und cold rolling with intermeJiate recryotallization annealings. 17T P. EIXCTRICAL;EMITMBAi~:,~ Y, hine USSR mr: 614~1-373.42 MOROZOV A. V. RYA=,,'GVA, R. V. KoiNSTAIMNOV., V. A.) "An Electromechanical Ultralow-Prequ-z?ncy Generator" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniva, Promyshlennyye, T(wa-.ny3q-- Znaki, N~o 6 filed 28 oct 68 1970, p 45, patent No 2o2213, Abstract: This kuthor's Certificate introduces an clectrorm chaai Cal u-ti-.1mr- frequency generator which contains an electric dxive with eontrolialble sly-aed of rear connect retation, a selsyn pair in tile transfor. ion mode, voeed. reclucers and, a f freT,~eaciez demodulator. As a dirtinGuishing feature of the patent, the :t-ange o~ - which can be generated is extended " design is simplified an(i the reliability of the device is improved by conmectin-gr the electric rotor to 11,.e rators of both ruelsyns through separate speed reducers with -different gear ratios. The s-ynebron- -itch. -ization windings of the selsyns are interconneeted through an ad~,itionaal z~, __1L USSR UDC 621.313.12:538.4 MOROZOV, A. Ye., SYAS'KIN, Yu. M., SHPILIRAYN, E. E. "Analysis and Optimization of the Cycles of Atomic Liquid4letal MHD Installations" V sb. Magnitogidrodinam. metod ]2olucheniya elektroenergii (Ma6-netohydrodynamic Method for Producing Electrical Energy -- Collection of Works), No. 3, Moscow, "Energiya", 1972, pp 268-282 (from RZh-50. Yardernyye reaktory, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11.50.32). Translation: A technique is presented for optimizing the cycles of atomic 1-iquid-metal 1111D installations by an analysis of the expended electrical energy. The cycle of an 1111D injector installation is investigated. It was found that for a given surface of the scram system of the nuclear reactor and the maximum permissible temperature at the center of the fuel elements and also for the condition of independence oUthe effectiveness of the two-phase nozzle of the injector from the initial stage of steam dryness, the optimum cycle should be the cycle in which the initial point of,the process of steam expansion is located in the left boundary curve. The effect of the fuel 1/2