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USSR UDC 681.325-bb ~MKRTCHYAN, S. 0., PETROSYAN, K. A., et al. IIA Threshold Element" Published 15/09/70. (Trans- USSR Author's Certificate No. 271570, Filed 28/04/69 -laya Tekh- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Ilrychislitelli, nika, No. 4, 1971, Abstra'ct No. 4B181P). Translation: Threshold elements are known which contain input current switches, .each of which consists of an information and a reference transistor and an output switch. The threshold element suggested differs as follows; The collectors of the information transistors of the input current switches corresponding to the ex- citing inputs and the collectors of the reference transistors of the input current switches corresponding to the inhibiting inputs are interconnected and connected to the base of the first Output current switch transistor. 'rho collectors of the reference transistors of the input current switches corresponding to the exciting inputs and the collectors of the information transistors of the input current switches corresponding to the inhibiting inputs are interconnected and connected to the base of the second output switch transistor. This allows the functional capabilities of the element to be expanded. -ig. 18 WOW F. Automatic Control: Systems USSR uDc: 68i.3.o6:519.82 JAN-,, MKRT -V-r-M~-v-Yerevan Scientific Research Institute of Mathematical LCH *rchines "On Evaluating the Quality of an Automatic Control System" Yerevan, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Vol 26, No 5, 1973, pp 3-8 Abstract: A new method is proposed for evaluating the quality of linear discrete systems on the basis of the maximum value of the derivative of the argument of a characteristic polynomial, which accounts for multiple roots of this polynomial. The paper demonstrates the productivity of the method when a computer is used., and illustrates the procedure by charac- teristic examples. USSR UDO 669.24li5'292,538.22 GRUZIHj P. L., RODIONOV, YU. L.# and NKFMWA14-.V. S., Institute of Metal ''Science azA Physics of Xetals of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy WHedistribution. of Yanadium, Atoms In Iron-Nickel Permalloys" Svexdlovsky Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Yol 34# No 4t 1972# pp 878-879 Abstracts The Ni-15Fe-13Y alloy was enriched irith Fe-57 isotoPe (up to 18%) in order to make the nuclear gamm resonance (I[GR) method more sensitive. The Mossbauer spectrometor was the experiments. A31 ewnples were 20-40 P m thick, the annealing of which was carried out at 450-5000 C. Changes in V atoms concentration was judged from altexmtiona of the supefine magnetic fteld (Heup). Increase of Hsup for Vi.(Fel V) alloyi,after annealing was - 40 koersted compared with hardened samples4 This increase in If corresponded sup to a decrease in the number of V atoms around Fe atowl wh1ch in this case amounted to -- 20%. The value of H for deforned-Ni (Yet V) samples was sup 3 lower by approximately 20 kGorsted in ~ompxrlsdn uith tardened. This means that V atoms move away from Fo atoms during annealing4 tbe redistribution of 1/2 . . .......... hiii H~i3 ltr~ 111 F;T;, MINIM, W.M. w o.F! USSR UDC: 539.2+621,039.1.; GRUZIN, P. L., RODIONOV, Yu. L., MKU~RYAN, V. S-, LI, Yu. A. "Study of the Effeat of Cobalt on the Redistribution of Alloy Element Atoms in Iron-based Alloys by the NGR Method" Moscow, Doklady Al--advmii Nlauk SSSR, Vol 204, No 2, 1972, pp 328-331, element has a significant influence on the Abstract: Cobalt as an alloyip,, physical and mechanical properties of alloys. llowevcr, there is no uTtified opinion at present concerning the relative role of cobalt in changing the properties of alloys. This work studied the influence of cobalt on the re- distribution of atoms of alloying elements in submicrovolwies of iron-based alloys. by the method of nuclear gamma resonance (.NGR) . Alloys studied included Fe-12Co; Fe-10i-5,6Co; Fe-Mi-IOCo; Fe-16NIi-ISCo; Fe-10i-]SCo-9-10; Fe-Mi-lKo-lMlo; Fe-18.Ni-lKo-10W. USSR GURZIN, P. L., RODIONOV, Yu. L., MKRTCHYAN, V. V., LI, Yu. A., Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 204, No 2, 1972, pp 328-331. The influence of hardening and subsequent tempering at 400-500% on the resonance spectra was studied for the alloy Fe-16Ni. The study showed tha in the early stages of tempering of iron-cobalt at 400-500'C,, tho atojps of cobalt are redistributed, resulting in an increase, in the number of cobalt atoms in the immediate neighborhood of the iron; the molybdenum and tungsten atoms move away from the iron atons in the solid solution. In later stages of tempering, the phases Fe Mo and Fe W are formed. Establishment of close order of iron and cobalt at9ms retar the processes leading to the separation of phases such as Fe2140. 2/2 -:':AUtO"t;x; USSR UDC: 8.74 AGAI K If, B. M. and BUZYT-K, M. A. "A Realization of the L~-Algorithm in tho 3~stem of Autonating the Design of Diagnostic Tests (SAPDT),for Combination Automatons" Moscow, Tr. l'osk. in-ta inzh. zh.-d, trans-n. (Trans*~ctions of the Noscow Institute of R 'ailroad Engineering) 1-971, NO 395, pp 195-200 (from RM-Matematika, No '17, 1972, Abstract Vo 7V558) Translation: Problems in the automation of diagnostic test con- strudtion for combination aut-omatons are considered. A D-algorith.-.-, is used for finding sets of input variableis controlling ttJie speci- L) -for. computing the fied fault. An example of using the, algoritkuii controlling test for .ui automaton oith memory:lo ~,,iven. PT USSR UDC 8. 74 BUM 1K, M. A. KAGAIT, B. 11.,~ "An Execution of the D-Algorithm. in the System for Autemation of the 111anning and Design of Diagnostic Jests .(SAPDT) for Combination Automata" 'Tr. Mosk. in-ta :Lnzh. zh.-d. transp. (Works of Mosccn7 Institute of Pailroad -209 (from Mh-Kib e rile tik"I Transportation Enf;ineers), 1971,.vyp. 395, pp 195 No 7, Jul 72, Abstract No 7V55&) Translation: A study was made of the problems of autonating the construction of diagnostic tests for combination automata. In finding. the sets of input variables controlling the given failure, the De-algorithn is used. An example is-presented of the application of the algorithn to~:calculate the contrcllin~ 'test for. an automaton with a,liemory. 028 UNCL Ass I' Oi EID,!,,:,: PROCESSING DATF--jJSPP70 TtnE"FUNCT IONAL CHARACTERISTICS' OF: UNITS' tN THrz PRUMARY VISUAL C'IITE'k bF 1: AUTHOR-MKPTY CH VA, L.M.v SAMSONOVA# V.G* ',,--t,'.OUNT,RY. OF INFO--USSR '~~NFYRDFIZIOLOGIYA, 19701 VOL-,Zr NR .2 v ~PP 173-179 izO -.E~,PUBL ISHtD ------- TO AT Q64tu AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -~,~'.,TdPIC'TAGS-CERURAL CORTEXt VISION, CAT ..CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS _00COMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY FZEF-L/FRAME--1986/0238 STEP .40--UR/0660/TO/002/0')7~/0173/0179 .CIRC'ACCESSION N(3--AP0102291 UNrJ_A_SSlFlFD____ MEN= MIM .0 Mi. M. Im.-m-NOW W. 212 028 UNCLASSIFIED PAOCESSIN~~3 DAT~:--IISEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0102291 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(V) GP-0- ABSTRACT. QUANTITATIVE CHIRACTERfs-rics nF THE OUTPUT SIC-NALA WFRE OBTAINED r-OR 80 UNITS IN THE PRIMARY VISUAL CORTEX OF RELAXEO CATS BY MEA.NS OF EXTRACELLULAR RECORDS OF THEIR SPIKF ACTIVITY. THE AMDUNTS OF PHOTIC ENEJ~ZY ELICITING THRESHOLD RESPONSES TO FLASHES IFROM 100 MU SECJ0 I SECYIN VARIOUS NFURONES DIFFER BY 7 LOG. UNITS.- THE UNITS 01STRIBUTION CURVE FOR THR~ESHOLD VALUES POSSESSES ~,ONIE AAXIMUM 91THIN THE ENERGY RANGE FROM I- TO 10 ILM TIMFS SEC. rli E UNITS-RECORDED ARE ABLE TO SUMMATE THE EXCITATION 014-THE AVERAGE UP TO -,'34 74SEC. -BY;i THEIR- RESPONSE LATENCIES -THF,: CELLS PALL INTO THREE GRoUr.-S. THE FIRST ONE REACTS AFTER 20-40 MSEC:t THE SECONDP AFTER 100-120 MSECO THE THIRD, AFTER 160-180 MSEC FROM THE S-EGINNING OF iHr-'ST114ULATION. ~'_~-THE PHOTIC STIMULATION CONSIDERABLY CHANGES THE PROP0117ION OF UNITS DISCHARGING WITH HIGH AND WITH LOW FREQUENCY. NO CGRRELArm4 HAS 9EEN FOUND BETWEEN-THE PHOTIC SENSITIVITY OF THE UNITS, THF LATENCIES OF THEIR RESPONSES AND THE CRITICAL TIME.:OF SUMMATION, THE TESTIFIES TO .~.';~-.~,THE PRESENCE OF A GREAT NUPBER10F VISUAL-CORTICAL UNITS WHICH ARE, ~SI*RTLAR ONLY BY ONE OF THE FUNCTIONAL CNARACTERISTICS OF: THEIR OUTPUT -St-GNAL't 1/2 c 14 CLASS IF LED' 1,Nl PROIESS iNG DATE-20NOV7 0 -TITLE-CHEM I STkY OF ETHt-RS KITH UNSATUR' -TED RADICALS. XVI . RI-ACTION OF A A ':E S GR I GiN A R V P. ti A G LN I % I T H 2M L THO XY , 2 , 1-1 E THY L p3 1 ALKYli -0- AUTHJR-(04)-?XRYANt G.M., GASPARYANo. S.P., M E LK UN Y X-N "J,K., lf,iAZARYAN, A.A. C CUINTRY UF 1,NFC--LSSR K R yh(~ Jul, CRG. KHIM. 1970, 6(5), 912-15 D A T EPUBL ISH.EG----70 SUBJECT ARFAS--ChEMISTRY f UQ V I CrAGS-k THER,R 1-' C L RAUICALo GR I G NA 0W"AGCNT,: MEMOXY CUMvoww, .~'..-ALKYNE, GAS CHRCMAroGRAPH, alMERIZATION CC-,iT,,iC-L MM~KING--NO AESTAICTIONS PR"L'JXY REI-L/FKAMI---3006/133~ STEP t4FJ--U.4/03(,6/ ~-0/000/C(W,'j~JL2/0915 hi-j - - A pI CIRC 7777777" %212 C 1A UriCLASSIFIED 0ATE--ZO":i,'jV70 C IR CACCL-SSICN, N6-00135C.C9 "A5STR;,Cl/EXTv'ACT--(U) AOSTRACT, rHL REACT IGNS RC TPIPLE- BONO Cr-mE SU62 C,*,!E (R IS Mt-, Lr, Pt 13U) WITH R PRI'EL llui 0" imL R, GbR UR ET) FFA,CEEU 13Y A '92ADILAL MIECHANISM (G. M. ili;