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OR- 7 USSR UDC: 669.721.472(088.8) MARKOV. G. S., GRIGORIYEVA, Ye.,A., KOSAREV, S. P., W17JENAVLEV, K. D. , ZUYEV, N. M., IVANOV, A. B. "A Magnesium Electrolyzer" USSR Author's Certificate Number 350863, Filed 28/12/70, Published 28/09/72 (Trnaslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal kietallurgiya, .140 8, 1973, Abstract No 8G204P). Translation: The electrolyzer is equipped with chlorine-removing anodes and diaphragms. In order to reduce the Io5ses of Mg and C1 2 and improve their separation, a diaphragm is placed horitontally betwedn the anodes of the electrolytic cells, separating the zone of collectioij of Mg from the 2one of collection of Cl 2' ILA USSR UDC 546.791:546.69:546.841.4 NIKOLI,SKIY, B. P., J S,, and FOSVOL,suy, m. tr. uSolubility of Complex Salts of ffexatnitrRtothoreates ot Quaternary Ammonium Bases in Nitric Acid Sbluticns.~ III. Solifoility as Function of Nitric Acid Concentration" Moscow, Radiokhdmiya, Vol. 12, No 2. 1970, pP Z72-27" Abstract: A study i -ras made, on the example of the sal,. (DADi3A.)2[Th(", where D.-MA = di:ret.,iyliibenzyla--iwnliza. of the solubi-lity Of quaternary ammonium salts of the alk,,i alkylpyridiniw' ty-pe as a function OIL' nitric acid concentration in tho solution. For compar-Laoii, solubilities were also deter.-tined, for several Other complex nitrate sa its of with organic ('-Irimethylbeiizyla.T~-.ioziiwa and dime 1-hy I:c a nzyiam ine ) and -'1e nitric acid concenLratiom raz~:~e was --' I inorganic (Cs+) cations. .'i j -IC A at 250 C. It -eas established that the appearance of a mdrii,-um in rhe curve of salt solubildty was due mainly to the for'=ation in solimion of aolvated forms of the quaternary base. D. was also shown that 'StAhe nalure of the cation in the COMPIOX salt Of the AKZhO;0~)63 LYPQ -1frects th9 Pusi*~:LQJI Of t"s in the solubility curve in accordance w:Lth the abilitliof the cat-',-^n ~0 Iform, solvated forms with nitric acid. 1A 1/2 020 UNCL ASS IF I ED PRI~)(;ESSING OATE--04GEC70 TITLE--SOLUBILITY OF COMPLEX SALTS OF QUATERNARY WONIUM SASE .. HEXANL-TRATOTHORATES IN NITRIC ACIO SOLVILONS. 11. 1,iOLUBIJ.ITY AS A 'AUTHOR-(03)-NIKOLSKIY, B.P.t 14.%jWVv G.S*t POSVOLSKI'lrp M.V,. 00 .,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~.SGURCE-RADIOKHIMIYA 1970, 1212), 272-8 DATE PUBLISHED SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TCPIC TAGS--THORIUM COMPOUNDo COMPLEX COMPOUNDY QUARTERNARY AMMONIUM ,,,.-COMPOUND# SOLUBLLITYt NITRIC AC[D CESiUM. CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRYCTIONS 0OCUMENT CLASS--l;NCLASSIFlr:D :PROXY FICHE NO---- F070/6050121BO3 STEP NO--UR/Ol-B~')I'r(1/01;).,f(102/0272/0278 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140239 UING L A; S.05 I i: J I C, 0 212 020 UNCLASSI FiED P80,CES$ING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140239 I --(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. mE SOLY. OF- 10MODA) SUB2[fli(140 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT SUB3) SU86) Mj WHERE DMOBA WAS DIMETHYLI)IBEi~ILYLA:t4t-IQPIIUM (If), AS A .,.FUNCTION OF HNO SUB3 CJNCN. AT 2-10M HND SUB3 WAS 5TU0j*E0 AT 25D'--GRI:-:ES. TOTAL TH CONCN. IN SQUIS. SHOWN ON MlCkOFICIAE. AIN 4PPAREPIT MIN, ON THE SOLY. CURVES AT 7.5-8M HNO SUB3 DfSAPPr--ARE0 AFTER :TAKING INTO kCCOUNT EQUIL. OF It WITH HNO SUB3r E-.G* THE FORMATION OF SHOWN ON MICROFICHE, UNG" LASS I P: It-0 1 / 2 012 UNCLASSIFIED P411CE!0SING DATE-09OCT70 ,.-TITLE-QUATERNARY AMMONIUM BASES AS ANALYTICAL REAGEUTS, 1. SEPARATION AND UETERMINATION OF THORIU14 USING N 6ENZYLQUIr4Ol_jljNlUM NITRATE -U- ,:.:AUTHUPL-(03)-MARK0V# G.S. N1 KULSKI POSVOLSKAY 01.V. ~_~EAJNTRY-OF INFO-USSR ANAL. KHIM. 1970, 25(21, 271-80 ATE PUBL ISHED----70 .-',.-SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY _i-,-'-'-TUPIC TAGS-CHEMICAL ANALYSiSt CHEMICAL SEPARATIONt.'THURIUMf NlTaATE CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY.REEL/FRAME-1994/1691 STEP ND--Ult/00751'00/025/002/0277102BO -,,CI,R-C -ACC.ESSIGN.NO--APOLL5710 UNC, L.-AS-555F LED-- - - ~/2 012 UNCLASSl F10 PROCESS114G DATE--090CT70 _CIRC ACCESSION NO-APOL15710 ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT-- ( U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AMETHOD IS DESCIMED F04 THE QUANT. SEPN. AND DETN. OF THr Z)ASED ON TH PPTN. FRUM 'r-EIM HNO SUB3 WITH IS THEN WF16PIED AS UBL4 N BENZYLQUINOLINIUM NITRATE (1). (C SU816 H S, N SUB2 (TH(NO SU33) SUB6). THE EFFECT OF HNO SUL "NCN. AND I ON THE COMPLETENESS OF TH PPTN. WERE STUUIED9 OPTIMUM CQP~OITIDNS FOR ITS QUANT. WEREFOUND AND THE COMPLETENESS OF SIEPG, RArsE EARTHS AND ZR FRJ TH PPTS. BEST FROM 7-9M H EXAMU_ NO SU33;JIS GREATER THAN OR TH AT A C(AllcN. OF 1-2 G -H-E."ll WERE SEPO. AT A 6 EQUAL TO 99.7PERCENT FOLD EXCESS OF 1. AOU TO THE 5OLN. CONTG. 10-50 PIGS TH IN 8-15 ML SUCH AN AMY. OF HNO SU83 TO OBTAIN A 50LN. :7.0-7*5M HNO SU3,'li THEN AUD DROPWISE WHILE MIXING 3-4 IAL SPERCL:NT,l IN HNO SU(13. KEEP THE PPT. ON A WATERBATH FOR 20 MIN AT 40DEGREES TO 50DEGREESpi COOLI AND AFTER 40 MI N.~ Fi LTER. -ON- A- GOOCH: W. 3-.144-SH, 114:TTH: 13~4~ ML--j HP110 SU- B:3,- SOt-N.-. 1 CUPITG. 0.5PERCENT L. DRY AT 105-LODEGREES YO.A CONST. WY. FACILITY: RADIUA* LENINGRAOs USSR. UNCLASSIFIE0 USSR UDC Q1*396o677 MMOV,,'G. T. and KOVLUWO, A. N. "Random E=itation of a Metallic Wedge'? Tr.-.Mosk. In-ta radiotekhn., elektzon. i avtomatild 01forks of the Mosecr" Inst--tute of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Autmation)., 197.2~ vjP-0, PP 10&-120 (from RZh-Radiotekbnika$ No 11, Nov 72y Ab3tract No 11 BS) Translationt Various representations are obtained for tile solution of a problt= associated with the e=itation of an infinite, ideiaj conductang wedr,,e Iry means of the xvndcta distribution of electi-ic and magnetir. edda, currents: repnSenta-tion in the form of the sum of the gemetrooptical, and diffril4ation parts and a repre- sentation in the f om of a series. An analysia Is rado Ou to the possibility. of using these representations of the solution f oi- the givep prok)lw* Original article: 10 bibliographic entries. V.C. 2 --30OCTTO o a UkLAsslFlc PgiOCES.~ING DATE tAT.LE--CANCER OF THE STOMACH IN PATIENTS ~WITH 01ABE-US, MELLITUS -u- -AUTHOR-MARKOV I.*N4 COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ..SOURCE--KHIRURGIYAt L970, NR 51 pp 55-59 DATE PUBL ISHED----70 "..SUBJECT AREAS--BLGLCGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 710PIC TAGS-DIA13ETES MELLITUSi CANCERo GA5TftOllV-TESf4NAL SYSIEM, SURGERY, STOMACH -CCINTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .DCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/1013 STEP NO--UR/05311'1*0/00r)/005/005510059 CIRC ACCESSICN hIC-AP0126651 LA'S~ 51 r I L-6: p 212 020 UNC 110CESSING DATE---- 300CT 70 m(;IRG ACCESSICN NO-AP0126651 'ABSTRACTIEXTRACY--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHOR3~ EX41FRIENCE CONCEkro, 38 'TS SUFFERING FROM GASTRIC CANCER WITH CONCURRENr IA ET 5 PATIEN ~MELLITUS. DURING FHIS PERIOO OF TIMEiTHE ENVOCR40oOLOGI"AL DEPARTMENT OF THE HOSPITAL EXAMINED 3o943 PATIENTS WITH DIABETE'So OUT OF viHOM CANCER OF THE STOMACH WAS REVEALED IN 0.4 PER CENT OF C,/%,!31:S. :jlJT OF 313 'ATIENTS, PATIENTS OPERATIVE TREATMENT WAS UNDERTAKEN IN 15 1 ESTABLISHMENT OF ANTERIOR GASTRUENTEROST014Y vimi ANASTO~10SISI IN 5, EXPLORATORY LAPAROTOMY, IN 8. SYMPTUISIATIC (:ON5(:RV,,TIVE TREAr,,.i,;::,,,T WAS CARRIED UUT IN 10 PATIENIS. THE kAPID GROWTH OF GASTIM: CAiNCER 141TH DISINTEGRATION AND UISSEMINATION,OF THE PROCESS REDUCES THE NUM6ER OF RADICAL OPERATIONS IN PAYIENTS, SUFFERINGfROM DIMIETES MULLITUS* OUT OF 28 PATIENTS OPERATED 4 DIED IN THE PO$TOPERATIVE PER1004 FACILITY: I-YA KAFE RA KHIRURGI.I TSIU I KHRURGICHESKAYA KLINIKA BOLINITSY. UN C L A --S 1 f! I h"W-1-1-4 NG DATE--160CT70 1f2 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCES~ll l_..TJTLE--PANCREATIC CANCER IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES -U- :...AUTHOR--MARKOVv I.No COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE' VESTNIK KHIRURGII IMENI 1* 1. GAE.KOVA9 19TOt.VUL 104p NR ~-o PP 64- 7 0 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~.UBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ,,..T,DP,IC TAGS--PANCREAS, CANCER, DIABETES MELLITUS, SWLGERY, CAkBOHVDRATF METABOLISM, ANESTHESIA -'.CONTROL MAPKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRA!4E--1988/0040 STEP NO--UR/058917-0110,4/e~)0410064/0070 UIRC ACCESSION N0--4P0I05I3")_ 014 Lit orflKlaw ii"!"ruffiffifflommum! 212 03U UNCLASSIFIED PliOCESSING DATE-16OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP010~139 XBSTkACT/CXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTPACY. THE EXPERIENCE WITh TREArlENT OF THE PANCkEATIC CANCEk IS BASED ON 41 OBSERVAI'l(IfiS CARRIED OUT rll A SURGICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE S. P. BOTKIN HOSPITAL -~,INCI: 1956 TO 1963, IN 25 OF THESE CASES CANCER OF THE PANCREAS DEVELOPED oi~j rHE- BACKGROUNO OF PRECEDING MAUFTES, IN 15 PATIENTS DIABET"E'S WA,b INOUll-E0 ay pf~lm.'.qy CANCER OF THE PANCREAS. THE DURATION OF DWETES~PRELEUING PANCR~ATIG CANCER RANGED FROM 2 TO 16 YEARS. T~IC- INTE9VAL I'lit'WEEN THE: APP(:AkAt4CE OF DIABiJES AND INITIAL SIGNS OF PANCREAric CANCEC.,11 AVERAGED UP TO 3 MONTHS* IN 27 PATIENTS CHOLECYSTO ~;ASTROANAST ')tlO!JKS WAS C.O.A.'STRUCTE0, IiN 10 CHOLECYSTOENTERO WITH E,"ITERO ENTERUANASTOMOSISo IN I CHOLEDDLHU.) DUDGENOANASTOMOSIS, IN 3 PATIENTS T14L OPERATIO."I WAS TERMINATED I~Y TENTATIVE LAPAROT0i'-lY. IT WAS FOUND SURGICALLY T!HtkT EN00TRACHEAL rl.~~ ANESTHESIA WITH NITROGEN MONOXIDE AND,UXYGENs A:S~~qFLL AS RADICULAR K[NDS OF ANESTHESIA (PERIP~JRAL ANESTHESIA WITH :A' VISCGU~ SGLUTIONt SPINAL), RENDER THE LEAST EFFECT ON CARBOHYDRATE METAHOLI:Sk IN COMPARISON W L OTHER KINDS OF ANESTHESIA. THERE WERE THREE LETHAL ISSJES AM014G THE PATIENTS* U-'~~C_L_43 5.11 f V_ ) LNC I'A S S I F I EiC ILE-,-THE F AT CARE ICHY[fZ~TE V E 1 5 ECL I Sly CIL FI N G DIABETES VELLITLS -U- ALTHCR--DAVTYtN, N.K., PAFKCV, I.M. WICC J.",ENG CATC_--17JQLl(, IONS I h PA I I EN 15 W I TH' INFC--LSSR ,.CCUNTFY CF !.;C0ZCE-KhlrUPr_IYA, 197C, N.Q 1, PP 10ci-114 DATE FLeLISFEC ------- 70 -:sL.BJECT AREAS--8fCLCGlCtL ANC I-ECICAL SCIENCES ~_MF[C TAGS--CIABETE'S MELLITLS, SUGAR PETABCLISIV, C.ARBOHYG'RATF_ 14-ETABCL IS.'41 B-ICLCGIC CPERATICN* FATTY TISSUE, INSULIN ~tCNJACL PARXING--NO RESTRLCTICNS DCWMENT CLo!SS---LNCLASSfFIE1: ,,PRCXY SICP NC----Lf4/C'_;3I Cl-Rc ACCESSIC1% NC--ZFCC44850 7-7 Acc. A P 0 044850 Ref.. C o d e PRI.MARY SOURCE: Khirurgiya,i1970, DTr*j THE FAT-CARBOHYDRATE JMETABOLIS."I [WRIN13 OPERATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS -z, 1. X. Markil K. Davl~,/!, TV Under study was th.? cantent ohu~jar and tionei,teriflOd !attv tic,'d-z (NEFA) (if the Wood ps vv~!l --s ffie livok-tic ac~ivizv 0i 1~:c fa'tV tiql-,Ue it-, dia,\.Ilir T-LiVnl~ ~tibjcct'A to rFivitary 'Ind :-~:inor operatioas. Th.-~ con'roi i,,rcup compri4,,~d of p;~tirlts .1") th(!'iam(2 Opera. am ;-,ut not suifcrir)"; from It kv.~~ icurld ih-A 0) b!c,,~), siqar lcvel at -)Iv ir the ~ -~,ining of the ovanalion i:; ,,ccrj o, &'.6c4ic Too corll'~;)" cf fam _-_-idi 0 and riuhJ:abeLiC mcreasei b' t1i in d; fli %vith dLbetesc at th- end of tt~e operation there i~ noted ~in iqcre~.svd of Uha lipololc at,!ivity of the fatty To ensure normalization oi the f~21-t~zrbohv~r_."',e ill overationz perfor-ined in with diabetes the aWhars recommiend at the bei?imaing c -it the operation a 1/p mor- ninz c'13~c of imulin and onv. Unit of insuJin yh;s 2 qnn oJ in conditions of in1r_a%-&nou5 administration durip- the OPU010111 a S' IM-4r~t 91tic';6e brilutioll in a doq REAL/MuME T!40 -M VIC t.jkss IF I Ec P.'4~!CESSPiG CArE--17JU'70 :T I TL E--T(-E ACIO HASE PALANCE OU R It, GC F!EPAT/VE I N-F E R V fl-~ b, T I C:N ~S 1 N P t T I E N f S SUFFERING FRCV C I ABE TES MEL L I TUS -U- '~-'AL-1HOR-MARKCV, I.N. , SFCHEPCAKCVA, L.S. IN'FC--USSR ko .CLNTRY CF --r-KHRURCI YA 19 7C ~P It FF 104-109 ..S,rIJRC E T E- PLFL ISHEC ------- 7 0 15LBJECT -AREAS--LlICLCGICAL ANG M-ECICAL SCI'ENCFS 51CP IC TAGS--CIABETES MELLITUS, ACIO BASE LCL I L 18R I U111 AClDCj.SlSj ALKAI.CSIS tCIN TRCL FAFK(Ncj--I\C PESTRICTHNS :".OCCUMENT CLASS--LNCLASSIFIEC PKC-XY REEL/FRAVE--lS77/17C6 STEP NC:--LR/C531/TCI/-1-30r'O(]L/OlJ4/0109 --AP004485l 1-p~ V i Acc. Nr*. Ref, Co.dc-41?4&%1 PRIMARY SOURCE: KIii.-u.-Siya, 1970, Nr PP THE ACID-BASE BALANCE DURtNG 01PERATIVE INTERVENTIONS IN PATMINTS SU11FERING FROM DIABETES MELLITUS' 1. N. Markov.,L. S. Shc'hOibakolla As early as in the postoperative period in pati.zmrs suffer;r1t, front ~diabeit--s rn~!Ili'us t~crc! may be sEen alterations in chi! ac:d-base balarcw, catrirronlli charau'uisiic 10- rriem~i'j": zxidosis. It is orly na r(_ral L hai: i n ~zdi t "0n5 Of 0'pwa, zi vi~ - i ritti,ye r. t ion cla r. ~c t,3- base baiarce tovards rr alk~losh_ may be*.mare pro'noiiiced. -ks (it! ro.5ult o-1 obsc,v2- tions over 410 patients -wi0i, di,betes rnefliius wbi,2(:ted to dilieranL oiwranions it wa& shed that commoniv unetabolic- aci&~sfs is noted in patient-, sijf luring It-am acute and clirnmr- dLseases of the g3flbladd~r. An investi,aaflon of U12 acid-b,:ise balant:e efurirgr aperlit.ioni was pe~rform~d on tlk-:e micro-Aitrup appjrabj~, %% hich erial,ied raoid detcTonina~jlan oi Uie oce).-rfi~g chja~i~i, Tiimely elimination of complication;; of the z6d-b~se ba!at-,t:e is coudi.,qjvt: too more favorable ctjur~e of the p9stoperative period. REEL/FWIE IW71706: SPIRO 0 21 0 INGV70 L JITLE--NEUROGENIG MECHANISMS I'l THE PATH;:)GE"t~:SES OF! F NA LI iYP E k f E '.S I GN 'AUTHJR--~-.MARK, Wr KP..'A. CCUINTRY.~OF INFO--USSR GU% --VESTNIK AKADEM11 iMEDITISINSKIKH N~AUK SScjRj Vlh. 2.51, NO 11 L1)71)s "C E S PAGES 87-95 C D------- 70 DATE PUBLISHE :S U 13J E C TAkEAS--BIOLL)GICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--KIDNEY FUNCTION, HYPEPrENSION, PATlA0G[-1414.$lS C0lV,TRW,*,lARKING--NO m-ESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CL AS S-W4CLASS IF I ED PROXY REEL/FRAAlc--3003/0950 STEP ACCESSION N0--AP013U0l2 CIRC UNCLA S S I F Il 2/2 020 EE D PROC.i.SSI.N-S DATE-13NOV70 C IkC ACCESSION NO--APOL30012 I ~: ABSTAACT/EXTRACT-M) GP-0- A 35 T R.4 C T UNTIL KE-CE.NTL)'i IN ME PRUPLEM OF -rHE N~-VOUS SYSTE- At~,J THE KID!~N-YS IN 11ATIA"OFNESIS iNTERACTIONS BET',IEEN Z m -.1 1 OF HYP EA TENS I ON I A T TF NT 1 ON WAS CU~NC E~ff TF D AL,',I' )~S I E-.):CL.1 'i I VE L Y 1),4 ON E DIRECTION, ON THE STUDY OF I % F L U E N C E 5: ri F T H F IN` HY G U S . SY 5 T LM 0 11 J 11: f - E R F N T J qENAL FJINCT 10MS I N 'GRIDER TO DE-M-UNSTRAT E THE NEiJKbGE,',.'l c ;3A I-H~iAY.s OF -NESIS OF -NTIAL lVeVIz-'- TI:NSM~ INVGLVEMENT OF KIDNEYS III THE PATHOGL ES;~I- 'WHEREAS THE HU.Mt."RAL NATURE OF- Ri~NAL HYPERTENS1.0.1,41' IT,-)r-L):: WAS CONSI-'JER~D GENE-'sALLY RECOGN E: 1) AS FOi. M SE lj*,IFLIJENCE~S F;07.11 THE K10M.-Y') T;~ THE NERVOUS SYSTEM UNDE-P M3 kMAL CONDI T I ON$ A%J, 1 N KE.~!ji%L ~IfYfl Ek T'l: INS I ON, THEY OREW LESS ATTENTIG%' AND KEMAINE'D UNCLEAR AV - il w I M T L vi r F E ii Y E A *~, S TH I S -1L1 T I NG GAP WAS SIGNIPICAINTLY I E fj b Y, A SEfi * IES OF ~iEw ji%u DATA A;40 HYPOTHESES 'idilCH AR~ TJlE SWC~Cl' OF TH15111,4TICLE. 1) 1 C L S -C N' E S , A(. I L [ T Y: 1,"4STITUT& )F PEOLATRICS, OSSR ACADEMY~'CIF Ml MOSCOW. ~ij USSR UDC: 53q~. 1. 07 MUMOV RYABOV, N. V., STAS, K. II . "Use of Photographic Films for Individual Badiometr,,( of Lht Daughter Products of Radon" Tr. SqXuzn. n.-i. in-ta priborostr. Wor~,r, of 11-he Union 3c;entific Research Institute of Tnstrument Building), 1970, ItYP. 12, p~",j (from -MetroloEiya i IzmeritellnWa TekhniVa, No 11, Nov '[0, Abcstract No 11-32.14-71) Translation: The authors enansider the possibility aV inilivid,,iai monitor*~'rlrz for the atmospheric content of redon decay product,,; ac-coriiini~ to the "late'n't" energy by pumping a-ir through a filtering cloCh whil,e simultaneously -,.Ising a ZnS(Ag) scintiliator and a photographic film to the a-activity of the specimen. The paper gives the results of Itheoretical and exmerinental studies on determining the sensitivity of, the methods; and tht~ measurement range. 77=7 7777= 777 0 10 '' ~* 7 WX LA S S I F I '-c-*,D P WO C E 1, Slfv"y ;j'Af'E'---13N')V70 TITLE--METKICS oF THE CLOSED GY ELEl_fi-.lC CHANGEP TJ THF THEORY OF LLECTKOAlAGINETICL FRIEUMON'S -u- AUTHlR-(0Z)-P!ARK0V# M.A.t I-ROLOVo V P ,.ZUATkY OF INFO--USSR ~_'~SOURCE-TEORET ICHESKAYA I MATE;'~AT ICHE SKAYA Fl Z IKA L9 70,, VOL :5, NR I t PP 3-17 PU3LISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS ~TOPJC TAGS--PARTICI-E--D[Sli~13'JTI(l~4, CHAik(;E UENSI.TYs PIAXWEU, EQUATWNs ELErTRIC FIELD, ELECTRIC POLARIZATION C CNIT R 0 L:AARK I NG--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3003/1010 STFIll N10--kJA /0046 /T0100:1 00 11000 3/ 30 L 7 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0130049 ulv~ L A S S I i': I 7777 -12 010 UNCL ASS IF 180 PROCESS ING OAT~--13NOV70 I:CIF.C ACCESS ICN ING-APil L300413 ABSTRArT/PXT;- ACT-- (U) Gil-0- A3 S T kA C T lHE G E IN E A A 1_1 Z A T 10 11 1 S C 0,N!') 11) E R E 0 ~l - m -OF THE. WELL -KNO'oN TWAAN PiO.IbLEM fl."i THE CASE tlF Jj~,EC_TfZj(.ALLY CHIiRGEG DUST LIKE MATTER OF THF GENTRAL SYMilk:TRICAL S Y 5 T 1_"lil TIiF ~:IRST I "il-FGRALS OF THE CORR ESPuiNDEN T SYSrEbli OF TjrlE [Ill9:jTEJlN i'll-AX141-il L. ~IJUATIONS THE- PROBLEM IS SPFCIFICATi~O IN SUCH A WAY THAI' W Th Tki!L' FULL CHARGE OF THE SYSTEM GOING TO LEK(), THE METRICS:UF THE ;~._LDSI~:D F-R.11iiMA-A WQ5-'-Ll) ARISES. SUCH A SYSTEM IS Cil'-61DFAED Al THE INITIO,L. Tiihl* UF MAXIMAL ENLARG-EHENT. W I TH ANY lN0,NVANiSHING BUT NI:) HOW S!11ALL VALUE OF THE ELECTRIC CHARGE THE ".1;_-TRICS 15 LIN C L IHE '-lET0,lCS OF THE AL-0i)ST FRIEDAANIAN PAkT OF THE '40.-ILD ALL014,S T11;: l_l(l'IT[NJm~Tl,lI THROUGH ;E SSiNER THE NAKRC;4 MAINHOLE (Ar THE SMALL CHU'd-) AS ?H,';- STRID'i - I- IMETRFCS WITH THE PARAMETERS SQUARE TUOL OF X,14 Sulbll~i 'r_uUAI_S E SU6,~ . THE EiXPRESSION FOR THE ELECT.-*IIC POTEINTIALIM 1-11E MANHOLE PHI SU31-1 :_:-~UALS C PRIME2 SQUARE R,')OT X LJOES NOT L)EPE1413 UPON, TH VALLIE Cl- THE: ELECTRIC CHAP GE. THE. RADIUS OF THE IANACLE W SU?,H E.'jIJAL!3'F.. SIMI) S..!;JAR~: TOOT X C PRIME2) INCREASES olTH THE INC:,4~_ASE JP 114F CHAlt,61E. Ttic 1,rATE OF ME MANH!lE AS GIVEN GY THE ltiPPEIAR.S iS AS~~_'+.Y [ALLY FRC,!-i rH~ .9ov.; w-i ptivISICS 14 1 ~*:i0o 1,1111' Vjl~Rlllus 10' ' TO THE PAIRS 1 -1 THE EN.5AMDUS ELLCTidE FIEL.05 OF' THF MANHI~Jcl- (il -S KIS~ j POLAR I IATI LIN OP THE LAY TER UP TO EF PLC I I Vl,:: CHARGI': 1, SNA1.11,ER THAN 13 7r; IRREI~P ECT f VE OF THE [fif T I f~j NO HATTER HDI4 TH-: ~YIIIEM. FACILlry: 06 'YEDINENNYY INSTINT YARDERNylal I U114CLASS IF: IEU '14 j-!) UNCL I 0_ TITLE--ELECTR14CALLY NEUTRAL FUELOS OF MESONS MATTER DENSITIES IN COLLAPSING SYSTE.45 -U- iWTH0 R- (02) -BERES INp V.A.? COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR lie SOURCE--TEG-RETICIIESKAYA I MATEMATICHESKAYA Fl?lKA%; -165 1 61 DATE PUBL I SHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--VECTOR MESONt QUANTUM FIELD THEORY COWROL MARKING--NQ RESTRICTIONS 09CUMENT CLA Ic S--'J"CLA SS TI E: 0 ANO THE 1974), VOL 3, 11R 2. PP PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0323 STE PPIU--UR/ 0646,f'70/0~):i 100ZIOI~) 110165 CIRC 4CCESSION NO-AP0129560 ilod, W70 -7/2 014 UNCCASSIFIE(jr' :!;S IN(, 0ATE-27NO FlIRC ACCESSION ~40--AP0129560 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(IJ) GP-0- ABSTRACT. r H I--- ELECTRICALLY NEUTRAL V-1--JOR MES014 FIELDS (;lU IS TO PHII RHO, (.111,1:GA) (-,EA:3F- TCl CONTRACT THE: OF COLLAPSIW; SYSTEMS AT THE RADIUS R IF) EQUIVALFNT TO ili-m M1.1 of: Cr HOWEVER, IF THE DIMENS10114S ALLARSING SYSTElt,'~:, ARE VE:~Y SM-ALL, r~iF- DEI-SITY OF THE MATTER REI~,~.AINS MANY OROERS LF)'vl[:R rHAN THE SO CALLE~D QUANTUM DENSITY PQ TS EQUIVALPIT TO :10 PRINE03 G-CM PRImE3, AT AHICH THE CLASSICAL DESCRIPTION OF PHENOMENA LOSES tTS VALIDITY DUE TO QUANTUM EFFECTS. FACILITY: 0-q'YE0IN,ENNYY INSTW;UT VAGERNYKH ISSLEDOVANIY. L J 4 V I I- I USSR BEREZIN, V. A., and MARKOV, M.J& (Lebedev Physics Institute, USSR Academy of. Sciences) "Pote ntials- of the Type an/rn, > 1,in Collapsing Systems of the General Theory of Relativity" Moscow, Teoreticheskaya i Matematichetikaya FiziRa, August 1972, pp 153-163 Abstract: A nonlinear generalization of the Maxws-,1.1 equations is coils tructed which leads to static repulsive potentials of the type under considc~raltion. The corresponding analogue of the Hordstr&i-Reissner nerrtc -Js construcced. Within the framework of classical noti-quantum) physics it Us 3hown that the ation (an/rn+~ -al theory of rela- forces under consider, n > 1) in* the gerier, tivity do not lead to divergences of the valf-anurgy 4)f clip-:11- Source. It is shmin that in the case in which a collapsing 5-.11:1tem It"C"cs bevoral thL~ .Co- I /rn4,l'-,, gravitational radium ("black hole") the classicai far . 11 . > 1, as well as the electrostatic and graviLat6nal ones do oaL disappear in outer space. This result is contrary to L14 result obtaiwiA by Bartle ~Preprinz~, University of California, 1971) for the pair neutrino forceA: (-r~-). The arti6le includes 46 equations and three figures. There are nine biHi- ographic references. 96 USSR MARKOV, M. A. FROLOV, V. P. "Metric of the Closed Friedman World Perturbed by an Electric Charge (On the Theory of Electromagnetic 'Friedmons')" Moscow, Teoreticheskaya i 1111atematicheskaya Fizika, Vol 3,1 No 1, 1970, pp 3-17 Abstract: This article contains an investigation of a general;zar-ion of the kn oblem to the case of electrically chargeVt)owdered matter of a own Tolman pr ce-ntral-symmetrical system. TFe first integrals of the- vorresponding system of Enistein-Mav4ell equations are found. Then the problem is specially defined in such a way that when the total charge of the system approaches zero, the closed Friedman world metric occurs. This system is investigated at the initial point in time and at the time of naximuri expansion. Por any electric. charge as small as one might like, the metric turns out to be open. The netric of the almost- Friedman part of the world is continued via a narrov orifice by the Nord6troeal-- Reissner metric with the parameters m0 - en- The expussiart for the electrIc potential in the orifice C245 q0es not depend an the value of the :,Ie~tric charge. With an increase in charge, the radiua of the or3fice (rj, - C!(j ~,Ivc-) increases, The state of the orifice in them case of clasil;lfical descriptioll ill 1/2 --------------- USSR -a, Vol 3 M. A., FROLOV, V, P., Teoreticheskaya i Matematichaskaya FiziP No 1, 1970, pp 3-17 essentially unstable from the point of view of quantum physi.cs. Generation of any type of pairs in the enormous.electric fields Of thil OTI.fice polarizes it to an effective charge Z < 137e independently of howjarge Me original charge of the material system was. 112 017 UN(;L ASS I FED PROCESSING DATE-ZONOV70 TITLE-SUME PRGbLEMS UF THiz CONTINUAL THEGkY OF W~LOCAI'40NS -U- AUTH0k-(02)-Vf4KULEhKO, A.A., MARKOVs K*Z* CCUNTRY' bf- INFG--USSR SQURCE--VESTNlK LENlNGkADSK(;G,D UNIVERSIJETA, Nu 7, ~MATuiATIKA, mEKI-wNIKA; ASTRCN~;'MIYA, 1970t NR 2, PP 74-67 DATE _PUBL ISHEU ----- -70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES ~~'-TGPIC TAGS- ENTRGPY ICS TENSOR ANA LY.S 1,1; -CONTROL'VARKING-Nd RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED :PROXY RELL/riRAHE-3005/1389 STEP Cr I RC ACCESSICN NO-AP013334L UNC LA S SA i~: 4 ii 0 212 017 UINCI-4SSI F I ED PRGCES!;[NG 0AF;::---20NC-jV70 CIRC ACCESSICIN INO-AP0133341 ABSTRACI/EXTRACT-0,11) CP-0- ABSTRACT. MEDIWIS Wll!k CiJi'JINUOUS ~IFLDS OF DISLOCAmiNS ARE YREATE-0 IN THIS PAPER. SOME 0EVAIL's" (IF c-co;.-,(-,rKy 0,-- DEFCRMATICN ARE SPECIC-LED HLRE. IT Is SHOWN COINCIIJENCE OF THE THhEE VALENr JENSCIR OF DISLGCA~VION; oE:,,4sirY Al"I'D THIE TEhSCR OF TORSICIN (AS KRONER AMD OTHER AUTHORS ilANE CI.AIINIED) Is NGT ABSELLTELY TRUE. IN FACf, THERE TENSDIRS COINclucl ONLY TO WITHIN THE MULTIPLIEk, IrIHICH REPkESENTS THE ijc*iilv,All0rl Of LINE OF THC BASIC DIFFEC-MARF I SMS. THE DESLRI 'TPIUN OF THE .4N'E';'AC-T'Q;N jFr: orsLcr-arioris IN THE CCNITINUAL THEORY CF 01SLOCATIUNS IS THE MAIN il'11493LEM OF T~il-S PAPER. IT IS PROVEIJ THAT THE SPEC[VIC "FAR ltilflj;ENCI.~ll OF 1)15~.OCAI-10116 LEADS TO THE DEPENDENCE OF THE FIELD OF ENERGY:DENSITY ON i3RAOI-ENTS OF THE FIELD OF THE TENsori GF UISLOCATION DENSITY oll71'~Wl THE CINJOITlitV.1 OF LOCAL USE OF 7HE P-ASIC NUTEONS OF THERWODYNAMIC~. JHE CLlRW(;5purll0lNG SPUtFlCATiGN 'CAL trQUATICNS Of: 'NE Y J ILd F. RGY AM) ENIT011 B A t, AN C E. ~'W.L GlYLN HERE,. UNCLASSIFIED 777. 1f3 046 Pl'-',0CE5SU'lJ(, DATc---2()'.IOV70 ~TITLE-NECHAN[StiS GF INPRARED PADIATICNIOF THE UPPElk I~TMGSPI-ERE -U- .'iL;THU-R-(C3)-GGP%DIYEISj B.F.9 MARKQVt M.N., SHELEPI-Wt L.A. CCUNTRY LF INFrj--LSSR SCJRGE--MCSCG6, KCSMICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANtYAP VOL Urf., NO 3t LWDto PP 437-448 DATE PU,6LISHEC----7C SU6JE'CT AktA5--ATM0SPHEl*__lC SCIENCES JOPIC TAGS-UPPER ATHUSPHE'E, IR RAD [ATIUN, DiA.rovf( MCCEGULE CUJRCL MAkKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEU PR.'J,XY REEL/FkAM~--3005/11'510 SJEJI ClkC ACCESSICN NG--AP0132712 UINGLASSIFIED 2/3 ~04b UNCLASSIFIED PROCES-SAING DATE-20NOV70 CIAC ACCESSICN NO-AP0132714 A;-7'5TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A 8 S TR AC.' A STUDY 14AS MAUE OF THE C-SCILLATCRY RELAXATICN GF DIATOmIC MOLECULES IN rhE U?~'[:"% AlMJSr-hi-RE AND A JOINT ALLC6ANCE VAS (lAi'IE FGR THE EFFc-cT riF pi-tarcti-LECTRLYNS X1,10 ELECTRIC FIELDS GN' ELECTRCN Ar\L-; IC(i TEMPERATURE. A STUDY iiAG 10F Ulf-*F-IRENT -liEGhANISmS (THERMAL, ELLCFRC~i, CHEMICAL) kESPONSHIILE IT ~A-%S FCL,,Nt) THAT IN TnE- UPPE,R. ATMOSPHERE, ',vH0Sk CH,%q,41:1'EkISTIC~ ARC VESCkl6EG BY AVERAGEOt STANDARD PARAMEJERS IN' THE ABSEliCE OF G-~'-:GMAGNE TiC DISTURbANCc-S (KP EQUALS --;), THEkE ARE EMIFTI.NG LAVi,;-'R3 AT SUME -~LTJTUDES I,N THE RAVIGE 100-5CO AN ESHvIATE OF THE lfHI(;8!.'4L-S5 AND INT&NSITY JF T.-E E I-,, I S S I C N 6F THESE LAYER5 Sl-Wlei'S r~-AT IN THE~ CAS~~[ OF EXCITArl0f~ OF S b Y ELEC W-N I t-!VAC I IN AN ELE~-Ttl K F KEA:0 AND 0 li~ ING Cl-IL:,'-', [CAL K)LECULE, A E A L T I G N S f h E- T H I C K N E 5 S I S A 13 0 VT '10 K 14 tj 1) T Hfl~' IN I' 1~-* s I I-Y cii- THE EMISSION 11% THE REGICN OF THE RUTATICNAi. VIBRATJONAL F3,tiNDS I'llf THE INOLECULES Ngj cot N- PRIMiEl4j, N P-NIME15 Ai'-,#'U GTHER5 (3t-13 MICRONS) I-AN A.TTAIN 10 PkIr-.ENEGATIVE5 -I0PRlv-EN'EGATIVE4 ERG-CA PAIM~::~ SEC. THE AGREEMENT GF THESE VALJES "ITH THE EXPj7RIhik;NTAL OATA OF A INUMaEk CF ROCK-ET ANC SATELLITE .-EASUREMENTS 1-14D!~ATES THAT E-l,.(:t;TNIL FIELU~3 AN-0 CriEPICAL I-,EACTIGNS IN lHU- UPPER 4N,10SPHERE. AR": fili:: 9lqIlkli;[PAL FACT(lk!; nrilCh LEAV TL THE GFNL,-~ATljN 01,~ 11.1, RAOATIO(v. 114: THE IT I-S iECESSARY TC STUDY THESE PRUCESSES FURNEVAND, SfUllll' SIXH IMPURTNI-IT J-iAGNETJC s'rGp~is CASES~AS TIJE OFHAVICk CF Tf-if UPPER ATMOSPHERE w, I -t#HEN THE 065E:kVE0 LIMISSILiN FLUXES IN LAYhRS AT. 4Lrr'llJ0V!i) 300-500 K.4 ARE C!CiiNSf01-PAbLV UYHAINL~.L li~ INTENSITY (UP TO 10 PRAPIEK-ClAl IVE3 ERG-Cfi 0 TIMIS SEC) U N C L A.S S ri f A I'D f 3-13 046 UNCLASS I Fl ED ATE--20'NOV70 QCE$:;,IING 0 C Vl CACCESSICN j',.0--AP01327I2 AdSTRACT/ EXTRACT-- IT WCI-ULD UIE INTERESTING TO FURMUI-AlE E-YI)ERIMENtS FOR -JET TJrlE DEPENI"ENCE OF RADIATION INTEN'S(rYA-N r~-ii: SpEclf:(C STATE OF THE UPIIE'.-, AT1,105PHEkE, XNALYSIS OF THE SPECTRAL :;C0MPW;lTI0-'q OF I'HE RACTATICN, UETAILED li*,,~VES I [GAT OF THE CORRELATUN BLTWEEN ENER(,Y FIELOS ANG ThE INrEi'qS!I'Y lt*'4 OIFFEkENT:SPECTRAL REGION$, AS WELL AS THE VERTICAL PGSITIGN OF T!iF EMITTING LAYE,RSW I i2 03-1 UNCLASSIF ED~ll ROCIF!"jING D4TE--27NOV70 IN THE DEVELOPM Pli! OF THE HOONNS TITLP.--SOME GENERAL REG 5ULARITIES STRUCTURES AND PECULIARITIES OF ITS GEOLOGICAL H V, 5 T OR.1 _u_ AUTHOP,-(02)-MARKOV, M.S., SUKHANOVt A.L. 4TRY OF INFO--USSR C OW SOURCE--PROBLEM GEOLOGII LUNY: AKAD* NA!UK SSSR: G E 0 INST. TRUOYt N10. 20it-9 P. 262-273, ILLUIS., 1969 ..DATE POLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--ASTRONOMY, ASTROPHYSICS, JOPIC TAGS--LUNAR CRATERs ROCK9 LUNAR HEAT CONDUCTION ~..CWITtIOL MAR.Klf%'G--NIJ RESTR[CTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--IJNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0713 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0137788 UNC L AS$ I F I E 0 EARTH S~IENCI:_:.S AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPOGRAPHYt, 'GiE-OLWY, TEPAPERAWPE, NG--UR/CooO/t),O,1/00,,1)120410262/('4273 C L V V A. I I ~ J N pA Po U1.) 1 ~i I R 1 6 U 1 111111',um I tj; Nk I- !~ f; ETHE DENSITY OF CRAIERS, MEASURED BY rRE AID OF AN E010AL AR.Oi P1 0 j k- C T I ON', WITH DISTANICE FROM MARIA. TE,14PERAT(Ji~4:~7tlt\iG-%I~OiL,I'ESP ON THE OT14ER HANDt HAVE A TENDENCY Tf -CONCE-N'rRATION AL014G IIARl; Z0Pd-;;,' THEY .11AY r CORRESPOND TO OIFFERENT HEAT FLOW IN JHE]:LUN,Nk IAO'ER 1QR. EVIDENTLY E GROSS COMPOSITION UF THE ROCKS OF THE; TERRAE, AND i:~MARIJI ARE S0,11EWHAT DIFFERENT. UNCLASSIF-TED EXPLANATORY NOTES FDA TIM CAL CRk)q' OF IDIE PAHT 07 KARZ llu,91111, TiM CRATEA COPCWIILU~, ANII 175 ABSTRACT. Tha 0-rta for this ragica are dLoc.sscd on the baslo of obse"ations bj lun*c cr~iter zpuc~crafc ant) othera. Tha hLateric*l jm~p~er of this charr is rra,-4 1,== t4 16-)Y. exrL"ATURY "Ter. VLI.R Tilt, GWT --m Or rAE Nuim"m 4 rAu 02 KARR mm ,m ABSTMCT. A gor'lbl, djqc%,i*I= .A Stvar* of %he lujist facrurtz and geology vithim this -.qttma, * The historical dcv4Icp=mt.vF nests civarts,j, truc4d., j0*ts frem tho XmLn&&v spdczrvaft are duscribod. t Vill Jam wm mnuiws or Tia: DFvL-,ormE%-, ol: s'nucTLIus 00 Till: H304 &P-9 DUTAILS OF ITS CLOLOGICAL 111STOKV. M. ~~, k-, .=TRACT. Thv proccamao leading to the fomztion of vnriouo lunar features ore identified. -ia, &ut!sort vresent a diac"aloss of tho Avvelop=aot of the largo stele I*Atures tcontinente And "rio) on the Mom. CEDLOCICA.L. CLVTARISON OF THE "WN AM) LARTH Flarand 7 ABSTPACT, The Boological. pr.cessem loadiult to the layarLng am tha meoe Are dL**d and cosvpazad with procoveas on the Xarth. Meoftirch,cooiluctad by varl"A XV106inn #ad Ar-orltan NoUntlets an volcanic activity 1z or L/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED~ PROCE5SING DATE--oqocr70 "'.-TiTLE-MASCONS OF DEPRESSIONS IN LUNAR AARJA -U- ~:AUTHOR-(021-MARKOVt M*S.v SUKHANOV# A*Lo OF INFO--USSR NO. 3, 1970, P. 84-87 DATE PUBLISHEU--70 ,-,,-,PROXY RELL/FRAME-1991M374 STEP NO--UR/0026/'1'0100-0/003/00,;$4/0087 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP01101595 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 013 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DAT-t--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NIJI-AP0110595 CII ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) Gil-0- ABSTRACT. DfSCU$S,lUN I-JF IHE POSS131-E 14ATURE OF LUNAR MASS LONCENTkATIONS (MASCIONS) IN THE DEPRESSIONS OF LUNAR MARIA AS OBSERVED BY LUNAR ORbITER V. AN ATTEMPT.IS MADE TO EXPLAIN THESE ANUMALIES BY THE Dr_-P SEATED STRUCTURAL FEATURESIUF iiUNAR MAPIA LINKED WITH THE GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE MOON. A TWO.1,AYER MODEL OF THE LUNAR CRUST 15 PROPOSED TO EXPLAIN THE OCCVRRENCE OF MASCOo"IS o FACILITY: AKADEMIIA INAUK SSSR, GEOLOGILHESK-11 16WITUT, MOSCOWt USSR. =711 2/2 013 UNCL ASS IF 140 ("114CF-559NG DATt:---090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP011'0595 ABSTRACT/EXTAA~J--(U) C-P-0- ABSTRj-',CT. DISCUSSION 1,0: THE POSSIBLF NATURE OF LUNAR MASS LGiNCENTkATIONS 1,4ASCVNS] IN THE OF LUNAR MARIA AS OBSERVED BY LUNAK ORBITER V. ' AN ATTEMPT IS TO EXPLAIN I-HESE ANUMALLES BY THE DLE? SEATED STRUCTURAL FEATURES: OF LUNAl< MARIA LINKEU WITH THE. r,.EOLfJGICAL HISTORY OF: THE MOON. A YND UIYER 1400EL OF fHE LUNAR 'ONS. CRUST .14 PROPOSED TO EXPLAIN THE.OCCURRENCE OF MAliC AKADEM11A NAUK SSSR, GEULOWCHESKIL IN$VITUTv MOSCOliv U$SR. 11NI'l ASS USSR MARKOV, N. H., Ukr. reSD. nauch.-teldin. konf.., posvyaWich. 50-le-tiyu metrol. sluzhby USSR, 1972, 190-191 the error's sign is primarily minus; f ror, 35 to 50 nil it is indeterniinate; above 50 run, it is primarily plus. This J-s explained dL-;pLace-rcnt and nis- Ftlignment of the ricasurinG line. Micrometer adjustinent of inside calipers leads to larger errors than the use of end gaw;es to adjust U.,len. Errors in ineasuring v. geometrical shape are uGUally Of a ne5ritiVe tyl)(!:. ~'i2tL~rjjj:r Ilea: with different scale divisions rTakt, wmller errors when C axial P:L"-Y. autrinL; The choice of the degree of accuracy of end gauges use~L in L,roduction is rot always justified. Class 4 and 5 gauges are most frequ~,ntly used. A coinnarison of experimental and theoretical measureLent errors (th,!! latter were. radL- according to 011472M-1 0466-ooi-65, 66, and &I) shmis that thel, are closely con- vereent, except for measurements of play, caused by sxii~l eccentricity. It _-i s -al method of determininji', error in advisable to use the experiment enterprises and branches in order to evalLiate the de6raa of accuracy of the neasu-rements that are taken. 58 14' t USSR UDC: 621.79 PROKOSHKIN, D. A., VASIL'YEVA, Ye. V., MARKOVA, S. A., CHIMOV, 1. N. "Influence of Heat Treatment on High-Temperature Strength and Creep of MOMSTM Niobimn Alloy" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Mashinostroyeniye, No 11, 1972, pp 121-124. Abstract: An alloy was studied with the following chemical composition (wt. 9.4'a 5,98'a Mo, 2.75% Ti; 1.65% Zr, impti-rity contei-As 0.05% C, 0.0214 N, 0.020, 0, 0.001% If. The short-term strength a~nd creel) of this alloy were studied at 1100C. The influence of heat treatment on the character- istics of high temperature strength aild heat -resistancu, of the alloy wa!; studied. It was shown that hardening from 1700*C is an effective mcans of strengthening the alloy at high temperatures, High hovt resi.stance of tile alloy is achieved as a result Of formation. of a multivamponerit solid solution with high interatomic bond strength and separation of the ditipersed refractory carbide phase during lor ig service at 1100%. OWN USSR UDd: 621.372.8ir)21.385.63 ANDRUSHKO, L. M., MARKOV,_S. Ye. "On the Problem of Calculating Retarding Systems From Predetermined Frequency Responses by the Methods of Circuit Theory" Elektron. tel:hnika. Nauchr:o-tekhn. zb. Elektron. SVCh (Ele~atrontc Technology. Scientific and Technical Collection. SHF Blectronic;T. 1970, vyp. 2, pp 53-61 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 70, Abstract No 7B114) Translation: The method of synthesizing circuiti3 with lumpe-d conttwits is uzsad obtain a two-terminal pair net-work. vhose SEF eqnivalent Is a retarding systen. The elements of the conductivi matrix which determine the circuLt of the two- -terminal pair network are found from the predetermined froquency responses of the -ng synthesis of circuits diepersion and coupling impedance. Exa:mples are given shovi; whose BHF realization is retarding systems.of.the network t"e coiipled by a slat in-cylindrical resonators. Three illustrations, bibliogralphV of Wiree titles. Resumd. USSR Fluid Dy~tiiao4l UDC 517.9:5~2 BORISOV, V. M., MARKOV, V. G., PALILOVA, S. F., Moscow "On the Steady-State 14otion of a Unifomily Dense SusIminsion, in a Tube" Moscow, Zhurnal Vychislitellnoy Hatematiki i bratematicheskoy Flziki, No. 3, May/Jun 71, pp 738-745 Abstract: The steady-state one-dimensional motiGn of iiniforinly dense suspensions is considered. The suspension is considered as a continuous IRE-Aiuin., the st,atte. of which'at each point unler steady-state motion is chava,~.--,eri-.-ed by three variah-les: the cor~centration of particles, the velocity, and the *ffect;ve viscositv. The effective viscosity is defined as the proportionali-t,r f i j .0e f _,Ierlt betwC.Cn the amount of energy E' diSperSed in a unit volume per unit timt,-~ and the secoT-,d in- variant deformation velocity vectov of the medium, Thit analysis is ba,,cd on a maxim-um principle of the dispersed energy in stealy-sta-te morion. The assumptioa is not made that the flow of the susperislon satisfie., I'lie, Nfiavier-Stokes equations with an effective viscosity. The more natural u,-,e of Ja maxtrmin principle for dissipation made It poss-- to make an analogy with thd faml.i~ar Helmhol tz pi zn- Ciple for slow flows of a viscoma ancompreozibli~t fliald", It A.-- shown that layer-Ing 1/2 17 USSR BORISOV, V. M. et al, Zhurnal vychislitel fnay matematiki i -xiatcmatiche~;koy fiziki, No. 3, May/Jun 71, pp 738-745 of the suspension occurs in all cases. The rate of entrairwient of the column oF pointed the solid phase formed is obtainexi for th,e case of a wall effect. it i,, out that the model used applies when the flow of the suspension is essentially one-dimensional. 2/2 55 USSR UDC 669,15.018.44:669.782 BRATUMINA, V. A., DYN'KOVA, YU. V. 1-UMOV. V. G. "Effect of Silicon on the Properties of Pearlitic Steels Dasignad for Opera- tion at High Temperatures" Metallovedeniye -- V sb.(Physical Metallurgy - collection of works) No I", Leniagrad, Sudostroyeniye Press. 1970, pp 1:30-139 (f rom VIi-Ne tall urf,.iva, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 41630) Translation, A study was made of the effect of Si on the nechanical and -orrosion propetties of sLeol 1.0 (1.16-3.43" Si), 151"1i (1.22-3.24Z' Si), 15!,112 (2.25-3.311, Si), 151'hD1 (0.74-1.71% Si), 1510UMF (0.37-1,90.5. Si), Kh2M (0.25- 1.472 Si). It was demonstrateej that steel containing i,,p to 1,81 5i has a isfactory combination of mechanical propertic3. A higher content of Si in sat pearlitic class steel is Inexnedient a-,c. aresult af devtllopin,.~, brittlenetis oi the material. There are 7 Illustrations,; t4blesand 4i,9-entzy bibliography. 1/2' 040 P;"o!cEsS[,'lGp 0AT;_--13NOV7() UNtL st FIE'r) 0IFFUSION OF P AkT I CL HI NHUNG~GENEOUS SUSPIr-NSIONS ,_-_',AUTH0R-(0Z)-fiUYEV [CHI YU.A.t MARKOVt V. G.. C GO ~*'l T R YOF INIFG--USSR S 1111 R SK 0 Y E- 07DELIZ11YE, ZHURNAL SOURCE-NOVOSIBIRSK AKADIE-MIYA NAJK SSSR., -AN. __KHA.N1KI I SKOY FIZIKI, NU: It: 1) 70, PP 67-72 P'41KLAGNOl Mlz: TEKNICHE DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 5WIJECT AR EA S- PHY S I C S R30 L E N T TO)PIC TAGS--DI FFUS I W4- COEFFICIENTP CH EM I CAL 5 USPENS I ON TUt FLOW, -PARTICLE DISTRIBUTION, ANISOTROPY CONTROL -MARKING,-NO RESTRICTIONS 3POCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 REEL/FRAME--3003/0954 STEP NO--k~'R/0207/-eO/'JOO~(101/0067/9072 --AP0130014 .CIRC ACCESSION NO FF IF- Q SUB I AND D SU32 OF PSEUDelTURBULENT PARTICLE 0IFFU,% ION :li'll DINAL AND LATERAL DIRECTII'lf'NS 1THEY ARE L 4GITU! ~ID, IP! L: ECEATAIN q ASSUMPTIONS, AT REYINULUS INUMBEa 1-1 E'-'UALS 2 AU OVEAt' V S1.1cil SmALLER. THAN 1. THIS CORRESPONOS TO LOCALLY HO L.GENEOUS SlJSPVsjSl3lQ~. THE RESULTS OF -It AL CALCULATIONS, SUCH AS THE RATIG OF LATERAL AND 1_01'~IGITIJJ'r PSEUDUTURBULENT DIFFUSIU-4 COEFFIC'IFNM; AT ALPHA [Dil(.IAL!~~Q.60 ANJ THE THE LONGITUDINAL 01FFUSION 1~ "U151 U,v OE S 1 r Y DEPENDENCE. OF - P S D S:CF ARE PRESENTEU IN GUIPHS. Tfic SEU00TUR'BULENT, DI l'FlUS IlGli SOLID LONGIrUDINAL PAkTICLES IS 514OWN TO BF A SHARPLY ANI~SOTIZOPIG ;t,100 T1 F 0IFFUSION IS 10 PRIME3 TG 10 Piklihje4 TI:M,F-S (4;.)8V 141;:IP6~ 7H4.14 TH~ LUERAL 61 FFUS JOIN. THE CONCLUSIGN THAT LONGITUDINAL UFFUlIGN: IS Pr'EUd?4I%ANT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE OBSERVATIONS OF PARTICLE PULS41TIONS IN A RELATIVELY RAREFIED SYSTEM. THE PHYSICAL.CAUSIE Ul TI-115 i)REbl!il,lIlNWi(.E 15 THOUGHT TO SPEED, co,,4sisr NOT OU Y IN THE ANESOPTRUPY'OF~ PULSATION ABUT- ALSO 1.14 -THE ANI!SOTROPY OF (',O~:RC,P0ND1NG Ml XIN('V~LEPIGMS UNCLASSIPIED w USSR 001. '17: IVANOV, P 1 .,;'AH_k`~_w`V , 7. a! id _,A.~ li~_ T __7 It k~. Sanita- glca .5" uion uVibration J_;.-;ca.3e wli-aor.- 1~n~ c, -opit eiiners i~. ',-Vjr z L..~Vye ija ,,i q Abstract: A, an re" ~);-i Qf L'. Qi:,~ :i, < v r e 'Che winter !a ta~::perature ")fLa-a C, dust~mess, dra lGv noire, ~sxa o f ners. w c rep0~-Lf--d pr4o:i~ Lu w-cn L-,,~: wo:rc- iR-24L drill !Lhe crause. Ito _-211ou, w 13 -as Lo JL) ld close 'o coyest an' 7t ~,as -Q~h. locu-, and as by th~ a rJ_e Li 01, ~asas c)~ ryparta_,isiom rh:~-_ VC-Q,~G~_ il~j troductioa. In a W;ZO,`6 WL)r4urzl ;i4r6 .0.4io -a. timas lazzi fruquent all' ~,,aln -'15a! so 2 040 UN.C.L'~,S r CIRC ACCESSION %C--AP0130014 -Ags, rq, Ar T / FX_rR_A_C_T_-- Wl NG OA T E I 3,NOV 7 0 W rM 612-05:67.52 USX OF AlmWIC, VOLUM FEE CONTROL IN 1"tSTM REMTVM;v* Vd, t-fo Lv-A 4 fArticle by A V, Koslowv V. A r r G_ . Va c :' 7N -4 ~ . - ValticILCA!~Lm-A AU 9 0 0 ept".Ux 7 1 - - 7 k"O". thcra La a considerable ch"& in tht amplitude ~f registered AY4I*IQ0CsI indiCos during f-azttooal. loads AM so-D gypvs of occupational activity. ' We bad tha c~part"nlty to observe four fol4- five I~IA Or4 -&vva- twIvatold-ihonges in amplitude of the 4cvt. cardiac t-m on a, :~!-== M 4"Letg-stTmzg: esrM~zal wxvicatt~t. Similar rcoult-5 4 4r# registered ductnIl 0.phystcal Laad, vith owposure to a hi8h tompavature et~~ Dar the vourseof cho -at conslAsrablo amplLtudis chang*tl cA41 "i -exports be ob~,Arved on clie sphygoograms for different artorien, tachouocltl"rAtn, Kovotkov %ones. ultTaxonic zar4ioj ix=, and othur indices. 'Since the recorriding instrument he* a finite dyn=ic rooxc, with an ov rloading of the ampliftestion &-snnel Otto will ba considerable rlonlizu~orl : I tortLons of the useful signal. Tha nature of th~so distnrtions Is dater~ q lead by dynamically transpiring changes In physiological processes. It to E:r_-ossLbI* to forests the degree of. "ch changes and thqcefuto the use of e,.tt i!sl Volume control for.their compensation to Ineffective. ln,4rder to broaden asethodolosIcAl poffoibilities and ineresse relia- bility In, registering different physiological Indicts in a broai ran lit of hanSts -in useful signal level it I* neceseary to use an aut4msti~ ;false > control system. It to deotrable to use an AVC system in regisc*rtng thosc signal. qA4**4k Information content consLits of changes In time relationships Cf.;ras, frequency, phase).. rar:.ix.omp a o analysis of the tacho*scillograw registered by the H. SAvitskiy.mei;;zA_r_-jutras primarily a study of the shape of the curve where- these oniAllationo sit analyzed only relative V3 coos iderab It trong thaning of the registered *Ignal, such lAmai halt ol thQ v4y, over- E*tj~ltl' jQ diStUrts tj%4' the It cannot, d i bi yes - ' !Ix 4 _7 USSR UDC 621.375.93.002.2 GERTS15NSHTEYN, M. YE., KOSTIN, A. A., ~MGNUSIIEVSKIT, V. SOBOLEVA, 0. A., SOLOVEY, L. G., Active Members of the Society "Plug-in 'Hodule for a Wide Band Parametric Amplifier" Moscow,, Radiotekhnika No 11, 1971, pp 105-107 Abstract: A description is presented of a miniature modular design ot' a centimater-range parametric amplifier with inLegral structure of the oscil- Latory systems. The operating principle of the module it; discussed, and schematic . diagrams of basic elements are presented. The pi7imary oscillatory system comprises a varactor diode and an auxiliary IUMPeN.1 Lnduct:ance inclu- ded in series with respect to the signal frequency. The pass band of the module is actually determined by the timaconstant j)f the diode aild is 8-9% of the operating frequency at a Iavel.of .1 decibel qAth ainplif ication, of 10-11 decibels. Further expansion of the'pass band to 1-1-12% of the opera- ting frequency is obtained by using a second corrector. The frequency- amplitude characteristic of the module with the additional corrector is presented. The application of a step structure as the corrector, transfer- mer and rejector of the other frequencies permits olitinnial! couplinS of the 1 /2 USSR GERTSENSRTEYII, M. YE., et al, Radiatekhuika, No 11, 1971, pp 105-107 primary oscillatory system to the matching quadr! pole in the signal circuit and realization of pass bands of the parametric module which are I.imitin,, for the diode used. This design is applicable in all cases where Lhe series resonance frequency of the diode is between the signal frequency and tile open-circuit frequency. 2/2 USSR UDC 534.222.2 KOROBEYNIKOV, V. P., LEVIN, V. A., LIAR .~h24 V. V. "Explo--Ion in A Combustible Gas Mixture" Nauch. Tr In-t. Nfekh Mock. Un-ta, (Scientific Works of the Institute of Mechanics), Moscow University, 1971, No 12, pp 83-89, (Translated fri)m Refcra- ti"yy Zhurnal Mekhanika., No 1, 1972, AbFtract No 111.~Il by G. A. Adadurov). Translation: The problem of tile explosion of a quiet, combustible mixturo of gases is studied when energy is _snst~,ujtly liberated at a point along a pialle or straight Iiiie. The gas is coi)sidcrod ideall,, ronvi.,;cous and non-hoat-con- ducting. The process of combustion is 'calculated usilig a niodel which considers the delay time of ignition. and stibsequent simultanelylis occuxrencc of the for- ward gind reverse reactions. Tbe equations are taken its Arrhenius dependences. Ilie analysis perfoTmed shows that themotion of the gas, in which exo- thermic reactions may occur, can be developed in two stagets. The init-1,11 stage is when the quantity of energy liberated in the ~area Jimited by the flame front is smali in comparison to the explosive onicirgy. Ilic caur:~,e of the process in this stage is described by formulas providinp the solution of tile problem of a strong point explosion. The chemical reactiona occur against the background of this flow. The strongly overcompres:!;ed detonation wave which develops with the explosion breaks down to an ordi.nar~, carnpression j1w.", 112 T1 1/2 01T UNCLASSIFIEO~ '~PROCIISSING DATE--30OCTTO ~JITLE-VULCANIZATION OF RUBBERS WITH SURBIC ACID $ALTS -U- AUTHOR-(05J-Z.4KhAR0VAv YE.S.t MIKHLINP, V.E.t DONTSOV, A.A., MAaKDVI ti.Y.9 OUGAPKIN, B.A. .CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KAUCH. REZINA, 1970t 29131t 46 PATF PUBLISHED-70 -MATERIALS SUBJECT AREAS -',,TOPIC TAGS--VULCANIZATION, PEROXIDEP ORGANOCALCIOPI COMPOUND, ORGANONICKEL COMPOUNDs STYRENE, SYNTHETIC RU4BER9 LVULCANIZATE/jU)SKS30ARK STYRENE -RUBBER CCN*,.r;RCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED _..PR0XT kEEL/FRAME-2000/0833 STEP NO--LIR/013B/*FO/029fOO3/i)04610046 -,-'C I RC ACCESSICN NG--AP0124500 UNCLASS IFIED- 2/2 017 UNC LAS S I F -i'ROUSSING OATE--~OOCT'70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0124500 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M) GP-0- ABSTRACT* SKS 30 ARK RUBBER WAS VULCANIZED IN THE-PRESENCE OF 10 PARTS (MECUf.GHryH:CHCO SUR21 SUa2 CA OR tMECfizCHCH;CHCO SUB2) SU82 NI AND VARIOUS PEROXICIES. . THE VULCANIZATES WITH SUPERIOR PHYSiGMECH. PROPERTIES WERE OBTAE141-:10. FACILITY: MOSK.-INSTo TONKOI KHIM. TEKIINOL* IM. LUMUNOSOVAPI MOSCOW, USSR, L A~ t~* S 1/2 007 UN C. I Fi~o PROCESSING 0ATC--L60CT70 TITLE-ASSOCIATION OF ORGANIC SULFIDES AND 3st4ETHYI,~BEtitl)I'I-il0i~HEti~ STUDIED BY A.CRYWCOPIC METHOD -U- YU.A,t RUSINSHTEYN, :1 KR E S PCOUNTM OF INFO-USSR vi, OURCE--NEFTEKWIMIYA 1970, 1041), 123-5, PUBL I3HED--7----70 i'SUBJECT AREAS-CHEM IS TRY !JOPIC TAG!;--THIOPHENEt SULF-IDEt BENZENE DERIVATIVE, STABILITY CONSTANT 'tt(WTROL 141ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .-OOCUMENt CLASS--UNLLASSIFIED RE,EL/FRAME--1992/1993 STEP NO--IUR'/0204/*F(J/010/001/012~~/0125 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01121;57 212 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE---160CT70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO-A110112957 :.ABSTRACT/EXTRACI'--(U:l GP-0- ABSTRACT. SOLNS. OF SPIALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO Ov24 G MOLE OF IN C SU137 H SU615) SU82 Sp IN C Sktd,8 H SUB 17) SU82 S, E`TSCH SUBZ PH, 3,M[:-THYLBENZOITHIOPHENE, PH SUB2 5, AiD (PHCH SUBZI SUB2 S IN 1000 G CYCLOHI-EXANE WERE EXAMO, MEASURARE .45SUCN, WAS FOUND ONLY WITH LAST 3 CCIMPOS,i !HE AVo STABILITY CONST.S. OF THE. ASSOCS. (NO. OF MOLS. OF SULFIDE 114 THE ASSOC. 1S 51 OF THE LAST 2 BEING 4.35d AND 7.482, RES,P.' USSR UW BORISOV, N.A., DAINDOV, A.A., LAIMUSFYN, y!L--V. "On The Effect Of Cav--ty Treatllm,~n' Q-i The 'Sulphide Lever With Electron 'Excitutic' Kwantova-ya- elektrGi (Qi~iant-l - Eled -~nicc 11cocow, m L r, No ('(3 2, Abotract: T',%e nup-3r 5t,.idiei~ the 1-noc r o,` cadmium siilphJ-do -ro,,.,n bv thF; -,,Litic w~w1l'-witi.oll in the ork ahow t, t to n ccn..-ji.4,~rublc Lnc lov ed laeretoforl~ ulth b'.111, cryiA.Alc c,!,' Cl(J.5 4irp- Tj F.' -wo rd t I i c s t i r Psu- c,. a 1) lcd b-, ,!I -t~,Arorm. In Oic; ol' Cleaved surnlce, the valilo~l ol a~!.-v~icd rx, th~: lrlo,ir tbr2uhold efficiency -arf-, Claso to +li.-;-r~ xer;o1ta o6l"'Anuo liltb i::hAt... r--" Cli~l 6 ref. Pecci-!al by edltcrs, 22 1141v 19724 Prikl. Mat. i Programmir. [Applied Mathematics and Progratmi-ning -- Collection of Works], No 9, Kishinev, Shtiintsa Press. 1973, pp 3-20 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika,,No 9, 1973, Ab- stract No 9V32) Translatjoii: Certain classos (if optimal coavol proj)lemt; iire studiod when thc-re are random perturbations for linear systems o1' ordinary differential equations. Thu criterion of replacement of these prob- lems with deterministic problems andisufficient conditions for exist- ence of an optimal control for stochastic problems are found. IA l/ 2 046 UNCLASSIFtED~ OROC~ISSING DATE--;!30CT70 I.:TITLE--PHONON PLASMA INTERACTION AND INTERHANO TRA145ITWNS m MERCURY TELLURIDE -U- .,AUTHOR-(05)-IVANOVOMSKIY, V.t-, KOLOMIYETS, B.T., MALKOVA, A.A.,,,MARKOV, l%lEKHTfYEVv A.SH. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE -FIZ. TEKH. POLUPPOV. 1970, E D------- 70 :DATE PUBLISHE 4(219 417-19 ?1 AREAS--PHYSICS .~_TOP.IC TAGS--MERCLIRY COMPOUND, TELLURIDFt SINGLE CRYSTAL PROPERTYP ELECTRON MOBILITY* IR REFLECTANCEl PHONON ENTERACTIONi PLASMA INTERACTIONP CRYOGENIC PROPERTY -'CONTROL .4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :.~.DOCUMFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME---1988/009L STEP NO--(JR/0449/70/004/OCj2/0417'i)419 CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0105177 2/2 046 UJINCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE--"-'-'A;lCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP010517? ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE IR REFLECTANCE WAS MEASURt--o FOR WAVELENGTHS OF 50-90 MU FROM INTRINSIC HGTE %T 80CEGRL-ESx: IJSI:4-~ AN OPTICALLY POLISHED SURFACE OF A SINGLE CRYS'rAL WITH N Fc~(JALS i.i-. TIMES 10 PRIME15-CM PRIME3 ANO AN ELECTRON MOBILITY OF 8 TImFS 10 PRillr-5 CM PRIME2-V-SEC AT 4.2DEGREESK, EXPRESSIONS ARE GIVEN f:GL~ A, OUNT IG FJR THE PHONON PLASMA INTERACTION, AND A THEDRErIC4L r-'JPVE 4AS SL-T UP FOR THE REFLECTANCE AT 80DEGREESK. FACILITY: F11. TEKH. INIST. 1M. ~IOFFE, LENINGRAD, USSR. - - - - - - - - - - - I)ROCESSING DATr=--160CT70 1/2 038 UNCL:ASSIFIED TITLE--THE VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUMP THE OPfICAL CONSUNTS, AND THE IJN[CITY OF THE BOND OF CUGEAS SUB2 IN CRYSTAL AND AMORPHOUS PHASES BY IR ".~'AUTHUR-(04)-ZLATKINt L*Bov ~STEVLHANPVv Ait,ol SHURi.M.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :'SOURCE-I. PHYS. CHEM. SOLIDS 1970r310')# 567-71 PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS# PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--VIBI(ATION SPECTRU)lt OPTIC PROPERTYt IR SPECTRUMt CHEMICAL BONDING, CRYSTAL STRUCTURE, CADMUM COM11.0UNDt CERMAN1014 COMPC?U-110, ARSENIC COMPGUNDt CRYSTAL LATTICE StRUCIURE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS JOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/1396 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107669 I ilkir IA C STEP NU--US/0000?'10/0i,l~/003/0')e.,710571 . ...... .... .......... 038 UN DIED 'PROCFSSING-DAtE--I60CT70 GIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107869 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A5STRACT. THE IR REFLECTIVITY IS INVESTIGATEO IN THE FREQUENCY RFGION FROM 2 TO T$ MU FOR T EQUALS 295DEGREESK. CHANGES OF THE VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM TAKF PLACE If' 1,-'iE REGION OF THE LATTICE REFLEcrl[)N WHILE CLEAR C011REELAVION EXISTS r-N THE REGIONS OF SMALL (SMALLER THAN 25 MU) AND LARGE IGREATER THAN 60 MU) WAVELENGTHS BETWEEN THE OPTICAL CONSTS. OF COUAS SU02 IN THE CRYSTAL -LEC. CONST. WERE AND AMORPHOUS PHASES. THE DISPEKSION OF N AND YHE DIE VI R T CALCU. BY KRAMERS KRONIG AND D[SPERSION ANAL. AND PiE 6 A I OtiAL FREQUENCIES DETD. THE QUAL. AND QUANT. PARAMEURS OF THE IONICITY OF THE BOND HAVE BEEN ESTD. THE CHEM-lBOND IN CDGEAS SUB2 IS ION-IC COVALENT WITH LARGER DEGREE OF COVALENT- PART. FACILITY: A. F. PHYSo TECH* INST.9 LENINGRAD9 USSR& USSR UDC ~51:621.391 "A Finite Automaton as a Controlled Systee V sb. _qravlyayeMrye sistemy (Controlled Systems--collet,1--tion of works), Aly-p. 4-5, Novosibirsk, "Hauka", 1970, PP 30-34 (from M-Kibarnetika, No 1, Jan 71, Abst-ract No lV332) Translation: The author discusses the problem of findlaq a word of minianum length which converts the initial state of an autamatcn to a,predetenzinvd state. Corsecutive calcullation of the matrix A'-jjuj')jf Ill, prc-joned u a r:)Q- lution, where W,, is the set of vards of length I which' nonvl?rt the statt si to the state a Let the number ~W - the income .... be placed In correipondence to each symbol b. Then corresponding to the n.utput word k is the income (bo. The author considers the problem of finding A;.; the word of minimum length on which the income exc-eeds m gi-yen level 00. Con- secutive calculation of the matrix BOMIX4,11 is proposed Tor the solution, Unravlyayenyye Sisteny, ryp. 4-5, Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1970, pp 30-34 vhere blij is the set of incomia for the words of d,alculation of the matrices also gives other analogow charecterigtics foil control of the G. Blokhina. automaton 2/2 -7 77 -1- 77.7 "~'USSR UDC.- 62l.W:661.018.95(088.8) ARA-ZEY, B. G., BAULIN, Yu. N., Z~TREV, 1. 1., ZUKUR, if V S., KOKONIN, S. S., H~RKOV, Yu. M., PORTNOY, K. I., SKLYAROV, N.. M. ,TURIN, V. A. "Metal Ceramic Friction Materialff USSR Author's Certificate Humber 3463'.5,1 Filed 15/12/60, Plubli~;hed 18/08/72 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurglya, NOI 8, 1573, Abstract No BG422P, by S. Krivonosova). Translation: A metal ceramic friction material, for example for braking devices, is suggested, containing ZrC and 9 carbide. 9n order to incTease the stability of the coefficient of friction, B nitridO and m,:-!tals of the Fe group are introduced to the composition,'~ taken in any combination with the following ratio of components (in wt. %): B carbide -- 10-$O, Fe-group metals, taken in any combination, 3-35, B nitride.1-S, Z)-C -- remainder. The material suggested has the following properties: s. g. S.52 g/cinS; coefficient of friction at braking temperature 6000 0.50-0.55, at 800 0.45-0.50; stability of coefficient of friction with specific braking energies 4$5,0 kgmlcm2 0.75- 0.88; at 92.3 k5m/cm2 0.80-0.95; wea:r with specific braking ornergies of 450 and 923 kgm/cm , in p/tori 2-6 and 6-11 Tespectively; permissible voltmetric 1/2 USSR Arabey, B. G., Baulin, Yu. X.,'Zverev,'I. I., Zukher, M. S., Kokonin, S. S., Markov, Yu. M.. Portnoy, K. I., Sklyarov, N. M., Tyurin, V. A., USSR Author s Certificate Number 346373, Filed 15/12/69, Published 19/08/72. temperature 800*, heat conductivity factor in t1m-O at 100* 43.1, 200* 44.0, 400* 35.9, 600* 29.5, 8000~27.3, 10000~26.4; specific heat capacity (in cal/ g-*) at 100* 0.134, 2000 0.136, 400* 0,150, 600* 0.161, 800c' b.169, 1000* 0.134; /1=2 tensile strength at 200 36 kg bending strength,at 20"62 kg/mm2; shear 2 strength at 20* 13.8 kg/=~ 0. 1S kgm/cp,2. -2,/2 ---------- 17 Q 7 uDc,nz ADAMESKU, 11. A., YL6TRIKUY, A. A., GULjUI!ZbI(l_f, V. P. YI I - NE14MRA, E. U., Ural Polytechnic Institute and the V.41,YnItogorsk Metallurgical Combine yst&ILIzation Texture of Low-Carbon Steel" Moscow, Stal', No 7, Jul 7j, PP 550-b5z Abstracts Tho recrjstallization texture of low-carbon steels ObYu and Oe.Fkp irt all the investlFatrd aeforuations (J~-90,51 was multi-cmironent and c;tn be mainl,y descriLvct by three orientationst (111) z lul, (ZIO L oil/, ana (100) fol - A- .j/. The ratio between conponents varies with de-Tee of am-fornation. The main component. in the re c rya tall ization texture of low-carLon steels OaYu end 08Fkp is the orientation (111)fll~7, the intensity ol' -Khich Is increazoed with rise in the degree of reduction during cold rolling. 4 loir temperatt!re of uncoiling hot-rolled strip for steel 08Yu and high for steel O8Fkp is necessal-I for producing the strong conponent (111) f-11f in th* weak. component (100) f0lf with the goal of inproving the mechanical propoxtieB of low-carbon steel. Here the deMe of deformation during cold rolling zhould be not less tY;an 50%. Two figures, one table, it bibliographic xtufarences. 1/1 f USSR UDC 621.372.061 MARKOV, Yu. V. "Problem of Threshold Properties of a Waveguide Coa2municationa Channel with P CM7 Materialy nauchno-tekhn. konforentsii. Leaingr. elektrotelchn. in-t ly a, Vvp. 2 (Materialls of the Scientific and Technical Confeillence, Leningrat! Electrotechnica-1 Communications Institute Vyp. 2), Le~ grad, 1970, pi:~ 112- 1-18 (from M-Radiotekhnika, 11,1o 8, itug 70: Abstract No 8IL167) Translation: This artjclc~ is devote4j to a study of the effect: of the shape. of the threshold characteriscic of the radio pulau regerterator tifth j?d-ftive gaussian noise on the noise irinunity of a~wave communicAition chnntwL. !':;e effect of other factors an noise resistance ii; not consldere& It 'Is pi-aposed that the gating method is implemented in regenerators for detficticn of binarv signals. 77777 USSR UDC 616-0T4:(";81-3 KOBLOV, L. F., XMIMA, E. N., and MAMU y for Clinical ,XA,j AIJ., Lalporatori Diagnosis, and Scientific Organizati'on-VMMG~, SciewU fic : Ho search Intititute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery, Ministry of ffeall;h USSR of the Results" "Automation of Biochemical Tests and Conpiter Processirg Moscow, Laboratornoye Delo, No 9, 1970, Pj? 525-529 Abstract: Since 1969 the authors have been studying, dotta obtained by ,iwans of a Clinomr-k, an autorated apparatus manufactured in Italy by Polimak. The device comprises a unit for measuring and storing blooi!l., a photocolorLrx-,ter, and a programming device. The resUts have been processed,on a Soviet Hairi computer. The Clinonm! is capable of deterndning, cholesterol, g1wose, blood bilirubin., prottein fractions, and thymol. turbidity. In 86 patieats; with diseases of the. liver and bile duct, seven types of glycemic curves we~i,e dltitr4ngulshed (norri-al, original h~-pogl,,ycemic, hepatic, pancreatic, asthenic, Uabetic, and adrenal inGufficiency). Establishing the type of glycemic curste for each patient ptar- mitted rapid and accurate diagnosis of the d1sease. C-mri-ently under atlLdy am 267 patients with suz-gical diseases of the heart andblxx)d vensels. The herno- grams, thromboelastograms, and coagulograms, are procesued in the same ranner as 1/2 USSR KOBLOVY L. F., et al., Laboratornoye Delo, NO 9, 19TOt PP 52~-529 - - ype the glycemic curves. Effoits are being made to identify fivot, t a of hemo- grams (normal, anemic, inflammatory, allergic, and depinerati~,m) and five types of coagulograms and tin-omboelastograms (nonal~ b,,n), hyper- ccegulating, prethrombotic, and acute-fibrinolysis). i 2/2 MINOR- USSR UDC [546.165-f-546.471:54-39:621.892.099.6 SHER, V. V.., X&RIKOVA, E. I., IMNAKOVA, L. G., KWH11A, 0. N. , SANIN, P. E., Institute of Petrochemicals Synthesis imeni A. V. Topthiev, USSR Academy of Sciences -ItInteraction of Zi-ic Dialkyl D-1thiephosphates With Hydrope r oxides" Abstract: Laboratory studies on interaction of Zn dialkyl phosphates with hydroperoxideF showed the possibility of two mechanilMS: (1) a radical mechanism with formation of bis-(dialkylthiophosphone)-disulfides and basic Zn dialkylphosphates; and (2) an ionic mechanisra withformation of dialkyl- monothiophosphoric acid salts and products of extensive salc conversion. Bis-(dialkylthiophosplione) disulfide may react with hydroperoxide to form bis-(dialkyl phosphone) disulfide, which is unstable~and forms acid in the preseuce of water by an ionic mechanism. Basic conversion products of Zn dialkyl thiophosphates with antioxidant properties are tormed owing to retardation of the oxidation in the presence of dialkyl dithiophosphates. The effectiveness of Zn dialkylditbiophosphates as antioxid;~nts (hydro- peroxide decoaposition products) decreaies with increaim in the ionic part of the reaction, i.e., with increase in polarity-ofthe medium and in the presence of water. 42 0 '10CE 91 lt2 020 UNCLASSIFIE P . - SING DATE--~IV101170 OF HALOURGANIC~ COmPfilUNDS. V I REOtICTION OF ISJMERIC lv2wD1H4L0ETllYLENES -U- ,!'AUTHOP-(02)-MARKOVA, I.G., FEOKTISrOV, L.G. ......... ..cbUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ...~:SOURCE--ZH. OBSHCH. KHIM. 1970, 40(4)p 740-4 ,--DATE PUSL I SHED---,----- 70 --:SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS -- POL AAOGRA PHY, HALOGENATED ORGANIC co,lipoipiD, [::.rliYLENE, IR SPECTRUAY ISOMER, BROMINATEO ORGANIC COMPOUND, l0lT)lNA*n:_u ORGANIC COMPUUNO CONTROL f44RKING--N0 RESTRic,rioNs WrICUMENT CLA5S--UNCLASclVIC-0 ~'P P 'i V) 1 0 1 OXY REEL/ FRAME--- 3006/0r S TC PP10--,Llk 0079 ITO 0(l 11' 0 1i/ 0740 744 -CIRC ACCESSION NO 0 l,' 4 5 5~ LINC LA Ss I F- I E 0 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED 1:'1*-;,7JCESS ENG F)ATF--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0134552 A3STRACT/FXTRACT--(0) GP-0- ABSTRAcr. TH E FOLI-04-PIG 1U,LF WAVE PO1'F.,'VTI4LS ARE REPORTED FOR THF RED(N. "'IF THE IN QICATF() SULIS'liVICE~- IN ETGH ANO H SU(32 Or RESP.F IN -ME SUB4 ll'~R ELLCTROLYTES; J*RANS-B';'CH:C1-13P. 'lliNL)S 1.59 AND MINUS 1.56 V.; CIS-ISOMER MINJS 1.8 AND 10111',101, 1.75 V. THE FOLLOWING WERE RUN ONLY IN -.opf:RcE-;4T Eroi-i: 1ST WAVE MINUS 1.57 V AND 2ND W,~VF '41NUS 1.713 V.; TRA,'lJS--ICH.Cf-fI MINJS O./~6 V; TRANS-CilCL:CHI MINUS 1.18 V. 1R spF-cTRA OF 'w-'HC '10.10Sllt-4CES AREE ALS;3 SHOWN. THE FLECTROREDiN. OF GEOM. lsolllliERS OF l)IHAL.Of---TFVLA-NES IS T',V-- SAME AND THE RATE OF REACTION (JF THE TRANS ISOMER 13 (;WC--ATr--' THAN T!IAT OF CIS OWING TO INORE RAPID CLEAVAGE-- OF THE HALOGEN IN' TFIE~ TRIVIS POSITION1. REPLACING UN5 I AT01 13Y CL 010ES NOT ALTER THE- ELECTR00i: PROCE-S~ 8UT 'EVIDENTLY TEiNDS TO HIINDEA IHE RLON. TiqE t,2-,CHCL-CRl 'AllrH 114 SUBD 1,5830, PROBABLY HAS THE TRANS CONFIGURATIO.-Niri RATHE. TH TiE CIS ASSIGNED TO ITy ON THE BASIS OF LTS NIMIR: AND: OTNER iSPECI'RA. ~-FAC I Ll TY: VSES. NAUCH.-ISSLED. :KHrM.-FARN. ms'r. ~tm. ORDZHONIKIDZE, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASS [FIED mini 7-7 USSR UDC 632.95 t ~u r BLIZNYLTK, N. K., KVASHA, Z. N., VARSIUVSKIY, S. L., BARM'011, ju-,,.-I., LIBMAN, B. Ya., STREL'TSOV, R. V., PROTASOITA, L. D.., KHOKHLOV, P. S., MADZILM, G. A., KIRILINA, L. E., All-Umion Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology: "A Method of Making Thiophosphonyl Dihalides" USSR Author's Certificate No 337384, filed 31 Oct 60, puVlished 2 Jun 72 (from RZh-Khimiyr-, No 9, May 73, abstract No 9N500 by T. G, Chekareva) Translation: Compounds of the general formula R2(S)X2 (1) (R = Cl-C12-alkYl, cycloalkyl, aryl, unsubstituted alkyl or alkyl contiainin~, substituents, C1 or Br; X = C1, Br) are synthesized by reacting (RS)311 (11) with a 2-10--fold excess of PX3 with heating to 250-330*-" In an autoclave. Example. A mixture of 0.07 mole of II (R = 11.e) and 0.7 niole of PC13 is~! heatoA in an autoclave test tube of stainless steel at 290-320*C for 5 hours. 'rhe excess PC13 is driven off at atmospheric pressure and distillatiom of the residue in a vacuum gives I (R=31e, X=Cl), boiling point 70-30/80,, n20D, 1.5510, d4 20 1.4421, yield 52%. Similar methods are used to produce othin. coarpounds of type I Et, C-1, (given are R, X, boiling point in *C/mm, n2OD, d44-01, yield in %): 64-8/15, 1.5418, 1.3527, 58; Pr, Cl, 8.51-8/15, 1.5285, 1.2942, 40; Iso-Pr, Cl, 72-5/15, 1.5290, 1.3017, 47.5; Bu, Cl, 111-13/25, 1.52159, 65; 07 USSR SUKH01"MINOV, B. P., Vopr. teMnol, ulavlivaniya i pererab. produktov koksovaniya, Kharkov, 1972, pp 50-56 sulfur with a sufficient amount of.~powdered SL. A SN acrew mixer is recom- mended for bringing t1ra- components, into. contact mader pressure and pulveriz- ing them-at the same time. USSR UDC 632.95.02 FADEYEV, Yu. N., Doctor of Biological Sciences, UNTERBERGER, V. K., Candidate -M-KOVA, L. I., All-Union of Agr Cultural Sciences, CHEKALINA, V..I., andMi Scientific Research Institute of Plant Pathology "The Acaricide Activity of O-Bu ty I-S -Me thy lbenzy Idi thiopho stph onate Moscow, Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve, Vol 11, No 2, 1973, pp 29-31 Abstract: The active ingredient of the acaricide which is also called 228-F was tested on the common spider mite Tetranychus urtitiae. A natmral y1foscow region mite was uned an the sensitive breed. uirice it had not previously been treated with penticidev and had been cultivated on be-on plants In the laboxa- tory for some time. A resistant breed was acquired im the laboratory by treating sensitive mites with methylethylthiophos. Infested leaves were doused with a water-acetone emulsion containing the preparation and a mortal- Ity count was taken 72 hours later. To detiormine contact, intestinal and ovicide action infested leaves were submerged in the solution for 5 seconds. A mortality count was made in 72 hours a13d unhatched eggs ulere counted in 4 days. To determine length of action mites were placed on treated bean leaves 3, 5, and 10 days after treatment, then a mortaility count was made 72 hours later. The preparation was also used on broad beans against 1/2 .-M USSR FADEYEV, Yu. N., et al., Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve, Vol 11, No 2, 1973, pp 29-31 aphis craccivora Koch, with a mortality count made after 48 hours. 0-butyl-S- methylbenzyldi-tliiophosphotiate showed a high contact acarie'Adity not onlywith sensItive but also with resistant mites. The acaricide hid poor lasting and ovicide results, but did affect the vitality of larvae from treated eggs. Mixture with BI 58 did not lessen toxicity. and increased both lasting effects and.the time required for the.mites t6 become resistant to the acaricide. USSR UDC 632.95 KHOKHLOV, P. S., MARK_Q_VA._L,_L,, ZHEMCHUZHIN, S. G. "Preparation of Dithiophosphonates" USSR Author's Certificate No 329184, filed 4/08/70, published 30/03/72 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimlya, No 24(11), L972, Abstract No 24N592, by T. A. Belyayeva) CH Translation: Dithiophosphonates of the formula RP(S'(SR!')QC(Me)= COOR (I) (R=alkyl or aryal; R' and R"= alkyl), which can be used as physiologically active substances, are produced by tha reaction of the anhydride of the cor- responding clithiophosphonic acid with acetoacetic esti!r in aft irert organic solvent in the presence of a tertiary base with subsequent allrylation of the salt formed with an alkyl halide. Example. Taking a mixture of 0.03 mole benzy1dithiophosphonic acid and 0.03 mole ZtjN itl 30 ml C6116, add with heat to mixing at 20-25" a solution of 0,03 male AO:312COOEt Ill 10 1111 (:6116, 70-80' for 15 hours until the precipitate dissolves canpletely, cool, filteu, producing Et3N-salt I (R=PhCI12, W-Et, R"=H) (IT), yii~-Id 71.$%, m. p. 149-150'. Take 0.02 mole II in 20 ml 0061 add 0,02 mole 11t1, himit 3 hour.-i with agita- tion at 60-70*, cool, filter, wash the;filtrate vith vater, dry over KgS04, evaporate, producing I (R-PhC11 R-R"-Et), yield 81.2-1, after chromatography 1/2 2# USSR KHOKRIDV, P. S., et al., USSR Author's Certificate Np 329184, filed 4/08/70, published 30/03/72 on a co.Lumn with silica gel d20 i.1600, n20D 1.5739. Stmilarly, I is produced (R'=Et) (given R, V, yield A percent., d20, n20D): PhCH2, Me, 78.4, 1.722, 1.5940; PhCH2, Bu, 69.9, 1.1287, 1.5700; PhCI12, PhCI12, 70.2, 1.6120; Me. Me, 68, 1.2049, 1.5600, b. p. 146-9*/I.S.. 2/2 4 0 USSR UDV 547.341.26'118.07 KHOKMOV, P. S and ZHDICIILIZIIIN, S.~G., All-Union *, Q92Atmi"W e Scientific Res arch Institute.of Phytopathology "A Method of Makiz& Dithiophosphonates" Moscow, Otkrytiva, izobreteuiya, Promyshlennyye Obraiitsy, rovarnyye Znaki, No 7, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 329184, Divisi6a C, 'filed 4 Aug 70, published 9 Feb 72, p 101 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces; 1. A method of making dithiophosphonates with the general formula RF(S)(SR")OC(M3)=CHCOOR' where R is an alkyl or aryl, and R' and V are alkyls. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the anhydride of the appropriate dithiophosphanic acid reacts with ar. acetoacetate ester in an inert arlyanic solvent such as benzene, in the presence of a tertiary base such as tx-lethylamine, with subsequent alkylation of the resultant salt with an alkyl iialide and isola- tion of the product by conventional vriethods. 2. A modification of this method distinguished by the fact that the process is conduct-ed at 0-100%. USSR BLIZNYUK, N. K. KWASM, Z. N. , NJADDIARA, G. A., L 1. 'Method of Producing Arylthiophosphanic or Bentylthlophosphonic Acidi" USSR Author's Certificate No 298593, filed 30/03/70, 1)ubltshed 4/05/71. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal klimiya, No 4, Niosccw, 1972, Abstract No 4NS85P by T. A. Belyaeva). Translation: Substances with the general formula RMC611S-jjj(C4-1)nP(S)Cl2 M (R=H, alkyl, halide; n=O or 1; m=1-5), used in the 8 ,yntho-sis of pesticides, are produced by reacting, PCIq with RmC0S-fjCf'f2)l1SH. iii a molar ratio of 3-5: 1. PhCH2SH is added to PC13, mixed 0.5-1 fir at about 20'. and boiled 2 hr. The solution is heated 2.5-3 fir in an autoclavt~ of stainless steel at 250-270% cooled and I is separated (R=H, m=n=l), b. p. 122-5*/2-3, -n2OD 1.6140. Also produced were I (presented are Rm, n; yield in ill ~ OC, b. p. in oC/ m): H, 0, 90, -, 120-3/5; 2-5-C12, 0, 72, p-tert-Bu, 0, 80, 39-41, 153-6/2; CIS, 0, 65, 110-4, lam IN EVE USSR UPC 547.341.07 BLXZNYUK, N. K., KVASHA, Z. N., MIADZHARA, G. A., aqA.ALQ~~,, L. I., All- t 'Union Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathol$gy "A HAthod of Making Aryl- or Benzylthiophosphonic Acid Dichlorides" Moscow, Otkritiya, izobreteniya, proWshlennyye obiaztsy, tovarnyye znaL-1, No 11, Apr 71, Author's Certificate No 198593, division,t, filed 30 Mar 10, published 16 1-far 71, p 88 Trarslation: This Author's Certl~icate introdLices; i, A =thcd of making aryl- or benzy1thiophosphonic acid dichlorides by trealing phwjphorus trichloride with an aryl- or benzy1tHol in the presenco of heat, and itio- lating the goal product by conventional meflio(ls. As a distin;uishing feliture of the patent, the method is simplified and the yield o,11* the goal producL is increased by using an excess of phosphorus trichlorida., 2. ~A modification of this method distinguished by the fact that the thialij. and 1)hosphorus tricholride are used in molar ratios of 1--3-5 respectivi0y. 3, A modifi- cation of this method distinguished by the fact that thw. mixture of re- &Vats is preboiled at atmospheric pressure and then heilited in an autoclave at 250-320*C for 2-3 hours. USSR UDC 632.95 BLIZINUK, N. K., KHOULOV, P. S., KVASIJA, Z. N., LEVSKAYA, G. S., PROTASOVA, L. D., SOLNTSEVA, L. H.,, MATURKHINAii Ye. H., VARSILAV$KIY, S. A., BARANOV,Yu. I., LIBMAN, B. Ya., ZHEMOLUZHIN, S. G. "Method of Production of Dichlorides or Dibromides of Thioptiosphonic Acids or Their Bis Analog" USSR Author's Certificate No 332095, filed 19/08/69, published 17/04/72 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 24(11), 1972, Abstract No 24N,591, by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation: Compounda of the fprmula VWX2 (1) (Koalkyl.. aryl, aralkyl; X-Cl or Br) and X2P(S)A(S)PX2 (11) (A-bLvalent hydrocii,rbon r;.Wcal) were p-rr,- duced by the reaction of mono- or dihalo hydrocarbonia with ;5, P and PX3 with heating to 250-40G* in an autoclave of stainless steel or nickel in the presence of catalytic quantities of 12 or Its compounds. Exiample. A mix- ture of 0.24 mole FhCl, 0.24 g-atom S, 0.16 g-atas white P, 35 M-1 PC13 and 0-05 9 12 is heated at 290-330' for seven hours in an autoclave of stainless s;eel, the PCl is distilled, then vacutmi distillatiom is used to separate 3 I (R-Ph,..K=Cl), yield 60%, B. T. 109-11~*/3, n20D 1.6241. Similarly, 1 were produced (given R, X, yield :in %, B. P. in *C/m~a, n201)): 4-Clc6H4, 112 .-j USSR BLIZ.NYUK, N. K., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 332095, filed 10/08/69, published 17/04/72 Cl, 53.5; 124-3/1.5-2, l.6229;,p-MeCgII4, Cl, 54.5, 125-7/1, L.6120; 4FC04, C1, 72.2, 95-7/0.5, 1.6028; Ph Br, 1, 127-130/2, 1.6850; 4-FC6H4, Br, 55, 135-8/1, 1.6758; PhCII,), Cl, 76.4, 120-3/2, 1.61502- 341, HI, Cl, 108-11011.5, '6 0 1.5908; 4-Y-eC6H4CH2, Z1, 53.3, 126-9/2,. 1.6035; 4-CIC6114CII2, Cl, 61.6, 129- 133.2$ m. p. 74-60, --; 2-FC6114012, Cl, 61.6, 129-133.2, mo p. 48-9', 2.4--Me2C6H3CH2, Cl, 47.5, 140-1.6045; 2,4-Cl2C6)13CH2,!Cl, 43.4, 147-9/2, m. p. 100-1", --. Alsc produced were II (X-Cl, A-012C112), yield 61.59, m. p. 92-3% 1 and II are intermediate products for the production of insecticides, acarocides, fungicides-and herbicides$ i UTILIZATION OF THE WASTEZ IN A COMPLM IN A LIFE'. SUPPORT SYSTEM fArticle b7 T. Gur, L'. '0, rpe,"fa= chonko; 14oacj,-, Aktual n 0 20; 117 A03-1f.chosk E rroblyey: ace i31010;7 a e i i-,T (Curren Russian, I~M. PP 102-:1off 1. in thcao -,-arlants of bioangineerIng, 21f6 support s7stoma which include a link or highor plante as a source of thLe vegetable part of the rr,tion and an a regenerator of the atLmrepherep the- atyger. bz&lz=a dooz not =nice 4,z posairplo to carry out processes or thermal end liquid-rhass minersllza- L tion of greerdacuse wastes. In those cases far thepreparation or nutrient ziedia, the plants must use minerals from the reserves. _hi~~hs~r_plants co ta a -4 onsidersible The wnatos -of' n in t quantity of mineral elements. A prcr=~Izinr, =thod hazz bran do- valoped for returning then without oxygen experdLturca. 2. It Is knou-4 that by the pre5s-Lng of vitiate grmaze:& and leaves It Is possible to obtath a juice from which by M besting It in possible to extract a protein co:acontrate. -The Yield of juice from the economically u,16able, part of tho plants is from 62-77% of the waight al' the lal.'lal product. The extract. contains all the princ-1pal =11noral *Iemonts In is quantity tip to 30% or the plant roquiroments., 3. The collected juice was used as the initial nu- tri6nt solution for cultivating Chlorollj. '.no results of cultivation of Chloralla revealed the poesibility of using the juice for its cultivation. P R S 6-6, 41~ 9 42 Pi dwa USSR UDC 576.851,5t616,006-097 ?ATULA 1). G. RY.TZNIK, S. H. SLABOSPYTS - KA p A. T. o 84~lul N. B Institute of Microbiology anti Vlxx)logyo Aaa4smy of "The Effect of Different Doses of BaciU,ue subtilis 3?,2 Toxin on Some lumunolo- gical Reactions and Tumor a*owth In Aninals" Xlevp Nikrobiologichaskiy Zhurdal* Vol 330 ft 2# XarlApX 72j pp 201-205 Anstrafts Experimental data are reportad ttvn rtudy of tho toxIc or stinulating effect of -the metabolic products of sapro;~JWUc bactax-la. Tcocic aetabolites were obtained by gwdng Bacillus subtilis 4train 5rVon sytitbetlc Gwaze medium No 2 for 10 days at 24FCp Tollovvd by filLration and 3,yopindlization. Xaterial was stored dry arA (Uluted ju-,;t Wore uctwO; use,, Aftor the anJxals were injected# the following paranetera vere stwliedo hemL&j;lu'.inin p,-.0- duction In nicep properdin level In rabbits$ and the to twrior gr.owth in vice* LD 50 was determined and ths material,~iw arlatirLtstered in the range of 0.05~-1.5 ID . It was dtterained that the 0:~feict of dry toxiG 50 filtrate is dose-dependents at dose rarips 11110-115. 1~,D50 haragglutimtion processes are activated, the propordin levol In blood 'is inereasadt and the 2/2 .w1 ---- - -- - - - - ~ ---USSR uDc 616.9n~3-75~--,^6:6i6.,,i3i.23:'~-~-0)75 PO-rMOVS-1,=, V. !., SA13`0 )TI, ~r I J. S. m,' Y11. Ya., .19,cow Ecd~ "Ll St, l,'4fL- C)_10,rl C:_,!' Tns--i GROMOGY230VA Ye V., and MVUKOV~i.., C~ tute z truodies in Vaviow; Foi-,.m, o "Group-Specific Antiv,-_ninCococcus An Infection in the Presence of Influenza ViruseG" Eoscow. Zhurnal J,Ukro1jio1oC.;ii Epiderdololdi i 1,o 11, P?, 1117,120 Alistract: CirciOl-atiii- an-11imc-111 TIL-'accoc cur, ~Fxo of igiich was t_rJLj-,Cerod by rF_nA)_ZE'oCoCcus infe-tion. tion i.,:,cthod wliich incl-aled the diffurlion of' mnt'_Iundie,~, aln-l cc.:,- plexes througa a was uszi~.. 'Die.bloat sora OJ' j,11CUAridULUIS Contact with r incect-Lon, contzdn'~d. in a'rea'w-'~! body and it inel-c"Isi!(J. to "'Or the ~.I~2L_Iical had cmnt~vxt with vati-z!nto crtrrvi- ir-~ection. of antibcdics, in paticnts vith -.r.,ro t-.-LninAtis was 920' b'10, f ill 111onpl.tal blood fit2ruln, tlic. first dia.'.'r 10n J A USSR POOOVSKIY, V. I., et al., Z.Injrnal 1,Ukrobioloi ii Epidenloloi;ii j. Immuriabla1c.,1--ii, No 11, 1972, PI) ".15-1-20 number o:C ant-lboclus ',as (D30, 553, and- 51(),," g/rl zIurin,,; respi2cti%ru The serologicall-, detec'Ged' im-fluenia virus 11ozir Kom- k,; pxod.,.ivad thc s~zb- clinical fo-m of the inenin[-,acoccus izifecticiri arld jmcrca:~u tlh,~~ liur"()21. 0--:, infection carriers. In2re'ase in tile alit4.1,C)dV titer in patients with t-', I otanim- nfoction wno, probaldy, tho a(LI _,,) c occ. c utsi seiisitizin,- fnet-or w1lich le.-I to h,'Mercr, ia amid llumoel, Of V19 Culu asc in the p~i)-,Ied by F eecrc and by titcllr ol' th~., antivir--l antiliadios, lh(~ With rato V'ral in the case of nc-nir.~-,ocwcmw JUXce'vion co,,:jbj.n,' .1 produced comlltiozi,; Vix%,wriLble J'Or aj~aphy1rictic reaction). I DC 678.84:676.643142'5.028 U XTRUSTALEVA, YE. IT., GOLIJBKOV,, G. YEE., ZHINKIN,DYA . , S EIC.NNOVA YE. A.,IAPKOVA, N. V., and LITSHNIKOVA, M. N. "A New Hardner Which Improves the Thermal Stability of Epoxy Pesins" Moscow, Plasticheskiye Massy, No 1, Jan 70, pp 12-14 Abstract: An investigation was madp into the possibility of improving the physicoai(,chanical and dielectric PT-Operties of epoxy resins in the high- teMDerature region by using hexamethyl.cyclotrisilazane /-(Cfl )')SiN'M7 and polyorganosilazanes containing di- and trifunc- Vional units- Alf the general formula (R r7n ( P, --- n n 1 3) as on ED-6 "a 6 d CA S11-i p --y esin -7 resin (polymrthylsilazaRc) umrn studied. The compositions were hardened at 120'C for 3 houri3, and then addit-ionally heat treated at 150-2000C for 2L~ hours. The resultant polymers have better thermal stability in the high tecaperature region than those in which endic anhydride is used as the hardner. The weight of the epoxy resin hardened by MSN-7 stabiLizes after ten days at 2501C where- Y as the epoxy resin produced by uving endic anhvdride as a hardner in destroyed under the same conditions with. a sharp increase in weight losses. Not only is the thenlal stability of the tiew product improved, -=EL . .... ... LISSR KHRUSTALEVA, YE. N., et al., Plastich.eskiye Mmaay, No 1, Jan 70, pp 12-14 but its mechanical strength and dielectric properties as well. of A. particular importance is additiona' heat treatment at 200 C, which increase the maximum tensile strength of the resin at 1550C from 38 kg/cml (after heat treatment at 1500C) 1:0 152 lcg/cm2, and reduces the relative longitudinal extension at fracture (1~50C) from 4.5' (after heat treatment at 1500C) to 1#.OY,. The electrical strength of the new resin at 1550C is 9.8 x 101~ kli/mm 6s compared with 1.3 x 1013 kW/mm for resin hardened by endic anhydriile. The corresponding figuren for the dielectric dianipation factor' W: 50 liz (1550C) are 0.002 and 0.085 respectively. The;new renin a~oo has a, 1(,wer coef f icient of linear expansion in: both the vli'L-rcoua and highly nlastic states. 2/2 74 Acc. Nr. Abstracting Service: Izef Code 045175- CHEMICAL ABST. 7,1 APIO - r 9109in New hardener i,hieh incres5cs the thernial arallility of epoxy resins. Khrit4taleva, F. N;;: K;oluhk-j%-, (r. E~; N r"t D, Ya.; ovi ~W,- P I 51r. 1~ ~19 i usi). 'I hl, 11,~Ierlnli (USSR). a5t. (1), 12 bilit;eA of epoxy resin; EMS and ED~6 harilened with hexameth. y1cyclotrisilazane, poly(rarthylsilazane) freiin N19NN-71 (1)i and poly(methylpheny6ilaaane) were detO. Th.4i, ED-6 was h3rd. en ve H prcbent in I et tpoxy e uiv- ED'M at 120 for .1 hr followed by oddnl. he~tlln 41 160-100, for t lit. ED-6 hardened with I load big ur tensile strength. !in 4t h1lis. ticity, and thermal stability than M6 hardened with EZI 'An- hydride. R j REEL/FRAME Ile Beryllium USSR UDC: 620. 193. 01 VOL'FSON, A. I., W.-RKOVA, N. Ye., CHERNYSHEV, V. V., 1111BEDUV, V. 11. , B.~Bt,- KIN, V. V. "Some Electrophysical Characteristics of Anodic Films,on Peryllium" Moscow, Zashchita f4etallov, Vol 9, NO 3, May/Jun 73, pp 3246-347 Abstract: The electrophysical properties of anodic o;,:-Ide an beryllium, were studied by measuring breaJdown voltage and capacitanci!!. raens in the form of discs had threaded holes in the li~iteral. surface for screwing in V95 alundniiin alloy conauctive rods insulated by a mixture of wax and rosin. Before anodizing, the specimens were drz,C~rem;ed and then oxidized in a 20Z aqueous solution of Cr03. Current %flensity vas 20 Ahh%.2, and temperature was 20'C. The resultant filins had a -thick ncrous outer layer and a thin barrier ou the metal side. Film capacitance was measi_7red nc~ in the same solution. a Teflon ring was prtssed against the porous sur"'a C. layer eund filled with mercury. Iffigh surface tension keT)t the mercury from In the resultant ca7 arl-tor, the -air in t*ne fil-ling the pores in the fi].M. p.orea and the film cxlde sarv!d iaz the dielc~ct,r.~c. Thi! determined by the total Uickness of the o;eidc ~*Ilin. The rz-cultr, of tilese USSR Tun 73, pp VOLIFSON, A. I. et al., Zashchita Metallav, Vol 9, 1111o 3, Mal/,, 346-3h7 measurements show that film thickness remains essentian,lly constant with time. Measurements of the critical breakdourn voltage of the fil~-I cc,,n- firmed the capacitance measixezents. Thick films formed ovLr a. 3-4 hour period can vithstand voltages up to 1006 V. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.357.8:669.!25(089.8) VOL'FSON., A. I., MOV, V. S., POLONSKIY, E. L_ , "A"UjIm" CHERNYSHOV, V. V., LEBEDEV, V. N. 'Wethod of Anodization of Beryllium mid Its Alloys" USSR Author's Certificate No 305210, Piled 5/02/70, Publi_t-heO 13/07/711, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal,: Xhimiyaj No 2., 197Z, Abstract No 2 L241 P from the Resume). Translation: A method of anodization of beryllium and its alloys in an electrolyte containing H3BOV differing in that in order to increase the corrosion resistance of the film, ethylene glycol and a-minonia are intro- duced to the electrolyte in t-he following relationship (g/1): ethylene glycol 50-150, H BO 30-160, 25%. ammonia solution, ml 40-100, and the pro- 3 3 dm cess is conducted at 10-40*, 1) 0.2-2 ;x/ 016 UNCLASSIFIED PILOCES'SING DATE--30OCT70 :,TITLE--PHASE CHANGES IN BARRIER OXIDE FILMS ON ALUHKNUM -U- AUTHOR-(03)-GALKIN, G.I., CHERNYSHEV, V.V.9 MARIKOVAo N.YE,~ ~-'~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,,,-_$OURCE-ZASflCH. METAL. 1970t 6(2), 209-11 '.-~DATE PUBLISHEO------70 ...,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYi MATERIALS OPIC TAGS--OXIDE FILMt ALUMINUM :__C,ONTRQL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -:DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~.-,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1549 STEP NO--UP./O~65/10/00,11/002/0209/OZIL ACCESSION NO--AP0120328 UNCL A S S IF I E 0 It UP ~-~MF U i:15M Willolt I'll'i'll"lui'll I lillfM if t 101111THRIN"ll Iffil l"ll tol liffl-affli IRK] 7_7 N --30GCb'70 zh 016 UNCLASSIFIEO PR~ CESSI`G DATE .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120328 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A6STRACT. PURE AL OXIDIZED AT ROOM TEMPI. IN A 4PERCENT AQ. H SU83 BO SUB3 SOLN. AT PH 5.5. Afieio V, THE OXIDE FILM OBTAINED WAS 500-600 ANGSTROM THICK, THE FILAS WERE SEPD. FROM THE METAL IN A 10PERCENf MEOH SOLN. OF BR AND HEATEO UN VACUO FOR 2 HR AT ,.PREDETD. TEMPS. INSULATED FILMS WERE HEATED TO A,MAX: TEMP. OF 1000DEGREES AND THE NONINSULATEO UP TO 660DEGREES. FILMS THUS 013TAINED WERE AMORPHOUS. THE FILMS WHICH WERE NOT INSULATIED FROM THE AL BASE REMIANED AMORPHOUR AFTER HEATING IN VACUO TO TEMPS. BELOW ~HE M.P. OF AL. WHEN HEATING AT SIMILAR TO 700DEGRE-ES THE' FIL~,IS ACQUIRED A CRYST. STRUCTURE. THE INSULATED FILAS RETAINED IHEIR AMI)APH(JUS STRUCTURE AFTER HEATING AT SIMILAR TO 700I)EGREES; HOWEVFR, A'r 700DEGREES SMALL CRYSTALS APPEARED AND THEIR DIFFRACTION RINGS 010 NOT I~ORRESPONa- TO THOSE OF GAMMA Al. SU82 0 SUB3. HEATING AT 8000EGREES DIMME0 THE %.% -ELY DISAPPEAREO. APPEARANCE OF THE RINGS AND AT 1000DEGR,EES THEY C014PLEI FACILITY: VORONEZH. GOS. UNIV.o VOR(fNEZ1i, USSR, UNCLASS IF I ED Coda: ACC. Nr: Arm 465 Ref PRIMRY SOURCE: Ortopediya, Tra-,Ut giya i Protezirovaniye, 1970. Nr 2, pp ANTIBIOTICS IN THE PROPHYLAXIS AND TREATMENT OF BACTERIAL INFECTION UN TRAUMATOLOGIC AND ORTPIOPAFDIC PATIENT5 V. M. MLI~nikova,A..I. Gladshteyn. 0. V.'Jfar1 W'a Af Mallova. -N-7r7t-,qno Facts on the PropWaxis znd treatment with intitilotics qf, ini,,Ctef. uour6" 17 'raurnatolovic and orthop base,~ on'ciinic"'I and loboratxy aMic natients U -i are pye~3enLed in the papk:r. In primary surgicil wound debritenient the.auzhari prCsc-'J.1 penicillin ~i h strcolcii -it' nycin or telracvclin. It is stre3sed that the use of anflbio,'C;~ IN so-called ..c',ean'* orihopaelic operations should b~ spostanlialiv 11filited -irld of surgicil aieptic crihanced. In 1.mrislent worild Infection. the senli'kivcs oi tne mivstinal group oi trocroorlranisms ivi,,st~i 111C :rql)st C0111111ol, assoclations cultured. For the lait bear the.appearince oi i,ujj)hN'IoC()cv1' in lt!ie menocul- ture irom t. iniected %% i V lie -ounds irlcr~a~ed. Variolls alltibiotic.'I, their com, ifiatturi5 WiLl" other, sulfanilamidei or nitrofuravic preparations, depending, on (fte tuicroflora iertsitt%lity to them atid concentrakiun created' in the fact-s of infectioni are wieil in the trept1welit of purulent infection. 11he success of antibacterial therapy hiis been shown io depend- on the rational use of antibiotics in cornpiex with other methob of conservative ard ope.-2- tive treatment and drugs which stimula!e'the org3nism reactivity, REEL/FRAME USSR UDC: 621-372.81.09 KAU4YK, V. A., MARKOVA, S. A., RAYEVSKIY S. B. IlResults of Numerical Solution of a Complex Dispersion F4uatlon for the HE11 Wave in a Two-Layered Circular Waveguide" Moscow, Radiotekhnika, i Elektronika, Vol 17, No 9, Sep 72, PP 1948-1951 Abstract: Research has established the possibility that complex waves may exist in some kinds of waveguide structures, meaning waves which have com- plex propagation constants in spite of the absence of energy dissipation. In particular it has been found that such waves exist in a two-layered cir- s.,ular waveguide. Analysis of the dispersion properties ')f complex waves requires simultaneous solution of two complicated transcendental equations derived from the initial complex diepersion equatJon with a large number of parmdeters and additional logical conditions. In this petper the authors give the results of a numerical cemputter solution of the dis'persion equation for the HE11 wave in a two-layered circular shielded vavegu~de for the case of complex waves. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.293-126-153 FROKOSHKINY D. A., VASILIYEVA, YE. V`.~ MARK 1k, s3a. o and CHIMOV, 1. 11. Moscow Higher Technical School imeni 11. E. Bauma.n. Departmen al-9 "Investigation of the Effect of Carbon and the Properties of NVl9I'ZTs A-Uoys" Ordzhonikidze, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy--('hernkya Yietallurgiya, No 4, 1973, pp 138-143 Abstract: Nb-W-Ti-Zr alloys, with and without additional alloying of carbon were produced by electron-beam melting for th;3 purpose of studying the effect of carbon on these alloys. Chemical.composition of the-niobium-base alloys was (in vt Ti Zr ~C 0 N H NV1OTZTs 9.82 f..80 1.60 01-04 0.004 0-0G5 0.001 NVICTMIJ 9.48 3.25 2.05 0.10 0.008 O.OC4 0.001, Ingots 120 mm in diameter were subjectod to a two-ator) liot rvoi~slnjr pr0c[1013irl f7 to produce 16-mm diameter rods which were vacuum. annea4d. at temperature;3 ranging from 400 to 180COC for 0-5 hours and ther. ineaswi,ed for Vickers hnr,,-In.--ss. Hardness measurements showed that both alloys became solter vith annealin.'r, reaching a minimum between 1200 and 140000 with hardnes$', than rising. Alloy