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1i. 2/2 012 UINCLASS IF I ED PAOCES5 ING DATF--04DEC70 C MC ACCESSION NLI--AP0140312 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-0J) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE DE?ENDEPIC-E 01- THE TEIIP* VAIIATION FOR THE UPPER LIMIT FOR COMPLEXI-,-S OF AL.11:11NES Willi UlEA 1"ll THE FUNCTION OF THE CONCN. VALRATION (IF THE BINARY Wit$ -%JNLI-ItEAR.A NOMOGRAM WAS DRAWN UP FOR THE GRAPHICAL DEM OF I'HE GDNST. TEAP. GRADIENT FOR ANY BINARY MIXT* OF NORMAL ALKANES WHLN THE MAIN COMPONENT CC SUSN) HAD N GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO Ii], L -L ~L T. F Py Ina y 7Z CHAAAi;'1i-!MCa OF 14 MP!RATIaN Of WTTU-~*.,w tv;putsi~! ACCOYIAMI-SM A bV V. 51. 'C~3kq' V. M. ~tud-z Cf -tie nacnanio-'M rej~-.aatlon of tho *In,-,-jlar lru;lun' of- dolth!.10, anaurl;v; adn?tatlon -of tho r"Opir8tory Systen to conditions of hirh motor activity In th-1 water melu"r, has Jonr attracted th~5 attantitr. of ra"Arch*rs IP-41 139 15, 19 and ot".r:,7. j:cw,3ve7, rt the% nrn3ant tirv% t"Pro ht4vt been arL 11-ited number of Inecittgatiom of r"'!pTration or divir-7. ~;rriAlltt, ant! in particular of dolphin:,,whon tho~ro is an c.-T.,'7n anortage In the 'brtathod ale. This invoitigation, rinde t..ruler tta direction or DiortQ.- of '~:rzlical Scleorceq A. L. ;,'o1ehI_nBkftyft. hn-) at, .1tv ;7bJective e of ooi-e a5pemte t~C tt._s prublan. In particular, a 2tud7 was rido or tha ehAn,:ns 'In c*aa pxahnyi.-~, ent! zor:c Indicna of hnnod1;--k-.I,!z In bottlili-ro-)adpor- nalnni V~,irclarri trunc,itua) durin,-. brnathing, of nypo':tIt- .1r. nltrcj~._r.. Tho r,'.,AntAj;ationf? weighint!, 1,W aenptad to people and the oxnarimant4l con- dLtLen:~. 1~hu in',roatit%itlon. thj arilmnla wero tn a ncttun- 3o~sn,:Ytntrton %.-loftagurfa e In non tenter (at n tnmpnraturu of c i j Inimun or onerj*,y orpendittivo In naln- ZP-2 OC, i, naur d a M taining the Indicated poultion. -oxygen consumption va.1 deter- mInoJ by the open method doviaod Iri Dt-uf:la:Y and Holden. The en7plas ef r1%,oolar air were 39lecteO u3Snj,, an Putumntic do- Ice. Al,~oolsr ventilutlon wno computed by the Bohr method. The vinute 1~nlumm a'. circulation waz dntcrnlnud t~y tile ac"b- m ylane nothod on dovised by Grch:Lman-rarln_.'.hrenov under normal conditims durirRS the fifth minute or breathinr or ti h5-poxla mixture. After conducting the nore-ts,ry mensuromonto when breathing atmoophoric air (F102 = 15,4 qM 11g) the 4111twile were 38 3 ~y '.-I r7- RESPIRATION OF borrLE-IMSED POP"ISIS /:y- &7.ty 7Z, (Articla by _k_j__gVle S. "Isheho'.A.. N, 14. ~h4,ts~.y V, LLUV -m-onz PLIM"iho- *LJ 'g44*1&0' No 5. 1971. Ird-vo -!aukovs Vuzk&." pp 19-201 T The specialization of the respiratory system In cats- cesrLs In a water nedium resulted in profound anatomic and fuuc- tional changen in this system. Despite the. root that the lae,t7 of res n of mx~,Ins mamals I& of the grootLat in- ,Vratio. Y te-e*t t; bi Yogl.te' physloZIrC11sto and spee-Tal- 1.=tn in utrynics, untill recently Inror-zation an the ph7jilolex Of ranpleation or theme ani-nalz %in= 11--mlited due to tho' loci: or appropriate conditions, such no oco:inarturis, larr_*& marine acu- ariurm end apparatus rcr specialized Ln7azt-igationno and ;also due to certain systematic difficult!oz which facad b1olvi-i2tj In InventAgatinC tht, rvipiration of marina ma-=ala. E:V-n at tkw~ prtzant tine not only respiration In the broad s"n3o or this word, even the pulmonary respiration of cetacean-,, which 13 or,--!or to atudy, I!avj not boon 1nV433*-'j-,at.Vd 8deC:U1Jt0lV. AlthnUrh a number of review brt.1cle: nn,' aoct!c'.12 in =10grapho have been devoted to this oubjec t 33, 35-37,40-45,7. they give rar more inrorrsRtion on the ocology or these animals. the enatom7 and histology of their or[-nns or ell reipirntion thnn an phyBiolor~y. Date on pulmonary and re2n1ra- tor7 volumes. pulmonary ventilation, and on oxyr_nn consumption have bean obtained for a small number of small cutaceans A, 15,21-2601.34#38OV. But even In those animals sucli Im,)ort&nt Indices s2 total lung cannelty and its conponent..., composition of alvoolnr air, phyniol.-:1gic dsogi r~nnpiratory stImce, and al,.oo- Inargentilation V~eve not been determined experimentally. Dits 0 hem have been cited Pn the basis of speculative conclusions. The literature contains no information on the mechanics of respiration of dolphins. -here In virtually no precise In. formation on respiration regimes and on the factors exerting USSR uDc.. 681.3 ABRAFTIS, L. B., "On the Problem of Arranging Elements of Different Oversll :-'~Dtlenslorsl' V sb. Avtomatika i N-Ychisl. tekhn. (A-utomation and Compater collecTion of work-131-, No 3, Vil'n)njs' "Mintis It , 19,11, pl-, (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dee 71, Abstract No i2v886) Translation: 114athematical formulation of the problem of arra-~igirg elemcnts of different overall dimensions with the aid of F-lunctions i.-; ccr.Sidered. An algorithm Is proposed foa, digital oomputer solution of t*niii problem, The possibilities of solving this problem by sequer-ces Of )1j!LU-iGtiC Me-thods are discussed. Authorso abstract. -7.-7 77111 .1/2 015 LINCLASS IF I Eo PkdCESS'j.PjG GArE 2GNGV70 YITLE--RELATICN BET6EEN THE f-UNDAMENTAL WAICES OF: $0LUrlONS TO PAKABOLic AND ELLIPTICAL SYSTLMS wITH A BESSEL OPERATOR -U- AUTH0R-102)-KkEKHIVSKIY, V.V., MATIYCHUKi Molo CCUNTkY CF INFO--USSR SOURCE--AKACEMLIA NAUK LIKKAINSOKOL RSRt DUPOVIOlo- SCRIIA A iFILIKCP-lLKhNICHNI I MATEMATICHNI NAUKIr VUL. ';12v 101AR k9701 P 21.0-al.14 DATE PLbLISriEI)----YAR70 SUBJECT APLAS--MATh[MATICAL SCIENCES TfJPIC TAGS--BGLINDARY VALUE PROBLEM, SESSEL FUNCTICN HANEMATIC MAT! lIX, OARAOOLIC 1100'ft CCNTROL. MAkKJX6--NQ RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLA~S-UNCLASSIFIEO PAOXY REEL/PRAME-1996/1646 SKP NO---UR/0441,1'WO/03;1/000!0;!1.0/0214 CIRC ACCESSILN NO--AT0IldtZ5 UriGLASS I F I E91 p 'SSLUG DATE--2,0NGVl0 212 015 UNCLASSIFIED I CIR.C ACCE:SSIGN NO--AT011862i ABSTRACT/EXTRACI-W) Gil-C- AOSTRACT. DEVELOPAENT UF P"UtEbURES FOR CGNSTRUCT114G NiZAAEtt'islL MATiRICES IN SULVI14G 711E Fil"UWAR.V VALUE PROBLEM OF A b-PARABCLIC SYSTE14 Ul; EQUATIONS IN, A 1-4 OWL-* idliff A 3ESSE1. UPERATUR. A RELATICN IS ESTABLISHED UETWLEN FUNOAMENTAL MATRICES AND ThliSE Of: GURRESPCMDING 8 ELLIPTICAL SYSTE145o SEVI.4.AL PERTINEW THEOkEMS ARE FORMULATED ANO PRUVED WPIE PROCES$4, f-ACILITY: CHE-RNIVETSOKII DERZHAVNLI UNIVER$lTETrtHERNU'V(SVy UKRJUNIAIN SSH. U,N("' LA 1) S I F I E 0 NtjtOlGdV--Gt,, &'(JISS9)3V J'd d3IS S997/9961--3WV'dJ/133W AXOdd G3JJISSV13Nn--ssvio IN36000 SN01131UIS3if ON--!)NI)IbVh lObINU3 N990bAd '11~iMl Aivb livo lasnow '83AII 'AO01031XOi 'VNV-SOVI 3141131'. SgDN313S IV3103W ONV lV31901019-SIMV i33rGnS- oL------o3Hsiiond Mo, S-ilt, 141JEC gotfil ["03sow) OIONISXDI *IGXVWVVA-33bnos-l- ussn--oANi io AuNnop'-,~ V, 'Y'N 'D)IN3AIIVW goslIv 6)lldvl--VoNinv- SNOUVOdillid GIIV 01313ANOGIV jo Amixoi aNV N0113V IMIS130-3,111"'s, 'Otdz-,Sll---i41VC flNI$S3DOlf4 a a j:i i s s v i,3Nn szo Z/1 M 025 UNCL4SSI F I ED PX0CFS$IN3 DATF--115EP70* CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103431 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(L)) GP-0- ABSTRACT. BOVINE LIVER 41,1(j HU14AN E-jRqyrj~AIC A PREPNS. AD41NISTERED ONCE TO MICE I.V4 AT 50 4G-KGi I.P. AT 20113 MG-KG, OR 30.TIMES S.C. AT 250 MG-KG HAD NO DEFINABLE roxicITY AND AT COMPARABLE DOSES DID NOT AFFECT. THE CENTRAL NERVOLIS SYSTEM, AFTE-RIAL PRESSUREI RESPIRATIONt MUSCLE TONE, nR INTRAWERINF EMORYONIC DEVELOPMENT IN MTCEj CATSt AND RATS, AT 0*5p 10,'IANO 20 MG-KG I.V. THE RNA PREPNS. HAD A MODERATE PYROGENIC'EFFECT IN RABBITSo -t V I -L:Lj USSR KUB.AYTIS, V. 1. , MTHESHKA, S. Yu. et al. Puncher Mechanism" UDC 681.327. USSR Author's Certificate "lo. 267191, Filed 3/08/67, Published 3/08170 (Trans- lated from Referativny), Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhani.ka i Vychisl*telInaya Tekhnika, No. 4, 1971, Abstract No. 4B47011). Translation: The mechanism suggested contains a cam drive with all internc-diate dog to impart forward ana i,otarv motion to a die anti difFers Ln that in order to increase the speed anti reliability of punching, rolla~rs contact tile Forward and return caM5, which drive the punches through rocker arms. I fig. 7,' AA0046262 AM 0482 Soviet Invencions Illustrated, Sectioii III Mechanical and General, Derwent, Z-70 2"200 D7ZSZI MINS "&"%"L comtsts ol' tubukar boft 1-With h&~ritka piston S. It Lu dictinguished by comuctino the piston CINV!ty to the receiver 2, throx4hs. pipe, which is, conrw-ued by mans of sprLnged arm 9 repLatLns thip volvit which acts an the pneumatic cylindhr pis7tan-rad 11. Cooling unit 4 is placedIon't1he pjpq: cannect- ing the receiver to tbk, I%atm*r cavity. 8.2.68. as 1217775/29-14,' Us elk JUV"Cl. (8-16-69) Bul. 17114.5.64 t4$ 9 024. 4 F) I'M, F"If I'll "I, I I F1 I I ff'' ff aff0m, 'H911 T11".1 W ft'S IN Hil In"N" ' ' " ~M` "i H-11 M., fl, ill 01111 '1 1 ~1111 H., ~PAOMZ62 Rig m!"' mi"! M- 9?"'R 438 Ontology: USSR UDC 615.2"12.6:547.963.32].015:61~,-UO6-092.9 MATIYENK .4 A. RONICIIEVSKAYA, G. ki., BE-LYAYEV, 0. K. , '0 ' 9 f0W1rYYN`Uft'."r._T~'*: and SAL*GANIK, R. 1'. , Institute of- Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Department, Academy of Sciences USSR, Novosibirsk "Inhibitory Effect of Homologous Ribonucleic Acid on the Growth Of Spontaneous Tumors in Mice of the fligh-Cancer A ond C3 1i Lines" Moscow, Patologicheskaya Fi::.Jologiya j EksperLmentALInaya Terapiya, No 1, 1971, pp 45-47 Abstract: Deproteinized RNA from mice of Oil,% low-cancer Cr.,131 line was injected subcutaneously into A and C I m i C (., IV i t I palpible mammary tumors. Thc ant4t.)imor c!ffoc .1! of 01C prel);Iration was assessed from the differcnces in the wcighl: of -1.uTiiars in control and experijjental mice (the tumors, VICT-0 SY.St4!MatiCally weighed in animals sacrificed 10, 20, 30, 40, Ru, and LOU days after the injection) and in the survival tirne of ini.mals. lih rt; - as the weight of tumors in control mice increased rapidly -for the first I to 1-1/2 months and remained stable tiiereaftcr, it was significantly lower (50 to 77%) in the experinental group at 112 USSR MATIYENKO, X. A., et al., Patologicheskaya Fftiologiya i EksperimentalInaya Terapiya, No 1, 1971, pp 45-47 all stages, especially during the first 2 movahs. The survival time of experimental animals was also mark-edt), longer than that of controls. Injection of the RNA had no toxic effects, judging by the fact that the body weight of experimerital and control animals was virtually the same at the end of the experiment. 2/2 PCs, all 1/2 CL 025 UNCLASSIFIED Plt0CES'$VNG DATF--IISEP70 .,,TLI.--GENERAL ACTION AND TOXICITY OF R1813NUCLEIC ACID PiREPARATIONS -U- tUTHOR--LAPIke A.S.t MATIYENKO, N.A. CClUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ....... SOURCE-FARMAKOLo TOKSIKOL. IMOSCOW) 1970v 33(1)v 94-5 OATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--SIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-RNA# TOXICOLOGY# LIVERY MOUSE, CAT# RAYr RABOM, PYPOGEN CONTROL MARKING--NO REStRICTIONS' DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1986/1665 STEP NO--UR/0390170/33'31001/0094/00')~, CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103431 UINCLASSIF[ED 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFI ED PROCF$sfrq~ OATF-IISEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103431 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(j)) GP-O- ABSTRACT. .30YINE LIVER AIIrj HUMAIN RNA PREPNS. ADMINISTERED ONCE TO MICE I.Y. Ar 50 f4G-Krj.v 1,I). AT 2000 4G-KGv OR 30 TIMES S.C. AT 250 NG-KG HAD NO DEFINABLE TOXICITY AND AT COPPARABLE DOSES DID NOT AFFECT-THE CENTRAL NERVOUS S'fSTE,4j ARTERIAL PRESSURE, RESPIRATIONP MUSCLE TONEs Oil INTRAUTERINE E443RYONIC DEVELOPMENT IN MICE9 CATSt AND RATS. AT 0.5v 10v ANO 20 MG-KG I.Y. THE RNA PREPNS9 HAD A MODERATE PYROGENIC'EFFECT IN RAIWITS.. USSR UDC 531-787-06i).6 RECHAYEV, V. K.p MATIYEVSKIY1 D. D.. and 10CRAYEV, L. V. "On One Error in DetermininG P Pressure According to a 1:i-.veloped lrdi-c,-;to2, Diagram " I 5~r. Altaysk. politeldin. in-ta (Works of the Altay PoLytachnic no 41 1972, pp W-45 (fron Referativiiq Zhurrml -- Metrolo!jva L Tekhm-1k , No 2, 1973, Abstract No 2.3.2-749) Translation: Detenidnin- the wrerai~e Indicated pressi.,ra uccor.lin to an in.11- U t cator diagmn iinde by an electropiwinmatic indicator c.L' the MRl*.-2, pra,-L,lz~s for the registration tind evaluation of the various erxrori3 talat mpjmar wrllun tll~- diagram is being made and processed., 63 M-11 WINA Ott UNCLASS;'IFIEDI -T.tTLE--CRITICAL PHENOMENA OF THE SYSTER METHYL ALK0140L AN1,4 CYCLOHFXAN~-. I. '.~.-~CQM,STFNCE CURVE -U- 4UTHOP,.--KUSK0VAv N.V., MATIZEN9 E.V. 'l-mum"mmmmils COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~50URCE-IZVESTIYA SIBIRSKOGO OTOELENIYA AKADE1411 NALIX SSSIR, NO 2, SF.!mIA ,:_,.KHIMICHESKIKH NAUK, 1970# NR to PP 142-144 .-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 "66JECT-ARFAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--METHANOLt CYCLCHFXA4Et LIQUtO STATEv CRITICAL i)('INT CONTROL MARKING--NO kESTRICTIONS rjoCUllff4T CLASS--liNCLASSIF11-0 PRW( RI"FL/FRAMf,"--1944/1605 !jTj:;P CIRC ACCF-S5jnN tin--AP0100215 a i j j s s-i D,,,,n D~ii )Nisn 01-3N]VIGO 3H~M S~!O-JAWVeVd lVjIAs3 uuHigw snosiNgw Ad 31OX-114DIUD '10HONV 41AHAW bU-J O~NlWh~130 I~OP --IAklfl:) 3:)N'3-iSIX30:) *1:)VbISUV -0-d9 (fl)--lDVSIX3/l3vslslRv SIZOOIOdV--ON NOISS3:):)V :)Iil:). fjL,jiSll--:iIVG 'JhJSS33(?,bd p3ij is-sviow 110 Z/Z:. Ace. Nr: 00043667- Ref, Code: UR 0656 PRMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal ERsperimental'noy i Teoniticheskoy Fiziki, 1970) Vol 58,, Nr 2v pp #-q.6 /,444k BROWNIAN MOTION NEAR. THE CRITICAL POINT OF THE TWO-Pli-XSE LIQUID-,LIQUID EQUIIJBRIt~.%K Brownian movement of 0.23 micrum mean,radius Tyarticlet; mear tho c~iti,,tl point is studied by dark-fidd micropbotography. For a symi-m the Brownian particle diffmdou coefficient defreamis by two t(mes whim t I W11110 1'.1 lure approaches the critical point from the hornogencous roglon. The clmn~e ,)f Ow system viscosity in the critical region is calculatpd- The usulti ON fII;;I"IIQSIId. .19770071 USSR UDG 347-94J4/945 YAGUDAYEV, X. R. q HATUAWKI V 31)VI S. YU., Order . ~ Ac,44~j., AMROV, V. M. 0 YTJW of the Red Banner SF'M~r XA&11-tute of the Chemistry of Pla;nt Substances of the Uzbek SSR Acadeny of Se.ences "Study of the Stereochealatz-, of the AlWoids of CoOnopaln wid Codonopsian by the Method of Nuclear Magnatic Resonance Spectrosoope Tashkent, Khimiya Prirodnykh Boyedinta:%Ays no 4* tg?2y p:p 495-498 Abstraett A structum was proposed pra~-~~ausly for the tww 4.lkalolds codonopsin (I) and codonopaini-a (M) I'Ai-.~Uted fron 11odonoptas cleaatidea on the basis of chemical transformatiorur~ 4ne.. spectva ~Uta ~13. i'. fatkhaalhova, at al., KhFS, 30# 19169; S. F. hatkhalikovap mt al., KhTS, 210p 19'~Q. A study has now been made of the nuclear vagnat-A'-c rf~Kon&.*ce a*poct-ra of the baseis ani their acetyl derivatives In orier to e3tablith th* spatial mtructure of there alkaloidt. The N-methylpyrroli(Line ring A han a isexi-cmictfixtvation with relative reciprocal arzangement and criOAtatiDn Of the proto" end HI and H3- - d groups pseudoequalorial, H2 w4 Ph- ~8equatoxial, i" C-Clb- pseedoaxialt OR OaXI -a' pseudoaxial , OR2-y9 paeudoaxial and Hjj- a' Psaull 6 USSR UDC 577 - 37 VANIN, A. F., KASPAROV, A. A.r and MAT? I., institute of Chemical ces USSR, IVTW *, fiv Physics) Academy of Soien IN 0 Numpmr, PodlctLl Inatitute, Moscow "Changes in the EPR spectra of the Ybuse Liver Upon Poisoming With Eoric Acid and Carbon Tetraahloride" Moscow, Blofizika, Vol 16, No 3, My/jun 71, pp 472-475 Abstract: It had been established in earlier work by the authors (Blafizlka, Vol 151 P 547, 1970) that following poisoning of mice with elemental B, preparation6 from the liver of the animals shoved a pxoroinced drop In the intensity of the EPR signal associated vith complexes of hemin Fe that are located in the microsome respimtion chain. Sinilar changea on poisontag with boric acid were not observed, becatise this substance had baq-.n eliminated from the organism at the time when the EFR spectrum was detisninined. It was found in the present investigation that chaniges in the EPH spectr%im similar to those resulting from poisoning with B and observed oeveral dAiys livtor d4velo~*-d 2-6 hrs after administration of boric acid. Thu Inteugity of tho KPR signal corresponding to the non-heme Fe complex located in the n1to'rhondria wits also 10wered, but the principa.1 effect was on the hemin-Fe cmiplex. The effect on 1/2 2 USSR YAM, A. F.) et al.; Biofizika, Vol 16, NO 3, May/Jun 71, pp 4,12-475 the EPR spectrum, which was determined on liver samples itt, 77"'K, vas unspe- effic; it was also observed' after poisoning of the &niMS:L'; "It" CC14 - Besides the reduction of the intensity of KPR eignala carrespondimg to hem and non-heme Fe complexes after poisoning, new signals 4eveloj.,ed in the spectrum vhLich cculd be ascribed to nitroayl complexes of here and non-heme Fe on the basis of available data on the JPR jBpectm of:these- amplexes. 2/2 itz 019 UNCL ASS I F I E PK0C!Eji5INri PATE--13N0vl'o TlTLE--SlfNTHEStS OF REACTIVE FOUR POLES BY TIME FUNCTIONS -IJ,- ,AUTHOR-14ATKHANOV, P.N. ,COUNTRY OF INF0--USSR I'SOURGF-l $ INT EZ [-.EAKT IV;,tYKH CHET-v~'EK14PGLYUSNlKoV PO V~,fillqENNYKH FUNKTSEYA14) -EN IGItA'U* ~ENERUIYA p 19701 133 PP JN L i~04TE PU61. lsfitD ------- 70 ~,SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., INO., CIVIL AND MAAT'NE ENGR, PHYSICS .TOPIC TAGS---ELECTRIC- ENGINE~_::RINGY HANDBOOKo THEURE71C PHYSICS CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 06CUMENT CLASS--UN'CLASS[FIED PROXY SU-0 NO --UK 13000 170 0 ("0 ~)'J!) I/G' t31 CIRf; ACCf_SSl0,'-j U i 1~ I I- ij ~4~. R --116,0-1-i- p-p-m--vo -pwm-"j-w-" 2/2 OL9 UNCLASS1 FIED; ;,iulwc i-s Is Liq.,; CARC ACCESSION NG--AM01 30592 ABSTf%ACT/E-XT-~ACT--fU) ~-, P-O- A3 ST.(. ACT T i!k I;; L F- OF c or~ r 1: 14 iss P E f ~ (-I F I t*Tk, C-01,1C F ION 5. CH AP TER I P ROP 1: 11 L S AN 1:) k A L. 1Z.11 r I (Jill NS 'i I i. I FUNCTEWNS GF KLACTIVE F01,jR P 0 L. E S 7 11 1 A P X I M 1i I' 10 11 [.)1- I*IMC- FUNCTIONS 3 3 11 1 1 HE METHOO 01: ~-*.,PPROXIPIAT [Uri 1144 FREQUENCYRANGE 43. 1 V SYNTritiSIS fj)~: CIRCUIT& 1-1)k tHAPIN' .j . -1 W~ I CCT"'GULAR S :A GIVEN Rr HAPE 69. -A!, 1* A'. W 1, " IESIS UF kl-~, V . SYNTH k 1;rULS;~ SHAPING CIRCUITS 97. V I SYN THE$ 15 OlF OE LAY C I RCO I TS BY PULS E I ST ICS 118. 1:3 1 6L I OGRAPHY 130, UNCLASS I F f E 0 USSR UDC 6.11.791,OLI:620.192.4 V N. Candidate of Technical Sciences, KXRYM1,N,1 Y11. A., Engfiieer, -ItAMIANOV. V. N. . MORBYURI, -V.E.. Engineer, Irkutsk Polyteoinie Institutii, SIM"AST.4-IV, V. V.," Engineer, Korshunov Beneficiation Combine "Cold Resistance of Joints Ifelded at Negative Temperatureo" M Z oscow, Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, No 9. 1972, pp 26-26 Abstract: A study was made of the effect. of negative teu.,peratures during ina on the cold resistance of weld-ad Joints of St.J.9p ana! steel. Tile results of a chemical analysis and mechanical tvsc.-W, of! uie 1,tv(!,1 are t4ulited. 'the threshold of cold brittleness defined by Ule -nfilif-mall irpxt: toughtlel".ri It; somewhat lower than that deftned by the presence of a 201 visincmLs. compojiq~nt in the fracture. Wiien weldin", the investigated steel, the r1aximuri reduction in impact toughness takes place in the zone Ituatud to 200-',1004 ,'% 11ith a decrease in the initial welding temperature to -30* C, an in,--real;i! In the GiresilcAti (if cold brittleness of the metal in cbe weld-affected zone by C takes place by comparison with the cold brittleness Chreshold of OLQ ba3l.1 LICE31. NQ~,-Itt';C temperatures during welding especially affect the cold brit0eness of ti~,e -;(!ld- affected zone of low-carbon St.3sp steel. V* lag USSR VDC 621.791.052:620.1,.001..4t669.788 MAKSIMOV. P. K., Engineer, MATKAWX,,A,,4MjVIKOZ, V. G., C-avdidates of Technical Sciences, and ROMNEVICII, L. I., Engineer "Study of the Efficiency of Welded Joints Between Dissill.aar Steels (12KhLMF and Kh5ML) in a Medium of Hydrogen" Moscow, Kbimicheskoye i Neftyanoye Hasbinastroyeniye, flo 11, No,.- 70, pp 25-27 Abstract; This article presents the results of an invie4t:lgatLon of the effects of hydrogen on the metal in the area of a welded joint tietwevit 12Kh'LlIff and Kh5ML steels. The irvestigations were performed uising 11pecimonei which were held in an autoclave at 570'C undor a hydrostatic pressure of techn-Ical bydro- gen from 100 to 300 kg/cm2. The cemperature issed Lit thiji exporlmonts waij 570, + 100C. The experiments showed that whereas holdin1j; undor a 90 kgkcj12 hydrogen pressure at 570% for va:rious times up to 4,000 houga had little effect on mechanical properties, h9lding at 273 k111=2 lqdroRea pressure resulted in the development of a tsndency to brittle rvpturej rprLmarily aloug the line of the veldad seam. Notch-senaltivity of thib Inatal woo increased in aLl cases. No notIceabls changen in the'structurah of Oto mflal were discov- ered. However, in all cases the exposure tc hydrogen voisultud in slight surface decarburation along the seam. i/I USSR uDa 63i.54v,o4 XOVAL"G=# S. I., Candidate of Agricultural Soiences, ftneneta-Podol'sk Agricultural Institute, XE!MMAJj A tration of Agriculture .. I , Yarmolinetak Production Adainin - "AppUcation of Weic Acid Hydrazide for Retaraing the Sprouting of Sugar Best Roots and Lowering tha Sugar Lassen in Storage" Moscow, Ddmiya v sel'skom khotyayetfe, 140 111 1972, PP 57-60 Abstracts A study was made to determine the optin%l coweentrution of juaeic acid bydrazide and study its effect.3 on the sugar Ivet root kinxvest, the dynamics of the suggar content in the roots and the wo14;ht losues in storage. A phytopathological evaluation of the root crops after vtoraps in pits was also made. Spraying the sugar best plants 20 to 30 days before gathering the harvest with a 0.6% aqueous solution of maloic acid hydrazide with the addition of OP-10 wetting agent promotes axi increase In the au'Par content of the roots and a decrease in their sprouting during pivIonged storage. The roots of the maleic acid hydrazide treated plants store tetter in pits then the control roots (lower eugar and weight lo4ses)v wW thooy axe less subject to rotting. 1/1 UESel0dV-0N NOISS933V 3bl:~ d3IS 9ZIl,'000?--qWVV,4/IR3W AXD)fd (14J4ISSV13Nn--s,.r,vi) lNgWn:)00 NO 1133 b I a oNim 4AII:019A ONIM '0141M DI)OWIsSOWIV 'JLII0IWr)H Dl~)NdSOWIV 3ijniv)J3-dW31 :)Jb9HdS0WJA( 'iNOVA )III1-14dSOWIV '10MOI :)19C',I0vO3l3W--Sqvl ~IdOl'.." MN313S 3lt3HdS0WIV--SV3dV l3aruns,~L oL ------- o3Hsiiand 31va..,r Sii-pt dd #9 bN 40L61 OVA1001MG19 I VA]DClObD3i3W--3 dnos:-,~ )jssn--o4NI =10 AbiNno3-,' W69 'A"InmVil"Vow '*9*9 'VAONHSVW-IZD)-)JDHI I)v -0- IV'~'10010E(1914W 114013H 3Hiq-W 00f V iV Sk,0IIVA)J3SG0 ISNIVI.)V bV3-k -]"1 -30 31411 010D 31-1. ~)Nloo s3No7 1VINOli-J 40 S:)IlSlb3l:)VdV"3--31ilJL 011DUEZ-31VO 9NISS3:)0~4 on:jissv*i:)Nn 910 Z/1 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0AT'E---.!30CT7O CIRC ACCESSION NCj--AP0125392 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* RESULTS [IF '.~XP~~REMENrAL INVESTIGATIONS OF ATMOSPHERE FRONT ST;tUCTURE AT THE LUWER 300 -4tirizE METEOROLOGICAL A A p LAYER (IF THE ATMOSPHERE ARE GIVEN. SOME CH R CtE fsrics OF FRONTAL ZONES SUCH AS WIDTH ANU SLOPE OF THE IFROi'll'AL ZONE AR E SHOWN, AND A TREND OF TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITYv WIND VELOCITY ANO UIRECTIO-V O:qE HOUR BEFORE AND ONE HOUR AFTER PASSAGE OF FRONT$~ARE G[VENv FACILITY: INSTITUT EKSPERIMENTALONOY METEOROLUCII. . . . . ............ USSR uix! 615-R1 COVS IMIN, YS. A.) MA','%, uy,, X. D., and PARIY, B. I., editorS Farmkologiya Amidinovyhh Soyedineniy (PliarmacoloCj of jVni-d-inc Cwipou-nas), Kishinev "Shtinitsa", 1912, 188 p TrarisIation: Amnotation 'hie collection prestmted exper-imentni d~ata -md clindet)A rnt,~rial ~~n protective properties and mecliani-sm C)A, action or 4L-lid-ine hyperoyia and hypoxia as well aa on the effect oV th2se suhutaT,-,,eq nn fitner,si, the cardiovascular systern, nn-d uteruc. The mviow trtdr'-ics on and gutirune provide a fairly complete idea of the nature of th~-Eu anna Li promizing group of drugs. The collection is of interest to pbarmcologists, physiologists, curocons, anesthesiolo,~,-ists, obutatricians iiniI and spoi-ts physicians. Content, ForevoiA... Part I Ye. A. PUkhIn and 1". 1. Porly. Jlharmicolo:,V of Comliounin witn a Shlm-L H74rcicarbor, Chnin.... 5 V. C. Nzh~ik. of -V6 USSR NY KMv YF.. A., et al., Shtinitsa". 1972) 188 p V. I. Gikavyy. Change in OxyCcnation of Arterial and Venau, Bloid Induced by Rexoniwr, Ethyrona, and Combinatiqns of tiv! Tva Agents.... 15 M. F. Bak-alya and L. T. Lysyy. Effect of Ethyrone on Oxyge.-a Tenaion I In Various Tissues.... 23 B. r. Pariy- Oxygen Regime in White PAts Given Ethyrone Cambinett vith Some Adrenominatics.... 26 V. F. Grati and A. P. Mileyev. Changes in Tissue Bernpira-tion of Sone Organs in White Rats Treated with a Combination of Tii.-.--rcir':~! ard Ethyrone... 30 A. Ye. Aleksandrova and M. F. Wtulya. Central Action of Ethylisothiuromium (Evthyrone) ... 34 V. 1. Gikavyy- Effect of Ethyrone on tha Main Parameters or the SysterAc Circulation in Cato.... 38 B. M. Vasillyev and B. A. Samotokin. Hypertencive Effect of Bthj,rom! in the Treatment of Acute 11~rpotenzion During Ifearovarl,-Ecal Operations... 43 V. Malygin and I. Dak. Reaction of Te'rminal Ve-ssoln of Frol, M.2immt. to th2 Application of Ethyrone., Propylone, Und kninowill'1111io- 216 thiuroniivr.... ~4 rFr L- N MW 'YE. A. t al.,"Shtinitsa", 1972, 188 p e A. P. Ydleyev and 7. D. Kaibe. X-ray vtudiea~ On the Effect of Ethyrone, Tizercine and Combimtious of the Wo Aventi; on Evacuation Function of the Bat Gastrointestinp-1. 53 A. B. Yelezhina. Propy2one as a Stimulant o-,P Inbor... 57 A. N. Poskalanko, L. N. Granat, V. P. Makusheva, T. l. and L. P. Zubareva. Pharmacolaj~ical Effects of Propyloi.,e in Parturient Woman ... 62 V. I. Generalw. PhamacoloZ~y of Som Isothiurmium bzrivnt~-.ress, -1.0 S. F. Frolov. Protective Effect of a Combination of Mcpheetrile twid EtlWrone Durin:; the Toxic Actioa or Oxygen at a Fresaure oV 7 atm... 711 K. L. Phtkovskiy. Use of a GanGlion Block Witho,4t to Protect Anirals From Acute Oxygen Edem of the Lurq's.... "17 R. ')ikhin. Changes in Uie Amount of Arcoibic D. Keptya and Ye. A. X Acid and Reduced Glutsthione in k%ite Hat Organt Mlrb~g lkyperbaric Oxy,-enation and Use of Ethyronc! and Yc,-ihe,~olc 1trol. Combinations of the IlVo Ar_ents... 7, .1 R. V. Gutsu and V. Z. B-,irinku. Ch:~.n; in the AM~oiunf,, of !.-cid In the Tissues of Uiitu, Nrillz-, 0.,Yf-,Cyl Ill toliemtlci:-~ V.1:11 1,15,2 of' Tizernlne Alon.~., wirl vilh Ethyrolle.... IUSSR MYKHM, YE:. A., et al. Slitinitsa", 1M p K. L. Matkovskiy. Effect of Ethyrone, Benzohexonium, Tizer.,,Jno, and Combinations of 113thyron-3 with _k-,n7chcxontum and TizerOme on the Acid-Base Equilibrium in the Blo(~d of ~Wte Rate Expotied to Cbyil'eu at a Pressure of 6 atm... 87 R. B. Keptya and K. N. Arnaut. Morphological Changes in the Viscera of White Rats Daring Ovyran Intoxication and Use of Eukrane, Yephedole and Combinations of the Two Agents... 69 N. V. Gutsu and L. 1,11. Kabrin. Morphological CharZes in tha Brain and Viscera of White Pats During Hyperbaric Oxygecation aiO Use of Tizercina and Combinationo Thereof with Rthyrotle... 91 B. 0. Yungmeyster. Comprehen3ive Hyperbaric Oxygen Slienipy of Potassium C~Tnide Poison�ng... 96 B.O. Yungr-eyster. 7herapeutic Effect of Hypeebaric axycen Therapy off Nitrite Methemoglotinerda... 101 Y. H. V1mg-radov. Some Ilesults of and Outlook for R,_vsiearch on Outirdne, One of the Firzt Antibypoxic Agents-, 106 T. S. Vaslyeva, L. M. Pavlova, and G. A. Ragiyan. Ab~worptlon a:.,(I Excretion of S35-Labeled Gutirdne After Intraperitorie~al TnJection... 1.15 4/6 -1_3 USSR MIKHrij, YE. A., et al., "Shtinitsall p T. S. Basiyeva and-L. M. Pavlova. Distribution of S35-1-%boied Gatiminre in White Rat Organs After lntraperitoneal Injection ..... 113 H. 1. Zhitnyuk, F. Yu. R%chinskiy, E~nd S. F. Frolov. EfTeat of Gutivilne on Intestinal Peristalsis Under Experimental Conditions.... 220 A. Ye. Aleksandrova. Effect of Gutivine on Some Indices ol' Carbohydrate Metariboli-sm... -123 Yu .G. BobkovY V. M. Vino-;radov, V. 11. Yonagarov, V. A. Plotnikovit, P. Yu. kichinskiy, and Yu. D.Starostina, Effect of Oxtiruue and Sevenal of Its Salts on Efficiency... 126 D. S. Mlenis. Effect of Gutirdne and Glatirdno (X-Ketnglutarate V,.n Uterine Efficiency under Ex-verimental Conditions... 13P Yu. V. Tsvelcv. Elfect of' Gutitnlne on Via BosisUlnce of Intra- Uterine Fetus to lr~jloxia--- L. Yu. G, Bbbhu,v) It. P. Spittakova, avul SI. S. Cf Vr. V. Putushenhov , Content of rat ectiolniz.1 n-- z; Jn ft!tt Ori,,anz Unlar Ityperthivrindo Conditions and Ut;c or sorve mamacoioclc Agenta..... S. L. flikolay. Phamacol(-,ic Charactorit-tier. of Vaj~al MY'erei-it tors Scnzitive to 5/6 ....... .1-Mmul MIMI- ---Rmmj i i Mall, USSR MYKMI, YE. A.,, et all., "SlitinitGa", 163 P S. L. Nikolay and 0. S. Sherstne-ea. Pharwacoloj~ic Characteristics of Vagel Afferent Receptors Sensitive to Acetylcholine... 146 B. A. Dumbrava. Effect of Campensation of Diabetes Mellitus On Some Panameters of Liver Punction.. 151 V. A. Dwmbrava. Liver Function in the Course of Comprehmisive Therapy of Diabetes Mallitus... 154 I. G. Boldina and V. A. ~W:simatz. Effect of Levo:nepromaziiie arld Ethyrone on the Course of Experimentally- Induced Tmuratic Bhock... 159 Abstracts..... 164 6/6 USSR uDa 6l5-7-.6L-)p273t54l.4q:546-733 MATKOVSKIY.- K. L. "The Antihypoxic Activity of Cob&It Dioximines" Kishinev, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Moldavskoy SSR, Seriyu. Biolagicheskixft i Khimicheskikh Nauk, No 5, 1971, PP 88-89 Abstract: The effects were studied of some Co dioxiniiies (tUnquodio..,ilaine, dipyridinedioximine, dinicotinamidedioximine), CoCI), Catla?&WA, and cyano- cobalsimin on mice that had been subjuctud for 30 min to thet-ffect of CO in the concentration ft2 = 15 mg/l. The Co compounds were adminiatered intra- peritoneally 20 min fozv exposure to CO. The cobalt dioxJntnes were lens toxic than CoC12 or CoNa2EDTA. Of the dioximines, Co Maqu,3dtoximine (103 mg/kg) had the highest activity in preventing the death of n1ce as a result of hypoxia produced by carbon monoxide (rate of aurviv*1 300 and in PI-0- longing the length of life (by an average time of 15-0 min) of the nonsuy,,riv- S S T F 1 ~- G 0_'rL-G-W~A~io PO-VOLEFIN N.M., BLEYKHOLUP G.A.,, BRIKENSHTE-Wit KAN,151i.-~INI YU. F. MAT ',Cvw ( P YE* ouNrR 0 -~-U~ R~ y c SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 264t692 REFER EMCE--0 TKRYT IY A, tZ3BRET.t pm~ 0BRAZTSYt TOVARNYE ZIIAKlt 19-10 47(9i, DATE PU'LISHa_D--03MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHE41STRY ropiC TAGS--CHEMICAL PATENT# ALUMIMUSv POLVOLEFIN RE-1;114, PLILYMERIZAHON, .:ETHYLENE, METAL CONTAINING POLYMER C64TROL MARKIING--t-410 RESTRICTIONS 00CUIIE.NT CI,A L)i PROXY rVc Z/ 2 023 UINC L A S S I F I R) [RC A C C E S S 110 N N 0 - - A A 0 13 6 2,,,' 21 3S TEAC T / E X I i~'-% CT--(U) Gt'3-:j- AL, P0LYrlLf:l'fl,l P: E VG - 8 y 011- C Sl.K~2 11 :,M),# 1,1111i OTW-~~ 01-0~-Pls i4, 114 :RT IT'- I.Ll.;)Y' I E I THE: FORM OF PMIDER, FLAKES, WIRE, MM AN"~) A C~Uj%LYST, Tlii: CATALYSTS USED ARE IRANISITION, 11ETAL HALIDES OR lfi'l)RDXYHALItjl--S SOL. IN HYDROCARBONS, E.G. V liYf)ROXYCfiL(;KfUE* 1: AC I L'IT Y FILIAL INSTITUTA KHIMICHESKOY FIZIKI AiN SSSRo Usn' UT)c 6l6.Q'--1J_553_092.q UUMM, V. S., TSYBUIZAK. G. N., ZUBIK, T. M., 11if GIC, L. 117 -, G. A., GAIWaN. Ye. 111., GOGLOZiA. R. L., KUSTIOV, N. A., PA&IKOVSKLY, E. V., and TD)OFEYEV, V. V., Chair of Infectious Diseases. Chair of Allitary Fiell Surgery, and Chair of Nervous Diseases, i4ilitary Redical AcadaiRy iat-ni S. A. Kirov, Leningrad "The Pathaphysiology of Experimental Botulism" Moscow, Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksporimantallvmiya '~orapiya. lio 3, 19,11, pp 16-19 Abstract: A study was carried out of the disturbance of oxtornal rejr'.~rjtion, gas content and acid-base state of blood, and of hemalynavd.c. s:iifts with severe experimental intoxication with botulinus toxin. Fifty dogs weNt inLo- xicated with type A botulinus tox1n. At tha tjjiio of j&aini;!;tr,3.tion and at tao peak of intoxication, the Fas content of arterial and ~naznoua blood, hunfugicioin, hematocrit, specific weight of olood and plasma. and octiterm c"L sodi", Fotas- simm. lactic ani pyruvic acid were determined. Fxternal. rimpiration Was studied by means of a type T35 spiromitabolograph and circ~jlation uy Wie modified mechanical cardiographic =t&od. Biocurreznts of the cerebral cortex were recorded on a four-channel electroanceptialograph. At 1-1hD pea.K of FBI R11 -1 USSR YATKOVSKIY, V. S., et al, Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimentalljia.ya Tarapiya, No 3, 1971, pp 16-19 intoxication, a reduction of per minute respiration -wilh. a rosulting lowered level of oxyhemoglobin in arterial blood, anti respiratclry aoidosis were naLed. EKG data revealed predominantly hypoxic shifts in the ii~iocaxdi=, and the EEG data -- inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. Ditunsified cardj~lc activity served as a compensatory mechanism for respiritzory insafficiency. The secondary shifts in the function of organs ani systums in connaction with disturbances of a metabalic aM Lunctional nature plVod a ViLal role in the pathogenesis of botulinus, intoxication. Morphological ahifLs if, the C.45 were apparently caused largely by disturbances in the miaro-::irculation ani were re- versible. In treating severe botulinua ititoxioatiort, opecial attontion ihouli be paid to timely correction of external respiratory i3waffIciency, WILh artificial ventilation of lungs most expedient, 2/2 - 59 - USSR um 6,,W-oo,,,-71-036.2(4jO) MATKOVSY,TY. V. 6 ;,,Wcent, WIRIYEV, 0, Ito Cszrk'1WWWv of Kidical Sciences, and ISA of Infectious Diseases (Ek-Ad-Doo4mt V. S. Yhtkovskiy) Y[ilitary Medical AcadenW imeni S. M. KIr1OV,, Xeniagmd . "New Data on the Spread of "Far FAtstern" Scarlatim-1,11te Femr (Pee udatube rculosis) in the RSFSR" I Moscow, Sovetskaya K~-tsina, Vol 33, No To Jul 70, PP A~V-135 Abstract: "Far Eastern" scarlatina-like fever in a mi infectIous direanc which was detected in 1957 and identified. as a opeciml forin oil Ipseuilatuberculosis In 1965. The pathogen) Pasteurella paeudotuterciaosim P.f#.%-Vfer1, its transal-tted by certain rodents and ia contracted by hunen beings throtigh the gmstrointeetinn~l tract. For a long time it was believed that this diseaell, was rmstricted to the Far East. In February and March 1969, a wane outbreak ocr-wmid in 4-0--Veral lAmingrad kindergartens, involving 78 children aged 4 to To at; imll. as velIght adult staff members. Because of the diverae symptoms, the 111nmas mmi varl.maly dlak!nosed An oc&rlet fever, tomaillitie, influenza, prawn meaulits., axt~lj in ome cave mppenll- citis. Since conventional trentmnt was ineffeative, m0'rem..mlAve eplddm~ological, clinical, and laboratory investigations were perforined "' mixt thim, olisesse vas fimlly diagnosed as paeudotuberculosia. The sawce of the infection ime mpi4ly tracked down. All of the kindergartens affected regularly serred raw Am-getables purchased 1/2 UESR M%TXOVSMj_J,~.)-e,VILf., Sovetskaya Meditainat Vol 33, No 71, JI.O. 70, PP 132-135 from the saw seller. The storage facill,.Aes ,mre inarmettit and xq)IL-ntrs found there were subjected to laboratory tests ia which PastereIIA:psewlotuberculosio Uns isolated. Since the disease is no 1mger restricted to the I'lar Must., physicians are urged to be on the alert for it when they obsoxve atypictsil camest of ocar:Lq!t fe"ro (;ermn measlesp acute appendicitis,, or hapatitio. 2/2 USSR UDG 537-~11.~3:;546.24148 ARONS, A.A., YE.S., U3T1YM1QV`, V.I. "Electrical Frcp3rtioa Of -~-Irradisted P-Type Cadmkwii Telluride" V ob. Radista. fiz. nazat. kriotallov (Radiation Myotoo Of Nonmattillic Gryatels- Collection Of 'dorks), Vol ), Pari.-i,-Kiev, "Nauk-dufalta," 19tl, pp ~A_66 (froz., I ' 2) RZh--Elaktronika i ye jr1qen i -or 191?1, A1jaLr!1c1- "No 10 ~5 MIS, No 10, Octo*, yA - Tranalationt. The effect of '?-irradiation on tho ulootrici.l oral;crtiou of p-typa OdTa irradiated at room t*mperatura by )? -qujitits of' 0360 was at%iditd. The investigation was conducted on aingle crystals of Od-Le idith gonranilpti-ons of carriers (up to irradiation) at room tempo~aturl :rrom 5 . 101;~ to IQ ` and the mobility of holes fron 32 to 9 =2 v- s6c_l, roar'4501;ivoly; Y irradi- ation of p-type GdN leads to thm appearonon of' rdii.ation lefecta o.0 accuptare, increasing the concentration of holso and changing tM) meoituaiem of acatterinr.. 10 ill, 7 ref. I.V. 777,-1 USSR UDC 612.45+612-766.1 KASSIL' , G. ff. VASILOYEN, Y, culd J,'jKOU;11, A. I. p Laboratory for Problems of Control of Functions In liw=s and Antmals lilaril 11. 1. Grashchenicov, Academy of Sciences USSR, and LaboxiLtory ~of Mental Work, All-Union Scientific Rese=h Institute of Railroad 'Kyglune, Idnistry of Public Transport "The Influence of intense Mental Work During the Day anil `;ij;ht Hours on the Excretiou of Catecholamines in the Urine" Leningradt nziologicheskly Zhurnal SSSH imeni 1. M. Salchancv, Vol 59, No 8, Aug 73, pp tt151-1,157 Abstracts The oxcratlon of catecholaminos in the ul-iWi was atLUied for 6a railway employees who alternated day and Oebt ahiftu., In tho daytine, operators and on-duty mon exhibited only a dvcroaze In the capal~Atit3 of the sympatho-ad-renalin systei:i, while dispatchevq, stOld ta do nore iliLonsu work$ also showed xn increase In notvx1renalin excretloti. D-,irlnA the n1j:ht shift the dispatchezra showed a larger increwe In adremlin excretion timn other railway workers, though lesal than a control, group not accustoned to nieht work, and a laxger increase in noradrenalin excration thz_-i elther E.Xup, Dispatchers alao increased their excmtion of the dihy11raxyjiiitnyla1an1ne 1/2 USSR YASSIL', G. N., et al., Fiziologicteaskiy Zhurwd SSSH 14ter.1 L. M. Secheiiov, Vol 59, No 8, Au.- 73t PP 19151-IsI57 precursor, The oNratorn and on-duty men showed a lart,-er in nor- adrenalin excretion during the night work than the contmlu. E.:?-.cretian 14wels returned to the initial on the second day of rest. Theoc reikal"- ure said to show that even after nany years of adaptation to a certain typa of neuro- emotional work the excretion of catecholamineu still depends *n the inteasity of the work, and that adaptation to night work is more iL'ffiault than to d--y Work, 2/2 USSR ux SOLOVI)EEVY G. M., and NATLINA, E. 8,4., Institute of Tran:rplanltat~cn of Orge-ns and Tissues,, Acade--,~r of MeEcal USSR; Tzboratar~r' on Contral Problems of Functions of Human and Animal OrgmUsts,iment N. 1. GxitoftcLuinlcov of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow "Catecholamines in the Heart During Stress Reactions" Moscow. Kardiologiya, Vol 13, 1110 1, 1',#73, PP 140-152 Abstmlit: Domestic and foreign literature is reviewed the f).=,Lion., concentration, and synthesis of catecholamines in the hemrt rnumla. Nor- adrenalin in the most abundant catecholamine in the =urtil hemit anct adrenialin accounts for only 25-35%. There in a definite relation liotvet."n f-unctionz of the heart and adrenal glands with respeat to catecholaziLne netabo:11.,mi during f3tress reactions. In the pren~.-nce of streas tAxe heart muscle lir, capt~lble of con-centrat- ing adrenalin from the blood i=ediately afl;or the applb"atioij of stresa; all succeeding phase changes in the aceirrilation, of su-'renaligi depoatfl on the specificity of stresse*. Wian resources of adrenalin in the i,:iirazial ,;hLnds mma e-Jamusted the heart, muscle can protably synthesize it. Ll;xperiinants with guinea pigs showed that accumLlatian of adrenalin in the hearb muscle after the application of stress secures activatioa of metabolt~, proacuses and 1/2 i i i ", I -IM 14 , H. Qjn. u ... 3, t, M-1 'i 4 4i I. 01 fir, .71 44- r 7 T 7 YAL ..... . k ~ Wj' DATE--' I I Ni _~, ~ : ft A! i ILN n: ALI I J: 101 41. Mtkt--tf-~! it ;e1 2 023 UNC, t. A S S I F I E 0 "IRC ACCESSION 1`10-4,,10136232 A 13 S I WS TRACT/ EXI C T-- ( U ) Gr"-~`- ~! ' T aAL P 0 L Y0 1,1 C 'I Y N) ARE -::'I; BY POLYMN. OR' &3PULYN1. Of- C S(Ji7i2 11 SUbl"l dll~i INERT HYCIRiJICAT' SGLV;-NT IN T,-i" P P S E I IC 0 F A LCIA I I'!, ~NU.~,',YS THE FORM 0.;7 PCJ;-,'M-:Rt FL-'o~FSt 'ARE i VNM MID A CATALYST. THE D ~~FTAL HALWES OR -1 CATALYSTS USEI ARE lKAi'.'v-NlT MN, SOL. V HYDROCARBONS, E.G. V liY0,R0XYChLU!!JUE. FAC I L I TY: F f L IAL INSTITUTA KHIMICHESKOY FIZIKI AN SSSR* USM. UDC 616,9111.55.1-092.9 UMUKII.-J. S., TSYBUaAK, G. N.,'ZUBIK, 'r. H., L.. AXA~I-Ul, G. A., T I GAMQ1, Ye. 111., GOGLOZIk, R. L., KUVOV, N. A., PA3HKOISK'rY. E. V., ani Trr)DFMEV, V. V., Chair o.L^ infectious Diseases, Chair of Allitary Field Surgery. and Chair of Nervous Diseasest Military Redical Academy lineni S. A. Kirov, Leningrad 'The Pathophysiology of Experimental Botullsm" Moscow, Patologicheskaya Fi--iologiya i Eksporimentallnaya Terapiya, No j. 1971, pp 16-19 ,4bstract: A study was carried out of the disturWuioo taf aitcrpal ret;jdr;"I,iOn, gas content and acid-baso stato of blood. ial o~ htmodynami-- shiifts witn, severe oxparl%ental intoxication with botIU411-us toN~n. clog's wom into- Xicated With type A botulinus toxin. At the tinte of lidminiAration and at t4a peak of intoxication, the gas content of arterial and venou!3 blood, he-w~p.-,Iouin, hematocrit, specific weight of blooi and plastaa, and oontent of sodiu-i, potaa- sium. lactic ani pyruvic acid were doterinined. BxLermal rswsp~r.ision war, studied by means of a tY-,e T35 spiromotabo-lograph and oirculation by Tto modified mechanical cirdiographi-a method, biocurrents of tio cerebral cort-ex werc recorded on a four-channel electroencophalograph. At the peak of 1/2 USSR MATKOVSKIY, V. S., et al, Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya. i Ekaperimental.1naya Terapiya, NO 3. 1971, PP 16-19 intoxication. a reduction of per ininute r3spiration with a resulting lot;ered level of oxyhemoglobin in arterial blood, anti respiratury acidosis were noted. EKG data revealed predominantly hypoxic shifts in the iWocardiLm. and Li~e M data -- inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. Intensified cardiac activity served as a compensatory isechani&a for respiratory lri:;Ufficiency. The secondary shifts in the function of organs and systoms in.- connectioa with di.sturbances of a metabolic and -functional nature playetit a VIL41 role In the pathogenesis of botulinus intoxication. Morphological iwhiftu in the C,13 were apparently caused largely by disturbances in the microt;irculatiwi and re- versible. In treating severe botulinus intoxication, special attention should be paid to timely correction of external r"Aratory Instufficlency, with artificial ventilation of lwngs most expedient. 2/2 - 59 - um 616-(x2-7l-t)36-2(470) MATIKOTSM111Y.. S,J~, Docent, EMITRIYEV,, 0. 1., Candidate or iA,-d1cn1 Sciences, and ISAYE7., Ye. N., bepartmnt of Infectious Diseases (ffoad-Dment V. S. ~htkcwskly) Military Medical Acadewl imeni 6* M. Kirov, LeningratL "New Data on the Spread of "Fa.- Easteam' Scarlatina-Like Filmer (11seudotuberculorsis) in the RSFSR' Moscow, Sovetskaya Meclitsina, Vol 33, No 7, Jul 701, PP 1312-1,35 Abstract: "Far Eastern" scarlatina-like fever In a now imi0actious di-,ease ldhich was detected in 1957 and identified as a apecial form of pataaudot.;~tbo!rcmlositl Ln 1965. The Pathogen, PasteurelLa pseudattiberculosis Pfelffeirt., Li~ ixanm-iitted ~jy certain rodents and io contracit*--d by him= beings thrth4.jh Ut gailtit-ointestimil. tract. For a long ) tirm it was beliomed thttt t1ilm diattase Tollwit reiltr.lated tO the! Par Emit, In February and Atrch 1969, a immig outbreak occurred. In nim!iral. t-enlru,,rad kindergartens, involving 78 children i4,red 14 tP 7o as vitl.l rmi~ eighl; Adult atitif mmbere. Because of the diveroe symptama., 'the illness vas Athriowitly dlaFnolmd all scarlet fever, tonsillitis, Influenza, gervau meatiles, srdj, im aim casa ajj*11di- citia. Since conventional treatment was Ineffective,, tonpl-thenelve epidemdologinal, clinical, and laboratory investigatims wem pcrtQrmedj wit the (Ueleaae was finally diagnosed as paeudotuberculosis. Me source of the Infectlam -van nupidJ-y tracked dqwn. AU of the kindergartens affeote4 reegta&rly served rair veget4blem purclianed USSR Bovetekayn VieditaIna., Vol 33, NO 7, 'Tl;xl 70, PP 132-135 ~A from the sare- ocUer, nle btora~;e facilities Ver* inn--Dt9ctt4iL and rtidonte iatind there were subjected W laboratory testa in vhIch Paipterellilt piseq(Wtuterculobia Me isolated, Since the disease is no lom8er restricted. to tba Par Must, physicians are urged to bo on the alert for it when they Obeezve atypical ciuses of scarlet fe"r, Ger=n measles, acute append-Icit4s,, or bepatitim. 2/2 USSR UDC 537-~11-53i~46.24148 ARONS, A A Ps NIKONTA, YE.S., USTIYJ,NOVI V.1, 'Electrical Frcp3rties Of ))-Irradiated F_TY~LP Cadmitxm Telluride' V ob. Radiate. fiz. namot. kriatallov (Radiation FIVoico Of 1;oiv_,,:tal1iC Orystuls- Cb1lection Vol i"i,_-Kiov, "allauk.dutdcat' 19711, pp (froui RZh--Eloktronik,-- i Ifty . 10fl,_52) .a_prize n1ye, No 10, October 19T3,, AboLvict, ITO Translation%. The effect of'? -irradiation on the olectrical pror;*rties of p-type OdTe irradiated at roon temperature by Y-wanta ce C130'viao stldfted. The investigation waa conducted on oingla 01-YOtUIO Df 01!1'0 With i-.oncent~lo Lion" of carriers (up to irradiation) at room temperature from 5 . 1012 to 10"' c;~-;' and thn mobility of holes froa 32 to 9 ca2,v-1 sac-1, ruspectively; Y Lrradl- stion of p-type CdTa leads ta the appearan(w of r~id,'Lstloti defatitu of* uccontard, increasing the concentrution of' holea and ahmnging the mw,,hanimi) of acatte-rint,, 10 ill- 7 rof. 1.V. USSR UDC 612.454612.766.1 KASSIL', G. If., VASIL'YEN, V. N., &nd MKOIAV, A. 1. Laboratory for Problems of Control of Functions In Eumaj,,u anti Anir-als iitojii 11. 1. GrashcherJ-ov, Academy of Sciences U$3R, and Laboratory of Ilental Work, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of WlroaAt Hygi,enet Iiinistry of Public Transport "The Influence of Intense Mental Work During thio Day and 111ght Hours on tiw Excretion of Catecholamines in the Urine" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSH imeni I. M. Secj~anovo Vol 59, No 8, AU-3 73# PP ItI51-1457 Abstractt The excretion of catecholamirm In the urIne mas studled for ()a railway employees wbo alternated day and night, shifts. In tho daytime. oDerators ~nd on-duty men exhibited only a de crox;a In tho ro-,iitrvo callacitle.,i oi the nympatho-adrenalin ayutan, while dispatch6m" Bail to dra ma:,e 1111M.,11le work, also showed an incroaae in nonvirenalAn excretion. BuxirAv the niGht shift the dispatchers showed a larger Incrox-te Ln adreaallil exu'ation than other railway workerss, though less thim a control grou? not ac~-.vstcned to night work, and a larZer Increase in nomirano-lin extrettor, thaji either E'Aroup. Dispatcher.- also increazied their exemi-tion of the d1hydroxVphe11j,1iylWUne 1/2 USSR WSW, G. N., et al., Fisiologicheskiy Zhurna-1 SSSH Liteni 1. N. Sechonov, Vol 59, INO 8, AuOm 73, pp 1,151-1,157 precursor. The operatoin and on-duty z4an showed a lar4-,or inci-ease in nor- adrenalin excretion durin- the night wozA than the contzols. -Excreltion levels returned to the initial on the second day of rest. 'Mose resU-t_,3 are said to show that even after -wy yeaxs of adaptation to a certain t3qo of ,IeuLr,- emotional work the excretion of catecholwibies otill depil!nds On ihe intenzity of the work, and that adaptation to night work Is more dlffict4lt than to day work. 2/2 - 49 - USSR ux SOLOVIYEV, G. I.1., and BITLIIIA, E. S~., Institute of Traiiapiaxitat;ioti of (organs and Tissues, Academy of -PeTIC-al Sciences USSR; TAboratr3i-,1,r on Contril. Problems of Functions of Human and Animal Organisms irrani 11. 1. Gxashcherlkov of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow "Catecholamines in the Heart During Stress Reactions" Moscow, Kardiologiya, Vol 13, go 1, 1973, pp 140-152 Abstract: Domestic and foreign literatuxe is reviewed rei,,ardinj~ the fwiction, concentration, and synthesis of catecholamines in the he,,Q,t rmsule. Nor- adrenalin is the most abundant catechola=ne in the n-==1 heart and adrer-alin accounts for only 25-35~. There is a definite relation I)eVurecn fvnctions of the heart and adrenal glands vith respect to catecholamine rntivboli.,111 during Stress reactions. In the presence oe stress the heart muscle is eapabLu. -of concentrat- ing adrenalin from the blood Immediately after the application o.4* stress; all succeeding phase changes in the accumulation of adrenalin dep=t on the specificity of stresses. When reso=-es of adxunalin in the adri,,-Dj%l glands are exhausted the heart =uscle can probably synthesize it. Exportmenta with guinea pigs showed that accur.'alation of adrenalin in the bvxrt rmucle after the application of stress secures activation of setabolic processes and 1/2 USSR SOLOVIYEVI G. M. and MATLINA, E. Sh., Kardiologiya, Val 13, No 1, 1973, 1--.P 140- 152 myocardial contraction. Nora-Ireimlin is released from ad4._M.-narj,'j.c nerve eml- ings at the beginning of stress an(I it serves as mediator In tho synthesim of catechol-qr.tines. Activities of DOPA and tyrosine, the precursurs of catechola- mines, are also discussed. 2/2 USSR um 02-45+612-760 .1 Mu"I.A. air, VASILIYEV, V. N., and BRODSKAYA, T. V., La:boratory for P=blems in Control of Functions in Animals and 14&n,, AcaderiT of Sciences USSR imeni~ N. I. Grashchenkov, and Division of the Physiology Libor All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Railroad Hygiene, Mialtstz-7 of Railrov4s USSR "Excretion of Catecholamines and Their h-ccurnore in NkA;ht anti Day Workers" laningrad, Fiziologiche6kiy Zhurnal SSSR, NO T) 1971, PP 1,027-1,031 Abstract: Study of the activity of the sympatheticoat4io-nal tsystem in ratilroad eWloyees vorking, a succession of night and day shifts, The aMoutt of epinephrine and (E) and norepinephrine (RE) on a vork d.%;f vmn found to be th~e same as on a rest day, but them was an Increr.-se in the ratio of E, NE~ LA (dopazlne) to D (dapa) that did not return to nontal oz the first day of rest. There was an increase in the excretion of DE and Increat;o in the ratio of E and BE to DA and decrease in the =tio of Np NE, and U i'to D the night after day work compared with night rest. In gelaeral, on the i-tay of rest the amunt of catecholamines secreted by the abift workers was lowttr than that excreted by the control. The blood cholesterol level vatis laigher 4uring a vork day th&n an a rest day. 60 UNCLASSIFIED PR0Cr-.55VjG 0ATE--17J'j'L7G ',TI-TLE-- A OR EN A L IN, KCQACFENALIN ANC TFEIA PREDECESSOR EKUM-ON 1011PA AND '~' DOPANIN) IN PATIENrS IxITP- MIGRAINE -U- ~,ALTHOR--GCLDMAN, N.D., MAILIUA-4.S14., FETS, A.N. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOUqCE-ZHURNAL NEVRCPATCLC!Gll I PSIXI-IATRII, 1970, VC-4. 70-v NR 2t PP ".~`499-203 ,'DXTE PLELISHEC------7C -.SLOJECT AREAS-eICLCGICAL AN& mcclc'AL SCIENCES -JCFIC TtGS-HEACACF[-# ADRENALINEt NCPACRENALINE# URINE -CCNTRC-L MAPKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--LNCLASSIFIEC P-RCXY REEL/FP414-1979/0670 STEP NC--UR/C246/10/0'70/~)02/Gt9S/C2CI CIRC ACCESSHN NC--APCC47175 RL Acc. Nr: Ref. Code: UR 024-6. $PO047175- PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Nevropatologii Psikhiatriil, 1970, Vol 70, Nr 2 v pp~ 4f-.2ej ADRENALIN, NORADRENALIN AND TFIEIR PREDMESSOR EXCRETION (DOPA AND DOPAMIN) IN PATIENTS WIT11 MIGRAINE .4 N. B. Goldman, E. SA Mall and A. X Fels The authors conducted an inve-Aigation of 25 patient-s wilh miT.0ne, vhere they stu. died the diurnal urine excretion (as well as in partiAl exzreflon %-J urim,), of adrenallm, nor- adrenalin, doparnin a nd dopa in the Intercrises period, during cri-,,es, iis well as durim, the introduction of insulin. It was possible to show that in the intvrrri~,-~ period the excretion of the-'e substances did not disclose significant difierences compared ti:~ non-m-0s. It was de- monstrated that there was orliv a decreasme in the noradrenalin-jid-viial[n excretion iatio. In the perind prior to a crisis there was a deercase in adrenalin cxcwion. In the crucial period of the crisis adrenalin excretion mie sfh7nificantly. In thase vaties %fivrev, durirg the int:o- duction of imulin a mijvainow atta~-k on-med therv wa~an evretion which exceeded fill' CildnRes 3f.d1l ill narmak, The acldev(A re-mils glvt giomidi. 14) a-swinie that tile ichanged adrerialin cutitent play.4 a corlain role In tile deqelopimiril of it m1grainous attack. Pj,',E L/ MWC -A.-.1 19790670 7 7 'Ace. Nr R e f Codet UR 0246, AP0029111 PRIMARY SOURCE: i-hurnal Nevro 1~5 ii i Paik qtril, 1970" P 0 Vol 70, Nr 1, PP THE INFLUENCE OFAMINAZINE ON ADRENALINE, NIORAGI;~ENAIJNE, DOPAMI- NE AND DOPA EXCRETION IN NORMALS AND IN THE MANIC, PHASE OF THE MANIC-DEPRESSIVE PSYCHOSIS Af. S. oar"Da The authors studied the influerce of ;irninn?ire (W irg In Injectlowl on lhi~ a4renaline, noradren3line, dopamine anti DOPA urine excrction in normals anti in pillienti in tile mani': phase of the ruanic- depressive jlsycho~is. Ilie urine was colk~cted eurin1j,,'24 b~ttn; in sq.3rate portions. It was demonstrated that after 3 hours after the intruductforl of aminaz;ine there was an increase in file excretion ofadrenatin-_ dopamine anti D()Pikand a drci) in the excre- tion of noradrenaline in normals. These changes canbe conditioned t,y the tr-tivization of REEL/FRAME .............. ... AP0029117 the cortical layer of the supr;irenals as v.ell as by the inhibition of r6ited norndrenahn,~ Po'll the adrenergic granules and an ab~orbtion of it by tile Cimulatir," bjr)A. Pik: aothurs ai!itArne that aminazine may directly influk~ri(e IS.-- stil-ilulation (if catvcho!iinjinp. bIi)syntjwsis, 1 -1 nulei with a manic p"law of tht: thv influn](1: excretion of adrenergic substance:i is eApre-"Sed IatLr; in 1.) IIQU~~, Atl~,r 41.1t: irdroduction of inli- nazine and may be expre.-,sed in the ixicrea.~e of adrenaline, noradrei!ujline Ln.J DOPIA e:~L:re tion. The assume that aminazine in sucl, cases does not arrc~-A iri tile aJa-,!n,-~n- cal granules. USSR UDC 617-001.34-07:[616.839-f-1316.t#5]-07 Vh-fN, A. M., MATLINA-111,_S11., and MURADOXNOVO M. A., Laborat~,ry of Functionil Control in Man an i=s imeni N. 1. Grashchenkov, Academy of Science'i USSIR "Sympathoadrenal System tn Patients With Vibratio-.-i Sickn-j!rii" Moscow, Gigiyena Truda i Professional'nyye Zabolevaniya, tic 10, 1971, pp. 12-16 Abstract: Analysis of the excretion with urine of epinelffirine, nDreplne- phrine, dopa, and dopamine in 50 patients wit"I vibratioti sickii~lss at rest mll' after functional :ests (immersion of h1ands in cold vater mid injection of insulin) was perforned. The oxcretion Of lower in the patients than in healthy controls, and the daily rhythm of catecholamine excretion was impaired, aa shown 1)y a markw.1 de-t--l-ew;e at night. In response to cold, Glily the excretion of acirepinephrint incr,~aiittd in the patients, whereas both norepinephrine and epinephrine increasQd ill the control. The injection of insulin decreased Ott excrittion al 4-pln'!- phrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and dopa in the patienui (i.a., It de- pressed the sympathoadrenal systent) but increased tLat of opinitlArIne without affecting the other mediators. 4 1 UDC W.1930 YA. V, W~ "Study of Corrosion ResiStanCO of Chemical Nickel Coatliup in Chlorine" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 8, Wo 3, May-Jun 72, PP 367-3-59 Abstracts The author studied the possibility of wing jihonlical. nickel-pLating for protecting carlvn steel against the corrossive ILCtiDgl Of d:t-y (moisturm co.01- tent less than 0.02 percmit) and molat chlorlue. Spealmms ol.!' St.3 cnxbon steel (size 35 x 15 x I nn), after degreasing with a "pessitin oxide paate and etching in hydrochloric acid (I j 1) 0.5-1 tint at x'aom ton-peraturep were nickel-plated In a solution idth pH 4.8-5,2 containing (Iqll)l 11idEel aul- fate 21, sodium hypophosphite 24, aodium acetate 10, nuLlioic aaNydride 1.,5 at a temperature of 87-92"0. The coating wra4 carried out irith co.,ttinuo-on flltra- tion and periodic adj=tnent of solution, 11be thiakm-is tff tl,,~a mating ieas detormined by voighing, poratsity a4co:mling -to CowT /k11-1kd.ori :itato St'an(1111-1-17 3247-46. Hickel-platiyu; was followed by heat. treatment iwt IWIP for an hol'ar in an argon atmospheres The devised nicke14-platinf, neths~d hu been introducel at the Leningrad Compivasor Plants Laboratory ctudles of ni.Otol coiLtines 1/2 . .......... ... . ..... . .. .. .............. ............... . ..... MATLIS, YA. V., Zashchita Ifetallovo Vol 8, 110 3, May-MI 72, PI) 367-369 obtained by the chemical method, as vall as production test-s of nickel-plated turbocompressor rotors at the Storlitaxiak Chenical Plant ind:Lcatte the ad- visability of using the coatings for the cormion protwation of equipmetnt made of cast iron, carbon and low-adloy ateels th&t is a-posed during opera- tion to the action of chlorine with a moisture content up to 0.3 percent in a wide texperature range4 2/2 Polvmrrs an? Polymerization USSR UDC 54104+67):678.76 MATNISHYAN, A. A., ZEj~ENETSKIY, A. N., LIOGON'KIY, B. 1.0 and BERLIN, A. A. "Determination of Redox Potentlals of Electron Exchange Tolymers WiLh a Conjugation System" Moscow, Vysokomolekulyarnyye Soyedineniya, Vol 13,.No 5, Hay 71, pp 1170- 1175 Abstract: An equilibrium method for determining redax potentials of insolu- ble, slightly swelling compounds (those unstable towards oxidiring agents, as well as compounds with low redox potentials) has been developed. The method is based an the calculation of the potertial of a redox pair in equilibrium with the studied system. When two redox systems Interact, an equilibrium will set up between them after somip time, whon El - E2. From the Nerngt equation and above condition tho formula was (Jcve1L).peJ for Cal- culation of the unknown E2 0 E02 - Eol +[ITF- In URJ) (R11 (021 112 USSR HATNISHYAH, A. A., et al., Vysokomolekulyarnyye SoyedIneniyn. Vol 13, No 5, May 71, pp 1170-1175 where (01], [RI] are the concentrations of the oxidizod and reduced forms of the soluble system, and (021, [R21 -- of the insoLible system. (test system), and n is the number of electrochemical equivolents. Using this formula, the normal redox potentials of polyphenylentiquinotie, polypherAyl.- enehaloquinone, polyphenylenesulfoquinome, indigo, thio,indigo, and poly- thioindigo were determined for the first: time. 2/2 1/2 030 UNCL ASS I F I E D PIROCH.SING DATE-- 040FC. 10 TITLE--DEHYDROGENAT ION AND CROSSLINKING OF SATURATED Klk.YMERS -U- AUTHOR-f 04) -BERLIN# A.A., LIOGONKIYp B.I,w 011ATNISHYAN MUSOELYAN, I.No ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~$WkCE-U.S.S.R. 265,438 ' . -Rf*FERENCE--DTKRYTIYAp lZO0REToq PROM* OBRAITSY, VATE PUBLISHED--09MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~TOPIC TAGS--ELECTRON ACCEPTOR, CHEMICAL PATENTo POLYMER CROSSLINKING, QUINONE CONTROL 4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS TOVARNY~'- ZNAK 1970 I POLleliEki DEHYDROGENATION9 DOCUMENT CLASS--UWLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/L764 SIEP --Mimi 2/2 030 UNCLASSI FMO PIOXCI'ISING OATE-J,~DECIO C 1'~C ACCESSION NG--AA0137004 ABSTP,ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SATO. PULYMI:kS Alif- 0EHYDP0(;ElNATEO AND CROSSLINKED RITH QUINCINES TO WHICH HAVE 8EEN .1100E-3 A SUBSTANCE THAT IS A STRONGER ELECTRON ACCEPTOFt IPIAN THE CDKRESPQ)~OING QW1NOME, SUCif As TETRACYANDBENLENE, TETRACYANOETHYLENE? DJNJTR9PH,EjM()Lt A HALOSUOSTIrUTED QUINONEr AND K BICHROMATE. FA(;ILIYY: [NS;rkTu-r XHIMICHESKUY FIZIKI AN SSSR. UDCt 614.3-056.78W49.3) PL!t:O= :'!~Y!:'CAL ZY-WINA-IONS ..rt!"Ve v A-a-knv trlaEL~=v r, MOSCOW, f~versk'ye 4S1R1!:'H fiub"ft-e d .4ary VP 25-'rj of socialist erzAOtAc# 46 Insoparably linked vW% the produc- Ity o! lab;:r. T'he cznnz~mlt of rL"e in productivity of labor are '!~de L.", ei set ~` faczora whle-h ttamine tfir. xpadisricy and prefitsbilltj ..0' U. time In !~dLLSt~.. In thvs retard, ve sh-ld like to wlc4 a~ views glj~z peric-.4it :~tvoic&l ox~in4tion of ind-4strial wvykcrs whieb to dEme In accordarcc 1 -IM Or!.: ?;o 00 d~tCZ 30 K-- 13t-~*d b-, the USSR ftinitc*T Zf ra~lch :17 'Ia dir-, 7 '--Pta-6er 1957), In cur- np'nf- :.n, xh-le" he C'f tne .."h phy"gicals,fra-z ~h. t V'.~. It is alk~ t.~ ditcuo% the effetti-jeness vir I- I-- T~rf~rolnq Ta rrW';7r.T ek"m%4- !~,t =t--rt == z 'r, -,v C.'~e of -p.!y,11n!,4. -f tnd,jerrim. phyritciant. ef of er.Trr-,r-s,q. :n the Loune of r~~kin~ prapxr~rl'-14 for t:~e c1rr--s 41- are "Iled :~a -tillp.1Z.4 ~A4 1?t~ Cal ~tor In. the 01jer ~f 0.. 1~7~ tre -,nrr1&ncP4 :n a m!~, the KD#zi- -1-tkint f~.-'tr"rrfmm -.r~ USSR UDC 538.4 BICIIENKOV, Ye. I., P ~TPCTIKIN, Ye. P. "Diffusion of a Magnetic Field in a Conductor Movin:,: According to the Rule v - I/rII 7-ye Soveshch. po Magnit. Gidrodinamike. T. I fSeveilth Conference on IvIagne- L tic Hydrodynamics, Vol 1), Riga, Zinatnye Press, 191~2, pp 218-220, (Trans- lated from Referativn),y Zhurnal, Mekhanika, No 11, 1972, sibstract No 11 B3 by 1. M. Rutkevich). Translation; Self-sinila-r analyt-ic solutions are producl-.d for severill axi- symmetrical problems concerning the diffusion of a magnet[c field in a moving, radially cylindrical conductor with constant conductivity a. The problem is solved in the magnetohydrodynamic approxiinatioll, when tht! Shift currents can be ignored. The field of velocities is assumed to I)c the same as in the case of flow from a point source or sink- h, an Iiicompressi4le fluid: v = 9/2Trr. The distribution of tho magnetic field depends on the self-similar variable x - vr2/qt and the dimensionle.,;s paraneter v = uq/c2, equal to half the magnetic Re)-nolds number. A solution is given for the problem of diffusioo of an initially Yxrio- geneous magnetic field B0 into an expanding cavity, 6rncd upon comprossion 1/2 USSR UDC S38.4 BICHENKOV, Ye. I., MATOCHKIN, Ye. P., 7-ye Soveshch, po Magnit. Gidrodinarlike. T. 1, Riga, Zinatnye Press, 1972, pp 218-220. of a conductor from the axis. Constant field B,, is formed in the cavity, which approaches B 0 as jj -+ 0 arid 0 as P - -. Dien, the problen of expan-sion of a conducting cylinder in constant external field S () is studied. bhere- P >> 1, the field within the conductor is conct~ntratod iii the surface layer of thickness Sr ' 6 sc /4-1, where 6sc is the thickness of the skin layer in the nonmoving medium. If the conductor expands, foniiing zi cavity within itself, and there is no field in it at infinity the magneric fluxes in the conductor and cavity remain unchanged. In conclLLSiOll, a solution ii pre- sented for a cavity compressed to the uis. The field within the cavity increases without limit as it collapses, while the mognetic flux losses in- crease with increasing parameter ji. 2/2 USSR UDC 533.9.07 VOYTEUKO, A. Ye., MUMMA, M. A., and MAT:)CHKIN,-,Yp,,j., Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of AcA7"~V'.--B"Sfit "Explosion Shock Tube" Moscow, Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, Vol 10, No Ii, Nov-Dec, pp 12;30-1,284 Abstract: Experiments were carried out on a model of exploijion shc-7k tube. A stream of dense air plasma with a velocity of 25-11:1 km/sec was obtained by means of an explosive gas compressor. of- the model was carried out under conditions when the stream behind the f-ront of the. i;hockl wave becam nontransparent. The experiments were carried out in a laboratory explosion chamber. USSR UDC 615.777/.779-092.18/.2:1-099.:632.95 RAPPOPORT, M. B., and 'MATOICINTM. L. A. MWOMM" "Pathomorphological and Some Biochemical Shifts in the Organiam During Entnxi- cation With Manganese Ethylenebis (dithiocarbamate) (V-imeb)" Kiev, Vrachebnoye Delo, No 8, 1971, pp 132-136 Abstract: Structural and some biochemical shifts in the org,arism after exposure to maneb were investigated. The activity of ceruloplimimin, :i1.1-group content, and pyruvic acid level were determined in cats and rahv. Experiments sho~,;cd that single administration of maneb per os in the maximum perntissihle dose (1,200 mg/kg of body weight) induces cerebral circulatoty dii.-orders in the form of moderate venous plethora, pericellular ind pipri~~;isscu)-ar edema. ii 'i, n s of protein dystrophy were dete~.,cted in the parenchymatauti orgam.-F', aspecla111% in the liver. 'When maneb was given several times per ot; in ii dose of 1/10 LD50 (300 mg/kg) , the nature and direction of pathomorplic.,logical changes in the experimental animals was the Bame as for the single-administrat ton of th-I.; pesticide in t;-,c maxinum permissible dose. Hwever sorniii org.anii, for exaiinle the brain, shcrded grosser morphological chitnqvi. Upon tImItI.pN-t (ially adninii;- ,ent, similar chariges were noted tration for four months of 1/20 LD of the ar, in the organs of experimental animal, though they were weakex and less 1/2 USSR RAPPOPORT, M. B., and MATOKHN'YLTK, L. A., Vrachebnoye Delo, No 8, 1971, pp 132-136 widespread than after administration of 1/10 LD50. IntoxicatLon %,rith maneb after a single inhalation exposure (700 mg/m3) induce-d proaounced structural changes in the organs of experimental animals. Multiple inhalation exposure to maneb at the threshold concentration (4.7 , .ng./n3) faLr 4 months caused venous congestion and small foci of interstitial tissut! proliferation in parenchymatous and endocrine orgars. V2 USSIR UDC 539-434- L. Ye. I F.-ASTITTALYUN Yu. A., and 5tUIGIN V. A. Kiyev, Inst-ITU-Te 15f the Problems of Streng-titt of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukra-initm Soviet Socialit9t Republic "Endurance Investigation of the Alloy D.16JU10 by Acoustic Loading" Kiyev, Problemy Proohnostil No 9, Sep 72t pp 116 -120 Abstract : Investi,-ation r,~zults are prtqaatc.:(1 ot" tho crid-O.- rance. of 0.8 mm-thick spi~cizans of thr ridloy by halno- nic load1n, on an elect rodynwaic vibration stvid ond on a cple- cial unit Yhere the specimeno were subjected -to I;he effect of narrow-bezLd and broad-band hi4~i-iyitensity noise of a siron. The highes-t. value of the enduranplo limit im-s ;fo=d by hrrnwlonaic loading, the lowest 'by broad-b!~~_nd acoustic loadii,,g. The lon-e- vity vas _Jeula.Led by Vie methoas of linear n-nd spectral s--maa- tions of fatigue danLsgeq by all loadin- conditions. A oa'isfac- tory coincidence was fotmd between the experLmentally determi - ned and the calculated longevitica by -the tiio mothods. T-.,;-C-1VC formulas, six illustr., five biblio. "refs. 1/3 026 UNCLASSIFIED POCESS ING DATE--li-SEPT9 TITLE--TEMPERATURE aF EXOSPHEqES OF EARTH, PLANETS AN) SOLAR CORONA -IJ- .,:-jCMNTRY OF INFO--USSR iSCURCE--MOSCOWt OOKLADY AKADEMIT NAUK SSSR, VOL4 190v NO 6, 19?0 DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 :'SU.BJECT AP.EAS--ASTRO.NO.MY,ASTROPHYSICS PLAR COPO.144, ..TOPIC TAGS---TEMPERATURE, EXOSPHERE, EARTH PLANET, PLANFI, SL :.,.,;_MERCURY PLANET# VENUS PLA51ETP "ARS PLANETv JUPITER PLANEr "CONTROL RAIIKING--ND RESTRICTIONS .00CUMFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--lq9O/O246 S r E N 0- -UR 00 2 070 190 t)'.) 113:) ! 30 4 CfRC ACCESSION "10--AT0109563 - L_. ---- u L. 2/3 0 2 6 UNCL ASS I F I ED' PROCESSIV3 0ATm--jlSFP70 CIRC ACCES.51ON NO--AT0108563 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(,U) GP-0- %BSTRACT. THE AI.JTHO.R THE V%1,01 ABSOLUTE TEMPFRAT~JRES OF THE UPPER LAYERS 13~1: Ti,iLr r:!APJl1$s FX-]SPHF:R~ (T SUBF) AND THE SUNIS OUTFR CORONA IT SUBC) WITH THE CURRF*SPIV)[%~ V11LUCIS ,3f r,.y Sj.,4: 01: THE GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIALS U SUBE AND U SUBCt CEL~FSTIAL .11,j _ TEMPERATURE OF CORONA AND EXOSPHERE EQUALS 2 TIMES 10 01-IrMF6; Ut CM PRIME2 PLUS SEC PRIMEZ FQUALS 6.3 TIMES 10 PRTME144 3-2!KT-4 503H U EQUALS 0.40; CELESTIAL BODY'FARTH: TEMPERATURE 01: CORONA AND EXOSPIJERE EQUALS 1.5 TIMES 10 PRIME3; U, CH PRIAE2 PLUS SEC fllkl!~F,! EfPJALS -5.,6 TIMES'10 P ft I M E-- I I3-2K-T-M. SUM U EQUALS Ov 34, M, $L18H 11 $- T HE ~S -C!F A HYDROGEN ATOM (PROTON). THE ALTITUDES USED IN THE$f: DFTE;~MtNJATI~')"JS WE'E APPROXIMATELY 800 KM FOR THE EARTH AND ABOUT 1.4 TOIES IQ PPIMF6 K"i FOR THE SUN. IT HAS BEEN DE40NSTRATED THAT THE UPPER LIMIT OF PO'SSIBLE TEMPERATURES OF THE OUTER ATMOSPHERES nF MANY STARS IS DfTEq%lINE-0 SY THEIR GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIALs THE EXC)SPHERES OF THE EAFTH AND SUN HAVE LIMITING TEMPERATURES; WITHIN THEM THE STATE OF DISSIDATIO14 OCCURS FOR PARTICLE.S WITH THE MASS OF A,HYOROGE-N Arco. NCEITH~Q THE RADICAL DIFFERENCES IN THE MAGNETIC FIELDS or THE EA0-VH AND SUN NORL THE COMPnSITION AND DEGREE OF I 'ONIZATION OF THE PARTICLES IN THEIR EXOSPHFctES.NOq OTHER DIFFERENT CONOTTIONS IMPAIR TjlF- O~-ClSIVE ~IFFgCt EXERTED ON THE JEMPERATURES nF THE TERRESTRIAL A,'Jrl, SOLAR EXOSPHEqES 13Y THE GRAVITATIONAL FIELOS OF THESE CELE5XIAL RODIES.. zzzzzzzzzzzz U14CLASSIFIED SSVw 01 1 3Nnivv3pdw3j alli Ac oiivb 9HA 01 Wh-OllbOdClid ST Li IlVW13 tt(41-IG SNDIII(JNJJ 'd3HID 11V 4S3b3HdSriXg t3ddn 3Hi :10 IN31X3. 3HI 01 1:)~dsilli 1410% aOO0452 sooC loov 400t, :(AS93b93G NI) SIAU110-1 SV G5,IVWIIS3 39 NV:) *d3ildror GNV 'S8VW Ir.AN3A lA'dn3V3w JO S3b3HdSDX3 3HA JC 3HI *SIDNVId 3S3HI 60J A113013A :)IWSD:) LS*dli !9t,.IAVH '(N0X0)Jd) INUIV N3!)UbOAH V :30 AV83N9 0113NIN 3HI 01 3S0-):) $1 3b3HdS0X=- 3H1 tjNIAVIn,d0d S3131lbV.d 3HI JU AVIAN9 3113NI-A NV;W 3Hi 9-d-3Hi ONV b?iionr UNV 'SdVh' "WIN-3A '4Kdn:)b~iH A) S3~1:JHdSOX3 3H1 NI Nns UNY HI?V.;) gia *,-oA s3nlVA SAI h0Vj 311111 Sb3:1-4io n Huns ii-in-E :10 OIIV'd 3H1 IV14AL SIS3!)t)nS (H.ItIV3 :1141 !'.UaKVld 1191410 :i0 SllgdD 9HI =10 00014SOUH01911 3H1 iki 10371IN01 CNV N30CI)JUAH --IU I'dVd ISOW 3H1 b0J SISISNQ3 SV!D A~VL3NV'Idi~.:IINI :.4HJL JVH.1 1:)Vzl 3H1 SV 113M SV E9S9OlOlV--CN NUISS33:)V -:)ki)3 031A ISSV'13NI-I 9zo E/E": modiim USSR U D'~' :536.214 :536). 42 TOLUBINSEY, V. 1. ,,Y_4TOBTN.k._A- S. "Heat-Transfer Crisis in the Case of Boilinp ., of Binary Mix-.,ures Linder Cczi- ditions of Forced Motion" V sb. Teplo- i massoTerenos. T_. 2. Ch. I (Heat Transfiii, and IMass Transfer, Vol 2. Part 1--collection of works/1'. Minsk, 19722 pp 62-66 (Tram- r-,Zh- -Mekhanika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 911990) Translation: The paper presents the results of exmerl.menti; on the crisis when binary mixtures are boiled in tubes: alcohol - wotc-r, !v~etcne - water, alcohol - benzene, ethylene glycol - water. Me experiments reere dcne i1i tl.e following rang-es of parameter variation., XT$Sure 2, =- 9. ~-1*-'. 2 bars , r-L- e of circulation W =2.5-10 n/9, underheating "til C=0-100%. Heat release was done on a tube with insi'k- dit-.meter of d=); and length Z =60 nm. It was noted that an incree-se 4.n und(!:r!,e[,ting an;i velocity raises the critical thernal load qcr, tile efl'ect (:~T underrea-.Lr,~, being nearly linear, and increasing with an increase In vel:)City. With E-.n increase in the length of the tube, qcr falls, but ch.,!ir,fr7es J-_7,ttle with lld>10-12. The effect of pressurit in the 2nveiitlgated region vail dr..- 112 USSR TOLUBINSKIY, V. I., MATORIN, A. S. , Teplo- i T. 2. Ch. I., Minsk, 1972, pp 62-66 significant. In mixtures with azectron [sic.] the depi~zilen,-c cfr' Q,r (~-n C(1:1- centration has maxima co-inciding vith the maxima of ex-,~csq of the high-volatility component in the vapor as com.-pared vith th,!- liquid. TI;o? increase in qcr is attributed to the reduction in the dilLzeters of bubb2es, their average rate of grovt~, and the nwml;~-2- ol' ing centers. All this reduces thie vapor content of tlo- wall 1qpEr. Another reason for increase of qcr is assu:w-~ to Le the rise in the gradient of surface tension an the phasi! interftce. 1:1ile to Lhf~ "Var-:nj.--:r,-* effect", these increased gradients preverit the merCiall; ef vopor and the formation of a stable vitpor film. III mixturi-an vilt~'qo-.O. cn trope, the dependence of qcr on concentration is mcnatonic, vithiDut which is due to the fact that there is no reduction iu the eters of vapor bubbles and their rate of formation in this v~ase. A di:x~n- sional cc--rutall-ional formula which generalizes the re:s-alts the exper-4- ments to an accuracy of �20% is proposed. Yu. Ye. 2/2 USSR WC 621.396.677.7.1 POPOVKIN, V. I., ORIN. - A.- __Y_ "Synthesis of an Antenna Array of Slot Radiators With Passive Elements" Moscow, Radiotekhailca i Elektronika, Vol 16, No 7, jul 71, pp 1133-1143 Abstract: A solution is found for the problem of syftthesiZi1Lg an anteana array of slot radiators which contains passive elements. It is assumed that the radiation pattern and geometry of the radiating systeu are givan. Interaction of the radiators due to the external electromagnetic Ueld is taken into con- sideration. The method of solution can-be used to fixid the minimum number of active radiators in the system. An antenna system maile up of N narroi4 slots cut in a closed ideally conducting surface S is considered. Same of the siots may be passive re-radiators- The. active eliementa of the ar-ray are excited by independent sources. Their amplitude-phase distributLloa is calculated fron the condition of the best approwization an the averago to the given radiation pattarn. Radiators are found from amon$ those given which vould make opffec- tive passive elements of the array, as well as the puce suaceptaace oi the cavlties of these radiators. Ref. Code: cting Service: Acc. Nr: Abstra Ar0048290- CHDII CAL AB ST r 94015v Heterogeneity of deformation and texturt- durinj the rolling of crystals. 1Arjj2MSQX2- .1 JkLIP, L I Ii ~4 1'rA Leskov, B.- jN.; UAAOri%`T! L (t 'S R) MaIrr. 1970, (11, W:i-9 (Russ), Flat sp~vinirns werit cu t in.-all a Fe + 454"C' Ni single crystal obtainetl bY th-- Czcicliialsk~ nitAhod. In coid-rolling. crystals with a (110)[1i21 -ori-ental.ion retuain stable up to 911- defonnatioti. The surface layer exhilk--i a sniall deviation from an ideal oritntation. kattering is striall. The (110)[1101 orientation is unstable. It pas,~ts, jil rpllil2g, into an (112)11111 + I I I il oriorntation with a trigh sumt(ir- a high hettro ' GBIR. ing and gentity in depth. A FRAME 1-11 .4 1/2 009 U 'It, C L 0, S s I F. 10 v" 1~i o c L-s' E DAI L VIOV70 T i rLE-SELECT VA JF CfjNi) If 16NS FOR THE C.Htjljt-;,% TiGRAWI-111 C si~ i., r i ~'-i- I uN s . JS INC, C,,l ~PLEX ING k-;: AG fll~~TS BASEU ON I (~Ll I L I i3k IUM AN'J K I Piti. I' 1 0 t. I'sl --:J - AJJTH014--,'44.L~~, N.N. COUNTRY OF INFU--;JSSR -SOURCE-ZHI. F11. KHI.A. 1970, 44(3), 724--d- OATE PUBLIStiEj ------- 70 SUBJECT A-REAS-CHEMISrRY TOPIC TAGS--r~ii.,.'~LN,,ATC,;RAPii[C SEPAIRArIQN, [Wlij, COMPLEX' CCrITROL DOCOMENT LASSIFILD 1~1- j-~ I_ /J'7~ A 3 1, / I? Ir~ S TF P to)-1,114 01) 1 of Nj /C4li j/u N 4 f23 PROXY - _CDC- I M 2/2 009 UNGL ASS If:[,.() ClkC ACCESSI,'N NO-AF012,36-310 A0ST:'%ACT/~XrAACT--(lJ) (311-0- ~i i 3:' :1 T'R,k cT I EF'~UATICIIS F:]~ .-jt-TG, TH,' l:.!'NlCN. OF THE C10"WLEX Ft'j'jU4IlNlj 11N!JL"] (C '>k)!Qj t-1 () C I) M~lkj-X 1-1]k 11 14-~-, itj A,-- 1,.T I L SU130) C~lkmESPCNDING TO ME MAX. ViWjjl'~: OF THE L~jkJll,. sreN. FACIOR i"',1414A ARE PRLSENTED. ANAL'jGOUSLY, THE l(L-LArioN FOR C-AL-C14. "IF C Stj~'-l i~f .!i,%Y POINT BETejEE1.1.1 THE CENIFERS OF rht: cHROMATOGi-NAPHII:' .-IAS DEVF-LJPl"D. FACILITY: PiSyl. f1Z. M-WA,o MI)SCLl'oll USSR. l/Z 033 UNICLASSIFIEV 0, OF ,TITLE--EI-FELT f~F TEMPEaATURE ON LON EXCHANGE KINETICS IN nit PRESEIKE COMPLEXING RLAGENTS -U- I SAFGNGVAv N.C.$ SHEPETYUK'p L-V-4 Cfimulffl/f 8,-V- _CC4,NtRY CF INFC--LSSR ~SCURCE-11-. FIZ. KFIM. 19709 44(2),, 486-9C ~-,ATE PUbLlSt-.ED-----,70 SUdJEGT AilcA5--CHEMISTRY TOPIC, TAGS-EuROPIU14t L;kfl,--N EXCHANGIF. RESINt ACTIYAGON P;EtWY, f:?,,'TRf)P'(t ;I--l-AT EFFE(,C, COPPLEX COMPOUNDt REACTICN KINETICSMJ~KJ;! loj%l EXCHANGE RES IN cc.\,*rRLL VAlK I NG-NO RES TA ICT IONS DUUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FkAME-3002/1210 STEP NIG-OR100 76f 6/0490 212 033 UNCLASSIFIE0 OATE--~OINOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0128628 A 5 JA ACT/EXTRA"T--(U) G("-D- ASS TRAC T. 0Y TKE MEASURIV-, AIJ) tAj-CNq Pl~E-THGD T14E INTERLAL DIFFUSIUN CLIEFFS. UF EU PHIME PG$lTlVj; P05t1jill"E. ilx',.lT1V17- IN, CAlION EALHANGER KU,2 IN THE PRESViCf: OF 04,31 M iD[ETHYLti',4,L-'T'r"lAi',Ili'4f:PEt,TAACI~TIC 111:11) WERE MAINE[) AT PH ;),.0-1.7 AND F:G`A 30t 55, AND 85DEGREES. ALSO, TiiF: ACTIVATION ENER(;:lL:S t0fl.'; LNITV*AE~; 01: ACTIVATIU4 wf:kE CALCO. FOR VARICIUS TEWS. AND PI-1. I N 111: CASE C)F FljkPATICN LF NUNSUkBING IONS OR [JR.M.S OF H(CHI SUBN (G~18%G TO TH EliYUKOLYSIS ) VALUES Of THE APPA111111'.01T 111AT Ulf% rrff-.-"(Jy AlldD ENTkUPY OU ACTIVATILN OUPENO ON PH AND TEMP. 11-1 EK~41:REASE Ql~ Cd,'-CIN. CF NCN5GF-blNG UPPLEXING ICNS OR OF CONCN. OF M(Wil Sul-ili IS ACCCNTANIEC; 8Y THE 1~.CREASING THERMODYNAMIC FUNCTIU.5 STUDIED.. TI-A, CF EFFECTIVL 11JERNAL Oll FUS 1014 , AND I Iii: APPA11.1i NT lli;T lVATH"I'lN ENCAGY AND THE ENTROPY OF ACTIVA'ION GN PJi AINC ON rEMP. lAlkii-IRA THE NE011ANISM UF SORPTION OF IONS IN TH~ PRE-SENCE Cl: CGtfl)LEXING'li.i:AGL'ljvs-' TW- RATE OF INTERNAL DIFFUSICN PRUCESSES DURING FURRAT)Gi.' UF WASORUN lG COMPLLX IONS WETHIN KNEXCHANGER Gl~AINS 15 UEPENDiEhl ON THE AAT:10 Ul: ]UNS BOUND IN A COMPLEX AND GKEE IONS IN THE IONEXCHANGER PHASE. FACIL11Y: INS1. Fil. KHIM.t mcscow, USSR. USSR uDc 911.3.6i&4~z.613.V (571-55) MkTO OSeasonal Changes in Sorme Health Indexes for Workers in China V sb. Akklimatiz. i tmayev. p3tol. cheloveka na 3ever* (Acali--aatizaTi,~n anti RegionZ P-athology of Man in tne Far North--co.UectloiL of works), Arezungellsk. 1970. pp 109-11Z (from RZh-36. Z'editsinakaya Geograi*ilra, NO 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1.36.37 by T. Koretskaya) Translation: The Transbaikal clizate ir. charactfirize:l by Irreat inten.Aty of . dreps over a 24-hoku- perijxi or a saa~;On. climatic factors and their s"der Statistica-1 analysis of the materlal revealed a direct corrtt-13Lion oetween the frequency of aggravarion of uroacial a=mriza and tae Urger r4egative i1:1ver..;ion of air; between the frequency of cases of myocardial Warel'. am brain uaX*r- rhage and drops in barometric pressure. Tho be3r. in(Uoas rGr the funcl~ional ablUty of the organism were noted In Soptoomber. 1/1 11r) Ono V s82 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section III Mech.itnical and General, Derwent?-70 , 236489 AIR HWIDEFIER comprises bcidy roonectod to a topping-up contirction. tubular evaporating elements. Ian cir duct for'sea by t~e InCar-tUb* dP&CO and Uffusare, AnJ A Vertil&- tt.r set in a dUfusor, hovLag in its body If-vcll- Ing valves and compensatory el,-nqnts In the form of rubb s' r bulbs. within which are tubes WiLIV -aper- tures On the surface. no workint cnOtlos of the body and the tubular evaporating olevents att fillt. ad with hygr,)scopic material of wick t~pr. 0% the topping-up connection is a removable filter fltle4 with ion-txqhan&4 resins, This onabLea the 4irvict. to work independently from a high pressure oatirce. Air fro;u the cabin is sucked up by the ventAlotor and goes via the dLffusor into the inter-t.ubt space. wb*re it Oasses round the tubular qv~iporst- Ing eiements, through th~.porex of which valor is constantly evaporated into the air flow. F*Qn th* inter-tube space the humidified air Ls ojocgtd In- to the c4bin. The evaporation of water (nott the pores of the tubular ovapptating *1 meats ia due 1.9820250 im A&0051836 to the psychasometric temperstuee dk1f+r,-nc#. I%o fact of evaporttLoft of the water &Ut=kt1cx1tj, In- crosses or docroasoi as :h:,hwLdI:Y 0~ the IW4111- Ing air dectsai4a or inc q. ,a, I. . t1it c4bit dir is kept properly humi4ifind without twimaciolt equipment. Tht device ia~ applicable til #sLr -94n'U- tLosing systems of aircraft. 30.10.61 as 1193821/40-23 VORONLIC G.I. tt al, (L7,69) Sol. 7/3.2.69, Close, 17f, blc~l Xac. 41. F 25h, a 64d.; Authors; Voronin, G.I., =$gh=aLrxov 'Yu K Z-v'--a1ov,Yu.F.; Fiks, A.R.; Matov, A.A.; Khobotov, A.P. 19820251 .- - ...... ni aj , -... ...I . I I . . - * * . - - . . o . I I . .; . 0 , .- . - 1 .1 . I I .-. 1 AAM51636 _ _ I I I :1 WE 20 22 N x Aa 13820252 Acc. Nr: 4FOO3596 Ref. Code: LJR 00169 PRIMAY SOURCE: Kolloldnyy Zhurnal, 1970, 'Vol 32,, Nr 1, STUDY OF ELECTRIC FLOTATION FOR ELECTROLYTE PURIFICATION OF ELECTROLYSIS: PROVUCTS tov Ste2anov, P. M., Pr1syazhnyuk, B. I.; Grabalst.B. A. B. A. Orabo~s Summary Removal of ferric hydroxit-e froul elVC(r0lyte by electric fl-atition lj~ psiible only if hydrogen bubbles are used since oxygen has an adverse effect on flotation. The Optimum conditions of the electric flotation process bave been established. A REEL/FRAME 119720703 JPRS 60492 9 Npvt-'Rt~er L971 COMPL" INVEITWAI'10" Or rJYC;IIC Or M-44 1-4 VIDIVIWAL AMD GHDUP AC'rlVl'.rY A- a ~qy or th- t:i;:m Acadq;V ral ar"I F+ -f T1 Mvzcow. Vvt,rosv Pslkvl;~1&111. P-.191-tan. 't-3 y 4. 1973, 42-s2t PaVchic states are manifest-T4 "it clearly. and. t--r- fore, can be att'died mc3t -,:~j,.JoctjjpjV In irrio ~f J-Vlvld- , ual and group activity of mart. Herat t~w so-called "diffi-cult" of "tcftm C-:d t:1=3 or rpx"n activity ct of "Cataiye-re.- Such conditions see- deficiency of t1mr., various tn~erfererc". necessity of parforiming two or more !UnctLot%s stmultan.:,uely. dev'slopift, in a -group In PWrtQf-.tLb= IL cXMCP=n talKs and others. 'he "0141cators- Of ztsychic atat "~ I 4xv the changes in the behavior of man# bath manifested exter- nally and hjj~31~ - *. ** well as the peculiarities of his activity The Froblun of comprobansivs Investigation of pwychic :tates of man under varying coftditio-w of big activity can be olvod only in a cmplax experizoontal study with t?-* appl-.cation at a - Mnation of ftatft~ds and *xr-eximental meant. Consequently, the present stAy Me been dorte with t" domlication of ccmpltx M00VAD developed in recant 1-2 the its .. labe r-t-'y of hic states# "labortfaric" nwthod 4 1. :rQuo ' N ic as well .. t--a -trateostiktic methadi . ants the digital rs "noise-rtelotanci test" which have been surfLciently aporobarod In aviation and space psychology. Spl*ctlon of these methods was dwtormined by their riodel nature and common principles of organization and approaches. -K*toriaiv of this :tudy were reported In a brief form at the 4th All-Union Congr as of the USSR Psychology AssoListIon in ThIlIst, (1971). USSR C1 USSR MATRESHIN, V. F., PETRITSYUK, V. D., MATRESH j, A thnd BORESOVA, G. P. "Protective Action of Sodium Hydroxybutyrate in Poisonithg by Organo- phosphorus Compounds" Sb. Nauch. Robot Voyen. Med. Fak. pri Kuybyshev Med. In-te (Collection of Scientific Papers of the Military Medical Faculty at thiL Kuybyshev Medical Institute), 1973, No 4, pp 206-208 (from RZh-Bl.ologicheirkay~:.ta-ii-miya, No 24, Dec 73, Abstract No 2190) Translation: The protective action of sodium hydroxybutyrate (I) was studied on mice using subcutaneous or intraperitoneal administrtition, 25 minutes prior to exposure to lethal. doses of organophosphorus compounds. la preliminary experiments concentrations of I were detemined (100 and 200 ug/kg) Whiell exhibit marked protective action. It has been shown that subcutaneous ad- ministration of 100 and 200 mg/kS of I resulted in 65 aad 85:t survival of the animals respectively. It has been assumed that the expressed prote~~Live action of I (especially on subcutaneous injection) ts cannected with an act[on on the retarding CNS paths and not with Lhe blocking of' the chollne raceptora nor with the action of nuclaophLlic substanceo ricactivaturn of CH. F5~, mu ~j ......... . I Ell[ m I D -Ali 17 V, - A qa USSR MATRESHIN, V. F., PETRITSTUM, V. D., HATRESHIN, A. V., and BORISOVA, G. P. "Protective Action of Sodium Hydroxybutyrate in Poiscniaa by Organo- phosphorus Compounds" Sb. Nauch. Robot Voyen. Med. Fak. pri KuybyshL%v Med. In-te (CoLlection of Scientific Papers of the Military Medical Faciilty at thip Kuybysllev HedicaL Institute), 1973, No 4, pp 206-208 (from RZh-Biologicheo;kaya Khimiya, No 241, Dec 73, Abstract No 2190) Translation: The protective action of sodium hydroxybutyrate (1) was Studied on mice using subcutaneous or intraperitoneal administration, 25 minutes prior to exposure to lethal doses of organophosphorus cocipounitu. 'In preliminary experiments concentrations of I were determined (100 anig 2,00 ri,11/ks) which exhibit marked protective acti7on. It has been shown thiLt: sx6cutaneous ad- ministration of 100 and 200 mg/kg of I resulted in 65 amd 85'r, survival of the animals respectively. Lt has been assumed that the expriissied protective action of I (especially on subcutaneous injection) Ls cininected with an action on ~he retarding CNS paths a:nd not. witI the blocking of the choline receptors nor with the action of nucleophilic substancea -- reactivators of CE. 'SSING 0ATE--040EC_10 026 UNCLASSIFIEU P R 1:1 (; E TITLE--DETERMINATICiN OF THE DAMPING CHARACTERISTICS 01' SYSTEMS WITH AMPLITUDE, DEPENCENT RESISTAiNCE -U- AUTHOR--MATREYEVt V.Y. CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PROBLE,4Y PROCHNOSTII V(]Lo Zi MAY X970i P 11-17. Al REFS* OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, MECH., CIVIL A-10 AARltlf EN(;R. TOPIC TAGS--VIBRATION OAMPINGI A85ORPTION COEFFICIIINT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS UOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3o07/0879 STEP C 11RC ACCE SS I ON Nt ---APO I i113 Wit: LA, F 111) mm 2/2 026 UNC L P-5" IF I ED P fl 0(' 6:-li!i 1''N", J A I L-0 'It) C to CIRC ACCFSSI(--'..'4 NO-AP0136313 (7sP--O- USTRAU ANALYSf.'S 06: fl I Ft-1; ExI i r ING DEF INI TIONS OF filE DAMP IN,,; CHARAC U',Rl ST ICS ( A13S!*JlU:,1' I uli ::i*. I C, 'ir ) Of DISSIPATIVE SYSTEMS. A 0 1 S CR 1.- 1) A INCY t 5 11 E Y ii A L E0 1:1 V T vi E i-.. 1, 1 '-1 V A 1. ',11 1-- 0 F CHARACTERISTICS OETERMINEl) FROM THE DAMPING OF '11-131 N A I I., L 'J I 6;i 3 J N S F A SYSTEM WITH AN AMPLITUDE DEPENDENT RES15"TANCE J01j) TI-11; ',4Nt.ljU i.,W ENERGY DISSIPATION CHARACTERISTI(; FOR STEs4DY SFATV V I I;! R 'I I I Uri 5 . I T I'S SHOWN THAT THIS DISCREPANCY SHOU14.0 BE ATT'ItfilLfri-1) TI-ji: i~,,.Tu;zG Cil-- I'tiL C *iR(- dl~ rERMIN~j). A DISSIPATIVE FORCES AND TO THE 14ETI-100 BY wi-ir,,H rmi-l, , .: I DEFINITIO'N OF THE AUTHE,"ITIC VALUE, OF THE ENERGY uli5li;',!J10N CHARACTERISTIC OF A SYSTEM OFTERMINED 'FROM THE U.0111U41:1 OF ITS N U uAA L VIBRATIONS IS PROPOSED. FACII-13Yt AKADEPI)AA Al,,',I.)K UARAINS%101 SSR* INSTITUT PROBLF14 PROCHNOSTIv KlEVv Vj