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USSR SUMIN; P. YE. et al., Inzhenerno-Fizichookiy Zhurrva, Vol 19, flo -Nov 70, PP 933-935 Ne D -Ke and H ting the experimental K 7- 2 2-Ar, The authors include a table depic dIffusion coefficients at a pressure of 760 mm Rg. USSR Lasers &:Miasers UDC: 621-375.82 SAMSON, A. M., KOTOMTSEVA, L. A., GORCHAPUK, I..M. "Emission Kinetics of a Laser With a Nonlinear Delayed-Action Element" Minsk, Kinetika generatsii OKG s nelineynym elementom zapazdyvavushchego deystviya. In-t fiz. AN BSSR (cf. English above. Institute of Physics of the BSSR,AcadeW of Sciences), 1973, 44 pp, ill., mimeo. (from RZh-Fizika, No 11, Nov 73, abstract No 11D1330) Translation: On the basis of balance equations, an analysis is made of the kinetics of operation of a laser with a nonlinear delay-od-action element. An example of such an element is a Kerr cell which increases or reduces laser losses with increasing emission power. An analysis of these equations showed that with certain values of delay tire and paramter of nonlinearity the lasers emit regular undamped radiation peaks with a re.cur.rence rate approximately quadruple the delay time, The authors deternine the regions of variations in narameters of the laser and the nonlint~ar elentent where such pulsations axise. An investigation is made of the influence of noises on the kinetics ol-~' laser creration in the mode of undamped ptilsations Gf emission power, and their stabilizing action is observed.. Angilltical evalua- tion are illustratedby computer solution of differential equations. Bibl. 32. 1/1 Ff USSR UDC: 77.018 IVANOV, A. P. and LOYK0, V. A. "Nathematical Analysis oil the characteristic Curve of Photolayer Blackening" Minsk, -Zhurnal Prikladnoy flpektroskopii, No 2, 1973, pp 300-304 Abstract: In an earlier paper published by the authors named above (Yestay AN BSSR, ser. fyz.-mat. navWc, No 5, 1971, p 113) the char- acteristic curve for blackening or pliotographic material -wrao, ccm- puted for two limiting situations., when the dimenzions of the photo emulsion grains are much larger or much smaller thau the wave- length of the incident light. The present paper presents an ana.- lysis of the effects of various factors on the characteristic curve for coarse-grained emulsions. In thi.9 theoretical nnaly~;io th'~, authors begin with an equation, dorived in the earlier article, for the directional optical density. The mr.,Einin(,~,,~of 1he parameterk; in the equation ia given. Tho autbor'o RaSellt thaA' % Idmilar mat-he- matical analycia can be used for fine-grained photolayers. Vi -71 USSR UDC 77.01.011 ~IVANOV, A. P., LOYKO. V. A., Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences BSSR "The Quantum Sensitivity of Photographic Emulsion Grai.ilsfi Minsk, Do),-lady Akademii nauk BSSR, No. 4, Apr 72, pp 50e-310 Abstract: An approach to making a quantitative analys1-11 of the prchabillty of the development of a grain and hence judging the :~ensltlvity of a plhotograpbic grain is presented. The quantmm sensitivity of a grains -;s ~~:tfined as the minimum number of protons which must be absorbed in ordi~r tofobtain the Capa- city for developm. ant, i.e. , to f orm a conter, from 20 min i,,11vet, atom:s .1-1 is noted that a develop-ment center consisting of a certain numbor of' silvtzw atcj:nis r - must be f ormed in one of the sensitivity centers (q1t tra-n) W the pboto- min graphic grain for the develcpment of the grain. It is ilated that whic,n there is one.trap there is iio difficulty in finding the conditiow; for 111ackening of: the grain but if there are several traps in the grain, a det'ermination of the quar.- -~ur, tum sensitivirj is since compmVition for ph-~Iton (-,~-pturc! oc, between the centers, i.e. , probability are 1/2 USSR IVANOV, A. P., LOYKO, V. A. , Doklady Akademii nauk NO. Apr 72., pp 308-310 conditions one can only speak of the probability of the dev~~Iopmenr of a _;rain P which has absorbed some given nxnber of quanta i. Aii analy-tical, expires.-~ion is derived for P,,(i), where N is the number of identicM. traps in a grain. Graphs are presented showing Pjj as a function. of i foil z,,,in = 2 and 4 and N = 1, 4, 10, 20 and 100. The graphs show that the probabil:Ity P reachi,.~-, Z! value equal to unity more rapidly for smaller 'mill Thf--! vaDiE!n of the probability for the devoloirment of thL- grain a.-(i. jilAileved Tor siiiiall. ~ considerably different from small r. It is.noted that the data obtained can be used for a quantitative analysis of the probability of th,s.~ d,:~vclopmerjL of a grain as a function of factors determin-ina the maturity of the emuiz-,C)n and also can be used for jud-g-Ing the sensitivity of a photographic grain. 2/2 - 50 Optics and Spectroscopy USSR UDC?7-01B IVANOVt A. P.# and LDYKG V- institute of Physics, Aeadomy of Sciences A. S Belorussian S H "Mathematical Description of Characteristic Density Curve of Photographic Minsk, Izvestiya Vmdemii Nauk BSSR, Seriya. Fiziko-Matematichaskikh Nauk, No 5, 1971# PP 113-119 Abstracts Using methods of statistics and scattering theory, the authors de- rive an equation for the characteristic curve of a photolayer for polydispersed fine-grain and coarse-grain emulsions, permitting a OtAile(i analysis of den- :81ty -as & function of exposure for various parameter values of the photosensi- tive material. The attenuation index of developed layers of unit thickness is determined for fine particles (Rayleigh scattering) and for coarse particles with the use of methods of geometrical optics. 7be directional optical density is calculated from the known distribution of light in the layer. It is shown that the most important par&uetars on which the shape of thit characteristic curve depends are constants of the particle size distribution function. the 1/2 INN ill&11111;~Agapu USSR IVANOV, A. P., and LOYKO, V. A., Izvestiya Akademii NAuk BSSR, Seriya Fiziko- Matematicheskikh Nauk, No 5, 1971, PP 113-119 optical density of the layer, the relation of the atteauation indices for maximally developed and undeveloped material, and the idnimum quantum number necessary for the development of grain having one photoelectron trap. 2/2 WC 614.72s613 USSR -155-3 WYT A. Q KOCHANOV, M. H., and ZAUGOL'NIXOV, S. D.i Institute of Bio- physl6i.9 Otistry of Health USSR "Correlation Between the Vaximum Permissible Concent3j~tions of Some Chomical Substances in the Air of Industrial Plants and in the~Atmorsphere of Res.1- deatial Areas" Moscow, Gigiyena Truda I Professionallnyye Zabolevanlya, No 1971 pp 15-17 Abstracti On the assumption of a -mathematical relatlonship b!!tween the toxicity and maximu;n permissible concentrations (NPC) of ehemical compounds In the air of industrial plants and in the atmosphere of residential. areas, the author worked out the following equations for use in determining the RPC of 40 different substances (hydorcarbonap phenoln't ketones, ~lcohoL-cj, etc.)j lgx - 2.32 +1.16 1gy r - +0.65 I&r -L-2.00 + 0.86 lgx r - +0.65 where x: is the FPC in the air of an industrial plant, y Is the mean daily XPC (in milligrams per m3) in the atmosphereof a residential art-,a, and r is the correlation factor. The following equations were deriwd from a comparison of the mean daily W and maximum single (Y) MPC in the atmo-sphere oil a resl- 1/2 75 USSR LOYT, A. 0. et al., Gigiyena Truda i ProfeasionalInyle Zabolevaniya, No 5, 1971v PP 15-17 dential area, lgx 0.54 + 1.16 Igy r +0.88 1gy 0.47 + 0.84 IgX r - +0-55 The calculated HPC were fourA to deviate from the experimentally determined IIPC by 2 orders in only 3 substances and by 1 o=,Ier in an the others. USSR UDC 621.396.666