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UKOLOT., ko#dldgLt tachnicheskikh nauk; KWNIK.;'Inzlzaner. DetermloIng the velocity of air blown througt ventUsted gmin. *jk. -3) (ML 10: 2) 1. Tessoyasnyy namcbno.-Isellsiavatel'skly institut sierna I pro- duktaw ago pererabatki. (Grain elevators-Haating and ventilation) KILIEN, B., Inzhe I-,-----:-I-: Determining the optimal distance betweea pipes who& ventilating bUk graft. Kuk. elev. prom. 24 no.11:10-U N 158. (MIRA 11: 12) 1,Vsasoyuznyy nauchits-Issladovatellsk1jr institut seraia I produkttv yego pererabatki. (Ventilation) (Grain-Storage) UKOLOV, V., kandetekhn.nauk; NEMITIK B. kandatekhn.nauk I Visual observations on the circulation of air in ventilated bullk grain. Mak.-glev. prom. 27 no.3,1.,29 11 161. NIRA 14-12) 2. Voesoyaznyy naiichnc-isqIedcvatel'skiy institut zerna i produktov Yego, pererabotki. (Grain--Storage) (Ventilation, hormon n A ABSTPACT:: o -IoWer~-Ver teh rates a h-- i --thdi- l- t The ability -toiI, ~.c n -:ejnv ronment ange. :axtertia 17- _:i~ author invd6tig~ted-,i~hith4a-t a6phiblA, retain an-adaptation melanophore response whewneurotropie agents that act mostly on the cerebral regions (corazol, Caffeine), and- on cerebrospinal functions (dibasol), as well as R agenta (hexamethonium) are administered to them. The an Wal a wevT. in--the- 'expfIrLme- a ware; a 0. CI-w age:, n- thp~ color of the froga was pro rUL by exposing them_ag!~inat -card 1/" 'M L 5 ~o-~7_45 J. - I OIRACOM - ACC AP ,018 _~6:::-_ a white background ~an - numi dA nating-them wLth~scattered light for 12.houra.. The auLhorta asaump tion--,-, that corazol-and caffe-ine produce contraction of _ ' 4 ile p1gimeni-of lighter color of the akin regardless t iha inelanophore and 0: of tile UlUmination' Waw vidinfIrmed- by repeating thene experim2nts on placing, -Colo 'Aga Jight red. f r6go inat a:,black backgroxindi This is attribu*ted to the -th L) kIng of 0 incretIon- hypophysia lor th6 melanophore hormone or the due t-:j the intensification of efferent tritpulsea from the masencepholon and; diencc~vhal6n - Lle-. regions. of the brain which are the tuost stimulated by thc-nium - and ibdqbl-_ were- -f ound -, to- b much. less, j4P,j'NjKp B. Yesq kand. takhn. nauk Improve the technology of continuous processing of food and feed earn. Informs biul. VMKH no.1004-25 o 164 - (MIRA 18t1) EWT(1) SOURCE CODE: AVIMCLI: Mal 1 nik. B. Yo MG: Kishinov State University (Kishinevskiy gosudarstve=07 unimrsitet) ,~cn Effect of som TITIL: the melanophore reaction of amphibiao psychotropic drug SOURC!~: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 166, no. 1, 1966. 253-255 TOPIC "TAGS: drug effect, dermatolou. nervous system drug. hormone. tranquilizers erdocrinolog7, brain, gland AMMACT: The effocts of a neuroleptic (rausedil), it tranquilizer (maprotane), and of psychoanaleptics (molipromine and centedrine) on the melanophore reaction! of Rana ridibunda frogs were studied, Rausedil on being injected to the frogs produced darkening of the skin, presumably by stimulating the melanophors function of the hypophysi3. Heprotane did not produce any effect. The psychoanaleptics. particularly centedrine, had a pronounced lightening effect on the skin. They apparently blocked the outflow of the melanophroic hormone from the hypophysis, acting through the assencephalon (extirpation of the frontal part of the brain'had no effect on the reaction to these drugs). Introduction of a hypophysis homagenate to bypophysectomized frogs which had been given an injection of centedrine 30-40 min earUer did not produce the darkening of the skin observed on hypophywtomised frogs to which no centedrins had been administered. This artiole was presented by Academician E. N. PavlAvskiy on 26 Fob 1965*0 Orig. art* has: 1 table* P-M-7 SUB CODE: P6 / SUEM DATEt 22Feb65 / ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF: 002 / - - 146 V 6- -- - AUTHORs MWI-nik D.P. SOV/140-58-3-20/34 TITLEs Theorems of Liou Ale Type for Some Elliptic systems or Differential Equations (Teoremy tipa teoremy Liuvillya neka- tdrykh elliptilcheakikh sistem differentsialinykh uravneniy) PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy.- Mitetat-t1a, 1958, Nr 3, PP 163-171 (V=) ABSTRACTs Theorems Let the system with constant coefficients (-1) kl+.*+knA 3kl+oe+k n u 0 k +..+k -a k kna. kI ... 3,kn I V n satisfy the following conditions The matrices kI kn kn (1.61) ...(w') Pkj--kn(Uj)k-..(i'('n) k-I+..+kp ki +oo+knms and Card 112 Theorems -of Lionville Type for Some Elliptic Systems SOV/140-58-3-20/34 of Differential Equations A (i0i k i0d )kn kleek 11 1) n kI+**+knma0 where a0 is the smallest order of the derivatives in (1)t ossess inverse matrices for every real non-vanishing &- - Let the-- 8--timen _aontinuauAly differentiable solution of (1) satisfy the estimation O(JFJ 1> 0 for I xj -.o co . Then -this -solution is a pa-17nomial of -degree L 11 wher [ i dsuotes-the integer-part of the number. The proof uses the ellipticity of the system. A further -theorem of Liouville type is proved in a special case for elliptic-systems with variable coefficients. There are 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet, and I American. ASSOCIATIONt Lvovskiy-pedagogicheskiy institut (L'vov Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTEDs November 26, 1957 Card 2/2 MMIVM, D. F., Candidate PIws-Mth Sci (dies) -- "The fundamental matrix of linear elliptical systems of differential equations for Infinite space". L'w, 1959. 6 pp (Min Highor Eduo Ukr SSR, LIvoy State U im 1. V, F=nko), 150 oopio" (IKL, ljo 24,, i959, 1-;16) .1 MELINIK, D. G. Cand Agr Sol -- (diss) INve Resultsof tOe Testing of Grades 99a0vape and Studies of the Influence of Relief n the Biology of Grape~ Unde onditions of *Sxtkzx 40 &10 1 ~ A111 - M Kozlmodemlyanak In Mos, 1957. 15 pp 20 am. (Nos Order of Lenin Agricultural Academy im K. A. Timiryazev), 120 copies (KLO 25-5T, n6) HZLIVIK, D.G. aerpirant. I--,. , - Influence of a vineyard's samthern axpcm=e on gmM blolag7 In the 1kri ASM Izv, TSIM no.l(20h-147-1527 '58. (NM 11:4) (Wri ASSR--Grape s) MELINIK, D.K., inzh. Inclination angle of the conveyor of the Sh7-2,1A sugar beet loader. Mekh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 21 no-1:48 163. (MIM 16:7) 1. Ukrainskaya mashinoispytatelinaya stantsiya. (Sugar beets) (Conveying machinery) MEL'IM D.K. J-nzh, ,susceptibility of sugar beet roots to damage during the process of loading. Tmkt. i sellkhozmash. no.1:33-34 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1, UkreAnskaya masbinolspytatellnaya stantsiya. MMINIK. D.H. kandidat tekbnicheskikh nauk. U-7 Prospective development in mechanizing time-consuming snow removal work. Vast. TSKII MPS 15 no-1:27-31 Ag '56. (MERA 9:12) (Railroads--Snow protection and removal) MELININ, D.K., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Ifficient organization of work to prevent snow drifts. Zhel.dor. transp.39 no.1:49-51 Ja 157. (MM 10:2) (Railroads--Snow protection and removal) IMLINIK, D.H. kand.tekhn.nauk /'~ ~VoreZnn technoloa; combatting snow on foreign railroads. Pat' i put. khoz. no-3:45-46 Mr 958. (KIFU 11:4) (Railroads--Snow protection and removal) Iqk_%IK, D.H., kand. takhn. nank-, OBUKHOT, L*H., inzh. Renoval of snow from switch boxes. -whol. dor. transp. 40 no,2:63-67 P '58. (Railroads-Snow protection and removal) (KM 11:3) (Railroads--Switchea) RUINIX, D.14.- Kofawv, A.A.; AIITOITOV, FOL; OBMOV. L.K.; LYAKE[OVICH, T.B.; BCBROVA9 Te.Re,tekhnoredo [Mechanization of snow protection and rsmov4 an railroads] Nekhanizatelia snegouborki i snegonshchita na zheleanykh doroVkh. Moskva, Gos.transp.zhel-dor.izd~-vo. 1959. 112 p. (Moscow. Veeeotuxnyi nauchno-iseledovateliskii institut zheleznodoroshnogo transporta. Trudy. no.168) (MIRA 12:4) (Rallroads-Snow protection and removal) /,j -b ALIBREW, 71ndinir Georgiyevich, prof.; LUMS, Georgiy Vladimirovich, dotsent; HIKIYOROV, Pavel Aleksandrovich, prof. [deceased]; CEMMIOV, Mikhail Timofeyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; CHKWSHN, Mikhail Andreyevich, kand.tek-hn.nauk; FRISMW, K.A., prof.$ retsenzent; ANMWCH3NKO, A.V.. inzh.. retsenzent; BABKIU, A.R.. inzh.. retsenzent; BAZRUGHKO, V.S., Inzh., retsenzent; ZRMMIII. K.I., inzh., retsenzent;-! ~INIK - ~, AJ.L,,, inzh., retsenzent; MulmlymV. I.V., inzli., retsenzent; NOVITSKIY, G.I., inzh., retsenzent: PASHININ, S.A.. inzh., retsenzent; POTOTMY. G.L. inzh., retsenzent, red.; RAK, S.M., inzh., retoenzent; TY13TYMINIK, FOR*, inzh., reteenzent; ULYUY]gW, D.I., inzh., retsenzent; SHM- LEV, VON., inzh., retsenzent; BOBROVA, Ye.H., (Track work] Putevoe khoziaistvo. Pod red. K.A.Chernyaheva. Moskva, Goe.transp.zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1959. 435 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Kafedra "Put' i putevoye khozyaystvom Dnepropetrovskogo insti- tuta inzhanerov sheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Frishman). (Railroads--Track) Mn'RIK, D-N*,-kMA.tekhnenauk Combined operatiorts for the prevention of snov blocks. Zhele dor.transp. 41 uool2:20-23 D* 159. (MM 13:4) (Railroads-Show protection and removal) %MLINIK, D.M., Inxh,; HIDASHKOVSKIT, P.P., Inxh. Neebino for cleaning track. Pat' i put.lehoz. 4 no-30 Mr 160. (MRA 13:5) (Rallroads~Track) (Railroads-Snow plows) MELIRIK, D.M., kand.takhn.nauk Ifficient ways to protect track% from snow blocks. 42 no.12:14-18 9 160. (Railroade-Show protection and removal) Zheldor.transp. (MM 13: U) ,-,!MELINIKs D-H-v kand.tekhnonauk Make full use of the Initiative of Fe=' railroad work-ere. Put' i put, khox, 5 no,3zlo-11 W 161. (IMM 14:3) 1, Rukovoditell laboratorii snegobor'by Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- iseledovateliskogo instituta zbeleznodorozbnogo transporta. (&dl.roado-Snow protection and removal) HELSITUR D.M. . kand.tekbn.nauk Problems in the planning of anow protection on rmilrowIs* Vest. TMI ICS 21 no.l.-49--53 162* 1'(KM 15-.2) (Bai2roada--Sncw protection and temoval.) . - !. - Z , 1 -7 " ` ~~' - - .1 73 t 11~ KT-~ 4 "1 :17~2f~--. -, . -;, --.,- 1 7 -,-7 - HELINN D ,-kand.tekhn.nauk - j~~~D~ i j Development of the dealga of the track superst-7eture.. Zhel, dor. transp./A no.3.-32-36 Y~r 162. (MMA,15s3) '(Railr6add-Track) .14ELINIK, DanU1.Mfkhay.1n3d&4 kand. tekhn. nauk; FILIPPOVA, L.S., red.; SERGEYEVA, A.I., red. izd-va; DROZDOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. (Mechanized snow entrapping on railroads] Mekhanizirovannoe snegozaderzhanie na zheleanykh dorogakh. Moskva, Transzhel- dorizdat, 1963. 20 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Railroads-Snow protection and removal) DqMONIK, D.M.., kand.tekbni2auk More aelf-prope.Usd cleanlug machims, Putt i putkhas. 7 welt-15-16 116.3o (MM 16:3) I. (Ra4l oad&-Snow protectAon and renoval) m _,n~INIK, D.M., kand.tekhn.nauk -- -- Organization of snow removal in stations. Zhel.dor.transp. 46 no.12:23-25 D 164. (MIRA 19:1) MWNIK D.M. kand. tekhn. nauk' - Need for 8elf-propell,0 snow raao7al machinea. flut2 j put. khoze 9 no.1CL? 14-5 (HIRA l8s2) DEVIYAKOVICIf G.M., kand. tekhn. naukL. kand. tekhn. nauky .9 *MA-S-HKOVSK1Y, P.P., nau--%hnyy soi:rudnik Mechanization of track cleaning operations. Put' I put. khoz. 9 no.1000-22 165. (MIRA 18110) 1. Voeooyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut zhelemodo- rozhnogo transporta Ministerstva putey soobahcheniya. ACC MRs AP70045 81 SMted CODS t AUTHMs. 11611nike Do Ho (Candidate of tochnical acioncos) ORGs Institute of Railroad Transportation (Inatitut dielesnodorothnogo transport&) TME t Hatecrological servicing of railroad transportation SOURM: fbteorclogiya i gidrdlogiya. no* 8. 19660 33-35 TOPIC TAGSs wind velocity, atmospherio wind ABS-TrACT: A knowledge of wind velocities and the frequency of'their occur- rencG along railm4d lines is of great importance in railroad work. Fcr"~~ examples until recently Permanent snow fences along the entire railroad not were designed-for ti'single wind irelocity of 315 m/aec. Now two wind velocities are taken into account - 25 and 33 m/sed;i"-Th1s still is in--,. adequate. The country should be divided into five regions on the basis ,of different wind regimese A knowlpfte of vind velocities and associated! 131110w drifting would make it possible to dispense with excessive safety I factors in-the construction of vany structuresp thereby saving construo- tion materialse 7h@ agencies of the HInistry of- Railroads# eapecially Card 1/2 uDcg ACC NRI AP7004587 the AUnUnion-~Srjent~fjq Research Institute of Railroad Transportation# have carried out considerable work on the transport of during 04 -blizzards. The greater part (90%).of blizzard snow is transported directly in the surface layer vith a height of 20 cm* The weight of the mass of snow particles carried by the wind through a cross section if the surface layer 2 a in height and with a width of I cm in propor- tional to the cubs of wind irelocitye The Ministry of Railroads now iq constructing wind roses showing the probable directions of snow trane- .Port, by the wind during winter for each direction of the horizon for !different PlAcese Such roses should be available for each railroad 'station and section of tracks* In the past it han been suggested that' a special "transportation mateoralogy".be established, but this haa too much in co=on %1th the needs of construction and engineering In gineral and the author therefore maests establiahing an ;gas with" being an WejgMj:.~ St SUB CCOSs 04 03AM65' WIG :J;. Cwd 2/2 HELINIK. D . (Kellnyk. D.P.] L.,- Fundamental solutions of elliptic si=ltaneous equations with a parameter for an unlimited space. Hauk. zap. LIv1v. un. 44 no.8: 204-209 157. Nin 11:6) (Differential equations. Partial) MELINIK, D.P. [Malinyk. D.?.] Fundamental matrix of variational type systems for an unlimited space. Bop. AN UM no.6:602-604 '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Livovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogichaskiy institut. Predetavil akademik AN USSR B.V. Gnedenko [B.V. Hnodiankol. (Matrices) (Functional analysis) KOVAIMKO, Daniil Naumovich; SWMIOV, Viktorin Grigorlyevich [Semenov,, V.H.1; TKACCHUK, L.G.[Tkachuk, L.H.], doktor gol.-miner. nauk prof., otv. red.; IMELINIK, G.-F-.- 4elln-yk, H.F.1, red. - [Phosphorites of the Ukraine) Fosforyty Ukrainy. Kyiv, Naukova dumka,, 1964. 177 p. (Seriia geologii rodovyshch korysnykh kopalyn, no.13) (MIRA 19:1) YARYM-AGAYEV, N.L.; RLINIK, G.V. Thermodynamic properties of fused salt mixtures. Part 6. Zhur.j"iz.khim. 39 no.11:2650-2655 11 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Donetskiy politekhnicheskiv. institut. i z A` /k" Z- - (" GEKX'-v'-q. V.9.: -13EIAYA. J.A.; E.T. ~bcnerimental t-eratoconjurwtivitI3 as a model for the st,.I-:*' of (WRentery. J. Hyp. 3niderv., Praha I no.1;70-74 1957, 1. Gamalays Institute of lWdetaiology and Microbiology, A.M.S., U.S.'s.l.. Moscow. (DY33NITMY. BACILLOY. microbiology, 3nterobacteriacene, keratoconjunctivitis in guinea Digs indaced with qtr;?inz 1,;olated in (tysenter,y) (,K'~,~TOCO,-.,.T.TU'~',ICTIVITIS, experimental, EntarobActeriaceae Isolated from dysentory infect, of intinea Digs) M&LIVII, Y., mashinist pad"yemney washiny'o Many thank~.-Nast. u9I. 7 uo.11:26 N 158. (MIM 1l: 12) I.Sbakhta To.14 kombinata Intangelto (Coal miners-Dimeases and hygiene) KOVALENKO, Daniil laumovich; SEMENOV, Viktorin Grigorlyevich; TKACHUK, L.G., doktor geol.-mineral. nauk, prof., o'.v. red. L51D E-I -K- - R~!! .,!-. red. [Phosphorite of the Ukraine.) Fosforyty Ukrainy. Kyiv, Naukova dumka, 1964. 177p. (Akademlia nauk URSR. Inst3rtut geologichnykh nauk. Pratsi. Seriia geologii rodovyshch korysnykh kopalyn, no.13). (MIRA 18:3) MITSKENICH, Boris Fedorovich [Mitskevych, B.F.]; IVANTISHIN, 14.M.[Ivantysl7n, M.M.1, doktor geol.-miner. nauk, otV. red.;_ntN~4 elInyk.. H.F.1, red. _j_ q.-F.I. [V. [Geochemical methods of prospecting and the conditions for their use in the Ukraine and in Moldavia] Geokhi- michni metody rozshukiv ta umovy ikh zastosuvannia. na. Ukraini i v Moldavii. Kyiv., Naukova dumka, 1965. 127 p. (MIRA 18-.9) OARCEENKO, A.S., dots... otv. red.; MEL11111K, G.FjMe1'wj1c, H.F.), red. [Comprehensive geographical mapping of the Ukrainian S.S.R.) Komplekone geografichne kartografuvannia Uk.RSR. Kyivo Nauko-vo dumka, 1964. 173 P. (MIRA 17:12) VULICHIN, Yevgeniy Ivanovich[Vulichyn, IE.1.1; KALYUZHNYY, V.A. [Kaliuzhnyi, V,A.], kand. geol.-miner. nauk.. otv. red.; MELINIK. G.F.[MelInyk, H.F.J, red. ~- (Trace elements in the rocks of the hiphean formation of the western slope of -the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield] Mikroelemen-ty v poradakh ryfels1koi tovshchi zakhidnoho sklrjlu Ukrainslkoho krystalichnoho shchyta. Kyiv, Naukava dumka, 1961,. 117 p. (MIRA 18:2) BARKHLTOVO B.P~; MELINTI G.G. Lower Woosolo of the Paulm and the Darwaza. Range. Doirl. All SSSR,136 no*2t4G8-4U 162. (KMA 14ti) 1,. Laningradekly gomtdarstvsmW univervitat Imeal A.A. Zhdanova L gyrayleniye geologii I okhramy nedr pri Sovets Kinistrow TadaWSR. Predstavlem akadmdkm D.V. Nalitkinym. (Pamjrs--Geolqj7p Stratigmphic) (Da-vasa Range-Geologyp Stratigraphic) I MINIX. G.11. a -M4j9W-x=ret',on of 17-ketosterolds in women with tuberculosis. Vrach.delo supplement 157:29-30 (KIRA 11:3) 1. Kafedra tuberkuleza (sav.-prof. I.T.Stukalo) i kafedra biokhtnii (zav.-dots. B.A.Sobehuk) L*vovskogo meditsinskogo inatituta. (TUB SIS) (STEROMS) MELINIX, G.P, Ratimdosarcomatosis in an infant. Pediatriia no.7:78-79 161, (MM 14:9) !,.~Iz Kotovskoy rayomoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach G*V. Yakimenko). (RETICULAD-EUDOTHELIAL SYSMf-TUROBS) 0, ~,Mmfmlx, G-.TFInzh. Hosting congealed fate In railroad tank care without increasing x0sture contents Neslo-shire prmo P-4 no. 8:31-35 058-(KUtA 11f.8) 1. Usbgorodskty mar artnovyy sawod. 10il and fate) Efficient circuit for electric power supply to zinc electrolyzers. Iz~v. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser.tekh. i khim.nauk no.3:96-102 164. (MIRA 17:2) 20M RAII-j bill ~o~ tu tilf; PtL~C,-A'l With f-.e ~7 - -7 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ir-oba-Uvationg -on--fwtctlonol of the un. W4 ou- M"-m I A Melnik (~4 1 Piragov Med. Irmi., Odrsln). then Klin . -11,e i/. o the r undex obscrvH,I,,,, Otowed Im- Pairmen; of hepatic functi-om. 'Die Impainlient was fnaA' PxPrzatinced in the PIL7.~nce qf severe clinicitl svillptools. --obtalned orru ft-the, -inost Wayi ve.0firld acrdlur;- -,-UrQbijjnur!3 wag tin /I of bilinkhmda aml biltrublueErila In a fw~-;casm A~O. Mlrkl. M, HSLOMIK, L.A.. clotsent (Chernovitay) ludenic goiter or endemic tbyroid disease? Probl.sadok, i gorm. 3 U0.11:108-110 JR-P 157. (MM 10:6) 1. Is kliatki gospital4noy terapli Chernovitskogo meditsiaskogo lustituta (dir. - dotsent M.M.Novelev). (GOIT11R. .andemic.terminol. aspects (Run)) IMLINIK. I.A., dotes (Chernovtoy) Some new data on the dynamics of blood changes in myocardial Infarct " 36 no*8:60-62 Ag '58 (KM 11-.9) 11 is goopLtalluoy tarapevticheakoy klWki (zave - prof, T&A, Triger) Chernovitakogo meditainskogo instituta. (dir.'- dotes' U.N. Uvalev) (KYOCARDIAL IVARCT. blood in hemogran (Hu)) (BWO GEM, count In myocardial infarct (Rua)) MMIEK, I.A*, dotsent (Ternopol') Caisoni's test in 34mphagramilanatasisi. KUnmed. 39 - 15D 161, KM 244) 10 Is kliniki fakulltetakoy terapii Wme - dotsent I.A* Helln1k) Tern9paltakogo meditainakogo instituta (dir. - dotsent, P.Ye. Oey). (HOWMI S DISMS) MELINI sent Phases in the course of collagen diseases. Vrach. delo no.7: 77-80 Ji 162. (MIRA 1.5:7) 1. Fakulltetskaya torapevtiches'laya kliniket (sav. - dotsent I. A. Vellnik) Ternopoltakogo, meditainskago institute, na baze oblastuoy klinichookoy bollnitsy. (COLIAGEN DISEASES) k.IELINIK, I I. A. , Automation of technological processes at the Kherson Woodpulp Plant. Bum. i der. prom. no-4:28-31 O-D 165. (MIRA 18:12) GORAK. Sergey Vladimirovich [EEorak, S.V.1; BOITDARCHUX, V.G. [Bondarchuk, V.EQ, akademik, vidpovidallnly red.; I.?J. red. vidavnitetva; 14ATVITCM, 0.0., takhaiabAWY red. [Ostracada In certain middle and upper Carboniferous horizons In the Donets Basin and factors governing their existence] Ostrakody delakykh horysortiv sereduloho I verkhn'oho karbonu Donetalkoho basainu ta umovy Ikh Isnuvannia, Kylvo Vyd-vo Akad. nauk Ukrainelkot RSR. 1958. 74 P.) (Akademiia, naulc MM, Kiev. Inetytut goologichnykh nauk. Trudy. Serita stratlgrafil I palsontologii, no.28). LIAN URS-R (for Bondarchuk). (14IRA 11:9) (DonettEasin-Ostracoda, Fossil) 68178 /P 9100 SOV/58-59-5---10565 /Y JIM0 Translation from' 14ferativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 5, p 104 (USSR) AUTHORS:' Bushuyev, Ye.S.* IMellnik I.G. TIM: Structure and Properties of j*~_-qu Alloys Obtained by Joint and Alternate Condensation in a V ~La_~ PERIODICAL: Nauk. zap. Chernivets1k. 1955, Vol 12, pp 97 - 104 (Ukr.; Russ. resume) ABSTRACT: The application of X-rays to the study of the structure of very thin metallic films is extremely difficult in view of the small extent of the scattering material, although in the case of unstable structure it is.more expedient to use this method than the,electron diffraction 'method. In this connection it became necessary to work out a method of preparing thin samples in which the metal would present the maximum degree of dispersity and at the same time possess sufficient volume. The authors used the method of alternately overlapping the molecular beams from the,evaporatlng metals by means of a rotating disk with apertures. Cu and Ag samples, obtained by simultaneous and alternate Card 1/2 condensation of the metals onto mica, proved to be extremely unstable: 68178 SOV/58-59-5-10565 Structure and'Properties-,of.Ag-W Alloys Obtained by Joint and Alternate Condensation in a Vacuum they cracked upon their very first contact with the air. X-ray studies showed that the most rion-uniform structu re is observed in Cu in the case of its condensation onto cooling mica. On the X-ray photograph of a Cu and Ag mixture, the copper was only represented by two lines: a ver7 intense, somewhat blurred 111 line, and a strongly blurred 200 line with a scarcely noticeable maximum. The remaining lines of Cu, as well as the last lines of Ag,. are so blurred that they form a continuous background. The blurring of the diffraction maxima is due to the. high degree of dispersity of. the crystalline structure and to internal stresses. The stronger line blurring of Cu is' explained by the fact that the atoms of this metal, which has A higher melting point, evince a lesser ability to migrate. The authors' r6s=6 Card 2/2 SOV/139-58-4-15/30 AUTHORS: Gorodetskiy, A.F., Gutin B.S., Mel'nik I.G., Serbulen1co, M.G. and Sh~drin, ---*, -- TITLE: Some Blectrical Properties of Thin Layers of Tellurium and Germanium (Nekotoryye elektricheskiye svoystva tonkikh sloyev tellura i germaniya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Fizika, 1958, Nr 4, pp 91-96 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The dependence of resistivity on temperature, voltage- current characteristics and limiting current densities ,was- determined for thin layers of tellurium and germanium condensed in vacuo onto bases of various materials at various temperatures. Some relations between resistivity and deformation were also established. The main conclusions, derived from measurements described below,were: 1) The resistivity of germanium films is fairly stable with time. The change in resistivity with deformati n is about 2.3% for a relative.deformation of 4.5 x 10 2) The resistivity of tellurium films is not stable. Mechanically such films are-not durable. The change in resistivity with deformation is about half that of Card 1/8 germanium films. SO'1/139-58-4-15/30 Some Electrical Properties of Thin Layers of Tellurium and Germanium Preparation of Specimens. The thin films were pr9duced by condensation in a vacuum of the order of lxlO-4 to 5X16-4 mm Hg in the form of strips 4 mm across and 30 mm long. The ends of the strips wqre overlapped for 1 to 2 mm by 5 x 9 mm rectangles of metal, also vacuum-condensed, to which copper wires were soldered. The metal contacts for tellurium were always of nickel, but tin was also tried for germanium. The bases used were mainly glass, but in special cases polymerized VL-7 lacquer on a metal disc, mica and fused quartz were tried. The bases were heated by radiation from a current-carrying tantalum wire placed above the base and the temperature was controlled by a copper-constautan thermocouple attached to the surface of the base. The tellRrium from which the specimens were made had less than 10--'-% impurities. The germanilim used had a specific resistivity of 4 to 20 In all cases the conductivities were of the hole type. P,xRerimental Results and Discussion. a) Tellurium condensed onto a cold base. Fig.1 shows Card 2/8 the log of the resistivity (which was of the order of some SOV/139-58-4-15/30 Some Electrical Properties of Thin Layers of Tellurium and Germanium hundred thousand Ohms) plotted against reciprocal of the absolute temperature. The resistivity in air at a given temperature clearly increases after thermal cycling, as it also does for specimens stored at room temperature. This increase is irrevarsible. b) Tellurium condensed onto a hot base (150-1600C). Fig.2 shows again a rapid resistivity increase after an initial thermal cycle. There is no further change after some 4 to 5 thermal cycles. Fig.3 shows the difference in characteristics for changes in the atmospheric environment. Experiments started at the moment of preparation of the specimen and carried out in vacuo are shown by the curves beginning at the asterisk and marked by white cycles on the graph. These characteristics arg approximately two straight line segments with a break at 90 C. After each cycle a lower resistance was obtained6 However, after leaving the specimen in vacuo at 130 C for 30 mine, the resistivity increased - without reaching its initial value. When air was admitted Card 3/8 into the system resistance fell and the curves with the SOV/139-58-4-15/30 Some Electrical Properties of Thin Layers of Tellurium and Germanium black dots were obtained. The final curve was strair;-hter and had a smaller gradient. When the same specimen was examined after 10 days in air, the curves at the bottom of Fig.3 were obtained. These are approximately straight lines. Subsequent evacuation of the system did not reproduce the original properties of the specimen though its resistance increased. c) Germanium. Specimens condensed 'onto a cold base showed re sJ-s`=v= les ol the order of 10 megobgs, while those condensed onto bases heated to 500-550 C showed resistivities between 7 and 30 kOhms (most lay between 10 and 16). It can be verified that in the hot-base specimens the layer structure is crystallographic, (see Refs 1 and 2). Specimens condensed in the same experiment onto bases of glass, mica and fused quartz showed practically identical resistivities, of the order of 12 kOhms. The resistivities of all specimens showed little change after ageing in air: 1.8% increase after 40 days. The resistivity temperature relationship was Card 4/8 close to exponential between room temperature and 130uC- SOV/139-58-4-15/30 Some Electrical Properties of Thin Layers of Tellurium and Germanium The points obtained by repeated thermal cycling lay fairly accurately on a single characteristic curve. It is notedin (Ref 3) that there is a significant change in resistivity for extension or compression of specimens of PbS.Fufthermore, there are theoretical (Refs 4,5) and experimen:tal (Ref 6) grounds for a deformation- resistivity relationship for germanium monocrystals. The deformation in the experiments on thin layers of Te and Ge. here described, was proauced by the method described in (Ref 3) and measured optically to an accuracy of 1A. For tellurium each deformation cycle produced an irreversible increase in resistance. A single cycle is shown in Fig.4. For germanium the results were independent of the cyling history, and are shown in Fig-5. Current Densities and Voltaae-Current Characteristics. Specimen tEFe-knesses wervimeasured by an interlerence microscope type HII-4 to an accuracy of 0.027 g. The Card 5/8 tellurium specimens had thicknesses between 0.230 and 0.430 11, the germanium between 0.18 and 0.3 4. With poor BOY/139-58-4-15/30 Some Electrical Properties of Thin Layers of Tellurium and Germanium heat dissipation (measurement in air for sycimens on glass bases) current densities of 10 A/am were obtained for tellurium and 200 A/cm for germanium. The static voltage-current characteristics of tellurium and germanium were strictly linear for current densities UP to 300 A/cm2 and 400 A/CM2 respectively. The dynamic characteristics, taken on an oscilloscope, were strictly linear; increasing voltage and the corresponding heating changed the gradient of the characterist.-JLc. Discussion. Takemaro Sakurai et al. (Ref 7) have alre-My d the irreversible changes in resistivity of thin tellurium layers condensed onto cold bases. They explained the effect by stating that such layers have a micro-crystalline structure with amorphous patches between crystals and that heating causes the crystals to grow at the expense of the amorphous patches. The effect does not occur in layers condensed onto hot bases at temperatures below that at which the specimen was condensed, which is in accordance with the above Card 6/8 explanation. Such specimens behave in the same way as SOV/139-58-4-15/30 Some Electrical Properties of Thin Layers of Tellurium and Germanium those cut from the solid. The authors point out that this theory is too simple to explain all the effects noted in the experiments described: for example, the coincideace of characteristics for specimens measured below 90 C in vacuo with those cut from the solid. The effects can be explained by introducing two additional considerations: first, the properties of surface levels, described by E. Clark (Reg 8), which explain the break in characteristiesat 90 C when all surface levels are occupied and, secondly, the additional acceptor levels produced by oxygen at the layer surface. Subsidiary considerations are the effect of water vapour which may affect the surface ionic conductivity and the diffusion of oxygen into the depths of the specimens creating conduction electron traps. For tellurium the noise level makes measurement Card 7/8 difficult. .SOV/139-58-4-15/30 Some Electrical Properties of Thin Layers of Tellurium and Germani= Paper presented at the Conference of higher educational establishments on dielectrics and semiconductors, Tomsk, February,, 1958. There are 5 figures and 8 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 6 English. ASSOCIATION: Novosibirskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy inBtitUt (Novosibirsk Electro-technical Institute) SUBMITTED: March 12, 1958 Card 8/8 MINUC, I. G., Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering "A simple distribution chamber for a vacuum plant" Report presented at a Conftrerxe on Solid Die-lectriv; and Semiconducctora,, To=k Polyteahnical Lwt-, 3-8 Feb- 58- (Zlektrichestvo, '58, No- 7, 83-86) 90Y, 240) AUTHORS: Mellnik, V. G., Mellnik, I. G., SOV/2o-121-5-24/50 Gutin, S. S. TITLE: On the Electron-Hole Transition in Point-Contact Solid Rectifiers (0b elektronno-dyrochnom perekhode v tochechnykh tverdykh vypryamitelyakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 121, Nr 5, PP 852 - 854 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By appliying the method discussed in thia paper, the authors discovered the formation of a region with hole conduction around the Doint contact of the diode. This formation is caused by the influence of an electric pulse on electron germanium or electron silicon. The carrying out of the experiments is discussed. The oscillograms of the thermoelectromotive force and of the volt-amp4re characteristics of the germanium diodes before and after the formation of the above mentioned region are similar to the oscillograms of Card 1/3 the silicon diodes. For germanium the authors therefore On the Electron-Hole Transition in Point-Contact SOV/2o-121-5-24/50 Solid Rectifiers give only the oscillogram, of the thermoelectromotive force after formation, since this oscillogram is the most important. Before the above mentioned formation, there is only a region with an electron mechanis+f conduction. In this case, the rectifying action is insignificant. After formation, a region of hole conduction is developed around the point contact. This is also confirmed by the lower branch of the oscillogram of the thermoelectromotive force. The sign of the thermoelectromotiv force then becomes negative,and the rectifying action of the diodes is improved noticeably. It is possible that the rectifying action of the diodes before the formation of the region with hole conduction is caused by -.he difference between the contact potentials of the metal and of the semiconductor. After formation, the improved rectifying action may be caused by the p-n-transition developed as a result of the above discussed form--tion. Thus, in germanium Card 2/3 and silicon point rectifiers, there are 2 regions with On the Electron-Hole Transition in Point-Contact SOV/2o-121-5-24/50 Solid Rectifiers different types of conduction which implies the existence of a p-n-transition. The authors thank A.F.Gorodetskiy for his constant interest in this paper. There are 4 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Novosibirskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut (Novosibirsk In- stitute of Electrical Engineering) PRESENTED: April 14, 1956, by A.P.Ioffe, Academician SUBMITTED: April 5, 1958 I Card 3/3 GOROMSKIY, A.F.; MINIX. 7.G.; Nothod of producing ohnic contact with silicon. Fis.tyeretela I n0,1:173-174 Ja 159. (NDA 12:4) (Slllcou-Slectrlc properties) (Blectric coutactors) MEL INIK, I. L. "-Effect of Ultraviolet Lipbt oi the Secretion of the Parotid Salivar-y Glands and 3tom-ach, and on the Motor -Activity of the Stomach and Cecum of the Horse (Clinical -'X-Oerimental Investigation) v " Cand 'let Sci # L 'vov State Zooveterinary Inst, Ein Higher ~"ducation USSR, Llvov, 1955 (KL, No 8, Feb 55) S): Sum. No. 631, 26 Aug 55 - Sunrey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at 13SSR Higher Educational Institutions (14) w) C; I- , P" I 1~, fil - AID P 17T6 Subject USSR/Geology Card 1/1 Pub. 78-- 14/26- Authors Sofronitakly,, P. A.,, Trlfonova,, N. A., and Mellnik, I. M. Title Changed views on the geological structure of the Molotov- E3ma,RIVer region Periodical Neft, khoz., V.33, no-3o 58-63, Mr 1955 ~.Abstract, A detailed analysis is made of the stratigraphy.', bearing -tapa-eity and tectonic structure of the Molotov region went of the Urals In the basin of the lama River. Institution: None Submitted No date R, 'PIRM MEILTINIK, 1,M. Ob'jectives arL, trends of geologicad prospecting and research in Perm -- 1, 1 Province in the next few years. Trudy no. 16: 3-8 '63. (MIRA 17., 9) AINDREYF,V; V.S.; MWTIK M. I ."It"I w Hydraulic blast hole stemdng for dust control. Bezop.truda v VOM. 7 no.7:22-23 n 63. (14IRA 16:9 1, Rukovodit6l' konstruktorskogo-tekhnologichaskoy gruppy shakhty no. 3-ts kMbinata Primorskugoll (for Andreyev). 2.,Glavnyy inzh. shalchty No.3-to kombina-ta Primorskugoll (for Mallnik). kMaritize Territory-Coal mines and mining) *sic characteristics of-the structure and formation of the Kame,41nell Depression in Ppm Province in connection with oil And~gas, potentials. Gi&*n4ftI i gaza 7 no.2sl-7 F 163. (KM 16:2) 11 Kameldy filial Tmesoyuznogo nauchno-issledowatel'skogo geologor$zvedachnogo neftyanogo.1natituta, Noskva. Province-Plitroleum "' ology) Province-Gas,, Ilatural-4eology) ff L 't4i~ Call Nr: AF 1108825 Transactions of the Third All-Uf- on Mathematical Congress (Cont..) M0.1cow, Jun-Jul '56, rftudy '56, v. 1, Sect. pts., Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237 pp. Mellnik, I. M. (Rostov~-=-Donu). Behavior of a Gauohy _!0e__MiVe_j_~M in the Points of D-tocontinued Density and Exceptional Cases of the Riemann Boundary Problem. 89 Men'shov, D.Ye. (Moscow). On the Limits of a Subsequence of Partial Sums of a Trigonometric Series. 89-90 Mergelyan, S. N. (Moscow). The Problem of the Best Majorant. go Miraklyan, G. M. (Odessa). On Approximating by Means of Expressions Containing Cylindric Functions. 90-91 Mention in made of Voronovskaya, Ye.V. and Bernshteyn, S. N. There is I VSSR reference. Myshkis, A. D. (Minsk). Vigant, Ye.I. (Riga), Iapin, A. Ya. (Minsk). Improper Integrals in -,h- -space. 91-92 Card 28/180 MINIX LK,. LIMIt values of analytic function represented by the curvilinear integral Soob. Aff arus.SSR 17 no.8:681-688 156, (MZRA 10:3) 1, Rostovskly gosudarstvannyy universitat im. V.K. Molotov&. Pred- stavleno akademikom N.I.Muskh7lishvili. (Ti*ctious, Analytic 67083 q6-00) 16,3000 BOV/44-59-1-28T Translation from i Referativnyy zhurnal.ifatematika,1959,Nr 1?Pp 53-54 (USSR) AUTHOR: Mellnik, I.M. TITLE: Exceptional Case of the Riemannian Boundary Value Problem PERIODICAL: AN Gruz SSR,195T,24,149-162 IV ABSTRACT: In the paper the behavior of the integral of Cauchy type 1 Y(t) dt is investigated in the neighborhood of a point c of t-z L the path of integration L, if the density \f(t) has the form ~f(t) - ke, (t)(t-c)Y. lnp (t-c) , where %f,(t) possesses a discontinuity of first kind in e and satisfies the H61der condition near c on closed area with ends in o the complex number Y .,t+ iS in so that -1