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MELIKOV9 inzh. Provisional requirements of the T.S.F.S.A. R Iver Fleet Register to pusher-tugs and vessles geing pushed. Sudostrcenie 27 no.3176 mr, 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Towing) 08091-67 Ew(W&.00-, -.Fm/wz- CC N& 5 URCE CODE..-Uft7o4lT/661000/015-/0196/0196- 0 INVENTOR* Zhukovskiyo A,-'1.';~'br16vskiYp, V.J.; Melkov M. X.*, Aleshin, V. A.; Kuteminski y , Yu. A. ::iv, f- Sh - ORG: none .TITLE: A devic6 for 1~atradticing -'601ti-yes while fueling aircraft. Class 62, No. 184150 ic- i_- 1966, 196 SOURCE: Izobret prom:0bri;a'z'A 15S nog TOPIC TAGS: aircraft' ,fuel' system,". fuel additives,aircraft fuel system equipment ABSTRACT: An Author Certific .ate has been issued for a device for introducing additives while fueling an aircraft' It contains a tank for the additives with a measuring glass, receiving neck, an~ a drain tap connected with a pipe through a pump, a flov tape, and a sprWer -with a fuel-supply line. For the automatic regula- tion of the fuel additive, its pump'is connected to a vane pump, which is inside the fuel-supply line and Is spun by the flow of fuel. SUB COEE: 21, Ol/ SUBM-DATE:,; l4karA Card 1/117',L uDc: 629.13.01/.'o6 MELKOVA , V . ; 'SKU'lli A , 11 . ; 0 1 i, 11 N i~ I , i.'. The effect of ph,~q~Latc- cement rr. dentin in the electrun scople picture. Cesk. etomat. b5 no.5:32'1-330 S 165. 1. 11. stomatologicka klinil-a lekarske fak-ulty University J.E. Purkyne v Brno (prednosta prof. dr. Jos. Sv,--Jda, DrSc.) a Vyz- kumny ustav stavehmich hmot v Brne (prednosla inz. J. 'Iacnk~, A-fibuses" MOAM I- &%sun w"ku ulna" ad am V. G. Mv4kov &R4 Z. IL Svvtdto%- (Compd. vowd. .4 rj4 sti. tr.R~s.s.. 1041. obtain lum(a*Krttt v.11,11%tun,lo (rum (I. 14441. C14.114can, ou'l othqf 'Mutf4citf owts lqsmift~ .4it V of-, Ike Ittir"Cele dice Olney" With ItoW'. 1111441.. IWI. A.4111, w 11.1141. fboy then *how luminewronce when foradialfts .1th 11"Co A ultra viQW. TbA mothod Cas be used tog deWtinx tv minetak. A. I AL .6 4L a a 0 0 01*_~ 05 1 1 a It 4 1 0 0 to It Q tj 14 11 16 It is to a I it a a 14 is 16 ry w it 10 of u If 14 Is S. ly 0 0 v a 0 n CIS JL_IL_ r -Q _JLA __1__vAjLR__L_1_L_AA_ 11111 Im. Q CL.~.K_ It 4 1 tit ocl 1.0 Co.,.$ __00 00 7 -00 .00 -00 Of .00 so vfAtIOW4114d4fe from (he USM-Na depoed Its Ktraiiiii .-so 00 4 110m A-4 Rol-, 11-tt-11 74. X-- 1, ri jj~~ -00 00 4 III '_N, CA) A 79, UO, M1 71, KJO 1 4 %AA)j 1 :4.4, 11,41 tvilr%jumolitilt 4.1 C.14 1. t 4 1'. It 4 k. 11,40 - I M. - so I 11M I-MAS X% I V. d1lW 10 CAWN 40. 1 Ali 0.111,41 so GRO11.1 o It Im" 11-14,14 '1".. M 4.dt W &00 lNO 00 ti 49 49 2 tiles view SIO.- 0.01 iflu,04 4tv 46,41, It,, 41, tl~ Tr it a It It 4 0 so* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 O'lo -00 0 0 00 00000 0 00000 SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1607 AUTHOR MELKOV,V.G. TITLE Methods of Prospecting for Uranium Deposits. PERIODICAL Atomnaja Energija, 1, faso. 1, 83-90 (1956) Issued: 3 / 1956 Uranium deposits occur in post-magmatic, sedimentary, and sedimentary-meta- morphic rock. At the beginning of investigations one must distinguish between areas of equal geological structure and history, on which occasion postmagma- tic strata and old basins with sediments are above all dealt with. There follow data concerning the geological and geohistorical formation of such de- velopments as well as concerning the chemical disintegration of uranium. Postmagmatic deposits of uranium are formed together with the latest products of magma-decomposition, enriched with silicon and volatile components. They do not occur in extensive fissures but in the accompanying sharp tectonic cracks. The strongest agglomerations are formed in crystalline rocks such as gneiss, quartzite, hornblende, etc. Uranium-containing rock is formed in seve- ral stages. If the uranium stages occur side by side during the process of mineralization, veins are formed which are characterized by complex uranium ores. Large deposits have few admixtures, small ones have many. In the oxidation zones of sulphitio deposits horizontal strata are formed on top of the other, whereas in deposits without or with little sulphur these strata are less marked and less pronounced. Atomnaja Energija, 1, fasc.1, 83-90 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1607 In marine sediments a narrow uranium-containing stripe of some 100 m width occurs at a distance of some km from the coastline. In normal sedimentary rocks uranium is found in oxides, accompanied by organic substances, whereas in the case of a higher metamorphosis organic substances are transformed into anthracclites. Whilst uranium prospecting from the air is the quickest method and facilitates the plotting of charts of J, -activity, prospecting with motor vehicles is carried out in areas of less probability according to the possibilities offered by existing traffic conditions. Radiohydrometric methods offer the advantage that they disclose hidden ore deposits, and they are employed together with the other methods mentioned: Examination of emanation content, uranium content of the rock, luminescence tests carried out by night, and geobotanic methods. INSTITUTION: PUKHALISKIT, Leonid Choslavich; TANISEEVSKIT, -Mk~ ,M.T., redaktor iEdatellstva; POPOV, N.D.. to chaskly redaktor. [uranium prospecting] Poiski mestorozhdanii urana. Pod red. Z.K: lAvishovskogo. Koskya, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geologii i okhrane nedr, 1957. 218 p. (MlaA 10:5) (uranium) (Prospecting) AL'TGAUZEN, M.N.; GIVZBURG, I.I.; DUBOVSKAY-A, MA.; 7MHOV, A.D.; . OSIKIIII N.I.; R(YZHKOVAO Ye.V.; STRAKHOV, N.M.; IKwwHmmmRUmS N.A.; SMWZCHKM$ I.V.; SHCIMMKOV, D.I.; YANSHIN,, A.L.; AMIRASUITOV, A.A.; GOrPIAN, la.D.; ZUESEV,, I.N.; KOROVYAKOV, I.A.; ORWVA, P.V.; PASWAO F.G.; SAAMN, P~S.; TERM17FIVA, K.F.; SHANOBSKIY, L.M.; CHERNOSVITOV, Yu.L.; SHCHMINA, V.V. Brii Konstantinovich Goretskii; obituary. Sov.geol. 4 no.12: 153-155 D 161, (MIRA 15:2) (Goretakiio Iurii Konstantinovich, 1912-1961) FLOROVSUYA# V.N.; WILKOV, V.G. Bitumens in igneous rocks. Mln.syrle no.5:83-86 162. (KIRA 16W (Bitunen-Geology) 1,ELKOV V G.; SERGEYEVA, A.M. Some data on coffinite. Zap.Vsea.min.ob-va 92 no.2:1-95-135 162* (MIRA 15:6) (Coffinite) AUTUMI Ix a' :01161i Reg' - ii~~6 IXOS( Evtvann% z e J-tblck,'6 :~':Thi GIOINA, M.H.; KOGANOVA. G.V.; IARICH9VA, G.H ; HSLKOVA A.Ye.; FOLTAKOVA. M.G.; SKOEMIKINA, I.F.; IKONNIKOV, V:V prof . ot7etat7en"y red. ROSHCHINA, L.. red.izd-ve; LABBDIV, A., [State Bank of the U.S.S.R.; a brief account on the fortieth anniversary of the October Revolution) Gasudarstvennyi bank SSSR; kratkii ocherk k sorokalettiu Oktiabria. Moskva, Gosfinirdat, 1957. 254 P. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Gosudarstvennyy bank. Moscow. (Banks and banking) 4- K 6 BLAGOVA. Z.S.. inxh.; MMIXOVA, A.Te., inth. ReVnersting miasma gospensions in indmatz-4al and laboratory conUtloase Sbor, Udozin, po obog. I brik, ugl, no,1:25~-31 157, (Owl prepu~ition-lqmt9wnt emd imppUos) (ML 3.1-.4) ika- -Aba#~~'6MW_,-__ f 7, 1AUTHORS.' rw~ov. R. I;AOCESSION.:~ VIR; - --_!AR5017-585 - :higher mo leb whidh'-p-pesibl AeaAs -to ditficill-ties- w'hen y -thb. zys ls used. 1. Be Algam , ~ 0- ; 0 Slit- COD ll~ E J3 , ZAIMOT. N.N.; LUMM. I.I.; TAX&RINA. U.8.; M=VA. L.K. . Degree of bactorial cont"Ination of air In food preparation depart- sent@ of public eatIM places. Gig. 1 san. n0.2.-34--38 Ja 154. (NSA 6:12) 1. Is san1tarno-spidentologIcheskoy stantell P*trogradekogo rayona Leningrada. (Restaurants, lunch rooss. eta.-Smitation) (Air-Bacterlology) KUSHTAWVI G.V.; ~ ~LIKOVA,_ L.A. Canned small fish and vegetables. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.;pishch. tekh. no.3:74-7S 160. (MIRA 14: S) 1. Astrakhanskiy tekhnicheskiy institut rybuoy prcmyshelnnosti i khozyaystva, Kafedra takhnologii rybrqkh produktov. (Fish., Canned) (Vegetables, Canned) LKOIV YARZRMKIT, Ta.Ta.; ME ~A,4#.; PROTOPOPOV. A.L.; BLAZKO, L.P. Foruation of gliding surfaces in some halogen rocks. Dokl. AN SSSR US no.5:1184,1185 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Voesoyuxnyy nauchno-issiedovatel'skiy institut galurgii, Leningrad. Predstavlano akademikom N.M.Strakh9vym. (Haloidite) ", MEJKOVA, Ye. P. -_, I, ~ -11 --- - - Formation of Oligocene-Miocene underground waters in the Turgay Gates and their utilization in the water supply [with slim"nry in English]. Sov. geol. 1 no.10:139-154 0 '58. (MIRA 12-.3) . l.Moskovski7 gorodsko7 proyaktno-izyskatel'nyy institut po transportu, Ministerstva transportnogo stroitelletva SSSR. (Turgay Gates--Water. Underground) hoU, Ye.p., al i - (UL 5) 11 il I v ~ Z, ~'j. of; tile conaitions lot, th,~ of' U13 I'T*U-`h la,;C! .L0,erS in the nur ~hern rw_r, in of 'ui z: u~ C ~A, i.-m U.,-, Lr m..-~IninC. for -- oluti on )f '-no al tiz,:r 1,,, prol lem.5.11 1:10scayl, 19b-0, 21 pp (.*,.osco;v Sta:,e u,i.'Lv Lm - V. Lomonosov) (?,L, 34-0, 121) KZLKOVA, Ye.P., kand.geol.-mineral.nauk; ZAYTSEV, A.S., inzh. Prospecting Por ground water. Transp. stroi. 13 no.7:30-32 Jl 163. (Water, Urderground) MELKOVSKIY, A. K. Melkovskiv, A. K. "The millk sur) ly of Saratov in the -,,ost-war five-year plan", P Saratov, Issue 7, 1948, pp. 32-1-6. SO. U-3261, 10 April 53 (Letop's 'Zhurnal Iri:rkh Statey No. 11, 1949) MELYOZERNOVA, M. Supply branches vith practical payment and receiving plans. Den. i kred. 21 no.9t58-59 3 163. (MIF-A 16slO) 1. Upravlyayushchiy Pashlyskim otdelaniyem Gosbanka. ACC NRs m6o2976-t Monpgraph NeLkoz!rov, Fetr Semenovich Drives in automa. td control systems; ....................... UR/ c energy characteristics and selection of parameters (P vady v sistemakh avtomaticheskogo upravleniya; energeticheskiy 0 raschet i vybo parametrov) Moscow, Izd-vo "Energiye, 1966. 383 p. illue., biblio. Errat slip inserted. 11, t, 000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: autoTuatic control, automatic control system, automatic control design, linear automatic control, nonlinear automatic control, automatic control equip- ment automatic control technology, automatic control theory, automatic control OR I Vle PURPOSE AND COVEI*GE: This book is intended for engineers working in the design and construction or drives used in automatic control systems, and students studying the theory of ~utomatlc control. The author discusses various problems encounter- ed in the design and construction of automatic-control drives. Emphasis is on the computation ofenergy characteristics which ensure the performance criteria pre- scribed for such automatic control systems, the selection of basic parameters., and the development of nonlinear structural block diagrams and electronic drive model taking Into account the nonlinear characteristics. There are 92 referedces of which 84 are Soviet. ACC NR: AM60297671 TABLE OF CONTEWS. (abridged]: Introduction -- 3 Ch. I. The drive as an element of an automatic control system -- 6 Ch. II. Problems and stages in designing drives 64 Ch. III. Calculation of energy characteristics 67 Ch. IV. Basic relationships in motor power and design computations -- 107 Ch. V. Linearized equations,-transfer functions,, and structural block diagrams of drives -- 164 Ch. VI. Generalized nonlinear structural block diagram of a drive -- 216 Ch. VII. Selecting parameters for an automatic control system drive -- 228 Ch. VIII. Step-by-step type and electromagnetic automatic control system drives -- 248 f Ch. IX. Pulse, rolaq,, and optimum speed drives -- 272 Ch. X. Experimental Investigation and reliability of drives -- 302 Ch. X1. Open-loop electrical drives -- 334 - - SUB COM 09# 13/ SUBM DATE: 14Api-66/ ORIG MW: OM/ OM MW: 006/ GRINEVICH, Feodosiy Boriso-vich; KARAIMLYEV, K.B., otv. red.; I.-EUCZ&HOVAI, T.B., red. [P.utomatic a.c. bridges] Av-tomaticheskie mosty peremennogo toka. Novosioirsk, Red.izd.otdel Sibirskogo otd-niia AN f-S-13R, 1964. 213 P. (MIHA 17: F) MCS, Eq YANKMKIYI G. [Jankovokisp G.); PRAULITB,, G. Electroencephalographic data of mochanoreoeptor and baroreceptor stilmilation of the wall of the uterus on the cerebral cortex of a pregmmt voman. Vestis Latv ak nd*2:109-3.15 162o 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy meditsiny AN Latviyakoy SSR. HUM$ E.; PRESS, B. Regeneration of the uterine mucosa following abortion by means of vam= mochleation, Vestis Latv ak no.3:3.133-118 162. I* Tmtitut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheakay meditsiny AN Latvipkoy SSR. 0 I-IML I KULOV, L. G. Ilechanizatien uuta--iatlon of surface operations of cc I --dnez. Biul.tekh.-elco.n.inform. no.1:12-19 161. C -4- 14:2) (Coall and rdnine,--hutomation) (Coal minin.- c-~,hinery--Techno:Loi.;ical innovations). MELIKUMOVI A~ Join our ranks.' Sor,, profsoiuzy 19 no.l-.28-29 'Ta '63. (MM 16--.1) 1. Zaveduyuahchiy otdelam, po rabote 9 kinolyabitelyam-i TSentrallnoy studii telovideniya. (Amateur motion pictures) Against deficiencies with a raotion-picture cam-ez-a. So,,,. profsoiuzy 20 noJi26-27 F 164. (IERA .17:3) F-L IT, I v A 1 1 A 24115 o-no -h~xp-q k' Me, nVior In 4mimlate&-Idtli V=.' IrrvontivaLtonz on th,7 !'9e of' !-!etall;c ~`nlvents In A. 1~)49, (6), 9-131 avc~. Env. Ab!?., 1950, n PusntAn). usei !to Icaded " t4n blow mil- after n lor - 1-t-CO-1v h-Ot and Ulfirmal in the porcelnin tul-i 7he reneral thi, f,l,;o 4..qrv rf--d wint 1) v ntv~-ln.- lho vlvnow,!i .:- tiv tit, Irlm;- to , ead -wrio tou-i-.p, *,,l.Artl (tin wa.,l fo~ltld q ~i : nble, W)llvh, wt,e,l oi~j~cjvor, t!1v W~r- a-rl lncreast-~ ~ts re-,; tanee !--ally. n nt ck,.n ~ -~Q ave-ave of %he 7 3- r he 1, 1 "1 v, re at t!~,, !1:ltA-6 0!, f ~O and tt- I;!"! . of' the nut,r ',ule 1 1-4:n 4 2 *C. , w 1 (-;,, i s 3afe. With i N.,te w:re Cv4l in f~a., rini-om f,:!,Lnp tfme Is obtainod Wth a bead 1-27n. In dia., Inr;-er wim., rcqiil-irr,, la!l*pr beads. Ihe head nii-tr, 1-e at -11 -* f--d n ~ and I tr, e f r, ct cie-:ends sone- what on its pcts!tion on the u-4 ro. -~~ !`!so -c,lalred linallered by rr,)lor.:-d j,lov: t~& 1,inimin fiiq~n;- c,ir-ent, '-~,, n, ort r,.c!-,ccd tnte lattior. KOSTROV, K.F.; BIRYUKOV. V.G.; SIRGTIMKIY, L.I.; MLOT, A~N.; K02HMOV, VS.; AKOFTAU. A.A.; KILIVINOV. A.M.; LARrONOV. 7.P. Professor G.T.Butkovich. Fiftieth anniversary of his birth. IlektrichestTo no.10:92 0 153. (912A 6:10) (Butkovich, Georgii Vladimirovich. 1903- ) MELINUMOVO A.M.p -kand. tekhn. nauk Simall oil-filled awitches. Slaktroteldinik- 34 no.lOt6-10 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) M-ELKUMOII, V, A. ------ State of the c~ardicvaacular system in aged patients with pulmona-ry tuberculcsis during antibacterial treatment. Probl. tub. 42 no.3~ 39--" '64. (MIRA 18-1) 1. T,'3pnlrallnyy Institut tuberkuleza (direkt-or - deyatvitellrTy chlen &N SSSR prolf. N.A.Shmelev) Ministerstva. zdravookhrananiva SSSR, Moskva. S/129/62/000/004/003/010 E073/E535 AUTHORS: Boyarinova, A.P., Dlel'kum0v. I.N,, BrtAsilovskiy, B.S. and Kontsevaya, Ye.M., Engineers TITLE: Causes of brittle fracture of the nickel-chromium- aluminium alloy ~)V1652 (Ei652) PERIODICAL: xletallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no.4, 1962, 14-17 + I plate TEXT: In the production of cold rolled 3 nim sheet from the alloy E1652 large cracks were frequently observed after intermediate hot rolling to 4.1 mm. In this paper the results are given of special investigations made for determining the causes of formation of such cracks and the method of eliminating them. In the investigations three experimental nickel-base heats of the following compositions were used: Table 1 No. Cr A 1 Si Mn S P Fe 1 26.8o 3.00 0.25 o.o6 6.007 o.oo6 o.46 2 28.08 3.35 0.23 0.07 o.oog o.oo6 0.44 3 27-00 3.14 0.22 0.07 0.007 0-005 Mo Card 1/2 S/129/62/ooo/oo4/003/010 Causes of brittle fracture E073/E535 All the three heats contained 0.0%'0' C and I - 03'1'0 " Ze". I t wa s found that the cause of brittle failure of the alloy in the hot rolled state is the slow cooling in the temperature range 700 to 6000C, during which the solid solution decomposes and an inter-metallide phase of the type N'3A1 forms. The quantity of the rejected phase depends on the time during which the alloy is within the dangerous temperature range. Combined with the stresses caused by work-hardening and also the thermal stresses, the rejection of the intermetallide phase leads to the formation of cracks. - To.prevent cracking, the breakdowns should be cooled separately (to 2000C) before stacking. There are 3 figures and 3 tables. 1 -035// Ze jAbstracter's note: 0 is obviously a printing error NSSOCIATIONS: Zavody "Elektrostall" ("Elektrostall" Works) and "Serp i Molot" Card 2/2 ==iou nt AM29225 SAY133/64/000/004/0320/0323 AUTHORS: Molikhov, Pe I.; Boyarinova, A. ?.j Orashchankow, P, Hj Ifelikumov. I* gel TITLEt Industrial development of smelting new stainleas heat-resistant stftl SN-2 (EI904) SOUWIE: stal~2?4 -. 4, 1964a 320-323 TOPIC TAGSt steel, stainless steel, stainless heat-resisting steel.. steel SM-2 (E1904), austanito-martansite steel, carbon adnixture, nickel admixture, phase composition ABSTRAGT s Austenftlc-wrtensitic steel SN-2 (E1904) ia now being smelted in arc furnaces of industrial capauitye Small inclusions of carbon. and nickel alter the phase composition of steel# thus giving It the desired propertiese The chazical composition of the steel (inQ Lot c at Cr 0.05-0.09