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I I X~j W * .) 0 StRrFhys;~ s Arc gas FD-2216 Card 1/1 Pub. 146-21/25 Author Mellchenko, V. S. Title Determination of the absolute concentration of atoms of a multicomponent arc gas Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 28, 628-629, May 1955 Abstract The method of N. A. Prilezhayeva (Trudy SFTI, 28, 83, 1949) permits one to determine the absolute concentrations of atoms in the positive column of a direct-current arch (V. N. Goryachev, Trudy SFTI, 3q, 61, 1950; M. A. Alekseyev, Trudy SM, 32,21, 1953). The present writer considers that by this method one could determine the absolute ecticentrations in an are gas of more than the usual two-component composition. He presents results of his calculations in agreement with the data of A. K. Rusanov on the Vol atility of elements (Spektrallnyy analiz rud i mineralov, State Geol. Pres 1948). Six references. Institution Siberian Physicotechnical Institute (SFTI) Submitted December 6, 1954 HELOOMKO. V.8. I'll -_ N~___ Determining limit concentrations for the self-absorption of spectral lines in arc discharges. OptA spektr. 1 no-3:321-329 ii 156. (NOA 9: 11) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-teMnich#,,,skiy institut pri Tomskom gosu- daretvannom universitate imeni T.T. Kuybysheva. (Electric arc--Spectra) ( Sodium--Spectra) IN195. Stocking Verldicqnnak Diatrict with Vitim satles. blol. IAYAJI SSSR no.4:172-186 153. (Verldioynnak Dlatrict-Snbles) frurlY (:41liA L 1: -:1) WLICHINOV, M.S. Feedir4 Vitim sables at t1m.-Ol-p-ces of their reler.,se ir. Southern Yaln-itia. Nauch. adob. IAFAN SSSR no.!'*.?LI7-122 '58. (KIRA 17:1) KgLICHINSKIY, N.A. Intratracheal administration of penicillin in bronchial asthna. Sovet. med. No. 2:42 Feb 52. (CIM1 21:5) 1. Kursk. USSR/14orphology of Man and AnirmlB. The Skeleton. S-3 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biel., No 5, 1958, No 21759 Author I I I Mol chinogZ, N !not rWo-VIS-on Title Pathologic Changes in the Temporal Bono Accompanying Mae- toiditidoo. Orig Fub iSb. tr. Kurskiy Lied. in-t, 1956, vyp. 11, 48-51. Abstract tIn acute mastoiditis, which had developed in the presence of acute or subacu to purulont otitisq gross involvement was roveb6lod In the preantral area In the form of caries which in a nunbor of cases spread to deep layers of the tip of the mastoid process and, sometimes, toward the middle cranial fosaa. Microscopically, thera was excAntive inflammatory process in the bone as well as in the nuouua membranes of air calla with the formation of bony sequostra in some cases. At times, there were vascular thrombosis and hemorrhages. In a aortas of cases granulation tissue developed. In one patient, with acute mastoiditis following chronic suppurative otitio Card 1/2 -72 MEL' CHIVSKIY, N.A. Oateoma of the mastoid process. Vast. oto-rin. 18 no-5:111-112 S-0 '56 (ML13A 9: 11) 1. Iz kliniki boleaney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof. A.T.Savellyev) Xurskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (MASTOID PROQZSS--TUMORS) (--MELICHINSKIT, N.A., assistent Change in the basle argyrophilic substance in mastoiditis. Sbor. trud. Kursk. goo. med. inst. no.13:235-238 158. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Is kliniki bolemey ukhav gorla, nosa (zav. - Prof. A.V.Savel'yev) i kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - Prof. A.S.Brunberg) Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MASTOID PROCE38-DISEASES) MELICHINSKIY, N.A.g asaistent Case of prolonged lodgement of a foreign body in the (wophagus in a ohild three and a half months old. Sbor. trud. Kursk. goo. med. inst. no.131430-431 158. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukhaq gorlag nosa (zav. - prof. A.V.Savellyev) Kurskogo gosudaretvennogo meditsinskogo inatituta. (ESOPHAGUS-FORF.IGN BODIES) ~ MELICHI Ul,-N.A., assistent ,a Gase of serious disturbances in deglutition and respiration caused by a foreign body in the subligamentous space. Sbor. trad. Kursk. goo. med. inst. no-13:432-433 158. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof. A.V.Savellyev). Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (IARYNX-FOREIGN BODIES) (DEGLUTITION) (RESPIRATION) XZLICHIMSKIY, J.A~. SUIMORUKOVA. L.N., ZMLEVA, Z.A., XOROBOVA, F.H., XADZSH,P.14. MRWZRVA. K.F., ZLOTNIKOV, Ye.M., BLMKINA. M.L. TOWSUROVA, M.P. LARINA, S.P. TETDOKIKOVA. L.M. Professor Aleksandr Vasillevich Savellev; on his 60th birthday. Vest.oto-rin. 20 no.6:126-127 N-D 158 (MIRA 11:12) (SAVELIEV, AURSANIR VASILIEVICH, 1898-) MELICHMSKIY, N.A. Removal of ballotable foreign bodies in the trachea by means of bronchog pie forceps with an electrical grip. Zhur. u~hnos. i g Cl. 20 no.6:89 K-D 160. 15:2) 1. Iz ttafedry-bolezney ukha,, gorla, i nosa (zav. - prof. A.V.Savellyev) Kurskogn meditsinskogo instituta. (BHONooscopy) (FORGEPS) (THAMA-FOUIGN BODIES) t i jl~ i ,%!EL'CHINSY,1Y, N. A., Cand ;M~ed Sci -- "Clinical 11 anatomic COM- ,rtjb~ 'Tr parisons In suppurative Simferopol', 1961. (Min of Health UkSSit. Cri:nean State Med -Lnst) (YL, 8-61, 263) - 492 - USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products I-10 and Their Application Pesticides Abs Jour- Referat Zhur - Khi-miya, No 9, 1957, 31'339 Author : Mellchuk A.S. Title : Chemical Weed-Control Measures in the Ukraine Orig Pub: Zashchita rast. ot vredit. I bolezney, 1956, No 4, 33 Abstract: Description of the use of 2,4-D, in the Ukraine, to control weeds in grain fields and brushwood. Card 1/1 MEIL'CHUK, I. A. (Moscow) "Model of a Language-Mediator (go-between) for Machine Translations." Theses - Conferance on Machine Translations, 15 - 21 May 1958, Moscow. MELUM, I. A., "Machine Translation From Hungarian to Russian," p 222, Problems of* Cybernetics, No 11 Moscow, Ilzmatgiz, 1958. 268 pp. This collection of articles deals with general problems of cybernetics, information theory, theory of algorithm and automatic machines, theory of control system, tbawy of gemes and tactics, methods of operations analysis, problems on the theory of calculating machines, programming, and the application of Irybernstics to to other sciences, such as biology, eoo-1- andL lingaistice. "Problems of Cybernetics,o as a recurrent publication, vill continue to include crigir-I papers, survey articles and translations, and like the present vark.. vill contain the results of saminars in cybernetics bold at Moscow Univ. 9(5) PHA~m I W. LAFL-OirATION SOV/3176 frablemy kibernetiki, vyp. 2 (Problems of Cybernetics, to. 2) Roscoe, Flzmatsix, 1959. 323 p. Errata Blip Inserted. 18,000 copies printed. Zd.: A. k Lyapunov; Complle"-fid1rors: 0. D. Lupanov, D. Yu. Fll'chak, S. V. Yablon4kiy, and Yu. 1. Yanov; Eds.i A. A. Konoplyankin, and H. L. Smolyanckly; Tech. ld.t S. 5. A"lanov. FtMPOSZ: The purpose of this collection or articles Is to organize ntific papers an cybernetics and to unite the efforts and acl Int roots Of Soviet scientists working in this field. : COVIRAC111 This In the second volume of "Problomy icibernatiki", dealing with p"blema of biology, mathematics and engineering as tb I t to cybernetics, The first volume. which appeared - C.:::dersd problems of programming, machine translation in Iq;g' and computer design. Future volume* propose to LnCluds A Still Ve ter number of subjects related to cybernetics. The editors & (including 2 translatlons~ dealing t 5 recent 30viot book lla - - with cybernetics. They hit the following persons Or th*%V tL help in preparing the boo for Pt4blicationg 0. V~ Valculovska". l, ~-i C?Inlk D. 1. Finilkov. N. L. Tootlin T. L. aavrilava, A. A. Pu . S. Shterkmian. fiefor-onteS follow each article. and V . SYSTE" A" CC?q?LfrFM ftWtn A-H., and YJL_AMJrDov_LPlcacow). Operational Cathode-ray Tube Storage Device 191 The authors describe trio principle or operation of the storage device for the Soviet comguter "Strela-l' Mich consists of A type. witn a storLde cathode-ray tubes or the Potantsialos"p capacity of 2048 woria or 43 bits. No references AM &Ivan. QACt1AUAX- A Y ,KobrinsklF, A.Ta. 3ystn. ZMVO V.S. ' ' & - t - - ta..~ ther-m-M-t-Mer. Z-S-U.3. yaxon.A.- tlin .L.. T. . ISYSTO-U!'Tantrol 203 The article deals with the utilization of biological ayoalto- trio currents In the operation of technical devices. It also sort he principles of operation And design of a model of 64 t r o-driva built for this purpose. There am 12 reference a. .= 5 Soviet (I translation). 2 G~rmlah And 5 English. PART V. CONTROL rRXZWZS IN LIVINO OROANISX3 (SverdlovskL On Statlaticity and Amplifier Principle In Biology 213 The artial; conc:rna problems of circulation of hereditary In- formation rom neration to generation and the physical process of Its biological storage in living orgarilsms. The authors LWAILM96 lnVd4tl9&L1OM2 1. that field. Them are 52 reference,. 16 Soviet (5 translations), 18 Enall3n, 14 German. and 4 French. Qnl!~~Nofiaow). Investigation or Extrapolative Reff-exas In Anlmiis~Va r29 The artlel deaas with the pnyalology of the activity of the : nervous 6y tam in animals. The article, "cording to the editor, is Of great Interest for the Study of Cybernetics $lace It concerns relations between bloicky, anglnoerInd wul mathematics In the investi ation of control Processes Occurrin g g in Xlvin/S organisms. Them are 11 references: 9 Soviet 2 translationa), and 2 English. PART Vt. PWRI" OF PLATHEKATICAL LINOUISTICS O.V. Vaikulovag"a (Moscow), Experimental d r- -&sai rranslationa rr.Wdh nCo on the 'Strela' Computer 283 The programming algorithmic for the meanthe translation or Mathematical texto from French into Russlaxi weft develOpol by O.S. Kulinginks 4-11 1 W"__ These .1goritnia. see- the A r- " A L of a vo scale ry which contains not "Orkin b,it xl4tonco is c i Pee &V : t4ats. The authors give exaxtplea o:' trenkslations obtalhad aml methods used In allAinatinS errors. ?;.j referenc- AM glVo- (plo sec. ). Operational Description of Tranolation k1g.ritnain and Atmat i.Ingtme Process of Their Progra,-Ing 289 AlathematIciana Of the Soviet union nave developed a J)M6rWv%LM' tocrin.ique or operational progra-Ind ba-4 an aii exter-iAl note. t1on that Is written linearly across the p-,6*. This operattin Al progroicning was tosteA oil tran3latlina fr,o-i FMnch Into Huaolan- Trio author describes me class or lieical ~por.-.r. -ed. ro. *vq-nce of aperat- will inilca- their -qu,n~e 3f P-rr,--c The followinj t./1-. ,r Jpera'-r:k d-- iv! M-iti And ..It, I !-,.t: -t: the - I '."e. :',r- .~ , r 28(0), 30(6) '()-2-6 ~60 SOv/50- AUTHOR: , Me!'--huk, I. A. TITLE: Work Concerning Mechanical Translating in the USSR (Raboty po mashinnomu perev~du -,r SSSR) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR pp 43-I'l (USSR) 195?, Nr 2 , , ABSTRACT: The working out of this prolb!,:?m wa-; st;irt.ed in '.h,- Srvi-t Un-"on in 191,c: at the lnstjt~-.t 7~,ohn-y mekh'anik-l' n:).y tekhniki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institlite f(.~r P-rezision Mechanics and Computation Technij-,~.~- of the cf Scipnr~('-S, USSR) and the Matematicheskiy i~. V. A. Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR (Mathematical ln-s'~: t,~tp im~ni V. A. Stekl-.-.- of the Academy of Sciences, USSIR~. Laler t 4n ths work were: the Insti tut yazyk- zna.-. 4 -'-a Ak 1 na'.ik SSSR (Institute of Philology of th~- ' , - L-7, i 1~ r. versity where an experimental' i,tQoratory for mecnanical translating wan established, th,, Vychislitel'riyy ~!3ontr Akademii nauk Armyrinskoy SSR 'Computation Cent,(.-r --f tlv~ AS Armyanskaya SSR), the Institlit ~1'ektronikJ , telemekhaniki Akademii nauk luruzinskoy SSR (Innti*,;te f Electronics, Automation and Telemechanics of the AS Gr,.Izinskaya 112 Card 1 il To begin with SSR) the work consisted in the c,)m latiori of , . l , p Work Concerning Mechanical Translating in the USSR SOV/zO-c:9-2-8/60 so-called algorithms of mechanical translating. Between 1955 and 1957 the algorithms for French-Russian, English-Russian, Chinese-Russian, German-Russian, Japanese-Russian and Hungarian- Russian translations were compiled and partly tried with computing machines. Furthermore, the method of m;chanical translating is described in detail. It basically consists in a previous working out of an artificial "auxiliary language" (yazy4osrednik). The mechanical translation is then carried out in two stages: From the foreign language into the Itauxiliary language" and from the "auxiliary language" into Russian. For this purpose electronic computers are used. Linguists, mathematicians and engineers have the -ask of designing the special machinery necessary for this p,;rpose. The coordination of this work was promoted by the I Vsesoyuz- naya krnferentsiya po mashinnomu perevodu (1st A11-Union Conferen-,e on Mechanical Translating) which took place in Moscow it, May 1~5-3. Hithezto all :~xperim--~ntal translations have b-3en made with universal computers whic?i are not Card 2/2 suitable for this purpose. 30 (6) AUTHOR: SOV/30-59-8-50/56 TITLE: Problems of Mathematical Language Studies PERIODICAL: Vestnik-Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 8, pp 119 - 120 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Komitet po prikladnoy lingvistike pri sektsii rechi Komissii po akustike Akademil nauk SSSR (Committee of Applied Linguistics of the Language Section of the Commission of Acoustics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) and the University of Leningrad held a meeting in Leningrad from April 15 to 21 devoted to mathematical language studies. Almost 500 represen- tativea of various institutions participated in the proceed- ings, among them representatives of 24 institutes and labora- tories of the Academy of Sciences,USSR, and the Academies of Sciences of the Union Republics, as well as scientists from China, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Rumania. The following pa- pers were read: V. V. Ivanov spoke on the necessity of creating a special theory of relationships between language systems. V. ff. Toporov touched upon the question of introducing methods of probability calculus into linguistics. S. K. Shaumyan was Card 1/2 of opinion that language structure research ought to be re- Problems of Mathematical Language Studies SOV/30-5/9-8-50/56 garded as an abstract science. N. D. Andreyev reported on an algorithm of automatic application of similarity principles to languages developed by him. V. M. Zolotarev, R. M. Frumkinal G. S. Tseytin, and I. I. Revzin reported about questions of modeling. Ye. V. Paducheva, and Z. M. Volotskaya dealt with concrete linguistic themes. Questions of the mediating language (yazyk-posrednik) were discussed by ff. D. Andreyev and S. Ya. Fitialov, B. M. Leykina, V. P. Berkov, A. R. Belopollskaya, A. B. Kovrigin, and T. M. Nikolayeva. G. E. Vleduts and V. K. Finn, M. M. Langlebeng D. G. Lakhuti, N. A. Stokolova, and A. L. Shumilina reported on work in the field of information language for chemistry and geometry. M. I. Beletskiy spoke on symbol recording of the algorithm of machine translation. V. M. Glushkov, V. A. Kovalevskiy, and G. P. Mellnikov re- ported on technical apparatus permitting the processing of language informations. The further directions in which work is done were outlined at the meeting. Recommendations were made for the training of cadres as well as for the establishment of the institut semiotiki v sisteme Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Semiotics in the System of the Academy of Scien Card 2/2 71 Buss MELICHUK, I.A. [Two operators establishing agreement; for auto=atic syntactic analysis] Dva operatora ustanovleniia sootvetstviia; dlia avtomatichoskogo sintaknichoskogo analiza. Moskva, Aicad. nauk SSSR, In-t iazykoznaniia, 1961. 37 p. (MIRA 15:5) (Programming languages (Electronic computers)) A. 457 Pa I BOOK MUMCICU saw/6100 AkLd=miya usuk SM. XwUtut tocbnoy welchanild L vycUsUtelluoy te"TA". Tru&y (AcadesW of Sciences of the USM, Institute of Proolsion Voch=Ics and Conputer Tecbnoloa. Treasactims) no. 2. moacowo 1961. 44T pa ICOO copies printed, CoAtributors not PMP=: This collAction of artlolms to Intendod for scientific and technical permamal concerned vith zathina tranalAUca and *Gmvmter t4abnoloa. COVMUM: !&1s co1leattom of articles of the Institute of Procislom Hatolb"Jas and Conpoter Tacbnoloa, Acedcmy of Scicacca USSR, is the second In a series concerned vith --bin translation azd mathematical linguistics. The collectica contains reports vritten by =dmFm of the VAcalme-Tronslatica Group of the Inatitute as vell an reports by ves*sxchors rraa other orgazd=t1cms. -Mm Artlelas.daml with verlow p;cbl=s In nachino translation. suab Of SM 1MtSrMftAt* ISUgUM*, r82At1GMah1pS card 216 Us 1109=6040 systew of recordin4. struct=* or Aca=y of Sciences (Cout.) 507/6100 alecr-ItIme, methods af Independent analysis of a am.It= af Ian&%,-Vs (Cbinoze, Germ=, EagUah, Russian, Rummian, SauUab, Tartar, luacr-=Lont synthesis of the Runsian lwauep, acme prcbl=S Of blDO-17 JuV=3ne-RuAslan and Chinese-FMOBIan trouslatica, thacratical. trtna- lAtIcn probl=a, aa qrdblems wsoclAta& vith aut=tia race-fdtlCu of ap*ecb ele=ents and the Introftatica of vrittan t=t4- 110 P=scm- 4LUtIca am =mtIoned. Them am U zeforenceas 2 Soviet =d 9 104114he TABTA OF CCMZ=t 1. Praface 9, Saickriatskays, S. S., 0. A. Voldbak, U. B. TafP-Ma A. A. Zvcnov, T. M. likolaqvms, viA G. A~ Tawfiam. One of the Possible Approaches to the Buildbg-Ek of a VocaU1017 far an LeAnuWat* [Anauxas- 3. Zholkovskly, A. K., 1. X. L*Mt'y%Va, a4a TM. S. XaWtWas~- yanaw." 02 is rMaMNSW ca'~w x"01" in xseb'"o Wensl4lack- I: 17 CUA 2/6 AcvAemy of Sciences (Ccut.) sov/61oo 4. Ivanov., Ye.Ye. Machine Translatim and the Establishing of Relation hips Between T.-Inguistic Systems 47 5. Voronin, V. A. Operational Form of an Algorithm for Machine Translation 70 6. 1-mel,chuk I A.- On Stdadard Opera%ars for an Algorithm for 1,-~-C;a7~:Lc=zsis of a Russian Scientific Text 85 7- Vormin,, V. A. System of 7--Ldependezt "'onfigurational Analysis of a Chinese Text in Machi-ae Translation 135 8. Zherebin, M. Ye. Structure and Character of a Glossary for an Independen~ Analysis of a Cb-tnese Text 173 9. Zherebin, M. Ye. On the Solution of a Conversional. Hamoncmy in the Independent ArAlyeis of a Cb~Lnese TaTt 180 10. Parshin, V. V. Description of the Structure of an Independent Grammatical Analysis for Machine Translatioa From the Ge 192 Card 3/6 CD AORMT, N- D-, IVAW, V- T., MMICMT, 1. A. "4ugulatlo Prob2mw of &*him Trazwlation.0 Presented at the All-Unim Cftfareme an CoWutatiowl Vigusaams a:d Cowntational T"bolque, Magcow, 16-28 lovesUr 2961 Sot Preblmip IdbartietIM, Ismis 5, 2961, pp 2696-294 MELICHUK, I.A. (Moskva) Morphological analysis in machine translation (chiefly of Aussian materiaO. Probl. kib. no.6:207-276 161. (M-TRA 15:1) (Russian language-Machine translating) I. A. Dis3ertation defended for the degree of Candidate of ~-hij-,.,logicai ciences 0 - at the Institute of the iU3sian Language I '?Automatic Analysis -)f Texts and :;eve:-al dei~ted --rooiems if general Unguis tics." Vestnik itkad. 'lkluk, "o. 41 il)61`2 !)p 119-1145 ICLICHUY,, I.A* Autc.Tn~t,Lc morpholog-Ical synthesi:3. NTI no.4-,35-4.3 16". IF. 6) I.-I ZHOLKOVSKIYP A.K.; MELICHUK, I.A. Possible method and instruments of semantic synthesis. NTI I', no,6:23-28 165. (MIRA 18s9) Me IMELICHUK, !.A. Order of words in automatIc synthesis of a Russian text; preliminary communil cation. NTI no.12:36-44 165. (~uw, 19: 1) Iscryallaffir ;:=L(Malcioiu, Ion] ---~ Chemical induBtrieB of Rumania at pregsent and in the futwe. NkIn i induBtriia. 33 no.2:60-62 161. _i, analy-~: 2 ~er C" -ino s. -jAu oir ci 1 -310 Ole MARCUS, Bruno, ing.; MELCONIAN, Virgil, fizician (Bucuresti) Piezoelectric elements from BaTiO3 ceramics. Flectrotehnica 1-1 no. 11/121433-440 N-D 163. 1. Head of Laboratory, ICPE (for Marcus). 2. Lecturer, General Military Academy (for Melconian). **A 00 00 ago*& 001:1 6666644644- ::66*99066io The vole ad witacdam (m demaWlea. lklikk. 11,ler" Onvu Hftilafft. 524-7(1%W).-A S. SAC Pi'lily .ATION team swall.* 14104" .10 -am. dot -.a- 0 0 0 Ig ON uAlls -fall tin am it I 114%1 owing W-i 0 0 coo 40 use RELCZER, N. 1949 frermatc-1. Clin. U. of Pecs. ) ~Ll ItCarcinoma and 5timulating Effects." 3chwei7. Med. Jocl-. Basle, 1949, 79/10(2?5-2271) Pbst: Exc. Med. V. Vol. 11, No. 1P, 890 11EM -~_',554 k-Ak, CAMO, VIA, willP joiltirat .,. I tAt thi, w, I o% t'itt. 11 t"'Jilil 10 Jw" MAY ul"i'tittv,, su &c .o-- - (eta d firo, t(IMS tuffainq (due tO agents dijct brx J:iititf its cectAtu 1190", ,,d tltefme 10 ~11't .1 .'jillillo A &*w dto MOM Of P--kMM- too M4(120(b Ftewb).- 10-1A Wk. d cktW, un detec"d im the bbod 8 Lt a hm. dter ma fatmVemm " kbvuttoculm &0 A buffw vdd. d r=94batto (pH 6-7) or a ooW. a= (jpH 7) or -tftte PH ceWoimW tW effied. Babam R. Munsy If HEIZZER, ?I. The cause and Dathogenesis of Kobner's phenomenon; dermatoses due to pexIs: the pexidermea. psoriasis vulgarts is a pexiderma. Acta med. hung. 3 no.2:131-146 1952. (GLKL 23:4) 1. Of the Department of Dermatology of Pece University. EXC RPTA 1EMICA Sec-13 Vol.9/10 Dermatology Oct 55 2160. MELCZER M. Dept. of Dermatol. , Univ. med. Sch., Ptics. * A v t i ol o g y of derma-citis herpetiformis and pemphigus chronicus ACTA MED. ACAD. SCIENT. HUNG. (Budapest) 1954,6, 3 -4 (255 -272) l1lus. 20 Pemphigus chronicus and dermatitis herpetiformis are viral diseases. as proved by successful inoculation of chick embryos with filtrate prepared from pathological material. The virus. which is pathogenic for 40-90% of chick embryos, may give rise to bulla formation in the skin and causes a severe affection of the CNS. Al- though the virun of dermatitis herpetiformis produces milder lesions in the chick embryo than the virus originating from cases of pemphigus, on the basis of the similarity of changes the 2 viruses should for the time being be considered as identical. The viruses demonstrable in the lesion.-4 of both pemphigus chronicus and dermatitis herpetiformis are premulin- positive. In elect ron- micrographs the virus appears as a medium-sized. brick-shaped structure. On the basis of experi. mental evidence it is claimed that pemphigus chrunicus and dermatitis herpeti- formis are chronic. viral. non-epidemic diseases of the CNS. accompanied by skin symptoms. From author's summary Far.C-RFTA See-13 Vol-11/3 Dennatology, etc . Xar5? 724. MELCZER N. Klin. f(Jr Iffaut- und GeschIKrankh., Pdcs, Ungarn. *Bei- [rage 'zur Atiologie und Pathogenese der Urticaria pigmentosa. A e t I o I ogy and pathogenesis of urticaria pipmentosa DEFL'61.WSCHR. 1954, 129/1 (5-13) Urticaria pigmentosa is considered as an inherited systemic skin condition whose outstanding histological feature is an aggregation of mast-cells. The symptoms can be explained by the antagonism of heparin and histamine. The primary process is one of increased heparin production which leads to increased thrombin inactivi- ty and with it, to the release of histamine. This leads to hypervemia. pruritus, and urticaria. The skin in these patients Is hypersensitive to histamine and will develop inflammation followed by pigmentation if histamine is injected intradermally. Pas- sive transfer experiments gave negative results. It is thought that the condition should be called 'heparinoderma' which is aetioLogically more correct than the preseat name. Cagnka London 91 KELOZER, Miklos.; KISS. 05rula. Data on reticulcondothelial storage; prelininary publication. Orv. hetil. 96 no-50:1379-13781 11 Dec 55- 1. A Pecsi Orwostudomanyi Igyetem Borgyogyaszati Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Kelczer Miklos dr. eg7et. tanar) kozlemenye. (RETICUUMOTHELIAL SYSTEM, Physiol. storage mechanism. regulation & inhibition (Hun)) MELCZER, Miklos; VASARRMYT. Pal Incidence of Streptobacilluo mouiliformis in the naso-pharyageal cavity of inbred white and Wtstar rate. Userletes orvostad. 8 no. 2:168-174 March 56. 1. PSCBi Orvost. ?,Mretem Borgyog. Klinikaja. (HBOPHILUS Streptobacillus moniliformis, incidence in naso- pharyngeal cavity of inbred rate. (Hun)) (VI EXCEMA MEDICA Sec.2 Vol.10/4 Physlology.etc.AprR 1738.,MELCZER M. and KISS G. Orvostud. Egyetem Borgy6gydazati KUn. POcs. *A reticu-ioe-n-d-otheles tlrolAsr6l Lss a fehdr vdrsejtek phagacytosisir6l. Reticuloendothelial storage and leucocytic phagocytosis KIStRL.ORVOSTUD.195S. 8/4 (398-400) In previous investigations it was shown that RES storage is due to an injury poten- tial following changes in ionic concentrations. It obeys the same laws as impulse conduction in nerve. Substances which cause anodic (procaine; Ca) or cathotic block (KCI. NaCI) inhibit storage. The experimental data indicate that RESTstorage and leucocytic phagocytosis are identical processes; both of them occur only in a protein-containing medium. The particles to be taken up are bound to the serum albumin and acquire a negative charge. In the Ist stage the particle-albumill complex is adsorbed an the positively-charged capillary wall or an the leucocyte. This leads. as a result of changes in ionic concentration. to an increase of positive charge on the wall, and the result is that an electrical field similar to the injury potential develops, this promoting the electraphoretic transport of the particle through the capillary wall in the extracellular space, or in the leucocyte. MELCZKR, Miklos. dr.; KISS, Gyula, dr. Pathogenic data on leukoplakia orts. Borg7ogy. 7ener. szemle 10 no-5:193-197 Sept 56. 1. A Pecsi Orvostudomanyl ]~ffetem Borgyog7aszati Klinikajamak (igazgato: 'Aelczer, Miklos. dr. egyatemi tanar) kozlememye. (LEMPLAXIA, stiol. 8- pathogen. mouth, metallic dent. fillings & proath.. rule in atiol. of mouth cancer (Hun)) (DENTAL PROSTHESIS, Inf. eff. metallic proath. causing mouth leukoplakia & cancer (Hun)) (DENTAL CAVITIES fillings, metallic, causing moutb leukoplakia & canceir (Hun)) (MOUTH, neoplasms atiol., metallic dent. fillings & proath. causing mouth laukoplakia & cancer (Hun)) EXCERPTA MEDICA See 13 Vol 13/2 Dermatology Feb 59 625. ELECTROMETRY FOR THE PURPOSE OF EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF MALIGNANT EPITHELIAL DEGENERATION IN THE SKIN AND AD- JACENT MUCOSAE - Elektrometrie zur frlihzeitigen Erkennung der bos- artigen epithelialen Umwandlung der Haut und umgebender Schleimhaute - M e I c z e r N. and K i s a J. Dermatol. Klin., Univ. PL6cs - HAUTARZT 1957, 81-9 (IM-397) Illus. 3 Personal studies have led to the conclusion that for the early diagnosis of malign- ant epithelial degeneration of the skin and adjacent mucosae. the potential measurements used in these studies can greatly supplement the findings of biop- sies. Electrometry can, in all preblastomatous preliminary stages, reveal the beginning of the malignant epithelial degeneration through the increased positive charge in the focus. Mutter Munich A 1 ~114 -Z 6,5 kj ~7Z(~fFf MMTZZER MIKIM; KISS GYUIA New data on reticaloendotheliAl storage. Kiserletes orvostud. 9 no.3: 279-282 Jnly 57. 1. Pecsi C-Irvostudomanyi Egyetem Borgyogyaszati Kli-nikaja. (RF.TICULOENDOTHELIAL S~STNM, physiol. RE storage mechanism, storage of plasma proteins & identity with phagocytic mechanism (Hun)) (PHAGOCYTOSIS Identity of phagocytic mechanism with mechanism of HE storage (Hun)) KELCMI X.I. KISS, G. Pathogenesis of lenkoplakia oris; the importance of electrogalvanism T)roduced by metallic restorations in the origin of lelik-oplakia oria. Acta mod. hung. 10 no.4:405-413 1957. 1. Department of Dermatology, Medical Universityv Pecs. (LNUKOPLkKIA, etiol. & pathogen. mouth, pathogenic role of galvanic current generated by metallic dent. material) (MOUTH, die. leukoplakia, pathogenic role of galvanic current generated by metallic dent. material) (DEML MATERIAIG, inj. eff. metallic dent. material generated galvanic current in pathogen. of leukoplakia oris) *"Kiss, Gy - Reticuloendothelial storage and -Dhagocytic activity of leukocytes. Acta physiol. hung. ll(Suppl):66-67 1957. 1. Dermatologische Klinik der Medizinischan Universitat, Pecs. (IBUKOCYTES phoLgocytosis & storage by IM system (Gar)) (PHAGO(;YTOS IS by leukocytes (Gar)) (RETICUIDENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM, phyeiol. leukocyte storage (Gar)) EXCERnA P15)~C,,& so .5 vol.n/3 Gen.Patholomr,etc.llar58 OF LEUCOPLAXIA ORIS - B*Mp sur Entafthunge- ~"E 656. THE PA welso der LAukoplakim, orim - M e I c z e r N. and K I a a J. Dermatol. Klin., Univ. Pdca, Ungarn - Z. KmWWV H. 1957, 6116 (673-67S) In 77 persond =see. Isucoplakfa orts was observed exclusively, in patients with 71 4S,16 prostheses or metal dental crowns. Measurements with polarizing or am-polarizing electrodes of copper sulphate or mercury-calomel electrodes. also with string galvanometers or an amplifier with electronic valves showed & direct current of 40-50 mv. between the focus of leueoplakia and the prosthesis or crown. The ef- fect of the above-mentioned IM and Intensity of current within a period of 30 to 40 min. was demonstrated In rabbits and rate. 'Severe cellular damage' in re- ported. The metal tooth substitute topther with the s&Uva in regarded an a gal- vanic element and Is responsible for the pathogenesis of laucoplakla'orls. n Knoth, - Glesse .(YA UJLj T KISS, Gyula, dr.; MELCZRR, Miklos, dr. Data on the permeability of malignant tumors; new means for the early diagnosis of malignant tumors. Orv. hetil. 98 no. 1-4:41-42 Jan 57. 1. A Pecsi Orwoetudomanyi Egyetem Borgyogyaszati Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Relezer, Miklos. dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemerqe. (SKIN HMPLASMS, diag. early, skin permeability determ. by electrodermography (Hun)) 14ELCZZR, Miklos, dr.; DVORSZKY, Kornel, dr. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans connected with acanthosis nigricans cansing several cutaneous metastases. Orv. hetil. 98 no.9:216-219 3 Mar 57. 1. A Pecst Orvostudoman7i Fgyetem Borklinikajanak (igazgato: Melczer. Miklos, dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemen7e. (ACAWHOSIS NIGRICANS, compl. dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with cutaneous metastasee (Hun)) (FIBROSARC014A dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with acanthosis nigricans & cutaneous metastases (Hun)) MEWZZR, Miklos; KISS, G7ala; GORCS, Jeno; KUMIOM1ANDER, Lajos Significance of electrometry in detection of cancer and pro- cancerous states of uterine cervix. Orv. hetil. 98 no.22: 583 2 June 57. 1. A Pecei OrvostudomaEVi Egyatem Bor- e9 Nemibeteg Klinikajaaak (igaagato: Melczer. Miklos. dr. egyat. tanar) so a Szuleozeti es VOgyoFaszat1 Klinikajanak (igazgato: Iajos, Laslo, dr. eg7et. tanar). (CZRVIX NBDPLASMS, diag. electrometry in detection of cancer & precancerous states (Hun)) (BUCTRODIAGNOSIS, in various dis. cancer & procanceroun ataten of uterine cervix. electrometry (Hun)) ;D1.-:-T,PTA MMICA Sec-13 Vol.12/1 Dermato & Vencreo Jan58 148. ELECTRICAL METHOD FOR DETECTION OF EARLY CANCEROUS GROWTH OF THE SKIN. M e I c z e r N. a n d K i a a J. Dept. of Dermatol. and Venereol., Uni_V_._7_P?_c_8_.__N_ATURE (Lond.) 1957, 179/4571 (1177-1179) A sensitive apparatus was used to determine the effective resistance of the skin to galvanic current. A negative electrode was held in the hand, and the positive placed on the lesion to be tested. This current strength was compared with that of a normal area, usually contralateral. The authors found lowered resistance con- sistently and exclusively in malignant lesions. Thus. lowered resistance In squa- rnous- and basga-cell carcinoma. intraepidermal carcinoma. erythroplasta, normal resistance in senile keratorna, balanitis ptasmocellularts. verruca senills. leuco- plakia. psoriasis. eczema. The recognition of malignancy was more accurate than clinical differential diagnosis. Bettley - London (XIII, 5, 16) MRICZER, Miklos (az orvostudomanyok doktora) rly detection of melanoblastomas. magy. Tudom. Akad. Orv. Oszt. Kozl. 9 no. 1:35-39 1958. 1. A Pecui Orvostudomanyi Figyetem BorgyogYRazati Klinikaja. (MRIANOM, diag. melanoblastoma, early detection (Hun)) KEWZER, Miklon; KISS. Gyula Data on the mode of development of thrombooeo caused by injuries. Kiserletes orvostud. 10 no.2-3:160-162 ADr-Juae 58. 1. Pecei Orvostudomanyi Agyetem BorgyogyaBZati Klinikaja. (BLOOD COAGUIATION eff. of electric current on in vitro cougalation. relation to develop. of thrombosis in inj. (Hun)) MECTRICITT, eff. on blood coagulation In vitro. relation to develop. of thrombosis in inj. (Hun)) KEIZZM, Miklos, Dr.; CSEPIAX. Gyorgy, Dr. Tonofibrils and intereallular fissures in surviving intact and pathologi- cal epidermis. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 12 no.1-2:11-15 Feb-Apr 58. 1. A PecBi Orvostudomanyi Bgyetem Bor- es Hemikortani Klinikajanak kr-;.lemerqe. Igazgato: Dr Melczer Miklos egyete-mi tanar. (SKIN, anat. & histol. tonofibrils & intercellular fissures in normal & pathol. epidermis (Him)) r-,,i-XF-iRPTA MEEDICA See 13 Vol 13/2 Dermatology Fab 59 347. TONOFIBRI14S AND INTERCELLULAR FISSURES IN SURVIVING NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL SKIN - 111mrostok ds aejtk6zi hdzagok a W1616 Op 6s kdras epidermisben - Me Icze r M. and Caeplilk G. A Pecst Orvostudo- - Re--- fnanyi Egyetem Bor-es 1Wo--rU-nTXjjn., Pecs - BORGY6GY VENER. SZLE 1958, 34/1-2 (11-15) Illus. 3 kAk'Efu-m MEDICA See 13 Vol 13/2 Dermatology Feb 59 466. SPECIFIC HENIAGGLUTININS IN SERUM AND SPINAL FIXID OF PATIENTS WITH PENIIII(IGUS AND DURNIATI'l IS HERPETIFORNIIS - -AMelezer N. anti VAsArhelyt P. Dept. of Dermatol., Univ. of 134cs - ,N(:T-i'V-D-E7R--Nl-.--VENEREOL. (Stockh.)1958, 38/3 (190-207) Tables 3 Illus.2 In 23 cases or pemphgus anti in 14 cases of dermatitis herpetiformih the b*,,,,A sera contained an agglutinating factor against the hullous and spinal fluid of the same patients. 'rhe indirect haemagglutination test in these cases gave over 9W16 positive results. In homologous tests employing iso-sera from patients with P. ( 16 cases) against spinal fluid from other patients with P. (32 cases) positive results were obtained in 57.5116, while similar tests against bullous fluid vielded positive results m86%. InagrOLII)of dermatitis herpetiformis cases thesera were tested with homologous D.H. antigens. In the spinal fluid the authors observed in 72.2% a positive reaction, with bullous fluid. however, only 33%vielded positive results. In cross agglutination tests between P. and D. FL materials the haernagglutitiation elicited in high incidence positive results, indicating that the two disorders are related or identical. Using P. sera and as antigens bullous or spinal fluids of D. Ii. patients the IIA tests have given frequently positive results. The former ex - erted in 87.5% and the latter in 61.12% a positive reaction. Inversely tested D. H. sera against bullous and spinal fluid of P. cases showed positive results in 55.5% and 70.530fe, respectively. Antibodies in the sera of P. and D. H. patients against P. and D. 11, material can be measured, in vitro, by adsorbing the antigen onto washed sheep red cells and using such antigen coated corpuscles with the P. and D. It. patients' serum in a haem aggi ut mat ion test. HumanO, Rh negative red cells proved to be unsuitable for these studies. According to the agglutinin absorption and haemagglutination inhibition tests the antibodies demonstrable in the sera from P. and D. H. canes are not auto-antibodies produced by the affected skin. Spinal nuid from patients with P and D. H. has antigenic properties. This conforms to the authors* earlier view that pemphiguis and dermatitis herpetiformis are identical or related viral diseases of the CNS. MRIDUR, Miklos, Dr. Car present stand on the infectiouB origin of t-=ors. Orv. hetil. Q9 no.43:1491-1486 26 Oct 58. (NNOTASMS, etiol. & pathogen. . viruses. present concept (Hun)) ter- EXCERP'TA YEDICA Sec 13 Val 13/10 Dermatology Oct 59 2713. EARLY RECOGNITION OF TVIELANOBLASTONTAS - Zur frOlizeitigen Erkermung von Melanoblastomen - INI e I c z e r N . and K i s s J . Urlv. - Kl-.n. Mr Haut- und Geschl.-Krankh-7-PTs _-D ERM AR) LOGIC A 113.~iel) 1958, 117/4 (242-252) After summarizing the usual but unsatisfactory procedures for an carly diagnosis of the malignancy of a melanoma, a report is given on an electrometri~ method that has been worked out and tried on numerous subjects. Not only malignant t ; .- thelial tumoura could be diagnosed but also the malignant cluinge of a meianorr- could be detected at the very beginning (in the basis of a lowering of the potenn... resistance, measured by a simple apparatus. In 465 persons with naevi plgnlent,'~. and 23 with juvenile melanoma, negative results were obtained, bw with 14 cam-., of melanomalignoma, 2 ot which were achromic, positive values were obtained M each instance. In one out of 4 cases of melanotic precancerous freckles, irl which a lowering of resistance suggested the beginning of a malignant change, histologic- al examination revealed an actual malignant change. The procedure is therefore also suitable for the diagnosis of the beginning of a malignant change, (XIII, 5, 16) EXCERPTA VIEDICA Sec 13 Vol 13/7 Dermatology July 59 1718. LECITHIN-TOLERANCE TESTS IN PSORIASIS PATIENTS - Lenth in- belastungsversuche bei Psoriatikern - Melczer N. and Bodzay i . Univ. -Klin. fdr Haut- u. Geschl. KrankK_.-P-,C_cs_DERM. WSCHR. 1958, 137/23 (608-611) Graphs 4 Changes in the blood serum after lecithin injection in 15 psoriasis patients and 10 healthy subjects are reported. The phospholipid metabolism was found to be dis- turbed in psoriasis, probably owing to retarded decomposition of the phospholipids in the blood. The reduction in the cholesterol level after lecithin-loading also points to a retarded lipid metabolism. When it is considered that the psoriatic foci are founded on a local phospholipid accumulation. it can be conclude-i thal, the dis- turbances in lipid metabolism demonstrated in psoriasis patients should not be re- garded as secondary changes. but should be accorded an actiological role. Gruber - Munich rl M3103R, Miklos Idmand grompacher's basal call carcinoma at the turn of the cantW7 and today. Orv. hatil. 100 no.11:382-387 15 Kar 59. 1. Az Orvoni Hatilap 100. evfolyama azamara. a exorkeaztoseg falkaresere irt tanulmany. (CARCINOMA, BASAL GNU discovery by Edmund Krompacher, hist. & modern con~- oapt (Ran)) - MELCUR, Miklos, dr.; HAM, Matild, dr. Changes in the cellular plasma protein oomposition in malignant neoplasms. MaMr onkol, 5 no-4:193~-198 D 161. 1. Pecsi Orvostudomanyi EVetem, Borg7ogyaszati Klinika. (NEOPULSMS metab) (PROTEINS metab) MLNER, ~tWos, dr-.; RAMAH, Ratild, dr.; KISS, Gyula, dr.; ROKA, Edit, dr. Data an regional, chronic and vegetating pyodermas. Borgyog:~. vener. szemle "A no.5-194,198 0 162. 1. A Pecsi. Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Borgyogya5zati Klinikajanak (igazgato: Melczer Miklos dr... egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (PYODEaIA) Hmmmt,-Mk:Los dr.; HAMAR, Matild, dr.; KISS, Cyula, dr.; ROM, Edit, dr. Data on the pathogenesis of IuM erythematomw. Orr. hetil. 103 n0.13: 581-584 1 Ap '62. 1. Fecal. Orvostudomanyi Zoatem, Borgyogyanzati Klinika. (LUPUS EUTHEMATOSUS etiol) VENKEI, T.; SHUGAR, Ya.[Sugar, J.]; KCVACH, Margit(Kovacs, Plargit], doktor [translator]; D'YENESH, Gea(Gyenes, Gezaj, doktor (translatorj~ MELITSER, MiklqshL?4elczer, Miklos], prof., nauchnyy red.; RAYKA, Eden(R~Jka, Odon], prof., nauchnyy red.; BERNAT, D'yerdl[Bernat, Gyorgy], otv. izdatell; ALEKSA, M.[Aleksza, M.1, red.izd-va; FARAGO, M., tekhn. red. (Malignant tumors of the skin; early diagnosis, patho- histology and treatment] Zlokachestvennye opukholi kozhi; ranniaia diagnostika, patogistologiia i lechenie. Budapest, Izd-vo AN Vengril, 1962. 341 p. (MIRA 16:11) (SKIN--CANCER) 1HUNG,A,RY -1 MELCZER, Miklos, PTA Medical University of Pecs, Dermatological Clinic CN-c-sl Orvostudomanyl Egyetem, Borgyogyaszati Klinika). "The Virus Theory of Malignant Tumors in the Light of Recent Investiga- tions." Budapest, Orvos.i Hetilap, Vol 104, No 29, 21 July 1963, pages 1345-1350. Abstract: The author presents a historical survey of the research con- ducted to determine the mode and extent of influence played by viruses in the development of leucoses and solid tumors of animals. The nature of the viindses, their multiplication and various theories on their role in the malignant changes of higher organisms are discussed in detail. The role and achievmants of electron microscopy in cancer research are presented. The article summarizes the more significant findings of a host of investigat6rs and discusses the problems extensively. 1 Eastern European, the rest Westorn references. h1j, Etiology aM pathogenesis of psoriasis vulgaris. Cesk.derm. 38 no.5:337-340 0 163. 1. Dermato-venerologicka klinika university, Pecs. - WLIDSR A.M. [WIder, It.], kand.oel'skokhozyaystvenzWkh nauk, casluzhanny7 -zootekbnlk Satonskay SSR Improving Flatonlan Reds. ZbIvotnovodstvo 21 no.3:57-60 14r 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Direktor Ratonakogn nauchno-tealodovatallskoer) inatituta zhivotno- vodstva t veterinarit. Olatonta-Cattle breads) MELIDER, A.Z* 311sthonian Research Institute for Animal Mwbandry and Veterinary medicine, 2L-udy TISY 23:358-359 159o (HIU 13 -- 10) (31sthonia-Vaterinary research) AA.T,:A, A.; 'ILIMM, L. [1-181dor, L.1, kand. t6khri. nauk Interaction between lffv. *-J~* Est. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk 13 no.1:10-14 164 2 1. Polytechnical Institute of Tallin. 1. C01-r'-7','Cl'~i`:i~ of thQ Academy of Sc-.ences (-C Lile Estoniar. S.S.F. Aar-;,a). LA.PI"*ZKAYA, 0.1.; SAVELIYEV., A.P., MEL'DER, N.A.; MOLOCHNIKOV, I.M. Techn.'cal and economdc comparison of the pyrolysis of various hydrocarbon raw stock. Trudy BashINIJ NP no.7-169-174 164. (MIRA 17:9) ~9038-~66 EINP (t,' ACC NRs Ap6ol8293 IJP(c) ATIJD ~e*"Y" SOURCE CODE: PO/O047/65/oi6/oo6/O7Ol/O7i4 AUTHOR: Meldizon, Jerzy ORG: -Department of Experimental Physics UMCS, Lublin (Katedra Fizyki Doswi~dczalnej UMCS); Institute of Physics, Medical Acadamy, Lublin (Zaklad Fizyki Akademii Medycznei) TITLE: Metal sputtering SOURCE: Postepy fizyki, v. 16, no. 6, 1965, 701-714 TOPIC TAGS: ionization phenomenon, sputtering, ion bombardment ABSTRACT: The author reviews the literature on metal sputtering and gives some of the principal formulas for factors relating to quanitative calculations of this process such as the sputtering factor defined as the ratio between the number of atoms! emitted by the metal and the number of bombarding ions~,,and the ion threshold energy, i. e. the lowest ion beam energy neces`FUY_7o_r_'1'_n1T`=iating sputtering in a given target. There is also a brief review of the literature on the relationship between the number of atoms emitted from the metal and the angle of departure. The effect which the angle of incidence has on the sputtering factor is discussed and curves showing this relationship are given for iron and copper. Sputtering of single L :?903S--66 ACC NR, Ap6ol8293 crystals is considered and the theory underlying the sputtering process is outlined. Ion sources and other equipment are discussed together with some practical appli- cations of the sputtering process. Orig. art. has: 10 figures, 7 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ UrH REF: 018 M!" I E, c Fii un cni ' is to -- u dl r c U- r in i Z, T- 189 - - 19. 3 KELEDZHAY-EVA., Im. A. Gamasid mites (Parasitifor-mes, Gamasoidea) In southeastern Turk- menia. Izv,AN Turk.-SSSR. Ser.blol,nauk no. 6:812-83 163. (MIRA 17-5) 1. Institut zoologii i parazitologii AN Turkmenskoy SSSR. 1,2LM'.R, I. K. INMLMJ~, I. K. - "Influence of Variable Axial Forces on Transverse Vibrations of Bars and Plates. Latvian State U, 1954 (Dissertation for the DeE7ee of CbLndi.iate of Technical Sciences) SO: Izvestiva Ak. Nauk Latyiy9koy. 55R, No. 9, Sept., 1955 SOV/ 124-58-8-9093 Translation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 112 (USSR) AUTHOR: Melder, I.K. TITLE: The Free Transverse Vibrations of a Slightly Bent Bar (Svo- bodnyye poperechnyye kolebaniya vypuchivshegosya stcrzhnya) PERIODICAL-. Uch. zap. Latv. un-t, 1957, Vol 10, pp 71-80 ABSTRACT: Examining the vibrations of a slightly bent bar fastened at either end to a stationary hinged support and subjected to com- pression from an initial force SO' the author takes into account the reactive axial force. The approximate equation for the problem (wherein all symbols used are standard) EI a4 EF 2Ff -2Y)ZdxJ a-Y ax 0 (ax CIX2 through the substitution y (x, t) = H(t) sin wX card I/Z SOV/ 124-58-8-9093 The Free Transverse Vibrations of a Slightly Bent Bar reduces to the equation mH + aH3+ 6H= 0 which can be integrated in terms of elliptic functions. The author discusses the nature of the free vibrations that occur whenever 6>0(So P .). Calculated results are compared with experimental findings. e The considerable discrepancy between the two is accounted for by the fact that in the theoretical solution the factor of damping is not allowed for, V.V. Bolotin Card Z/Z AAUAF A.; MELDER, L. (Molder, L. I Separfttion of phenols by mean, of nonoethanolaadne', Izv. a Ist. SSR. Ser. fiz. mat. i taTch. nau3i 11 no./,:2/,3-252 162. (MMA 16: 1) 1- TallinskiY Politekbnicheakiy institut, 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Estonskoy SSR (for Aarna). (Ethanol) (Phenols) POLAND _ _Y~~I~DIZ . _ _qj_j"ay I.Dept. of Experimental Physics,, Marie Curie-Sklodowska Univ. (Katedra Fizyki Doswiadozainej UMCS), Lublin; 2. Dept. of Physics, Lublin Medical Academy (Zaklad Fizyki Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie) Crakow, PosteRy fizyki, No 6, Nov-Dee 1965, PP 701-714 "Metal cathode sputtering." I IBLIDIRIS, A. 36(81., I~ejt~~j~ A, Cprede~enf~.-e si~m-..etrich=,~kh sostavl_ya.,rushchik-h nesi-r-rietr4c'morc nappyazlheniya (trekhfa~nar-,C, toka). !.ehen. ~a,--isl.i I's. un-7), "le'll-Nin, T. 1, 10,49, c. na latysh. yaz---Biblic;~r L" razu v SO: Letoris' Zhurnallyrflth Statey, ol. 50, Xosk-.'a, 1949 M&LIDRIS i. I. *,'LIDRIS A. 1. - "Certain Problems Connected with the Selection of Equipment for Thermal Electric Stations." Latvian State U, 1947 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences) SO: Izvestiya Ak, Nauk Latviyekoy, SSR, No. 9. SePt-, 1955 L Ya. V. xul Y--. V, -I-elec "Detcn--*nat-ion of tlic Yolecula of f: Fo--.,,.erl !:~ 5L-I-cranrt -'t U-10 zetl x, Styrene '.c Pr-o:7c-c,-- o-- of -1 Len-i-E-i-ad uo-Lu--al of' PrTsica-l Che--4sti7,,, l-,-201, Febru :-Y !~~50 '3S A 'AILICILZ 3M80 S/16 62/000/003/005/012 B 111 YB 112 AUTHORS: Vavilov, B. T., Verdiyev, IL. A., Goncharova, N. G., Grigorlyev, V. I., Meledin, G. V. TITLE: Quantum field theoretical investigation of multiple processes PE'RIODICAL: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 3, 1962, 46-59 TEXT: ~Multiple production of n-mesons in n-N,y-N, N-N, and n-TL collisions is studied and the corresponding graphic renormalization equations are given. The mathematical structure of the theory is similar to that of the Tamm-Dankov method. It differs only in that the.infinite system of equations does not break off, but a solution being reached through a reduction of the Propagation function and on other assumptions. Proceeding from the Tomanaga-Schwinger equation i -4 U H(x)U fop 6a [ala 01 - aol where U(ijpnmpkl) U > UPC 0i Card 1/5 01 ii,nm,kl I S/18 62/000/003/005/012 Quantum field theoretical ... B I 11 Y13112 U(ij,nm,kl) is the transition matrix for a graph with i, n, k inconfing, and J, m, 1 outgoing boson, fermion and antifermion lines, respectively. For U~ij nz) it is established that 0i In n (j(1j.nn0 = PA.) d4z U n U (Po F1 %(4) ('P') H T(-) cp') X ~% Run X Q(Ijnm) eX .p nM where Qf'j' is a coefficient function,for the individual collisione, as determined from the graphs. This method offers the advantage that summation does not necessitate all graphs being written explicitly ad in the perturbation theory. Since a closed solution is impossible, the procedure is simplified by disregarding the production of nucleon-, antinucleon pairs in the intermediate and final states,. disregard-Ing spin effects, and assuming low energy in the mesons produced. In addition, scalar and pseudoscalar mesons with scalar interaction are Card 2/5 S/16 62/000/003/005/012 quantum field theoretical ... B111YB112 stud-i.ed. Folio-ging the determination of (ij,nm) for the n-N, ~-N collisions the probability in W" nI (2r)4 dIp d1l, Q(In.11) I* x 2EP 2k,, X 6 (E, + k., + 'k P is obtained by insertion into (4) where P,k i is a fQur-momentum of the final particles. The integral in (8) is the "generalized phase integral" which, for N-N and n-n collisions has similar shape. ItB calculation ia illustrated for n-N collisions. For N-N collisions, similar considerations as for ji-N collisions, give Wn- (gm)2, n2 n/2 n I.Cz-- i )2n-1 2.v- L(n + 1)1]2 (2n - I)I Card 3/5 5/188/62/000/003/005/012 Quantum field theoretical... B111/B112 where z Sq. For Ti-TE collisions the interaction is brought about by a m 4 nucleon-antinucleon pair (a term 'k 1P being added in the interaction Hamiltonian). If meson scattering only is considered, this influences them multiplicity only slightly. The angular distribution tend's to higher isotropy in the presence of meson interaction. For the angular distribu- tion of relativistic mesons in N-N collisions dn(g) I and for the dG sin39 energy distribution + k 2 2 , 2 2 dn (k) + 1n. k + k dk 2 4kt,3 ( ,,~ - k Summary of the results for multiplicity: Card 4/5 s/16 62/000/003/005/012 quantum field theoretical... B111 Y3112 (g Vl- z 3 2. 4 M R W2,rn.,P), Ti, n.-Iv nT-N - Ec IL Ec 113.5 21A EC 21L No qualitative agreement could be found between the iormulas and the experiment. There are 5 fiCures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektrodinamiki i kvantovoy teorii (Department of Electrodynamics and Quantum Theory) SUB.-IITTED: July 18, 1961 Card 5/5 / C-7 i ~..- - ", 1. .-- V - 4".. .1 ;- I"/ I I :!/! - -~N /. I J-.- 0 - ~ I I; / 'I - Aj ZAGNIBORODOVA, Ye.N.; IMUBAYEV, E.B.,RElff-PNNIKOVA, T.N.; I-ZLED-MAYEVAP M.A... I Fleas in the K4ra K= Carial region. Vop.kraov.paraz.Turk.SSR 3:235-238 162. 0-aRA 1o'.,4) (KARA M WAL REGION-FLEAS AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) SARKANY, Tamas; MARGITTAI, Pall MELEG, Jozsef; FOKA5, Elemer Linear problems of microwave connections: alsol remarks by P~Jfargittaij J.Keleg, and E.Fokas. Muszaki kozl MTA 26 no.1/4:35-53 6o. (USA-I 9: 10) 1. Tavkozlesi Kutato Intezet (for Sarkany) (Radio) (Microwaves) Torvomyseki Orvo.,it,,,n-i Int,-7,(Annek kozpon-ti idegrendzser szDvettani elv;itoza3ai Icigerleti Uirila-~chloridllle Lei, Hittological changes in the CNS ~ue to biriwi. chloT-i.-;e T:()isor-iin--- Orv. Heti-1. 1951-0, acute or c-ronic poisoning %,as produ ed in rr~.bits 1y 0-05 q. and 0.:)05 to 0_-)l respectively, per kg. body weight. The survival time in acute Poisoning was 140-150 minutes and 98 to 193 days In chronic poi,3oning. Changes ol,,tierved in thl- ,nd n,-i*vt, were -ttributeri to the direct action of ixriwii. IA-z31cna of the lwfiln~, uanj_-jionarion find )us "u,.-si, 'haiaiius ani multi-formis were observed mainly in the !.eri~'Poral gre.a. The cor-, hy-othalamus. ifferior corpora quadrigemina -,.nd the nnteri, r horms in the lol,;er segment of the cord were also involved tut neuronal chan~-eq riot ch--,r~r-ristic. The chan;res due to small doses deserve narticular fittention 'Lecause thp3e dos-s were s,.,.aller than the thera-.,eutic doses used when b, riu;-, chloride is substitute-1 for Kellner-Del,,!-ecan (V, 2, F) SO: Neurolog-j ~,r Psychiati-j Section VIII, Vol. 4, No. 1-6 rA Central flary"s Sys, Want cW A t ai, and B. NNIMM( WT. o betrad chisaddel '96 8 5 L ifigng.). Virchow's Arch. palkall. Add. . P4ysW. I 11IM 15 953 6: ".4 VO , ~ - )(In German).-The subcuUu inj an 0 an aq. sofa. of BaCI2 at 0.05 g,/kg. acute Ap)JtJgi'OaJ. cheadstry with death aftek 2-2.5 hrs. Chronic poisoning was achlei ~b~, the injection of Ans. at 0.01, 0.002, and 0.005 Ct thi I ki d Abbi i ~ ser t9 n es were lle at 98-193 days. HWdc ical Radings in tile central nervanq system am desermw. ivi E LE C, 14E- Ucka ~- "tj&LAx4iA If CATEGORY Chemical Technology. Chemical Products &nd Their Applications. Food Industry. ABS. JOM RMQdn., No 17, 1959, No. 625913 .V TITU Now Method of Preseving Kefir Fungi OFIG. PUB. Rev. ind. aliment. prod. animale, 1957, No 8-9, 16-17 ABSTEWT Kefir grains were frozen at -180 to -280 and stored at -18 for a oeriod ranging from 24 hours to 9 months. The frozen grains, &dmixed with boi- led milk, and then cooled to +18, became active in 10 to 20 days. -- A. M&rin. Card: 1/1 tIEqP4I j.,. F, # TECFNOLOGY Periodical: REVISTA I.FTDUSTRIEI ALD-STITARE. PRODUSE AN IYALE. No. 1, 1958. MELEGHI, E., Powdered buttermilk; a dietetic milk product for infants. p. 23. Monthly List cf &,-at European Accession (EKAI), LC., Vol. 89 110. 3, March 1959, Unclass. PT,T,,~i,NIA /C;he.-,--'c-31 Tc;c"i-.olog 17. Clhuoical Products and I 1'-5 T -h (-., "r Aj.) 1. i c i t 1 , n 3 .Y(D,)d I-if'Auqtr:T. Abs Tour: Ref /Z~-.ur-l himi-ra, O'o 3, !(~59, 104-1. Al-it!-= : CliintP-3CII, G., 7:1. Inst : Not :-iven. T i t : stu(!J.~--s on, Er,ifitiction of Dry Or,*-!z Pub: Lucrarilo Inst. c.:;rcetari ~:li-lunt. 2) 22-11-226. Abstract: The basic sta,-,us o' t~,,~ tuc~inolo-:icall -,jr,)ccss are establishod. o-l(' a .hat condonseu mil,,, of I . C, C) -.(j7 doi~,91t.- by 0.1'", Str. lactis at ?18-60o for 16-1~~ hours pro- duc~,;s a t"in dls~~3rsion of ca.3o-'n and a norr-L,31 iDCrUOSE), ir, dC?"it'j. Good results aro )btainod Li ---lira.-[ uryi,,,(,. of a so-to-,,,hat cordensu~ft ed ~Iilk. Aut;icrls aLstc;ict. Card 1/1 RLTWTIA / Che~iical Teclmolo;~y. C'L-,~~iicai Prodt,.cts ~,nd H-28 Thoir icqt! ons. Food Irn,]Ii.,,stry. Abs Jour: R~f Zhur-MhL.,iva) 3l 1959, 1C044. ~.utlor To, ia) C. ; 7' n ~. t- Not _,.iven. 2 4-t 1 Freezin3 cf K-fir Ycast. Pub: Lucrarile Tnst. c...,rc, t-ari ali~acnt. , 1' 2, 227-,:~33. Abstract: Thn, fos,-iibiliuy of ~zos6rvin,~ I.-_ofir vea-it by froe:Lin~~ was StU'Liud. It was estdl)lis i,~d t,at frozor k.-ifir yjast 3to-r.,d for ~ months at -130 can be easily activFtod. Lactic acid a~~ alco- hol f(-jr~,.,jntatioi, )rm_zucud by U;,,c; t'.aw6d k(,fir yeast b,)coEias n(-,ri-.Lil aft,.i' 10-12 days. kuthorl s abstract. Card 1/1 U " LAN Lk Ct o-mical -ec:~iio 7~,ei r '19~)'), I c 7 ev iiA ELI i-ent n i m I e r, c', 4 F-, '!-.e -j rod-ic 10T. 0 f or i cl-_eose e!n7lolfp~~' iT', It -~rr, ~Cecl f r o- r n" I s em C. V u, -i-rc c-1 t-.,re, or,~- d#-tails f th c c ~. I t ii rp T)r Pna rL