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SPIZ11ARSKIY. T.H.. red.: TOISTIKHIKA, H.A.. red.; RODYLEVSKIY. V.I.. red.; BOCH, S.G., red.[deceased], VASILENKO, V.K.. red.; DODIN. A.L.. red.; DOMRACHEV, S.K.. rod.; KRASHOV, I.I., red.; PHRiKO, V -S& red.; M111M. V.V., red.; NIKIFOROVA, 0.1., red.; COB red.; RZHCNSNITSKAYA, M.A., red.; ROSTOYTSEV. N.N., red; SAKS, V.N.. red.; SARTCHEVA, T.G., red.; FOMICIER-1, V.L.. red; CHEMSHEVA, N.Ye., red.; YAKOVLEV. S.A., red.; RAGINA. G.M., veduFihchiy red.; YASFICHURZHINSKATA. A.B., [Proceeding of the Interdepartmental Conference on the Development of a Unified System for the Stratigraphy of Siberia; reports on the stratigraphy of Mesozoic and Gainozoic deposits] Trudy Mezhvedomstven- nage soveahchanlia po razrabotke unifitsirovannykh stratigraficheskikh skhem Sibiri; doklady po stratigrafii mezozoiskikh i kainosoiskikh ot- lozhenit. Leningrad. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnol lit-ry.' Leningr. otd-nie, 1957. 575 P. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Rezhv6dometvennoye soveshchaniye po razrabotke unifitairovannykh stratigraficheBk-ikh akhem Sibiri. Leningrad, 1956. 2. Vaesoyuznyy geologicheskiy nauchno-iasledovateliskiy institut (for Spizharkk-iy, Tolstikhina, Boch, Dodin. Krasnov. Keleshchenio. Nikiforove, Rostov- tsev, Yomichev, Chernysheva. Yakovlev). 3. Leningradskiy gornyy Insti- tut (for Bodylevskiy). 4. Voesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-isaledovatell- skiy geologo-rezvedochnyy inatitut (for Vastlenko, Domracbev). 5. Geolo- gicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (for Meaner). 6. Taboratoriya dokembriya Akademii nauk SSSR (for Obruchev). 7. Institut geologii Arktiki (for Sake). B. Faleontologicheekty institut Akademil nauk SSSR (for Sarycheva) (Siberia--Geology, Stratigraphic) SPIMIARSKIY, T,-N.- red.; BODYLEVSKIY, V.I., red.; BOCH, B.G., red.; VASILMO, V.K., red.; DODIN. A.L.. red.; DOMCHEV, S.M., red.; KRASNOV, I.I., red:; HHUSHCEONKO, V.S., red.; MOM. V.V., red.; HIKIFOROVA. 0.1., red XBW--C-M---,-5--.-f. -,red.; RZHOIIMIITSKAYA, N.A.. red.; ROSYOVTM. H.H d.; SMS. T.N., red.; SARYCHEVA, T.G., red.; FOHICHEV. V.D., 0%C red., HARNYSHEVA, N.Te., red.; TAKOVLET, S.A., red.; SKVORTSOV, V.P.. red.izd-va; PENIKOVA, S.A., [Decisions of the Interdepartmental Conference on Making Unified Stratigraphic Charts of Siberia) Reshenila Mashvedonstvennogo sove- shchaniia po razrabotke unifitairovannykh stratigraficheakikh akhem Sibiri. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-r7 po geol. i ol-hrane nedr, 1959, 91 p. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Kezhvedomstvanneye soveshchaniye po razrabotke unifitairovannykh stratigraficheskikh skhem Sibiri, Leningrad, 1956. (Siberi,n-C-eology, StratigraTihic) MAYMINA, L.G.; - - LO, V.S.; TAROV, E.N. Middle Devonian Azyrtal series in the Minusinsk Basin. Inform. sbor. VSEGII no.6:55-61 159. (MIRA 13:12) (Minusinsk Basin-Geolog7, Stratigraphic) l,'ELE-11 t ",.I!. - i. I I MO V.S.; - "'A"OVO T a -'n-, on *;or:lers. G,~oj. i -,eofiz. no.11:12- 95 '60. A 14: :-') 1. Vseso,,-.znyj naucXic-is --edovatclls',.i,.,- in titut, LeninCrad. 0 , lo -- -, Structural) MELESHCHEWjp-V*S,%; YANPVw E.N.; KASAKOVp,.I.N. gesic tectonic characteristics of the Sayan-Altai folded area. Mat. VSEGEI no.32:5-21 060. (MIRA 14:3) (Sayan Mountains-Geology, Structural) (Altai Mountains-Geology, Structural) -*N MELES4,CHUK, B.. kapitan-laytonant, slushatell. Uoing the critical angle method in manoeuvering. Hor.flot. 19 no.4:10-11 Ap 159. (MIRA, 12:6) 1. Voyanno-Morskaya akademi3ra imenj Krylova. Olavigation) DEKHTYARENKOv PJ (Kiyov)l KOZUBOVSKIYp S.F. (Kozubovalkyl, S F.) Kiyev~; MRIESHEV: A.M. (MLelisshav, A.M.I (Kiyev); RAYKHMAN, ;.R. Myev) Elac$ronic differentiating network for automatic measurement of rolling speed. Avtomatyka no.2t63-68 f62. (KIRA 15:5) (Pulse circuits) (Rolling mills) (Automatic control) KUNTSEVICH, V.M. [Kuntse.-iy,~;,, SlFeTU',~FIY B.K. LSveta-l'alkyi, B.K.]; .1 MELE, ShEV, A..',. -, " - :, 1. .: . I I A.F. [Chernysh, O.F.) Improved controlier for optimum speed regulation in river craft. Avtomatyka 8 no.5:84-89 '63. (MLA 17-1) L - L)-246-5=61-- (d)/M(v)/ k)JSeLh)/EWP(l) FACEC-_ ~._~_018w SOURCE CODE: UB/0102/66/000/003/0015/0023 AUMOR: Pavlov, V. V. (Kiev); Melyeshev, A. M. Meleshev, A. M. (Kiev) ORG: None TITLE: Compensation of perturbations and autonomy of infinite-dimensionELI systems SOURCE: Av-tomatyka, no. 3, 1966, 15-23 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control theory, computer simulation, analog computer, auto- matic control system 1~ ABSTRACT: The authors study the problem of synthesizing control systems which would insure autonomy and invariance of a finite number of degress of freedom for infinite-dimensional objects. An ordered system of equations is given for an in- finite-dimensional object treated as a finite-dimensional controller. Expressions are given for the control organs of an invariant system. The system was simulated on an analog computer. It is shown that invariance may be produced with the aid of a finite-dimennional object If certain conditions are maint(Lined. An example ia given of the control system of an elastic object consisting of a uniform beam with a tracking force at its end. It is further shown that the coordinates characteriz-, ing the motion of the center of mass of the object do not depend on the coordinates Card l/ L 02465-67 Acc Nits Ap6o1801T of the elastic vibrations of the object under conditions of invariance. Figures are given showing the reaction of the system to stE-pwise control with a rigid object, an elastic object, and an elastic object where invExiance conditions are maintained. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 14 formulas. suB comil suBm DATF.: o6Apr65/ ORIG REF: oo8 C-d 0 ho at7vi---,kaya'_ ZLgeli-i n$ V_ es bk i~ihe tbe,---_'df f ddt--- a 'au E d "i ~on-this_-Prdcfifis _~Folwe ion o i~vijiy thn rizat an -7- e t :Wvp efic, _e ati'o-n, Lex. 77" #67VI,~ H /0, Mc AID Nr. 9W-17 31 *Y EFFECT OF IONIZING RADIATION ON THE STRUCTURA!, CHANGES IN RUB- BER-PLASTIC SYSTEMS (USSR) Blokh, G. A. , V. A. Zhurko, M. A. Vyazankina, M. A. Vas'kovskaya, A. PMeleshevich V Bronshteyn, and&., V. Tsipenyu . Vysoko- v. 5, no. 4, Apr 1963, 605-613. S/190/63/005/004/019/020 Structural changes produced by ionizing radiation in doses of 1 to 100 Mr in rubber-plastic systems have been studied at the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology. The changes in properties were evaluated from ther- -momechanical curves in the range from about 60 to 220*C and from swelling data. The experiments were conducted with systems of sodium butadiene (CHB), butadiene- styrene (CHC-30), or rtatural rubber and low- or high-pres- sure polyethylene or polystyrene (rLbber:plaatic ratios', 80:20, 50:50, and 20:80) irradiated in air without heating. The thermomechanical curves of individual nonirradiated and irradiated systems differ sharply from one another. Card 1/2 AID Ur. 960-17 31 MMY MWM OF IONIMDIG RADIATION (Cont'd] 8/190/63/005/004/019/020 At a given temperature and radiation dose, network structure formation, in- dicated by a loss of deformability and by the absence of viscous flow, was shown to be induced by irradiation. The density of cross links in individual systems, determined by Flory's swelling method, was shown to increase with an increase of the dose and to depend on the nature of the rubber and the rubber - to- plastic ratio. In polymers containing phenyl groups radiation- induced structural changes proceeded slower and required higher radiation doses. Analysis of the results of the study Indicates that ionizing radiation apparently causes a covul- canization of the rubber and the plastic and is accompanied by a change in the physical and mechanical properties of the system: a sharp decrease in plastici- ty, a decrease in swelling, and increases in hardneTs, tensile strength, and wear resistance. It is concluded that irradiation of combinations of rubbers and plastics in predetermined ratios makes possible the production of materials with the desired improved properties. [BA01 Card 2/2 BLOKH, G. A.; ZHURKO, V. A.; TSIPEF.YUK, E. V.; BEIDLOSOVA, E. A.; MEgPIf~yNg, A. F.; VASIKOVSKAYA, M. A. Radiation vulcanization of rubber compounds for soles. Kozh. obuv. prom. 5 no. 12:18-22 D 163. (MIRa 17:5) CHEREYYUK, I.P.; BLOKH, G.A. [Blokh, H.A.1; MELESHEVICH, A.P., doktor khim. nauk - Effect of ionizing radiation on the properties of -esinous vulcanizates of isoprene rubber. Khim. prom. [Ukr.] no.3: 6-8 JI-S 164. (MIPJ~ 17:12) Peb-~ -RFL 6/0073/65/031/00110C -i yt ik A- :,Ace,, ~a -Aci& am' n at y - 4acr ., - f, -. - - madi-a-l, ven S vza~ band I l CH- CH HINCHMIKO, Yu.I.; ULIBERG, Z.R.; PRIKHODIKO, G.P.; IVANOVA, Ye.I.; KABAKCHI, A.M.; MELESHEUGH,-A.F.; NATANSC14, E.M. Effect of r-irradiation on the atructure of epoxide resin and metal polymers based on It. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no. 11t 1164-1-167 165 (MIRA 19tl) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khiaii imeni Pisarzhevskogo AN UkrSSR I Institut obshchey I neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. 6~-68 164. MMSHAVICH, A.T., vrach-onkolog Slimination of the rigidity of the abdominal vall in palpation. Zdrav.Belor. 6 no.2:55-56 7 t60. (MIRA 13t6) 1. Iz Grodneuskogo oblonkodispaneera (glavuyy vrach T.A. Pantyu- shchenko). (ABWMIU) S/120/60/000/02/045/052 E14V .A?5 AUTHORS: Makarov, Yu.V. and MeleshLV,-,,.1-Vfl TITLE: Light Pulse PERIODICAL: 1~ribory i Pp 154 - 155 Generator for Photomultiplier Testing tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No 2, (USSR) ABSTRACT: An instrument is described employing a neon lamp and a thyratron for generating short light pulses at repetition rates of 50 - 250 cps. The scatter is about 0-15%. Dispersion is absent. There are 4 figures and 2 references, I of which LS English and 1 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITTED: March 31, 1959 Card 1/1 ICLESHEVICH, A.V. Case of two teratomn of the ovaries. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.2; 71-72 F163. OAMA 16.7) 1. Iz Grodnepskoy oblastnoy bol IrLitay (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhannyy vrach BSSR S.G.Dulayev) I Grodneaskogo oblastnogo onkologiches- kogo dispansera (glavnyy vrach T.A.PantyuBhenko). (OVARIES-ABNORMITIES AND DEFOR14ITIES) M=HlYi, S.M., kand. teklm.. nuuk; I Ve".14'' 1V , 7.A., inzh. Ways of expanding iron nn in the U.').S.h,, Shakht. ztrol.. 8 no-5:1-4 My'64 (MI RA 17:7) 1. Gooplan WR (for ~'. C-osudars-tvennyy kom*tO'. K chernry i tsvetnpy metallUrgii I--- Gosplane I:i ."qSR (for TV 0 SHURIN, S.P.; CIIASOVSKIKII, G.G.; MIKHAYLOVA, L.P.; GPIGORIT."O', Yu.A.; MELESHIN, S.V. Effect of heparin on cells oC mqlignant tumor in tissue culture. Biul. eksp. biol. i tried.. 57 no,3:85-88- Mr 164. (M IRA 17: 11) 1. Novosibirskiy meditsiriskiy institut. ?redstavlena (ieystvitell- nym chlenom At-III SSSR N.N. Zhukovym-Verezhnikovym. MELESHIN, V. A. 4.587. vjUMajq, V. A. proizvodstvo masla nepreryvno-potochnym sposobom. pod. red. V. I. Sirika. m., pishcheprcmizdat, 1954. 96 S. a ill; U. chert 22 Sm. (M-vo prom-sti rqasnykh i molocbyiykh produktav SSSR, tekhn. upre otd. takhn. Informatsii i izobretate is va. obfnen peredovym tekhn. opytom). 8.000 ekz. 1 r. 85 ko_L5_1 0 p 664-972-3:655-561 SO: Knizhnaya Letapis', Vol. 1, 1956 ACC NRt A1,7006031 SOURCE CODE: UR/0292/66/ooo/o1o/ooo4/ooo6 ~ZLVESHIN, V. I. (Engineer) Starting Regime of a Two Phase Motor with Hollow Rotor and Pulse Control" *Moscow, Elektrotekhnika, No lo, 1966, pp. 4-6. AbGtract: Specific features of the startup regime of an asynchronous two-phase motor with hollow rotor and pulse control are presented. The torque of the motor is analyzed both with pulse-width and phase control. Relations are given for calculation of power in the windings. / Orig. art has 1 3 figures and 6 foimdw.: .LJPRS: 39,Y~7 1ORG: none !TOPIC TAGSt electric motor, electric engineering SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATC i none 0RiG Rs F: 003 Card UDC: 621931 A25~24,001,Z4 84682 ~(3,o o (103Yj // 3 9 S/0 51/60/009/00 5/002,101 E201/E19.1 AUTHOR: Meleshinal A,M. It TITLE: The Effect of Vib'fations c~n the Forbidden in a Molecule 10 "960, Vol.9, No 5, pF PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskoplya, I /_ e. TEXT: In the electronic spec.t:a of molecules there ara forbidden bands which appear due to the effect of atomi-~- ,?ibratloni or, the electron states, For example the 2600 1 band in t~~e 5pect-~um of benzene vapours, normally forbldJen, is due t: B9 + vibrations. The oscillator strength of this band was fi-:54t; ralculated by Craig (Ref. I' who ased the pertu-batior. theor-J. Sponer and Herzfeld (Ref.. 2)1 pointed out that Cralg's value wa:: in error and gave a new value for the oscillator st7ength ' assuming that the band at 2600 1 is affected by v,,li-ratLons ~-f 521 cm-1 wave-number. Sponer and Herzfeld'S riscillatc-'r strengtt' was 700 times smaller than the eXpeTlmenta.l N?al-uel, The p-~esa:ll author describes a new calculation of the osc.111at,:~r strength of the 2600 1 band, assuming that 7-. '-alect,ons are resp,:,nslt"-~ the transition (the calculation was -.arr ied out in the ~DTJe.. e' Card 1/2 84682 8/0 11:V(0/009/00 '1:'1OOL-:10.--q EAVE191 The Effect of Vibrations on the Foz-bikidar. Transi-orti !!i -~t M,:,! e (;Ul e approximation). Wave-func.tions were determineC.'. t-! 1rig S -.hrodinger I s equa tion and ii s I ng the B-, golyut-c-, -,- pa-- am-~ te: agreement with experiment was -,~btalne~'.. the r-ajr.i'Lat-3t was f = 1.3 x io-3, compared with the experimental f - 1.6 X 10- ~ The papei is entirely Th9oTet'.--:&'.. There are 5 references., 1 Soviet, .1 Englf.5h and -', Germ,.n, SUBMITTED; January 18, 1960 Card 2/2' i I, I p x I T1 i f I I I I i rl th " 1- 1 ki t ~-: in p I ( , ( "lo kJ tba t h f I 1 1) r o c) I I r t. rk rl f), I ti fy nil It t in I t4 t) r a t t t 1 n i ri c ti n tit m;it , , , - i , i rink s I ii t in -2 1-w i it 1- 1 n t h It in t. I for I F 11 N A) A A U I KAYEIV P L. P. Formation of complexes vith charge tranafer b7 frea radlcais. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.6;1434w~-1441 je 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Vorone2hokiy gosudarE;V,,iFjnnyy universitet. "A~'rt: Meleshina, A. M. S/,' )58/62/(*)GO/OOS/024/ 136 _PTTLjE, Calculation In adiabatic the ~-)Sr-.1jator strength of a forbidden electron I~Przu~n(' mo'lecuLe Pa,:r,-ODICAL: Refera-tivnyy zhurnal, Fizil~a, nc;. ("Tr. Voronezhskogo un-ta", i. T a-T The oscillator strength (f) oC t,,,e fcrhldderi line --,f lsenzene at C', )00 ~ has been calculated in adiabat,c approx1riiation. Tne -aI;_-,11ati'Dn is hased on the assumption that the C-i-electron is reSpcns'~,Le for the transition. T"he ~alcullation is made in one-electron approximatl,,n -isllng, the V,~I'.'.~enshteyn- _,~_-:)vinskiy model for benzene. ftheor i3 found to be -10-7, f.xperim '.6 .10-3. If Kov-ner's model is taken for tenzene, it is sho,.,.n that the theo- r-et.ical result will differ from the value of fthefrl found in the investigation, c,nl- by a factor of the order of unity. An appraisal hy the molecular orbital rn-_~-hod leads to about the same result. it is concl,ided from the large divergence between theoretical and experimental data that the adiabatl-, approximation Is a rd 1/ 2 -ale-ulation ir, adiabatic ... -58/62JOCC-/GC,6/024/'136 C6 I /A I 7 ' z~ ifted for oilc ilatIng the effv-t _f' rat trDn ~,tates. ye, ir_i7racter's ri_,te: rmpletp tr,an:3,laU(,r -ACCESSLON NR: AP4041751 S/0076/64/038/00611434/1441 AUTHOR: Meleshina A H Zalukayev, L. P. TIMLE: Charge transfer complex formation by free radicals- SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 38. no. 6. 1964, 1434-1441 It TOPIC TAGS: free radical, charge transfer complex, phenol, phenoxyl, !I quantum mechanics ABSTRACT: An attempt has been made to determine the possibility of the existence of a charge transfer complex in the phenol-phenoxyl system by quantum mechanical calculations. 'Phenol as selected be- cause of the absence of steric hindrance., The normal-state energy was calculated for a certain hypothetical distance between the phenol and the radical, and for a certain normal arrangement of the two I species. The following assumptions were made: 1) the benzene ring, energy does not change in all cases; 2) the energy of the complex is essentially determined by the Interaction between the hydrogen and the two oxygens 0. Card, 12 ACCESSION,NR: AP4041751 3) complex formation affects mainly the bond 01-H ... 02; the change in the interaction between COI and C02 will be disregarded; and 4) the possible sandwich structure of the complex will be disregarded.' Since the calculated nortqal-state energy of the complex was lower than the calculated energy of C6H50H + CGHSO' (i.e., in the absence of complex formation), it was concluded that formation of a molecule- radical charge tranKfer complex is possible. This work was.done at Voronezh State University. Orig. ar,t. has: 4 tables and "60 formulas. ASSOCIATION: VoronazhakLy gosudarstvenny*y unLversitet (Voronezh State University) SUBMITTED: O8Feb63 ATD PRESS: 3055 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: (1p, Ge NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 005 Co" rd 74 ~L 16073- AW kAi ~--AF`502 -078 --bl-I an'd Some: i4claaAites of. bavior of 0- -1 as compared to di Imethans--can be.satidtactor ly -wWlalfied the'--~ beniensiA pheny. - . ' . - ~j.-- . 16 IL" - a "iti rmatl b-6 lie has C.--l-Agures an4 6, formul MA 94.:. ar VB ~CODRJ-:Av SM114 DATSs., Rlgr.:: 4L3 an 41.i.' i% p VARSHAVSKIY9 V.I. X.V.,- TS?T1,1N, I.I.L. Automata behavior in periodical random media and the synchr oni zat! on .L problem in the pre-tence of nolLia. Probl. pernd. inform, 1 no.ls65-71 165. (MIRA 18s7) MEMHINA, V.A.; ZHELUDEV, I-S-; REZ, I-S- Application of the charged powder method to the study of the domain structure and morphological growth characteristics of triglycine sulfate crystals. Kristallografita-5 no.2-:322-323 Mr-AP 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Gl7cine) (Ferroelectric substances) TIELEESHINA, V. A., REZ) I. S., "Annealing of TGS Crystals" report presented at the Symposium on Ferroelectricity and Ferromagnetism, Leningrad, 30 May-5 June 1963 41cczssiox Niz. AP40306'54 AU-1,1011: Meleshin V.A.; Rez, I.S. 5/0048/G4/028/004/0735/0740 TITLEE-i Concerning the nature of the unipolarity of ferroelectric triglycine sul- fate AR-13port, Symposi= on Ferromagnotism and Ferroelectricity hold in Leningrad 20 May to 5 June 1969 SCURM AN SSSR. Izv. Ser.liz., v.28, no.4, 1964, 735-740 TOPIC TAGS: farroelectricity, unipolarity, unipolar anisotropy, ferroclectric uni- polar anisotropy, trilplycine sulfate, triglycine sulfate -mipolar anisotropy ABSTIV-CT: The effect of annealing in dry air at 3- to 1400C on the dielectric hys- tc,.esis and domain structure of naturally "unipolar" triglycine sulfate sinL-.le cry- stals was investigated, and the electrical conductivity of the crystals was measurod over the sane temperature range. The crystals were grown from seeds, some under la- boratory conditions and some under "semi-industrial" conditions. The "unipolarity" of the crystals consists of an asymmetric location of the dielectric hysteresis loop with respect to the field and polarization axes (unipolar anisotropy). It was found that a sufficiently protracted anneal at a temperature of 1100C or higher would com- Card 1/3 ICCESSION NR: AP4030654 platoly destroy the unipolar anisotropy. The tima required for this effcct was a matter of hours; it depended on the initial degree of unipolar anilsot~-o:)y a,-.6 (~':- crcased by a factor two w,,.en the anneal temperature was increased fro.;-. 112 to !-'COO. Application of an electric lield of the order o.' 10 IN/cia during t,ic anncalin~- "- duced the time required to remove the anisotropy by an order of magnitude. Anreal at 1050C (or at lower to;-aperatures) , with or without an electric fialld, ',.ad no ef- fect on the unipolar anisotropy. The resistivity of the crystals showed an anomalous temperature dependence within a narrow range (about 80) in the vicinity of 1100C. t t am .paratures above a,,d below this region the relation was 'ogarit:-,.-.ic, the acti- vation energy being 0.9 eV at the l9wer temperatures and 1.2 eV at the higher. Rows of etch pits (etchinz technique describod elsewhere) outlining tvia disloc~-.tions were observed on the (010) plane oA' the unipolar crystals. Anneal above 11COC did not affect these dislocations, but it did result in a reor-ganization of the do=ain structure and the appearance of domains of both signs. The domain st-.ucturo result- in.- from anneal in an electric field differed from that obtained wi".*io,,;", tae field. In the former case, the domains on the (010) plane were lenticular ind large. The doinains obtained by annealing without the electric field were small, elon4rat9d, and had sinuous boundarios. It is sulgostad that tho offeat of Anatidling an the unL- 2/3 Card 'ACCZSSION XR: AP4030654 polar crystals may be due to a redistribution of point defects. 2 form,ulas and 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBYI=D.. 00 DATE ACQ: 30APr64 ENCL: 00 S UB CODE: 124 NIR REF SOV: 003 QrdER-. 003 Card 3/3 rol, Cr ACC mR, APGO13002 (A) CODE: UP/0073/f5/031/011/1164/1167 A U71 ~ i Oil :Khimche0r), Yu. 1. Z. P. Jri~hrd'ko, C. P.; IW-no-1-1, Ye. T. Y,1bd),rhi, A. M. ; Meloshevich, A. P. Vatanrnn , L. M. In:,tituff, Cf Plly~,ical Chemistry iia. 1_ *.'. Pi-ir-i,ov-,r ~,, ~.N i:*_1-! :i'R (In!;ritut fizicheskoy khimii M Ukr53F) TILE;. Effect of ganna irnidiat.ion -on the, structure of epoxy resin and ipetallopoly- Mel's based on epoxy resin SOURCE : Ukrainskiy khimirhoskiy zhurnal, v. 31, no. 11 , 1965, 1164-1167 0FIC TAGS: Famma irradiation, irradiation effect, epoxy plastic, metallopolymer material A7~STRACT: Infrared specfru-.cnj,y in the rarYge of 600-2000 cm was used to determine th e CF f Qc tof Co gama radlotion on ED-5 epoxy-diane resinsi and an metallopolymers fromn these resins 'con'tainin,, .1 uid (A copper and 5% lead. In-the r--.-;ins, a new band (corre!; pond Ing, to cirl,onyl groui)5) was fotind at about 1720 cm I which increased sub- rtantially in intensity as the imadiation was contintled. At the same time, the inte- gral intensity of' the 915 cm-' b-ind decreased. This is thought to be due to the opening of epoxy rings with the formation of carbonyl groups: UDC: 621.039.55 Card 112 . ! ACC NR, AP6013882 -CH-CHI CI 13--C1 I- -C-Cffl-cl I,-c- + 0 A dose of 4-1018 rad was found to decreise the content of epoxy groups by 23-251 in the ED-5 resin. Introduction of colloidal copper and lead leads to a greater reduct- ion in the number of epoxy groups (40% for 1% copper, 55% for 6% copper, and 60% for 5% lead). This suggests that during the irradiation, the colloidal metals cause an increase in molecular weight at the expense of the opening of epoxy rings. Orig. art., has: 3 figures. SUBM DAM 30Jun64/ ORIG REF: 005 SUB CODE: 07 kk c NR, AP6024845 SOURCE COMI -2 AUTHORt X1 Sh i A. A.; Ullb Prikhod'ko G P Ivanovaq ochkov V. f p_ gun,__ erg, Z, R.; Ye. I.; Kabakchi., A. M.-; Itl _t2hevicfi, 1. P.;-ffa ~tansonq t;._ ORGI institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, AN UkrSSR (Infftitut obahchey I noorganiohaskay khinii AN UkrSSR) TITIZ I X-ray diffraction study of ED-5 epT~Wdian~!_ resin irradiated with C060 gamma rays and of metallopolymers based on i SOURCEI Ukrainakiy khimichaskiy thurnalp v. 32t no. 49 19669 366-370 TOPIC TAGS1 metallopolymer materialp opo.V plastiol resing irradiation effectj gama irradiation I ABSTRACTS The effect of gamma radiation on the molecular structure of ED-5 epov-- diane resin and motallopoiymerstlepare4~from it and c9ptaining from I to 6% copper aw 5% lead was studied by using a URS-50 diffractomoteiVand a scintillation method. The irradiation of purified unc3tred ED-5 resig and its mixtures with colloidal metals was carried out on a UK-70 000;Unit Wth a Co6O activity corresponding to 70 000 g-eq of Ra). A distinct structure appeared in the resin as a result of the irradiationt under the influence of the high-energy radiationp the highly dispersed copper was found to accelerate the ordering effect in the resin. An appreciable increase in the degree of orystallWty was produced by the irradiation in the binary system ED-5 + 6% ACC NRt copper. The combined Influence of gamma radiation and colloidal lead on the structur- ization of ED-5 and the Interaction of the latter with the metal were much less pro- nounced than in the oass of the system containing copper, Orig, art, hase 5 figwesp I tablev and 2 formulas. SUB COM 11/ SM DATZI OOJU64/ MM IWI 00/ OTH We 002 117-LESIEM-CH, 1. S. Meleshkevich, 1. 33. "Niethods of working the Fraz~s layer on flax soil before sowing." Acp.d Sci Belorussian SSR. Inst of Socialist A:-'riculture. Minsk, 1956. (Dissertation for the degree of Candidate in Agricilltural Sciences) VOW Knizhn-aya letcnis No. 15, 1956. Moscow MELESHKEVICH, I.S., kand. seltakokhozyaystvannykh nauk Preceding crops in grassland crop rotations. Zemledelie 6 no.9:21-26 5 '58. wIRA 11:9) (Rotation crops) (Flax) 11EIESIff =10H, 11. P. USSR/Medicine - TUberculosis, Diganosis Wicine - Sputum, r-k-ding Ion of Kay/Juri 48 "Clinic-al and Epidemlelogicid Significance of the OUpbacillary Condition," Prof 1. 1. Berlin. .5. Y.. Bergman, V. S. loselevich, M. P. Heleshkovich, re. Yu. Sabahina, Ye. H. Kilova, Moscow Oblast Sci Res Tuberculosis Inst, 9 pp QProblemy TuberkulazaP go 3 Report extensive observations on 108 oligobacillary cases. Studied gastric contents by floating method. Method is of considerable importance in the differential and diagnostic analyses of nonspecific and basic tubercular cases or those Ath accompanying tubercular condition. FA PA 7/49T69 ImF.SIm,ICH-"mW--P. . 1- -, - 11 . - .. '' IfTest for the Detecticn of Tuberculosis." Sub -B Jun 51, First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 55. I-SINSHUTICH, II.P., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; DASKOVSKAYA, T.O. Specific antituberculosis vaccination of students of the First Moscow Medical Inatitute(Order of Lani4 JI-Ag '55. (MI-RA 8:10) 1. Iz IMfedry tuberkuleza (zav.-prof. F.T.Shebanov) I Roskovskogo ordena, Lanina meditainskogo instituts. i Hoskovskogo oblastnogo nmicbno-isaledovatellskogo tuberkulaznogo instituta (zam.direk- tors. po nauchnoy chasti-prof. D.D.Aseyev) (BCG VACCUUTION scarification nethod with dry BCG) W F L IP4-5-14 k-& ~ ";c 'I-?-- / i, ; ~-' I SOUIN, LA., prof.; KELESHKRVICH, K.p..; GRINCILAR, A.N.; SOLDATOV. V.TV. Treatment of tuberculous meningitis in adults without subarachnoid injection of drugs (with summary in French]. Probl.tub. 34 no.5: 13-19 8-0 '56. (MIRA 10ill) 1. 1z meningitnogo otdalenlye d1la vzroslykh (zav. - prof. I.E. Sorkin) Goeudarstvennogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo institute tuber- kuleza Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (dir. V.P.Cherrqshev, zom. direktors oo nauchnoy obseti-prof. D.D.Aseyev) (TUBERCULOSIS, MEIIINGEAL, ther. streptomycin, without suberachnoid admin.) (STREPTOMYCIN. ther. use tuberc., meningeal, without subarachnoid admin.) BUSHOV. A.A.; TOSKOBOYNIK". V.N,; DUBINKO, T.P.; ILIMIN. F.I.; VMMUSEATA, F.L.; BUNCHUK, K.-J.; RTAMOKIT, L.N.; KARGOLIN. D.1.; S=INA* K.T., kand.ekon.nauk; WGARWICH, T.S.; KWWTA, T*Ao; KAT"OT.=p K*Do; 99. OOAG - TTABUT, N.A., red.; LAZARCHIX. K., rmed.; CHITS, Go , [Reference book on the establishment of work norms on collective farms] Spravochnik po normirovaniiu truda v kolkhozakh. Minsk. Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red.sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 151 p. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Akademiya sell skokhozyayatvewWkh nauk BW3R. Inatitut ekono- miki. 2..Inatitut ekonomiki i organizataii sallskokhozyaystvannogo proizvodstva Akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk BSM (for Tookoboynikov, Dubinko. Ilyushin, Trublevskaya. Bunchuk, Bugarovich. Kuptsove. Kalinovskiy). 3. StarshLy inspektor Upravleniya po orgkolkhoznym delam Ministeretva aellskogo khozyaystva BSSR (for Keleahkovich). (Agriculture--Production standards) LUTSEVICH, P.A.; MONGALEV, G.F.; MIKHALEVICH, N.G.; ZINOVICH, K.F.; SAFRONENKO, A.P.; KLIMEMOV, P.A.; GAYDUKEVICH, N.M.; SILIN, H.S.; BRAWVSKIY, P.V.; KOVPAK, M.D.; MELESHKEVICHJ, O.A '!- KAMENTSEVA, V.N.; KULIKOVSKIY, A.V.; TA A ALEYNIKOV, G.A.; SHMULEVICH, Sh.S.;GRACIIEVA, K.I.; NIKOIAYEVA, Yu.N.; VOLOKHOV, M.A.; DOMASHEVICH, 0., red.; KARKLINA, E., red.; ZUYKOVA, V., takhn. red. (Manual for livestock raisers] Spravochnik zhivotnovoda. 2., dop. i parer. izd. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry BSSR, 1963. 462 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Glavnyy zootekhnik Upravlenlya nauki Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva Belorusakoy SSR (for Safronenko). (Stock and stockbreedfn4) KH-LESMVIGH, P.S.-; VORCBIYEV, K.G.; SYGIMV. Yu.9. Attachement for cutting racks on gear oba-pers. Stan. L Instr. 28 no. 5:37 My 157. (WBA 10:6) (Gear-cuttiv,-, machines) MESHCHEQN, Vladimir Timofeyevich, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; CIWUIIKO, Donat Vladimirovich, prof.; MLESMXVICE, P.S., inzh., retsenzent; OSIPOVA, L.A., red. izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekhn. red.; EPKIND, V.D., tokhn. red. [Technolo of manufacturing forging and sheet metal working equipmentfTekhnologiia proizvodstva kuznechno-shtampovochnogo oborudovaniia i shtampovoi o--nastki. Moskva, Mashgizq 1961. 375 P. (MIRA 15:2) (Forging machinery) (Sheet metal working machinery) (Dies (Metalworking)) MLESHKEVICH, P.S.; PWHTARI, Yu.S.; GOLUBEV, V.I. Fqdraulic press of 500-ton capacity for asae.mbly and press-fitting operations. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 4 no.,9s2_3~.25 S '62. .I (MIRA 150) (Hydraulic presses) MELESHKEVICR, P.S.. POCHTARI, Yu.S.j GOLUBEV, V.I. 0 Stand for testing towing devices. Mashinostroitell no.8:31 Ag 162. (KRA 15:8) (Testing machines) LIVSHITS, I.M.; MELESHiCKVICHI J.1-student; G;',IBOVSKIY, V.K.;student Using average nonthly aischar.ges for determining, the certlin runoff of rivers in the White Auesina b.S.A. Sbor.:jauch. trua. Be!. politekh.inst. no-78:128-140 '60. (mlicA I 1: 11) (White liuasia-Aunoff) L 13 ~L~ ENP(j )/FW-r(m) Rm 0002 ACC N R., AP7 37 SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/66/036/6-0-4/0699/0704 AUTHOR: Orlov N, F.; Hilesh I ORG: Leningrad I-n-stituta-or We Text:Ue-and Lipht Industry im. skiy 1891MT PrOm7sn.4ennostil S. M. Kira .v (Leningr TITLE: Reaction- of Hydjr6xymeth~r1pho phinio Acid'vith Trialkyl- 'aoetoxysilanes, Synthesis of Esters of Aoetoxymethylphosphirde Acid Moscow, Zhurrial Obahchey Kh1mil, Vol 36, No 4. 1966, pp 699-704 Abstracts Two new methods of producing esters of aectoxymethyl- phosghinlo aoldIvere developed, based on the reaction of hydro- 1 xymethylphosphiAto sold with trialky1aoet2,xXs1lanes %tnd aoetto anhydridea, as woll as that of Fsters or trialicoxyallyloxymethyls- .phosphinic acids with acetle anhydride In the presence of catalytic amounts of sulfuric acid. The reactivity of various silicon-oontaining derivatives of hydroxymethyl~hosphinlo acid with acetic anhydride was studied, and a scheme of the mechanism A of the4 r Interaction was proposed. Under the same oonditionst the SI-0-C group Is quantitatively cleaved,, the SI-0-P group In cleaved. by onjy_25..3~,% .L_KhX3~q_the C-0-P group remains Inerts- Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and I tables ZJPRS: 37,17V PPIC TAGS: 0 anic synthetic-proce silane -stqr1ficatt0rx,-yhiosp~i&ic acid ,ard _ 1 /1 Sim CCDE: 07 / SUM D9,91 23pmaX95 41.~R;Fh + H REFS OQ/ M4 A C' -eZ MELESHKIN, A.M.., kand.takhn.nauk Increase of Igbor productivity in Krivoy Rog Basin iron mines. Biul. TSIlCHM no.4:1-9 161. (MIRA 24:10) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Iron mines and mining-Iabor productivity) M-PLESHKEN', A. Luchshie sorta zernovykh kulltur i trav Latvi~skoi SSTZ (Beat t~r,-JQs of grain crops and grasses of Lat-fian iiga, Lat,,~osizdat, 1950. 17i'Ll -), I 30: Monthly Li3t of Russian Accessi,)rs, Vol. 4), '-a- ', 4vil 1953 A. S. A. S. - "Movemont of Vinter 'Jheat Into the Ew3tern Regions of the Litvian SSR." Latvian Agricultural Academy, 1952 (Dissertation for the De~T". of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences) SO: Izvestiya Ak. Nauk Latviyskoy SSR, No. 9, Sept., 1955 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Fodder. M. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolo, No 4, 19581 15726 Author : A. Meleshkin Inst -zr~_ Title Testing Jerusalem Artichoke Varieties. (TLspytaniye sortov topinambura). Orig Pub Kokhoznik Sov. Latvii, 1957, No 3, 20-21- Abstract At the Gauiyenskiy variety plot in Latvia 5 years were spent in the study of the Jerusalem artichoke varieties the Belaya urozhaynaya and the'Vadim, and since 1956 of the hybrid Jerusalem artichoke with the sunflower 120. In dry mass yield (the tops and tubers) on a 5 year average the Belaya urozhaynaya variety proved more pro- ductive than the Vadim. variety by 15-5 centnars per hectare, although in two years out of the five the Vadim yielded a somewhat hidaer harvest. At other vari- ety plots in Latvia (Ludzenskiy) the largest dry mass Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fodders. m-4 Abs Joux : Ref Zhur - Dicol., Ho 20, 1958, 91732 Author : Meleshkin, A.S. Inst : 17orth Ostia A~,Ticultural Experi.=ntal Station. Title : T'he Best Variety of Jerusalem Artichoke in the Latvian SSR Grig Pub : Sele-ktsiya i semenovodstvo, 1957, No 5, 46-49. Abstract : This study presents an analysis of the chemical composition of the tubers and of the parts of the plant which grow abo- ve the ground. The Jerusalem artichoke can winter and grow in the same place for 10-12 years. it bears fruit well in light, permeable soils. This study also describes the ex- periments from 1951 with the following varieties: Belaya Urozhainaya and Vadium cultivated by the North Ostia Agri- cultural Experimental Station, and the experiments started in 1956 with the hybrid of Jerusalem artichoke and the Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fodders. m-4 Abs Jour - Ref Zhur - Biol., No 20, 1958, 91732 Klon 120 sunfiower. All the cultivated varieties are dis- tinguished by hiLj., yields and white colored tubers. In the Vadim variety the coloration is red. The aGrotbchiii- ques are alsc described. 0 Card 2/2 ,~r~-Fmf-ct~ve spcirs rf winrer w`,.vat. -ontYdy of ..-ast -l'-rojean ','c. ar .rtr,.k spy!,j MKXSHKIN, A., agronom Priskule wheat. Nauka i pered.op. N 158. sol'khos. 8 no-11:38-39 (MIRA 11,12) Nhoat-Vartatios) YSIY,SHKIN,A. [Meleskins,A.1, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SPRIVULIS, Z. [translutorl; NElLANDE,A., red.; JUtft-ETE, M., tekhn. red. r LBest varieties of vegetables, potatoes, and fodee--- root rrops ] Dar- zenu, kartupelu un lopbaribas saknaugu labakas skirnes. Otrais par- stradatais un papildinatais izdemums. Riga, Latvijas Valsts izdev- nieciba, 1960. 222 p. [In Latvian] (MIRA 14:12) (Potatoes-Varieties) (Root crops-Varieties) (Vegetables--Varieties) Mr-JESHKIN,-,..A..S., kand. "Ilakoklioz. nauk Meadow-pasture grasses in latvie, Zemledelle 27 no.9~48-54 S 165. ~MrRA 18-10) 1. latvivskaya Inapektura Gosudarstvennoy komisaii pc, s--r"rlsT-y-- tanl,yu sellskokhozyaystvennykh kulltur. L 07218-67 EVITtll al ACC NRt AYbUZ44Z4 SOURCE CODE: UR/0362/66/002/007/0688/0694 AUTHOR: Gurvich. A. S.; Heleahkin, B. N. ORG: Institute of Atmospheric Physics. Academy of Sciences SSSR (Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut fiziki atmosfery) TITLE: Determination of the microscale. of turbulence based on light intensity fluctuationsi VY SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika atmosfery i okeana, v. 2, no. 7, 1966, 688-694 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric turbulence, heat flux, microwave, wave propagation ABSTRACT: Tn this work the fluctuations in the intensity of light passing through a turbulent layer were investigated and the microscale of turbulence was determined from these fluctuations. Estimations of the value of the Kolmogorov microscale of turbulence in a convective jet are given on the basis of the measurements of light intensity fluctuations. An estimate of the constant in the structure function of temperature fluctuations in the inertial subrange is also presented. The values of the microscale calculated from experimental values of the structure constant and the variance of the fluctuations of the logarithm of the wave amplitude as a function of the rate of energy dissipation are presented. The experimental data for the micro-- scale at large values of turbulent heat flux are within much narrower limits than the extreme values and agree better with the values calculated when the universal constantl Card L 07218-67 ACC NR: AP6024424 d 1 is taken to be equal to 2.2-2.7, which permits the authors to give preference to :f these values. Orig. art. has: 10 formulas and 4 figures. I SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DATE: 15Mar66/ ORIG REF: 005 Card 2/2 44L.-i MELESHKIN, D. V. Karchrutizatuila perAvozok na rechnom transprts. L-Special destination shipping in river transportatios/. (Vodnyt transport. 1940, no. 6. p. 13-15). DIC i HZ561.R8 SO: SaXiet TTanwmr-tatjon AU4 QaMLUcatlono. A AlbIleMMphy, 74~T4ry of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. IART.XSIIKIN, D.V., kand.tol-,hn.nauk dotd. Resistance of water to the motion of rafte. Trudy MITT no.20: 142-153 '53. (114IRA 12:1) (Hydrodynamics) SHARAPOV, U.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; MELESHKIN, D.T., redaktor; 4AKRUSHIMA, A.K., redak-tor izdatel'9tva*,-KRAb-RXrA'. ill., reimni- cheakly redaktor. (Towing rafts on water reservoirs] Bukalrovka plotov po vodokhra- nilishcham. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1955. 137 P. (Lumber--Transportation) (MUU 8:11) (Tuaboats) 1. 01. , Eng. 2. -JSS'-R (600) 4. Ship Propulsion. Electric 7. Selection of control system for direct current, electric-drive propeller installations, Mor. flotv 12. No. 11. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. MELESMIN, G. A. 10 MSE-R= ZOGAMMV, V.a.. redaktor; SUVORO=T, A.?.. rodak-tor; _,_QJ ltt,., takhaichaskly redaktor. Naintenance of slactrohvdraulic steering machinery] Obaluzhivante elaktrogidravl1oheekikh xalevykh maahin. Kookva, Iz-dvo Kinisterst- va morskogo i rechnogo flat&, 1953. 55 P. (HLRA 7:8) (Steering gear) WITFSHY7VIP 0. . I- IN, G., Inzhener. --------- Regulator of voltage and of the phase angle. Nor. I rech.flat 14 to.6:17-18 J6 154. Off-M 7 -.7 ) (Sleptric controllers) HELESHKIN, G., inshener. - Selfoyachrozization of generators ia mariza electric i&atallatiolm. Nor.flot.15 no.11:14-15 9 155. (MLRA 9:2) I.TSPKB-l (Ilectricity an ahips) RMSHKIN, G.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk , A voltage dips caused by self-s3rnchronization oil' generators. Trudy TSNIIMF no.14:3-15 '58. (Electric generators) (MIRA 11:4) MELESHKIN, G.. Icand. tekhn. nauk W, . More about self-synchronixation of generators In marine electric power plants. Hor. flot 18 no. 6:7-8 Ja 158. (MMA 11:7) 1. -Nachallnik eaktora slaktrotakhoiki TSentrallnogo nauchno- Issladovatel'skogo instituts morskogo flota. (Electric gdnarators) (Electricity on ships) HIL71S 4. takhn. nauk, Increasing operational economy of electric. Mor. flot 18 no.10:8-9 0 158. (MIR& 11: U) 1. TSentrallnyy-nauchno-lasledovatelskiv institut morsk-ogo flota. (Ship gropuldou. Blectric) HEI&SHKIN, kEmd,tekim. A k. Rogtilating the perfom6de of direct current 31ectric propulsion plants. Sudostroenie 24'uo.2:33-38 1? '58. (MM 11:3) (Ship propulsion, Electric) (Governors (Yachinery)) SMUMPE, Petr Ivanovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; YAKUMONKOV. Andrey Andreyevich, kand.takhn.nauk; SMOiffATHIKOV, VIktor Fedorovich, kEind.takhn.nauk; RAPOPORT, Leonid Il'ich. kand.tekhn.nauk; K&LIMIN, Georgiy Aleksandrovich, kand.takim.nauk; MIROWNICHMO, Illya Petibitch. --khiid_.t4Ww.nauk; ARAKIILOV, Vladimir Kikhaylovich. inzh.; SKGK0.- ROVMIT. Rostialav Veavolodovich. kand.tekhn.nauk; PHSOCHINSKIT. Viktor Nikolayevich. kand.tekhn.nauk; NELIDOVA. B.S., red.; TIKHO- NOVA, Te.A., [Over.-all mechanization and automatization in the merchant marine) Kompleksnaia mekbanizataiia i avtomatizataiia na morakom transporte. Pod obahchei red. P.I.Strumpe. Koakwa, Izd-vo 'Horskoi transport," 1959. 95 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Kerchant marine--Equipment and supplies) (Cargo handling--Squipment and supplies) (Automatic control) MELESHKIN,, G.A.p kand.tekhn.aaukq kand.t6khn.nauk Deview for synchronizing generators of alternating-current power plants on shipw.[from "Scbiff and Hafen.m no.10, 1959). Mor-flot 21 na.Ss39-42 My 161. (Electricity on ships) (MIRA 14:5) .- MELESHKIN, Georgiy Aleksandrovl:ch; FRIKp A.0.,, red.; ANDREYZVA, L.Se. - --------fd-d-#fz7aZv-a; XMPOVA, L.K.., tekhn. red. (Self-controlled synchronous voltage generators for ships] Sudovye sinkhromiya generatory 9 samoregulirovaniem nap- riazhaniia. Mosk7A,, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport 0 1962. 76 p. IMM 15:4) (Electric generators) (Electricity on ships) __giy-Alaksandrovich; KHOMYAKOV, N.M., doktor tekhn. MELESHK qqor nauk# retsenzent; VILESOV, D.V., kand. tekhn. nau , retsenzent; OXEROV, Yu.A., nauchnyy red.; KVOCI=A, G.P., red.; TSAL, R.K., tekbn. red. [Marine synchronous generators with automatic voltage regula- tors]Sudovye sinkhronnye generatory s avtozaticheskim reguli- rovaniem napriazboniia. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 275 P. (MIRA 15:10) ships) (Electric generators) (Electricity on MELESHMP G. latter to the editors. Nor. flot 22 no.10:41 0 '62. (MM 15:10) (Electricity on ships) MELESHKIN, V.A.; MELESHKIN, G.A. Mooring with the help of 7., eaectrw-agnets. Hor. flot 23 no.508-39 163. (KERA 16:9) (GermaU, West-Anchorage) (Electromagnets) MELESHKIN, G.A., kand.takhn.nauk Technical and economic grounds for the use of generator-sh-oft syste=s on ships. Sudostroenie 29 no.1106-38 N 163. (ICRA 16t12) rl-r.tESHIN, G.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Automatic control of a sh&ft--d--iren ship gene--a-cr -w-ft~ a-n electric sLation of alternating current. Sudostroenie 3-~', (1.1 T T~ A I ',' . I I ) 49-51 S 164. 1 1 1 EOGDAMOV. Foodoaiy Yakovlevich; HICIASHKIN, Ivan Ivanovich; MILIHAN. Ch.U.. inzhener redaktor; YUDZOIJ. rX-.~M-1t;rMestry"N~' or (Conditioning wheel pairs of railroad cars; the practices of leading tumors in car depots and wheal workshops] Obrabotka kolesnykt. par vagonov; opyt rabot7 paredov7kh tokaret vagonnykh depo L kolesafth manterskikh. Moskva. Goo. transp. zhol-4or. izd-vo. 1956. 50 p. (Car wheels) (MIRA 10:1) I I AMELINA, A.A., inzhener; MELESHKIN, I.I., inzhener. Equipping care witb roller bearings. Zhel. dor. transp. 38 no-11: 22-27 N '56. (KRA 9:12) (Car wheels) (Roller bearings) SLYUSARENKO , V.A. , red. - KRUPERCHIK, B. B. , red.,- MELESHKIN M T .9 D. . A7r..- red.; VIRON, Ye.M., red.; KUVALDIN VITVITSKIYI M., red.izd-va; SYCHEVSKIY, I., red. izd-va; NEDOVIZ, S., tekhn. red. [First Soviet firms; from the work practice of the produc- tion combines of the Lvov Economic douncill Parwye sovet- skie firmy; iz opyta mboty proizvodetvennykh ob"edinenii Llvovskogo sovnarkhoza. Llviv, Knyzhkovo-zhurnallne vyd-vo, 1962. 113 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Sekretarl Llvovskogo oblastnogo komitsta Kommunisticheakoy partly Ukrainy (for Slyusaranko). 2. Zaveduyushchiy promysh- lennym otdelom oblastnogo komiteta Kommunisticheakoy partii Ukrainy (for Kruptnchik~4.Nachallnik proizvodstisnno- takhaicheakogo upravlenlya Llvovskogo sovnarkhOft (for Meleshkin) (Lvov Economic Region--Business enterprises) MELESHKA, M.T. Ways to improve the utilization of the productive capacity of production combines. Leh.prcm. no. 4:89-91 O-D 163. OMIRA 17! 5)