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TZRKAKOV, V.S.; SPIRIN, S.A.; CHUMOV, D.G.; UGORNS. I.1.; LUFMIM0, X.D.; SMIWOV. G.V.; CHUPRAKOV, N.M.; MMITARTAN, S.G.; ASHOLOV, G.L.; KOTIIAMIT, A.M.; KOWMOV. S.I.; SYROMTATNIKOV, I.A.; FAYZLUN, S.Ts.; SOKOWV, B.M.; KOMISSAROV, Tu.P.; MALTUTIN. I.P.; POBIGATLO, K.M.; 14ORYAKOV. A.V:; H31AM. M.P.; KUNSWHVILI, P.G.; GARKATAYA, L.A.; LIVSHITS. Z.K ; Molset Vullfovich Safro; obituary. Elsk.sta. 24 no.11:60 V '53. (KIRA 6: 11 ) (Safro, Motsei Vullfovich, ?-1953) VARSHURD, A.A., inzh.; EHLI-;BkIIKCV , N.L., inzh.; SIBAHOV,Yu.G,,, inzh.; FOMICHEV, V.A., inzh.; MELAMJ M.F., in2h.,' POTAPOVA, T.I., inzh.; KOLYUZMYY-,G.G., inzh.; TAGIROVA, M.I.9 inzh.; SHIFMI, 0.1., inzh.; STOIRCS, A,Ae. inzh,; VASIMRIN, A.A., inzh., otv. za vnmsk; KHITROVt P.A., tekbn. red. (Safety engineering regulations for operating traction substa- tions and sectionalization posts of electrified railroads]Pra- vila tekhniki bezopasnosti pri ekapluatataii tiagovykh pod- stantsii i postov sektsionirovaniia elektrifitsirovamykh zhe- leznykh dorog. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1962. 202 p. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Glavnoye upravlenlye elektrifika- teii i energeticheakogo khozyaystva. 2. Tag Ministerstva pu- tey soobshcheniya (for Khlebnikov). 3. TSentral'zWy komitet profsoyuza (for Fomichev). 4. Moskovskaya zheleznaya doroga (for Kol~-uzhnyy). 5. Sverdlovskaya zheleznaya doroga (for Tagirova). 6. Yuzhno-Urallskava zheleznaya doroga kfor Shifman). 7. Zapadno-.SibirBkaya zheleznaya doroga (for Storts). (Electric railroads--SELfety regulations) MANMP M Kh Technical advice. TSement 28 no.2:23 ~h-Ap 162. (PfM 15.8) 1. Yuzhgiprotsement. (Cement industries--Transportation) tekhn. nauk Garageless storage of tractors and agricultural machinery. Trakt.i sellkhosmash. n0.10:26 0 159. (1412A 13:2) (Tractors) (Agricultural machinery) .v I-DILAMEID, m. 11. Reducing lo3ses ccomnecte(~ the stora;fe of machin s on ~ollectlv- and state farw. Sbor. rab. QG-3,.ITI no.17:29-33 162. (Xilu 1-1 . 0/) MEL&M,-M.P., vrach Past improvement in the health of the people of Tashauz Province with reference to akin and venereal diseases. Zdrav. %rk:. 3 no.4: 32-35 J-1-Ag '59. (MIRA 13:2) (TASHATJZ PROVIUCZ--VMWML DISUSES) MELAMED, M. P., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Development of public health in the Tashauzskaya oblast'. (1924-1955)." Moscow, 1960. 15 pp; (Acad- emy of Medical Sciences uSSR); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 28-60 165) NIKOLISKIY, A.A., inzh.1 MEL D II.S., inth., Mechanization of auxiliary operations in textile plants of the Ivanovo Xconomic Council. Makh.i avtom.proizv. 16 no.12%18-22 D 162, (MIRA 16i1) (Ivanovo Province-Tktile industry) (Automation) KOSOY~ S.N.; MELAMED, M.Z. Standardization of means of automation. Standartizataiia 26 no.6:41-43 Je '62. (MIRA 15:7) (Automatic control-Standards) BOYKO, A.A., inzh.; DRUKOVANYY, M.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; BABOKIN, I.A., inzh.; ZAYTSFV, A.P., inzh.; POLESIN, Ya.L., inzh.; SOBOLEVP G.G., inzh.; ZIFOKOV, V.V... kand. tekhn. nauk; TOPCHIYEV, A.V., prof.; VEDERNIKOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; OKHRDMKO, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; MEUNED, M.Z., kand.tekhn. nauk; KUZhIETSOV, K.K.p inzh.; 11b1K6VYCff---I.A.; YASNYY) V.K., inzh.; LIVSHITS, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, rersenzent; BARXNOV, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; LOMILINA, L.N., tekhn. red. [Brief handbook of a coal mining engineer) Kratkii spra- vochnik gornogo inzhenera ugoll-ii shakhty. Moskva, Gos- gortekhizdat, 1963. 639 P. (MIRA 17:3) 137-i8-b-11358 i ranslation from Referativrivy zhurnal, Metallurgiva, 1958, Nr r), p 1~ (USSR) AUTHORS Labutir., G.V., Ivanov, N.A., Melamed, R.I. TITLE Development of a Method of Granulating ''Damp'' Limestone- nepheline Mix iRazrabotka metoda granulyatsii "mokroy'' izvestnyakovo nefeliro%()y shil~hty~ PERIODICAL Tr. Vses. n. -i. al~umin-mfgn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 40, pp 132- 137 ABSTRAC17- With the objt-( t of produ( ing granules, a ''damp" limestone- nephelint, mix (pulp) having a molecular ratio of CaO/SiO2 --I and NaZO/Al,)03 I .-as prepared. The chemical composition of the mix is prosenLed The "damp" nepheline mix proved capable of graT111lation. To do this :Iic- pulp (caket. pressed out on a filter, is granulated in a drum mixer with the return ('.1 .. ( A)15%'j. The filtrabilIty of the pulp heated to 600C is quitc high, coming to 1. 1 t/1-n2 hr In aranulornetric (ornposition. the resultant nepheline granules are suitable for sinterino both in rotary furnaces and in furnaces employing the FluoSolids p roc e s s. I - :- i r ter~~- -I)eve ICal.- i te--App I! .- it Card 1/1 t-11 P'rlp -'e - - A,~, r 1- 1: ~ -u - I o ri~~-~ A. S h. 137-58-6-11921 Translation from- Referativnv~ zh,.rr-,al Metallurgiva, 1958, Nr 6, p 106 (USSR) AUTHORS Labutir, G.V.. Melarned, R,i. TITLE: New Findings on the Behavior of Potassium in the Production of Alurn;na 1'Novoye o povedenii kaliya v glinozernnom proiz- vodstvei PERIODICAL Tr. Vses. r.-i. alyumiri.-rnagr. in-ta, 1957, Nr 40, pp 144 150 ABSTRACT- The preliminarv data of experimental studies performed tc; clarify the behavior of K and Na caustic in the hydrochernicall treatment of alumina contair.irg ores and the conditions of formation of the correspordirg aluminosilicates (A) are set forth. The experiments were run with kaolin and kaolinized Epecimens of alunite and bauxte. It is established that 1) pure-potassium. caustic solutiors. i.e. solutions containing no reflux, behave in a fashior analogous to Na caustic solutions when silic eous alumina -bearing rock is processed 2! when the same rocks are treated under moderate conditions (95 -980C "1-2 hoLr-,;, potassi,.rn aluminate solutions form Card 112 virtually ro A in the precipitate, while Na solutions, under the 137-58-6-11921 New Findings on the Behavior ot Potat~si,,m in the Production of Alurnitia same conditior_~ form t .~i appro\.niating the theoretical. 3) as treatment tir-ne inc reac-es. the differert e it, the degree of formation of K arid Na A starts to vanish this permits tlltj ( oncl,_sion that K A come down more slowly in the precipitate "nd tliu~ explairs tht' Peculiarity of its behavior, 4) an increase in temperatUrP -,peeds the pre( ipital;on of K A, but the kinetics of its precip)tation remains slowed, since under these conditions Na. A ( orne down considerably more rapidly. Th,,- makes it possible to assume that by proper sele(-tior- of leaching time , recILI. t;cir, of this time) it would be pos- sible to attain low losses of K k au_4tic 5' the foregoing permits the conclu sion it is possible to carry out potass-.,,m-( austi( I-ydrochemical production of A1203 from readily- dec ompo~~ ed E-Aic ea-b tormE of ore without significant losses of caustic . The K COT,tent ir, the worKing solutions under these condi- tions should con~litute > 50% of the toij, ( ;isti( s (calculated on Na2O',. N P. I AlLurdri,= ore reac-Liori.3 Card 212 FINKEL', 14.Ya.; TOLOCHKO, A.I.; MELIUMD R I. Improve the quality of a=onium sulfate. Standartizatsiia 25 no.1-1:38 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Animonium sulfate) BRUTS&TY, M.S.; VERESHCHAIGIN, F.P.; LEONENKOVA, T.A.:; t4ELAICD R. . 2T!4~~ L-ray diffr ti examination of alunite during heating. Zhur.prikl khim. 36 rwS:jp~t4V, YV 163. (- MU 16 '5) (Aluni Thbr&al properties) (X,-ray diffraction eXaxtination) m 'to 00 0 0 0 0 0.000 00 es ,DO 0 000 00 60 660 a WV 64 ew'* 0 0:10 0 0 00 0 0 0 009000000 I to 1 16 F 0 it 11 it is 14 11 it is to N OP I it 12 to m m is J1 is M Iii I- I) it a (a u 0 P A I I a 4 ~ of 0 6 4 of . 00 0 0 1 --00 ' 6 . 00 r - -00 0* % B.B. b-1 -00 U s Z,;V ,(it, linglish)MACW. 00 1114. vel, ociet y tioneept. X. tertip, coped. Q and energy III act Iva - h i l V b -00 00 t an ttii I-" I- . .4 the splitting .1 ahvvislyAtur ( y t W111411 JU IM01 the 1111-t11141 A 0 40 1 l"K at PH 7.11 am A. 0.0111", A. tlAQ.I,sJp,.23 Anti F. I 0 II- W, 14.111p) g. cal. At N 7 2 the, VA 00 11 ill.kj. 1I.MY73. 2.141and 12,14111, r"p. The %plilting oil I see 00 11 ley ycam nut h4l"mr the upismW mit-11111i zoo etpiAtitsto. The valu"44itaincil in ihi4 caw list 00 0; few 3 hm pervie X. mim"d, A. 4) Immo, ~),. 1 73 At"I 00 97110 C. cal. ticating 11 .11 Up' fin lip. W'.34) And 1141 little =0 ep Ictf Ito IK2. 63.d. 91 -M and 91,0% InAt-fivalvin, fr%fj. S. A. KAri.L. coo of 00 s so 00 400 Zee AP.0 too Ass It& OIALLUPCKAt LITIRATWIF CLASUPICATION to 0 00,8 fit 48 0 u Alp 10 As a l If 4 U I 1 4 o 11 " l$ a A O so 4 0 s 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 00 * 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 * USSR/medicine - Novocain Block Ncrv/Dec 51 "Experimental Treatment of Hypertension by Intra- arter~ial Injection of 0.5% Novocain Solution, (Intraarterial Novocain Block), Prof M. A. Khazanov and R. I. Melamed, Clinic of Nervous Diseases, Minsk Med Inst and Inst of Theoret Med Nebropati Psikh, Vol 20, No 6, PP 56-61 Intraarterial injection of 0.5% novocain solution has significance in the treatment of hypertension only as a method of pathogenci therapy. It af- fects the interoreceptors of blood vessels in the entire nervous system-and the cerebral cortex. (1) 253T5 In functional forms of hypertension single or twice repeated injections increase the well-being, normalize the level of the blood pressure, and equalize the asymmetxic arterial and venous pres- sure in 94% of the cases. Intraarterial in- jection of novocain is effective also in the cxrg phase of the cerebral form of hypertension. Arterial pressure is quickly lowered, the general condition is improved, and symptoms of the arg affection of the nervous system decrease. In the "preinsultus" stage the novocain injection pre- vents an attack. In the org phase of'th6 cerebal form of hypertension the effect is not always lasting, however. Relapses were observid after 253T5 1 to 4 months but a repeated injection again normalized the blood pressure. In nephrosclerosis the effect is short and not effective enough. The technique of the intraarterial injection is not Without danger and no sign of its ef- fectiveness could be noted. (3) 253T5 HEIAM, R.I., ordinator Case of dysfunction of the cortical layer of the adrenal cortex in a seventeen-year-old girl. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no-3:58 Mr '59. (HURA 12:7) 1. Klinika nervrWkh bolezney (zave&iyushchly kafedroy - prof. M. A. Rhazanov). (ADR3NAL GIAM-DISEASES) MWOV. N.A.. prof.; KATDANOVSKATA, R.S., ordinator; R.I., ordinator Clinical course and genesis of intermittent claudication (thrombo- angiitis of the brain blood vessels) (Buerger's diaease). Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.9:37-39 S 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz kliniki nervnykh bolezney Minskogo meditainakogo instituta. (BRAIN--DISEASES) MMJ-ICD, R.I.; GAYEVSKIT, Tej. Treatment of respiratory distrubanceB in P011OM871itiS. Zdrav. Belor. 5 n0-10:10-13 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz respiratornogo tsentra BSSH pri infektsionnoy bollnitae g. Minaka (nauchnyy rukovoditel I - Prof. D.A. Vnrkov). (POLIOMYELITIS) (RESPIRATION) MEIAMED, R.I.; TEST, R.I.; GAYEVSKIY, Ye.V. Dynamics of respiratory disorders in patients with polion*elitis. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 61 no.3:329-334 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Nauchno-issledavateliskiy institut nevrologiA, neyrokhirurgii i fizioterapii (dir. Ye.F.K#litovskiy, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. D.A.Mar~.oir) i Institut oklvWao~y materinstva i detstva, (dir. G.A. Kalyunhin) Ministerstva zdravockhtaneniya BSSR, Minsk.' (POLIOMYELITIS) (RESPIRATION) PROTAS, I.I.,-.MELAMED, R.I. Diagnosis of acute poliomyelitis in adults. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no.5:2C-23 My 162. (MIRA 15-10) 1. Belorusskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut nevrologii, neyrokhirurgii i fizioterapii (nauchnyy rukovoditell - akademik AN BSSR D.A.Markov, direktor Ye.F.Kalitovskiy). (POLIOWELITIS--DIAGNOSIS) ,a# MELAMED, R.I.; SLSPYAN, Yu.Ya.; KISELEV, M.P.; GAYEOrrY, Ye.7. Indications for the use of artificial respiration apparatus. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.8t58-62 Ag'63 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iz respiratomogo tsentra (naucbnyy rukovoditell - prof. N.S. Risyuk) 4-y klinicheskoy bollnitsy Hinaka (glavnyy vrach - Ye~M. Seltdimirova). / .>~) - /_ /) / -,, -1 Z7 -0 PIPC-SKIN. P.-A, doktor tskhnirheqkikh nauk, zwofessor; M_7Llh~, A, MI-,qrllGCF, N.S. -Ir- ~181 "-_---Illdl~~- Drtf,rmlning the ratio cf thermal conductivity of co-' in hepting. ,az.ugl. nn.~':02-Q6 157. (VD'A 10: 7) Podzem.g 1. Vsesqyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut lodzpmrpz. (Rent--Conduction) (Conl--Tevti.nF~ ICLANE Dip S. --., What did the auditing of reports show? Fin. 333R 37 no.7:88 JI 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Nachallnik inspektsii gosudarstvennvkh dokhodov Sovetskogo rayonnogo finansovogo otdela Minska. (Yjinsk-Auditing and inspection) YEIAYI~D, j. E. Cnnd Mod Sci (diss/ "Modern r-ratnods of Nar:tion dia:,ro,-,t9M and their inportance for -ttrb ia~or expertise in cases of chronic diserises of the kidneys." Mos, 191,7. 1.5 pp (Min of 1-felilth RSFSR. Ryazan' Inled Inst im Academician I. P. Pavlov), 300 copies (KL, 11-J8, 121) -1 2C KRLAHID, S.B., (Moakva) Renal function in amylold nephrosis. Vrach.delo no-1:1287-1288 D 158. (KIRA 12:3) 1. Terapevtlcheskaym klinika (xav. - prof. L.I. Fogellson) TSentrall- uogo nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo instituta eksperticy trudosposobno- sti I organizateii truda invalidov. (XOMffS--DISKASES) MEIAM, S.B. (Moskva) 7unctlonal state of poly-c7stic 1. 1z terapevticheskoy kliniki nogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo i organizataii truda Invalidov (KIDEM, cysts polycyatic dis., kidneys. Urologila 23 no.6-0-13 Y-D 158. (KM 11:12) (zav. - prof. L.I. Fogell'son) TSentrall- instituta ekspertizy trudosposobnostl (dir. - prof. 0.1. Sokollnikov). eff. on kidney funct. (RUB)) Functional diRguosis in chronic nephritis, Temp. Ftrkh. 30 no-7:56-66 ji 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Iz terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. L.I. Fogellson) TSentrallnogo nauchno-isoledavateltakogo inatituta eksperitizy trudospooobnostl i orgnnizstsii trudR invalidov. (NFMITIS, difignosiB. funct. testg (RUB)) --de r -under analysis Is. convefted ini repared by mechanical rds U- h introducedes c is rniined di crater a'carboneectroc 4A I -24028 A. - Tho io~tivjt 70-83 - Ti 11 2784-64 A' 13 ~ PO 'CIML ;RellfiV6~ ions Of% and Mg.avuc r r 0. all a '01 "0 Z Ml 5 0. 0 La KC6 no Mc -wo.jvc. 0 0 d U -0 0 "im a 010 1; c "00, 1 B 'a r " Vi t SAM--- d 0 ou 013 3~ !'.-PlEM-0,H . . . as- S. a S j� ft Go ,j . as - .0 1 :1 a .000"ingill ~d_ 1 In. .-S I'villil S) :I.j i0uu. ai it 11- 3 - Ia.. 0 .a c 0 a 'a ", D-j G, 0 u Zo J.~ - 11H - 16, 0 * H ; 0 .izi .11 dft- c; .AU :i-HaPe"o Z coo A, In Is I.P., U. jo"a, all 3 6; 1 12 " i~ c d A r Id .0 c c r c u 00 03 10 4 bi. I I 6" 40 "a. 'u A " "01 .1 I 9 ,I ~ w sq. i - I A ro -a I v G; JOG .06 go 5 0 0 HEI&WED, Sh.G.; SALTYKOVA. A.M. Spectrographic determination of tin, lead, antimony, and cadmium in titanium, zirconium, tantalum, and niobium. Fiz. abor. no.4:181-182 '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Gosudarstvennvy nauchno-iseledovatellakiy inatitut redkikh I malykh metallov "Giredmet." (Spectrum analysis) AUTHORS: Mislavskaya, F.F. , M-~lamed. !1b.G, 32-24.-1,,-29/67 TITLE: The Determination of Small Barium Sulfate Quantities in the Paste for Lead Accumulator Plates (Opredeleniye malykh koliches tv sernokislogo bariya. v paste d1ya plastin svintsovogo akkunul.yatora) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Val. 24, Nr 4, pp. 14,53-454 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was founid that in the presence of 1.10-4% barium sulfate the operation of lead accumulators I B reduced to 25-30%. Experiments showed that barium can accumulate after a selecti-r-a evaporation of lead in the deposit during the firat burning stage of the electric arc. The mass to be investigated had a composition of 90% Pb021 7% FbO and 3% PbS04. X-ray analyses carried out by K.F.Gusev showed that in the orater of -the carbon cathode a complete reduc- tion of oxides to metal took place after 70 seconds. This is in agreement with the vaporization carves given, which were obtained according to the speotrographic method for lead and barium; the rules governing barium vaporization vrdr~3 ocnfimml alio according to other methods. Analysis was carried out on a ISP-spectrograph. Card 1/2 As a basic standard a paste prepared from spectrally pure PbO, The Determination of Small Barium Sulfate Quantities 32-2)+-4-29/67 in the Paste for Lead Accumulator Plates Pb 0 and sulfuric acid in water5 which was then dried, was usej. Sen ivity of detemLiation is gi7en &,3 '_10-4% barl.-.-m sttlfate and 3~% 6.10- lba~r_'-am. B--84deS this semi-crjs_n_+-1ta-b--,e method, another and mores precise method of determination is mentioned. In the case of the latter the sample is introduced into the radflation. scrurne by vapari~-aticn from the surface of a revolving alternating aurrent arc electrode. The paste to be investigated is mixed with sods. (4: 1), moister-led with water, and dr-1 ed on the loy nr electrode plate. The electrode revolves with a speed of 2 revs./min. The 3paatra, graph mentionsd above is used, and lead is used &a an element fo comparison. Under the conditions described the, addition of 41.10-; barium sulfate to the pure paste is recorded. The mean error re- sulting from three determinations is estizated at + -,.%. There is I figure. ASSOCIATICK: Fi-lialNauchno-'.ssle-lo-,tati-l.ckogo akL-imalyatornogo inatif-uta (Branch of the Scientific Research Institute for Aco--aralators) 1. Accumalators--Equipment 2. Barium sulfate--Determination 3. Oxides---Reduction 4. Oxides--X-ray analysis Card 2/2 AUTMRS: Chernlkhov Zu.A., Relamed, SluG., Dobkina, B.M. 32-24-6-5/44 'TTTLE-. The Determination of Mioroquantities of Titanium on a 'Niobium Background (Opr-edeleniye mikrokolichestv titana na fone nicbiya) FMIODICAL- ZavodskVa Laboratoriya, 19.58, Vol 24, Nr 6, pp 677-679 (usn) ABSTRAM An niobium forms a colored complex with hydrogen peroxide in a highly acid medium, whereas the titanium complex is formed in a weakly acid medium, suitable methods of detemination were devel.- oped b Schoeller (Ref 2) as well as by Palina, Adler and Hiskey (Ref 3T. It is proved in the course of the present paper that if the ratio between Nb205 : T102 exceeds WO : 1, it is not possible to determine titanium. The experiments carried out together with Ye.I.Petrova showed that much too high a value is obtained for ti- tanium, which is explained as being due to the absorption of niobium; different wavelengths are used in this connection, and thus the peroxide method is described as being unsuited for the determination of small quantities of -titanium in niobium. For th.3 determination of titanium beside niobium also the application of chromotropio acid is recommended; in view of existing disorepan- Card 1/2 cies in the instructions, experimenta were duly carried auto The Determination of Rioroquantities of Titanium 32-24-6.-5/" on a Niobium Background It vas found that by evapomtion-fractionation of titanium on oarton in the light arc sensitivity is inorvased but reproduci- bility is diminished; it is possible to use different vw-relengths, This speotral method was worked out with mechanicalv mixed standard samples, and it may be seen from the diagram of calibm- tion given that the error limit is t 150 with a degree of sensi- tivity of 0.002%. There are 2 figures, and 5 referencesp 0 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvemkyy institut malfth i redldkh metallov (State Institute of Tracer and Rare Metals) 1. Titanium--Determination 2. Niobium--Chemical effects 3. Titanium---Spectra Card 2/2 -MBLUCEIL Sh,G*; RUUNOV, A.K.; ZINSKDVA, H.Ge Determining tantalum and niobium in the sum of their pentoxides. 2rudy Kom. anal. khiv. 12:65-70 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Tantalum oxide) . (Niobium oxide) 'MU&M. Sh.G.; SOWDOVNIK, S.M. Analysis of bismuth for impurities. Trud7 Mom. anal. khim. 12.172- 174 160. (MIM 13:8) (Bismuth-Analysis) MEIAM. Sh.G.. POLYAKOV, S.H., ZK=OVA, M.G. Spectrum analysis of the reare earths. Zav.lab 26 co-5:594-556 ,6o. (MMA 130) 1. GostdarstvenzWy aauchno-issladovatellskiy iproyektayy iastitut rodkometallicheakay promyahlennosti. (Rare earths--Spectra) MAKED, . Sh.. G. N.S. Poluektov's "Plane photometry methods of analysis." Reviewed by Sh.G. Kelamed. Zav.1ab. 26 no.5:650 '60. (KnIA 13:7) (Chemistry, Analytical) (Flame-Snectra) (Pblnektov, N.S.) ,,_~_WLAPEDP S.G.; ZEPISKOVA, M.G. Atlas of spectral lines of rare earth elements (for DFS-3 and DFS-13 spectrographs). Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.719-10- 971 J1 162. (IURA 15:8) (Rare earths-Spectra) ACCESSIGI FR: A-P1,013302 S/0032/64/030/002/01,03/OIF5 A17TEORS: Shir-rayeve, 0. A.; Velamed, Sh. G. y TITLE: The effect of solution camposition an the radiation intensity of rare earth elements in a bydrogen-oxygen flame SOURCE: Znvodskaya labqratoriva, v. .10, no. 2, 1964, 183-185 TOFTC TAGS: rare earth element, yttrium, europium, lanthanum, gedolinium, d~Asprosftm, samarium, hydrogen oxygen flPme, perchlorie acid, ethanol, radiation, rr,diation intensity AB~TRACTJ: A 250-mg sample of Y203-Gd203 was dissolved in 5 ml of HC104 , diluted with water to 25 ml, and subjected to spectrogrephic examinption on a ISP-51 apparatus with a photoelectric attachment FEP-l against standard solutions of yttrium and gadolinium. The hydrogen-oxygen device was constructed by V. E. Britske. Wxtures of ythrium-dysprosium oxides, and of europium-samarium oxides were also analy . zed in a sindlar way. It was found thpt while the amount of yttrium in standard mixtures dissolved in hydrochloric acid was estirpeted as 45%r 55%, and 35%, the same samples, when dissolved in perchloric acid, yielded 48%, 560e., and 33.8% respectively. When an aqueous solution of perchlorates of rare earth retals Card 1/2 ACCESSICV WR: AP4013302 was evaporeted to a a M p .y consistency and then dissolved in ethanol, such solutions shorted a still higher radiation Intensity. Ammonium chloride hjmd an enhancing effect on the intensity of radiation, while aluminum trichloride inhibited it. The sensitivity of europium determination (in admixtures with samprium) anounted to 0.01%, with Pn average quadratic error of 3%. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 1 chart. ASSOCIATIGIs Gosudarstvanny*y nauchno-issledovatellskiy I proyektny*y institut redkometallicheskoy promy*shlennosti (State Scientific Research and Project Tn3titute of Rare Earth Industry) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQs 26Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEt CH NO REF SM 002 OTHER: 004 Cmd 2/2 MIVOT11TOV, B.T.,; SIDORENKO, G.I.,,-, XUAMED. . S.I.,; DOVGULLO. 0.G., aspirant; CHXRNUKHO, T.L. vrach; BUTSELI, A.M., vrach; YXRZUbIOV , G.I., vrach; XYLICMSKATA, Te.S., vrach Some peculiarities in the clinical course of grippe in 1959. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.1:40-42 Ja 160. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Iz II klinicheakoy bollnitsy Minska. (KINSK--INFLUMA) S.I., kand.meditsinskikh nauk; DOVGYALLOt O.G.P aspirant Treatment of duodenal and gastric ulcer with hexonium. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no. 7:11-13 Je 160. (IMIRA 13:8) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy terapevtichaskoy kliniki (zaveduyushchiy akademi AN BSSR professor 3.1. -Iiniselriclh) liin3kogo ..i,:!ditsins!:o--o Listituta. (PEPTIC ULCER) (AMMOla'UM MTOUNDS) C- A X. ? Pre=46M at. potassium pododotto, 8- 1., metAtIml /ava ya lAb 13. IM31940).-Ptoduct &%uying 00.7% and (me of a"i and Mn is repcwtedly made at Sverdlovsk plant ftw Chem. relKents. C. %t K. U&G Ot peclo4ittes in V011411irttic 4114li-sto I AcM ba,ev,jult1h.imm In Ilsoffec, mithe P04-111 .101 thow.t.I.- to, I ). % 5 %L'j4L&Ud-Lj . .1-k swt, I is, ~ It I 1h I-%. 1,11A '0 111, 'v'i, it, I" C." .4 it V'- 11 1"4 % dr'y I" It.7191 ~ 't 1.11 it I - ". . I., tr~hh l'H 1.11 d. t- 11 if atskaillard "utlons all patiaditte and narthadit of thirtil doetminAtioaafafrifacing agent. Aid i!;-l ; I h, 1-1 ttit -Ita 1-1,1,h -%,,i .... -11 111t,N11. it. till ... It,- lrep, t ,, I'l ~ .,it 1. 11~i 11 1. -l" 14"N 11 '. -1., 1 Mir 'I~ Itil it, III,- I'l . ...... tm.11- it,.- It- th't -wgv 1, IN. -d p.-I I,- -Im %I K-L. ... if it= and cad*'--,. S. SyrnimmAd and S. L Mchunrl kl'takk 'Statir I niv.1. Zdrf4jki;y,i J.,,b. 16. 39-q4tl`)TTU~lp, cf. CA. 44. H751)g Pilot 4 Ziw I(N), and 6 citlaill and may 1w it-d bq th, lolditnt dats A Z11 suld C.1 hv 1t1fAti4Hl .4 till j.114-14t, I--- I. ..... I W 11U.- dt... I,y All, .4 _-, .4 Ill, i-latir I'm Im Ill the -.4d 1h,r p1ml 1. 1-1 at 1.11 410. iltst " ilic'"1114tr; by mole fit. dicAtm tPH 5-41)ill NfICI"nAl%thtJwlmlkrf NIIJ)II t be pptri. is compicte in hot sohi.; it is lirst done by u%ing urm as the wurm of NIA!, ror Cd the cmili6ms are Anal"amis. C.. NU K~12prity NELAMED, S I kandekhimicheokikh &W-10 Improving the quality of ~ch. zap. Mord. gos. un. naukp dotuent water for engine cooling. no-13:213-217 160. (MIM 15:11) 1. Kafedra khimii Mordovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta. (Engines-Cooling) (Saline waters-Demineralization) _~TLAMED, S. 1. Seminar of workers in the- furri-ire industri of -,he lj'frair-ian S.S.R. Bum. i der. rrom, -c.2:55 q-',~ 163. (MIRA 1-17:2) KNAM, so$. Mechanism for hOifting ceramic pipes. Stak. I ker. 13 E!0.10:32 0 '56. (Shchekino-Gera~mic indhstries) OCLRA 9: 12 ) (Hoisting machinery) --Mllld,IMD, S.H"- inzh. nutomatic grips. BetA zhel.-bet. no.4:161-165 AD 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Hoisting machinery) ~IXFA , S.M., inzh. Automatic catches for crane6. Bezop.truda v prom. 4 no.9:29- 30 S 160. (MIRA 13-9) (Cranes, derri&-s,etc) MEIAMED) S.M. Review of the work carried out by, the "Ukrainian State Institute of Design and Planning of Furniture Industry Enterprises." Bum.i der.prom. no.4:54~55 O-D 162. (WRA 15:12) 1. Ukrgipromebelf. (Furnit,ure industry) _~JE_LWD,__S.M_,,inzh.; SIDOROV, V.V., inzh. Machine for casting ventilation "blocks.* Fakh. stroi. 19 no-4:23-24 Ap 162. (KRA 15:9) (Precast concrete) (Ventilation-Equipment and supplies) MELAMED, S.M., RUDENKO, N.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, Prof., -----"-----t*tsonzent (Automatic gripping devices for piece freight] Avtoina- ticheskie zakhvaty dlia shtuchnykh gruzov. Moskva, Ma- shinostroenie, 1965, 130 P. (VIIRA l8a4) BBIUSIANOVA, I.Ya.,- VFJSLER, G.M.; MARKOV, L.R.; IVIAM, S.N.; PETRUENKOP P.M. Use of hemp tow for the manufacture of particle boards. Der. prom* n U0,439-10 AP 162. (MIRA 1514) 1. UkrgipromobelI (H-ardboard) (Hemp) F-I'TRIYFSKO.. UWV~(YMrT Yr-I.,%, M~',AWD, 3~No Now furnituTe mo& 'ti :~enw~ncie~ fr~,r Trodu~tl .D. i r?,-, -v-- ns. I a26-28 Ja -Mr 1 S5. (V"F-~ 28 -10) BUDKER, S.B.~, BUTAYEV, C.A.; LEYDEFMAN, M.I.; MELAMED, S~'S. Using gear pumps for transporting liquefied petroleum gaaes. GGaz. prom. 10 no.9:19-22 165. (MI-RA i8T!11' 3/138/6o/n-/n_ (1) 7, A051/02c, AUTHORSx Koshelev, F.F., F kina, L.P., Melamed, T,I Kamenskiy, -knutov, Ye.G. B.Z,., Vostro TITLE- On the Development of Self-Vulcaniziag Materials for the Re- pair of Pneumatic lires 1~ PERIODICALi Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No. 6, pp. 27 - 29. TEXT- The recent development and application of self-vulcanizing materials in tire repair and the cold vulcanization method is pointed out. Due to the introduction of tubeless tires in the last few years, the in- terest in self-vulcanizing materials has grown, as well as research work in this field. The principles of production of Soviet self-vulcanizing rubbers, pastes and cements / ased on natural rubber and Soviet ingredients for use in tire repairs by the cold vulcanization method are outlined, The production of these materials began in 1959 by the MITKhT im Lomono- sov in cooperation wi,,th the NIIShP. These principles are also applicable to synthetic rubbers Fbutadiene-nitLleCKH-26 (SK14-26) kiridCKH _1C "i"I v 1 1, D carboxyl icCK(- 30-1 SKS-30-1) etc. Thus, the Card 1/3 311 1 5aA"0/1o00/0o1-t/, 10 /ool'~ AO'5 1 /AO29 On the DQveloprnont of' 3elf-,Vulcanizing- Materials for the. Repair cf PA-eu- matic Tires cement was developed for use in the cold repair of rubber articles with a sufficiently high adhesiveness and a satisfactory thermostability at 1001C. In order to avoid gelatination during the production and storage of the pastes and cements, tfo solutions of the cement and the paste were develop ed which are mixed together prior to their application, In order to find the most active ultra-accelerators of vulcanization tit low temperatures, L/ Zn. Pb, Al, Bi, Cd and Sb salts of dialkyldithiocarbamine acids were stud- ied. It was found that the zinc salt. has a higher level of vulcanizatioii. Various epoxide resins were tested for the plirpose of increasing the ad- hesiveness of the cements tc vulcanized rubber and fabrilg. I t was estab- lished tha4 the partial. replacement of the apox.:de resin ith Pheno1'or.-____ maldehydeVincreases the stability of_,Ahe cement during storage. Gas nel carbon black..-and mineral f ill rsP(col loidal si licaYK - 331, ',U-- 3L3 YC-170 (US-170) rpowered silica gel, the silicates of calcium, zInc, etc.) were tested as fillers for increasing the mechanical res!Btanco of tho 11ty- ers of the adhesive, Tests were performed on the tube and casing rubbers. Card 2/3 S/ 13 8 / 6c) /0 ~- 0 A051 IA02') On the Development of Self.-Vulcanizing Materials for the iepair of Pneil,;"71- tic Tires It was established that liqiud cement, which is part of the cement compc- sition, can be applied independently during the joining of non-vulcanized articles of complex profile with subsequent vulcanization. The authors recommend these cements, pastes and rubber mixtures for the repair of tubes.. casings, tubeless tires, belts, sleeves, various rubber footwear and the rubberizing of various chemical apparatus, as well as the cementing of leather to rubber and a number of other materials. There are 3 tables and 15 references: 6 Soviet, 7 English and 2 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy kh1micheskoy tekhnologi.i Jm. M.V Lomonosova i naucbno--iseledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti, (The Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Tech- nology imeni M.V, Lomonosov and the Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry) Card 3/3 L A' L)V A yx' -7. h ,YJ ro zA r f 1/ 7 MEAMED, T.; FEPOROV. D. Raising the coefficient of efficiency. Mias. ind. SSSR 30 no.3:46 '59. (KI3A 12:9) J.Dnepropetrovskiy myasokombinat. (Dnepropetrovsk-Meat industry--Equipmeut and supplies) 16(1) AUTHOR: Melamed,V.P. TITLE: j~~aluation of the Index of the Stationary Point of a Completely Continuous Vector Field PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,vol 126,Nr 3,pp 501-504 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let A be a completely continuous operator in the real Banach space E; let AO = 0 and let the Frechet-derivative of A in the origin of E be B. Let 1 be eigenvalue of B. E is the direct sum of a finite-dimensional E 1 corresponding to the eigenvalue 1 and an E2 in which B has not the eigenvalue 1. Let E 1 consist only of the eigenvectors of B. For everyfe-E it holds If= x+y, where xGE19 yC-E 2. Let the operator P be defined by PY - x. In the neighborhood of the zero of E let A T - "f+Cn10+Cn+?+"'+Cn+k1f+D?, where ci are operators of i-th order while -n-k C lim 11 D 'P11 kP 11 Uf it -+o Let *r be the index of the zero solution of ~Q. A\P. Theoremi Let Card 1/3 Evaluation of the Index of the Stationary Point of a 307/20-126-3-11/-9 Completely Continuous Vector Field PCnX =_ PC n+, X =_~ ... = PC n+k-1x0 (x eEj PC n+k x / 0 (XC-E19 x 0) and let k< n-1. Then zero is an isolated solution of T- Af, where 9 where A is the sum of the multiplicities of those eigenvalues of B being greater than 1, while )r, is the rotation of the vector field -PC n+kx on the unit sphere of the E1* The theorem is applicable for the proof of convergence for approximate methods of the type of Galerkin, for the solution of non-linear equations,for spectral investigations of non-linear operators, for the investigation of the correctness of several problems with respect to the small perturbations, for the Card 2/3 12 Evaluation of the Index of the Stationary Point SOV/20-126-3-1 1/00, of a Completely Continuous Vector Field investigation of cases of bifurcation etc. Further four theorems contain the results of some of these applications. The author mentions M.A.Krasnosellskiy. There are 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet, I Hungarian, and 1 English. ASSOCIATION:Omskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Omsk Pedagogical Institute) PRESENTED: February 20, 1959, by P.S.Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTED: February 19, 1959 Card 3/3 29003 3/02 61/140/004/002/023 C1 1 1YC444 AUTHOR: Melamed, V. B. TITLE: Analytic solutions to some non-linear integral equations PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no., 4, 1961, 759 - 762 TEXT: In the space of the complex-valued function, continuous on (0,1) the equation n+ 1 AV C.0 = 2L I K, + Kn T" - Kn, 1Y - , . .1 , (1) is considered, where >, is a complex parameter, K (P' K (x; S) y' (s) ds, (2) f n and where the series K i(x,s)z + Kn(x's)z + Kn+1(x's)z con- verges for 0 4 X~s < 1, Izi < R to the function K(X,s,z) which is continuous in x,s,z and analytic in z. Under the supposition that 1 is eigenvalue of K,(x,s), the solution of (1) is constructed by the method of Nekrasov-Nazarov, and several Card 1/6 29003 Analytic solutions 3/02 61~/140/004/JO2/023 C1 1 1YC444 conjectures on the indices of the solutions in the more general case uttered by M, A. Krasnosel'skiy, are proved for the special case of Let pl(x),...,pl(x) be the eigenfunctions of K1? , corresponding to 1; let ql(x),...,ql(x) be the adjoint functions, Let (p,, q j) = 5ij. (5) The operator Pf be defined by P? = (T' qJ Pi (4) PT projects C on the subspace E 1 of the eigenfunctions of Ki' The following cond-itions be satisfiedt PK n . ,n -1 - - r-1 n PK I PK 0 (,?C E (5) 12+1 r- i T Card 2/ 6 PKr r 0 If C El, 0) (6) ?9003 3102 61/140/004/002/023 Analytic solutions ... C'IIYC444 where n O, y(O) = y 0 Card3/10 SOV/49-58-7-4/16 Reduction of-ftefan's Problem to a System of Ordinar3r Differential Equations and assumin2; that C,,:(t) hab a maxi-inum, at t = tl(C "t, eventually Eqs.(30) and (31) are obtained. Simllarly, D~- is calculated. LIL To Drove the above, t1re folloving should be apl)lied: vlel': a real number m /,a is taklen, the denotationE (7~2) to should be made and all the constants and their d~riv.~ti-:)ns denoted by L' (the same applies to D k ). The equations (36) and (37) are obtained by substitutinE Eq.(30) for k m into Eqs.(2-?) and (26) with application of Eqs.(32) to (34). In order to obtain G n the Eq.(38) is formed from Eq.(27) by substituting Eq.(32) t0(34). This equation is tiansformed into the final form (39). It should be noted that G n has limits; therefore 6(n) will lie between 0 and and the result ~40) will be limited by these two vnlues. The right part of Eq.(40) represents a curve placed ia the Gard,4/10 first quarter (Figure 1) zith the asymptote at z = 1/~ . SOV/49-58-?-4/lE ,Reduction of Stefanis Problem to a Systeni of Ordinary'DivVerential Bauations The left part represents a bisectrix. The intersection of the straiEjit line by the. curve ~,fill de-nend on a and -,3 (i.e. on r.- and t). There will bQ two -noints of intersection z and z T,,.-:) oosE:ibilities 1 2 ' - may occur accordinG to Eq.(40): z ~ z 1 or z > z,,) However at 0.0 z k z sh,)uld be sijaller than z otherwise Eq.(40) will not bp- trt-.e, i.e. z would like betaveen z 1 and z 2 (FiCure 1). Tlius, 1''.en 0 t