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xvtq, w tIll 2 - a3 cla ~Cll ' wit , -u -ld qixw-&Plz uninly tisid f4e p -1w ww'vrot4ims mmi= tt itz: E6~ And P-1 mtdod- lop USS~ /Microbiology. General Microbiology. F-1 Abs Jour: Referat.Zh.-Blol, No. 9, 1957, 354174 A uthor Medvedev, Zh.A. Title Concerning the Nature of "Age" Changes in the Proteins of a Yeast Culture Orig Pub: Uch. Zap. Kharkovsk. un-ta, 1956, 68, 65-78 Abstract: Baker's yeast was bred on a synthetic medium with the addition of radioactive Sotium Sulfate in aerobic conditions. In 7 hrs. the cells separ- ated from the medium, and the whole mass was div- ided into three parts; the first was subjected to autolysis; from the second protein was Isolated; and the third part was placed in a fresh medlum but without the radioactive sulfate. In 161 hours of development the cells were subject to the same treatment; autolysis and the isolation of protein. Card 1/4' USSR Aicrobiology. General Microbiology. P-1 Abs Jour: Referat,.Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35474 It was established that the proteins of the 7-day yeast culture were more stable than the 7-hour, during the process of autolysts, on the ba3is of other research not published in the given work, the author c-nsiders that the difference In the depth of autolysis depends not on changes of the fermentive systems taking part in the autolysis but on a change in the protein's structure in the aging of the culture. A radiochromatographic analysis of the 7-hour and 7-day protein shows that the latter has a small excess of cysteine and cystine In comparison with thmethionine. Full trypsin and pepsin hydrolyzates were received from the Isolated proteins. By means of calculation the median dimensions of the peptic chains was determined in the pepsin hydrolyzates which showed C ard 2/4 USSR /44icrobiology. General Mfcrobiology. F-1 Abs Jour- Referat.Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35474 equal for the 'young' protein 4.6, and for the 'old' 5.2 amino acid residue. If the hydroly- zates of young and old proteins is used as the only source of nitrogen for the cultivation of the same yeast in the same synthetic medium, then after 40 hours of the culture's growth diff- erences were also discovered In the conduct of protein in autolysis, i.e., the properties of 'age' were transmitted to the new culture with the nourishing substances. This result" forced the author to s--t ;Av n Teries of experiments utilizing the method of ballasting (Francis, Winnick, J. Biol. Chem., 1953, 202, 23) and the method of Iuila (J. Exptl. Med., 1951, 93, 539) for proof that yeast utilizes the polypeptides C ard 3/4 USSR /Microbiology. General Microbiology. F-1 Abs Jour: Referat.Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35474 of the hydrolyzate completely without segmenta- tion or only with partial segmentation into amino acids. C ard 4A MHDV.gDZV. Zh.A. Some data on the utilization of paptidee in protein synthesis. Biokhtmiia 21 ao.2.288-292 Mr-Ap '56. (MIRA 9:8) 1. Kafedra agronomicheakoy i biologichaskoy khimii Moskovskoy sellskakhoz.vaystvennoy akademii im. K.A.Timiryanva. (PROTICINS. metabolism, biosynthesis by plants & fungi, utilization of peptides (Rus)) (PEPTIMS. metabolism, biosynthesis of proteins in plants & fungi (Rua)) USSR/General Biology - Physical and Chemical Biology. 3-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5, 1958, 18965 Author Medvedev, M.A. Inst Title Two Forms of Protein Ojelf-Renewai.. Orig Pub Biokhimiya, 1956, 21, No 5, 627-0-32 Abstract The nuestion of self-reproduction of the protein molecule is critically discussed. The possibility is noted of pos- sible errors in methods because of non-sterile experimen- tal conditions and the presence of a denaturation factor. According to the author, the addition of aminoacids to reactive groups cf the protein molecule may simulate Dro- tein renewal only externally, but such is not the fact. The author considers that no "renewai" of extra-cellular and reserve nroteins takes place without disintegration or that it occurs to a very limiTed deUee, and "self-me- tabolism" of proteins is not proven. Card i/1 ---:1-14- -U-V lE, DVED-:,:,!,', Zli. A. "A nem ~nethod of autoradiography ;'Or investigatinG thee localization and rate of s~mthcsis of proteins and micleic acllr3 ii-, plants," a papcr oulurlitt(2i at the International Conferc-cf-, or. Ir. ~;cicntific *:Icseur6,,, l'urls, -20 SOP 57. 41 I USSR/Plant ?hysiolory Respiration owv~ jio~aboliun, Abs Jour 1"of liur Biol., No 2~, 1553, lo4327 Author~_ Inst Tirairya-ev A(~ricultural .,cac~cmy. Title Stukly of the Synthesis anc~ I--.)ssible translocatiin Taz Iroteins in tho Coat:.ictinG System of Plant~; _;(;od I Maanv, o' .' a New Method - Zic !Ircparative of Leaf Trapressions on Filter Paper. Orig Pub Izv. Timiryazevsk. S.-Mi. No 3, 186-2o6, Abstract Examination of the problem of the possibility of th-, location of the hi~,,hly soluble proteins for:u--, tlic roots throu0i tho system (eapeciall-* -a I-L100m) to the oroans. This stv-,' WIS bas& on an especially method of the preparai-Av,; raeioauto&caphy of Ica.- i..gro-,sions on filter Card 1/2 . AUTHORt Madvedev, Zh.A., Candidate of Biological Sciences 25-7-4/51 TITLE: The Meeting in Moscow Will Bring Us Nearer to Each Otner (Vatrecha v Moskva ablizit nas) PERIODICALt Nauka i Zhiznl, 1957, # 7, P 3 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The author, a young biologist, who is studying the exchange of proteins and nucleic acids by means of radioactive isotopes, points out that important scientific problems can only be solved when scientists of the whole world are ready to join their skills and experience. He says that wherever a biologist may live, if he has made a discovery or written a book, all biolorg- iota in the world will be grateful to him, since their object- ives are everywhere the same. The article contains one photo. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 i-\ ~_ AV (-'A e_~)Z h, A USSR/Plant Physiology - Respiration and Metabolism. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 18, 1958, 31988 Adthor Medvedev, Zh.A. I-Ist Agricultural Acaderay In. K.A. Timiryazev Title New Meth3d of Plant Radioautography Orig Pub Prir-ida, 1957, No 8, 90-92 Abstract Leaves of plants cDiitaini:ig radioactive substances are put between sheets of filter paper and inserted between two steel bars. They are placed iii a press and subjec- ted to a pressure 3f 150-200 atm. Albumins remaii, on the impressions if the leaves after treatment by trich- loroacetic acid. This permits the discovering of the lo- calizatij.i if marked albwains in the leaf. Albumiiis, imr- ked with s35, are localized alon& the principal of the leaf, This shows, according to the author, Card 1/2 - 12 - USSR/Plant Physiology Respiration and Metabolism. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol,, No 18, 1958, 81988 the m3tion of soluble albumins, synthesized in the r3ot, This method is aot suitable for studying plants which have a thick cuticle. The experiment was carried out at the Timiryazev agricultural academy. -- L.D. Prussakova Card 2/2 USSR/Plant Fhysiolo~W Mineral Nutrition. Abs Jour : -',of Jaur Biol., No 2~1, 1953, io4363 Author : ;Icdvedev, Zh.A., Lin Vin~~-anL, and Wu Chun TnL t : AC;ricultural Academy imen-f. Timiryazev Title : Otudies of Plant Metabolism by the Tagged Atom Met-hoC. Orig Pub : Priroda, No 10, 97-98, 1957. Abstract : In the Agricultural Academy iniani Timiryazev there were studied the processes of the utilization of reservo oced substances during the -,ormination, and the reutilization of these substances in the sulas-equent growth of plau"s. The bean was grown in a nutrient medium containini3 inorLa- 1lic S35 in the quantity oLl' I curie per container. tadioac- tivo acedu ware garrainatocl W a nutrient medium not conLai- ning SM. The distribution of radioactivity was determined Card 1/2 durinS various periods of plant- ontogenesis. Durin3 the - 11 - USSR/P-'al-.c Physiology Respirati6m and Metabolism. Ab s Jou r Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 8198'r Author Medvedev, a..A. Inst Academy of Agriculture im. K.A. Timiryazev Ttilc The Utilization of Radioactive Phosphorus for Quantitati- ve Determination of the Content of Nucleic Acids in Va-- rious Intercelluar Leave Fractions. Orig P-ib Dokl. Mosk. s.-kh. akad. im. K.A. Timiryazeva, 1957, vYp- 29, 55-60 Abstract The method of quantitative deterrxination of P compounds which takes into accou,it the radi,,)active emn;mtion of P32 in certain planta ;ias bee,i tested. These plants were grow,,,. in a nutritious nixture with co:istant radioactivity of p32. In cytoplasmic preparations derived from sunflo- wer leaves, - 95% of the radioactivity comes f rom PW, Card 1/2 USSR/Plaat Physiology Respiration and Metabolism. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 13, 1953, 31937 ,- 4-5% of the radioactivity eimnates frora phisphopro- teins and from DHk. A new sensitive Liethod of determi- nation of nucleic acids is based Du a radioautoEprapliic study of leaves containing P32 after eliminatio~i of all forms of P, with the exception of nucleic acids. The leaf imprints, representing the inner content of leaves were pressed into filter paper under a pressure of 150- 200 atm. Then, lipides aad solubles of P in acid furn were washed away, and the imprints were used f~)r radio- autography. -- L.K. Polishchuk Card 2,12 TJSSR/Plant Phy-,iolo,,y Mineral Nutr---~*i:)a. Abs Jour :et' hui- Biol.) No 2", 104362 Author Medic-dev, Zh.A. jk, Inst A,~,ricul ura.1 Academy iiacai T.i-.L-,-yazev Title '-;Ile Content of Methioni7--c~, Cy-,*U-.Jre and Common the Proteins of Vario,,iq L,,,racellular Fractions and Sunflower Leaves -,_-i ;,Llation to the Age of ?-Ia- L) Arig Pub Biokhimiya, 22, No 5, 055-064, 1957. Abstract The dynardes of the co.it2n, o-1- ', and thiocasbamic ckc-c.--, (met~iionine and cy,3t.Lii,:) wa:; irnrcstigated in prepara-,`.J-~:.-~2 0-. proteins from pleri'l- lLa-f2-- (sunflover Chernyai-,~-.-, 1?. an6 ruuvier bean sax) a sand culture on a iaj.xt,.Lrc with a stab12 arc,~-ual ratio of radioactive and b1c isotopes of' S. wore separetely isolwt'-1,2~ from th-, vacuolar sap anC- va:;cljlar strand6, plasr. Card 1/3 USSR/Plant PhysioloL;~r Mineral Nutri',.s.o;.. Abs Jour Rei' Biol., No 2-1, 1)53, 1o4362 r)l,ls and cystopla--i--c -,'L,.-lactures. The S cor wa 3 according to --adloactivity of pro- 'c- --'Is " aad ~hc amino acid conton'C 'hydrolysis), by 010'~ai,ILI~ ~)apci- chromatograms ane,- thci:--,vpon determinin- th,: .'ivi6 of the stains o..' the corresponding amino "lie L I maxinum S content, also preponderance o - c- - U1- o7er methionine, was C-',3-playcd by the proteins oil -".c Dlasm fluid. In the b,~an proteins., the S content '-ccreased clura.YIG the flowerin.- per-oe anC- increased durin-- thk2 Dcriod of the maturation of poCs: during that periods nine content had also sonc-,r'iat increased. In tuac -',~i,:lower, the 3 content increased durin,-, the flowering per-'o'~. During that period, .4-'U-9 and methionine was higher in the leaves cj~ ti-, lower tiers than in jD',!i-,er leaves. It was show-.i L.!,.a'~'- tlic plants are capable o, ,ailatin,-., from the -air ,-,.l-Ur ~.ioxide which is u-'~- 11 metabolism on par wish the sulfates admitted froi-.i w11--, Card 2/3 - 10 - USSR/Plant Phy-.iology - Mineral Nut~-izl~--~)n. I. Abs Jour : ~Zef 9-hur - Biol., No 2,--', 195~j, 1o4362 -,oil. The study was iii the Agriculturai Acsx'c~my ilicni Timirynzev. -- L.7. 'Dmanova. .01 Card 3/3 r. V, KZDVIIDW, Zh.A., kand. biol. nauk. A now mthod for raioautography of plants. Pr1roda 46 no.8-.90-92 Ag '57. (KIRA 10:9) 1. Moskovskaya sel'skokhozyayetvonnava akademiya Im. IC.A. Timirwiseva. (Fhotography of plants) (Autoradiography) 26-10-18/44 AUTHOR: 1(edvedevq.Zh.A*y Candidate of Biological Sciences, Lint Tin-an' and U Tszyunt TITLE: The Study of Vetabolism in Plants with the Aid of Marked &tons (Izucheniye obnena, veshchestv rasteniy metedom mechanykh atomov) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957,,No 10, pp 97-98 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The process of manifold utilization of compounds in biologic- al syntheses - their re-utilization - is an interesting physiological phenomenon which can be successfully atudied by applying the method of mark . The author used radio- atons :5 5 ) on "kidney" bean plants which active isotopes of sulfur ( were raised in pots. The marked seeds harvested from these plants were sown in pots containing nourishing mixtures with- out radioactive substances. Samples of plants, for measuring their radioactivity, were taken 5 times during the vegetation period. Radioactivity of the sulfur was determined separately in the leaves, reproductive organs# stalks and the root system. The results obtained ohowed a whole range of regular- ities regarding the distribution of radioactive substances Card 1/2 originating from the seeds. In the initial stage of develop- 2 0- 2 - 4 Cl;'Sr_ AUTHOR: bbdvedev , Zh. A. t_t 35 TITLEt Distribution of Su o ances, Marked by 3 # of Phaseolus vulgaris in the Proteins and Organs of' Plants of a New Pro- geny, Observed Throughout Its Period of Development (Raspredeleniye mecheDnYkh s35 veshchestv semyan fasoli v belkakh i organakh rasteniy novogo pokoleniy*techeniye vsego periods. ikh razvitiya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol. 114, Nr 2, PP.379-382 (USSR) ABSTRACT:The normal analytical methods are not suffirient in order to clari- fy the fate of the reserve nutritive substances of seeds 'i.e. to determine whether they are redistributed among the new leaves and the reproductive organs, or whether they remain in the same organs for the growth of which they were used at the germination. It is furthermore of interest which part of the initial proteins of the seeds is concentrated in the seeds of the new progeny. This investiAation was carried out with Card 1/4 the aid of the method of marked seeds., the parent plants of 35 20-2-40/60 Distribution of Substances, Marked by S , of Phaseolus vulgaris in the Proteins and Organs of Plants of a New Progeny, Observed Throughout Its Period of Development which had been grown on a nutritive substratum with the one or the other radioactive isotope, whereas the plants them- selves were brought up on a normal nutritive substratum not containing radioactive elements. For the purpose of these experiments, radioactive sulphur was used, because it has a period of half life that roughly corresponds to the period of vegetation of one-year old plants. Phaseolus vulgaris was used in these experiments. The results obtained permit to draw the following conclusions with respect to the inter- -organic exch&nge of sulphurous compounds in plantst If marked sulphates and methionins are absorbed through the roots, they accumulate mainly in the young growing leaves. The radioactive substances of the seeds are used up during the first period of growth, when the first small leaves, roots and stems are the young growing organs. The main mass of the radioactive sulphur is concentrated in them. The next stages of the growth of the leaves take place at the expense of the nutritive substratum and of the discharge Card 2/4 of the marked substances of the first group. '2he constant 35 20-2-40/60 Distribution of Substances, Marked by S , of Phaacoluo vulgariB in the Proteins and Organs of Plants of a New Progeny, Observed Throughout Its Period of Development are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 6 refercnces , 5 of which az%-- soviit- ASSOCIATION: Moscow Agricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev (Moskovskaya ml' skakhozyaystvennaya akademiya im. K. A. Timiryazeva) PRESENTED- March 4, 1957, by A. I. Oparin, Member of the Academy SUBMITTEDt March 1, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 20-1070-- 37/54 AUMOR: -Iledvedev, Zh. A. TITLE, An Auto radi o6raphic a 1 Investieution of the Phenomena of s35-methionine Adsorption bi the Zytoplasin Proteins of the Leaves of Some Plants (Radioavtograficheskoye izucheniye yavleniy adsorbtsii s35-metionina belkami tsitoplazmy liot'yev ryada raste- niy) PERIODICALs Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 117, 11-Ir 5, PP- 660 - 863 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In recent times the question was mach discwed whether the in- ' 5 and C in isolated proteins Labelled by S clusion of amino acids and in some protein systems represents a synthesis and selfrenewal of the protein or, however, this inclusion is a non-3pecilic and adsorption-like process and does not represent a biological oon- version form. The right exploitation of the experimental results is complicated by the fact that there can scarcely be found a con- trol for the untreated protein forms. This should be an inactivated protein, with which, however, an age,-rogation and colloidal salt precipitation is connected, and thus a sudden-alteratior of the adsorption surface. The author succeeded in avoiding the visible coagulation phenomena and the precipitation of protein structures Card 1/4 durin.- the denaturation. This was carried out by weans of a sudden 20-aV-5- 37/54 An Autoradiographical InVe3tigation of the Phewmena of the S35-14ethi- onine Adsorption by the Zjtopl;Aam Proteins o. tne Lea,,~_j o.L :)orau Plants hi:,Il pre_:sure (.`ore than 200 at:~01 or a stro.-ce (approximatively 50 kg/cm2) on the leaves enclosed in several layers of chrot,,iato- E;raphic filter paper (6ictures of these imprints figure 1). Here the leaf zytoplas--i is imprinted into the paper as a whole, to.-eth- er with plastides, cores, and other components. However, one did not succeed in finding the observation conditions for synthetic processea in 3in,r-le plants (with the exception of lime tree). ,By chance, however, the orate-in3 Of the con trol- Pnd expe rimental variantj turned out to adsort a part of thu s35 methionine (o'l - - 0,8 ~~O). .h(- leaf imprints of beans, Aristolochia clematitis , lirde tree, and Sanguisorba canadensis were spattered with a 0,29 bf - Glucose Zolt4tion which contained in 100 ml 1 m Cu of S35-methi- onine and phosphate buffer with pIq 6,8. The imprints were then 3pattered with trichloroacetic acid and all soluble compounds were carefully washed out. Table 1 gives the average values of the 3ur- f face radioactivity of the iLiprints. From a part of the imprints (on radio-film X-5) autoradiographs were produced (figure 1, 2). The obtained results cannot yet prove that 'the leaf imprints are useless for the one or the other synthetic processes in vitro. How- ever, the pos-:ible influence of the inhibitors o~ the protein Card 2/4 synthesis has to be taken into account. By comparison of the 20-la7-5- 37/54 55_ble thi - An Autoradiographical Investigation of the Phenomena of 3 onine Adsorption by the Zytoplasm Proteins oi the Leaves of iome Plants weight of the laaf imprint to an equal piece of clean paper the weight of the protein concentration in the protoplasm of single leaves was detected. The differences of the surface radioactivity of youn,~ und ola bean leaves are connected with differences in age of the adsorption power of the proteins. The results prove that in every case the relation between the real insertion of the met~ion- ine in the protein synthesis and the non-specific binding by cell structures should be taken into consideration. Here it is important that the repeated precipitation used for the protein cleaning is only to a small extent effective against joint sulphoamino acids. The described imprint method can also be used for experimental purposes. An adsorption of radioactive compounds by leaf imprints was found aloo durin6 their treatuent by sodium phosphate labelled with p32. In contrast to this labelled sulpbates can be easily and aliaost completply removed froi-ii the imprints by means of com- mon waskin,,,. 2here are 2 fi,,,-ures, 1 table, and 10 references, all of which are Slavic. Card 3/4 20-117- 5 - 37/ *54 Phenomena of 35- An AutoradioCruphic--:Ll Inv.---ut4gation of t11( 3 1~ethi- onine Ad3orption by thu Zytopl--sf:i Proteins oi jeaves of So, Plants ASSOCIATION: Agricultural Acade.-ay imeni K. A. Timiryazev, M03COVI (:doskov31capi sell sko'khozyaystvennaya akadeniiya im. K. A. Timirya- zeva) PRESENTED: SU1,1ITTED: JulY 91 1957, bj A, I. Oparin, Acade:.,iician J V l.,' 0 , 19 ') 7 Card 4/4 VACHKOVSKIY, V.R,, akaAemik, otvatstvenmyy red.; AHMPOV-KARMIN, IeN.. aka,dead1c, otvetstvermyy red.; HICHIPMOVICH, A.~Ae, doktor bial. nauk, otvetstvaumy red.; k#A*V-k%nd. b1ol. nauk, red,; OGOWMSO Ta.G., red.; POLTAXOT, Th.A., kand. gel 19'kokhozMatv9n9-- nykh neak, red,; SMOT# G.T., red..; SHMMOV,*V&Ao, kand. sel'sko- khozMatyennyth nank, red.; SHAROVATOVA, I.B.. red. izd-va. [Physiolog7 of plants. Agricultural chemistry, Soil science; proceedings of the Conference on the Use of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiation In the Ektional ZoonozV and in Soience] Tiziologila rastenii,, AgroWmila. Pbehyowedente; truAy V'nesoluznoi nauchno-takhnicheskoi konferentall po prImenenitu radio- akt1va7kh I stabillrO& Iaotopov I ialuchenii v narodnon khoziaistve I nauka. Moskva, lzd-vo Almd. nauk SSSR, 19F58. 436 p. (NIRA, 11:6) .1. Veenoymnays, -uchno-tekhnIcbea1pqa konferentsiya po primenenlyu radioaktiTnykh I stabilln7kh lootopor I islucheniy v naraduou khowaystva I naulm, 1957. 2. Tsesoymxnaya akademiya sel'sko- khozyaysWennykh nank In. 7.1, Ienina (for Klechkovskiy). 3. Akademiya nauk Tadshikokoy SSR (for Antipov-Karatayev), (Botazky-Ax~alology) (Agricultural chemistry) (Soils) MBr)VM-VV, Zh. A., kand. biol. nauk; ZABOIWSKIY, U.N., aspirant Application of electrophorests sad outpradlograpby for studying the nuclaotide composition and phosphorus notabolism of nuclaic acids in various organs of the bean [with summary in English]. Izv. TSKhA no. 3:207-214 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Beans) (Ruclentides) (r-hogphorus metabolism) '.[M;VTIDI-,T,, knnd.1-AnI.nauk Using leaf imprints on filter paper for rapid m'.crndetiMir.;-tIqn of amino nitrogen in plants. Izv. TSKhA no.4:115-1120 158. MHA 11:10) (Plants-ChemicnI analy!iis) (Nitrogen) ICPVMW. 2h.A~ Past determination of the radioactivity of proteins and the ratio of various fractions of radioactive substances in plant leaves [with summary in Ingplish]. Biokhimiia 23 n00'6:801-808 V-D 158 (MIRA 11:12) 1. Kafedra agronomicheskoy i biologicheskoy khimii Moskovskoy sel'Bkokhozynystvennoy akademil Imeni, K.A. Timiryazevas' (RADIOACTIVE TRACERS) (PLANTS-METABOLISK) (PROTEINS) KOWMV. Zh.A:. -::-.-,...-t~ I"-,; ~n- . --.. '. Tripression of leaves on filter paper as a now form of botanical docunantation. Not. thur. 43 no.i:6i-63 ja 0. (mrgA 11:2) 1. Moskovskaya sel'skokhozyaqstvenuaya, akadenlya Im,. X.A. Timirvazeva. (leaves) (Botanical research) 26-58-2-12/48 AUTHOR: Medvedev. Zh.A, Candidate of Biological Sciences TITLE: Radio Isotopes in Scientific Experiments (Radioizotopy v nauchnom eksperimente) At the International Conference in Paris (Na mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii v Parizhe) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, q1r 2, pp 63-66 (USSR) A.BSTRACT: At the International Conference on the Use of Radio Isotopes in Scientific Experiments, convened by the General Council of the UNESCO from 9-20 September, 1957, 225 reports were read, 49 of which were from the USSR. A.V. Palladin, M.I. Prokhorova, Z.N. Tupikova, G.Ye. Vladimirov, and Ye.M. Kreps read reports on the metabolism of the brain and nervous system. V.M. Klech- kovskiy and I.V. Gulyakin d6alt with the behavior of micro- quantities of the radioactive isotopes of strontium, cesium, ruthenium and zirconium in the soil and showed that plants are able to assimilate these elements into the make up of their tissues, thereby introducing them in-Go the food of animals or man. A.A. Nichiporovich dealt with the problems of photo- synthesis. A.L. Kursanov presented experimental data on the Card 1/2 important role played by the root system in the processing and 26-58-2-12148 Radio Isotopes in Scientific Experiments. At the International Conference in Paris transforming of nitrous sul-stances and organic acids and of the specific role of the roots in controlling the plant's meta- bolism. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akedemiya imeni K.A. Ti- miryazeva (Moscow Agricultural Acsdemy imeni K.A. Timiryazev) Card 2/2 1. Scientific research 2. Radio isotopes--Applications MOMEV, Zh.A.. starshly nauchW7 sotrudnik, lcand.blol.nauk Modern conceptions on protein sy-athesis in plants. I2v.TSM%k no.2:57-74 159. (MI FA 12: 8) (Proteins) (Plants-Assiallation) z 4 Kw%A kand.btolag.nauk; ZABOWTSKIY. N.N., assistent Simple accelerated notbod for determining the effect of radia- tion fron ra4loactive Isotopes on the synthesis of lipids and nuclaic acids in plants. Izv.TSKhA no-3:181-192 159. 11%, (MIRA 12:10) (Liplds) (Nucleld acid;) (Plants, Effect of radioactivity on) MOVEM, M.A. Peptide utilization in protein biosynthesis [with summary in English]. Biokhimlia 24 no.1:94-100 Ja-F 159. (MIRA 12:4) i 1. Department of Agronomical and Biological Che-Astr7, Agricultural Academy, Moscow. (PROTBINS. metab. biosyntheais from peptides (Rua)) (POTIDRS, metab. protein biosyntheale from peptides (Rua)) KOVEDEV, Zh.A.; SHNHI TSZYAN-SYA [Sh5n Oblang-haial Some data on the d.1namice, localization and metabolism of peptides In plant leaves. Bioldlimija 24 no.4:709-716 Jl-Ag '59. OGRA 12:11) 1. Kafedra agTonomllcheskoy t biologicheakoy khimii Sel'skokhoz- yv,vstvannoy akademi-1 im. K.A.Timiryazeva, Hoskva. (PM7IDES) (PIANTS-MET&BOLISM) MVEDEV. Zh.A. (Moskva) Biological functions of the peptide fraction of tisouas and organs. Uup.sovr.biol. 47 no.1:3-18 Ja-F 159. (MIRA 12:2) (PEPTIDES, metabolism, in protein synthesis, review (Rus)) (PROPEINS. metab. bioeynthesis. funct. of peptides, review (Rua)) 17(3) SOV/26-59-2-22//53 AUTHOR: Medvedev, Zh.A., Candidate of Biological Sciences TITLE: The Localization of the Synthesis of Amino Acids in Leaves of Plants (Lokalizatsiya sinteza aminokislot v listlyakh rasteniy) 4~ PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959,)Nr 2, pp 93-95 (USbR) ABSTRACT: The author describes a simple method for the observa- tion of amino acidic metabolism in plants. Imprints of leaves to be examined are made under pressure on filter paper, then decolorized with acetone, which takes away the color but leaves free amino acids and other soluble substances. These imprints are then covered with a solution of ninhydrin, which 'gives a characteristic colorometric reaction with amino acids and other nitrous components of the cell. The inten- sity of this reaction indicates the concentration of these acids on tne imprints. It was also proved Card 112 by these experiments that the amino acidp penetrRte SOV/26-59-2-22/r~3 The Localization of the byrthesis of Amino Acids in Leaves of Plants inside of the leaf even when applied on the surface of the leaf. There are 1 photograph and 4 Soviet referencee. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya im. K.A. Timiryazeva (Moscow Agricultural Academy imeni K.A. Timiryazev) Card 2/2 MEDVEDEV, Zh. A., Doc Biol Sci -- (diss) "Biological synthesis of pro- teins and some problems of ontogenesis." Moscow, 1960. 46 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of Biochemistry im A. N. Bakh); 180 copies; rice not given; list of author's works on pp 44-46 (51 entries); L, 17-60, 145) U RACHINSKIT, T.Y., doktor khim.nauk, red.; TAGLOTA, L.G.; KAKULI, Ta.T.; MOYMW* Zh*A* [Practical work in the use of isotopes and radiations in agricultural Praktikum po primenaniiu izotopov i izluchenii v sellakom khozisistva. Pod obahchei red. B.T.Rachinakogo. Koskva. Kook.sellkhoz.akad. Ho.6. [Use of labeled atoms in plant physiology and biochemistry) Primonenie metoda machanykh atomov v fiziologii i biokhimii restanii. 196o. iol p. (KIRA 14:1) (Radioactive tracers) (Plant physiology--Research) MEDVEDEV, Zh.A. (Moslwa) Role of soluble ribonucloic acid in intermediate reactions of protein synthesis and its relation to enzymatic oystems of aj#no acid activation. Usp. soov,. biol. no.2:.121-135 S-C 160. (2FA 13.11) 1 XCLEIC ACIDS) (PROTEIN METABOLISM) MEDVEDEVI h,,A.; ZABOLOTSKIY, N.N.; SH1211 TSZYAII'-SYA [Sh^n Chien-hsia]; - 8 MU 51-14U [MO 11si-M); DAVIDOVA, Ye.G.; DAVIDOV, Ye.R. Isolation of ribonucleic acid from the plasm sap of plant leaves and studies on the nature of its metabolism. Biokhimiia 25 no.6: 1001-103-1 N-D 160. (MIRA 14- 5) 1. Chair of Agronomic and Biological Chemistry, Agricultural Academy, Moscow. (NUCUIC ACIDS) (PLANTS-ZIETABOLISM) '-EV%'EDT;V, ZH. A. A. ~~. (usbil) ----------- ItA stuc~v of Cort~ In Fc- ~',le-nuclc~ ti,:e Gom, cum; 4n Cro~-s -,-,d t ,'r 'ble role -n tri, ST.:tn~,-is of A11;7,mlii.~." poss . -crt cn~s,~nLed at Cie Ccn:-vu.z3, ::c).-c Rei 1;2-1h A 15;61 DEV, Zh - A D VE, E C 0 t r-j": Bulgaria (Translated ffrom t1ae Russian) a Lv~-!~r~ez -. ?,Iinner o-f the 1959 I,Tobel Prize in .-i1edic-ine Candidate for Biolo~ical Sciences, 41 A f I !,~ t I not indicated S0-JL:iap Biologiva i Khirniva, ITO 2, 1961, pp 19-22 .a: "Tmward the Artificial Synthetizing off ?rotein." IGMVZM-, Sh.As kand.biologichookikh nauk Reproduction and transfer of information in the aynthesis of biological: macrmoldnass. Zhur.MMO 6 no.3:268--275 161. ~A -.;T (MBA 14:6) (Biosynthesis) (Kacrcmolsoul~r compounds) NEDVEDEV, Zh.A. ----------- ;,-~ Some data on the interaction soluble ribonucleic acid of the plasm sap of leaves and intracellular strudtures. Biofizika 6 no.3r279- 283 161. (KLRA 14: 6) 1. Moskovskayra ordena Lenina sel'skokhozyaystvennaya akademiya (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (PLANT CELLS AND TISSUES) (.MEMi DRVp Zh.A.9 kand.biol.nauk (Moskva) Science of aging and longevity. Priroda 50 no. 3:71-72 Mr 161. (141HA 14:2) (Old age) MEDVP~W Zh.A. (Moskva) lr-- Aging pf the organiam at the molecular level. no.3s299-316 MY-To 161e (AGING) (PR Mln~ METABOLISM) Usp.ooVr..biol. 51 (M1RA .14:6) MEDVEDEV, M.A., kand.biologicheskikh nauk; KRAVKIN, E.Ye., aspirant Nucleotids peptides, a now group of biologically important compounds* Izv. TSMJIA no,2:188-199 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy biologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Khavkin). (Nucleotides) (Peptides) KWMEV, Zh.A. Theoretical problems of the molecular level of aging. Trudy VLIF.Otd.biol.6:84~91:62. (MIRA 16:7) 1. The Moscow Agricultural Academy named K.A.Timiryazev. (AGING) (BIOCHEMISTRY) l.'~l.~DVI-I)LV,,ZfA.,E~tedvede~(,Zh. A.] Aging of organism on the molecular level. Analele biol 1~1 i- t, u 112-132 Ja-F 162 - KMVEDEV, Zh.A., kand.biolog.rlailk New method of protein electrophoresis. Friroda 51 no-5.102--101+ My 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Moskovskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akad miya im. K-4. Timiryazeva. (Paper electrophoresis) (Proteins) MD1 DEV, Zh. A. Nonsensical Chaotic Slow Continuation of Morphogene-sis as Contribution to process of Ageing. Gerontalogy2 6th International Congress, CopenhaE;en, Denmark 1i-16 August 1963 MEDMEV, Zh.A..(Moskva) "Elrrors" in the reproduction cf nucle'-c Ficida rpd prote-Ins a.-id their biological significanre. F-obl. k1b. nc,.9424.-L-264 163. (M-TRA 17t'LO) MEDVEDEV,,,Z-h:A., kand. biologicheskikh nauk I - - ... .- , - '. , -~ -~~ .. Molecular mechanisms of the ontogenesis and the problem of cancer, Zhur. VKHO 8 no.4084-394 163. (MIRA 16:10) (CANCER RESEtRCH) (MOLECULAR BIOIDGY) KHAVKIN, E.Ye.; lr!,DVCDF,'V, ai.A. Effect of c-tJ.-''vi r, and adenosi.r,,,--, ~rip.,,osphate on the inclusion of C14 tyrosine into the proteins (,., ieaf rhloroplasts of beans. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.6gI385-1388 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Moskovskaya sellskokhozyaystuvennaia a-kademiya im. K.A.Timiryazeva i Vostochno-Sibirskiy biclogicheskij -institut 31birskogo otdeleniya AN ~',SSR. Preadstavleno akademdk.-m A.-',.r-rDarin.YM. (PROTEP: I-T-TABOLISM) MANTS, L~!-*--~:C -F LIGHT ON) (ADFNOSINE TqIPHc~,'-IFHA7) (TYROSINE) MEREZHINSKIY, Mikhail Fedorovich; CHERKASOVA, Lidiya Semenavna~. MEDVEDEV, Zh.A., red. .I.-.-- I--- -1-1-1 [Fundamentals of clinical biochem-istryl Oanovy kllrdche- skoi biokhimii. Moskva, Meditsina, 11.965. 358 P. (M IRA 1?: 27 Q-66 -1 -7 ..~ 7 ACC. ln:~ccded ar '-d deve o pmen o t1das irlplits; 6) mol4ctd 'gene c Ins 'and'oui-61old itdl al in' davoloplmen~' -P*66isses POO ia UL..a m .1 n 8 Of Afffis,mr4titiitid (set, itive) -or me ma n marp. g4 &d~n -a Wri~ aro "olboWl whic ragu &t0& 0. ~Isquwtcs, iotd loialtatibft 77,, T T 0 U6 B K 9 of: notie. -77 -iJ ti 4 4.14 77:, wir- Awo AUTHOR: Medvedeva, A. SOV/2-58-12-16/19 TITLE: A Meeting on FoDulation Statistics, Care of Public Health and Culture at the Boards of Statistics of the Turkmen and the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republics (,'Joveshchaniye po statistike naseleniya, zdravo-okhraneniya i kulltury v sta- tisticheskikh upravleniyakh Turkmenskoy 'SR i Yazakhakoy 33R) PERIODICAL: Vestnik statistiki, 1958, Nr 12, pp 76 - 77 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In beptember and October 1958, the Boards of Statistics of the Turkmen and Kazakh SSR held a conference on vital sta- tistics, medical care and cultural development. Vie con- ference stated among other things that the rOKistraticai of causes of death is unsatisfactory, because death certifi- cates are not issued by doctors, as it should be. Births and deaths also are not registered quickly enough. The conference laid down a progran to eliminate the existing deficiencies. Card 1/1 TARABCAK., M.; IEDVEDOVA, A.; HAVLIKOVA, M.; POSPISILOVA, M. The microbiologic evaluation of wa"r flows in Eastern Slovakia iron works region. Cesk. hyg. 10 no.7:417-424 Ag 165. 1. Krajoka hygienicko-epidemiologicka stanica, Kosice. MEDVEDUA, A.A. Distribution of paper and pulp industry in Eastern Siberia. Krat.- soob. BKNII no.3:161-169 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Siberia, Ras~ep-Faper industry) OGTYEVSKLY, V.V.; 1,1EDUMEVA, A.A. Effect of the development ,~f gras3 ~ovplr in the of mixed, reedgrass type on the growth of pine. -Lzv. S%lj AN Sf'-'~R no.8. Ser. biol.-med.muk no,2:68-71 165. (,4rF-A 148:9) 1. Institut lesa i drevesiny S'LbLrskog:~ ctdelentya A14 S-SSR, Krasnoyarsk. IOFFE9 S.L.; TARTAKOYSKIY, V.A.; MEDVELEVA, A.A.; NOVIKOV, S.S. Reduction of oximes with diborane solution in tetraLhydrofuran. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.8tl537-1538 Ag t64. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. MEDVEDEVA, A.F., assistent; DMITRIYEVI V.S., prof., nauelmyy ru ovodite*l L Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws. Vop. obshchei stom. 17:57-59 '64. Chronic odontogenic osteorRyelitis of the jaws. Ibid.:60-63 (MIRA 18:11) ip, ME 6 NEDVEDEVA, A. 1. I A. "InvestigatLoris of t.-.e effec:, of trans-) i a:~firir- - Medvedeva, I. J. -L- treaterl tissuea, in conl.ract.,rr!s of :raxillae, acrlordinv ~.,) Krauze," -rwHv Ka z a r. L k f~oa. mtomat.ol. in-,,a, lusun 2, 190, p. 161-166, - ~'~ D'enji SO: Ti-52LO) 17 Dec. 53, (D!-r~o: .-*-s I Z:.arnal I rv... S*,ate: . Nlo. 2", 1)L,) ')' . PANISYAK, V.I.. professor; MM)VED3VA, A.I. Wick method for quantitative determination of sugar in lirine. Lab.delo no-3:25 MY-Je '55. (~MIRA 8: 9) ( URI ITZ, sugar, determ.) (CAR90HYDRATES. in urine, determ.) MEDVEIEVA , A. I. Role of an examination room in the prevention of gynecological diseases. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 6 no.4:26-28 Ap 162. (14L'A 15:4) 1. Iz zhenskoy konsulltatsii No-3 Verkbisetakogo rayona. (MEDIGAL SCREENIFG) (G)OTECOLOGY) 143DVEDEVA. A.M.; ZIK&, G.G., zuvediqubhchiy. Experiment of spraying buildings in Stalingrad Province with DDT inEtead of I)ructicing larva control. Med.T)araz.i puraz.bol. no.2:133-135 14r-Api '53- (MI.RA 6 : 6 ) 1. Stalirigradskaya oblastnaya protivomalyariynaya atantsiyu. (Stalingrad Province--Malarial ?ever--Prevention) (DDT (Insecti- Cide) MOVEDEVA, A. H. Result of fly control in KirovDistrict. Stalingrad, during l9s5-1956. Medeparazo i paraz.bol. 27 no.3:361 KV-Je '58 (MMA 11:7) 1. Is Stalingradskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantaii. (FLIES, eradication in Russia (Rus)) 1 e r rp o n,4. -MENEDEVA. A.H. . Spore-pollen cooplexes in lower horizons of the Tunguska series and their stratigraphic importance. Trudy last. geol. i rasrab. gor. iskop. 1:162-179 160. (mlRA 14.,l) (Tanguska Valley--Geology, Stratigraphic) YIEDYEDLVA, A.M,; MviIKOVA, I.K. Protoleisophaeridium sorediforme Tim. and Fr. conglutinatum Tim. from petroleums and rocks of the Volga-Ural region. DAL M4 SSS? ' 139 no.2:461-462 Jl 161, (MIRA 14:7) 1. Predstavlenc, skademikom Yu.A. Orlovym. (Volga-Ural regicn--Paleobotany) CHEPIKOV, K.R.; MEUVEDVA, A.M. Organic remains of ancient appearance in petroleums from Tertiary, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic deposits. Dokl. AN SSSR 140 no.2:439-44-0 C 961. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut reolo 'rii i razrabotki goryuchikh Iskopayemykh AN SSSR- 2. Chlen-korrespondent AIN SISSR (for Cbepikov). (Petroleum ppology) ARTAMDNOVA, S.V.-,-MEDVEDEVA, A.M. Methods for the isolation of spores and pollens from oils and oil- field waters. Paleont.zhur. no-1:157-158 '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR, Moskva. (Palynology) (Petroleum--Analysis) CHEPIKCV, K.R.; MEDVEDEVA, A.M. Recent data on organic microfossilB in 'the oils of the Ewrope-ar. part of the U.S.S.R. Dokl. AN SM 153 no.2:444-446 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. lvhlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Chepikov). Ivan Yom, Ohm 9.~ z~ Z 7 _~~_donduo- Vitr1*40, va ditim If -'-b 6M~ Will -'Inhibit- 'l-bS .461t, Ah b 6l ~b :Ld- or-.~ a ou strit .,-th h s in -fig= -s e0 tint ell T i, Ti --AN AY~ISSER- mo"wilustitate Of ~PlwqicaT,,Chemistry 54; LL ".."4 XmI, in WV/81-59-9-33450 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 9, P 562 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kaluzhenina, K.F., Skuba, I.A., Zherebkov, S.K., Medvedeva, A.M. V TITLE: The Increase in the Adhesiveness of Rubbor Mixtures and Glues Based on Synthetic Rubbers PERIODICAL: Tr. N.-i. in-ta, rezin, prom-sti, 1956, Nr 3, pp 47 - 55 ABSTRACT: The possibilities of increasing the adhesiveness of/mixtures and glues based on butadiene-styrene (BS), butadiene-nitrilelb (BN) rubbers and glues based on neopreneO(N) by means of condensation resIns: rubrezina, B (I), yarrezina, A (II), yarrezina B (III) have been studied. The optimum dosis of these resins for raw mixtures of BS and BN is 10 weight parts per 100 weight parts of rubber. According to the capacity of Increasing the adl,7-isiveness of the raw mixtures of BN, I, II, III are equivalent. The incroduotion of these resins into the rubber mixture Card 1/2 does not affect the physical-machanleal properties of the vulcanlzates. SOV/81-59-9-33450 The Increase in the Adhesiveness of Rubber Mixtures and Glues Based on Synthetic Rubbers I, II and corezin, being introduced Into glues of BS and N, fection adhesiveness considerably, as well as the stability parts after vulcanization. The properties of the glues of by the introduction of the resins Indicated. increase their con- of the adhesion of the SKB rubber do not improve B. Glagolev Card 2/2 USSR/Chemistry of H-'Sh Mc)1ecular Subitan~,es. F Abs jour Referat. Zhurial laii;~-iya, Ile 0', 1957, 19423. Author B.V. Ver,,agin, ".K. z1erebkov Ynst 41, Iitle Concernin~~ the Part of Diffusion of Polymer Chniris in the Mechanism cf Adhesion and Autohesion (Sticking Together) of Rubbers. Orig Pub Kollod. Zh. , 1~166, 13, Nc 4, i~o4-412 Abstr,ict With a view to stud,; ',h-2 influence of rel-Axaticn. or diffusion urocesses cn a-atchesicn., the autohesion of ELK and SKB was investi,uated, _isinl~ tne method of crcssed quartz threads covered with rubber films ( zh. , 195C, 12, 431; RZhKhim, 1956, 32140), It was shown that the energy -~f ~~utohesion sharply incre,ased 2,n c.,,se of films from 0 to -above 0.5 thick, wi,.ich was ccnaected with the increase of van der Waal's forces in tlie first cpse and with the facill-tation of fcrmation of platforms at easily de- 2 , -S 'o Card 1/3 j-12- USSR/Chemistry of High Molecular Substances. F Nos Jour Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya, rio 6. 1957, 19423. formed thick films in the second case. In the thick- ness internal from 0.1 to 0.5M, the autohesion energy did not depend ca the Ms thickness. The in- crease of the contact duration increased the autohesion energy only if the film thicluiess was> 0.5At from which it followed that the diffusion processes did not play any part fn the autohesion of thin films. During the study of the correlation of the combinabil- ity of various rubhers and thair adhesion one to an- other and autohesion, the measurement of the shear- ing strength of rubber adhesion was carried out and it was shown that in case of butyl rubber, the dif- fusion processes did not play a great part and that its adhesion strength was determined by the area of the true contact depending on the mechanical proper- ties and by the influence of forces connected with the double electrical layer, which played an essential part at the meaGurement of the work of tearing by the method of' exfoliation. In case of NK, SKS-30; SKS-26, Card 2/3 -13- --- -------- -------- -- --------- - ------------ -- - Ry'.- 66200 -5t4-)- Xr. 9j00j /57 a~29 SOV/69-21-5-10/23 AUTHORS: Deryagin, B.V., Zherebkov, S.K. and Medvedeva, A.M. TITLE: A Study of Adhesion Phenomena in Rubber to Metal Bonding With Leykonat Cement. 2. Bonding of Metal and Un-filled Rubbers TITLE: Ko lloidnyy zhurnal, 1959, Vol 21, Nr 5, PP 558-563 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a study of the adhesion phenomena observed in the bonding of unfilled rubbers to metals with the aid of the isocyanate cement: Leykonat. Table 1 gives a survey of the rubbers and their ingredients. The rubbers were bonded to metal plates (cleaned with emery paper Nr 100) during the vulcanization process. The bonding strength was cha2acterized by the re- sistance to the separation of the rubber from the metal, and was ex-,:ressed in kilograms per centimeter of the width of the specimen (erg/cm 2 The results Card 1/5 of preliminary experiment-s showed that in a number of 66200 SOV/69-21-5-10/23 A Study of Adhesion Phenomena in Rubber to Metal Bonding with Ley- konat Cement. 2. Bonding of Metal and Unfilled Rubbers cases the bonding strength exceeds the strength of the rubbers themselves, and the rupture has a cohe- sional character. In order to obtain in all cases an adhesional character of rubber-metal separation, the authors reduced the thickness of the cement film. The experiments revealed however, that this reduction in thickness affects differently the bonding strength of rubbers prepared on the basis of different natural rubbers. The data given in table 2 and graph 1 shows that with the aid of leykonat cement (on the basis of triisocyanate triphenyl methane) it is possible to bond to metal rubbers prepared on the basis of polar as well as non-polar natural rubbers. In pro- portion to the growing of the chemical activity and polarity of the natural rubbers, a growth in the in- tensity of interaction of the cement film can be observed .,rith rubbers prepared on the basis of these natural rubbers, whereas the intensity of interaction Card 2/5 of the cement film with the metal remains constant. - 66200 A Study of Adhesion Phenomena in Rubber '.1nat Cement. 2. Bonding of Metal and SOV/69-21-5-10/'23 to Metal Bonding with Ley- Unfilled Rubbers The experimental results however, show that in the given case the bonding strength does not grow mono- tonously in proportion to the increase in chemical activity and polarity of the natural rubbers. After an initial growth it passes through a maximum, and subsequently drops. The authors have shown that the bonding strength of rubber to metal will be high only in the case of an approximate equality of the intensi- ties of interaction at the cement-metal and cement- rubber interfaces. If when one of the surfaces is in contact with the cement film the intensity of in- teraction is considerably higher, the bonding strength of rubber to metal will be low. The authors already showed in a previous publication CRef 1_7 that there is an increase in intensity in the interaction of a cement film with a sandblast-treated metal surface. Bonding of the mentioned rubbers to such surfaces Card 3/5 therefore,*will bring about a change. The authors 411~ 66200 SOV/69-21-5-10/23 A Study of Adhesion Phenomena in Rubber to Metal Bonding with Ley- konat Cement. 2. Bonding of Metal and Unfilled Rubbers ascertained this phenomenon on the basis of two cha- racteristic examples: bonding of unfilled rubbers pre- pared from butyl rubber and SKN-40. Whereas the bond- ing strength of the first rubber did not change, the bonding strength of the second rubber was increased by approximately ten times. On the whole, the ex- periments have shown that the strength of the rubber to matal bonding, due to the cement film, is controlled by the ratio of intensities of interaction of the latter with the contacting surfaces at the cement- rubber and cement-metal interfaces. In the case of an approximate equality of both intensities, the bonding strength will be low. One of the factors af- fecting the intensity of interaction of the cement film with the rubber is the reduction in thickness of the cement film. Such a reduction results in a drop in the intensity of interaction of film and Card 4/5 rubber, which differently reflects on the strength ce__O_~ 66200 SOV/69-21-5-10/23 A Study of Adhesion Phenomena in Rubber to Metal Bonding with Ley- konat Cement. 2. Bonding of Metal and Unfilled Rubbers of the rubbers to metal bonding, this strength in- creasing in some cases and decreasing in others. Use of the isocyanate cement leykonat makes possible a solid bonding to metal of unfilled resins prepared on the basis of most of the existing polar and non- polar natural rubbers. It was ascertained that an increase of polar groups in natural rubber results in an increase in the intensity of interaction of the film with the rubb~-r containing this natural rubber. There are 2 tables, 2 graphs and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut rezinovoy promysh- lennosti, Moskva (Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry, Moscow) SUBMITTED: Oct.2, 1958 Card 5/5 o 69464 S'/069/60/022/02/012/024 D034/DO02 AUTHORS. Medvedeva, A.M , Deryagin, B.V., Zherebkov, S.K. TITLE.~ Studies of Adhesion X~ Phenomena in Rubber to Metal Bon- ding With "Leykonat"_f)GJue,3- Interaction Between Sodi- um Butadiene Rubber and Tripheny1metbame Triisocyanate PERIODICAL; Kolloidny-y zhurnal, 1960, Vol XXII, Nr 2, p*p 2L7-222 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The authors report on a study of the interaction between rubber and "riphenylmethane tr'L'iso,yanate in solutions and the effect-, of tbe ggg~ anatNon rubber as a vul.canizing agent. The study was intended to verify the assumption that the cause of adhesion at the bou-ndary rubber - "Leykonat" film ("Leykonat" is a glue representing a 20',11b solution of triphenyl- methajae triisocya-nate in dichloroethane) consists in chemica-1. interaction between the rubber and the Card 1,4 6946h S/069/60/022/02/012,/n-24 D034/DO02 Studies of Adhesion Phenomena in Rubber to Metal Bonding With "Leykonat" Glue 3. Interaction Between Sodium Butadiene Rubber and Triphen,71methane Triisocyanate isocyanate. Tripbenylmethane triisocyanate can si- multaneously interact with several rubber molecules, which necessarily must result in the formation of a structure similar to the network obtained by vul- canization. For their investigation the authors used sodium butadiene rubber of the type RShch. For the study of the formation of three-dimensional structures in the solutions a viscometer of the type PV-7 ~'Ref 3,4 1 was used, which permits investiga- tion of the properties of highly viscous liquids and concentrated disperse systems. This device makes possible to reveal anomalous structural viscosity of the systems and to determine simultaneously the ul- timate deformation stress. The design of the device Card 2/4 691,6h S/069/60/022/02/012/024 D034/DO02 Studies of Adhesion Phenomena in Rubber to Metal Bonding With "Leykonat" Glue 3. Interaction Between Sodium Butadiene Rubber and Triphenylmetha:fie Triisocyanate and the way to use it for experiments are minutely described by M.P. Volarovich and L.Ya. Ginzburg C Refs 4-6.7. The authors' experiments have shown that the reaction of rubber solutions with a solution of isocyanate develops in dependence on the rubber and isocyanate content. The viscosity of 1-291o rubber solutions, to which during storage isocyanate was added, shows only little changes. The viscosity of 3-511o rubber solutions increases by several magnitudes after introduction of the additive. After a certain time three-dimensional structures can be observed in these solutions. The study further rt~vealed that iso- cyanat 8-containing rubber films which were heated at 143 C assume the properties of vulcanizates as Card 3/4 69464 S/069/60/022/02/012/024 D034/DOO2 Studies of Adhesion Phenomena in Rubber "Leykonat" Glue 3. Interaction Between and Triphenylmethane Triisocyanate to Metal Bonding With Sodium Butadiene Rubber can be seen from their behavior on swelling. On the whole the investigation confirmed the assumption of chemical interaction between rubber and isocyanate even at usual temperatures. A similar chemical interaction can be assumed, therefore, also in the rubber to 0 metal bonding process during vulcanization at 143-151 G. The authors express their gratitude for help to M.P. Volarovich. There are 7 graphs and 11 referen- ces, 10 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Physical Chemistr,, of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: September 30, 1959 Card 4/4