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K4ZIKMV,4 A.I,., akademik Sugar beet breeding. Agrobiologiia no.6:803-824 N-D 164. (14IRA 18:2) 1. VoerossJvskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sakharnoy svek-ly i sakbara, g.Ramon', t~' ii 1. MAZLIR.-If AJI, S. M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Tobacco Industry 7. Technological control at the Tiflis tobacco fermentation plant. Tabak 13 no. 6, 1952. 9. MonthjZ List of Russian Accessio;is_, Library of Congress~ iviarch 1953. Unclassified. YENIKOLOPOV,, M. (g. Duchoti., Gruzinskaya SSR); PIAZMhl;OVl V. (g.Duoheti, ,inskaya M); ZADOROZHNYY,, V. -61~~;Gkjj-ASIIKAREV, A. - G ra7 (D~;YfSp TARAKOVII V. FrIepairing for mmmer. Za rul. 20 no-4:23 Ap 162. (MA 15:5) ADtorcynIes-Maintenance and repair) ~AutomboileF--klaintonance and repair) MkZMWUN, Aeo --- 'japartnental duplication. Mest.proni kbud.promwe. 3 no.22sl2 D 062. WRA 16s2) 1. Direktor raybytkombinata, VoInovakha, Donetskoy oblasti, UkrSSR. (Donetsk Province-Service industries) ?'SZMar,,-an, A. A. a c --~ ic A r7om: ur,-' :t tt-* tude t,,-w~.r f~ --~ c I n the Fiftn t,r~;uFh Te rith ff I .rE:vai; ate 1, ..i,eni V. )ctov. -e-y-evan, klDisseitation for the Dcq-rce of Candidate in PedaFc,'*'-a2 ,c~ enre) Fri zhna,,n 'etcriF I , Nc 51~6 ------ ----- ...... . ... USSR / General Division, History, Classicap Personnel A-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.y No 1, 1958, No 65 Author : Ma an, Lalaian __ - ZMEL4 -_ - Inst : Not Given Title : The Successor of I.M. Sechenov Orig Pub : Izv. AN ArmSSR. Biol. i a.-kh. n.p 1956, 9, No 7, 101-170 Abstract : A short characterization of the scientific activity of the Armenian physiologist of the second half of the XIXth cen- tury, Sergei Solomonovich Istamanov (Istamanian), successor of the teachings of Sechenov about neurism, reflexes, etc. Card : 1/1 NAZHAITTAN, M,A.; JAUYAN. A.A. I.M.Sechenev's f9llover (in Armenian with summary In Russian]. Izv.AN Arm.SSR BiolA sellkh*z.nauki 9 ".7:101-107 Jl 156. (Istanamov, Sergel Solomenovich, b.1852) (MLEA 9:9) UWANW, K-A. - Problems In the psychology of persomaity in the vorks of M.L. Nal- ba.naian. Nank. zap. Sauk.-dool. inst. psykhol. n:281-284 159- (HIU 13:11) 1. Arm7anskiy gosuaaretvenW poaaogogicheekly lustitut, in6ith.Abov- yana Yerevan. (Nalbandian, Xikaal Lasurevich, 1829-1866) MAZMMYAN M A . red.; GOROYAN, G.L., tekhn. -ed. [Problems of psychology; materials (-,-ollection dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Soviet overnment in Armenia)] Voprosy paikbologii; materialy sbornik posviashchen sorokaletiiu ustanovleniia Sovet- T skoi vlasti. v Armenii). Pod red. M.A.MazmaniAna. Erevan, 1960. 412 p. (W RA 16:10) 1. Zakavkazskaya konferentsiya psikhologov. 2d. (Psychology) maxomp, MAO Sm 21ttle-used sources of psychological knowledge, Vop.poikhol. 1 no.3 ta-26 My-je 161. (MIRA 14:6) I* Fmikhologicbeakaya, laborateriya pri pedagogichookam institute imeni IbAbovyana., Yerevan. (FO.V40109Y) YEVNEVICH-CHEKAN, O.V.; MAZMIYAN,,- O.D.; PEMOPAVLOVSKAYA, Ye.M. Coding device of a color television system witb quadrature modulation along R-Y and B-Y axis. Elektrosviaz' 18 no.2: 22-30 F 164. (MIRA 170) ALI,AVARDYAN. S.N.; GRIGORYAN. G.T.; SAMSYAN. YeAh.; KAMUN, Application of a fibrin fila In radiation Injuries of the external tegumen (wilth summary in English]. Ned.rad. 4 no.2:63-66 F 159. -(KIRA 12:4) 1. Iz Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta perelivanlya krovi imeni prof. R.O. Yeolyans. Ministerstva sdravookhranenlys Armyanskoy SER, Nauchno-issledovatel'skDgo Instituta rentgenologil, radiologii i onkologil Hinisteretva sdravookhranenlya Armyanskoy SSR i Respubli- kenekDgo onkologicheekogo d1spansera.. (ROMMEN RATS, inj. eff. skin Inj., fibrin iher. (Rue)) (EMOSTATICS, fibrin film ther. of x-ray skin InJ. (Rue)) (SEIN, eff. of radiations, x-ray 'L'nj., fibrin film ther. (Rue)) NDVSBBYAN. H.A.g FAZPANTAR, B.A,; GRIGORYAN, G.T.1 FMSTAW, M-0. Oscillographic measurements of blood pressure in cancer patients during radiation therapy. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki no.12 no.q: 85-96 S 159. (MRA 12:12) l.Inst!tut rentgenologii i onkologii Vdnzdrava ArmSSR. (OSCIIWGRAPHY) (BIDOD PRESSURE) (RAMIATIOIW--PHYSIOLOGICAI KMCT) KYAIMMIWI, K.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MOVSESYAN, M.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MUIUDYAN, G.T., kand.biologicheakikh nauk; ARUTYUIMN, R.K., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MAM4p=, S.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Diagnosis of chronic radiation sickness. Vop. radiobiol. (AN Arm. SSRI 1:37-40 :60. (MIRA 15:3) L. Iz Sektora radiobiologii AN Armyanskoy SSR, Instituta rentganologii i onkologii i Kliniki nervnykh bolezney. (RADIATICN, SICUMS) PANARWHYAW., V.A,,, prof.; MOVSESYANp Z.G.,, prof.; OURSYAN, S.A., doktor xed.nauk; MAZWYAN, S.A.,, mladshiy naucbnyy sotradnU Zwray diagnosis of mediastinum tumors. onk. 6e?-15 *61. (MIRA l6z2) (FIMIASTINUH-TUMCRS) (DIAGNOSIS, RADIOSCOPIC) GAZAMAN, R&S. , kand*med.nauk; -MA04ANTAN, S~A~r-vxladshly nauchnyy gotru&ik; SOIDKHOVA, L.A. Reoatz of the treatment of lymphogranulamatovis mly with di-trimitan in,conjunction with X-ray therapy. V4.Ant-i onk. 6&265-M 161. Wn 16t2) (HODGKIN'S DISME) (PHMUCOIDOLM; (Z RAYS-THERAMTIC USE MAZMANIANp S.A., nauclaivy foot-rudnik Clinical asperts and tr6ataiemt of disoases of tkLe paz-s :Int--z- media bypoph7secs. Vop, rent. i onk. 7031-341 10 (MIRA I~i r) MAZYUffAN. TS.G. Toreion of the tBetle. Urologila 24 n0-3:69 My-Je 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz khirurgicheakogo otdeleniya (zav. V.P. Manuvlov) Chirchikskoy bollnitay No.1 Tashketitskoy oblasti. (TESTICLE-ABRORMITIES AND DEMMITINS) MOMIANs Ts.G. Case of congenital adenocystoma of testicle in a 3-year-old child. Urologiia 24 no.6t6/+ '59. (MIRA 13:12) (TESTICLF--TUMORS) (CYSTS) IAZWYAN. TS.G. Diagnostic value of Pasternatskii's s7mptom. Sov. med. 25 no-9; 125-127 S 161. (."U--iA 15:1) 1. Iz khirurgicheikogo otdeleniya (zav. Yu.I.Markavich) Chirchikskoy gorodsRby bollnitsy No.1 (glavprf vrach U.N.Dzhuiaabekov) Tashkentskoy oblasti. II "I , (KIDNEYS DISEASPO) (PMGUSSION) I M AMiUlYAl?, TSOG, D.raluation of cri-romocystosuopy ~r- acute, K-,. ru-g-:a 1 4 - 39 nc).12:75-77 D 163 ( i~: -- cl : " ) 1. Iz khirurgici.,-s"---)go otdeler..iya (zav. - YU. I. Marlliev; :!~-) Chirchik,flcoy gor,,dskoy bollnitsy No.1 (gla,,,nyy Dzliumabehov) Taohkentskoy obla.-ti. KAq~iANYAN, TSolak Clegamovich; LFII,A, red. [Prescription manual on urogenital dise&sesi an ai(. for the practicing physician] Ret:-,epturnyi spravochDik po mochepolov~i~~ unlemiam; v ~>omoshchl prAticheskoru vy-acriu. Tashkent, ~'.edltsina, 1964. 250 p. (ML-A 18: 11) /~X BYCHKOV, A.G ! MA7.M P 11 MONO# Few types of centrifugal ventilating fans design4N the Central Aero-Hydrodynamical Institute. Vod.1 san.tekh. po.19:1-7 6 '57 t (MIRA 10:11) (Fans, Electric) M,4 7Z. nj 1A 11 -mill ou 111log fl AH a vV1. .1 t j! a N Z I T ~.s it; 8,3 j Vo WE P: C6 oz BYCMMV, A.G., LOKSHIN, I.L; HUMMAIRS, P.O. Deoigns of centrifugal ventilatnro developed by the Central Aero-Hydrodynamical Institut in 1957-1958. Vod. i san.takh. no.1:27-31 Ja 159. (14IRA 12:1) (Yang, Mechanical) BYGAOV, A.G.; tUp~~YANTSq P.O. The KTS3-90 centrifugal roof ventilator designed by the Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute. Prom.aerodin. no.17:81-101 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Fanop Mechanical) MIZWYANTSP-- P.O. Aerodynamde circuits of high-pressure centrifugal fans. Prom.- aerodin. no.24:100-109 162. (MMA 16:7) (Fans, Mechanical) MAZI41210V P K. N. Is a "pickup" needed? Bum. prom. 36 no.10:29 0 161. (MIPA 1541) 1. liachallnik bumazhnoy fabriki Krasnoyarskogo kombinata. (Papermaking machinery) MAZHISHVILI, A. 1. "BRIancing the Results of Geodesic Measurements In the Light of Multidemenitional Geometry." Thesis for degree of Dr. Technical Sci. Sub 30 Jun 50. Moscow Inst of &gIntere of Geodesy Aerial Photography, and CartograDhy Summar.v 71, 4 S&P 52. Dissertation" Presented for Degrees In Science and Bngineerin in Moscow in 1950. From Vechernvayn 14oskva. Jan-Doc 1950. MAZMISHVILI. A.I. k4MAMMUM-1. ~-- -- ~-- Review of M.A.Gordeev's article *Some possibilities of using tensor algebra in problems for estimating point positions,* Trudy MIIGAIK no.21:87-90 155. OWA 10:1) 1. Moskovskly instutut inzhenerov geodemii, Kafedra geodezii. (Algebra) (Geodesy) KOSIKOV, B.I.; ZIND. I.I.; .I., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; 'XD)MIXOVA.,L.*.. rbd.Izd-.v'a';R!"O-XANOVA, V.V., [Equating sides in triangulation formed from closing polygono- metric traverses] Uravnivante storon trianguliateit, obrazovannoi Iz zamykalushchikh poligonometricheskikh khodov. Pod red. A.I.Hazmishvili. Moskva, Izd-vo geodezicheskoi lit-ry, 1957. 46 p. (MM 11:1) (Triangulation) i )I iA z /if) I )ti (1;,- 1-/., ;-4 - -i-' FAVLOV, Fedor Fedorovich, prof.; HASHOVICH, Vladimir Pavlovich. dots.; FEDMW, Boris Dmitriyevich, dots;; M~MISHVILI, A.I., otvetstven- an red,; SLAVOROSOV, A.Kh., red. td-va; '. -2--", - -'- 1. 0 AIADOVA. Ya.L.; BEHLOY, A.?., [Surveying] Goodexiia. Moalwa, Ugletakhizdat, 1957. 356 p, (Surveying) (MIRA 11:5) . A.I.. professor. __ MOMMM k fev generalizations in the field of algebraic theory of compen- sation and evaluation of the accuracy of geodetic constructions. Trudy HIIGAIK no.24-3-42 '57. (HLRA 10-1) 1. Kafedra geoderil. (Geodesy) KAZHISHVILI, A.1 prof. Theory and practice of plotting ellipses of errors. TnAy KIIGAIZ no.27:3-31 157. (NMA 11:1) 1. lafedra geodazii Koskovskogo institute, in2henerov geodezii. asro- fotoo".vemk-4 I kartografli. (Geometry, Analytic) (Geodesy) 3W SOV/ 154-58-6-1/22 AUTHOR: Mazmish-vili, A. I., Professor, Responsible Editor TITLE: An Appeal to Readers of the Periodical (Obrashcheniye k chitatelyam zhurnala) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aerofotos"yemka, 1958, Nr 6, pp 2-2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The editorial office of the periodical "Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy ministerstva vysehego obrazovaniya SSSR" (N&vs of the Schools of Hi&er Mention of'th6 USSR Wmistry of Highe~r Mahtion ) (razdel "Geodeziya i aerofotosllyemkall (Section "Geodesy and Aerial PhotograpW ), on the occasion of the end of the first year of the periodical (8 issues in total were published), turns to readers with an appeal to take part in the readers' correspondence conference for a detailed dis- cussion of the contents of the numbers issued. The editors ask the readers to send critical notes, wishes, and recommendations concerning individual artioles and the periodical as a whole to the adress: Moscow B-64, Gorokhovskiy pereulok 4 MIIGAiK, Editorial Office of the "Izvestiya VUZov". A survey of letters Card 1/2 received'will be published in an article by the editors, in An Appeal to Readers of the Periodical SOV/154-58-6-1/22 one of the 1959 issues. Card 2/2 PLAM I BDDK -- ON/3760 X&zxiskvIlI,,_ Abram Lvanovich, and Boris Ivanovich BelyaMv SpDsob radmenvabM kvadratov (Wthod of Least Sqaares) (Riga] Geodezizdat., 1959. 370 p. Errata slip imserted. 6,500 copies printed. Ed,: P.P. Par3ar; Ed. of Publishing House: A,Ia Shurygina; Tech, Ed.: U.S. SImItkina. PMLFM: This book is a textbook for students of Pury ying and geodesy at -lm' . institutes., and can also be used am a manos' by engineers :in surveying and geodetic organizations who wish to beeow faidliar with the problem of ad,t=twnt operations, COMM: The theory of the sub3ect was written by Professor AJ. Wmdshvili., Doctor of Teebnical Sciences., and is based on material of lectures given by the anthor to students specia3lzimg in s=vey1mg at the Moscow YUning Institute imen' I.V. Stalin from 1952 to 1958. Mie book di-scusse-E; problem of the theory of errors and the method of least squezes In connection with the Zegendre principle and in the li&t of orthogonal transformations of Method of Least Squares SOV/3760 quadratic forms.9 problem vh1ch arise In adjustnent, operations and also in a field of matrices and vector values. The book 10 divided into three parts. The first part discusses the theory of errors and method of least squares. The second part disc4sses the foundations of the geonetric InteryntatiOn of Bd- justment operations, and the third part discusses the foundations of the Gaussian theory of measurement errors. The outbor thanIte Professor P.I. Shilov, Doctor of Technical Sclencesp Professor FF. PavIm. Doctor of Technical Sciences, and Professor P.A. Ryzbov., Doctor of Technical Sciences and Chairmn of the Surveying Departnent of the Moscow Mining Institute Ineni I.V, Stalin, There are 31 refe- rencess, all Soviet. Ir, OF CONTKWS: Preface 3 Introduction 5 PART I. TEE= OF EMM AND MOUDD OF LWAST SWUM Ch. 1. Theory of Errors 1. Initial concepts and definitions 7 2. Errors of measurements. Degrees of accuracy 9 3W BOV/154-39-3-5/19 AUTHORt Idazmishvili, A. I., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLE: Adjustment and Evaluation of Accuracy by the Group Method (Uravnoveshivaniye i otsenka tochnosti po metodu grupp) PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uohebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aerofotos'l- yemka, 1959, Nr 3, PP 51 - 78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The methods of group adjustment introduced by various authors in the past are enumerated here. Each of these methods is shovin to apply to a special case, namely that of the orthogonal conversion of the square block matrix into the quasidiagonal form. The general Gauss algorithm which contains the operator of the orthogonal conversion plays an essential role in this connection. Such an algorithm is originated in the matrix field and solves the problem of the adjustment by groups in a com- prehensive manner. The essential meaning of the algorithm is explained. The Gauss symbolism in the matrix field is shown to be convenient in many respects; in tlqe first place because it leads directly to the formulas for the conversion by the group method. The theorem is quoted, on which the Gauss algorithm Card 1/3 is based. The given square system in a triangle system is con- Adjustment and Evaluation of Accuracy by the Group Method SOV/154-50,-3-5/19 verted on the strength of this theorem. This conversion is re- lated by analogy to the method by Gauss and Jakobi concerning the successive elimination of unknown quantities in the given system of normal equations. The quasitriangular matrix (8) is obtained from the block matrix (2). The second line contains all the elements in this matrix as expressed by the generalized Gauss algorithms in the symbolism used by geodesists. The operators of the orthogonal conversion are determined next. Formulas (9) and (10) are written down. These are multiplicands which reduce the square matrix (2) to the equivalent matrix M and which serve as operators of the orthogonal conversion. 8 is followed by the quasidiagonal matrix (11) and this corresponds to the uncorrelated equations (13). The solution of (13) is (14) which is also the result of the orthogonal con- version. The solutions (14) are independent of each other and correspond to the adjustment by the group method. By the appli- cationaf(g) and (10) the generalized Gauss algorithms are deve- loped and formula (19) is obtained. The formulas for the accuracy evaluation in the adjustment by the group method are the corBeqLmoe of condition (20). The accuracy evaluation formulas are derived Card 2/3 as follows: for the root mean square error of direct measure- Adjustment and Evaluation of Accuracy by the Group Method SOV/15/,-r/9-3--)/19 mental for the least sum of the deviation squares and for the reciprocal weight of the function of adjusted elements in ii.- direct measurements. Examples are given next; fir8tly, for the case of adjustment in two groups with the methods by Bess%~,11 and Krueger, and the common elements exhibited by these two methods are pointed out. A numerical example is then computcd and finally, an example is given concerning an adjustment ii. three groups. The latter is related by analogy to a twice re- peated application of the two-group method by Professor A. I. Kobylin (Ref 14). The practical application of the generalized Gauss algorithm with the symbolism suggested by the author was illustrated in the Candidate's dissertation by G. Ye. Mepurish- vili, 1958, Moscow "Adjustment and Evaluation of Accuracy in Mining-geodetic Constructions in the Light of Matrix Algebra by Cay2ey and Banakhevich" ("Uravnivaniye i otsenka tochnosti marksheyderako-geodezicheskikh postroyeniy v avete matrichnoy algebry Keyli i Banakhevichall). There are 1 table and 26 refe- ences, 23 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOV: Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov geodezii, aerofotosllyemki J xar~o- grafii(Moscow Institute of Geodetical-,Aerial Surveying- and Cartographical Engineers) SUBMITTEDt November 6, 1958 Card 3/3 67349 4(44 3. t100 0 SOV/154-59-5-1/17 AUTHOR: Mazmishvili, A. I.,_. Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLE: General Principles of Adjustment and Evaluation of Accuracy of\%eodetic Constructions in the Field of Scalar, Vactor-i and Tenser quantities PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy~ Geodaziya i aerofotos"yemka, 19591 Nr 5, pp 3-21'(USSR) ABSTRACT: The introduction of light- and radio telemetere has rendered possible the geodetic construction combining section- and angle measurements. This required a new method of adjustment and evaluation of accuracy. It was necessary to find a formula for the sum of the partial processes (section- and angle measure- ment). In the present paper the author shows on the strength of an example that the use of a tenser field is suitable for the simultaneous adjustment of errors of angle- and section measurements, as this reproduces the totality of the vectors and their representation.D, The tenser thus contains all number groups that are obtained from the various measuring methods, independently of the coordinate- or the reference system. In a scalar field the position of a point P can be determined from Card 1/3 the root mean square deviation of the moanured section and the ~ 7 3,49 SOV/154-59-5-1/17 General Principles of Adjustment and Evaluation of Accuracy of Geodetic Constructions in the Field of Scalar, Vector-, and Tensor Quantities measured angle. In the vector field it can be determined from the gradient of the function of point P, andin the tensor field by the ellipse of errors (plane problem)z Together i~ilh the further mathematical calculation of point positions in a plane, the following probl,,!ms are dealt with: the principle of the largest weight and the gradient of the function of the directly neasured arguments, the principle of the least squares and the fundamental quadratic form. The adju~~t!,.ient operation in the tensor field itself is carrier] out accor~inj, to th(, theory developed by Professor IF, IT, Kraaovskiy (hef 1~'), Li.-I the application of the adjustm nt of a trigonometric netwoTk by indirect observations or by the determination of the coordi- nate corrections. This theory was described in the papers by V. Iordan (Ref 6~, I. M. Gerasimov (Ref 1), V. A. Romanov, and others (Footnote . From the dependence obtained therefrom of measured and adjusted radius vector, the geometrical aignific- ance of the tensor relation (11) was then explained, and an ellipse of errors was obtained. In the tensor field every point Card 2/3 corresponds to an ellipse which is determined by the magnitude 67349 SOV/154-59-5-1/17 General Principles of Adjustment and Evaluation of Accuracy of Geodetic Construct4ons in the Field of Scalar, Vector-, and Tensor Quantities of the major axes and their directions. It follows from the overall consideration that in the adjustment each point is characterized by a scalar quantity: the root mean square de- viation of unit weight, vectorial dislocation, and the gra- dient of the scalar field and the ellipse of errors, whose surface borders the faulty position of the point. To evaluate the accuracy of the position of points determined with this method, and consequently of the arbitrary total and partial dis- location of the system a formula known from the tensor analysis is applied. There are 16 references, 15 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Noskovskiy institut inzhenerov kartografii (Moscow Institute of Geodetic, graphic Engineera) SUBMITTED: May 30, 1959 Card 3/3 geodezii, aerofotos"yemki i Aerial Surveyq and Carto-, GUDAYEV,, Fetr Alekaeyevicb;jIApg�MaLI,-A.I.,, prof,, red.; SHURYGINA, A.I., red. izd-Ta; RCWOVA, V.V., teklm. red. [Adjustment of triangulation) Uravnivanie trIanguliataii. Mo- skva.. Izd-vo geodez.3it-ry, 1960. 259 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Triangulation) 4r 10* HLZMISRVILI A.I prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk - ~tric analysis of geodetic systems. Izv. M. ucheb. zav.: geod. i aerof. no.4:3-22 160. (mn& 13:11) 1. Moskovskiy institat inzhenerov goedezii, aerofotosmyemki i karto&Tafii. (Vector analyzio) (Geodesy) 30809 s/s37/60/000/041/001/005 DC31/DI13 -UTIIORS: Yzzmisbvili. A.I-Y Professor and Belyayev, B.I.,Candidate of fe-c-hnical Scienceo, Scientific Co-Worker of the Department of Mine 6urveying (see Asuociation) TITLE: Contribution to the problem of constructing a aystem of group adjustment in generalized Gaussian algorithms SOURCE: Moscow. Institut inzhenerov geodezii, aerofotos"yemki i kartografii. Trudy, no, Al. 1960t 15-17 TEX,r: Considering- the theorems put forward in a previous article by A.I. Mazmishvili (Ref. 2: Izvestiya VUZ'ov. Geodeziya i aerofotos"yemka No 3, 3959), tne following expanded block matrix is developed using conditional me a,~u reuien ts: AA* AB* AC* W 13 Bn** BB* BC* W2S2 W CA* CB* cr* W 333 Card I /-~ 8 S/ 37 0/000/041/001/005 Contribution to the Dq4 D113 By triangular tran,-db.Tmation, the matrix (1) a ssumen the form: AA* AB* AC* W1 sl EBB*~ CBC*]l IWA ES 217 (2) 9C*O IW323 ES 3 where [BB*jl = BB* + BA- [BC*D - BC* + BA* PAC EN 2 *13 W2A + WI* ?AB (3) ES2*~ " ' ?AB S,? + ?AB CC- C-M 2] CC*4.CAll ?AC + ECS ~C = [CC + LCB*ll PBC CW3*32 W3* + Wl* VAC + CW2'DfBc =CW3*31 + CW2*13 fBC (4) IS 3.0 S3* + S I* + ES2.-~fBC - CS3 " D f + IS2*~ 1 AC ~c Card 21,#,~, S)4~'76 01000104 1 /00 1 / uO 5 Cortribution to ti'le ... 7)(341D11 3 fAB ~ -QAA tB* PAC ~ -QAA~C* (5) fBC - -ESI'][BC-j V UsinF the elements W) and (2 ) anl the rul e f or developin - a genera I G,ussian aleorithm, the three-prour, s6justment process oan be rpPrfso-ittd according to the system shown in taule 1, in which the matual trar-r,C,-,!F] infitr.'c-, of' the coefficients of VhF conditirnal equations art'. shown (nuilbera 1 and ~)). By multiplication of these two matrices, a bluck mbtrix (Ytu,ib;~r 3) of trip coefficients of tih-! normal enuation~; of the c(~rrelat~,n i3 obtain- ,A . Th- clem-nts of tho block mntrices, nos. 5 and 6, may br! detc,-Arlrd to formulan 3 and 4. The c,)ndifional equations of the fi.-,res aria usu.--Cly included in the fir-it proup. Therefore, the eIf-ments of tilt. inv~rqc jrntrix QAA(number 5) arr, numpricOly equnl, alon the main (11,n7onal, to the cuotients of dividing the unit by the correspondinp souate coeffi- ci.rlits of the AAI matrix, all the other elements being, equal to zero. The Card 31A'P $ 30809 3 7 /6 1 1 /0 0', Con'r;bi,tion to the D,3,./DI13 ordQr of thp QAAO P AB and A proup of mr 'rices in the syitem is d -s -r-. by the number 49 number 5 sf or tho' b1cck matricei% tho tr-ii i:'-) coef:'cients of the second group; t; c-.r r,,Py be found according lowin57 law: ea6h element of th(~ riotrix of the transform~-d coefficients if, inal Tnatrix minus t~.e ilFebraic equal to the corresponding eli-a,,(,nt. ur the orip sun of the products of each el,.m- nt b-f thr- row by each element (,-.' t~.L c0l~~rL;I of ratricf~s included in the tr-tnsfor-F-tion formu'n as riybtrahen0s. Mhe solu- tion th- transformed norm,;l eouat'cns of the correlates of tho ;ecorld -hovn in system 6. in which the correlates of th~- sec-i~o rrn,.;p and -ix :,I the elements of the inverse mati. 4.~ I , osrential for pi.d4ng t'.- (6), arn calculated siLiultancousily. 2he inverse matrixLqBiJ and t',.- oT)erato- s!!cwn in system 7. Usl7n- forwulao (4), the elomvnt~; j" thr, blocA fNri. the transformed cof~ffici-nts of the normal equations of the corre- lates th.-, t-ird group are s4milrrly determined. A solution to th.,se CI C C1, ~ ~ equat~o::3 is given in system 10. Th,- trannformation of t*.,~~ Co - - t, -f the no-.;Ial e(joationn, of the correl,!,i i.- contro'.led accordine, to ti,i. .-nr- Twillao: Cnrd 4 //E(;/ Contril-otion to the ... [BB x] - CcB*l F-CC.D + EW3*32 EY:12*3 = E-2*1 = C-q 3 23 IM7/60/000/041/001/005 D~30113 (7) The transformed coefficients of the conditional equations of the second(IO) and third (11) groups are cal,ulated accordinp to'the following formulas: Bo* = B* + A* FAB), (9) Co * = C* + A* fAO coo - C 0* + B *PC (10) 11 and 13 show columns contnining the second and third corrections which may be determined according to the formulass Card 5111,19 x Contribution to the 30809 S/537/60/000/041/001/005 DC34/Dll3 VII BO*K,"* + CCIK2" C K The final corrections v = v + v , v are written in column 14. The socon-i and third corrections are calo,ilated using the equations EV"q=-ZK" [W2 -IJ Y ... K"', EW3-J- F Compitring the second and third corrort'otvj with the dnt,i Prov -1-1 1 TI (-,I by A.I. Kobylin (Ref. ls Gruppovo-;v uravnovevhivaniyv rudnichricy tri7ingujya- tsi! Croup adjustment of mining triangulation:). MetaIliirvl7dat, .19~'), Card -VA7 Contribution to the 3U809 S/937/60/000/041/001/005 D034/Dl13 p. 69) it is found that they coincide with an approximation of 0.1". The principle of constructing a system by adjustment based on the method of four and more groups remains identical. Reference is made to the work of I.Yu. Pranis-Pranevich in connection with the problem of three-group adjustment. There are 2 tables and 4 Soviet references. [Abstracter's notet Essentially complete translationi. ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra geodezii Moskovskogo institute. inzhenerov geodezii, aerofotos"yemki i kartografii (Department of Geodesy of the Moscow Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography) (Mazmishvili, A.I.); Kafedra marksheyderskogo dela Moskovskogo gornogo institute. im. I.V. Stalina (Depart- ment of Mine Surveying of the Moscow Mining Institute im. I.V. Stalin) (Belyayev, B.I.). Card 7M7 LI,,_ A.I., Aof.; BELYAYEV, B.I., *d- t9khn.nw, , nauchnyy ,trudnlk-- Generalized Gaussian system for the solution of normal equations. Trudy MIIGAI4 no.1+2:3-18 160. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kafedra geodezii Meskovskogo instituta inzhenerov geodeziip aerofotos"yemki i kartografii (for Mazmishvili). 2. Kafedra marksheyders~ogo dela Mookovskogo gornogo instituta imeni I.V. St&lina (for'Belyayev). (Matrice$ BAGRA,TUNI,, G.V.1 DOLISEMOVI fi.Nq BY41MICH3, N.I.; BUBNOV9 I.A.; RomirsKilp D.S.; IZOTOVJ, A-A.; NDDRIIEKIY,, .I-; SALYAXEV, S.A.; FLORENTIRV., V.B.j FOMINv P.M. NikDl,ai Fedorovich bxUmkii; obitaary. I2v.vpoueh9b.zav.j good.i aerof. no.6tl2l-222 161o (MM .15:3) (Bauewkii., Nikoisi FedorDvich,, 18u-1961) -40 MMUSMLI$ A.I. Generaliza4on of adjustment c&3011142 -I~V-the,--Mathod of least aqUarts. Good. i kart. no.9;15-25 S 161. (MIRA 1..-9) (Er-rora,, Theory of) S/044/62/000/005/045/0-1'2 C111/C444 .LUTHORS-. K-LIALA Belyayev, B. 1. TITLE: Tht ti,.inbF, in common of the weighin, accirding to the ~;roup metnok. LA iziuircct E~nd relative measurements PERIODICAL; Rcfcrativn:~y zhur#nal, Matematika, 110- 5, 1962, 41-42, L,b6truct 5V201. ("Tr. Mosk. in-ta inzh. j;eod. aerofoto- s~-ew.~ci i "Li-tor," 1961, VYP- 47)3-26) TEXT: One dcscribe~, tne th(-ory of the Group method at inuirect and relative me6-sur~jments. One considers the transformation procesb for four groups. FormulLo for the correctionz- of the results oi the immediate measurements at Inuirect U11d TLlative measurements are found. A combi- nation of tale for4iilL.s into four Groups with respect to the corrections is L;iven. The correctacsb oi the theoretical considerations and of the obtained formulas is L;hown by the example of the,weighing of a nivelling' net in four variationss according to the method of indirect mearurements (toLether and in two groups) and according to the method of relative measurements (toGethur and in two groups). One points to the fact that all four variants show the same-results. Bibliography with 12 titles. Abstr cterls note: Complete translation.] krd V1 MAZMSHVILIP A.I., doktor tekhn.nauk,, prof.; BELYAYEV, B.I.J. kand.tekhn. OVRWnt., nauchnyy sotrudnik Joint, adjustment and accuracy evaluation using the method of groups in indirect and conditional measuring. Trudy MIIGAIK no.48.-3-78 161. WIRA 15:8) 1. Kafedra, geodezii Mioskovskogo instituta inzhenerov geodezii, aerof'otos"yemki i kartografii (for Mazmishvili)a 2. Kafedra rnarksheyderskogo dela Mskovskogo gornogo instituta (for Belyayev). (Leveling) HVICHIYA, A.T.; MAZ-IISHVILL, S.M,; 14TEWMI, M.S-h. Investigating the phase constitution of sInters from .5.,shks~san magnetites. Trudy G:'. [C--uz.) no-4t8-10 '-~2 (MlRq rus) MZIW,K.; KOSCFUMIN,V. (Astrakhan') V--- Secret of success. Voon.2nan. 31 no.2:10 F 155. (MIRA 8:8) (Astrakhan-Military education) MAZITEV) N. I. Agriculture 627 centers of cucumbers to the hectare. (Moskva) Moskovskii Rabochii, 1')117. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of ConEress Seotember 1952. MICLASSMED. AUTEORS: Belyayov, As F~q Unnev, 3, F. S/020J60/131/04/047/073 BO11/BO17 TITLE: Dependence of the Rate of Burning of Smoke-forming Powder on Pressure PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadenii nauk SSSR# 1960, Vol 131, Nr 4, PP 887-889 (USSR) TEXT: The authors determined thedependence mentioned in the title of the fol- lowing mixturest 1) 15% of charcoal, 85% of KNO 3( (gunpowder without sulfur); 2~ smoke-forming gunpowder of own production ordinary composition); ~ Industrially produced smoke-forming gunpowder. Cylinders pressed at 4,000 atm, of a diameter of 3-6 mm, and a density of 1.75 g/cM3 were burned in nitrogen in a closed tank or under a bell glass at 0.1 to 125 absolute atm 'oepheres (ata). The ralve of burning was determined optically (photographic recording) and elec- trically by means of an oscilloscope. The formula; u A + b 1) is used to cal- bulate the dependence mentioned in the title where u ~cm/sec5 denotes the veloc., ty of flame propagation; p(ata)the absolute pressure at which gunpowder is burningl v , b and A constants (for the respective gunpowder). With P~-5 ata, the character of the curve u(p) changes1for this reason, the authure discuss the dependence in the range P - 5 - 125 ata and p /- 5 atav separately. For P > 5 ata, the following results were obtained: powder 1, u - 0.195 pu-5 (1); Card 1/3 Dependence of the Rate of Burning of Smoke-forming S/02Y60/131/04/047/073 powder on Pressure B011 tO17 powder 29 u - 0.9 + 0.19 pOe5 (2); powder 3, u a 1.5 + 0.2 pO-47 (3). The dependences 0) - (3) are shown in figure 1. The experimentally determined points fit well to the curves which correspond to the rules assumed by the authors. For p 4 5 ata, dependence (1) holds for powder I fora5owder 3 (and approximately for powder 2), however, the formula u - 0.88 P03 (3 holds (Fig 2). It can be seen that for P=5sta the curve of Powder 3 (and that of powder 2) shove a break (transition from curve 3a to curve 3). The authors state that ; was practically equal and - 0-5 for powders 1 - 3. From a comparison of the coefficients b in powders with and without sulfur, the authors draw the conclusion that sulfur leads to an additional rapid reaction which considerably increases the rate of turning for P 4 5 ata. Above p > 5 ats , the rate of burning with and without sulfur increases doe to the same rule. The authors assume that when 5 ata are attained no further acceleration due to sulfur occurs but the acceleration al- ready attained is maintained, This is expressed by the fact that a conetant all-and A is found in the dependence u on p. In any case, the experimental re- sults with smoke-forming powder must be taken into account in investigating the dependence mentloned in the title of higb-officiency types of mixed powders. As is shown above, the character of u(p) can be considerably changed by pressure. Card 2/3 Dependence of the Rate of Burning of Smoke-forming 5/020/60/131/04/047/073 Powder on Pressure B011/B017 Hence the experiments to apply the same dependence to several systems in a wide pressure range are principally incorrect. K. K. Andreyev is mentioned. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet references, ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: November 12, 1959, by N. N. Semenov, Academician SUBMITTED., November 12, 1959 Card 3/3 MAZNICHENKO, B.D. New standard designs for automated gas-distribution stations. Stroi. truboprov. 9 no.6:9-10 Je 164. (MA 17:12) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu perdpriyatiy gazovoy promyshlennosti i promyshlennosti iskusstvennogo zhid- kogo topliva, Kiyev. . - /1 (0 // /~; /1, /) 6, z -7 /~ ~ /Z / d /- "I IOPA, Z.A.; n%IKIN. A.N.; iUNICECENKO, B.A. Effect of the nature of cations on the rate of hydrogen sempAration from alkaline solutions (with summarjr in Nnglish]. ZIRM.fiz.khim. 31 no.9:2042-2051 S 157. (MIRA 11:1) l.Moskovskiy gosudaratvenmv universitet im. M.Y. Lomonosova. (Cations) (Hydrogeii) (Solution (Chemistry)) ZNICHENKO.,,E.A.-, MAYRANOVSKIY, S.G.; ZOLOTOVITSKIY, Ya.M. 50) nW% I BOOK EXYLOITA?IOX SOV/2216 3oventscharayo 00 glektrokhimit. 4th, Momeow, 1956. Trudy... ; labornik) (Transactions of the Fourth Conrerence on :91*ct rochamLstryl Collection or Articles) Moscow, Zzd-vo AN q_SSL, 1959. 868 p. Errata slip Inserted. 2,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyt Akademlym n4ult SS3R. Otdoloniyo khImichascl-kh nauk. ("N ZdLtorlal Boards A.M. Frumicin (Rasp. Ed. ) Academician, O.A. Yoglo Z Professors 3.1. Zhdanov (Reop. Se.!retary). B.A. Kabanov, Pro- rr, fessor, 3. 1. Zhdanov (Rasp. Secrotary)b B.M. Labanov, Prortssom It. M. Kolotyrkln, Doctor of Chereleal ScIenc ", V.V Losev. F.D. Lukovt9ev, Prof*ssorl Z.A. S*1*V*y%VL$ V.V. Sder: Profe3sc--. and G.M. Plorianovich; Ed. of Publishing Houses N.G. yssgorcss~; ?*ch. Ed. I T. A. Prusakovm. :IMPOSgs This book Is Intended ror Chemical and electrical ongi- nears, physicists, Metallurgist* and researchers Interested In various aspects of electrochemistry. COVERAGRi The book contains 127 of the 138 reports presented at the Fourth Conference on Electrochemistry sponsored by the Depart- sent of Chemical Sciences and the Institute of Physical Academy of Sciences, USSR. The collection pertains to different branches or electrocnemical kinetics, double layer theorless and galvanic processeB In metal 61*ctrutispositon And Industrial *,-act- rolysis. Abridged discussions art given at the end of each divi- sion. The majority or reports not Included here have boot published In periodical literature. No personalities are sontio,ted. References are given at the end of most of tbo articles. I.A. , and A.I.03h, (Institute of Sleetrochessistry. Academy Of Solstices, USSR,~. Effect of Atomic Hydrogen Diffusion on the Potential or Polarlted Iron Elect rodep"t ta an It 62 5111110MIrSiLls, A.M., and XY-,_XU-X)tuIIa (Inltltut khlmll I ithimicheskoy toichnologli A.N Lit. SSR-ttatitu-, or Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Academy Of Sciences, Lithuanian SSR). Role Of Inorganic Ions In -he Process of Electro- lYtIc%lIY Separating Hydrogen From Acid Solutions at a Rotating Cathode 86 10r*,,,I- ., and 'X'. ~onko, (MOskOvskIY VOudardtvannyy universitet 0. oncow State varsity). Influence or the Nature Of CAtiOn8 an Overvoltage During the Separation of Hydrogen From Alkaline Solutions at a Mercury Cathode 91 XUchinakly-Ye- M. , and 1. Yo_yeaelovskarit. Dep,ndence of Hydrogen Overvoltage on-the _55t~_r?i-ce--Consilt Ion of an Iron Cathode in an Alkaline Solution 96 Card 5/34 Durdln Ya. V, . L. Kifih, And V.I. Kra-itsov, (Lenlreradakly _d>6udxr3tveA7TrJ-U1VT4er3 I tit -IW`ihI A.A. -,ndanova - "nIngrad State University Imeni A.A. Zhdanov). Uae of the Osclllographic Method In !nvestigating tne Kinetics of Electrode P1`OCe4BcZ Which Take Place at the Surface of Dis- solving Metals IC-. Loa_!I_V_Y_. and Ppiln_ (Inatltute of Electrochemistry, --Academy or Seien&~o o- A Using Radloact4ve, Indicators to study Proc.e3e. ~f Ionization And Dlacnarge of Hotels Ions at Amalgam Electrodes 11.6 190yatk4a, -Tu.- A., and A.I. Shlyg~in (Ptoecc~ State UnIveral. Charging Curves or Powdery Catalysts and Ad-.rb,nta YJ L~~ 016=141.n ~4_5_ Khaah, L.I. Xrfht.llk, A.L. Rotlnyan. N,P. ZhUk, I.P Ati6ihZhe~ka, V.V. Krasnoyarsk-y, V..A. Gerovich (Deceased), A.G. Stromberg "d contrIbutIng authors) :q~ Card 6/ 14 MAZNICHWO., E.A.; DA14ASKOp B.B.; IOFA, Z.A. ---------- Effect of alkali metal cations on hydrogen overvoltage on nexvd27 In acid solutione. DokleAN SSSR 138 noo6:1377-1380 je 161. OURA 14:6) 1e Ypskovakiy gosudaratvewyy univeraltet imo M.Lownosova, Predstavleno akadem:Lkon A.N.Frumkimym. (Electrochwdiatx7) Y;izNICHENKC, L.. mpster eports. r Our modest contribution. 1,ryl.rod. 8 no.6-5 Je '57. f, ~: 10: 8 ) (Aeronautics) WNIGIM, IKOIL-I., absolyutnaya chempionka SOVetBk'OgO SOYuZII.PD para- ohyutnozmi sportu, master sporta; MAININ, V., mastor sporta; KARArETFAIT, G., sportsmen I-go razryada. Learn how, teach others! Kryl.rod. 11 no.1:8 Ja 160. (MM~ 13:5) (Aeronautics-Study and teaching) MAZNICEMO, L. G., Candidate Wed Sci (dins) -- "Changes in certain liver func- tions in dysentery", Dnepropetrovsk, 1959. 18 pp (Min Health Ukr SM, Dmpropet- rovsk State Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, Jjo 22, 19590 122) .KAZNI HIM Go .(Dnepropetrovsk) F~ Some liver functions In diphtheria patients. Vrach. delo no.l: 43-" '59. (MIRA 12:4) lo lafedra infektalonnykti bolemney (mov. - prof. I.I. Levin [deceased]) Dnepropetrovskogo meditsinskogo institutao (DIFETMIA) (LTM-DISMASIS) BABAYSVA, Ye.; DERYUG114A, Ye.; MCIUCHENKO, V.; POPOVA, K. Physical education period for asseribly-line workers. Sots trud 8 no.6: 132-133 Je 163. (mn.,16:c,~) 1. Mentralinyy nauchno-i4ledMtel'ski* institut fzicheskoy kull- tury. (Assembly-line method) (Industrial hygiene) Nib SOURCE CODE: /OD1/0091/OD951 /J- AUTHOR: -Kulakauzov't G.; Maznikav, Z.; Slavovj iv. ie ORG: Main Center fcr Geological Stuaies (Glavno upravl. za geol. prouchvaniya) TITIE: Permian from the southern slopes of Surnena Gora SOURCE: Bulgarsko geologichesko druzhestvo. Spisanie,, v. 27, no. 1, 1966, 91-95 TOPIC TAGS: geolo \rd/ , physical geology ABSTRACT: During the detailed surveying in 1962-1963 of the Southern slopes of Sfurnens Oore, the authors uncovered for the first time the existence of Permian rocks within a fully developed profile of the Surnovets graben syncline. They present the orientation, composition, and possible growth pattern of the profile and sumperize, their findings by means of geological mp,,c;f the reglon~*- Thethickness of the Permian complex_ varies -.within wide limits with maxima up to 250 m. Orig. art. has: 1 figure# (JPP.: 36,8441 SUB CODE: 08 / SUBM DATE: 12Feb65 / ORIG REFS 008 card A. N.; NETUSHIL, A. V.; PARM, E. P. Vysokocha.qtotnyi Nagrev Dielektrikov i Poluprovodnikxv (High frequency Heating, of lion-Conductors and Semi-Conductors), 214 p., State Energetico Plubli-,herc, Moscow-Leningrad 1950. AAiiffii: it' WL Rwflug Experience in the making of a soft roof. Blul. stroi. tekh., 9, no. 13, 1952. tlonthjZ Lint of Ruosian Acoessione. Library of GwWasa. Novwber 1952. Unclaseif led. WITWO Polo, Inzhener. .W . ;Qt ~~. ~~ ork praeffee of the Idski Oil Utraction Plant in connection with the reduction of gasoline consumption. Mae.-shir.prom*22 no.600-32 '56. (KLRA 10%1) 1. Liskinakiy maeloekstraktsionnyy zavod. (Gasolize) (Oils and fats) MkZNrAK, F.I., insh.; SWOTALOV, I.G., inzh. . ...............I..........- Increasing the productive capacity of oil mills. Masi.-zhir. prom, 26 no.6:34-36 je 6o. (MM 13:6) 1. Liskinakiy masloekBtraktsioaMy savod. (Llski-Oil industries) . X. AVRUMOVA., S.I. (Mwfkov); DOEMO, N.A. (Mmtfko~); MAzMKt L.M. (XharrkOV) I Mtraviolet irradiation in the compormd therapeutic and ortho- pedic treatment of paradentovis. Probl.stm. 6tlO9-n5 162, (MM 16 0 3) (GIM-DISMES) (ULTRAVIOLIST RAYS--THMAMTIC USE) DOLIDZE, M.V.; MAt'NYTM.,Fl FISHKOVA, L.M. Determining the zero-point of spectrophotometric temperatures. Biul.Abast.astrofiz.obser. no.26tl6l-167 161. (MIRA 15-3) (Spectrophotometry) p 1, i rA So . ZPSFK TRIV"* 11 h Ktj 1T 91, -aa. rc 1~~ P.,"apd ' , 4 4111 acid lviu! rLnt Til t ulc MiL MEIESHKO, V.P.; MUO, A.A. Theory of regeneration of catioulte filters. Trudy VOU 57: 61-70 '59. OUPA 13:5 ) (Base-exchanging compounds) MRIBSHKO, V.P.4 MM, A.A. Regeneration of ion-exchange filters exilausted incompletely. Trudy VGU 57:71-',74 159. (MMA 13:5) (Ion exchange) Ic .4 Op- A.A 0--, 41=64i0" i S" IM, No. 10, 3D,--Btwtb is ou. t bjdbAmjfDmki4 OL70-) MdOwmwwdh"v" b "Rwhbw- . U. x"Okpoo CA emboalkw. I A'A. .Sooij. 1030. W.-The uw 0 - as r*ullyst is I ' j i % 'in r*m,) it "i T",!",. nwodml. (. %I gl~ljltwlff 9 LI W -P - . . %Z0, A, A, .... ) . b. , , I- Water - Purification New method of de-ammonification of water; Gig. i san. no. 1, 1952. List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1952. Unclassified. MAZO. A.A.; TEBENTOY]WA, V.P. Some remarks on the method of the determining the hardness of water by trilon B. Gig. i san. no.10:44 0 155 (MLRA 9:1) (7RIDDN B) (WATIM--PIMYSIS) Rapid for t'r 3 in ntlta ".ve dete-ninD': -,,n of -8 IC magnesl-ur. in nilk aummary -~n- Sng! ish) it l?, 74-76 Jl--,%g '157. uu:-I, 1. Iz dotsent L.,11.Menin ro7-.niy ep ikie-~ I ,, I,- s st i %grl-vost ~-~Chlllc7 nor'ne'. ra~)ia 1-:11 r~, - 44 -% 1~,. Alk, rn-7tz te:!rnic (Ru3)) n!j MAERA - , - Rapid method for determining the quantitr of milk in desserts. Vopr. pit. 17 no.l.-100-101 Ja-F 158. (HIPA 11:4) 1. Iz laboratorii (nach. - doteent L.G.Menin) Dorozhnoy sanitarno- epidemiologicheskoy stantsil Yu2hno-vostochnoy zhelesnoy dorogi, Voronezh. (DESSERTS-ANALYSIS) (MILK) KAZO A A MIll. L.G. (Voronezh) Coments an G.I. Ult and N.A. Neshvinskala's artlele mMineral content of food served in Transcarpstblam, kludergartens.* Vorbi Pit. 17 no,4:89 JO-4 '58 (NMA 11:7) (KrMALS M FWD) AIMTIWFAU, L.G.; MAZO, A.A. Hygienic evaluation of balanced nutrition in k*indergartens. Vop. pit. 19 no.3s27-33 bb-Je 160. (Min 14:3) 1, Ix laboratorii (zav, - doteent L.G. Menin) Dorozhnoy sanitarr-o- epidemiologicheskoy wWiteii Yugo-vostoohnoy zheleznoy dorogi, Voronezh. (CHILDRO-NMRITION) MAZOv A.A. Determination of the calci= and nanganeve content of milk without calcination. Vape pit, 19 nos 5.74-76 5-0 160v (MMA 14:2) le Iz laboratorli (naclmllnilr - doteent L.G. Menin) Dorozhuoy panitarno-epideniologAchaskoy stanteii Yugo-Vostoohnoy zhelezvoy dorogig Vormezh. (KIIX-4MYSIS AND EXAMINATOR) (CALCIUM-ANALISIS) (HAVOMESZ-ANALYSIO) MAZO, A.A.; AKBTMSUU, L.G.,- Mubul uchastiye KOROIEVj, M,Y. --C~ Study of the.nutrition of diesel locomotive operators. Vop. Pit. 20 no.6:31-33 W-D 161. (MIRA 15:6) lo Iz laboratoorii (zav. - doteent L.G. Henin) sanitarno- spidemiologicheskoy sta**ii Yugo-Vostoohnoy sheleznoy dorogi, Voronezh. (NUTRITION) (LOGM40TIVE ENGINEERS) MAZOs A.A.; AKHTYRSKAYA, L.G. Comparison of the 1954 and 1961 editions of tables listing chemical composition and nutritional values of food products. Vop. pit. 22 no.6:74-75 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Iz laboratorii Dorozhnoy eanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy slantsii Yugo-vostochnoy zheleznoy dorogi (nachallnik L.G. Menin), Vorone?.h. e SNETKOVp W.V.; MAZO, A.I.; G!"'YSBOIG, Ways to intensify the filtration process of viscose. 69-71 It./,. (MITU 17:10) 1. LonLngradskiy filial Vsesoyu7,nogo nauchno-issledovatellsko,70 insti- tuta is kits s tvennogo volokna (for Snetkov, '-flazo). 2. Leningradskiy zavod iskusstvennogo vololma (for Gpysbera). KISSIN. Nikball lw&ovlch, dotsent, kandidat tekbmicheskikh nauk.Cdoesaged]; !!g . Inshener, retsenzent; ULYANINMY,S.T., professor, doktor TOMifebaskikh nam , retsenzent; -UPINTSW.G.N., inzhener, retsenzent. r9daktor; GOLUBMOVJL,L.A., redaktor; MXDVXMW.L.Ya.. tekbnicheskiy redaktor (Heating and ventilating] Otoplenle i ventillatsila. I2d.2-os. Perer. Moskva. Go9Azd-vo lit-ry po stroltolletvu i arkhitekture. Pr.l. [Heating] Otoplenie. 1955. 390 P. (MM 9:3) (Beat angineerlmg)