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~~----b t hi .~iv u ene C , oiq~~ --'I :art-*_ SHMEUV,, Sergay Vladimirovicht MAZINA, B,V., retsenzentl DUMVSKAYA, A.I., sp-A-8--red.; VINOGRADOVA, G.A.,, tekhn. red. [Technology and equipment of cotton finishing) Tekhnologiia i oboradovanie otdelochnogo khlopchatobuMa2hnDgo proizvod- stva. Izd.2.,, perer. i dop. MDskvat Rostekbisdat, 1962. 309 P4 (MIRA 160) (Cotton finishing) (Textile machinery) RAZINA, F. V.p SHAPIROp S. L. and IOLOZHENTMA, S. F. 11 "Ascorbic acid content of blood and urine in measles and the therapeutic value of hipberry extract in the treatment of peneum6nia of measles." Pediatriya, 1940, No. 10, pp 29-35. Hospitalized measles patients show, from the onset of the disease until late convalescence,, a well-defined dificit of vitamin C. Per os introduction of large doses of hipberry ext. greatly diminishes this deficit and raises the blood level of vitaminG. line level in the urine generally parallels that in the bloodj, especially in the more robust children. In most serious cases the treatment may require up to 20 days of daily administration. Thus administered vitamin C has no effect on any of the symptoms of measles pneumonia, nor does it prevent any of the complications. However, it improves the aciton of other active methods of treatment of the disease, as shown by better convalescence rate. G. M. Kosolapoff 40 1!,*,T-l -I'- " I,j ~"; I;,-I"" VISMWSKIY. A. A;GRITSMO, YU. Ya;KONIKOVA, A. S;~WINA, F. V. -.." -: -1.1.1 InvestiestIon on the role of the nervous system in regulation of syntbeelps of bippuric acid by kidneys. Doklady Aked. -.a* SSSR 83 no.4:621-624 I Apr 1952. (CM 22:2) 1. Presented by Academician A. D. Speranskiy 8 February 1952. VORDTINTSEVA, Ye.H.; MAMA, ?,V.: ERAXOVSKIYI N.I. MOMAIWI-1- Amount of novocaine and of products of-its hydrolysis in the blood and urine after novocaine block. Parn.itoks. 16 no.6:38-44 N-D '53. (MI-RA 7: 1) 1. Biokhimichaskaya laboratoriya (zaveduyushchly - doktor biolo- gicheskikh nauk A.S.Konikova) Instituta. kbArargii im. A.V.Vish- nevskogo Akademii maditsinakikh nauk SSSR. (Novocaine) (Blood) (Urine) S/138/60/000/008/008/r,15 A051/AO29 AUTHORS: Nusinov, N.D.; Ivanov, B.I.; Mazina, G.R,, Chernaya, V.V.; Pozin, A.A. TITLE: The Application of Electric Contact Transmitters for Measuring Large Deformations of Latex Pilms PERIODICAL: 'Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No. 8, PP. 35 - 37 TEXT: Latex balloons widely used in atmosphere probing frequently undergo premature deformations when being elevated to a given height, probably due to an uneven distribution of the deformations at different areas of their surfaces. Thei investigation of the deformations Jim the different areas of the latex balloon was undertaken, adopting experimental conditions close to those encountered in the performance of the balloons, i.e., low temperatures and electrical discharges. The authors overcame the usual difficulties of measuring deformations of large magnitudes, especiblly under the given conditions of low temperature and of curved object, by using transmitters of the electric contact type in a thermobaro-chamber. Measurements were made at different parts of the surface of the balloon (in the equatorial and merldional directions). The rheochord transmitter could not be us- ed in view of the changing temperature. The transmitter showings were recorded on card A S/138/60/000/008/008/015 A051/A029 The Application of Electric Contact Transmitters for Measuring Large Deformatione of Latex Films a photographic tape at a distance, using a magnetic-electrical oscillograph of the H170 -2 (MPO-2) type. Figure I is a diagra'm of the electric contact transmittetr used by the authors, and Figure 2 is a circuit diagram of the transmitter's con- nection. The transmitter has the following design: Two supporting prisms (2) of 5x 5X 5 mm made of plexiglas are fastened onto the balloon surface (1), using compensation latex films (3). The No. 88 glue is used for fastening the prisms and the latex films to the balloonts surface. 7he prisms serve as contacts for connecting the outlets which join the transmitter to the electrical measuring cir- cuit. The compensation films prevent the occurrance of local voltages concentrat- Ing in the balloonts film during expansion, due to its slight thickneBS. The thick- ness of the film was 0.10 - 0.15 mm at the beginning of the measurements and a few microns at the final point. The experiment's were carried out only 24 hours after the transmitters were attached to the surface of the balloon to enslAre satia- factory adhesion. Manganin was used as the material for the contact wire due to Its low temperature coefficient. The distance between the supporting prismz, Vinen fastened to the balloon's surface. was 25 mm. A description is given of the desigft card 2/4 S/138/60/000,/008/008/015 A051/AO29 i 'The Application-of Electric Contact Tronsmitters for Measuring Large Deformations of Lat:ex Films of the current recorders, situated in the supporting prisms. As the balloon ex- pands, the supporting prisms move on opposite directions and cause periodic con- necting and disconnecting of the circuit In the transmitter and a corresponding jump of the current in the electrical circuit. A visual check is made by counting the number of tubes which light up connected in series with the oscillograph's vibrator. Figure 3 is a typical oscillograrri_o~ the transmitter's showings. The accuracy of the counting would depend on the accuracy of division of the contact wire into various sections. Figure 3 shows that the rate of deformation is vari- able at different periods of time. This fact is taken into account when studying s close to real ones. T the kinetics df the film's deformation under condition -he authors conclude that their method is useful in measuring large deformations, such as 500 - 600%, of non-metal materials (rubber, latex films, plastics, etc.). It is especially useful in measuring at distances under conditions similar to actual performance. There are 3 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Nauckmo-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh I lateksnykh izdeliy (Scientific Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Articles) Card 3/4 3/138/60/000/008/008/015 A051/A029 The Application of Electric Contact Transmitters for Measuring Large Deformations of Latex Films Figure 2: Figure I., Electric Connection Diagram of the Schematic,ln- Transmitter stallation of 7 I-latex fUm an Electric 2-electric Contact Trans- lamp; 3-bat- mitter (Slid- tery;, 4-pidw i C t t) : on ac ng wi con- I-latex film; 7 stant con- 2-supporting fact; 5- prism; 3-com- prism with pensation film; sliding con- 4-manganin wire; 5-copper-carbon brush; tact; 6-man- 6-spring-loaded contact; 7-place of ad- ganin wire; 7-vibrator; 8-compensa, hesion of the compensation film; 8-out- tion film. t l i e w re. Fi re &H Typical Oscillogram of Trans- g z card 4/4. mitter Readings~. ----ii rwou-va iur nuouel- m CHERNAYA, V.V.; KAIINA, G.R. Some pecularities of vulcanizing films made of chloroprene latex. Much. i rez. 20 no.9:8-11 S 161. (KMA 15:2) 1. Nuachno-issladovateltakiy institut rezinavykh i :Latekanykh izde3.iy. (Vulcanization) Oatex) MAZINA, G.R.; PECHKOVSKAYA, K.A.; CHERNAYA, V.V. Electron nicroscope study of latex gel structures. goll.shur. 26 no.1:72-75 '~a-F 164. (MM 1724) 1. Nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut shinnoy promWahlennooti i Wau!brp-issledovatel'skiy institut rezinovykh i lateksmykh izdeliy, Moskva, BMROBITSKAYA. N.1.; MA~INA. L.Ya. Geochemical characteristics of Carboniferous sediments in the Tenglz Depression. Avtoref. usuch. trud. VNIGRI no.17:54-61 '56. (MIRA 11:6) (Tengis Depression-Rocks, Sedimentary) HAZTI;A,p Mop starshiy prepodavatell Bonus payment and the strengthening of business accounting. Sots. trud 7 no.5:58-62 My 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Gorlkovakiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Gorkiy-Wages-44achinery industry) (Bonus system) ARTAMONDVO P. (%rlkiy); ekonamist (Gorskiy) - This is the groap vage system, not vage equalization. Su7. profsoiuzy 20 n0-4.,20-21 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Predsedatell kamlisaii zarabotnoy platy i normirovaniya truda zavodakego komiteta Gorlkovskogo avtozavoda (for Artamonov). MAZINA, W. M.: Master Mod Scl (dies) -- "An immunochemical study of the complex antigens of cancerous and normal human tirieue". Moscow, 1959. 11 pp (Acae Me(I Sci USSR), 200 copies (KL, No 1, 1959, w4) 1mmunocheM4Cql investigation of complex antigens In human tissue. (with summary in English]. Blul.ekep.blol. I mod. 45 no.2:9S-102 7158, (MMA 11:5) 1. 12 laboratorii Immunokhimit (sav. - prof. V.S. Gos~ev) Inatituta eksperimentelinoy biologii (dir.-j+of. I*N- Kayokly)-AM SSSR. (ANTIGENS, IQI~ immuno-chem. exam, in human tissue (RUB)) MAZ SA, N.M. BerologIcal activity of tissue lipids In men (with summary In English] Blul.ekspebiol. I med. 45 no.5:74-79 NY158 (MIRA i1:6) 1. In laboratorii immunokhImii (2av. - -prof. V.S. Gostev) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.E. Mayakiy) AKI SBSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deyetvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR N.N. ZhukovymVere2hnikovym. (LIPIDS, serol, reactions of lipids from vnrious orgnns (Ras)) KAZINA, W.H. immunochemical properties of various fractions of caneprous and normal human tissues [with summax7 in English], Biul.ekspebiole i mea. 46 no.8:82-87 Ag '58 (MIRA 11:10) I; 1z lnboratorii lmmanokhimil (zav. - prof. V.S. GoBtev) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii (diro - prof. I-H-Hayskly) AMR SSSR. Moskva& Predstavlena daystvitelinym chlenom AW1 SSSR N.V. Zhukovym~Verezhnikovym' (NEOPLASMSO Immunhe- immun-achem. properties of various fractions of cancerous & hormal human tissues (Rue)) Q- NAZI4., N.M, Study of the "complete" antigen of cancerous and normal human tissue. Vop. onk. 6 no.4:63-69 Ap 160# (MIRV-140) (GANGER) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) M&ZIM N H - RASSOMM, I.I.; GOSTEV9 V.S.; SALIMOV, M.A. I=nmochemical study of various lipid fractions in human tissue. 6 no-M412-419 JI-Ag '60. (KM 3-4:3) 1. laboratory of Lm=ochemistryt Institute of Experimental Biology, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Safencesq and the Chairs of Animal Biochemistry and Physical Chemistry Moscow State University. (LIPIDS) GOSTEV, V.S. (~Ioskva, D-284, Begovaya u.., 1.11, kv. 37); AZLETSKAYA, A.Ye.; SAAKOV, A.K.; GRIGORIYAK, D.G.; CHAMVA# K.G.; ZYKOV, Yu.V.; PERELAZNYY,,A.A.; MAZINA. N.M.: KUIAGIN, N.A.; MAKOVEYEVA, G.M. Study of the antigenio properties of human tumors fractions deprived of soluble proteins. Vop. onk. 8 no.9tl8-26 P62. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Iz laboratorii ivmmokhimii Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii AM SSSR (dir.- prof. I.N. Mayakiy), MAZINA, 0. A.. "Study of Phenols Obtained by Different ~Iethods of 0azIfIcatIon of Peat." Acad. Sel. Belorussian SSR, Division of Physicomathematical and Technical Sciences, Minsk, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SO: Knizhnays LetoDisl, No. 22, 1955, PP 93-105 RAKOVSKIYp V970*j )UNHAs 0.1. Effect of the conditions of gasification on the pbenol content Of Peat tar. Trudy Inst. torfa All BSSR 7:W-m r,9. KRA 14:1) (Peat gasification) (Phenols) USSR/Idedicine - Eye Dleeasois iva~*a' 48 Medicine - q*thalmology "A Case or optic Iffuvium Caused by the Lu*va of a Sheep Botfly (0eaterms; ovis)," R-* 0- Mazina, Eye Clinic, Chelyabinsk Med Inst, *1 p "vest oftsa=l" vol, xxviT, No 6 Clinical diagnosis is difficult as early form a disease resenbles tubercular or other' - lildocyclltis,. Olams, etc. In this case, laM x4&t have penetrated the orbit tbroq-O~ the con- banctival sac or nasal cavity, doubtless, at the of the summer. It remained tbere during Its 57AMV"' ci Um/mbmim Rye Dista"m NQT/D* A8 (Coutd) full cycle of development (7 8 monthB) and emerged through the skin of the upper eyelid. KONSTANTINOVA, M.S.; MhZINA, T.I.; REYDLER, M.M. Effect of ionizing radiation on the functional state of the reticuloendothelial system. Fiziol.zhur. 47 no.2:226-229 F 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. From the Sechenov Institute of the Evolutionary Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Leningrad. (RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM) (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) MAZINA, T.I., mladchiy nauchnyy sotrudnik (Leningrad) Amount of ascorbic acid and cholesterol in the adrenal glands of a developing chick embryo. Probl.endok.i go=. no.145-49 162. (MITU 15:8) 1. Gruppa evol-yutsii endokrinnykb funktsiy (rukovaditell - doktor biologicheskikh nauk L.G. Leybson) Instituta evol-yutsionnoy fiziologii imeni I.M. Sechenova (dir. - chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR Ye.M. Xreps). (ASCORBIC ACID) (CHOLESTEROL) (ADRENAL GLUM) MAZINA, T.I. Effect of ACTH introduction on the weight and cholesterol ccnlent of the adrenal glands in developing chicken embryos. Fiziol. zhur. 49 no.5:589-595 My T63. (141RA 2":11) 1. From the Sechenov Institute of EvoiutionEry Physiology, Leningrad. i-ra c r, n z Ft -.- (T: hF; ona ~-y 4 r. Z. & 81 ~ MAZINA, T.I. ----------- Cont,mt. of' asc,-,I-r)jc a(:~:i ir. t--J, !1:~I- nal f)~ VL S; fal2awing in trod u.,- Li,)n of 2i~; a nd 81,1 1 . ~l -;-:i .-b-~, ~'. I M., -.: I . 57 no.6:54-58 Je M~ ~ 1.4iburatoriya f,wilct,MV ~L-ev, bi. olog. n7iuk L. I,. i) ii- t. t.LI tF, Ly onden t M R y em. Leningrad. .Mz2L' V.0. Syndrome of microphakla and spherophakla combined with bracb.Vdactylis Oft.zhur. 11 uo~1:59 156. (KLRii 9:9) 1. Iz Chelyabinskoy oblastnoy bollnitay. (3YA-DISMS19S AND DMECTS) (FINGM--ABNMITINS AND DIMMITIES) (TONS--ABNMITIES AND DEPONITINS) xizm, V.0. Notastatic carelmoms of the uveal tract. Oft.shur. 12 no.5: 301-306 157. (KMA 13:6) 1. Iz kafedry glaznykh bolesney (XILV, - prof, A*V* Utenellson) ChelyabluskDgo mediteinslwgo iumtltuts I ls glazuogo otdolenlyn Chel"binskDy oblastuoy klinichookoy bollmitsy. (173--CANM) GUSEVA, H.Ye.; WINK, V.0. (Chelyabinsk) Case of electromagnetic extraction of an intracerebral nail. Vop.neirokhir. 23 no.4:43 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Obluetnaya klinicheakaya bollnitea (Chelyabinsk) (BRAIN, for. bodies, electromagnetic extraction of nail (Rue)) MMIM v 0 Surgical treatment of retinal detachment by roseotion of the eo2era with,invagination of the soleral, band. Vont-oft.74 no.108-45 161. (AETIU-4URGERT) (KM. 14:3) XAZINA' Yekep kandidat moditsinskikh nauk - M~ Significance of the X-ray examination method in selecting children for revaccination. Probl. tub. 34 no.4:12-18 JI-Ag 156. (NUU 9:11) 1. Iz Yakutskogo filiala Institute tuberkulaze ANN SSSR. (BGG VACCINATION, in inf. and child selection for revacc.) BOTTSOVA, Ye.P.; WIM, Ye.A.; HIMYLOV, B.M.; OYWHKIN, N.K.; RDSSOYA, GUROVA, O.A.. tekhnich9skWy redaktor. t-sology of the southwestern region of the Turgay Gates] Geologlia iugo-ms:padnoich&stIVuigainkogo progiva. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-t6jcbn. izd-vo lit-r.* lp geologil I ekhr ane nedr, 19.55. 154 P. (ieningrad. Vaesoiusnyt ge6logicheakil institu t. Trudy, Vol. 5). (Km 9:5) (Turgay Gates--Geology, Stratigraphic) MAZINA, Ye.A..; KISEIIV, 1-1. . . lrcaV Southern continuation Gf the main iron-ore -one rif th~, '-, trough. Triidy VSFGEI 10.2:104-'-14 '64. (!-'IP,A 8;--- . i *dicim ', Toemaosis )by/j=; 49 Wdicine - Vaccination "=ectiveness of Vaccinating Small Children Agalzat Taberculosis," Ye. G. Mazina, Dispensary,Sector, Inst of Tuberculosis, Acad Ided Sci, 4 pp *ftob Tuber" No 3 Taccizated and studied 701 sy-Il children 2 old and used a gro,;p of 233 children as I to test the effectiveness of antituberculoaiz~ ...Cination- Tabulated. results - Intracutaneous =%bod was most effectivq because it produced 57/49T9,8 Iclue Tuberculosis' (Coutd) a,.fMter allergic reaction. A 0-02-mg dose PPAuced greater allergic reaction tb&U a 0-01-mg dose. Vaccinated children shoved fewer AncldentaD and milder cg8es tb= those who VM not VILecimted. Suggests shortening juterml CC revaccination to One yourp and cOntinuing the 4tWY Of various methods and donee of Vaccination Wincrease the 1==iziug effect of BCG. 7A" M 0 Z.'% 14 A ~)XF-