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AVANESOV, Drastsmat prof., doktor tekhn.nauk. retsensent; GORST. A.G., prof., doktor khIm.naukq retsenzent; MALYSM, N.V., inzh., red.; RE I TSOVA, A.G.,; PUIEUKOVA, N.A.. ElPractical manual for the physicochemical testing of explosives) Praktikum po fisiko-khImicheskin ispytantiam var.7vchatykh veshchestv. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo obor.promyshl... 1959. 165 P. (MIRA 120) (Explosives--Testing) MAYSAX, N.S.; NOSOV, V.D. Machines for removing metal rolls from reels. Biul.TSNIICHM no.17:43 (325) '57. (MIRA 11:4) I.Magnitogorskly metallurgichakiy kombinat. (Rolling mills) UYSAKHOVICH, I. A. "Local Prophylactic Effect of Strontium Chloride on CarieB as well &a Its Medicinal Effect in Certain Cases of Dental InfectionB," Stomatologiya, No. 2, 1949. MYSAYAt V.R* Effect of stimulating receptors of the hind logo vith certain drugs on r"piration and the cardiovascular systems. Report no.l: Effeci of stimulating hind logo receptors vith certain drugs on respiration in frogs. Blul.eksp.blol. I med. 40 no.10: 48-52 Oct. '55. NLRA 9-1) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zav.-prnf. A.H.Bak.aradze) Thilieskogo meditainskogo instituta. (RESPIRATION, physiology, off. of chem. stimulation of hind loge in frog) MTREMITIBS, physiology, off. of chem. stimulation of hind legs on reap. in frogs) , 1~I 0 , - I , I1 1, , - ~- I I- I DAASELIYA, I.N.; MAISAYA. V.R. (Sukhumi) . r~ Effect of :;I-tzfl on blood circulation and respiration. Vrpch. delo supp lement 157:99 (MIRA 11:1) (THIAMINE) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) (RESPIRATION) U-23R A b i3 r ,juthor Inst c)e C, T' Au u T it'Lc I,,J A", L a n v c I I Ir .,nd Ori-- Put -VO llb~Aract -iL ~c r i ri, t i T. n i r -rd USSR / Fhar.-.1--ccljr-y, To~:tcolc-,-y, ~--rdlovascular Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., i1o 20, 1958, 11o 94283 perfusod throu(;h ti-io loolatod lLib, thc b1cod prossuro -oos down and. tho vunaols of this 11,.ib aru dilatod. The addition of' I to tli,-- per- fusato, pansin- through tho carotid oinus, c;.LU- aus the dilation. of the vessel of tho i801LAod I L2b. The proli,.-Anary novoc-~Inlzation of the carotid oinus romoves this offoct. Ltropini- zation doas -iot chanGc: the offuct of' I. Pas- through tlio to.iL- -, voosols, 11(1:500 - ,U 1:5000) causes tho loworinr~ of blood pru3sura, roi-~dors iom frcqu-~nt the rhyth..: of heart con- tractiono and tho dilation of Intc;stinal ves- s--ls. Perfu3ion of III tAirou,-!11.- tonjue v,~osols 040 In th-- concontration of 1:10000 - 1:100,000 Card 2/3 26 -7. L:) y, 7,j 1 LJ J -)'u r iR, Autlinrs -!L-lnonlivil i, 1. Ins t T h, oc 1 c 1~y iy t' -L Itl v y r i -i F I o r in 1'r- iv 1. 11. 'C' Or'7 ?u b l5b. ...... I I n' t~ie i 9tract 'ri :3t~'~ on L; L! Li j o t r in. o f -Go'; to 40-50'' of ti-1c, 1:11tial -,~i oi- n o rhy h'l ')f Contn'?,cLion'-'. Thu :-.l fatal. -- V. V. USSR/Pharimeolo,y a;,d Toxicology - Cardi.ovascular Agents. v-6 Abe Jour : Rr---L ,:aiur - Biol., No 21, 1953, 98551 Author : 11aisayn, V.R. Inst : 11cclical Society of Abldiasia Title : Ou Uic Roflax. Action of Cam-thor cuid Alcohol T-1.11c-"~-U.-- -- Valcriau on the Cardiovascular ~jystem and Orig Pub : SID. 'Ur. Med. o-vo 1957, 1, 301-3o4. Abstract : Ecflc:c action of camphor (I) and valerian tinctur'.: (II) on tlw cardiovascular L-we- r,~~piratory systems was 1:1 'LnIcriments on cats. I (iA concentration 1:10 - 1:2000 in a dosage of 2-3 ml) and I! (in concentratioY., 1:1~1 - 1:100 in a dosage of 2-3 ml) w-re added to a perfusatc: it'hich was filtered throuC~, L,'Li-. vossels of an isola"U.--c- 112-nd -;.-Lrc~~ty cu-id the loops of animals, counc:c-c'2d with tll,.: organism only ii,.:rvus. I and II induce; rL - 1~:X Card 1/2 25 BAKMME, A*R,,; MAISAYA. VORO Stimulating offect of strychnine on tissular chemoreceptors. Soob, AN Gru2. SSF1 20 no.1:93-98 Ja 158. (MIRA 3-1:6) l.Institut fi2iologit AN Gru2SSR,, Tbilisi. 2.Chlen-korrespondent All GruzSSR (for Bakurad2s). (Strychnine) (Receptors (Neurology)) MAYSEL I p L. Ho 6Wn. Mays9l'. L. Y,., Chwevatyy, N. A. i Kaelyanov, A. V. dlya parovozov sarli So. M., Trangzheldoriadat, 1954e 200. nauch. - iselvd. in-t zh.--d. Transports. Inform. Pis 'no. Bespl. - Soot. ukasany na obDrate tit. L. - (55-148sh) Gazovyy parosushetell is chert. 219m. (VB8sOYuz- No 319). 1.000 eks. 621.133.8 SO: Knizhnaya Istopies No. 6, 1955 EDHASKINSKIT, B.A.; HATSELI. H.B. Diaphragz!).-trpe paeunntic sensitive elements with nonglued strain gauges. Priberostroenie no.12:14-16 D 156. (NIRA 11:12) (Wnometer) i f M Lai IA. Ak. MQ?teV!q, and LL R, Muotovu. Tho 4% khtic is 6a~. with pn ty -- - W, iy;'- VIL 'F %j - UP OV, A.F.,? redektor; BIUMIN, D.D., redaktor; VAUNIN, M. I., otvetstven- nyy redaktor toma, professor, doktor tekbuichaskikh nauk; VEMISOV, B.N., redaktor; IVLIUV. I.Y.. redaktor; MOSHCHUK, I.D., redaktor; RUWY, TO.F., glavny7 redRktor; SOKOLINSKIY, TA.I., redaktor. SOLOGUBOV, V.N., redaktor; SHILBVSKIY, V.A., radektor; ATMOV. A.A., inzhener; AUSHKIN, B.T.. in- zhener; A7AWIYEV. Ye.V.. lanareat Stallaskoy premii. inzhener; BUSHO, K.M., dotsent; BORISOV, D.P., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ZHILITSOV, P.N., inzhener-, ?-PAR, H.R., inzhener; ILIY321KOV, V.I., doteent. kandidat tokhnicheskikh nsrak; RAMOV, A.A., kandidiat tokhuioheskikh nauk; KWZMXR~ L.P., kandidat tekhnicheski1ch wmk; KOTLYAMMO, N.Y., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nsuk; HLYSHEV, P.V., professor, kandidat tekh- nicheskikh nauk; MAMOV0 N.Y., nzaener; nft&PWS, V.S., doteent, Imudi- dat tekhnicheskikh nauk. NOVIKOV, V.A., doteent; ORWV, B.A., in2hener; PETROV, 1.1., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; PIVKO, G.M., inthener; PO- GODIN. A.%., inzhener; HAMIM, P.W., doteent, kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; ROGINSKIT, V.E., kandidat tekhnicheskikh neuk; RTAUSTSEV, B.S., laureat Stalinskoy premil, dotsent, kandidat takhnichookikh nuak; SNAMIY, A.A., in2hener-, MIDNAN, A.B., inzhener; SHASTIN, V.A., laureat Stalinskoy prenii, inzhener; SHUR. B.1., inzhener; GONCHUKOV, V.I., inzhener, retsenzent; ROVIKOV, V.A., dotsent, reteenzent; AFA- N"4YZV, Ye.V., laureat Stalinskoy premii, retsenzent; (Technical handbook for railroad men] Tekhnicheskii spravochnik zhelez- nodorozhnika. Vol. 8. [Signaling, central control, block system, and comanication) Signalizatelia, teentralizataiia, blokirovka, eviazl. Red. kollegiia A.F.Baranov [I dr.) E.F.Rudoi. Moskva, Goo. transp. zhel-dor. Izd-vo, 1952. 975 p. (Continued on next card) BRYLMV, A.M., laureat Stalinskoy premil. luzhener; GARBURD, Ye.Tu., in- thener. reteenzent; GOIOVXIN, M.K., lazhener, reteenzent; WAXOV. A.A.. kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, retsenzent; KUT11N, I.H., (bteent, kandi- dat tekhnAcheskikh nauk, retsenzent; 130ROV, A.A., inzhener, retsen2ent; SEMOV, N.M., laureat Stalinskoy premii, inzhener. retsenzent; CHER- NYSHEV, V.3., inzhener, retsenzent; VAJAJYBV, G.A.. inzhener, retsenzent; KHTTAS, N.A., laureat Stalinskoy promil, inshener, retsentent; NOVI- KOV, V.A., dotment. reteenzent; P1VOVAHOV, A.L.. inshener. retsensent; POGODIN, A.M., inzhener. retsenzent; KHODOHOV, L.R.. inzhener, retsen- zent; PIVOVAROV, A.L., inzhener, retsenzent; POGODIN, A.M., inzhener, retsenzent; KHODDROV. L.R.. inzhener, retsenzent; SHUPLOV, V.I., kan- didat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; KLYKOV, A.S., inzhener, retsen- zent; TUDZON, D.M., tekhnicheakly redaktor: VIRLHA. G.P., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Technical handbook for railroad men] Tekhaicheakii spravochnik zhe- lasnodorothnika. Vol. B. [Signaling, central control, block system, and com-nication) Signalizateiia, tsentralisatalia, blokirovka, eviazl. Red. kollegiia A.F.Baranov Ei &-.1 Glav.~ed. B.F.Radoi. Moskva, Goa. tra;uep. zhel-dor. lzd-vo, 1952. 975 P- (Card 2) (MMA 8:2) (Railroads--Signallng) (Railroads--Communication systems) Y--, ~) / A-~ / /N, ~' /-/ VAKHNIF, Mikhail Ivanovich; VLODAVSKIY, Moisey Illich; IL'YESKOV, Viktor Ivanovich; KOTLYARINKO, Bikolay Fedorovich; VAY&H$Y,-Z*jrY.,~pdjmirovich; BRYISM , A.M., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; RAKITO, I.I., rell~ar,- CHBKMFMV, N.M., redaktor; VERIVA, G.P.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Automatic contro.L and telemechantes for railroad lines] Avtomatike i talemekhanika nA peregonakh] Avtomattka i telemekhanika na peregonakh. Pod obshchei red. M.I.Vakhnina. Moskva, Goa.tranap.zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1957. 435 P. (MIRA 10:1%) (Railroads--Signaling--Block system) HATSHEV, P.V.; ZHILITSOV, k..W.; VMODTSEV, V.V.; XOTLYARNIIKO. B.F.; ~ --------SRTLXYEV, A.M.; KUTIIN, I.M.; BRUGASOV, N.M. Seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of Yrofessor Hikolai usipovich Xoginskil. Avtom., telem. i sviazl 2 no.3:34 mr '58. (MIRA 13:1) (Roginskii. Nikolai, usipovich 1883-) mAysHEV, P.V., prof.; IL'YEMOV, V.I., dotsent; MANOSHIN, N-K-s inzhc-, I.A., inzh. AElectric rail networks" by N.F.Kotliarenko. Reviewed by P.V.Kaishev and others. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 6 no-3:47-48 Mr '62. (KIRA 1~-3) (Railroads-3ii;g2ling) (Kotliarenko, N.F.) IF-e- MAYSHEV, P.V., prof. Semiautomatic centralized traffic control systems for Yugoslavian railroad stations with light traffic. Avtom., telem. i sviaz. 9 no.1:46-47 Ja 165. (M1RA 18t2) KRIT'SKIY, G.A.; MAYSHEEVA, L.F., SAFRONOVA, R,N. Changes in marrow DRA properties fr~lliywlng X-ray d in vivo. Biokhinula 30 no.6,1147-1153. N-D 165, (MiRA jq~,:!) 1. Institut biokhtmii Imeni A.N,Bakha AN SSSR i Gosudar3tvennyy unlveraltet Ameni M,V.'.omon-)8ovfi, Monkva. Submitted Decv;nber 111, 1964. ..I. r - tf- ~ . " KUCHIN. Nikolay Dmitriyevich; HAYSHHAV Betali if.AXp - GADZIIIIISKAYA, 'V -N"*" gZp Mariam Aleksandrovns-. W S6VAj.. GaTfa Ilyanorna; TARPIGORRVA, V.D.. otvetstyann.vy r6daktor: AIADOVA, Ye.I., tekhnichaskiy redaktor English for miners. Pod red V.D. Terpigorevot. Moskva. Ugletekhizdat, l')56. 507 P. (MLEA 10:4) (Bnglish language--Textvoks for foreigners--Russian) (Coal mines and mining) YAKOVLET, Valentin Aleksendrovich; Ivanovuag MAUD. 1.I.. red.izd-va; ALADOTA, Ys.I., [Plaln and reinforced concrete] Baton und Disenbston. Koxkva, Ugle- te)dd2dat. [In Germn) Ho.2. 1957, 61 P. (MIRA 12:3) (Concrete) 171,-clg, All)--~-)-I)L Y/-) TERPIGOM4h. Vera Dmitriyevne: RUCHIN. Nikolay Dmitriyevich-, A pm , Natal lye. Iftap"VOI ARAKIN, Y.D., dote., red.; GADZHINSKAYA. N.A.# red.Izd-'i`i";' AUDOVA. Te. I., English for mining students. Pod matodicheakoi red. V.D.Arakina. Moskva. Ugletekhizdat, 1957. 462 p. (MIRA 11:4) (Coal mines And mining) Onglish lan--uago--Toxtbooks for foreignors-Rueeta) L-. 23680ii-66 DUNAYEV, P.N.; KALININ, V.M.; v.I. Anisotropy of the cryst-ul eMct of the volwrc- ma~7net.-jLitr~~--ttll-ln 4 tn the spin paramagnetimm of lron-tiilturn alloys. Fiz. iftet. ~ metalloved. 18 no.2018-3,*"O Ai' 164. (M-..'iA IF:R) 1. Urallskiy gosudarstvenllyy imeni A.M.'lCrIkolm. DUNAYEV, F.N.; KALlIaN, V.M*; KFffUKGV, I.P.1 HATSINOVICE, V.I. Magnetization saturation of the Co-Pt al-lc7. FIZ. met, i metalloved, 20 no,10:460-462 Z '65, (MIRA 18til) 1. Urallskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet lmeai A.M.Gorlkogo i Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. 1; 46286-66 M n(M)1M4P(t)/ET1 IjP (C) TD/HW/JG -26- --/66i/0460/0462-- ACC NRI AP5025335 SOURCE C&R. Ijkl6l /65~020 AUTHORi Dunayev, F. N. ; K Calinin V M Kryukov, I. P MUsInovich V. 1. 7/ ORG: Ural State UnIversI!X Im. A. M. Gor1kiy (Urallskiy gosuniveroftet); WtItute of Physics of Metals, AN SSSR (InLetitut fizild metallov AN SSSR) 10 7n, Loy TITLE: The magnetic saturation intensity of Co SOURCE: Mika metallov I metallovedeniye, v. 20, no. 3, 1965, 460-462 TOPIC TAGS: cobalt alloy, platinum alloy, magnetic saturation ,-re , Oc R A T D.P P F 1vo rov C r- ABSTRACT: The thermal dependence of the specific magnetic saturation intensity of a C alloy of nearly equiatomio composition was determined from liquid nitrogentemperatare 6pt i 700K, in order to study the nature of the high coerelvity of such 7~~ets.~spherlcal samples of 3.8 mm diam were prepared. Their specific magnetic saturation InteAty was measured after 30 min heating at 1000C, cooling at a rate of 1. 3C /see, and annealing 3, 6, 9, or 13 hr at 600C using fields up to 80kOc for magnetization. The specific magnetic saturation intensity Increased wfth field strength and decreased with annealing time and with the temperature at magnetization, reaching a nuudmum. of 43.5 G.cm3.g-1 for tempered and not annealed samples. The results iudicats that rnmaneUxation of the tetragonal and well defted phase. formed during UMs 538.114iUS Wal the mmeding process, Is 35-40% lower than Out of the cuble disordered phase generated at 850C and hioer temperatures. The authors thank R. Z. Levitin for makin available informa-I tion on the method of measuring magnetization in pa-1-se-Iff-el-d-a-'Vd-ore Its publioation. Orig. artJ bas: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 11920/ 9UBM DATE: 21AugG4 ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 002 AUTHORSt Mostovskiyj A., A. Voroblyeva, 0. B: 48-22 -5-- '/22 Mayakaya, K. A~ TITLEs Some Properties of Poly-Alkali Photocathodes (Nekotoryye svoystva mnogoshchelochnykh fotokatodoy) (Data From the VIIIth All-Union Conference on Cathode Electronics, Leningrad, October 17-24, 1957)(Materialy VIII Vaesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po katodnoy elektronike, Leningrad, 17-24 oktyabrya, 1957 g,) FERIODICAL8 Izvestiya Akadem-4i Nauk SSSR,'Seriya Fizicheakaya, 1958, Vol. 22, Nr 5, PP. 5611-565 (USSR) ABSTRACTa In the last years several types of efficient photocathodes appeared; of them bismuth--silver-cesium pb:tocathodes have al- ready)obtained far-reaching application in engineering Their properties have been investigated to a great degree Less known are the photocathodes mentioned in the title, which came out 2 years ago (Ref 1,2). In this work their properties are described on the basis of proper investigations. Production methods are discussed and a comparison with the pWocathodes known until now, which mainly were antimony-cesium. photocathodes, is made, C&rd 1/3 The working of an antimony layer first by potassium, then by Soto Properties of Poly-Alkali Photocathodes (Data 48-22-5-11/22 From the VINth All-Union Conference on Cathode Electronics, Leningrad, October 17-24, 1957) sodium or cesium has proved to be the most effective one, By replacement of potassium by lithium no advantage is obtained, The dosage of the alkali metals is essential, Spectral cha- raoteristics are given by fig. 1, Fig~ 2-4 show the change of the optioal properties on occasion of a consecutive workinoof antimony by alkali mezals. As can be seen from the here given curves the treatment by sodium after potassium leads to a no- ticeable alteration not only of the spectral sensitirity but also of the optical properties. As the figures show; the va- lue of the "external" work function after the cesium treatment chgnges by 0,5 - 1A eV while the "internal" work function re- mains unchanged ..M-c '41t!,avariation of the magnitude of thelpotent- ial barrier at the boundary photocathode- a vaouum oan be ob- tained not only by a treatment by cesium but also by a sensiti- sation by oxygen. An a rule the latter method was dropped. If such a sensitisation was necessary the dark currents consider- ably increased and one of the main advantages of this photo- cathode was loath Further properties of the photocathodes uxAca- discussion are described. Only preliminary data on the stabili- Card 2/3 ty are present., According to them the fatigue of these phlo- Some Properties of koly-Allkali Photocathodes~ (Data 48-22-5-11/12 -From the VIIIth All-Union Conference on Cathode Electronics, Leningrad, October 17-24, 1957) cathodes is relatively low (fig. 7). The production method still could be simplified considerably. In the produc#ion of specimen- and test-devices V. I. Safronova and L. I. Biserkina took part. In the discussion on the abstract V. S. Gusellnikov Shcheglov and the first author participated. There are 7 figures and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. 1. Cathodes (Electron tubes)--Materials 2. Cathodes (Electron tubes) --Production 3 Cathodes (Electron tubes)--~roperties 4. Alkali metals--Applications Card 3/3 --.---WOSTOVSKIY, A.A.; VMOBIYNVA. O.B.; IF~~A ~AK~ Bismuth-silver-cesium photpeathodes. Piz. tver. tela 1 no.4:643-647 Fiz, tyer6 tela 1 no,4-.643447 '59. (KIRA 12:6) (Photoelectric cells) -the b'=ibardment _-k t6m- V, -AV 0 13 -J~~ T Z v: Pt ~AUTHOR*.'_~ y8 aya-v, iA Cal -4jj4fficl6nt~ hato'cathode Is inid _c6fiditions-- er env-circ~t op TIT 77~7777 T_T~ 77T -.7-7, Ira Ei-. A -'el 61 i1, Wal _-i i y A idi r _d_ ho-tib6athdde-sensitiv, p4otdcath TAG! ior_,v6 the e _.c Sunlight on e residts -of an- e-xperimental bCtDO senniconduct --alk i x-netal'p to- or: t a of an imony al ho OUL~ :afid le, efficiericy. of photo-;. liiur~uation:cau esr in'th a an increased C -a ----- ----- __ _t - . - _. Ilvtty,~a--Iii~ -th rzil x,eas e; in e 6 zvga*~-t re region q $Pee ctiv, on a er iiati~ e -of ih4 -jho t oil ay ex: varial. senal tIzed-antimony-* -tioubundid'- '-wit oxyg-en# re U -a OC-A r "Ces AMP -'ti--jit*-,- 0__f--,rnu -'alkAli-metal phjOtbcat sIntreases -that; of 40 a and -,sensi v ilt OUlY2 SOV.~123-59-23-97192 Translation from: Referatlvnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 23, p 141 (uSSR) AUTHORs Mayskaya, L.P. TITLE: Temporary Protection of Painted and Chrome-Plated Artioles From Atmospheric Effects PERIODICAL: V sb.: Novyye tekhriol. protsessy metallopokrytiy, okraski I konservatsil detaley. Moscow, 1958, PP 37 - 40 AWTRACT: In the pr cess of operation the Gorlkiy Automobile Plant has developed -7 compound in order to ~]~ivent corrosionpnd prese'rive the market- the PS V ablT =yof painted and chrome-plated truck and oar parts during their storage_. transportation and temporary presea-Vation. This compound pro- tects the freshly polished nitroenamel film and coatings on the ba" of synthetio melaminoformaldehyde, urea-formaldehyde and other resins from mechanical damage caused by dust, flue gas ashes and other precipitations, from bleaching, loss of luster and destructions caused by sunbeams and It *$4 The PS-7 compound consists of a polybutylmethaerylate , ~,riq offoots. sorution"In' White spirit and yellow iron oxide pigment, Diluted with Card 1/2 "kalosha" grade gasoline (a white spirit addition is possible), the compound 80192 SOY/123-59-23-97192 Temporary Protection of Painted and Chrome-Plated Articles From Atmospheric Effects is put on with the aid of a sprayer or by Immersion at a temperature of 18 -200C. After 20 - 30 minutes a uniform hard film of. yellow color, 6 - 15.tV. thick, is formef~ on the surface. This film withstands temperature variations within the range of from -400 to 600C, does not peel off or blister after long-time remaining in water, and en- sures the preservation of the original outer look of the nitroenamel film for more than two years (according to open-air tests under the conditions of the central belt of the USSR). Compounds of white or dark-gray color possess inferior painting properties anEl preserve the initial outer look of the articles less efficiently. The applied film Oar, be removed with gasoline. K.L.M. Card 2/2 MAYSKAYI. L. inzh. Repairing damage to paint on passenger cars. Avt.transp. 37 no.1: 211-25 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:2) 1. GorIkovskiy avtozavod. (Automobiles--Painting) WSKAIA,L3mbaYl-BRY2-oyn,a* GRIGORDVIGH, Marianna Filosofomns; NIKIFORDVA, Yelena Dmitriyevna; VOSKMENSKIY, N.N., red.; GALAKTIONOVA, Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Maintenance of the paint and varnish coating of an auto- mobilejUkhod za lakokrasochnym pokrytiem legkovogo avtomo- bilia. %skva, Avtotransizdat, 1962. 74 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Automolnes-Maintenance and repair) MAYSKAYA, V.I., ekanomist. All-Union census. Zdarovle 5 no.1:24 Ja 159 (NMA 11:12) 1. Upravleniye Vaesoyuznoy parerpisi nanaleniya TSentrnllnogo statiaticheakogo uprnvleniya SSSR. (RUSSIA--CENSUS) SHAPIRO, Izraill Llvovich; LOZE24TSVAK, David Leontlyevich; VOROB'YEV, Vasiliy Alekseyevich; MAYSKAYA. N.I. .-red.; -1-- PYATAKOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. -f-I ("Robotron" R-12 and its joint operation with "Askot" accounting machines] Robotron R-12 i ego rabota sovmestno s bukhgalterskimi mashinami Askota. Moskva, Gosstatizdat, 1963. 139 p. (MIRA 17:2) MAYSKAYA, N.I., red. [14echanization of.-accounting, reportingp and calculating work; collection of informatioLal materials] Mekhaniza- tsiia ucheta, otchetnosti i vychislitellnykh rabot; sbor- nik informatsionrWkh materialov. Moskva,, Gosstatizdat 1961. 76 p. (MIA 17:11~ -dr 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Upravleniye po organizataii i mekhanizatsii ucheta. J- MAYSKIY, A. [Maiski, A.] (Gzhatsk) His mother. Rab.i aial. 38 no.6:21-22 Je 162. ` 4 : 8 ) (Gagarina, Anna Timfeevna) YEDIGAROV, S.G.; ILASHCIMPPKIII, K.Ye.;J-lAY3KlY, A.A. Mechanization of excavation ir, the major repair of pipelires. -Lrans, . i khran. nefti no.10:3-5 163. OURA 17:9) 1. Ilauchno-issledovat.ellskiy institut po transportu i noft.J i nefteproduktov. "N, i,,.Ye. ~,,ava !,u:- !'or r. nef'L', i nefte-, r-i. n-.. i- rt,nsl cr'.1. MAYSK TY .4 N . I- Checking motor-vehicle scale&. lzm.tekh. no.12:21 1) '61. ( yi"b" I _~ : I ) (Scales (Weighing instruments)--TeStinE) KAYSKIY. Ivan -Mjrhaylovich [Mongolia on the eve of the revolution] Mongoliia nakamune revoliutaii. Izd.2.. parer. Moskva, Izd-vo vostochnoi lit-ry, 1959. 310 P. (MIRA 13:9) (Mongolia--v,conomic conditions) 1- ~, 11 " I I av , 1 , I . ! " - ;~ i 11.41.!,~.. T4,#) T "k 22690. MV-r-~-f, T !f. 'rOn~--n-z ~,ilvnrfg- I' nrivo:,t.1 1`9 19'0, S. 15-21 ~T: L7'OrT~" '10. Y) p I -,/ ') USSR/Medicine - Plague, Pneumonia Feb 50 "Treatment of Primary Pneumonic Plague by the Com plex Method," I. N. Mayskly, Cand Med Sci Moscow, 21 pp "Bov Med" No 2 Discusses method of therapy of subject disease de- veloped by N. N. Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N. N. Ivanoir-: skiy, T. D. Fadeyev, and L. Z. Urod. Cites one test made to establish value of treatment by checking relapse of patient during interruption of treatment. Cites case history of patient with subject disease ow 163T37- USSR/Medicine - Plague, Pneumonic Feb 50 (Contd) who recovered after li months of treatment. States that since 1947 use of atreptomyc:Ln has been part of treatmenti,. 14AYSKIY, I. N., PROF. USSR/Medicine - Contagious Diseases 1~ar 50 uXXIV. Immunology of Plague." Prof N. N. Zhukov-Verethnikov, Act Mom, Acad Mod Set USSR, Prof 1. 11. ?Wekiy "Klin Mod" Vol XXVIII, No 3, pp 9-14 PA 192T76 States that since 1945 primary pulmonary plague became a curable disease due to the application of the 11corplex" fcombinatioL7 method of treatment developed by Zhukov-Verezhnikov, Ivanovskiy, Faddeyeva, and Uroda. Describes clinical work in connection with plague epidemic in the Far East, mentioning Chinese patients. Lists number of monographs on which the "complex" method is based aryl describes some new resultsoorbut does not give detailed information on method. lomplete biblio- graphy of all prior communications by this group on the subject appended. Z,-,-f. "XXVI. Immunology of Plague," N. K. Zav'Yalova, Pers Abs 188T68,/ PA 192T76 ,Lky.- "-Ty, 1. ZIW.OV-VLREZIUJvCV, ... ; I- ; KAL:I% Gif~,IIIKC, L. "Noncellular Forms of Li-fe and the Develf T-,r-.ent of Cells," Bojsbe~vi],., ilo. 16f (pubI isher~ in Septem`-er) , 195,' , pr 4(,-51 mysKly, I.N. New advances in biologic Science. Feldsher & akush. no.3:13-18 Mar 1951. (GIEL 20:9) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. N /11~y --, ,I y 1 1.0k 14ALISM 1. We IIM* uspekhi v biblWiche-dw-i umi , Awrew In bidlogyj .1.1"t atage in tho dovelopwnt or jodirov'*147 Falldeber & akushe floe 4 Apr 51 pe 27-3L U Dout-cw l4odical Salemes, '4AYS-i7 I N I 1% .9 . . Cells Results of the conference on the problem of development of non-cellulzir ar,~ c-17-'.~Iar types of livinp organisms. U.-p. sovr. biol. 3)4 rio. 1(h), 19~2. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. ~IiCLAS-:FIED- MAYSKIY USBBA4edicine - Tularemia Jun 53 "The Problem of Reinoculation Subsequent to Antitularemia Inoculations," V. S. Sillchenko Zhur Mro, Epid., i Immun) No 6j pp 47-50 As a result of the work of Gayskiy, who developed a dry "Live tularemia vaccine, and El"Dert, who developed a liquid live tularemia vaccine, protective inoculation against tularemia became possible. The prophylactic properties of live tularemia vaccines were investigated by Gayskiy, Ellbert, Faybich,, Olsuflyev, Mayskiy, Tinker, Puehkova, Altareva; and others. Mass inoculations against tularemia were initiated in the USSR in 1945-46. it has been established on the basis of reactions to tularin-and to the vaccine itself that no rein- oculation is necessary for at least 4 years. 267T20 TiAYSM, I. E. Immnologi-ia tuliarer-Ai L Lx-amology of Tularemij. Moskva, IIevgJ-z, 1953 - 176 p. SO: Monthly Ust Qf Russian Ac=isfiong. Vol. 0' No. 7 October 1953 ?, professor. redaktor; IMBRINSKATA. 0.B., redaktor; IN, S.Te., redaktor; IMSES SKIT, A.As. rodaktor; GWSHC13N- KO. I.Ye., professor, redaktar; ISHCRIV, G.K., professor, re- daktor; STMITS11Y, A.N., professor, redaktor; VCRCMOTA, N.A.. professor, redaktor; VTAZOV. O.Ye., kandidat metlitsinskikk nauk, redaktor; ZMMOVSXIY, N.A.. kandidat meditsinakikh nauk. redaktor; OBTSOV, N.A., redaktor [Nov data on the problem of the development of cellularand non- cellular forms of living] Novye danmye po problems ft"Wia kletochmykh I nekletochnykh form shivogo veshchestva; trudy. Moskva, Gos. 12d-vo wed. lit-r7, 1954. 274 p. (MLTIA 7:8) 1. Beyetvitell Wy chlen ANN SSSR (for Lgpeshinskeya, Severin) 2. Chlen-korrespondeut AN SSSR (for Imehenetskiy) (Cells) PAYSEly, I.N. Paperimental principles of aDecific prevention of cancer. Blul. ekep,biol. I med, 37 no,2.58-62 7 154o (MIJU 7:6) 1. 12 Institute, eksperimentalluoy biologil (dir. prof. I.N. Naymkiy) ANN SSSR, Moskva. (IDDHASM, prevention and control. *application of expeT, principles) YATSKIY. I.N.; IA)MAKIN, M.S. L-outrolled modification of specific properties of tiesue in tumor. DIul.ekxp.biol.i mod. 37 no.2:62-63 7 '54. (ML'U 7:6) 1. 1% laboratoril sksperimentalluoy iummologii Inatituta ek8perimentallnoy biologii (dir. prof. I.N.Mayekly) ANN SSSI, Moskva. (NWPL&M. experimental *transpl., beterogeniel I01. *exper. neoplasms, heterogenic) HAYSKIY,I.N. Z~- -4i ,-- [Biological principles of im=unity to cancer] 0 biologicheskikh o9novakh protivorakavogo imminiteta. Moskva, MedgIz. 1955. 137P. (Cancer) WItA 8:7) USSR/Microbiology. Goneral Microbiology F Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biol., No .3, 1958, 57435 Author Zhukov-Vereshnikov N. N. , Mayskiy Kalini- chenko L. A. Inst Not given Title More on the Problems of tho lpocio ,nd .1-3pecie Variability in Microbiology (On the Discussion of the Problem of Specie Variability) Orig Pub Uspekht sovrem. biologii, 1955, 39, iTo2, 245-252 Abstract Proviously published experimental dat', on t'-e variability of microbes overstepping the bounds of the snecie are cited. In the author's o-)inion the facts obtained in these works confirm the theory of sDecie formation of T. D. Lysenko. On the basis of the immunological investigations conducted by the author -and coworkers N. V. Card 112 2 professor.- redaktor; ZHUXOV-VFMZHNIKOV, N.N., redaktor; GOSTXT. V.S.. redaklor; VORONTSOVA ~.A., redaktor; KOSYAKOV, P.N.. redaktor; KOLINICHMO, L.A.. redactor; SACHKOV. V.I., redaktor; ZAIMAROVA, A.I., tekhnicheskiy redektor [Problems of the immunology of normal and malignant tissue] Voprosy immunologii mormalinykh i zlokachestvennvkh tkanei. Pod obahchei red. I.N.Maiskogo. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo mod. lit-ry. 1956. 294 p. (MIRA 9:10) 1. Akademiya meditsinBkikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Institutiekoperimentall- noi biologii. (IMMUNITY) KATSKIT. I.E.. professor I . editor. Vop.oak. 2 ao.2:244-246 156. (KLRA 10:3) (CADM) (Smm) (IMMITY) HAYSXIT. IJ.. prof ess9r. Synthesis of proteins. Nouka i shisal 23 U9.9:63 156. (MIRA 9:10) l.Direktor Imetituta sksperinextallmey biologli ANN SSSR. (PROTEINS) (CMISTRY, ORGANIC-SYNTMIS) MAYSKIY. I-N-; SUVOROVA, G.V. Zffect of brief inhibition and eXcitation of the central nervous system on the immunologic reactivity of the system with relation to a cancer antigen. 42 no.6:49-50 is 156. (mLR& 9:9) 1. 12 laboratoril noinfectsionnoy Immunologii (zav. - prof. LH I:N. Kayskiy) Instituta eksperimentalinoy biologii) ( clir. - prof. Kayokly) AM SSSR. Moskva. Predstavleno dystvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR N.N.Zhukovym-Yerazhnikovym. (CUTRAL NERVOUS SYSTA, Physiol. off. of inhib. & stimulation on immunol. reactivity to Ahrli-ch. ascites carcinoma antigen& in rabbits) (NIVIASMS. exper. Ahrlich asettes carcinoma antigen*. off. of Inhib. & stimulation of CHS on reactivity in rabbits) (ANTIGM AIM ANTIBODIES same) MAYBEI professor; AYEAFZT'YAN, G.P. The problem of lorgevity. B101. v abkole no.5:-83-89 S-0 157. (MLRA lorg) 1. Institut eksperimentalinoy biolWil Akademli maditainBkikh nauk SSSR. (Longevity) MAYSKIY, I.N.; SUVOROVA, G.V. Effect of in vitro X-ray irradiation on the antigenic properties of tumor cells [with summary in English]. Biul.okap.biol. i med. 44 no.9: 94-96 S '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. 1z laboratorii neinfektsionnoy Immunologii (zav. - prof. I.N. Mayakiy) otdele immunobiologii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR N.N.Zhukov-Verezhnikov) Institute eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N.Mayokiy) ANN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deyetvitellnrm chlenom AMN SSSR N.N.Zhukovym-Verezhnikovym. (HROPIASMS, immunology. antigenic properties, eff. of x-rays in vitro (Rua)) (ROENTGEN RAYS. effects. on tumor cell antigerlic properties in vitro (Rua)) -- - , KAPICHNIX-OV, M. M. .Immmology of Malignant Nelplalsma." Priroda, 1958, Nr 5, pp. 57-59 (USS) A-U REport pre8entad at 2nd Mb Congrei3s of Oncologists, Jan. 1958. m MAYSM, I.B., prof.; ZOTINOVA, Ye.A. ?, - - Conference of the Czechoslovak AcndenW of Science on organ and tissue transDIantation. Vest-AMISSSR 13 no-3:60-62 '58. (MIRA 11:4) (TRANSPUNTATION OF ORGANS, TISMS, ETC.) AV ZHUKOV-VM=ER1IKOV, N.N.. KAYSKrY, I.N., prof., LAGUCHEV, S.S., kand.mod.nauk Problem of huran--hereclitys Vest.AMN SSSR 13 no,6-78--85 '58 (MIRA 11:7) 19 DoystvitelInyy chlon AMR SSSR (for Zhuk-ov-Verezhnikov) (ENMITY in normal & nbnormnl cond. (Rua)) KAYSPY, - Iyau,Niko1ayevicb,,-jmd. [Transactions; problems on the transplantation and conservation of organs and tissues] Problemy peresadki i konservataii organov I tkanal; trudy. Moskva. 1959. 270 P. (KIRA 13:8) 1. VaeBoyasusys konferentsiya po probleme tkanevoy nesovmestimosti i transplantateii orgenov t tkaney. let. Moscow, 1957. (TRANSPLARATION OF ORGANS, TISSUBS, ETC.) K&YSKIY, I.N., nrof.; LOMAKIN, M.S., kand. biol. nauk.; FIIATOV, F.P., kand. med. Problem of biological principles of the metastasis of malignant tumors, Vest. AM SSSH 14 no.2:22-33 159. (MM 12:4) 1. Institut ekBperimentallnoy biologii AN SSSR (dir. - prof. I. E. Mayskiy). (EBOPIASYS, physiol. biol. processes in MetaStaBiB. review (RuB)) MAYSKIY. I.N., prof.; IDMAXIN, H.S., kand.biolog.nauk Some biologIcal investigations in medicine. Vest.ARN SSSR 14 no.11: 51-61 '59. (MMA 13:3) (RESNAR ) KOWSTARTINOV, B.F.; IMBORIN, A.M., almdemik; FEM. Yaj.; IOM, A.F., akademik; MIKHAYLOV, A.I., prof~-; SATPAYEV, K.I., akademik: ZHUKOV, U.N., akademik; IAvRx IYRV, M.A., akademik; SXMENOV, N.N., akadem1k; PAVWVSKIT, Ye.N.. akademik; MINTS, I.I., akademik; SISAVAN. N.H.; ROMSHKIN, P.S.; FEDOROV, Ye.K.; STICHKIII. B.S., akademik; KAYSKIY. I.H., akademik; PAVIOV, Todor, akademik; AREMOV,'A.Te., akademiki, VASILIYXV, N.V., doktor ekon.nauk; EXIOM V, V.V.; MITIN, M.B., akademik; BLAGONRAVOV, A.A., akademik; KAETOROVICH. L.V.; RYBAKOV. B.A., akedemik; NEXCHINOV, V.S., akademik Discussion of the addresO. Vest. AN SSSR 29 no.4:34-63 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:5) 10Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR ifor Konstai~tinov, Pey-ve, Sisakyan, Romshkim. Fedorov, Belousov, Kantorovich). (Science) KLYSKIY, I.N.; SUVOROVA,G.V.; FILATOV, P.P. Effect of various doses of Ionizing radiations on antigenic and biological properties of Brown-Pearce carcinoma. Report No.2: Changes of biological properties of the tumor. Biul.ekep.biol. I m8d. 47 no.8:88-90 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz laboratoril noinfektsionnoy immunologil Instituta eksperimentall- noy biologil (dir. - prof. I.N. Mayskiy) ANN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavle- na deystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR N.N. Zhukovym-Verezhnikovym. (NEDFIASMS radiation eff.) TSIV"TY- _T_ - .; SUVOROVA, G.V.; FIIATOV, P.P. Zffect of various doses of ionizing radiations on the antigenic properties of Brown-Pearce carcinoma in vitro. Report No.l. Chanpes in antigenic properties. Biul.ekep.biol. i med. 48 no.7:72-76 J1 '59. (MIRA 12:10) 1. 12 laboratorti neinfektsionnoy, immunologli Instituta eksperimentall- noy biologii (dir. - prof.I.N."kiy) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deyetvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR N.H.Zhukovym-Yerezhnikovym. (RAXIATION XMCTS) (CARCINOW, - immunology,) (ANTIGENS) MATSKIT. Ivan fiftoleyevick, prof.; STAROSTKNKOVA, N.M., red.; -------AVROSHC-MtOV- L-0 ~., r [Biology and medical progress] Diologile i progress maditsiny. Moskva. 1960. 45 p. (Vsesoluznoe obshchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politichaskikh i nauchuykh znanii. Ser.8, Biologiia i meditaina, no.10). (MIRA 1):7) (BIOLOGT) (NEDICIHZ) CLWIUV, N.G., prof.; HOW, G.F., prof.; DUKAYEVA, T.F., kand.biolog. nauk; YEWZIYANOVA, O.S., kand.biolog.neuk;-_KATMIY prof.; )IMMOT, Yu.A.; SAMIMAD R.A.,',nauk; BIL'CMMO# T.B.,; KASKOV, A.T., red.; XMIDYAUV, N.A., [Tularemia] Tulieremila. Pod red. N.G.Olaufleve i G.P.Rudneva. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1960. 458 p. (HULA 14:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademil meditBinskikh nauk SSSR (for Olsuflyev). 2. Dey6tvitelln" chlen Akedemil meditsinskikh nauk SM (for Rudnev). (TULARMUA) MAYSXIY, I.N., doktor red.nauk Striving for better healthe Nauka I zhiznl 27 no.3:2-7 Kr 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Direktor Institute, skeperimentallnoy blologii ANN SSSR. (NOICIKI) MAYSKIY I.N.; KOZLOVA, N.A P t Inflixence of antirhor4dase.serum from goats on the metastasing process of Brown-Pearce carcinoma in rabbits. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 50 no.10:101-105 0 16D. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz laboratorii neinfektsionnoy immmologii (zav. - prof. I.N. Mayskiy) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N. Mayskiy) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitelInym chlenom AMN SSSR N'.N.Zhukovym-Verezhnikovym. (IiYALURONIDASE) (CANCER) MAYSKIYy I.N.; _~QZLOVAq R.A,,; NIIMVS=;I.m N, " t Production of antiresidass horse serum and its effect on the metastatic spreading of Brown-Pearce carcinoma in rabbits. Biul. ekep. biol. i mad. 50 no. 11&86-90 N 160. (MM 13M) 1. Iz laboratorii neinfaktsionnoy immunologii (zav. - prof. I.N. Hayskiy) Instituta. akVarimantallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N. Mayskiy) ANN SSSR9 Moskvfte, (HYALURONIDAS-E) ' (CANCM) _ELV~.& g.-av. red. ; Tl;l GLJR, V.S., nauchn. red.; B&-- AVLENSKAYA, N.V... nLuchn. red.; VIAZOV, G.Ye., red.; GEGRGIYEZV, C.Ye., red.; DEKII, Z.E., red.; %*.,;., red.; 13'.1". r... LAGUCHOV red.; E~a LIOZNEi,, L.D., red.; LOYAK3, i-I.S., red.; FEKI-CV, A.F., red.; TONGUR, V.S., red.; GOSTEV, V.S., red. [Flucleic acid,:, and nucleoproteins; transactions] lllukjeli~,,- vye ki.-.loty i nukleoproteldy; lrudy. Fod red. 1.1 Ilaiskogo, Tongura, V.,S j J,'.V.Bogo4av'erwkoi. Moskva, Mosk. bio1zhim. ob-vo, 1961. 345 p. (MIRA 17:0) 1. Konferentsiya po nuklei iov~m kislotam i nuk-leo--,-- Ist. 1959. 2. li-titut eksperimentallno3 bio-logii AMN (for Tongur, 3stev). 3. Pervyy Meditsinskiy in.titut imeni .t., -4=~,=i,~va, Mookva (for Debov). MAYSKIY, I., prof, Space and biology. Vest. Vozd. Fl. no.4tO Ap 161. (MIRA 14:7) 2. Direktor Instituta eknerimentallnoy 'biologii A14N SSSR. (SPACE BIOLOGY) 37201 S/560/61/000/011/007/012 E027/E635 AUTHORS: Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N.N., Mayskiy, Yazdovskiy, V.I., Pekhov, A-.-F-~,Gyurdzhian, A.A. Nefedlyeva, N.P., hapichniRov, N.M., Podoplelov, I.I., Ryba'.,ov, N.1. , I Klemparskaya, N.N., Klimov, V.7u., NoviRov, S.N., Novikova- I.S., Petrov, !~.V_ Sushl.o, N. C1. , Ugrywmov, Y e. P. , F edorova, G. I. Zakharov, .~%.F. , Vinogradova, I.N. , Chamova, F.G. and Buylzo, le.A. TITLE: The results of the first microbiological and cytological experiments in Space in Earth satellites SOU'RCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniRi Zerili. no. 11. Moscow, 1961. Rezul'taty nauchnykh issledovaniy, provedennylb vo vremya poletov vtorogo i tretlyego kosmicheshikh korabley-sniitnikov, k'1 - 67 T EXT The authors report the re.9iilts of t!ieir invosli.,--aTions of biological obj-cts which had leen expoqe-l to space corirliticns in satellite venicles. The first part of the word- wads doN,oted to a study of the survival of cells of differin7 lcvels of .-ation under the influence of radiation and other rgan, , eaiM 175 S/560/61/0oc/011/007/012 E027/E635 The results of the --- unfavourable factors, in comparison 'with control materials which remained in ihe laboratory over the same period. In experi'ments w-ith bacteria 2ml. samples of suspensions of Escherichia coli, Aerobacter aero~,,enes, Staphylococcus aurcus and Clo5tridium butyricum containin.- 5CO million organizms or spores W 0 r' e sealed in amDoules, and exposec! to a space of unstilied duration; the number of viable inc;ivilluals after the ex:io~~:urv dice not differ si-7nificalitl", froi-.-. tle values for tlle control samnles. A similar e\porii-,ient i:as cz-,rried out t"P phF.'Ire of E. coli alln tile 1-521 phage of A. aero'c7enes, sent in the second satellite; aPain, no sigificant re,~lici~on in the titre of the phage preparaTlons coul.' 'fie cletectoo -If-tcr return from space. Similar results were obtained witli T)r(-,,-)ar,) t ions of' ~?ent into space in tile fourt), 311(: ! 1.1 L;l satellites. Two bottles all(,' six tubes of HeLa colls, some of' whichvere saturated with oxygen, were exposed to space fliglit Card 2/ 5 S/56o/61/ooo/oli/007/012 EO--7/E635 The results of the conditions, after it had first been show-n that vibration and acceleration did not Oetach ti-ic cells from t1he glass. The cultures without oxygen appeare(l, normal on return, wlicrea.-i in those exposed to oxygen most of the cells had dpgeneratcd. Subculture sho-wed tliat (~'O~' of the cells, whe-ftr detache,I from or remaining on the glass, were (lead; liowever, two tubes gave. y,oc,6 growth, and the cells which i-reiv ur) showed no abnormalities of morphology No antigenic differences could be detected in ilie cells in anaphylaxis and 6egensitization experiments in guinea- pigs. In subsequent space flights fibroblast and human arinion cell cultures ;-.,ere studied, with similar results. Pieces of . uman and rabbit skin were also used. On August 12th 1960 two pieces of skin 2.5 x 3.5 cm. in size and 0.5 .;im. thick were tal-,en Froc. a human donor, placed in Hanks solution and sent into space in the second satellite. On recovery they were regrafted on the original site in the donor and became firmly attached after seven days. Card 3/5 s/z6o/6i/ooc/cll/007/012 -0 The results of the --- - 27/E635 Similar results were obtaiied with two other donors. An apparatus was devised for zna~Ang a subculture in space, in order to study the ability of bacteria to multiply under space conlit)ons. In experiments witi Glostridium butylicu!-,i no d6viations fro,ii the controls were observed. The second part of the wor!~ %,;a,, 6evoTed to a study of possible genetic effects brought about by exposure to space conditions, mainly by looking for the proCuction of auxotrophic mutants and lysogeny in bacteria. The former were d.etected by inoculation on a layer of minimal medium which was then covered with an overlay of the same medium in order to fix ti-,(! colonies. When the latter had grown up their position was noted Pnd an overlay of complete inedium was then put on, and the colonies which then grew up as a result of the diffusion of essentialnutrients were selected asaixotrnphic mutants. No such mutants could be found in suspensions of Escherichia coli recovered from the second sntollito. The oxpoririontb on the induction of lysogenic bacteria were carried out on a strain nf- E. coli lysogenized by a k phage which had been exposef~ to cosinic Card 11/ 5 S/560/61/cco/oll/007/012 The results of the --- r-027/z635 radiation in the fifth satellite. Free pha%-e particles were removed by adding pha~re antiserum; after the end of t~,e latent period the action of the antiscrum was cut short by dilliting 1:100,streptorriycin added to inhibit the host orgranisi;is, and thc -Axture was plated out on the indicator strain in order to count the phage particles produced. The results obtained, considere(~ in comparizon with control experiments, provided' no evidence of induction by cosmic ra(liation during a space flight of ninety minutes. No difference was observed in the plaque morphology. No changes could be detected in the chemical and physical properties of calf thymus deoxyribonucleic acid recovered after a space flight. The results as a -.%,hole indicate that no damage was suffered by isolated cells during a brief exposure to space conditions. There are 6 figures and 10 tables. SUBMITTED: May 23, 1961 Card 5/5 MAMKIYP I.N., prof., dolctor med.naWc There is nothi g fantaot-fc in Vis news. Yauka i zhiznl 26 no.6:69-72 je ;61, 14:7) 1. Direktor Inotitvta r-nt,.1 -noy *,);-,,Io-ii A'alwrii - I ,-.cdi'..dn3!:i,':'h n-,,k '~~ ,'u. -- (ITAM-DMnOjWy, H*4) ZHUKOV-VMZItNIKOV, N.N.; MAYSKIY I.N.;-YEKHOV, A.P.; MFEDIMA, N.P. Space microbiology. Mikrobiologiia 30 no.5:809-817 S-0 161. (MA 14:22) 1. Institut eksperimentalinoy biologii M41; SSSR* (BPAGE MICROBIOLOGYf 0-91 MAYSKIY I N FILATOV, P.P.; SUVOROVAf O.Y. Effect of antisera against irradiated malignant tissues on the growth of experimental tumors in animals exposed to irradiation. 1. Antibody-producing capacity of irradiated antigens in various species of animals. Bful. eksp. biol. i med. 51 no.4:92-95 N-p '61. (MI11 14:8) 1. Iz laboratorii neinfektsionnoy immunologii Instituta eksperimenta.11noy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N.Mayakiy) AMN SSSR, Mo'skva. Predstaviena deystvitellnym chlenom kfl~' SSSR N.N.Zhukovym-Ve'rezhnikovym. (OANCER) (JANTIGIMS MID ANTIBODIES) (RLDIATIOTI-PHYSIOLOGICAL EF?,BCT) I.N.; SUVOROVAq G,V~; FIIATOV, P.P. Effect of antisera for irradiat6d malignant tissues on the growth of experimental tumors in irradiated Animals. Report No.2: Action of serum for irradiated ascitic cells on the growth of subcutaneous and ascitic forms of Ehrlich's adenocareinoma in mice. Biul. eks biol. i med. 52 no.8:91-94 Ag 261. (MIRA 15--T 1. Iz laboratorii neinfektsionnoy immunologii Inatituta eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N.Mayskiy) A14N 53SRp 140akv-a. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AM SSSR II.N.Zhukovym-Verezhnikovym; (SERUM THERAPY) (CANCER RiZEARGH) (X-ILM-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT)