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~,_MTJJ;6sm~l, V'L
Principles of forest management In resort areas. Trudy Inst. lose
AN Gruz. SSR 8:57-72 158. (MIU 12:10)
(Georgia--Forest management)
1,01 U~j try . kAenez-i'l prt: bi
L t-, u -3 i ; i:),c; "I yo ~j 2 0' 10
Mtitiv_aahYili,V.; Mgeladze.M.
$-.ij 'I'lon a t AkhaJ,!aba and
It- Work ikcieorgia)
Tr, In-ta letia AN Caux:';SR, 1957, 7, 3_`,,-3_'?
at," ~rt-ct
Ogian SSR
N.Y.; SMIMMMI. V.S.; AVALIANI, N.M., red.izd-va; TODUA, A.R.,
[Dendroflora of tba Caucasus; wild and cultivated trees and shrubal
Dendroflors, Kavkaza; dikorastushchis i kullturnys dereviis i kustar-
niki. Tbilisi. Vel,l. [Gymnoepermae. Chlomydospermse. Angio-
spermas - Monocotyledonae] Gymnosparmse - golosemennye. Chlamydo-
spermas - pokrovosemennye. Angiospermae - (Monocotyledoneae) - pokry-
tosemennys (odnedollnyo).1939. 406 -D. (miRa 13:6)
1. Akedemiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tiflis. Institut less. 2. AN
Grazinakoy SSR (for Gulisashvill).
(Caucasus--Trees) (Caucasus--Shrubs)
MIRZASHIVILI~ V.I., red.; AVALIX11, N.M., red. izd-va;
TODUA, A.R.~ tekhn. red.
[Trees of the Caucasus; wild and cultivated trees and shrubs]
Dendroflora Kavkaza; dikorastushchie i kullt=We dereviia i
kustarniki. Tbilisi,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Gruzinskoi SSR.
Vol.2. [Angiospems. Dicotyledons] Angiospermae - Pokryto-
oemenWe. Dicotyledoneae. Dvudollroe. 1961. 334 P.
(MIRA 15:2)
1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tiflis. Institut lesa.
2. Akadeirdya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tiflis (for Gulisashvili).
(Caucasus-Angiosperms) (Caucasus-Dicotyledons)
MATITKAS11%.71 "Al ,V . I -
foretitL: -,f (~e-,r,7*a. 7ru,1,7 Inst. -esa All Gruz. SSR 12:
1 - I
19 -1) ; P
01ti-A 12:2)
1 63.
USSR / F17n'u Physiology. 'dnarcl Nutrition. 1-2
.'.b s Jovr Aof Zhur Biol., No 22, 1958, No 99932
uthor G. R, Bay'," L. .'., -nd ~oylco, L.
Ins t R a Z: -.,Don University
Title Chlorine Content in Flrnts 'd,-pting to Srlir.7tion of
Orig Pub :Uc'h. Z,~-. ~~iostovsk. -n/D Un-tr, 28, 79--8k, IP~7
Abstrret :Vc-ctctiv3 cxperil-,onts (doub1c repetition) ucro conducted
with b,-rlcy, rAllct rnd toorto on rrtificirlly s7linctod
soil, Tho gro-tost content of C1 vr,-s obsorved in tho tis-
sues of the Dlcnts vogotrting frori tho beginning on snli--
nf.tcd soil, rs distinguishod from the plcnts voget-ting on
thct soil sincc thcir 2nd or 3rd yo.,-r of gro-Ah. In r.11
thc_ tested plrnts, the content of Cl -rs ob~,crvc~ in
thri vog,jtctivc orgcns (lc-vcs, stcl'.-, roots), nd tho rinir-u:.,
in the ,onorrtiva orgrns (orrs, prnicloi:). Thi lccvos
Crrd 1/2
USSR / Flent 'Physiology. Kinorel Nutrition. 1-2
bs Jour Rof Zhur Biol., No 22, 1956, No 99~32
fulfilled ~ barriording role ilth respect to the orlts, by
hindering their rem-Wrtion in the gonor,-.tivo orgms.
Tho ton-vto recuimIrtod in its tissucs .,cro Cl th-r. did the
o7As -nd z:illct, which is relctod to the forL--~tion of its
succulent structure. In the plants rdcpting to soil sali-
nation, the ratio of froo to bound Cl ch7nL;od in frvor of
the latter ':ind of Cl. Bibliography, 16 titloc.
0. F. *.:odvodov-.
Ccrd 2/2
Ludvik, .,,atilik, Otakar
TITLLt A iiictl~od of producing modified aminoplast
.PI-,RIQDIGkL: Referativnyy z,.urnal, Khiniiya, no..18, 1962, 527, abstract
16P245 (--'zechaslovak pa tent 97493, December 15, 1)*U'O)
TI;XTt GGIlaren, trea!ed with urea or tLiourea, is modified -..ith &n
aqueous solution or an etaulzion of urea-formaidehyde (inolar ratio I t 2) or
mclumine-foraialdchyde (1 1 3) resins, using tanning -.qtonts for etabiliz-
tion. 20 )arts tannin chips, 10 parts uroa and 70 parts viater arc- ~)ro-
cessed tit a pressure of 2 atm and are modified by the products of condens-t-
tion at a ratio of 1 : 10 2 z 1. bstracter*s notet Comnlete t~-ansl~-
tion Ell
MATIN) N.Ye., gornyy inzh.; BYCHIN, A.S., gornyy inzh.
Using air spaces in ore breaking at the "Kiialykh-Uzen'll
Mine. Vzryv. delo no.54/11:383-386 164. (MIRA 17:9)
1. Tuimskoye gormopromyshlennoye upravleniye.
SYROCHKV, V.M., inzh.; VUHN, N. Ye., LrizL.
Kliminate the danger nr gas poisoning, during blaftlng opera-
tions. riezop. trude v prom. 8 no.9z2l-22 9 161, (MIRA lFtl)
1. Rudnik Kiyalykh-Uzent Tulmkogo gornopromyshlennogo uprarle-
SYROCHEV, V.M., inzL.; MATIN, N.Ye., J-nzh.; BYGUN, tnzh.
Making upraises from a hanging scaffold. Bezop. truzij- v om. 3 nr
prr j.
10s23-24 0 164. 041 iVt 1 7, -, I A )
1. Tuimskaye gornopromyBhleanoye upravleniye.
A t
'emp oy
g a iess ~e~cbl6"
ACCESSION 9R.- AM5017400
gPfiOe ..-.-The -articlei deg,,~~ibeij--in~---d,~t4ilthei-basilc: units of tfiw"_,~
,---e c rmlurnace,~Jhe stand-Itho -stationary-parlt -bf Alie.'electric furziace oh which
66!&r-_e'd__is----j)lac64)- -the- dete~'chable-cov~e_ rvhich~ hermeticaUy,
_vt m . b~ : i t~: " l - 1--f!
616dAb"Ibe for rme c, -0 the:-:
-and, sthe he ti chaill e r 0 6 ectr c urnace;
4 -6r fideding the -gas&
jn0c jb ma- or" -an
s 2 f ig -,-.Pryanlkova~'.
M~ 943L4
7 7 T
M.ATINCI!'!T!,' . N. M .
"'Z Putomobilps onerating in difficult climati,-
r-ndltiimp. fivt.tranqr-. 35 no.6-31 Je 157. (!41?A 10 71
(Automobtles-rold weather o-oeration)
Diseases with the clinical picture of hemorrhagic nepbroso-
naphritts in the Chiklik section of the Trotan district.
Suvrem. mod., Sofin 7 no.10:27-33 1956.
1. Iz Okoliiskata bolniten - Troian ('61. lekar: D. Popov).
in Bulgaria)
Case of acute heomlytic anemia. Suvrem. med., Sofia 8 no.11:134-136 1957.
1. 1z Pradsksta boluiten - Stara Zagora (Gleven Lekar: St. Dragnev).
(ANEM9 MMOLYTIC, case reparteg
HATINCKI# Dobrinka
From the Institute for the Promotion of the Organization of Work and
Education of cadres in Economy of the People's Republic Serbia. Produk-
tivnost 3 no.11:748-751 N '61.
Subtropical Flax. Nauka i zhizn' 19 No. 9, 1952.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. UNCLASSIFIED
Frelininary materials on the fruiting of exotic plants in the Batum
Botanical Garden. 12Y.AN Arm.SSR.Biol.i sallkhos. nauki 6 no.2:
81-85 153. (KM 9:8)
1. Batumakiy botanicheskiy sad, Botsonichaskiy institut Akedemii
nauk Aroyanskoy SM.
(Batum-Botanical gardens) (Acclimatization (Plants))
KWINYAN, A.B*, nauchnyy sotradulk.
Boxtree and ligmw vitae. Nauka I shisn' 20 no.9:48 3 153. (XlaA 6:11)
1. BatumBkly botanicheekly sad. (Box) (Lignum vitae)
Germinability and storaga periods of seeds of exotic plants from the
Batumi coastal region. sads, no-17:61-68 '54.
(KLRA 8:3)
1. Botaniches)dy sad Mmdenli nauk Gruzinskoy SSR.
(Batumi-Germination) (Seeds-Storage)
Batumi Botanical Garden. Priroda 43 no.2:54-60 F 154. (MLRA 7:3)
(Batumi--Botanical gardens) (Botanical gardens--Batumi)
MATINTAII, Ashot Bagratovich; MONOVA, M.D., redaktor; KONYASHINA, A.D..
[The cultivation of the magnolia in the U.S.S.R.j Kul'tura magnolievykh
v SSSR. Moskva, I2d-vo M-va kommun.khoz.RSYSR, 1956. 43 P.
(MIaA 10:5)
Plants of the magnolia family In the Batum Botanical Garden.
Biul. Glav. bot. sada no.24:3-11 156. (MWU 9: 11)
1. Butumskiy botaniabeskiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinakoy SSR.
How transportation after winter storage affects the germination of
acernme T%v, Bat, bot, sada no.W12-213 037. (PMU -4sO
USSR / Forestry. Forest Cultures. K
Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 7j 1956, 29579,
Author : Matinyan
Inst : No g ven.
Title : Oaks, Acclimatized in the Batumi Botanical
(Duby, akklimatizirovanyye v Batumskom botan-
icheskom Sadu).
Orig Pub: Bjul. G1. botan. sada, 1957, No 2?, 3-10.
Abstract: It is reported that foreign oaks have been
acclimatized in the Batumi Botanical Garden.
Descriptions are given of 20 deciduous and
evergreen species of Asian, North American
and Mediterranean origin. The saw oak, the
burr, blue, laurel and bog oaks successfully
bore fruit. Among the acclimatized oaks for
Card 1/2
USSR / Forestry. Forest Cultures. K
Abs Jour: Rer Zhur-Biol., No 7, 1958, 29579.
Abstract: use along the shores of the Black Sea in the
Caucasus the most suitable are the ostryy,
blue, laurel, holm, saw, bog, cork and several
other oaks. Suggestions are given for methods
of acorn treatment, periods and agrotechnics
of sowing.
Card 2/2 62
AUTHOR: M a t_~11~1 ~-B - SOV126-'P-1-21.1136
TITLE: Selection of the Tea Plant in the USSR (Selektsiya chaynogo
rasteniya v SSSR)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 1, PP 104-108 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In 1955, 64,000 hectares were cultivated with tee plants in
Georgia, 6,500 in Azert.aydzhan and over 3,000 in Krasnodar-
skiy Kray. Maximum crops of tea leaves attain 9,403 kg
per hectare. Seventy factories at present are engaged in
tea processing. These enterprises have the best modern equip-
ment. Tea leaves are harvested when the plants are 4 years
old. This is a continuous process between May and nctober,
The coarser leaves and shoots are taken for brick tea. I'he
parts obtained during the spring clipping are used for the
extraction of caffeine, the by-products being considered a
valuable fertilizer. The oil of the seeds is used in soap
manufacture. Both, the shrub-like Chinese and the tree-like
Indian tea plants are cultivated, the latter having a longer
vegetation period, while the Chinese shrub is more robust.
The Chakvinskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo institutn chaya i sub-
tropicheskikh kulltur (Chakva Branch of the All-Union Insti-
Card 112 tute of Tee and Subtropic Cultures) near Batumi is engaged
Selection of the Ten Plant in the USSR SOV/26-1~8-1-211/~z6
in cross-fertilization, hybridization and selection under
Professor K.'#-,. Bakhtadze. A rich collection of hybrids for
cultivation in various Soviet districts has now been assembled.
All new plants are subdivided into 3 groups: southern hyl-rids,
winter-resistant hybrids of the large-lesf tea, and winter-
resistant hybrids of the medium-leaf tea. Each group has
its own biological characteristics. There are 4 photos.
ASSOCIATION: Batumskiy botanicheskiy sad (The Batumi Botanical Carden)
Card 212
Fruit-bearing exotic trees and shrubs at the Batum Botanical
Garden. Izv.AN Arm.SSR-Biol. i sellkhoz.nauki 11 no-11:51-55
N 158. (Him 11: 12)
1. Batumekly botanicheskiv sad AN OruzSSR.
(Batum--Plant introduction)
Results of acclimatizing subtropical tress and shrubs In
Batum. no.32:7-10 058. (MIU 12:5)
1. Batumskiy botanicheakiy and AN GruzSSR.
-0 (Batwo-Tropical, plants) (Trees) (shrubs)
Nut-bearing exotic plants in the Batum shore area. Bita.Glay.
bot.sads no.35:13-21 159- WRA 11:2)
1. Batumskiy botanicheskiy sad AN GruzSSR-
(Batum-Nut trees) (Plant introduction)
Axperiment in treating seeds with trace elements before seeding. no.36:103-104 160. (MIRA 13-7)
1. -dotauichenkiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinokoy SSSR. Batumi.
(Germination) Prace elements)
Rare exotic trees and Bhrubs of the Batum shore area. 'liul. Glav.
boto sada no. 38:14-21 160. (MMA 14-5)
1. Botanicheskiy sad AN Gruzinskoy SSR,, Batumi.
(Batum-Trees) (Batum-Shrubs)
North American plants on the Batumi coast.
no.4.3:&~ 161. OMIRA 15:2)
1. Botanicheskiy sad AN Gruzinskoy SSRp Batumi.
(Batumi region-Plant introduction)
North-American exotic woody plants growing wild in the Batum coastal
area. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 15 no.1:87-89 Ja 162.
(MlftA 15:2)
1. Batumskiy botanicheakiy sad.
Interesting specimen of the American elm. Blul. Glav. bot.
sade. no.45:32-33 162. (MIFLA 16:2)
1. Botanicheskiy sad AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Batumi.
(Batum:L-Plant introduction)
Batura Botanical Garden; 1912-1962. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no*50:103-
106 163. (MIRA 171l)
1, Botanicheskiy sad AN Gruzinskoy SSR, g. Batumi.
Naturalization of some exotic plants in the wild flora of the
Black Sea coast of Adzharistan. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no-541
3-9 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
1. Botanichaskiy sad AN GruzSSR, Batumi.
Hamamelis virginiana L. on rhe Batum coast.
no.58%109-111 165. (YJRA 18:12)
1, Botanicheskiy vad AN Gruzinskoy SSR, g. Batumi.
- I
. FATINYAN. B. YA. Vulkanicheskiye peply kirovabadskoy zony, kak gidravlichesaya
dobavks k portlandtseirentu. Izvestiya azerbaydzh. S.-Kh. In-ta im. beriya, 1949.
No. 1, B. 73-J30. -Rezyume na azerbaydzh. Yaz.
So: Ietopis' Zhurnal'nykh Statey, Vol. 36, 1949.
MkTRffAN, G. B.
"Scientific Sessions on Production," Meteor. i Gidrol,, No. 5, p. 69, 1955
Translation M-1185, 27 Jul 56
Immecliate aiA late aftereffects of anemization in turtles vith a
cut spinal cord and intact nervous system. Nauch.t=4 Inst.fiziol.
AN Arm.SSH. 3:51-69 '50. (MLRA 9:8)
Affect of mineral water Dsbarmak on renal function. 7r. Viesolus. obeb-
f1siol. no. 1:133-134 1952- (OLML 24:1)
1. Delivered 31 P4W 1950. Yerevan.
tv , -) ",-V. , II .
YaLuable monograph ("Study of the reflex acti-jity, cf saliva b nd
-Jqcry=9l glands." K.S-AbUlBd2. He-4iewed by L-3.Gambariar,
Mattinian). lzv.~R Arm.SSP Bic". i sel"rhoz,aauki 6 no,A.D -0-96
(mLJjI r vo
(O':ALIVjtRY 01,riNdb) LACHYMJiL ORGnN,,)
Study on the compensatory functional adaptation of one kidney after
the removal of the other. Izv.AN Arm.SM.Biol.1 sellkhoz.rauki 8
no.6:87-94 Je '55. (KM 9:8)
1. Institut fitiologii AN Armyanskoy S&L
onsequences of the transection of the posterior half of the
spinal cord in Chelonia.Dokl.AN SSSR 110 no.5:871-873 0 '56,
(KNU 10:1)
1. Inetitut fiziologii Akademit nauk Army nBkoy SBR. Predstavleno
ak-ndealkom L.A. Orbeli. I
USSR/Furan and ',nirml F1,ysiolq7j. Nerv--us Systen. Spinal Cczrl- T - i-I
;,be J~~ux: Ref Zhur-Diol., Nc 12, 1958, 56ooo
,,*.Uthor :Matinyan, L.A.
Inst :Acadery of Sciences Armenian SSR.
Title :The Remcval of the Forebrain, of the Midbrain, and
of the Cerebellun Effecting the Reflectory Activity
in Normal and Spinally Anesthetized Turtles.
OriC Pub: V Sb.: Vppr. vyssh. nervn. deyat-sti i korT)ensatcrn.
prisposobleniy. Vyp 2. Yerevan, ;~N _Ix7aSSR, 1957,
Abstract: The removal of the forebrain in Caspian Sea water
turtles caused a dininishing of strengh in reflectory
rauncular contractions, lowerinC~ of the contraction
tine, and weakening of the extremity nuscles, an in-
crease in their sensitivity to electric current, and
Card 1/2
USSR/H=an and Animal Physiole[;y. Nervous Systel-:. SpinaL Ccrd. T-1-0
40 -,bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 12, 1958, 56ooo.
destructicn of locoDotion ability. Compensatory
processes developed more rapidly in young turtles
than in ad-alt turtles. The removal of the cerebellum
caused more strongly expressed impairment. The re-
moval of the midbrain led to grave locomotion ir--
pairment which could not be compensated, as well
as to destruction of the position reflex, etc.
Card 2/2
USSR/Mman and Animal Physiology. The Nervous System. V
Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol-, No 6, 1958, 2T330.
Author :-L.4.
_ _M~J_pypg
Inst : Not given.
Title : Reflex Activity in Turtles With Transected Spinal
Orig Pub: In the Collection: Vopr- vyssh. nerv. seyat-sti i kom-
pensatorn. prisposobleniy. Vyp- 2, Yerevan, AN ArmSSR,
1957, M-240.
Abottact: In 36 turtles (Clemays caspica caspica) a reduction
was observed in the force of reflex contraction of
the muscles of the hind legs as well as a hastened
onset of weakness following total transection of
the spinal cord between the cervical and thoracic
divisions. The corresponding measurements of the
Card 1/2
USSR/Blmn and Animal Physiology. The Nervous System. V
Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol-, No 6, 1958, 27330.
forelegs revealed no departure from their initial
levelr. it 3 e-n-citabil-ity of the reflex centers of
the corC- ir-7reelately after transectinn was augpeented
caudal to the site of trauma, but remained unchanged
cranial to it. The reflex activity of the hind legs
was exhausted earlier after transection than before,
and many times more rapidly than the activity of the
fore limbs
Card 2/2
1-11A F /"A/ YXII, I I , Iq
Histophysiological characteristics of compensatory adaptations in
turtles following transaction of the posterior half of the spinal
cord. Izv.AB Arm.SSR. Biol.i sellkhoz.nauki 10 no.7:99-106 JI ~57.
(MIRA 10:10)
1. Kafedra gistologii Yerevanskogo meditainakogo instituts i Institut
fiziologii AN Armynnskoy SSR.
Compensatory adaptations following ligation of the posterior half
of the spinal cord inchickens. Trudy no.ll-.91-96
160. (KRA 15:11)
1. 1z kafedry giBtOlOgil I embriologil Yerevanskogo gosudarstvennogo
meditsinskago instituta - zav. kafedroy dotsent G.A.Yepredyan i
Instituta fiziologii AN Arrqanskoy SSR - direktor prof. A.M.
UWAMOW, 1.0.
-ployh I
00n the evolutionary theory of coWensatlan of disturbed hinctions.0
Report submitted, but not presented at the 22nd International
Congress of Physiological Weaves.
Lelden, the Netherlands 20-17 Sep 1962
ALEKSMIYAN, A.M., prof., otv. red.[deceasedj; IjLKiAVADZ7f7ff AN, -). G.
red.; MRAPETYM', A.A.0 red.; DAYUNT"', A.A.p red.;
GRIGORYAN, G.Ye., red.; KARAPETIA11, :~,.K., red.; NATA41AK,
-tt~ .0
red.; CHILDGARYAN, A.V,., red.
[Froblems of the phys-lulogy of the vegetative nervou-, syster-
and cerebellum; collection of repoms] Voprosy fiziologii ve-
getativnoi nervyloi sistenW i mozzhechka; sborn-"k dokladov.
Erevan, Izd-vo 2~ Arm.S.I~R, 1964. 610 p. (MIHA 17:8)
1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po voprosarn fiziologii vegeta-
tivnoy nervnoy sistemy i mozzhechka. lst, Erevan, 196~`.
2. Chlen-korrespondent M Arm.SSR i direktor 1nstituta fi-
ziologii im. L.A.Orbeli AN Arm.SSFL (for AlekF nyan). 3. In-
stitut fiziologi.i. im. L.A.Orbeli AN Arm.,SSR, E-evan (for all
except Karapetyan, Matinyan).
Histophysiological characteristics of the spinal cord after Jkts
complete severing and the use of lidase, hyaluronidase, and pro-
serine. Zhur.eksp. i 4 no.3*3-12 164.
(MIRA 18:1)
1. Institut fiziologii imeni akademika L.A.Orbeli AN Armyanskoy
SSR i Kafedra gistologii Yerevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
e C. 'ed S ~ 4-
',:~estoration of t-e functicns of the tota!-~.y res - -na-
cord following enzyme therapy. ~hur. eksp. -* klin. med. ~'
no.3:3-13 165. (MIRA 11~ : "I '
Landscape gardening - Leningrad
Fruit plants in landscape gardening of Leningrad. Sad i og. No. 7, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. UnclassMed.
PSTROT. ~.F.. re"ktor; NATINYAB. B.I., redektor
04erisnes Ingrawing vegetables under cover) Opyt ovoshcheyodoy
ankryt c grunts. koskvs, Goe.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1957. 299 p.
TegetabIs gardening) (MMU 10:8)
USSR / Farm Animals. Cattle. Q_2
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54746.
Author : Agiyan, E. T., jLa~ ~.Minasyan, F. C.
Inst :Not given.
Title :The Problem of the Frequency of the Feeding of
Orig Pub: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Arm. n.-i. in-ta
zhivotnovodstva i veterinarii, 1957, No 1, 11-14.
Abstract: During the first two months of feeding milky
rations to calves twice and thrice daily, no
differences in their development were ascer-
tained. In the second half of the milk-feeding
period, during which rations were supplemented
with roughages and concentrates, the calves -fed
thrice daily, according to the author's opinion,
were developing more uniformly and intensivt_ly.
Card 1/1
f) 0, -Z),
TITLE gn the Absorption of K Mesons by Helium Nuclei.
PERIODICAL Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,31,fasc.3,528-529 (1956)
IsBued: 12 / 1956
Considerable interest is caused by the experimental confirmation of the hypo-
thesis of the isobaric invariance of the strong interactions (which play the de-
cisive part in M.GELLIMANNIS soheme) applied to those strong interactions to
which the production, scattering, and absorption of the heavy mesons and hype-
rons are due. One of the possible ways is the experimental verification of the
relations between the croes sections of various processes which differ only by
the charge states of the participating particles. Previous works dealing with
this topic are mentioned.
The present report is intended to contribute towards determining additional re-
lations between the cross sections of various processes on the occasion of the
absorption of K -mesons by helium. On the occasion of the absorption of a K -meson
by helium the following reactions take place with the emission of a 7- -hyperon
and a pion:
K-+He4-)Yo+He3+n-9 K-+Ee4-,,7--+He3+R 0, K-+He44 1-+H3+x+ ; K-+He44 lo+H3+n01
K-+He4 -.;,t Z++H3+x-. The initial state has the isotopic spin T - 1/2.
By decomposition of the corresponding wave function according to the wave func-
tions of the particles in finite states and in consideration of the law of con-
servation of the total isobaric spin, the following equations are found for the
.Zu.rn.bkap.i teor.fis,jl,faso.3,528-529 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA 1622
differential cross sections: al(T-++H3 +x_)-(1/3)jA1/ F2 + 2-112 A1/21 2
a 3+710)-(1/3)IA 1/2 2 1 a E'+He3 +R-)-(1/3)IA 17212
2(2:0+H 0 3 1
- 3+90)-(1/3) A 1/212, -+H3+r+)-(1/3)IA i/2_ 2- 1/2 A 1/212. Here Al /2
4(Z: +He 1 0 1 t
denotes the amplitude of the transition into the state with the total isobaric
spin 1/2 and the isobaric spin t of the system pion- -hyperon. Herefrom
there follows as a special case the result obtained by T.D.LEE,Phys.Rev.,22,
337 (1955): d 3( Z O+He3+n-) - or 4( F_-+He3 +71 0) and besides:
61 ( T_+ +H3+x-)+c5 (F--+H3+1+)- 20 2(Z 0+H 3+no)+ 64 ( I -+He3+n 0),
62 ( Lo+H 3+n0)+ a 4(2:-+He3+Ro) >,, (2/3) a 5(2:-+H3+R+). From the aforementioned
relations there result the following inequations:
1 ++133 + 6 3 -)> 3 +)
3(EO+He +x , (1/3)cT5 -+H +x
1(y ++H3 -)+(113) (1, -+H 3 +) ~, (1 3
+x +9 2(7- O+H +11'). The author thanks
G.R.CHUCISVILI for hi; valuable advice.
This is an only slightly abridged translation of this short report.
INSTITUTION: Institute for Physics of the Academy of Science of the Grusinian
S G_
SUBITLCT U6:~h / PHY~IC,'~ CArW i / 2 P4 - 1656
TITU On Ku -Decay
PERIODICAL Zurn.eisp.i teor.fis, 31, fasc-3, 529 530 (1956)
Issued: 12 / 1956
The most probable decay scheme is Ka - ~u + Tt0+ Here the energy spectrum cf the
myons and neutral pions of X," 3 - decay is computed, and the decay constant is estima-
ted. In the case of scalar (or pseudoscala# K/.v - particles the foilowing expression f
is obtained for the density of' the H.~LIILT~KAN ~f interaction if- attention is confined
Wq? . hero and i hoids; for a scL-
to direct coupling: H1 = g ". r ~, ) (T- ,
lar and a pseudoscalar partidle respectively, and g isra'dbstant of the dimension of
one length. The energy distribution of the myons and neutral pions is best determined
by the methoa developed by 0.KOKz,1j+H.,~.NbrN, Phi-l-Mag., 42, 1411, (1951), in which case
the following expression is obtained for the energy spe-cUrFum ( both in the case of'
scalar ana of pseudoscalar Ku - particles):
Wdh Oq - W~-) , - M + dt,,
M (B - W~~ ) -
k'or the energy spectrum of the neutral pions we find:
Wdh (G - W,
Here t,,, and k, T1 denote the?'total energy of the myons and neutral pions respectiveiy
in the rest s tem of the K,_ - meson.( c - 1). The expressions for A,B,C,D,
YS , 3
F, and G are explicitly given. By tne integration of w dE it from mff to OA4 + MA -
- 52.)/29 we find for the total decay probability ff3)-10,q5.ff
W )a(32 iu"Seca
,-- 3 (9m17
Zujrn.eksp.i teor.fis, 31, fasc.3, 529 - 530 (1956) CARD 2 /2 FA - 165b
d a/ -13. The correctness Lp :,he
herefrom,with 11-10- resuits the equation (g 4tr m4-JIO
decay scheme mentioned has not yet been proved with ff sufficient accuracy.
A similar computation for the scheme K e + 'r + tro furnishes w (g I mTI ) 402n3) -1
.10Z3 t e
6,42 sec-1. here g' is the corres;Lding coupling constan 0? the four fieids.
A comparison results in w /-j -0,16(g/gl)a. From the data by J.GhUb,,.~-kW et ai.Nuo-
vo Cim.,3, 731,1956, tr.ere follows w /we~-' 0,5.However the data hitherto avaiiatle
"I at
are not sufficient for a univocal det rMI ion of this ratio w/" 3'/-r'e 3and for a con-
firmation ol the equaiity of the constants g and g'.
iurthermore, the scheme of decay may ot orougnt into connection witn that of
- decay as follows:
2 o f 0
K"- K,'& 2 ) + rr + Y" + Tr here ?i denotes the constant of strong interaction
LA f hat of weak interaction.
INbTITUTION: INMTUIL for Physics of the Academy of ocience of the Grusinian Z)~.
-r'~ j7hy -o 7~ AP
- '^t Of tho
for tbb ODSW
gto aud tbo-MM-
"Concerning the Problem of the Decay of K-Mesons", by
Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, Institute of Physics, Tbilisi,
Soobsheheniya (Reports) of the Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, Vol
XVIII, No 2, Felman 1957, pp 143-148.
Attempts essentially to calculate the energy spectrum of,4 and
0 mesons resultino from K-#- decay. The enera spectrum is cal-
culated by the Bethe method (see O..Kofoed-Hansen, "Effects of the
Recoil an Allowed.,-Transitions, " Philosophical Magazine 1951, 49,
Card 1/1
Interaction of-r--mesons with helium nuclet and the isobaric
invariance. Boob. AN Gruz.SSR 18 no.4:4cn-4o4 Ap '57.
". ( MIRA '10 : 7 )
1. Akndemiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Inatitut fiziki, Tbilisi.
Predstavleno chlenom-korreepondeatom Akndemii V.I.Mamqsnkhlisovym.
(Mesons) (Collisions (Nuclear physics)) (Nuclei, Atomic)
Polarization and correlation phenomena In hvpe:-on disintegration.
Soob. Ali Graz. SSR 19 no.5:537 N 157. (MIRA 11:6)
I.Institut fiziki AN Gruz.SSR, Tbilisi. Predstavleno chlenom-
korrespondentom AN V.I. Mamasakhlisovym.
(Particles, Elementary)
AUTHOR MATINYANRA S. ~(;_ _56-4-38/~5'9 -
TITLE ft t-NeRnergy Spectrum of Myona on the Occasion of
(Ob energetioheskom spektre Ab- nesonov K ,
PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki 1957, Vol 32, Nr 4,
pp 929 - 930 (USSR)
ABSTRACT The energy spectrum mentioned in the title was computed by
the author in a previous paper f9r the case of a scalar
(poeudoscalar) particle with e direct coupling of the fields
in interaction. The present paper now investigates the decay
of the same particle in the presence of a gradient-like
coupling of the fields of the fermions (
4k,V-) and bosons
with spin 0 (K
The KA LTONIAN of interaction has the following form:
x ) (h - o -
BI- fm AlrZq, )(b/bxi)(?* ?k
Here f denotes a dimensionless coupling constant, m - the
mass of the pion, 9 and 9 - the spinorial and scalar wave funo-
tions resepotively, ir according to the parity of KM is
CARD 1/3 equal to F or ~5-
On the Energy Spectrum of Myona on the Occasion of K
Next, an expression is given for the differential probability
of the decay of a KMA -mason at rest. Like in the case of
the previous paper,'trie author obtained a result which did
not depend upon the parity of the K 0--3 -mesons. The decay
proj~ability of the aoalar meson in the case of a scalar
(vectorial) coupling of the field is equal to the probability
of decay of the paeudoscalar meson in the case of pseudo-
scalar (paeudovectorial) coupling. Experimental data on the
spectrum of the myous created on the occasion of the K "3-
acts of decay are given in various papers (cited here).
The characteristic outline of these data is the large number
of myona with low energy. According to the computations
carried out by the author the maximum of the spectrum of
the myons In the case of direct coupling Is looAted within
the range of 65 Key, whioh does not agree with experimental
data. If a gradient-like coupling is asswze6, the spectrum
of the myous has its maximum at 60 NeV, which agrees better
with experimental data. The various spectra are also shown in
form of a diagram. An explanation is given for the better
agreement of the vectorial (paeudovectorial) coupling with
CARD 2/3
On the Energy Spectrum of Myons on the Occasion of K OA,3-
the experiment. At present no reasons exist for the assumption
that the spin of the K-meson is not equal to nero.
In conclusion, some possible expressions for the HAMILTONIAN
of interaction for a vectorial K 00 -meson at rest are given,
(I Illustration)
ASSOCIATION: Physical Institute of the Academy of Science of the Grusinian
SUBMITTED: 24-12. 1956.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
CARD 3/3
lin gT
A~TEO'R: MATINYAN, S.G. 56-4-39/52
TIM: of K-Partielea with Piona.
(0 sillmon vzaimodoystvii K-chastits a x-messnami. Russian).
PERIODICkL: Zhurnal Skeperim. i Teoret. Piziki, 1957, Vol 329 Ir 4, T-P 930 - 931
ABSTRACT: Experimental data on K-mosene lead to two conclusions which differ
from each other# and can hardly be brought lute agreement. The ex-
periment(within the limits of measuring errors), on the ene hand
furnishes equal masses and life of the various X-partioles, but on
the other hand analysis of the i-acto of decay and the existence
of the decay @chose 00 4 2%0 confirm the facts that 0 and i are
different particles. For the purpose st- vIlainating this discropan-
oy, LEE and YANG Introduced the idea of the doublet of parity and
the non-obtaining of parity in the came of weak interactions.
OCEW11GER demands a strong Interaction between the pione and 1-me-
sons, The present report uses the hypothesis of the strong w-K-intor-
action for the derivation of some relations between the probalitloo
of the decay of X-mossas according to various schemes. The author
proceeds from the following seksow of strengp isotopic invariant
interaction between v- and X-mesenes I$* KOO + %. By means of this
scheme the decay of the t-mossno can, e.g. be brought into oennec-
card 1/3 tion with the decay of the 0-moson and especially the ratio of the
Card 2/3
on the Wong interaction of X-Particles with ftons.
probability of the sots of decay can be doterminedi
III (-# 220 + z!) and 71 (-V 2+ + I' + R!) The @chose of the I+_ decay
can be written down as folleves
+ all 0 f + a
It+"Aft-P 2 -,W* X + a . H:r: Iltdonotes the constant of the strong
I -&-interaction(Of the G-fi I v h the X-field)lf denotes the ova-
stant of the strong interaction of the Q;fIsld with the %-field. The
following two possibilities exist for th i ,-doosyt
+ .r. + + Of f + + + 2
7 _Z4
+ t 0 +
+ + +
In the case of an odd spin of the 0-mosens the ratio I of the pro-
bability of the it; *say a a ~j d U the probalility of the I-deasy
amounts to a a to + )XI: t +.0). Role w(Qj~ 0+) denotes the pro-
bability of to doosy of a 0 -Meson In I and a -Mesons, According
to GATTOP W(Q I o+) - 2w(G) +-) applies for an odd spin of the 0-par-
tioelq and this R a I applies. In the analogous manner R s 095 is found
for an *Zen spin of the G-particles. In conclusion the so-called an
nalous 0 -acts of decay are discussed in short (to Illustrations).
0 1
On the Strong Interaction of K-Partiolea with Pions.
Physical Institute of the Academy of Science of the Gruainian S.S.R.
December 24, 1956
Library of Congress
Card 3/3
AUTHOR 14ATIVY-AN B.G. 56-5-45/55
TITLE ion of Parit,,, and the Decay of Hvperons.
(Nesokhramnlye zhetfiosti i raipad giperonov -Russian)
.PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperizm.i Teoret.Fiziki,1957,Vol 32,Nr 5,pp 1248-1249(USSIt)
ABSTRACT The paper under review inveatigates the decay of hyper6ns under the
inflaence of an interaction at which the parity with respect to time
is not conserved.For reason of simplicity,the author limits himself
in the preeent paper to the coupling of fields without derivations
and to the spin 1/2 of the hyperons.Tbe Hamiltonian of the interac-
tion leading to the decay is of the'form H (1+,AW'~)TyT&,with
7 denoting the spinoral wave functions and 77, standing for the wa-
ve functions of the pion.In general,~ is a complex quantity denoting
the de,;ree of the nonconservation of parity.The existence of a long-
lived KO-particle and the nonconservation can be made compatible if
the conservation of parity either with respect to time or with re-
spect to charge is assumed-In the first case, A/is a real constant,
in the second case it is an imaginary constant.
In the paper under review,the author deals with a hyperon at rest,
the spin of which is directed along the unit vectorly. First of all
the square of the matrix element 11 of the above-mentioned interac-
tion is written down.This interaction leads to the emission of a
nucleon with given direction of impulse n and with a spin directed
parallelly to the unit vector.f . The nonconservation of parity leads
to the occurrence of pseadoscaTar.apantities.If the Hamiltcnian H is
Card 1/2 invariant with re-ze-1. to an 1'r1v---'-1_)"! 04~ time, then one of the
Nonconservation of Parity and the Decay of Hyper6ns. 56-5-45/55
paeudoscalar term3 di3appears.Contrary to the usual state of affairs,
we then have even -at the ~~ecay of nonpolarized hyp(-,rors a term of
the ordE.r of ir,.~gnitude of the nucleonic velocity (v/c)which yields,
par3lielly to ?,,, pclarizLid nucleons.If H is invariant with respect
to the charce conjagatedness.then other pseudoscalar terms are el-
iuinated and t'-Ie remaining term yields an additional correlation of
the spins of the polarized hyperons and nucleons.Tbis correlation
differs from the one valid for the variunts with conservation of
parit,,.A si:-ilar .,icture also for the case of gradient-like coup-
(No rc-;)ror_4Lj:-
't4 on).
ASSOCIATION Institute of Physics,Acade;.iy of Science of the Georgian SSR
SUBMITTED 24.1-1957.
AVAILABLE Library of C3ngress.
Card 2/2
IiAeraction of fermions and the K/ijS -decay. Zhur. eksp. t teor. fiz.
33 no0'3:797-799 8 157. (MLRA 10:11)
I Institut fiziki All Gruzinskoy SM
(Particles, Elementary)
AJTHOR: M-1 t iny an S.G. 56- - lIi 54
TITLE: on the Photoformation of Str-inge Patticies. (Q fotorozhdenii stran-
nykh chastits) (Letter to the Fditor)
Pr,i~IGDI~JAL: Zharnil h;kspcrim. i Teoret.Fiziki, 1~57, Vol )5, Nr 4, .p 1065-
- 1o64 (USSR)
A33THACT: The proct:ss of the photaformation of strange particles from nucle-
ons can be used for the examination of tht; stitistical model of
the formation of' strange particles established bj Peaslee. When the
formntion probability of the processes:
Ao + K + (a)
p-4~ + + KO (b)
0 + K+ (c) is compared, the following ratio of the
formatl;on corss seczions follrws accordint,, to Peaslee: O(c) / a(a)
,1/9. In this connectioi-,, however, the influence of' the maL:netic
aioi.-4t,-nts of the h.Yperons was not taken into account, wLicn is justi-
fied at righ energies. Vlh~n the following proct--sses are k,xamitied
t+ o ->~o + K+ (d)
t+ n + K_ (a)
the ratio of the formation cross sections a(d)la(e) can theor~.-ti-
cally also be given for them.
Card 1112
/ r';
On.the Photoformation of Strange Particleg. 56-4-45/1
ASSOCIATION: Physical Institute AN Cooprgian SSR (Institut fiziki Ak-ue---41 ruuk
Gruzin3kOy SSR)
SUBMITTED: jaly 16, 1957
AVAILA,BLE: Library of Congress.
Card 212
AUTEDR: Khut-sishvili, G.R. , Matinyan, S.G. 56-5-12/46
TITLE: -In the Form of P-Intemation (K voprosu o forme P -vzai-
PZ110DICAL: Zhurnal, Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 5,
pp. ii5o-ii53 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Until recently it rme assumed that interaction ran be repre-
sented by a connection of scalar- aj -tensor variants. This state
of affairs vms changed whein the non-conservation of parity in
-deony became known. Polarization phenomena in permitted
-transitions EAI = 0. + 1. (none)3 are computed theoreti-
cally. Conputations were oazAea out in B orn' a approximation. The
following expressions are computed and derived:
W ~p,qoj
V p:
There are 7 non-Sle re
ASSODIATION: Physics Institute of the AN of the Georgian SSR (Institut fiziki
AN Gruzinskoy SO)
April 10, 1957
AVAIMLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
MATINYAN. S. G. Csnd Phys-!Utth Sci (diss) "Certain problems of the theor,,
of hegvy nonstable particles." Tbilisi, 1958. 10 pp (Tbilisi Stq~e Univ
im 1. V. Stnlin), 100 copies. Bibliogrophyi p 9 (14 titleF). List of a-iihcrts
works, p lu, (KL, 13 -58, 92)
Some problems in the theory of kwar/ unstable particles. Trudy
Inst.fiz.AN Gruz.SSR 6:173-229 158. (MIRA 15i4)
(Particles (Nuclear physics)) (Nuolear reactions)
(Quantum theory)
AUTHORS: Mamaeakhlisov, V. I., 11alinyan, S. G., 56-1-27/56
Perellman, M. Ye.
TITLE; The Photo-Production of Strange Particles on Protons
(Fotoobrazovaniye strannykh chastits na protonakh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958,
Vol. 34, Vr 1, PP- 195-197 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper investigates the reactions of p~-oto-
production of strange particles oz. protons with
U /\~+ K+ Y + p ,+K+
emission of charged K-mesons: y + p-o'
(111). The cross sect4onS of these processes are calculated
in second perturbation theoretical order. Th., authors here
select the value 1/2 for the spin of the J~-hyperon and the
value 3/2 for the spin of the 2'-hyperon. The proton and the
A!particle shall satisfy the Dirac equation (where the inter-
action of the electromagnetic field wit.-i the ma.-netic
moments of the particles is disregarded) and theE -hypero.:
is described by the equation of Harita-Schwinger (Rarita-
-Shvinder) for the particle with spin 3/2. T?~e direct
interaction of the y qvantum with the nucleon as well as its
interaction with the field of the virtual K mesons are taken
Card 1/3 into account herb. The authors here investigate the pro-
The Photo-Production of Strange Particles on Protons 56-1-27/56
ceeses of production of K* mesons and use the hypothesis of
the conservation of parity in the electro-iajnetic inter-
actioriB. Therefore the two diagrams given heri are the only
possible+diagrams of the procans. The angular dictribution
of the K mesons is calculated by the iisual method and is
here written down for the case of the center-of-gravity
system. The interaction of the y quanta witli the field of
the virtual K + mesons furnishes a considerably a-aller
contribution to the cross section than the direct interaction
of a y quantum with t'.e proton. When the system (-N K+) has
the same parity as t!,e proton the an6ul-r distribution of
the K+ esons in t~ie center-of-gravity system is shifted
toward larger angles. For that of the parity of the system
(Ps~K+) which is opposed to the parity of the proton, t*,,e
opposite result is obtained. Then -the production OfF_-
-hyperons is investigated. In this case the angular
distribution in the center-of-b-ravity system ~iust be iso-
tropic. The total cross section is here written down on the
assumption that the square of the mass of the K-meson can
be disreoarded with respeot to the square ef the mass of the
2 -hyperon. The'comparison of the results obtainee here with
Card 2/3 the experiment will make possible a solution of the proble-,
~he Photo-Production of Strange Particles on Protons 56-1-27/5U
of the parity of the system (12 K+) with regard to tre
proton. There are 1 figure and 6 references, 3 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Institute for Physics AN Georgftu SSR
(Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR)
SUBMITTED: July 27, 1957
AV&ILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
210) SOV/56-35-2-52j."6,,
AUTHORS: Matinyan, S. G., Khutsishvili, G. R.
TITLE: Is-otop dance in Processes With Participation of Anti.
hyperons (Izotop-Icheskaya invariantnost' v protsessakh s
uchastiyem arxtigiperonov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekaperimentallnoy i teoreticheskiy 1"-)58.
701 35, Nr 1(71), PP 546-547 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the production of antihyrerons and
their interaction with nucleons and light nuclei on the
basis of isotopic invariance. The reaction K + N-).- Y + N + 11
is very useful for the identification and investigation of
the antihyperons. The above-mentioned reaction, applied
to protons, gives 2 channels with respect to the charge states
(with.,,productipn of Z -antihyperons): K + P-'# i 0 + p + p (a)
and K + P-.* 2 + p + n (b). According to the hypothesis of
isotopic invariance, the following cross sections are obtained
for these reactions: (s -1 A1 12.4/2. -IA'I'+IA1 12
T a I . C5b 0 1
Card 1,'3 At denotes the amplitude of the transition 4.nto the final
Isotopic invariance in Processes With Participation of Antihyperons
state with the total isotopic spin T when the total isotopic
spin of the system (which consists of 2 nucleons) is equal
to t(.0,1). This implies a b ~ aa- The authors then investi-
gate the reactions + + d -+ n + n- + K (a). 2 + d-.,
n + no + Ko (b)~ + + d--,~ p + n- + Ko (c) The amplitudes
of these processes are calculated on the basis of isotopic
invariance, For the cross sections the relations aa f Cc >- "b
+ rj > a /3 and one more group of inequalities are ob
b c ~' a
tained, The verification of these inequalities is of inter.
est from the point of view of the applicability of the hypo.
thesis of isotopic invariance to interactions which include
strange particles and, especially, antihyperons Such inves.
tigations can be generalized imdiately for light nuclei
with zero isotopic spin (1104, C , etc.). There are 2 ref-
erences, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of
Card 2/3 Physics,AS Gruzinskaya SSR)
210) SOV56-3~-3-31/61
AUTIMR: Ir Mbtinyan, S. G.
TITLE, The Non-Local 2f.ects in Weak Interactions cf Fermions
(Nelokallnyye effekty v slabvkh vzaimode,~stviyakh fermionov'-
PERIODICAL: i-,hurnal eksperimentallno.,,, i teor-aticheskoy fiziki, 1)58,
vol 35, Nr 3, pi- 791-793 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: T. 1). Lee (Li) and C. N. Yang (Ref 1) recently investigated
the non-local interactions of 4 fermione with respect to a
p-decay. These interactions may he described -,,henomenolo,,7icL1l-
lj by means of a Lagrangian which corresponds to the inter-
action of a pair of fermions which are separated by a 9;,atiai
intervaT of tile order 10-13 - jo-14 cm. This raper in a uin:il-r
manner investigLtes the non-local effects in the carture of
a negative myon by a T_.roton. The neutrino is described by the
two-component theory. First, the non-local interaction La-
grangian (which leads to the process ~i_+ p - n + V ) is jiven
explicitly. In this expression, a sumr~ation of the S, V, T, P.
A variants is carried out. Expressions are deduced for the
probability of the capture of a negative myor. in h.-/drogen and
Card 1/3 formulae for t1te angular distributiorsof neutrons in the calture
The lion-Local Effects in Weak Interactions of Fermions
of polarized negative myons are derived. The author then assumes
a universal AV-interaction. In this case, the life of the
myon agrees excellently with the experiment if the constant
G in the P-decay io suitiblj given. In the P-decay, the nan-
local effects are practically negli,-ible. lf there are not~-
local effects, they must occur in the p-decay _nd clian,re tll.,e
value of ' e coiiplinl- constant. FeYnman and Gf-11-14.,nn
t1he expression 8112 G(T P74a TX a +e)
to the universal AV-interaction in the p-decay. a~ ,IencteF
the two-comDonent wave-funct~on and ii, applies Vnat
(' = (1,01 + 0,01)10 -5/112, where F Jenotes the n,,~cleon
"'his gives the value 1,/-r ~L ~~;2M21192-n3 for the life of
myon. For the corresponding non-locel interaction, -.he li-fe
o-1 the myon i4equal to
2m5/1)2,' where denotes the non-
I/T4 = (G ')(1 + 3/5 Y ~2
local parameter. The upper limit of non-locality ~j (v;hiccr~
C rd 2/3 ii compatible with the universal constant G) is eqijal to
The Non-Local Effects in Weak Interactions of Fermions
�21 '/- 0,07. The formulae deduced in this pa.-ser are usefiil
for the calculation of the amount of the non-local ef'ect
in the case of a universal AV-interaction. 'he author thanks
Professor G. R. Khutsishvili fnr his interest in this Dai,er
and Yu. G. Mamaladze for discussing the results. There are
9 references, 1 of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR
(institute of Physical Academy of Sciences, Gruzinskaya SSR)
SUBMITTED: May 23, 1958
Card 3/3
MATI1ffYA&-5.f-4MISHVILI, 0.
Charge-exchange of elomentary particles on nucleons and deuterons.
Soob. AN Gru2. SSR 22 no.3:281-286 Mr 159.
(MIRA 12:8)
LAN GruzSSR, InStItUt f12iki. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom
AN V.I. Hamasakhlisovym.
(Particles, Elementary)
AUTHORS: Matinyan, S. G., Cheishvili, 0. 1). SOV/56-36-i-28/62
TITLEt The Polarization Effects in the Capture of a J--Hyperon by
a Deuteron (Polyarizatsionnyye yavleniya pri zakhvate
Z~--giperona deytronom)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretiaheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 1, pp 212-215 (USSR)
A13STRACT: The present paper deals with the reaction -57-* d -42n + A~
where the spins of the A-and 2 -particles are assumed to be
equal to 1/2. This reaction is rather interesting as a source
of additional information concerning the degree of polarization
of a Z7-particle. In the present paper, the capture of a
2-hyperon by a deuteron is investigated in momentum approximatiam
In this approximation, the amplitude of the capture can be
written down as T d - J12 T(1,2) + J13 T(1,3), where the index I
corresponds to strange particles, and the indices 2 and 3 -
to the nucleons of the deuteron. An expression is deduced for
the polarization of a A-particle produced by the capture of a
polarized :E~-particle by a deuteron. In the case of an
Card 1/2 S-4S transition the amplitude of the capture of a E7-particle
The Polarization Effects in the Capture of a SOV/56- 36-1 - 28/6 2
27-H~y -'J eron by a Deuteron
by a proton is equal to al]Tt (1 , 2) R (1
+ a2 a
where a, and a2 denote Oie amplitudes of the transitions
3S1---) 3S1and 1S0 --~1S0of the system strange particle-nucleon.
Definite information concerning the polarization of a
F-7-particle can be obtained by investigating the asymmetry
of the/L-decay for a capture of a Z--particle from a continuous
spectrum and also from an S-orbit. Analogous considerations
are given also for the S-4P, P-45 and P-4P transitions. The
authors thank Professor G. R. Khutsishvili for useful
discussions and advice. There are 4 references, 2 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute
of Physics of the Academy of Sciences, GruzinskVa SSR)
SUBMITTEDs July 2, 1958
Card 2/2
21(7) SOV/56- 36- A - 561/ 7(--
AUTHORS: Matinyan, S.G. Okun', L. B.
TITLE: On the K - and K -Decays (0 K - i K,,,-raspadakh)
e3 113 e3
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy finki, -9`19, Vol z,6,
Nr 4, pp 1317-13'9 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: On the publication of a number of experimental papers dealing
with V- A-interaction in 0-, ~-, and7t--decays -and in the decays
of strange particles, the authors investigated ti,e three-rp~,rti-
c1e 1epton K-decays K - 1 + where 1 den:)te - an el~:- t'~-)n
or mescn. In the theory of universal V-A-intera,~-,.:-n the- m-~tf-LX
element describing such a process may be represented in th-~ re~--
3/2 -1
system of the K-meson by (1): 1C F~, '(Gml..
Y(11' ('+y E.- denotes the total pion ener,3y, m, lep-c,-n
4 5 'I -
mass, M = K-meson mass, X and Y are real functions of F,,-, w~i~-~:h
are the same for K e3- and K 0- decays. If the dependence c'" X and
Y on ETF is neglected and if it is assumed that X - const and
Card 1/3 Y - const, these quantities can be determined experimentally,
On the K e3- and K~43_ Decays SOV/56-36-4-58/70
which was done e.g. by Gatto (Ref 6). By calculating the proba-
bilities for K e3 - and Ka3 -decays by means of (1) and by compar-
ison with experimental data, two possible pairs of values were
obtained: X/Y = 4.2 (solution 1) and X/Y - -0-34 (11). The au-
thors point out that the choice between the two values can be
made much easier by measuring the longitudinal polarization of
the muons in K 0- decay. kn expression is derived (for V-A-inter-
action) for the longitudinal polarization P of the muon, which
is a function of X/Y' V, a, mly and H. For the solutions I and
II a figure shows the dependence of P on the muon energy
('K - E /,max). I is in the positive, II in the negative, and
ki kin
also the course taken by the curve differs: I shows a nearly
linear riae, II has a minimum. The curves have been plotted for
the experimentally determined ~-value of 0.96 03)/T(K'4j3))-
A Booond figure shown P(4)for different K-values. if an experi-
mental determination of P (with -J being exactly known) furnishes
solutions that do not agree with those predicted here, this may
Card 2/3 mean that either the assumption as to the weak energy dependence
On the Ke3- and KM3_ Decays SOV/56-36-4-58/7(,
of Y and X is not correct or "hat A-V-interaction is not ap-
plicable to K-decay. There are 2 figures and 9 references, I of
which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Inutitut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Akadeinii nauk
SSSR (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the
Academy of Sciences, USSR); Institut fiziki Akademii nauk
Gruzinskoy SSH (Institute for Physics of the Academy of Sciences,
Gruzinskaya SSR)
SUBMITTED: December 31, 1958
Card 3/3