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SOV/2o-123-4-14/53 The Asymptntic Behavior of the Ei *r-onfunctions of the Equation A u + k2u = 0 -th Boundary Conditions Alor-9 --pidistant Curves and the Scattoring of Electi,omagnetic Waves in a Wave Guide explicitly written down and may be considered to be a double asymptotic curve. This formula describes the asympto+ic curve of the eigenfunctions of the initially given equation A~k + k2+k = 0 for k -)- oD . The proof for the formula given for the asymptotic curve is outlined. Case c) is also suited for the investigation of a plane curved tubular conductor. In this case the asymptotic curve at k -.* oo correcpondo to geo- metrical oDtics. The variant a) is suited for the investiga- tion of the scatterinL! of electromagnetic waves in a straight coaxial line with arbitrary cross section. The author thanks A. G. Sveshnikov and E. G. Poznyak for their alvice and assistancp.There are 4 references, 3 of which are aoviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy :-osudarstven.,yy universitet i.m. M. V. Lor.,Ianosr~v~- Card 2/3 (Moscow State University imeni U. V. Lomonosov) I SOV/20-123-4-14/'153 The Asymptotic Behavior of the Eieenfunctions of the Equation 6 u + k2 u = 0 With Boundary Conditions tUong ",wiidistant Cuiveq anJI the Scatterin6 of Electromagnetic Waves in ,, liuve Gtxide PRESENTED -. July 2, 1)50, by N. N. Bogolyubov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 24, 1958 Card 3/3 21(l). 24(7) BOV/51-6-5-25/34 AUMORS: Glasko. V.B., L,aslov. V.P.. PaniMr, V.I. and Sokolov, V.D. TITLE% On the Type of Correlation Function for the Helium Atom (0 vide korrelyatsionnoy funktBii dlya atoma Zallya) PERIODICAL t Optika I Spektrosicopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 5, pp 698-M! (USSR) AMTRACTs In molecular calculations correlation in the motion of electrons is allowed for bv introducing Into the wave-function an additional factor dependent on inter-electron distance r.. (Ref. In analogy -with tho first approximation in the he'Awn atua carried out by Hylleraas ~Ref 2), this imiltiplier can be written for a two-electron systan in the form f(r,2) = 1 4 04-~ (1) where ok Is a variational parameter. In the general case the correlation function should depend on three correlation variables Rr-A f can be then represented as a series in powers of those variables (Refs 2, 3). When only one correlation variable is used the choice of the fanAion f(1*12) in the form given by B9 (1) is an arbitrary one. The question arise!t; as to rhatbar this choice is tk)e best possible one. ThIs question is answered by dotermininr, tne corroDition f~aritticn f(r,2) for the heliLM lard 1/2 S OV/51 -6-5-2 5/34 On the Type or Correlation Function for the Helium 4tom atom by a variational method - The result is shown as curve I in a figure on p 700; curve II represents the flylleraas function given by Eq (1). Both curves are plotted as functions of distance in atomic units. The figure shows clearly that the correlation function approximation In the form of Eq (1) is practically the best choice at least for atoms. The paper is entirely theoretical. There are I figure aW 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 1 Englisn, I German and I mixed (Soviet, English and French). 13UEMITTED - November 29, 1968 card 2/2 16(l) AUTHOR: ,_Yaslov, V.P. SOV/42-14-3-11/22 TITLE: Applications of Functional An&,lytical Methods for the Construction of the Quasi-Classical Asymptotic Behavior of the Solution of the Schrbdinger Equation PERIODICAL: Uspekhi matematicheekikh nauk,'~959,,Vol 14,11r 3, pp 161-168 (USSR) LBSTRAM By the generalized solution of the Cauchy problem for (1N Lt- i h H%p - i ~4 h h wt + - - - u ( X) 4~ ?t 2^ x2 the author understands the function -i Ht *(x,t) - eh '? (x, (1) if T(x,O) is the initial vector. Let u(x) be three times differentiable, u(+ co ) - u(- oo ) = oo ; let the equation u(x) - E have two roots xl(E) I X2(E) for E> 0 . Let the initial condition be Card 1/4 12 Applications of Functional Analytical Methods L;OV/42-14-3-11/92 for the Construction of the Quasi-Classical Asymptotic Behavior of the Solution of the Schr6dinger Equation S (X) h (2) Y(x,O) p(x) F(x) F(x) = lf(x)e .- -- 'F where p(x) JF2~,~E' u x)j is the clasaical impuloe, x2 S(X) - p dx , p(x) an arbitrary function vanishing Xi outside of [x,(E) , x2(E)l and satisfying the condition x P- 1 1,_P(x) dx < aD X1 Theorem t The solution of (1) - (2) admits the representation: - 1 Y(X,t) - p 2(x) F [X(x,t)- + z(h) Card 2/ 4 Applications of Functional Analytical ifethods for jOV/42-14--,1-11/22 the Construction of the Quasi-Classical Asymptotic Behavior of the Solution of the 3chr6dinger Equation here X(x,t) is the solution of !~-X nl(X) which satisfies the initial condition X x 2ix-1 and It-0 = x !*Iit=o /t, z(h) 2- --*0 . The further details are valid for the case that H is defined on a finite interval .'a,bl, , whereby thp. eigenfunctions vanish in the final points of the interval, The author defines a space, on the functions of which the quantum mechanic operators chan8e over into classical ones, so that the defined space is decomposed into two spaces which are invariant in the limit with respect to the direction of the impulses. In some similar cases ibe author f,-,ives asymptotic representations for the eigen values and eigen- functions of R and for the solution of the Cauchy problem Card 3/4 13 Applications of Functional Analytical Methods for SOV/42-14-3-11/22 the Construction of the Quasi-Classical Asymptotic Behavior of the Solution of the Schr6dinger Equation for (1). Altogether there are 3 theorems. The author thanks A.N. Tikhonov, S.V. Fomin and R.I. Vishik for several valuable suggestions. There are 6 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 1 American, and 1 Hungarian. SUBMITTED: January 26, 1957 Card 4/4 16(1 ) AUTHOR: Maslov V.P. SOV/42-14-4-15/211 k- - -t_ TITLE: On Some Methods of Fu-nctional Analygis in the Theory of Operator Equations and Partial riffezential Equations With Parameters PERIODICAL% Uspekhi matemat-4chesk-'kh nauk, 1959,Vol 149Nr 4tPP 179-186 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let T be a linear operator in the Hilbert space H with a dense region of definition D(T). Let there exist the closure T of T and let it be T*"4. The authcr considers a sequence of such operators T,1, where XT N does not depend on n. Let thexe exist n) the strong ---mit .ralue T = lim T n with the region of definition D(T) = D(T n). n -ap c0 Theorem: Let T = lim T n' 1) If there exist uniformly bounded inverse operators then there also exists T -1 ; it Js defined n on the orthogonal complement of the set of sulutions of ?'x - 0. Here P.n converges stronf,,Iy to Y-1 on this subBpace. 2) If x 0 satisfies the equation T:.o = 0 and there exist operators SnC T n Card 1/3 On Some Methods of Functional Analysis in the SOV/42-14-4-15/27 Theory of Operator Equations and Partial Differential Equations With Parameters (i.e. D(S ) CD(T ), T S- 1 = 1), where the S- 1 are uniformly , n n n n n bounded-, then there exists a sequence IxA Of BOlUtione of 'P~x - 0 which converges strongly to x n n 0 Theoremi Let T - lim. Tn' If there exists a bounded seqnence fx n1 of the equations T nxn = fnP ~he're ifn~convergeis weakly to an f, then there exists a sequence lyn1of solutions of Ta( = f so that converges weakly to zero. Yn lxn-ynl Let Tn . t(n)LA,+K nA21+Mn , Ln- E(n)A,+M,, where f-(n) is a bounded number sequence and t1dj, fKnjare unifirmly bounded sequences of operators. Theoremi Let lim OK n4- 0, D(A 2) BD(Al). n --- co 1. If tLn jis uniformly bounded, then 11 T- L - 1 1 (_1)k LC(n)K A L- 1]k K. 11 111+1 Card 2/3 n ri F- n 2 n 0 On Some Methods of Functional knalysis in the SOV/42-14-4-15/27 Theory of Operator Equations and Partial Differential Equations With Parameters where otdoes not depend on n and N. 2. Let kyn The the sequence of solutions of L nXn = 0. Let there exist operators S C-L so that I n ts-'jis uniformly bounded. Then for a sufficiently rge n n y - 00 (_j)k [C(n)S-lX A IkX n Z.-Co - n n 2 n are solutions of T y 0, where N Yn 2: (_1 )k rE(n)S-lKA ] k K N+!, k=o n 2 Xn /3 11 n where does not depend on n and N. Putting L(n) B 1 , Mn=0, K n = E, then from this theorem it follows the existence of a solution of the equation (A + ~A =0 which depend.s analytically onf,. 1 2)x The author thanks A.N.Tikhonov, S.V.Fomin, and A.A.Dezin for discussions. There are 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 1 German, and Card 3/3 2 Hungarian. 16.8ioo 77605 SOV/42-15-1-15/27 AUTTIOR: Maslov V. P. TITLEj On the Transition of Quantum Mechanics In' D Classical In the Multidimenuiotial Case PERIODICAM Uspelchl matematichesk-11ch nauk, 1960, Nr 1, pp 213-220 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In application of methods of functional analysis in the construction of quasi-classical. asymptotics of th- solution of Schr6dinger's equation Usp. mat. nauk, XIV, Nr 3 (87) (1959) 161-168), the author shows that in the one-dimensional case for h io, the quantwn mechanics operators go Into classical expressions. Here the unitary Sehr(~dinger operator converges to the unitary operator corresponding to a dynamic systein of fixed energy. In this paper the author extends some results of this study to the multidimensional case. For Card 1/7 simplicity the two-dimensional case Is considered. On the Transition of Quantum MechanIcs Into 77808 Classical in the Multidimensional Case SOV/112-lF--l-15/27 Aq) f- 0. (1) fit 21L where the potential energy U(x "Y) is sufficiently < s x T) be a smooth. Let (-s,,< S ~ , 2 domain and L,) be the a Hilbert space of functions for which the scalar Is defined as f,-1,fh dv. 1, f.2E V., L2 L,;) are Jfilbc~i-4, opaces with scalar pro- Card 21T ducts gi-ven rp.,3pectively hy On the Transition of Quantum Mc-hanics Into Y7808 Classical in the MultidImen,,,Jm--w.-. S CV11/4 15 -I t (i1, 61 (1 r E w) Let L 2 t) he the IiJ--Lbe,-t space defined on t = (-S 1 < s < 8 2x 0 T T -t) with scalar produc t defined by Card 3/7 On the Transition of ~;.uantwii Mechani-i Into Classical In the MultMimensional Case In LP coim,"der the opemtor.-, 77808 SO1114 2-1 P~ - -ill d, d ih H A y) lit It The operatois p X.,Py.1 and H are deflned everywhere and vanish cn the boundary aith the necessarY nurrib~-r derivatives The operator lit Card 4/7 On the Transition of QUaIA11111 M(2,-h1't1L1 111tO Classical in the Multidimerislorial 13 defined evei-ywher~- III L', duce the trin.91ation operator (~tf (r, , 7 ) = fs with domims of dof-11t,,IJ !(~i, 1.r, L, ~,(808 In S-1 C- t~+t 4 1 fit/ it will be Jn-,,ariant r~,Iative to the operator 3 to the orio d1merisi-mal iiitrol!;ce th- Ca rd 5/7 On the Transition of Quantum Mechanics Into 77809 Classical in the Multidimensional Case qov,A 2 -15 -1-15/2Y Theoremi The operatom M- I P M, M- 1P" M, M-I I U/I h o converge respectivel.,,,Mty the or)(-rator,- 801dy, and E. The operator Li-E)M h the operator i e and aJ,,-,o 2 7- 1/1 (7) for all f D(Qt), where z(h) converges strongly 4o zero in L2 for h o. Here I fl card 6/17 On the Tranoltion of Quantum Mechanlc3 Into ('(8W3 Classical In the Multidimensionai Case is the- lassical action; T= Is classical Dime; and are comp3nents of the classical impulse. A corollary of Is lit ;' I ~- 1, u w 1). The author exprej3e-1 f,,ratitude to S. V. FomLr-i for valuable comments. There are 8 references,2 U.S., Soviet, 1 HLingarian. The U.S. reference Is: R. S. Phillips, Perturbation Theory for Semigrciup3 of Linear Operatnrs, Trans. Ames. Math. Soc., 74 (1953) 199-23---. SUBMITTEM June 8~ i9l~:19 Card 7/7 MASWV, V.P. (Moskva) Quasi-classical asymptotic solutions of certain problems of mathematical physics. Zhur. vych. mat. i mat. fiz. 1 no.1:113-128 Ja_F 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Asymptotes) (Mathematical physics) (Boundary value problems) ,4!~S~~~skcva) Qaasi-classic-al asymptotic method of solution of certain problems in mathematical physics. Zhur.vych.mat.i mat.fis. 1 DO-4:638-663 J111 161. (MM 1428) Boundary value problems) (Differential equations) (Mathematical physics) 2C236 A4, I WO St/046/61/007/001/007/015 B104/B204 ~~iATJTHORSs -Maslov, V.-P.P Tartakovskiyj B. D. .t:TITLEs The passage of ')ending waves through an intermediate rod !FERIODIOALs. Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v- 7t 110- it 1961, 67-72 TEXTs The passage of pure bending waves frcm a unilaterally unbounded rod into another via an arbitrary intermediate -rodp which is firmly connected w:~th the two afore-mentioned parts is studied. Two types of bending waves are known to exists the.traveling waves and the inhomogeneous waves. During passage through one of the two above-mentioned connections between the three rods, both types of waves are partly refleuted, and partly they pass through. For calculating the reflection and transition coefficients of the intermedi- ate rod, it is necessary that the system consisting of eight linear equa- tions be solved. This AvAtem reads I + 910 + RO = D, + Z, + Utle-1.1 + R,elk.1 ho (I + IR, - M.) - k, (MI - 0, + j%e-AV - jj?,ea,') B014 (- I + MO - RO) - Bjk~ (- D, + 2), + JRI,k.i - RIelkil Card 1/4 Bckg (- i + MO + iRO) - B2k,3 iD, -!Dl + Bile-k-, + ffljjo~.I) .(3) B/046/61/007/001/007/015 The passage of ... B104/B204 + Ole--M + M, + R, - Dt + 02 k, (M,eik-l - Ole-k-I + IXI - iRj) = At (01, - JDt) Blkl'(- D1011-1 + Oje-k-' + M, - RI) - Bjk: (- Dt + IDI) Zie-k-I + 911 + iRj) = BIA?j iDj -.-ZI). Here, D and Z are the amplitudes of the directguof the. reflected travelingMIL inhomogeneous waves, R and I are the amplitudes, the Indices 0, 1, and 2 denote the corresponding rodel 1 is the length of the intermediate.rodl Bi is the bending strength of the i-th rodl and ki is the wave number. The determinant of this system is written down, and by means of the rule estab- linhed by Sarrus, expressions are obtained, which become much too difficult for purposes of calculation. By introduction of the operators OD49, b 'Hit ; + -'9. b b 292bQ9 b 2#IbQjq', D12 ----j I. - ; b I-Card 20236 S/046/61/007/001/007/015 The passage of ... B104/B204 n n in which x may assume the values i P, i q (n - 0, 1, 2, 3), and y the values a and b, the expressions for the four coefficients may be considerably sim- plified. in this way, the relations P 4M(-)Aff-~ .0in-IP, a in - p.a 9.b n-0 *inp. P in 4MV. a q. n-0 P 4MWj1(- CL in P.91 0. n- 0 7) + 3 I'M(-) M(-) P P. a 9.b n- 0 3 4q2b T jnQ Qjnq. b eM, P .0 01D. a D02 3 (8) P n - 4M(-) M a P. a 9. b "-0 3 in 4q'b I in+IQ Q P OP'a 0+19, b"' Card 3/4 Z., n-0 V. a 20236 S/046/61/007/001/007/015 The passage of ... B104/B204 are obtained, which, in the case of a suitable selection of the parameters permit calculation of the corresponding coefficients. Equation (6) may further be used for determining the conditions at which bending waves are not reflected from the intermediate rod. It is shown that with a certain material of the intermediate rod, by suitable selection of its thickness, ai, total reflection-tree passage of the bending waves may be attained. In them same wayl the oondition for the lack of a reflection of the inhomogeneous waves on the intermediate rod is formulated. There are 6 referenotes I Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIONt Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR Moskva (Institute of Acoustics, of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTEDs May 29, 1960 ,.--,Card MWIDV, V.P.; TARTAKOVSKIY, B.D. Trarwit of flexural waves across an intermediate rod, irmlving losses. Aku-st.zhur. 77 noe2t~,24,-227 161. (MM l4s7) 1e Akusticheskiy institut AN MRP YAokvao (Sowd-Transmission) MASLOV, V. Cowents on the asymptotic nature of the eigenfuncti*ns of Schr5dinger's equation. Usp. mat. nauk 16 no.4:253-254 JI-Ag '61. (MIRA 14:8) (Figenfunctions) (Wave mechanics) 7 AUTHORSt TITLEs S/046/62/008/002/000'/016 B100138 Maslov, V. P., Tartakovskiy, B. D. Propagation of flexural vibrations in several inhomogeneous rods PERIODICALs Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 6, no. 2, 1962, 194 - 198 TEXT: The problem is the propagation of transverse waves in a series of rods, connected by butt joints. Each rod satisfies the conditions of pure bending and has arbitrary elasticity parameters and cross section. No rod is less than one and a half times the lengths of a transverse wave. Using this condition, the coefficients of reflection and transmission'of the transverse wave potentialathaough n intermediate rods can be calculated with the aid of recurrence formulas: RO, n-~, ~RO. + (D,,D~,~ R~. .+1' '1) - (2). 1 DQ"Dn. n+1? Do. -+I ~ I - R,,,R,, +,e Card 1/3 S/046/62/008/002/006/0106 Propagation of flexural vibrations ... B104/B138 The transmission and reflection coefficients of the entire system of rods can be calculated from Q. (B) (9) D.. N~ S~, where S =I- p i. 111 pq I I P"., .+.P. ft-4 U YJ I II Zj p1+1. 1-4-IP14-1. 1+1P, + u-i t-i &~i r-i q~i P-i n+i n-1 r 11 (12) W U t + 2] 11 P.+.. +,, Pq+I, r+1 Tl,- to-1 u- I r=1 q-1 1-1 N. Dt. j+Ie 1-0 Card 2/3 S/046/62/008/002/006/o! 6 Propagation of flexural vibrations... 3100138 and njjpA)j;CnjjflX (10)-(12) 11P1111flThl COUP011IM11111: q t2 X P], (2 N, q~k P I?P. 11+11?17, 9- le k~l Ty, Despite the above restrictions, results obtained from these formulas for rods only half the wavelength, deviate from the experimental results by only 10~a. ASSOCIATION: Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR Mloscow (Acoustics institute AS USSR'Moscow) SUBMITTEDi April 26, 1961 Card 3/3 L 1#5909-65 F,4T(d)/T IJP(c) AOCESSIal IM AW043734 MOK EMDITATION S/ As] .jjLr,Rr,,jn,_Yi. JA.1 UorlnL-Ir. A.; Ko In T- -,~j Ararmosel-nKly. rs. V= S.1 1'et!)PI TA. L) ; 6obolov, I.; !itotsenko V. YA.1 F~d~~L. ~D. Taitlandze, E. S. sukan 1964 (Funktsionallnyy analiz), Moceow, Izd-vo "N 424 p. biblio., index. Errata nlip inuer"d. 17,500 coPien Printod. Seri" notot Spravochna)m matematicheakaya bibllotaka. TOPIC TAGSt functional analysia, rathenatico, operator equation, quantum mechanics, Hilbert space, Banach apace, linear differential equation PURPOSF AND GOVERAGEs Thin issue in a series of Handbooks of the Mathematical Library contains much matcrial grouped baoical3jr around the theory of operators and operator equations. It prencuto the basic concepts and mthods of functional analyBis, theory of oporntors in Hilbert apace and in conical apace, the theory of nonlinear operator equations, the theory of standard rings, applied to equations in partial dorivativea, to integral oqutions, A veparato chapter is devotod to the basic operator of q=vtum macbmulaeo Citlug of the theory of generalized functions tAkes up a large part of the book. The book explains mathamt1cal factm$ thoorum and formulas, as a rae, are given C.ord 2/2 ;L 45809-65 AccEssion im "043M 0 without proofs. Main attention is given to concepts without mossive dotal* The book Is Intended for mathematiolansp mochani"I ougiaverm# No Pwaimus It contains rruch of value for atudente and graduate otudirata. TABLE OF WYMITS tabridredli Foreword - 13 Ch. 1. Basic concepts of functional analysis - 17 Ch. II. Linear operators in Hilbert apace - 79 Ch. III. Linear differential equations in Ban=b mace 246 Ch. W. Honlinnar operator equations - 187 Ch. V. Operators in apace with a cone - 229 Oa. VI. Conmutative, standard ringv - 256 Ch. Vn, Quantum machanice ormtore - 279 Ch. VIIIo Generalized functions - 323 Q00:agraphy - 1;14 buD.Ject Index - 418 SURU=s O6Feb64 BUD OCWs HL NO REF S07t 038 OTHERs W Lq!!,-d--2/2a" -- - MA SLOV ~_ V.. P ; F)!;. 1 N , I; V. , r ed . [Perturbation theory and asymptotic r,,,ethodsj' Teoriia vomushchendl i asimptoticheskie metody- Moskva, lzd- vo Nosk. univ. , 1965. 549 p. (MIRA 19:1) MASLOVI V. P. , I n~ -te' tf ~.P- Behavior in the !'ArE,~ nf +~,e ~.- - ~7-u- ---- - zu '--' - Ag , 6 ,YY;3io.s and thq - -0 .-C, nc-'.-.~3 Jl- 5. pl ndax& Us, 4 w'ITIA 2 F - P- i - MASlDV, V.P. Asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues of the Schr~djnger operator. Usp. mat. nauk 20 no.6:134-138 N-D '65. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted June 13, :L963. --V L 36538-66 --n M-C-NR: AP6016825 SOURCE CODE: uR/oc46/66/ol2/oo2/ol67/ol72; AUTHOR: Bobrovnitskiy., Yu. I.; Maslov, V. P. ORG: State Scientific Research Institute of the Science of Machines, Moscow --- (GosuC1&-STV-e-nrW-y n.-i. Instit masfiincrveden-1Yy-aj- ~u TITLE: Propagation of flexural waves along a ro' load A with periodic concentrated _ro SOURCE: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 12, no. 2, 1966, 167-1T2 TOPIC TAGS: flexural vibration, wave propagatinn, periodic system, dispersion equa- tion, acoustic effect ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that earlier investigations were restricted to specific systems and their results cannot be _,readily generalized, the authors solve the problem of 'Dromgation a flexural waves in an infinite rod with arbitrary periodic concentrated loadAy using a method in which a general dispersion equation is obtained in a form convenient for analysis. In this method the propagation of the flexuralwave is treated as the interaction of a homogeneous rod and a load by means of forces and moments of the reaction forces. This makes it possible to express the haxT)onic motion of the homogeneous rod under the influence of these forces and mo- ments, as wen as the motion of the load, in terms of a certain second-order matrix~ so that the rod and the load can be treated like two-port networks, and the dispersior equation is the equation for the natural frequencies of the coupling of these two- port networks. 1~ases of zero load and of inertial and elastic loads are considere!9.. Card 1/2 UM : 534-113 L 36538-66 ACC NR, AF60-1i A discrete model of the homogeneous ancl loaded rods is presented on results. The autbors thank A. V. Rimokiy-Korsakav and M. D. Genkin Interests Orige art# has% 1 figure and 11 formulas. MM CODE: 2D/ SUBM DATE: .2Mep64/ , OTH REF: OUT Card - the basis of the I - -- HASLOV. V.S. --- Development of production and uBe of now equipment at the "Belka" Factor7. Kozh.-obuv. prom. no.3:31-32 Mr 059. (MIRA 12:6) (Fur) -.-_ MLBLOV, V.S.; GORYACHBV, A.G.; BWMOV, V.N. Davice for cuttiDS Irregularly shaped windshields. Stek.1 ker. 17 no.4:37-38 AP 160. (MIR& 13:8) (Glass cattimg) (Antonobiles-Windowe and windshields) NETfIVE0, P.G.9 inzh.; RABINOiICH, G.B., inz* SUKONNIK, M.A., in2h.; M4SLOVP V.S., inzh.; LISHIN, I.I., ifizh. Rxperimental use of conveyor feeding of the charge mixture to poverful blaot furnaces. Stall 23 no.59397-400 YO 163. (MM 16: 5) (Blast furnaces) (Conveying machinery) YASLOV 0 V. V. Maslov, V. V. - "Investigationof the Process of Combustion in a High-speed Ship Stoker. n Min River Fleet USSR, Leningrad lust of Engineers of WaSer Transport, Leningrad, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SO: Xni2hnaya letopis', No 24, U June 1955, Moscow, Pages 91-104 SOV/ I Z4-58-7-7562 Translation from: ReferatiVTIYY zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 34 (USSR) AUTHOR: Maslov, V.V. TITLE: Results of Tests of a High -heat- release Anthracite Combustion Chamber and Prospects of its Use on River Vessels (Rezul'taty ispytaniy topki skorostnogo goreniya dlya antratsita i perspek- tivy yeye vnedreniya na rechnom flote) PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta rechn. flota, 1957, Nr 35, pp 63-89 ABSTRACT: The theoretical analysis given in the article and the results obtained from an experimental investigation of the high-heat- release process of anthracite combustion occurring inside the fire ch.-.mber confirm the correctness of its basic design prin- c;ples. The process is shown to depend on maintaining an even permeability of the bed of the high-heat- release fire chamber relative to the air --- which can be done by scattering the fuel over the bed with the aid of a rotary stoker. This chamber, of the high -thermal- st res s type, burns anthracite efficiently and is equal to the demands made on modern power units. 1. Combustion chambers-'~es!,Tri 2. '"Dal R.P. Vorontso% Card 1/1 --Combustion 3. Comb us t ion- -Theory HASIGY, V. Under operational conditions. Nor. flot 18 n9.12:19 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) I.Zapeptitell nauchallniim oluzhby sudovoge khozyaystva Oxaopneftefleta" Hinist6retva neftyaury promvshlenuesti A2erSSR. (Marine citesel engines) ,MSIDV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk Use on ships of the mechanical atomizing system in the burning of highly viscous P.80-100 razuts. Inform. abor. TSNIIW1 no.44 Tekh. ekspl. mor. flota no*205-65 1599 (MIRA l611O) MASLOV V. Employment of internal combustion engine witb reduced clearance in the crank bearings. t1or.flot 19 n0-9:32-33 S '59. (KIRA 12:11) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika sluzbby sudavogo khozyaystva upravleniya "Iraspnefteflot." Okrine diesel engines) GOLIDWON, Aleksandr Kellmanovich; BABADZBAIIYAW, Levon Arakelovich; kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; GERLOV336, L.I., nauchnyy red.; OZEROVA, Z.V., inzh., retsenzent; WTVID, L.V., I red.; TSAL, R.K.,, tekhn. red. [Performance and operation of marine boilera]Rabochie protsesuy I ekepluatataiia sudovykb kotlov. Leningradj, Sudprongiz., 1962. 423 p. (KMA 15: 11) (Boilers, Marine) M4SLOVS V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Analyele of thetpresent state and prospects for the development of marine engijw quilia ies. Inform. sbor. TSNIIIP no.73. Tekh. eks 1 Mor. flota no.13:18-40 162. - (MIRA 2.6:35 1 (Marin,9 engineering) I~MLOV If., kand. tekhn. nauk ,-j Certain aspects of outfitting the power plant of the motorship "Poltava" with auxiliary equipment. Inform. - bor TSN IDIF no.96. Tekh. ekspl. mor. flota no.23:40-56 163 (MTRA ISO.) CACC_NR.AR60285l6'_ SOURCE-CODIE: -_ UR103981661C)DOI(, 051'1016111016 QN) AUTHOR: Maslov, V. V. TITLE: Compressed air systems for ships with slow speed engines and fitting them out with auxiliary equipment SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 5V72 REF SOURCE: Inform. sb. TaeDtr. n.-i. in-t morsk. flota, vyp. 40 (139), 1965, 3-23 TOPIC TAGS: marine equipment, engine compressor system, high pressure compressor, compressor design, cargo ship, ship component, diesel engine, marine engine, engine auxiliary equipment ABSTRACT: The main compressed air installations in motorships of the Beloretsk, Poltava and Volgoles types are described. The differences in the requirements im- posed on compressed air systems by the rules of classification societies are re- viewed. The compressed air systems installed in ships built in recent years both in the Soviet Union and abroad are analyzed and a table listing the units contained in the systems is presented. Suggestions for rational outfitting of a compressed air, system are made. A proposed arrangement envisages the installation of a main booster, ompressor, which will make possible doing away with two compressors, the cylinder fOor typhoons, the cylinder for domestic needs, and a reduction in the number of Cord 112 UDC: 696.5 NRt cylinders for the diesel generators. The installation also proposes doing auay wit~a the cooling pumps attached to the compressor. 8 figures, 5 tables. LTranslation of abstract] SUB CODE. 13 Card ap6ift-intAj findings shoW that tons WO Or the. sjml6n 7noTj%_j -in f Ons PMCNII t bte f jo~ tilld.-ht 1644" Imbiod tally., - =013 in -Z rx "A dW, In SOV/110-59-9-19/22 AUTHORS: Bayev, V.A., Y-agiox.-VAV. and Orzhakhovskiy, M.L. (all Engineers) TITLE: The Principles of Humidity Test Conditions on Products Intended for Tropical Service PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektropromyshlennosti,1959,Nr 9,pp 72-77 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A great many different recommendations are made about humidity testing of products for tropical service. it is desirable to compare the different methods, to see how products may be most realistically evaluated. Tests should be of short duration but should not damage the product. Electrical qualities may be assessed by measurements of the Insulation resistance or the capacitance of the insulation before and after testing. Both types of measurement were made in the present work. The ratio of the capacitance at a frequency of 2 c/s to that at a frequency of 50 cls was also measured. The recommended procedure is to measure the capacitance of the insulation during the process of humidification and to determine the relative increase in permittivity of the Card 1/6 insulation. Graphs are then constructed of the increase in permittivity as a function of humidifiaation time and SOV/110-59-9-19/22 The, Principles of Humidity Test Cr-;nd--Jt-Jcns on Products Intended for Tropical Ser-dice the graphs for ma-~,hinez of xxoz-ma-l and ti-~pical design are .,ompart~d. The h-,unidity tost-ing rec-~)mmendalk-,ions of the International Electx%:)zecun~` '~:al Commissic---i (IEC) are discussed and it is Con---*--I~:irod i;-iat they are of limited value and applicabLo .-- a narrow ran3e of radio component.s. 'U-'ir,, abjects of the present work, were: to C-o"-srmine the best duration of test; r, C. determine the bs5z tempera;ui,(., and dLu,atlicn of accelerated test cc-nd` uns.: and to determine the bast cYc"a of temperatura and humidil..y testing. The tests were made on indu(~tion mutor~i A06 ol" 10 kW and A04 of 2'.8 kW of both normal and constructions. The tropical 10 kW motors had '-nsulaticn and the normal mutors class 3 insulation. The t,opical 2.8- kW motors used glass cl,)-;.i and flex-f"Ible mi,~anite as slot insulation, Ad.1st cattlon and pressboard were used In the normal motors. Tests wer;, allso made on other types ef equipment. such as contacto-.1s. The humildity and tempera- Card 2/6 ture chamber is described.. Electrical equipment in the chamber was exposad to a :..*elative Lumidity of 98-100% at temperatures of 2'0, 401 55 and 70 OC for 10-30 days. SOV/3.10-59-9..19/22 The Principles .-f Humidity Test Conditions on Products Intended for Tropical Service Moreover, at 40 and 55 OC the equipment was exposed to humidity cycles for 10-20 days. Each cycle lasted 24 hours and consisted of 6 or 18 hours at 98-100% humidity at the test temperature with subsequent cooling for 18 or 6 hours. These cycles were called 6 - 18 and 18 - 6 respectively. Similar equipment was also exposed under na'---iral conditions at Shanghai in the wet season. The climatic conditions are described. Graphs of changes in permittivity against time during tests in the tropical testing chamber at various temperatures are given in Figs 1 to 3 It will be -een that humidity testing for 13 days at 40 OC does not differentiate between tropical and normal insulation. However, at 55 Oc there is an appreciable difference from the fifth day onwards. The difference is revealed even more quickly at 70 OC but at that temperature even the tropical -4nsulation deteriorates so quickly that the difference diminishes again. It Card appears, therefore, best to make the test at 55 OC for 3/6 seven days. The temperature at which the equipment is maintained at 98-100% relative humidity affects the rate SOV/110-59-9-19/22 The Princimles of Humidity Test Conditions on Products Intended for Tropical Service of change of electri,,-ai chaz-actsristics and is of considerable interest. Figs 4 and 5 show graphs of the Increase In permittivity as function of time on continuous exposuze to humidity at various temperatures, The curves in Fig 6 show the degree of ao.,celeratilon of the tests made at high temperature as compared with those made at 20 OC. At 70 OC az3celeration is by , factor of about 30, at 55 OC by a factor of 10, and at 1+0 OC by a factor of 2.5-3. It is a_-c.-ordingl rer;ommended that the best test duration at 40 0%'j is 21-2K days, assuming that t4oe best test time at 55 OC is 7 days. Continuous and cycled humidity tests are then compared. It will be seen from the curves given in Figs 7 and 8 that the conditions of 18 hours humidity followed by 6 hours cooling are the most severe. The re---ommendation that the humidity tests should be cyclic and not ooritimious is confirmed by the attitude of the Indian Delegation to the Stoqkholm Session of the I.E.C. In 1958 and by othe.- published work. In Card V6 addition to test-chamber results the curves of Figs 4 and 5 show also rihanges in permittivity during exposure under natural conditions in Shanghai. It is concluded that, SOV/110-59-9-19/22 The Princibles of Humidity Test Gonditions on Products Intended for Tropical Service approximately, a tropical chamber test of 21 days at L~OOC with the 16 - 8 cycle is 20-25 times more severe than natural exposure. Thus the chamber test of 21 days is approximately equivalent to 1-lj years' natural tropical exposure, The factors that influence the rate of humidification of insulation are briefly discussed. The tests may be made at constant relative humidity but different temperatures. In this connection curve 1 of Fig 6 indicates that as the temperature is raised the rate of humidification increases more rapidly than does the total humidity present. Tests may also be made at different total humidity at various temperatures, and in this case the lower the temperature the higher the relative humidity. k1so, humidification is then more rapid at the lower temperature. This was confirmed by tests on Card 5/6 stators of normal and tropical construction; test results aro plotted on Figs 9 and 10, to show change of SOV/110-59-9-19/22 Th-, Principles of Hwmidity Test Condition.,; on Products Intended, 4~ 1.n,:, Tropinal. Service p ormi 0; 'A. vi ty 4.,3 a funo 1-0 1 on c f ox,.%).iure t.Lrro at g 'Lv en absollute but var-fab]e -reiat-,'ve himik~itY. Thore ars-, 10 fig-ur,,s and 3 Sw,~iet -roferenct~s. Card 6/6 BAYEV, V.A., inzb.; MASLOV~L V.V., in2h.; ORZHAWROVSKIYp M.L., Inzh. Perform=ce of electrical equipuent designed for operation in tropical clUmtes. Vast. alaktroprm. 33 no.700-35 JI 162. (MMA 15-U) (Electric apparatus and appliances) BAYEV, V.A., inzh.; HASLOV V.V inzh. Polymer synttitic materials should be used on a wider seals. Vest. elektroprom. 34 no-5:1-3 Yq 163. (min 160) (Polymers) MASLOV, V.V.j Y~-. I., red. [Maz.ul'a.7'--,re ~,f f.-icpailmen-, for couri I. j-,. es w4- ~!'.dt E~3 7 tov lenj r, if ~asri- .' -11 nogl~ uni ~,Ii c 1 trqi LroL I,e ., j kl MASLOV~, V.-YA. (Senior researcher) "Philosophy as a Sphere of Action of IdeoloEy on the Development of Natural Sciences." report presented at the 13th Scientific Technical Conference of the Kuybyshev Aviation Institute., March 1959, XASLOV. V. IYA. 7he Gamittee on Stalin Prizes (of the Council of Ydalsters USM) lm t4e fields o-P science awd Inventiom annomeem that the folloving scientific works, popular ficlen- tifle books., and taxtbooks have been mubmJtted for compet1tim for Stalin Prizee for the yews 1952 and 11)53. (Sovet!~W Kulj~!~ womv, no. 22-4o, 2o Feb - 3 ap. 1954) ym Title of work FmAimted Petrosyan, A. A. "L(Cal C] `r-u-it' histitute 'A- 12-l'it GrCT-'s Ci ],;Odavia" wi:., i I V Maslov. V. Y&. j -'. 'u-'-~ C,:(1Pj" V C-;C1 LC' S L~ -,It SO: WO-30604, 7 JaY 1954 Vladiyni Karpovich; EMMOV, YevgenV Sergeyevich; FITOVAp Lop red.; KMtMAYEVA, To# tekbn.reds [Dent stone fruit varieties for Moldavia] Luchshie sorta kostocbkovykh porod dlia Moldevii. Kishinevp Gosoizd-vo *Kartia moldoverdaske,* 1961. 62 pe (M3RA 14%6) (HDIdavia-Stone fruit-Varieties) SOV/96-58-6-13/24 AUTHORSs Muslov, V.Yep Engineer and Marshak, Yu.L., Cand.Tech.Sci. TITLEs An investigation of the separation of solid suspended particles on to a liquid film with a swirling gas flow. (Iseledovaniye separateii tverdykhvmshennykh chastits na plenim zhidkosti pri vikhrevom dvizhenii potoka)- PERIODICALs Teploenergatika, 1958, Vot 6 ) No.O. pp. 63 - 70. (USSR) ABSTUCTs It is I'Micult to study the way that slag is separated and trapped iiLi cyclone furnaces under normal operating conditions. Accordingly, it is of interest to study cold models in which the liquid slag surface is represented by a film of viscous liquid and the drops of liquid slag by solid particles in suspension. Tests in the cold arev however, not entirely representative because of the effects of conbustion on the aerodynamics of the process. This work attempts a more careful study of the separation of suspended particles from a swirling flow on to a film of viscous liquid, applying the theory of similarity. The equipment used in the experiments was a horizontal section of tube, fitted with various measuring instruments and attached to the discharge Bide of a fan., Me various separator models shown in fig.l. were connected to the open end of the tube. The inside of the models was lined with cloth coated with vaseline. The dusty-particles, obtained by Card 1/5 winnowing, were fed into the inlet tube at a suitable distance from SOV/96-58-6-13/24 An investigation of the separation of solid suspended particles on to a liquid film with a swirling gas flow. the inlet to the model. The dust consisted of crystals of K2Cr207 with & 8POcific gravity of 2.69 x 103 kgjm3- There is not compItte agreement about the criteria that govern the separation of dut in cyclones. Some consider that Ahen the resistance of the particles follows Strokes' law, the governing criteria are those of Stokes and Frouds; others consider that the process of separation is governed only by the Stokes criter4on. A special study of this point was accordingly made. A nmmber of effects that occur in dry cyclones were absent, because once a particle of dust touched the sticky wall it was trapped. The tests were made on geometrically similar models installed vertically with tangential flow inlet as shovn in fig.l. The diameter of the mode2a ranged from 50 to 400 nz, and the length was four diameters. Separation was improved by increasing the si2e of particles and the rate of flow, and by decreasin& the diameter of the model. The results are plotted as functions of Stokeo'criterion in fig-2., and it is shown that this criterion is the governing one. Card 2/5 SOV/96-58-6-13/24 An investigation of the separation of solid suspended particles 6n to a liquid film with a swirling gas flow. Change in Fronde's criterion over very wide limits has no influence on the process of separation. A plot of the change in the coefficient of dust distrAoution along the length of the ch3nber with tangential inlet is given in fig.3. Most of the dust is deposited in the first section of the chamber, and the character of the curves alters very little with changes in the Strkes' criterion. In an actual cyclone, combustion reduuos the swirling of the flow. To study the effect of changes in swirl mpon dust separation, tests were made in a cylindrical chamber 100 mm diameter and 400 am long, with various swirlers having blades sat at different angles. The resultant relationship between the dagree of separation and Stokes' criterion is plotted in fig.4. The change iu degree of separation along the length of the chambers with bladed swirlers is plotted in fig.5, which shows that if the swirl of the flow is increased more dust is deposited in the early stages. It follows that to get good separation in short chanbers, good swirling is required, and that if the chamber is long the reduction in swirl that results from combustion will be less damaging than if the chamber is short. To study the influence of the shape of the chamber, tests were mRde with cylindrical chambers having various ratios of chamber to swirlar Card 3/5 diameter, and on square and rectangular chan ers. The same swirler An investigation of the separation of solid suspended particles OOV/96-58-6-13/24 on to a liquid film with a swirling gas flow. was used in all tests. The results are plotted in figs. 4 and 5. The transition from round to square to rectangular shape reduce$ the separation of dust, the effect being most marked in long chambers. Reduction in the diameter of the swirler relative to that of the separator reduced the separation, particularly in long chambers. Analysis of the experimental data yields a generalized relationship that nay be used to determine the degree of separation of dust in varioualy-proportioned chambers Vith bladed swirlers with various amounts of swirl. Tests were made on a 1/5 - scale model geometrically similar to a cyclone pre-furnace of the All Union Thernotechnical Institute. The three burner arrangements depicted in fig.7. were used. The graphs in fig.8. show the relationship between the total degree of separation and the flow of air in the chamber. Dust in trapped beat when all the air is passed through the bladed burner, and worst when 80% of the air passed through the tangential nozzle and the rest through the bladed burner. Thum, it may be supposed that with an equipment of given resistance to flow, the best burner arrangement, when the fuel is Card 4/5 An investigation of the separation of solid suspended particles SOV/96-58-6-13/24 on to a liquid film with a swirling gas flow. of high volatiles content, in one in which all the fuel dust and air are passed through the bladed burner. Men the fuel is of low volatiles content, ash is beat removed by a construction in vhich only the fuel/air suspension in passed through the bladed burner and the rest is passed through the tangential nozzle. This inproves the combustion conditions by increasing the time that -the fuel particles are in the pro-furnace before reaching the walls. Mere are 8 figures and 15 literature references (11 Soviet, 2 Gerna-a and 2 Raglish) ASSOCIATIONs All Union Thernotechnical Institute. (Vaesoyumnyy Teplotekhnicheskiy Institut) 1. Slags--Separation 2. Gas flow--Applications Card 5/5 VMLOV, V, Ye., Candidate Tech Sci (dies) -- "Investigation Of the of separation of solid suspended particles from an isothermic cyclone stream on a abeet of viscous liquid". MDscow, 1959. 15 pp (Min Construction of Electric Power Stations USSR, All-Union Order of labor Red Banner Beat-Engineering Sci Res Inst In F~ E. Dzerzhinakiy), 135 copies (KL, % 24, 1959, 138) SOV/96-59-12-10/-,J AUTHORS: Marshak, Yu. L., Candidate of Technical Sciences, antd Maslov, V. Ye., Engineer TITLE: Me-kr-r-e-R-inG-of Suspended Particles Flowing Isothermally Through a Bundle of Tubes Coated with Viscous Fluid IBRIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1959, Nr 12, pp 55-62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Published data on the separation of suspended particles in a flow of gas by a bundle of tubes are not very suitable for design purposes. Tests were accordin62y made to study the influence of tube bundle geometry, rate of gas flow, particle size distribution and other factors on the process of ash-arrestinb. The tests were made in a vertical duct of 100 x 100 mm containin6 model tube bundles and connected to an extraction fan. The tubes were smeared with petrolatum to represent molten slag. The dust used was potassium bichromate, and rte quantity trapped was determined by iodometric methods of analysis. The various models of bundles of tubes that were tested are shown in Fig 1. In the main test the tubes were 5 mm diameter, which is about 1/20th of the diameter used in practice. The efficiency of Card 1/6 arresting was evaluated by Eq ~2) which is in terms of ~X SOV/96-59-12-10/20 The Arresting of Suspended Particles Flowin6 Isothermally Throu-h a Bundle of Tubes Coated with Viscous Fluid the ratio of the quantity of material trapped to the average content of the material in the flow at inlet to the bundle. The tests made with different construc- tions of tube bundles were carried out with dust of 12 to 18 microns at a rate of flow of 16 m/sec. The distribution of the effectiveness of dust-arresting by tubes in different rows is plotted in Fig 2. The second row of tubes was always the most effective because of the local increase in the particle content of the flow immediately ahead of them. The increase was due to the passage of the flow over the first row. In general, the second, third and presumably successive rows are approximately as effective as the first one. In order to determine the influence of the main physical factors on the process of dust separation, tests were made with the first model. It had three bundles, each comprising four rows of tubes; the rates of flow ranged from 2 to 30 metres per second, with particle sizes ranging from 0 - 12 to 75 - 90 wicrons, and tube diameters of Card 2/6 5 and 10 mm. Test results obtained at various rates SOV/96-59-12-lo/20 The Arresting of Suspended Particles Flowing Isothermally Throu&~_ a Bundle of Tubes Coated with Viscous Fluid of flow are plotted in Fig 3. It will be seen that within the range of 8 to 30 m/sec there is very little increase in the efficiency of separation of dust by the first two rows, but a somewhat greater improvement in the third and fourth rows. The influence of dust particle size on the effectiveness of separation at various rates of flow is plotted in Pig 4. The curves show that larger particles promote separation, particu- larly by tubes in the first two rows. The relative effectiveness of successive rows with different particle sizes is discussed, Doubling the diameter of the tube was found to slightly decrease the amount trapped by the tubes of the first and second rows. The resistance of the bundles of tubes related to the rate of flow in the narrow section between tubes for various values of Reynolds number, number of rows and pitch of tube, are plotted in Fig 5. The relationship between the resistance and Reynolds number is not clearly expressed. The Card 3/6 factors governing the resistance are discussed. it is SOV/96-59-12-10/20 The Arresting of Suspended Particles Flowing Isothermally Tlirou~,h a Bundle of Tubes Coated with Viscous Fluid usually considered that the Stokes' number alone determines the process of separation when a dusty flow passs over a cylinder. It is here shown that the Froude number also has an effect, partici.larly-for the first two rows. Fig 6 indicates that all the experimental points can be plotted on a single curve if the efficiency of arresting is plotted as function of a complex that includes the Stokes, Froude and Reynolds numbers in the correct proportions. It will be seen from Fig 7 that the process of separation on the third and fourth rows can be des- cribed with sufficient accuracy by the Stokes' number. Fig 8 shows curves of the efficiency of arresting for various rates of flow. This graph may be used to make calculations on slag-arresting by tube bundles with a square arrangement; there can be any number of rows of tubes, their spacing across the flow being 2 - 4 diameters, and in line with the flow 2 - 3 diameters. The efficiency of arresting is given by expression (5), for particles of a particular size; when the flow Card 4/6 conzains a wide range of particle sizes, exDression (7) V~ SOV/96-59-12-10/2C The Arresting of Suspended Particles Flowing Isothermally Throu~;h a Bundle of Tubes Coated with Viscous Fluid should be used. Ash-removal factors for various two- and four-row arrangements of tube bundles are plotted in Fig 9 as functions of gas speed and tube arranGement. This graph also can be used for practical calculations. The ash-removal by various tube arrangements was calcu- lated for a flow of air containing dust of the particle size distribution found at the inlet to the induced- draught fan of a power station burning Zakamsk coal. In this case there is no evident advantace to be gained by C) leaving a clear space between successive bundles of tubes. It is concluded that twin tubes should no6 be used in this type of ash arrester. In general, tnese ash a-rresters can be very effective in a cyclone furnace, and cause only a small increase in the head of draught. In particular, if four bundles, each comprising two rows, are fitted beyond the cyclone chamber the ash-removal factor can be increased from 80 to 88.5%, or from 85 to Card 5/6 91.4% with a draught increase of approximately 45 mm of V SOV/96-59-12-10/20 The Arresting of Suspended Particles Flowing Isothermally Throu~;h a Bundle of Tubes Coated with Viscous Fluid water. Still better results are obtained when the ash is-:,oarse and there J_s less separation in the chamber. There are 9 figures, 1 table and 11 references, 8 of which are Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: VTI - Vostochnyy filial VTI (All-Union TAermo- Technical Institute. Eastern Branch All-Union Thermo- Technical Institute) Card 6/6 28(5) 05757 AUTHOES: Maeloyp V. Ye.p Marshak, Yu. L. SOV/32-25-10-46/63 TITLE: On the Initial Quantity of Dust in Working With Models of Dust Collectors PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 10, pp 1258-1259 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the purpose of investigating a separation of aerosols in models of various dust-collecting devices a simple and reliable method was worked out, in which the dust-collecting surface is coated with a viscous liquid (e.g. vaseline). The quantity of dust deposited on this surface may be determined according to various physico-chemical methods (Ref 1). As the minimum size of the dust particles absorbed by a device is determined by the dimension of the latter, experiments must be carried out with the finest particles in order to attain greater efficiency of the device. Several experiments (Ref 2) showed that greater quantities of fine dust may be absorbed on a viscous surface than was stated in a paper by N. F. Dergachev (Ref 1). In order to solve thie problem experiments were carried out with a model with a tube having Card 1/2 a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 200 mm with various 05757 On the Initial quantity of Dust in Working With SOV/32-25-10-46/63 Models of Dust Collectors ASSOCIATION: quantities of a fine (0-12 p) dust of X2Cr2 07 at a tangen- tial air flow velocity of 7 m persecond, It was found that a variation of the quantities of dust from 9.6 to 205 mg (Fig; diagram) influences neither the total degree of separa- tion nor the distribution of the deposited particles along the model. Thus, when working with fine dust (0-12 p), the initial quantity may be much higher than previously stated. There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet references. Vaesoyuznyy tei)loteklinicheskiy institut (All-Union Thermal Engineering Institut) Card 2/2 _.MASLOV, V.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk Heat of combustion of Vie volatile matter of Kuznetsk basin open pit mine coals and its effect on the mechanical underburning, Teploenergetika 9 no.5:20-22 YT 162. (YJRA 15:4) 1. Vostochnyv filial Vsesoyuznovo teplotekhnicheskoro instituta, (Kuznetsk Basin--Goal) (Combustion) MAn%. V.10, kand.tekhn.nauk; SALIKOV, P.G.., kand.t1Bkhn.nauk; FROTSAYLO, M.Ya., SMDRGUNOV, -M.P. inzh.; KROTOV, V.I.,, -inzh.; OSTROM, A.M.,, inzh.; SIMTAKOV, V.M., inzh. Expori6nce in burning brown cOalis in wet-4ttom furnaces with shaf~-tYpe impact mills, Teploenergetika 10 no.2:15-19 F 163. (HLU 1-6.k-) 1. Vostochnyy filial Voesoyuznogo toplotekhnicheskogo instituta, Cholykbinske Kmnoyarakenergo i Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy toplotekhnicheakiy institute (BDIlers) (Furnaces) (Lignite) MhSDDVP V.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk-; PROTSAYLO, M.Ya., inzh.; OSTROUMOIT, X, inzh. Study of dust ourrmto In the embrasure of a ah&f*. mill operating on Kansk-Achinsk lignite. Teploenergetika 11 no.1104-39 N 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Vostochnyy fillal V!3esoyuznogo teplotekhnicheskogo instituta, Chelyabinsk, i Krasnoyarskaya TETs-l. --IWLOVJq YS,, ia.,h, How to plow under the stubble remnants of corn. Zemledelie 25 no. 10:77 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Korochahskoyo- ob"Y*dinaniya "Sellkhoztekhnika". Belgorodakoy oblasti. AM LUX- ~3" at 9, d: 164' re -povMroupp, y. 19/ AUTHOR: Esf-by an, Ergi nee r , as TITLE: k Clamping Device for the Welding Regt:lator ~Flksator k svarochnomu regulyatoru) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye 1'roizzvods-.,.(-, 19.~5, Nr 1, rj, 40 ABSTRACT: Regulators of we-lding dovices for alternhting -urrent, t.,Ipe ASTE and "',TAL, often lose their core-screw durlrj- the -work- ing process. This fact explained by vibration, has a re- gative eftect on -he welding process, ca~,isine, ::~i nj?ps in the welding current. Inis deficiercy waB el-Imin-'Ited with the aid of a clamriing device fixed or, the reg'u'ator 'iand1e, fasteninE the han6le in a iesired nosi''tion. li' presen-, nearly all we'-ding re.P.uiators at the Baku p'ar~ imer-_ r- tyablrskaya Revolyutsi%,a ~_~re e~;uirrpd with clampin& c;~,' . S of this design. 7here :s -1 figure, ASS'DCIAT101".: Bakinskiy zivod Jmc~ni C,,ktyabr's?oy revolyu-~:ii a 'I'lan t imer"I Ck tyabr' skaya Revolyu tsiya) AVAILABLE: library of Congress Card i/1 1. Welding-Regulators-Control KkSLOVj, Yes I.j, DDCENT DOC TECH SCI Dissertationt "Fundamentals of the Grinding Theory of Metals." 25 May 49 Moscow Machine Tool Inst immd I.V. Stalin. &WV% WW Vecheryaya Moskva SuM 71 SHVEDOV, V.P.; M&SLOV. Determination of the composition and stability constants of complex compounds by the electromigrationmDthode Part 1: Dotermination of the composistione and stability cbnatanto of axalate complexes of zirconium. Radiokhimia J+ no.4:427-434 162. (MM 15:12) (Z.3rconium compounds) (Oxalates) MLOV. Ye. IT., Docent Candidate of Technical Sciences Review of ff. F. Baranets. SUIfovalln7y )aug i epp vybor (The Grinding Wheel and Ite Selection), Ho"cow, 1943- Stpnki I Inmtrament, 15, No. 6, 1944. BE 52059019 MAS'rDV-,-- E-..- N. Z-boreznoe delo. Yloskma, ',Iiashgiz, 1947. 370 n. illus. (Gear-cutting.) DLC: TJ187.M28 SO: Manufacturing and II-Ilechanical Engineering in the Soviet Unton, Library of Congress, 1953. I . MASLOVI r. 17. 2. USSR ('000) 7. Flh.;-nical Nnture of S!ecific Pressure. of CiAttin.-,, ~P-c~,i:~e Tr;:)Is rain No. 9, Sap 19L8 9. CorTilqtion of Informpti,)n of the USSR ;,'-chine and l4f.chiz~e. Tocls !.%,-~uvtri Contx,in(-~ in Soviet Publiapitiorr, A:I~'. ResLri.7teo. Hl *of p r 0*3 if! 000 0 t ON W nMUS 07 TER SOPATOUG CT METALS. 1. N. kwdov (Zavadokewa Laboratorlys., 1948, v02. 24, (in -00 2h* procoss of scratchime a voted by an id9ally sharp diamond cons .00 to first considered theoretically, and the discussion to than extended to allow for departure frm ideal shorpmess. The forces acting 1709 on the cons and on the mots.1 during scratching are do"t with and 41quatIonce given for the relationships botwoon these forcoo and too other par&met*ra of the process. A d9scription is elm of an apparatus for the moaWrommat of mrstabing forces, and the rosults mar Slatmizod U exporlments on savoral types of stoiel, cast Iron, *11=1z (10.60) *111con). and acne non-forroas products are set forth. It Is concluded tba t In this type of toot the -Witude of - & acratchizC force for a gim width of scratched groove lot b corresporAs to the hardmosso 15o1# 90 Ira "it cut ss-W-Aw w A11; 1. " P a" ; a a a a a n Is 0 0 0 0 0 041 K'A all,"Sys has a wto "us of owvat~ C lgal wwle of .. a chip - -f tu - -d- r"'. 1W' - for a - C. = a is shmys gresta tb&yj tbe wn is tbr,"- & _ W, MA for a > C, I < SW)* The 'PIOBC Prmure Of cu't6 comid"ahly iummod for tu, Up,, wb& for thick - the . I is oian. Wbz a < 0 the mrtal jujimbw m Ar tow WCA of ""'Ow Sub off. caujil* vibratlow m b, =,,hod &Dd US Outtbf too may is an im := -tum .P--". Tj- bl-twg a -11,mg ul.'Otm. Mm. . ,b, rm.. of a--,- a Uw -1. 1 fdr 0. L C wtiguy. 37 paft, I ,Ju, OD p afk!rfO ulin-)--T AI so :0 OMMUMPS bY 00 at*$. I"N~ 10. J'an, 0.10, TAi3*)&Wd trM SIOWd tow0imeat (UsebIM TObb "d XQWP- Jan. low P. 2$-K results of tests numle to drtermina the Influmm of gmduw COUMUDUS and pa"PlOml APV04U on surlare anbh W 'U" CY at"). 401C AY) IL A &tT&kLU1146KAL U710411ANCLWIFKA ISOM - PIROIJO, %"Del I. a.. off U 6 AV go &%; Is Op of0 a 9F U a it 16 n 0 c00 *0 . . . . . . . MASL.C.vp r". if. No. 37348-- A. V. ttorii met~llorezluslclikl stankov. (k 120-letiy,~ so skya rozioenlya). Stanki I instrim-ent, 1949, No. 12, s. 25-26, s portr. 0U cit4 So: Letopis' Zhurn~l'nykk Stat.;-~y, W1. 7, 1949 is* 00 4 00. & oil i i TXSTMG MUMIALS M RESISTANCE TO WLW. N.Aselov. (Zavadekaya Laboratorlya, 1949, vol. 15, Apr., P P (In RussUm). A not-hod Is'dwribed for testing the wear, under reproducible conditions# of pArs of vaterials In frictional contact. Results for various steel -bronze pairs art S.K. it jr.Eiiis~lf.4 01TALLUCOICAL U1900642 M&SWIC4TOOM 'Saw f %*Iota "if M. 0.9 C" I-V-T- I - -4 IV it m W lain in 01 W-01 010.0 -8"64. ciw ii I M a I a 0 a 0 0 9 A a 3 a V O_G_ *_0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 lee me goo goo too! too too .SLOV, .-E.N- --X,A Russkie uchenye-osnovopolozhniki i soviateli nauki o rezanii metallov. (Vestn. Mash., 1950, no. 5, P. 53-58; no. 6,p. 62-66; no. 8, p. 63068; no, 11, p. 63-711; 1951 no. 2, p. 69-78.) Includes bibliograpries. "ussian men of science founders and originators of metal-cutting studies. DLC: TA.A SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union Library of Congress, 1953. MA,SLOVs Yeo N. PA 164T71 IIASLOV, E. W. Moskva, Mashcd Osnovy teorii shlifovaniia z, 1951. P-D) p. illus. Bibliog-aphy: p. 176-(178) Fundamentals of the theory of metal grinding and polishing. DLG- TJ1280.M3 SO: "Umufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. MASLOVI E. N. VIiianie temperaturno-skorostnopo faktora na protsess tonkoi-o resaniia retallov. (Vest-n. Mash., 1951, no. 6, 1).37-36) Influence of the temperature and high speed factors upon thin cuttinp, of metals. nLr-- TN4.v4 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Enrineerin;~ in the "'oviet Union, Lihrai7 of Congress, 1953 !'u"Sl'ov, E, T!-, r-17.0F.,1 v GRj~,lDjj-!G 11' Pependence of the srioot,`lnes!: :)C pnlfc,];ed surface -)n the sett~-- Ol Vest. nip-sh. '12 !"o- 5, 1952. T Monthly List of ntssian IJI-ln;ry of Conf.-ress, Octob,r 1951. -.-CLI.