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New tranquilizing and hy-potensive agent, mcylidine. Sov. med.
28 no.6t88-91 Je '65, (MIRA 18t8)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-loo-ledovatel'skiy khimiko-farmats-
evtichesk-'y institut imen! S. Crd%hon-ik-4.dze9 Moskva.
SwtbW coal according to size by a mechaulml throving belt
oonveywo Koks I Wis. no.lt2l-23 162o (KIIU 15 s 2)
1. lemer"oldy koksokhthLehookly savad.
(Coa,14WwAling machinery)
Starting Urge short-cirmdt" "yachramme motors with & limit"
pow seums. 31marcAlul. ao.5:24-25 MY 056. (am 9:8)
(Bloctrle motors, Induction)
Concernirg the joint mopension of electric power distribution lines
and wUv broadawtIft lime on the am& poles, Wom.emy, 16
nool.106-51. N 161. Km 14:10)
1, mPervomq%mft'* (for Mashkovskiy). 2. Ministerstro svya&i
SM (for Rosenberg). 3. Soyuaglavenergo (for ?43~ermn)-
(Electric lines-Overhead) (Radio lines)
MMOVSKIYO V.V. 0 insh.
Operation of nobile 35/6 kv electric xwwtations under oil field
condItLons. Proa.energ. 17 no.10s2D-23 0 162. (MIJU 15:9)
(Electric substations)
I-WHKOV,rsEv, ti. Or
"The 3iological and Phyt~ialogicaj!p
of t.~.e imn, FM of' S
in Vertebrata. (The Netzroemotional Pheory of Specie cycl-sj," "'!~q VilJ
Sajan Reindeer," Do]-. AN. ?7, 1,10. 1, 111' . A.N. Se,,%,Prt70V of `-,,~;!-.tionttry
Murpholo&v. Kbr. Acad. cic-1. c11)40-.
PAS p A&A.
*The 61guificance For Blology,Of The Teaching Of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov On Higher
Nervous Activity.* (p.J#7) bv 1k.A. Hashkoyt"v (Moscow)
SO: Progress at Contempoma tiology (Usp. Sovrem. biol.) Vol. 1XVI1Ip 1949, No. 1 (4)
-.9-fis .. ; BANNO, L.39; IMOKMV, A.A.
Vide-band, directional wave guide coupler. 4diotekhniks 15 no.4:
8-17 Ap '60. (NLHA 13:6)
(Wave guides)
3/1 OOJ62/01 T/006/601 /007
AUTHORs X.# Member of the Society (see
TITLEs Method of analyzing directioroU multicircuit
filters vith rotating field-polarization
PERIODICALs Radiotekhniks., v. 17, no. 6, 1962, 3 - 10
TEXTs A general method is developed for saaljming direct-
ion&l filters with rotating polarization, for any wAab*r of volume
resonators of & boaa-cousunication network. The method is based an
the theory of ultrabigh-frequoncy networks. For purposes of anal"Ist
it is convenient to divide the multiciroult directional filter Into
**parat*f fairly simple, elements and to determine first the scatter--
Ing - (4W transmission) matrices of these sleinents. Then# the resultee%,
ant n#tiU of the device as a whole is determined from the matrices
of olements. First# the general problem of determining the scat-
tering matrix of coupled linear networks in cousidorld, It Is assumed
that several metworkgt with scattering matria" 329 BY stcov are
Card 1/4
Method of analyzing
connected to the input of a network-with matrix 3 . It is required
to determine the scattering matrix S, which conn*& the aoluan-as-
trices of the voltage* U of the incident and U,,4 of the reflected
waves at the free UrmiLolls of Pe device, formed by the coupled
networks. The resultant matrix 3 is set up from the coefficients
of the matrices Sit S *.0 . Thiroupon matrix equations are derived
for the voltageeW of ' incident- and refloated waves. Then the ~+
coupling conditions are imposed on these equations, and the voltage up
at the coupled terminal* is determined from the equations. The
sought-for scattering matrix is
1.1+1 (4F -3)-l -a, (11)
where At 3, C and D are subAstrioes of the matrix 8 . Further, the
above method is used for detalraining the scattering 11strix of multi-
citault directional filters wl:th rotating polarization. In the filter
under co=lder&tion It is convenient to separate the following two
principal *1owntsa a perpendicular joint between rectangular- and
Card 2/ 4
Method of analyzing ... D407/D301
circular waveguid*s, and a circular-waveguide section. It Is bon-
venient to consider the rotating field in the circular waveguide
as a set of 2 linearly-polarized fields TE11. Since the, excitation
in effected through an opening which is such smaller than the wave-
length, it is possible to use the theory of wave diffraction by small
holes (as developed in the references for waveguides). As the scat-
tering matrix in unitary, it is not necessary to calculate all the
matrix coefficients, but only the coupling coefficients-between the
,Sular- amd'icircular waveguid*s. After calculations, one obtain@
the scattering matrix. The non-zero elements of this matrix are the
coefficients -2 Y
2 2 (20)
P, t12) _ (t 21 - ~1 22)
Card 3A
S11 06/62/017/006/001/007
Method of &n1blysing ... D407/D301
2 a-Ly 1 t12 - P (t 21 t22)
q 1 - 9 (21)
ti I t12
p denoting the coefficient of transmission from one rectangular
v&veguide to another (through the circular resonator), and
the coefficient of transmission from one branch to another lof
the same rectangular wavoguide). There are 9 figures.
ASSOCUTIONs Nauchno-takhnichookoys obahchestvo r&diotakhniki I
olektronvy&zi im. A.S. Fbpova (Scientific &ad Tech-
nical Society of RMio Engineering &ad Electrical
Communications imeni A.S. Popov)
SUBMITTEDs March 29, 1961
Card 4/4
M)q S H)~-j V T, --- C-; V1--i I~If
Kogan, Matan LIvovich, Boris Mikhaylovich Nashkovtsev, and Konstantin
NikolayevIch TsIbizov
Slozhnyye volnovodnyye slatemy (Complex WavaguldeSystems) Leningrad,
Sudprowgis, 1963. 355 P. 3000 copies printed.
Reviewer: 0. V. KisunIko, Corresponding member, Academy or Sciences
USSR; Scientific Ed.: B. P. Yemelin, Candidate of Technical
Sciences; Ed.: I. G. Odoyevtoeva; Tech. Zd.: A. 1. Kontorovich.
PURPOSE: This book Is intended for engineering and technical
personnel specializing in wav,iguide systems. It may also be
used an a textbook by aspiranti and students or advanced courses
in radio engineering schools. The reader to assumed to nave a
knowledge of mathematics, electromagnetic field theory, and W
Card 1/41
60mplex Waveguide systems SOV/6456
COVERAGE: The book discusses the theory of complex waveguides with
variable cross Sections and of circular wavoguldoe containing
irregularitUs. Uternal parameters of wavoguid* circuit eUme to
are denned and equivalent circuits explained. Wave matrices and
their connections In wavoguide multiterminal n*tworklla, are
described. Calculations of flat-latoral Ir Raftlft ~* f 11ters,
ring and slit wavegulds coupling rotation join'Ei# anfaiinai -
switches, and system containing ferrlt" are given. The authors
resort to the use of specific methods based an the wave character-
istics of rapidly varying fields for calculating electrical
parameters. Ch. I, II, III, and X were written by K. N. Tsibizov,
Ch. IV, VI, and VII by B. M. Hashkovts*v (excl. s*etion-30);
Ch. V, V111, IX, and section 30 of Ch. VI were written by N. L.
Kogan. The authors thank G. V. Kinunsko, Corresponding Member
of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and B. F. Yemelin and N. I.
Ivanov, Candidates of Technical Sciences,for their assistance.
There are 42 references: 37 Soviet and 5 Ninglish.
Card 2,4 -
-r~.-- - -- - - - I- I . I - - - - I- - 5: 1 1 - . - -- -- - -
- - - - t , .. *.- I .~ -. ~- I . ~ - I . .. I - . ..
.: v
-1-17~ly~--.1.7.~~--~7~_-. I , ~!- - - I - . . - . ..
--- i1- - . I'-- -,-- 4 ~~ & ~. ~!. , ,, ., -- , % .
i - 6- - -- - - . - - -W
Calculation of normatched multit-minal superhigh-frequency networks.
Radiotekhnika 19 no.8:15-18 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:q)
1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Nauchno-tek-hnicheskof-o obshchestva radiotekhnik.'
i elektrosvyazi J-Meni A.S. Porova.
ROZENnMM, B.A., doktor .tekhn.nauk; GOLOMOLZIN, V.I., kamd.tekhn.nauk;
KMIOSOVP A.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; USTIVOV, M.I., gornyy inzh.;
C=IWvP A.A., gornyy inzh.; 14A511YOrMEV, 1,L,, gornyy lnzh.;
Determining the parameters of a nine in working a series of
thin and medlum-thick flast seam. Nauch.soob.Inst.gor.dela
7-6-17 161. (MI%k 15 : 1)
(Done'" Basin---Mining engineering)
SINtKOf V#I## kand. ekonom. nauk; I!L., kand. tokhn. nauki
KNOW, G.Ls, insh.-okonomist
RGPUSS to the article by N.A. Sbyarto *faults in planni
VMdOr9tO=d oPe"tices." Ugolt 38 no.6&52-54 Jo 163,
(NM 16A)
1- NAMMO-issledowatellskiy institut planirovaniya J normstivow
(for Sialko, lbahkovtoov). 2. Donetskly navoIno-isslodovateligkiy
ugoll"y institut (for Mwdos).
(Owl mines and mining-ftmagement)
(Shvarts, KA.)
4 411-4, 64..
of slaw bw
A. SOVINS. rebeghmays Pvsw. IOUA
2""86-varkm low Id BMWM tab- -
J, - - -as c1wjpd Okk NNOW ask.. md CON
mama W 14KM 4ad "in- - BAN-pim 4d HOO
atod. Vbtbmrtbw =. em kmd ift tome
Tow - or 0406".
VA. OwbIN"It
do a-V M
7 w 0-0
A r lmv
Owe am - vane I lool. Will I tomb
wmm bon"p-I at lew &W Gum jobwtoest
- F-~5Q
to a Abell dmp at OW sombir
mdlbw bmt,4 at liv* bro walm =Wo;
.,.I low
GUADD ad& end (md no amot-
tion wou"Immems) Is "goded as dw c4 moo in to.
Norm bdw Immmatim amod dwimll dw h moome all= prw-
wo king. it - Pvbwi"
- ~- - - ~7---- - -1 -1.. .1 1 . I - . a - - '.z . I- I . I- . . . . . . , . . . . .
I - 11 7 '. . I .
,.- , ~ ~- Rl-~Ir , .: --- -. -;-- - -,:. -,. - - . . . - ~ ;t.Z..,
, ., A ~ 4--. :, - , ~ - . f - -, -. - . .
ImTmq~aqlj "T "~ .1 . -. -- *~ 41
71 -c -'~
%WAI~v A--W51G~M-Ri -~--Wgtls ~ '4 ;
fft *,.O*Aw zw4u dad C""
water.w. lmmma~ w a,
rvulilv hmmj&F- - ".~w N.,
win Appw aim o"ATIM'W'" it.
woftr~w. mdwun"mlbr P-- P--
of. Priwb,
trAwome d do so
awks bona mbe wh md mooft u F
kIL Lnomedw) WAM'"",
(Taboom lissommsm
.4. C.A. O& SWi-
lwma alw~ 44"1 COMM in todmA by an bwm~ in Ow
waW CoMerA. 11 rtww*v
The 4bift 41 IM aft d dw upw pwt 4d *a soMm
11111,891111111 . OWN111111111 %I IF
I to "Oman*
0', tst,% ind A A %rqwrnho (AlM 'Mmi Tolxvt; fil't
IF j~ Nauk S 8 S k 70, 197 0
Plant CFAII. dt-fi-
..'Aw diow ttL,.f The Imalwaiun o# uit~twisw is mo char-
..r~t,fw of 0.0 -M, hww 'AM The alkaloid Vin htr P".
:lur"I by any tvit In nortmat state only ~ f# (m% of tt
, fwn)-f by thr uplwr jurl fit The plant
ma a furnmery Iflant raw. vhr 41hal"itt 1, mu"I largOw it,
tht Voting )r3--. ift -tm-t to The n(WMal 116111
c. M Kosoiapofi
t., 4
ASWIZT. Fetr Georgiyevickt, ksndi4Lmt sell skokhasysystvenzWkh nauk; SKIRNOT.
A.F.. kandidat b1ologIchmskikh nank, retsonsent; WIN. G.S..
retsensent; *APMUT. N~F. kandift takhmichmsk1kh mauk, spets-
redektor; ftff7EM,--Ia-.,-redaktor; CWBTSHWA, TO.A., tsWAdcb*-
skly rW&kt or
[Dowelopuent of varieties and the ferimentation of tobacco] Sortovedento
I fenwatataila tsbalm. Moskva, Fishchepromisdat, 1956. 395 p.
(Tobacco) (KIRA 10:3)
i :Zz~
Iffect of nitrogen nutrition on the &cCumIlAtIOn Of RicstinO In
tobacco plants. Agroblelogila ne.6:84-92 Sm-D '58. (MM 12.- 1)
I.Teeneymunyy mauchno-iseledevatel'okiy institut tabsks i makhorki, g.
(Plants, Bffect of nitrogem on)
(Tobacco) (Nicotine)
t3oo B014/BO14
AUTHORSs lashkoyteev. B. I., jensman, L. Z., Khokhrov, A. A.
TITLEs A Broadband Wavexuide Directional Gnk'_60
PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 8 - 17
TIM In the article under review, the authors study the demands mad* on a
directional coupler which warrants the necessary accuracy for measuring the re-
flection coefficient when incident waves and reflected waves are indicated sepa-
rataly. A method of calculation is suggested, and experimental results are given.
First, the demands made on the parameters cf the directional coupler are studied.
The approximate formula (4) for the load reflection coefficient is developed, and
formula (5) is given for the weakening of the directional coupler, and formula (6)
is written down for the directivity of the coupler. In the following, the author@
discuss the sources of error in measuring the load reflection coefficient:
1i error* which are due to reflection produced by the load of the auxiliary linei
2 errors due to the finite directivity of the directional coupler; 3) errors due
to the unequal character of measurement of the transient weakening in the wave
range. In the following, the directional coupler in regarded as being composed of
Card 1/3
A Broadband Waveguide Directional Coupler S/108/60 015/04/01/007
two parallel rectangular waveguides. The coupling between these "waveguides" is
brought about by two spaced slits which are arranged in ?-shape (fig. 3), The
calculation of T-shaped alit coupling elements is discussed in detail, in which
connection formulas 05) are developed for the two transmission coefficients. The
transient weakening of these coupling elements is calculated from (19), while
formula (20) In given for the directivity of the coupler. Next, the authors give
a detailed description of a system consisting of N equal coupling elements which
are arranged along the waveguid*. It Is noted that calculation of the transient
weakening in second,&5proxination from formula (29) is sufficient for practical
purposes. Formula ( 0 in used to calculate the directivity of a multielenent
directional coupler, and formula (31) is given for the spacing of the coupling
elements. Vithin a certain range it is thus possible to obtain perfect directi-
vity at some points. Some points depend on the choice of coupling elements, and
others on their spacing. The transient weakening and the directivity of the
directional coupler were measured by the standard method of substitution. The
power at an indicator was kept on the same level by means of a high-precision
att*nuator. The directivity of the coupler could be measured without using a
special method. B. F. Yeaslin and the mathematician P. L. Chebyshev are
mentioned in this article. There are 8 figures and 5 Soviet references.
Card 2/3
A Broadband Waveguide Directional Coupler 3/106J60/015/04/01/007
SUBMITTEDs Septenber 5, 1958 (initially) and July 28, 1959 (after revision)
Card 3/3
Colorimetric method for determining the amount of nornicotine in
the presence of nicotine and anabasine. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.;
pishch. tekh. no-5:156-166 161. (KIRA 15-1)
1. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut tabaka i
(Tobacco--Analysis and chemistry) (Nornicotine)
*Investiptian of the Wear of Grm"s in Rollers.* Cand Tech Sol, Dnepropetrovsk
Metallurgical rhat Iment 1. V. Stalin, Chair of Pressure Processing of Metals, Nln
Culture USSRp Dm* Opetrovsk, 1953.
(IL, go 2. Jan 557
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higber
Educational InstiuUms (12)
SOt Sm. go. 5569 24 Jun 55
CHIKKARIT. Aleksamdr Petrovlchi gk~vmv, hatillav Iyevich,
kudidat tekhnichookikh remaktor;
SIBNM,S-M-, redaktor; ANNSMS.P., tekhnichesidy redak-
[The wear of roll*rsj Isnoe prokatnykh vabcov. M2&rlkov, Gas.
amobno-tokhn. Isd-vo lit-ry po chemot I tdvetnol metallurgil.
1953. 146 p. (MA 9:4)
1. Daystvitellnyy chlen AN US= (for Chekma"v)
(Rolling Bills)
MASHKOVTSEV, R.A.; KARPUNIN, A.M.; Prinimal uchastlye SAMTSKII, 1.14.
Metal deformation in Ardor grooves. Izv. vys. uchet. zav.; chern
met. 4 no.6:e9-99 '61. (MIRA 14-.9i
1. Dnepropetrovskly metallurgicheekly Institut i Notallurgicheskiy
lavod im. Dzerthinskogo.
(Rolling (Metalwork)) (Deformations (Mechanics))
XASZKOWMW UM. takka. mank
sm wtho" of Investigmung wtal in dor"
poom. Nauch. trWW Da U0.48s2"483 4a.
(KIIA 15slO)
)(A-guromigv. L. kando tekbn. us"
High and tranorerse metal deftruations in be" posses. Sauch.
trv& SKI &*,4&29Ur-Q91 1620 (MIRA 15110)
formationo (Mechanics))
CHEKMAREV, A.P., akademik;.XASHKOVTSEV, R.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHLOWHAK,
Power parameters in rolling lightweight sections. Mt. i gornorud.
prom. no. 203-34 Mr-Ap 164. (MjjtA 17:9)
1. Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (for Chokmarev).
CHEKKAMV, Aleksandr Petrovich; GUNIN, Ivan Vasillyevich,
MA-qgKnVT-qFV Rok~jsja
. _.y *rkadly4~vich; FILIFPOV Igor'
h; GJUJz3CH1K, .M.p reZ
[Production of lightweight rolled sect4ons] Proizvod-
stvo oblegehennykh profilei prokata.[Byl A.P.Chekwarev
dr . Moskva, Metallurgiia, 1965. 4,23 p.
(MIRA 18:5)
Longer:lasting grooves. Metallurg 10 no.4t29-30 Ap 165. (MRA ISO)
1. Dmpropetrovskiy wtallurgicheddy institut.
Destruction of nicotine by tobacco plants autoljols and deficlea-cy
metabolism. DDkl.AN SSSR 98 no.3:491-494 A 154. (XLRA 7:12)
1. Veasoyusayy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tabaka i makhork!
In. A.I.Nlkayana, Krasnodar.
tobacco, nicotine destruction)
(NICOVIU, metabolism,
tobacco plant, destruction)
USSR/Electronics FD-2230
Card 1/1 Pub 90-10/12
Author : *MsWuwtsev, Yu. P -
Title : Amplitude-frequency =phase characteristics of vide-band amplifiers
Period-_'cal: Radiotekhnikia, lo, 68-71, Mar 1955
AbSL."-:Ct : The article warns the readers of the fallacy of several formulas presented
in chapter 26 of A. A. Kolosov's text book *RezonawnM sistemy i rezonan-
sny" usiliteli" (Resonant Systems and Resomnt Amplifiers). Correct for-
m,IA for calculating frequency and phase characteristics of a vide-band
resonant amplifier are derived and explained. Graphs.
institution: *Active member of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio
. I Engineering and Electric Communications imeni A. S. Popov, Moscow
Submitt:d : 18 Sep 1954
USWRWiQpbysicS Aldio-wave ROCePtion, 1-7
Abst Jourmis Referat Zbur - Fiziks, No .12, 1956, 35340
Authors Masbkoytoov, Yu.
InstitAitico S None
Title: Continuous Regulation of Transfi-Irmation Coeffi-lant
Periodicals Radio, 1956, No 4~ 44
Abstract: It is possible to connect the tuned circul t 1-n an witc)tranaf rm-r
circuit by dividing the inductance coil into 2 se,--tzons wJ.-~n re
spect to the coefficient of transformation. The coefficiant 0-"
transformation of such a copnection can be changed by moving a
copper ring, placed on theJore between sections. The resonant
frequency of the tuned circuit remains nearly constant thereby.
Card 1/1
MASHKOV7SEV, IU. Smooth regulation of the coefficient of transformation. p. 28.
Vol. 5, no. 8, 1956 ELEKTROEMG11A. Sofiia, Bulgaria
SOURaEs FAst Rurcpean Accessions List (EEAL) Vol 6,, No. 4--April 1957
Pfi~Rt,# DZ E - j~ T-
DetArnining structural viscosity of normal drilling and solutions
with standard field viscosimetero (SPr-5). I8v- AN Aserb. 3U U0.8:
23-29 Ag '57. (Km 1019)
(Oil well drilling fluids) (Viscosity)
prof.; KAUSIK. Y.M., prof.; KITANDSKIT, A.A., prof.; KRISHOTA, N.A.,
prof.; LCF=O. I.A.. prof.; vrach; KIM=', N.A*,; PUNlN. B.V., prof.; ROZHDISTVBNSXIY. V.I.. doktor ned.
-%uk; RCRANOVSKAYA, T.K., vrach; SOSNTAKOV, N.G., prof.; TUR, A.F.,
prof.; TU INSKIT, K.D.. prof.; FILIPCHMIKO, Te.K.. kand.ned.nauk;
KHRONOW, B.M., prof.; TOURINOVA, Te.G., doktor med.nauk; WHAIDER, K.G..
prof.; PCLIKARPOV. 3.N.. dotsent; `UERBYAN. Sh.l., dotsent. red.;
(Physician's handbook on first aid and emergency care) Spravochnik
vracha skoroi i neotlozhnoi pomoshchl. Leningrad, Gos.izd-vo sod.
lit-ry Kedgiz, Lenlngr.otd-nie. 1960. 230 p. (KIRA 13:8)
Translation from: Ref*ratlvW zhurnal, Mashinostroyonlys, 1959, No. 6, P - 59,
# 20500
AUTIM K&Ahljn. A- Y& , Rafalovich, P. M.
TrME: The Development in Production of Centrifugal Compressor Engines and
Turbines in the Nevskiy nwhinostroiteltnyy zavod imeni V. I. Lenina
(Plevakly Machine Works Imeni V. I- Lenin)
PERIODICALi Tr. Nevsk. mashinostrolt. z-da, 1958, No. 3, m 5-23
TEXT: The of 1> is concentrated in the work in an
individual shop subdivided into several specialized sections of: housing, rotors,
reductors, assembly, and control-testing. The shop is equipped with 7 vertical
lathes, balancing machines, boring machines, and others, which are equipped with
various accessories and special tools. The turbine production was developed
simultaneously. As a result of the unification performed, the total series of
Steam turbines of 4,000 - 6,000-kv power (condensation, thermofication, driving
turbines, and turbines with Industrial bleeding-off steam) have up to 70% of the
commonlunits. A separate turbine shop was organized with sections of machining
Card 1/2
The Development in Production of Centrifugal Compressor Engines and Turbines in
the Nevskly mashinostroltellnyy zavod Imeni V. 1. Lenina (Nevs-ly Machine Works
imeni V. I. Lenin)
and assembling the control units and steam distribution units, c*ndenser produi--
tion, and others; these sections are equipped with profiling lathes for discs,
balancing machinaa for rotors, equipment for heat testing the shafts, stands for
checking and testing turbines, and others, The introduction of advanced technol-
ogy reduaed the labor-consumption by 50 - 60%. The same shop produces gas
turbines with blades of fire-proof steels, The specialized shops and sections are
organized according to the technologic principle. The following new processes
were introduced- finishing pass with broad cutting tools for processing the
planes of hor12Ontal Joints, boring according to radial and axial braces, applica-
tion of mechanized boring bars for boring closed structures, Guides, special
patterns, and copying units at the machines for producing blade diffusers and
diaphragms of compressor engines, special accessories for welding the diaphragms
of high-pressure turbines, and the molding of diaphragms by models with metallic
ribs are widely applied. The wheels and rotors are mcftmted on a stand In the
vertical position; whenwheels are fitted on, the end of the shaft Is cooled
down in liquid nitrogen. There are 22 figurts. B. 1, M.
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract,
Card 2/2
$u -W, V. I.,, USINKO, A. L., BRAUSE, M. B.2 GIAMIDig V. F.0
%ainocide and the prospects or acceleration of the malaria
eradication rate in the USSR.*
report submitted at the 13th All-Union Congress of Wgienistas, Spidemiologiarts
and Infectiodstat 1959.
~jWtij*dfl-ft*cCon do to aartaU acety.lonle ketomme Isv,
MY00- @save; kkinel khimtekbo 7 no,&94"47 164.
(MIRA is,
dinkly tokhriologiabasidy latitat Iment lansovotat
Widit ibftanicb skoy khinii.
7'.','F 7 1 ti 7 IF: 7 P.:
- -.-I -- ----
ImproviW the preparation of freight caris for loadirg. Zhel.dior.transp.
46 no.1,106-77 N 164, OCRA 18?1)
1. Gl&vW Inab, sluzhby vagonnogo kb-zyaystva Xu)rbyahevBkoy dorog~
(for Simanovskiy). 2. Zamestitell nachallnika sluzhby vagonnogo
khozyaystva Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Mashlyatin).
Unsaturated phospt'nic a?-'d3 ard I-rfvat,11ves. Part4 I.,
Synthesis of phomphinic acld chlorldes w.Ith d,ene and arte-tylene
radicals. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.9:1177-1584 5 I(s~.
A imeni , -1
1. Leningradskiy takhnologichesk.y lbn5t-~u len4DM IR
L 40807-66 (rn ) /E'-~ ~ V 1, "'T F t iIJP(c
I -A-C-C-N-Ri -
SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/00()/013/OTn/0077
AUTHORSs Mashlyakovskly., L. N.; Ionin, B. I ; Okhrimenko, 1. S.; Petrov A. A.
ORG: none
TIM: k4reparative method for ph _P01,703terS
osphorus-containing Class 39, No. I
183385 Zannounced by Leql=d Technolairical Institute imeni Lensovet (Leningradskly
U=oiogicheskiy Institut)_1
SOURCE: 1sobretenlya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 77
TOPIC TAGSs phosphorus, polyester, polycondensation, phosphonic acid, glycol,(
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate pr83enta a method for pepaing phosphorus-
pontaining polyesters by polycondonsation of alkylphosphonic chlo-
des with aliphatic or aromatic glyc,)Is. To broaden theassortment of ph?'qVhoruS_ I
ontaining polymers having e
hig fir resistanceFund good adhgalogl3to metals,
o 0 -1,3
rhlorides with 1,3-diene groups at the phosphorUs atom, e.g. T2-meWyl -butwbenyl)~
hosphcoic chloride, am used as the alkylphosphonic chlorides. [041
22Apr65 / ATD PRESS:
UDC: 678.674
MASHLTAYEVA, N.A., k&nd.se1Iskokhozyay9tvenrqkh nauk, Mc)skva.
------------------ ---
Consultation. Blol. v ahkole no.3t49 My-Je 163. (KIRA 16sIO)
ACC NRI AT6022356 SOURCE CODE: UJL/0000/66/000/000/0031/0036
AUTHOR: Mashlykin, V. G.
ORG: none
TITLE: Approximation of volt ampere characteristics of semiconductor devices with
P-n-p-n structure
.SPURCE: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966.
,-Sektsiya poluprovodnikovykh priborov. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 31-36
1"IC TAGS: volt ampere characteristic, characteristic equation, V:Mn semiconductor
~~ABSTRACT: The volt-ampere characteristics for p-n-p-n semiconductor devices such as
idinistors and thyristors are approximated with high order polynomials. A large number
of experimental points is required for the above process and the calculations are per-
Jormed on a computer. An approximation method that reduces the order of above poly-
nomials is obtained by using Chebyshev Polynomials. An exponentially-logarithmic
approximation is obtained that is simple in form and Introduces a relatively low error;
lit requires uniform approximations for only three points of the real characteristics.
:The described methods were used for approximating the volt-ampere characteristics of
~D228V dinistors. The calculated RKS error of the polynomial was 6.81 for currents be-
i1tween 0 and 0.495sh; the error for the exponentially-logarithmic method did not exceed
ACC NR. A16022356
i20Z for the entire range of current.
Orig. art. has: 9 formulas. 1 table, I figure.
L 26370--66 JRWP(j)/EWT(m)/T MLJD
%CC NR, AP6011197 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/006/0028/0(,28
MENTOR: BatcS, . TO.; Hashmako. 0. M. amantsevich, N. X. ) r *
TITLE: AwAthod fw producing peroxide 2Munds contelmirm milican.lClass 12,
No. 179770Eennounced by UkminLan Scie Me Resewch Institute of Plastics (Ukrain-
skiy nauchno-Imals- ellary-Im-titut plas"MM)i
SOURCE: lacbreteniya, promyshlemyyo cbrastsy. tovarnyye zDaki, no. 6, 19669-20
TOPIC TAGS: millem plastic, peromido, halftensted organic campowd, silame
ABSTPACT: This Autbor's aqrtificats Introduces mthod for producIft peroxide cami-
= is anz directly linked t& the
Demos cattlizift SLUA=V19 WbL& *a=
SIU=m wt=6 A]J011vvy21pwrcxyaWcwm2;s are Imbamc vdth crgxn= SLIAM $0136M fcn
the presence of a bass In am Imrt solvent, e. X. box=*, at a temiperst of -20 to
UDC: 547.1412.5-39.07
K&SHM, N.M.-. kaMidat t~khnIch*skIkh nsuk (Leningrad)
gardening locomotive links withh1gh frequency currents. Zhel.
dor.tranap. 37 no.2:74-?5 1 '56. (NLRA 9-5)
(Metals-Hardoning) (Locomotives)
Fs # ly'E M,
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 165 (USSR)
AUTHOR: kA~~~-
TITLE: High-frequency Hardening (Zakalka tokami vysokoy chastoty)
PERIODICAL: Elektr. i teplovozn. tyaga, 1957, Nr 9, pp 18-ZO
ABSTRACT: HF current is coming into ever wider use to harden rolling-
stock details to improve the strength and wear resistance of
parts exposed to rubbing contact. It is recommended that the
inside diameter of the inductor used to harden (H) cylindrical
afticles be 4 mm larger tha thee outside diameter of the part
(P) being heated. Thedepth hich rubbing P of many mach
ines subject to wear are H s7h uld in most Ises be > 1.5-2 mm.
In the case of P subject to crushing, penetrating loads, etc. . the
depth of the H zone is usually set at > 4- 5 mm. An equation is
suggested for determination of the required H depth of rubbing
P: v~KI+0.5, where v is the required H layer depth, in mm; I
is the maximum permissible wear of rubbing parts determined
by locomotive repair rules, in mm; X is the H depth factor, de-
pending upon the conditions of operation and the P repair tech-
Card 1/2 nique (0.7-1.3 is taken for locomotive P). A table of current
High-frequency Hardening (cont.
frequencies and generator models is presented. It is established that H of
teeth limited to the working portion of the profile only results in the appear-
ance of microscopic cracks in the transition zonc. Rational procedures frr
the H of locomotive P by HF current should be developed in the following se-
quence: 1) determine the dimensions of the working surfaces subject to H and
the boundaries between the portion of the P subject to hardening and the re-
mainder; 2) determine H depth and the hardness of the upper layers of the sur-
face of the P; 3) select the H method and the type of generator. in terms of
frequency and power; 4) develop and make the necessary fixtures for mount-
ing, heating, and H of the P; 5) run a test H of the P and, on the basis of
metallographic investigation and the technical specifications, select the most
desirable H regime; 6) compile a flow chart for heat treating the P with indi-
cation of the H regime and the technical inspection operations. The costs of
HF H of P are rj 85-88 0/0 lower than when carburizing is employed. The
heat-treatment cycle of a P with HF is < 3 hours as against 25-30 hrs with
carburization; it is only a few minutes or seconds in the H of some locomotive
P. In addition, induction heating improves the quality of the heat treatment
and, as a result, increases the length of locomotive mileage between over-
hauls and also markedly improves the working conditions- for the personnel.
.1. Metal---Hardening 2. High frequency heating--Applications F.N.
Card 212 3. H-1-gh frequency heating--Equipment
RASHUT, N-Me, kUdidat tekhaicbmakikh nauk.
Using blgb-froquency carreat oa the railroads, ZholAor.tranap. 39
zo.V45AS F 157. (PUAA 10: 3)
(Notals-Reat treatment)
ATAWTSY. T.G. ; AA~~, ~kaud-tekhn.rkauk
over-all usich&nisation and automatiss,tion of rolling stock
repair. Zhel.dor.transp. 42 no.5:71-74 MW 160. (NJXA 13:9)
1. Zameatitell nachallaika Oktyabrlskar zholesuoy dorogi.
(Automatic controlY (Railroads--Repair shape)
KkSHWBV,_,M!,t.p kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; KJSAYEV, S.T., aspirant
lengthening the service life of the tires and rljm of rolling stock
wheel sets tW their hardening with induction heating. Sbor.trud.
LUNT ao.197t87-103 162. (MRA 1618)
(Steel-Hardening) (Car wheels)
I. . - 11 4a, ~ d
- , -, : G. e
~ - - a, - . .
V.N., red.; MADVA, G.L. red.led-va;
UMM9 Yu.V.p teMw6 rid.
(romovy of moshmaLsom and machines and machine parts] Too-
rU& neftadmov I mobin I detall nwbln. Madlidr, Rosvuz-
twat, 1963. 44 p. (MIA 16811)
and - -i-
niow-4D~slp od Gonst M)
jj~�tbl~yx kgnd- tekhn. nauk (Leningrad)
Lengthening of the servIce life of the wheels of tt,,e
Zhel, dor. tranap. 46 n'o.8:79-79 Ag '64.
'~!.[IRA '-?:jj's
=igi~eo ekhn. naukv data., retsenzent
[Theor.w and design of instrument mechanism, computing
d*viceBp and machines] Teoriia i proektirovanle mekba-
nimov priborov, Bcbetno-reshaiushchikh ustroietv i ma-
shin. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, 1965. 475 P.
(MIRA 18:7)
NOMMA, N. 1: -
.do --I
x"Itlat CbWWtwlotles of the couUmt ~Uwlflor In porifyIng
Iffa water. Zbil.-bm. 1606. 7 se-3:20-22 '57. (am IOW
IL. lmwbiWy metru&Mk Loalngnwftkqp
sludtarme-clely"deboakew lmtltuta.
QMNBHCHU, LYa.,v stmhiy nauobnyy motrudnik; MASWWAp Nola#
DoestIvation of drinkl2w water costalaft radioactive phopybor"s
W amitact coagulatim. IMISA one 25 ao*7s%--(A A 160o
(XIM 3485)
1. Is Imatituta radiataiumacy gloyaq Mmisterstwa sdrevockh-
reasslya MU.
(VATM6-MFMCATI(X) ( IMS-1myrom)
DmativaUan of poftbU vater contalntng p32 and OrS9 by meam
~f a contaot ocago2ation metbod, Ned. nd. 6 no.2s52-56 94,
(KM W3)
TAYSBARG. Iseek Yefimovich. kond.tekhn.nauk; KAMIKO. U.1., reteensent-,
UITWA. T.K.. red.; MWANNIX". A. IKMXZW. L.Ya..
(Solo leather mnufacturel Prolsvodstvo koshi dlis niza obuvi.
Nookwo. Gos.nnuchno-tskhn,Isd-vo lit-ry po legkol promyshl... 1959.
192 p, WMA 13:14)
ACC NRt AP7000365 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/022/Uiho/ol4o
INVENTOR;,_ Mashn~kov,,. Yu. Lebedev, 0. X. ; Treskov, V. V. ; Rozenberg, M. M.;
Bakulin , A-. -r--T---;-1G~upenya, B. I.
IORG: None
'TITLE: A*mechanism for forced impact destruction of a diaphragm. Class i47, No.
iSOURCE: Izobreteniya, prmWshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, l966, 140
ITOPIC TAGS: pnevaatic device, gas pressure
'ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a mechanism for forced impact destruc-
;tion of a diaphragm. The unit consists of a striker and a ball catch vhich holds the
istriker in the cocked position. The kinetic energy of the striker is increased by
!rigid connection to a piston which uses gas pressure to move the striker after the
'ball catch is released.
um 621.646.824:621.646.38
ACC NRt ApTooo365
1--striker; 2-piston; 3-ball catch
11221,9 sl-1,,v / 1,7111-9
NUMNA, 1.1
Influes" of extou" tapplft of plum tross an tbo Propagation or
poolls. Oldrolls. I losolftu. prev6 20 657. (NM lotU)
1, Nalwassidy ==boo-losladevatellsidy Institut losafte kMsyVetva,
(Tree tappl") (Pine-41seases and posts)
I ~
Thling LoVel VAZJM=q S*Fol MWn*a*6;, T.m.; NummllmglYo A.A.
Uning interial for alualam slectralytis collso Misto lwto
38 soo649-54 :~ 165. (KIM ISO 10)
Dopuski i posadki. Tablitsy predelInykh otk1onenii valov i otverstii.
Moskva, Mashgiz, 1946. 20, p.
Tolerances and fits. Tables of deviation limits for shafts and holes.
SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering im the Soviet Union, Library
of Congress, 1953.
[Problenib of the constructiun of wtor-vehicle roads for
lumber transportationj Voprosy stroitel'stva avtoirobill-
zWkh lesovoznykh dorog. S4yktyvkar, TSentr. biuro tekhn.
informatsii, 1962. 37 p. (MIRA 17:8)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.A.) Komi ekonmicheskly admini-
strativnyy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva.
[Probleids of the construction of motor-vehicle roads for
lumber transportationj Voprosy stroltel'stva av-torobill-
mykh lesovoznykh dorog. Syktyvkarp TSentr. biuro tekhn.
informatsii, 1962. 37 p. (MIRA 17:8)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F..).A.) Komi ekonomicheskiy admini-
strativnyy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva.
IV,19.VIIO A// Al' f. fi
BRATICHN, V.A., kmMidat tokhnichookikh nauk. doteent; BAMVICH. N-V-.
kandidat tekbalebasklWi wwk; TLASOT. V.I., kandl"t tekbalebeeklich
awk, retmensent, redaktor; YBGORWW. A.N., professor, reteensest,
red&'--ter; ZOONIN, N.P., daktor tokbuicbesklkb amk, proressor.;
ITAUMT, D.G., kandt"t toWMIchookikh awk. dotsent; MWIle T.G.,
4ektor tskWebesk1kh uw*,woressor; MDM. 0.1. UffinUdat t4l&ml-
cbs*kM am*-, MAUTMAIM, L.K.. d6ktar td&alcbedlkb mauk, professor;
JUMNIN.- P.A.* lashaner, MISHIM, S.A., lubenar, RMI, N.L.
lusb~, ~x , D.L., kaMidat tokbnlcbeddkb am*, dotseate
redalftr; PIMY, N.I., lashener, reteensent; SIDOWF, S.I., Imbewer,
reteemsent-, ODEOLOW, I.G.. kandidat tokhrdcbosktkh m6k, reteensent:
DMUIMA,'Te.l., I=bemr, retsensent; DDADLHIN. P.N.. kmdldat
tobludebaskUM amak, reteensent; RUSTM, S.L., kandidat tekWcb~9ldkb
=mk, dotiso, redaktor; LARIN. N.C. I&u"&t Stallookew p-eall,
professor, daktor tekbnlchesklM sock, reteensent.- SWUN. A.T..
1whemr, ribteement; =MDT, P.P., laumat Stalluskay pradl, doteent
kandidat tei&Mebasklkh =*, retseweat;DD~, L.L.. imsbamere
retsawerA-, ZCBNIN. professor. doktor tekbalchaskHM wwk, reteement;
D , N.V., lusbamr, reteensent; ffCMIF. B.P.. doteent.
retmewtvA; SWLIMM, L.M., kandldat takhalebsekift smk, retesuseat;
WRAIDT, D.T., kandldat tfftalchosklkb umuk,dotsemt, retsenseate reftk-
tor; UNOWIN, P.A., Inshener, reteemsent, rodaktor: OBWOT, A-T-o
lumbamr. redaktar: B269MY. D.G., kandldat tekbulebesidkh soak,
datment. redaktor; ODING. I.A., redaktor: W125KIT, kodidat tekbal-
ebaskikk soak. dateent. redaktor-, TOMS. D.N.. takholebeekly redaktor
(Contimod on next card)
BRATICHN, V.A, Imadidat takhnichaskikh nauk, doteent; & others (Ckrd 2)
Elkilroad ~'m technical mammal] Takhnichemkil spravochnik
zbelesponroshalks. Red.kollegila: V.I. Vlasov. A.B.ftormov. N.P.
Zabalm. 1.7 Madol ( A.T.Sokolov. Noskvr, Oos.tranagortmoe
dwl-dor.tad-wo. Vol. 12 [Processing metale at r Alrad tramewrt,
enterprises] Obrabotka so W low as pro " Hattlakh zbelosuo-
doroshoW tranqwrta. M.P.2obn1n. 1"4. 671 p.(KM S%U)
1. Chlea-kerrespoodent, 0 SSSR (for Odin&)
(Mechanical englumering)
KONYUKHOV, N.1 MASHORIN, B., master proisvodstvonnogo obucheniya; LOSIMIN, G.
Now@ from schools. Prof,-takh. obr. 20 no.602 Je 163.
(NIRA 160)
1. Famosbohnik direktora po kullturna-vospitatellnoy rabot~,
tekhnichaskayo uohiUshWw No.2. KtWbyWwv (for Lashkin).
(No subJect )wading@)
in lawt somitsm dowsms OKONIOMI
28 soo23dD 0 %L (KIYA 15822)
Ivedowmal bmitou prorform smoda ug4d%w
v - arm - land pkdd=sdto
or) Mims)
/M f9 g //,j I/-- Ts- -L", v*',
qn, the question of the structur* of the Can"tion go" of indium,
I &rts"Ids* Le' Lo Kiff"Iltv L L AWMAS-SO S* Shalyt.
Report'Presented at Ww 3rd Notional COrAt*r*Ac* on Semiconductor Conwunds,
xjsbj=v,, 26-22 3o0 L963
XORMLIT, L.L.; "~MT&_j V,,; SHALIT, S.S.
Struetwo of the conduction baad and the electrm scattering machaw
aLm In Indlum armenids. Pls. twer. tela 6 no.2s559-575 F 164.
(MIRA 17s2)
1. Institut volnprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad.
wa I A-
. . . . . . . . . .
j V. : !Al:.l'-"N'y,'-'j,
. - Lo:.1
I -...r. ', 2 . j 7
-"'i[ALY' , --~ -S
1 - .
:~n~ -'4 - -! I
- r,. r:- '. q . - - I . V r-- 1 . ' '. ~ ~-. ~ ~!,, 7
I I I f. . -
- - ~ x -:. I -
- . ' - - - ! ! ",' 'p-r. . .- -
. 1f,,+ ;.~' I., r kov Al --:T.
11390-67 n-4T(1)/EW(p)/EWP(t)/3r1 1JP(c) JD
AtC NR1 AP7OW398 sa=E cm)z,- ujV6386/66/b&/Oo9/o362/o3&
AUTHOR: Mashovets, D. V.. Shal S. S.
ORG: Institute of Semi :~~SP-Acswdftw of Sclences
TITLE: Oscillations of the Waengj~ores~Ls"e or tellurium
SOIMCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy riziki. Pislms v redaktsiyu.
Prilozheniyet V. 41 no. 9, 1966, 362-364
TOPIC TAGS: tellurium,, magnetoresistancej, galvarxmwgnetic efrect,, semiconductor car-
rier, carrier densityp quantum rcaoname phenomenon
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the article is to explain why the magnetoresistance of tel-
lurium exhibits in a strong magnetic field periodicity in the reciprocal field 1/11.
Arguments favoring magnetophonon resonance as the cause of the observed oscill tions
in tellurium are presented on the basis of various wgierimental data and on the basis
of an earlier anialysis by am of the authors (Sh&lyt et al.,, ZhZTF v. 47, 444, 1964).
Although a quantitative analysix of the experimental curves can hardly lead at present,
'.0 urAmbiguous results, since there are not enough available data on the physical pro-'
perties of tellurium, it is possible to correlate the results of optical and thermo-
electric investigations with the optical ftequencies causing m4pwtophonon re
eyev and 1. 1. Farbahtwin for a use "nance L
in Te. The authors thank R. V. Parfen ful, discus-
sion of the experimentAL1 am V. !;- Gurevich and Yu. A. Firswv for an In-
SSSR (Institut poluprowodnikow
L 11390-67
'ACCNRI AP7000398 i
teresting discussion of the thearetiml questions. arls. art. has: 1 figure. i
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DA22: 25JU166/ MW Fa7: 003/ OTH FJW: 002
AVMOR: NNW"- L62.mief, Directorate Of T~dMical Maintenance,
Min AWiffe-Tri-stlon of the OW
TT=: Further Pleduction of Between-Overhaul periods (Z& "joneyeheye
sokrWhdmIye SrOkOv rGm=t& &VIStalonnoy tokbnikjL)
PEWDICAL: &VIStalys, lgoA,,,#,Nr 6, pp 3c)-31 (=R)
.,P=ACT: MW top Official Or the aircraft Maintenance fad repair orpzd-
zation of the Aeroflot &603A Vith current problms in his domIn.
The central I M I to the IGEM of the Idle period of fll&t
eqtdlEftt, milich he considers still to be a3messive, The imeftate
60&1, now &bOut to be IntrOfteed. In saw repair estsbUmbiments, Is
an 5 to 10 day margLa for overhaul of piston-engine aIrcreft. An
illustrative statement Is MMO tbAt If a sizeable repair estab-
Ushment wage to cut Idle time by 15 days per piano per year,
t1ds would be equlvLLent to 8 addMonal aircraft In operation.
The article Is divided Into four sections and a conclusion.
Card 1/3
Further Reduction of Between-Overhaul Periods
Me first section deals with Idling of aircraft before and after
ovedwal. Cases of mob delegs, in operational units and in
a r est~bIIshwWA,, are cited. The second section discusses
cuttIng the overhaul tins. The dependence of the &wation of the
overhaal an the nmber of alreast In the process is explained
by a amogrqb, A better vork ormizatIon is urged,:b tht; first
plus, for shms warkine an the alrftwe. Me third section deals
vith the reorguization of work sdoftles on airfmas repir,
vart2y became of the Introduction of now types of apipwaut,,
parUq because of the necessity of reducing congestion of worIters
in certain work avow. Ni&t shifts mW b gams necessary umde,
the eircumtences In aresis of big% vork vo2aws to amid delva in
the delivery of aircreft. An all-over resebeftling and readjust-
-t of the process In view of local cl-tantances is
cc- Idered the basic xamiWil for excessive Me time. The last
section stmaes the necessity of a mwe tborcu& plsming,,
Cut 2/3
,Further Reftetlon of Bet -OvWtsul Parlods 84-5&&31/59
On 4xWtb* hour-to-hour control of the work, and a vider
ONIVIDYNOUt Of the creative Initiative of all vorkere in
I an OfflectIve methods sad tools for oper i
MIS cOnCluslan deals v1th the tenefleial effects of shorter
Idle UAW on woft coadItIone in amoral but also stresses the
respOWIM11ty of central wM2y orpm In the timly furnishing
of the repaIr vorksbojW vIth -I-, pgrt~ and msftr:L&",, cc Sideb
tJw PEVVIONS Of the vork ftIly depends. A Wwo&Wh accoopWes
the text.
1 - Aircraft-Maintenance
Card 3/3