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SHATKIN, A.A.; BESKINA, S.R.; MkR7YNOVA, V.P. Gultivation of '.he pathogF.-ns of '~racl;oma ani developing chick embryos. Report no.!; Pathogenicity and dynamics of the accumulation of agents. Vop. virus no.6:7.2.4-- 728 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Institut vArusologii imenJ U.I. Ivanovskogo AMN "'SSR. Moskva. TERSKM, I.I.; SHATKIN, A.A.; CHERVONSKIT, V.I.;_YARMOVA. V.R. Study of the etiology of trachoma. Report 10.1: Isolation in white mice of virus agents from trachoma patients. Test. AN SSSR 14 no.10.-23-28 059. (MIRA, 13:6) 1. luBtitut virasologii imani D.I. Ivanovskogo ANN 88SR. (CON.TUNCTIVITIS, GRANULAR) ANDREYEVA, Ye.l.; MARTYNOVA, Ye.A.; YURKOVA, A.G.; VOLCHANEMAYA, T.M. Investigation of new disinfectants of grain and cottonseed. [Trudy] NIUIF no.164:19-20 '59. (MIRA 15t5)' (Seeds-Disinfection) MELINIKOV, N.N.; ANDREYEVA, Ye.l.; YEVTEYEVA, N.M.; IVANOVA, S.N,; KOLBASOVA, I.M.; MkRTYNOVA, Ye.A. - Tin organic compounds as seed disinfectants. (Trudy) NIUIF no.171:131-134 161. (KRA 15:7) (Tin organic compounds) (Seeds--Disinfection) 7- BOLYCHEVSKAYA G.N.; MAnYNOVA Ye A.,- NOVIKOU, H.V~j FARBER, A.M.; CHE9PikVA, -N.1. DA I R. Kh: XA8'.5ARDVA',' K. A. , red. DZYUBAK9 A.V., tekhn. red. i (National economy of Archangel Province; collect46h,of statistics] Narodnoe khoziaistvo Arkhangellskoi oblasti; statizticheskii sbornik. Vologda, Goastatizdat, 1962. 158 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Archangel (Province) Oblastnoye statistiW*bkoye upravle- niye. 2. Statiatichaskoye upravlaniye Arkhangellakoy oblasti (for all except Dzyubak). 3. Nachallnik Statisticheskogo upravleniya Arkhangellskoy ohlasti (for Massarova). (Archangel Province--Statistics) 1. MARTYNOVA, Y-E-. F. 2. msR (6oo) 4. Lepidoptera - Ural Mo-antain Region 7. Peculiarities of the lepidoptera fauna of the southern Ural region and its digni- ficarice to step e forestry. Trudy Zool inst. No. 11 1952. .p 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of ConEress, April - ~ ! ~ I I! \- I j ,I , ' ,II:- MkRTIYNOVA, Ye. F. nEcolofaunistic Review of the Lepidoptera of Varieties of Trees in the Southern Ural." Cand Biol Sci, Inst of Zoology, Acvd Sci USSR, Leningrad, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 5, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (1-1) SO: Sum. N0-521, 2 Jun 55 YL~. /'~~ IWZII SOV,V.I.; MARMUVA,Ye.F. List of Lepidoptera along the central course of the Ural River. Trudy Zool. inst. 16:321-250 '54. (MIRA 8:6) (Ural Valley--Lopidoptera) MARTYNOVA, Ye.F. Materials on Collembola in Ethiopia, Ent. oboz. 40 n0.2.: 848-857 161. (MIRA 17:1) XARTYIN(NA, Yf-, ast, r B s the thyroil 1~lan-l IT) [:I m! a jp~ s K ;; ,v S r ~-cples KOGAN; G.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, SHCHEGLOVA, V.P., kand, te"n, MARTYNOVA, Ye.M., inzh. - ---- ---- ---- 1, ~ Textured fibro'..Ite and reed blocka. Stroi. mat, 1~~ nr~~; 27-29 jo 164. 'I-CFIA 1- 1~1, MARTYNOVA, Yeja.; IVANOVA, Z.V. Use of forkoven and kofermin In the treatment of patients with caacer of the fourth stage. Alc-t.voP.PqXe ,-I.krovi n0.7:208-214 159. (MIRLA 13: 1) 1. Gospitalinaya terapevticheelmya klinika I Leningradakogo meditain- skogo instituta imeni akad. I.P. Pavlova (zav. klinikoy - prof. P.K. Bulat 0v ). (DIGESTIVE ORGANS--CANCER) IRON-THMAPMRIC USE) L .19561-6 -M;T(M RT1q AFFM, ACCESSION '113: A?3005693 S10AV63100810W00"10Oii ADVIOR: 1!er1mlovt_Yj._S.; lfi~,r" va, Ye. Ye.; Baryn1% V. A. TITLE: Two channel nucle iatio roc-q-r-Aer- built with a TISS universal radiometer as a base SOURCE: Maditsinskaya radiologiya, v. B. no. 8. 1963, 66-71 TOPIC TAGS: radiation recorder, two channels, TISS radiometer, ;scintillator, counter 'ABSTTRACT: This now recorder is built with a TISS radiometer as a base, and registers isotope radiation flows over two channels ,simultaneously on a pointer indicator and a loop oscillograph. The recorder includes two saintillator counters and a 20 motor cable for distant measurements. All supplementary electric system elements are mounted in the base for convenience of servicing. Alterations and modifications of the TISS radiometer are described in detail. An experimental model of this recorder has passed laboratory tests and has been used for recording radiation intensities from two data units, Orig. art. has 3 figs. and 2 supplements. C'rd 3./&/ MA B Nonfreezing canals. Mor. flot 18 no.9:24 S '58. (KII., 11:10) l.Starshiy bibliograf TSentrallnoy nauchno-tekhnicheako7 biblioteki Ministerstva morskago flota. (Sweden--Canals) W~MOVA, Z. Using containers for maritime transportation in the U.S.A. Mor.flot 19 no.3:42-43 Mr '59. (HIM 12:4) 1. Starshly bibliograf TSentral'noy nauchno-tekhnichaskoy blbliotski Hinisteretva morskogo, flota. (United States--Cargo handling) (United States--Containere) ,AkRTYWVA, Z. Development of Indian ports. Mnr.flot 19 ao.6:42-43 Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Starebiy bibliograf TSentral'noy nauchno-telchnichnskoy biblio- tski 14inlaterstva morskogo flota. (India--Harbors) PAVLOVA. Zoya Aleksa ndrovna; KARMOU., Zeya Ivanovna; . PCHXI IN. Yu.V., red.; OHOSHKO, N.G.. [On the frontiers of the seven-year plan) Na rubeshaich semiletki. leningrad, LaniOnt, 1960. 91 p. (HIELA 13:11) 1. Zamestitel' direktora lanin&,radskoy trikotazhno-chniochnoy fabriki 'Kreenoye znDmya* (for Favlove). 2. Ptedoodatell fabriahn,ogo komitats leningradakoy trikotazhno-chulochnoy fabriki *KrasnOYO 2namya" (for Kgrtynova). (Moscow--Knit good5 industry) (Socialist competition) 0 AGRANOVS1AYA, I.A.; ASAUIM, Ye.P.; BOYTSOTA.Te.P.; BDGHKMXDVA. A.D. S BOTTSEL'. Z.A.;-IWOVA. Te.A.; NALASHRINOVA, V.A.; MMJW. S.A.: ]KRUCHININA..N.T.; KALTASOVA. Ye.Sel HARXDVA. L.0.; KAWRO-YA- -4,44; PMOTSKATA, I.N.; POLUIMINA. V.A.; RONAIMIAZA. 3-.N.; UNIGULINA, Ye.P,; SIDDYA, N.A.; SIGOVA. N.N.; STILIKAX. N.X.; PIRLIN. S.S.,re- daktor Izdatel'stva; GUROVA. O.A., takhnicheekly radaktor. [Atlas of Oligocene spore and pollen complexes In various regions of the U.S.S.R] Atlas oligoteenovjrkh sparovo-pyl'tBevvkh komplaksov raslichufth raionov SSi"'. Moskva, Gos.n&uchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gologii I okhrane nedr. 1956. 312 p. (laningrad, Vaecoluzzwi geologicheakii institut. Haterialy, no.16) (K6RA 10:3) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledavatel'skiy geologichaskiy institut Ministerstva, geologil I okhrany nedr SSSR.(for Asatkina, Boytsova, Tals0mikov&,Kruchinina, Pokrovskaya, Romanovskaya, Sedova. Stall- mak). 2. Yushno-Urallskoye geologichaskoys upravleniye (for Sigova) 3. Urallskoye goelogichaskoye upraylanive (for Agranovskaya. Bocharni- kova, ".yn?va, Polukhina, Samigulina). 4. Treat "Upsibneftegeologiya" (for Boj~iielv~ Ivanova, Klimko, Markova). 3.Geograficheekly fakul'tet loningradekogo sudaretvannogo universiteta(for Nalyasova) fFoollen, Fossil) (Spores (Botany), Fossil) SOV/10-11:18-r-1-1- AUTHOR: Leont'yev, N.F., hlartynova.,,,,~ . an~,' Serebryanny-y, L.R. TITLE- A Review of U3 Topographical Maps from a Geogra,hical Foint of View (Geografiches-:',a,~a otsenka toDograficheskikh kart SShA) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geo r%- fiches',-aya, 1958, Nr 6, p 113-119 (USSR~ ABSTRACT: The authors review the published topc)Rra,--h,:c,,-,' maps of the U-31 and find '-h.,.,t these maps have many defects. As thifse maps were produced by different departments, the legends vary, and many topogrziphic elements are missinE. Very little attention is paid to the mapping ~).'L the soil-vef-ret-itive cover. Hyd r o p-, r; i! 1-i I c, j 1 d,it,,t 'i.-e also insufficiently reproducod. 1 f' the soil relief is reiroduced moticulously, the river net is re,,,roduced only schem;i'6ic~i' ly.. Card 112 The authors find thnt aerial photography is SOV/10 A Review of US Topographlical 11.'aps from a GeograPhical of View not ade.--,uately utilized for the p_-ei,'_-'-;-' on of US maps. To a certain degree, th--'-.-- aEe of good maps can be explained by tl~c in- sufficient p--eparation of necessary s:tIci-'- ists in American schools. There are 1-4 refer- ences, 6 of .,:'.ich are Soviet and a !,M ~', r 4 C -I ~_j ASSOCIAT-OY: Institut qeoF rafii Ali SSSR (The In-:titute of Geo6raphy of th,2 AS USSR) Card 212 3 (5) AUTHOR: Martynova, Z.I.-,,-, TITLE: The Interdepartmental Meetin,- on the Transcription of Cpo- f-raphical Names PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SISSR, Seriya geojrafi:~~.e_-.kaya, 19'. Nr 3, Pp 11~1-11_4 (U=) ABSTRACT: The conference referred to in the title was convened on to 31 January, IT)01, in the Institut geografii AN 3.-,:-.R (In- stitute of GeoEraphy, AS USSR). It was attended by abcut 90 pers:ns from, different cartograrhic organizations: (TsNIIGAIK, GUGY, NR,~Ch, editors of the Morskoy Atlas (At- las of the Seas), etc.) several institutes of the -ovict Academy of Sciences (GeoCraphy, Linguistics, Russian Lang- uage, Information, East-Institute), State Universitips of Moscow and Kiyev, Library imeni Lenina, editors of the B3F, Geocraficleskoye obshchestvo S33R (Geolraphiral ';ociety, J USSR), repre~:.entatives of the Verkhovnyy Soviet SSSR (~UT- reme Soviet of the US3R), and others. M.B. Volos"nova and Card 1/4 S.A. Tyurin rejortiJ that thn Otdel tranikripts2i TsNI1(,ATF. SOV I/ I G--r 0;!,~2 The Interdepartmental Mp,-tin- cn the Transc-irtion of Geogra-_,_'cal 'Ta: s (Department of Transcriptions of thle TsNTIGAi-~) has alrr-F,-": composed "General Rule.-. of *'Vriting Georra,,.ical on Maps" and se, up 65 instr,~ctions concerninj- the ion of appellation,3 fro- -~6 diffr-rent Soviet and .11' fcr--,,- lan,T,ia'f,P s .The same departr.ent has alread..; set ip a -ari indey: of ar-pr.'Llations- (about I million cards), stan."arl cards are bein- prepared and consultations condl~2t~d, etc. The MezhIuve3omstuvennaya postoyannaya komissi,:-R po vo-7o- sam tran3kript3il nazvani~, (F-rman-A in- terdepartmental Cormittee for thr- Transorirtir,n of Geo;-ra- phical Appellatio:-.s) Ett the G',JGY. has been endov.,~:! r- slective authority and bias been viorl'An, .-in(_,c, lq;-O. T'-. e work done by other carto~-,ra ic orFanizations wa- illustrat- ed by M.Kh. Barariov and P.K. 1,.Iakayuda. Ye.M. fosp,~lov re- ported on the transcrirtion work rlonp abro-4 A.A. Refor- matskiy lectured on "Georraphi( Names as Wor.!s cf the Russian Language". A.V. Superanskays. anally.'ed t1in orthographic problems connected with geograpl~ic appellations. Card 214 S.I. Ozhegov added his authority to the views of t!.e ttivo SOV,10_~q_z_~O ~2 The Interdepartmental Meeting on the Transcription of Geoj-rapnica. Nai-_c-s latter speakers. "Local Geographipal Names" war, t~If, ren-rt of E.M. Murzayev. Special proble-,.j concerninr t~-.(, trans- scripticr; from E.,:glish, Estonian, Indian and jal.anese lan&- were analyzed by V.I. Kuznetsova, O.B. Oskolkova and E.Yu. Nurm. Ye.14. P03pelov and V.V. Pertsmakher discussed different fields of foreign transcription work. A.Kh. Baba- yev, G.P. Bondaruk, V.A. Nikonov and Ye.,',% Pospelov dis- cussed the problems of topon ',mics as a special branch of science. O.R. Nazarevskiy pointed out that there are many errors in 3oviet non-Russian maps and Ueographic books as far as the appellations are concerned. P.D. Ded,-v and ?.K. Komarov emphasiz,d the i.,,~purtance of the ori,-'ir:a1 corre + transcription of [,-cographic names in the course of topc- 6raphic operations. Forty-four persons spoke J.- "Ie ~Jis- cussions, e.g. D.Y. Popov, A.Ya. Marusovv L.17* ~',~,to:ev, G.I, Donidze, Yu.V. Aristov, N.A. Syrom,,,atnikov, ,.A. 7f,-'r- rilova, L.F. Ri~, A.F. Dallkovskaya. The as3em'-ly voted for the creation of a central authoritative inter;ep,-..-t7:e:.t- Card 314 al organiza!ion in charre of the entire Soviet trai._;,r.ip14 _~on 2 The Interdepart;iental MeetiriE on the Trar.scription of Geo,--rap~.' -~a- ~s work. Its proposed name is: Komitet po geo- ,-raficheskikh nazvariy i lichnykh imen (t'--e Comm---teFl in Charge of t-e T-anscription of G,~oEraphic, 1 and Personal Names~. A scientific advisory and execut-'ve tea- should be adde-1 to this cent-al committee. Tn ",.e the Soviet Ministry of the Interior should `:elp !,otl. present Interdepartmental Com:-ittee and the Depa-rtment of' GUG,- in com,,~Ieting an~ publi-lhin~- t.c.--ir readi:, materials. Par.ers read at the confArence te ni-ib- lished. Card 4/4 -~3 X SOV/10-59-4-25/29 1UT:,.CRG: Volichko, A. t., SIMd Kinta, A.A. TI7L3i The Urth ~,Onference of Yn *ocilintltlc 7ork~rs of ~5 -.R 'Institute or Geo- the Tmstitut Seo,:rm ri L -VT graphy 13 USSR) Izve~tiya Akademli nark 3SSR.,Seri ;co-r.ri-hes- 4 154 1 2 _ Wa, 1959,1r . pp 1=71'.CT: 3irth conference Ior ToUme The article cover: tha r, is a _rker of h Inatittite of eorraphy t Sc ntifi .0 q 8 1 . 35 5 An U---R whieb took place in =id-V.rch, 1 reports ".- ~al by the follolin,' scientific mr- "" - o.e ,~netic Re~-tlari- d H on orte 1. Gl%zh re, kers.3 ' . o is ribition of tmospheric Frecipita- ties int ' *. ,~k ~ ~nl Yevtevy on -0t tlon" l _ , I e-ch . L., r. s r. oreiea. in , ,, ,j j tru. r; rv 0. - c. An tare t I c tho .;Ion& j_ tio tuee. r;~11~.f net7-Ic bthe 'Card tu~d the lateat -~ctojic novim~~ta in the !!ort!,orm Trin-Ur,tl Lre. " P O~ ILL e--.e ' t. rati. t--lnce m.t!- evaporation acc;At 1. tIt from th .A,fricsm co.timent; - ojO a . :, cus,.d aporation problems in the ,:~jf or j% '-UnavevnP and 'Z~ j on the ct of sola maltin,~ in the Tr--Volaa region, --7. on scow radiaticz near the Elbrus --t%,~r 5tntj,,a I t r 00 It 011rt lra ec . d . a..- t, - I., the p Caucasus; r.r. Crv On his no. method to wasur* the __ _on Q~ carri d by wind$, =hereby anow-flakes rcc,,e:: . by a h toelectric devlv~) 11 1- e- - ; Pov., and poxe no th, heat b.lamc~ ~t~ze- rations at the ZaCo"ka7a 3cjertl~ % C tation ml &r I-osco-j re- an sprjr~L ! i t. o ~teA r d aharce 'and soil -z.,c.,t a-~ . Card 2/5 3.177. DreyeE =1 'a7a 1-c~ ired on hor, t~ calculate the maximal sTrin,; -ter discharee In the renisey and Lens rivers accordin, to the method of ib ct:rel a.. 1e-1. 1' .' z - � S ^ 10 IX c t~, I an V-ra ~7 -o r . . . T t h . , a U ;-T- on the lake level. 1. n1~3V is Preasion durXHZ 1849-1958 1L.I. r.,orted - = . "Iape. .4 the rivers an.' lakes of the formo of relief in the ri-er Fliocen scu di ss:d X 0h r,- b inj Vilichk, 11-acilat.4 _%, :. . . , o -!s, on 1 adeposits in th e c-t ar~o.the R,;a51- ' ~ n leturel rent-Li. I -Z or.- n mstah" -d A Ye. on W in Ceatr~- 'entral r-.j a nivisl~rl or t~. I!Eli tuz 3/5 to Ural -.od-~,. 307/10-59-4-25/29 Zhe Si-tb Zonferance of Tok~Z : 'ntific 'orkerl of the InStitut Geografli U ;3R (!n,tit ~t. of ~ .,;rapta A:, USSR) .~Istmel b.- holl~-I 0~ the t La-~` 'A-b"21C or rae Irtyan river -ar ravlodar origi- I na ted , S.,m i s%mrt geo,;r*phical survey an t!- Ira areal '* Ta Venther reported on her v~rk er;~ri~n~e in tth~~ ljois of a =p of morphogeretic E;r.,und fOMa 7.-A0 by aerial photoZraphy in tre B~:r~atika,7a 1,33.R. ~_. Timofevey discussed relief 1z t~.e 9outtern part of the laur an,! Zeys. rivers are~,;,V.F. '~i"t,-ov rpholoCical and =orp 'Ome~z t. coopared ma. measure ron coefricientsi c.r. E;-.~e a z ~ OE:eo~;rwv "MZ-OV ... rrr pa-rt 0:, the rak4csicaz'a i.=Ij re.~:. ~trllc reported on the development of the areal discussed data on t!ie distri~u- tion A -so i M--17.a tare 9 in the 13~.I~ co.oqy f the -at stotvl'my~.y k--qC (Z-nki 4/4 -'Lre a7e,~~~ %nJ re-or-a! .. -!I,. t; lunb.r ustr7 In the Ar4h~;el k%y. Oblla.t' and Gor' '~Zkiy'ki.7 ra'T.. Sconomic District) respectivelyj and G.T- Ife.11,ike" lectured on t,,. popuTation. and econo=y of t~~ 1.3n~' ?zde-,-7%er!te=- bore, vTeat Ger=xx~y. The conforonce w&D %I.. jtte.~.e4 by representatives of the Caskovokly rjosuda.-~tvyv_mj7 universitat (Vosco~ State *:nIveral-y), 7--r.. u, Institut prognotoy (lentral Institute 0.1 Yrc,Zntines~, L~titmt =emlotovedoniya L5 z;.;za (rnstituts of rler~~- frost Research 13 V3SR), and other or6mnlzation~. :,he follovdna senlor workem of the Zn.atl~ute Of G"Gra- gh,T,A.S USSR took part in the d1SC-Ias.0o8: A.P. &I tsov* B.L. D=erdzeyevskiy, L A.G. Doakach' H.B. Dummitraahko' L.I. S.N. fly- azantser, L.F. Sribnyy, B.A. 7edorovich, and others. ,ard 5/5 3(2) AUTHOR: Yartynova, Z. li, - sov/6-59-6-15/22 TITLE: New Agricultural Maps (Novyye -3E'_'skokhozyaystvar_nyye karty) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartoarafiys., ',,059, Nr 6, Pp 56-59 (USS-) Olt ABSTRACT: Tte agricultural maps of the Omsk oblast' and of the Novosibirsk oblast' are the first maps to meet the requirements of agricultural planning and management under present conditions. The characteristics of this now kind of maps are pointed out here. Both are on the same scale of 1 : 600,000, but are different in content and application of cartographic methods. The map of the Omsk oblast' shows the boundaries of soil exploitation of sovkhozes and kolkhozes, and names their centers. The areas of agz-icultural cultivation are represented in color. The taiga zone -'Ls shown as "forest and hunting" area. The vegetable, poultry-breeding and pig-breeding sovkhozes, cattle- breeding and seed-growing farms, fruit-grow-Ing schools, botanical gardens, bee-keeping farms, fox farms, RTS, MTS and agricultural power plants are shown. In spite of this, the map has considerable shortcomings. The specialization of agriculture Card 1/2 with separate mention of leading branches is not expressed. New Agricultural Maps 307/6-59-6-15/22 In this oblast' which is one of the main districts of dairy and production of butter, it is not possible, for instance, to tell by the map where the centers of this branch are situated. On the map of the Novosibirsk oblast' , the special- ization of agricultural production constitutes its principal content. But here the soil exploitation is not shown in single agricultural organizations but in administration districts, which results in a poorer content of the map. While the map of the Omsk oblast' only shows the quantitat-ive relationship of main cultures between each othei., and the Dzesence of one or the other branch of cattle-breeding, the map of the Novosibirsk oblast' gives a classification in three zones and 8 subzones which is much clearer. The map also shows the distribution of industries connected with agriculture. An important supplement of these maps are the auxiliary maps I : 4,000,000 and rOO,OOO on the map of the Omsk oblast' and 1: 3,500,000 on the maD of the No-tosibirsk oblast'. Unfortunately there is -no indication of prod,ict-v4ty and soil amelio --ation. On the map of the Omsk oblast', a chp--t of temperature conditions would be convenient (as this area extends over different Card 2/2 climatic zones). There are 2 Sovfpt references. 3(2) sov/6-59-8-l,,27 AUTHORSt Leontlyev, N. F. , Candidate of Technical Sciences, Nartynova, Z. i.9 Mints, A. A., Candidate of Geographical Sciences TlTLEs On the Atlas of Belorusskaya SSR(Ob Atlase BelorusskoySSR) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartog.E-afiya, 1959, Nr 8, PP 58-63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The atlas of Belorusakaya SSR was published in 1958. It has 140 pages, ana Che edition comprises 15,000 copies. It contains 8 general and political administration maps, 56 general geographical maps, 8 physical maps, 48 economic maps, 9 ethnographical maps, and 9 historical maps. The climatic chart and the map of peat deposits are excellent. The forest map and geobotanical map are not entirely in agreement with one another. The fauna map is highly interesting. A scheme of the economic relations of the Republic with other areas of the USSR is also given. The characterization of the population is not exhaustive in the ethnographical maps. A particular advantage of the atlas lies in the fact that maps of individual oblast' of the Republic, namely physical, administrative, and economic maps of each of the oblast' are also inserted. Card 1/1 There is 1 Soviet reference. AGRANOVSKAYA. I.A.; ALYUSHINSKIY, Yu.A.; ASATKINA, Ye.F.; BOYTSOVA, Yo.P.; BOCHARNIKOVA, A.D.; VOYEVODOVA, Ye.; GROMOVA, H.S.; ZAUnM, V.V.; NARTYNOVA, Z.I.; FANOVA, L.A.; POKHOVSKAYA, I.M.; ROMAMYSEAYA. G.M.; N.I.-- KUYKINA, S.L.; EDIMISHMN, L.I. [deceased]; MAMUSHIN, V.A.i [Atlas of upper Cretaceous, Phleocene and locene spore and pollen complexes in certain regions of the U.S.S.R.] Wee vorkhnomelovykh, paleoteenovykh I eotsenobykh sporovo-pylltsevykh komplekBov nekotorykh raionav SSSR. Leningrad. 196o, 574 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi geologi- cheskil inetitut. Trudy, v01-30). (MIRA 13:10) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-ii3sledovatellakly geologicheskiy institut Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Alyushinskiy, Asatkina, Boytsova, Gromova, Panova, Pokrovalmva, Romanovskaya, Sedova,Stellmak, X11'shteyn). 2. Urallskoye geologicheskDye upravleniye Minicterstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Agranovskay-a, Bocharnikova, Marty- nova). 3. Severo-Vostochnoye geologicheskoye upravleniye Ministerstva geologit i okhrany ne1r SSSR (for Voyevodova, Khaykina). 4. Lenin- gradskiy filial Gidroproyekta 14inisterstva elektrostantsiy (for Zauver). (Falynology) KARTYNOVA, Z-I-; MMS, Z-L, kand.georaf.nauk Agricultural map of KoBcov Province. Geod. i kart. no-7:61-63 ji 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (moscow Rrovince-Agrianlture-KaPB) MARTYNOVA, Z.I. R-conamic map of a province. Geod. i kart. no. 10:59-60 0 ,6o. (KIRA 13:12) (Omsk Province-Beonomic coaditione-Wpe) MAMNOVAL Z. Ij MIMS, A.A. Geographical atlas of Tambov Province. Geod,i kart, no,5s6&-68 w 161. (Tambov Frovince-Haps) (JMA 14s6) MARTMOVA, Z.I.; MINTS, A.A. Atlas of the Armenian S.S.R. Geod.i kart. no.4s53-6 kp 162. (MMA 15312) (Armenia--MapB) 3/006/62/000/004/001/001 :G54/D!15 AUTHORS: Golub, R.A., and :.:artynova, Z.I. --f-rence on Present lalcve:nents of TITLE: Third Tnte--deppartmenti Con e the 'Earth's Crust P7RT ODICAL: Geodeziya i k4rtografiya, no. 4, 1902, 7-'-"6 TEXT: The Tret'ye :,.'ezhdu-;edc~,Ts-.ven;-.oye sovesho'hanive po soiremennym dvizheniyam zemnoy kory '-2hird --nterdepartmental Conference on Presenz Yovements of the Earth's Crust), organized by t-,e Coxmiss;.on for -.-.e Study of Present -7ectonic Movements and the Geodesy Section of -.he Interdepart- the Presidium of the LS 7-SS~~- , mental Committee at nas held on November 14-18, 196A~ in Moscow. The part-4cipants representea various departments of the AS of the USSR and indivicua repu.ulics, the State Committeefor the Coordination of 3cientific Research at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ministries of Higher and Secondary E-Education and of ecology and the Conservation of Mineral Resources of the '~-SSR, etc. Opening tne conference, Academician 1.P. Gerasimov dealt with Soviet research on vertical crustal Card 1/5 6/6 2 /00C /C-04 /CC, I /OG- Third Interdepartmental Conference ... movements. The following is a Iist cf participants and reports ro,,.d: Y-,;.A. Yeshch - eryakov and M-I. Sinyagina - information now availal,~e or. crutital movements; 14eshcheryakov and Yu.-~,. Bulanz'-~- - :nternat.~Onal c~.,~~neration in the study of present crustal movezen-.s; 7.P. Kostenko, N.V. Dumitrashko and D.;,. --iliyerberg - :;.a-.hods of stucying present vertical crustal movements of intracontinental regions; Bulanz*ne, Ye..N. Lyustikh, V.A. ,'agn-,tskiy, 14.7. Gzzvskiy and A'.Ye. Os,.ruvskiy - T~.e use of geophysical- methods of stud.y.'n.~-. -.,resent crustal movements; bulanzne, L ... agnitskiy, .'.A. 1zotov and -S. 31-agovolin - Thc- jr,,)4ect of creat.-ng a Crimean experimental area for studyin.;27 present tec-.cnic movements 'ap:~r3ve~` Shc~-.e-'ov - '-e ~oss`bi`ity of jater,:.r.:,nq c3n- by the conferences; V.!~. - . - - T tinental movements by repeatedly determining the longitude of differeni points on the Earth's surface; Zhel.rin and 1.P. ~'esiB - Ovcoc res-41ts obtained by the relevelling method use6 for stu,"ying crustal movaments In the EstSSR and in the South-East Balt4c Sea Region; V.A. '4attskova - The use of the relevelling me;hod for corr'ecting the Yrap of the western Dart of the European USSR; A.P. Bachmanov - The study of vertical movements on the Black Sea shore; L.P. Orlenko - The use of oceanographic data for Card 2/ 5 s/oo6/62/C00/GG4/GG.1/CC! Third Interdepartmental Conference ... DOWD113 defining present relative tectunic movements; A.K. Pevnev Of x 1 6 1 .. .'e-!Q0v relevelling in he ?asKuncnak area; A.". Gabaydulin and Study of vertical crustal movL~r,,~nts in the Xa--an' area; iazac~~yan - Study of these moveme.-.ts in Armenia; 3.. Loontlyev - Ver*,-~ca.' movements of the -Eart*-'s surface, 3aused by --ex.-,-orary t,na water loads, and tne~r influence on rign-~recisiQn levell-ing in tne :'cw':~r Volga areas; Us;~enskiy an,,; c6-workers cf the lnsttu', SSSR (Institute of ~;e~:~gri-phy of tne ~.S USSR) ~...artynova, :,.Ye. .-etL~nskaya and Ye.A. Fin'ko analyze,i nontect(~nic olf tne 7-arl.-Is ~,rust; 3zovskiy and L.A. Latynina - 7he qualitative ;orre'lat~,,n butwvon lunj:'-to~rm tectonic movements preceding an eartnquake and specific movements i:Lme,~i- ately prior to an earthquake; A.A. Nikonov and 3.--. ?-=nasenko, rencrtinIz, or; late-4cuaternary tectonics and seismicity in Fenn,~skandia, concluded that, in the postglacial period, the elevation nrocass slc'we~ down and the elevation and sinking areas in the East of the Kola Penins':Ia were reduced; Ostrovskiy, A.B. Bakhrushin and L.I. Yironova, reocrting on surveying results in Kondar, described the block-motion character of crustal movements; V.F. Bonchkovskiy - Slow movements of upper terrestrial Card 3/5 S /,~ 00 2,1 C, C, C, 0 C II 4 hard Interdepartmental Conference ... D 0 5 4 %, 1, 1 31 T layers in the Serpukhov area; A.:~. Dona",vdov ~_nd -he lation between present vertIca'. crustal Ln,.vc-men's, t!eo;,.,,ySicaI ".1E!,-_!3 geostr-uctural elements; G.-. 7Gn'kcv - lncrease.-~ met-ane and coal-Fa., emanatic,ns are cc:.recte,_; with z3nes c.,-' contras---*-.g kas - T*,'e poss ble connectlon between quasi-Eeolc S._rfaces ~_n3 movemen"s; A.:;. 37eurlyat - -ne ~-se c)" a leve-_ var-_=Eter -_-.e di-fference in '-e_',~ht cf points on prof.1e; ~et,;nska-,,a destvenskiy, Yu.Ye. Z'!-,_~renko and Ye.Ya. ~~anisman - Tre zorrela-lun -,f pre- sent movements W4 th crntempDrary re!J.efs, aCt-,al lectonics and tures . .',Ieshc-eryakov and I Srkclcv-,kiy - The 4 nhar' -.e4 charac -,er o' vertical movements; %Iartynova, :Ifattsirova and S.-K. Gorelov - T*.-.e ir.7,,orLanze of relevelling todbtain correct c-aracteristics ~,f -,*-e cr,-,-,tal speed; Dumitrashko, LiJliyenberg, Hantsman, V.A. Rlastv~Drova, Ye...'. 3'-Cher- bakova and Yu.A. Skvortsov - An analysis of present. crustal movement's in the mountainous parts of the south of the USSR; ~'.X. Grave and V..e. '-,'ev- zorov - Movements in the complex of Holocene and older Cluaternary deposits on the Kola Peninsula; V.V. Lamakin I V G Rikhter and A.V. Volin .acilitate understanding study of tectonic fracturing zones to i. crusLal Card 4/5 S/0G6/62/OGO/OC4/CC1'/00__- Third Interdepartmental Conference ... movements in inherited faults and consolidated rocks; A.S. lonin, P.;.. Kaplin, V.F. Kanayev and Ye.N. ';evessiJLy - The use of gec,;.,;~rpholo&-,_Jca_. a.-.6 stratigraphic methcds for studying vertical crustal movements oL sea sh-~'res and modern techniques for underwater research. '-,~e conf,:rence .-'Or the most important tasks as bein,-: t .ne ccmpilation oi a con.~iex ma,-, of vertical crustal move.-Lents in the European USSR, the stuay of pral~-,fnt tec- tonic movements in selsmic areas of -.he TUS-S-l by all available methods, t'-e creaticn of several exnerimental areas for studying Lectonic mcvements, detailed studies of coal regions w-4-.- a view to solving the problem of fore- casting sudden gas outbursts, and the designing and construction of new instruments and devices. Card 5/5 MkRTYNOVA, Z.I. - - Economic map of Novosibirsk Province. Geod.i kart. no.10z'/~--':' 0 162. OERA 1502) (Novosibirsk Province-Economic conditions-YApO MARTYNOVA, Z.I.,- MINTS, A.A. Atlas of Irkutsk Province. Geod. i kart. no.5:55-60 My 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Irkutsk Province-Maps) MINTS, A.A.; MAR7~'NCWA, Z-1. Ne-. comprehazisive -,as. Ge,)A-. i kart. - 'E, k M' . HA I ; MARTY NUIA, Z. I. Review of the activity of the Comission for Medical GeoLrrapny of the Moscow Branch of the GeoKraphical Society of the U.~S.S.R. in 191-,3 - 1964. VoT. geog. no.t,F:21~-218 165. ( YJ RA 18 - 12 ) BOYTS(NAj,,T9,P&; VOYEVODOVA, js~M~; ZAUIER, V.V.4 KOLITSOVA, T.T.; KRUCHINM P N.Y.; WJVNPVAp. Z.I.;. PANOVA, L.A.j PCKROVSKAYA, I.M.; RGUNOV8KAU#-O-.H.; SEDUVA,, Moko; STELIMAK, N.K.; TABACHNIKOVAV I.P. [A&Us of lower Cretaceous spore and pollen complexes of some regions of the U.S.S.R.] Atlas nizhzwmelovykh oporovo-pylltsevykh kmpleksoy nekotorykh r*icuoy SSSR. Moskva,, Nedra, 1964. 551 p. (Ioningrad,, Vaesoiuznyi geologicheskii institut. Trudy, vol.124) (MIRA 18:9) 1. Vossoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy geologicheskiy inBti- tut (for Boytsova,, Kolltsova,, Kruchinina, Panava, Pokrovskaya, Rows.novskays., Sedova,, Stellmak, Tabacbnikova). 2. Urallskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye (for Martynova). 3. Severo-Vostoch- noys geologicheskoye upravleniye (for Voyevodova). 4. Leninn- gradskiy filial Vaesayuznogo ordena Lenina proyektno-izpkatell- skogo i nauchno-issledovatellskogo inatituta im. Z.Ya. Zhuka (for Zauyer). 4ft 3/137/61/000/011/042/ 127,:; A060/A101 AUrHORS- Bergel'son, L. P., Kritskaya, N. V., M-artynova -.Z. K. TITLE: Technological study of the poiy-metallic ore of one of the Ural deposits PERIODICAL- Refera-,ivnyy zhiArnal. Metallurgiya, no. 11, P-)61. '), abstrart C'Tr. Tsen"r. n.-i. garnorazved. in-ta". 1%,0. no, 39. 43 - 414) TEXT The poly-me-Lallic ore from one of the Ural deposits wa:5 tested f,)r concentration. In view of the fact that Zn, Pe. Cd (besides the Au and Ag) mav be of some interest, the tests were carried out in the direction of ob,.airi-~rw, methods of extracting the indicated elements. First the ore under te-st was jected to gravitational concentration on a jigging machine and a concentra*,.ior. platform to separate crit from the technological process the unyielding -Dre arla, the free Au and Ag. The gravitational concentrate was subjected *c, amalgamation. and the residues of the amalgamation may be utilized as a pyrite concentrate c'-r- taining up to 40% Fe and 50% S. The main technological process of treallng "n.s ore ',.urned ouT. to be the collective flotation, to which the residues r,f' ~ne Jig- ging, and a mixture of the jigging residues w1th tne residues of ~he roncen'r~i- Gard 1.12 3/137/6 1 1 Technological study of the pGly-metallic ore... A06C)/Al(-)! ,.ion Platform were s,jbjected. and whose optimal grain size was 0.11-) mm. Tnw lee-tive conceWrate was subjected to selective flotatlon wl"~h separa,.ion of 7'r, and FeS ed C rp-~, * PTJ ,) concen'trales. The silver and gold are exiract in tasJc* and from .he flotal ion res I dues ny I~he cyaniding process. A. "hmeieva [AbstracT~erls ncte Complee ranslation] Card 2/2 L 05631-157 EW )'Ili j/EWT~rl 4 K t /Fl I I.TP( C) 11" ACC NRa Ap6c)24505 SOURCE CODE: uR/o18l/66/oo8/oo7/2258/226o AUTHOR: Baryshev, N. S.; Vdovkina,_Ye. Ye.; Martynovich, A. P.; Nesmelavaj, I. M.; Tsitsina,, N. P.; Aver'yancv, 1. S. ORG: none TITLE: Deep energy levels in indium antimonide SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 7, 1966, 2258-226o TOPIC TAGS: indium compound, antimonide, impurity level, forbidden band, Hall effect, carrier density, carrier lifetime, photoconductivity, photoelectromagnetic effect ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated certain electric ~;ro!!erties"ojf si 1,e ci~7:ys- "U Of tals of InSb with uncompensated-impurity density 1012 _ 10 _3 the eep levels in the forbidden band were determined, the concentrations of the cor- responding centers obtained, and their recombination properties investigated. Tine test consisted of measuring the Hall effect and the conductivity in p-type crystals grown by the Czochralski method and doped with germanium, or else obtained by ra,,ltiple zone melting, in the interval 55 - 300K. The temperature dependence of the Hall coef-. ficient shows, for samples with uncompensated-acceptor density lower than 1014 CM-3, the presence of two regions of qienching (below the Hall inversion point and at low temperatures) and a sloping region between them. The results are explained by as- suming the existence of three levels (shallow donor and acceptor levels and a deep dononr level), the degree of ilLing of which depends on the temperature. To observe Card 112 - L 05631-167 ACC NR: AP6#o24505 the deep levels, the transmission of several samples with carrier density n 1&14 eyri-3 was investigated at 55 and 77K in the spectral interval 5 - 15 ~L. A weak absorp- tion band was observed near 9-3 p, and it is attributed to the ionization of the deep levels. Measurements of the stationary photoelectromagnetic effect and the photocoli- ductivity were used also to investigate the temperature dependence of the lifetime of the carriersp and the results obtained agreed with the published data. The authors thank K. Ya. Shtivel'man for a useful discussion. OrIg. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23NOV65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 007 Card 2/2 MARTYNOVICF, G.Ya.; L~VIN, N.V.; RAJ)C~iYNKC, B.G.; SULLA, V.B. lnven~ors suggpst. Mas~-inostroi*.Pl' no.10:30-31 C 165. (MF~A IR: 10) Country : UbSa m Category: Cultivated Plants. Comziercial. Oil-Bearing. Sucar-Bearin,6. Abs !our: RZhBlol., 1-1.'o 22, 1958, No 100401 Author : Demchenko, F.K.; Martynovich, L.I. Inst : Title :The Interrelation between NutrlentB In Basic Fertilization 'dith Two-!ay Cultivation. Orl- _711ub: 5aXharn:iya svekla, 1957, No 8, 28-31 Abstract; In 1955-1956, different cozibinations of fer- tilizers applied under su3ar beets with square and squaro-pocket (check row) seeding, were studicd at Verkhnyachakly Exper1rent and 3reedin7 Station. The content of nitrates In the soil, and -iobllc P Oard 1/4 Country : U68R CateQory: Cultivated Plants. CoTmercial. Oil-BearinS. bu,Tar-Bearing. kbs Jour: UhBlol., Fo 22, 1958, No 100401 and X was determined In relation to the fer- tilizers aD,)lled. The Influence of various combination8 Of fertilizers on theyield of beet roots and their Buz ar content was studied. The h13heat yield of beet roots (460 cantners/ /ha with a sugar content of 17.3%) was secured from square seeding with a full norm of NPH. In the basic fertilization and with a half norm of P and "-- In supplementary dressings. In the square-packet sowin7, the highest yield (435 centnors/ha with the suEar content of 17-7.ip') was obtained with one rtnd a half dose of FF."L In the main fertilization without additional ~Iard 2/4 ,A-128 Country : USSR Caterx.ory: Cultivated Plants. Commercial. Oil-Bearin3- Su.,Tar-3earlng. Abs Joir: RZh3iol., No 22, 1958, No 100401 d.~essinS. Umission of N In the basic fertili- zation and In the supple-ientary droBsin3, lowered somewhat the yield of the roots but increased the auQar content to 18.3%. Experl- ments showed that the beat col-ibination both In the Bquare and square-pocIliet sowinS ofbaGts, Is P40 and X50 In the basic fertl-ilzation and N25P2M"'25 in the sunplementary dressln3 on the condition of applying 20 tons/ha of manure under the -oredecessor of the beets. Otherwise, application of N50 In the basic fortilIzatlon (in addition to n and H) and Its oilsslon Card 3/4 Country UbSR CateSory: Cultivated 'OlanLe. C:)-mercial. Oil-Bcarina. Abs Jour; RZh3lol., o 22, 1958, No ioo4ol from the suoPlementary dreasin-),, Is necessary. -- a. Yu. L-inosnan Card 4/4 14-129 MARTYNOVICH,M.Ye., agronom Year-round production of organic fertilizers. Zenedelie 24 no.6: 47-49 Je '62. (MRA 15:11) 1. Kolkhoz imeni Krasnykh partizan, Karelichekogo rayona, Gordnenskoy oblasti. (White Russia-Fertilizers and manures) K&RTYNOVICH, N.N. ~,_ ~"- % - ~ Forage crop rotation in the southern forested steppe zone of the Ukraine. Zemledelie 4 no.5:83-88 My 156. (KLRA 9:8) 1. Verkhnyachskaya ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni opytno-Belekt- sionnaya BtantBiya. (Ukraine--Forage plants) (Rotation of crops) Country : USSR Category : Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Leguminous Plants. Tropical Cereals. M Abs Jour : RZhBiol,t No 6t 1959t No 24812 Author : Martyhovi h.- N,~ R. Inst : dberkdask and Uman Agricultural &xperimenta! Stations. Title : Green Fallows under Winter Wheat in the Southern Forest-and-Steppe Right-Bank Region of the Ukraine. Orig Pub % Zemledeliye, 1958, No. 79 49-51 Abstract : According to six-year-old exIterimental results in Cherkassk and Uman Agricultural Experimental Sta"Iion--., the harvests of winter wheat in sugar- rr-'- roiation were high - 21-25 c/ha - due- to ~z or. fallows taken up by vetch-oat, vetch-rye mi~cturesq by peas (in humid years) and by perennial grasses of one-, two-year usage. Card 1/2 MARTYN(IV !CH, N.N. il xurid. I skrkr.r.z. liauk 'A',nter whoat In t~:e- of Lho 'Acrailnu. Zerilede" 'e - 4 1 1 f-~4 - ( 1XIru, ],/: - '16 no.P,- r5-60 Ag I , - 1 , 1 . Verkhnyachskaya opytnaya stantsiya. MARTYNOVICH, N.N., I-and. qellskoklioz. nauk Corn as fallmi crop. Zonledelie 27 no.5:4~-42 !lj '(")5. 1. Verk,',,nyachskaya oFT--no-selektsionnaya ,tantsiva. MARTYNOVICH, T. L. Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "The Calculation of Reinforced-Edge Plates by the Method of Suc..cessive Approximations." LIvov,, 1956. 6 pp 22 cm. (Min of Higher I- Education Ukjk_,SSR, Llvov State Univ im Ivan Franko), 100 copies (KL9 16-579 99) SOV! 1 14 58 - 7111.' Translation from: Referati,.-nyy zhurnal Mekhan:ka. lq58 Nr 7 p 88 'T'SSR) AUTHOR: Martynovich, T L. I Martyno-!ch T L T IT LE: The Flexure of an Isotropic Plate Wea~ened by a.I`--,,~~,.--~It- Hulu i, (I Reinforced With an Elast:c R.rg I'zgib ,zotropnov pl,ist;rk; ~- nyrn otverstiyerri. podkreplenrlyrn up-ug-,rn kol~tsorri) r. Uk~a.,-. a!. PERIODICAL- Nauk zap L`,i%s~ (in t 11_4~7 Vol 44 pp 40 47 ABSTRACT: An examination is rnade ot the flexure of an iniinite .,otrop., p'-le weakened by a hole through -t the shape of the hole torin !Iear equilateral triangle (with somewhat cur,.ed sides' A lh~rl ring is soldered onto the edge of the plate to re~ritorce 1; tz.c 1,t:: d -g rigidity and torsional rigidity of the ring are not equal R,, -i e n-ieL--cd of successive approximations the soluttor s set up ,%-~th -etevence c the parameter perta,.n:ng to the expression for the repi-t-sertati e tunc tion, For two particular -,vpes of load the influence exvrt,-(-, )% !he ring on the distribut.on ot the hending moments l-i.Pand ii.(, 1!( r.~ !"e contour of the soldered seani is demonstrated nurne 1-c a,l," M -\ Prl,su Card I/I 1. Metal plates Detlect~.or. 2Metal plates Theur% MMYNOVICH, T.1. [Martynovych, T.1,3 (L'vIv). plates shaped as elliptic confocal rings with reinforced edges [in Ukrainian with summaries in Ptassian and lkglishj. P*kl. makh, 4 noo"1:70-79 158. (XIM 11:4) IG L"volkiy derxhavnly universitet. (Mastic plates and shells) MARTYNOVICH, T.L. [Ndrtynovych3 (Llvov) Beading of an infinite pLite havioe a square hole and reinforced by a thin eleastic ring. Prykl.mekh. 4 no.3:343-348 '58. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Llvovs"y gosuddrstvennyy universitet. kBlastic plates and shells) MARTYNOVICHR T.L. [Marty-novych, T.L.] (L'vov) Isotro.pic sendplane with a reinforced edge. Prykl. mpk-,, 'I- no.6e608-614 164. (ALFA :? 1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. MAh 7'V-1. "I V, V, t L 16099-66 VIPW FW ACC NR: AT6003595 SOURCE CODE: UR/3185/65/000/001/0061/0070 AUTHOR: Martynovych, T. L. Martynovich, T. L. ORG: none TITLE- Elastic equilibrium of a plate with curvilinear boundaries supported by an elastic zing SOURCE- Lvov. Universyte Visnyk. Seriya mckhartiko-matematychna, no. 1, 1965. 61-70 TOPIC TAGS. elasticity, elastic deformation. ABSTIIACT~ The general statement of the problem concerning an elastic equilibrated j~Pplate supported at its edge by a thin elastic ring was formulated first by &F. SheremetVev .(Plastinki s podkreplennym krayem, Izd. Llvcrv. un-ta, 1960). The present paper makes the formulation more precise and derives the boundary conditions concerning an isotropic plate in elastic equilibrium when supported by an elastic rod (ring) of constant cross. sIection; the derivation takes into account tangential stresses due to the bending of the support. The normal cross section of the support is assumed rigid. The theory is applied to the illustrative example of an infinite plate with a circular hole supported by a Card 1/2 L 16099-66 ACC NR: AT6003595 thin ring. The numerical results are given In the form of tables. Orig. art. has: 43 formulas and 1 table. SUB CODE: Zo~ $7, / SUBM DATE: 0OApr62 / ORIG REM 003 XIAMNOVICH, T., . - '"l1 . , ) An13(ArOpl - . ir~e w I !j ii r. : T. I - . . . no. 2 2 360- 3t-" 11 . , lows none Trrux #Oication of the straight line method coupled with the method of integral tr aneko rnations to the p"blen of electrostatic fields with -161 symmtry SMYCES Zhurnal vychislitellmy matenatiki i wsts~ticheskay fisiki,, v. 5,, noo 6v 1965j U26-U24 TOPIC-TAGSt Dirichlet problemo electron lensp integral farm approximation trans j, field, Pbisson equation, differential equation, Bessel functi on. - nurie I- 21, YY '-I~ ABS7RACT: 'An M-rMination nethod is outlined for the calculation of electrostlaltic f isms for ,Mially symmetric electron lenses. 'The physical problem is-39-sa-M-ed by son t~. roU equation - Pet' t-ft, as& in the ovisin- so z as 0 \< r < to which can be described as a Dirichlet boundary value problem boundary conditions NO. 0) 11mi I'm 444. room 1. Card Unc it 517,91538.3 EXCFRF'1A MEDICA See 12 Vol 13/6 Ophthalnology Aug 59 1267. TECHNIQUE OF SUTURING THE CONJUNCTIVA IN GLAUCOMA OPERATIONS (Russian text) - M artynovskaya V. 1. - MED. ZU. UZ. 1957. 4 (79) A modified continuous suture was used in 89 operations with excellent results. The edge of the conjunctival wound was sutured with a fine round needle with a zero silk thread, with fine stitches. After suturing the wound the threads were trimmed with the leaving of ends 0.4 cm. in length. The suture is removed on the third day. (S) KhEMOVSK&TA, V. I. _ Combination of retinitie pigmentoga with glaucoma. Oft.shur. 12 no.5:312-313 157. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Is glaznogo otdeloniya Andishanskoy oblastnoy bolluitey. (ENTINA-DISHASES) (GLAUCOMA) AVk- Z_L ..... Treatment of ulcers with bioaWcin. Vest-oft. 70 no.3:26-27 MY-Je '57. (XLRA 10:9) 1. Glaznoey otdoleniya Andizhanskoy oblastnoy bol'nitay (CCRNYA, ulcers ther., oblortstracyclins) (CELoORTITRACYCLINS, ther. use corneal ulcers) Vitamin Bl,, in scme e7e di4eases. Vest.oft. no.3:31-33 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Glaznoye otdeleniya. Andizhanskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bol I nit5y. (OPHTHAIMOLOGY) (CYXZOCOBALP141179) MkRTYNOVSKAYA,.V.I. Treatment of asthenopia with a weak galvanic current. Med.zhur. Uzb. no.3:71-72 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Iz uzlovoy ob"yedinennoy klinicheskoy zheleznodorozhnoy bolinitsy stantaii Andizhan-1. (ASTHENDPIA) (ELECTROTHERAPEUTICS) MARTYNOVSKAYA, V.I. Novocaine therapy of initial senile cataract. Sov. Med. 26 no.9:131-135 S 162. (M1,RA 17:4) 1. 1z Ob"yedinermoy klinicheskoy zh,.Ieznodorozhnoy bol Initsy stantsii kndizhan-1. AIAI? r)"'A10,15110 K ROZEMLID, I*v Markovich, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor; TK&CHKV, Anatoliy Georgiyevich, kandidat te)-Jmicheskikh*, dotsent; MARTYNOVSKIT. B.S., professor, doktor tekhnichegkikh nauk, retsen- WYM,' MuMORES, A.S., professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk, retsen- zent; KDBULASHVILI, Sh.N., inzhener, retsenzent; NIKOIAYh'VA, N.G.. redaktor; SUDAK, D.M., tekhnicheskly redaktor. [Refrigerating machinery and apparatuses] Kholodilinyo mashiny i appa- raty. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torgovol lit-ry, 1955. 584 Pe Sup lement - [Thermodynamic diagrams of refrigerator operating mechanlsms~ Termodi- nanticheskle diagrammy rabochtkh tel kholodilinykh mashin. 1955. 17 diagrso* (MLRA 8:4) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) MARR-101MKIY, D. M. MARTYNOVSKIY, D. M. and POP07, M. S. Use o rs neazing unemica.L-Ly *i'reateq bol.Ler reeawater at an iwu5triei i4efi-,- and-Power Plant (Podogrev Khi!-icheski Ochishchennoy Vody 11ya Kotlov P romyshlennoy TETs Otrabotavship Parom Molotov Kuznitsi), pp. 4--(- A theoretical study of the heat balance ind water circul&tion in a feed-water loop. (Diagram, formulae and graph). SO: P~MMYSHLENNJUA ENERGETIKA, No. 11, Nov. 1952, Moscow (l6lIqCK*) RA , S.Ye.; KUVSHINMKDV, V.M.; MARTYNDVSKIY, D.M.; MEDVEM, Ye.V.; SDDRTSOVA. M.I.; USTINOV, V-A- Multiject burners with individual mixers and a gas colled crater. Gaz. prom. 4 no.2:17-23 F '59. (MIn 12:3) (Gas burners) BAKRkM, N.A.; MkRTYNOVSKIY, D.M. In connection with V.P.Roawtovskii's article entitled "Coke combustion In shaft fUrnaceew and A.A.TSeldler's article "Direction of research on the improvmm~bnt of shaft furwme smelting." 7Svet.met. 35 no.l2sl8-26 D 162. (WRA 16t2) (Metallurgical furnaces) (Colm-Combustion) M&RTYNOVSKIT. I.I. Radiographic location of foreign bodies in the raticulum of cattle. Yeterinarila 36 no.10:37-39 0 '59. OGRA 13: 1) 1. Ordinator Orenburgskogo oellskokhozyaystvannogo instituta. (Stomacb-Foreign bodies) Mfi ;' 11 Y / V -- U A~- / If j " lv~ P( .1L- BARK, S.Te.;MARTYNOVSKIY LoN - SKVORTSOVA, M.I. Z -1 Z ---- Increasing the productivity of large cast iron malting cupolas by using cold blaet. Lit.proizv. no l-,2021 J& '57. (MLRA 10:3) (Cupola furnaces~ MARTYNOVSKIY, S., prepodavatell Shipbuilding in Japan. Y,,-)r. f:ol, 23 no.8:41-42 Ag 163. (WRA 16:11) 1. Odeaskiy ~nstitut mor5kogo flota. MA RT%4'N;t~ . '-'. ~ i' , , I . , p r e I od a vri t - I I r:s!.s in -~hf- BrItish sKdpblli l(!Jng. 1*';cr. flot. " no.-4 42-43 N 164. (MIRA 10:8~ 1. Odesskoye vysshfyr- j ruhenernoye Tr-rsk yr, ur~h! lisnzho . TY I-IARTYNOVSKIY, V. S. I-V,R7YNOVSKIY. V. S. -- NAnnual Fodder Plants and Their 1-tIrtares for Grain Silage on the Meadows of the Middle Course of the Dnepr." Kin Higher 0 Education USSR. Ukrainian Order of Labor Red Bamer Agricultural Inst. Kiev, 1955- (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.) SO: Knizhnava letopis', No. 4, Moscow, 1956 f I . . I MARrYNOVSKIY V.S. 42256 Analiz obratnogo reeenerativnogo tsikla (vozdushnoy Uolodi Pnoy mash ir-y'; Nauch. Trudy (Odes. in-t i, z~ . m):-. -Iota) 1-.P -,, lq4 C, SO: Letopis' ZYurnall mykh Statay, Vol. 47, 1~,4.S 1140VSK-IY, V. S. 4220: IWRTYNOVSKIY, V. S. - Regenerativnaya teplosi.lovaya. ustanovka s dwakhstu~-en- chatym podvodom tepla. Nauch. trudy (Odes. in-t inzh. mor. Flcta~, V7 -73 190, S. 103-10. SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Otatey, Vol. 0, 190. re S C V.L- Refrigerants Comparative energy of refrigeration agents. Khol. tekh. 29 no. 2, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Acedspions, Library of Congress, September 1952. Unclassified. MARTYNOVSKIY, V. S. "Thermodynamics Characteristics of Cycles in Thermal and Refrigerating Machines." published by the State Edition for Energetics, Moscow-Leningrad, 1952. An analysis of new thermodynamic and refrigerating techniques; direct and reverse regenerative cycles; the thermodynamic thaory on transformers for heat; re- verse cycles capable of producing both heat and cold. Special stress is put on the reversibility of the processos, XMII W,RMOVSXIY, V. S.. PROF. MR/ftimeering - Beat, Fmps Apr 52 "Application of Reversible Gas Cycle in Beat pmW n Prof V.S. Martynovskiy, Odessa Technol Inst of Food Refrigeration Ind "I2 v-s Teplotekh Inst" No 4, pp 25, 26 Outlines basic characteristics of heat pump and draws formula for coeff of converting mech energy into heat. Cites expediency of using principle of heat PUMP and explains United utilization by com- plexity and high cost of devices for realization of beat pump cycle and by necessity for using am- Sonia, freon or other low-boiling substances re- quiring complex equipmut. MAUTNOVSKIT, V.S. professor Thermodynamic J=taposition of heat of different potentials. Trudy Inst. tepl. AN URSR no.8:138-143 '52. (MIJU 8:7) (Heat engineering) 1. WRTYNOV-SKIY, Prof. V. and MELITSER, L. 2. USSR (600) 4. Refrigeration and Refrigerating Machinery 7. Refrigerating effect of an eddy pipe. Khol.tekh. 29 no. 4, 1952. 9. Monthly Lists of Russian Accessions, Library of congress, March 1953, Unclassified. K(j)%ROV, U.S.; & fessor. redaktor; TUYEK, M.P., .=RVKIYl pro takhnichaskly reUklor LHandbook for the refrigeration technicionj Spravochnik kholodill- shchika. Kiev, Goa. izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry USSR, 1953. 396 p. (NIJU 10-1) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinez7) MART"OVSKI V. professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; A] , V., inzhener. -FIT I V_L Vortical effect of cooling and its application. Khol.tekh. 13 no-3:63-66 Jl-S '53. (MIRA 6:11) 1. Odeaskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodil'noy promyshlen- nosti (for Alekseyev). (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) KARMOVSKIT, V.S. [author); YAKOBSON. B., kandidat tekhnicheokikh nauk; M'"mVffMMMW.'%.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk [reviewers]. "Thermodynamic characteristics of cycles of heat and refrigeration machinery. V.S.Partynovakit. Reviewed by B.lAkobaon. L.Cherneeva. ]Diol.tekh. 13 no-3: 78-79 ji-S 153. (K6BA 6:11) (Thermodynamics) (Hartynovskil. V.S.) KO,'iARJV, ;. ; . 1,LA_KY-iJ !3K 11 , V . ; --J'73--FV. , D . , Ent-.r . l41tal'-'isov' S. F. mextbook wita i3nortcomings C'Refrif-enited tntnti-jortatior-," S. r'. I j Raviewqd by Profs. i. Komarov, V. j-~-trtynovskli. Ene. J. i,')bzev,'. taiol. tel-ii Ao. 1, montaly~~ of -iussi---n Accessions, library of GoWress, June ".-ICI.