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GRONTSIVA, K.Ta.; KNORRM, A.G.; MMMSIMMIGH. L.D.;MIKHAYLOV, V.P. Zwgenil 3411vievich Danini; 1894-1954 Arid3. amst. gis.. i embr. 32 no.2:6 -65 Ap-Je '55. (NIJLA 9: 1) (CMITUARIRS, Danini, Xygenii S.) (BIOGRAPHIES, Danini. ]Wgenii S.,bibliog.) -- MARTSINK-WICH, L.D. - Development and age variations in the elastic stroma nf thp gkin In mammle. Dok1.AN SSSR 11 no.5:1105-1108 D 156. (WlaA 10: 2) 1. Leningradskiy pediatricheskiy maditsinskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom TP.H. Pavlovskim. (Skin) MARTSINUVICH, L.D., kand.biol.nauk Cellular composition of blood in white-blooded fishes (Chasnichthyi- dae) of the Antarctic. Inform.biul.Sov.antark.ekop. no-3:67-68 158. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Pedistricheskiy mrditsinBkiy institut. (ANTARCTIC IMIONS--CHAERICHMIDAR) (BIDOD--ANALYSIS AND CHEMISTRY) MRTSIMVICH) L.D. (Leningrad, 137, u.I.Tekstil'shchikov,5,kv-35) Characteristica of the blood in white-blouded flish. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 41 no.12:75-78 D 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kafedra gistologii i embrioloeii (zav. - prof. A.G. Knorre) Leningradskogo moditsinskogo pediatricheskogo instituta. (CHAEI,ICHTHYRIDAE) (BWCD CELLS) LEVL1,1, M.Ya.; MARTSAKMiCli, L.D. "AtI5.9 of z-.! :-C.,. '~ oracti~,al uxerz~ :3e,, fr q tlu--,ents TU.I. Afarldelev, E.F. K,3~ovt3k-i, Martsinko-v"4. A,-eri. 1?,!: '. k --e - : -*--'F-Ies &:-,d crgans; ii; ogf 11 t~r V. G. El i seev, Reviewed by M.lA. lBv-*,ia, L.D. ~, emt:r. 43 no.8:JP;--AIc) A .46-'. (MIRA I :Fl S/068-x/60/000/008/002/003 E071/E435 AUTHORS: Dal', V.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Raskina, L.S... 14artsinkevich--L.E, and Ar.temlyeva L.N. TITLEx Isomerization PERIODICALg Koks i khimiya, 1960, No.8 pp.44..46 TEXT& The possibility of production of paraxylcle (which :an be oxidized to terephthalic acid) from technical xylole was investigated, The problem can be divided into two parts: 1) sepayatxon of the individual isomers and 2) isomerization of metha- and ortho-xyloles into paraxylole. Laboratory experiment~- on freezing 9out the p--isomer were tested at temperatures of -291 -40 and -50 C and retention times of 15, 30. 49 and 60 minute~i. It was found that in the absence of o-xylole, the separation of p-xylole takes place satisfartorily at -500C, namely the yield of p-Isomer reaches 18% with its residual concentration in m XVICIE. (filtrate) of 1.6 to 6.8%, Thus the method can be used for the preliminary separation of xyloles, providing the filtratp is submitted to a further separation for which the adsorption method was tried. The possibility of this method of separation wa-i tested using activated carbon of various marks (BAU, KAD and Card 1/3 S/068-x/60/000/ood/002/003 E071/E435 Isomerization and Separation of' Xyloles KAD ground). The best results were obtained with BAU carbon. It was found that a mixture rich in p-isomer passes through the adsorbent practically unchanged but if the content of p-isomer does not exceed 15% the separation does take place. On passing a mixture through the adsorption column,at first m-isomer is obtained followed by a mixture rich in p-isomer and then again m-isomer (Table 2). Thus, after preliminary separation of p--xylole bv freezxng, the filtyate can be passed through an adsorption column and a practically pure m-xylole and a fraction rich in p xylole can be obtained. The former can be passed for the isomerization treatment whilst the latter can be again submitted to the freezing treatment. The isomerization of pure o- and m-xyloles was tested using an apparatus previously described (Ref.2) and an aluminosilicate bead catalyst, The optimum conditions were found to be- temperature 4500C and feed rate 0.6 hr--1. The int'luence of addition of gaseous hydrocarbons (propane - butane fraLtion) tc the reaction mixture was also tested, The experimental results are given in Table 3. It was found that the addition of gaseous hydrocarbons has a positive effect on the yield of p xylole on Card 2/3 S/068-x/60/000/0o8/oo2/003 E07l/E435 lsomerization and Separation of Xyloles isomerization of m-xylole, and a negative effect on the isomerization of o--xylole. Thus: the isomerization treatment of the above two isomers shculd be carried out separately. On the basis of experimental results a scheme for the separation and treatment of xyloles is proposed (see figure). This consists of. preli-minary rectification of technical xylole and isomerization products from isomerization plants of o- and m-xyloles for th~ separation of lighter and heavier hydrocarbons, fine rectifiraticn for the purpose of separation of o-xyloles from the mixture of p and m-xyloles. The former is then passed for the isomerization treatment and the latter mixture is passed for the freezing treatment etc.. as described in the experimental part of the work. There are 3 tables, I figure and 2 Soviet referencss. ASSOCIATION. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhriologicheskiy insti~ut (Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical TechnolcSy) Card 3/3 6d -9- ~potrov BUMSTROV, S.I.; MARTSINKEVICHP L.E. AlW-Lat--lon of nitrocresolao,khim, I no,3.575.-576 YX 165. (M-IRA 18:4) 1. Daspropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichaskly lnstitut. V. AGFW I I A . -' . I ole of i e,.ci .-I. 'n 'herald, i- the ~ombi, a t lon Tre-atinen', of i atii-rt:~ I , , , - -, J ~, - ,-1 - I .. . Acute A-;Pf-:-,rACitl5." CaPw! --e~! ~--- , V'l'r.,,-,i3 '-, ~ n -A J) SO: Sum. No. 7014, Z Nov 5- - Survey of -cientific and Tec:,.nical D-issertzticnz Defend d :,,t L'R -:. uc~*.ional Institutions (J-D). MARTSINOVICHUS, A.M, Hemodynamics in ligation of the inferior vena cava in experiment. Eksper.khir. ~ no. 3c2O-25 MY-Je 160. (MIRA 14:1) (VENA CAVA-LIGATURE) (BLOOD PRESSURE) NORKUNASp P.I.,; MARTSIMEVICHUS, A.M., Case of resection of the inferior vena cava. no.-'zl4O 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz Nauchno-issltdovateliskogo instituta onkologii (dir. - A. Talichanas) Litovskoy SSR i kafedry obshchey lkhi- rurgii (zav. - dotsent A.M. Martainkavichus) Villnyusskogo universiteta im. V Kapsukasa. iMA CAVA-SURGERY), MARTSINKEVICHUS, A. M. MAI K~ V FA t,$' ra cava. Exsper. Kafpdra c.b-. K!. me Tita. I noy b] ',Or ..h , r.9 E~-g c,'Je-'Pr,,I,va AN MARTS,MXVICIUS M - ~'MEKIA,,E, L., red.; BANCEI-ICIUS, P. , tekhn. - - . red. fLong and creative life] Ilgas ir kur:,,bingas mogous arz,u-,. Vilnius, Valstybine politires ir mokslines literaturos leicv y k !a, 1961. 28 p. (FIIIIA 15:3) (Longevity) NARTSINW10191 X.I.; TSVXMV, N.I. 199-11if Using vat dyes and indigosols for dyeing rayon crepe fabrics in mechanical dye backs. Obm. tekh. OP7t- EMLPI no.9:20-?5 '56. (MIRA 11:10) (Dyes and dyeing--Rayon) MMSINMDI3NX,-X-I. (Marcinkoniens, I.I.1; VAYDkUVICHYTJS. A.I. [Vaidakevic"ius] Dyeing capron fabrics by the continuous method at high temperatures. Tekst. prom. 19 nc.9:46-48 S t59. (MRA 12:12) l.Nachal'niki tsekhov fabriki Kauno Audinvay. (11yes and dyeing--Nylon) K&RT$MOK1XL-j.j,jW&rejnkoniene. I.]; VAYD&KAVICHTUS, A.I.. LVaidakavicius, A.] Special processing of rayon fabrics. Tekst.prom. 20 --to.-5:16-17- Ao '160. (KIRA 13:8) (Rayon) MnRGYJNOVA, S.A. (Morhunova, S.A.]; MARTSINKOVSKAYA, L.K. (Martaynkc-.,E'Ki, L.K.] Me+hocology for determining the Norms cf ProducLlcm C-B-,:3 b-i Wtem, beh.prom. no.2282-84 Ar-Je 165. ~ ml-r~fi. 18: 10) It /' /! ",I r-1 . .-.I/ - .II ZAZULINA. Z.A. g PARTSISKOVSKAYA, R.F.; ROGOVIN. Z.A. Synthetic fiber "ftorlon". Takmt. prom. 17 no.5r6-7 MY 157. (Textile fiber@, Synthetic) (XLU 10:6) BOBROVSKI, Lekh (Bobrcwski,. Je,-ch'J_, VILIGELIMI, Zd2islav (Wi-lhelmi, Zdzislawl; GURSKI, Eugenyuah tGor,3kA., Luge-nius-zi; MARTSINKCIVSKIj Andzhey [Marcimkorwaki, Anrirze']~ SOLTAN, Andzhey_r'S'_o'lt'_&n'," -Andrzej]; YASKULA, Maryan [Jaskula, Marianl lach,, the pressurized electrostatic accelerator. Nukleonika 8 no.1.1-28 163. 1. Institut -yadernikh issledovaniy, Varshava 9 1 VarshavsIdy universitet, Varshava. DYUZFIV, G.A.; M~BlNqy~Kjl. A,M.;. TSIRKELI, B.I.; YUR'YEV, V.G. Circuit for reading the oscillographic volt-ampere characteristIcs In a wide range of currents. Prib. I tekh.eksp. 10 no.5:115-1.17 S-0 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. Submitted July lop 1964. MkRTSINOVSKIY,. A.M.; TSIRKELI, B.I.; YUR'YEV, V.G. System for the stabilization and regulation of the cathode temperature. Prib. i tekh.eksp. 10 no.5t23&--240 S-0 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. Submittpd July 10, 1964. T ~LVIAL ~~W(J)/EWPW/SWP( 80URFE WDE: IWO13-6/65/00D/005/0246/024 6 0 6 27 pAUPMO Dyuzbe ftsinumid G. rnov 0 M Torlyev, V. G. 900k, .118tihft bf &WOOD&Wton, AN MSR, Leningrad. (IMMd polupro"daikov AN TLE:-_ The Increiaze In atibility of =W-Lrlass joints In cesium SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no..% 1964, 246 TOPIC TAGS' Metal Joining, cmidation reduction reaction, oxide formation, glass, cesium, glass coating ABSTRACT.- iM ~increascd use of cesium vapors in various instruments at relatively high preasprep-tftwO. I Torr and higher) made necessary the protection of metal -glass joints.from :Ahe destructive action of cesium. Tests carried out bythe authors ghowed,that~ the -pre- paration of joifits,*" .;a supplementary thin glass coating of the ractal makes them cesium resis t t etal i t is covered byathin0.05 - 0.3mm) glaip 9 a,ciertain, degree. Them par ir~ wide (placed across the region of the contemplated joint). When'th' e subjected to cesium vapor, the process of reduction of the oxide film al ==d stops some 5 mm from the Point of first contact with cesium. ibis ~JsL #ppar6ni to ly due the extreme slowness *ithwhich cesivAn advances over the already .0 t om iedicpd aux' Jary region f them joiint,.i ..'Detalled ec merdations for the actual production oint of uds, type arj~ provided. Authors thank W. A. Holenko for valuable ''a v r d 4_- '- 'ifid help.- UDC: 666.*387 ACC NR: AP60131.24 Cor'_-': U;~ 0'J57 66 AUTHOR: Dyuzhev, G. 1~~t~qjaovskiy, ~Soyzhos, B. Ya. Tsirkell, B. I.; Yurlyev, V. G. 0.'.G :nore TITLE: so'LidirV~ In -:.znverters with high presssuz-c vapors. 1. experimental methods and SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. ~_6, no. 4, 1966, 679-691 TOPIC *L%G": plasma arc, plasma probe, tici.-rio(_-lcctric converter, cesium plasni A111-STI,%CT: ~,'!e equipment for the problr.-, of --n isothermal p)_..-,a and ~.-.c experimental data processing ara descritc!d for the case of a thermiocni-O.-I converter with high-pressure cesium vapr-rs ,nd small incerelectrode Movable noly'.)denum probes 0.2 run in diuiomr and 7-8 rri long were us,!'. A detailed description of the constructin of the probes is given. Thc measurcrents were carried out at 1200 and !~;000K cathode temoeratures and 10-1--4.0 rr-. Hg cesium vapor pressures -.rith the cathode ane vapor tempera",re stability of +20 and +0.5p, resoectively. The thAory of Probc-L in a,~igh-density plasma and the method of processing the prob,:.~h8~acteris- Card I UDC: 533 . ACC NR. Aj,6013124 tics arc analyzed. Formulas are derived or. the concentration, carrier temperaLurc., and the potential distribution in a thermoemiss;on convertar In which the plasma Is generated by the arc. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 46 formulas. .SUB CODE; 20 / SUBM DATE: 21Jun65 / GTH REF: 002 / ORIG REF: 015 I Card 2/2 ACC NR: A1,6013125 11'(XACE COD!-,: U,-~/o 0 5 7 / b of 0 3 AUT WR *Dyuzhev, G. A.; Martsinovskiy, A. H.; MDyZhes, B. Yo.; Ilikus, .'C.; yul"Yov, V. C;. ORG: none TITLE: Nasma sounding in thermoemjs.,ic~n converters with M7,h-pressu:c cesium 11. Verification of L'-,(- proLe inothod. Certain exparl- mental results obtained in the diffu:;Ion and arc modes SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 4, 1966$ 692-703 TONC TAGS: plasma probe, plasma arc, plasma diffusion, thermoelectric converters cesi~zm plasma ABS7RAC-1- This paper is a continuation of the theoretical work on fto plasma probinp which appeared in the Issuc of ZhTF (pp. 679-61A). The equ.~nc-lz: and the data processln8 worc- checked exD~.-rimLzntallly using an iLothermal plasma which was ditrusion- or arc- genera'~:cd in interelecCrode gap of a them, oem ission converter with high-pressure show zhat in an Isothermal plasma WJZI vapor. The experimental results known parameters, the probinr, Tiethod yields data on the electron concen- Vation and the space potential when the length of the free path Is snaller Cor 1/2 UDC: 533.9.07 ACC NR- AP6013125 than the probe dimensions. In this coaneczion, Elevated values Of elcc*.:r~:, temperature were obtained. The divergence is due to a large them, Or-, '-LCZr.~:' emission Of the Probe and a SIOW energy transfer between the fas t and Measurements Carried out in the diffusion with theony presented elsewhere mode are in agreement (~byzhes, ya., FTT, 2, ",55, and G. Ye. Ili Icus' 1960). Measurements carried out in the arc mode indicate that the ce~;jjn . plasma generated between t~.-10 electrodes of a thernoemissiOn converter differs greatly from a plasma In conventional gas-dischar~e equip,.nent. -Aie electron temperature is test points approximately 25000K at all the Of a V-a curve, and che ionization does not exceed 17. -r-,c fact that a Dlasma in a thermOemission converter remians; sufficiently Col. can be used to achieve high-efficiency Conversion of thermal to electrical energy_ The experimental values Of the electron temperature and conc'en- tration for the arc mode are essentially in agreement with those calculated and Pres-nted by Moyzhes et al. (ZhTF, 35, 1621,.1965). in an isothcr=l In general, t1he and , Plasma s2iow that the experimental equipment methods used have Yielded satisfact,rv result-, and can be used in , 5t'UdY of nonisoth,rnal plasma. The authors thank Yu. M. Kagan, V. 1. Perell, and F. G. Bakshta for useful evaluation of results and for valuable advice. The authors thank Yu. 11. j: ,,.In, V. G- Baksht I. Perele, and for useful discussions and valuabie advice_ Orig. art. has: 12 figures and I table. SUB CODE, 20 / SUBM DATL.' 21J"n65 oog / CTH RE~w,. Card 2/2 . 007 1, 47035-66 1 J ACC NR' AP603127-1 SOURCE CODE: UP/0057/66/036/iD~)'-~,'1635/1697 AUTHOR: D,-uzhev, G. A. ; Baksht, F. Martsinovskiv, A. X. Pikus, G. Ye. ; Yur'-Yev, V. /-e ORG: none TITLE: Probe-method investipation of the plasma in thermianic converters ~Xesium pressure. III. Distribution of the concentration, the electron temperature, ~-Ta~dtle space potential in the interelectrode gap of thermionic converters SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 9, 1966, 1685-i697 y conversion d, s c - ar;',e TOPIC TAGS: thermionic energy conversion, direr-t energ , arc cesium electron tube ABSTRACT: Specially constructed instruments with movable probes were used in exten- sive investigations of the operation of a cesium-filled thermionic conver-er. 7he investigations were carried out at pressures characteristic of both the arc modes. The measurements Confirm the theory of the dilpus~on mode a~,v;Lnc~-; f-. by Moyzhes and Pikus (Moyzhes, B. Ye., and Pikus, G. 2, 75~,, 19t3*). also show that, at low cathode temperatures, the 'Ionization starts in thiF. -,I--,6e ne)-~ to the anode in the region of the anode drop. The transition to the arc mode is accompanied by a redistribution of the potential and a shifting of the ionization region toward the cathode. In the arc mode, a substantial part of the applied volt- iCard 112 L 0035-66 ACC NRs AP6031273 age drops on the near-cathode barrier and ir. tc~e reFion ciose to the to the anode and in the anode region there is only a small potential barrier, which vanishes with increasing current. The electron temperature in the gap appears to be almost constant, although it increases slowly with increasing current. At the sanne time, the carrier concentration increases rapidly when current increases. The values of electron concentration and temperature obtained by the authors agree with those obtained by other researchers in spertral Vhile they consider their method highly useful and accurate, the authors concede that, unlike opticfLl methods, it does not yield information on the degree of equilibrium in the plasma. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas, 10 figures, and 2 tables. [ZLI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 04Sep65/ ORIG HEF: 009/ OTH REF: 007/ ATD PRESS: 5089 Card 2/2 POGREBINSM, Valentin Aleksandrovich; ---~WTARbVA, N.R., red.izd-va,- ISLENTtMA,, P.O.,, [Bigb-capacity converter plautel KonverterrWe tsekhi bol'shoi proizvoditellnosti. Moskva, Metallurgizdat,, 1961. 204 p. (KIRA 150) (Iron and steel plants) (Bessemer process) KARLBMVIO, A.I., inzh.; ~MTSIBKOVSKlY D.B inzh. - f Autanation and mechanization of processes in converter shops. 14ekh.i avtomproizv. 15 no.11:12-3.5 N 161. (MIR-A 14: 11) (Bessemer process-Tecluiological innovations'; (Automation) MARTSINKOVSKIY, D.B. Using ore and scrap metal -in t~,.e converter process. Metallurg 7 no-3:13-16 Mr '62. ( Yj P-k 15: 2 ) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy institut po proyektirovaniyu metallurgi- cheskikh zavodov. (Beusemer process) (Scrap metals) MARTSINKOVSKIY, D.B.; POGREBINSKIY, V.A. Comparing block-type and linear pos.'Ltioning of large capacl`ty converters. Stall 22 no.7:606-611 Jl 162. 1. Gosudarstvannyy soyuznyy institut po proyektirovaniyu metallurgicheskikh zavodov. (Convorters) KLRTSDIKOVSKIT, D., inzh. Maker of steel. Tekh.mol. 30 no.9:19-21 162. (NaRA 15:9) (BesMMW- prOcells) (convertere) PODIWATEV. N.Y.; VIGDCRCHIK, D.Ta.-. RMSINKOVSKIT, I.I. ,~- - t T . . --k7, Calculating gas pipes for the interior of houses. Gae.promose.10: 18-24 0 156. (Gas pipes) (PT31A 9:10) C- m AUT91ORB nv TITLF 24 PERIODICAL- a e aL A C,f e. SSR A T 1 ~~ r j O c. ranw~ pump MO eq!,! Pm -XT -2r WE ' V, brEt, " C,e ! 5()-'Y( s E wr ;i. Carl I./ ~ Z)/ 1 ~'P_ACIOOCC I I -A Vibra' ion -j ,f A 1 /A 1 a so~-c nd 1,T- i- -i n -i -I M~ I an-l f 1-1 q -3 e I LC_ Y r (-. W, --I r I . I., _, Y III' -1-t. - - r tor). and ~mzalr, &- -ri .,e tir-l! r W, 1) t do N-I! 9W I., equal 'o C,--- a 1? -17. W!_1 i.~, t~T,;- appear a. i ', lie I- , a' I The me- -ian, .5-r- Df e w-1. a, may oniy Le i~.p -A analys I s of r,r a' c,:, ren r ! S r-, - I n a r in,,, makes J1 f*,:". 1: 3,*.-a aria wi~n a Jig~., '-a-i ~~rz -1- a f. im;-,::~ a' !,:rL w!'n h.a I f ') f r PrV a - El Y - - .- . . - , , : -1 ., -_ ~ , ! 'r -,ns' r are 1 r. p r a 1-_-p f- r -i i A ~i --i a a! e :fr.- parea in a w.1 ~r, ' K i~ S ures as sugge-zied in ~ an in -aSeS elmina*,c- .rie wrap, e . g an - nular grooves in "t)eftr11ngc, -nar-~g-n zpa~e~; drid ang-es c..' vari:&-. '. on ~_` '~Ie oil V!scosity or c-11 pres-, re a'- "he in,_akc- end c,f *he bearing. Put none of ',n-se mea.ns can ensure dec-?nda1_ie :~*:irl_l' *, ,,, *-nr,~-,~Ign a wlie= vel-c!'.y ra_nge, and -ne rI. - c - ht, se ` radical means is - lal ra' zo!;- - r- ~rpe -f vih~( Df desl ris s n , , P . _ _ ~ lw are described in Refs. 1, 7 and l?, -f %ave proved I.- t-e ''-,e bear- Card 2/3 V, A I ings W-1, 1! -ad Ceal i:-'-,7I be hrlng ag ai ris' wh I 41ab_ e ana 1 Fn iz I -,,z - r_a f no 19 LYSENKO, B.H., kand.tekhn.naukj._MTjp%~~~ inzh., SERIKOV, S.S., inzh., SHAVRA, B. ~L , inzh. Experimental device for studying the vibration resistance of feed pump rotors. Energamashinostroenie 6 no-5:33-35 My 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Pamping mechinery-Vibration) 20167 S/114/61/000/004/002/oo6 c2 4: c2) t~ E194/E435 AUTHORS, Martsinkovskiy, V.A., Engineer and 1(wi-in-t-sev, I.B., Engineer TITLE: The Influence of Radial Clearance Glands on the Critical Speed of Feed Pump Rotors PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyeniye, 1961, No.4. pp.12--14 TEXT: Feed pump rotors are a complicated oscillatory system for which it is very difficult to provide an accurate theoretical calculation. The only existing method, proposed by Professor A.A.Lomakin (Ref.1) is approximate and a considerable series of experiments were made to assess its accuracy, An experimental feed pump rig was used to test a full-scale rotor of a feed-pump type F-3 320-200 (PE 320-200) with two glands which were located either near the middle or adjacent to the bearings, The geometry and type of glands are given in tables I and 2. Tests were made with various values of pressure drop across the glands ranging from 0 to 60 atm. The influence of the diameter of single gap and multi-gap glands was investigated on a special single-disc rotor. The first critical. speed in air was 2900 r.p,m, for the Card l/ 9 ~K 20167 s/1i4/61/ooo/oo4/oo2/006 The inf*luence of Radial ... E194/E435 single disc and 2340 r.p.m. for the full-scale rotor. Tests were made in the speed range of 0 to 8500 r.p.m, Rotor vibration was measured by inductive pick-ups recording on an electromagnetic oscillograph. Particular attention was paid to single-gap glands as experience with the feed pumps at the Cherepet power station has shown that they are most reliable in ensuring vibration stability of the rotor. A study was made of the influence on the value of the first critical speed, on the resonance amplitudes and on the unstable conditions of the rotor of the following parameters of single gap glands: the pressure drop on the glands, the radial gap, the length of the gap, the diameter of the gland, the eccentricity of the rotor relative to the gland the place of location of the gland and the shape of the inlet edges of the gland, In both these curves the critical speed in r.p.m. is plotted on the y axis, in curve Is as a function of pressure drop and in curve 1b as function of the gap length, No influence of the shape of the inlet edges on oscillation of the rotor was found but this shape has a considerable influence on mear of the gland rings which were subject to erosion to a depth of about 1.5 mm after about an hour's working as shown in Fig,2. Card 2/9 L11 r/ 20167 S/114/61/000/004/002/oo6 The Influence of Radial E194/E435 In this figure the place of wear is marked in black, The glands -reduce the amplitude of resonance vibrations, particularly when the gap is reduced and the diameter and length of the gland is increased. Unstable conditions, which are most dangerous, also occur with glands but the zones of instability for rotors with glands are much higher than for rotors in air. In the tests instability commenced at speeds of 7000 to 8000 r.p.m, with pressure drops not exceeding 10 atm, At higher pressure drops they disappeared completely, Results have also been obtained on the influence of the critical speed of rotcrs of the dimensions of individual gaps in 2 and 3 gap glands, The variants of gland tested are given in table 2; the construction and notation used will be seen from Fig.3. In multi-gap glands clearances have different influences in different designs, In Fig-3 if the gap b2 is reduced the critical speed is reduced, the resonance amplitude is increased and instability becomes worse, The clearances b, and b2 have the opposite effect, The experimental investigations show that glands increase the critical speed of the rotor, The dotted lines in Fig.1 correspond to Card 3/9 ~JK 20167 S/114/61/000/004/002/006 The Influence of Radial E194/E435 critical speeds calculated by the method of Professor A.ALomakin for radial gaps in glands of 0,3 mm. In this particular case agreement with experiment is good. In which shows the influence of the gland length on the critical speed for various pressure drops, it will be seen that there is first a marked increase in the critical speed with the length of gland, but later this tails off, This is in general agreement with the theoretical curves. The amplitude of resonance oscillations is much reduced by the presence of a gland so that transition of the rotor through a resonance is not dangerous, Often the amplitudes are so small that the resonance speeds could not be accurately determined from the oscillograms, There must be considerable damping forces both in the glands and in the plain bearings, It is most important to determine these forces. Multi-gap glands differ in principle from single-gap in that they may reduce the critical speed of the rotor as compared with its value in air. Two-gap glands have no advantages over single-gap, The use of a greater number of gaps may be advantageous provided that the even-number clearances are large but the use of such glands will increase frictional losses Of,' Card 4/9 20167 s/n4/61/000/004/002/oo6 The Influence of Radial ... E19VE435 and the optimum number should be selected on the basis of vibration stability, reduction In volumetric losses and disc friction. The tests show that unstable conditions are dangerous in high pressure feed pumps. It is hnow-n that the cause of loss of stubility is friction between the rotor and the medium in the glands which sets up forces perpendicular to the line of centres. In multi-gap glands if the clearance b2 is small, then two and three gap glands can become sources of excitation of vibrations which commence at sub-critical speeds and are maintained over a wide range of speed. Increasing the clearance b2 avoids these oscillations. It is also concluded that there is no point in increasing the gland length above 60 mm in order to increase the critical speed of the rotor. The greatest effect in increasing the rigidity is obtained with glands near the centre of the rotor and these should, therefore, be used to increase the critical speed. The question of the influences of gland clearances on the critical speed is still open and for clearances of 0.25 to 0.3 mm, which are commonly used, the calculated critical speed of the rotor with a single pair of glands is in satisfactory agreement Card 5/9 X" 2 01 ~ 7 s/1l4/61/ooo/oo4/002/Oo6 The Influence of Radial ... E194/E435 with experiment. There are 4 figures, 3 tables and 5 Soviet references. Table 1. I - diagram of gland arrangement 2 - reference number 3 - length of the gland MM 4 - radial gap b mm 5 - notation of the points on the curves of and b. TABMILLA I q MN�Abwwli ewe 06 XCUM PeenoAuxesus nAormesmA yn'"O?Ne- -op b. Aji = y -- T T T T 1 20 0.10 X 2 20 0.25 0 1960 3 20 0.40 0 4 20 0.25 0 K Pme. 5 20 0.40 A 1.0 6 20 0.75 0 7 20 1,00 A 900 --1 a 10 0.10 T- -% U+E-1 9 20 0,10; 0,25; 0.40 K Pmc- 6 1 ff t - 10 60 0.10 . The Influence of Radial ... Table 2. I - gland arrangement 2 - notation of the points on the curves of Fig.4a and b. Card 7/9 26'a-67 S/114/61/000/004/002/006 E194/E435 TABJ1HUA 2 Tnn ynnOTHeMXA 1 1/n um $,-I, AAS b. AM b, b. b, 0603.104C- iime TomeK 1 20 15 0.20 0.25 0.20 0.20 x 2 20 5 0.20 0.25 0.45 0.20 0 1-41 3 20 : 5 0.20 0.25 0,75 0.20 4 2D 15 0.20 0.25 1.00 0.20 5 20 15 0.20 0.20 0,20 - U 6 20 1 1 0.20 0.1.0 0,40 - 7 20 5 1 0.20 1.00 1,00 - The Influence of Radial ... . ........... MOO 210 IV 100167 S/114/6l/ooo/oo4/002/oo6 E194/E435 M m j, _ i np 0 M 4 j 24 411 JU OU The Influence of Radlal ... Card 9/9 Fig.2. M167 S/114/61/000/004/002/006 E194/E435 Lle Fig - 3. MARTSINKOVSKIY, V.A. 2 irizh. Calculating the elBati- and damping forces in slot pack~fngs of' hydraulic machinee. Energomasbinostroenie 7 no.11 25-26 111 16L (IURA 14:1-1) (Hydraulic machines) (Packing(Mechanical engineering)) MARTS INOVSKIY, V.A.; HUDIS, M.A. Dyna.T~4CS of' roLors of h-Yc!ra,,L-ic 7ecr. mnas~-.. I n.- , - 98/9'?i I P-2 7 164. 'IT:, -1 1 MARTS=- AV--rC'-PT.;S, m. 1. : -oc Sci ('1188) -- "S!F-~p thpxr,.,r,, in t'- rrr--:r~=x treatment of ulcers". -'~, T)p (MIn Health LithmRnInn SS~, Kaunas State Mee inat), 1`0 ccnias (KL, No ---, 1"L) 11 A~ I Sy:; ,1.11, rr yr~rt s 4,- )~y,,.vj -,z,.%?n, Z. Du tc r, i: i: Ori Svuil:~it, s -rd, I/i 139 MARTSINKYAVICHYUS-IKL&KENSAS IlChanges in the Properties of Turf Podsolic Soils During Their Cultivation Under Grass Field Rotation Conditions." Cand Agr Sci, Moscow Agricultural Acad imeni K. A. Timiryazev, Moscow, 1954. (RZhBiol, No 3, Feb 55) SO: Sum. No 631, 26 Aug 55-Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (14) AUTHORS. S1,Khot3~--4y, A.Ye, Martsinovich- V.M. ~. A.S-. aad TITLE: Analy3-'-- If Op - eration of a Series-type Thyratron Pon-er,~Fr (Anal-iz raboty posledDvatei'nogo icnnogo PERIODICALi Radic~tekclin.Lk3 Eleklronika Vol 4, 1~r 1, pp 6~' 69 '~'USS , R) ABSTRACT: The princ-:`ples Of Tiie oper~;tion of a series-type converter is known (Ref 1). Tw,3 series converter circuits a-re shown in Figures I and 2 . The ~-Lr~.uit of FiEure 1 employs two th,yratror,, but is asymietrical. The circuit of' Figure 2 is a arrar-p- ement. The Dpei~~.tion of the two circuits LIrIA '~e aua-iy.3ed in the same manner, provided :1. -Ls al~lsumeci tt..e can5i(:.,.tancesCand C o~ tiie 1 2 cir~u of ~ 'gt-re 2 are cach eqi-ta-, to half the total!:-~ --f the --.iLi-cuit r:f F-*LF.,,)re I. The o-Deration of the c~f 2 ZS as follows. DurinE the half- periolf Wi er tLe ' LItP- i~ open, th~- capa7itvor C is 2 ae-~vvork RL, and the capacitor C 1 -1 Cardi/4 Durinf_ the succeeding SOV/!C)Q-44-- 1--q/30 Analysis cf the a Se-_ ies-zyrt~ Thyr~tron converter ,I, al f- - P e i - in d--i.e i:,,ibe 2 d-~ _ivaited and the capacitorC2 is h,~ -1 eC Is d-.Zcharged through RL 2 The _(,adit'cr- I'cr 11,r;e cperat.Lon c)f th -e system is that e -1 _. L aa. e q t t h e c Lo i~ tc_ instarit of the iFnition of a tubf-, hit--.ner th~? suprly voltage B . The )f t,",re- _-oriverter of Figure 2 ca-n be repr--sente-I --ii a net-,,iorIe of L, RC and four Fit~,;Ire 3) Durlia,- one if the half-periods, FiL-ure ~, are while the switches e ',peaed aa--~ the .-ufrenl~ fic-ws in the direction "y ~--Ia ar" ow in Ei~-~ure Dui-inL~ the next half- "eriod T~;--? ccn~,a-,t-s 3-4 are closed and the contacts 1-2 a-.Le ni,-r-o Uia' 'he ~-.'_L_-reLt flows in t_tie opposite direction. The -,ii 'UL& _-:~s alwa,7s the same direction. For tt_e of aaa._LvzJLs, i't i% asgumed that the voitage "ied -chef equ-valent --,arc~udt Js equal to half the a pr, L U A source Fu:- each of the supply voltage, the cLerat._-~~n of t'l-le sy--ter- ~~an be. described by: Z. d i. Card2/LL E - T idt iR V Analysis of the Opera'-*orA L~i a Series-type Thyratron Convermer If the nciatioL defined by Eq (2) is adopted, Eq (1) can be writteL in the form of Eq (5). If it is assumed that the network of Figure operates in the osciliatory regime, the solution of Eq (5) is written as: i' = Be L sl_n (W t + ~P) where co 2-s the natural frequency of the network, while ,he -onzitants B a-ad (P can be determined from the initial cona. if i~, as assumed that wo/w = n. , where w _-E tne frequer.~;y of the supply voltage, the initial -.ond:tior.s for the resistor _'.urrent and for the voltage a,-ross the Condenser can be written as Eqs (14) and (15), respe,:~tively. T in these equations denotes the period of the supply--voltage frequency. From these initial "Cadit,lons. it follows that T can be expressed by Eq (l?), while E as given by Eq (-"-)) where k = RT/8L . The normaiis-=!d r.11--rent or -the voltage across the Gard3/4 reoiatan.--e iS, t.,-erefore, expressed by Eq 24), while the of a Series-type Thyratron Converter Anaiysis of the Ope,,t,,, MaXimuM _~!Iver*se voitage of the system Js expressed by Eq (30). The so-called closing time of the-system can be felind f-rom Eq (32). wi,ere uL denotes the voltage across the CLI_K,~, the ci-osine: time is defined as the interval cetween .t.e _nce-tiun of the switching and the instant wi.en t~e ,,~.l-,Eige at the choke becomes equal to the supply -,age. Eq (32) can als~~ be written as Eq (34). The abc-re formuIae we_~,e used to ~~onst_ruct a number of graphs. The,-e are st--wn in Figures L -/, Figure 6 represents th.e 7oitage acr~,ss the resistan e as a function of k Figure shows tLe --losing time characteristics in terms _~f k wii-ile F-LEL)-re j- gives the values of the maximum i.averse voItage as a function of k . Some experimental reas-tieme.nis %&ere carried 3,,),L an.-I it was found that the discrepancies between the measured values and the results cai:~ulated tv means of the furmulae were less than 10%. There are 8 fiFures and 2 references. 1 of which is Soviet a-ad _' :3erman. SUBMITTED-. AP r ~ I 1 2 Card4/4 112 07 7 5/181/61/C)03/C'2,'Cl 1~ C2;-z 4,' 3 4., /4(45 13fs-) B1 02/B 108 AUTHORS- Martsinovskaya, E G., Matskevich. T L , and Rubanova, G M, TITLE~- Secondary electron emission from iodine PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3, no 12, 1)61i 5654 - 5656 TEXT% The coefticients of secondary electron emission, 0 and of in- elastic reflection, 1, as depenaent on primary electron energy up were determined by means of an arrangement described before (T L Matskevicl-. E~ G Mikhaylova. FTT. 2, 4, 709, 196o). a and ~ were measured for 200.:~upi!~-3000 ev by the method of single pulses. The pressure in t.,., vacuum vessel was 5~10_ 8 - 1 10 -7 mm Hg. The iodine films examined were vapor-plated upon graphite or molybdenum backings C(up) and ~(u p) v6ere measured at room and nitrogen temperatures, 0 and -q as functions of the plating time t, i., e, of the film thickness, were also dc-termined. o max as determined from the o(u p ) curve for I was 1 4 (Fig 2), From the o(t)- curves for I upon Mo, the depths from which the slow secondary electruns Card 1/0 __ -.'- 6 '17 7 S1181161,10C,5110121C 1 Secondary electron emission B102/B108 emerge viere estimated for u- 500. 1000 and 3000 ev. They were and 1100 R, respectively- PIn this estimation it was assumed that energy distribution of the inelastically reflected electrons is the for both I and Mo L N Dobretsov is thanked for assistance Tie,,,(- 4 figures and .11 references% 1 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet The two refL- ences to English-language publications read as follcwss h J. Sterngla_i: Phys Rev 26, 345. 1954; R. N Xoyarg Trans Farad Soc V~, 11/01 -4-e- ASSOCIATION: Fiz.4ko-tekhnicheskiy institut im A. F Ioffe AN SSSH Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A F T-,ffe AS USSR., Leningrad) S UBhIITTPD -July 3, 1961 Fig I (i(t) and -Y~(t.) for iodine on graphite at u2~00 ev 2 o(u. 'I for iouine (1), graphite (2) ana molybdenum "5 Fig Tj(u for iodine ~..c ;:ra,.~hite p Cara 2!" MARTSiNOVSKATA E.13, .1 . --.- -j Secondary e I e,- Fl, ~,- I i .r -TL m: . , - ~ . 5 r r -,r ~ ~ T., . ~F - ., - . I 6 no.732053----05.' ~-, 1-,4. - Y-nA . -. F*Izj.kc--*,~k.,-in~,~-~...gK,.y :n--- *,,-. lmer~ ~.N ~ I, CL-wl2LLLC"="=~3j LJL=Lj="4L" r Ak~ qt jr h oeffi c~e n-a- m edon 0.- en..] e #4hth lyi tberl ~j e ,,,,jq~grg,er.,,.ifer4e: ral re cn~, p,:p AA ber - 1*0 03 U.- 846 b T ec rour.~ c Th"';Beconciii es a ll;rP and e I ut px ~tte` -res -ger. atc6i 1)37 s. .-;qe&0rqrq a Ueme C, dip Pie or 0 6j,)34~ -.~.,SjAh L: L 9- Vi u UL lqqxl~;. pb~ 3j ~-dcjlb. iderAt L i ute a- o e* f-ficle'rala - econd-&'3"' on: coefglic~~mi#s7~~ forma t I r. ri r~f time '..cad--, or Peda~7o~-.c;i, ISO Knizhnp-i 14ARTSIBOVSKAYA U.N. - I Interaction of articulatory and digital kinesthesias in deaf chdLiren. Vop. psikhol. 8 no.1:101-112 Ja-F 062. (1-11-A 15-4) 1. Institut defektologii Akademii pedagogichaskikh nauk HSFSR, Moskva. (MUSCUIAR SENSE) (CHILDIX14, DEAF) DYUZHEV, G.A.; MARTSINOV9KIY, A.M..,_PIKUS, G.Ye.; YURIYEV, V.G. Most effective operating conditions for thermionic converters. Zhur. tekh. flz. 115 no.6:1160-2362 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) L 11258-66 Fr;T(I)/~-:Ec(k)-2ATC(F)/EPF(n).~2/Evr.(m)A/E,,,iA(h) - xjp(c) TT&TI ALT A~CC NRI AP5020321._ BOURCE-CODZ*.-~ -,Uft/0057lb5/035/011/20,54/2Ob4 'I ~A~OR uihev,` G.*, A.; Mart-sinovskiy, A. Piklia e e.,- Witel't So ~:Tur'-Yev~. V.: G. ORG: none TITLE:'Jnvestigation of the volt-ampere characteriatics-of thermionic converters .'SOURCE-- Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 11, 1965 2054-2o64 i7OPIC TAGS: direct energy conversion, thermionic energy conversion, thermlonics ~ABSTROLCZ:. 7he 7volt-supere characteristics of cesium'-filled thermio;k energy con- :.were* exe-ined-both in the diffusion and are modes of operation. Plane-W- 6pacin of 0.02-2 mm-and electrode surfaces of go 8'e=2 were used in all the experiments. At the diffusion mode, the character- at -cs conibriied with theoretical data (B. Ys. Hoyzhes and 6. Ye. Pikus, PTT, 2, 4* i hie, temperatures, the transition to the arc.node took place -7 19-60) BMDOt~iy dh -b-'the presenc during thi experlsents of an accelerating field at y e exp ne -be e t ere.: The fact that even the smalleat are current,was close to the eaissio~ t ai~ also attributed to this accelerating field. The absence of saturation Curren ih in thi',iolt-anpere aractetistics qas.thought to be connected with the anomlous arising as the result of the cathoGe barrlersl Orig.. art. hast 6 for- ilodas and.9 figures. IZLI Qwd UDCz 53T.523.5'' FRIOX&N, E.V.~ 1-%RTSIMV5M, DOWUCHLWA, N.A. Optical anisotropy of macromolec.,des of polyaty-ene derivatives. Vysokom. soed. 2 no.8:114B-1153 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Pzl-heskiy institut IieninUa4skogo rosudarstvennogo uMveraMbsta. (Styrene) 3/057/62/032/006/020/022 B108/B102 .k-jTHORS artsinovski-, Pikus, G. Ye., 3onin, B. E., and Y,rlyev, V. G. T I zffect of elvctrcae barriers on the electrical conductivity of a cesium plasma 10 1, 1 C A LZhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizi,li, v. 32, no. 6, 1962, 77o - 77", T-~Xll: In an earlier paper (FTT, I!, no. 4, 756, 1960) a method was pro- - d for detcrmining the scattt-ring cross section from measuremerit8 of' pose- the electrical conductivity of a cesium plasma. It was not considered, however, that the electron work function depends on temperature and .-ressure of the VCs vapor. In orcer to explain the effect of the electroce the authors of the present paper used a special arrangement with electrodes to measure the dependence of the plasma resistivity R on length d of the gap between the electrodes. It was found that R increases linearly with d. Measurements with d a 0 showed that at high temperatures there is an additional resistance owing to a lay-!r of cesium adsorbea on the electrodes. This layer increases the work function. This Card C1/2 -40 310571621052100610201.022 1~ff.ct of electroGe barriers... B108/B102 is also the reason -e.,hy the efficiency of plasma thermocells decreases. It is therefore necessary to increase pressure in these cells in order to reauce the work function. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SU.6=71Z: November 21, 1961 ~'ard 2/2 UILLIBA, A..N.. inzh.; MkRTSINOVSKIY, B.I. New method of fastening and connecting ammeters and voltmetera to distribution boards. Xnergetik 8 no.2zl4-16 F '6o. (HIHA l3t6) (Ilectrie meters) AIEKSEYEVP S.A.; ZWAK3111, D.F.; KEILMMSH, V.V.; MALOV, A.N.; MARTS1NOVSM,-F-1,,-HOLOTOK, A.V.; VIESMEWV, V.A.; TEMMV-SKIY, P.A.; KHISIN, R.I.; DELITSIN, A.A., retsenzent; SOERIOVSKIY, M.A., retsenzent; STEFANOV, V.P.,, retsenzent; STOROZHEV, M.V., retsenzent; TA1ANOV, P.I., retsenzent; FALIKEVICH, A.S., ret6enzent; CHONUSHMCH, V.A., retsenzent; KHISIN, R.I., red.; GALITSOV, A.D., red.; VOLISM , V.S., red.; STRUZHESTRAKH, Ye.I., red.; SWENOVA, M.M.# red. izd-va; MODEL, B.Lp tekhn. red. (Manual for the establishment of norms in the machinery industry in 4 volumes) Spravochnik normirovshchika-mashinostruitelia v 4 torakh. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo rrashinostroit. lit- ry. Vol.3. [Establishing norms for founding$ stamping, welding, painting, metal plating, and woodwork) Normirovanie liteinykh, kuznechrWkh, shtampovochrykh, svarochmykh, lakokrasochrykh ra- bot, metallopokrytii i derevoobrabotki. 1962. 671 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Machinery industry-Production standards) MARTSINOVSKIY V.Ye .-SAKHAROVA, F.K. , I V_, Problem of dysentery control. Pediatriia, Moskva no.3:26-28 May-June 1953. (CIML 25:1) 1. Docent for Nartainovakiy. 2. Of the DeWtment of Rpidemiolog7 (Head - Prof. V. D. Solov'Yev) of Second Moscow Medical Institute iLeni 1. V. Stalin and of the Municipal Sanitary Rpidemiological Station (Read PhyBi- cian, -- H.S. Sokolovskly). KMSrNOVSKIY, V. Ye,rlatsent; STAROVEROVA, A.G. Analysis of ~ ivities of specialized nursery house for children Infected with chronic forms of dysentery. Pediatrila no.2:50-54 Mr-Ap '54. (KI&A 7:6) 1. Iz kafedry spidemiologii Il Koskovskogo meditsinskogo institute iment I.V.Stalina (zav. prof. V-D-Solovyev) I is Moskovskoy gorod- skoy manitarno-opidemiologicheakoy stantaii (glavnyy vrach M.S. Sokolovskiy) (DYSINTA(Y, In infant and child, *specialized nursery homes for child. with chronic dysentery In Russia) OVES, I'Llya Semenovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SAPOZIT'lEOV, Ill,,a Zinovlyevich; I~ARTSR;31=j A -F " inzh., retsenzent; KONDRASHOIT, A.V.,, inzh., re-,serzent; -=-E.?,BAKCVp S.h.p nauchn. red.; MORSKOY, L.K., red. izd-va; RODIONOVA, VJI., tekhn. red. [Organization of the supily rind reylenisYunent of mfiterials and equipment for construction] Organizatsiia materiallno- tekhnicheskogo snaDzheniia i komplektatsii stroitellstva; opyt .-ab6ty GlavT-,oszAroiip. Nio.,;kva, Go3stroiizdat, lc.(,3. 213 1, (MIILA 16:12) (Construction inclustr-,-Managerent) MARTSINYAK, A. I. MARTSINYAKA A. I. "The Development of Theory and Equipment and the DetermiDation of the Value of the Acceleration of Gravity by the Absolute Method in Terms of a Rod Falling in Vacuo." Commission on Standards, Measures, and Measuring Instruments, Counci-I of Ministers USSR. All-Union Sci Res Inst of Metrology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev. Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science) So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 19, 1956 KUCSINYA.K. A. 1. 3, , Deterzlnb~j the absolute value of gravity acceleration by observing the fall of a rod in a vacuum. S-0 156. (Gravity) (KLIRA 10:2) AGAIXTSKIY, B.M.; YBGOROV, K.N., MARTSINYAK. A.I., YANOVSKIT, B.M., Drof. red.; ARUTYUNOV, V.O., doktor teMn.nauk, prof., otvetstvenny red.; MATVZMWA, A-Ye., [Absolute deternination of the acceleration of gravity at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrologr.] AbBoliut- nye opredeleniia uskoreniia oily tiazhesti v punke VNIIM. Moskva, Gee. izd-vo standartov "STANDARTGIZ.0 1958- 89 P- (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznjyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut metrologii. Trudy no-32) (MIRA 11: 11) 1. Direktor Vaesoyuzuogo nauchno-issledovntellskogo intituta metro- logii im. D.I. Mendeleyeva (for Arutyunov). (Gravity) SOV/169-59-5-4487 Translation from- Referatlynyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 5, pp 30 - 31 (USSR) 24, L12 00 AUTHORS~ Agaletskiy, P.N., Yegorov, K.N., Martsinyak i A.I. TITLE: The Absolute Determinations of the Acceleration of Gravity at the VNIIM Station PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-1. In-ta metrol., 1958, Nr 32 (92), 91 p, Ill. ABSTRACT- Determinations of the absolute value of g, carried out In Washington (1936) and in Teddington (1938) yielded discrepancies L). of up to 20 mgal in comparison with the Potsdam system. Such large discrepancies were considered to have resulted from in- accuracies In method and insufficient evaluations of systematic errors of the measurement. Therefore, the Rpsearch institute of Metroloxv in Leningrad paid a special attention to the detailed clarification of the nature of the sources of systematic errors and the methods for their exclusion, when developing the methods for fundamental determination of g. The studies were Card 1/5 begun in 1940, interrupted by the war, and finished in 1956 sov/169-59-5-4487 The Absolute Determinations of the Acceleration of Gravity In the M IM Station The measurements were carried out by way of three Independent methods: 1) Joined fall of bodies; 2) free fall of a body,% 3) swinging pendulums Three swinging pendulums with various reduced length of 40, 60 and 75 cm were used in the measurements. The rods of the pendulums were made of fused quartz glass, the bobs of brass bars. The two ends of the pendulum rods were provided with grooves covered with quartz plates, This way, openings were formed at the ends of the rods, inside of which cushions of hard glass were put on the quartz glass were connected by the forces were swinging alternately within a produced of a special tool steel. posts in a room the temperature of The distances between the support with a gaging machine, with an error period has been determined by using maximum error of which is smaller in each individual experiment was plates. All the parts made of quartz and of molecular cohesion. The pendillums copper vacuum vessel on fixed knife-edges The whole set-up was placed on concrete which was maintained constant by conditioning bearings of the pendulums have been determined which did not exceed 0 6 14 . The swinging the sign s of a standard generator,the than 3,10-91sec The duration of swinging 15 - 20 min. The adjusted value of g from Card 2/5 SOV/169-59-5-4487 The Absolute Determinations of the Acceleration of Gravity in the VN_11M Station the observations of thw swinging pendulums was found to be 981.9187 4 0.0004 cm/ SeC2. Using the method of joined fall, the falling was observed in -the stair- case of the building of the Institute of Metrologyj a metallic cylinder was falling from a height of 14 m. Within the cylinder and slmltaneously with the cylinder, a brass frame was falling. Magnetic recorders fixed on the falling cylinder, slided along the vertical steel wires and marked magnetic marks on the wires during the fall of the cylinder, The recorders were operated by pulses from a stable generator with a frequenc.- of 62.5 cps. The same pulses caused the flashing of an inertia-free bulb which illuminated a slit within the cylinder, The image of the slit was projected onto a photographic plate fixed on the frame falling within the cylinder. As the air of atmospheric pressure was within the cylinder, the results of observation were corrected for the effect of air. The temperature of the various sections of the steel wires was determined by means of some thermocouples. Prior to measuring the distances between the magnetic marks, the wires were strewn with iron flilngs forming on them characteristic strokes. The measuring of the wires was carried out by means of a calibrating tape and a metric standard on a hori- zontal stwid, The strokes formed on the photographic plate of the falling Card 3/5 80805 SOV/169-59-5-4487 The Absolute Determinatioris of the Acceleration of Gravity in the MIM Slation frame, were measured by means of a gaging machine, The value of g was zom- puted from the position of the frame in relation to the marks on the w1res and was adjusted by the method of the least squares from 21 falls; the result was 981.9215 + 0.0016 am/sec2. Using the method of free fall of a body, a metric rod was falling withIn an evacuated copper vessel. A photo- emulsion coated the plane opposite faces of the quartz parts of the rod, and the image of the immovable slit, periodically illuminated by the fla-ghes of an inertia-free bulb, was projected onto the photoelumsion, The bulb was operated by the pulses from a quartz timekeeper with the transformed frequency of 125 and 250 cps. The setup was placed in the gravimetric basement of -zh'e Institute where the fluctuations of temperature are very small. Fifteen f&lls of'the rod were observed. The distances between the marks on the emulsion layer of iron were determined by means of the gaging machine, After carrying out the necessar-j corrections, the values of g were adjusted by the method of least squares, The final result of these experiments amounts to 981,9224 t 0.0020 crk/sec2. The values of g for the point of the investigations In *he Card 4/5 sov/169-59-5-4487 The Absolute Determinations of the Aoceleration of Gravity in the VN1111 Stati-I)rl Potsdam system amounted to 981.9308. Therefore, the new determinations cf g differ from the value in this system by 12.6 mgal (for the pendulums), by 9.3 mgal (for the joined fall of bodies), and by 8.1 mgal (for the free fall of a body). Bibl. 34 titles, Yu.S. Dobrokhotov Card 5/5 -MLRTSINTAK, A.I. Using the method of a free fall of bodies in determining the acceleration due to gravity. Trudy TRIM no-37:42-10 159. (KRA 13: 4) (Gravity) S/115/60/000/008/I003,i-,15 B019/BO63 AUTHORS: Yegorov, K N , Martsinyak, A. 1, TITLE: Determination of the Absolute Value of Xbravitational Accelerationfor the Location of the VNIIM_ PERIODICAL; Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1960, No. 8, pp~ 10-11 TEXT: The Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut metrologii imeni D. I. Mendeleyeve. (VNII ) (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) carried out research work from 1947 to 1960 for the determination of gravitational acceleration g. g was de- termined with torsional pendulums according to the joint fall of two bodies (P. N. Agaletskiy~s method) and according to the free fall of a quartz rod (A. 1. Martsinyak's method). This work was, for the major part, finished in 1956, and the results were discussed at the Ninth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics which was held in Toronto in September, 1957. The high scientific value of this work was recognized at this conference, Further experiments were made from Card 112 Determination of the Absolute Value of S/115/60/000/00,R/OOz',,'O1_z Gravitational Acceleration for the Location B019/BO63 of the VNIIM 1957 to 1959 by Agaletskiy-s and Martsinyak,s methods, in which bear-~ng plates of molten quartz were used for the pendulumsinstead of glass plate's. These experiments were intended to show that the results of measijrement did not depend on the material of the bearing plates, g waB determined from the free fall of a quartz rod in such a way that light pulses of a certain frequency incided uprn the quartz rod which was coated with a photosensi- tive layer. g was thin calculated from the increasing spacing rf the blackenings. 245 val--,qs were determined by these methods with an average of 981.9192 cm/sec2. A value of 981-919+0,003 cm/sec2 is recommended for metrological work, A value of 590 551~611 is given for the latitude of the location of the VNIIM (Leningrad); the longitude is +2.7" west of Pulkovo, and the height above sea-level is 3.5 m. There are 1 table and 5 Soviet references, Card 2/2 ACC NRi AP602148o SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/ooo/011/0106/0!06 !NVENTOR: Martsinyak, A. I. ORG: None TITLE: An installation for checking and calibrating accelerometers. Class 42, No. 182424 (announced by the All-Union _,~:ientific Research Institute of Metrology im. D. M. Mendeleyev (Vsesoyuznyy nauciino-issledovatellrkiy institut metrologii), SOURCE: lzobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966, 106 TOPIC TAGS: accelerometer, test facility, quality control ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an installation for checking and calibrating accelerometers. The unit contains a framework for holding the instru- ment to be checked, a deformable elastic element fastened to the framework, a load-ng element connected to the deformable elastic element, and a tripper for re ,leasing the framework. The device is designed for reducing the time required for acceleration to reach a predetermined value during the initial period of motion and for simpli- fying the operation of releasing the framework. The tripper is made in the form of a rod which has a collar and a groove and is connected to the framework. Completing the tripper mechanism is a breaking device consisting of a stop and a power unit. C.rd 1/2 UDC: 531.768.089.68 ACC NRs AP-0021480 FF -L . 4 A.-in,strument being tested; 2--deformable elastic element, 3--connection link SIM CODE: 13, 20/ SUBMI DATE: 3imar65 Card 2/2 1 . 11 1 -1-':- , T - 2. (6-1) 1 ... ~ 4. ' onc re t,~- :-,,- i - - ' ' . n 1-7 ~ I : I ". - .. . . I : . I. I . . . . . - I ~ f. ~ I , - C :-,r!-." e , I * - ~ . . I . . ~ I 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, jurie 1953. Unclassified. MARTSINYUh, V., inzhpner-polkovnik T lhoroup,~.-lv prepare for exercises on strearn crossing. Tyl i snat. Sov. V~-or, Sil 21 no~7:?5-79 JIL '(1. (MIRA :4:-P) (Stream crossing, Military)