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Sk-"V/C. I The Arresting of Suspended Particles FlowinE; a Bundle of Tubes Coated with Viscous Fluid of flow are plotted in Fig 3. It will be seen -1-nat within the range of 8 to 30 m/sec there is ver,-," li-z;*----- increase in the efficiency of separation of aus-,. by the first two rows, but a somewhat greaser ~Jmpravei--(-i.z in the third and fourth rows. The influence of dust particle size on the effectiveness of separation at various rates of flow is plotted in Fig 4. The curve,., show that larger particles promote sepai-atiun, larly by tubes in the first two rows. The rel~,tJLve effectiveness of successive rows with different paj-ticltl- sizes is discussed. Doubling the diameter of the uube was found to sliphtly decrease the amount I b'v the tubes of the first and second rows. The r-2siStZ21.~'e of the bundles of tubes related to the rate of flow in the narrow section between tubes for various values of Reynolds number, number of rows and pitch of tube, ':Lru plotted in Fig 5. The relationship betwet:n t',.,; r. and Reynolds number is not clearly expressed. The Card 3/6 factors governin6 the resistance are discusFed. It 1~ 6UV/96-59-l2-D-/20 The Arresting of Suspended Particles Flowin(~ Isot.~'_Iermallly a Bundle of Tubes Coated with Viscous Fluid usually considered that the Stokes' number alone determines the process of separation when a dusty flow pasEes ove-- a cylinder. It is here shown that the Froude number also has an effect, particularly for the first two rows. Fig 6 indicates that all the experimental point.,. can be plotted on a single curve if the efficiency of arrestiii~, is plotted as function of a complex th~,t iiiclade-s the Stokes, Froude and Reynolds numbers in the correct proportions. It will be seen from Fig 7 that the proces,- of separation on the third and fourth rows can be des- cribed with sufficient accuracy b~.; the Stokes' number. Fig 8 shows curves of the efficiency of arrestint, for various rates of flow. This graph may be used to make calculations on slag-arresting by tube bundles with a square arrangement; there can be any number of' rows of uubes, their spacing across the flow bein6 2 - 4 diameters, and in line with the flow 2 - 5 dia~aeters. The efficiency of arresting is given by expression (5), for particles of a particular size; when the flow Card 4/6 contains a wide range of particle sizes, 11 -/ T.r_ The Arresting of Suspended Particles Flowin,- a Bundle of Tubes Coated with Viscous Fluid should be used. Ash-removal factors for v-.-ii,,u.,,- and four-row arrangements of tube bundles are pdoti.-_"~ Fig 9 as functions of gas speed Lind tube ar:-aii. --,en- CD This graph also can be used for practical The ash-removal by various tube ;,iran-.ements v.u~. cal(:i_ lated for a flow of air coLtaininu dust of ~)artiele size distribution found -at the inlet t(- the in-iuced- draught fan of a power station burnin6 Zakamsk coal. In this case the,-e is no evident advanta~ e to be _;Aned leaving a clear space between successive bunl.les of It is concluded that twin tubes ..-.hould not -te ased _'11 this type of ash arrester. in gener~;l, i;nese arresters can be very effective in ~_ cyclone f,,,=.iace, a-nd cause only a small increase in the .,.ead of drau~~ht_ In particular, if four bundles, each comprisi:Iz~ tw--- rows, are fitted beyond the cyclone chamber t,--e factor can be increased from no to 08.5%, or fro-- Card 5/6 91.4% with a draught increase of approxim-,tely 45 ~Lm of ~x The Arresting of Suspended Particles Flowin6 Isother.--all-., Thl'r_u~_',_ a Bundle of Tubes Coated with Viscous Fluid water. Still better is coarse and t!-iere There are 9 figures, which are Soviet and resulLs are obt,!ined M.en -L~,e ast. is less ser)aration in the chamber. 1 table and 11 refei-c~nces, ~'-. of 3 English. ASSOCIATION: VTI - Vostochnyy Technical Institute. Technical Institute) filial VTI (All-Union Thermo- Eastern Branch All-Union TheraLo- Card 6/6 28(5) 05 75 7 AUTHORS: Maslov, V. Ye., Mar3riak, Yu. L. sov/32-25-10-46/6' TITLE: On the Initial Quantity o~- Dust in Working With Models o1 Dust Collectors PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 10, pp 1258-1219 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the purpose of investigating a separation of aerosols in models of various dust-collecting devices a simple and reliable method was worked out, in which the dust-collecting surface is coated with a viscous liquid (e.g. vaseline), The quantity of dust deposited on this surface may be determined according to various pnysico-chemical methods (Ref 1). As the minimum size of the dust particles absorbed by a device is determined by the dimension of the latter, experiments must be carried out with the finest particles in order to attain greater efficiency of the device. Several experimen* (Ref 2) showed that greater quantities of fine dust may absorbed on a viscous surface than was stated in a paper LY N. F. Dergachev (Ref 1). In order to solve this problem experiments were carried out with a model with a tube havin, Card 1/2 a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 200 mm with various 05757 On the Initial quantity of :)ust in '%%orkiny, With SOV/32-25-10-4~/615 Models of Dust Collectors ASSOCIATION quantities of a fine (0-12 p) dust of K,Cr207 at a tan~;en- tial air flow velocity of' 7 m perBexnd, It was found that a variation of the quantitief~ of dust from 9.6 to 205 mF (Fig, diagram) influences neither the total degree of sei_,ar;,- tion nor the distribution of the deposited particles along the model. Thus, when working with fine dust (0-12 p), the initial quantity may be much higher than previously stated. There are 1 fig-ure and Soviet references. VsPsoyuznvy institut (All-Union Thermal 'Engincering Card 2/2 MMHAK, Yu.L., kand. tekhn. nauk; ROMADIN. V.P., doktor tekhn. nauk. Using VTI furnaces with high slag collection. Elek. sta. 30 no.2:2-8 7 159. (MIRA 12:3) (Furnaces) KUSILAK, Yu.L.,_kand.tekhn.nauk Motion of a slag film and its effect en heat exchange in a lined shield. Teploenergetika 8 no.3:16-22 Mr 161. L,-:91 1. Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. (Heatow4bAiation and abmurpUm) (slag) MARSHAK, Yu.L., kand.tekhn.nauk Feat excl-ange in s'laF seFara--or tuLe bundles, Ter _' ae-)er~e ~, 9 no,5:17-19 Mv '62. , 1. Vseso,ruznyy teplotpkhnicbpskiy instiltut, (Heat--Transmission) (Furnaces) MARSHAKP Yu.L.1, kand.tekhn.nauk Scientific and technical conference on t%& results of the inve3- tigation of the operation of the TP-230-6 boiler with a vertical cyclone-type furnace operating on anthracite culm and furnace system for a large 800 Nw. block. Elek. sta. 33 no.7:93-95 Jl '62. (AURA 1~,:3) (Boilers-Congresses) (Furnaces--rongresses) VORONIN, N.J.,, inzh.,- KWOTKINAp N.I., inzh.; 1%85HAK Yu.L. inzh.; SOUWIYEV, A.M.; FSHENIOv V.A., inzh.; KULIK, A.I., inzh. Use of carborundum packing compounds for lining &Wmaces with liquid slag removal systems. Elek.sta. 33 no.12t2-5 D 162. -, (MIRA 16*2) (Boilers) (An-naces) MARSUK, Yu.L., kand.tekhn.nauk Increase in the durability of a dovetail shield. Elek. sta. 34 no.1:18-21 Ja 163. (MIFLA 16:2) (Furnaces) --- inzh.; SIZIN, P.R., inzh.; SOLOVIYEEV, A.M., inzh.; PSIL,'ITC, MARSMK, Yu.L I , inzh.; KHARIKIII, Yu.A., in7.h. Adjustment and operation of the TP-230-6 boiler with verticral cyclone- preliminary furnaces operating or, ant)Lracite culm. Elek. sta. 34 no. 6:17-22 Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Boilers) (Electric p4r.plants) MARSHAK, Yu.L., kand. tekhn. nauk Heat distribution in rods (pins) for fastening the lining of furnace heat screens. Teploenergetika 10 no.10:45-51 0263 (MIRA 17:7) 1. Tsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicbeskiy institut. MARSHAK-ROZEWSMG, A. M. "Comparative evaluation of effectivit.. of antibiotics during surgi--al inter- ventions on stomac..." report submitted for Antibiotics Cong, Prague, 15-1.,, Jbn 64. Lab for Clinical Evaluation of New Antibiotics, Inst of Surger.-, im A. V. Visnn~evski)-, AW USSR. -ISO& "-I 14AN bi 0.351 xpp to 't ic W4 -iwftxw antla rted by buic by-tho-chumutbe Ica Vir. ]a ROZZIMID. I.L.; MARSHAKOV, I.K. Methods for studying corrosion in gaps and openings. Zav.l&b.21 ne.11:1346-1353 155. (KUU 9:2) I.Institut fizichookey khlmit Akadowdl mau SSSR. (Corrosion and aaticorrosives) V4 'NE A5 Id Ia. r. Fix- KAM. 30. '27 ? . C.A. CDffOSiVe acdom of WILM OWN kacl, and contS 80 mg. NaC-antl 70 mg-A. Naso, in ft In Iron wAa studied when the wjv)Ie exposed iron surface was in the crevice, and wben only part of 1he iron surfave vrp- to th liquid in the cmvim and ttm mt was heittly, =2-by, e, 6*The corm of -the Fe ancdic-pol~ -aft;- ftol-ed Wd, ",-~ d4-p't-o-cest n- 41Z !led n 137 - 58-6- 13065 D Translation from Referativnvv zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p Z#_.9 (USSR) AUTHOR M a r TITLE Investigation of the Me(. hani( s of "Fissure Corrosion" of Metals .Issledovani~v invkhanizma "shrhelevoy korrozi)" metallovi ABSTRACT Bibliographic entrv on the author's dissertation for the de- gree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences, presented to the In-1 fiz. kh1mij AN SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, USSRi, Voronezh. 1957 ASSOCIATION In -t fiz. kbimii AN SSSR t Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of S( ien(. es, USSR,, Voronezh Ilet;i7s- Card 111 SOV Translation from. Referativnyyzhurnal. Metallurgivd lq58 N:- iz AUTHORS- Marshakov, 1. K Rozenfel d I L TITLE: The Process of Corrosion of Metals in Gaps and Cr6cks IMekhaniziii korrozil metallov v usloviyakh zazorov i shcheley: PERIODICAL Sb. tr. Voroiiezhsk. otd Vses khim o-va im. D 1957, N r I , pp 1 17- 120 ABSTRACT Bibliographic entry Card I/ I 80322 00 13 040 SOV/81-59-7-23715 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 7, p 295 (USSR) AUTHORS: Rozenfel'd, I.L., Marshakov. I.K. TIME: Corrosion of Metals in Narrow Gaps and Slits in the Presence of Corrosion Inhibitors PERIODICAL- Sb. Kom-t po korrozii I zashchite metallov Vses. sov. nauchno- tekhn. o-v, 1957, Nr 2, PP 59 - 81 ABSTRACT: Methods were described for investigating the corrosion (C) of metals in narrow gaps (G) which make it possible to study the corrosion behavior of metals in G of various magnitude and in the case of arbitrar-j ratios of the surfaces of metal in G and in the electrolyte mass. Electrolyte of 0.03 g/1 NaCl + 0,07 &/1 N SO was taken as initial medium, to which various corrosion iNMtors (CI) were added. The test results have shown that the C rate of Fe in narrow G is lower than the C rate of Fe surrounde-; by the mass of the electrolyte. This Is explained by the lnhiblt!~'i. of the cathode process as a result of the difficult access of 02. Card 1/3 With a decrease of the G width the limit diffusion current decreases 80322 SOV/81-59-7-23715 Corrosion of Metals in Narrow Gaps and Slits in the Presence of Corrosion Inhibitors and in G of 0.05 - 0.35 mm it has approximately the constant va-lue of 2.0 -/.-m2 In the presence of a contact with the metal in the mass of the electrolyte, the C rate of Fe in G does not change with the G width. This is explained by the fact that the couples of differential aeration "metal in G-metal in the mass" are little efficient due to the high resistance of the medium. In the presenre of CI it was established that NaN02, K2Cr 207, Na2HP04 cause a strong local C of the metal in G, although in the mass even small additions of these C1 suppress the corrosion process completely. An increase in the NaN02 concentration leads to the reduction of the corrosion damages of Fe in G and :in the caze of a concentration of 2.0 9/1 NaN02 C in G can be completely suppressed. The same results are observed in the case of K Cr 201and Na2HPO 4. ZnSO does not cause C but is little effective. A temperXre ncrease affects C 0~ Fe in G in a double way: 1) at raised temperatures a higher concentration of CI is needed; 2) with the temperature increase the rate of CI diffusion into G rises (the first factor prevails). The whole anode current in a metal in G of 0.05-0.31, aur is concentrated on the surface of the sample located not deeper than 5 mm from Card 2/3 80322 SOV/81-59-7-2371=1 Corrosion of Metals in Narrow Gaps and Slits in the Presence of Corrosion Inhibitors the beginning of G. A real polarization diagram of the corrosion macrocell Fe in G of 0.15 - Fe in the mass of the electrolyte in the case of equal surfaces was obtained. As a result of the work carried out an explanation of the mechanism of C of metals in narrow G Is given. R. Salem Card 3/3 M11664 bYtbe temparAlfiro, 141111tor tog, rat on; Ilan jm, giiiada":61, We -.Ciw Iono- Ironinth cocarm a above mentl oned. soluuo~s. ~17(Ii- '~ rt /~ K.: J- , J~ - AUTHORS: Rozertfolld, I. L., Narshakov, I. K. 76-10-24/34 TITLE: The Nechanisa of Metallic Corrosion in Narrow Crovioss and Slits. IT. The Corrosion.of Aluminum and Soso of Its Alloys (Mekhanizm korrozii metallov v uzkikh sasor&kh I shcholyakh. IV. Korrosiya &Iyuminiya I nokotorykh yego splavov). PUIONCAL-. Zhurnal Fixichemkoy Khimii, 1957, Tol. 31, Nr 10, pp. 2328-2335 (USSR) ABSTUOT: The corrosion- and electrochemical behavior of the aluminum and of none of its alloys in narrow slits and sodium-ohloride solutions was investigated. It was founc that the corrosion velocity of the metal in the narrow alit is greater by ciroa one order of magnitude than the corrosion velocity of the same metal surrounded by an electrolyte. It is shown that an Increased corrosion of the Investigated metals in the slits is due to the variation of composition of the corrosion sodium In the alit In ooue*quonoo of the activity of the saoro*lesente which are caused by the unequal velocity of the oxygen conduction In the alit and to the metal surrounded by the CARD 1/2 electrolyte. the phenomenon of the negative difference The NOOh"iXX1 Ot NOtallio Corrosion in Jarrow WrOlriose and Slits. 76-10-204 iv~ The Oorrision of Aluminum and Some of its Alloy* effect In aluminum in a narrow $lit was investigated. It was found that in the ease of &V &no&* polarization the amount of the differenoo effect aluminum 40 - 47 %- It is shown that sueb an extraordinary increase of the difference offset in due to an acidification of the electrolyte in the alit in consequence of the hydrolysis of the anode reaction products. There are 7 figuf9s, I table, 11 61avic references. A890010205: Institute for.Physioal Chemistry of the AN USSR, Moscow (Akademlya asuk 3581, Inatitut fisicheakoy khimil'' Noskya). BONITIM September 29, 1956 AT41 Ulu I Library of Congress CARD 2/2 MhR.-IIAKC-%', -.. K. T!. v e!: f- I M, dissertat'-,-r. ':--r ,~.e de.--,ree c C'~.em. , AS US.-*,F. Volronezl~, e::.. Metal lovedeii'ye rli! !.i-*Ii 11DIN, I.N., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; ASTAFIYRVA, Ye.V., inzh.; MARSHALKIN, A.N.,-inth. Special characteristics of the tempering process following high frequency hardening. Metalloved. I obr. met. no.9:2-1.2 S '58. (MIRA 11:10) l.Hookovskiy inatitut @tali. (Steel-Harl6ning) (Induction heating) (Tempering) ROZENYELID, I.L., Aoktor khtm. nauk ; MRSRPXOV, I.K.. inzh. Corroplon of stools In contact with Dacking r3atogrials. Sudoetroe21e 24 no.9:46-419 S 158. (141RA 11-11) (Stmel-Corrosion) (Sh1pn-Squipment &nd mupplies) .r AUTHORS: Marshakov, I. K., Rozenfel'd, I. L. 7(',_1_JC"_-- PITLE: On th--~ 1~echanism of Stainless Steel Corrosion in Slit& and Crevices (,-,ekh~-nizm korrozii m~t~~llov v uzkikh zazorakh.jV.Yorrozi,ya nerzhaveyuchc!;ikh PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1~56, Vol- '~2, Nr 1, )p- 136-72 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method of the corrosion test appliLa hertz was describe... by the authors in ref. 12. Investigated were: chromium steels Hn with 3,YD of chromium 1X13, 2X13, X17, X22., an- for rc~,sons of comparison the ordinar~~ steel C T with 0,25 ;~, of ci.romium. Besides these hardened steels also the steels 1X13 ..Ind 2X1'. were investiCated in an annealed state. '2he reaction a.- z.~inst corrosion was investiCated in 0,5 NaCl in tap water, in distilled water and in an allround washinc; Of tile an electrolyte (I cm2 : 30 cm2). 'Lhe experiment-; compared with corrosion in the Plectrolyte, mcru intun3u corrosion in narrow slits of steel viere only ob~erv,~:d the same steel in the electrGlyte was in paz3sive cttt,~. j~ passive state can be observed with ordinary st(-el low in carbon and with lo-~~e-alloyed steell only in special cases ;.ith Card 1/4 an especially inten3ive oxyt,en addition or with the On the Mechanism of Stainless Steel Corrosion in Farrow 76--10/32 Slits and Crevices of other oxidation means. Under normal conditions in 0,5 r NaCl they are in an active state. So far as these steels corrode with the depolarization of oxyEen their corrosion velocity in the electrolyte is hiEher than that in the slit where the ap --iroach of oxyEen is rendered more difficult. High-alloyed steels (13 ~fo of chromium and above) in the electrolyte are as a rule in a passive state. ~ihen these steels, however are in a narrow slit where the anproach of oxygen to the metal surface is incomparably more lifficult than in the electrolyte there is a much Ireater probability for a discontinuation of the passive state of steels and therefore also for the formation of destructions b3 corrosion. The authors eslablished that with steels with 13-17/o of chromium the passive state in slits is interrupted ~:Lnd pittings are formed. In the presence of a contact -i,-ath the steel washed around by an cl!ctrolyte the corrosion of the steel in the slit int-insifies at the expense of the formation of active-passive elements, Some cons derations on the -,rocess of a destruction by corrosion are Liven. If the Card 2/4 On the Mechanism of Stainless Steel Corrosion in Narrow 76-1-io/32 Slits and Crevices steel has a chromium content which is not sufficient to shift it to passive state in C,5 N NaCl the corrosion of the metal in the sl1t takes place as described in ref. 14. Consequent to an abrupt slowing-down of the cathode process the velocity of corrosion of such a steel will be slower than in the electrolyte. The operation of differential ventilation is little effective under these circumstances. If the steel, however, has such a chromium content that it is shifted in the electrolyte to a passive.state this steel is exposed to an increased destruction in a slit. The destruction takes place because of the fact that the entrance of oxygen to the slit is rendered more difficult wid there- fore the passive state of the steel in the slit is very unstable and may be disturbed at some pldces of the metal surface. The investigations showed that the steel is initially in a passive state and only aftur a certain time, which depends on the chromium content, passes over to an active state: the less chromium there is in the steel the earlier the passive state in the slit is disturbed. In fine slits Card 3/4 the passive state can be disturbed on almost the whole On the Mechanism of Stainless Steel Corrosion in Narrow 76-1-10/32 Slits and Crevices surface in the slit. Yith jreater slits this applies only to a limited extent. There are 6 figures, and 15 references, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSGCIATION: Institute oF Physical Chemistry, Alloscow, AS USSR (Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut fizicheskoy khimii. Moskva). SUBMITTED: September 29, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of GonLress Card 4/4 5(4),18(6) AUTHORS: Marshakov, I, K., Rozerff-__ d, 1, TITLE! The Mecnanism c-f Metail:.c Corrosion in Cracks and Cruvir,-li (,Mekhanizm 'e,.-)rroz-,1 metaj.lov v zazorakh 1 shchelyakh).. V. Th~ ^or:1i-qj,n -f Copper and lts Alloys 'V, K,)rrTz,.ya iredi i eyt, sT;.avDv'j PFRIODICAL-. Zhurnal f,zi~:neskcy kh_,P..i ".i5c), Vol 5--., Nr I , lip 2 (USSR.) ABSTRACT, The Te~-harl-,z,-,L ;,f ropper an(i its al-oys in narrow cra.:,ks and rr-yi-es differs fcom the observations made up nDw (R~-rs ', -1". show no uniform opin-ir-n on copper corr,7,f~icn ,n c,:-a-.k9 (Rei's 5, 4)- Since copper and i-.s aL -.)ys are .,~5ed fQr the onEtruction of vessels and heat exchangers ~Refs 5, 6) the examination of this corroso-i Is of spec2al importance. The method of lnvest:~-ation ha-c already been des.-r--bed ',Iief 7)~ Copper, bronze, and brass kthe composit;.cn is shown in a table) were tested inO.r' n !;a"i so-u!-a~n_c. -the cat.h-de P-ocess as well as the anoc!_'.-~ d--s- solution of ~,opper (F--g- ') are stopped by the accumuiat--cr, c)-f copper ions in the cracks and thus the corrosion of colper i- Card 1 /12 redu,:~ed, in the case of a ~-ontact between crack and outer The Mechanism of Metallic Corrosion in Cracks SOV/76-33-1-37/4" and Crevices. V. The Corrosion o!* Copper and It.,; Alloyc surface macro-elements are formed and the metal in trie crack turns into the cathode, the outer metal nurface into the a nod r ( Fi,,; ', ). .Aius, the corrcsion does riot occur inside the crack but outside, very close to the crack. The same 3s true of bronze, whereas brass reacts in a different way. In crev-1ces (0-5 mm and below) of' brass the corrosion is stronger in the crevices and may reach a twentyfold value, especirilly on contact with the outer surface (Yie 4). In this case the brass crevice acts as anode. The anodic polarization as well as the corrosion of brass lead to a selective dissolution with zinc being favorably dissolved. The strong zinc reduction in brass crevices can be explained by a more difficult oxygen access as has been found by tests in a hydrogen atmosphere ( Table 2), There are 5 figures, 3 tables, and 9 references, 7 of whi'2h are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR,Institut fizicheskoy khimii.Moskva (Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow) SUBMITTED: July 17, 1957 Card 2/2 113 5(4) 7, , oz en f el A S: , ir, TITLE on the ! Crev4C,--s r of 'C-0 y - f i.' 1 E - i II C L Zhvr . CT f f X; 7: n e Cc:- 3re-~t n t T C, 0- e:, i i t d 0.1 ;'!S e 2t wer -t,.r ' 1 : .f 0 " dezcri~Ld T r L s t t it lv~s con-, it NaCl rolutiO!~s ,,er L;ze, in n..rrow I r; t .. t it if t.;e lJts arc " t h 2 . in relation to t Card 1/ C C~; t i: e t anf! Crev_4rrs. 7j 41 1u. t no v:~ri t3or. vr-' -,r ty i:. t k p1 4 t 7~j t_ tj f --i1 e it 4 i t h ti-c- mi. 1 f, - t T-, v 01 v i.-i -In .,IC,. tion of t~e c! ct r,--)'. elt:cirnle .)n t'.at t ,-. .2 r r jr.(-r a t_-! -nd cf t-,.-. .- 'r a I Fi It i:-, ou~n~ t' t r ~n 'Lu'J1 17 t:-c t corr,)z:i(-,r t C.", C, n 1 ati.-)n I- Irctoctive fil:n~, t,~~ v- in t e...- 2 T~tt corr-)-ior:. T- i 7- c-:-r t' e lit- i_~ 1 i-.i t t or. _,4 Cro_C_~ T:e -e v -2:-, t r c e Jh,,v( i ar t i' c1. r c: - T 7 c f i -ii r - t %n Sov t r -L, - c- c 0 C :,1Y C, In 3 t j 1 f i z _J i A` n r 1 "1 v L y " ~7titiltc of' Q~ t Ac't Y S U. ];'4 1 T T E JulY 17, '.~-~7 C,ird 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EKPLOITATION SOFV/5225 Mikhantlyev,- Boris Ivanovich, Anatoliy lakovlevich Shatalov,and Igor' Kirillovich Marshakov Polimery - novyye korrozionno-stoykiye materialy (Polymers; New Corrosion- Resistant Materials) Voronezh, Izd-vo Voronezhskogo univ., 1960. lo6 p. 5,000 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: 11. Ya. Klinov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ed. of Publishing House: G.F. Biryukov Tech. Ed.: M.V. Novikov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for teachers in higher schools of education. It may be used by chemical engineers and technicians of plant laboratories, tech- nologists and foremen, as well as workers who are interestea in improving their skills. COVERAGE: The book reviews the causes and types of corrosive destruction to metals and alloys exposed to external conditions, and discusses methods and meani of replacing nonferrous metals and alloyed steels with new corrosion-resistant C&rd 47 5 Polymers; Nev Corrosion-Resistant Materials S(YV/5225 materials based on synthetic polymers and natural and synthetic resins. T"he main #picochemical properties are given for the structural VIA&ties whdch have received wide practical application in 'the national economy, and especially in anticorrosion engineering. No personalities are mentioned. There are 68 Soviet references (including 2 translations). TABLE OF CONTENTS: Organic Synthesis in the Service of Metallurgy 3 of Metals and Methods for Their Prevention. How and Why M_,tal-s Corrode 8 Physicochemical Properties of High-Molecular Compounds and Methods of Processing Them 18 Corrosion Resistance of Polycondensed Plastics 32 Cart-2/-J- SHATALOV, A-Ya., MARSHANOV, I.I., RUBTSOVA, T.A. Iffect of oxidizing agents on the Inhibiting properties of phos- phates. Zbur.prikl.khim. 33 no-5:103o-1036 Wy 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Steel-Corrosion) (Phosphates) 88712 S/076/61/035 ' /001/016/022 B004/BO60 AUTHORS- Marshakov, I. K. and Zanina, A. N. TITLE: Mechanism of the corrosive destruction of iron along the water line PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no- 1, 1961, 206-211 TEXT: The authoro were conoorned with the problem of the intensive corrosion of low-alloy steels along the water line, i.e., along the line separating the corroding medium from the atmosphere. According to I. L. Rozenfelld and K. A. Zhigalova (Ref. 1) the process has a different course depending on whether the electrolyte surface remains immobile, or whether its level fluctuates. The corrosion of Armco iron was examined in various media with the surface at rest. The formation of differential aeration couples was observed. Fig. 1 shows the element "metal in water line - metal dipped in electrolyte". The following results were obtained: An intensive corrosion appeared along the water line in acid media and in neutral solutions containing inhibitors such as bichromates, nitrates, or phosphates. The iron dl.d not undergo any intensive corrosion along the Card 1/3 88712 Mechanism of the corrosive destruction S/076/61/0.-5/001/016/022 B004 B060 water line in neutral chlorides and sulfates. An intensive local destruction may take place, however, in media with a low electrical con- luctivity. Due to the difference in access of oxygen to the iron of the Water line and iron dipped into the electrolyte, differei,tial aeration couples are formed, the anode being provided by the iron dipped into the electrolyte. In media with a low electrical conductivity (tap water) the currents of these elements concentrate and give rise to intensified corrosion somewhat below the water line. The intensive etching of iron along the water line in acid media is not, as hitherto assumed, caused by a stronger precipitation of the corrosion products at the water - air interface, but by the action of corrosion macrocells, whose anode is the Fe in the water line. The cause of the formation of such cells is the rapid increase of the pH of the electrolyte which forms the meniscus. In neutral electrolytes containing inhibitors, the corrosion of Fe is similar to that in narrow slits and crevices. Due to an impeded access of the inhibitor to the electrolyte forming the meniscus there arise active - passive cells, which give rise to the intensive corrosion. There are 4 figures, I table, and 9 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. Card 2/3 88712 Mechanism of the corrosive destruction ... S/076/61/035/001/016/022 B004/BO6O ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State University) SUBMITTED: May 21, 1959 4#0 kJ00 Legend to Fig. 1: Change of current J., strength with time. 1: 0.1 M Na SO 4 2 4 P 2: 0.1 M H so ; length of water line 2 4 Zx 12 cm (at either side of the specimen; area of the specimen dipped into the P- Fig. electrolyte 50 CM2 tiMe, M4 ; a ~n; b) anode in the electrolyte; c) anode in the water line. Card 3/3 2h654 3/076/61 '03r:/O06/r)0-'/" Ib 85 C>C;l B127/B203 AUTHORS: Rozenfelld, I. K. and Marshakov, I. K. TITLE: Mechanism of selective linear corrosion PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. '5, no. 6, 1961, 1265-1269 TEXT: The object of the present paper was a study of corrosion at the boundary metal -dielectric. The authors used Armco iron, and showed its corrosion in the presence of HCI or H 2so 4' Corrosion was mcst distinct in 0.2N R2so 4' Besides paraffin, the followiig substances were used as dielectrics: colophony, bitumen, organic glass, polystyrene, polymerizei 0-2 (BF-2) glue, and Bakelite varnish (Fig. 1), No effect of the character of the dielectric on corrosivn was observed. Linear corrosion was also observed at the contact point of tAo homogeneous metals. Weak corrosion was even observed with electrolytes free from 0 2* The jepth of corrosion increases with the metal surface outside of the paraffin drop Thus, the free metal parts exert an influence on the covered parts. In Card 1/4 24654 S/076 '61/o-1/oo-, Co-, 01 Mechanism of selective linear corrosion B127."B203 the narrow interspace at the edge of the drop, the acid concentration Js reduced due to interaction with the metal The increase in pH leads tD a derefinement of the steaJy metal potentiRl and to an arceleration of t-;e anodic metal ionization, The change in acid concentration on the var-Dus metal Darts leads io the formation of concentration elements. The anodi, processes took place at t~~e narrow edge on the drop, the cathodic proce5ses at a greater distance, on the metal. At sufficiently high H+ concentra- tion, free H2 is formed by discharge. This produces a cathodic process zausing corrosion in the absence of 0 2' A clear demonstration is 4ziven by the following arrangement: Two Fe electrodes are taken, one of Ahi-h forms a 0.3 mm wide margin between metal and polymer An emf of B'U-10C:Lv and 500 pa is formed. The metal in the slit acts as anode. The -,H dependence is Jillustrated by the following arrangement: Two Fe electrodes are put in an H-shaped vessel with glass diaphragm. A milliammeter ds connected.. Both wings are filled with 0.2 NH 2so 4' In one wine, the acid is titrated with 1N NaOH +0.2N Na 2so 4' In the other one, the same quantity of acid %as added to prevent a flow of the electrolyte through Card 2/4 2h654 I 3/076/6 1/07 4chanism of line--r corrosion B127/B203 " 5/006, t h e d In -) h r;, 4-e r)H 4rcreased stea-1ily, in the other one, it remn4nei ccr- very ctrong basic p1l, the metal in t-e acid solution c--n -ct as :_node since Pe is :)assivated 'by strorq:ly al'-~!14ne electrc'y'c~ an-j its potential 3hifts to the positi";c rz;n-e. I. s4mi'ar c-an,7e of -a-- 'L;'-ns ni-ce in the na-ro-x soace betmeen metal and dielectric. 7'hc -ro-li;cts of tl- :no6ic recc4ion of the corrmion element are subjected to h-%-rolysis, :!n~ acidify the electrolyte strongly. Finally, an equilib r4,_l::: 01 pH 2.5-3.) Jis established. Another ~)icture results if the t-~o electrodc-o a-e s-ort-circuited. Corrosion of the electrode in the neutr,-.1 electrolyte increases strongly. Due to the neutral environment, it beco-es anodic. The potential is on a -)Ositive level. 'The corrosion raie -~~ --e.electrode in neutral medium is .ncreased by the 7-fol-_'. T-- corrosion current is 200 wj. I' the inn r and outer resistance of tlie elo:-~ent 4s re.-uced to a mini.-.un, the current r --che ;.i ~ro-) of the dielectric is if--es to the en,4 re. c 5 rn a -,n.L i e dt o -4ron, or if ~n 4ntersDace iv conrtructed, the ohmic resistarce a J is !on, t*-e concentrat-on ~-_e-_.ents rre very eff4cien*t, an~, as a conse- i4 ? Ouence, -near select 1.4 ve corro"-*_~,n 4-c ver- rtron,:. 'M. K. Tikhonov himi; 1,17,o~ z:7n-3 X;IstYa'::ovsI-iY (Yorroziya Card 3/4 Mechani sm of se lec i'. ve ' ine- - corros- ion 7 5/076/61/0*1 5,1,n'r B 127//B203 zheleza v kontak'e s f--_-n4'2ev dv,2kn faz; Tr. lun'skoy sessii All SSSR, .0-18, izd-vo A'T SSS-q. -re ment-4nned. 'here are 4 figures,-1 table, and 10 references: 8 and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the Engli sh-langLage `-.ion rew]c as follows -. Culloch Y. , J. Amer. Soc., 47, 1?40, 19-95. C) !A, T i 0 :7 :institut fizicheskoy khimii AN 33SR (Institute of Physical Chemistry, AS USSR,. Voronez;iskiy C.,osuda,-stvennyy unive--mitet (77oro'nezh State -U-niversity) S77,"ITTED September 1.9, 1059 .Fi-. 1: Corrosinn of iron in contact v,-*tn a r1lielectric. Le!:rend- tn me C c r d 4/4 41 2,~_- 4 AUT C I i S Shatalov , 1 . `a. :..arsnakov , ! . i: and Kaluzhin~ T7TI I -lie r;-.ot-alvuni c. cc,rrosicn c)f -~ietals 142 'A:': Akadei.-.4_~,a nauk DcAla.`,:, v. -, no. T _EX T Thtermo~:alvanl'c corrosion wZ13 ~nvestl~;iited on a mol'u", c)f (galvanic ce-'ls on t',,e basis of ;)!_)_'ariza'ion curves. To UaZ3 (~fr.ct, electrodes ,An-co iron) 16,o stel 13 (~',M3) steel, nickel, or I _:s at t,-ie ends of a ,uartz ta":Je at zircon.4u.-.1) were inscorted JL.,; ;.',a.3!ic 1u, 140 M-M from each other. ViLile the lovier ellectrodo was dii;;)(.-.l r.*,(, icu, the upper one was leated to 750C- The advantajes of 'Lis desi(-.--. ar~ ~1'; internal resistance les2 thar. in ii-shaped cells; (2) iower c,~i-.vection, since the hot solutic,n i.9 on tol- The electrolyte consistej cf 0.1 N H so + 0.9 N K,Sc ; 1 N' S,"', ; G. 1 1; KOH + 1 N F SC.", ; 1 N 2 4 - 4 ? + 1 N K so Conclus~ons: (a) ;)olarity of the corrosion :air _-S 2 4* normal in acid and neutral solutions: the hot electrode is the anote; (b) "anomalous, polarity takes place in alkaline solution: the cold /V Card 1/2 The rmob-alvani c corrc,sion electrodi: is te anot'le. ':,li is re v .3 rsa 11' o fI a r1 t y wh t ch .-; Ot- sc - until after a certain t;-*~.x is aue -~ j:assivition, risin(-, ,vit., 0~ the I-,c)- e' ectrodc. Sh's was conf~'rme(~ 'by pascivatinr ad-11,,-1urj (K2Cr207 or E.010 . In Khl 11 st(~el , an,-ma.1 cius polarity is al ready ob3erv--~d in neutral solution, even without ad-.ition of passivLtinj: subs+Lnces. A paper by Ya. Mi. Kolotyrkin et al . ( Sborn . Korroziya reaktornyi-.h materialov (Coll . Corros4 on of Reactor Materials) 114. , 1960, P. 'A is mentioned. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 4 Soviet refurences. ASSOCIA'TION: VoronczYskiy Cosudarstvernyy universitet (Voronezh Stat, University~ PRESEINTED: "Ovec,ber 4 -)ejl , 1-2y A. IN' . Frumkin , Acadcr.-,ician SUB"' ITT-----D Nove,-.,ber 1~,, 196-1 Card 2/2 SHATALOV, A.Ya.; MARSHAKOV, I.K.; KALUZHINA, S.A. Thermogalvanic corrosion of metals. Part 1. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.l2s2721-2727 D 163. (WRA 17:1) 1. Vorofiezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. MARSHAKOVY I.K.; BOGDANOV, V.P. Mechanism of the selective corrosion of copper-zinc alloys. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.12:2767-2769 D 163. (PURA 17:1) 1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. MARSHAKOV., I.K.; ZAKUTSKIY, V.I. Simple unit for potentiostatic measurements. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.1:237-238 Ja'64. (MJRA 17.4) 1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. SHATfLLOV, A.Ya.; MAFOIIAKOV, I.F.; KALUZHINA, S.A. Thermngalvani? co-rosion cf netFls. Part 2. Zhur. fiz. khim. 19 nn.2-19'. ' ' I (MIRA 17:8) ,1~ -Vopoa~W)dy gosudarstvenriy-y universitet. MARSHAKOV , I K. ; BG)GLl,'-.':( V y I.; AI ~"- YK l,"., , Corrosion an,~ ~-Pc--rocl- ' he~-.avilcr of al-loys .f' tK,~ -c. - -r - zinc syste,-.;. j art -" . ','hur. f'.'7. r"'. ~,M. '~P ncj.'!: 1"(,4-:-!i. , -'. f;,.,.. (:,- ~ ., . -1~, 1. Voronezliski.v go,"s, -,niversitet. .,. . . m f, i6 , . P. E - - , r ~ , --- -66 EWT(m)/EPF(c),/T/DT(t)/W(b)/DIA AP50 11363 I NR: W/0365MC~OWCMAJ40 620.193.01 AUTHOR: Marsbakov, I. K.; Ugay,_Ya. A.; Vigdorovich, V. 1. 'T"ITIX: Mechanism of corrosion of the MNLneaLium-zinc alloys ;,SOURCE: Zashchita, metallaw, v. 1, no. 2, 1965, 190-294 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion, magnesium alloy, zinc alloy, corx sion resistance, corro- .6ion rate .4RSTRAC ,T: The mechanism of corrosion of magnesium-zinc alloys was studied at room ."-tesperift" in 0.5-normal NaCl, 0.5-normal NaBr, and 0.1-normal HCl solutions. In sts, 12-15 ml of electrolyte was us 2 he ~6riwicn te ed per cm of sample surface. T '.~.tift'-'durati6n was 5 hours in neutral media and 30 minutes in acidic media. Corro-, containing up to 65% Zn is very fast and is accompanied by heavy --iliallaiian.- An intercrystolline type of corrosion in characteristic of al- _Cmt"Aill ng 65-72% Zu. Alloyi containing more than 72% Za-corrode at a low a VaLfori manner. The corrosion of alloys containing up to 72% Zu is diton du ad by the work of the phase corrosion elemental. a-solid solution--inter- JL/4 2h SION MR. APS011363 aniecappound HgZn. On alloys containing 65-72% Zn, the anodic zones are small ds #I ikuvow channels between the individual grains of dissolvi ocee ang Thus, th intOrmetallic compom e alloy material may be completely destroyed -small we ght -losaes.f~_l i it Djermetallic compound such as HgZn, MgZn2, and HgZn5 part 3,c ~ pate corrosion of alloys with over 72% Zn. As a result of difference in _~efftttiveness of the corrosion elements, the rate of corrosion in bromide solutions is"smilltir than in chloride solutions. The rate of alloy corrosion in 0.5-normal NaCl is ifficnin in fig. I of the Enclosure. The rate of alloy corrosion in 0.1- -C, normal'HCl is shmin in f1g.-2 of the Enclosure. The dependence of the steady-state -potentials of alloys upon their composition is shown in fig. 3 of the EnAosure. ik'. 'Mot 24ables, 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Voronexhokiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State University) ~.,.,Stwinkb: 215S"k4. ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: NN, GC JI-1 001 00 4P 2 -2624-66...- ACCESSION NRs APS011363 ENCWSU REJ 01 71 Fig, 1. 1--total material loss$ 2--quan- I W -;,tity of Mg in solution Ki--the ordinate for --ordinate curve lt K2 for curve 2.' ff - NMI r No V a tv .1 Zn Fig. 2. 1--total material loss; 2.,-quantity of magnesium in solution-, 3--quantity of zinc in solution, Card 3/4 KI-ordinate-for-curve-IS-Ka,ar---ordinat*-for curves 2 and 3. - ~a 7,t M APS011363 ENCWSUREJ 02 A? 48 go fig. 3. 1--O.Su NaClS 2--O.Sa NaBr; 3-0.1ts HCls' RWT,(N) /ETC oa DS _A WANK$. -ArbU2759.1 (A) SOUJ(CV CODE: UR/0364/SS/001/011/1374/1376 AUTHOR.~ Harshakov, 1. X. Ugay, Ya. A.; VIgdorovich, V. I.; Anokh1na, ORG: Voronezh State University oronezhakiy gosudarstvennyy universi- J-6 'TITLE1, Effect of aumonium ion on hydrogen overvoltage TSOURCE: Elektrokhimiya, v. 2, no. 11, 1965, 1374-1376 TAGS: magnesium, hydrogen, electrochemistry ASWTJkA6T'--z~ The effect of a mmonium ions on the rate of dissolution of -:and,the-kinetics of.anodic and cathodic processes was studied. agne 1fd-Z fs a-gnesium containing 0.08% impurity was used in this study. The -ratti, dl`d issolution of Mg,, determined from chemical analysis of the so- :wAi. found to be practically Independent of the anion con- -ten'VS-*~but increased rapidly upon the addition of ammonium ion. The car- ~rosi,qn:_",of magnesium in aqueoussolutions proceeds primarily with the elicil.4risition of hydrogen. Consequently, the kinetics of the reductiom of:-the-hydrogen ion were investigated on pure resublimed magnesium and oulnob.1or metals because in the dissolution of technical magnesium, cath UDC: 541.130.3:546.11 -W ".-AP5027591 ._~..Odkd,~r.eduction of the hydrogen ion proceeds primarily with respect to lthe.nob-le metal Impurities. Due to the high spontaneous dissolution cu",e its 0f pure magnesium it was not possible to obtain the polariza- A1061-:, f o'--thb electrode and the kinetics of hydrogen liberation could not Le n other metals is 0-18 ad d' ering of hydrogen overvoltage o The low 'is stipulated that the reduction of hydrogen pro- sholhi 1~41g. 1. It ~-cesds-bj two reactions: + HSO + 0 3/2H2 + H20 (1) ENH.*3 + V2H2 + NH3 (2) ade whe**:~Adsorbed ammonium ions play the role of an-intermediate complex Fig. 1. Hydrogen overvoltag Of as a function of the concen- z tration of ammonium ions at 10-3 a/CV12: jL--Zn; .2----Sn; 3--Fe; 4--Pt. 112,- 41 V. 410 C. MARSHAKOV I.K.- SAUNOVA, G.N. P Characteri ties of the dissolution of copper and its alloys in ammoniF solutions. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tavet. met. 8 no.1:147-1~~l 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Voronezhakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet,, kafedra fizicheskoy khimii. t~- V 7, 7~~ F .01 '47 Ow e-Y -416 161ft": woms boil MW edrrosion ljilbg Akiramoi 641ec*ocbemiWd "diftrea ran.-th, "AimiiW~ 41., riiii-icialues with a cons tan ,-AM&'VMX, own that the 00,416woormotration of of )"ut 61a -J~ffsffiw in-tbe oveml 96#,' NOWAMMManic corrosion "knic "=it the U*~ -,dftp'Wftr=qpd-~ dio con d suoy numb wba addulnei indaii OwrOOLM VMS ffdp.;'~ bbvom"d~ logo-do ancy 1p sled ` ~ :- 2 Wk L vai MB Cam. j= wi n TUN - m;t. ~WN #4 ~-- 4w, MTV- ". 1~ ... I I - 41- cwd Access rw MR60 AP50214141 tb-a lrqwmml--c C it rar owl, -7W 00" Iditb live"nible qW the tb-ozlow-vu lob ba4da ~10 ~ 1 -1 ar m t Is a t*46"~ QF--Cft PVO&AC _@Pont -ut aft raft, it tbe lmoUt~d '-ftw,abift bf - Its Au patentLia ffta"tbi Ililtiba~.oft~~ i4due, a :011M0" 48 clom4- 7be latter glao-lobb with r of-fil-14-t "Of Qgwd to the tbo" soUt'loo ~60%Mitiou as iftU as thik ifffi~t natum,of the awta W 21-4''i",'- -77 dverau , rate, of. S* P" dloiab*lon of loo. ~IXWM and 6 famm- 4pm Su 06 097 SHATALOV, A.Ya.; Mkfj,9R"0V, I.E.; KALIMIHNA, S.A. Effect of temperature on the effectiveness of the=joga~-r,:~-- couples. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.9:2278-2281 S 165. (MTI~A. 'P:~' 1. Voronezhskiy gosudarBtvenn7y univergitet. L 3462b-4>6 FWT(m)1T1EWP(t)1L-?j jjp(c) DS/JD ACC NRs AP6017607 (A SOURCE CODE: UR/0364/66/002/002/0254/02~87 'AUTHOR: Marshakov, I. K.; Vigdorovich, V. I. ; Vavresyuk, I. V. ; Ugay, Ya. S. iORG: Voronezh State University (Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) ;TITLE: Effect of electrolyte solution n phase transitions in intermetallic compounds 10 .SOURCE: Elektrokhimiya, v. 2, no. 2, 1966, 254-258 TOPIC TAGS: intermetallic compound, electrolyte, phase transition, magnesium all,!y, 'x-ray analysis 'ABSTRACT: Various alloys are trected. in a 0.1 N HC1 solution for periods ranging from '~.O minutes to 6 hours to study the effect of electrolyte solutions on phase transitionsi bf intermetallic compounds. ChemicFtl analysis was used for studying the soluble pro- 4ucts of the interaction, while x-ray techniques vere used for analyzing the insoluble ,products. An RKD camera was used with copper emissionj(Xxa-:~.537 A). Exp sure time " MgZn2, Mg Cu p)i ,was 5- hours, The following cjmpounds were studied:$ MgZn, 2 - 9CU2, 'If AV It was found that the i-ntermetallic compounds MgZn an ~92Ln, M93Sb"' In2Bi and InBi. d 2p ,MgZn2 disso-1vie uniformly, i.-e. both components pass into solution in the same ratio in~- which they are present in the alloy. The dissolutlon Of Mg2CU and M9Cu2 is selective-- bnly the magnesium passes into solution, and the surface of the specimen is covered k-th a film vhich consists of metallic copper in the case of MgCu2, and of a combin- Card L 34826-66 17 07 ACC NR. tion of metallic copper and MgCU2 in case of Mg Cu. The fomation of intermediate ntermetallic compounds which are rich in the able component may also be observed r ~during dissolution of In2Bi. Phase transitions with the formation of the noble com- nent take place when M92Sn and Mg3Sb2 are treated in hydrochloric acid, with the itmony passing into solution in quantities of 8-10% while the tin concentration in solution is only slightly less than its content in the alloy. The experimental data pLndicate that the formation of the new phase may be due to rearrangement of a surface Bayer with a defective crystal lattice, or to electrochemical reduction of the noble ;Lons. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. CODE: 20, ll/ SUB14 DATE: 19Feb65 / ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 Card 212 L 06340-67 LWT(m)/EWP(t)/Er1 IJP(c) - J4APABL %CC NRt AP6030320 SOURC3 CODE'i UR/0153/66/009/003/039610400 ILUTHORS Vigdorovichl V. L; Marshakovj 1. K.; Ugay, Ya. A. ORG: Physical Chemistry Department, Voronezh State University (Kafedra fizAcheskoy khimii, Voronezhskly gosudarstvennyy univorsitet). 6 11 't? 11 TITIZi Corrosion behavior of ~1~nesium-antimony alloys in halide solutions iOURCEI IVUZ. Khimlya I khimicheskaya teklinologlya, v. 9, no. 3, 1966, 396-4o0 TOPIC TAGS I corrosion, magnesium alloy, antimor-Ly alloy , aolp,~,oo 1o4) e~-) r"C , 0, 4 4 C' t/ Ply 19 5 f- V4Ae0efi#)L , H091LIO E ABSTW~CT: The object of the work was a systematic study of the corrosion 'And alectro- chemical properties of magnesiu-ni-antiniony alloys and thoir relationship to tho phaso diagram. The system contains the intermetallic compound Mg3%, a sOmJ.cOnductor. T~c composition and structure of the alloys (which all exhibited a p-type condlictivi'-Y) were checked by cherdeal and mota-1lographac analysis. The corrosion behavior was studied In 0.5 N 14C1, 0-5 N NaBr and 0.1 N' HGI at room to:"rature. Tho cor-os'lon rate was found to increase with decr,)asirq-, p1l. In alloys colltailling Up to 7""'b' Sb, it is determined by the work of "1 11 5b ~-aso mic.-oc.)Ils whose electrodes havo a con- 'g- "frTJ 2 P $ siderable potential difference. Thir, wor;: Is c,7,4rollod by the cathodic roaction of hydrogen reduction. 7be corrosion of alluys cor,_;,i-An1, more thun 77% Sh occurn in neutral solutions with oxygen depolarization at a sloi; rate whicli 3s largoly delor- mined by the spontaneous dissolution of the pha,~;~, coquunrintls. X-ray structitr&I datli Card W 620.193 L AC-C--N-R-i-A-P-6030320 indicate that the corrosion of the izAermutallic caipound Xg3% Invol-ves twc 3imlj2ta- neous procasaeal (1) 1493% - Mg2+ 1493 3b2 - Mg 2+ + Sb defect fi-Im lattice (2) 11'93Sb2 - Ilg2+ + 3b3+. Since tho -5b content of the solution is 1.5-10%, 86 to 98% of the destruction of It3% is due to reaction (1). Orig. art. hast 4 fignres and 3 tables. SUB CODES II/ SUBM DATES 113,%p64/ ORIG RUI 1 001/ OnI REFS 002 Card ?/2 LEYPUNSMP 0.1.; KOLESKIKGV-SVINAREV, V.I.; MARSHAKGVD V.N. Unoteacir rate of powder burning. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no-4: 907-909 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademi- kam Ya. B. Zelldovichem. mom --sin -k I- f"O-co- ~~6tf it a ei q e e n e er ey -e-Y -Igaseous-~p ast- 0-~ ----a ea rom,-the- DO p,,,.s ace 6: ~64der V . il ib~~ !-ZhETF,. 12. dor -.----in this case kk. ii5d~;.iibich;--Is~-.coTm7lenEi~~~i~-~iiih' the -ng bg~Ah~iii: -~d e d n i on min bif ~the-,7-:gaseous~,p',h -zd&te i 66 'f n -tbk r~n n 77' - walmunquimim-m GAVCHARIK., MA.; IIUSETSMYA, L.P-; MAIZSHAKOVA-,-A-I- Photosynthetic intensity of potato leaveri occupying different levels of the plan", Sbor. nauch, rt-'o. 3eI. otd. IaG no.3- 169-173 '61. (MIRA 14:1--"- (Photosynthesis) GONMARIK, M. N.; RUSETS U~YA, L. P.; MARSIIAKOVA . M. I. Translocation of assimilates from potato leaves. Diul. Inst. biol. AL' BSSR no.6-123-120 1" 1 01. (MIRA 15:3) (PIANTS-433BUIATION) (OWTOSMUMI" GOROVETS, V.K.; IAARSHAKOVA, M.I. IncWntion period of the causal organism of sugar beet mildew (Peronospora Schachtii Fuck.). Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.2:137-139 F 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Beloursskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lenina, Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR N.A. Dorozhkinym. (Beet pesta) GDROV p VwKo I MAMRAMWA, M. I . 8102ow ckr the emmative amnt of dow.-w mildw or mear beeta. Bots; ieDl*BolctcLVW no,703-59 165. (MPA 18t22) GONCHARIK, M.N.; HARSHAKOVA, M.I.; RUSETSKAYA, L.P. Characteristics of the translocation of assimilates in pove-to plants. Dokl. AN BSSR 0 no.2:133-135 F 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy botaniki i mikrobiologii AN BSSR. S/076/61/006/008/015/018 B127/B226 A IJTIIOI(!j iPalkin,4A. P., Marshakovaj T. A., Vibokurova. A. C. TITLEs Reactions of indium chloride With'aluminum in the melt PERIODICALi Zhurnal neorganiaheekoy khimii, v. ~, no. 1961, 1971-1972 TEXTs The authors atudied the system InCl 3 + Al---#AlCl + In by means of thermographioal, chemicoanalytical, and spectroscopic methods.'j chemically pure Al was used for the'purpose.-,An hydrous InCl 3 was produced by chlorination of indium oxide in the presence of carbon at'6oocc. The indimm o*xide was-contained in poorly meltable-glass cylinders in a circu- lar furnacel the chlorine was dried in Tishehanko cylinders by concentrated H so Thenf, H so was removed, the furnace heated, and after reaction, 2 4* ~ 2 4 InCl' was cooled in a 6-1 -containing CO flow. Working with hygrosco-ic . ~3 2 2 Incl demanded various precautiuxi.ij wherefore a Modified StL.)~)DOV VCSSej as used. The Al and In weighed-in portions were fi-11,L inLo t1L..V'_3.(_-1, nd eyacuated to 5-10-2 mm Hg. For the ,;i;. reactions, a oia,~raz ii:!j : ard 1/5 heacti=3 of' inCium... S/070/6 B127/13226 recorded by the Kurniakov i(,.ction nrocu(-'dL( if~ of 415 - 4500C showing a filt,h exotheruic ufll.ct. Tli(: obtained*was washed in hot water and v~uighL-d. ITL U -'UtlliLity 01! Riu-'-:- Donsumed in the ro3otion was caICUIatUL th!t ElLt'juc of, 1. (Ref. 1s -.h. rjulorgan. khimii, 1, 236 (19-)))), ~~nt- :-.rt of' tht- r(. du.-; analyzx.(i U., t-ie pol,;rutr,iphic method. It via!; 'Alt-ii t1i t the reocLjon towjr(~ the forination of inui,- ;h~ laull-L At! -111clip -nu uy spectrum analysis, tl~,, III( ;U,.: u.)t:1I,uC1 ,ru,v,k tu-~bu.nut 3b:3ClAtLly frue fr., Al. " h;- IV, i1, t~,u 1'ijurcf; 2, 5) and a tuu1c. Thf,-u nice 5 1'ij~ure-,, and 2 Sovict-uloc references. I tecembLr 6, 1960 6/181/62/nO4/003/On7/045 BII ()?/B1 N ij-,-,y Y-i. A. , Av-r'-.)-j1"h, Ye. If. A. M Ivr, ev, T 1 om; 1 C tr C 1 -)ronr rti Ps of t,.e n t, r-,,- t .-j I i c :3e- 4 ccn r tin F c r) -i u nd C "r~ 'ed by various impurities 3 P'.."RICIDICAL: Fi 7.ik-,, t-ii-r~opo v. no. '), V,6~, 615 - '17 orlor t~ _4pt----nine tl- f At,, C Ir, Sn, P', ruriti.Fs in o,~' ir) to 1 -Vi 1~ z)b,, the tc7-,-)r-t-iire of cnneiintivity in the r-inFp f") IMO Oc, thr, Hall nor-tnrt' and the t' at rrnm temnerature were measured. d - c measure.-(.nts were made with a two-probe compensation .!iethj(.; thr tht-rii.o-0i;-S was ;-ine-- wit. respect to co-);.-er; the fir-ld in the ollit or t';(-* 7. - \ ma.-net -~,ias 25Cn ce. C;~ ,1) (im-urity co-neentration 2. 1 - 10- -/') fuse 1 tof-etlier with tne looinf- -7etals (..,,urity 99.9',,6~.) in e-,7ac_;ate-1 c-artz a7.- i,ouls. The conduction tyPe (if the stoichiomietric.Cd 4 Sb 3(p-type) as changed only by Te impuritie3. Card 1/3 SomE eloctrical pro:7.erties B102/B10" Com:~osition Thor-o-er f con~luct_iv; ty Carricr ~:.cbikity 'd e t-, (ohn. - cm) C-,,',/ V. 3ec Cd,Sb- +1.1-,0 I ~) '99.0 10 _)0_1 i t h A +47 "r. w i tr. I r +1 -0 80 -xi th T r,, +2,A or -77 ? or 51CJ0 34 5 or r The forbidden band i;, th an, d e ter-.,4 ned frorr, t~'Je I or- 6 ver3i~3 (1,/T) c-.irv~~ was 2 5 ev C Sb of strichiometrir ccnpositi-)n ~:ac3 a ca-ri -~r conccntr,.,- 7. 17 _.j - - 15 -3 t4on of 2.10 . 10 cm . S~- A_',ilions ircrew.- this value up to-!() cr) 19 - the other metals cven U-) to -10 c 1-1 1 . )he CI-Sb a)ID,- c,-n:i5b3 )f C~Ijb and Ci lib7. 7-e s~oichinimi-tric and the Te-doped samoles (p-t~.,-,e) sho,,-) J rectifyinr- rpro!,,erties; t'hc Te-o..)ed samples also show a ranve of negativc re-34stivit c'. i y in thc~ ba Y. ~irectian. if the current is rn-'_beld to i..nre 4 ma t",,.# rectifying effect vanishes. There are 2 f4p-urez, 1 ta'--le, -inI 5 Soviet references. Card 2/3 S/18 62/004/003/007/045 Some electrical properties ... B102X104 - L55OCIATIONt Varonezhskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet (VoronT.Ii State University) log SUBMITTED: October 2, 1961 Legend to Fig. 11 (1) Cd 4Sb 3' x (2) Cd48b 3+In, (3) -+Sbo 4 (4) -+ Cd. Card 3/3 -A- We 14 -T to to 15 j0 AID Nr- 979-7 29 May CHEMICAL BOND IN SEMICONDUCTING COMPOUNDS OF Zn AND Sb (USSR) Ugay, Ya. A., Ye. P. Domashevskaya, and _j__A__Marjh_akoya_.__ 7-hurnal strukturnoy khimii, v. 4, no. 2, Mar 1963, 250-253. S/192/63/004 /002/001/002 Short-range interatomic order in the semiconducting compounds Zn3Sb2, ZnSb, and Zn4Sb3 has been studied by x-ray spectroscopy at the Vcronezh State Uni- versity. The Kai and Ka 2, lines of Zn in all three compounds were observed to shifi toward the short -wavelength region as compared with the same lines in Zn metal. The shift, which increased in the order Zn3Sb2 f ZnSb < Zn4Sb 3, is attributed partly to an assymetric distribution of density in the electron cloud. This distribution is responsible for a decrease in the shielding effect of the 'valence electrons and, thus, for an increase in the effective charge of the cationic nucleus. The shift is ascribed in part also to the difference in valency of the cationic element in each compound. The shift of the Kaj and Ka 2 lines per unit of "formal" valency, that is, the ratio of the total number of valence Card 1/2 AID Nr. 979-7 29 May CHEYaCAL BOO lCoat'd) S/192/63/004/002/001/002 electrons in Sb to the number of Zn atoms in the compound, was shown to in- crease in the order ZnSb 'C Zn3Sb2'~ Zn4Sb .. The contribution of the ionic bond increases in the same order and is correlated with the semiconducting proper- ties of the cc,:-.%~:,ounds. The same correlation exists in the series CdSb, Cd3Sb2, and Cd4Sb3; that is, the widths of the forbidden zone in these semiconductors in- crease in the same order as the ionic-bond contribution. JJK ) Card 212 UGAI, Ya.A.7 MA?vSWOVA,-I-A-,GON(;HAROVp Ye.G. Effect of the nature of 6f inorganic substances 8 no.1:177-185 Ja 163. (Chemical bonds) tht,, chemical bond on the solubility in the solid state. Zhur.neorg.kbim. (Mli~A 16:5) (Solutionsp Solid) In .0000/65/600/000/0347/0355 DE: Ult/ k "_IP "Mi4hokove i T A e vs -A 8S .AIE-Vni, iiiiiV~.. - ----- - --- Z' """Ankl0fli-Of simicand c didum, emounds: dwitaining. ant d ting.Ca W %7 '-y ykO, ak -V'POj.UppOvcOnlkAh J, *iero --tal (Chomical lxmd Yaz -00 1955,210-355 Ukhnika, dem'ductor, band itrOctu're cadmium compound, antimony cam- 6p"=d ipAitur COMPOW09 zeyabs ion. spectrum OMt Ocatt 16f vbe 16. valsilon., band of-cAdmiuar.ift CdSb, Cd Sb2, d' r C. D -Its-lbiation An 4wtaallc -cadmium Is studied by -va 1i ' f DIC Was also used an a reference. q IrM r 3K no 0 ame W o"tion limit.of C&dmJUM in tjWm~ CM a 0 Mm. jalft On standawd Ca'ft 'J'