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Studying the upper atmosphere with the aid of the satellites
*Xosmos-30 and *XOSM108-5." Koss. isal. I no.1:126-146
Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:4)
L 1894"3 EWT(1)/*FCC(w)/FS(v)-2/BDS/tS(V) AFMAsDAMC/ESD-3/
p :74 pj_4jpQ-4/Pq-4 __r/GK.
ACCESSION NR: AP3007343 S/0293/63/001/001/0143/0146
AUTHOR: Marov, M. Ya.
TITLEt Study of the-upper' atmosphere by means of Cosmos 3 and cosmos 5
satellites. 4. Density of the upper atmosphere at altitudes of
200-230 km Illy
SOURCEt Kosmichaskiye issledovaniya, v. 1, no. 1, 1963, 14?-146
TOPIC TAGSt Cosmos, Cosmos satellite, Cosmos 3, Cosmos 5, at-
mospheric density, ionosphere, ionospheric density, orbit,
orbital period, ionospheric deceleration, ionospheric retardation
ABSTRACT: In the last of four articles analyzing the results of
ionospheric investigatinns made by the Soviet Cosmos 3 and
Cosmos 5 satellites, some deductions are made on atmospheric den-
sity, based on observed decelerations of the satellites as they
passed through their perigees. Variations in orbital period and
in perigee altitude are p.resented as a function of several months
of orbiting time and are plotted for comparison against satellite
Card I / 3
i! 1894"3
1 latitude and local time. The resulting graph for Ommos 5 for the
period June-November 1962 shows that the perigee fluctuated peri-
odically between extremes of about 190 and 208 km. These periodic
fluctuations are ascribed mainly to the nonsphericity of the earth-
andtothefact that the center of gravitational attraction is not
coincident with the earth's center. Also. orbit time was shortest
and perigee altitude highest when the perigee occurred at high
southern (winter) latitudes and on the earth's night side, i.e.'
during the coldest ionospheric conditions. Analogous results
were found for Cosmos 3 for the April-may interval. Expressions
were then developed which relate the rate of retardation to atmos-
pheric density in the vicinity of the perigee. From the retarda-
tion data of the two satellites It was thus possible to estimate
a range of densities in the 200-230-km region; this was done after
assuming values of 30-60 km for the height of the nominally uni-
form troBosphere. Limit of density so derived were 5.8 to
4.1 x 10 13 g/cM3 at 200 km and 3.7 to 2.6 x 10-13 g/cM3 at 230 km.
"In conclusion I express thanks to V. 1. Krasovskly for his con-
tinued advice and constant supervisio.n of the work and to Yu. I.
Card 2 / 3
L 1894"3
Gall~erin for
figures and 3
discussion of the results." Orig. art. has: 2
DATE ACQ: 210ct63 ENCLt 00
NO REF SOV: 001 OTHERt 004
r'Densit~ of the Upper Atmosphere from the Data of Soviet Sate!.'--*te '--ra'g."
report presented at the 7th Plenar~ Mtg, Comm on Space Res, Floren,:e,
o-20 ma-, 64.
of- atwo
tide heric, density_ at altitudes of 200-30D ka
konferents*ya- go, isike kosmidgi- ito wostrans
tva. Moscow
1-46,5i!~ *d*,dqvaWya kondcheskago-prostranstva (Spece-researob); trudv konf6ruxbs$U
id-vo-'Kam"v 1965s'414&8
ps artificial earth.,satellite, earth atmosphare,,
"'ABM from fourteen Cosmos-Sputnik series and from several other
kllt93 were analyzed to determine.the dynamics of density
a upper- stmoaphere!(20D - 3W Im). The data were
W& ti dr thow t
the' e"lera on ag of natillitesc- In Me above foroula P
vshi6le ---=A 1: is a coefficient which
coAtinc _andL. ballistic paramber of the object*
amw ;57
'PhAd, didn mixiiie;'Clis6i" variations in PIT.
Ob-sisi*.A PO ~ 8, are `Pi6itia::
'10** n- ;wt verais iatitude graph., and
ad 6iWically by,th's, lo
--p Wit, in iias estimiatied, alt#~_' holding 0(
a., .'sit a Unctionj
-2 -1
in- b6two andl Diffww& curves vere obtaimA
y~ g,
it" raw - iiiw~e - n to dajr aj`~'.:
or,,,. ans 'AWO --,variation along the
-btbi: be 'TbO re tmi~ ah&W"amifinlte, Isiaii4, Ioal~ heating in the
:X11109r. study 6rdl;r, demity
wagA altut II in the
he, - ad -IBU eque
ii: t ~2~w &I Y, be a Off a
*~r ifioi thankis V.
hut ~8 f
f 00 ]a
NR. AP6018916
AUTHOR: Marov. M. Ya.
SOURCE CODE: UR/0203/66/006/003/0494/0505
ORG: Institute of Physics of.the Atmosphere.AN SSS (Institut fiziki atmosfery
TITLE: Density of the upper atmosphere according to data of orbit evolution of
Soviet artificial satellites
SOURCE: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v. 6, no. 3, 1966, 494-305
TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric density, artificial satellite, upper atmosphere, secular
acceleration, osculating orbit, ballistic parameter
ABSTRACT: Individual determinations of the atmospheric densit at heights from 220
to 250 km vere made from the braking of the first Soviet artificial satellites. A
systematic processing of observation data from these satellites made it possible to
determine the density of the upper atmosphere in a wide range of heights using the
parameter p M, vhere p is the atmospheric density and H is the height of the
homogenous atmosphere. This parameter is connected with the secular acceleration P
and the functional coefficient K(t) of the os culating orbital elements and the
ballistic parameters of revolutions by the equation pbff - k(t) P. Values of P vere
determined from the passages of the satellite through a fixed point on the orbit
smoothing results during a chosen period. The method used made it possible to deter-
UDC: 551.510.03:629.198.3
ACC NR& AP6018916
mine the mean value of pM and also variations of density during day and night de-
pending upon solar activity. Variations of atmospheric density within the height
range of 170-300 km were determined from measurement date of 16 satellites. Numeric
values of density are given In a table in the original article and represented
graphically. The densitX of the upper atmosphere at the heiiht of 300 km was found
to be equal to 1.75-10-1 gCe3 during the day and 8 .10-10-1 gCft-3 at night. Orig.
rt. has: 2 tables, 15 figures, and 13 formulas. JEG)
UB CODE: 03/ SUBM DATE: 20May65/ ORIG REF: 012/ OTH REF: 022/ ATD PRESS:
Card 2 / 2
planning enlar-Led villares on collective and state farms.
Sell. stroi. 16 no.12!14 D 61. (~MU 1,5-2)
1. Nachallnik otdela planirovki Yaroslavskogo oblastnogo
kolkhoz-proyekta. (Yaroslavl Province-CiLY planning)
17(l) CZECH/3-59-15-11/32
AUTHOR: Marova, Ema; Masojfdek, Karel
TITLE: A Short Visit at the Aviation Medicine Institute
PERIODICAL: Kr~dla Vlasti, 1959, Nr 15, pp 10-11 (CSR)
ABSTRACT: During a visit at the rehabilitation section of the
6SR Aviation Medicine Institute, the authors inter-
viewed the chief physician Dr Tyle and physical
therapy instructor Jifina RosiovL The patients
are mostly pilots. The chief objectives of the section
are to make the disability period after an illness or
injury as short as possible, to return a sufficient
mobility to the affected joints and muscles, and to
restore the nerve function. To achieve all this,
electrotherapy, thermotherapy, congestion, massage,
and motion therapy are applied. Ionotherapy is applied
in cases of peripheric paralysis and minor muscular and
limb ailments. All patients, including those with
heart disease and those recovering from infarcts, must
Card 1/3 perform daily exercises which are prescribed individually.
A Short Visit at the Aviation Medicine Institute CZECH/3-59-15-11/32
The extent of an injury is determined either by a
muscle test or by testing the mobility of the joints.
The motion therapy is always passive at first, be-
ginning with a practical demonstration on the patient's
own body by the physical therapist. Prior to the
exercises, each patient is informed of the purpose
of the exercise and about the nature of his illness
or injury. Many patients have to continue the exer-
cises after their release from the section. Fre-
quently, the released patients have to return for a
check-up. The most satisfactory results have so far
been achieved by the department in the field of
classic neurotic diseases. Some time ago, a leading
ftR parachutist with an injury so far not described
in medical literature was treated. This individual
had injured the nerve tissue of one of his arms
during a parachute jump in which the parachute opened
too late. His arm was hit with great force by the
back strap of the parachute. The resulting injury was
such that there were doubts as to whether the para-
Card 2/3 chutist would ever be able to use the arm again.
A Short Visit at the Aviation Medicine Institute CZECH/3-59-15-1l,i"32
However, by conducting physical exercises twice each
day, and by being fully cooperative, the parachutist
left after only 3 weeks with the arm almost completely
healed. Only the shoulder-blade continued to trouble
him to some extent. There are 8 photos.
Card 3/3
TITLE. Aviation '-!n'
PERIODICAL: Kridla Vla-t a. ;ir 1-:.. pp .-8 (CSR~
ABSTRACT: This article -::a: by the a~ithor, on the b~,.sis
of data s,,jpp --y EnCineor Holy. It contains R e-
view of the f-* ishing equipment used at
.~Xti~icu SR
airfielldcl: la F:hort description of each t yp e
and operatl:_~. ~ Foam extinr-uishers, snow
extinguisher -,-. t..--.ra:,-_1oride extinguishers, powder ex-
tinE_uis11e.T1._ water c~,,tin,-uishers are listed. it
is stat--d T,', ;J`1- rhe mcbile version of snow extin-
guishers is produced with a contents of 25, 50, and/
or 100 kg of c!,rbon dioxide, while the portable type
is available cont-nt of 1.5 and 6 kg of car-
bon dioxide, respectively. The tetrachloride ex-
Card 112 tinCuishers, states the author, have a content of 1,
CZECH/ -1.,-:5Q-16-E/_-~o g-
Aviation and Civil Defense
2.5, or 6 liters', the portable water extinguishers
utilized in the ~SR have a volume of 113 liters. The
employment of conventional fire hoses attach-ed to
hydrants, water fog, and of wet canvas is also ex-
plained. There are 6 photos.
Card 212
I Gnb=UM A V. A. Bartashev~- 1.
V. a chin
C (OM I ItHi f
cellulose acetate results in the formation of COg and CO.
decarboxylation of the M and lowering of its mol. wt. through
cbmin breakage. The accumulation of CO, and CO In the gas
pbase Is proportional to the time of oxidation and is A
connected with the mechanism of oxidative degradation. Phanyr
naphthylamine, affords good protection agaifist 02 at 140*.
MkROVAP H.S. (Kiyev, ul. Kropivnitskogo, d.4/6)
Role of drug-resistant microbes in causing complications following
operations-on the heart and lungs. Grud. khir. 2 no.4:47-51
Jl-Ag 160. OURA 15:6)
1. Iz Tni obiologicheskoy laboratorii (rukovoditell - prof.
R.S. Drabkina) i klinild toralcallnoy khirurgii (rukovoditell -
prof. N.M. Amosov) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo in-
stituta tuberkulaza imeni F.G. Yanovskogo (dir. - dotsent
A.S. Mamolat). I
MWWVA, M.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik (Kiyev)
Resistance of micro-organisms to antibiotics and -4ts clinical
significance in suppurative pulmonza-y diseases. Vrach. delo
no.11:103-106 N 161. WI;L4 14:11)
1. Mikrobiologicheskaya laboratoriya (zav. - prof. R.O-Drabkina)
Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tuberk-aleza i
klinika torakallnoy khirur ii (rukovoditell - chlen-Icoi-respondent
A101 SSSR prof. N M.Amosavf
Insecti- and fungicidal effect of %rgente, silicon organic. and
inorganic thloo7anatem. Zhur.prlkl.khiu. 30 no.4:650-652 Ap '57.
1. Institut khImil ellikatov Akadeall nauk SSSR I Laboratortya
konservatell I restavratell dokmtpntov Akadeall nxmk SSSR.
(Thlocynnates) (Insectieftes) (Pungicides)
Method of empiling bathymtric maps. Tmdy Ins-'. okean. 44,54-
65 160. . (MIRA 14:2 ~
(Ocean bottom-Chartsp ctagramsq etc.)
Papers subIttad for the 10th Pacri. Sol.-. CO.Cre... Honolulu, R...ii 21
6 A-P 1961.
ha"OVA, 0. Y., 11 '111VA MILTII:~r!y, L' r.,
LARLN,%~ I A.,
All fro. the act !tQto 0 ~ f 5 '.1 - c-
'The hot,... relief of the F-Ift, '.t-
ro * ... tat to." (S.ct W. V I A)
_WPEV~A- P, institute f 7-10C/, xc~I-j ~r S .--
)tjct.phid Elsie. of the A.,'-,ti~ A the p-bl,= f 'h,,
blp.;F &i.tribti.. 'Ic ac"' . (S' I:r.c!
d !L~JZV I In
of the Pentric 0-an, ~3-1.1._. vii C~I)
AM --- ;YEV, 0. D. (Nomet blurre,1, but cay be
Ins, tut. Of Goology of Ore D02081ts, Ptr,i;,,:, "'ne- tray'
t r": '
Mad Goachmalstry . (Title of paper &C bl-cd;
a;TrnaI -to title) - ""~hoycvlohicic's dis.,onti.-ty (5..! .,y,r
1.4 petrographic dAta* (Section VJI.C)
?(_ I stitutt Of Enrth phyvic. local 0. ru. Schni.-t
M4.w.___L~.ter 04C at ...... and rupt-s. 19 the fc,ci of the
ft.LfIc ..I. .1c was' (section VII.C.2)
t,ji1,1-c0imiEugL_.y, V. rwtit~tc of zo~oiaj:y, ~on the p-Lrtz or-e,.,n of
the A.-hlhalldae focilly' (3,11Wn ITI.C)
Mlr,gk_A ,Yakut:k State th-liverwity - -On -.he heat Pro,es...
or. or th por raot (Section vn.B)
-1~ J. IInstitut.0f Oc.-I.a . 0. thc .._f._t.-n
of plankt.. 0 fto. pocift, d,Irt and 1. the
(.,.cti- m C)
MZ=(N , I "I., and Institute of DLT`.h Fh"Ics 1-11
0. Yu. 8.1%midt - *Ge ... 1. and ,go of the by ... ~! 1cprc..j,a or
the .4. of Japan .(Sect! 0. VIIC,2)
- Institute or 0-..1.V - 'A_-=i.,a or juld
IL f,-, 0-tion
n.sh_ th .01,
ogical 4r cest I V - "Reecat od.=,=m&!an
and the go,al ht.to01 the 02ot.x sea' (S,oz-..o, 'CII.C.1)
A-- Ir-, -d Z~=_~MAJK~DVA,
loatit . or on.-I.rd . S. ... t ..diocm. F'--LfIc'
N.-!tIon V71I.C.1)
-4 TV., rh.-..,t~te or
.,=yaciric resta,cs in the eenaraphicil of by,sl
palag ='-.1s (AnpbIP-,dA), IIT.C)
DQMAMV._3__M_ I..ti-.te or 0,-.-1,a - -::- of c.tids.1 line.
and the choractor of tidol rhano-on In the F-C'.: Oceso' iSe.-.10m
TU.B) ,
_29900_A~P., K., an,
of Oc - - - LOU_- "Th:tdl.triL~stlon Of the -~'-).toa bio-. in 1h
Pacific Oce- (se to. III.C)
A., institute Of G-logy Explaitat.,on Of :-t.jst..b..c
gaterials - *The ding-etic cn-Ce. in bottoo -dic,cnta r.-o
the central part of the F--tfic'(S-tLon 711.C.1)
amMzA-B._,Q_ I.-titul.. of r-.Itv - _J U, -g,4-1-
ties 1. the d-i. tribtt-. of r.-ar-a. r. the gco,,~-Iih.l
bealm of th Tertiary ~erijd In the area of anI tn~
sa,tha.IL~ Jsl:X (So"L~a VIL.C)
-4 zArNEVA, Y1,
*Samm chemical restorcs of sedi-ts ond gro-d so-ut-Lics Po.--Vlog
the latter in the Pacific (~aatcr'-L. or the uo~,hwatcm poxt)'
(Sactio. vn.C.l)
- V_ A., Imstitut%of 0,cah2IOtvc-,:A vt~%of equatoria.1
c, in a w.te l'un, IC.1, (so tIr.B
BMULTSFAYA -4 4MQTL~ -v! 5 1h.tituto of
0..:c!crc,mtL.u of air mao.e. Ii, the northern p.~ f the F-Iric
(section VII.A)
UMM=MQMA_", InstLt,Ln or oca,ioloa - ~The ,ei-- or rorcation
transition C._.Q. or "ti-cyclo"s 11% the of the
Pacific Oc." (section VII.A)
Gacnorphology of the Philippine Trench region. Okeanologiia 3
no.6tlo39-1045 163. (MIRA 17:4)
1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR.
History of the study of the depths of the Philippine Trench.
Okeanologiia 3 no.6gll29-1135 163. (MIRA 17--4)
Bottom relief of the northern part of the 1ndian Ocean. Dokl.
AN SSSR 155 no. 5:1174-1177 Ap 164. (MIRA 17!5)
1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.P.
-C -V
LARINA, NI.I.; !-%,1107AY- U.-A.; ]aNETEEV, V.A.; IRAUIH~il, Ye.l.
New relief maps of the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Geofiz. biul.
no.14:159-167 164. (1,11RA 18:4)
L 44341-66 EVIT(.1)
A& ~2098~5
SOURCE COM LIB/0213/66/oo6/003/0466/047
AUTHM-Marova, N. A.
ORG: Institute of Oceanology, AN SSSR (In8titut okeww1ogft AN SSSR)
'It ,Ir
TITLE: Belief of the bottom of the Indian Ocean in the region of the Java Trench
(Sonda Straits)
SOURCE: Okeanologiya, Y. 6. no. 3, 1966, 466-474
TOPIC TAGS: physical oceanography, ocean floor topography,
bathymetric chart
ABSTRACT: Results are presented of detailed study of the world literature on the
structure, morphology, and batlymetry of the Java Trench area of the Indian Ocean.
Most of the data used were obtained by research ships and vessels sent out by
various nations on expeditions to gather various kinds of oceanographic information.
From these data, the author has compiled a bathymetric chart which covers the
trench area from the Andanam Islands on the west to Timor Island on the northeast
and Australia on the southeast, a distance of approximately 2900 miles. In
addition to the chart, the paper contains 4 longitudinal and 20 transverse profiles
along and across the trench. Results of these investigations show that the
principal process governing the present morphology of the trench is sediment
L 44341-66
ACC NRt AP6020985
accumulation, which is heaviest in the northwestern section. The depth to the I :
bottom of the unconsolidated sediments in the trench is about 7000 m. Orig. art
has: 2 figures. iERII
SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 03Dec64/ ORIG REF: 024/ OTH REF: 014
I Cmd 2/2 blg
HAMVI,, V. D. , in2h.
Efficient lubricant for forms. Suggested by V.D.Airava.
Rata.i itobr.predl.v stroi. no.12:19 '59.
(141RI, 13-5)
1. Zavod "Stroydetall" No.4 Krasnodarskogo sovnarkhoza.
(Concrete construction-Formiork)
(Lubrication and lubricants)
Urinary metabolites of corticostero-ids l.n primary tox:- go:,,er,
Probl. endok. i gorm. 11 no.5:34-3? S-03, 165.
(MIRA 19:1'-~
1. Kafedra endokrinologii (zav. - prof. Ye.A. Vasyukoval TSentr;il'-
nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. Subridtted
August 21, 1964.
SSSR 116 no.1:145
Sympses in the core of the cerebellum. Dokl. AN
B-0 157. (MM 1113)
1. Institut fisjologil im. J.P. Pavlova Mmdemil nauk SOM Pred-
stavlano akademikon K.H. Bvkovym,
JBVTIC,Zivojin; POPOVIC,VoJin; XMVIG,Drago; RAJAVIC,Nedeljko
Contribiltion to Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. god. arh.,
Sarajevo 12 no.2:41-57 Mr-Ap 159.
1. 11 Interna kliniks Nedicinskog fakulteta u Sarajeru, Bef
v.d.* doe. d-r 91ron Sim1c.
J3lVTlC,Zjvojln.doe.dr.-. KLROVIC.Drago.dr.; =,Risto.dr.; POPOVIC.Tojin,dr.
Tin therapy of taeniasis. Med. giklsn. 13 no.11:547-549 1 '59.
1. 11 Interna klinika Nediclwkog fakulteta u Sarajavu, upravnik:
Prof. dr. N. Simic.
(TIN ther.)
JKVTIC, Zivojin, doc.dr.; _MAROVIC, Drago, dr.; POPOVIC, Vojin, dr
Oar experiences with hydrochlorothiazide. Med.glasn. 14 no.5:246-
248 Pq -60.
1. Interna klinika wedicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (Upravnik: prof.
dr B.Zijmonjic)
JEVTIC, Zivojin, Dr.; WOVICp Dragog Dr.1s, STETAI, Bogoljub, Dr.
3 casois of inmain lipodystrapkW. Lijac vjes 82 no.9/10:757-762 6o.
1. iz Interne kl,1:419 Nefteinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu
(INSULIN tomacol)
JlVTiCV Zivojin; MkROVIC, Drago; POPOVIC, Vojin; RAJMC, Nedeljko
CantrIbution to the treatment of tabetic arthropatby. Srpaki arb.
colok. Isk. 88 no.10:1011-1017 0 160.
1. 11 Interna klinika Madicinskog fakulteta, Universiteta u Sarajovu.
Upravnik3 prof. dr Miron Simic.
S:WVA, R.G.; K-JCHNWVA, G.S.; FCFOVA, A.M., starebly tekhnik; I-SCHIK,
N.A., radiumekhaalk, rakovoditall brigady kommunist-icheskogo
nruda: GOLUBKOV, R.I., nadsnozrshchik, udarnik komrmnistichs~ekogc-
trada; MAROVICH, A.F.. rukovoditell brigady kommwilsti-chesko-o
I.-64dillg workers and innovators share their experiences with
communications workera. Vest. sviazi 20 no.8:1,q-l',' AgluG.
(MIRA 13:10)
1. Brigadir T elegmfis-.ov sl*a7.hby gor3dskik-h tBlegrafnykh
Rvyazey TSentral*nogo te.LegraiL SSSR (for Silova). 2. Fomo-
shchnik nachallnika 245-go otdeleniya evyazi g.Moakvy (for
Kuch6rova)- 3. 14oBkovskaya gorodskaya telefonnaya set'
(for Popova). 4. Tel,!viziomioye stellye 14o.38 (for he:!hnik).
5. ]Aoskovskqcyvi gorodskaya radio translyatsi onnaya set'.
(for Golubkov;. 6. liachallaik pochtovogo vAgona Otdoleallya
parev)zki pochty na Kurskom vokzale v Mos"a (fur Marovicb).
-qv:,TCq, V. T-.
$'On the reaction of iodine, io-dine chloriJe an- rhodane w*, th ~iydrocarbons of 'he
natural and the synthetic riibber." Med-we:-Ichook, P. I., A'doschin, ".. E., 1~'-ircylch. V. T ,
and Repman, A. V. (p. 226)
SO: Journal -of General Chemistry (, -.urnal Cbshchel Khl-di) 1r)42, Vol 12, '!., 1-1 .
A case of familial lyuphogra=lomtosis.,Sofia no.12:
102-109 959.
1. Iz latedrata po patofiziologiia pri VNI BI.P.Pavlovm - Plovdiv.
Zav. katedrata: prof. d-r L. Telcharov i Okrazhniis onkologichen
dispanser - Plovdiv. Glaven lekar: 1. Penev.
(HOIGKINIS DISFASS case reports)
Blectrocoagulation needle-holderfor the inseibon of cobalt needles.
Urologlia 24 no.2:65-66 mr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:12)
1. 1z propedevticheakov khirurgicheskoy kliniki (dlr. - dots. Tu.
Tosbev) pri Vysshem maditsinskom institute im. I.P. Pavlova I Okruzh-
nogo onkologicheskogo dispansera v Plovdive, Bolgariya.
(MiECTRDCOAGULILT ION, appar. & instruments,
needle-holder for insertion of cobalt needle (Ras))
Changes in the bone marrow in cancer patients during roentL-no herapy.
Med. rad. 6 no.2!1.1-16 '61. (MURA 14:3~
Exi c-r iTfe
through, small rx-
1. ChFdr
F 1 -,v,,i tv
VLAKHuI;," ;
A'F.rnpos (if rnerit-enological dllagr.,~sJB (T ulcp'r .- t"s,
0 . ..
canal. Folia med. (Plovdiv) 6 no-4:238-244 164
1. VyBshly meditsinskiy inolt,itiit imenj :,,. Flnvrliv,
Bolgariya; kafedra rentgeno-logii i rad4(ilogii.(I~,-Ilrv.,-,,i-"e-'':pr~f.
K. V16,hnv).
IT,e influence of rcyal .elly e cS
ness in white ra'13. F;Dl2a mec. 7, no.1.169-713 1615
1. Institut de Ha~i+PF, E~-iiea M-=d,:a-les "I.P.Pavl-v't --I-- tqc,-V-
div. BAIFarif-, Chaira ar, Phanng -)Iogie P. Fejcev,
prof. agr~3ga); Chara dlOrgari~satlor, de-i Senri-ter,
T. Zahariev, prof. agrege): Chair-) de Roeil,genologie
(D-.'re,-teur.- prof. K. Vlahov).
S. , P:;YCHEV, P. , an.4 :, "-,RQ T.-z--Chair of Social Hygiene (Hcad
Docant T. Zakchar--Gv), Cnair of Flh-ai--. ad Docenz P. Peychev), and
Chair of Rocnt7enology (,:Gad Prof. K. Vlaldiov), 1. P. Favlov Higher Medical
Institute, Kovdiv
1;2-`~~"ect of Lactic Caseiin on the Course of Radiation Si6mess in *'-~'Iite Rats"
Sofia, "entf-cnolor-i-7a A-, Vol 5. No 4, 1966, Dp 237-24.1
.'~Strac- e-----)erLnenta1 and control rats were irrad4-ated ~rlth X-ravs in
doses -,000 r). In add't'on to tne rLi-uiar diet, vnicn the control
also recc-I'Vcd (-,nilk. broad, oats, and water), the exDerimental animals
icre fed cas6in daLly for two imaks be-fore and one month after irraddaLion.
".,e lengt- of survival of the cxperimental anilnals after irradiation was
.ncrcas6d as compared with that of control animals. The experimental ani:-..als
showed a less pronounced leukopenia vs. control animals and a higher eryt.-,ro-
cyte count and hemoglobin content on tne 18th to 25th days after irradiation.
Tables, 22 -c'erences (5 Bulgarian, 9 USSR. 8 Wastorn). 'Russian and English
s-,z=ar~-es. ~.anuscript received Feb 65-
58 -
T IT L-"-'
r o %v,; I c:-, o- M n n.
1'ropprtie:. )~ ~~lrictrol..zminescent cells rend me.-sure-
inp.rit o- tli~i--r brilliance
.7-1-ODI"AL: Pr-e~l--d -;lrti-tro-niki, no.-8, 1962, 473-475
T.;,'~T . ~-opertir:b ol electrolumines.cent cells prepnred at
the M-rsaw Polytechnic 'Instit:zte are reported. The cells were
pren:-red by pressin siaippn.,,ion o~f ZnS phosphor ~n a resin. The
thickness of' the electrolminescent layer w!-s of' the order o'L'
100/i4~, its dielectric con-st, :it w:is nbout 8.5 -nd the cap-icity
o'L thf.- cell wps 90 pico-far-ids per cM2. The br'klli,-.nce of' the
Card 112
Properties o:' elpctr-~Ixiino,,cent ....
cell w-s measured by me-ris of' - photoelectric photometer with
a correcting filter ';n oropr to obtain a spectr!!l respnnse clof-~e
to th-t of Lhe har.,i-n eyt,. It w,s found thpt the brilli-nce rises
with voltage freLup-ncy of the supply voltrige. The oolor of
the lum,ne~;cence ch n,,C5 .-,ropi r_,tmrit low fre,,uencies to blue at
3,'-jOO cP--,. A dark-ad,-,)tf-r, eye detects the -,.I;ht of the cell st.-~rting
from 70V while ti.e uii)tomeLer begins to register it at 100V. The
efficiency ol" the cells w-.-. _:Wind to be 3XI.M/W. The brilliance
of the cell decreaseF by 15',- (ram its initial value after 1000
hours of uninterrupted oper.,~tion.
ASSOCIATION. Katedr,) Radiotechniki Politachniki
(Chair oi .-.'-,d.Lo _~Iectronics, Warsaw Polytechnic
Card 2121
Work of the septor nurse in the consolidated hospital. Ned.
sestra, 18 no.7:34-35 J1 159. (KIRA 12:10)
l -
W;ond; ,
- .--~
YV0 S/058/62/OW/007/009/068
~06 0 AO61/A1O1
AMORS: Bogush, A. A., M~Xoz. L. G.
TITLE: A contribution to the covariant electromagnetic field theory
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 7, 1962, 25, abstract 7A239
("Izv. AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekhn. n.11, 1961, no. 4, 60 - 67,
TUT; In the ten-dimensional formulation of the electromagnetic field
theory, in which the wave function consists of four potential components and
six field strength components (RZhFiz, 1959, no. 11, 24203; 196o, nc,. 6, 13077),
it is shown that in the transition to the covariant description of photon spin
states (i. e., to the covariant notation of the operator of photon spin projec-
tion on the respective momentum), a relativistic, invariant, Coulomb gauging
of the potentials, ensuring the covariant separation of a transverse electro-
magnetic field, is automatically obtained. It is also shown that the commutation
relations for the ten-dimensional wave functions include the commutation relations
for the transverse field potentials in the covariant form.
[Abstracter's notel Complete translation] A..Glauberman
Card 1/1
L 2&V4~j 0~ RA
NUMBSIVIN JNRs AP4044583 9/02 76D4Y0Y0S/S'M2Y 0014)L46
AUTHDRSs Maroz, L. R-1 Sataunkevich, I. Be
TITM Electromagnetic interaction of two different longitudinally i
polarized Dirac particles
SOURCEs AN BSSR. lavestiya. Seriya fiziko-takhnicheakikh nauk,
no. 2, 1964# 44-46
TOPIC TAGSa quantum electrodynamic ~'Dirac particle, polarization,
form factor, electron charge
ABSTIRACTs A formula previously derived by one of the authorB (L. G.'
Moroz, ZhETF, v. 39, 596, 1960) for the scattering cross section of
two longitudinally polarized Dirac particles having an internal
structure is used to develop a method for a more rigorous determina-
tion of the nucleon form factors& Account is taken in the new
method of 04 possible violation of the quantum laws of electrody-
MOR07, L.G. [Maroz, L.R.1; SATSUNKEVICH, I.S.
Electromagnetic interaction between two differert longitudinally
polarized Dirac particles. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav.
no.2:44-46 164. (IERA 1F:1)
MAROZAS, S inzh.
Restoration of magnetrons. Mor. flot 21 no.8:20 Ag 61.
(MIRj% 14:9)
I" MAROZAS, S., inzh.
Oil filter inprovement. Mor. flot 22 no.201-32 F '62.
(MIRA 15:4)
1. Takhnicheskiy otdel Klaypedskoy bazy e~speditsionnogo
selldy4nago lova.
(Marine engines-Lubricant) (Filters and filtration)
r . ~ Ov '' ,,,
!~ ~ZAU ~
Interrelation of agar-agar and alcohols. Vestal AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-takh.
nav. no.4rill-116 156. (MLMA 10:6)
(Agar) (Alcohols)
~7~~ 7-~
-756 Act ova P. P.,
J 'W"I
Changes in the bone marraw in cancer patients during roentjeno+,herapf.
Med. rad. 6 no.2:U-3;6 161. (MIRA ~: 3)
Effect of X-ray irradiation on antibody formation ~n tularemia
inguines, pigs. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. i Jimmin. 32 no.11:141-142
N 161. (14IM 14: -11)
Evaluation of arterial pressure fluctuations in patients under
general anesthesia. Wiad. lek. 18 no. 23t1783-1786 1 D 1 65.
1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgioznego Insty-tutu Onkologii w Gliwicach
(Ord-ynatort dr. med. W. Galecki).
Diagnostic difficulties in co-existing renal calculi and cancer.
Polski przagl. chir. 33 no.6:575-579 161.
1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgiemej Slaskiej AM w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof.
dr J.Gasinski i ze Szpitala 6pecjalistycznego nr 2 w Katowicach
Ordynator: dr J.Zielinski.
k, (UldlikiY CALCULI diag) (KIDNEYS neopi)
Outlet of the ureter into the seminal vesicle. A rare clinical
syndrome. Polski przegl. chir. 34 ne-6a:605-610 162.
1. Z Oddzialu Urologicznego Szpitala Speajalistycwvgo w Katoideach
Ordynatort dr J. Zielinski z Zakladu Anatc0ii Patologicznej SI. AM
w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. dr W. Niepolomski.
L 34165-66 FCC
ACC NR, APW26ooS SOURCE CODE: GE/0064/65/018/03-/0157/0160
AUTHOR: Marquardt, W. (Graduate meteorologi it; Halle
ORG: Meteorological Offic . Halle (Amt fur Meteorologie)
TITLE: Radioactivitv rwasurements-over the sea surface during voyages between the
Kattegat oun . -and-7-h-e- Davis Strait
SOURCE: Zeitschrift fur Meteorologie, v. 18, no. 3-4, 1965, 157-160
TOPIC TAGS: radioactivity measurement, fog
ABSTRACT: Radioactivity measurements were conducted during the voyages of
the fishing-research vessel Ernst flaeckel between the Kattegat Sound and
the Davis Strait during the second half of 1963. The vessel was operated
by the Institute for Fishery in the Ifigh Seas.(InBtitut fur Hochseefi-
scherei) in Rostock. The level of natural radioactivity was considerably
.lower over the sea than over the land areas. The level of artificial ra-
dioactivity was also lower during the test period than in the Central
,European land area. On foggy days the level of both types of radioactivity
was lower than on clear days. The results obtained were presented and
discussed. The author thanks Dr. Vlarmbt of the-Bioclimatological Research Institute
in Dresden-Wahnsdorf and Fngr. Rettich of the Chief Meteorological Observatory in Pots-
dam for carrying out of the measurements on the first voyage and for assistance
with construction of the apparatus. Thanks are also given to Director H. Sigtryggsonji--
of the Iceland weather station for providin the data for R-kjavik.
;..!I USUBId DATEell AW~W_; Niw# REF.-COl
AqrA and 2 tables.LJM7SUB CODE-103,,0 .11.
M&=ART, F.
"EVosure deteridnation in landscape photography," P, 150.
JDWA MECHANIKA A OPTIKA. (Ministerstvo presne ho strojirenstvi a
Ustav pro vyzkuift optiky a jevm mechaniky). Praha, Czechoslovakia,
Vol. 4, May 1959-
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI)p LC, Vol.8, No. 82 Augustv 1959.
Calibration Of Dhotoelectric exposure meters. p. 231.
JEMNA MECHANIKA A ')PTIKA. Ninisterstvo vseobecni-ho str--),irenstvi) Praha,
vol. 4, no. 7, July 1959.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1959
28598 Z/023/6 I/ 0IS-V-_C4/~-~
31~wo 1)006/DlC~2
Silvester, and Marquart, Patr4k
AUTHORS: Krajcovic
TITLE: Electrotelluric station ir. Hurbanovo
PERIODICAL: Studia geo.-hysica et Eeodaetica, no. 4, 1961,
TEXT: The electrotelluric station Hurbanovo (47-90N - 18.20-E) was oTened by
the Geophysical Laboratory, Slovak AS, in 1959. As the station is locater-
within the town proper, there are small field disturbances caused by stray
currents. Their amplitude is small, however, because there are no industrial
facilities in the neighborhood. No geomagnetic anomalies were observed in
the vicinity of the station. The resistivity of the surface layer of the
station reaches 20 am, and its geological structure is that of the Yinor
Danube Basin, Discussing the external equipment of the station, the aut?~or
states that the electrodes are located crosswise, the distance betwec-n the
NS- and EW-electrodes being in both cas--s 100 m. They consist or
, 2 mrr; thick
lead plates with a surface of 1.1 m2, are located 1.7 m below the Fround
Card 1/3
21~598 Z/023/61/00C/~--'
station in Hurbanovo D006/D102
level and coated with a 10-cr" layer of marl. The station is Pnuipred with
DGrz gaivanorreters (producer: ALETRO, BLANSKO) with an internal r-sistan:~e ~f
ar,out I-OOS2 , an external critical resistance of 2500 the sens'.vit:., on
the N-S component being 7.5 x 10-9 A/mm/m and on the E-W'component e x 10-?
A/mm/m, Every hour the electrode circuit is disconnected for I min by a
time relay in order to provide for a t-;*me mark on the recordinc. which
moves at a SDeed of 90 mm/hour. A daily check is recorded by the constant-
componEnt compensator, The resistance of the electrode-wirinp ;nsulation i:7
measured every week; that of the N- and E-electrodes reached 9 - 2rq. . that
of the S-electrode 18 - 55SJ, and that of the Ti-electrode IQ - 18F4. may i -
mum resistance occurred during December, minimum resistance during t'hP sum-
mer season. Evaluation of recordings, made so far. showed that *"-& rOla7ity
of both the N- and E-electrodes is rositive. The followinr F-rou-.s of then-
omena were studied: (1) SDecific phenomena: ssc, si, b(bs, bp, bps):
(2) Short-period oscillations pc(pcr, pci), pt(ptr,pti,-'ts)1 and srecific
oscillations with a period of more than 100 sec; (3) Storms; (4) D~stur-
bances. Data on specific phencmena. short-perod oscillations and sor--,.s
Card 2/1
28598 Z/023/61/00'./:C-~/-(,~' 00~
Electrotelluric station in Hurbarovo D006/DI02
are currently being published
physical observatory, staton
Geophysical Laboratory, Slovak
Soviet-bloc references.
in the following bulletint Data of the geo-
of telluric currents Hurbanovo; nublisher:
AS, Bratislava. There are 6 fi'-Ires anc I
Card 3/3
AT6016645 SOURC3 CODE: CZ/2512/64/012/000/0167/0175
AUTHOR: Holub, Karel; Flarquart, Patrik
ORG: [Holub) G!~qp4Tqiqak__~p~~itute, Czechool. Acad. :',cl., Prag,.;e;
[MarquartT -Geophysical Laboratory-o Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava
TITLE: Measurement of microseismic noise level In the neighborhood
of Bratislava
SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Geofysikalni ustav. Geofysikalai I
sbornik, v. 12, 1964. Prague, 1965. Prace, no. 196-214, 167-175
TOPIC TAGS: seismologic station, microseisudc noise, nderoseismic
noise measurement, microseism, seismologic instrument
ABSTRACT: a preliminary determination of the microseismic noise level
was made at-6 sites chosen for a tentative transfer of the seismic
station now located at Bratislava-Koliba. The places selected were
near roads to facilitate the transportation of instruments. A VEGIK
seismometer (To,- 2 see) and a Sc galvanometer (T02 - 0.0555 see)
ACC NRt AT6o16645
were used for the measurements. A broadband seismograph has the
advantage that over long periods it has constant magnification which
ensures that the distortion of the amplitudes of short-period Unrest
does not exceed 30%. In the expansion all short-period disturbances
with a known source were ellminate0l. The results of analyzing the
records from different places of observation helped formulate a general!
conception of the frequency spectrum and magnitude of unrest in the
vicinity of Bratislava. The graph of dependence confirms the ex-
Istence of three basic types of mi--roseismic noise. The authors state
that in choosing a place for a seismic station It will be necessary
to take Into consideration not only the level of short-period micro-
seisms but also the planned building of industrial enterprises and the
extension of the road network in the town. They also suggest the
introduction of long-period measurements at the chosen placeas these
would permit a more detailed study and determination of the level of
sources of local disturbances. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 3 formulas,
and 2 tables. IKS)
SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 03Mar64/ om REF: 007/
Detamination of the mass of the As h emu.
danowicz, M. Dgan A, FIIIRk
"gg_ Id am
J" r . 54
;; - PT ri
w - It cad. Sci. Ing. Nadar Ramareb
Rego. 171-0-67
o. & 14 pp. (1950)(in Rugilsh); cf. ".
748f.-The As-hyperon mms and the Q value evaluated
53 As - p + w- decays found in a stack of emul-Am
exposed to the X--mesom beam, an 1115.42 :k 0.10 and
37.58 :k 0.18 mev., resp. Earlier data an standard range
of protons from the demy 4* - ~P:+ w* we analysed
in conjunction with the results of emulsion calibration
=td In this rork. The &rived mfthtd-mm =
of the proton range and the Z+ bypiron mass me: IM
jk34~p4 1100.43 0.31 mem., A. Sxmhmmdd~
,/6C)/C)l 9/003/001/oi 0
'9 B0221BO70
AUTHORS: Bogdanowicz, J., DanXsz, M., Fil-ipkowski, A , Marquit, Ei-,
S-krzypczak, E., Wr6blewski, A., and Zakrzews,ki-,-~-j-.
TITLE: Determination of the Mass of the Ao Hyperon Fl'
PERIODICAL: Acta Physica Polonica, 1960, Vol. 19, No- 3, pp. 277 - 287
TEXT: The energy of the decayA 0 -,p + n- measured in recent years by
investigators using chamber and emulsion techniques
several groups of
shows discrepancies in some cases that are large in comparison to the
errors quoted. On account of its importance, the authors have tried to
determine the mass ofj). 0 based on larger statistics. As a source of-/~ 0
hyperons, they chose the K mesons in nuclear emulsion. They used a stack
of 180 plates 10 x10 cm x600 ~,, of Ilford 65 emulsion exposed to the
enriched K beam (-300 Mev/c) from the Berkeley bevatron. For the
shrinkage factor of this emulsion they found the weighted mean of
r~stimates by two independent methods to be s 1 . 2.21 + 0.027. The
stopping povier of the emulsion was founa to be R st /R = 1.002 + O.OC,5.
Card 1//3
Determination of the Mass of the A 0 Hyperon P/045/60/019/GO-'/C-O-1,'L1,
All measurements for each day were made under high magnification
independently by Lwo observers. Horizontal projections of the tracks werE
generally made on Zeiss Lumpian microscopes adapted for emulsion work,
vertical projections were made on a Zeiss optimeter coupled to a Koristka
MS2 microscope. The projected angles between the decay prongs were
measured by a goniometer attached to the eyepiece of the microscope. The
dip angles of the tracks were measured on a Koristka 141S2 microscope.
Assuming that the secondary particles are protons and pions the q-values
for each event were calculated. In the evaluation of random errors for
the individual Q-values, errors in angular momentum, range measurements,
straggling, shrinkage factor, and stopping power were taken into account.
From their studies of 53 decays of Ao hyperons, the authors ootain the
following results for Q value and mass of A0:
QA - (37-58 + 0.18)Mev , M A = (1115-42 + 0.19)Mev. Thanks are made to thE
scanning staff of the laboratory: Mrs. K. Bobin6ka, Mr. R. Dabrowski,
Mrs. M. Pazdanowska, Miss W. Saniewska for their careful work, and
especially Mrs. I. Przypkowska for her efficient help in scanning,
measurement, and calculation. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and
Card 2/3
Determination of the Mass of the A 0 Hyperon P/045/60/019/003/001/010
12 references: 1 Soviet, 5 US, 5 Italian, and 1 Dutch.
ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physics, Warsaw University, and Institute of-
Nuclear Research, Warsaw
Card 3/3
S/058/6 ~VOOOIOC,7 C)2C)/-'8
AUMOR: Marquit, E.
TITLE: Elastic p-p scattering cross section in the 1.5 - 9-Bev range
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 7, 1962, 20, abstract 7B165
("Rept. Inst. badah jadrow. PAN", 1961, 255/vI, 15 Pp., ill.,
English; Polish and Russian summary)
TEXT: Data available on the elastic p-p scattering in the 1.5 - 9-Bev
range are examined. Because of systematic errors, the role of which grows with
increasing energy, the cross section values available can be regarded as the lower
limit. An estimate of the upper limit of the elastic scattering cross section
in the 1.5 - 9-Bev range yields the value , e -!:,20 millibarns.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Fall plowing and -,ood stor,:i:,e Of' 3ee(JS -I)ISI, thf~, center of attentI)II,
P. 33" "otsialistlik 1-olliziaJandus -oi. 1-, o. ',., .;ept.
,X.- '-'~onthdy --ndex of' Last Euroy an Access'Lons (77AI) --,C, - 'ID'
MkRRAND1, H.; Olbii~l. ii.; FUURA, i-
"A barn or a shed? Thoug).ts about buUdi-ngs suitable for threshing."
P. 509 (Sotsialistlik Pollumajandus) Vol. 12. no. 11, Nov. 1957
Tallim, Estonia
SO: Monthly Index of East European Pccessions (TTAT) LC. Vol. ?, no. 4,
April 105P
ms, D. I&-
712o 3bk I yego proftlaktlka. MarIkov. 29549
U309 kharik. obc. d=o ma. promWwb*nU&.
1 omml- In-t)e 59000 eks. bespl. Avr. vimson
22s. l8eme (N-vo adravookhranonlya
Berlys mxwho xWao Mr. rentgano-radiel.
dmn.Io-x542"jp 616-006.116
v Typ. -
80: Knishnoya Lotoplo, Vol. 2, 1955
[Marsa, Jlri 1, doktor medi tsiny; SHIMLfICIVA, 1 ., :(.k!,
N. , ooktor medi tsdny
Epi demi c hepati tis and pregnancy. ni,.-~~
1. Otdeleniye infpktsionnvkh bolezTiey oblastnoy bcll-:.t.,v
b. Cheske Budevitse - zav. otdeleniyem doktor iredits-'rIv
Marsa, Cheklioslovatskaya Sotsialisti,-heskaya iiespublika.
MAK_',z.i, Jirlb coktov medlt~,iny
D-'z-'rm- ~: f- Ls r,--" '~~ liemf - --; a '_-_ .-: : - . n . 1: 11 11 -
3j8 1 (1,,. . ( ,. " -- :-,. -., -i ~' - '. j
pisi.!-~Ay ot,jelen'vem Jrif'plkt!:ionny~.I:
1. Zav. h, I I
he I In I f f-,v v 1-rnfle Che.!; k,, flu.4f~ye i~hHlk I., ~~l 1, q.
Role of a cliniciat in antiepidemic vork..Cas. lek. cesk. 92 no.15:406-
408 10 Apr 1953. (CIKL 24:4)
1. Of XM, Cooke Budejovice.
Czechslovakia Alcroblology. Medical and Veterinary. F-6
Abs Jour: Referat. Zh,.-Biol., No, 9, 1957, 35655
Author : Marsa, i1ri; Potuznlk, Vladislav
Title : Diseases Caused by Salmonellosis Bareilly
Orig Pub: Vnitri lekarstvi, 1956, 2, No. 6, 534-537
Abstract: Described are the clinic, therapy, epidemiology,
and data from the laboratory research on 20 sick
persons from whom S.bareilly was isolated. Noted
are the variations of the clinical forms of this
disease (from without symptons to fatal) and the
varying effectiveness of chemical and antibiotic
therapy. In experiments in vitro, there was noted
a much greater sensitivity of the isolated strains
of S.bareilly to chloramphenycol and terramycin,
less to streptomycin and an absence of sensitivity
to sulfonamides (sulfagua-nidine and phtalozol).
Card 1/2
ICzechalovakia /Microbiology, Medical and Veterinary. F-6
Abs Jour, Referat, Zh.-Biol, No-. 9, 1957, 35655
The authors consider that the polymorphism of the
clinical picture of the given disease is connected
with the potential transmission of the sickness
from person to person..
Card 2A
Y"A 9 m a
"Now Technological Method for General Machine Repairs." p. 841 (STRQJIRENSTVI, Vol. 3,
No. 11, Nov. 1953) Praha, Czechoslovakia
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 3, No. 4,
April 1954. Unclassified.
New process of general repairs, p.4. (Technicke Noviny. Praha, Vol 2, No. 20, Oct 1954)
SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC Vol 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl
.-Iraglav, MUDr.
MA X ,
Statistics in tuberculosis hospitals. Cesk. zdravot. 4 no.6:124-
327 June 56.
1. Primar Liecebne pre tbc, Vysne Haff .
(TUBIRCUTPSTS, statistics,
in Czech.. hosp. statist. 02))
Bust control in factories producing mineral wool. Gig i san No. 3, 1252
M-nthly L-st of Russian Accessious, Library of CL;ngress, August, 1952 TIM.
On X-ray meagrurement of macroscopic stresses in sintered
carbides. Chekhosl fiz zhurnal 13 no. 6: 418-423 163.
1. Ustav fyziky pevnych latek, Caskoolovenska akademie ved,
Praha (for Kochanovska)
2. Fakulta technicke a jaderne fyziky, Ceske vysoke uceni
technicke, Praha (for Kraus and Marsak)
, , 1 -r--: ?I H ; I *.: '~ 1,.:~ r~
I-7-ir-' ~~- --- ; -' ;- ;- * - . . - . -1 ':. II .
I. '! ! ; ~, r m 4 : -,. 1 4 r~ ... -, . ~~ -.- 7 ! k ,
. z I
!~ ku , . . . . 1. 1 .1 1- :r~ t;, -f - 1. ~f
. !17-. 1 r -.
x*,swx, r,6..5 -ig6k, WAV
cal stress
irluifi liie~,v eib io'coneldered
In doterml.,'
VAreakova, M.
3rd Technical Meeting of the international Union for the Proteetion of Nature. p. 61.
Proposal to establish a Bird Day in Gzechoslovakia. p. 62.
Vol. 10,, no. 2s, March 1955
SO: Monthly List of East European Accession, (F'~AL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9,
Sept. 1955, Uncl.
OReport on the Fourth Session of the General Assembly of the International Union
for the Protection of Nature (UTPN)"
Dehrana Pr1rody. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 10, no. 6, July 1955
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas
&qwmj&:j,& d9teent, kandidat biologicheakikh nauk.
-9- 4 -:,( -
Water deficiency in cotton leaves due to soil alkalinity. Blul
SLGU no.28:15-26 149. (HLRA 9:5)
(Alkali lands) (Plants, Effect of salts on)