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nUOVA, M. --l New species, varieties, and hab-'tats of the RdUs 4 gpmuB in Bulgaria. Izv. inst. bot. BAS lOal99-200 162. K-RKOVA, Margarita; TSANKOVA, Elena; KASABOVA, Dora The vitmin C content in the leaves and fruits of some wild -species of the genus Rubus L. In the Vitosha Mountains. Izv Inst bot BAN 13s149-154 164. saimutle R"ftra Nsome Tast'l (N&Udxw- --- ~A- an khwema 1-0. serlas Id"Sters L. QVIONMv. Bela* julam A ~ 9 No 39 IL9"9 w 291-301. 9r VIt"m Ce %2 md of fttla rer Ww of Calaft Plw Is Vxmlm* SalmdestIm.ft OVEMVA Al. 0 No WORKOVA0 M.: KATIENICKY, L. A preliminary report on the petrographic survey of the phyllite-diabasse series in the Germer rock formations. p. 120. (Geologi--ke Prace; Zpravy No. 5, 1956) SO: Monthly List of Last European Ac---ession (LI-jLL) L, Vol. 6, no. 71, July 1957. Uncl. MARKOVA, M. Petrographic studies of the phyllite-diabase series of the Slovak Ckre MolintaLns. P. 109 (GEOLOGICKE PRACE) Vol. 45, 1957, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LCp Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 t'Y) f- BLIMINOWA - MO I #W-40- Pukan d ) M=1Ml. R.M. ionyz Stur Bfati&Uvi ti"v-aT'Mr'-IR~*7fOWXR"gjish sum- --M77!V'=IB-k tuffs were hydrothermally altered with the formation of tridymite and cristobalite, and wert subse- quently weathered. The dominant clay mineral is kaolinite Of the fire-clay type, with some hydromka and quartz, and authigenic siderite (I chem. analysis). Optical. x-ray, av4 differeaWl thermal analysis data, and 2 chem. analym of the clay* arc given. Michud vivi M o, f K c, vA , M. CZWHCSLOVAnA / CosiiocheiAistry- Goochemistry. Hydrochei-iistry. D Abs Jour : lRef Zhur - KhiL-dya, No 14, 1959, No. 49o88 Author : Misik, M., Cicel, B., and jj!~rkova M. Inst : Not given Title : bdneral and Petrographic Analyses and the Genesis of Pukan Clays Orig Pub : Geol Praco SAV, No 49, 123-148 (1958) Abstract : The results froL, particle size distribution, cheLdcal, x-ray, and Lineral analyses have shovn that the abovo-indicatod clays aro of the kaolin refractories type. The r03UltS of two cheLiical anal,yses of kaolinite aggregates are given below (in %): S102, 41.B4, 42.98; Fe2 0 1.64, 4.90; 3 , 32 46, 2 .46; T102 FOO, 3-19, o.65; A12 0 o.4(), l.o8; mao, m4, o.64; P, traces, Card 1/2 D-10 CZECHOSWVAKIA / Coemocheksti-y. Geochemistry. Hydrochem1btry Abe Jour Rat zhur - xhikiya, No '14, 1959, No. 49088 cao 1.40, 0.78; M90, 1.82, 0.65; Y-~ 0, 0.25, 0.15; Na2 0, 0.20, 0.10; dry residue, 3.64, 6.36; p-p.p., 12.92; total, 99-80, 100-07. In the opinion of the author the clays were formed by the knolini- zation of the tufas and in particular, by sedimen- tation. -- E. Chepizhnaya Card 2/2 MARKOVA, M.M. CharacteristicB rf the coaj-r,,,LatIor,, of verjou-B ~Irxa a-,;a -f the retraction and lysis of the blood clot in lome forms -f hemorrhagic diaLhesis. Lab. delo no.3:174-176 165. ( M I i 8 . ? 1. Filial TSentrallne-Y nauchno-issledovatel'skoy lai~tra~Grii (zaveduyushchiy 1.14. Sapelkina) i kafedr-ii propedevtjk-i det~~--ijkh bolezney (zaveduyushchly - dotsent Ye.N. Tishina, nau(.-hnyy M,- kovoditell Prof. V.A. Vlasov) 11 Moskovskogo ruediLDD,nkogo in- -dututs As.,, KLOCHAN, Dmitrly Fedooeyevich,- SUBBDTA, Nikolay Nikolayevich; SUZDALITSEV, V.1adimir Vladimirovich; MARKOVA, M.M., red. [Balaklaya; a regional study) Balakliia; kraieznavcbyi na- rys. Kharkivp Prapor, 1965. 118 P. (MIRA 18:8) -tit Iffect of var' Du. ~ -i:, jls on the as~L=i Latl-m -f fat and t,* r 'Um'Mary '13 SM W, tr. retention ---f ritr crKG ai ng I jahj A - . it, 1 ~7 . (K.Lti~ 10:1)) lz lab ---hes! - r ener;-Ii (zav. - chlen-!,;:r- a-:.-Va iLatil' Ita oitaniya h 11 rea~ponae.,,' M ar--17~tlatlon -f warlous dieterv fat3 -1~ .1.*.t-.D,-e-., RUB) 7eteii,. a, ter arest, rr- - var4.-.),.is types I jUrt-7.1..) . ~ ., ~ :,.!I , 1'-(, -,(;; - '.~ '' . , 'I *w .. I - -.1 - 14- m, . V., ~~ 11 . I - lowl f-js ~~ '.. ., : . i-nt~-~ 1 1. ", _; I -, , , "-, ! :. j. 11 :..-. (,',C- t" : f.,! :,(-; -I-,- , ) I I (: i,. I ( -'j-7 " ;-, " ~ , , ~, -io-1:- KARKOVA. M.N. Effect of qualitatively different fate in food on serum liDids in rats [with summary in English]. Vop.pit. 17 no-3:30-33 Vq-Je 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1. 1z laborstoril obmena veshchastv i energii (zav. - chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. O.P.Holchanovs) Instituta pitaniya AMR SSSR, Moskva. (LI?IDS. in blood. eff. of dietary fats in rats (Rua)) MARKOVA, M.N.; POKROVSKIY, A.A. Determination of total cholesterol and phospholipids in a micro- drop of blood. Lab. delo 10 no.3:145-150 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut pitanya (direktor - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.A.Pokrovskiy) ANN SSSR, Moskva. MARKOVA, M.N. Lipid changes in the liver and blood serum of white rats subjected to a long-term diet containing sunflower seed oil. Vop. pit 23 no.2: 41-44 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. laboratoriya obmena vesbchestv (zav. - prof. 0.P. Molchanova) Instituta pitaniya AMN SSSR, Moskva. CHERMSEKINp S.D.; KWPMVSKIrv A.P.; KRYUCHEDV-9 V.G.j MARROVA, M.V.; RA- KITINAq Te.D.p red.; P201MIMA9 LA.-I tekbn. reC [16onomic valuation of land] Zkonomichaskala oteshIca wall. By S.D. Cheremishkin i dr. 14oskval, Goo. isd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1961. 183 Pe (KIU 3-4: 8) (Farms--Valuation) (Momov Provinoe-Soile-ClaeWication) CHEREMUSHKIN, S.D., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; KLOPOTOVSKIY, A.P., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MARKOVA, M.V., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SMIRNOVP N.A., 2%T.- [Basic principles of the economic valuation of land)Osnovnye printsipy' ekonomicheskoi otsenki zemli; materialy nauchno- iseledovatellskikh rabot. Moskva, Voes. nauchno-isal. in-t ekon. sell.khoz. 1962. 79 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Rakovoditell otdela ekonomicheskoy otsenki zemelInykh ugodiy VaesoyuznogD nauebno-iseledovatellskogo instituta ekonomiki. sell- skogo khozyaystva (for Cherewshkin). 2. Otdel ekonomicheskoy oteenki zemellnykh ugodiy Vsssoyuznogo nauchno-insledovatellskogo instituts. ekonomij~i sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Klopotovskiy, Markova). .. (Moscov Province-Farms-Valuation) (Moscov Province--Soils--Classification) ___ ,MaFgarita VladimirovDa. kand. sellkhoz& nauk; SOKOLOVA, G., MARROtA I------ __ 1- r V Te.,. tekhn. re#. [Practical application of economic evaluation of land] 0 prakticheakom primenenil ekonom4cheakoi otsenki semli. Mo- skva, Msok. rabochil, 1963. 57 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Moscow Province-Land classification) OZEROV, V.A.; S0SYdN, D.S.; MARKOVAL M. V. - - Sta-ndardization of gating-pouring systems for precision cast-ing. Lit.proizv. no.10:3-7 0 164. (MIPA 18:4) MARKOVA, N. A. MAaOVA, N. A. -- "Comparative Indicators of the Pathogenic Propert--es of Staphylococcus.11 Sub 20 May 52, Central Inst for the Advancod Training of ---Ihysicians. (Dissertation for the Degrr-e of Camidate in Mp6ical Sciaices. SO: Vechernaya Moskva Jai.uary-Deoember 1952 Invit-~rNuvil, .9 F. '. ZV71Y, ', . * . VASn ?YT.' H. V. ; LA~U'OVA, ?:. Novoe v tekhnike osvr!shcheidya u~oltnkh shakht. ig"Oscorr, jglet--+hizdat, 1950. p--. 92, phollos, -liai,s., I-a'..q.; 22 x;l~; white wrapperF. son *or 000 002 002 005 oos O&W 002 oob 0o-- 000 go. 00- 00- 00- 00- 00- S 1 0 30 In 10 0 Is P 01 0 otvgomL go 4)PU$$ 1W U A . '.D 610 coot's 6801111 Mam VII-st, it: I Sbkv* W. A. HAvxms: IRS). PAIXOSOIC RAW "US OW TIM IRAWMIRN SLOPS OV INN URALS A." TUN VTWA?= of Tun ZSCLOSANG WINDS. Trams. A. AM VIS" Sri. NIJM?fb )WI. Fx4m. Mineral. Nm 112, 3-47 (IW7) (in English. 47-50)-Tbe narrow twit of ardinintary Paketuic formation. stsetching inter- M* "Pimermar"I by effusive iocks c"Ini Mrs mittently through, the fiew of Per"lont rocks of the ~ fair any given horizon always reassin constant Bauxite relipm.wasmadied. Tbedrimmilsoltbterctionselaolined showed highly amilarm stratAgrapbir sucvembm Within delsolitscs"w inthtupper Ludlow Portbm and chiefly in the terations occur with Imes Devatiam formations. Tbt bauxite lmd proper c&n pirtrogropkic changes at tirnestomes. or. more rarety. with be subdivided into Wee parts: (1) The borisom undertyiuS t he cre-bearing oraturn of *'W- u.ite InceiA." which r. can fined to the lower partion of the deposit. in the upper p&rj of the weathered zone a crust-like bauxite is developed, (2) the ore-twaring harixon of unifem Imusmitt beds of the 3 h d i b i d re vas e ut ton un rty, ( ) t erlying the ore-bearinji strata. consistin# of alternating layers of clays. bamites and &;k bitummous thnestones. Thus. the deposits of . the entire re show a number of common features, the cce chief of whi their occurreace among the beds sunilar 60 stratigraPtsically and lithologically (with the only exception F 00 of the Elkino deposit of an oicity sp) and the sirmansity of the ore structure. wbkb is of the dweted mW oalitic nature t -1-00 containing coral fauna. The data obtained . cou6m th A ki t kil h f h di a= Z : Go e s smage s t eory o t e se .. UCC of 7 bammites in the region as the result of normsel marime dep. 0411 r 00 ,Oiseis owes as an ff;tf; 0 00000000000 0:0 ~4:90009000600 si-mea -0.f O-i 1=1 0 a a w IF 11 F W V a a W J, If 140 0 1 a, as a is a a 0 a Lin "914t a 4 A I W ~ ~ W0000000000*00000000 0090600906000*600060 MAIRICOVA, N.G. Kazakhstan. Trudy I&b.geol.dokem. no.1:17-37 '52. (MLRA 7:2) (Kazakhstan--Geology) (Geology--Xasakhstan) 11,-',,d~ /- /- / /,, /~, I TIIOGHADOT. A.P.; IXVMS, A.L.; DOBXENA. X.N.; PAMVA. N.G.; MARTISHCHMO. L.G. Using C14 to deteraine absolute &&. Report n9.1. Gsokhluiis, no.8~3-9 '56. (IMPA 10: 2) 1. Inatitut gookhinti I analitichaskoy khtall im.T.I. Ternadskogo AD 6fim. xo*kva. (Radiocarbon dMing) KILRKOVA, N.G.; DOBKIN&, R.I. Using radioactive carbon for determining geological age. Priroda 45 no.12:84-86 D '56. (NLRL 10:2) 1. Institut geokhinii i analiticheekay khinii imeni V.I.Vernad- skogo Akadermli nauk SM (Moskava). (Radiocarbon dating) AZI 15-1957-7-9259 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, % p 67 (USSR) AUTHOR: Markova, N. G. TITLE: The Age and Structural Relations of the Intrusions of Bet-Pak-Dala (0 vozraste i polozhenii v strukture intruziy Bet-Pak-Daly) PERIODICAL: Sov. geologiya, vol 51, 1956, pp 3-26 ABSTRACT: Much new information on the age and structural posi- tion of intrusive rocks was obtained by the Kazakhstan Expedition of the Geologicheekly institut AN SSSR (Geological Institute of the Academy of Sc-ences, USSR) from 1950 to 1954. Six intrusive complexes of different ages are identified in the region of the Bet-Pak-Dala desert: 1) Proterozoic granite gneiss (IV ), widely developed along the northern border of Bet-Pak-Dala and in its southwestern part, where its Card 1/4 contact with surrounding Proterozoic rocks and with 15-1957-7-9259 The Age and Structural Relations of the Intrusions of Bet-Pak-Dala (Cont.) the overlying Rifeyskiy beds is unconformable; 2) pre-Ordovi- cian granodiorite (Y ), not identified in concrete masses and distinguished only b~ the abundant cobbles of granodiorite in the basal conglomerate of the Llandeilian stage; 3) a complex of pre-Caradocian intrusions, consisting of numerous small bodies of hyperbasite and gabbro (S) (the precise age rela- tions between these rocks and those of the Llandeilian stage is not clear, and it is possible that some of the intrusions referred to this complex are older--this view is supported by the presence of cobbles of ultrabasic rock in the conglomer- ates of one of the Cambrian series); 4) pre-Silarian granodior- ite (Y ) which transects rocks of the Caradocian and Ashgil- lian siagles and is overlain by basal conglomerates of the Silu- rian, which contain cobbles of the granodiorite; 5) Devonian intrusions, subdivided into two groups, which were separated in time by the extrusion of acid volcanic rocks; and 6) a coin- plex group of Hercynian intrusions, which can be no more pre- cisely dated than by dividing them into early and late Hercyn- Card 2/4 15-1957-7-9259 The Age and Structural Relations of the Intrusions of Bet-Pak-Dala (Cont.) ian. Three principal structural elements occur within the re- gion of Bet-Pak-Dala: a central graben and two bordering up- lifts. The oldest intrusive rocks of the area, the Porterozo- Ic granodioritel,(*I,), are confined to the positive structural areas of the up ft . The hyperbasites are concentrated al- most exclusively in the central graben zone and genetically are intimately associated with faulting. Pre-Silurian grano- diorites are confined to this same zone. Hercynian intrusions are associated exclusively with the zones of uplift. Devonian intrusions occupy an intermediate position, but of these, too, the majority occur either in the regions of uplift or where these areas border the central zone. Thus the intrusive masses of Bet-Pak-Dala are closely associated with the tectonics of the region, and the successive appearances of different groups of intrusions provide a basis for subdividing the history of the structural development of the region into several steps, corresponding to the following five structural stages: 1) the Precambrian structural stage, characterized by the development Card 3/4 15-1957-7-9259 The Age and Structural Relations of the Intrusions of Bet-Pak-Dala (Cont.) of large-scale alternating synclinoria and anticlinoria, the first occurring in Rifeyskiy rocks, the second in Proterozoic; 2) the lower Paleozoic structural stage, including Cambrian and Ordovician formations, during which the principal struc- tural elements of the region were produced and block fault- ing was superimposed on earlier formed folds; 3) the Silurian structural stage, showing transitions to upper Paleozoic forms; 4) the upper Paleozoic structural stage (characterized by movements predominantly upward in the first half of the Devo- nian stage and accompanied by thick extrusions of acidic lava and by granite intrusions; in the second half of the stage, faulting occurred in the regions of uplift and individual blocks were preserved by downward movements); and 5) the Meso- zoic-Cenozoic structural stage, unimportant in this region. Card 4/4 0. V. Bryzgalin A. 3(5) A"'THOR: 1.'arkova G. TITLE: Silurian. DeTosits in the KarFabulak PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya Feo1of1-i,-'-.(-."*";.-r~ 101~0 lir 7, pp 90-98 (USSR) ,-T ABSTRACT: The author describes the Siluri,,m de,,-osits near Kargabulak spring in the western part of the lake coastal re-ion. These depo S4tS form tl~e of a synclinal structure which is t1- 'e ncrth-,,.-es,- extremity of the so-called Arkhaz -3arytuma coal- bearinE trough. They can be divided into ILI,rec~ The lowest suite is formed of porphyrites of and basalt composition with some fractural ar agglomerates in the lower and seams of in the upper part of the suite. It is qbout 3Cr. thick. The iir.-xt suite, 150-1~O m thic'k, is Card 1/3 tufaceous sandstone with seams of oxidizr.d of"';: 1-l"'. SOV/11-59-7-01/1' Silurian Deposits in the Kargabulak Spring Region rocks. The upper suite, about 350 m thick, is forrr.!.d of red-colored conglomerates, aleuro-arCillaceous sandstones and a thick stratum of limestone. This third suite belongs to the Wenlock and Ludlow staCes (Upper Siluria-n period) so identified by the numerous faunistic remains. The author gives a very detailed description of all these suites. Comparing the cross sections of the Kargabulak and the Mynaral re- gions, situated ?5 km apart, the author admits the possibility that the first and the second suites of the Kargabulak region are analogous respectively to the Llandoverian a-nd Tarannon suites of the Mynaral re-ion. The upper parts of both cross-sections 3re L identical. The following geologists are mentioned by the author: B.T.-..Keller, I.N. Krylov, Ye.V.Negrey, B.I.Borsuk, E.K.Villtsing, I.T.Serebryakova, S.B. Card 2/3 Bakirov, V.I.Volobuyev, 1,,,'.A.Borisyak, V.A.Sytova and Silurian Deposits in the Yargabulak Spring Region 0. Bonarenko. There is 1 schematic r,rof-'-1 and .? Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: -7eoloCicheskiy institut AN SSSR, ,'oskva, (The gical Institute of thLe AS U'S'DR, Eoscowj STIBMITTED: January 6, 1950, Card 3/3 SOV/80-32-2-30/56 AUTHORS: Trofimov, A.V., Markova, N.G., Dobkina, E.I. TITLEt r- ____ Synthesis of Acetylene From Calcium Carbonate (Sintez atseti- lens, iz karbonata kalltsiya) PERIODICALt Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol XXXII, Nr 2, pp 399-404 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Gaseous compounds of'carbon (C02, C2H2, CH4' etc) are now used for radiocarbonidatings. It is necessary to develop a simple method for preparing acetylene which is free of radio- active pollutions. Acetylene may be prepared from carbonate by decomposition to C02$ absorption and precipitation by SH3, heating the prepared carbonate with Xg and decomposing the formed carbide with water to C2H The yield of acetylene by this method is 86 1 6% of the ini;ial carbon. The presence of other gases is detected by a solution Of K2H9J4 Z Ref 82. The method has the drawback that the output of acetylene varies considerably (see Table). There is I diagram, 1 table, and 8 references, 5 of which are Card 1/2 Soviet and 5 English. Synthesis of Acetylene Prom Calcium Carbonate SOV/80-32-2-30/56 ASSOCIATIOB: Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni V.I~ Vernad- skogo Al SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytic Chemistry imeni V.I. Vernadskiy of the USSR Academy of Sciences) SUBMITTED: May 27, 1957 Card 2/2 KOPTEV-DVORNIKOV, V.S.; POIXVOY, O.S.;-tLR~KA ~4-DMITIRYEV, L.V.; WREMOVI, S.V.; YEZHOV, A.I.; ZHUKOV, M.A.,; kOZLOV, A.V.; LEBEDEV, A.P;,; SHLUCV, V.K.t red.izd-va; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A., [Paleozoic intrusive ~omplexos in Bet-Pak-Dala. Part 1) Paleozoiskie intrazivnye kompleksy Betpakdala. Part.l. Mookvap lzc'krvo Akad.nauk SSSR., 2960. 239 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut geologii ru4nykh mestorozhdenii,, petr'ografii, mineralogii i geokhWi Trudy, no.44) iMIRA 13:12) (Bet-Pak-Dala--Granite) M&MVA, N.G. Pre-Cambrian in Bet-Pak-Dala and adjacent regions in Ka-zakh tan. Izv.vys.acheb.zav.; geol.1 razv. 3 no.4:3-25 Ap 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Geologicheskiy institut All SSSR. (Kazakhstan--Geology, Stratigraphic) VINOGRADUV., A.P., akad.; DEVIRTS, A.L.; DOBKINAp MUTISHCMONCY L.G.; MERGASOV, G.G.$ red. izd-va; POLYAKOVA, T.V., tekhn. red. [Determination of absolute age by C14 using a proportional counter; description of the constiNction method and results) Opredelenie ab- soli,atnogo vozrasta po, C-L4 pri pomoshchi proportsioriallnogo schet- chika; opisanie metoda konBtruktsii i rezulltatov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 57 p. (MIU 14: 11) (Radiocarbon dating) MAMn!OVLAA? ~Nata~llrlayrllovna; KELLER, B.M., doktor gool.-miner.nauk, Otv,red.; -- , I.M., red.izd-va; DOROKHINA, I.N.V; GUSIKOVAP O.M., (Stratigraphy and tectonics of the Paleozoic in Bet-Pak-Dalal Stratigraftia i tektonika paleozoia Bet-Pak-Daly. Moskva, lzd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 363 P. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Geologicheskii institut. Trudy, no.62.). (KRA 15:5) (Bet-Pak-Dala--Geology) STREYS, N.A.; NAGIBINA, M.S.; KROFMKIN, P.N.,- t%I~K~A2_ N.G.; SOBOLEVSKAYA, V.N.; PEYVE, A.V.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.V. Andrei Khrisanfovich Ivanov., 1897-1961. 27 no.3:U4 Mr 161. (Ivanov, Andrei Khrisardbvich, 1897-1961) Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geol. (MIRA 15:2) (2uTlup aoqxuz~o-,T;-U) o'noaacl-I 4. H*S,61fl C,;.3--~Uqj -,: J- Xu&n-ejv LTI-ITISTVuV Pu'9 f~JISTME)ll c ~') JO 'InIVISUI J1V)jSPuuJqA 'I'A ,g & Z04 -e 71 Z)9 Lq E :, 94rjcGq GU j -,!.LA -3'~ HIMOG f"I'V qt~'II TJ "d'V' 'XXI-4119UH! I NEYSHTADT, H.I.; DEVIRTS, A.L.; MARKOVA, W.G.; DOBKINA, E.I.; KHOTIIISKIY, N.A. -- Dating of holocaine deposits by radiocarbon and %)ollen analysis. DAL AN SSSR 144 no.5:1129-1131 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR i Institut geokhimii i analitichesko.- kh'-ii AN SSSR. Predatavleno akademikom I.P.Gerasimovym. (Holocaine) (Geological time) SEREBRYANNYY., L.R.; DEVIRTS, 4-1- ~OVAN~.G. Now data on the absolute age of Allrod modiments in the vicinity of Imningrad, biul.Non.chetv.per. no.272151-153 062, (KMA 16:4) (Len-,ugrad region-Geological time) IAVEUSHIN, Yu.A.; DEVIRTS, A.L.; GITERMAN, R.Ye.;_MARK-OVA, N.G. Primary data on the absolute chronology of principal events in the Holocene of the northeastern part of the U.S.S.R. Biul.Kom. chetv. per. no. 28:112-126 163. (MMA 17:5) MARKOVA, N.G.; KHOREVA, B.Ya. 7ypes of structures associated with faults (shear zone) and Lhe.-*Lr genesis as revealed by a study in Kazakhstan and the Altai. Trudy GIN no.92:64-89 163. (MIRA 17:10) KkRPOVA, N.A.; MARKUNA, ~;-G-,e of the tr,dy Mp bl()r.d circulatlun. ';c~. 1. 1z kliniki gos-.itall,,c;y ki-irurgii TSentral In oy naucrllric~ Is- I edcva tz- -I Is koy 1~--bc.ratcri A Gc r1k. V. gosudarstvenr:,--f7o AVERIYANOV, F.K., inzh.; FARKOVA, N.I., inzh. Erection of a three-span metal bridge across the Moskva River. Mont. i spets. rab. v stroi. 23 no.11:11-13 N 161. (KIRA 16:7) 1. Glavstallkonstruktsiya, Minstroy RSFSR. (MoskVa River-Bridge construction) MARKOVA, N. N. "Traumatological Apparatus and bpecial Features of Nursing the Sick during Varixe Kinds of Tension," SOt Med. Sestra., No. 2, 1948. Cand. Med. Sci. -c1948-. MAMOVA, N. N. "Special Features of Nursing Patients with Fractured Backbones and Pelvic Bones," SOz Med. Sestra.2 No- 3. 1948. Cand. Med. Sci. -cl948-. URKOVA, N.N. Atercles therapy In fractures. Sovet. nod. no-1:28-30 Jan 52. (CM 21:4) 1. CwAid&te Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Department of Traumtology (Head-Ronor6d Worker in Science Prof. N.0. Tridland), Central Inoti- tuts, for the Advanced Training of Physicians. M&RKOVA N.N. Effectivenpas of using.benactyzine in psychoneurological practice. Vop. psikh i nevr. no.5s233-238 '59. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz 3-go psikhlatricheskogo otclbler-iya (zav. - prof. Ye.S.Averbukh) Psikhonevrologicheskogo instituta imeni V.M.Bekhtereva (direktor - chlen-korrespondent Akademii podagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR prof. V.N.Myasishchev). (BEUCTYZINF.-TU,R&PEUTIC USE) (NMAL ILLNEW) MARKOVA, N.N. Rqwrience in the use of aminokrovin in poychiatric practice; prellidnary data. Vop. pikh. i nevr. no.9:472-476 162. (MDU 17: 1) 1. 3-y& poikhiatricheakaya klinike (sav. - prof. Ye.,'-* Averbulih) instituta imeni. V.M. Bekhter3va (dir. - B.A. Lebedev). 42700 5/020/62/147/002/006/021 B112/B186 AUTHORS: Chistyakov, V. P., Markova, N. P. TITLE: Certain theorems for unhomogeneoua branching processes PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 147, no. 2, 1962, 317-320 TEXT: A system of particles each of which dqcays into k particle s during the time interval Lt with the probability p,,(t),L~t + 0(-~t) (Pk(~~P)Ov k / 1, o0 n Pi Pk (t) = 0) is described by a function F(e,t,x) n(s,t)x n=O for the particle number at the instant t, the particle nui.ber at the instant s being equal to unity. This function satisfies the equation -dF(B,t,x)/as - f(s,F(s,t,x)) with the initial condition F(s,t,x)l,.t= x 00 (O~,s~~,t/oo). Here, f(s,x) Lpn (9)x". The process is said to'be n-O degenerated if 1~m P 0(s,t) P0(s) It is demonstrated that D. G. t CD Kendall's condition of degeneracy (Ann. Math. Statist., 19, No. 1, 1(1948)) Card 1/2 3/020/62/147/002/006/021 Certain theorems for unhomogeneous ... B112/B186 is sufficient in the general case, but not under certain restrictions. Some limiting theorems for processes of growth are derived. PRESENTED: February 7, 1962, by A. N. Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED: February 7, 1962 J/ Card 212 BOROVKOV, A.A.; MARKOVA, N.F.; SYCHEVA, N.M.; SHPAKOVSKAYA, L.I., red. --.- --l-1-- [Tables for N.V.Smirnov's criteria of the uniformity of two samples) Tablit-sy d1la kriteriev N.V.Smirnova odno- rodnosti dvukh v-yborok. Novosibirsk, Redaktsionno-izd. otdel Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1964. 139 P. (MT HA 17 -.6) MARKOVA, N. S. "Effect of the Central Nervous -System on the Formation of Immurl, ~L~djj,_._1, ;-nd thr Th.~_ -ocytic RFaction Durin D~,_~httjeri.-." ;an,! Ned _-cJ~, :;tate lKedical Inst, Simfero.-L,oll , 19.~4. No 8. Apr 55) SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 N,0v 55 - Survey of -1cient.ific and Technical -is.-ertations Defended at U3S.-I. Higher Educational Institutions (16). PTATKIN, K.D. EPOIATKIN, K.D.I. TROPMOVA. B.D., KARROVA, I.S. VarlAbility in Corynobneterium diphtherine. Xikrobiol,shur. 20 no.1:44-48 958 (m MA 11: 6) 1. Z kpfedri mikrobiologii Krimalkogo madichnogo institutu. (CORYNEBACTERnTH DIPHTHERIAE, vnrinbility (Uk)) I - rV - 1. KALININ, B.N.,dotsent, kand.skon.nouk,; LUPIROVICH. I.S., doktor sellskokhoz.nouk, akademik. zome8ttitall; URUSOV, V.V., po vypaska; 1ULASHEV, I.I., doktor geologo-mineral.nau akedemik. red.: AUSENTOYEV. A.N., kand.geologo-mineral.nauk, red.; RMTOT, P.P.. doktor sellskokhos.nauk. akademik, red. Sostaviteli kart: BOBYLZVA, Ye.A.; VOLKOVA.M.; VORONTSOVA, G.V.; KAMOVA, N.T.; TIKHONRAVOVA, Ye.V.. ]L'YUSHIN, I.M., kand.filosof.nauk, red.kart; 13UTCHMO, I.S., kand.1stor.nauk, red.kart-, KUPREVICH. V.P., doktor biolog.nauk. akademik, red.kart; BURZGAL, T.S.. red.-kartograf; GULTUK, G.I., rod.-kartograf; LEVSHINOV, A.0., red.-kartograf; RUTKOVSLATA. M.S., red.-kartograf; SVIRSKIT, A.S., red.-kartograf (Atlas of the White Russian Soviet Socialist Re-vublic] Atlas Belo- rusekoy Sovetskoy SotHialisticheskoy Respabliki. Minsk. Akad.nauk BSSR. Glav.upr.geodes. i kartografii MVD SSSR, 1958. ZIV. 140 maps. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Predsedatell Gosplana BSSR (for Kalinin). 2. AN BSSR; prezident Akademii sellskokhoz.nauk BSSR (for Iiapinovich). 3. Direktor Kinakoy kartograficheskoy fabriki (for Urnsov). 4. AN BSSR; vibe-prezident AN BSSR (for Lukashev). 5. AN BSSR (for Rogovoy)i 6. Chlen-korrespondent A BSSR (for Illyushin). 7. AN BSSR; chlen-korrespondent A SSSR; president AN BSSR (for Kuprevich). (White Russia--Kaps) SOV/I 37 - 58- 1 1 2-1-,75 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr I !. .0 27: 'L:55RI AUTHORS: Markova, N. V., Yezerskaya, N. A. TITLE: Analysis of Platinum in Concentrates (Analiz shlikho\-oN- platim) PERIODICAL: Tr. N.-i. gorno-razved. in-ta "Nigrizoloto", 1957, Nr ' i, pp 1 ~9 145 ABSTRACT: Descriptions are given for the combined procedures for the analysis of Pt in concentrates in which Fit and Os-Ir are determined gravirnet- rically and Ru, Pd, and Ir colorimetrically. 0.3-0.5 g specimens are used for the analysis. The test sample is treatedwith aqua reRia and filtered. The filtrate is concentrated by evaporation, Na nitrite is added, and Ni, Cu, Fe, and Au are precipitated with soda. Then Au and Fe are determined volumetrically and Ni and Cu polarographically Pt, Pd, Rh, and Ir remain in the filtrate. Os-Ir is determined in the insoluble residue. In the filtrate Pd is precipitated with dimethylgly- oxime and filtered off, after which the nitrites are decomposed in the filtrate and the latter is divided into two portions. In the first portion Pt is precipitated with calomel, in the second portion the dimet.hyl Card 1/2 glyoxime is decomposed and Rh and Ir are precipitated with suspended Analysis of Platinum in Concentrates (cont.) ZnO and determined colorimetri c ally in aliquot portions. SOV/1 17 - 58 -11 Z 075 Z-- G Card 212 AIN /~~ OC141 A~ i~* YEZERSKAYA. N.A.; MARKOVA N - ! Extraction of small quantities of gold from cyanogen, hydrochloride, and iodine solutions by means of anionites. Zhur.prikl.khim. 30 no.7:1071-1074 Jl '57. (MIRA 10:10) l.Nauchno-issladovatellskiy Institut "Nigrizoloto". (Gold) S/137/62/OOO/OO3/17'7/! 91 A16o/Aioi AUTHOR: Markova, N. V. TITLE: Determining selenium and tellurium in ores PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 2, abstracL 3 K 7, ("Khim., fiz.-khim. i spektr. metody issled. rud redk. i rasseyan. elementov", Moscow, Gosgeoltekhlzdat, 1961, 75 - 78) TEXT: In order to expedite the analysis, instead of thickening H2SO4 ni- trate solution assay be evaporation, use is made of a denitration with alcohol. After it, Se is precipitated with the aid of H2SO 3, while Te is precipitated in the filtrate with the aid Of SnC12 solution. The analysis is finished-up by colorimetric means. Upon decomposition of a weighed portion of HNO 3 (1 : 1) assay solution is thickened by evaporation until it becomes small in size, is supplemented with 25 ml concentrated HC1 or with 10 ml H2SO4 (1 : 1), and several drops of alcohol. This reaction calls for a slight preheating. Once gas has been liberated, the denitration is over. Solution is regulated so that it should include 75 % of HC1, is heated to 60 - 700C and Se is precipitated by adding Card 1/2 S/1 37/62/~X_)',/OC--/: Determining selenium and tellurium in ores A16o/Aioi 50 ml concentrated HC1, saturated with S02, Next day the precipitate Is flItered off: the filtrate is boiled, in order to remove S02' and Te is preclipiltated from 3 normal HCI solution with the aid of an addition of SnC12. By this means Te becomes isolated from Cu, Pb, Zn, Bi, As and Sb. A colorimetric analysis Is usually carried-out in an acetic buffer, since the colloidal hydrochloride sGI- utions are colored considerably weaker. It has been established that Ihe P-_,b- ence of Sb3+ ions in hydrochloric solutions raises the intensity of coloring due to Se more than twice. The optimum amount of Sb in 1 ml of a 1 % solution containing 0.3 mg Se. In this case the analyzed solution first is suppler,.icnted with 1 ml of an I % Sbp(SO )3 solution, then with 8 ml of a 0.5 % gelatine solu- tion and 6 drops of a 25 SnC12 solution. Colorimetric analysis is conducted onT'~;"\'-jj (FEK-M), at 450 m1, in a 50 mm vessel. The range of determined concen- traticn lies within 0.01 - 0.3 mg Se in a 50 ml solution. The reaction of re- 7c wfth the aid of SnCl2 is sufficiently sensitive and produces in a 1Krd_ro- cr.lcric medium relatively strongly colored solutions. There are 7 references. N. Gertseva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/191J62/000/006/005/013 B124/B18O AUTHORS: Zhinkin, D. Ya., Semenovat Ye. A.p Markova, X. V. TITLE: Production of polyalkyl cyclosilazanes from alkyl chlorosilanes and ammonia PERIODICAL. Plaaticheakiye massy, no. 6, 1962, 16-20 T---'X'2: In the synthesis of mixtures of polyalkyl oyclosilazanen (hexa- methyl cyclotrisilazane, octamethyl cyclotetrasilazane, hexaethyl e "otrisilazane, etc.), by the reaction of anhydrous, gaseousand liquid ye. ammonia with alkyl chlorosilanes in the presence of a-olvents, the resulting NH4C1 is filtered off in yields of 40-700A of the theoretical amount. The authors have found an improvement on the filtration. The reaction mass is treated with water or an aqueous alkali solution, the upper of the two resulting layers is separated by a funnel, the solvent is driven out, and the reaction products are rectified in a column with 22 theoretical plates. This ind/reases the yield to' 87-95-5% and considerably reduces the time required. If the reaction mass is extracted with benzene, the yield is Only 76~. Anhydrous products must Card 112 S/19 62/000/008/005/013 Production of polyalkyl ... B124YB180 be used and the reaction conducted in nitrogen flow. The composition of the reaction products is little affected by the method of synthesis. There are 4 tables. The five English-language references are: R. 0. Sauer, R. 11. Hasek, J. Am. Chem. Soo. 68, 241 (1946); S. D. Brewer, Ch. P. Faber, ibid., 70, No. 11, 3888 (1948); J. R. Meankins, J. Council Sci. Ind. Res. 21, 222 (1948);. US Patent 2579416; US Patent 2553314. Card 2/2 S/079/62/032/008/004/006 D204/D307 AUTHORSs Zhinkin, D. Ya., Markova, N. V. and M. V. Sobolevskiy I--- TITLEt Synthesis of polyalkyloyclosilazanes with various radicals on the silicon.atom FERIODICALs Zhurnal obahchey khimii, v- 32, no. 8, 1962, 2652 - 2654 TEXTs [(CH 3)2S'NH'3 (A), UCH3)2S'"I~ (B), RCH 3)2S'NHI 2 (C2H5)2 SiNH (C), (CH3)2S'NHC(C2H5)2S'NH]2 (D) and E(C 2H 5)25'NB33 (F,) were prepared by the reaction of Me2 Sicl2 and Et2sici 2 taken in the ratios of 113, 10 and 311 (B only 10 and 311 ) with the calculated amount of dry for the ratios NH3, in benzene, at 25 - 300C. The mixtures were then treated with aqueous KOH and distilled. The total yield of mixed cyclooilazanes Card 1/2 3/079/62/032/008/004/006 Synthesis of ... D2o4/D307 was rj 80 The b p.'s of A to E increased from 51 - 520 C/4 mm Hg to 128 1290 C~l mm Eg, d 0 from 0.9246 to 0.9324, and n20 from 4 D 1.4450 to i.469o. The products contained more derivatives Of Et2SiC12 than of Me2SiCl after &--onolysis. owing to the greater tendency of r the latter to firm higher Polysilax*anes which did not distill over. There are 2 tables. SUBMITTEDs July 28, 1961 Card 2/2 S/079/63/033/001/017/023 D204/D307 AUTHORS: Zhinkin, D. Ya., Dlarkova.,, N. V. and Soboloveskiy, M.V. TITLE; Synthesis of polysilazanes based on di- and trifunc- tional organochlorosilanes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, v. 33, no. 1, 1963, 252-255 TEXT: The ammonolysis of mixtures of Me Sicl and MeSiCl (I), 2 2 3 Et2 SiC12 and EtSiCl3 (11), and Me2siC12 with PhSiCl 3 (111) was studied, at 25 - 300C. In mixture (I) for molar ratios (n) of Me2siC12 : MeSiCl 3 = 1:1 or 3:1, the products were hexamethylcyclo- trisilizane and polysilizanes. Only polysilizanes, largely ~CH 33ijNHSi(CH 3) [NHSi(CH 3)21 NH ~3' were obtained w.hen n was reduced 1 2 to 1:3. Ammonolysis of II similarly gave rise to hexaethylcyclotri- :Bilazane and polysilazanes, chiefly C 2H5 Si[NHSi(C2H 5) EIIHSi(GA~j Nli~, 2 1 J.) :Card 1/2 3/07 63/033/001/017/023 Synthesis of polysilazanes ... D204YD307 In III (equimolar mixture) ammonolysis gave only the polysilazanes. The alkyl or aryl groups in the silane thus exert an influence on the ammonolyeis. SUBMITTED; February 20, 1962 ]Card 2/2 T I j P ACC NR: AT6024967 COM: UR/0000/65/000/000/0121/0120' (N) -avrova, AUT::02 Shata-lov, A. Ya.; '~arkova, 11 Ye.; Chernyshov, V. V.; L OHG: none TITHE: Zlectroche:rical removal of chloride ion imourities from etched canac- itor foil4.;in nitrate and borate solutions SCURCE: A."411 SSSR. Ctdelenire olbs.,-.chey --' toklinnicneskoy khir-,ii. Zashchitn..,rye chaskiye i oksidn~rye pokrytiya, korroziya netallov i issledovaniya V oblasLi elektro- khim'-i (Protective metallic and oxide coatings, corrosion of metals, and studie6 "n electrochemistry) Moscow, Nauka, 1965, 123-126 TOPIC TAGS: chloride, aluminum foil, electrolytic capacitor, electrolytic refirinj ABS'RACT: An olectroc"henical T)urificatic.n of all-,-.Inum canacitor foil Move adsor~bed c,-Lloride 4~ons invo. -d cat-orlic ~-nat~nen~ 4n noi~ral solu-4on- o' and borate buffer at current of' '.7~ that in this ran~!e the c~irrant rienr- t-,, !1,-.n prac'. t.callt-."r no offect or. tho 1i - --ho citi-.o6-'c troatmon- 'fication of the foil, 'but, as the (2ural-tor. of I I 1 Azation) is increased, t.-Io iorocess of -osorn';on 0~ C`Icr-*~o 40'-15 bocomcl~-- i3letG. A batch of electrol-rtic ca-3acitor- -j,! from 'oi` -,.,h-ch '-ad Card ACC NR: Wfo'024967 cathodic treatmont showod thz,t t'~,rir c~.irr,,nz. was r~uch thar, 'In urktrbat-' ed cat)acitors, and tha a,,-4nf- -.,.Drod requrod -,;a:; also substantially roduced. Or J art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 11, 07, Og/ SUBM DATE: 27Nov63/ ORIG RZF: 005/ OTH REF: 003 Card Moliel Fs p 0 9 1$ IfUl)"Illb I? ti X, 11 a' to IS A a r-a' A a x Mm a 41 a 17 KI C- 9w Twnbm Testims of SIMMOU of Novokmahchebov ab~ rat.Ory), V. 16. July 19414, P. "7-80114. Ol At parstus, is describa-d and dimarrantaml a Z resulLs art ffivell. a IF P a1& 11 0 0 0 19 so 00 *0 lee 4* 00000 T hIll Liu "b ku %p&., 4141. aspo Lt4c I 'Of Willmess. N. E. A tyin Ago *0 zoo see AAA INFUD 0-13002dic 066660006000066 00 MARKOVA, IN'. YEE. U33R/Physiu5 - Fatig-t ~1' Adsorption ---ff,!-.t Th e Ad -t - ri'L,-i an Eff t c t f ~ ~r Sign-T> riabl-,i To rs Lo n in Cor,:-,,n c t io; i -N'ithf Fatigue," 1. D. Novokreshch~nov, Ye. -;~rkova, Act; -'. A. Re-U'iA-!!i-, Dept of Dispersiv'r, J'.Ystei7.S, In9t of Chaj:., Acad '.ci 1+ "Duk AK Naw~ 330'R" Vol L;CVIIT, No Results of detailed of dtf , r. 4Lon of 'Lin in the forf;l of po-.Y- -arl- -Ial%~>Cr.-:'jt,~-'c wires. In one-sided torsion of t-*In -,rirt under sir!iuitaneous actl'~Dr, of load of 119 g, substaLntial reduction of the tor -i-e 11-1 correspond! ri tc. t.r: Liver, an u- --Ar deformation was observed under it-ifluti.ce of adsorpLion of oleic acid fror nl~~, r hydrocarbon li,-juid. Effect -aas ob~5trv-~d for lo-t; torsion s,ends (of (.,,r,1cr ~f r, Data sho-e.Fs t;ir-:t adsorption effect incrtases in ~icf-,r.:ztion ar-~ very hi--h v--- rL near the brea1dng pcL-it. In st-,dyi;~g sigvLriable t(-rsion and cr 5L,,.17 LFJL--,C(). by static load for constant a,litlile of V,, and Ulie aiigle ~ var~,ing time adsorption effects bee&-iie vor- I y appareat at comparatively sj..a 1 perl-od-, uf t~:e [0o=4 to 8.5 -nin]. Submitted jul 49 PA 149T82 SO V3 _- ~;7 - - - - ;~ ;r Trans I at ion frorn, Refer at ivnvy zhurna I Me T al! u, g-ya, 195-1, Nr iP _'0n -L:SSR AUTHOR. Markova, N. Ye. TITLE: Investigation of the Surface Layers of Metal by the Mic roha-diless Method (.Issledovaniye poverkhnoslnvl~h sloyev meta!1a metodom mikrotverdosti) PERIODICAL Tr Voronezhsk un-ta, Il"ib. Vol 4,~, Nr -1, pp 9- 10 ABSTRACTi Using a PMT-3 apparatus with a 50-~, oad the author InVestigated the microhardness of surface layers of Cu and Al after the\- had undergone various treatment It was established that polishing of metals with Al oxide produces a i-ardening of the surfac e la%(-, whereas electrolytic polishing of Cu in orthophosphoric acid and (if A] in an alkaline electrolyte riot only fails to increase but even removes the hardening caused by any antecedent surface grinding Wetting the surface with a surface-active liquid (O.Z% oleic acid in non-polar liquid paraffin) causes an increase in microhardness. which phenomenon is associated with the Rebinder effect. N - K Card 1/1 s/196/62/000/018/oll/017 E191,/E155 AUTHORS: Gr ibkov, S. P. , and Markoya, TITLE: An investigation of aluminium foil for capacitors PE'RIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, FIektrotekhnika i energetika, n(,.18, 1962, 14, abstract 18 B 72. (Tr. Voroziezilsk. un-ta, 55, 1961, 5-10). TLXT; A study was made of the stability of the effective- surface increase-factor K produced by-electrochemical etching of aluminium toil grade A130 for electrolytic capacitors. ( \I wazi determined from the capacitance of' specimens and also by means of a p-thickness meter). It was found that the scatter of' the value of K over the length of a given roll of Soviet. manufac*ture is 13-15'/'o, whereas according to the standard of the French f.irm SATNIA it should not exceed 1 7.5"-, in foil with an initial thicj,-ness of 125 microns. The scatter in various batches manufactured within a year reached 505o. Considerable variations in the capacitance of of smooth foil of different batches arc apparently due to differences in the metal structure resulting from the poor quality of rolling. It is noted that the excellent Card 1/2 An investigation of alurninium ... s/196/62/000/016/011/oi7 E194/E155 surface f inish of the foils produced by the SATMA and KalilhiAum companies was accompanied by uniforin and deep etching. Investigat ion of the texture of different types of foil shio-ted that the SATMA foil has the gr-at est degree of' -crystall- -i ;p;iJc texture and the foil of Soviet manufacture the least. 'rile following values of K (measured at 18() V) were obtained ,n etching different foils: SATMA - (); Kahlbaam - 11.9; I'boVj, L commercial enbossed foil - 5-5.2. In the I irst two cas. ~ I etch~-- was uniform, and in the third it was not. The heigit~ ii irregular it-: Hav of' the SATM,% etched foil -was 2-2.5 Ljjli Z;-~ekL.ei sian Hav of the Soviet foil. I figure, 4 references. ~Abstractor,s note: Complete translaLion._: Card 2/2 S/137/62/000/005/102/150 ^'C,06/A!G,' AUTHORS: _Mar-kova, N. Yo., Kir'yanova, V. M. TITLE: Investigating the mechanical properties of cold-rolled alum.-*num plates PERIODICAL: ReferativnTj zhurnal, Metaliurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 71, abstract 5:1,30 ("Tr. VoronezhzR. un-ta", 1961, v. 55, 79 - 86) =--.T: A study was made of changes in the mechanical properties of co---;- rolled "Al" grade Al-plates at various reduction degrees (from 20 to 88% initial thiclMess) by ta'King into account the effect of a surface-active medium. upon the specimens. On the basis of bending deformation of small plane specimens a method was developed of determining E, -e and -s, and of revealing Afirst sy-..~ptons o, plastic deformation and their propagation into the depth of the specimen. Tne active effect of an aerosol solution ("OT" with a concentration of G.112 mole/ liter) is shown which facilitates deformation due to the penetration of adsorp- tion layers into the specimen depth. T. Rumyantseva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 'Wolf -0C 1 210093 cal '"oso Wa%botinal ly 77 I 1" 92.93 fttlicin illlmiilm' a-r'O-UG&Gotqmp electric Insulation i In-oxide im""u1stion cp ptings i Aidid--'cmialbl*'N4Wl*act ve U'li C.: , Real= -:"o& a Roth aq s: *1 Job, an ze& at a ty alinMnt T or AT lon- was 6-10%.ind.ths,'temp~e aSaturs of the electro- -the- so lea were cleaned and im i: v L itt :b -0 'at am Y, com ej~. Gra "i:lld" ft-r.various -by disit MOW- illed -lit -arts oxidation. j.2 ~C --.7 -:Miv~-JIIP5020393--.- - OMOwed-, for Ahe *611mbility sod quality of 2 flzurss,~ Ask 1kIvevdIt*t-(Vftv"sh Sts" University) VA 00121 Get N t' w "2t zy in r on tL;F i ar,.r4 frac tu-r- E. 7Lpi . ;,:-Lan. 4 1 r.,-, . -j -5rl. I ~j r (MIRA 18:10) MIRKOVA, O.A. A. Kh. Bork and 0. A. Mhrkova, The dependence of the relative adsorption coefficients on the temperature ard the size and nature of the surface of the catalyst. P-.. I-A81-L. It is shown experimertallw- that t,-ie reletive adsorption c~,)efficiert -..f wae: --4,-rine dehydratit)n of etliv-1 alcohol cr, aluminum oxide: a) does not de 4 pend or. temperpture, within the limits from 129-30 to 398.OOC; b) does not depei,d on the size of the catalytically active surface of the catalyst. Chair of Chemistry of the Institute of Constmction of the Moscow Soviet April 11, 1948 SO: Journal of Physical Chemistry (USSR) 22, No. 11, 1948 MkRKOVA, D.A., inzh.; MERKIN, A.P., kand. tekhn. nauk Determining the frost res-4stance of porous materia2s. Strc-i. mat. ne.11:23-24 N 265. (KJRA 18: IL2 ~' KkRKOVA, O,L. - " Effect of kara+, on the flav of rivers of the Ay River wata-raned (western 91,3pe cf the sou"hern Urals). Trudy GGI nc.122,,163- 179 065. (M:TA 1819) ACC NR: AT6034491 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Markova, 0. L. ORG: ro- UR/3186/66/000/134/0206/0232 :TITLE: Effect of karat on spring-flood runoff SOURCE: Leningrad. Gosudarstvennyy gidrologicheskiy inatitut. Trudys no. 134. 1966. Issledovaniya formirovaniya i raschety stoka rek (Studies of the formation and calculation of streamflow), 206-232 TOPIC TAGS: hydrology, karat. d r a i n a g eA41"WA t-A ;ABSTRACT: Approximately 25% of the European USSR has a karat-topography, !some of the principal regions include the Onega-Dvina interfluve. the !Belomorsk-Kuloy and Silurian Plateaus, the central Urals, and the Lower Oka area. Results are presented for an investigation of the effect of karat on spring-flood runoff in rivers. A comparison is made between the runoff in rivers flowing through karat and nearby rivers not draining through karat. The basic data consisted of information pub- ilished up to 1965 by such institutions as the All-Union Scientific Re- Isearch Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, the State 7 -ACC* NR,_AT_6034_49_i Hydrological Institute, etc., and supplemented by data collected by the author while working at the Gipronikell Design Institute. It was found that in karat rivers whose catchment basins exceeded 500-1000 km2, spring runoff was reduced by 50-60%, and the maximum runoff was gen- erally 10-20% greater than in nonkarst areas. Further research is ad-' judged necessary before conclusions can be drawn as to the maximum run- off from smaller areas (catchment basins smaller than.500 kn2). Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 12 tables. (W.A. 501 SUB CODE: OS/ SUBM DATE: non*/ ORIG REFs 025 Card 2 / 2 WIDTA. 0.N., A case of enchondroma of the first metacerpal with unusual course. Ortop.travm. i protes. 19 no.5:73-74 S-0 '58 (KnA 11:12) 1- Iz TSentrallnogo instituta trpvmatologil i ortopedii (dir, Zystvitellmyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. R.N. Priorov). (CHOMMOM. case reports first metacarpal bone (Run)) (METACARFUS. neoplFksma chondroma (Rue)) RARKOVA) O.N., Case of a- c; T. r. polyar Lhri t i s. Or t ol--,. .rpvx,. 1. 1z tor med. nauk V c,-, ire,- ici! .y perwtu.ok, a.IF, Te F ly ort -ilied! i . SHLAPOBEP6SKIY, V. Ya., prof.; BELENIKAYA, G. M., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MARKOVA, 0. N., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Clinical bacteriological parallels in antibiotic therapy in trawnatology. Khirurgiia 38 no.7:43-49 -71 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen MR4 SSSR prof. N. N. Priorov(decoacedl) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (TRAUMATISM) (ANTIBIOTIGS) KASAVINA, B.S.; ZENKEVICH, G.D.; RIKHTER, A.I.; LAUFER, A.L.; LIRTSMAN, V.M.; MARKOVAP O.N.; Prinimall uchastiye: ARENBERG, A.A.; AGAPOVA, N.A.; -'wffMwAl-O-.-v. Some enzyme-substrate systems in the process of regeneration of the bony tissue. Eksper. khir. i snest. 7 no.4:56-63 Jl-Ag 162. (KRA l7t5) 1. Iz bidkhinlqiheskoy laboratorli (zav. - doktor biolog. nauk B.S.Kosavina) TSentrallnogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - doktor med. nauk M.V.Volkav) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR i kafedry gistologii (zav. - F;raf. L.I.Falin) Moskovskogo moditainakogo stomatologicheskogo instituta. MAMMA$ O.N.0 kand. md. nauk; I Orteo,vyr in open frar-tu--as rt che 4-j. Vcrn.---tr',. i,.. -,t~ no.802-36 164. I TOMASHDV, N.D., CHERNOVA, G. 10., M&RKOVA, 0,N, w9ffect of allcyirkg components on the sunceptabillty ef chrome-nickel steel to pitting Corrosion-v Report submitted to the Second Intl. Congress on Corrosion of Metals Nev York City U-15 March 1963 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CHE!qSTRY, MOSCOW ASib 2753h S/080/60/033/006/019/041/XX D217/11302 AUTHORS: Tomashov, N.D., Chernova, G.P., and Markova, O.N. TITLE: Influence of anodic polarization on the intercrystal- line corrosion of stainless chromium-nickel steels ' I PERIODICAL: Zhurnal DNJkl noy khinii, v. 33, no. 6, 1960, 1i. i ad 1324 - 34 TEXT: The possibi ility of protecting steels against general and intercrystalline corrosion by means of anodic polari%ation in sul- phuric acid solutions and in soju dency to intercrystalline corro i1tons used for testing the ten was investigated. The mate- rial tests# was 2X18H9 steel (2 9) (free from titanium), con- taining 0-15 - 0.25 % C. This steelv as quenched from 10500 and subsequently tempered at 6500 for 2 hourep is known to be liable to fail by intercrystalline corrosion. Untempered, however, it does not tend to fail by this mechanism. This steel was therefore tested in both don%tione. The tendency to failure was determined after boiling in a solution of the following composition: 160 g Card 1/3 27514 S/08 60/033/006/019/041/XX Influence of anodic polarization ... D217%302 CUS04 * 5H2 0 + 100 cM3H2SO4 (e.g. = 1.84) + 1000 ml H20 with addi- tion of copper filings. The behavior of the stainless steel 2Khl8- Ng was investigated in the above range of potentials (from - 0.13 - +1.3 V) in order to study its corrosion behavior and develop methods of protecting it against intercrystalline corrosion. The study of the influence of anodic polarization %a interepratalline corrosion was carried owt by plotting polarization curvbs by po- tentiostatic methods and by corrosion tests at given potentials, It was found that the range of the stable, passive condition of quenched and tempered 2Khl819 steels in sulphuric acid solutions lies between + 0.51 and + 0.83 V. In the tempered condition, this range reduces to 0 to + 0.4 V. In the stable, passive state, this steel, whether tempered or *enehedp resists failure by intercry- stalline corrosion in%3ulphuricoard solutions, the general corro- sion is extremely slight and an d c protection in this case is possible. With an increase in aggressiveness of the sediuq, the stable# passive range of the tempered steel is reduced to a grea- ter extent than that of quenched steel, and in a strongly aggres- Card 2/3 1\ 27534 S/080/60/033/006/019/041/XX Influence of anodic polarization ... D217/D302 sive medium way be entirely absent. In the transpassivity region, the tempered steel is liable to fail be intercrystalline corro- sionj whereas the quenched steel in not. Protectilloffainst inter- crystalline corrosion in the passive potential raffp by means of anodic polarization is possible both in the copper sufjphate-base testing solution and in solutions containing 10 % HNO 3 + 1 or 2 % NaF. There are Ofigureep 4 tables and 10 references: 8 Soviet- bloc and 2 non-Uoviet-bloc. The reference to the Engl#sh-language publication reads as follows: R. Edelenau, Nsetre, 17, 739, 1954. SUBMITTED: November 249 1959 Card 3/3 JIMOV4 P. 0, CUnical aspects and optical chrono)Wj a collection of articles to aid the clinicist Ud-vo goo. ordena Ienina wAv., 1952. 140 p. 1. 1" - ftamInation. MARKOVA, R. Use of twins in the study of hereditary diseases. (Sofiia) 15 no.3:48-54 164 -9- 307, V, Dr. D. R. ; an,- no-. :,-c,:,acncy, For-mr, and _E".-_*D I O,7j of "'on.-aln- C~dldren-" Sofia, ';,_v-_eme,-,n,_ !!'.edits_'na, VoI _L4, No 8, 11)6-1, pp ~C :-a L..-; re of the f" 0 A The autho:,s review the 1- n 0. :: d s-.u(~iaz of conjenital malfarma','J ) 7~1,;, rve o,.---. ci~_ pez-2-0- oetween 1954 and 1961 in thu 'Iin:Lc of the IMIedical Specialization In St4 tute in Cofia. births; durin- the -period, 1100 irfanto had rralformantlons, o- or cc-it of the total. Of those with malfomations, Most of the malformed chi'dren were (-.orne b-'r 1 ani 25 years old and were firstborn. Nearly half of volved had either undergPone voluntary abortions 1--lan O.-Ice, L-. caoc3j or exporienced mincarriages. Dineasoo jurinC to account for Gone of the malformations. Tho fatt~or'.-, .~.,a.,Y a role in the case of those. constantly expo.,;ed to "hir-It, 4r, brJck~iardss, bakeries, and the like. Heart malfori-jal. or,.- zoSt comr.-,on, followed by malformations of the cent.-a, ,.Urvol.: di,-es-.4-ve tract. Malformations of the respiraiory syste.- -,.-ere 1 T17tion. Four tables, 16 Western and 15 Soviet-bloc,,~. RRATANOV, B.; SKACBOXOVA, K.; IWIOV, Z.; Apropos of cytogeneties f La don Down's disease and report of a case. Suvr. med. (Sofila 15 no.11:12-20 164.