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2" 2 10 4'~' III g, S/12o/61/000/002/028/o42 E073/E135 AUTHORS: L'vov, S.N., Nemchenko, V.F., and Marchenko, V.I. TITLE: On a method of measuring the Hall coefficient and the specific electric resistance of solid high melting point compounds PERIODICALi Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961,No.2, PP-159-160 TEXT: The electrical properties of compounds of the transition metals of the fourth to the sixth group of the periodic table with boron, carbon, ni-troSen, etc. have been relatively little studied. For such measurements it is difficult to obtain suitable samples and it is also difficult to ensure the supply of a current intensity strong enough for the experiments., In this paper some measures are described which enable these difficulties to be overcome. Specimens of about 14 x 2.5 A o.6 mm are cut by el*ctro-erosion from the core of compact sintered blanks with the highest uniformity an regards porosity and chemical composition. The specimen must not be polished to a high brightness, since this would cause difficulties in obtaining a strong copper coating, which is necess&ry for soldering on leads Card l/ 5 M4Z S/12o/61/000/002/028/042 E073/EI35 On a method of measuring the Hall coefficient and the specific electric resistance of solid high melting point compounds Such leads cannot be soldered on directly but they can be soldered on by using a thin intermediate coating of metal, for instance copper, at the ends. Such a coating can be deposited electrolytically in a bath of the following composition: water 100 g, CuSo4 20 g. H2SO4 5 9, ethyl alcohol 0.2 g. The obtained copper layer will adhere quite strongly and will be suitable for applying low melting point solders, for instance Wood alloy. The reliability of such contacts was verified on a number of carbides, nitrides, borides and silicides of high melting point metals. Current of a density of up to 300 to 350 A/cm2 can be passed through the specimen with a stability of the order of the third to fourth decimal place: this is 10 to 15 times as high an the densities obtained by J.M. Bardeen and B.S.Chandrasekhar (J. Appl. Phys., 1958, 28, 1372). As a result., 'even in materials with low Hall coefficients (-J'0.5 x io-4 cm3/coulomb), the scatter in the measured voltages will not exceed 1 to 2% in the case of a potentiometric set-up with a sensitivity of 1o-7 V/scale division. Card 2/ 5 I" S/12o/61/000/002/028/042 On a method of measuring the Hall...9073/EI35 In specimens of 1.5 mM2 cross-section applied by the authors, this current density in obtained for a currart intensity of 4 to 5 A. which simplifies the current supply to the test aet-up. The Hall measurements on solid high melting point compounds can be carried out by the usual method with electromagnets ensuring a field of 12 to 15 k0ersted. For convenie-at measurement, the specimen is placed into a gap of the electromagnet in a special holder, designed to also permit measuring the specific electric resistance of the specimen. It consists of a 2 mm thick pertinax plate 1 (see figure) with an opening 2 of 6 x 6 mM2 in the centre, on the sides of which are two grooves 3. In these the current leads 5 are hold by pressure from two thin brass plates 4. Due to the mobility of the current leads, it is easy to adjust the centre of the specimen to be opposite the metering probes. Into six slots, which are perpendicular to the axis of the holder, thin copper tubes are glued in, in which molybdenum probes 6 (0.8 mm dia.) can move easily but tightly. The middle ones serve for measuring the Hall voltage, the end ones serve for measuring the voltage drop when measuring the specific resistance. The probes are pressed on by means of two screws 7 which carry perspex discs at the ends. Card 3/ 5 2" s/i2o/61/000/002/028/042 On a method of measuring the Hall E073/E135 Rubber washers 9 are glued on to the faces of the discs so as to prodtice a tight and uniform pressure on the probes. The holder is connected in the circuit by means of seven pins 11 which are glued into appropriate recesses and are pressed down with the plate 10; these pins are fitted into a block with sockets ("recesses") and fixed to one of the poles of the electromagnet. The second current lead is connected to a separate terminal 12. The holder is convenient and reliable in operation and, particularly, it permits measurement inside a very narrow inter- pole space (3 mm). As a result, a relatively high magnetic potential and a uniform magnetic field can be obtained with relatively small magnets. There are I figure and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. [Abstractor's Note: This is a slightly abridged translation.] ASSOCIATION: Khersonskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Kherson Pedagogic Institute) SUBMITTED: February 16, 1960 Card 4/5 S/120/61/000/002/028/042 E073/EI3~ On a method of measuring the Hall coefficient and the specific electric resistance of solid high melting point compounds Figure Card 513 LIVOV, S.N.; NEMCHENKO, V.F.'; MARCHENKO, V.I. Methods for measuring the Hall coefficient and electric resistivity of solid high-melting compounds. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.2: 159-160 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Khersonskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Solids--Electric properties) iMZ41vrTkD 3ii ~~i 06 06 :OTfiM SUW~Cc 'iiat '-'cUf or nod.- u e by -the ue~ i ~;Li , C " ~ III r "K ( * , v a 14 Signi-ficance of Ine ox-'de cc~efflcient for the facias analysis of m-lrlne sediments. Llt. I T,cl. iskop. no.4:125-137 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. V3esoyu7,nyy naLchno-i3sledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut, Leningrad. gr- F~~ - 4 , - pA mMMUM'. V.I. - ------- Stratigraphic scale and lithologic features of Neocomian sediments of the Ropet-Dag. Trudy VSEGEI 42:120-134 160. (MIRA 14:9) (Kopet-Dag--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Rocks, Sedimentary) I- MARCHENKO, V.I. Paleogeographic and facies features of Reocomian -sediments in the central Kopet-Dag and their oil and gas potentials. Trudy V57-ECEI 42:13-5-31.55 6o. (MIRA 14:9) (Kopet-Dag--Petroleum geology) (Kopet-Dag--Gas, Natural--Geology) MARCHENKO, V.I. . Neocomian of the eastern Kopet-Dag and the age of the gypsum- A bearing formation. Trudy VSEGEI 46:113-125 '61. (MIRA 14:11) (Kopet-Dag--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Gypsum) MARCHENKO, V.I.; SAMSONOV, G.V. [Samsonov, H.V.] - - - Physical properties of ceri?m sulfide. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.l-.140-142 A 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Institut metallokeramiki i spetsiallnvkh splavov 0 UkrSSR, Kiyev. (Cerium sulfide) MARCHENKO, V.I.; SAMSONOV, G.V. Properties of rare earth metal monosulfides. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.9t2O35-2037 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Institut metallokeramiki i spetssplavov AN UkrSSR. AP4009931 AUPIOR: Marchanka, V* I.; Samsonov, G.V. ; Famenko,'VA, TIT LE: 711criijonic emission of pritseodpium and neodymium sulfides SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fixiki, v.34, nosl, 1964, 128-130 TOPIC TAGS: VLjLrMjop_jC emission, rare earth sulfides, work function, thermoelectric emission, praseodymium sulfide work function, neodymium sulfide work function, praseodymium sulfide, neodymium sulfide ABSTRACT: Because of the importance of compounds of rare earth metals with Group VI elements, the thermoelectric emissions of PrS. Pr2S3, NdS. and Nd2S3 were mea- sured at temperatures from 800 to 15000C. The se.4quisulfides were prepared by heatp- ing-compressed powder pellets M H2S at 14000C. The monosulfides were prepared fxom intermediate products of a reaction discussed elsewhere (S.V.Radzlkovskaya, G.V. Samsonov, Ukr.khim.zhurn.,26,412,1960). The thermoelectric currents were measured by a procedure described earlier (V.I.Marchenko, G.V.Samsonov, V.S.Fomenko, Radio- tekhnika i elektr-onika,8.6,1067,1963). From measured saturation currents the work function was obtained as a function of temperature by employing the tables of C. Jansen and R.Loosjes (Phil.Res.Rep. A, 61, 1953).Tho'work functions of all four com- Card 1/2 AP4009931 pounds increase approximately linearly with temperature up to about 1400 or 15000C. At higher temperatures the increase continues, but ata slightly lover rate. Com- parison ol the present results with similar measurements for lanthanum and cerium sulfides shows that 1) the work fdnctions of the two sulfides of the same metal are close (at a given temperature) and 2) the work function of the sulfide decreases slightly on going from the lanthanum to the cerium to the praseodymium compound. These results are regarded as confirmation of a previous suggestion that the work function is related to the 4f-5d electron transition probability. The work func- tion of neodymium sulfide is slightly greater than that of praseodymium sulfide. 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: rnstitut metallokeramiki i spetsiallny*kh splavov AN LkrSSR,,Kiev (Institute of Cerwta- and Special Alloys, Academy of Sciences, Elkr!;3R) SUBMITTED: 03Nov62 DATE ACQ-. 107eb64 EHOL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NR REP SOV: 004 OTIERs 001 Card 2/2 SAMSONOV, G.V.; MARChENKO, V.I. I`- ~~ .. Slectrophysical properties of lanthanum and ceriwa sesquis-u-Ifides. Do-kl. AN SSSR 152 no.3g671-673 S 163. (MITIA 16.1;-) 1. Institut rietallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh splavov AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akadenLikom A.P.Aleksandrov.-/m. ACCESSION NR: AP4041075 5/0170/64/000/00610120/0122 AUTHOR: Marchenko, V. I.; Barantseva. 1. G. TITLEt Determination of heat conductivity coefficient of sesquisulfides of some rare earth metals SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, no. 6, 1964, lzo-m TOPIC TAGS: heat conductivity, rare earth metal, metal sesquioulfide, sesquisulfide heat conductivity ABSTRACT., The heat conductivity of sesquisultides L03S3, Ce2S3 Pr2 S3 , and Nd7 S3 tins been determined. Cylindrical specimens 6-8 mm in diameter and 10-15 mm long were obtained by cold pressing and sintering at 1430-1450K in dry 112.S. The heat conductivity was determined by the stationary method, based on the direct measurement of the temperature gradient in the specimen section through which the heat current of a certain capacity has been transmitted (see Table 1 of the Enclosure). For the determination of the electron component of heat conductivity coeffLeLent Aell the equation ACCESSION NRs AP4041075 oT x 1.5 x Aelec S-deg2 was used, where a is electrical conductivity and T is temperature. The electron component was found to be negligible in comparison to the phonon component. In the aeries La253 - NdS3 some heat conductivity increase is observed, which can be attributed to the loss of crystal lattice rigidity. Orig. art, hasi 1 formula and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION Institut metallokeramiki, i spetainlny*ch splavov AN USSR. Kiev (Institute of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys) SUBMITTED: llMay63 ATD PRESS3 3075 ENCLi 01 NO R9F SOVt 003 OTHERt 000 ,7SUB CODEt MH TD 2/3 ACCESSION NRt AP4041075 I ENCLOSUREg 01 Table 1. Coefficients of heat conductivity X and electron component of heat conductivity Ael, and electric conductIvity o of some rare earth metal gesquia-ulfides -.105 1010 Porosity Sulfide _ A WIlm-dep, -- a x - 14~ ml. de La2S3 13 2.3 10.1 5.8 2.6 Ce2S3 16 3.5 70.1 8.4 3.8 Pr2S3 25 2.7 70.2 9.1 4.1 Nd2S3 18 3. 4 10. 1 14.3 6.4 Card 30 MARCHENKOi_y,t~.; SAMSONOV, G.V.; FOMENKO, V.S. Thermionic emission properties of prasckodymium and neodymium sulfides. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 39 no.1:128-130 ja 164. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut matallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh splavov AN UkrSSR, Klyev. i6Lov,Y'-BV, V.D.;KAMIMINO V. ProbLm of prevention of whooping cough. Gig. sanit., Moskva no-5:46-51 Vay 1953. (CUCL 25: 1) 1. Of the Department of Npidemiology of Second Moscow Medical Institute imeni 1. V. Stalin. KARCHMO, V.I. Effective method for InJecting whooping-cough vaccine; authorls abstract. Zhur.mikrobiol. apidA immun. 27 no.7:64-65 Jy '56. (KLRA 9:9) 1. Iz 11 Hookovskogo meditainskogo iastituta imeni I.V.Stalina i Gosudarstvennogo kontrollnogo instittita imeni L.A.Tarasevicha. MOWING COUGH--PRXVMlVl INOCULATION) USSR/VirDl)L~7 - Human and ~,niml Viruses. E Abs Jour Ref Zhur Di-)l., N-) 1, 1959, 576 Author Marchenki, V.I. Inst Moscow Scientific Institute :)f Vacciiies aad Sera Title Ex-perimental Assaciati-) i in Imunization if Aiiimls AVpinst Grippe and Wh:).-DPinL Ciauji. Ori-~- Pub Tr. Meosk.. n.-i. in-ta vaktsin i syvor3tok, 1957, 9, 121- 126 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 K&RCHMKO, V.I. Use of pancreatin in the preparation of singla-layer cultures from variouo tissues. Vop.virus. 4 no.2:240-241 Kr-Ap '59. (KI9& 12:6) (TISSUE CULTMO, prep.-with pancreatin (Rua)) (FAMORMS. qxtracts, pancreatin, in prop. of tissue cultures (RURD AVDYKOVICH, A.A.I.-MARCHWO, Vj.,_ Pharyngo-conjunctival fe7er in ophthalm logical practice in the Bronnitsy zone of Moscow Province. Vest.oft. no.6t"-45 160. (IMU 14311) 1. Bronnitskays, bollnitsa Hoskovskoy oblasti i Virusologicheskaya laboratoriya Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo klinicheskogo instituta. (MMITSY-ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) (COVJUNCTIVA-DISEASES) KARCHN NO . V.L.; VOROHKOVA. 0.1., doktor mad.nauk; N.L.. kand.mad.nauk; KANEYNA, M.A. On the role of adenovirmses in chronic tonsillitis. Vest.otorin. 22 no.2:13-19 Kr-Ap 060. (MIU 13:12) lo Is akeparimentallnogo otdola (zav, - doktor med.nauk 0.1. Voronkova), Loringologicheskoy klinW (zav. - prof.I.Ya. Sandullskly) I detskoy kliniki (zav. - prof.H.I.Olovskiy) Koskovskogo obl9stnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo klinicheakogo institute imeni K.F.Vladimirskogo. (TONSIUITIS virol.) MAWHENKQ Vj.,; PIMINA.. N*L.,,,,nauk; IIATUffVA,, N.A.; USMOVA, S.P. RoUtiorship between adenoviruses and rhounatism. Terapearkh. vto*6t72-75 161* (KMA 15:1) Iz nauchno-okeperimentalinogo otdela (save... doktor med.nauk 0.1* Voromkova)q otorinolaringologicheakoy kliniki (zav* - prof* I.Ya. Sendultakiy)., detskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. M.I. Olevskiy) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauabno-isoledovatellskogo klinicheakogo instituta imeni M.F. Radimi skogo. (ADMqOVIRUS IMMMMS) (RHEUMATISM) M&RCHENK0, V.I.; PINEGINA, N.L.; MATVEYEVA, N.A. Incidence of discovery of antibodies to adenoviruses in healthy subjects and.thoBe with different diseases based on complement fixation data. Vop.virus. 7 no.3:357-3(0 My-Je 161. (KIRA 14:7) 1. NauchnoreksperimentalInyy otdel, pediatricheskaya i otolaringolo- gicheskaya kliniki Moskovskogo oblastnogo klinicheskogo instituta imeni M.F.Vladimirskogo. (ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) (COWLEMENT FIXATION) HAB; VOROIZOVAI 0.1.9 doktor med.nauk; PIMINA, V*Le, kandemedonauk; HATVZMA., N,A* Problem of chronic adenovirus infection in chronic tonsillitis. Test.otorin. 23 no.104-57 Ja-Fe 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Iz nailohno-eksperimentallnogo otdela (zav. - dcktor med.nauk 0.1* Toromkova),, Moskovskoy nauchnoy otorinolaringologichookoy klinik4 (zav. - prof, I.Ya. Sendullskiy), pediatrichookoy kliniki (zav. - prof. M.I.:Olevskiy), Oblastnogo ishuchno-tseledo- vatellakogo klinioheskogo instituta imeni M.F.Yladimirskogo,, Moskva, (TOIISILS-DISEMES) (ADENOTIRUS DIFECTIONS) VORONKOVAI 0. 1.; MARCHENKO, V. I.; MARKOVA, Ye. A.; USHAKOVA, S. P. (Moskva) - Antistreptolysin 0 titer in Botkinle disease. Klin. med. no.2: 63-66 t62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz virusologicheskoy laboratorii (zav. V. I. Marchenko) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta imeni M. F. Vladimirskogo i infektsionnoy kliniki Wir. - deystvitellnyy chlen MW SSSR prof. A. F. Bilibin) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute, imeni U. I. Pirogova. (HEPATITIS, INFECTIONS) (ANTISTREPTOLYSINS) PINEGIRA, N. L.; MARCHENKOO-V. I.; ZAMMOVAv T. N. Characteristics of the clinical course of chronic tonsillitis in connection with adenovirus and streptococcal infections. Vest. otorin, no.3:27-30 162. (MIM 15:6) (ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) (STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS) (TOMILS,DISEMES) MARCHENKO, V.I.; PINEGINA, N.L.; YATVEYEVA, N.A. Virological and microbiological parallels In chronic tonsillitis in children. Vop.virus 7 no.4:78-83 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15.8) 1. ?Aoskovskiy oblastnoy nauchno-issledovatellskiy klinicheskiy institut imeni M.F.Vladimirskogo. (TONSILS-DISEASES) (Ai"ITISTREPTC-LYS INS) (LDENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) OLE","'MY, M,l.;-J-lARCHENFC, V.I.; V.A.; GALIPFRIN, YU.M. T Imuriolon,ical meO-cd for %he c,' ar. hepatcliena-I Eyncrome in ra*:--,.~ ".zicl. i 17K--! no.5!~',6.-P7 S-0 164. 1. Moskovrikiy, oblant.noy 1 7~ -I ia sv Lnst.lltuut. Submitted May 2'), Y)63. VENGRINOVICH, V. L.; MARCHENKO, V. K. T-butt welding of gear shift forks on an MM-50 tractor. Avtom. avar, 16 no.3-,76-73 Mr 163. (MIU 16:4) 1. Mindkiy traktornyy savod. I (Gearing--We lding) 20675 S/i2o/6l/ooo/oo1./oo6/o62 E032/Ell.4 AUTHORS: Kozlov, V.F., Marchenko, V.L., and Fogel', Ya.M. TITLE: A High-Frequency Ion Source with Discharge Taking Place in the Vapours of Salts PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961. No.1, pp-25-28 TEXT: High-frequency ion sourcer- using hydrogen as the working gas are widely used in accelerator technology to obtain hydrogen ion beams. High-frequency ion sources have also been used to obtain nitrogen, carbon. oxygen, chlorine, boron and fluorine ion beams. To obtain these ions. use was made of gaseous compounds of the appropriate elements; for example, to obtain C+, Cl+, B+ and F+, the gases C02, CC12F2 and BF3 were employed. However, it is difficult to obtain ions of metals in this way because the relevant elements do not form gaseous compounds. This difficulty can be overcome by producing the ion beam from the plasma in a discharge occurring in the vapours of solid compounds~ This type of ion source is described in the present paper. A sectional drawing of the device is shown in Fig.l. The discharge chamber is in the form of a cylindrical quartz container 30 mm in Card 1/ 5 2o675 s/l.2061/ooo/ool/006/062 E03 2/ EIL lit A High-Frequency Ion Source With Discharge Taking Place in the Vapours of Salts diameter and 200 mm long. At the lower part of the chamber there is a spherical bulb 1 containing the substance to be evaporated, The extracting potential difference is applied between the anode 2 and the probe 3. The anode is in the form of a tungsten wire 1 mm in diameter and is spot-welded to a molybdenum foil 0.05 mm thick, fused through quartz. The gas discharge is initiated by means of the coil 4 which is wound on the quartz chamber. The extraction system consists of the probe 3, which is made of the Electron alloy, and the quartz jacket 6. The channel in the probe is 11 mm long and 3 mm in diameter. The extraction system is held at the end of the copper tube 7 which is screwed into the flange of the source. The extraction system can be moved by rotating this tube relative to the flange. The gas is admitted through the leak valve 8 and the pumping speed is controlled by means of the valve 9. Electrical heaters 10 and 11 (900 W each) are attached at each end of the discharge chambers The lower heater is used to evaporate the charge in 1, while the Card 2/ 5 20675 5/120/61/000/00.1/006/o62 E032/LI14 A High-Frequency Ion Source With Discharge T _.Lng Place in the Vapours of Salts upper heater prevents the condensation of the working substance at the other end of the discharge chamber. The coil 4 consists of 4 turns of a copper tube, 6 nun in diameter, supplied by a high- frequency oscillator consisting of a push-pull. circuit based on two rL4-6-6 (GI-6-B) triodes. The oscillator wavelength is 15 m and details of the circuit have been given by Ya.M. Fogel- et al. in Ref-8. The total ion current is measured with the aid of a Faraday cup, and a mass-spectrometric analysis of the ion beam was carried out with the aid of the apparatus described by Ya.M. Fogel' and L.I. Krupnik in Ref.9. The source has been used with NaC_1 and NiC12. A mass-spectroscopic analysis of the ion beam obtained with NaCl is illustrated in Fig.6. Ion currents of the order of 1 mA can be obtained with this source, the aver-age lifetime being 50 hours, and the average consumption of the working material 30 mg/hour. Acknowledgements are expressed to A~D- Timofevev. L.I. Krupnik and A.A. Kalmykov who took part in the development of the design of this source. Card 3/5 20675 S/120/61/000/00.1/006/062 E032/F,li4 A fligh-Frequeriry Ion Source With Discharge Taking Place in the Vapours of -Silts There are 8 figures and ~) references 7 Soviet and 2 English, ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnichoskiy institut AN USSR (Physico-technical institute. AS Ukr.SSR) SUBMITTED: February 25, 1960 Card 4/5 MARCBENKOJ V.M. Use of mycerin in treating pneumo*ia in infants. Sov. med. 25 no.10: 92-95 0 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy i gospitallnoy pediatrii (zav. - prof. B.P. Apollonov) Ivanovskogo osudarst7annogo meditainskogo inatituta (dir. - dotsent Ya.M.RomanM (PNEUMONIA) (IN N i--DISEASFZ) (ANTIBIOTICS) MARCIWKO,, V.M. Case of rhinogencus suppurative meningitis following resection of the nasal septum with a favorable outcome. Zhur ush.j. nos* i gorl. bolo 23 no.5:85-86 S-0163 iMUM 17 -.3) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa ( zav. - dotsent D.Ye. Rozengauz) Kharikovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. ACC NR% A116016007 Marchenko, Vitaliy Maksimovich Monograph UR/ Temperature fields and stresses in aircraft structures (Temperaturnyye polya i naoryazhentya v konstruktaii letatel'nykh apparatov) Moscow, Iid-vo "Hashinostroyeniye," 1965. 298 p. illua., bLblio. Errata slip inserted. 2500 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: aircraft fuselage, heat transfer, heat conduction, heat rad.iation, thermal stress, heat convection PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The principles of calculating the temperature fields and-thermal stresses of aircraft structural elements are presented. Much attention is given to numerical method of calcu- lating temperature fields and the effect of radiant heat transfer on temperature distribution in the structure. The effect of thermal stresses on rigidity in torsion and flexure is dealt with. Them problem of inelastic behavior of nonuniformly heated bodiang relaxation and creep are also mentioned. The book Is intended for scientific workerag engineers and students of higher technical schools. TABLE OF CONTENTSt Foreword -- 3 r.'A 1L /a UDCs 629.13 : 536.244,001.2 ACC NRs AM6016007 PART 1. Basic Concepts and the Laws of Heat Transfer Theoryq Con- vective and Radiant Heating of Aircraft Structures. 1. Principles of studying heat flow by conduction and convection -- 5 2, The fundaments,19--of thermal sim-ilart-ty -- 16- 3. Aerodynamic hosting. Heat release during flights at high speeds by to aircraft -- 28 4. Basic concepts and laws of radiant heat exchange -- 40 ,PART 11. Methods and Examples of Calculating Temperature Fields in !Aircraft Structural Elements 5. The simplest problems of heat propagation in aircraft structural elements -- 70 1 6. Solution of problems of heat conduction in otructural elements of aircraft using the method of separation of variables -- 102 7. Operational method for solving the problem of heat conduction -- 8. Numerical methods for solving the problems of heat conduction in aircraft structural elements -- 150 PART 111. Some Problems of One-UmensLonal ThermoolastLcLty and Creep 'Atd-NR: AM6016007 9. Basic relatLons and theorems of thermal elasticity -- 179 10. The effect of thermoelastic stresses on rigidity in torsion and flexure -- 211 11. Thermoelastic stresses in thin-walled rods with an open crone :action -~- 236 12. tability.of thin-walled rods (beams) during the action of tam- p parature field and loads -- 255 13. Basic concepts of the theory of c~reep -- 271 Bibliography -- 292 SUB CODE: 01PI SUBH DATE: 26Nov65/ ORIG.REF*. 080/ OTH REP: 030 Card 3 / 3 7"- FUSS I DOOK EXPLOrrArION SOV/2660 VSOSQYUZnn astematichoskiy a*yozd. 3rd, Moscow, 1956 TrUdY. t. 41 Mratkoye codarzhanLys selctsionny1di dokladov. Voklady incetraWkA uchanykh (Transactions of the 3rd All-Vnlon Plathe tical Coufarence in Moscow. voL. 4: Summary of Sectional Reports. Reports of Foreign Scientists) Moscow, 1xd-vo AN S3SRv 19~,q. 247 P. 2,200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyt Akademiya nauk 333R. Matonatichaskly Inatitut. Tedh. 19d.s G.W. Shevehanko. EditorW boardt A.A. Abranov, V.G. boltyanakiy A.M. Vasillyev, B.V. Madvedev, A.D- KYBhkl3. S-N- Xlkollakiy Ift.p. Zd.), A.G. Foatnikovt Tu. V. Prokficrov, K.A. ftbalkovp P. L. 014yanov, V.A. Vapenaidy, N.G. ChatAyev, 0. Yo. Shiley, and A.Z. Shirahov. PVRPOSE% This back to Intended for mathematicians 00 physicists. COVZRAa8s The book Is Values rv or the Trantactlons of the Third All- Union Mathematical Conference, hold In Zuna and July 1956. The I on kl*--arii-de-cilito iwo main parts, The first pan contains su'a- [ maries of the papers preaented by Soviet scientists at the Con- ference that were not included In the first two volumes. The f second part contains the text or reports submitted to the editor or by non-Sorlet scientists. In thoa* eased when the non-Soviet act. ontlet did not submit a copy of his paper to the editor, the title :nt Of the paper to cited and. If the paper was printed in a previous of valued. referenc:ais ftade to the appropriate volume. The papers, ."t both Soviet and n.n.Boviet, cover various topics in numotr theory, bat algebra, differential and Integral equations, function theory, 'g functional analysis, probability theory, topology~ mAthCMAtLQ" ruh problems of mechanics and physics, computational mathematics* pre sathematical logic and the foundations of awttheratles, end the history of -!! thematics. (Moscow). The claragation and torsion of ly tinsted rods 108 Klgirenjo* a.S. (Leningrad). Elastic vibrations; of hollow -'ffMrtjPt7-cVnrWctVd beans 110 yjtqy_5_" Komsomol I 4k-n&-AzmU-e) . Application of com. 8 sto _ _ p x potentials and generalized rmnetions In problems of a "tax "Otnti di: with circular cross section ILL _(Tetrozavodsk). Contact problems of the theory der dynazatc-action or compreaniw force 112 ojP un $t= kovichl K.F._(Koacov). Certain nonateddy plane Can rz 113 lnd N.D. (Odessa). The flow around thin bodies In a &N: 114 Section on the Problems or Physics Card 21/34 T."Paso ap .13.1--S ."Its m-M tvtow= 's p x-_ W. ~MTJIv I(T-MW -M=*PIM 401 cu-71". -0 .R~;Vvmt _IAT 4) -M--V _TlPoo n.". Vi n MA . (voll"a) ~T 'fAT - __Tt I. -1-oa-da m 3-nd-lo _T- P~M-q -14 A ,av. r- r gm, m -no-od It; I Arto,~. .1 P. ---At M , Coo ":=-i ) "Momer "14-d otenp. of. 'mt- A T 3 - , IT "14 1. " I wl. 4T T T'U' 44 = -I -r Rn ro~,"97 Appm or" roolzpmu Im ... no p ol". m -14;fx= rcl;z t - oq- .1 Tin -u .(V. .. ) C6 -..rMq -oll-Ad -9 gwo ""1%. 4-43 2 o"'O 7nsv- am Inw, p '""t MR m I- on -3 Mow -Tt.. I. 9- -"-to p ft-.-- Lsnvm- T-b. p _=Iftal v-n-b. -m a- .. .1-1 oa '"Mino 2. -n-Tt.ft a wpow- " -P mr- J. 1-oti'm J. Aamm. pw -tl..qu Tda-T- .**V-4 P. vwI..*dm- p Aor- -"oti r-It. I- -ts m-nd -Am) J. 3-ow _" -om Na AJPM Mt-4 Mp sonvorr-1.4m -r& no(- .-To-u 99-1. AM ='T " I f-oom) -n-M -0 -W A.-I -3 -V -Ut PMQ- 13T."llu -oIm""oon - 1. do-qu ZT71 w ftv-, VoT '-~TUN-H "T'ddy Inv j..Tjw..U j. ..uft.Z) ..j.fV_TTy volriz I., Mu*-~4 Vd- WPOVOK, Boris Nikolayevieb;.MARCHENKO, VM._,_retsenzent; BURMISTROV, D.L.. retsenzent; RIABTSEVA, I.L., red.; BARANOVSKAYA, K.P., takhn. red. -- - [Moments of inertia of plane figures] Momenty inertsii plookikh figur. Moskva, Moak. aviatsionnyi in-t im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, 1962. 26 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Moments of inertia) 11 V. !, i. -LkRCHENKOP "Dynamics of occupati,nuil. FiEcmirigs 'In the RMR." report subFitted at the 13th All-Unicn Congress of Hygienists, -Epidemiologists and Infectionists, 1959. I - - , , , ~ IC --, -- -- A-,N'-Q` - -------- ~ --:- ~ S /079/61/031/ Ol I / 60 1, ci I 1~228./D306 AUTHORS, Kashireninov, 0 - Ye, , Osipov, 0,, A~ , Panina, If, A and -11archenko, V, N, TITLE- Magnetic susceptibility of binarv liquid svsL,m~~ FER, 10 DICAI - Zhurnal obshchey lihimix. v. 31, no. 11, 1061. 3504 .3509 TEXT: The authors determined the magrietic susceptibility of 10 hinary liquid systems; benz(~ne carbou totrachlorid~ (1), benzald~fiyde-m~ttiyl eth.Yl keLong (H). pyridine-quitioline (im, isoamyt acetate-methyl caproate OV). ai-etone-n-butyl alccjho-l (IJI. chlorotorm-dipthyl ethL-r (VI), acid (Vii), itannic chloridf- but-71 proprionate (Vill). stdnnir chloride isoamyl benzoate (IX ), and stannic chloridk-- ucetic ficid Their aim wa,.~ to clarify the inflnence of the polarity of compon-ntc on tho magnitude of the magnetic susceptibility of mixturesi p r,~~ 1, 1 ous work in this field suggests that there is a direct conriecLion betvft-n the magni-tic iusceptibility of binary liquid systems and the polarity of Lhe;, compon-ants. and ilat the divergence of the magnetic susec-ptibilitv trf)M, Card 113 S!'10-70/61 /031 /011/001 'Of 5 Magnetic suseeptibiliq D228/D30.5 the additivity is greatest in systems (ongiating of polar components Experimental procedure- All materials were first purtfi,~d by 0- A, O~,ipo,-Is m-~thozi (Ref, 16, Zh ril),Qhch. khtaiii., 26, 322, 19561 Ref~ 17- R-?f , 18, TbI 27, 1,129 fbid 31, 315-32 1961- 1 1957 Th~p itus, epti bi ~ i t v measu-iments wt-.-~ nad, by 1, G