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VAWDW-SU, T. A contribution to the stucLv of correlation of chickenp= and herpos zoatero Polaki tygod. Wk. W,, 20 Feb. 50. p,, 297.8 1, Of the Sanatorima for Children and Adolascents in Jamors near Bielsko (Director-4taria Hisagorodwwo 1.. D.). GTJ-IL 19., 3. Nov.# 1950 MARGINKOWSKI, T. Prevention of chicken pox in children centers. Polski t7god.lek. 5 no.43-":1521-1522 30 Oct 50. Mn 20:5) 1. Of the Sanatorium for Children and Adolescents in Jaworzno near Bielsko (Director--Marja Nisegorodcew,H.D.). KARCINKOWSKI. T. Carriers of Stre-ptococcus hamol7ticus. Pediat. polska 26 no.4: 427-433 Apr 1951. (CLML 21:1) 1. Of the Second Department (Head -- TsAeusz Marainkowski, M.D.) of the State Children's Sanatorium, Jwworzno. Considerations on smallpox and herpes zoster. Pr2egl. lek., Krakow 10 no.11:295-296 1954. 1. Z Oddsialu Pluenego, dlia Dzied Szpitala Wojewodzkiego im. Karols, Marcinkowskiego v Zielouej Garse. Dyrektor- &r Pinniezrq. Ordynator oddzialu: dr med. i mgr. fil. T.Karcinkovski. (S M LPOX. physiolog7. relation to herpes coster) (RIMS ZOSTER. p)7slology. relation to smallpox) r Ct'RPTA ?-r-DTCA S?c 17 Vol. 215 P&. T!ealth May 56 1783. MARCINKOWSKI T. o1na Wilda 38 m. 5 Poznad. *Z zagadnied botu,. w-9wteftu-n%,dYcYff"fc1owej. The problem of the legal medic, aspect of botulism WIAMUK. 1955, 8/2(74-77) It is often difficult to discover the sources of the botulism infection. A woman her child were seriously ill after eating sausages kept in a refrigerator. In the author's opinion, the keeping or meat products in modern refrigerators doea nCA exclude the possibility of surviving and even of growth of the bacilliforM stage ~j B. botulinus, because it may develop at a wide range of temperatures. Though q. optimal temperature for its growth is 2W to 38*C. it can develop also at temperaf.,.~ es of 21' to 50*C. Therefore the greatest care should be taken in the production " ceases in order to avoid any contamination (especially earth). The absence of / I ~' e r r V %=o cases of botulism at the time being, may be explained by the resistance of some individuals to meat poisoning. It to also possible, that more people have been ill eanie time. but only to a very sliglit degree. This last conjecture proved to te correct by the evidence presented in court by witnesses. Marcinkowski - Po-snad (XX, 17) 14ARC114KOWSKI, Tadeusz Role of expert opinion in autopsy report. Polnki tygod. 19k. 11 an-39:1684-1686 24 Sept 56. (ATITOPSY, role of expert opinion in autopsy report (Pol)) (JURISPRUDENCE, MEDICAL, expert opinion in autopsy report (Pol)) KARCINEDWSKI, T&deusx - Role of biology as a subject in medical education. Postepy wiedzy mad. 4 no.1:67-69 1957. (BIOIDGT. education. in med. curiculum (Pol)) MARCINK(AvSKI 9 T. SCMCE Periodicals: KOSMOS, SERIA A: BIOLOGIA. Vol 7, No. 4, 1958. MARCINK(AiSKI, T. The problem of usefulness of the colored reagent suggested by E.A. Zubik for sex detemination. P. 411. Monthly List of East European Accessions(EEAI)LC Vol. B. No. 4- April 1959, Unclass. 14ARC MI'OWSKI, Tadeusz 3racticnl method of concentrating, strongl~v dilute substances. Poste-ay P Ilig. med. dosw. 12 no-3:307 1958. 1. Zaklad ?4edycyny Sadovej AM Poznan, u1. Swiecickiego 6. (SOT.UTIOIIS concentration of dilute solutions (Pol)) CHROSCIELEWSKI, Edmund; HARCINKOWSKI. Tadeuez Sudden death following penicillin injection. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no-38:1719-1723 21 SePt 59. (Z Zakladu Medycyrq 3ndoweJ A. M. v Poznaniu; kierownik: doe. dr mod. E. Chroscielowski). (PEIIICILLIN, off. inj.)(IMATH, STJDM) MARCINKOWSKIj_jAdpjuz Use of clear solutions Apr the Czystowicz-Uhlenhuth reaction. Postepy hig. med. dosw. 16 no.1r:L59-160 162. 1. Z Zakladu 14edycyny Sadowej PJ4 w Poznaniu Kierownik: doc, dr E. Chroscielewski. (BLOOD STAINS) l4dgu-i4. D~)partm-cnt of Lingul Modl.ctna lad Modycyny Sadowqj) AM LAkaae:nir. Mcdcznti. Mod-io&l AcP--- domy) tn Por-n-c-i (Dix9ators tokqat, mead. K. LEWSKI ) Tte Agglutinati:).l R'184-tiarl ,!sing rZite: pal7e-r." No pil -'s t. az~ cajos ihr~ro 'Lt. i.% -1,3 agg i u t in a t c n ro ac Li o n i.:i L'i .3 n c, i c a t m t p f-,,) o s ou b y "ii I..) t I rl 19 Theao C'~nv c--r! iul -in lo iehr- ~-ki blaod J a iivw, labi c i n min v. t qilan n 1 tl Ttk a r iG, a r ahrot a of arslloo:a, 0 1, M-1-1 r-11 on 6 c# ',ter Lwo "y ~hft va MARCINNOWSKI, Tadeusz Result of thermal action of small bore spart jrin 9bots In the bone. Pom tow. przyjac. nauk wydz. lek. M179-216 164. MhRCINKOWSKI, W. Apparatus for cutting yarn and rov:-ng into segments of variol-is length. P. 393- (PRZEMYSL WLOKIENXICZY. Vol. 10, no. 9, Sept. 1956, Lodz, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East Europeari Accessicns (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. MARCITIKOWSKI, Wlodzimierz, M9r inz, Ferraria motors In automat-Jon, Wiad elektrotechn 34 n4o,4.-102- 106 Ap 165. DRYL, L.;MARCINOWSKA, H. 3valuation of differentiation of strains of Salmonella t7phosa ,tith typhoid anti-V bacteriophages in apidemiologicat otu"N". V,d. dosw. mikrob., Warsz. 4 no. 2:275-282 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Of Wroclaw Branch of the National Institute of Hygiene. Evaluation of typing of Salmonella typht wit)l typhoid bacteriophage anti Vi in epidemiological studies. Ked. dodv. mikrob., Wares. 4 no. 3:311 1952. (GIML 230) 1. Summary of work progress 1'presented at llth Congress of Polish Kicrobiologists held in Krakov May 1951. 2. WroclaK. BRATKOWSKA, J; CHATYS-GORSKA, L., HOFRia, B, HUCZXK, Z., M,,RCINOWKA. H The role of bacteria of Salmonella and Shigella group and bacterium colt in etiology of infantile diarrhea. Pediat.polska 30 no-3:221- 229 Mr '55. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycznej A.M. we Wroclawiu, Kiernownik: prof. dr med. H. Hirszfoldowa. Z. Wojewodzkiej Stacji Sanitarno-Spidemiolo- giczamj we Vroclawiu. I)yraktor: S. Przylecki. Wroclaw, Hoene Wronsk- i6go 13c, 1 Klinika Pediatr7czna A.M. (]DIARRHEA, bacteriology E. colt, Salmonella & Shigella in atiol. in inf.) (ESCHMICHIA COLI, infections, diarrhea in inf.) (SALMOMILA INFECTIONS, in infant and child. diarrhea) (SHIGELLA, Infections. diarrhea In Inf.) PRZYLECKI, Stanislaw; MARCINOWSKA, Halina Appearance of various types of Shigella in the Wroclaw Region and igo~he city of Wroclaw during 1955-1958. Przegl.epidem. 14 no.3:251-253 I 1. Z Wojewoezkiej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej we Wroclawlu D3rrektor: Lek. med. S.Przylecki (DYSENTERY BACILLARY statist) Y'ARCINO"15a, H. V-shaped poles for medium-tension electric lines. p. 310. (D4ERGETYKA. Vol.10, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 1950'.) SO: Monthly List of Last European Accessions (EEAL) LG, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957, Uncl. `~A, ". ; .,:! 3 G 1 IT A Automation in a run-of-river L:. -iroelectr.1 c-roi4er lant . F'. 2 Vol. 11 No. 1 Jan./Fev. !~-Iaxszawa, ;oland) tll,l~ ld3t of East Durorear, Acces,-ions ;o. 1~:,, ~cto er !P~,7. cur!-"Tp y Ir A ~S, VXR. Unizop No,* 1960, No, A!J, ~ i-, Opi Marcinc-wski, H. J-. , .Ir f ll'oL civer: T-TLE lnc:-eased PreLs-r~:-, Efficienc.,,f, and Power CorE.-jmr- ,jon ~n Ve,:Lilla~u-s Haiz, Lue,'~. 1-0, No Y~u.T :':Ar,'Dt L/I , MARCIN(A4SKI*,_H!~pqk,_inz. Experiences in the use of auto-operators of hydroelectric-power plants. Energetyka Pol 16 no.6sSuppl.%Biul Instyt Energet 4 no.5/6sl82-185 Je 162. 1. Fracownia Automatyki Flektrowni Wodnych, ZRE Wroclaw. MARCISZEWSKI, Hengk Quantitative deterrination of methyl L-methylbutylidenecyanoacetate by polarography, Chem anal 5 no.1:119-123 160. (EW 9:11) 1. Zaklad Analityczny Instytutu Farmaceutycznego, Warszawa. (Polarograph and polarography) (Metbylmethylbutylidenecyanoacetate) MARCISZEWSKIp Henryk; GRZESZKIEWICZ, Andrzej Polarographic determination of 1,3-dimethyl-4-emino-5-nitroso cil. Chem ar-I 5 no.3:509-51n 160. (EFAI 10:8) 1. Zaklad Analityesny Instytutu Parmaceutycznegoyp Warszawa. Kierownik Zakladu: mgr W. Dmowska. (Polarograph and polarography) (Aminodimethylnitrosouracil) MARCISZMKI, HenX7k Ultraviolet Bpectrophotometric determination of 6-chloro-7-oul- phonamido-1,2,3,-benzoithiodiazine-1,1-dioxide (Chlorothiazide). If Chem anal 5 no.4:617-624 160, (EEAI 10:9) 1. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Pharmacy, Warszawa. (Chlorobenzothiadiazinesulfonaraide dioxide) (Spectrophotometry) 1S.'73-~SK-1, Hem-yk -j Fi.-, 7apa Given Na=a collntz-y: Poland Acaacmic Degrees /not riven/ 0 cal -InatttiLte -(-Farmaceutyczny instyt-a') Pharmaceqt-i Director for Scientific Xatters: Dr P Xantka-:,';wurski ',-1arsaw, Far,-..lacja Polska, Vol M, No 10, 25 MaY 1961, i)p 193-198 "Spectrophotometric Investigations of Sulfonamides as Regards Diuretic Activity." MARCISZEWSKI, Henryk Spectrophotometry in infrared. Farmacja Pol 18 no.13:306- 311 10 Jl 162. 1. Instytut Farmaceutyczny, Warszawa. Dyrektor Instytutu: doe. dr. W. Bednarczyk. C, f a f"a, MARCISZEWSKI., Henryk; TROJANOWSKA, Zofia; SPYCHALA, Stanislaw; P"RZELSKA, Jadviga Polarographic and spectrophotometric determination of pseudo-ionone in hexahydropseudo-iohone in ultraviolet and infrared. Chem anal 8 no.6:939-9" 163. 1. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Institute, Warsaw. )WBZAIAKA# Amar ap Ins. I MASCMI "Alytical DoO., ftarmeafte" Listitute (Zaidad AmUtycziW Lia,'vtyta lanmmtpm*p), Warom (for boft) Varsavo Chmia analityama, No 3, Xsy-J~ 1966t pp M-40 mDv$*zulm*lm of imembutyris aldehr" In th* prep* *f jkqe- sidebr".- WLINSKIp Czeslaw; WISNIEWSKA, Justyna; WlDEHSZAL, Agnieszka; ~AXINSkl ' zej . 9 A~~ Studies on the adaptation of the organism tohistamine. Postepy hig. med. dosw. 16 no.1:139-147 162. 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Dcswiadezalnej PAN w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr L. Paszkiewicz oraz z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej A14 w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr. F. Venulet. (HISTAMRIE pharmacol) (ADAPTATION PIffSIOLOGICAL) 6/169/62/000/012/GiO/095 D223/D307 erm, anowicz, 1% Jozai~slka, 1',elus, j. I,osifiski -iowsk /uczal., j. , 1 arciszewska zoplik, 1~. ubucll a, and ;i'korow&s-ka I C ~- TITLE' :,).turnal radioact:iv~ty in tho neicyhborhood oi- Greater and "efer, 1. 1962, ZIR I OD 1 U.- I 'it~vr,--N z1almcal, Gcofizilca, no. 12, a~jstract 12.xI17 (Gaz. woda i techn. sanit., 35, no. 9, 1961, 340-347 (Pol.)) The method, equipment and results of investigating radioactive soil, groLind, river-~-,ratcr,-and plant-cover contamination on the territory of Greater '.,Iarsa-,? and Swierk are described.- Abstracter's note: Complete translation2 Card 1/1 MARCJAN, Kazimierz Preliminary data on results of the application of centrophenoxine (lucidril) in psychiatry. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 12 no.4:583-589 162. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrcznej Akademii Medycznej w Warszavie.Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Jus. (ACETATES) (ANALEPTICS) (MENTAL DISORDERS) MAROJAN, Kazimierz; PIOTROWSKI, Andrzej Ghronic hallucination syndrome during the course of Addisolos disease. Pol. ty . lek. 17 no.1:29-31 1 Ja 162. .19 1. Z I Oddzialu Psychiatryeweiro; kierownik oddzialu: prof. dr A. Jus, Panstwowego Instyti#u Psychoneurologimego; dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr W.Z.Kuligowski. (ADDISON-S DIS116E compl) (PARLNOIA etiol) e77 e ps-choses. Neu r 1 n eu r Tj M e ic. DORNESCO, .G. T.(Dornescu, G. T.]; MARCOCI, G. A comparative study of the crenium of Gervidae. Rev biol 6 no.3: 261-294 161. 1. Inboratoire d'Anatomie comparee, Faculte des Sciences naturelles "C. I. Parhon" de Bucarest. MARCOCIv S., biolog; FILOTTI, A., ing. Yethods for reporting the biological data in the watercourse pollution reports. Meteorologia hidrol gosp 6 no.2:125-132 161. MARCOCI, S., biolog Use of biological studies for characterizing the quality of vatercourses with application to the Trotus River. Meteorologia hidrol goop 7 no-4:282-287 162. MARCOCI S . biolog "Chemical and microbiological methods of water analysis* by P.S. Savcenko, F.L. Diatlovitkaia, B.A. Iarosenko, E.A. Albova. Reviewed by S. Marcoci. Meteorologia hidrol gosp 7 no.4:299 162. MARCOGI, S. Saprobiological studies or the Trotus River. Studii prot epur apelor 4:313-345 10. I I- MARCOCI, "naa,.Jbiolog; STGENESCU, L., ing. -f- --, An aspect of massive development of aquatic vegetation: flowering of water. Meterologia hidrol gosp 8 no.l*.29-33 163. AFTONIU, R., ing.; SALAY, G., inge; DRMAN, N., dr.; GBEDEM, V.0 ing. BOPCIU, G., biolog; 14ARCOCI, S., biolog; MARGUIESCU, I., radiochimist. Studies on the conditions of utilizing domestic waters and sewage for irrigation of agricultural areas, made on the experimental grounds at Tuzla, Constanta region, in 1961. Studii prot epur apelor 4t6l-147 163. MARCOL, Alojzy 0--- - - - Coking properties of various fractions of coal type 33. Koks 7 no.1:26-33 Ja-F 162. 1. Zaklady Koksownicze Debiensko. RARCOVY A., ing. ---------- Model experimental studies on a showroom wventilating system. Rev constr si mat constr 15 no. 12: 626-634 D 163. MRP'COVIC, C" MARKOVICH, N. [Marcovic, N.]; VOINESKU, S. [Voinescu, S.); KARXDV16H,~&. [14,ircovic. G.] (Bukhqrest) - 77- Effect of cortisone on ex"rimentpl trAumatic cicntrix of the brnin [with summary in English, p.621 VoD.neirokhir. 22 no.2:15-20 M-Ap 158. (BRAIN, wounds and Injuries, (MIRA 11:4) exDer. trnum. cicatrix. eff. of cortisone (Rus) (CORTISONE, effects, on ex-per. traum. cicatrix of brpin (Rus) mw~'Ccvlc N *,.JU. [14arcovic, N.]; VOMESKU, S. [Voinescu, S.3; MARKOVICH, G. [~iqrc6v-i-6,-Z7.-J-TB-ukharest) Effect of cortisone on ex-oerimentnl trnumstic cicatrix of the brpin Cwith summary in English, D.621 VoD.neirokhir. 22 no.2:15-20 R-Ap '58. (BRAIN, wounds And Injuries, (MIRA 11:4) exDer. trAum. cicatrix. eff. of cortisone (Rus) (CORTiSONE, effects, on exper. traum. cicatrix of brnin (Rue) KARINESCU,Gh.;_KARCOVICI,A.; STANCIUMSCU.C. Clinical study of rhounstism during the course of scarlet fever. Observations on 250 cases. Probl. reumat.,Bucur. no.6:109-119 159. (SCARLM? FAVER, complications) (RHIMTISM. etiology) NkRINESCUS G.; STARK, M.; MARCOVICI, A., COPELOVIGI, Y.; R&DULESCU, A. Encephalomye.litis caused by a double poliomyelitis and mumps infection. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 11+ no.1:23-29 163. 1. Cornmicare przentata la eel de-al II-lea Simposion romino-bulgar asupra encefalitelor actuld, Sofia. (ENCEPHALITIS) (MUMPS) (POLIOMYELITIS) PISLARASUY C.,ing.; AGENT, V., arh.; MACRI, R., arh.; KARCOVICI, A., ing.; BAPBAIANI, M., ing.; NEACSU, I., ing.; APROMANU, V., ing. Construction of apartment houses with many stories achieved by gliding shuttering in Bucharest. Rev constr si mat constr 15 no. 12: 610-617 D 163. MAROOVICI, D. -------- A simple method of checking a class of oblique sections. p. 226. REVISTA WNSTRUMILCR SIL A MATERIALEUR DE CC14STRUCTII. (Asociatia Stlintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rordnia si Kinisterul Constructiilor si al Materialeor de Constructii) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 10, no* 49 April 1958. Monthly list of East European lecessions (EKAI) IL Vol. 9, no. !2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. MARCOVICI, Gheorghe, corespondent .1 .. - I...... -1-1-- --- - -- - - When the aggregate is well taken care of. Constr Buc 15 -I no.688:1 16-14r 163. vi-lus (type 14). i'erV:0,;-*,.3 Buclir) 14 r.~-.2:14c'-' 5 5 1. Lucrare 9~ect!--tl,a e I~IfItVl-~(Ivj( -I) II -~ I - d'~ I "~ I jo~ mram, A.; H~MT. Th.; KARgqjjfj...QawQll& Chorold plazus in syphilitic maningo-encephalitio; progressive paralysis; sumtomo-clinical study of 20 cases. Bul. stitnt., seat. med. 6 no.3.:577-628 July-Sept 54. 1. Comunicare prezentata in sedinta din 15 iulie 1952. (CHFMBRAL VEMICIMS choroid plexus in syphilitic meningo-omeephalitte, Pathol.) (IMUROSYPHILIS. patholoey chorold plexus) (MINGONCEPHALITIS syphilitic, choroid plexus in) UNGHER, J.,; MARCOVICI, G..; CGULMOU, L. Study of the phenomenon of compensation after ablation of the optic analyzor. Rul stiint., sect. med. 7 no.4-.1301-1318 Oct-Doc 55. (RKVM. OCUDITICM) disorganiz. after extirpation of optic analyzor & phonomenon of compensation, in dogs) (CMUBWA CORTNX, p1wsiology eff. of excision of optic analyzor, in dogs, phenomenon of compensation) (NERVIS OPTIC, pbysiology eff. of excision of optic analyzor. in dogs, phenomenon of compensation) RTJ14ANIA Eman and Animal Morphologj ~Ncrmal and Pathological) Nervous System. Central Nervous System. Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Piologlya, No 9, 1958, No. 40773 Author :Hornet, Th.; Petrescu, A.; Appel, E. ins t :Not given Title Hiatochomical Experimelital Tnvestigation of tho Pho.phatdaes of the Brain 1hader Normal Conditions and in Disorders of Cirrulation Orig Pub Bul. stii-it. Sec. mod., 1956, 8, No 2, 433-444 Abstract Tho alkaline phosphatese (AP), investigated by the method of Gomori and Dorfman-Epstein, is demonstrated norimlly in the cortox of the brain of rabbits in the nucleus (in the nucleolus, In the chromatin not and in the nuclear envolopa) and in the intercellular matter. The greatest quantity of AP is contained in the III, IV and V layers of the cortex. In cats a markedly manifested C ELrd 1/2 24 RUMANIA/Humna and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T Nervous System. Higher Nervous Activity. Bchavior. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 27o45 Author Giurgea, C., Raiciulegcu, H., Mars~~&tala_q Inst Title Interhemispheric Conditioned Reflexes, Produced in birect Stimulation of the Cortex, After Injury of Corpus Callosum. Anatomical and Histological Study. Orig Pub Fiziol. norm. si patol., 1957, 4, No 5, 4o8_413 Abstract Data is cited of a macro- and microscopic study of the brain of dogs, in which interhemispheric conditioned reflexes in direct stimulation of the cortex were obtai- ned preliminarily, which remained unchanged after trans- section of the corpus callosum, in saggital and frontal projections. Card 1/1 - 120 - PCYLICHI, I.[Poilici I.); MARINKESKU, K.(Marinchescu, C.1; MARCOVICH.9 G. [krcovici., G. Dynamics of vascular and respiratory disorders in the acute stage of carebral blood circulatory disorder. Nauch t d In" t. nevr. 160. Kii lru7 AMI SSSR no.1:284-203 5:1~ 1. Institut nevrologii imeni Pavlova Akademii Rumynskoy Narodnoy Respubliki, Bukharest. (CEREBROVASCULAR DISZASE) (RESPIRATION) KHOWIETS., T.[Hornet, T.1; VOYNESKU, S.[Voinescu, Sj; APPELI, E. [Appel, E.]; MARKOVICH, G.(Marcovici, G.J_ Small structural changes in the brain in hypertension without vascular disorders and with acute disordera of cerehral blood circulation. Nauch. trudy Inst. nevr. AMN SSSR no.1:444-449 160. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut nevrologii imeni Pavlova. Akademii Rumynskoy Narodnoy Respubliki, Bukharest. (HYPERTENSION) (CEMROVASCULAR DISEASE) H01WETo Th.; MRCOVICI, Gr.; VOINBSCO, S.; WES, A. The role of Galen's vqlns in the pathogenesis of lesions of encephalitis caused by s&lversan. Rev. sci. mod. 5 no.3/14,:177-179 ,60. (ARSPM-NAMINES toxicol.) (FIICETHALITIS etiol.) (BRAIN blood supply) V/ r SURMS, Given Names Colmtr7t Rumani a Academic Degreeas -riot given- AffiliaticnI Neurologioal Clinic, Institute of Medicine (Clinica Neurologica, I-n-atlt-u-t-u-l-d-e-Xe-dl-aina) 9 Timisoara., Scums' Timiwaraq Timil2gX11 Mgdicalaq Vol V19 No 11 Jan-Jun 19619 pp 91-95- Data' "superior Syndrome of the Red Nualeumbo Autbors: 6-M-AROO V IC I . H. TRUSGAI E. BALTOIU , S. GFO 161143 IV7 SOFLETF.A, Al.; MARCOVICI, H.; MOTOC, I.; RADU, H. The "restless feet" syndrome. Rumanian med. rev. no.2:57-59 162. (NEUROLOGY) MARCOVICI, L. Technical progress and product quality. Problems econ 17 no.2:53~-66 F '64, "AR"M-T, L. l,ibor-saving ll,'echanizitinn in the "nal In,li,str- nf the '"'. P. F+ a !~Iinelor ('Mininp Journal), /12~):327: nct '~ MARCOVICI - Introduction of new technics, an important present task, Problems soon 16 no.034-" Ap 163. IOMCU-*IHAIESTI. C., Aced.; GAICNIC1, G., dr.; HORDMCIM, I., dr. KLSIN, R., dr.: KARCOTICI, W., Ir.; VOICULESCU. R., dr. Epidemiology of poliomyelitis: epidemiological aspects of poliomy3litis in the Rumanian People's Republic. Rev. igiena microb. epiden., Bucur. Vol-3:3-18 Julr-SePt 55. 1. Lucrare efectuats, in Institutul &a immunologie Bucuresti. Director. Acad. C. lonesen-Hihaiesti. (POLIONTALITIS. epidemiology in Rumania. IONESCU-NIHAIESTT, C., Acadamician;_H=VTCT- M-- GANCSVICI, G.; KLEIN, R.; VOICULMSCU. R.; OLARU, T. Study of the poliomyelitis epidemic in Bucharest in 1953. Stud. carcet. inframicrobiol.. Bucur. 7 no.3-4:267-293 July- Dec 56. 1. Comunicare prezentata in sedinta Sectiet do atiinte medical@ a Academini R.P.R. (POLIOMTZLITIS, epidemiology epidemic in~Buchareat)- k Nv RM IM VirolM. Kuzma and Animal Viruses. Ratio. myelitis Virus. Abe ;oUrl R*T Ithur-Bial., No 5, 1959, 19514. Author I Klein. R.1 HorodnioaaAuf 7.1 34r&iqfco~ Dina.[ 11A;20TJqj_14.j 7AAf M600, 1:.T-3ii~O ~A&. In~% I ITU-6114a.- Title, s The SUdy of lolicayelitis 14 RumAnte In 1956. III. On the );knifastation of the ioLtotlyolttia Virus and R~late4 Viruses In 0oancation with Certain Clinical and Videalolosical ast4. Crig Pub& Arah. rourain. pethal. onerim. as microbial., 1957. 16, No 3. 457-445. Abstreatj Wo Ostrict. card 1/1 RTY1f1kNIA /Chemistry of High 11,Aecular Sutstances. A6.c; Juur: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 16, 1958, 63304. Author -.~. Ilihalcu, 14. "I'Larcovici. Inst Nut 6iven. - Title High 11olecular -3ubstances and Nuclear -.,,adia- tions. 2. Remarks in Connection With the Choice and The Use of Radiation Sources in The Technology of High Molecular 'Dubstances. Orig Pub: Ind. usoara, 1958, 5, No 1, 19 - 23. Abstraot: Review. Bibliography with 22 titles. See part 1 in RZhKhim, 1958, 6758. Card 1/1 63 IONESCO-MIHAIESTIJ, C.; MARCOVICI, M.; DONA, D. Virological study of the effectiveness of antipoliomyelitis vaccination with live virus, administered in the form of lozenges. Arch. roum. path. exp. microbiol. 21 no.1:9-14 Mr 162. 1. Travail de l'Institut "Dr. I. Cantaouzino" - Service de la Foliom,velite. (POLIOVIRUS VACCINE, ORAL) SPINUP I.; MAMOVIGII_M.; CALCWIRESCO, Al.; VOLSKI, V. Study of antipoliomyel-itis vac4limtion with live viras in the city of Bucharest. Arch. roum. path. exp. microbiol. 21 no.1:15-18 Mr 162. 1. Travail de l'Institut "Dr. I. Cantaa~zino" - Service de la Pol.iwyellU. (POLIOVIRUS VACCINE, ORAL) 1~voo Ile iw-,,LANIA ilta"VILJ, f4., MD; GORUMOVA, KLeonora, ,MD; ullu~U, Teodora, Tocaiica-L ASSIM-nt. "Dr. 1. Cantacu--:Lnoll Ins-Utute (InstdLutul "Dr. i. Gant~acitzino"), Bucharest - (for all) Buclurest, Viata, Medicala No 3, 1 Feb 63, pp 169-174. U' :,erological Stucly on the Efficacy of Attenuated Polio.Velitis Vaccine and Comments on tile Efficacy of the Salk Vaccine." ( 3) MARCOVICI, M., ing.; LEONTE, A., ing. Some aspects of the achievements in crankshafts at the 23 August Plant in Bucharest. Constr mas 16 no. l12-7 Ja 164. KARCOVICI, V.; VOINMOU, S. Ventriculocale; a poorly known craniocerebral malfornation. gazanian M. Rev. I no.4.*52-53 Oct-Doc 57. (CIRWRAL V30 ICULIS, dis. ventriculocele In inf. ) EXCERFTA HEDICA See 8 Vol 12/12 Neurology Bee 59 6260. EFFECT OF CORTISONE ON EXPERUMENTAL THAUNTATIC CEREBRAL CICATRIZA- TION - Aclinunea cortizonulut asupra cicatricei cer!!brale traumatice experimentale - Marco "Al N. . Vionexcu S. and Marcovict G. -STUD. CERCET. NEUROL. 17 74-jo,%)Iuus. In In do~:`a study was made of the effect of cortisone. administered locally or t. tn., an the process of cicatrizallon of a cerebral Incision. The effect consists tn a marked reduction of the connective element of the cicatrix and a diminution of the glial proliferation and inflammatory infiltrations. This treatment prevents meningocortical adhesions and sclerosis of the vessels tn the cicatricial zone. It is believed that treatment by cortisone after cran!ocerebral tratimatisma an well its after operations on the brain may prevent the formation of coarse meninjocerebral cicatrices and perhaps even the development of traur-stic epilepsy. Voiculescu - Bucharest go EXCFMA MEDICA See 8 Vol 12/10 Neurology Oct 59 4970. THE AETIO-PATHOGENIC SIGNIFICANCE OF CRANIO-CEREBRAL TRAUMA FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTRACRANIAL TUMOURS - Contribujii Is rolul etiopatogenle al traumatiamelor cranio-cerebrale In dezvoltarea tumorilor intracraniene - Marcovict N. , Marcovici Gr. , Naas F. and DrIghict L. Inst.7ffe-141iW~'T.P.Pavlov', Acad. R.P.R.. Bucureqti -STUD. CERCET. NEU ROL. 1957, 2/4 (591- 604) Tables I Among 2,016 cases of intracranial tumour there were 177 (8.7%) with a history of one or more severe cranto-cerebral traumata. In 21.5% of these cases the traumata had been open. and in 78.5% closed. The latent interval had been 0-30 days in 22.5% of the cases, 30 days to 2 yr. in another 22.5%, more than 2 yr. in 46% of the cases. and impossible to determine accurately in the remainder. The afte of the trauma and that of the tumour were in accordance in only half of the cases. Of the 177 cases studied. 86 were gliomata, 32 meningiomata. 17 neurinomata. 8 metastatic tumours. and 4 hypophyseal. adenomata, etc. Develop- ment of a cerebral tumour after cranial trauma is said to be attributable to one of the following mechanisms. (a) activation of a preexisting tumour; (b) promo- tion by the trauma of the formation of cerebral metaatases of preexisting visceral cancers; (c) tumoral transformation due to traumatization of dysembryonal cere- bral lesions. (d) tumoral transformatiop of the meningorcerebral sear resulting from the trauma. The latter mechanism very rarely occurs (2.3%). Voiculesou - BucMrest (VIII. 5. 16) ;1? J I , A STOICA, I.; MARGOVICI, N.; TUDOR, I. The influence of experimental cerebral hypoxia on con-ralsive responses to cardiazol. Rev. sci. mad. 8 no.1/4:173-179 163. CONVULSIONS) (PENTYLENETETRAZOLE) CEREBRAL ANOXIA) (CEREBRGVASCULAR DISORDERS) ~ (EPILEPSY) (CAROTID ARTERY THRCMEOSIS) (EMTROE,'ICEPHALOGRAPHY) L z VXGMY~,)P.;HOLILAR. A.;MAROSEK.,,Z,,..,,,,, Protein metabolism in infant dystrophy. Qyermekgyo&vaszat 4 no.9:257- 263 sept 1953- (WJM 25:5) 1. Doctors. 2. First Children's Clinic (Director - Prof. Dr. Pal Gegesj~giss). Budapest Medical U'Aiversity. VEGHELYI, Peter,; SCHCNGUT, Iaszli,; HARCSEK, Zoltan. flypothermia and hibernation. 4. Two cases of Waterhouse-Friedricheen syndrome cured by timely treatment-Gy-ormakgyogyaszat 6 no.4:112-115 Apr 55. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi IgVetem Gvermekklinikuja, (Igazgqto: Gegesi Kiss Pal dr. egyetemi tanar) (HIBERNATION, artificial ther. of Waterhouse-triedriehoon oynd. in inf. & child.) (WATMHOUSE-IFRIMIIOHM SYNMOMI, in infant and child ther. with artif. hibernation) VXGIMLYI. Peter,; MOSEK, Zoltan. Erypothermis, arA hibernation. VII. Theory wid practice of nedicinal hibernation. Ory. hatil. 96 ao-28:757-766 10 July 55. 1. A Budapeati Oryoutudomanyt BgVetem 1. oz. Oyermakklinikajanak (Igasgato: Gegeol Kies Pal dr. Egyat. tanar) koslemanye. (HIRMUTION, artif icial, controlled) SZUTRF,Lf. Gyula. dr.L MAkCSWp__;_q~tan. dr.; ANDRISKA, Jolan. dr. Modern treatment of rheumatic fever in children. Orv.hetil.101 no.29:1009-1015 L7 J1 160. 1. Orazagos Xardiologiai Intezet, Gyermekoaztaly (Rn-UNATIC FEVZR thei-) OSZTOVICZ, Magda; MARGSEK, Z. Correlations between the clinical condition and the antiglobulin con- sumption test in rheumatic fever in childhood. Acta paediat. 3 no.3: 23.1-224 162. 1. Pal Haim-Kinderkrankenhaus (Direktor: Dr. J. Sarkany) und Staatliches Kardiologisches Institut, (Direktor: Prof. Dr. G. Gottsegen)I Budapest. (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) (COOMBS' TEST) (IMCTION) 0. %"VICS, VACkv dr.; MARCSEK, Zoltan, dr.; SZASZ,, Gabor Phta-an i"Runo-pathological aspecta of rheumtic fever in children. 1. ftperierre with the anti-globulin conemption toot. Gyermekgyo- gyaszat 13 no./+s97-106 Ap 162. 1 1. Oros. Kardiologial Intizet - Heim Pal Gyarmekkorhaz kozlemenye. (RIMMATIC FEW imuno.1) zal' tan d r. Ir p r; Sz MARCMDUK, Antal Granaries- in lit-sonmagYarOV&ro Magy ep ipar 11 no.6:275-280 162. AUBERT, H. , prof. STANGIU, L., dr.,- MARCU A., dr,; ROSU, Cl., dr.; STEEITT, J., chimista; FENYES, I., st n Cardiovascular repercussions of sane factors connected with working, conditions in several enterprises. Preliminary note. Med. intern. 14 no.4:589-594 My '62-- 1. Lucrare efectuata in Glinica I medicala I.M.F. Timisoara. (CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) MARCU, A. "Airplane Motor." P. 26. (AvTATIA SPORTIVA, Vol. 5, No. 5, may, 19.54, Bucuresti, &mnia.) SOi Mant1ily List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1 # Jan. 1955 Uncl. cn (I List o' .fcj-. MARCUP AI.j ing. productivity of the utility aircraft for agriculture and silviculture. Rev transport 9 no.9:385-391 S 162. STOICA, R., ing.; MARCU, A., ing, Soil compactness characteristios. Hidrotehnica 7 no.7s233-237 Jl 162. jr- tj 4 MAMU , B. , ing.; MCUOVWM, N., ing.; PopEsCU, Gh. 0 ing. T.he Warjaw aympo&jumm, May 191W&.. on the ORational Utilization of Electria Power,* Energetica P:dm 10 noo-9:361-378 S 162o MAM13, Bernvd,,-i4S,, Teelmical problems on the load characteristic control. Energetics. Rum 10 no,9:379-382 S I" 1. Inspector general energetic din M.MX!,Z. MARCU, B., ils-b* Careful-management of fuel and electric power. Energetica Rum 12 no. 8-.452-456 Ag 164. 1:. 1. General Inspector, Inspectorate of Power, Ministry cf Mines and Electric Power. MIRU, V.D.,, academician; DRAGAN, I.; ZARARIA, N.; MARCU, 0. Mathematical study of the functional correlations between the thyroid gland, ovary and certain factors ot the phybical environment, in wild birds. Stud. cercet. endocr. 14 no.4/5/6:467-473 063. MARCU C.* DOBRESCU9 D.; MANOLESCU, E..; MANUCHIAN, E. Influence of the function of the thyroid gland upon the ulcerous action of phenylbutazone. Studii cerc fiziol 5 no.3:501-508 160. (EW 10:2) 1. Laboratorul Catedrei de farmacologie a Facultatii de medicina din Institutul de medicina si farmacie, Bucuresti. (VMOID GLAND)- (ULCERS) (BUTYLDIPHENYII"-TAZOLIDINEDIONE)