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lltl~ INs u H 3111A p :~.E.-
Transformna 1 ~2 D -' :a- -. ~-;-,:-~~-i ni srs witl-. the 'nelp of DMAL. 'L'S P.
7, ~ k ~ - u bi o I . -1 , ' " 3 -: .2 16-~ . '!,~IaA
~~ . W
;,.~.VBIINA, V.,.., VjN~~UTPVA,
b a ~ oq,Fit~l c ef f w~ t chir' np, the - c+' on r.1 '. r A-r,!;f or-m- Pq '--
ilree extrasts and on bacterla., Itlkrobtolog~ia 33 n-.24
245-2151 Mr-.Ap 164. ( M -1p, A 17 , ' 2 ,
1. Instl tx-, ml kTot! I- !~L,`)R.,
General characteristics of some
soluble compounds izolated from
ohrynogenum Thom. Biokhimiia 30
iew nucleotide containing acid
the mycelium of Penicillium:
no. 39514-522 r4y-Je 065
(MIRA 19:1)
1. Khimicheskiy i biologicheskiy fakul'tety Goaudarstvmnogo
universiteta imeni Inmonosova, Moskva.
"Autotetraploidy in Different Varieties of Buclwheat Qagoo= 9=112at, .0 Dok. AN,
46, No. 2, -1944-. Inst. Cytology, Histology and Embryology; Acad. Sci., -1944-o
"Tetraploidy in Cultivated Buckwheat (Fag,'7rum Esculentum),"
SO: Dok, AN, 43, No, 5, 194h., Inst. of Cytology, Histology and Embryology, Acad.
Sci. c1944-.
"Production of Highly Fertile Tetraploid B.-Ickwheat (Fagopyrum Esculentum) , 11
SO: Dok. AN, 44, No. 6, 194h; Inst. Cytology, Histology, and Embr7ology; Acad.
Sci., cl94h-.
"Autatetraploidy in Different Varieties of Buckwheat (Fagopy-ru Esculentu P
SOs Dok. AN, 46, No. 2, 1945.
Inst. Cytology, Histology and Embryology; Acad. Sci., 1944--
V. V. Sakharov; b. L. Frolava
MISUROVA, 7. V. PA 77T68
USM/wedialb-,i 14heat jul 48
Medicine Heredity, Mechanism
'gCOMpamtIve Uryology of Two Forms of Buckwheat,
ftgory"m reculebtum and FaMyrum ImargInatum,ff
V.: ~ V. MwMwova, 4 pp
4ftk Ak Hauk SM" Vol LXI, No 1
Reports comparative cytological and morphological
&%Ody of the chromosomes of the closely related species
Fefopyrum esculentum and Fagopyrum amargInatum.
Tabulates results. Submitted 8 May 1948.
PA S/L9 T83
A:.-ricu!:1-u:-e - 11.~at I ::ov
"influence of External Cmid-IlUons Up(~)i die Development of' a iiy--rld Dt~,-.n,* of
Buck.-iheat 11 S.L. Frolova V.V. '1aM3:-LrOV4 , -r
~Iis!, of i~rj~-Jatl '.1orph
3 pp
"Dok a Nauk SSilt" Vol L;~.D., Nc J-
Accard.LnL, to Scloviyev's --:a;.a, W~-Ilcli open f irsL in the
Yield 75-80~ of fhe fully ueveicne1-1 S Un.-it:r sij Lft L:' It i(,ri-:
of f ertiliz a Lion, resLCIts ;LL -r;--e(! -j It h Sa -1ov I ,,cv I Ii -he r~.---scn
! of triploic-', s.--ct: --y the 11, 'A:,.~
vaaue. PC's i 0-- I'lity of 304i.-I:-O C),
Sensitivity of diploid and autotetraploid plants to gamm
radiation (with summary in English]. Bot.shur. 43 no.7:989-997
il 158. (MIRA 11:9)
1. Inatitut biofizil-.t Akademit nauk SSSRO Moakva.
(Plants, Effect of gamma rays on) (Polyploicly)
Study of the affect of X rays on the liver of white =ice.
Trudy Inst.morf.shiv. no.24:105-114 159.
(MIRA 13~-3)
Detection of physiological resistance to ionizing radiation in
autotetraploid plants of comaon buchwheat field. Biofizika 5
no. 5:558-565 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Institut biologicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva.
AUThJH6: 6akharov, V. V., Pj~surova, V. V., Platonova, R. N. and
jhcherbakov, V. K.
ML'LL'; Cyiulogical proofs of the physiological protection of
autotetraploids of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum moench)
from the effect of ionizing radiation
SOURCE; Radiat S4
Jonnaya genetika; sbornik rabot. Otd. biol. nauk
AN S'~'~;R. 'i'lioucow, 1:;d-vo AN S~'SR, 1962, 346-357
'I'EX TThe results are summarized of a comparative, cytogenctic
,~ 'UL4dy of the ef 'Lec t ol' dif f erent types of'radiation on diploid and
autote'raploid plants of common buckwheat (Pagopyrum esculentum
moench), using dormant seeds kept under identical room conditions
for the same period. The hi,,her oensitivity of diploid forms to both
6- and x radiation wau confirmed, diploids showing dedression of
growth after 10 kr ,radiation, and the autotetraploids after
of K
30 kr. Cytological examination ohowed that the percentage of ab-
--errant cells in nonirrad-iated controls was equal (2.21,4.) in both
Card 112
Cytolo-Jcal proofs of ... j)243/D307
.-~'orms and that this L~_;tua~ion was ur~changed after irradiation.
"'etra,,loids showed a smailer percentage of aberrants after 0.5, 1.0,-
5.J and 10.0 kr of r radiat.'Lon. This is discussed in relation to
physiological protection and .-au confiraied by the authors' experi-
inents re,~orted in dctail e1je-.hure (Biofizika, 1960, 5, no.
~), D-56-569). The 4x fori., s .-ere shown to be twice as stable as the
2x forms to high speed n(~utrons. The effect of r', radiation and oub-
3equent storage wa2 exazdned by storing the se(~ds for periods of
6 ana 12 ;:ionths aftef irradiation. After 6 mon-ths, the irradiated
seeds of bozh for,-,is showed a regular, stee,~ rise in the percentage
of ci.romosome aberration. This was more marked in the 4x forms.
Both forras possess miecna-nioims which interfere with the conversion
of potential into actual chromosome aberrations and these protec-
tive zaecfianiums are articularly e -ffective in tetraploid forma.
'-' u
`L'here are 5 fi&area Una 11 tables.
0 joc iATI 014 Inutitut oiuiogicheskoy fiz-iki AN SSSR, Moskva (In-
stitute of Biological Physics, AS USSR, Moscow)
Card 2/2
Increased radio-sensitivity of buckmheat hvbi-idg
sapittatum Pagopirrum emarginaturri. Gene;Lika no.5:110-11,1
N 165, (MIRA lq:l,
1. Inatitut bicfi7iki AN Moskva. Submitted March 30, 1~65.
Diagnosis of extenuatod scarlet fev,:~r; preliminary communicqtion. Pediatriia, no. 1,
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Oongress, Ray 1952, UNCLAASSIF17D.
REZNIK, A.Ye., dotsent; laUSIWIA.-Te.A.. (k;an'
Use of the conplement fixation reaction for the diagnosis of
dysentery and salmonellosts. 40 ne.3:84-85
14Y-Je '59. (MIM 12: 11)
(ColammoNT ]?IxkTION)
~10 as so*** O's Is is o 0 0 0 ilsoll a **so* go so* It-to a!-,*
0 all un MIS builoval 1jutimine
If &
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elww &44,111,1141 saw
Aw tht:, "111C "I fol'. ( I ft~ M~wu Ar t fl:, fit
POI&FWaPhle n40ttij in 9bo "lists a -Intv &I fft lit VISA6,, fi-j- 10 S 4 tit.
'ampt, 1.11 .. ill, -(n I., 7W. -011V
.4 and 1 A k-4-humw With % W #tit I V 110 ofitil A 01111til' A-311 -4--ti-t
zar"Jill"m Le 11, OUA 401, 1", let. C11 Its xim I., with C-1K., trd JAlter 11"i b. If, "'m
so di_slv~ J the ~Itqdtv In IN? sill. of di,(& watcr, Add -00
IZII ~rj- a, Zil", will, "111- -ulfid- *,0,
Vic' N11.01i until tit, ,Aor lk-aw, IafLvr (approx.
I tially With N`i';), let ~tllllll I#W 2 hr, 113 A WAY111 IJIA-, fir"r.
Ili 15 nil.) and 5 7. tit). sf ~40; AcOtl. dil. with water to wmA 1 .1 tins" with 11.1; water. and Irrif the plit on hi-
Xji) ml., heat thr .411 1,1 )91 90'. illiffier- a Pt Katur fill" with 15-20 fill. -A warin 110 11:5,. v,41-linx 11 he
4 mtb..), aml I Ill, -1-11.0 Io is. let '1311.1 for -In in a 511-ml, in,&~urma llt-k; wath Ili,- fill,t 1 2
41) min. m a walr# 1.41bal W, , ill, vhvv~ 1-. .1111 11"t ".11"Imit the WAA% WI.r, t
Si tli~"SVHVI. Isn't SAIII -'I'M Wilb 'hlb$ Als,8 I liv %...( I I:
the Cu m III, xxti- if, if I nil. of conej I I Nq it
411"W4 11"1 --1 '25 ".1 1 , -4, ..1.( ,,1 "1
tr%n%(cr the oAtin. to a 25-mi. mrA,urtuic tl~k. tts~stmfiye fm- And 41.5 .41.6 K of NI I.Cf. 4fl.t 4,14 Was- t., f Is,- --
with -XII1,01f list, 11 if (*lilt subw appears (10- 12 mi. 1, A
pour 5 111 nil. .1 this -dn. in A" 4,1,1 A -ry.fal
'k, ml 4 1 v .11111 11111 vamer i's The loarls. tit rusk" .1 1.4arogram il'urg . "~.t with
I $ill .1, 1!, ass
Have ~i fill I'l flo. -h~ ill m, 11-11,4P. 1, 4.14 11 , ("414 '11VI-14111, 1-jillmmil .111, 11 A v '/n 1.-gfn~ I., .
If it V. 0:, kim. I.- ho W 1.1111111 . 411,11 911~41s, is Issit'it" .44 4j,j,f,.t V 1, fml Im I qt, 0, It'lillif ~.l lit, *4;1
v t, ('if In \IS", ))I 'S c(It,v o, It I /it
t v(platiou Of - 31,7.%~. Is, i's lWr rvill in I-, fill, hy ill,- equmi'm /,t I I'l I-f
wt of t1w ~Anlpl- ill r v ill,- vol. of th, .r UU41 to'll- llet. I'll Its NVU)., (11-IV, 4 W K ,f f-I . ..... pl, A I ~1 doe
o( Nil, citrate. In-miffix if, water. ftall4fel It, 4 -'0# fill
tnea%mring &4, rt~jl, Ad wait r ill the mark. a-14 I nil
W 11.1, sprillin 1., 5 W sid of thi. -111., Isa- 11, bir 1",
21) malre a -.1 J,f. ill, PI . ..... leff I's, moo
Ihr -.1ilivalim etim- -w I-v Ot, P1, ?4P,' ~0,1 ISO*
or ~ nIt Va in wr mill. 1-he m. 111-1, r'.Im
the Is ,11 Itiv 4nal"i, I ...... :.,I I%" 1., :41
I'll and fmm 11) 1-' h- t- 4 1- 1- Zn I'll, tims, r-
joirt-cl for ill,- amily,t. 4 Cis I. I 7.-a-d It,.,, I b, f,, 1 5
-:a hr, Iris.. .,I Ill, -I,in. I. i.wv
%V. If 11russ
to., 6mv
410 a., all 111 46441, 44 ss,t. 's,
a -.V-1 V III vJAI 0 0 0 1 W to ff0
AT so R; 11 It S No a I VA
0 is age *,:c; a 0 Gie Osseo 000000 so IS g
900000006 0 cr 0 49 (L_ 0141 041 so 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 04 Sol
BURLUOV, A.V. &"i . 1 -4
Investigating flaaa burning in the luminescence of ZnS-Kh
phosphors. Opt.i spektr. I no.5:719-728 S 156. (KLRA 9:11)
1. Laningradskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut iment Lensoveta,
Xafedra fiziki Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut imeni
(Phosphors) (Luminescence-Reasuvement)
1-~ V ~ 1~ \j
SUBJECTo USSR/Luminescence 48-4-5/48
AUTHORSs Tolatoy N.A., Tkachuk A.M., Tkachuk N.N. and Wansurova Z.S.
TITLEt Flash Brightness Rise of Zinc-Sulfide Phosphors ~Vspyshechnoye
razgoraniye tvink-aullfidnykh fosforov)
PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Serlya Fizicheakaya, 1957,
Vol 21, #4, pp 495-498 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs A rise in the flash brightness of the luminescence long-wave
band is observed in ZnS-Mr.1 ZnS-Nil ZnS-Co and also in the
"Pure" ZnS (apparently due to iron admixtures). The flash may
be 6.5 times as bright &a stationary phosphorescence of ZnS-Ni.
The intensity of flash depends on the duration of interruption
of to In excitation illumination. There is an optimum time of
to max ("ripening time") which corresponds to maximum flash,
The value of to ... depends on the phosphor composition and
temperature. Temperature-dependence of t 0 max is expressed
by the following squationt _L
Card 1/2 t. )Inox , e
TITM Flaah Brightness Rise of Zinc-Sulfide Phosphors japyahechnoye
razgoraniye tzink-sullfidnykh fosforov)
The process of flash "ripening" is interpreted as a thermal
transfer process of electrons from the local "supply levels"
to the local "flash levels". After a sufficient time, elec-
trons leave thermally also flash levels. The law cited above
can be derived on the basis of these conceptions.
The article is followed by a discussion of the topics touched
in the report.
No references are given.
INSTITUTIONs Not indicated
SUBMITTEDs No date indicated
AVAILABLEs At the Librory of Congress.
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Man urova Z.S. SOV/51-4-4--1?/24
TITLE: ~Ihe Effect of Dimensions of Crystalline Grains on the
Characteristics of Flash Rise ~of 1juminescence) in ZnS-YLn
Phosphors (Viiyaniye razmerov kristallicheskikh zeren na
kharakteristiki vspyshechnogo razEoraniga v fosfcrakh
PERIODICAL: Oj)tika i 1958, Vol IV, _-ir 4
p-, 52Q - ',~42 (USS
ABSTRACT; The rElative TaC-_I~ '-.ade -)f' t.;-_ flash, i.e. the ratio of
the miaximuE_ bri,,,htnes6 at the peak 3f the flash to the steady-
state brightness, Eiven by V = Jnlax/J , depends on the
nature of the nl~os-pl'.or. on tem.Dera-ture, the intensity of
excitation and ablove all )_-i the dlurati:~,n _-A1' the dark interval
between two consecutilie excitations. For eacb phosphor at a
given temperature, there is a value of the darkLinterval
duration t 0 after which the flash reaches its maximum. On
further increase of the dark interval ~i.e. t > t 0 ) the
value of V begins to fall. The author studied dependence
of the value of V and of the value of t 0 on the dimens-ions
Cardl/5 of the crystal grains of the phosphor. The phosphor studied
Thelgffect of Dimensions of Cr7stalline Grains on the Characteristics
of Flash Rise (of Luminescence) in ZnS-Mn Phosphors
was ZnS-Mn with ~a coqcentration 2.5.lo-3_ g/S NaCl flux) were
s yn th esbEd in the present author's laboratory and in the laboratory
of A.V. Moskvin. The samples prepared were passed through
sieves to produce fractions with grains smaller than 400, 200,
180, 160, 125, 100, 80, 50 and 40 u grains. For each of
these fractions, the value of V was measured by the method
described in Ref 2. One of the fractions (400-200 ~L) was
ground and was also passed through the same set of sieves.
The finest fraction with ground grains of size smaller than
40 A did not luminesce on irradiation with ultraviolet light.
For all these artificially granulated fractions, the author
also measured the value of V . X-ray analysis was used to
study the structure as a function of the qeFree of fineness
of the phos8hor grains prepared at 1 160 C (wurtzite)
and at 850 C (sphalerite). Figures 1 and 2 show the
dependences of the relative magnitude of the flash V on
the dark interval t 0 for all the fractions of the phosphor.
The "naturall' fractions are represented in Figure 1 and the
fractions prepared by gindinE ("artificial" fractions) are
Uard2/5 rep-resented in Figure 2. The figures show that each fraction
The Effect of Dimensions of Cr7stalline Grains on tbp Characteris,ics
of Flash Rise (of Luminescence) in ZnS-Un Phosphors
possesses its own flash maximum. The value of t 0 at
which the flash reaches its maximum is practically the same
for all fractions. Figure 3 shovis the dependence of the value
of V at its maxi-aium (V max ) on the size of the grains D
(in 0 . The "natural" fractions are shown as Curve a and
the "artificial" fractions as Curve b .. These two curves
show that there is an optimum val!ie of the grain size at
which the flash reaches its maximum. Dependence of the
stead,y-state brightness on the intensity of exciting li-ht
for the orange (Mn) luminescence is sub-linea-r and is the
same for a1l fractions. The X-ray analysis showed that both
the sphalerite and vmrtzite structures are not affected bj
the grain size. If, following Levshin (Ref 5), it is
assumed that the steady-state brightness J decreases
monotonically with decrease of the grain size then the
absolute value of th, flash J max decreases ~for bigger
more slowly, if at all, with decrease of the
Card39 ain size than the steady-state brightness J 00 . For
The Nffect of Dimensions of Cr7stalline Grains on the Characteristics
of Flash Rise (of Luminescence) in ZnS-Mn Phosphors
smaller grain sizes J max decreases faster with grain
size than does J 00 ' The difference in the luminescent
properties caused by the changes in gain size reduces t6
the relative magnitude of the surface of grains. In smaller
grains, the radiationless transitions become more important
and this causes the decrease of the steady-state emission
and the loss of ability to produce a flash. The differences
in the behaviour in the s-kaady-state emission and of the
flash emission with decrease of the grain size show that
the centres of emission and centres of first and second
localisation are affected to a different Aegree by incre~'se
of the relative surface area on decrease*of the grain size.
There are 3 figures and 5 Soviet references.
Card 4/5
The Effect of Dimensions of Crystalline Grains on the Char2cteristics
of Flash Rise (of Luminescence) in ZnS-Mn Phosphors
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy Technologicheskiy institut im. Lensoveta
(Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovt~t )
SUBMIT'LED: JUlY 18, 1957
1. Phosphors.-Lurplnepeence
1. .1 j
Card 5/5
USSR/Crystals. B-5
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 18331
Author N.A. Tolstoy, N.N. Tkachuk, M.Ya. Tsenter, Z.S. Mansurova,
A.V. Burlakov.
Title Study of 13rowth of Flash Intensity of Phosphor Luminescen-
Drig Pub Optika i spektroskopiya, 1956, 1, No 5, 719-728
Abstract A method of study of the flash intensity growth is propo,
sed. Using this method, the laws of the flash intensity
grovth fo2 the phosph r series ZnS-Mn of the concentra-
tion of Mn oof 5 x 1P to 5 x 1o-3 g1g (calcination tempe-
rature 900 , flux. NaCl) were studied. It was shown that
there was an optimum duration of the dark pause between
two successive excitations at any temperature (from -50
t0-+580), at which the flash attains a maximum. This op-
timum duration decreases wh,~n the temperature rises. A
mechanism of the flash intensity growth is suggested.
Card 1/1 - 88 -
c3 /o /6 1,1n ? -- lor 1 A)
i0h,/P 2U2
Tolstoy, ~-I. A., T?nchiik, -)nkoinv, V. A.,
-,Iy-:kin, I T., Mnnslmwn, 7. S., nro
Y-oit-no- , Y. 17.
'r Tr 1,-1:': 'rlash-h-ttnr of Zn.i-n~nsnhors n-n(4 con(,urr-nre nr
Luminasrenn- hnnos
~'~P IO'ICAL: l7w!stlyrn, Akndemii nnuk Y'ST. 3eriy,-
.. ?r,, no. 3, 1061, IQQ-)jO5
777T : This naper wns nrpsen"H Pt thp Oth ronfprenc,~ on lumlnp,--~nre
~crystnl nhosnhors), Kiy-v, 'unr! 2(,' to ')5, lQN. Fla-b 'ipatir;- o' nhns-
nho r9 is to ~n ~r--umui,~t.tnn Or -lertronL or
1,-torwil ~--tweon I-o excitntions. r-or-eed-inf- fron the ~zc~eme
by Sch6n Prid Klasens th,-~ -,uthors rlis-,s!, thn proresses ocr7urri-C -Ln tlis
~-onnect-Lon W4t)~ thp Pid of the srheme -;hovM.. In Fii-. 1. They eyplain th-
fiilirw of the ~liun and red luminescrmce canteru with holps in +,h--~ Ir
ste,)dy excitntlcn. They :ilFo -t4-FciiF9 thr~ rrechnnism Of flinch hn-tlr~"
lepds to the conniirrenr~.- o' -mH r-~rl 1--nr!s whi-h 'n--id I-en d-s-tP(l.
nlre-idy by 11. L. ionvshin. On tho b'jSiS Or trhPSP consi~!eraticnv the
PiAhors study thp dependence of the stendy luminescence or 0ort-v-ve
bands on the intensity of the exciting li.pht nt different tpmnernturesq.
Determining the volumetric weight of nonferrous metal ores.
Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; tevet. met. 2 no.3:8-12 '59.
(MIRA 12:9)
l.Severokavkazakiy gornometallurgicheakir institut, Kafedra poleznykh
iskopay-emykh i poiskovo-razvedochnogo dela.
(Ores--Sampling and estimation)
Applying mathematical statistics to geological prosp6cting.
evaluation of divergences of variable magnitude moans values.
Izv.vy's.ucheb.zav.; geol.1 razv. 2 no.3:80-86 Mr 159.
(MIRit 12:12)
1. Severo-Kavkazakiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut.
(Prospecting) (Kathematical statistics)
Metamorphism In ores f the Zgid lead-zinc deposit. izv.v-ys.ucheb.
zav.; tavet-met. 3 -,,.2-3-5 160. 0IMA 15-4)
1. Trest Sevkavtsvetz.trawmdka
(Verkhniy ZgId--_,.,.afer-i-Ias
i Severo-kavkazakiy gornome-
metals) (Metamorphism)
Mineral sition of ores and features of location of ores
in two deposits of lead and zinc. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.;
geol, i rasv. 5 no.10983-94 0 '62. (MIRA 16:1)
1. Severo-Kavkazakiy gornometallurgichaskiy institut imeni
(Caucasus, Northern-Zinc ores)
(Caucasus, Northern-Lead ores)
mmisunym, L. M.
MANSURYAN, L. M. t "Investigation of the agrotechnical properties of the
operation of plowshares or, slopes." Min Higher Education USSR.
Amenian Agricultural Inst. Yerevan, 1956. (Dissertation for the
Degree of Candidate in Agricultural Science.)
So- Knizhnaya letopis', No. 37, 1956. Moscow.
~=VETASHVILX, V.M.- CHUAKP H.M.; starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Public health in the Virgin Territory, Sov. zdrev. 20 no.7:6-12
,61. (ml,A 15:1)
1. Zaveduyushchiy TSelinnym krayevym otdelom zdra;rookhraneniya (for
Kwwvetashvili). 2. Institut organizataii zdravookhraneniya i istorii
meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashko (for Chumak).
State of trai ime to logical aid to the population of the 'I i rgin
Territory. Ortop. travir. i protez. 20' no.6:56-60 Je 165.
(MIRA 18:8)
L 46909-66 Wr (mQ) LIEWP (j_) RM
ACC NR, AP6015509 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/005/1650/1652
AUTHOR: Mansvetov, N. G.; Rukman, G. I.; Savellyev, V. A.
URG: none
TITLE: Transient characteristics of anthrac4e photodepolarization following brief UV~
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 5, 1966, 1650-1652
TOPIC TAGS: photoconductivity, photoconductor, anthracene, depolarization, UV irra-
ABSTRACT: Anthracene specimens 0.05 cm thick with a 3.2 cm2 area were polarized by a
:UIP-1 dc source, and irradiated by a UFO-4 lamp for one min. The depolarization was
1performed by an ISP-800 flashbulb which generated UV impulses. The photodepolarization
!signals were obtained flash-irradiation of the positive and negative C1010 electrodes,
amplified by a 103-1 amplifier and observed on the screen of a Sl-16 high-frequency
,oscillograph. Within the accuracy limits of these experiments, the kinetics of the
'process that take place in C14H10 do not seem to affect the speed characteristics of
,the photodepolarization signals. The considerable unipolarity of the signals supports
ipreviously suggested theories as to the physical nature of the photodepolarization pro-.
icess. It appears from experimental data that the effect of shallow levels upon the
Card 1/2
L 46909-66
ACC NR: AP6015509
,transient characteristics of photoconductivity is not really significant. The authors
express their appreciation to A. V. Fridkin for his valuable advice. Orig. art. has:
1 figure, 2 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 27Dec65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 003
2/2 fv
,- - -
The Russian militar7 rocket. Voen. znan. 30 no.111:21 11 154.
WRA 1i.-6)
(Rockets (Ordnance))
&ffMLM"-A naucht*7 -jotrudnik; RUDCHHHKO, S.K.. nauchnyy sotrudalk;
KONDRIKOV. N.L. nauchnyy sotrulnik; TYAGUNOV, T.M., nauchnyy
sotrudnik; WAXOT, V.I.. naucbny7 sotnAnik; IMOSHIM, Z.F..
polkovaik. redaktor; GALIPARIN, S.Yu,,. rodaktor
CH'istorical Artillery Museum; a concise guidebook) Artillertiskii
isotricheskii muzei; kratkil putevoditall. Pod obahchet red. I.?.
Armoshina. Leningrad. 1955. 171 P. (KLRA 9:12)
1. Leningrad. Artilleriyakiy istorichaskiy muzey.
(Leningrad--Kilitary museums)
"Ovarlotomy in a Case of Pregnancy." Thesis for degree of Can. -medical Sci.
Sub 20 Dec 49, Central Inst for the Advanced Iraining of Physicians.
Sumary, 82, 18 Dec 52) Dissertations Presented For Degrees in Science and
Engineering in Mloscow in 1949. From Vechern-vaya I-!oskva, Jan-Dec 1?49.
[Velikiy Ustyug) Velikii Ustiug. Vologda, Vologodskoe knizbnoe
izd-vo, 1960. 133 p. (V.:,iU 14:7)
(Velikiy Ustyug-Description)
MA 'IT', Ynv--r , I. fl.
O-Tt SPetsial'nogo stankostroyeniv
~ a v org-an;zateli seriy-opc; V77-,Iska
Imrdoebesallnvkh mashin. V ab- SDf5tqial!zlr. Stanki v maghinos,troyanti.
M.-L., 1949, n. 121-41
SO: Latoo'-st Zhurnqllnykh Statay, No. 49, 1Q49
XUGM. los,if Mikhaylovich; KUCHM, Alakeetadr Mikhailovich; AUSEROV , M.A.,
kand.tekbn.nauk, dotoent, red.; SHAVLYUGA, N.I., kand.tekhn.nauk,
dotsent, retsenzent; MANSMV I G'inzh., red.; CHFAS, M.A., red.
izdatelletva; POL'SiAt~, r. ~.,;
[Lathes; their modernization and automatization] Tokarnye stanki,
lkh modernizataiia i avtomatizataila. Izd.2-oe, perer.1 dop. Pod
obahchei red.M.A.Anserova. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo
mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1957. 138 P. (Bibliotechka tokaria-novatora,
no-3) (MIRA 10:12)
AVRUTIIIP R.D., lnzh.3 RESHETTKIIIN, N.V., kand. takhn. nauk,
retsenzent; MANSTREEV, I.G.. kand. taakhn. nauk, red.
Nandbook on bydraulic drives of machine toolsl Spra-
vochnik po gidroprivodam metal-lorezhushchikh stankov.
Moskva, Mashinostroanie, 1965. 266 p. (MIRA 18:11)
GOLOKOLENKOI I.,, polkovnik; MANT M ; FEDOSEUVO I., polkovmk;
_NW,_ ,,~odpolkovnik
ANISIMNO V., P03,kovnik; MIN, 1 0, mayor; SHMAGUN.. V., mayor;
14ATROSOVI V.,.. kapitan; IMVREV,, I. J,.mayor; ANDRIAMOV, V., mayor
Communism will become a reality* Voon.vest. 41 no.12:8-18 D 161.
WIRA 15:3)
(Commmist Party of the Soviet Union-Corgresses)
(Russia-Armed forces-PoUtical activity)
MANT, -M. -P-Qdp-c)lkovnik
Tank company in defense. Voen. vest. 42 no.8:63-69 Ag 162.
(MIRA 15.7)
(Tank warfare)
0 0 # C 0 0
U 1111116,113611 its "Bit a a I' gums Iguisseau, Isa
a is V
it L
-A--" -A
~7- -OCCISSIS .14 .-Ap
V!Mrp d nd
ea?*%,!=add* %albumfits. 4.,IA rm.
"ad. smamsm 4,
Ftench)-Quant. Edsorption of Na
salts of cbofic of -be
M~.",rf by ovalbumin allow
an adsorpflon of about M,O H 7.3. This value ap-
ptoach" the blood pH and ftems to be atost favorable
r Nacluxi
03 .40
06 20*0
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:: '1~0 P!-Ptbl )go xf, I I. ~Svfks
I.Wifirs 4.0
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ues o
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G"Wee Nachml
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I'loccooolo rp see c e ~ ~ o a so so 0000000 00 0 0 1 a 4 0 0 4 0 0 * 0 a
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11-t-V-1 Jk A- , .. .
io, ~qv,
ndiu. llikji*4 V. Ad4maki" j2.- IV
mwk*ng t1d%ting nw,h~jq 10, bbxxl
4-41 d"Ws. the Ifirmt-i"Elf- methot (C.A. zo, m1m;
30~ 19144) WAS 1"Und MMI Wid,111eir.
The ariginAir
lt-t Wine mid thkmi(ate %in. mjUj be 441vantspuuty
m4aced by a tin* 0-M2 N KIO~ x9t, F. Xcit"s
so 131 zoo
alow 1 6)
waso I V.,.L~v too
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IV Ir.,
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.3 -n es z
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p 11 i d v.~ i i r s
i C' C
iABS. JOUR. 2-1
0.11-1. FU B.
yjc' '70,f, 0
1 r.
of, 2 o f rr_j 'j(
-?o I
A 3
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the i-J
7)oljr,pd in-tD 1. wale,-;
t -ar 0 -'r
To V)
ra n-) n 3 0 c t 1 C) I, of
joss, Joup-
_14A.14TA, I.,_prof.; BEDELEMIU, D.; CAPILTIA, S.; MURFSAN, Letitia; GOHUN,
On certain biochemical changes in experimental athero3clnroa-'S.
Famanian M Rev. no.1:181-182 Ja-,,x 161.
1. The Chair of Biochemistry of the MedJcopharmaceutical Institute,
Cluj, Head of the Chair; Prof. 1. Manta.
(AIIT-.~"RIOSCLEROSIS chemistry) (LIPIDS metabolism)
(COPPER metabolism) (GOENZMCS metabolism) (NITROUF metabolism)
The action of sodium bata-hydroxybut3.6te on the activity of type-B
cells in the pancreas. Rumanian M Rdw. no.1:245-247 Ja--Fx 161.
(PANCRFAS pharmacology) (BUTYRATES pharmacology)
HICU, I.; OANA, C.; h1MTA 'I.; 10AA, inena; CUCIURE101U, Georgeta;
LdI.M, Valentina; ~~, C.; GRADINAHJ, Liliana; GRkDL-JAnU, I.;
Clinic of Contagious Diseases Iasi, Iasi Regional Sane-Ad.
(Clinica do boll contagioase Iasi, Sanopidul regional A*.asi.)
- (for all)
Bucharest, Viata Medicala No 7, 1 Apr 63, pp 457-460.
"Epidemic of Ornithosis in a Rural Locality-"
Contributions to atheromatosis biochemical research.
Rev chimie 7 no..I: 317-325 162.
1. Medizinisch-Pharmazeutischea Institut, Lehrstuhl
fur Biochemle, Cluj.
Biochemistry of atheromatosis. Pt. 6. Studii cerc biochimie
7 no.lr9-17 164.
1. Department of Biochemistry of the Medicopharmaceutical
Institute, Cluj.
TBODOR01VIC1, Gr*, vonfo; IIIAN, A*, dr6; OAJU, C., dr, ~ VIORTSTEAIT,
Virginia, dr.; HANDRACHE, fmimila, dr.; VM~."A, G_&'orgat,;, dr.;
MANU,J. dr. ; CAMER, M., dr.; UTUIA, Mireille, L-.; K", -TIN,
_iiiiiiime, dr.
Evolution of influenza among a group of school-age children in
th,3 year 1962-71-963. Mi~,robiologia (Ducur) 9 no.6-:523-529
N.-D '(,4
1. Luc:rara efe,~!.ua-~a la Inatitutial meilcc-farma(~autilm, Iasi.
MITA) I.; GOW, Victoria
Phosphoric esters of thiamine I, scme ppthological lesions.
Fiziol. norm. pat. 10 no-5t,437-443 S-0164
1. Catedra de biochimie, Institutul medico-fainaceutic, Cluj.
_,~ITA.,-I.i DUI~%, D.; LAZIR, Tr.C.; POPO'VICIM, L.; (A'I'ANA, Kozalla;
'PIP,vu . ~Iaria; SERBAN, M.
Biochemical research on experimental allergic encephalomye'Litis.
Pt.2. Fiziol. norm. pat. 11 no.3:237-242 My--je 165.
1. Catedra de bioch-imie si Clinica de neurologie, Institutul
medico-farmaceutic, Clu.,;*.
Feriodicals: FEVISTA DE CHIMIE. Vol. 9, no. 9.. Sept. 1958
,-MTA, L. Preparation of esters of the sterin class. P. 495
Monthly List of East European Accessions JE~Ul) LC Vol 8, No. 2,,
rebrua17 1959,*Urclass.
RUSANOV, V.T.; GURSYEV, I.D., master; KOCHENKOV, V.V., osmotrshchik-
av,tomatchik; STJKIVOV, S.I., osmotrshchik-avtomatchik;
SEMOMIR, N.A., osmotrshchik-prolazchik; MALYGINA, N.A.,
blesarl-avtomatchik; MANUTAK, A-L ,inzh.-tekhnolog; MhWV, G.A.,
imstruktor; POTAPOV, A.L., mashiList elektrovoza; KC)VRIZHKIN, NAP.;
PATEYUK, I.L., starshiy inzh. po tormozam:
Discussion of Boiko and Senderov's article "Is there a need for
emergency braking boosters on freight trains?" Elek.i tepl. tiaga
5 no.12:26-2-1 D 161. (MIRA 15-1)
1. Funkt ~,ekhnicheskogo osmotra atax,taii Magnitogorsk Yuzhno-Urallskoy
dorogi. 2. Nachallnik punkta tekhnicheskogo osmotrn. staritsii Mag-
nitogorsk Yuzhno-Ura.1'skoy dorogi (for Rusanov). 3. Depo Tuapse
Severas-Xiftmskoy dorogi (for Potapov). 4. Starshiy revizor
sluzhby-lokomotivnogo khozyaystva Moskovskoy dorogi (for Kovrizhki-n).
5. Sluzhba vagonnogo khozyaystva MoBkovskoy dorogi (for Pateyuk).
(Railroads-Br aLwgg&-m.
1, i I ~F
L 47377-66__&iT(n)/E7V1F(w) /E~?(tj/ I &~P IJP(c) JDIHW
AR60285~1 SOURCE CODE: UR/0276/66/000/005/BO47/BO47
AUTHOR: -Atroshchenko, E. S.; Kofman, A. P.; Mantaroshin, A. P.;
Na rornov, G. M. ; Popov, N. V. ; Ryadinskaya, 1. M.
TITLE: A possibility of using explosion energy for strengthening tractor lug-
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinstroyeniya, Abs. 5B314
REF SOURCE: Sb. Materialy Nauchn. konferentsii. Sovnarkhoz Nizhne-Volzhsk.
ekon. r-na. Volgogradsk. politekhn. in-t. T. 1. Volgograd, 1965, 284-287
TOPIC TAGS: tractor, ;ug track, e:rplosion energy
i ABSTRACT: The use of explosion energy for strengthening tractor lug tracks was
found to be feasible. A diagram for strengthening the lugs was shown. The use of
explosive cords is considered to be the most acceptable from the engineering
aspect. Studies were made of the effect of the medium on the magnitude and
I Crd 1 / 2 UDC: 621. 789:621. 81
L 47377-66
ACC NRI AR6028531
character of strengthening and of the effect of allignment of cords on the uniformity
of strengthpning along the circumference of the lugs. Casting defects in the tracks!
can lead Othe failure of a lug. Orig. art. has: 3 reference items. [Translatioll
of abstract) IFMI
2/2 Mj a
Design of a precast shad roof.
dela AN Gruz. SSR. no.2:27-J46
(Roofs, Shall)
Trud7 nauch. korr. Inst. stroi.
'58. (KIRA 3-2:7)
AUTHORS: Mantashyan,
TITLE: On the behaviour
reaction of
A.A. Moshkina, R.I. and Nalbandyan, A.B.
of the methy! peroxide radical in -h!~
low temperature oxidation of methane
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Izvestiya,
Khimicheskiye nauki. Y.14, r1c.3, !961, pp~A5-19i
TEXT: A study was made of the behaviour of the methyl peroxida
radical within a wide range of temperatures in the reaction o"
oxidation of methane photosensibilized with mercury, the
between the activation energies of isomerization and de-omp-L:3i-.-,1-3n
of the peroxide radical and its reaction with methane was
determined. The residence -time of the reaction mixture in -he
irradiation zone was varied from 2 to 8--!0 sec. The
were carried out at atmosphez-1c pressure withLn the tempera-1-..;
rangeg room temperature to 400'C, A quartz lamp T7PIK,-.2 (PRK-2)
was used as a source of radiation, it was placed ins-'de the
reactor which consisted of three quartz tubes, placed zo-axiaily,
The lamp, placed in the Intei-nal tube, was cooled with ,:.z--u:.att-ng
distilled water. The Bpa,:.e between the first and second ti.~be was
Card 1/3
On the behaviour of zhe mathvl E071/E435
continuously evacuated wish high vacuo pumps. The spa.:r. b6rween
the second and the third tube served as a preheater and a raa-tor,
Before passing into the real-lor, the reaction mIxturs (g0% CH4-
10% 02) was saturated with mercury vapour a-~ room temperatura.
For the determination of the velocity of formation of methy-L
hylroperoxide and formaldehyde, methyl hydroperoxide marked with
C was introduced into the re4.:iion mixiure, The experimen'al
procedure used was descrIbed previously (Ref.8. N.A,Kleymenc-r,
Candidate dissertatlon. IKhF AN SSSR, 1959; Ref.9~ R.I.Moshk:-Id,
N.L.Galanina, A.B.Nalband-an, Izv., AN SSSR, OKhN 10, 1725 1'1939))
It was found that the yield of oxidation products., ca-i~-ula-ed f,,..7
1 litre of the reaction mixture passed through the reactor.,
increases linearly with increasing rss-~dence time of the miAture
in the irracUiation zone (up to 10 sen.). Within the range of
temperatures studied, the yield of the peroxide increases wlh
temperature, reaches a max.,mum (280 to 3100C) and then sharply
decreases to zero, Formaldehyde appeazs in the rea:ticn producA6
later than peroxide and JLts yield is continuously increasing, On
the basis of velocities of formation of fermaldehyde (Wa) and
methyl hydroperoxide (Wn),, it was calculated that at 300% abGU-.
Card 2/3
On the behaviour of the methyl ... E071/E435
57% of methane, consumed in the reaction, is transformed into
formaldehyde by-passing the methyl hydroperoxide stage. Of the
total formaldehyde formed at a given temp6.-ature onlY 7% is formL_d
from peroxide on its thermal decompos-'tion. On the basis of the
ratios of Wa/Vn (determined for the temperature range 190 to 325"
the difference in the activation energies AE of the process
isomerization and decomposition of the peroxide radical and it3
reaction with methane was determined ( AE a 8500 cal/mole). Frcrri
the above data the ratio of the velocity constants of the
reactions CH300---)~CH20 + OH (4) and CH3COO + CH4-4CH COOH + CH3 i2)
was calculated: Kk/K2 = 2~5 x 1022 cm-31. There are Z figures and
10 references: 9 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The reference '_c tl~-e
English language publicatlorBreads as follows3
H.CallencUer, Engineering 123, 147, 182, 210 (1927)1 A~C~Eger-(i_n'
L.Smith, A.R.Ubberlohde, Phib. Trans, A.234, 1037 (1953) E-W~Mardles,
J.Chem. Soc. 1928, 8M J.A.Gray, J.Ch*im. Sor- 1952, 3150~
ASSOCIATIM Institut khimicheskoy fizikl AN SSSR
(Institute of Chemical Physi~_a AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: blarch 19, 196-1
Card 3/3
~z/ 17 1/6 1/0 !If
0 A0 E075/El.
AUTHORS: Mantashlan, A.A., and Nalbandyan, A B
TITLE: Photochemical oxidation of ethane
mercury vapour. Part 1. Reaction at room
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Izvest Ora
Khimicheskiye nauki, v.11t, no.6, 196t r)[- :z-)6
TEXT: The authors investigated the kinetics and m- !-- ii;
of photochemical oxidation of ethane at room temperature Th
mixture of reactants was saturated with HS vapour at 20 itfit
was passed into an evacuated glass reactor Tt w,i~ Riih I-
the action of light frous a quartz-atercury lamp nPK 2 i i,ieL
for a few seconds and was then removed from the reactor-
Reactions at high temperatures were carried out by pla(itig th
reactor in an electrical furnace. It was established that -h-
reaction products are ethylhydroperoxide and ac4~taldehNd
forming in approximately equal quantities, independent (.0" ; '
other, It was found that the ratio of hydropProxir1e/ac,-n?,f-+%'
depends on the surface/volume ratio of the reactur. Int 1,.- ii
Card 1/3
.,;/ 1- 1/6
PI1(-)tOCh(?MLc a I oxid.-i t. i mi ,t F..OT -) / L i
of the compas it iow and pressur e of the reac t i ng in i x t ~i i i,
invest iga ted and it was conc I uded tha t e thy Lhydro pe r ox i do in,
in a bimolecular reaction as follows:
C2H506 , C 2H6 --) C 2H 5OOH ~ C 2H5
Aceta Idehyde f c rms a s a resu I t o f a he t crogeneou a~ d , s,
the hydroperoxide radical on the walls of' the r-a r,t a ;I%
to the following reaction:
C2H500 + YAT-1 1 11, 0 , ON
The auth,,rs proposed a rt!ai-tjon mc-chanism in whif.11 ..-x, !t -A f;.g
atom forming by absorption of light quantum of wavelensih
X = 2537 X transmits its excitation energy to hvdri- ii I.-
molecules on collision The exc i I (-d ti)olectj le~ J.- (,MJ)''-
according to the react ion I I
C21 It0 r 211
Card 2/1
Photochemical ox~dati,)n of ethinf,
or are doact ivated on coll is ion wJ th
radical Kives per-oxide radical on collision
molecu Le The latter either fornis a
or j -3 d,.-s troyed a t the reac tor wn I I -
There are 6 figures,
S/ J 7 1/6 1 /0 1'4/Oo6,,
rthane m(, 1( .ti
with ar, C I
molecule (-)f, hyri, po.
ASS()CIATION. Institut khimichoskoy A,% ~,S_st4
(Institute of Chemical Physics, AS U~-_';'P)
SUBMITTED, December 19, 1961
AUTHORS: and Nalbandyan, A.B.
TITLE. Photochemical oxidation of ethane sensitized with
mercury vapour.
Part II. Reaction at high temperatures.
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk'Armyanskoy SSR. Izvestiya.
Khimicheskiye nauki, v.14, no.6, 1961, 327-536
TEXT: Using the apparatus described by the present authors
in a previous article (Ref.l: Izv. AN ArmSSR, KhN, v.141 no.6,
517 (1961)) the authors investigated the oxidation of ethane up
to 400 0C. It was established that the reaction products up to
150 OC are ethyl hydroperoxide and acetaldehyde. Above this
temperature the compounds are formed together with formaldehyde
and methyl alcohol. It was shown that the rate at which the
concentration of ethylperoxide increases with temperature passes
through a maximum at 270-280 OC and approaches zero at 350-36o OC.
The rate of formation of acetaldehyde does not change to 150 'C
and increases with temperature above 150 OC. The rates of
Card 1/3
Photochemical oxidation of ethane ... S/171/61/014/006/002/oo.-
formation of formaldehyde and methyl alcohol increase with
temperature. The ethyl peroxide radical was shown to be able to
isomerise at the C-H bond in the presence of C-C bond and to
decompose with the formation of acetaldehyde and Oh radical.
Departing from the generally accepted scheme for gaseous
oxidation of hydrocarbons, the authors postulate on the basis
of the results obtained the following mechanism of the reaction!.
(1) C H5 +0 ---> C H 5 00
2 2 2
(2) C H 00 + C H H OOH + C H
2 5 , 2 6 ----) C 2-5 2 5
(3) C H 00 ----) CH 0 +CH 0
2 5 , 2 ~3
C2H3~ 00 C 2H40 + OH
(5) CH30 + C2H6 CH 3OH + C2H5
(6) 6H + C2H6 4t 2H5+ H20
(7) C2H500 + wall c2H40 + OH ---~ destruction.
Card 2/3
Photochemical oxidation of ethane S/171/61/ol4/oo6/002/005
This mechanism differs from those generally accepted by the
elementary reaction (4) and the form of notation for reaction (7)
corresponding to destruction of the peroxide radical.
V.S. Pudov is thanked for the chromatographic analysis of the
products, and B.V. Rozanov for the spectral one.
There are 6 f�gures.
ASSOCIATION; Institut khimicheakoy fizikl AN SSSR
(Institute of Chemical Physics, AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: December 19, 1961
Card 3/3
Determination of the quantum yield, chain I.L--gth and its t--=pera+.Izre
dependence in photochemical reactions of methane and ethane
oxidation. Izv*AN Arm,,SSRJhim,,nadki 15 no.1:3-14 162. (MIRA 15:7)
14 Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AR SSSR.
(Paraffins) (Oxidation) (Quantum chemistry)
Photochemical mercury vapor sensitized oxidation of ethane. Rjuport
No. 3: Ratios of rate constantn of elementary reactions. Izv.AT!
Arm.SSR.Khim.nauki 15 no.1-.15-U, t62, (MIRA 15; 7)
1. Institut khim-tcheskoy fiziki AN SSSR.
(Ethane) (Oxidation) (Chemical reaction,, Rate of)
Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Chemical
Sciences at the Institute of Hetrochemical Synthesis: in 19bZ:
"Kinetics and Mechanism of the Photochemical Oxidation of Hydrocarbons."
Vest. Akad. Nauk SSSR. No. h, Moscow, 1963, pages 119-1h5
Possible ways of acetylene syntbesis from :--sthane
nonisothermal conditicn3. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 41 no.3:147-
152 t65- WIRA 18 11)
1. Lab:)ratoriya khimicheskoy fiziki AN ArmSIJR. Subinitted
March 17, 1965.
TEF.-KARAPETYAll, M.A., akaderrik;,I~~~.
Synthevis of proline in fermenting grape must. Dokl. AN Arm.
SSR 41 no.3:153-158 165. Dimp. 18:11)
1. YerevanBkiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. 2. JUT ArmSSR
(for Ter-Karapetyan). Submitted April 16, 1965,
1, Sedimentologic data on the Senonian-Danian deposits in
the Vintil cle jos Geoagiu region. Studii cerc geol 8
no. ;4: 215-234 163.
1. Comunicaro pretontitta (to acadortilciazi G. Murgoarm.
111117'~;A, Gh.
Of tho III-30cane fzr,,,;at~za3 i-n
(Notaliferi lfomtaina). Darl seama ae,-l 49 pt.2:99-1i2 I cul
03'ubmitted ApYLI -2, , 1,162.
The present stage and Possibilities of developing nonferrous metallurgy
in Ruimnia. p. 191. Academia Republic~i Populare Romine. ANALFT .
Bucuresti. SUPPI. to v. 3, 1955.
-SOURGE: East European Accessions List (FEAL) Library of Congrev--
Vol. 5, no. 9. Sept. 1955
T. :7
ta~ oft aforala
M contribution to the improvement of the pyrometallurgic processing
of lead concentrates.11
p. 69 (Studii Si Cercetari De Metalurgie) Vol. 2, no. 1/2, 1957
Bucharest., Rumania
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4s
April 1958
AUTHORS: MTtea _4efan; Dulami~a, Titi, Iatan, Ion
TITLE: Brittle fracture of Cr-Si-Mo-steel for valves and methods of its
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 55, abstract 41326
("Bul. Inst. politehn. Bucurepti", 1960, 22, no. 4, 101-112,
Rilmanian; Russian, English, FrerLh, German summaries)
TEXT: StudieL were carried out with the aim of eliminating breakdowns of
exhaust valves of di-isel motors fabricated from steel mark M CM 1 (MSMI). The
fractures arise eithir as result of a very considerable grain growth, or after
incorrect heat-treatnent, or else as result of accidental working at a critical
degree of deformation. A new economical technique of deforming and heat-treat-
ment is cited.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
X -9100 AOO6/A1O1
AUTHORS: Mantea, St., Geru, N., Gernica, E.
T=: Magnetic metallography
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1962, 67, abstract 11477
("An, Rom.-Sov. Ser. metalurgie" 1961., v, 15, no. 2, 91-95, Roum.,
Russian summary)
TEXT: On the basis of experimental results obtained by Yeremin, Kittel,
Akulov, and Bitter, the authors studied independently a new method, called
magnetic metallography, which is intended to reveal various types of defects in
the crystal lattice structure of Fe, steel and alloys. The method makes it,
possiblet a) to reveal failure of metal compactness (porosity, inclusions,
cracks etc); b) to indicate characteristics of the initial structure in the
cast metal; a) to determine chemical inhomoge ity of the metal, arising due
to primary crystallization conditions; d) to study structural or chemical
inhomogen-ty, caused by heat treatment,.resulting in a simplified and accelerated
analysis of defects in the metal. The magnetic method of analyzing defects in
the metal consists in the examination of patterns, arising on the surface
Card 1/2
Magnetic metallography A006IA101
coatings of metall sections applied in the form of a thJx- layer of magnetic
colloid (Fe304 magnetite of gamma of Fe oxide, in the form of an aqueous suspen-
sion which contains soap, boraxpotassium nitrate and water glass). The fi!rro-
magnetic particles of the suspension are non-uniformly de.-osited on the surface
of the metal section crystals, they concentrate in certain areas of the surface
of crystals, forming a series of patterns whose appearance determines the nature
and structure of the metal being analyzed. Such a non-uniform distribution of
the ferromagnetic suspension is caused by magnetic dispersion fields on the
surface of crystals, which vary considerably in different sections of the
crystals. The authors analyze the mathematical expression for linear density
of magnetic fields on the metal grains and calculate the field energies for one
ferromagnetic particle of the suspension. The new magnetic metallographic
method of analyzing the micro- and macro-structure of metals was applied, in
particular, for studying defects in MSMI steel. This steel grade was used for
manufacturing valves with a non-homogeneous crystal composition of the metal.
There are 11 references.
N. Kirichenko
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 212
theXoung of certain of Fish Otethermogradient
C,onditions." Le~1958)'Lpp (All-^Union Scion. hesespwiQ
Inst of Lake an Kiver Rsh*&dwj~t.VNIORK"))150 copies vrjioRKk
(n, 41-58, 120)
MANTELIMAN, I.I.,,Cand Biol Sci -7, (dlssi) "Distribution of
Temperature selection in the young of certain co=ercial -fishes.
Trudy sov.lkht.kna. no.8:297-302 ' 58. (KCRA 11:11)
1. Tonsoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy tnstitdt-q~~nogo t rechnogo
r"nogo khozyaystva. (Temperature--Physiological effect) Vishes)
Distr: We 2 eye Al
by radio-activation or jjdjjWm and some
~1=1 a W-ining product containing zkcon. Maria
Constantit Mantesett (ins I'll Bucharest,
)-.Acad. re . ZoFulejre "I'll
366-73(1050 . MU, ludis cerrelari
chins. 7, r-UsIng the tuethod of nWio-activa-
tion of a mineral product of zircon, results were obtained ill d
simple way In cases where classical tuethods could not be
used. The usual rnethod for the detn. of Ill by radio-activa-
#ion, measuring the activity of the isotopes Hit" or Hill',
was modified by measuring the activity of the HVID, which
can be c4WIy sepd. from the activity of Zr$7, froat t:;-- disin-
dio-activation method, at-
t DY the M q
tcht'DrUalthlotnhecculbr -t.WU'J$nO le nalIsi,19 of ultrumicro quatt-
t 0 'It t!" 0 cant t
(Itt t the L I t ( 10 4 1 the fir en I
wlj~ollt the V
_pU of Zr) and 'a I mts of rare earths werel
dttd. T. Da=T~r~
Analysis of the chemically pure silicon by radioactivation. Studii
cerc chim 7 no.4:573-579 459. (EEKI 9:7)
1. Institutul de fizica atomica al Academiei R.P.R., Bucuresti.
(Semiconductors) (Silicon) (Radioisotopes)
z i -, ---, -' = = -~- -0 1
Determination of baron in oreq through the registration of particles
in the reaction BIO (n,OL) Li(. Studii oerc fiz 11 no.2:423-430 160.
(EEAI 10:1)
(ores) (Borori) (Lithium) (Neutrons)
(Nuclear counters) (Alpha rays)
/L 18845-63 EPF(c)/E1dP(q)/-;MT(m)/BDS AFFrC/ASD Pr-k JD1JG
ACCESSION NRi AP3003933 Q/0030/63/003/008/KZ90/K293
AUTHORt excu. C,,,qj~ostea ~T
TITLEt Release of tritium from neutron-irradiated lithium salts (short note)
SOURCEs Physica, status solidi, v. 3. no. 8, 1963, Y.29O-K293
TOPIC TAGS: lithium salt.., isotope labeling. tritium labeling. recoil tritium.
tritium in crystalline lattice-, neutron bombardment, gas-solid diffusion,
entrapped gas
ABSTRACTt Preliminary remats are reported for the thermal r9lease of the re-
6alts: LiF, LiCl,
coil tritium from the reactor-irradiated crystalline iithiumd~,
LiBr, UH, Li2Cr04, UN and LWH4, according to the reaction 'IA(n, alpha) T.
Though studies of the recoil tritium eodst for various systems. there is little
information on the effects of tritium generated in crystalline lattices.
Samples heated to various temperatures (betueen 50 and ZOO C) were irradiated
in vacuo at an integral neutron flux Of 4.1014 to 3.1016 nvt (Abstractor's
Card 10.
L 18845-63
note: meaning of nvt unknown]- '\heat-treated at constant temperature; and the
activity of the released tri;~"easured by two compensated Geiger-Miller
counters. The release of tritium from neutron-irradiated lithium chloride at
different temperatures is shown in Figure 1, Enclosure 1. By dissolving the
heated samples in various solvents, it was established that the balk of the
activity was still trapped in the crystal. The behavior of the recoil tritium
formed in the irradiated lithium salts was outlined as follows: During the
irradiation and the heat-treatment the tritium may participate In a series of
chemical reactions with the atoms of the crystal which yieldvolatile compounds
such as TC1 or T20. A large amount is trapped as T2 in cavities produced by
the irradiation. The phenomenon of the thermal release of tritium may be used
to study the diffusion process of volatile chemical entities and to introduce
the tritium into the lattice in a chemically active form. This enables the
labeling of various compounds, such as lithium aluminum hydride. [Abstracter's
notei article is in English]. Orig. art. has 1 figure.
ASSOCIATIONt Institute of Atomic Phy~!i~s, Bucharest [Abstracter's note:
original-language version not givenl
Card 2/C-i
A product obtained from benzoin and beryllium chloride. Rev
chimie 8 no.1:139-148 163.
1. Institute for Atomic Physics of the Academy of the R.P.R.,
Bucharest. 2. Corresponding Member of the Acodemy of the R.P.R.
(for Balaban).