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Rorse Breedirz
Ach:*evements of the hcrsebrF-e~~erz_ cf Kir-svcgreG Pr-.vircr-. -if. -1
MC171hLY LIET C-1- RKTI~~!' Library of Congress, llarcl~
1. -, A. P.
2. u"'sR (6cc)
4. Dairy Cattle
7. Successes of the dalry section of the "Zhovten"I Collective Farm. Sots. zhiv. 14,
no. 11, 19-,2.
9. Ylon-thily List of Russian Accessions, Librl-ix-y of Conqress, March 19'3. Unclassified.
AUTHORS: Nechiporenko, N. N. and Manoylenko, B. R.
TITLE: Oxidative Desulphurisation of Benzo e
PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, 1960,No. 3, _-P. 37-42
TEXT: The possibility of desulphurising benzole by oxid-
ation of sulphurous compounds to oxygen derivatives of sulphur by
active or actIvated oxygen, obtained electrochemically or catalyt-
ically was investigated. The results of this investigation are
described in -the paper. The experiic.gnts were made with pure
benzene to which either 0.91 or 0.50% of thiophene were added.
The diagram of the apparatus for the r,-nodic oxidation o' thiophene
in benzole is shown in Fig. 1. The anode and cathode were separa-
ted by a porous diaphragm made from Schott filter. The anode and
cathode wer made-from platinum strip of a surface area of 12.6
and 15.5 cm5 respectiyely. The anode current density was varied
from 0.2 to 0.94 A/cm and the electrolytic temperature 25-27 and
29-30*C respectively. The sulphur containing benzole was fed
continuously (througgh the bottom of the vessel) into the anode
section while the electrolyte (340 g11 of (NH4)2804 and 80 g/l of
Card 1/4
Oxidative Desulphurisation of Benzole
H2SO4) was fed from the top into the cathode section of the elect-
rolyser. The benzole and electrolyte in the anode section were
continuously stirred. The gas evolved during the electrolysis
together with benzole vapcurs was passed through a condeLser,
where benzene was condensed and returned into the electrolyser.
The electrolytically treated benzene was wasLed with a 20%
solution of sodium hydroxide and redistilled. Aie degree of
desulphurisation obtained was measured by the bromine number (Ref.
11). The experimental results are given in Table 1. T~e best
results were obtained at a current density of 0.47 A/cm when up
to 50% desulphurisation was obtained. A further increase in the
current density (0.94 A/cM2) leads to a decrease in the effective-
ness of the process. An addition of 5 9/1 of sodium chloride
(experiments 11-13) improved considerably the desulphurising
effect. In the experiments 14 and 15 an elec,-trolyte c3ntaining
100 g/1 of (NH4)2SO4, 550 9/1 of H2SO4 and 50 9/1 of 11aS04 also
gave good desulphurising results. However, in the latter case Vae
formation of manganic acid was observed, so that a partial
Card 2/ 4
Oxidative Desulphurisation of Benzole
oxidation of thiophene due to secondary reactions is :?ossible.
Oxidation of thiophene in benzole by oxidants at 850C was also
tried. The experimental procedure consisted of bubbling benzole
vapours through a layer of (165 mm high) F-cid solutions of
,qmTnonium persulphate, potassium bich-romate, potassium permangazate
and hydrogen peroxide. The experimental results conf-'_rm that, in
principle, the desulphurisation of benzole by this method is
possible. Oxidising catalytic desulphurisation of benzole was
tested by passing air-benr;ole mixture through a furnace heated to
250-380*C filled with various catalysts. As catalysts the follow-
ing substances were used: 1) Pretreated activated carbon. The
pretreatment consisted of extraction of silica with fluoride
compounds, saturation W4 th a solution of ferrous sulpt.ate, precip-
itation of ferrous hydroxide with ammonia and ignitior. of Lae
contact mass at 600'C. The product obtained contained. about 1% of
Fe203- 2) The second type of catalyst was made from, Chasov-Yar
clay by saturation with ferric nitrate and ferric hydroxide
precipitated with ammo-n-la, washed from alkali ions and ignited at
Card 3/4
Oxidative Desulphurisatiin of Benzole
6000C. The catalyst contained about 1051o of ferric oxide. This
catalyst was also made in two additional modifications: a)
containing phosphates and b) phosphates and a homogeneous oxygen
transferring medium (not specified). In all experiments 25 ml of
the catalyst was placed into the furnace; velocity of air stream -
500 ml/min, and of benzole (containing 0.5515 of thiophene) 75 ml/hr.
The experimental results are given in Table 3~ The best results
(practically complete elimination of thiophene) were obtained with
the clay catalyst activated with phosphates and containing some
homogeneous oxygen transferring agents. It was also confirmed
that on catalytic oxidation thiopherie is completely oxidised to
sulphuric acid. it is concluded that the possibility of oxidising
resistant sulphurous organic compounds was proved in principle and
that the catalytic method is most effective. The process liowever,
requires fuTther studies on a larger scale. There are 3 figures,
3 tables and 13 references: 11 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Khar'kovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut
(KhaAov PolytechLnical Institute)
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Nechiporenko, N.N., Kakulin, G.P., Fedorchenko, I.G.,
Manoyleako, B.R.
TITLE: An investigation of the process of chlorination of
PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, no.12, 1962, 43-45
TEXT: In view of the possibility of a 'pplying chlorine for the
product.ion of a high purity benzene, the authors investigated the
process of chlorination of thiophene dissolved in benzene in order
to establish the necessary amount of chlorine for a complete
purification of benzole from thiophene. .In addition, the influence
of temperature and velocity of supply of chlorine to the reactor on
the degree of purification of benzole *with a given thiophene content
was studied. The apparatus consisted of a reactor fitted with a
mercury sealed stirrer, tiermometer and inlet and outlet for
chlorine. The outlet gases (air and traces of chlcrine) were
scrubbed in a solution of potassium iodide, crystalline sodium
hydroxide (for NCI) and activated carbon (for benzene vapours).
A cryosco 'Dic benzene with 6n addition of 1% of thiophene was used
Card 1/2
An investigation of the process ... E0711"E436
for experiments. The purification process was followed by the
bromine number, determined-by the bromide-bromate method. It was
established that the degree of purification of benzole depends
mainly on the amount of the reagent used and is practically
independent of temperature (7 to 400C) and rate of supply of
chlorine. Refining with chlorine can produce a product practically
free from thiophene. For a complete purification of benzole from
thiophene, it is necessary to use 1.5 to 2.0 weight units of
chlorine per 1 weight unit of thiophene. There are 1 figure and
3 tables.
Khar,1kovskiy politekhnicht-skiy institut
(Kharlkov Polytechnic Institute)
Card 2/2
Study of the combined effect of gibberellin, heteroatain and
nutrition on woody plants. Fot.zhur. 49 no.llzl6OO-l6o8 H 164.
(MIRA 18!1)
1. Botanicheskiy inBtitut imeni V.L.Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad.
MAN LLEV_O,,_K_seniyA-_UMQMyna; HMTEYEV, F.Kh., prof.,
retsenzent; KAVAYEV, I.I., prof., retsenzent; KONOVALOV,
I.N., prof., retsenzent; YAKOVLEV, M.S.. rrof.,
retsenzent; RAYKOV, B.Ye., zasl. deyatell muki prof.,otv.
Nikolai Ivanovich Zheleznov. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 203 P.
(MIRA 18:12)
This is the way we are living. Izobr.i rats. no.5 (201)t28-29
163. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Predsedatell soveta Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva izobretateley i
ratsionalizatorov Vaesoyuznogo gosudarstvennogo proyektnogo
instituta stAitellstva elektrostantsiv (for Obnorskiy), 2. Starshiy
inzh, Tullskogo oblastnogo soveta Vsesovuznogo obshchestva izobretatelay
i ratsionalizatorov (for Lityagin). 3. Chlen Spyuze. zhurnallatov
SSR for Yastrebov). 4. Predasdatell Soveta Vsesoyuznogo obahchostva
izobretateley I ratsionalizatorov Rubezhanskogo khimi-cheskogo zavoda
(for Manoylenko).
(Technological innovations)
KATY"WO, I.N.9 mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; Pri uchastil., IWOYLENKO
S.M.,, vrach
Experience in outpatient servIce for patients with varioua
pruritic dermatoses in a machine manufacturing plant. leet.
derm.i ven, [351 toa2,-70-73 F 161* (MIRA 140)
1. 1z kozhnogo otdola (zav. - prof. Z.N. Grahebin) Ukrainskogo
nauchno-iseledavatelOrkogo komhno-venerologicheskogo instituta
(dir. - dotsent A.I., J~ratikop).
VYGH=HANIN, A. G. , nauchnyy sotrudnih; SHEYNIN, B. Ya. , nauchn-.7y
-,otrudnik; KA1VYSUV, V. B., nauchn7y setrudnik- GETIUNKS,
1. Ya., nauchw sotrudnik; MAINOMEMKO, S. M., vTach Xharlkov)
Influence of washing solutions and cooling and lubricating
liquids on the skin of machine shop workers. Vrach. delo no.6:
124-126 Je ",62. (MIRA 15 ,7)
(mAcHiNERY inusm wopzm-DismsEs xz Hyrum)
Calculating maximum working stroke and minimzm length of
cylindrical compression springs with a circular cross section
of wire. Vest. mashinostr. 45 no.?00-32 Jl 165.
(MIRA 18s10)
MANOYLENKOv Ye.F., kand.sellskokho7yaystvennykh nauk, dotsent
Physiological investigation of plants afflicted with wildfire.
Hauch. trudy UASHN 10:121-130 160. (MIRA 14:3)
(Plant diseases)
MANOUENKO,--Yu.~~,_Ltlanoilenkp-, IU.p011 . sellskokhoz. nauk;
nMI-n-'r, - I
NYAK, M.M., kand. sel skc~oz . nauk
Measures for increasing t~~ yiell-d and quality of vinter wheat.
Nauk. pratsi UASHN 17 no.12.3-7 160. OMIRA 16:7)
.NkXQjLkXA A. Kiyev)
Improve the work of subprofessional med'cal personnel. Sov.
zdrav. 21 no.10:60-65 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Iz otdeja crganizatsii zdr&vookhraneniya (zav. G.M.Zelezinskaya,
nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. S.S.Kagan) Ukrainskogo nauchno-
issledovateliskogo institute. kommunallnoy gigiyeny (dir. - chlen-
korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. D.N.Kalyuzhnyy).
MLOCrYLD'A, A.P. K i yev
Fationalizati--in of I.he work of itubprefeseicnEd mzdi-~~al peai-
3onnel in a --ural area. Sovet. z-dravook' . 1.2 no.109-1+1 10
p,;: (MTn 1-
L. Ia Ukrain-9kcgo lr.-3titn-~-a k,-m-
munallnoy giglycny.
11~4 "OTLI., il A.- J~ " , ~' -,-. %, ;
fe 5'.
SC i. zdrav. .1c. 0: 33-3
7 t~j ~7 , 4T 1, -3t. i
crat un ::,&
n,~ 1,
MANOTIA). -216-
Raise the standard of the economic work of Latvian finagn e agencles.
Fin.SSSR 15 no.10:38-42 0154. (MLELk 8:2)
1. Hinistr finansov Latviyakoy SM.
Enlist ths participation of volunteera in financial control more
widely. Fin.SSSR 23 no.3-1:8-12 N 062* (KMA 15:12)
1e Zamestitell ministra finansov SSSR.
(&Lditing and inspection) Mmance)
22(3) SOV/178-58-7-4/24
AUTHOR: Manoylo, I., Lieutenant Coional
TITLE: Socialist Competition is an Important Stimulus (Sot-
sialisticheskuye sorevnovariye - vazhnyy stimul)
PERIODICAL: Voyennyy svyazist, 1958, Nr 7, pp 14 - 15 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author states that the soldiers, NCO's and officers of
his unit are proud of serving in a unit with a glorious
military history. In honor of the 40th anniversary since
the activation of this unit, a socialist competition was
started. The socialist competition, in this case, does
not only comprise the military and tachnical training of
this Signal Corps unit, but the political activity as
well. There is 1 photograph.
Card 1/1
MANOYLO, I., podpolkovnik
Formation o'L young officers. Voen.vest. 43 n0.11:1.17-120 N
163. (MIRA 16:32)
GALENKO, M.D. (Halenko, M.D.], starshiy nauchnyy sotrudn:Lk;.!44NOI10, M.A.,
starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Usemore efficiently bay mowers in pea harvesting. Mekh. sill.
hosp. 14. no.6:6-8 Je 163. (MIRA 17: 3)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanizateii i
elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyaystva.
GALENKO, M.D. (Halenko, M.D.], starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MANOYLO, M.A.,
starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TIMOSHENKO, G.G. (Tymoshenk-o-,--g.-H-..-]-,--------
starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Using machinery in the cultivation of peas. Mekh. sill. hoop. 12
no. 3:22-24 Mr 161, (MIRA 14: 4)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy inBtitut mekhanizatsii i
elektrifikatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva.
(Peas) (Agricultural machinery)
MANOYLO, M. A., inzh.
Unit for determining, the traction force, skidding, and fuel
consumption. Mekh. oil'. hosp. 12 no.10g-,-8 0 16i.
(MLRA 14: 11)
VERNMIDER, Natal Iya Borisovna; red.
[Soil geogrepby with the principles of soil science]
Geograftia, hruntiv z osnovami hruntoznavstva. Kyiv,
Radians'ka shkola, 1965. 179 p. (MIRA 18:7)
AUTELORSi Potaplyevskiy, A.G., Goligovskiy, G.M., and Manoylo, S.A.
TITLE: Semi-Automatic Device for delding Thin-Sheet Steel Under
Assembly Conditions (Poluavtomat d1ya svarki '%onkolistovoy
stali v montazbLnykh usloviyakh)
PERIODICAL% Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, 1958, Nr 5, pp 89-91 (USSR)
kBSTAACT% semi-automatic device for arc welding in carbon dioxide
has been especially devised for assembling sheet metal struc-
tures. It permits welding in any position. The feed me-
chanism whi.-~h weighs only 3 kg, is placed in a small knapsack
carried by the operator on the back. It does not hamper the
operator. The design and operation information is illustrated
by a drawing and an electric diagram. The device is designed
by the Electric 4elding Institute imeni Paton and built at the
Kiyev Muchanical Plant. There are 2 figures and 5 3oviet
Card 112 references.
125-58- 5 --12113
Semi-Automatic Device for Welding Thin-Sheet Under Assembly Conditions
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Fatona AN UKrSSR (Welding
Institute imeni Ye.O. Paton of the AS UkrSSC, and Kiyevskiy
mechanicheskiy zavod (Kiyev Mechanical Plant)
SUBRITTED: February 22, 1958
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
RiTerience of the Lowsr-1rtyah stawnhir. line In towing vessels
by pushing. Kor. I rech.flot 14 no.8:13-15 Ag 154. (KLRA 7:8)
1. Machallnik konstruktorskq~ro otdale Mishne-Irtrahakogo paro-
(Irtysh riTer-Towing)
Ir. collaboration with colleitive and state farms. From.koop.
14 no.9;24-25 6 16o. OURA 13:11)
1. Predeedatell pravlentya Krymokogo oblpromeoveta, g.bimferopoll.
(Crimea--Service industries)
", "loy, ~,- . YPI
-- 11-1 L."lip
I - . 1
25805 S. Ye Tjpro~jnciit~r - X'7 I;eto,,' 1
OsLatochrovo 'rhlora V Vo-e 1 Khlornoy 17Vr~,Fti. - Fr!ff. -17"rT :~-,
i . 11
1`0- 0, S 153 - 51t.
'?- Letc~-~,Isl 7'-,-UrT.,Il Stl~l -', Y',
f1 1 4 6 6 1 1 0 Is it U to u n 56 1? 1 a n 0 a At al
*40MM AM PR*Piii
1111111610 of the an" 411
A.0clov, 0, N. Selklar Ceatt"
and Camrr fast., Hi"InIlys
009 D, 337-45(1%9): cf. C.A. 39,31 ; 41, isle, 31&3a.--
009 The crutic nuclooppstel."" estd rat Imam (in-
~90 a &jeed canorrogeak hydrocaboas) with OM N N&Olf.
13 V 9 11 14 a 16 91 Is W do 41 a a 04
gon. with 20% 110Ac. The *W. Of dry
,,,prvpn, was 0.4,1%, Undcg ultmvWkt light. thn ..,ude
material gsvtt*uab&wpt;onvpectrs man., oneatMA.,
and t1w other at -,"M A. For mnparbon, exti. of crude
90C nuck-oirrotcins were also obtained frous the Hrm of normal
4!0 and sarcoma rats, and from ham liver. The amt. of
nuckic acids in the dry crude nucleoprotein prelm. from'
00 ~3, rat sarcoma was MS. liver of nor-mal rats &8170, HVW of
GOO sarcoma rat.% I I 'I'D. anil ham liver 11%. PtsIctioltation
ii: was effected by dissolving the crude IT in
60W ammonia. acidifyiste with VIOAc to . arht"Itol.;rt
vA ppte. the protein with pkric uk. The
00 7
yielded an absorption spectrum max. with untraviolet
light at 927N) A. The filtrate was treated with a1c. and
0 9 IlCl Ans.. which pptd. the "Mulne nuckvprottin B,*',
with an atftorittion opectruns max. in ultraviolet light at
it 2W A. On the adda. of mom &k. and HCI soins. to the
filtrate. free nucteic " was obtained. with au absorption
Spect III mas. in the ultmvk-kt at 2M A. The difier-
to" between the absorption spectm max. at free MnckL- J
einli.. the purine base oftbe nuckop"cin. j%ewatciaaadth,,.
acid (2620 A.) wW that of the "genuine nudeopret
(LSW A.), which consists of almost 50% nucirk- ", 6 nuckic add In the muckopeatein am not in , $dtlike cons.
CxpUined as due to the absence of a free amino group in t1inatiOn, but rather in &strong chew. union. H. P.
aw ON, 414
LS Ad L 1 6 qW 0 Is I V 0 0 4
U9 AV 10 '1- a
9 P Ir 0 A! a 4 9 81 PC V1 a Is It Wia a a 94
00000 0 0 000 00 0 * 0 0 04140 00 49 49141 * 0 0 0 IL 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 1! 0 0 000
0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 * a Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0
ftdlio'16 " Mid 'T
"the Yermentative Synthesis of Compounds of NU610 ic,
Ad;Ld- and Adenine With Amino Acids," S. Ye. MAO
Cen.',X-lray, Ra&iol and Cancer Inet, Leningrad, PP.
"~Zok Ak Nauk SM" Vol =1, No 2
PrLM4~psrlnsntal data and study of absorption`qwq~
tM..~terzentativa synthesia of adenine-tyrosine
A for vhich onlv a pentids conmectim 18'P"OU,
butw*66n the amino group of adenine and the caA6x*I,:
gm ,upI:bf tyrosins, and absence of synthesis
:ije ~
izipinthine-tyrosine system are sufficient. proaf:~,
to"dicine Nucleic Acid (Contd) J~i .49''-
the:1 bypothesis of a conneution betveen nucleic acid
a6diAlbuzin Jn a true nuoleoproteld through the'.
vllib~'group of adenine. Submitted by Aced A. 7.1
lorfe"'.7 May 49.
USSRIPhys-Les- Photochemistry
UltraviGlet Radiation
"Photochemica-L Variations Li Protein, kiiino Ac,-*--i3, and Nuclti;r-~..c Ac",,,, tC)
Ultraviolet RwiiatLon," 1-1. P. P ',i'lduran, S. ',e. '~'~,LnOyIov, State C~pt In--t, 4 01)
11 Dok PIc NaWc SSSR" Vol LXD(, ~N'o 1
E)qmeriillents show opecific photochcmictd raactiori :,,o,-,s ~~,n as result --f UII-,::.*.nat'I'on cf
some organic substances found In coils, parUcullarly !:I protr.-'n and a'Ld.
Sugfyests Wiis Dhenomenon can 'by-- u--3e-3 Ic, -.4hich nelis
in histological preparations . Suix.--Itte,' !.,y Aca--! S. 1 lov 116 kJ : 49.
PA 156187
~ go
Inactivation of desoxyribonude!- acid depolymerase
,-ray# 5 . . ...... wir
k A. Ii,t'111:1 RMittill InAt Poklady
I &..d V4 .4 N R 71. 310 4kll1ll.`W 4TA'.m."I
, I I , Ukl4 -it. of ft.
1-tilgirl J ellsviliv VIVIlls, --.4 a I..
.Ntkvcmthy~ Ill M.1.1' 11't) All'i ruttlill "I tit, A. livilip d
th~ jimitict on lKilymcrimi nuckiv let,[, prejul- by nt..
merous techniques and used with o.15 Al %W, activuttw,
A-I thAt IM) r. Itm-4ge lowem lite ,Ctmty V,,ev vit-
nifir.intiv still total imetivullitni cults with 11.4m r
d,-sC, OM V~V N., Artim, it." ejotv.l At ~_"Al F 1~%vl
G. M, X~61MI(I
8. Ye.
-.~-tMM~dicine - "Tumors Apr 52
"Problev. of the Liberation of Nucleic Acids Upon
'In.11=y of Normal and Tumor Tissues," S. N. Alek-
sand ov, S. Ye. Manoylov, B. A. Orlov, Cen X-Ray,
_IW,ioI, and Cancer Inst, Min of Pub Health USSR,
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXIII, No 5, PP 725-728
When the action of hypotonic Ringer solns or of
heat leads to a reversible injury, ribonucleic
acid is liberated by the cell proteins of tissue
slices subsequently excised for examination; when
,':~he injury is irreversible (i.e., permanent), des-
.,_~~Wib.onucloic acidis liberated-
LARIONOV. L.P.; XANOYLOV. S.Te,, doktor meditainskikh nauk, zaveduyushchiy;
RTSKINA. fift7"'46.L.; POBEDINSKIY, M.N.. profesaor, direktor.
Biochemical changes of nucleoproteide of malignant tumore under the effect
of X~rays. red. no.3:3-6 Ky-Je '53. (KL-RA 6:8)
1. Biakhimicheekoye otdaleniye TSentrallnogo na"chno-issledovatel'skogo
rentgeno-radiol-ogicheakogo inatituta Kinisteretv& sdravookhranemiye, SSSR
(for Manoylov, Larionov, Ryakina and Sorokina). 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-
iseledovatel'3kiy rentgono-radiologichaskiy iastitut Ministerstva zdra-
vockhrananiya SSSR (for Pobedinskiy).
(Tumors) (X-rays--Therapeutic use)
"Effe,ets of' Aneurin (Vit.~,mln 01, on Lhe Glycof~en ~`or;,qLion uTC t QT) If
of Rats Z41ring General to 1,x lou--i f X-;t-iys, i). 1
R. Yu, Keylina, !Ind i. Det "'Loche:., ,'ertr-~:,l
Cancer Enst, 1-in of H~..,alth
Vest `L_ntt~an i lowliol, No 6, -11
krle :--LYCO.
ExP's conducted on 15 rats showed that tbrr-tion furction of ~e
_7 -~; n L
5 4 v e n C te rrat_~ `.t~.-;e be ~~x
liver may be Tartially restore,_1 if vitarl.-, Li - I I
to X-ravs. &nouwh evidence ,,; as collecte6 t o Justify tie as~-ix ption that 1 ty
of biocher. chances in the orp;7inis~. . f r ~Ten:;S ul;on the ~ax_t-jnt
X-rays: sLiali doses (500 r) o~ X-ravs ress the oxi-,!EtiLr syste. c (-,7' t:le
also cf ~x~!akzlown o" su~ sta;.-~es
onraniisri: larger ~;oses (1,000 :-nd 2,00C r -1
that o-.,:idize. It is possi'Llu th,..t interference with the synthes-i-s f the
genase coenzyme takes ;-lace that i:1 In: S C: p, C
m-los-horic acid. This follows f ro!, :i r,f ,Ct4
BI on the liver.
HaOYLOV. S.Ye., doktor meditsinskikh nauk. professor.
Vitamizis and health. Maulm I shiznl 20 no.8:12-13 Ag 15). (;a-VA 6:8)
With precdoi a. S. CIO, (Coo
R7 Mal. RadW#* Cawff. Ittit.o itilloy flealth U&-
IlWimiya 18, W41(19M."Llimr
gas hi
cantahm pmtme and denypentame ttudeoptab
th pea(dus. -The at" V!ittom, fam-
Utd Wk. tiftim w
TW_hoe~ mte d the stdk fam is',
he the pmtom am de-j
Ot !Ypespe. rates b.4;
Distribution of radiua in the bod7 of a rat and its excretion rate. i rad. no.2:1G-16 Hr-Ap '55. (KMA 8., -1
1. Iz blokhimicheakogo otdeleniya (zav.-prof. S.Ta.Manoylov) i
radiologicheskogo otdelentya (zav. A.A.Bashilov) Tsentrallnogo
nauchno-inaledovatellskogo rentgano-radiologicheakogo Institute.
(dir.--prof. K'N.Pobedinakir) Ministerstva sdravookhranenl7a SSSR.
(RADOM, metabolism,
distribution & excretion rate in rate)
Investigation on dental intake rate of phosphorus In normal conditions
and in scurvy in guinea pigs. Stonatologiia no-5:21. S-0 155.
(KLRA 9:2)
1. Is kafedry blokhimii (zav. - prof. S.Ye. Kanoylov) Laningradekogo
meditainakogo stamatologichookogo inatitu,6a.
(S M VY, metabolism in,
teeth phosphorus intake in guinea pigs)
(TAUH, metabolism,
phosphorus intake in normal cond. & exper. scurvy)
(PHOSPHMUS. metabolism.
teeth, intake in normal cond. & exper. scurvy)
7-7777,:. - -:-. , - t-~ - ~ I -. . . ..l.. :_ -- - -~ 1. 1
! ~: Z., - % -. 7 1 -: , - -. . ; . -, I . 1. ..
- !~ -; _ :m~~-;,~,, . - .". . - - I., - .1 .. II....' ..- I I I., A ,:,
~- ~ . ~:;,; 1: :,.- 1. - ~ - -. - "..- -
: 4~.17.`tlz 19 1 - - -,~, ~; ~ , I ;r. .
1"0 V,
eatroon -- 1 461 :W'6W.A8~Wiik:66n6e' 0k Vita
_8 _'U ntra es
min A, Carotene, and Stickleback Oil With Penicillinp"'by
S. Ye. Manoylov and T. I. Vol'fson, Chair of Biochemistry
Prof S. Ye. ----To-
14anoy v) and Chair of Surgery (head, Prof
A. I. Filatov, Corresponding 14ember of the Acadennj of Medical
Sciences USSR), Leningrad StoTatology Institute (direc~lor,
I. Gavrilov), 1,JArurgiYa, No 7, Jul 56, PP 74-75
Data obtLined from the study of the local action of vitamin A, caro-'
-healing ulcers and woundo~'-
ne, and stickleback oil In patients w4th slow
~of 5oft tissue ~,result of burns, varicose veins, wounds, etc.) are pre-
Aented. Good theraneutic results were obtained by an admixture of peni-
c ill1n vitb:-~~~4~44 'tanoos
Treatment of slowly healing wounds with concentrated preparattans
of vitamin A, carotene and atickleback oil combined with penic'.11in.
Xhirurgiia 32 no-7:74-75 J! 156. (MLRA 9:11)
1. Tz kEtfedry biokhtmii (zav. - prof. S.Ye.Manoylov) i kafedry
khirurgii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk
SSSR prof. A.I.Filatov) Laningradekogo meditsinskogo stomatologi-
cheskogo lastituta (dir. - prof. R.I.Gowilov)
earotene, vit3min A. stickleback oil & penicillin)
(VITAHIN A. ther. use
wds., with atickleback oil. penicillin & carotene)
(FISH LIVIR OILS. ther. use
stickleback oil in wds., with vitamin A. penicillin &
(PHNICILLIM, ther. use
wds.. with atickleoack oil. vitamin A & carotene)
HWWn and AniMl Physiology. Bliod Circulation. T-4
Me Jour Ref Zhur - Blologiya, No 1, 1951, No- 3407
Author :_~_ A. V.; Orlov, 13. A.
Inst As USSR
Title Effect of Roentgen Has Emitted from Variouj Anodes
on the Function of the Isolated Frog Heart
Orig Pub Dokl. AN WSR, 1956, 110, No 2, 305-30T
Abotract The effect of X-rays (10800 r) of various wavelengths
was revealed after the exposed heart placed In an alti-
tude chamber at a pressure of 80 = Rg, had ceased
working. Control hearts, as a rule, did not stop
warkirg under such conditions. Heart irradiation b
means of tubes with iron (1985A) and cobalt (I. 795A~
anodes (in which no stinulation of Fe atoms of the
Irradiated substrate takes place) induced arrest of the
heart in 16.6 and 284. of the cases respectively. In
Card 1/2
Theory of th6 biological effect of X rays on the animal
organism. Vap.radiobiol. 2:20-29 '57. (MI3A 12:6)
1. Sotrudnik TSentrallnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo rentgeno-
radiologicheakogo instituta Ministerstva zdravookhraneni7a SSSR-
-"M"~O"Propb3rlaxis and treatment of radiation Bickness with substances
containing iron combined with vitamin B12o Vop.radiobiol. 2:
421-425 '57. (KLRL 12:6)
1. Sotrudnik Wentral'nogo n&,ichno-iseledovatellskogo rentgeno-
radiologicbeskogo instituta Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR.
Use of some biological preparations (campolonum, vitamin BI
and adenosinetriphoephoric acid) as urorjhylactic and therapeutic
drugs in radiation sickness.;liob-iol. 2:426-4)o '57.
(MIRA 12:6)
1. Sotrudniki TSentrallnogo nauchno-iaaledavatellskogo rentgeno-
radiologicheakogo instituta Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR.
Problem of the possibility of the mutual transformation of nucleic
acids [with summary in English]. Blokhimiia 22 no.6-1013-1018
NZ '57- (MIRA 11:2)
1. TSentrall%7 nouihno-tasledovatel'skiy rentgeno-i-adiologicheakiv
institut Miaisterstva zdrevookhrananiya SSSR, Leningrad.
(NUCLEIC ACIDS, metabolism,
mutual conversion in various organs (Bus))
"Me Importance of the Ionization cf Iron-containing Ccmpoundo 1r. "'he Act4,,-;,-,
of X-rays on an Organism" p. 203
erudy Travzwtions of the Firat Conference on Polioaction Chemlatry, Morcow,
lzd-vo AS Mii, 1958- 33OPP-
Conference -25-30 Mrch 1,957, Moucaw
Method of separating nucleic acids variously bound with proteins
in animal tissues [with sumwqr7 in English]. Blokhimila 23 no.5:
663-668 s-0 '58 (KIRA 11:11)
1. Blokhimicheskiy otdel TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo
rentgeno-radiologicheskogo instituta Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya
SSSII, Leningrad.
(NUCIZIC ACrN, determ.
separation of acids various bound with proteins in
animal tissue (Rua))
nucleic acid bcund, separation from animal tissue
U.'q311117- General Problems of Pathology. Tumors u-4
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5, 1958; 22983
Author : Larionov, L.F., Manoylov, S.Ye., Rysk4-na, S.I.,
Sorokina, Ye~L*---
Inst : -
Title : On :31,od-emical Chan3es in Nuclecproteins of Malignant
Ti.mors During the Effect of X-Rays.
OriG Pub : V sb,: Vonr. radiobiolo(,,ii, L., 1956, 308-313
Abstract : Rat sarcomas induced by canceroCers, ei-.her irra,-',-*at&.
(5-7 times, the total dose being 4000-5000 r) or not *,
were thorouejaly aleare-I of necrotic areas and the nu-
ale-.' were seT)arated from the remaining material. The
nuclei were isolated in a physiolo~;ic solution. In
sop, ~)f the timnors the vniclei were dried and dissol-
;- A 5% NH . Followin- centrifugation the absorp-
tion s ectQ (A.S.) in U-.V. light was determined.
In othf-- experiments the freshly isolated nuclei were
Card 1/2
flooded with a 1 M NaCl solution at low temperature and
A.S. was determined after centrifugation and dialysis.
Under the effect of therapeutic X-ray doses there -was
splitting of the "true" nucleopretein, Ln which DNA was
firmly bound to'protein, in the nuclei of the tumor
cells. In the niacal and salt extracts of nuclei
-from the non-irradiated tumors a nucleoprotein with a
maximum absorption at 2540-2560 A was detected, whereas
in the nuclei of the irradiated tumors free nucleic
acid (NA), w-,h a maximum absorption at 26o0-2620 A.,
was found. Tn the tissue of non-irradiated carcomas
the total NA content constituted 7.9 MG/u of fresh tis-
sue, whereas in the irradiated sarcor-ms it was 4 mG,/kL!.
This decrease in the total NA content vas due to a 6-
fold decrease in the DNA concentration.
Relation of age to urinary excretion of radioactive potassium in
humans. Mad. rad. 4 no-3:42-43 14r 159. (MIRA 12:7)
(POTASSIUM, radioactive,
in urine, age factor (Rua))
(AGDTG, effects,
on urinary radiopotaosium (RL-3))
SHORERBAN'. Z.I. (Leningrad, VaeillyevBkiy oetrov, 3-ya liniya, d.16, kv-7);
M&NOTLOY, S.Ye. Leningrad, S-15, Savorovskiy prospekt, d.57, k7-7)
Histoautoradiographic study of certain peculiarities of natabolic
processes in organs of tumor-bearing mice. Vop.onk. 5 nci.6:681-686
159. (MIRA U : 12
1. Iz biokhimicheskaggo otdola (zav. - prof. S.Ye. Manoylov) i pato-
logoanatomicheskogo otdela (zav. - doktor med.nauk L.V. ftnehteyn)
TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledavatellskogo instituts. meditsinskoy radio-
logii Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (dir. - prof. M.N. Pobe-
(NEDFUSMS, metab.
proteins in kidneys & liver histoautoradiographic
determ. in mice (Rae))
(PROTEINS, metab.
kidneys & hver, histoaulu-oradiograpbic determ. in
tumor-beartng mice (Rae))
(KIDNEYS, metab.
proteins, histoautoradiographic determ. in tumor-
bearing mice (Ras))
(LIVER, metab.
MAXOYLOV, S *Y9,__.,
Conference on 'Some biochemical effects induced by ionizing radiation.6
'Zoon.-med.zhurt 110o8:93-95 Ag '59. (MrRA 12:12)
'r2wYM, MOV 01 d"" 91", ~ -- I -
Gertain aspects of metabolism im the organism of animals affected
by tumor disease. Biokhimiia 24 no.2.-280-287 Mr-AP '59. (MILM 12:7)
1. The Central Research Roent gen-Radio logical Institimte and Institute
of Pbarmaceutical Chemistry, Leningrad.
(BBOPIASMS, metabolism,
various substances in tumor-bearing animals (Ras))
DASMVICH, Leonid Borisovich, kand.khim.nauk; 1WHOUCT, S.Te., prof,t
nauchUy red.; VCROBIYF.V, G.S., red.izd-va; Gdb~~MTVA,
[Isotopes in chemistry] Izatopy v khimii. Leningrad, Ob-va po
rasprostraneniiu polit. i nauchn.znanii HMSH. Leningr.w4d-nia,
1,159. 39 P. 04IRA 13:5)
(Isotopes) (Radioactive tracers)
Antineoplastic activity of various enzymes in experiment. Vop.
onk. 6 no.7:62-66 Je,'60. (MJFA 14:4)
Kiselev, P, N., Professor, G. A. Gusterin, 4nd A. 1. Strashinin, Edo.
Voprosy radiobiologii. t. III: Sb-rnik trudov, ashchenn-yy 60-letiyu so
dnya riozhdeniya Professora M, N, Pobedinakogo rpmcms in Radiation Biology.
V. 3: A Collection of WorkL Dedicated to the Sixtieth Birthday of Pmfessor
M[ikhalll N[ikola-yevichl Pobedinakiy [Doctor of Ym-dicinel) Leningrad.
Tuentr. n-isal. in-t mad. radiologii M-va zdravookhrananiya -53SR, 1960.
422 p. 1,500 copies printed.
Tech. Ed.: P. S. Pelesbuk.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is InterAed for radiobiologistn.
COVERAGE: The book contains 14.9 articles 4callng with pathogenesis, prophylaxis,
and therapy of radiation disLasea. Individual articles describe investigations
of the biological effects of rad-lation carried out by vorkers of the Central
Scientific Research Institute for Yzdical Radiology of the Hinistry of Public
Health, USSR. (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut meditainskoy
r&diologii 10misterstva zdravoolrhraneniya SM) during 1958-59. The follming
Card 1/10
Problems in Radiation Biology (Cont.) SM/5435
topics am covered: various aspects of primary effects of radiation; the
course of so= metabolic processes in animals subjected to ionizing radiation;
reactionG in irradiated organisms; morpholoSic changes in radla!4on disease;
and reparation and regeneration of tissues injured by Irradiation. SO=
articles give attention totie effectiveness of experimental medical treatments.
No persona.Lities am menticned. References accompany alwzt all of the articles.
Foreword 3
Gasterin, G. A., and A. 1. St-rashinin. Professor Mikhall Nikolayevich
Pobedinakiy (Commemorating his Sixtieth Birthday) 5
L-et-e-dinskiy, A. T. [member, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR],
Nis Arlashchenko, and V. M. Mastr3vYwa. On the Mechanism of Trophic
D bancies Du-- to Ionizing Radiation 11
Zedgenidze, 0. A., [Member, Academy of ~L-dical Sciences USSR), Ye. A.
Zberbin, K. V. Ivanov, and P. R. Vayrwhtayn. Hormonal Activity of the
Adrenal Cortex in Acute Radiation Sickness and the Eff-ect of Desoxy-
cortic*Dterwe Acetate on the Disease 17
Card 2/10
PT-iblema in Radiation Biology (Cont.) SM/5435
Poplavakiy, K. K. Phasic Cbangen in the Ability of Irradiated
Animals to React to Anesthetization 78
Bondarenko, I. V. On the Reaction of Irradiated Dogs to the
Introduction of AI#La Dinitrophonol 86
Alel,seyeva, G. H. Reaction of an Irradiated Organism to the
Introduction of Ganglioljt1c Preparati
ons [gangliolitikil 93
Pr"tas, L. R., and A. A. Damilin. The Mechaniaza of Functional
Distr-rbances in the Alimentary Canal Dariag Acute and Subacute
Form of Uperimental Radiation Sickness 917
Alekoandrov, S. Ii. Some Methods of Approach to the Study of Early
Stages of Radiation SequeLw 104
Kanoylo~.- S. Ye. Respiration of Tissue and Sensitivity to Radiation ILL
Kachur, L. A, P. N. Kiselev, and A, H. Sbrutko, Effect of Ionizing
Radiation on the Water-Exchangt, Process Botween the Blood and the
Extravaacular Liquids in the Organism 138
Card 4/10
Problems it,. Radiation Biology (Cont.) SOV/5435
Manoylov S Ye , and B. A. Orlov. Use of the Spectroscopic Research
lie o4Tin ~;hf
': ;tudy of the Condition of Iron-Containing Compaunds in
Animal Organisms Irradiated With X-Rays
Demin, N. N., (Profensor). On Some Hetabollc Disturbances in Lipides
Due to External Whole-Body Ionizing Irrudiation
Keylina, R. Ya. Concerning the Problem of the Condition of Processes of
Synthesis and Beer-mpeaition of Carbohydrates In the Ani-I Organism,
84bjected to Whole-Bc-dy X-Ray Irradiation
Shitoya. Z. I. Changes in Respira'ion of the Skeletal M.,ncles Following
Irradiaiion b~ Radon cr Different Segments of the Nervous System
MyV~reva, L. V. Effect of Ionizing Radiation on a Form--nt of Glycolysis
of Fh".pbohexoisomerase in S,,me Organs and Tissues of an Animal Organism
Subjected to Whole-Body Irradiation
Card 5/ 10
AIJ, L 6 V !; )le
"Application of Certain Physicochemical Methods for Controling
the Salting out of Pancreas Enzymes."
Report presented at the 5th International Biochemistry Congress,
Moscow, 10-16 Aug 1961
Isolation of crystalline catalase from horse erythrocytes and the
study of some of its phyi3icochemicza properties. Biokhimiia 26
no. 3 t 408-4.11 MY-Je 161. (MIRA'14.-6)
1. Chair of Biochemistry, Chemo-PhArmacoutic Institute# Leningrad,
4 Semen Yevotaf'yevich; STRELIN. G.S., doktor biolog. nauk, prof.,
nauchnyy red.; VOROO-Dw., G.S., red. isd-va; GURDZFIYEVA, A M.,
tekbn. red.,
[Biological effect of penetrating radiation] Biologicheskoe deistvie
pronilesinshchei radia:tsii. Leningrad, Ob-vo po rasprostraneniiu
poll'-*. i nauchn. znanii R-9FSR, 1961. 39 p. (MIRA 14:10)
Some Comidertilloni on me frf=" Mechanism of the Biological Action of !onltlz Radlislon
In 1951 vo: suggested that Ionizing radiation specifically AllEcks the metal compounds
reitil 'alicn. We assumed that he ra, istion damage it doe to the direct action of ionizing radiation on lhcw
substances. The damage causes oxygiuilticiency in the irradiafed orpro-ortissues, the level of-ercy production
indi,spensable for the life of the organism being consequently reduced. The oxidation of the transition metal calk
forth the ouptum of a bond ",,vecri the pro,ohirlic group and pfoicir. carrier In chromoprotcins. thus musing the
inactivation of miullocozymen. The complex lf~ctcfovc is rvi longer biologically -11w, The mdill-tion or i-w
respiration manifc%tt itself abov all its suppressing liv synthetic proms and stimulating hydrolyim It ii to be
specially noted that the am also highly sensitive in vitre.
The, p,-.t, data on the early of the synthesis and nuclep"Mcid ilrohesis
in various organs or aninush after general X-ray irradiation (100.50D,1000 r),Thefindinp ofan in vitro action of
X-rays on ferscienzyntes (catalase, cytochrome C. hatmoglobin) are also communicated. The report gii,es anoutline
or curveris iiva on the .b*t.
CMgraga of Radl-t
report, yresentoA &t t2W ~-U AU9 1962
Z,,r0Xt,/yorkSbjrq, Ot. Brit.
Enzymes as medicinal substances. Trudy Len. khim.-farm.inst.
no.13:5-10 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Kafedra biokhimii Leni-ngradskogo khimiko-farmatsevticheskogo
Synthesis of some derivatives of adenine. Trudy Len.khim.-fam.
inst. no-13:49-54 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Kafedra biokhimil (zav. prof. S.Ye.Manoylov) Leningradskogo
khimiko-farmatsevtioneskogo instituta.
Use of ion exchangu resins for producing trypnin. Biokhlmlia 27
no.4:698-701 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Khimiko-farmatsevtichebkiy institut Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya
RSFSR, Leningrad.
Injury of metal-containing enzymes aB a primary manifestation of
the biological action of penetrating radiation. Trudy 14DIP. Otd.
biol.7:30-41 163. (IOU 16:11)
~=Xllov Y S. le.
Discussion on papers read at the session of the secz=6 day of
the Symposium. Trudy MIF. Otd. biol. 72132-139 163.
WIRA 16s.U)
GRODZENSKIY, D.E.; GORIZONTOV, P.D.; VOROB'YEV, Ye.I.; -toonov, sI. yt, ;
Second International Co,gress ori Rqd1ation Research In England,
Aug. 5-11, 1962. Med. rad. 8 no.303-92 Mr '63. (VJ'HA
Cy-tochrcme effect in radiation. Vop. med. Khim. '~, no. 3i
317-319 IV-Je 163. Cuff RA 17: Co
1. Tgentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatallski~ institut melitsinskoy
radiologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR i Lerdngradqkiy
khimiko-farmatseirticheskiy institut Ministerstva zriravclokhranen-iya
Effect of different doses of penetrating (ionizing) radia-
tions on hemoglobin recombination. Vop. med. khim. 9 no-5:
530-531 S-0 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsev-ticheskLy institut, i
TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy rentgo-no-radiolo-
gicheskiy institut.
f ?IF, PrO 1~jCd I anar
and a~rolbic oxi6a~.i- r, ~-f 1~ex:,,.3e3. z,,~a
iAini.gtprstva zdravc;ckhranenlya R~r 7~(.
G.A. ; VI-P7' 1; "11,KAYA , 11, A
-LIA EP Y LO V 0 5 . Ye "A ~J i , S
POGUOT , B.' S F, I IN , SY e
Tnternationa-, s vm ecu-ar cell,~-Iar
. posium on rnol ~n
Berlin and Lhe annual ;,-ieeting ct' --in -~ena. Vop.
me d . kj~ i m . 10 no . I : 9 5 - -L 03 J a- F
KANOYIOV S.Y.e. (L-3ningrad, S-15, Suvorovakty prospekt, 57, kv.7);
UPOV ' . 'terAngrad, K-44, Lennoy prospakt 3436, kv.68)
ZIM, ; V.1 i j
Effect of catalase on the growth of a transrianted lymphosarcoma
and on some aspects of metabolism. Vop. onk. 10 no.12442-4,1 164.
(MIIRA 18:6)
1. Tz Leningradskogo khimiko-farmatsevticheskogo instituta
(rektor - dot-sent A.G. Y-~gorov).
s J-~~ 5`7
Wn, Ddjpthibt
f onc*u-l-
JLw 4V
, g
er~dn d by
a re
J%"OIFU()v2 S.Ye.; NIKOGOSM, 1. Kh.; YAISEN'60-KHMl&LEV3KIY, A-4.
Effect of ionizizig radiation an nitos-ia Ln crion
folloving irradiation of various parts of the bu-1b.
Mitologiia 7 no.5:660--663 3-0 165. ~ MIRA liz. ,, 12'1
1. Kafedra farmakologii. I biokhimiL Leningradskogo kh -'raiiln-farma-
tseivticheskogo inatit-Lita. Submitted Aug. 1, 1960.
MANCA D- I. I -I, - ~ ; V~ 11,; WN0Ul'_'.T7Jt SJ6.
1;-QY of iafrsi-ed spect-, -~m---,rott!Ans and their compments,
B-'.ofizi-ka 10 ao.".782-78? (MIR, 18!10)
1. laningradsk-Ay khimlLkc---farmatse-vtlcheskiy instiLut Miniettrstva
zdravookhrameni" SSf~R I lenirig-radskiy gosudarstvennyy uniiv~--rsitet
i-meni A.A.Zhd-,3rl,--,.v-a.
MANOYLOV, S,,Te,; uspiumiEv,
Effect of X raya on c7tochra2a C in vitro. Vap. mad. k`jLm. 11 nio.1;
95-96 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18-.101,
1. TSerttralln7y nauohno-issledovatel'skiy rentgeno-radiologi-
chaskiy institut Miuidt6rstva zdravookhrananiya SSSR i Lenin-
gradskiy khimiko-farmatsevtiaheskiy institut Ministerstva
zdravookhraneniya RSFSR.
XhNCYJk Sjq... KANT-Iii,
V- -., o t-
NIKONOVA, O.N.; Sil:!,!l VFY-~ -.I"ION
Electrophor-PT,4C e-nai.-Is r~f' Iloc, serq-;.-.
tiunors before and l'ollowinF.., Lrea-.mert. Vop. orik. !-I n. c~'t7
1. Iz TSentrallnogo nauchTIO-iSSIedcrvaLel'skogo rentgeino-radjo-
logicheskogo instituta :-Iin:lsterstva zdr-avc-olkl.-~arieri'Lya
(direktor: Ye.l. Vorob'ye,.).
~-T'F-11407' B.,*.; --- ye.
-------- L4--
,r . 'I, e rTf: 1 r. a *, I r: r r) ! t, ~ i e i i c t, j v -I ,,/ r; f ,; r ~) :,,~ () -, y r, i c c n 2 p7
the aicl cf izoc,iEejn. VOP.Trf~d-khi-r- 11 no.5;5~-58 :.-(' 't-lc,.
I . i en I nara-I 9 ~ I y kh. I mi rrr..,~ rf-se,., t !,. ~-,- - ~- J.,, 1 r:, - 1 t. C~u bM7 -
YA-~r 110 I-)t,4.
VOVS I, B, A.; DMIT TR I Y ~Ir A, V A ~ , PO-D-),*-,~"A,
- -11
Role of cRtalase In the procn9seg ot -.qjur~
in the liver of wh2te mice. Vvp . med ..,1,im. 111
S--O 165. (W 9~1 1~ ~ I )
1~ Leningradskly kYir,,-4kn-f-,nn,,t:3f-vti,- -, ,.
- , h(jq ,~ y. _j, ;'u,,
Min'slerstva zdravookh,,-aner.,,,;d *7~11b-,R- , ,- 1 1,79
1965. . -
L 44313-66 FNT(m)
ACC NR. AP60~9429 SOURCE CODE: UR/0205/66/006/004/0630/-0630
AUTHOR: Manoylov, S. Ye.; Grannikova, A. V. ~2
ORG: Central Scientific Research Institute of Roentgenoloav and
Radiology, MZ SSSR,_Leningrad (Tsentral'nyy nauchno-isaledavate--l-li-k-iy
rentgano-radiologicheakiy inatitut MZ SSSR); Leningrad Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Institute, MZ RSFSR (Leningradakiy khimiko-farmstsevti-
Tfi-e-s-kLy institut MZ RSFSR)
TITLEs The effect of dicaptol in acute radiation sickness
SOURCEt Radiobiologlya, v. 6, no. -4,1966. 630
TOPIC TAM biologic radiation effect, radioprotector, dicaptol, mouse,!
metal enzyme, tissue respiration, x ray Ro .0 -1,o9 7-10 4-) -77/ rA-
ABSTRACT: The effAct of ~ ntprelyp aRenta-In acute radiation sickness i
was inves:igated using dicaptol, which was chosen for its ability to
form complex compounds with metal enzymes and to inhibit their functiq;k.
Thirty-nine hybrid white mice were injected intramuscularly twice In
four hr with 0.2 ml dicaptol, and, immediately following the last
injection, were irradiated with 800 r on a RUM-3 device (18 ma, 180 kV,
0.5 mm Cu and 1 mm Al tilters, 50 r/min). The effect of the prepara-
tion was determined on the basis of viability, body weight, and
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