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ME .do Lie jc'jj4;. [.A niet-w-A fcr dizt--ninlipg th- 1b grad, -rt.1 A k~:de,,7;i'L! 1;',mh SSSIR~ Lnvalill, Gr No, IG; 6 7 C--6," .1, j tablp- 15 rcf3. -27 eqs- DT-,V-,wA. mcd--d for crlvir.- th dii. tribu- with. height a d11'- 'r ten e fle tj g-adi(fat is pa4eaud. -11 i I d appronir.LAttll~, tl-L~ r-f by OIL' racterb!F,; fuv^ti f,!3 and -rup~ tle 1- rJ c ju i 'acing aeoq V171th ari equM,!,, t lifftertimill C-4azl6on, T~,L -ibzorpdoa of cri ii~ md:z~tiija 1.i ta~ ii7z d 6 vari4lc~ ved ti K 1-7 U fl 60-37 -4/( AUTHOR: Malkevich, M. S. TITLE: Atmospheric Cooling due to Radiative Heat Transfer (Vykholazhivanlye atmosfery pod vliyaniyem luchistogo teploobmena) PERIODICAL: Trudy Geofizicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Nr 37(164), pp. 89-101 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses the effect of radiative heat trans- fer on temperature changes In the atmosphere, with time, at different altitudes$ The selectivity in the absorp- tion of long-wave radiation by vapor is taken Into ac- count. The presence of cooled and heated layers in the atmosphere Is shown to be due to long-wave radiation. Other small-temperature fluctuations are connected with the re-radiation of lon wave radiation. There are 2 tables, 6 figures, and 9-references, all of them USSR.' AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 K E U) 60-37-5/7 AUTHOR: Malkevich, M. S. TITLE: _-Ta-r-i-ations in Air Temperature with Time due to Turbulent -Mixing and Radiative Heat Transfer (Izmeneniya tempera- _t.ury vozdukha so vremenem pod vliyaniyem turbulentnogo peremeshivaniya i luchistogo teploobmena) PERIODICAL: Trudy Geofizicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Nr 37 (164), pp. 102-119 (VSSR) ABSTRACT: The author investigates a given distribution of air temperatures, taking into account heat transfer in soil and turbulent and radiative heat exchanges. A two-layer problem is considered: the variable coefficient of tem- perature conductivity (a linear function of height) and the constants of air and vapor densities are taken for the near-surface layer of air; in the free troposfere the temperature-conductivity coefficient is constant, and the densities vary exponentially with height. It Is shown that in the boundary layer (2-3 km thick) tem- perature variations are basically determined by the Card 1/2 thermal effect of the subjacent surface and turbulent 6o-37-5/7 I Variations in Air Temperature with Time (Cont.) mixing. Outside the boundary layer, temperature changes occur mainly as a result of radiative heat transfer. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 8 references, all USSF-i AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 60-37-6P AUTHOR: Malkevich, M. S. TITLE: Theoretical Computation of Solar Radiation Absorbed by the Atmosphere During Various Time Intervals (Teoretich- eskiy raschet solnechnoy radiatsli, pogloshchayemoy atmosferoy za raznyye promezhutki vremeni) PERIODICAL: Trudy Geofizicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Nr 37(164), pp. 120-131 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Formulas are developed for computing solar radiation absorbed by the atmosphere at various altitudes and any given periods of time. After working out averages for daily or other periods, it is shown that with elevation the distribution of absorbed radiation hardly ever de- viates from the exponential law. There are 5 tables, and 3 references, all USSR. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 M A L K L V I C ki, XT) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/1685 Akademiya nadk SSSR. Kmitet po geodeziVi geofizik.e. Teziiy doklAdov na XI GeuerallnoIy assambleje Me7lidim Lrodnogo, geodezicheskogo I geotizicheskop soy=a* Hiezhdmai~o6aya assotsiatsiya meterologii (Abitricts"'of R6pqrts at- the uth G~nerel* Meembli or the International Uni& 'of Geodesy dad Geoybysics. The International Association of Meteorology) Moscov,'1957.- -38 p. /Parallel texts in Russian a'adEnglish or French, 1,500 copies printed. No additional contributors mentioned. PURPOSE: This booklet Is intended for meteorologists. COVMVM: These reports cover varials subjects In the field cf meteorology. Among thespecific st*divisions discussed are: the heat balance of the E~.rthls surface, jet*st"ma, irwafer4nee of heat radiation, electric coagulatton of clqud partl- cles, tilrbule t. diffusion . 61oud studies,'and others. Abstracts of all the arti- C14s are tr6aslatedInto either French or English.ThOre are UO references given. TABrZ OF COFTERM: Budyko,,M.I. The Heat Balance of the Earth's Stxrface 5 Card V*3, ?- AUTHOR: Malkevich, M. S. 49-5-8/18 TITLE: The scattering of light in the atmosphere, taking into account non-uniformities in the underlying surface. (0b uchete neodnorodnostey podstilayushchey poverkhnosti v zadachakh resseyaniya sveta v atmosfere). PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geofizicheskayall (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Geophysics Series), 1957, No-5, pp. 628-643 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Most of the work which has been done up to now on the propagation of radiation in a turbid medium is based on the assumption that the medium is uniform in the horizontal direction. Although this assumption simplifies considerably the problem of propagation of radiation it is, nevertheless, an idealisation for media such as, for example, the Earth Is atmosphere. The presence of clouds in the atmosphere, the variation in turbidity in the horizontal direction and also the non-uniformity in the underlying surface, all make it necessary to reject the above assumption in theoretical studies of the radiational regime in the terrestrial Cardl/3 atmosphere. The absence of experimental data on the intensity of the radiation and considerable mathematical difficulties contributed to the fact that,up to now, there has been no 49-5-8/1B The scattering of light in the atmosphere, taking into account non-uniformities in the underlying surface. (Coat.) work done in this direction. Ambartsuayan, V. A. (1), Chandrasekar, S. (2) and Kuznetsov, Ye. S. (3) have studied special cases only. Approximate methods of solution of equations of transport of radiation., the intensity of which depends on the horizontal coordinates, were treated by Jefferies (4 and 5). In the present work an attempt is made to calculate the intensity of scattered radiation as a function of one of the horizontal coordinates. The latter expresses the variation in the albedo of the underlying surface. The atmosphere is assumed to be uniform horizont- ally and to scatter light equally in all directions. Its upper layer is assumed to be irradiated by a parallel beam of solar radiation and the underlying surface is assumed to scatter light according to Lambert's law. It is shown that the solution can be expressed in terms of functions of the form: 00 exp, (- x~S_2_+02) Jo(mys) a ds n+1 Caxd 2/3 (82 + 02 2 (x > 0; n,m = 0,1,2 ... ) 49-5-8/18 The scattering of light in the atmosphere, taking into account non-uniformities in the underlying surface. (Cont.) (these are generalisations, of Gold's functions). They occur in solutions of a set of independent integral equations. It is demonstrated that the problem of taking into account non- uniformities of the underlying surface does not present any fundamental difficulties compared with the problem of the uniform surface and appears to be a simple generalisation of the one-dimensional problem as developed by Kuznetsov (9) for an isotropically scattering atmosphere. There are 9 references, 6 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: December 19, 1956. ASS6CIATION: Ac.Sc. U.S.S.R. Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere. (Akademiya Nauk SSSR Institut Fiziki Atmosfery). AVAILABLE: Library of CongrtsS Card 3/3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2545 Feygellson Ye. M., M. S. Malkevich, S. Ya. Kogan, T. D. Koron- atova, K. S. G14-zo-v-a-,-a-n-d-X.--W.-Xuznetsova Raidiet Yarkosti sveta v atmoafera pri anizotropnom rasseyanii, eh. 1 (Computation of Light Intensity In the Atmosphere in a Case of Anisotropic Scattering, Pt. 1) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 101 p. (Series: Alkademiya nauk SSSR. Insti- tut fiziki atmosfery. Trudy, nr 1) Errata slip inserted. 2,000 copies printed. Ed.: 0. V. Rozenberg, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Ed. 6f Publishing House: V. I. Rydnik. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for physicists and scientists engaged in the study of atmospheric ojbtics. COVERAGE: This wcWk contains the results of computation on the intensity of light scattered anisotropically in the atmosphere under various physical parameters and functions of scattering. The solution of integro-differential equations of the theory of radiative transfer in an anisotropically se'attering medium Card 1114, 3 Computation (Cont.) SOV/2545 was obtained by the method of successive approximations. The work was carried out by the staff members of the Labor- atory of Atmospheric Optics within the Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, Academy of Sciences, U3SR. No personalities are mentioned.' There are 23 references; 14 Soviet, 4 English, 4 German, and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Ch. I. Mathematical Solution of the Problem 1. Statement of the problem. Derivation of basic rela- tionships 2. The zero -approximation 3. Selection of the first approximation 4. Computation of subsequent approximations 5. Accounting for the albedo of the underlying surface Ch. II. Processing Observation Data Card 21k 3 3 5 5 8 11 13 15 19 Computation (Co nt.) S011/2545 1. Review of Observation materials 1-9 2. Utili!zation of experimental data 22 3. Processing scattering functions 24 4. Change from optical thickness to the geometrical height 25 Ch. III. Computation Results and Certain Conclusions 27 1. Convergence of the series and of successive approxima- tions 27 2. Relation between the intensity of scattered radiation and the solar altitude, transpareny of the atmosphere and the form of the scattering function 29 3. Light reflection from the Earth's surface 42 4. The flux scattered radiation 43 5. Comparison with a case of isotropic scattering 48 6. Significance of multiple scattering 50 7. Explanation of the tables 52 Table ,1 56 Table 11 97 Table 111 98 C ard 31W AiJTHOR: MLal~kevi~ch~. S017/49-58-8-6/17 TITLE: The Influence of Horizontal Changes in Albedo of an Underlying Surface on Light Scattering in a Homogeneous Atmosphere (Vliyaniye gorizontallnykh izmeneniy al'bedo podstilayushchey poverkhnosti na rassey.aniye sveta v odnorod.noy atmosfere) PERIODICAL: Izvesti-ya Akademii vauk SSSR1 Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 1958, Nr 8, pp ~95 - 1005 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Expressions obtained in Ref 1 for intensity and flow of radiation in a turbid medium can be used in a simplified form when the atmosphere overlying the inhomogeneous surface has the same optical properties at all heights. It is assumecl (1) that there is a spherical scattering index; 2) parallel rays of solar radiation are incident on thE upper boundary of the atmosphere; 3) the underlying surface scatters according to Lambert's Law. Also, the albedo of the surface is given by; q(S) = q0 + q, sin ; (1) (where is a dimensionless, horizontal co-ordinate Card SOV/49-58-8-6/1? The Influence of Horizontal Changes in Albedo of an Underlying Surface on Light Scattering in a Homogeneous Atmosphere 0 - and qo, q, are certain numbers (qo + q, qo - q, >,O)] . From Ref 1, it can be shown that the source function, K(It 'S ) , an~ljlso the tensity of the inward and outward radiation, I and 1 , have the forms (2), (3) and (4) . ( Where le is the optical thickness of a column of air at the given height, and ~ are the zenith and azimuth angles of the ection of propagation of the radiation; b = cFL L is a dimensionless parameter characterising the scale of the horizontal inhomogeneities on the underlying surface L -* for a fixed atmospheric scattering coefficient, a - It is the total o tical thickness of the atmosphere.) The functions ~p OA 3 R n(r) are defined by the integrai equations (5), (6) and (7) (where ~ is the zenith distance of the sun and the constants X n and Y n are determined by the Bqs.(8) ). Thus, the basic task is the solution of the integral Eqs.(5) and (6). Almost Card2/9- F SOV/49-58-8-6/17 The Influence of Horizontal Changes in Albedo of an Underlying Surface on Light Scattering in a Homogeneous Atmosphere completely accurate solutions for n = 0 have been obtained by Ye.S. Kuznetsov and B.V. Ovchinskiy (Ref 2) and these are used throughout this paper. 1. qkn) To solve Eq.(6) for n 1, 2 ..., the functioz k were tabulated for b 0.1; 1; 10 (i.e. L = 1; 10; 100 km). The equations were solved according to the method given in Ref 3 with an error 1-2% for '&V = 0.3 and 5% for 't-4 = 0.~6. As an example, Table 1 gives the solutions of (6) for 't:*= 0.3; 6 = 0.12 10 and n = 1.2. The constants Yol X n' Yn (n = 1.2) are determined from the system of equations (8) with q 0 0.5; q, = 0.3 (the albedo changes from 0.2 for Tt-/2 to 0.8 for 0 =-nj/2). In future calculations, only the first three (4) need be taken. r rms of the series (2) The source function K(-e obtained from Eq.(2) for 3 = -1T/2-, 0; --j-e12 (corresponding to albedos, q, = 0.21 0.5, 0-8) is compared with the analogous function Card3/9-0' SOV/49-58-8-6/17 The Influence of Horizontal Changes in Albedo of an Underlying Surface on Light Scattering in a Homogeneous Atmosphere C; ~O q(1~) taken from Ref 2 (calculations refer to 60 0). Tables 2-4 show (the difference between K(t and (Pq (-r) in percents which indicates that K(-,r, I (Pq(_0 for small values of albedo and K(C, t ) < (P q(e) for large albedos. If the function (p q(Z) always increases and has a maximum at the upper boundary of the atmosphere, then K(le , 0 follows an analogous course only over large-scale inhomogeneities, or over areas with small or average albedo with small-scale inhomogeneities. Over areas in which the average albedo is exceeded, K(-e It ) dies away with height, reaching a minimum in the middle of the scattering layer and then changing in a similar f a&on to ~p q(--) - As Ir, increases, K(-t,E for different t approximates to K(-.- 1 0) or to ~o 0.5 (Z) i.e. the variation of the underlying surface is smoothed out as the height increases. Card4/'Q g, SOV/49-58-8-6/17 The Influence of Horizontal Changes in Albedo of an Underlying Surface on Light Scattering in a Homogeneous Atmosphere Inhomogeneities are smoothed out less in the case of large- scale variations than small ones - as can be seen from Table 5, which shows the difference between K(-t , 5) and K('b, 0) for ~ = I 1V/2 . Comparison of Tables 2 a7nd 3 shows that the difference between K(-d,t ) and ~pq(y) diminished with increase of the scale. ifigure 1 shows the horizontal variation of intensity of the outgoing radiationet leyels Y., 01 0.161 0.30 0.1, 0.3 0 = 60 900) as calculated from Eqs.(3) amd (4). 4he intensity variations at the given levels can be in the opposite direction to that in surface layer, and are gradually smoothed out with height. The reason for the changes is obvious - in a fixed direction of observation, the incident light can be reflected from various regions of the surface. This is clearly shown in Figure 2, where the continuous line represti~s the vertical distribution of the rSdiation intensity I at the point -1-r,/2(R = 60 900) and the dotted line gives Card5/9-1~~ SOV/49-58-8-6/1? The Influence of Horizontal Changes in Albedo of an Underlging Surface on Light Scattering in a Homogeneous Atmosphere the results obtained from Ref 2 for a vertical change, I IT') ' with a homogeneous surface of albedo 0.2 The continuous curve in iigure 3, represents the vertical variation in I(') at the point , in the direction of the point I = - -11012 and the &ottoed line represents I-(') for a homogeneous surface of albedo 0.2 It can be seen that, for a comparatively transparent atmosphere, the observed effect can react2j%o. The brightness of the sky, 1 (9; e~,o 0 for the given albedo variation law (0 = 60 1 90 ) deviates slightly from that calculated for a homogeneous underlying surface of average albedo q = 0.5 (Figure 4 - continuous and dotted lines, respectively). The deviation attains 3-59/6 in places; hence, the variation in albedo can be ignored to this order of accuracy. The inward and out-ward flow of scattered radiation can be calculated with the help of Eqs.(9) and (10). Table 6 indicates that the out~u-nrd flow of radiation increases Card6/ over areas of the surface with small albedo and decreases SOV/49-58-8-6/17 The Influence of Horizontal Changes in A-lbedo of an Underlying Surface on Light Scattering in a Homogeneous Atmosphere over areas with large albedo, reaching a minimum in the middle of the layer and then increasing again. The deviation of the flow F(l) from its average value decreases with height (Figure 5). Figure 7 shows that the inward flow of radiation F (2 always decreases with height. (1) (2) Comparing F (-t , F with F (t) (2)(,r) ( q Fq calculated for a homogeneous surface from Ref 2), it is found that, for areas with q(~) >, 0.5 F(l) F (i = 1 2) , whereas the reverse holds true for q( ) < 0.5 (Figures 6 and Figures 8 and 9 show similar graphs f or an Etmo sphere with -0 = 0. 6 . The change in total albedo with height cann now be calculated from Eq.(11). Table 7 and Figures 10 and 11 illustrate the variation of albedo with height and along a horizontal for cf = q 3, 0. 6 and 6 = 0. 1 . SOV/49-58-8-6/1? The Influence of Horizontal Changes in Albedo of an Underlying Surface on Light Scattering in a Homogeneous Atmosphere The magnitudes of the total albedo (Eq.(12)) are consid- erably smaller than the corresponding values of q(T, (reaching 50016 of 'q- Over areas with an albedo exceeding the average (q = 0.5), the total albedo dies away like F(l) (-t I ), whilst q(V, increases. For Jo~ 0 (i.e. large akdos), q(,r-, k) if (t) , rvhilst I = 0 (i.e. average albedo), ey practically coincide. The results obtained require experimental verification but show that, for example, in measurements of albedo, from aeroplanes, the inhomogeneities of the underlying surface must be taken into account. The idealised model used in these calculations (i.e. homo- geneous; isotropic scattering) can be applied to the boundary layers of the real atmosphere for several km. As is shown in Ref 8, isotropic scattering can be assumed since the outward radiation depends only slightly on the extension of the scattering index. There are 11 figures and ? tables and 8 references, ? of which are Soviet and 1 English. Carr, d8/19-9- Lilt_ WGUISON, Ye.H.; KALMNICK, M.S. Calculation of light intensity and haziness coefficients In antootropic scattering.. Trudy lab.aaromet. 7:37-44 '59. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Institut fisiki atmomfory AN 555H, (Photography, Aerial) (Atmospheric transparency) s/o4g/60/000/02/012/022 E032/E414 AUT'11ORi Malkevich. M.S. TITLE.- An Approximate Method for Taking into Account IforizontaJ Changes in the Albedo of the Underlying Surface in Calculations of the Scattering of Light in the Atmosphere PERIODICAL;Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, ig6o, Nr 2, pp 288-298 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present author (Ref 1) has shown that horizontal changes in the albedo of the underlying surface have only a slight effect on the corresponding changes in the intensity and the flux of downward scattered radiation. In practical calculations, it may be assumed as a first approximation that these quantities remain constant along the horizontal axes of coordinates. In this way, one obtains a one-dimensional theory of scattering for a certain average value of the albedo (either overall average or local average). This approach excludes the non-linearity in the boundary condition on the underlying surface and enables a simplification to be made of the method suggested by the present author in Ref 2 for Card taking into account horizontal changes in the s/o4g/60/000/02/012/022 E032/E414 An Approximate Method for Taking into Account Horizontal Changes in the Albedo of the Underlying Surface in Calculations of the Scattering of Light in the Atmosphere albedo q(f) is a dimensionless horizontal coordinate'. In fact one can replace the discrete Fourier series for Ik)(-r. 1(;o,V~ K(z,j) in the transport equations (1) and 2 , and the boundary condition on the underlying surface (3). by the integral functions (4) and (5), where I(1*)(,r,f, 0+ is the intensity of upward radiation, 1(2)(T:G) is the intensity of downward radiation, which is assumed to be independent of 9 and the azimuth 41 and can be calculated according to the method given in Ref 3, T is the optical thickness of an air column of height Z, TX is the optical thickness of the entire atmosphere, dw is a surface element on a unit sphere, 0 is the zenith angle of a ray, g is the zenith distance of the sun and a =- aL is a dimensional quantity which, for a fixed value of the scattering coefficient a , characterizes the scale of irregularities in the underlying surface L. Application of the transformations (4) and (5) to Card 2/fil,,- Eq (1) and (2) and the boundary condition (3), leads to s/o4g/60/000/02/012/022 E032/E414 An Approximate Method for Taking into Account Horizontal Changes in the Albedo of the Underlying Surface in Calculations of the Scattering of Light in the Atmosphere Eq (6) and (7). The function Tqo(T) is borrowed from Ref 2 for a mean value of the albedo qo- Bearing in mind Eq (8), and the equation immediately above it, the integral Eq (7) can be redu;,ed to the set given by Eq (9) to (11), whose solutions do not depend on the law of change of the albedo and are, in that sense, universal. Eq (9) and (10), which are independent of n, can be solved relatively simply by the method of successive approximations. The solution of Eq (11) is complicated by the fact that it is strongly dependent on n. However, it can also be obtained by the mQthod of successive approximations. Thus, if I(') and K are determined with the aid of the two formulae at the top of p 290, the inverse transformation need only be carried out for the functions Q(n)(P3(-r, n) . Consequently, the first approximation for the function K is in the form given ~y)Eq (12). An analogous expression C d 3 can be written for I If the function q( can be Loo-~ s/o4g/60/000/02/012/022 E032/E414 An Approximate Method for Taking into A,ccount Horizontal Changes in the Albedo of the Underlying Surface in Calculations of the Scattering of Light in the Atmosphere represented by an expansion of the form given by Eq (13), the expression for is given by Eq (15). It is then sufficient to solve Eq (11) for integral values of the parameter n. Equally sim le expressions can be obtained for the intensity I(" and the vertical and hortlIntal cjmponents of the upward flux of radiation F Fk For example Fi 1)(T,9) is given by Eq (16). TFig I shows the function K calculated from Eq (12) for the following values of the parameters: V4 = 0-3; % = 600; a = 0.1i qO = 0.5; pi =-0.3; ql qk =-pk = 0 (k = 2,3,-) and for fixed values of I( - -"jT/2, 01 Tt/2) (continuous curves 1, 2 and 31 respectively). Deviations from the analogous results (dotted curves) obtained in Ref 1, which are practically exact, are of the order of 3%. Eq (15) and (16) can easily be improved by determining the intensity of the downward radiation using Eq (12), which is Card initially taken to be independent of This leads s/o4g/60/000/02/012/022 E032/E414 An Approximate Method for Taking into Account Horizontal Changes in the Albedo of the Underlying Surface in Calculations of the Scattering of Light in the Atmosphere to an improved value for K. which is given by Eq (18). This method for taking into account the changes in the albedo is also used for the special cases defined by Eq (20) and (21), where e is a small positive quantity which is eventually made to vanish. This applies to the scattering of radiation by an atmosphere above two differently reflecting surfaces whose outer boundaries are at great distances from the separation boundary. When the change in the albedo of the underlying surface can be represented by a step-function and the scattering indicatrix is spherical, it is suffJcient to consider changes over a band of 1.5 to 2 km an either side of the separation boundary. Outside this bandq the scattered radiation is calculated as for a uniform underlying surface. The method can be extended to the case when the albedo is a function of two variables. Acknowledgment is made to G.I.Marchuk. Card 5/6-S There are 4 figures, I table and 3 Soviet references. 8/0~9/60/000/03/009/019 1032/9614 AUTHORs Malkevich, U.S. TITL3s on the Effect of lion-Orthotropiam of the Underlying Surface on the Scattered Light In the Alqqq_ phers PERIODICALtIavestlys Aladenii nsuk BSSR, Sarlys geoft niches kap, 1960, Mr 3, pp W-448 (MSR) ABSTRAM' It is usually assmad that the intensity or radiation reflected from the uiiderlying surface does not depend on the dpection (Lambert's law) and reflecting properties are described by thellbAp, i.e. the ratio of the flux of radiation reflected from the surface to the flux incident on the surface. However, experiments show (Refs 2-5) that natural surfacGs do not reflect radiation in accordance with the Lambert-law. Their reflecting properties are ebAracterized by the reflectance R(r,r'), ihich in defined as the ratio of the reflected I-rtewity In a given direction to the Illamination of the surface and, consequently, In geaeral it depends on the directions of the Incident (ri) and reflected (r) rays. The reflectance of natural surfaces Gard 1/3 depends on many factors which are unimown a priori. The present 3/049/60/OW/03/0,09/019 303"614 On the Xffect of Von-Orthotropiam of the Underlying Surface on the Scattered Light In the Ataosphere paper is concerned with estimating the function f (T) - KR(T) - which characterizes the difference between the scattered radiation calculated for the direction dependent case and the pure Lambert's law case. The analysis is based on the theory put forvard by Kuzn4sov (Ref 6). A general expression is now derived for f(V) (r,qa 4 to 9) . As an e=pls, the case defined by ScLe (10) and (11) is considered. It is shown that the absolute magnitude of the difference between KR and I depends an direction, and for those directions r for whi-ch the. tu;n_;ities Kja and Kq are thowelves small, the relative magnitude of the difference may be up to 20%. Card 2/3 Conditions are foxmulated under vhIch the difference can-be regard~o 8/049/60/000/0-3/009/019 1032/19614 On the Eff act of Mon-Orthotropism of the Underlying Surface on the Scattered Light in the Almosphere as small. The nunerical results Obtained are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Acimowledpent is made to G.V, Rozenberg for Important renarim. There are 5 figures, 2 tables and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet and 1 ?Inglish- ASSOGUTIOMAWoniya nauk SSSR, institut fiziki ats"fery (Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Physics of the ktmosphere) SUEWITTHD* FebmAry 14, 1959 Card 3/3 MAIRWICH. M.3.; GIAZOVA, K.S. Tariability of some parameters used in calculating the flow of scattered radiation. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.8:2246-1251 Ag 160, (MIRA 13:8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut fiziki atmosfery. (Solar radiation) 87978 s/o49/6o/ooo/olO/Ol3/ol4 E032/E4i4 AUTHOR: Malkevich M S. TITLE: An Approximate Method for Solving the Equation of Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1960, NO-10, PP-1541-1546 TEXT: The equation of transfer for plane-parallel, purely scattering atmosphere can be written down in the'form Eq. 1 . Cos 0 (.r. ') + I (T, -') T,i(T; r', r) + Eq.2. + 1(2) (r, r') y, (T; r', r)] A)' (i = 1,2); C ](2) (T', 7) = nS6 (r - re); F(1) (0) = qF(') (0), (2) C Card I/ 87978 S/049/60/000/010/013/014 E032/E414 An Approximate Method far Solving the Equation of Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere where I(l) 1 1(2) are the intensity of upwar4 and downward total c (directeand scattered) radiation respectively, v is the optical thickness of the given layer of the atmosphere, 0 is the zenith angle, is the azimuth angle, y is the normalized scattering function (indicatrix), TM is the optical thickness of the entire atmosphere, ITS is the solar constant, q is the albedo of the underlying surface, a(r-re) =0 when r=O= ro and Yb(r - r. )do = I and finally FW (T) IW (T,r)cos 0 do c c where the integration is carried out over a hemisphere of unit radius. Kuznetsov (Ref.1) has shown that one of the principal difficulties in.1giving these equations is the complicated dependence of cX (T,r) on r In the case of anizotropic Card 2/X 6 87978 S/049/60/000/010/013/oi4 E032/E414 An Approximate Method for Solving the Equation of Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere scattering in the atmosphere, the functions* M(i) r (i) will c c depend not only on vX and q but also on the zenith distance of the sun I , and on the scattering function. The dependence on can be partly reduced, and the dependence on q entirely excluded, if the contribution due to direct solar radiation is removed from Eq.(I) and the scattering of radiation reflected from the underlying surface is considered separately as was done by Feygellson et al (Ref.4). On this approach, Eq.(I) can be split into two independent systems of equations of the same form, one of which is COS 0 Ij (T, r) +(T. r~) -r1j (-r; r', r) + Eq-7- 12 (-r, r', r)) dw'+ -L emp -'r) see 7.j (T; r.0 ('c; 4 r) (i = 1, 2) (7) Card 3/7,L 87978 S/049/60/000/010/013/014 E032/E4i4 An Approximate Method for-Solving the Equation of Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere with the boundary conditions 12(,gXr) = 0 11(0,r) = 0 This equation determines the intensity of scattered radiation for a perfectly black underlying surface. The second equation is oT (7 1)1-' cog 01 (T, r) + (T. r') rIj (r, r', r) + 4a Eq.8 ,i(,r;r',r)jdw' (i=i,2) (8) with the boundary conditions II(0,r) == I 1 2(T r) 0 Card 4/q(; 679T8 S/049/60/000/010/013/oi4 E032/E4i4 An Approximate Method for Solving the Equation of Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere and describes the scattering of the reflected radiation. The intensities and fluxes of the integral radiation are then given'by (T, r) r) +CT, (-r, r)+.tS(i -1) 6(r-rO)eXPr-(T* -T)SeC 01, C PO) rj (T) + CV, (-o + -S (i - 1) "'P I- (T* - T) see C) Cos C = q aS CXP T'Ser, ~) Cos t + F2(0) I - qF2 (0) For each of the systems given by Eq.(7) and (8) one can obtain equations of the form given by Eq.(3). The functions given by Card 5/'V(, 87978 5/049/60/000/010/013/014 E032/e4i4 An Approximate Method for Solving the Equation of Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere Eq.(4) and (5) will in the case of Eq.(7) be less strongly dependent on *S , while in the case of Eq.(8) they will be independent of both q and % . These functions are determined by the present author by an approximate procedure. Mi(-r) and r'i(T) are approximated to by mi(T) and yi(T), which are obtained when in Eq.(4) and (5) 07.q uses the intensity of singly, scattered radiation instead of Ic ). The scattering function is expressed as a series of Legendre polynomials, and mi and yi can then be expressed by analytical formulae. If it is then assumed that mi and yi are sufficiently close to the true values Mi and ri, then one can obtain a reasonable approximate solution of Eq.(3) by replacing Mi, ri by mi, yi. It is found that this procedure gives quite a good fit, and the calculated flux found-on this approximation is not in error by more than 10 to 15%. There are 3 figures, 4 tables and 7 Soviet references. 5 ~7 C Card 6/~C S/169/62/000/003/057/098 D228/D301 AUT.'-.-OR Malkevich, Ill. S. TITLE: An approximate method of taking into account t*-e ho- rizontal changes in the albedo of the underlying sur- face in the problem of light scattering in the atmo- sphere (Theses) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 3, 1962, 27-28, abstract 3B224 (V sb. Aktinometriya i atmosfern. optika, L., Gidrometeoizdat, 1961, 260-261) TEXT: A method is proposed for approximately solving the problem of light scattering in the atmosphere, with allowance for the arbi- trary changes of the albedo of the underlying surface alona one of the horizontal coordinates. Two examples are considered. / Abstrac- tor's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 Q-/!69/r2/000/003/058/098 D228/D301 AUTHOR: Dlalkevich, M. S. TITLE: The influence of the anisotropy of light reflection by the underlying surface on light scattered in the at- mosphere (Theses) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 3, lj62, 28~,_a Ib- ;1 "-ka stract 3B225 (V sb. Aktinome'riya i atmosfern. o L L., Gidrometeoizdat, 1961, 261-262) T--:7'XT: The particular problem of radiation transfer in the alumo- sphere is solved. The differences between the quantities, characte- r~.zing sky radiation when the surface is orthotropic and does not reflect according to Lambert's law, are determined. It is estab- lished that the albedo depends on the brightness coefficient and the opLical characteristics of the atmouphere, and a meano of ap- proximately calculating the albedo, if the brightness coefficient and optical parameters are known, is suggested. /-Abstracter's no- te: Complete transiation.-7 Card 1/1 ATROSHENKOO V.S.; GLAMA., 4A.;,HALOVEHI H.S.- FEYGELOSON,. Ye.M.; Prini-14 uchastiyes KIM ~~~~OXASHOVA L. studentIna; ROZZIBMG., GA.,, prof., doktor fiz.-maten.nauk,; fERKIYAP N.VI, red.izd-va; SWHIEOVA., L*A*, tekhnered. [Calculation of light intensity in the atmosphere during anisotropic scattering* Part 2) Haschat iarkosti oveta v atmoafere pri anizotropnom rasaelanii. gast' 2. Moskva., Izd-vo Akid.nauk SSSR, 1962. -222 p. (Akiademiia nauk SM. Institut fiziki atmosfery. Trudy,, no*3). [MICROFILM] (KEPA 15:8) I* Moskovskiy gosudarstvenrqy universitet (for Kim, Tomashova). (Idght-Scattering) (Atmosphere) 3 AUTHOR: Malkevich, M. S. U831 3/560/62/000/014/OOP,/Oll A001/A101 TITLE. The angular and spectral distribution of radiation reflected by the Earth into outer space SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli. no'. 14, 1962, 30 - 48 TEXT: Intensity of radiation outgoing from the Earth's atmosphere upper layer into outer space can be directly measured by Earth's artificial satellites and space rockets. Also the problem of angular distribution of reflected short- wave radiation can be solved by means of receivers with small angular resolution, VY mounted on satellites or rockets, scanning the visible portion of the Earth along various directions. This problem can also be solved in a theoretioal way, by solving the equation of radiation transfer for various atmosphere models and reflecting surface. The problem of analyzing the angular and spectral variation of outgoing short-wave radiation represents the purpose of the article. To solve the radiation transfer equation, the author uses the plane-parallel model Card 1/3 S/56O/6P_/OO0/O 14/002/011 The angular and spectral distribution of ... AOO1/A1O1 of atmosphere and assumes that the Earth's surface reflects radiation according to Lambert's law. Various factors affecting the distribution are considered. The factors analyzed are the following: the degree of atmospheric turbidity; characteristics of the underlying surfaces which are divided, according to their optical properties into 4 categories: 1) orthotropic and "gray" objects, 2) 11Y orthotropic but not-gray formations, 3) horizontally heterogeneous orthotropic and "gray" surfaces, and 4) un-orthotropic surfaces whose brightness coefficient depends on the direction of incidence and reflection of radiation. It is con- cluded that variations of ~lbedo of reflecting surfaces affect the variations of angular and spatial distribution of outgoing radiation in a considerably higher degree than variations of the atmospheric optical properties. The distribution of cloudy formations, upon which depends mainly anisotropy of outgoing radiation, can be determined on the basis of statistical processing of radiation measure- ments. On the basis of solution of transfer equation, one can determine the spectral composition of outgoing radiation for various conditions of atmosphere illumination and reflection of terrestrial objects. The main difficulty of this determination consists in that relations of optical thickness and scattering indicatrix of turbid atmosphere to the wavelength are poorly known. It is pos- Card 2/3 a/56o/62/ooo/o14/002/011 The angular and spectral distribution of... A001/A101 sible, varying scattering indicatrices, to evaluate their effect on the spectral variation of outgoing radiation intensity. Reflecti6h of natural surfaces, such .as water, several types of soil, snow cover, and also clouds depends slightly on the wavelength in the spectrum region considered. Therefore, the data presented 6n the variation of spebtral composition may have a direct application to inter- pretation of measurements of radiation characteristics from satellites and rack- ets. In particular, these results can be used to distinguish snow cover from clouds in the case of equal neutral reflection of these objects. Another practi- cAl application is determination of the upper boundary of clouds. This method is based on the fact that the ratio of intensities of outgoing radiation, correspond- ing to short and long waves of the spectrum range considered (0.35 - 0.75 mlerms) will vary with the altitude of the reflecting boundary of the cloud. This alti- tude can be also determined by measuring outgoing radiation in absorption bands of those atmospheric gases which are distributed uniformly over the height, e.g., carbon dioxide and the band of molecular oxygen centered on 0.76 /.4. In conclu- sion the author discusses the effects of heterogeneity and non-orthotropism of the reflecting surfaces and points out that to solve the equation of radiation transfer, one can at first suppose that incident radiation does not depend on coordinates x, y and Fourier transformations can be employed. There are 8 fig- ures and 4 tables. Sulm S March 7. 1962 Card 3/3 MALUVICH, M.S.; POKRAS, V.M.,- YURK07VA, L,I. Measurements of the radiation balance from the Explorer-7 satellite. Isk.sput.Zem. no.14:105-132 162. (14UU 15:11) (Artificial satellites in meteorolcgy) (Atmosphere) (Heat-.--Wiation and absorption) _FNIR I . MALKEV IGH, M. S. "Some problems of interpretation of radiation measuremnts from satellites." report submitted for 15th Intl Astronautical Cong, Warsaw, 7-12 Sep 64. :ACOWSION MRs AP4030341 a/0049/6W000/0Q3/039V"7 AUTHORS I Malkrdoha MI ... P. I ROOM# A@ So I FAvanberap GeV, ,'TIT19i The three dimensional structure of a radiation field as a cource of -!meteorological information SOME$ AN SSSR- Isy- Ser- goofis., no. 3, 1964, 394-4o7 :TOPIG TAWI artificial satellites, weather forecasting, radiation field., tropor ';spheres stratosphere AB MIGT: The authors have pointed out the importance of world-wide ~bssrvations in order to make satisfactory weather predictions, and they have found the use af :artificial satellites for collecting meteorological data to offer both economy band geographic distribution of observational points. But, though the amount and universality of the information is increased, the type of information in qualita- tively altered. The single source of informatioa (for the lower layers of the ;atmosphere-the troposphere a~d stratosphere) Is electrical radiation of various ,wavelengths refloated or emitted by the earth's Mwfaca and the surrounding atmo- Mheree Easentially the problem become a matter of spectral analysis of radiation i/12 !ACCFMION URt Ap4wAl !being lost by the planqt. The authors describe the connection between structure of ,a radiation field and meteorological and other processes that have some effect on the radiation fields They describe the inhomogeneities of various scales in the !radiation field and outline the physical origin of these inhomogeneities as well as :the contribution they make in the recorded streams of radiation. They propose a .method for comput4ng atmospheric distortion when recording the structure of the .underlying surface, and they also furnish definite recommendations for a method of ;observing the radiation fieid~ from artificial satellites. This involves principally I ,a hemispherical receiver turned toward the earth and a device with the proper solid ;angle of view, Orig. art, has, 5 figures and 18 formulas. ;LSMIATION: Akadeddya nauk SM Institut fiziki atmeaferyo (Acadeaq of Sciences ~SWR, Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere) I - ISUMUTTEDs 2OJUn63 DATE AGQs 29ApA ENCL a 00 IMB CCDZI F's Card2,/2 NO REF SOVS 009 OTIiRl Ooo MAIZEVICH Some aspects of the interpretation of the Olel.j of radiation leaving the earth Part 1* Determining the temperattire of the 0 W, underlying -surface'. and the' upper ~-Ioud limit GGn nal.166: 102-116 164, 04"'. Some aspects of the interpretation of the fie2d of rad-.latAon leaving the -Lrth-~ Part,2. Distinction of clouds on the back- ground of mtural'surfaCes i4 lbid-.,:11?-127 164. (MIRA 17:11) I ~A T r-bor-ne de!. a;.a s s r i. t. r Ji y KOPROVA, L.I.; MALKFVICH, M.S. Thermal radiation of a spherica! atmosphere. Kosm. isal. 2 no.6:881-900 N-D 164. (;41PA 17- 12) KONDRATIYEV, K.Ya., dok'or fiz.-matem, nauk, prof.; Xkl- VTCH' M.S., u I ~KE. I kand. fiz.-matem. nauk The 15th International Congress on Astrona!:tics ("Meteorological Satellites Systems" section). Meteor. _4 gii-oll. nn.3:38-41 Mr 165. NIR.A 18-2) la.d KOPROVA, L.I.; 14ALKEVICH., M.S. Empirical orthogonal functions for the optimm parameterization of the temperature and humidity profiles. Izv. AN SSSR. Fiz. atm. i okeana 1 no.1:27-32 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut fiziki atmosfery AN SSSR. KONDRATIYEV, K.Ya.; MALKEVICHt M.S. I - - - .., I ----- - -- The 15tb International Astronautical Congress. Jzv. AN SSSR. Fiz. atm. i okeana 1 no.1.122-124 Ja 165. (KIRA 19:5) ev, B-. F*;! Malkevict -14 S Feraponova Gwl__~ lapynciq: Katulin~-V _A,,,,Kozj;r .Rozenberg (Professorl T_"rTUU..'- A-irplane eVI -d ice. -for -measuringrr -radiation balance and some results of measuri~,,jients SOURCD. Mazhvedomstvennoye~ sovesM~hdftive -'~o akti nometri i - i optike. atmosfeiy- 5th _Z3T 0m CST; MO S c ow, --19 Aktin, etriya optika -a&tmosfery (Actinometry and'atm, -ospheric opli Trudy. -soveshchaniya. Moscow, lzd--t6 11-.~~uka, 1964, 55-59. TO= ITAGS radiation pulsation, radiation thermoelectric element, terrestrial -ad-' atmospheric -radiation, ~upweil ing radiation,,~downwelling radiation, albedo Ful5ations of shortwalie and lqr~gwave -radi tion: fluxe s have been measured a ~M- ail vacuum, hermoelectric -radiometerb-irith a 180* scope. This device M-11E.sul s-31-ar, chortwav and terre5tria_l and atmo~;pheric ongw~Lle radiation. Regions .:af -L- nr abqorption by-water vapor were 'ou~',d and ueparat-d. IITI-,e device measured 0 ~Ilinz and downwell4 lation fluxeo during airplane rliots above steppe ing rail an z4a ~regians withi clear and claudy- skies. A decrease in the dovriwellingflux was ~observ'ed iii the Atmn:;-oheric layer 1-3 1-nalonve both regions, -A -v~7. 4ghtclecrease in_the Card L r,2 iM -AQCESSI0_Tr_NR:.' -AT50111'6- _ _ do Vnwell ing~. ~flux. was -obsez-ved. above the clouds in the 3--_ 5-km atmospheric--layer. Al- --decrease in' - the-upwellIng flu;k -was also observed _ia_thiS__ Iayer._~=gjasa- --ot--c Lt P EG) t5socr lo IAT Institut- fiziki atmos All, SSSR Moscow Institute of the Physitu'of' -the Atmospbere, AN nsp) BMITTE-D.- 251'Iov64- ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: TO RZ , -F 1 05 OTHER: 000 TD PRL,SS.- $009 Card AUTHOR: Malkevi 4h,, M. S.; Mal kov. I. P.; Pakhomova, L..' A.; Rozenberg, G. V.; Faraponova, G. P. TITLE: Determination of the statistical characteristics of radiation fields over clouds SOURCE: Kosmichaskiyo Issledovanlya, v. 2, no. 2, 1964, 257-265 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, cloud, atmospheric radiation, radiation field ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the possibility of applying statistical ana- lysis to flel ds of outgoing radiation for determining the structure of cloud forma- tions. Computation of the structural parameters of the cloud cover is accompl!sh- ed using aircraft measurements of radiation with narrow- and wide-angle Instrumenq. The following conclusions are drawn from this preliminary investigation: 1. Sta- tistical characteristics of the Intensity of reflected radiation can be used for an objective analysis of clouds of various types and a reliable identification can be made on the basis o~ the full set of statistical parameters. 2. The most in- formative-paramp-ter-is the spectral density,of fluctuations of brightness, which is quite sensitive to a difference In the character of nonhomogeneities of dif- _fei:ent oud types and at the same time is statistically stable. 3. An investi- Ca rJ ACCESSION NR: AP4034796 gatjon of the statistical characteristics of radiation fluxes, considered as ran- dom functions, makes it possible to take into account fluctuations of the radiant flux of.heat under conditions,of arbitrary cloudiness. In this case spectral density makes it possible to obtain the distribution of radiant energy by fre- quencies and determine those scales of nonhomogeneities which make the principal contribution to the flux of radiation heat. 4. The spectrum of fluctuations is similar to comparable spectra,of fluctuations of wind velocity and temperature ob-, tained in investigations of turbulence in the surface layer of the air. The spec- trum was displaced into the region of somewhat lower frequencies, evidence of an increase in the scales of the eddies responsible for the nonhomogeneity of cloud '-formations. Orig. art. has: )0 formulas, 6 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 230ec63 DATE ACQ: 20May64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ES NO REF SOV: 009 OTHER: 003 2/2 Cird ACCESSION Mi AP4034793 0/0293/64/004NOP/0246/0256 AUZU01ts Halkovich, H. Go TMS: Certain problems in the interpretation of radiation measurements from artificial satellites SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye iseledovaniya, *. 2. no. 2, 1964. 246-256 TOPIC TAGS: artificial satellite, atmospheric radiation, cloud, cloud boundary, earth satellite ABSTRACT: This article describes methods for determination of certain physical parameters of the atmosphere and underlying surface from measurements of radiation in different parts of the spectrum obtained using artificial satellites. The pro-, posed methods for solution of the corresponding inverse probleme (determination of the temperature of the underlying surface and the atmosphere, the masses of mattee absorbing radiation and the height of the upper cloud boundary) are illustrated examples. The paper consists of an introduction, description of the method for determining the terVerature of the underlying aurfaceg the procedures for deter- mining the vertical temperature profile, the method for determining the mass of absorbing watter, a discussion of the characteristics of the rodom radiation ~;4jejj,and certain conclusions* The principal conclusion drawn from the stuV Is ACCESSION NR.: AP4034795 that in the interpretation of radiation measurement data from satellites it to I necessary, to use certain determined physical dependences between thd characteris-! ties of the radiation field and atmospheric parameters, using statistical rela- tionships for this purpose. A problem of the greatest importance is selection of physically sound methods for taking the absorptivity and emissivity of the atmos- phere and underlying surface into account; this is particularly important in the solution of inverse problems. In solution of such problems it also is very im- portant to find algorithms ensuring the stabifity of solution of the inverse prob-i lem. With respect to the use of statistical methods the most important problem is determination of the parameters of radiation fields, thereby making it possible to use the most economical and an-ary methods in describing the enormous voluxe of data obtained from satellites. The solution of these problems is dependent an improvement of experimental methods and increase in the 4ensitivity of measure- ment instruments. "In conclusion the author thanks G. V. VAtenberi for "Inable comments during disoussiou of the problem dineusaed In the paper"6 Origo art., has: 5 for=lax, 6 figures and I tables ASSOCIATIONs SUDHITTEDs MeoO DAM ACQt 2OH464 ENCLi 00 SM COM AA NO MW Govi 014 on=: 009 card W2 L -21?56-65 EWT (1) /~WG (v-) /FdG/FWA (h) Po-!+/Pe -'w5/Pq'4/Pa e -2/1'ta.10/pe b/Pi4 ACCESSION NR: AP5000170 S/0293/64/002/006/0881/0900 AUTHOR:-. ~K ORTO -TITLED- The-'therm aLradiatiorf-of :a -iPhtAcal, at:mosphere~~ SOURCE- -Kosmiches1d &'issledovaniya,~v. 2, no. 6, 1964, 881-900 Y_ 4dj_Ajjqn, -ozone, TOPIC TAGS* atmospheric thermal radiation zjt~ ~o Lvq~c.2~otng__r mesosphere, water vapor absorption band ABSTRAM The authors have solved the thermal radiation transport equation for the ca,~-,e of a spherically symmetrical atmosphere. The -solution is expressed bythe traw- -sior r is rt f1mation, averaged for individual spectral interval An app oximation of the m transmisaion function'ta proposed which ensures its reliable extrapolation Into Uie region W, arg.- masses of absorbing matter. The authors have also derived expressions for determination of the Intensity flux and indrem, ent of radiation e ng scapi from the upper Eo -unvca r-Y -.0 f for &.eir random Variations. In addition, the authors hw,,e computed the angular.varlation: of the intensity of th ermal- radiation In different parts of the spectrum escaping from the upper '~oun4viry of a pherically symmetrical atmosphere, Also considered is the variability_ Card 1 /3 ?56.~6 A(~ C LSSIGN XR: AP5000170 -of the field of outgoingradiation, determined by variations In the temperature of the unde ~r, ly, ng purface* and, -atmosphere, cloud cover and-other factors detarinining outgoing radiation. Although. It Is noted -that -the r Cal field-.of the earth's radiation is not spherically symznetrIc2l and that the trandmission function has, not been computed sufficiently-reliably for large- masses of absorbing-niatter- the results presentedin.the paper- lead -to -the- foll6wing:bas'"Id conclusions. The flield of -radiation escaping, from the upperboundary of the atmosphere Jinto.- universal Space,16 most hon-vogeneous and Isotropic in-the parts -of the spectrum.corre- spondi.,Cr to the central-p-a-r-t-s- oUthe, absorption bands. -In In 6 r t rvals of atmospheric trans- parency. the radiation field is -less homogeneous and Isotropic and most clearly reflects the temperature pattern of the underlying surface. The Intensity of outgoing radiation for broAd spectral intervals decreases with- approach of the direction of sighting to the harizon Cdarkenlng!l of the limb of the planetary disk); In the central parts of the absorp-- tion bincla,, on the otherhandi-there-is. VIbrightening!.1-1of the-limb. --JAn exception Is-the iLbs-o- d__ V___t-ozone in which -the'radiation intensity- decroa-3es---- to'Ntr-ard the Umb and has a noticemble jump on the eartl~__ atmosphere discontinuity. The angular distribution of the intenstty of otttgoing rWation is not sufficiently sensitive to variations in the vertical dis- tribution W atmospheric temperature for it to be used for determination of temperature profiles. The therm,-d nonhomogeneity of- the underlying surface and -cloulds, -which -CC-rd _W3~ IP7, L 21? ACCESSION 14R: AP5000170 Ll adiati6ri.,-~'Th,e-tadizition-bfth6 Mesbsph6rblt~elf an Apprec e contribution n -M_ M field of tIhe~absorpti-oA Uands of,Iwater _i4p6i nd carbonId1wdde, ff In concl usion~:the authors ek-iress ide'ep appreciation. to.-G. V.- koze_6e~~ lor: dWdusSiOn of -Alertai-n of the results of thi study fd'V.G Ics_ L. V. edvedevi M and so, e eyqv L. 14 -:-Markina or preparation -IT -fit hai. of the program and malting calculations on the Jral computer, Orig.' art. 3'o 30 formdas,. 8 figures and. 2 tables. ASSOMATrMh. None D- 7 SUB CODE; ES SUBMITTE I Mat'64 -ENCL::.'-06 NO REFI_SOV.-,~,010 -:.OTHER,, 010. -MALMICH, M.S. Relation between the ctarac-,eristics cX the vertical atructure of the long-wave radiation field &r-d the temperatur, and h-midity fields. Im, AN SSSR. Piz. atn. " okeam 1 no.10OLC39-1049 0 165. .4TR.A 18~,-y'j 1. Institut fiziki amosferly Q1 SS6R. -the d y - prof il6g durihS e- T_ IT LE T~e-ro_l_e_-of._Ver4,qal_,-tem hti6iidit perature and 8u torminatiowof-thelEarth'� rf ace - temperature from outgoing radiation atm -no. 7, 1965, SOURCE: A14 SSSR. lavestiya, Fizika osfary L okeana, v. I 703-714 TOPIC T-A G -S weathet-satellite. window- transparency mea!;urement, atmospheric temper t pheri6 humidit ' atmo8pheric radiation -absorption Y2 ABSTRACT-- Satellites of the "Tiros" Series clarried -out measurements of the -ace -radilltion leaving the Earth throup tic Farth va u r temperature utilining p -range. owever.,~_ dwe to n aabso' 'ti- - it effects ~tha errors of. such measur--ments -m-av be as high. -as_ rp q 2 -a method for t ;h edetermirwtion of the- trt..--.,,nurface tempera_ oa~sequently, -lation is proposed. It i r, based ture frorl satellite meanlure'ments of autgoing race._ 4 , -- - - ' l - it,-~_structure 7 Folloving an z~tl rtlcal-te _humld le_ U te-ve t -theory.. the autho~~a -presents some- e~xajh, Les~ such-profilea-and owt~lina of the 1/2 Card 4105 '65 E",;j 4 1 -ACC&SSION RR t AP501567Z t)'F~/0293/65/r)03/003/044-4/04,c6 I 551,524,7t629,195.2:551.5 zz pq 244. RS f -_-YAII_3tIzh 't -so; -TA S -rile of tho' tinospho bj~m6a~~-- 1,17134, ning the-vertical temparature c Cz re Deterld I 002 absorption bandy issuing -thie -up boundary uringr 'the radiation) in the from per Of tb-A dt~nosphere SOURCE: -Koamic a ovanJy h skiye iasl6d a,,ve 3;,no*--3~ 1963t 4,4-4-7456 - 7- . - ~ - - ` - t Nr ti t t t b W 1 -- - z - TOPIC --TA on neasureman band uro adia sorption empera 1pp a mosph er are, a AMPACT; -.A;- method is p6ued~ for determinirie-the tmpga Profile of the pro l --T-1 satellit s)- in the-CO2,abs aLz~osi-e~e ~measuremqnts (by means of artif id 0 orp-. t:Lon band afradiation issuin ph-are. The g from thG upper, boundax-y of the atmos r,!)Uhad 4-5 based on analy-ais of thei desired ter-merature profile b7 umiqg. a statis_- tical orthogonal system of fanotions of the tonmerature field. For ary desired~ Precision of appromirm-tion.the numbe.- of awlytical members may be reduced to -q -inimum and maj thun dirAnInh thQ effect of instability wban aolvirg the recip- -,61 -:- -obal a bleia. o statistical ~wopoxtios of the vorttepl Gomputation -of th, _ Cci,d itY L 34808-66 F~CC _NR, P I.AWHOR: EWT(1)/FCC GWMS-2 Gorchakova, I. A., Malkevich, M. S. ORG: Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki atmoefery AN SSSRY- TITLE: Change in outgoing rad~iation in the 15 V carbon dioxide absorption band SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika atmosfery i okeana, v. 2, no. 6, 1966, 585-594 TOPIC TAGS: temperature distribution, spectral absorptivity carbon dioxide, integral equation,' atmospheric temperature, upper atmosphere radiation, atmospheric pressure, band spectrum ABSTRACT: Vertical tep4w xAture-diatxibutipa-i-n-th-e--a-tn2s-ph-tre is computed mathe- matically on the basis of the pressure and the radiation entering space from the upper surface of the atmosphere, which is measured in the 15 v spectral band, kncr4a as the carbon dioxide absorption band. The outgoing radiation is computed using an integral equation containing Planck's radiation function, and the absorption function is determined from an exponential integral equation. The heterogeneity of the at- mosphere is compensated for by the effective mass of carbon dioxide,which is intro- duced. The absorption function, computed under such conditions, is represented graphically. This function depends upon the values of the parameters used. A table in the original article shows temperature values at various pressure levels computed using various absorption functions. Changes in the spectral distribution ofl C~_-_4 112 UDC: 551-521.3 L 34808-66 ACC NR: AP6022217 .outgoing radiation depend not only upon temperature variations in the vertical section, but also upon the changing concentrations of carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere. Bands of carbon dioxide absorption overlap water vapor bands. This superposition was computed in order to correct the temperature at certain pressure levels. Orig. art. has: 2 tables, 9 figures, and 7 formulas. [EGI SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: lOFeb66/ oRiG REF: 002/ OIM REF: oo4l kTD Mssj5~~3(j L 09183-6_? EWT (I) GW_ ACC NRi U)7002320 SOURCE CODE: UR/O362/66/C02/0O4/C)67/0)79 AUTHOR: _&Jj~evich M. S. .'PAM CRRG: Inatitut-e- of --Physic 3.. of the.Atmosphere (Institut fiziki atmosfery AN S53R) i TITLE: Spatial structure of the field of terrestrial long-wave radiation, SOURCE: kN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika atmosphery i okeana, v. 2, no. 4, 1966, 367-379 TOPIC TAGS: cloud cover, earth radiation ABSTRACT: M. S. 14ilkevich has determined the relations between the statistical characteristics of the spatial structure of the field of terrestrial long~'-iave radiation and the temperature, humidity and cloud cover fields. He describes the mechanisim of filtration -of high-frequency variations of nonhomogeneities of i meteorological fields during the transmission of radiation in the at"mosphere and with averaging for directions. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 31 formulas. IJFFZ: 36,2851 SUB CODE: 04 / SUBM DATE: 11Nov65 / ORIG REF: 006 Card 1/1 nst UDC: .5-51-.521. LIFOVSKIYO ytlt-l #; IMLSHIllp A.S.; F.P. The Z-15-1.4 exca-w-tor, 'L-!Ol:h. st:-oi. IE no. 2:25 F 161. 1. G-lavleningradshoy. (L.-curating mchinez7) -3-, T 879-2-0 3/19 00110001004100'10'1~ B0 I 6XBO'58 AUTHORS- Plalkevich. S. a--. Chereshkevich, L. V. TITLEt Fluorostyrenes. Report I. Synthesis of p-F_'u:)ro3tyrcne and 2,5-Difluorostyrene PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 4, PP- 1-4 TEXTt The authors report on the synthesis of styrenes fluorinated it'. the ringt p-fluorostyrene and 2,5-difluorostyrene, as well as on their poly- merization to polyfluorostyrenes. In their experiments they wanted to fend out how this method of fluorination affects the properties of the polymers. For this purpose, they synthetized the initial and intermediate prcducts, fluorobenzene was obtained by the diazonium fluoroborate method from aniline (Ref. 20). The yield amounted to 54% related to anillne; p-difluoro- benzene was produced in several stages vla p-nitrofluorobenzene--.)p-fliaoro- aniline--+ diazonium fluorophenyl fluoroborate. The synthesis of the inter- mediate products was carried out as followsi p-nitrofluorobenzenet from fluorobenzene by nitration with KNO -H2SO 4_ mixture; p-fluoroanilineg from p-nitrof'Luorobenzone by reduction with irt) .1 furnings and HC1. The yield was Card 1/2 87920 Fluorostyrenes. Report I. Synthesis of S/19 60/000/004/001/015 p-Fluorostyrone and 2,5-Difluorostyrene B016X,3058 79% related to nitrofluorobenzene. The oonversion of p-fluorean"line Irit~ p-difluorobenzene was also obtained by the diazonium fluoroborate method and did not notably differ from the production of p-fluorob,-nzene from aniline. The yield was 44% related to fluoroaniline. p-fluorostyrene and 2?5-difluorostyrene were obtained from fluorobenzene and p-difluoTobenzena, respectively. These were converted into acetophenones which were subsequent- ly reduced to carbinols. p-fluorostyrene and 2,5--difluorostyrene, respect-1ve- lyg were formed by dehydration of the carbinols. The authors describe next the synthesis of the p-fluoroacetophenone of 2,;-difluoroacetophenone (fo-r the first time), of p-fluorophenylmethyl 3arbino'l, 2,5-di-fluorophenylmethyl carbinol (for the first time), 2,5-difluorostyrene (for the first time), and difluorobromobenzene (for the first time). The constants and propertiee of all substances were described. A. V. Pavlova is thanked for her partilcl'- pation in the studies. There are 20 references. 6 Scvlz:t, 10 US, and 6 German. Card 2/2 87877 B004/BO64 AUTHORS: Malkevich, S,, G., Chereshkevich, L V, TITLE: Fluoro Styrenes, Informatirn II Polymerization :f Parafluoro Styrene and 2,5-Difluoro Styrene PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 5, pp, 3 - 5 TEXT: This paper discusses the block- and emulsion polymerization of p-fluoro styrene and 2,5-difluoro styrene, and compares the properties of these polymers with those of polystyrene and poly-2,5-dichloro styr~-n--- Block polymerization took place at 500 and 700C in s-~aled glass ampuls with initiator (benzoyl peroxide) or without initiator. Solid, colorless- transparent polymers were obtained which externally did not differ from polystyrene and polydichloro styrene, With respect 'c th--'r rate of polymerization, the compounds studied showed the following crder: dichloro styrene) difluoro styrene> fluoro styrene, styrene The molec-.:-.,ar wei*'-~ts depended on the polymerization temperature. Emulsion polymerization took place in water with 0.2 %- ammonium persulfate as initiator, ani I ~~ sodium oleate as emulsifier, The ratio between monomer and water was Card 1/2 87877 Fluoro Styrenes. Information Il. Polymerization S11911601000/00--l-02/020 of Parafluoro Styrene and 2,5-Difluoro Styrene B004/BO64 between 1:5 and 1:10.. Powdery polymers had a molecular weight -if between 100.000 and 230,,000, and could be molded into transparent, -,lorless plates. Colored polymers of low molecular weight were obtained with ~hq use of hydrogen peroxide as initiator and "Mopanzine sulfoni~: aci-I" as emulsifier. As in block polymerization, polystyrene and polydIfluoro styrene had a considerably higher molecular weight than pclyfluoro styrene and polydichloro styrene. The heat resistance according to Vicat depenic- on the monomer content of the product.. In this respect, fluorlne-,Lontainl:~--' polymers were not superior to polystyrene, and did not reach the same b~a zesistance as poly-2,5-dichloro styrene, The authors thank A V for her collaboration, There are 7 tables and I Soviet referen--f- Card 2/2 5" st so 83411 S/19ij6o/000/006/003/015 B004/BO54 AUTHORS: Valkevich, S. G, Tarutinap L. I., Chereshkevich, L. V. TITLE: Spectroeopic linves Tig tion of the Structure and Thermal Aging of the Copolymeriprom Tetrafluoro Ethylene and Ethylene PERIODICAL: Palasticheakiye massy, 1960, No. 6, pp. T L.: The authors studied the thermal stability of the copolymer CF ~H Films 60-80 p thick or powdered copolymer were 2-rs 2-CH2-)n' hea to 200, 240, 275, and 290 C in the presence of air or in vacuum (10- torr). The structural changes were observed by means of an infra- red absorption spectrum taken on an MAC.-I 1 (IKS-1 1 ) apparatu.- r. %b N&CI prism, At 2000C, the spectra were not changed even after 500 h, The au- thors found that the copolymer samples exhibited differently strong branch- ing which became evident in the intensity of the 1190 m-1 band (deforma- tion Oocillaticno 0, iil;, -711, group)(Fig.1). After 1; h of heating to 2750C, 634u Spectroscopic Investigation of the Structure S/191/60/000/006/003/015 and Thermal Aging of the Copolymer From B004/BO54 Tetrafluoro Ethylene and Ethylene branched samples lost in weight up to 4%. Fig. 2 shows the weight losses as a function of the intensity of the 1390 am-' band. Unbranched samples were stable. Fig. 3 shows that the weight loss depends on the extent of the contact area with air. Half an hour of milling of branched samples at 1500C accelerated agingt the weight lose rose to 10%. whereas un- branched samples remained unchanged even after 1 h of milling. The dif- ference between branched and unbranched samples becomes obvious at 2400C. While the latter show an unchanged spectrum, the spectrum of branched samples shows new bands (Fig. 4): 1615 am-', 1780 cm-' (acid groups), 1755 cm-I(C-0 valence oscillations of the carboxyl group), and a not identified 1677 am-' band. Beating to 2900C accelerates the oxidation process (Fig. 5) while hydrogen fluoride is set free. The separation of HP becomes evident in new absorption bands: 1720 cm-1 (C-C stretching vibratiozis)f 1850 cm -1 (dehydrogenated fluorine groups)p and 5116 am-' (stretching vibrations of the -C-H group); thus, the authors assume a Card 2/3 83411 Structure S/191/60 /000/oo6/003/015 Investigation of the B004/BO54 spectroscopic Copolymer From d Thermal Aging Of the es evident in a an Ethylene and Ethylene Tetrafluoro The destruction also becOO g tem- ring of the SOften'n _CF.CH- groups, d a love in vacuo' formation of viscosity of the melt an ved when heating reduction Of,,,). V0 double bonds were obser . The authors thank Osity perature (Tat tg temperature increased A. garakhonOT for Visc and ,scosity and softenit r advice~ I* ation ~ap~repal&t'ons't&ble, 'j~ u~ V. Chul anovskiy fo for Prc are 5 figures' professor oruiushina There r_-_1 ~-Ao__rul e spectra- deterainatiOnSO ~~tktiCngg ~e 1 British. _f__ i 'US La ot'nikoVa or I and G. 1_-~ ~no ""-~_.2 30vietO and ences. 4 er~ VA 'A .1 21136 MO 220S,1172 I akao 1043, ILI 11 8/190/61/003/004/011/014 B101/B207 AUTHORS: Kabin, S. P., Mikhaylov, G. P., Sazhin, B. I. Smolyanskiy, A. L., Chereshkevich, L. V. TITLE; Study of the dielectric losses and polarization of some fluoro- plasts PERIODICAL: Vysokomolek4arnyye soyedineniya, v- 3, no. 4, 1961, 618-623 TEXT: This paper studies the effect of crystallization upon the dielectric constant 6 and tan 6 of the dielectric losses. Substances with the following parameters were studied: Substance: Denotation d200P g/cM3 E, 10 cps, tan 6, 105 melting 00C cps, OIC point, OC polyvinylidene flu- oride F-2 1.86 7.0 0.19 180 copolymer from tetra- fluoroethylene and fluorovinylidene 1:4 CF-1 1.s6 6.4 0.18 145 Card 1/7 Study of ... 21136 S/19 61/003/004/011/014 B1 01 YB207 Substa-ace: Denotation d2000 9/0M3 6, 105 ope,tan 6, 105 melting OOC cps, OOC point, OC ditto, ratio CF-2 1.91 a.6 0.09 16o 1:2 ditto, ratio CF-3 1.96 8.0 0.08 205 1 -. 1 6 and tan 6 were measured between -1500C and melting point of the polymer at frequencies of 5-Io7 cps on 0.1-0-5 mm thick samples according to a method described in Ref- 4 (G. P. Mikhaylov, B. I. Sazhin, Vysokomolek. soyed., .1, 9, 1959; Zh. tekhn. fiz., 25, 2186, 1955). The maximum error was less than IW6. Fig. 1 shows F- and tan 6 as a function of temperature. The maxima occurring therein which are caused by relaxation, were also observed when tan 6 was a function of frequency. Since tetrafluoroethylene has a symmetrical molecule with small dipole moment, the increase of E and tan 6 in the copolymers, is due to the polarity of vinylidene fluoride. Three ranges of dielectric losses owing to relaxation were observed. 1) hivh- frequency relaxation at CF-2 and CF-3 in the range of from -180- -1000C Card 2/ 7 21136 Study of ... S/190/61/003/004/011/014 B101/B207 (maximum of tan 6); 2) medium-frequency relaxation in all substances investi- gated in the range of from -50- +500c, and 3) low-frequency relaxation at +100--+2000C in all substances. Experiments carried out with hardened CF-3 showed a falling of high-frequency relaxation and a rise of middle-frequency relaxation as compared to the non-hardened polymer. Fig. 4 shows the frequency of the maximum of high-frequency and medium-frequency re-;axation as a function of 1/T. 'The discussion of the experimental data led t o the following conclusions: 1) The dielectric properties in the range of from 100-2000C cannot be explained by relaxation only. The structural transforma- tions must also be taken into account. 2) The maxima of low-frequency re- laxation lie close to the melting point of the polymers concerned, thus due to thermal motions in the crystalline phase. 3) The dielectric losses de- crease with the degree of crystallization of the copolymers. 4) Orientatio of polyraers, i.e., increase of the degree of crystallization, may be ac- companied by a considerable increase of E. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 11 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Boviet-bloo. The 2 references to Eriglish-languaGe publications read as follows: M. E. Convoy et al., Rubb. Age, JAP 543, 1955; A. H. Willbourn, Trans. Faraday Soc., 54, 717, 1958- Card 3/7 21136 S/19 61/003/004/011/014 Study of Bi 01 YB207 SUBMITTED. August 17, 196o Fig. 1. Dielectric constant E and tan 6 of fluoroelasts as a function of temperature. Legend: a) F-2; E: ) 2-1o4; 4)8-io5 cps; 1) 500; ?) 5-10.); 3 tail 6: 1) 500; 2) 2-1o4; 3) 6-10; 4) 8-10t) cps; CF-1-~- 1) 500; fl 2.104 3 ) .10) ; tan 6: 1) 500; 2) 2-1o4; 61l~4;*4) 1-5-1o5; 5 1 ~6 68 -cps c ; 3) 1-5-1o5 cps; .5-1 ; ) 1.2 io7 ps; 6) CF-2; E: 1 10; 2) 2- 04 tan 6: 2 22-1o4;12~ 6-10; 3) 1.5-1o5; 4) 1.5-106; 5) 1.2-10 cps; 1) cF-3; I C: 1) 10 ; 2- 0 3) 1-5-1o5 cps; tan 6: 1) 500; 2) 5-103; 3) 6-104 cps r!Abst%-,racterls note: The original provides no data for curves 4)and 5)-'- 4 Card 4/7 ZO 4 1 1 Study of .,, 46 - 40 -30 8 23-136 3/19 61/003/004/011/0*14 B101%207 0.3 0,2 1 i -~,6 1 1 1 1 ~ I I i ~~ I c,-.-t- 1 .. I A I y Card 5/7