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sov/84-58-11--,6/P.8 AUTHOR: Malinovskiy, A. (Novosibirsk) TITLE: Improving Labor Organization (Sovershenstvuy;lm organizat- siyu truda) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1958, Nr 11, pp 14-15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the improvements made In servlo.- ing airplanes at the Novosibirsk airport repair shops. These consisted in the introduction of two shifts on time-consuming tasks, the assignment of specialized crews to servIcing 6pecific systems and units, the improvement of working conditions, and most of all, the performance of main and auxiliary operations on the spot. The replacement of 11-12 engines now takes two days and of the Il-14, two and a half days. Personalities mentioned include,~, Technical Control Division Chief Vashkata, Section Chief Bcriscv, foreman Artemchuk. Card 1/1 SHENBORO M.I.; BMISTROV, S.I.; MALINOVSKIY, A.A. Arylamides and alkylamides of 3,6-dich:Lorophth-glic acid. IzV.vys.ucheb.zav; khimA khim.tekh. 4 no.5.869-871 161. (Em 14: 11) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichaskiy institut imeni F,Z. Dzerzhimkogo, kafedra tekhnologii osnovnogo organicheskogo sinteza i sinteticheskogo kauchuka. (Phthalic acid) (Amides) MALBOVSKIYj A.A. --- 83~~-biological prerequisiteB of longevity in za--rals and man. Trudy YOIP.Otd.biol. 6:46-50162. (141PA 16. 7) 1. The Ukrainian Researcb Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named V.P.Filatov. (MI GXV ITY ) MkLINOVSKIY, A. A. Hbr., Inst. of Experirmntal Biol.; Acad. Sci., Moscow, - 1940-; Mbr., Inst. of Cytology, Histology, &,Embryology, Dept. Biol. Sci., Acad. Sci., -1943-- "Homoplastic Transplantation of Teeth in Rats," 50; Dok. AN, 26, No. 7, 1940; "Replacement of Teeth in Dogs by means of Homoplastic Transplantation of Teeth Rudiments", SO: Dok. AN, 29, Uo- 3, 1940; "An Attempt at Experimental Homoplastic Transplantation of Teeth in the Dog," SO: Dok AN, 28, No. 8, 1940; "Further Experiments on Substituting Lost Teeth by Means of Homoplastic Transplantation of Tooth Anlagesq'4 SOt Dok. AN, 41, No. 4, 1943. Mki T110'TSFY, A. A. 11"Deculari Ili es of~ heri d ity in the I; -,'-t o~ -r- -n 1 1 of '3=1 -C-i -, . . 17-) i -,.. - -- Wl . --l- I - I " "7' by A. A._Ma.linovs'.k7 SO: Advances in Moderm Bloloq~-r f7spekhi Sov-r-rnennoi 9iolo--ie) Vol. XT!, Jo. 1, !1--/.! "IP-1 -Lill'.'----, ... .1. IIA. A. Lalinovslg: Physiolo.gical Sources of Correlaticn in the Structure of a Hwran Organism." Received on August 0., 1944. (P. 235). y, Vol. VI, cortent-, of the i3sues 1-6, fc 19114.5. N'. 4 SG,: Journal of General Biolor r Ir KALINOVSKIT, A.A. ~ - -.-- -- I - , - ...... %-- (Structure and life of the humau body] Stroenie i zhizn' chelovacheakogo tela. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo tekhniko-tooret. lit-ry, 1946. 55 p. (MIRA 13:3) (ANATOKT) (PHYSIOLOGT) MA-LINOVSKIY, A.A. ,~! I (IMman organism and its function] Organizm cheloveka, i ago shiznedetatell- nost'. Moskva. Kedgiz, 1952. 60 D (KTXA 6:5) (Ana;omy, Haman) (Physiolo87) KALIHOTMT, "; KUGHNIK, S.R.; VOINO-TASMMMUY, V.T. Discuslon of critlcal conaidarations of prof. A.)(* rabludovskly on t1seus therapy. Test. khir., Moakva 73 ne.6:53-59 lov-Dea 1953. (GZML 25:5) 1. Of the Ukrainian Arperimental Institute of lVe Diseases imeni Academician V.P. Fil~tov (Director -- V.P. Filatov). -KALINOVSKIY,,A.A. ~-. Investigation of processes of etiz:m1ation and inhibition in "reflex epilepsy* in rats. First report. Basic forms of reaction and their dependence upon the strength of the stimulus. Biul.eksp. biol.1 mod. 37 no.1:18-22 Ja 154. (MIRA 7:3) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo akeperimentaltnogo iastituta glasnykh bolaznay im. V.P.Pilatova, Odesaa. (Epilepsy) (Raflaxes) /-~/IlYc- f r I C_ L~' -3 f ~' I/ )-- -- USSR/General Problems of Pathclogy - U-2 Tissue Transplantations and Tissue Therapy. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Diol., No 5, 1958, 22858 Author Malinovskiy A 7 nst Title The Effe,!t of Tissue Therapy Upon the Excitatory and inhibitory Processes in the Central Nervous System, Orig Pub Tr. yubil. nauch. konferentsii., posvyashch. 80-letiyu ckad. V.P. Filazova, Kiyev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1956, 154-159 Abstract Auli,.I~enic convi).I-sive seizures in rats were precipita- tpd by the loud sound (,-)f a be3.1., Firct, there waa a rDt(.r rze"tation, by an inhibitory pause and tLei b~ the seizure Five to 46 days after a buI2_:s preser-i 1, skin unto ratE, tte (Jura- t..)n o:' the various periods and the severity of the seizure were recorded. Under the influence of tissue Card 1/2 I USSR/General Problem of Pathology - U-2 Tissue Transplantations and Tissue Therapy. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 51 1958, 22858 therapy excitatory processes increased reaching a maximum during the 4th week; later there was an in- crease in active inhibition and a decrease in the pathologic reaction of the nervous systemi Card 2/2 FIIATOV. V.?.; NALMOVSKIT. A.A., starshiy nauchayy sotrudntL-1 SKORODINSKAYA. T-V.' star8WlSe'W=hZ*rl(-aotrudnik Kyopia. Morovie 2 no.11:12-13 N 156. (MIRA 10:1) 1.- Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademil meditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Pilatov) (KYOPIA) MALINOVSKIY. A.A.. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudaik Classification of the forms of spherical refraction. Oft.zhur. 11 no-1:42-50 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1. 1% Ukrainskoga skaperimentallnogo instituts, glaznykh bolezney imeni akademika V.P.Filatova. (MYN-ACCOKODATION AND RMRACTION) 1 !.WLINOVSKIY, A.A.; GOLUBTSEVA, M.V.; SWOSHNIKOV, V.I. ,v,ffect of tissue implantations on the relationship of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system of rate. Uch. zap. UNIGB 4:160-175 '58. (14IRA 12:6) 1. Ukrainskiv eksperimentalligyy institut glaznykh bolezney i tkanevoy terapii imeni akadamika V.P. Filatova. (TISSUA EXTRACTS) (TIERVOUS SYST19M) RALINOVSKIY, A.A. ,es in the olpticnl r Hathemntical methoda of atudying chpng ap')a Atus of tho eye. Probl.fiziol.opt. 12:345-348 158 (MIRA lls6) (OPTICS, PHYSIOLOGICAL) KALINOVSKIY, A.A., stershly nauchnyy sotnidnik "Andtamo-optical analysis" of refraction in the works of Professor A.I. Dashevskii. Oft.zhur. 13 no-5:282-292 158 (mm 11:10) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo ekaperimentallnogo instituta glanykh bolezney i tkanevoy terapii Im. akademika V.P* Filatova (direktor - Prof. N*A* Pachkovskaya) (RIM-ACCOMODATION AND RXFRACTICS) MALINOVSKIY, A. A. "Controlling Systems in Living Organisms* (15 February 1957). Paper presented at the Seminars on Cybernetics at Moscow University during the 1956-57 school year. FroblevW Kibernetiki, No. 1, 1958 -;kj.4o&o AUTHORt TITLEs 37 023 Malinovskiy, A.A. 3/04 62/000/003/091/092 C1 1 1YC333 The types of the controlling biological systems and the significance of their adaptation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal., Matematika, no. 3, 1962, 73, abstract 3 V 451, ("Probl. kibernetiki". No- 4, M., Fizmatgiz, 1960, 151 - 181) TEXTs The questions of adaptation of biological control systems to the variations of the surroundings are con3idered t a) the variation of the surroundings is undirected. Two cases of adaptations are presented o the mechanism of nuclear heredity and the system of the elementary reflex reactions, their pecularities and the role of these pecularities in the adaptation of the organism to the surroundings; b.) the adaptation to constant conditions or to a regular chpnge of the conditions. The evolution scheme for these cases is given. it is shown that the "star-shaped-radial" form of the connection is to be preferred compared with the chain form. For relations of the kind Card 1/2 The types of the controlling S/044/62/000/003/091/092 C111/C333 > A B , A B and A B and for alternative processes the values of adaptation of some types of systems with feedbacks are con- sidered. The author compares some relations of the control systems in organisms and in machines. The advantages and disadvantages of each system relative to the others are pointed out. Finally the author considers the possibility of applying the ideas concerning the typon of the biological eyetemg in medicine. ~Abstraoterls note s Complete tranalation-I Card 2/2 KALINOVSKIY, A. A. "On the Possibility of Structural Ap,,.roach to Certain Problems of the Upper Nervous Activity" (30 October 1959) report delivered at a seminar on cybernetics, Moscow State University. So: Problemy kibernettki. Issue 5, 1961, pp. 289-294 ~~INOVSK7, _A.A. Some physiological correlations in progressive myopia. Ucb. zap. UEIGB 5t198-208 t62 (MIRA 16W) *, MALINOVSKIY, A.A. Importance of the quantitative study of c,,ntrGI -"rr theoretical problemi3 in biology. Prim. mat. metod. v biol. no.3:115-127 164. 1-~-11) 1. Institut glaznykh bolezney i tkanevoy terapii, Odessa. A-L N,~ V (1,111fit~rnd, p- d Re 3-d Itj of pi t Trna,-y retj e f f,~, r7 n tub-, - "J.N. p TI, - 'e.oln) -- W-LIITOVSKIY, A.G., inzhener-podpolkovnik; SVERKUROV, L.P., inzhenar- mayor Automation in procassift radar information (as revealed by foreign press data). Vest. protivovozd. obor. no.8:4-7-51 Ag 161.(KIRA 14:8) (Automation) (United States-Radar, Military) Iok t.-)r Te khn. nauk; KGROLEV, K.M. , kanci. te~~Aa. nauh; I~ALI,07 'KIY, L.A., kandotekhn.nauk Results of teot,'ng machiner- 'o 4 y. Trudy ILIZO r .33: 1-63 164- (MiHA 18:2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatell--kiy institut betona i zhelezobetona Gosstroya (for Desov, Korolev, Malinovskiy). 2. Institut stroitellstva i arkhitektury AN Lativiyskoy SSR (for Faytellson). I I.. - 9 MALINOVSKIY, A.N.. kand. tekhn. nauk., dots.; YEGOROV, N.D., red.; KUZIMINJ, I.F., tekhn. red. (Ranning gear of tracklaying vehicles] Khodovaia chast' gu- senicbnykh mashin. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1963. 116 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Tanks (Military science)) 0 a 10 a j as's y 0 0 0111111MIS16114 *__L_ Q It Z_ Q -0 FRc#i# of ocissts A, 4 . 94J RIM -An Qb*tIv0 OICINXI a[ ? 1 ; ~ e ' ijjj nwans of & qwWY rue"4 1~ i% lkpp . T Iw r~tkctfits fxwm, Of o* =00 u 00 Ve 00 00 too too IfTAtLbPGK&t UTFROLOf CLAMPICAM" too Fm a t1 - -1 I AA A P-d 0 WIG u it to Ok it K I x 91 K a a it Og it 41 00 0 0 9 al 0 0 0 0 0 0000 ACC NR% AT6036611 SOURCE COD.,~': UR/0000/66/000/000/0253/0253 AUTHOR: Labodeva, Ye. V.; Dmltrlyeva, L. V.; Malinovskly, A. V. OIRG: none ;I~FgfA convegerAmsasinAc hloo vgt,,, link fillapar gesentad at e e5i2jftgt ejas,p rence n 0 pac he Jo.cow f ram 24- 7 May 196Y SOURCE: Konferentsiya po probleman kosmichoskoy maditsiny, 1966. FrobleW, kasmichenkoy moditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); matorialy konforentsii, 'Nascow, 1966, 253 TOPIC TAGS: life support system, closed ecological system, plant physiology, aoroponics, space nutrition, space food ABSTRACT: liriW'f6_' a 6lo.sed ecological systeni~ the In developing a higher-plant r main requirement is the assurance of a constant supply of vegetable food, ;,.oxygen, and water to man. This problem can be. solved by the creation of a conveyor system of growing plants of different ages. Depending on the cultivation method adopted (aeroponics or hydroponics), the conveyor system is based on the principle of movable nests for fixing the plants or on a stationary planting without changing the distance between plants while they grow. In the firstsyiLtqpq oig~cs) an n4rd 's 11 ACC -- N.Rx%0661. ilRiminated seeding area is used more effectively than in-the'secoha system (hydroponics). Experimerlts with the conveyor system using hydroponics have indicated that it is possible to o.0tain a continuous supply of fresh . ;vegetables in amounts required by daily rations,,that the nutritional :value of vegetables obtained in a conveyor system corresponds to I irequirements as far as vitamin content is concernec4and that it is possible I'to greatly increase the productivity of plants in a conveyor system by ;regulating the basic parameters of the ecological complex. (temperature, i-humidity, _illumination, and root and aerial feeding). ~61- A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-116] !SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: Mray66 Card MALINOVSKIY, B.A. At the Irkutsk Experiment Station. Zemledelle 27 no.2:74-W F 165. (MTRA 1814) 1. Direktor Irkutskoy oblastnoy gosudarstvennoy sell skok! -I)zyavslvennoy stantsii. MALTIIOVSKIY, B.N.; MALINOVSKIY, V.N. New device for the castration of sorghum. Agrobiologiia no.3:473- 474 My~-Je 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut rasteniyevodstva, Leningrad. (Sorghum) (Pollen) MALINOVSKIY, B.N. Increasing vitality of hybrid sorgo in the first generation. Agro- biologiia no.1:148-151 Ja-F '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kubanskaya opytnaya stantsiya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledo- vatel'skogo institLta rasteniyevodstva. (Sorghum) MALINOVSKIY, B.N., kand.sellskokhoz,nquk First sorgo hybrids developed at he ~litan Fxperiment .3tation Agrobiologlia no, 3--/26-431 It-J. 16., (14TRA l?:-') 1. Kubanskaya opytnaya stantsiya Vsesopiznrjg,) ins~ituta rastaniyevodstva. la A Ill. It NIA .... ) 2ku -"- IT-1 I, July. wor I I It VAL11-10%-~KI-Y, B. II. , Cand. in Tech. Sci. "Devices Based on Combination of Magnetic and Crystal Elements" a raper presented at the Conference Dn Methods of Development of -3oviet t~Lqthematicai Machine-Building and Instrument-Bililding, 12-17 March ',")5t-- Translation No. 59,", 8 0,2t 56 IVALIDICV13rlly)~--B. N., Cand. La TLech. [-.Sci. end NECHAYEV, G, K., Cand. in Tcch. Sci. "Analysis and Investigation of Trigger Circuits Employing Point Contact Transistors" a paper presented at the Conference on Methods of Development of Soviet Mathematical Machine-Btilding and Instrument-Building, 12-17 March 1956. Translation No. 596, 8 Oct 5~) KOMAIZi, A. I. and VXLXOVSM, B. N. 'Tyn~amic FlIp-Flop With Triode Transistors." The authors describe a dynamic flig-flop using point-coatact tridoe trau- sistors, discuss its circuit and provide experimental data on its performance under various operating conditions. There are no references. voprosy vyschislitellnoy matematiki i tekhniki (Problems in Computor Mathematics and Technique) Kiev, Izd-vo AN Ukr SO, 1958, 97 pp. (Bbornik, Trudov, vyp 3) This collection of articles issued by the computor Center of Ukr SSR Acad Sci is intended for scientists and engineers in the field of computor mathematiax and techniques. The collection is devoted to the programming of mathematical problems on electronic computers and to the design of units and components of these machines. 8280 S/112/60/000/009/004/C)06 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1,a6O, No. 9, p. 263, # 4.8155 AUTHORS, Kondalev, A. I. TITLE: A Transistorized Dynamic Flip-.Flop,j, PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Vychisl. tsentra AS UkrSSR, 1958, No. 3, pp. 71-75 .,,authors describe the circuit of a dynamic flip-flop consi t' TEXT: Thp 5 '1118 of a transistorvand an inductance connected to the emitter circuit. In the initial state the transistor is blocked by a bias. Negative master pulses enter the base of the transistor, the amplitude of these pulses being too ow to open the transistor. If one positive pulse is supplied to the circuit input, the transistor is opened and current is originated in the emitter circuit. On account of the inertness of inductance, this current continues to flow up to the arrival of the following masterizing pulse which agaJn opens the transisTc-' The excited state of the flip-flop corresponds to this, during which master pulses are passing the collector circuit. The following pulse being supplied Card 1/2 8280 A Transistorized Dynamic Flip-Flop S/112/60/000/009/004/00~_; to the input, the transistor is blocked and the flip-'Llop returns to its initial state. There are 7 figures. Lr A. V, Sh. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 S/044/62/000/003/088/092 AUTHORt Malinovskii, Borio Hika qaevi C111/033 TITLE- Controlling digital multiple-purpose computers for industrial automatization PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal., Matematika, no- 3, 1962, 72, abstract 3 V 433- ("Automatizace", 1961,_I, no. 8, 222 - 225) TEM The application of digital controlling computers for the automatizatinn of the industry, fundamental requirements to ouch machines and the description of the controlling multiple-purpose computer developed at the AN USSR (AS UkrSSR). (Abstracter's note t Complete translation. Card 1/1 -MWINOUUX,-B.X- (Malynovalkyi B.M.] (Kiyev); YANOVICH,iI.A. [IAnovych, 1.0.] (Kiyevi Control computer for the automation of complex production processes. Avtomatyka 7 no.6:30-39 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Automatic control) (Automation) IIALIEMSKI-Y, B.N. Digital control systems and auto!.,~ation rf producnion) TSifrovye upraviiaiushchie 7.ash;rr y i avtGmatizatsiia proizvodstva. Yoskvap Nashgiz, 1963. 287 p. (%.1"LA 17:7) ZHUK; L.A.; ~ALINOVS.KIY, B.N.. kand.takhrimuk ~ Design of multichannel electronic switching circuits. Avtom. i prib. no.1:40-45 J#~-Mr 163. (WRA 16:3) 1. Inatitut kibernetiki AN UkrSSRO (Electronic ciraAta) GARBER, K.S., dotsent; NIKITIN, A.I.; LYAUDIS, B.V.; ~g~~NP~PKIY, B.N., kand. tekhn.nauk; BFL'SKIY, 0.1.; VOLKOV, L.G.; KUZNETSOV, M.P.; KUTSEKKO, A.D., SCROKIN, A.A.; STAYHUPMIY, A.D.; THUBITSYN, L.M.; TTIUSTYEV, AJ.; SHAFRAII, I.K., inzh.; SHESTAKI P.I.; ULIYANOV, D.P. Automatic control of converter smelting by means of compu' r-s. Stall 23 no. 7:608-610 Jl 163. (KRA 16:9) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgichesliy zavod-vtuz im. M.I. Arsenicheva (for Garger). 2. Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSSR (for Malinovskiy). 3. Zavod Im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Sha-fran). YUShChTNKC, Yekaterina Logvirovna; IIALII:(VSKI'Y,- Doris Ilikolayevich; 'evr.~7 YADIR I _j, FCLISIIC~M, Galina And',_-e Konstaritinov-na; 1;7X7-11' ,,5V j C ~j; [The IlDnipro" control corputer -with a wide rr-.nge of applica- tions and itj prograrurdni, programme ,rotgrrifmrierls manual] ,;pravilaiushchaia nazrac!,er,.-_AP. "Urdpro" i prog-ranmiruiushc-Laia progr,-Tz k nei; spravo-:hrdk r-cg- ru.P.-mista. Kiev, Izd-vo I'llaikova dumka," 1964. 279 p.. 17:8) 71 /' ,, I/ ".,I . . I I - I I -I L ~1182-~6_r "r-,VT(d)/E74P(C)/EWP(T)/T/E7WP(k)/EWP(l) Pf-4 ACcizsim wit AP5004677 S/OU5/64/000/009/0058/0059 AUMORs none TTTLEt SWRCB: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 9. 1~64, 5849 \1 TOPIC TAGSi cybernetics, electric mcasurenenl~ f\-cctric quantity instrument, digital computer, electronic equipment, electric engineering conference ABSTRAM 7he conCerance was hold 1-4 July at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of 99trology by the Section or Electrical MeAsurements of the Council an the Problem 6r "Scientific rnstr.=,3nt KjOcing". ofthe Gtqt~j Co-itLoe ol! CgoroLnetion ot 'Sclontifio_ R;so-a_roh_TTor_k_in_ -tha-_':5iS`R -ta * gather with the All-Union Scientific Rosonrch Institute of Electrical Unesuremant Instrumants qnd the Leningrad Regional d and Technic-PL-1 of the IrWiijz; A 'ni Division ant Yaking Induatry. Moro tWa-a40b__doleG-&too from 29 of-t country par pated. P- - Fifty-soven reports were heard and discussed. Reports were riven bys F. V. POVITSKIY (Laningirdd)--"Definition of the Concept of Informational grror in Measure- Imont and its Importance tu Practical Use" and "On the Proble= or the Average Worse- tionel. Criterion of Mouracy' Throughout the Entire Sods of an Instrumnto i Ysi A. Card W4 L 41182-65 ACCESSION HR# AP5004677 KUP-ERSHITIDT (Moscow)--"On Determinat .ion of the Criteria or Accuracy for Measurement Devices"; S. M. MANDEL'SHTAM (Lan ingrad) --report on & now criterion of accuracy of measurement instruments; -P, Fi..PARSHIN (1-ningrad)--report on optimit a-tion when using Fourier transrorm~ . . t,.nic digital oomputersj_j. P. DTAInIDVI 5.-Y.- DOLGITTTS-,VA and A. A. IGNATOV (Lan Ingr ad) --propo*al of a now roathod for solvTffg-- progin-ma- of optimum filtering for non-stntionary random signals and interference; 1. B. CHELPANOV--"Caloulation of the Dynamic Ch-)rqotaristlas or an Optimun Complex Two-Channol System which U!vio Signals from it Position Motor and from a. Speed Mater"I R. A. PO'.U`3KTOV (Laninfrad)--"Optimum Periodic Correction in the Moftsuroment of Continuous Signals"L S. _P. ADA-7.10Y.ICH Poscow)--"Analyeis and Construction of Devices for Correction of Non-lineerity and Scaling for Unitary Codeal 0. V. GOR13LOVA (T%ganrog)--"A Mothod for Statistical Optimization in Grqdu%tinj; the Scales or Electrical Morksuring 1witrumente"i )J. A. Z31123LIMAN (1.1osoow)--"An&log-Digita1 Voltage Converter with Automatic Error Corractionw;_ LINOVSKlY. V. S. KALENCHUK and k. R. NIAL 1. A. YANOVICH (Kiev)--"Automatio Monitoring of the Paramsters of the Electrical Signals of Complex RRdio and Slootronio Rquipment"s V. -P. PEROV (Uoscow)--"Oporational a-ti_w _- B_Q Cybernetics as an Independent Scientific Speoialis on I Ye. H. GIL' _(Lonincrsd)~- -"On the Problam of Efrootive Non-linear Scales"i A. I* HARKELOY (Moso0w)-oDavio0a for Preliminary Processing of the Results of 1(assurements Presented in the Fors ar.1 I Card 2/4 L 41182-65 ACCEMION Mis AP50OL677 Graphic Recordings For Subsoquont rntroduction of the Information Into Universal Digital Conputers"; 0. 14. 11001LEVER and S.S. SOKOLOV (Lanincred)--"On a Nothod fori Roduoing Exce ~. NIXO~AY or amp a so lnrormatio~ ~_ -3Y-k- (Loningrad)--"A Device r T or I Dis,.retitation of Continuous SiF;n&ls";_&!__k~_LYOV1N and M. L. BULTS (Wosocw)-- "Optimization of the Transmission of Tolomatric information as a Ueans for Raising the Efficioncy and Eliminating Intarforence"; D. E. GUKOVSKIY (Voscow)--"On a Sta- tistic Approach to the Detection of Svonts in Automati-o Inspection"; 11. 1. LANIN I (Laninrrsd)--"Hathod for Csloula~ing the Holding Time or Communications In a Contra Itted Inspootion System or Constant Servicing Tivio"I 0. 9. BRO11SHT1_'YN,A. L RAYKIN _�jston~ ii~h and V. V. RYKOV (Moscow)--"On a SinAlo-Lino Unso Sorvl~o aW I_X1jL_ SHLYAUDIN Ponza)--report on circuit dosirns for diroot oompenontion electrical diClt.l . souring instruments; A. N. KOMOV (Novochqrkxssk)--roport on a raw method ror compensation of digitml bridgasi 11. N. GLAZOV (Lon inq ad)--rs, port on the problem ;of voltnre-to-angular rotation conversionj V. S. 5UTNTROV (Laningrad)--"Ilsthods for Construction of Frequency Capacitance Pickups with a Linear Goale"LJ1,xa, _,SYROPYATOVA and R. R. KHARCHENKO (Moscow) --report on the daterminfttion or t~o ampli-, - .tude-frequonoy and phase oharaotoristics of PFU and P'.TU modulatorso Ye. 1. T3NTAK0V '(Novochork&ssk)--*Th~ Phototranaistor as a Switah for Slactria4l Mossuroment Yurpo ;!~j ingrad)-.& report an ways for makinG universal oquip- 11. V. MALY( mont for measurement or ourronto voltotgo and powers P. P. ORMOSK11 and V I* ZOZ-jLyA ._)!,:!.opjrta an the con4truction Or.statia-yoltusto~-ts, :Watten qA4 _(Kiev T_ Card 3/4 L 4l.182_65 ACCESSION Mit AP5OOh677 phnso motors; A. Y. TRIMANOV, I.G. SArfSHLYAY3V. N._I. -SABLIN, V. U. RAZIN and V. A. GORBUIIOV (Tomok)--roport an R device for automatic processing of the monsurorzonts of,' vi&~_w~i_on amplitude of pneumatic hammoral L. X. RLMNA and V. 0. KNORRING_(IAninFr&i4 ..-report on the development of a digital m9asuring pressure, force, 1 etc.; 11. B. DADUKINA (Loeningrad)--re port on a method for construating frequency pickups for &as analysis; Yo. It. KARPOV. V. A. BRAZHNIKOV and B. Ya. LIKHTTSINDER ()Cuybyrhov)--roportg on of_~~rln_gspoeds; Yu. V. PSHTNICIRTIKOV (Kuybyshav)--"A High Speed Volta&o-to-Digital Code Converter for so Pickiipj"; G. P. VIKHROV and V. X. ISAYEV (VIln%)--"A Highly Accurate Digital Peak- to-Poak V6-1-GT.-t0-rwi--a-Ad S, M, F3R-SI F(_I~;_ningrsd)--*A Low Level Analog-Digital Volt-' ago Converter." ASSOCIATIONs none SUBU=s 00 ENGLt 00 SUB COM EE, ED NO RZF SOVs' 000 OTHERs 000 JPRS Card .. MALM,'OVSKIY., B.N., kand.takhn.nauk Characteristics of the in roduction of computing equipment iii the automatic con rol of production processes abroad. Avtc;a. i prib. no. 1:81-83 Ja-Mr 164. (MIRA 17-5) KA1~4,'OVSKU, b.N.) otv. red.; N.IKITD4, A.I., otv. red.; L.P.J. red. [Cybernetic technolot-, y] Kiberneticheskaia tekhmika. Kievp Naukova dumka, 1965. 165 F'. (1-11IRA -18:9) 1. Akademiya nauk UHSR, Kiev. MAI,RI'OVSKrY,.,B~NI,,?,,~ed.; PAVLRIKO, red. [Experience in the o,-eration of the I'Dreprl' -a! control computer] Opyt ispolizovaniia tsifrovoi uprp-jilaii- shchei maf-I-tny "Dnepr." Pod red. B,N.Ralinovskogo, Kiev.. In-t tekhn. infor-matgli, 1965. 43 P. (MIRA 19 ~ I) B!M'MT'-P,TOV, T.F.; MALR,OV'SFTY, P.N.; SKIJRIDFlq, V.P. Amilc,g-dJgit.,jl rault-i:ly~r,r, if Tz,.r. ~'; rz. SSR. Ser. --kh. nauk 9 no. 165 (ml-RA. I . In.-, TA 1,11 t X I hC t'r '~t 1 1'( 1A Ml TJk r,STi. li I ip I A ~erfl " un e 2 5 , 1965. AUTHOR: Bekmuratov, T. F. -, Skuridin, V. P.; Malinovskiy, B. N. ORG: Institute of Cybernetics, AN OorSSV, (In titut kibernetiki AN Uk