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SOVI 20- 1 - 54/07 Fpore-Pollen Spectra of (,Iuaternary and Upper Pliocene Deposits in .7est Turkthenla total amount of pollen and spores. It mainly consiLts of species which at present do not grow there, the parently being transported by the wind frog the CaUCOSUB and Iran. About 7o - 6o 0% of the pollen frorn ehru,_ ierbaceoufs plants are xerophyte pollen. The results of the analysis 'from indixipai bore holes can easily be correlated. As is ' 4fjittre 1, the spectra for the separate periods of shown iii sedimentatton-vary- The data can be sammarized aj 1) Horizons exist Wh different character of I C I E e G Lt T_~ -1 pollens 2) Prooeeding from Middle Aspheron at least 3 tv,:~IMF, of tree pollen exist, which exceed the of th.Ls ~- i.-- ponent in recent soill samples by the two- or threefo)d, Thi~, phenomenon !,anger be explained by drifting, Tne presence (). ericameous?ollen and the decreaz,c- ~f xercphytte polle-ri is tie(t up virh the horizons with an inereased cone tent --f tree pollen. There modifications can be explained .lima--c.filly, As is known, in the Quaternary age 11oluvial .hasev" --;curred ir Centzul, hich were synchronous t , to the P"Ic-ciation 1L.. Birope_~ anct .riich were caased oy the intensificutict~ -f Uri~ r6le vlaved by t1- - ;bard traveled ttiroiigh the Mp&terranean Sea. SOVI,"c,- :2,,-,1.-c5d.-67 'j, r J177 if! 11 c~r. Spec, tra cf 1.).t,.a! ernary arid L~~er u-z-tv n,- TorKmeni a Cmeaslis - Centml Aaft, - bureai eleipents and a mRsophil.,c tree and shrun flora from the neighboring districts penetrat- ed in part;cular into the mourtain. diotri(~tb of "Purkrnenlya (Rpfs I . (3,,(). A great r8le is In particular ptayed by the C=agsus accord Ing to I,1_ V_ Kul'tiasov). All these facts will F, ---.Ly be reflected by the spcre-polleri complexes with an lncrea2Led c(~nLen" of Pcilen from lignecus plant2. There are I f1gure and 8 references. qftich are '.'vvie,,. ASSOCIATION: Institut geografii Akademii nauk Sj'JR (Geographic-al AS USSR) 1. PRESMITED. diarc-h 1 L).,/ 7, N. _'ukachev., 11';embpr, off cnze~:, USSR SUBMITTED- February 9, !958 1. Paleoecology--USSR. 2. Spectrographic ana4sis--Applications 3. Geological time--Determination Card 3/3 RALIGINA, Te.A. Formation of spore and pollen spectra in the deserts of Central Asia. Trudy Inst.geog. 77:113-138 '59. (MIRA 13-5) (Turkmenistan-Palynol (Uz veki a tan-Palynolog7of M&LIGINA) 70*Ao Fossil pollen of the the tulip tree (Liriodendron L.) in western Turkmenistan. Dokl.AN MR 145 nO.4s883-&14 Ag 162. (KMA 15: 7) 1. Institut geografti AN MR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N. Sukachevym. (TurIca-anistan-Tulip tree.. Fossil) ILI IN, Ye.V.;-MALIGINA, Ta.V.; BADYLIKES. I.S., professordoktor tekhnicheskikfizii~, redaktor; USTINOT. M.T.. redaktor; MEMISH, D.M., tokhnichaskijr redaktor. (Refrigerating machines and apparatus] Kholadillnye mashiny i apparaty. Pod red. I.S. Badyllksaa. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo torgovoi lit-ry, 1954. 368 p. (MLRA 7:12) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) WIN, Tevgeniy Vasillyevich; P*IGINA, Yevgeniyp.-,Tjk~oTovua; CHICHKOT. II.T., red.; SUDAK, D.M.,'-A.'; BABICH37A, T.V.. [Refrigerating machines and cold storage] Kholodil'nye mashiny i ustanovkI. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960. 40o p. (MIRA 13:5) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) I L r, I v- e V. a U"q(-) 'V, F I i y e L G I K FU'.. -'V h V k a r., A r. n a,, i k rt t s e n ?, e n r e, t,, e i I z e n T- 0 1) V ! iq V . I 'Y -"',: ~NOVI- I Ye "WA . [Hefrriue moch-' ne--y U!,~ L'-) ii), I r:Ye rrnanhl r-~~ i us,~anovkJ~ ric. hi-in i a Llr~%i:.y---,!-. lenno:: t 551 P. ~ I, i -~ A FILONENKO-BORODICH, Wehail gitrofanovich; IZYUMOV, S.M.; OLISOV, B.A.; KMYAVTSEV, I.N.; MALIGINOV L.I.- SHITKO. 1.K., re&ktor; ii MMSH07A, N.Ta., te0n--i'c 68W tor [Course on the strength of materlalel Kura soprotivlentia materl- alov. Pod obahchei red. K.K.Ftlonenko-Boro4ich. Izd. 4-a, perer. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-r7- Pt- 1- 1955. 644 p. (Strength of materialb) (HUIA 8:7) FILORMO-MRODICH, Hikhail Hitrofanovich; IZMOV. S.M.; OLISOV. B.A.; IVJDILYAVTSEY. 1.11. - MA L.I.- PHITKO. 1.K.. rodaktor; % a LO MOVE =J G.LVRUW, S.S., tek Ic"-6my-TWUNktor [A course in strength of materials] Kure seprotivlantia materialov. Pod obahchei red. K.K.'Filoneko-Borodich. Izd. 4-o3, perare Koskva, Goa. izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry, Pt-.2. 1956. 539 p. (Ka 10:2) (Strength of materials) FILONENKO-BORODICH, Mikhail Mitrofanovich; IZYUMOV, SX.; OLISOV, B.A.; MAVG3210V L I RIITKO, I.K., red.; MURASHOVA, N.Ya., tekhn. re ~. [Strength of materials course] Kura soprotivlenlia materialov. Pod obshchei red. M.P.Pilonenko-Borodicha. Izd.5., perer. Mo- skva, Goa. izd-vo fiziko--matem.lit-ry. Pt.l. 1961. 656 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Strength of materials) V A L 85-58-6-Li/43 AUTHOR: mallginov'. N. TrffZ: Valuable Handbook (Tsemoye posobiye) PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958,, Nr 6j, P 5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reviews three new books. The first, by N. K. Pyneyev entitled "Action of a Plane's Crew" When CcmPelled to Land in an Uninhabited Area" (Daystviya ekipazha samoleta vy=71denno- popavshego v bezlyudnuyu mestnost'), is published by Voyenizdat, 1957. The second, a pamphlet by D. Zyuzin and A. Harkusba, e---- titled "Tu-104 in the Air" (V nebe M-104) j, published by Molodajra Gvardiya (young Guard) Moscow., 1957., reviews briefly the devellop- ment of Soviet aviation; the third new book 7 by Me V, Vodop I ywicv, well known polar pilot is entitled "In the Air and on the Grou-,,A" (V vozdukhe i na zemle;, Khabarovsk, 1957. 1. Civil aviation--USSR 2. Nooks.-Ifteviev Card 1/1 MALIGIINOV, N., polkovnik; srDOROT, A., Podpolkovnik; IZTUROV, I., polkovnik Combat formations of small tank units; reactions to an article published in 116.2. Voen. vest. 37 no.4:29-32 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:4) (Tank warfare) MYASOYBDOV. P.. polkovnik;__~A~'GllglY,-R.,-polkovnik Tanks cross a river in force. Voen. vest. 38 no.9:19-22 S '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Tank warfare) (stream crossing, Militarr) D:1-1N1DfiY, A., no l.'-- )INOV, -#iol~covnik; TZEYNTS, I., gv,~Vclii podpol'~-Ovn--` ~Z. TP l?"I V. vrirdii -podpolkovnik: IONOV, G., -ooe- pol~--ovnik t Mank- ntt-nc': b.- Luke ?otorized infantry team; replias u to an ?rtic-In p7folislied in no.l, 1959. Vo,,.,,st. 39 no-4:30- 37 Av '50. 12:7) (Infantrr 6rill nn,~ ta,7tics) M AI, I 111NOV) P t S.-I.. inzh.; KUL' -',HITSKAY, G.F., i,,12,h. Precast reirl-fDrced concrete tunrie"Is for Industrial pil;Lng. strai. 42- no.2,i.2. 165. NIRA 18z4) ~e. ~~ VALIGINOT, V.. inshener. '~.' Way of developing the straightening work of river channels. Nor. i rech.flot 14 no.8:25-27 Ag 1-154. (MIRA 7:8) (Rivers-Regulation) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Mallginov Ye., Chief, __Mel_=vrKdto~sl~ Economic sov/84-58-7-32/46 Transportation Department of AreaC Transportation By Air Is Growing (Rastut aviatsionnyye perevozki) Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1958, Nr 7, P 36 (USSR) AB3TRACT.i The author first recalls the high state of industrial- ization of the Sverdlovsk Economic Area and its rapid develop- ment, men-tioning the recently created metallurgical combines of Nizhniy-Tagil I sk, Serov, and . Alapayevsk. . The importance of aviation is stressed in maintaining supplies and communica- tion with faraway settlements, and for prospecting parties and aerial photography teams, especially during the winter period. The role of helicopters is considered especially important, but the supply does not meet demand. Card l/' A. .MALIGINOV, Yo. 1. , ,- 1,11, -.- , ~, Svordlovok 3conomIc region and Its railroads. Zhel. dor. tranap. 40 no.2:9-13 F '58. (VM' 11:3) 1. Mchal'nik transportnogo otdola Sverdlovskogo sovnarkhoza. (Sverdlovsk Province-Railroads-Freight) KUPRIN, V.A. (Nov6sibirsk); MIGINOV, Ye.I.(Sverdlovsk) WIU the elim-ination of penalties contribute to the reduction of the idle time of cars? Zhelodor.transp. 44 no.3:49-50 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Nachallnik gruzovoy sluzhby Zapadno-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Kuprin). 2. Nachallnik transportnogo upravleniya Sverdlovskogo sovnarkhoza (for Mallginov). (Railroads-Freight) MALIGINOVA., A-1. Ivartirnaya Plata V RgF.':,R (Afartnent K. L. Broner, I%d, Dop, 1 ISFR. Moskva, Kommmallnogo Khozyaystva RSFSR,, 1954. 63 p. Tables. Rend Tn The RSFSR, By) Izd-Vo Kinisterstva N15 781.12 .38 1954 BibIlographical, Footnotes. MALIGINOVAY S.D.; REZANOV, A.I. Electron heat conductivity Lf diluted solid solutions. Fiz, met. i metalloved. 20 no.4.-622-.623 0 165. (MIRA MI-1) 1. Bashkirskiy gosudaretvennyy univeraitet imeni 40--lettya Gktyabry-a. ALEKSANDROWICZ, Julian, GAERTNO, Henryk; MALGORZATA, Paleater Immunological aapects in patbogenesis of leukocytopathies and megakaryocytopathies. Polakie wewn. 26 no.11:1661- 1676 1956. 1. 111 Klinika Chorob Wewn. A.M. w Krakowis Kiprownik: prof. dr. mod. J. Alakeandrowlez, Krakow, Kopernika 17. (BLOOD DISEASES, immunology. ltmikocytoponias & thrombocytopenias (Pol)) MALI, A. "Calf leather." p. 216. (Nova LE2L&XRLya. Vol. 4, no. 3/4, Sept. 1953. LjubIJana.) SO: Monthly List 2f ~~ ~~~ Accessions. Vol. 3. no. 3. Library of Congress. lzLarch 1954. Uncl. POIAND / Chemical Technology, Cheiaical Products and The.Lr -35 Application. LQatner, Fur, Gelatin. Tanning Materials. Industrial Proteins. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 5, 1959, No. 17974 Author feli, A. Inst ---N~g V~en Title Theory and Practico of Tanning of Top Hides vith Chrolaiuru Salts Orig Pub :Przogl. skorzany, 1957, 12, No 8, 197-201 Abstract :Review of the improved mothods of chrome tanning of c1hecp hides in the manufacture of linings, vearing apparel, glove leather, shoo tops, voluro and also raw lcather of barren cows. For the above all, the general wthod of tanning is mild pickling of raw hides and taniing at a high temporature omplcying the total quantity of high density chrone liquor that is administered in one eir-Sle Card 1/2 CZECROBLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical H Products and Their Applications. Leather. Furs. Gelatin. Tanning Materials. Industrial Proteins. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-nimiya, No 67 1959, 21959 Author : Eali, Anton Inst Title : Modern Tanning Problems. Orig Pub : Nova proizvodnja, 1958, 9~ No 1-29 73-32 Abstract : A review is given of various methods of taming leather raw material. The influ- ence is examined of various depilating chemicals (Na2S. calcium hydrosulfide, diinethylamine sulfuric acid and others) vhich increased the temperature of the Card 1 1/2 H - MALI, Anton, Inz, Dry, chrome tanning. Nova ;~roizv 12 no.4-5-6:271-274 D 161, I .1 36263~~6---L'~,T-P(t-V-ZTI---I-aPLc)-- ATLJD Ap6ol8339 SOURCE CODE: (JE '/OW~0/66/013/001/0215/0217 I'l AUTHOR: Mali, M. ORG: Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw TITLE: Electron effective masses in heavily doped n-type CdY% l_XTe SOURCE: Physica status solidi, V. 13, no. 1, 1966, 215-217 TOPIC TAGS: free electron, thermoelectric power, e ergy.14and structure, effective mass, electron eftaf_,~~ ABSTRAdT: The electron effective masses m* expressed by the equations A ms + have been obtained + �kb P1 Lb P . )" r + 3 3 for the n-type CdxHgl-xTe with x d::::,0.2 and a free electron con- centration N in the range 1,25 to 1,4 x 10 18cm-3 from measurements of Card 1/2 IL 36263-66 ACC NR: Ap6ol8339 the thermoelectric power as a function of the magnetic f4cld. The values of m* can be explained on the basis of the energy band model of Groves and Paul (S. Groves and W. Paul, Proc. of the 7th Intern. Conf. on the Phys, of Sem., Paris 1964 (P-41)] with parameters ?=8 x 10-8 eVem. and Eo!!~-~ 0,196V. The author thanks Professor L. Soanowski for his valuable guidance, Dr. W. Giriat for preparing the samp and many valuable advices, DoceV~WOI ~~dzynbki,, Dr, J, Ginter, and R, R, Galazka for their critical remarks* The author Is ina tad to the Polish Academy of Sciences and to the Nuclear Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, for a grant. Orig. art. hast 5 formulas and 1 table, LBased on author's abstract] (NT] suB com: 2o/ sum DATE: 2ooet65/ OHIO REP: 002/ SOV REP: 07H REP: 005 1-~ 2/2 cam T. Chrome-split l3ath~~r for alovL~s- 3 ~-'4- L~ubljana, Vol. no. 3(): L! ~,t of :.-;ast Lurope in ccessi ~.S, Uncl. T n ot t I n m M; t ~ o r ~- e dl Jrin-.e A T Fa-ms of Hi,her -,ducati--.- (DissertationS for DeCree of Candidatb of:ApTicul-tural 6ciences) SO: Knizlinava Letcpi3l 2( , 1" 1955, Il%LIAKIYII 1. Zapiski ehkipera (rybolovetskogo sudna) (Notes of a Pkip-per on a fishing, boat). Khabarovsk, inizhnoe izd-71, 1953. 80 P. SO: Monthly List of Russian Acces5ions, Vol 7, No. 8, Nov. 1954 - MAUAKOV 140 1. Clond isolated vound of the mesogastrium, Khirurgiia (Sofia) 34 no.12, 1121 161. (CMffM wde & inj) MALIAKO-VP M. - 2-stage, traumatic rupture of a hepatic echinococcal cyst into the at-aach cavttr. Khlrurgiia (Sofia) 16 no.3:119-321 '63. 1* Iz khirurgichnoto otdolenie na Okruzhnata bolnitsa "d-r R. Angelov" - Sofila. (F.CHINOCOCCOSIS EIEPATIC) BRONlTKI, k.; NN-EITRESCU, R.~ POPPSCU, G~2 ?,V~LIANP A., ..........t...... Isolation of aden-viras 4rorna a humar case ;;Ifpulm--~nal-f carcinoma. Acta virol. 8 no.5.~472 S 164. 1. Institu'~e of inframl-crobiolo-cry of the R.O.R, Ac-idemv v Bucharest, Rilr,,;nia BROIL "I , , :~ " ~ , ! t : ~ ; , , i I . i-Ill" ~111 I'l ,__A . a a i a I. ~ Ine d ~ j , - :,f h- --'- ':if-ienzal ~,nl ar,ti-adanoviral antibo'lies in ,In-i -.ti'j ~~ni.T.R!3. StUd. Ce-,Cet. Inframicrobl3l. lo" no.3- 2'-, 7-1",, ~' 1 t-5. RUMANIA 616.921.5 BRJNITKI, A.. BARBU, Cornelia, pOPESCU, Ana, MOISA, I., MALZANo A. B&DESCU, Doina, and STEFANOV, I., of the 'I-n&tMtu oT-rn--- -f-r-ahmicroblology (Inatitutul do Inframlorobiologle) of the Academy of the Socialist Republic of' Humania (al Aoademial Republioll Soolaliste Romania). - "Laboratory Investigations of the Influenza Epidemic of January- February 1966 In Buoharest.11 Buchares Studii si Cereetarl de Infromicrobiologie, Vol 17, No 5, 66: pp 395-~3 0. Abstract: During the epidemic, the authors Isolated 14 strains of type B Influenza viruses. In an analysis of 200 human sera during the pre-epidemic period an approximately equal percentage of anti-A and anti-B antibodies was found, while during the epidemic ?here was a percentage decline of positive A reactions and a marked Increase In the percentage of anti-B2 antibodies, Includes 2 tables and 5 referenaes. of which 3 Rumanian and 2 English-language, -- Manuscript submitted 4 June 1966. 1/1 llSi~LV, N. F., and J.L. YALIA-CiV Olilcherd(; ri~oshchny;,.h ;-,-oleo ~nli rr. --n~troniorj. v s-In~imeLr--von -1 (Zhurnai '.el firdches'coi fi zi;-i , v. 10, no I ,~r o3c" 11 _; r):~,3 -i irl C::- -ff~ rariac .-7i,-' 19L,(, 3L~: Acron:iu-Ucal 3citjnces .r; ~lv~ .-,j ii I it rhf: 'Olril ri, Liir -r-ss, 1(; 1, L MALIAROV, P.; DRUJAN, M. "Slog of Alloy Ingredients in Brass of Low Tin Content." Tr. from the Russian. p.100 (PRZEGLAD ODI;~WHICTWA Vol. 3, no. 3, March 1953 Krakow. Poland) SO: Month List of East EuroDean Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, no. 5, ManY 1954/Uncl. 4ALUDA, V.P.; CHERRAYA., V.V.; mLJARoVSKIy V.N.. TSDMLOVSKjy, I.B.; t ROMMSEVA.9 #To B. Functional state of the blood coagulation system in healthy subjects. Probl. gematJ perel. krovi 6 no.195%,61 161. (MIRA 14:2) (BLOOD-COAGUIATION) AROVSKIYt V.N. 11-~- Mmational state of the blood coagulation system in stenocardia and myocardial infarct. 38 no.6:85-89 -Te 160. (MIRA 13:12) (ANGINA PECTORIS) (SKART-INFAMION) (BLOOD-COAGULATION) MALIAVSKI, St., dotsent (Varsbava) F~-inciples for functional therapy of osteoarticular tubercu- losis. Xhirurgiia 15 no.2/3:241-242 '62. (TUBFMULOSIS OSTEOARTICULO ther) IMIAVMTt"~ 9. Z. Tekhnj~ca bezopasno--ti v kholodnopressovykh tsekhaMi 4'gafety engineering in cold press shoW. Moskm,, 14ashgiz,, 1953. 188 p. SO: Monthly List of Ruqsian Accessions, V61 6 No 6 September 1953 y&LIG . D. Reversible and irreversible processes and their graphic representation. p. 1381. Vol. 9, No. 9, 1954. TERNM Beograd. Yugoslavia. SOMHS 3ast Naropean Accessions lAst. (MUL) Library Of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 8, August, 1956. RALIC I D. Equation of polytropy of realE43eS. 1,.1762. TZHIUKA. Beograd. Vol. 10, no. 12, 1955. SCURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956 D. XALICJ HALIC D. Can classic formulation of the second lau of thermodynamics be universaX~y applied? p. 97. No. 45, 1955 ZEORNIK T,.ADC,,*,IA Eeograd, Yugoslavia So: Eastern Eurorean Accession Vol. 15 No. )! April 1956, MLIG, Dragomir, prof. dr. inz. (Beogred) Some problems conneoted with the establishment of the kind, mmber, and location of thermoelectric plants in Belgrade. Elektroprivroda 15 no,l-.1-7 Ja 162. MALIC, Dragomir, dr inz,,., prof. How the higher courses at the Mining and Geologic Faculty of the Belgrade University are organized. Rudar glasnik no.3:81-82 162. 1. Clan Redakcionog odbora, "Rudarski glaBnik. Bulletin of Mining". __M~Pj ..P~~gq#r,_prof. dr inz. (Beograd, Save Kovacevica 6); .1. RIftNCIC -. !Dobrosav, prof. dr inz. Determin:tion of basic parameters required for designing heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and heat-producing equipment in Yugoslavia. Tehnika Jug 19 no-3:405-411 Hr 164. 1. Faculty of Technology, University of Belgrade (for Malic). 2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade (for Milincic). HALIC-MESIC, Z. Distribution of tuberculosis among the teaching and technical personnel in Zagreb schools from 1954-1957 inclusively. Tuberkuloza, Beogr. 12 no.4:509-512 160. 1. Antituberkulozni dispanzer Poliklinike za srednje skole, Zagreb (sef: dr Z.Malia-Mesic) (TUBERCULOSIS epidemiol) (SCHOOL HEALTH) MALIC-MESIC9 Z. Statistical data on the development of tuberculosis among high school students in Zagreb from 1949-1957. tuberkuloza, Beogr. 12 no.4: 513-515 c6o. 1. Antituberkulozni dispanzer Poliklinike za srednje skole u Zagrebu (TUBERCULOSIS in adolescence). (SCHOOL HEALTH) _Mj, ~HF~.~tj WSHAK9 M.Z.; FOSTEWAKv Ye.F.9 inzh.t red.; SHILLINGt V.A., red. izd-va.- BELOGUROVA, I.A.9 takhn. red. [Hydraulic headstock for circular grinding machine) GidravlIcheskaia peredniaia babka dlia krugloshlifo-valludgo starka. Leningrad, 1961. 7 p. (Leningradskii Dom nLucbno-tekbnicheskoi propagardy. Obmen pere- dovym opytom. Seriia: Modernizataiia i remont oborudovaniia, no.3) (MA 14:7) (Grii#ing machines) L_rc~~ i/V,Y, , - '' - I ..s if 9 1 1; I pa. agll a .4 j I I E HITIN - B !,". a . J ago *as 0 -PH-uc! a same rbot 14 .3 RA '40 . ~ a go 4413 90 0 Do ft"HaRS,~4 &. 94 A 0.4 3 1*085 H 5 z I -..j A 10-5 1! a a o; 1A egg 4. 3 e oil 41 1 MALICH, H.S. Paleotoic structure of the middle and lower stony Tunguska River. Mat.VSEGEI Ob.ser. no.23:60-78 159. (MIRA 14:11) (PodkamenRif 5,a Tunguska Valley--Geology) MAUCH, N. S. Cand Geol, Mineral Sal - (diss) "Tectonics of the middle and lower course of the podkametirsaya Tunguska River basin, 0 Leningrad,, 1960, 20 pAlOO cop (Leningrad Mining Institute im G. V. Plekhanov. All- Union Petroleum Sci Res Geological Survey Institute - VNIGRI) (KL, 45-60p 123) 14ALICH# N*S,-;--9RIGORIYBVt V,V* Relationship between the magmatic and tectonic activities in the lower Stony and lower Ba-khta Valleys. Mat. VSEGEI n0.31,27-36. 160, (KIRA 14.3) (Tunguska Basin-Geologyq Structural) MIALICH, N.S. .- Geology of the northeastern part of the Yenisey Ridge (Teya Basin) Trudy VSEGEI 66:33-42 161. (MA 15:4) (Yenisey Ridge-Geology) /EEC', k)-2,1'E ',T M/E~',T-'~"fL.,- 1( ACC NR: AP6009937 SOURCE CODE: UR/0118/65/000/011/0025/00?,6 AUTHOR: Bukhtiarov, V. A (Engineer); Zh~k ~1. N1. (Engineer); Kulakov, N. N. (Engineer); I Lozovoy, Ye. K. (Engineer); Malich, V. V. (Engineer); Napreychikov, F. I. (Engineer) 7 ORG: none Z 7 TITLE: Inductive relay for sigaaling, control, and telemetry SOURCE: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 11, 1965, 25-26 TOPIC TAGS: electric relay, circuit design, telemetry equipment, automatic control equipment ABSTRACT: The authors introduce a universal and stable inductive sensor which has a high degree of reliabilitX and sensitivity. The inductive relay (sensor) proposed is intended for signaling, control,~'~W telemetry. The device is based on a transistorized oscillator with tuned circi~! 17=n the base circuitry and on an emitter capable of operating in -1 "quasi -trigger" and intermittent oscillating mode. The all-purpose relay may be used in automatic control, monitoring and alarm systems, telemetry systems, and at unattended beacons. The output may be an electromagnetic relay or a contactless relay device of any type. The oscillator is distinguished by a high degree of frequency stability in all modes and uses a series-produced 1/2 UDC: 621.3.083:669.001.6 L 4090'-'-66 ACC NR: AP6009937 P16 transistor (16 to 350 kc). The basic specifications of the inductive relay are: operating frequency: 25 kc; sensitivity: 150-200 mm; length of connecting wire to oscillator: up to 50 m; a 24-v dc MKU-48 relay; and a 220-v ac 50-cps feed voltage. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 000 2/2 MICEIENKO, Boris Fadarovich (Halychanko, B.P.1; KATKOVSKIT, K.T. '--- fl~t6;~~-k-YAJ','-r..'Lj, kand.khim.nauk, avnyy red.; KOVAL37SKIT, V.V. [Kovaleva'kyl, V.V.f. red. (Synthetic fibers] Khimichni volokna. Kyiv, 1959. 43 P. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrannia politychaykh i naukovykh znanl Ukrainalkoi RSR. Ser.5, no.22). (MIRA 13:2) (Textile fibers, Synthetic) PUDOVIK, A.U., KUZNETSOV, YE.V., HALICHENKO,, 3.F.3, GRISHINA, O.P. The synthesis of various phosphorus-containing monomers Report presented atthe 12th Conference on high molacular weight compounds devoted to monomers, Baku, 3-7 Apru 62 YAGUPOLISKIY, L.14.j TROITSKAXAq V.Iq 14ALIGIOIKO, B.F. I., .. - -- 1- 1 - - Synthesis of derivatives of diphorql,.o(~,0'---d~luorom~p-thane. Zhur.7b.- khim. 32 no.6-.1832-1836 A 962. OMDtA 15:6) (Methane) S/07 916 2/03 2/ 009/009/0 rr 104 0/ 1.2' 42 AUTHORS Yagupollskiy, L.M. and Malichenko, B.F TITLE: The derIvi3tives of 1,2-diphenyl-1,1,2,2-tigtrnflitoro- ethane. I. Thf) synthcsi3 of 1,2.-dtpheny1-1,1,2,2-t9tra- fluoroothane-4,41-dicarboxylic acid PERIODI"ALv Zhiirnal obshchey Ichimit, v.32, no.9, 1.')62, 3035-3039 TEXT: ExperimentnI methods for the synthesis of 1,2-dipli n- n 11-1,1,2, 2 (or its tetr,r'.11(-)ro ana- Ic.-tetraflitoroothano-4,41-dicarboxylic seld logr)) some of Its derivatives, and some intermediate prudlict.) fire described. The group in these derivatives Implirt'g 8 high re3istance to hot alkallne solutions. Tho'hydroly3is o~ biq(n-tri- chloromet,hyl)-benz one in the presence of ferric chlorldo yielded n- trichlorornothylbenzoylehloride which was tho stprting matorial for most of the syntheses reported. n-trichlorornothyl banzo'-- acid vina b7 ndeling triethylamine to a solution of n-trich-loromethyl- benzoylehloride in acetonG In the presence of a small amount of water; the mixture was allowed to stand overnight and mixed with a Cara 1/3 9/62/032,/00 9/0,09/0 11 1040/1242 Tho derivntIvos of 1,2-diphenyl- 10" TIC1 solution. The MOU171 ester of this acid was prepgrr3d b-, adding methanol nrd triethylnmine to n solution of n-trichinro-nip"I'l.-l- benzoylchloride in benzene. The renction of n-trichloropinf-h-JI-be-n- zoic acid dissolved in pyridine and Cu powder yielded 1,2-diphen7l- 1,1,2,2-tatrachloroethane-4,41-dirarboxyli(, acid, rhirah, on bolilm- vilth thionyl chloride, yielded the dichloroanhydri~-3. 'A mixti.wo oc this dichloroanhydride milth antimony gcntachlorl~.',) and anh,%-Iroii,,i 11P wa3 heated in (in autoclave to 140-165 C yieldinr, the pinalogolis (11- filloroanhydride which on hydrOl7sis g--ivo fluoroothRno-4 41-dicarbox- ylic acid. The sytith631s of tho fn-jIowIni7, compounds arc also described in detail: the dimethyl eater, t1ho di- amide, the diazide, and diisocyanate derivatives of both 1,2-dlpho- n,rl-1,1,20",-tatraf~.1-icroethane-4,41-dicarboxylic acid and Its totra- c~.Ioro amolog, as-well ar the synthesis of 4,41-bia(triel-ilororirith-,.,I)- 1, 2-d iphonyl- 1 p Ig 2, 2- tatrachloroethano. card 2/3 8/079/62/032/009/009/011 1048/1242 The dorivatives of 1,2-diphon-yl... AS no OC IAT ION: Institut organicho3koy klilmii Akademli nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (The Institute of organic Chemistry, Acaderr of Sciences TJkrSSR) S TTq fit IT TE D: Septanber 6, 1961 Cprd 3/3 YAGUPOLISKIYP L.M.~ MALICHENKO B.F. p Difluoro (and dichloro) ethylene- 1,2 - diphenyl-4,41- dica.rboxy-lic -acids. Zhur. ob. kMm- 35 no.3,490-493 Mr 165. (MIRA 18-4) Y A US LYPO L I S K rf, L. H. ; MA L I -I' H E N KC., B. F . 1,2-Diphp-nyl_1_7 derivat'ves. I-a:- " -.: Effect of 4,4'-substdtuents o' X 9 dir.-uc--,D.,tIlene on the addition of fluorine. Zhur. ob. Vi.-m. 35 no.9-.1561-1564 S '65. (M:-.-LA i~-Ilc~ 1. Institut organicheskoy khimid AN UkrSSR. KALIGMKO. It. Yollowers of Hikolai Mamai. Prom.koop. 12 no.4:21 Ap 151. (MIRA 11:4) 1. NRchnllnik otdala orgraboty t kadrov gorpromsovetn, Klyev. (Furniture workers) HALICHENKO, H.; VIMBITSKIY, re,,; KrZRTAKOVA, A.; RATNIKOTA, A.; TMGA. Telena . _hgorod, Zakarpatakoy oblasti);GAGAROVA, Valentim Ivanovus (g. Vyohnljr Tolocizek, Iralininako7 oblasti). following the example of Valewtina Gaganova. Prom.koop. 13 no.12:26-27 D 159. (HIRA 13:4) l.Nachallnik otdala orgmassovo7 ralbot7 i kadrov gorpromeoveta, Ityev (for Malichenko). 2. Starshly instruktor otdela orgmaosovor rabot7 i kadrov kra7promsoveta, Krasnodar (for Verbitakiy). 3.Predeadatell pravleniya arteli 022-7a godovshchina Okt3rabrya," Stalingrad (for Kizryakova). 4. Predeedatell pravleni7a arteli "Indposhiv," Belgorod (for Ratnikova). 5. Brigadir mebel'ahchikov uzhgorodakor arteli "Peremaga" (for Teliga). (Socialist competition) SLVB09 P.I.; MALICHENKO, YeJu -- ---- 1-1- . Conference on the automation of machine manufacturing proceoses. Avtom. ovar. 17 no.903 5 164. (KRA. 'L7410) HP11 C I I OV.'-)'Kf Y'Hudollf [Viaiiarjvsk~j Rudolf], inzh.; KHEVROLINj ,- Ya.I Ltranslatorl; FdMDO, MI.A., inzh. nauchn. red.; j GORDE-YEV, P.A., red. [Assembling structural elements of industrial buildings. Abridged translation fron, the Czech] Montazb stroitell- iykh konstruk-tsii promyshlennykh sooruzhenii. Moskva, Stro-Lizdat, 196-1. 86 p. (MIR." 17:6) MALICIKj V. w7ralal g of the Vestibular System* p. 70 (MIDIA VLASTI, No. 3, FebruarY 1954, Praha, Czechoslovakia), SO: Nonthly List of East European Accessions, IC, Vol. 3, No. 5, &Y 1954, Unclassified MALICKA, Krystyna Herpes zoster oticus. Otolar. polska 16 no.2:3al-386 162, 1, Z II Kliniki Laryngologii Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy AM w Warszavie Oddzial SDL w Bydgoszczy Kierownik: prof. dr mad. J.Malecki. (IMUES ZOSTER case reports) (EAR dis) MALICKA, Krystyna Contribution to late post-traumatic ePistaxis- OtOlar7ng- pol. 17 no.2:215-219 163. 1. Z II Kliniki laryngologii SDL Kierownik: prof. dr med. X. Malecki. (EPISTAXIS) (FACIAL INJURIES) MALICKA, Vladyslawa Investigation of living conditions in many storied buildings. Archi- tektura Pol no.9s34&353 161. umcu, A. "Combined Chair of Geography at Marie Gurie-Sklodowaka University in lublin in the Years 1945-19,c4.0 P. 150, (BISYLL&D GFOGJ-U-j1IV-Z1rf. POLISH GBO(',RAPRICAL RXVIIN, Vol. 20, 110. 3, 19-54, Waraza-da, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of Eact European Accessions, (EEAL), W, Vol- 3. No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. MALMCI, A. czasopismo aeograficzne - Vol. 26, no. 1/2, 1955. Works of Eugeniusz Romer in the field of map measurement and morphorrvetry. p. 66. SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. MALICIKI, A. Eel catches in the Vistula Estuary in the years after the war. p* 12o Vd1* 8. no, 4. Apr. 1956 Warszawa GOSPODARKA RYBMA SOURCE: East Stropdan-Acession Idat (EEAL) Idbrary of Congress Vol. 5p no. 8, August 1956 ra,),ier )f' Aac~z ~c ti-ip I side r: "-t~m '.lc O-r~ '.nj- 2:1, no, 1, 11150. "onthl- of - -:,-,t e-ronean ..ccer,~-jqnp r) ViL. nr). MALIGKI, Adam, (UibLIJn) Problems connected with the preparation of a geomorphological world map. Gzasop geograf 35 no.3/4'.303-316 t64 ,~-'A.P-IKI, Adam, pr-:-,. -kcttvitle3 cf s -* ty , n L J n R,)vubllo. Prva MALICKI, Adam (Lublin) Siientific activities of geo--raphy teachers in the provinces. (zasop geograf 36 no.2:123-137 165. KRAWCZUK, Aleksarider; ,~ ~- ~-' ..., iMarian; MALIK, Kazimierz; SIKORSKI, Tadeus-,~; MALIK, Am- -,,: Clinical and ~::- .- riajuaLion of menopausal women. CjineAc. Fol. 30 M:,, 165. 1. Z I Ullniki i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Bialymv~okll (Kierov.nik: prod'. ~lr. mc-d. S. Soszka). :, ~,, A~rian; MALIK Kazimierz; SIKORSKI, ', KRAWCZUK, Aleksandor, :, ~. Fad~tut MALIK, Ar,~~-j. ! Clinical an(! , ; cvajuatlor, of menopauBal wovrien. -,ine/.. Pol. 36 no. '~: ')-I :'- 'V 105. 1. Z I Ki;ni~.i i Ghorob Kobiecych AM w BialyM13*6k.11 (Kierowrl~k: ru: - . .-. 7,6d. S). Soszka). MALICKI, Jacak Up-to-date studies on the artificial synthesis of liangwarts, Wisdom botan 9 no.lj77-81 165. 1. Department of Plant Taxonomy ind Geography oIL Maria Skodowska- Curie University, Lublin. neadi prof. dr J.Motyka, HALICKI, Konrad; MARKOWSKIS Aleksander; HOPPE, Roman(Warazava) Research on the bacterial flora of the bull prepuce. Rocs nauk roln wet 70 no.1/4:353-356 160. (am 10:9) (Bull) (Prepuce) (Bacteria) BRILL, Juliusz; WOYCIECHOWSKA, Stanialawa; I- MATLICKI, Konrad Cultivation of the infectious equine abortion virus (Dinock) is human amion transplanted on chick embryo shorioallantole. W. doam.mikrob. 13 iso.1135-41 161. 1. Z Osrodka Badania, Ronienia Zakasnego Klaezy I. W., Warssawa i s Fatedry Mikrobiologii Wydz. Wet. SGGW, WarBoava Kierowalks Prof. dr Juliusz Brill. (VIRUSES culture) ~A4QKI, I-WM141LPY Odciagi miejscowe; poradnik projektanta. (Wyd. 1) 0 Warszawa, Poland. Arkady. 1958. 207 p. Monthly List of Eastern Europe Accessions (FEAT) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8 August 1959. Uncl. -TJ*o a# eaculax ions to Aesak-al Cgri- meakdeftnufmatlaudcubatt. RAVOIM-Ailalikkf (Charles UU11r., PMCW, Cvmh.). C*U-t--CACWMr- C*kew. Cemmucs. 14. 413-25(1949); C.A. 44. OMJ-- Tiuate a neutral $olo. couti. k's than 30--3 mg, Callix) Q., O.t,% j-CHN(CHtC(~ll)(CHCOjVa)j#. and 17o ,0#(OAc), PoteackkattricaflY with 0.1 N Ce(SOds, nteA- ,W=4=1 2 mi . after cut adda. for larKe and Mus t a amts' oleo.*. Mg. and C& do twA iutetfrm I NI and Ma do. John Howe sc(At MALICOVSKYS Rudolf.--inz. Building a planetarium. Nova technika no.7:328-329 160. MALICOVSKY, R., inz. Circular motion-picture theater in Prague. Rova technik no.10z 4&~w465 o 6o. MALIGOVSKY, Rudolf, inz. Problems of the modern building industry. Poz stavby 13 no-3: 127 165. MALICOVSKY, Rudolf$ inz. Evaluation of the activity of Enterprise Branches of t,,,e Czechoslovak Scientific and Technological Society, Building Section, in 1963. Poz stavby 12 no.9:398 164o MALICSKO -rasz1o4Budapest); MORLIN, Zoltan (Budapest) Coloring sodium chloride powders by exoelectrons. Magy fiz folyoir 9 no.3.*.181-184 161. 1. Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Egyatem Kiserleti Fizika Tanazek. (for Mallcako) 2. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kemiai Szerkezetkutato Laboratoriuma (for Morlin). HALICSKO, IasZ10 Growth of potassium bromide acicular crystals in a solution,, MagY fiz folyoir-9-no.6:415-420 '6-1. 1,,Budapeati Epitoipari e9 Kozlekedeei Muszaki zgyetem Kiserleti Fizik&i Intezel. (Potassium bromide) (Crystallization) MALICSIOj L. I MDFJM, Z. ColorftW sodium chloride poWer through szoelsotrons. Acta pbys Hung 13 no*39353-357 '61. 1. lutitut far Experimentalpbysik der Teabnischen Rocheabuls fur ftuladustris und Verkebrawexan,, Bm&pest. (for Maliesko) 2. Forschungs- laboraterimm far Chenische Strukturen der Ungarischen Akadezie der Wissonschaften,, Budapest. (for Nerlin) .,ft ,b G/030/62/002/003/001 /001 1030/1230 AUTHOR: Malicsk6, L. and Morlin, Z. TITLE: Color centers in NaCl generated by pressure and temperature PERIODICAL: Physica status solidi, v. 2, no. 3, 1962, 325-335 TEXT: Purpose of this work is an investigation of the unknown kinds of coloring obtained in powdered NaCl by the method of Z. Gyulai and Z. MOTlin, Fizikai Szemle 2, 4 (1952); Z. Gyulai, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR 20, 1569 (1956) i.e. by subjecting the powder to pressure at elevated temperatures. Powdered NaCl steel-pressed to 30W kg/CM2 at temperatures fiorn 35'C to 300'C is transparent or colored. Transparent samples were obtained from powders colored under pressure at temperatures of up to 700'C. Absorption spectra obtained from 100 samples are tabulated. Part of the absorption bands are correlated to color centers of single crystals colored by the usual methods. New bands are due to levels produced by distortions associated with dislocations. A scheme of energy levels is suggested. Color centers generated by this method are due to thermal electrons emitted by the metal in contact with the powder and by metal impurities. There are 14 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut flir Experimentelle Physik der Technischen UniversitAt fOr die Bauindustrie (institute for Experimental Physics of the Technical University for the Building Ind-istry, Budapest) SUBMITTED: December 29, 1961 Card 1/1 MALICSKO, Laszlo; HORLIN, Zoltan Color centers produced by pressure and heat in NaCl. Xag7 fiz N folyoir 10 no.3tl57-167 162. 1. Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Egyetem Kiserleti Fizikai Intexete, Budapest (for Me-Uosko). 2. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia KemiaL Saerkazeti Kutato Laboratorium, Budapest (for Morlin). i~_-MALICSKO, Laszlo Tbeoretical foundations of cristal growth. Fiz szeemle 12 no.6:172-181 Je 162.