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86920 Sc-Ittering of Slow Neutrons in lVerrites and S/05YD'0/039/005/037/051 Anii.ferromagnetics Boo63 077 1 e - qq , q - transferred e. is the projection of thevector e"' (" momentum). The following equation is obtained for ferrites; 3 0 1 2 2 ja~.L I (q~l 2 .-21110 + S21 12 -2G da royo v S1 [1 -2GI (T)J 2 F2 (q),[1 2 (T 0 2W2q e -2SIS 2 11 - G, (T G2 (T)] Y e-wlq-w2q Rep, (q)F,"(q)ei (q, rl-r2)~ Z,(q + r) (1 -e 2) (11) J 11 z G_P(T) is according to the spin wave theory of antiferromagnetics 7112 (T )2 AMOY2PX G(T) 12a3ec Qc T I - -- 2 3/2 T 2gMof2py exp A Lilr -~ 2 P y410 -1,- ip Y >I . Tr2a3e ec c T T T Card 3/6 86920 Scattering of Slow Neutrons in Ferrites and S/056 60/039/005/037/051 Antiferromagnetics Boo6yBO7 and for ferrites 3/3 G (T) - 4Mo 1,2~r(312)~(312) is the magnetic anisotropy 1,2 41E2a3 (Mlo-M20)2 -TOC constant, 7 -G./gMo. The neutron scattering cross section (in the case of emission or absorption of one spin -wave)----is given by 2 L:~ 1 gd*1.2 . r.11- Y -3,3, ~dk 6 (q:F k +,z) (al.2 +2x WQ_d_e'=~ 4 P x (ul' ,F, (q). 12 e--2'viq + vl2, JF. (q)'j' e--"v-i (18Y Iq Ux vhe-wiq-lv~Re F-I (q)FI(q)e + E':F e~.. (k)). nj.2(k)-jexp(ej.t(k)1Tj-lj-'. If a i~ +'T 1 ( a lattice parameter) so k's for the antiferro- Card 4/6 86920 Scattering of Slow Neutrons in Ferrites~and S/056/60/039/005/037/051 Antiferromagnetics B006/BO77 magnetics: I 't MI. :~Uj -,__ 0 ,ro'ros E .. 11 (1- L'da,dE P 8,(q, + V) 4~ and for ferrites: P, W, ~ ni, 2'q +,c) +~T 7'01 -4 '(S~ S.) + S, F, (r)13 -2w- 2 rg~S, Re F, (r),P; (c) -E':F (q + x (20) The authors thank A. I. Akhiyezer for suggesting this topic and his interest. A. S. Borovik-Romanov is mentioned. There are 18 references: 10 Soviet, 6 US, 1 British, and I Dutch. Card 5/6 86920 Scattering of Slow Neutrons in Ferrites and S/056/60/039/005/037/051 Antiferromagnetice B006/BO77 ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences USSIR). Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: July 2, 1960 Card 6/6 26715 S/05Y61/04 1/005/030/0 38 B 102B138 0 0 Oy t AUTHORS: Izyumov, Yu. A., Maleyev, S. V. TITLE: Scattering of polarized neutrons in ferromagnetic and anti- ferromagnetic materials PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41, no- 501), 1961, 1644 - 1648 TEXT: In a previous paper (ZhETF, 40, 1224, 1961) Maleyev showed that slow Unpolarized neutrons are magnetically scattered in ferromagnetic materials. Part of the cross section is due to inelast4.c magnetic scat- tering and part to magnetic-vibrationa '1 scattering. These terms are in- vestigated in the present paper also, but for the case of polarized neutrons, when the polarization vector not only varies in value but may also rotate. It is shown how the parts of the cross section which are due to inelastic mn-netic and magnetic-vib~rational scattering can, for a given Z direction, be eparated. For ferromagnetic materials the neutron polariza- tion vector after scattering is defined by P = Sp f (IfQ/sp f+fQ, where Card 1/6 ?6 1 S/N6~61/041/005/030/038 Scattering of polarized... B102/B138 a/2 is the neutron spin and Q = (1+'H~)/2 is the spin matrix of the 0 incident neutron densityi f is the scattering amplitude, detertained accordin.- to Halpern-Jonson by f Y. e At + -IBI(Igr) I - ~!-- -L I eqit/X 2 'V N. X TroF (q) (a (ea) e, SI). and A 1 + Bl(-I"14d)/2 denote coordinate and amplitude of nuclcar scattering for the 1-th 84-OM, ?l its nuclear spin, N is the total number of atoms in the system, 9 M the number of magnetic atoms, R and S coordinate and spin of the J-th magnetic atom, q - p-pt the momentum trans.. d from th~; neutron to the scatterer, e - Vq, P(q) the magnetic formfactor of the atom, e the absolute magnitude of the magnetic moment of the neutron in nuclear magnetons and ro e2 (mc2)-I the electron radius. With N M - N and 1 it is easy to calculate the vector of polarization due t!b nuclear Card 2/6 SA8~1~6 1/04 1/005/030/038 Scattering of polarized ... B102/BI38 scattering and interference betaeen nuclear and inaSnetic scattering, and the vector of polarization due to inelastic magnetic scattering. The polarization vector for incoherent nuclear scattering of the neutrons is given by + 1) PHCH PO Li (4), FA Is+ I ------- 4 FBTII 11 _(1,T 1) for scattering without change of the magnctic state of the scatterer: P.. =(P,JA1J'-2VroF(q)(ReA_iM+ [mXi(MP.])+ ,FI + T2rS (q) [2M (MP,) _ PM21~ (I X,_13 2yrOF (q) Re Al (MPO) + Tsr'o3 P (q) MI)-1, (5) with M where M is the unit vector in the direction of magneti- zation of the scatterer, is the meqn atomic-spin projection on to the direction of magnetization, ~S ~S2> . The polarization vector z z for scatterin.- with emission (+) or absorption (-) of a spin wave is given by -T2e (em)+ 2M, (M.,Po) + 2M, (MP.) - P. (MI. + M2") P:t = - '(7) fn + (em)' � 2 (Pe) (e-) Card 3/6 I i. . S//05 6/6 1 /04 1 //0G 10 o/C Scatt~-rin~ of polarized ... B 1021 /3136 (I is perpendicular to the xy plane) and the mean polarization vector for neutron scattering in a given direction n4 is defined by P onen (") + a,, (n, P.) + a"" (a, PO) + a- (n, PO) (8) m M where C is the cross section for incoherent nuclear scattering, at,d '3nm 01, P.) 2T".F (q) (S,,) Re AIMPO + jsr2F2 (q) (S2) Ap a,- ~n) = t + I ;it I, A (n, P.) I + (em)' � 2 (Pe) (em) M 00), al- (n) t + (em)' where cr n(11) is the nuclear scattering cross section for unpolarized neutrons and c M(i~) that for ma.,netic scattering of unpolarized neutrons; � (-n%~ ) is the cross section of coherent cattering of polariz-1 nm 0 neutrons. If P and the total cross section 6( (y + Cy [a( , 0 ) are measured, the relations --ven make it possible to aet,~rmine n P Card 4/6 26715 S/05 15110411CO511030/038 Scattering of polarized... B102/B138 + 4-'. n,P n n Onm(n' P. ), dm and (in( *'~O) and aluo dn(-') and FOL. -41 in antiferromagnetic materials ?Incoh UPO with + Aj 12 + I - 1 (12) 4 PBiTj -Vj+ 1) e- for elastic scattering. In coherent nuclear scattering there is no change in polarization. The vector of polarization due to scattering without change of the magnetic sta-te. of the scatterer is Aven by 2 _ 4 - an antiferronia-riptic with two Pmo = 2(I'V0) 11,/M P0with 14 = n-(em)e foi sublattices. When, during scatterine, the number of spin waves is changed by one, Pm, ~ 2PO-L - e., (P,e) + e (em) (MPO) - POI (16) + (em), .7 P holds. P and e are comvonents of and -e*, PO.L = - With 01 0 0 P Otancs (n) PO + a.,. (n) P., + a., (n) P., (17) Card 5/6 Scattering of polarized ... 26715 S/05Y'l /041/005/0 -50/0 38 B102 B138 n n a, CY m0 (in") rind Iml(n) can be determined when ?o and a( ") = (5 n(--") + CM0 (n + 6ml (n"') are known. There are 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 non-Suviet. The latter reads as follow-9: 0. Halpern, Ll. Jonson. Phjs. Rev., 35, age, 1939. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiv fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Ikademii nauk SSSR (Leninglad Physicotc-chnical Ins-1-itute, of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Institut fiziki metallov iLkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: June 9, 1961 Card 616 MALEYEV_.,~ Polarization due to scattering of slow neutrins in 1'erromagnetics. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 40 no.4:1224-1227 Ap -61. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Neutrons--Scattering) (Magnetic materials) - 4~ YEV, S,V. x - -- ---. Analytic properties of the single-Fer-aion Green function in the- quantum theory of many particles. Zbur. eksp. i teor, fiz. 41 no.5:1675-1680 N 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Leningradakiy fiziko-tekhnichesl-dy institut kIT SSSR. (Potential, Theor-y of) (Quantum theory) 44170 9/181/62/004/012/017/052 B104/BIO2 AUTHORS: h1aleyev-,,J--~-X--p Barlyakhtar, V. G., and Suris, R. A. TITLE: The scattering of slow neutrons from complex magnetic structures PERIODICAL. 'Fizika tverdogo telat v. 4, no. 12, 1962, 3461-3470 TEXT; The elastic scattering of slow polarized neutrons is investigated for magnetic substances in which the orientation of the atomic spins changes periodically from one atom to the other (e.g. Dy, Er and others). The period of these changes depends on the lattice constant and on temperature. Starting from the repreaentation.of the neutron scattering amplitude as given by 0. Halpern and M. Jonson (Phys. Rev., 55, 6981 1939)t the equations (15) (16) Card 1/3 S/181/62/004/012/017/052 The scattering of slow neutrons ... B104/B102 are obtained for the scattering cross section and for the polarizaticn of the scattered neutrons. Here q is the momentum tran ferred to the crystal by the neutron, Z is the wave vector of the neutron, Re IT, and IT, IM 17, is the spin of a magnetic atom, a., (aO, do) a. scl ao -4- (ae-'kOl -4- a' elk,21y, M9 -4- (6), 51 = ICISCI 8,8-518-+b is the unit vector in the direction < > From (16) it follows 4 -01 that the scattered neutrons are polarized along the vector I LiMi tf the incident neutrons.,,are unDolarized. For determining the vectors a and 'a*, the vectors L and must be known for two different i Card 2/3 S/181/62/004/012/017/052 The scattering of slow neutrons ... B104/B102 reflections, whereby the angle between the two vectors q.q must not be small. The determination of the vectors ri and 91 for a fixed reflection is discussed. Finally, the scattering from the following structures are discussed; (1) Simple umbrella s'tructure; (2) modulated umbrella structure; (3) umbrella structure with'revolution; (4) slanted fence, (5) linear spin wave. ASSOCIATION: Piziko-tekhnichesk4y institut im. A. P. Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: July 6, 1962 Card 3/31 S/056/62/043/003/046/063 B108/B102 AMOR: __Xaleyev, S. V. TITLE: Properties of a rarefied Fermi gas with attraction PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 43, no. 3(9), 1962, 1044 - 1052 T~M A rarefied Fermi gas with weak interaction'at absolute zero is copsidered. The operator for the fermion self-energy, d-10 (0 12r (p, i, o) - r (p, i, P M (P) .2,cl is found by summing qRthe graphs of perturbation theory. F(p,i,q) is the effective energy of two-particle interaotionj in the form F'(`g"Q)' W~here 2g - p + T, it can be rendered in terms of the two-partidle Green function (V. M. Galitskiy. ZhETF, 34, 151, 1958). 2 is the total energy, + 1~01.. In first approximation, the solution of Eq. (1) is C~rd 1/2 Properties*of a rarefied Fermi ... M CV) d' ir, (p + 1) GO iF r.(P + = a (P + 1) 6 (,+A 1, (0)], S/056/62/043/003/046/063 B108/B102 This result was obtained by introducing coupled Cooper pairs which may b? observed in a temrerature independent contribution to the current due to tunneling, where G is the Green function for particles without any 0 interaction. G has one pole which is responsible for the gap -in the 0 spdctrum of the single fermion excitations. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institqt Akademii nauk SSSR (Leningrad Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy oP Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDi April 9, 1962 Card 2/2 AW-04T er -n , -1-562, initial: akte'r,~~reirls Lon MALEYEV S.V. - - - ------ - .-.. - Using the resonance capture of neutrons in studying the vibration spectra of imprurity atoms in crystals. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.9:2717-2722 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni A.F. loffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. -D-7- _LJ 03) ~/,048/do~/1448/1458; 5616 !6& e4fronw, n--.-- errqwgne m-li, 1 145 6'~ 2-!] n ro.n~.ScaItevingf-, -:slow-neutr t wave-Aisper ilon, --fieutron polarization ~~;Aldamm., -The. avrUw_r ~rloasiders amall -angle inelastic a atteri. of' slow neutrons _~An_ 6 ferr-cmagnet,, ---in -ilie- - c_ ase ~vhen -the :-ch'an -in the- neutron -energy-. ~durln_g_ thi _ge -irith the energy, of the -ticA-netic interaction of the' Atomic n cormarabl.6 -spins. L 42300-66 E?4T(1)/EWT(m) JJP(c) AT ACC NR3 7MO26676 SOURCE CODE: Ult/0181,166/608/608/2j2O/2325 AUTHOR: -Ginzburg, S. L.; Maleyev, S. V. ORG: Phvstcotechnical Institute im. A. F. loffe,,AN ESSR. Leningrad (Miko-teklinicheskiy instittit AN SSSR) TrrLE: Scattering of slow neutromms superconductors SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 8, no. 8, 1966, 2320-2325 TOPIC TAGS: electron scattering, conduction electron, neutron scattering, slow neutron, superconducting material ABSTRACT- The problem of the conduction-electron scattering of slow neutrons in supercon- ductors is examined. It is shown that in a number of bases the scattering cross section can be several times greater than the electron scattering section In normal metal at the same temper- ature. Expressions are also derived for polarization of scattered neutrons. Unlike the cross section, polarization with scattering in superconductors differs little from polarization with scattering In normal metals. Using standard methods, the neutron-electron scattering cross section Is presented In the following form: Card 1A L 42300-66 CC NRa APUMSUM d3 -dTd-E- C4 q2 .0 0.0 - e-ed, K, (q, dtdrel--(v~jjr, o4(OD 2, -CO However, the authors emphasize that- the detection of the effects in question are at the limit of present-day experimental possibilities, therefore It Is reasonable to speak only about investi- gating the angular distribution of scattered neutrons but not about the quantity ddo especially In the latter case a presently unachieveable energy resolution (less than 10) would be required. Therefore there Is no sense in considering the possibilities of a detailed sbaly of the electron spectrum in superconductors by means of neutrons. The authors than Q_ M- Drabkin who called their attention to the problems examined in the article. Orig. art. has: 11 formulas. SUB CODOI ZO/ SUBM DATE: 04Dec65/ ORIG REF: 003 Card ..ACC NRI AP70032,38 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/006/19 AUMOR: Maleyev, S. V. ORG: Physi cotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe.9 Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Fiziko- teldinicheskiy institut Jklmdemii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Electron scattering by an impurity with spin SOURCE: Zh eksper I teor fiz, v. 51, no. 6, 19661 1940-1951 TOPIC TAGS: electron scattering, Impurity scatterirq~, electron spin resonance, scattering amplitude ABSTRACT: The author solves the problem of the scattering of an electron in a metal by an impurity with spin, at zero temperature, using a set of equations derived for a model problem in which an ideal Fermi gas interacts at zero temperature with a pointlike Impurity. By examining the analytic and unitary properties of the scatter- Ing amplitude obtained in this case, the results are extended to obtain an expressions for the scattering amplitude in the entire region near the Fermi surface. 'The series; expansion of this solution in powers of the interaction, up to second power inclusive,: coincides with the corresponding perturbation-theory series. The behavior of the amplitude as a function of the energy depends on the sign of the exchange part of tbel interaction. If this sign is negative, then the maximum cross section, equal to 4rtkiR, is reached when E - EF (EF - limiting Femi energy). The behavior of the scattering phase shMs. near the limiting Fermi energy bas nothing in common with the Card 1/2 ACC NRs AP7003238 resonance described by the Breit-Wigner formula. Ifithe exchange interaction is positives then the cross section has a minimum at E - Ep. The applicability of the results to wreal system'of interacting electrons (Fermi liquid) is discussed in the conclusion. The author thanks 1. Yassnevich and 1. Ya. Korenblit, for interesting him in this question.. and Ya. 1. Azimay., S. L. Ginzburg,, V. N. Gribov.. G. S. Danilov, and I. T. Dyatloy for valuable.discusaions.. Orig. 4rt. has: 1 figure and 42 for- mulas. SO CODE: W/. am DATE: 22jai66/ onG rtw: oo4/ oTH mw: ow Card 2!2 090__I.td___' v 64~ 2717-- V22 vr~, tve d -:-G#_ 9, --19 - :ABSTRACT I iz,- p 6n, d e n c*,~ A gma amc x oriance ---cap liauti6dzid~ turei---v ra tan._--spea "abso-r- t ow *Ukit i t pothefticaL _per men -0 ---fdr etonminincr e c th s illation, s isc d r p__ the---.- e n'dit d _t an em peraturef.dA -7~ cro This'- idd as ~secuo a t le of t, , -, trons -1-:of__:nuclei-_c�Lpdb -resonance. -cap ure- ,.0 neu 6 C 49"- APAQ g j - -tU idt f --ite,re oniiii _pegion---4~Xosd-to ~:th r te -ii6--ipethod is--not- E at-- the, _Mpul Anad WN~ 4 , -cross-s ono. e_accm G_ r---.of A,.--a't-:hi -:Or ltr g ablili detern"ation':of jqcal atom -s ould_--be eaVi6r: th WO o_~ ea) 9 ujr lm an t A 0" . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 1. T.P. 2. USSR (6no) 4. Transcarpathia-Hy(trocarboris 7. Curtisite form Transcarnathia. Dokl. ~0 SSSR 88 no. 1, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. 8(6) SOV/ 112 -59 ~-5 -8597 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 19 59, Nr 5, p 28 (USSR) AUTHOR: Maleyev, A, tv "~r ence TITLE: Expe =( With Automating the Turbine Equipment at the Shchekino Regional Electric StatiGn PERIODICAL: Sb. inform. materialov Mosenergo, 1957, Nr 14, pp 52-58 ABSTRACT: The following equipment is being automated; deaerators - level and pressure controls; high-pressure reheater ROU - tube break protection; feed- water and condensate pumps - starting of reserve units; turbines - stearn feed to the end packingj and condensate recirculation at low load. Only electro- mechanical controllers available at the station are used. The above automating measures will cut service personnel by 10-11 men per shift. S. M. B. Card I/ I V. F. I EYE 11, V. ?. Inzh. 'I IIT-RGITS =71U~ V. In:,,h. , YIEST", 711. '). St. sotv. Lenin!,-radski.- f iliu I VF,,!.7 nruzrir,~-o r:mil-!~r: n- mr%t-~ I T,,*- o~r~ I ri~i t stroltellnc,~--c I dc-rn.-hrm-n -a~,l Z A I T S V-, T I T~7 F I. 7Tf A L L Mr V 1) 7~ T !j Y ~Y I I S Tq 0 1 TL I Nn T I T 'D 0 TZ 0 2' I-a f YK -.,: I IA-S IT D'ItTrESTIM-11I I TEKSTILITTYVI PLA.STTXV.'T pael~ll V. I SO: Coliection of An-otations of Scientific itesearch 'Work or. Cons trl-.C-t Tr n.1 CoMpieted in 195c, Moscow, 1951 I-f4un V, V.P. I late resmIts of drainage therapy of acute burns of the esophagus caused by corrosive substances. Vrach.delo no.12:1313-1314 D 156. (MIR& 12:10) 1, Klinlka bolezney ukha, gorla 1, nona (zav. - prof.S.P.Letnik) Stalinskogo meditsinskogo inatitnta. (BMUIS AND SC=S) (ISOPHAGUS) 74- DOLZH=qk..Pj.~..jcgndidat, madit'sinskikh nauk; KAUUT, V.P.. subordinator results of using the dralvige method In treatment of q!fophag~f! Teet.ato-rin. 19 no.2:15-17 Mr-Ap 057. (KLR& 10:6) 1. Zz klinild bolesn. '" .W.ukha, gorla, I nos& (dir. - prof. -AskW maditeluskogo Instituta. S-F-letulk) Stall (ISOPUGUS.' titenosis- caustic. tshr., drainage method, remote results (Rue)) Compilers: M=V, V. P.; WRAVIYEV, 0. A.; POBE-DIMVA, Ye. G.; POYARKOVA, A. I.; FROIGIANOV, Ye. I.; SFISHKDI, B. K.; SHTMMRG, Ye. I.; YUZEPCHUK, S. V.; APANAS'YEV, K. S.; BORISOVA, A. G.; VASILIYEV, V. N.; GOROMKOVA, S. G.; ILIN, M. M.; KLOKOV, M. V.; KOIXAMV, V. L. (Acad.); Editors: SHISMIN, B. K.; BOBROV, Ye. G. Flora of the USSR, Vol 15, Moscow-LeninGrad, 743 Pp.,!qJ-D Book W-22202, 7 Apr 52 GUBOVINk. Z,P.; KMM, V.P.; SHIMOT. P.A.; STANKOV, S.S. Report on pollen species of the genus Tilia L. which occur In the U.S S.R. TmAr Imt-geog. no-52.,104-3.26 152. (MLAA 7:1) (Pollen. Fossil) V. P. IKOMIKOV, S.S.; ISKAIIA)V. M.; KITORRING, I.G.; KOROLSVA, A.S.; KUDRTASHZV, S.M.; KAI4j2jy,_V.?.; KASONNIKOVA, T.I.; HITSKIY. S.A.; MIKITIS.F.A.; OVCHIKff-KO-V-.-nT!'T.'PL9SHKO, S.I.; PWOV, N.G.; SIDMNKO, G.T.; CaM#INA, A.?.; SHIBKOTA, I.?.; DCRISOVA, A.G., redektor; VASII#'CHZN- KO, I.T.. redaktor; SAUSTRUYNYA, O.B.. redaktor; UNDELI. R.Te., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Flora of the Tajtk B.S.R.] Flora Tadzhikskot SSR. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad,nauk SSSR. Vol.l. [Fteridopt7ts - Gramineael Paporotnikoobrasnye- slaki. ?.H.Ovchinnikov. 1957. 547 P. (MIRA 10:9) (Tajtkiatan-Botany) 39253 S/1~1'1/62/005/CO2/015/025 S1 92/ E30'32 '-,','ie sczatterinZ ecuation of a :AaL:nctron PSI'11~;DICAL: Izvestiya vys~ohikIi uchebnyl~li zavcdczi IYI adioftzilca, v. 5, no. 2, 1962, 342 T !-',',T T:io i~itcraction of a flat electron boai-.i wit:-i the a u, t', i c. IE-wave in a cyli:idricai ma-natron -i-- analyzecl. A -Molar coorclinate systc..-i y, r, z Is assumed so that t*.'Ie only 1..c I --' to 'oe cousidered are Z,YI E- and IH . T'i e analysis is based o,--i the "'faxwell ecuations ancZ.tlao equations of motion Jan ti-cir Inydrodynanic form. First, t:ic steady-state cor."itions are consic:arcd and the 3rillouin-ty2e solution of the e~,uations o-f :..otion is -iven, s"ovs that the radius r0 Of tiic surface between the bOaLII and the vacuui-.i is expressed by; Card 1/41 S/141/62/005/002/015/025 T'.-.e scattering equation .... E192WE382 11 ) - 2 " 0 2 (. rl_ r l r -V r 1 1n ') - -: 1 - (15) 0 2 ) ~ - 2 4 r 2 r eH 0 --e-i er e H 0 is t1ae applied uniform magnetic field, V is the a2plied voltage, r is the radius of t1he cathode and r is the radius of the anode. ;ac solution of tlic basic equations is then assumed to be in the of steady-state values and. a sinusoidal co;-.iponent. It is sl'iown that also in t",iis case the Clistrib~-,tion of the r:%dial ficlc' in tao :)rasenco of oloctrons in t"'Ic vicinity of t1ho point , r = ro is similar to that of a "cold" systtei-,i. However, in the presence of t'ie --iternatin_, field the li,,iitin- boundary between the electron boam and' t1le vacuum underZoes a porturbation so that it is possible to deter:-,iine t-Le clectron adiaittance at the boundary of the s;..)cce Card 2/4 T:ie scatt crin- cc~uation . . . . 5/'L41/62/0C5/002/CI5/025 E192/E582 cha-",-e. Tho scatterinZ equatlion of the iiystcm is obtained by solvi-vi~; t:ic ':z.-cvtoll equations and tail-.inm into account the boundary C On( -is at t'le -'itiol Cnode surface. TIle rezultin~; equation is in t'lle form; (Yw U) C(W, Y) (L) , Y) (39) s Al Or G W p is the Dlasma freruency, w s is Cefinou-I by: r eH w L -2 L 0Mc Y is t'le --ro-.)arpatiun c.;,nstai-it for the wave alonZ; tll7i e surface 0~ the anode, aiid r is Zivon by: 1~ C ard 3/4 The scatterin- oouation .... y r 2y zl y + I-zraX r0 5/1/,1/60/GC5/0G_2/G15/G25 B192/E332 7~- X is the mactanco at the anode surface havino- a radius r Eq. (39) can be usec: to investigate the operation of a surf ace- a wave ;zazn3tron and ot-11-.or devices of M-type, 'e.1here tile Clectron bea;_i L-oves at constant an_-Ular velocity and has a constant density. lio-.;ever, tlhe equation cannot be ap~)lied to the case of a flat -lie author e:~:presser. his gratitude :w-a-natron, wliere r Hontorovich, C--.Y--. Levin ar..d _.D. T uten to Z'.A. Kaner, V.". or tliolr interest ill this Wor!: and aluable advicc and to A.V. -aponov for useful discussion. t- - N Ul- R ASSUCIATIO' Institu radiofizi::i i cloktroni%i A, rSS. (1:-stitute of Radiophysics and Electronics of t:Ie '%~; u1crSSIR) ED: January 19, 1961 VAILEYEV, V.Ya. Synthesis of a nonhomogeneous line using continuous fractions. Radiotakh. i elektron. 7 no.10-.1829-183.1 0162. NTRA 15:10) (Electric neWorks) (Radio lines) MALEMY,,V.Ya.1 TODOROV, I.N. ~ ;, ~r Pr1rcipal. possibility for determining nualeotide sequence in poly- nualeotide according to its vibration spectrun. Biofizika 10 no.2s 2ZI-225 165. (KRA 18%7) 1. Insti'-ut radiofiziki i eluktrazili.,ki AN UkrSSR, Xharikov. MkI.PTEV, V.YA. Torsional vibrations of bases in nuclele acids. Biofizika 10 no.5z729-'134 165. (MIRA IMO) 1. Ipatitut radioftziki i elektroniki AN UkrSSR, Kharlkov. MUZYE'V, Ye. A. I'Morphologic-Functional Analysis of the Occipi- tal Region of the Cranium and Cervical Vertebrae in Vertebrates." Thesis of degree of Cand. Bio- logical. Sci. Sub 2 Nov 50, Moscow Oblast Peda- gogical Inst. Sunnary 71, 4 SeP 52, Dissertations Pre- sented for Dep-rees in Science and in Engineering in Moscow in 1950. From VecheMyaya Moskya, Jan-Dec 1950. I ~iE- Y ',BALL 1, 1e. A. Dinosauria - MonEolia Come obnervationB on the Ueolo-ical 8-e and mtratit-ra-.hic diatribution of the amored dinosaurs of Mon;-olia. Dokl. AN SbSR, 85, No. 4, 1952. M,onthl List of Fxssian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. ILINCILDSIFIED. V - T - -,-- ~ 7 C1-- , Y-~. ;.. Mongolia - Dinosauria So!,,.e observations on the geological age and stratigraphic distriv-tion of the arnored dinosaurs of Mongolia. Dokl. AN SSSR 15 nc. 5, 1101~2. MONTHLY LIST -OF WSSIAN ACCEFIST"'NS. Library of Congrecs, November 19S7. U1111CLASSIFIED.. 1. twumv, Ye. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Mongolia - Dinoseuria 7. Now fwmily of armored dinosaurs from imper Cretacea-as formatioa In Mongolia. Dokl. AN SSSR. 87, no. 1. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress. February -1953. Unclassified. 1. MLhL::,Y7V , Ye. A. 2. U3SR (600) 4. Dinosuria--14ongolia 7. New Ankylosaurus of the Upper Cretaceous strata in Mcngolla. Dokl. AN SSSR 87 no. 2 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessicns, Library of Congress, F.bruary 1953. Unclas.-Affted. 1. wily-Of I" yl~.' i.' 2. tIM (6W) 4, Dinasauria 7. Discoveries of nev armor-clad dinosaurs in Mongolia. PrIx-oda, 42, no. 1. 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aplil - 1953, Uncl. MAJAZWO YISOAO Armored dinosaurs of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of Mongolia (family Syrmosauridaa). Timdy Paleontanst. 48:142-170 '54. (M-UU 8:5) (Mongolia-Dinosavria) Mism, Y*&Ao Glaxt prodAtorydixon"ro fouad In Mougolla. Rokl. AN SSSR 104 zo.4:634-637 0 153. (WaA 9:2) 1.palooztola~$Chaskly institut AWemii nauk SSSR. P-odstavileme akadanlkom To.B.Favlovsklm. (Gobi-Blaosaurla) 14ALEM, Te.A. ,Aj&~ Armored dinosaurs of upper Cretaceous deposits of Nongolia. Trudy Paleout.inst. 62:51-91 '56. (KJIA 9: 10 ) (Mongolix-Dinosauria) IMUMMEVA Ye.A.. kand.biolog.nauk; DAREVSKffq I.S.p iand.biolog.nauk "Dragons" of Komodo IslaAd. PrJ4-oda 52 no.3:24-35 163. (MBA 16:4) 1. Faleontologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva (for Maleyev~- 2. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR,-Laningrad (for Darevskiy). (Komodo Island-Lizards) MIALE~YEV Ye A Brain of carnivorous u..'r-osalirs. '7~ajeon4. zhur. no.2:24'1-143 , ~ Z: I -- i .L C'. 1s;6j, 1. Pale. ontoic gicheski y irt..-titut AN SSrd,'L. iild'Ell".17, Yo. F. "qaree 11~/-lyc-3 r~f ~,vklcs i~i thc .,-,iur ~,,ivcr 7- 11 cy " "firodo lft- f" J ) I , It MALEYEV. Ye.F. Origin of Amur Pro7ince kaolin. (Amur Province--Kaolin) Sov.geol. no.26:115-120 147. (HLRA 8:8) ~i of 7r .9 :-.bc-n 3 5'), Ye. F. "Some tertiary Transcarpathian volcanoes", Priroda, No. 8, 1949 MAIMV, YE. F. ItBombs from Ancient Volcanoes of the Amur-Ussuri Plains," SO: Prix zoda, No. 12, 1949. AUTHOR: Maleyev, Ye.F. 11-6-6/14 TITLE: On the Suyfun Series and Age of Basilts in South Primorlye (0 suyfuyskoy svite i vozraste bazal'tov Yuzhnogo Primorlya) PERIODICAL: IzveBtiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheakaya, 1957, # 8, p 86-92 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author investigated tuffaceous rocks of the Suyfun series and basalts in South Primorlye and arrived at the following conclusions: 1. The Suyfun series cannot be divided into two series of different age, conglomerate and tuffeceous rocks, as it was suggested by P.N. Xropotkin (Ref. 3), as the sedimentation of conglomerate proceed6d simultaneously with the accumul- ation of tuffaceous material in different parts of the basin. 2. The Suyfun series is a composite complex of sedimentary and tuffaceous rocks. These rocks decrease in thickness and coarseness with the distance from the centers of eruption. In the remotest parts of the Suyfun series tuffaceous rocks taper, and this series becomes of arenaceous-conglomerata composition. 3. The earliest eruptions of basalts are of an &ge not older Card 1/2 than the Lower Pliocene. The upper age limit for these- On the Suyfun Series and Age of Basalts in South Primorlye 11-8-8/14 basalts has not as yet been established. The article contains 1 figure, 3 tables and 5 Slavic re- ferences. ASSOCTATIONi USSR Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources Protection, Ukrainian Geological Administration (Yinisterstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR, Ukrainskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye), Kiyev SUBMTTTED: 12 June, 1956 Card 212 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1021 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Dallnevostochnyy filial Frirodnyye sorbenty Dallnego Vostoka (Natural Sorbents of the Far East) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR 1958 127 P. (Series: Its: Trudy, seriya khimicheskaya, vyp. 3~ 1,606 co'ples printed. Resp. Ed.: Bykov, V.T., Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: Bankvitser, A.L.; Tech. Ed.: Prusakova, T.A. PURPOSE: The present collection of articles is addressed to engineer- ing and technical personnel of industrial, planning and managing bodies in Soviet industries, and members of scientific and educa- tional Institutions dealing with the problems of bleaching processes. COVERAGE: The rapidly expanding industries of the Soviet Far East are continuously increasing their demands for various types of sorbents for processing and refining mineral and vegetable oils, animal fats, etc. The present collection of 13 articles describes the various types of natural sorbents extracted In the Soviet Far East, their Card 1/4 Natural Sorbents of the Far East 1021 PhYsical-chemical and adsorptive properties, the history of their Industrial exploitation, the geological formations In which they are found, the theory of their bleaching and refining action, the effect of weathering on their structure, and their uses In industry. The studies conducted by the authors indicate the presence of large quantities of high-quality natural sorbents in the Soviet Far East sufficient to satisfy local demands, thus eliminating the necessity of their impcrt from other parts of the USSR. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Bykov, V.T. On the History of the Study of Natural Sorbents of the Soviet Far East Ustinovskiy, Yu.B. and Sakhno, V.G. Brief Geological Review of Deposits of Natural Sorbents in the Southern Part of the Soviet Far East 10 Physicochemical Properties of Decomposed Ancient V_o1c nic Tuffs of the Amur-Ussuri Plains 41 Ca rd 2~1 Natural Sorbents of the Far East 1021 ~e.F. Tuff-genetic Facips of the Suyfun Serie-8 and Charac- teristics of the Distribution of Useful Minerals In It 56 Bykov, V.T. Theory of the Bleaching Effect of Active Earths 65 Bykov, V.T. and Smirnova, L.V. Physicochemical and Adsorptive Properties of Natural Sorbents of the Soviet Far East 71 Zalevskiy, N.I. and By1cov, V.T. Analysis of the Structural Porosity of Natural Sorbents by the Mercury Pressing Method 83 Gerasimova, V.G. Adsorption of Water and Heptane Vapors by Natural Sorbents 94 Presnyakova, O.Ye. Use of the Dynamic Method of Investigating the Structure and Specific Surfaces of Far Eastern Natural Sorbents 102 Card 3/4 Natural Sorbents of the Far East 1021 Gerasimova, V.G. and Bykov, V.T. Heptane Vapor Adsorption by Natural Sorbents of Different Degrees of Humidification log Bykov, V.T. Changes in the Properties of Natural Sorbents due to Weathering 117 Zalevskaya, N.I. and Popkova, Ye.I. Experience in Reconditioning Insulating Oils With Local Bleaching Earths In Dallenergo [Far Eastern Electrical Trust] Concerns 123 Bykov, V.T. and Gerasimova, V.G. Use of Far Eastern Natural Sorbents 126 AVAILABLE: L~.brary of Congress MM/whl 1-5-59 Card 4/4 MALNM Yeolv* - r---~z~zkf ~ Physicochemical properties cE the deconiposition products of ancient voloanic tuff in the Amur and Ussur Iowland. Trudy MAN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.3:41-55 158. (KIRA 11:5) (Amur Valley-Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.) (Ussur Talley-Volcanic ash, tuff. etc.) K&LIM, yo. F. facies in the sulfun series and the distribution of mineral resources in it. Trady DVAN SSM Ser. khIm. no.3:56-64 158. (Maritime territory-Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.) (MIRA 11:5) MAMYEV, To. F. ---- ~ . % - Recent tectonic movements in the Vygoriat-Ruta zone. Geol. sbor. (Lvov) no.5/6:121-127 '58. (MIRA 12:10) l.Ukrainakoye geologicheskoye upravlani7e, Ki7ev. (Transearpathia--Goology, Structural) 144W4 ~ YO.F. o~,44 - - Ifore on the classification of pyroqlastic rocks. Zap. roes. Imin. ob-va 87 uo;1:120-425 158 (MM 11:6) (VoLanic-ash, etc.) - tuff, AUTHOR% blaleyev.-Ye -.-F. SOV/11-59-2-11/14 TITLE- On the 'Luff-Lavas and Ignimbrite3 (In Connection with the Publication of the Symposium "Tuff-Lavas") (0 tufolavakh i ignimbritakh v svyazi s vykhodom sbornika "Tufolavy") PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologicheskaya, 1959, Nr 2, p 123 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This symposium was edited by the Laboratory of Volcanology of the AS USSR and contains articles by V.I. Vlodavets, V. 11. Petrov, M.A. Favorskaya, I.M. Volovikova and B.L. Rybalov, all of which deal with the problem of tuff-lavas and ignimbrites. The author finds that the difference between these two rocks is not stressed enough. The tuff- lavas are volcanic rocks cemented together by lava, and the ignimbrites are pyroclastic rocks com:-osed of caked Card 1/2 together pieces of lava, glass and crystals. SOV/11-59-2-11/14 On the Tuff-Lavas and Ignimbrites (In Connection with the Publication of the Symposium "Tuff-Lavas") ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya vulkanologii AN SSSR (The Laboratory of Volcanology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) Card 212 MALEM. Te F Basic principles for classifying p7roclastic rockB. Trudy lob. vulk. no.17:183-190 '59. (MIR& 13:5) (Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.) ?/ALH-TXV, Ye.F. Prospects for finding perlites in Transcaucasia. Razved.i okh.nedr 25 no.11:12-15 N 159. WMA 13:5) 1. Zakarpstakaya ekspeditsiva. (Transcaucasia--Parlite (Mineral)) MALEYEVI Ye.F. (SSSR) Basic character.-Istics of the geology of the Vygorlat-Gutinskiy Ridge. Mat.Karp.-Balk.assots. no.1:185-187 160. (MIRA 11+:12) (Transearpathia-Geology, Structural) MOYEV, TO.F. I Kapping of faults In volcanic areas. Sov.pol. 3 no.10:141-143 0160. (Km 13:10) 1. laboratorlya valkanolcgli AN SSSR. (ftults (Geology)--Maps) (Volcanoes) I I i -EM9 Ye.F. .-MAL The Kuchava-Systritsa volcano group in Transcarpathia. Trudy lab. v-mU- no.18:103-107 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Transcarpathia-Voloanoes) KALETXV, Te.F. Recent data on the phases ot volcanism in the Soviet Carpathians. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.5:1165-ii.68 Ag 16o. (MIU 13:8) 1. Laboratoriya vulicanalogii Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom D.S. Korzhinakim. (Carpathiam Mountains--Geology, Structural) MALEYEV, Ye.F. Pyroclastic nature of ignimbrito8 of southern Kullchatka- Trudy Lab. vulk, no*20:97-101 161. (MLRA 14:11) 1. Laboratoriya vulkanologii AN SSSR. (Ozernaya region (Kamchatka)-Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.) MALEYEV, Ye.F. Some characteristics of andesite-basalt extrusions of U-- platform cycle of volcanism In TranBcarphatia. Trudy Lab.vralk. no.21: 65-74 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Transearpathia-Andesites) (Transearpathia-Bas.,ilt) MAIL, YEV, Ye,F. 1jew finds of igneous !,Frnet in Transearpathia. Iz-;. All SSSR. Ser.geol. 27 no.'I'.28-34 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:6) I , Laboratoriya vidLanologi' AN SSSR, Moskva. I (Transcarpathis ---Garnet) MAIXYEV, _XeY.- - Association of mineralization with volcanic formations in Transcarpathia. Dokl. All SSSR 142 no.1:1&7-170 Ja 162. (~MU 14:12) 1. Laboratoriya vulkanologii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom D.S. Korzhinskim. (Transcarpathia--Ore depocits) MALMV, Ya.F. Relation betweeir ore formation and volcanism in Transcarpathia. Sov. gaol. 6 no.1:82-96 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut vulkanologii Sibirskago otdeleniya AN SSSR. I (Transcarpathia-Ore deposits) II WZY97, Ye.F. Two-stage s~ruoture of the Vygorlat-Gutin volcanogenic ridge (Transcarp4kbia). Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.5:1175-1178 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Inatitut, vulkanologii Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. Predstavlano akademikom A.L.Yanshinym. (Transearpathia-Rocks, Igneous) t -_M4YSV, Ye.F. Development of volcanicity types as exemplified by the Eastern Carpathians. Dokl. AN SSSR 10 no.6:1374-1377 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Institut vulkanologii Sibirskago otdeleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom H.M.Strakhovyt. (Carpathian Mountains--rRooks, Igneous) 1,L4LEYEV,_,Ievganiy,,,~eaq~ovich; RUDICB, K.F., red.; alIfu]OVA, Z.A., -- ., L 1 -red.; SHIIAKOVA, T.M., tekhn. red. (Volcanoclzistic rocks] Vulkanoklasticheskie gornye parody. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. 167 p. (AURA 16: 12) (Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.)