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L __.oi-67 w(i) aw Z_C NRa - AT6031975 ___.SOU`RC.H -COD .E U-R-/-3-199- A.6-/000/015./0080/0082~ AUTHOR: T. Vo (Candidate of physico-mrxthematical sciences); ilia ORG; none TITLE:. Evaluation of random errors of the Laykhtman-Kucherov differen- tial pyrogeometer SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvannyy goofizichoskiy komitet. lie teoro l,~gTcE_W4k-iye-is-s li-d-64adn iy'a, no_._'l5,--19-66,--80-62-- - TOPIC TAGS: differential pyrgeometer, radiation flux, sun shadow method rarlom error, PtI,?oIneree, lp c#9 e. rq 0 A &A.r/ac ABSTRACT: The Laykhtman - Kucherov differential pyrgeometer is an instrument with an operating principle different from moat other instru: ments for measuring radiation fluxes. Therefore, a more careful statis tical analysis is necessary to estimate the %alues of random instru- mental errors. Calculations, show that a method oftered by the instru- ment designers for the processing data Is undoubtedly preferred. The accuracy of measuring radiation fluxeaVat night and the low reliability daytime made measureman-tia-wift-fi-the unshaded receiver are evaluated. It L is concluded that the conversion factor obtained by the sun-shadow Card L 083o1-67 ACC NRI AT6031975 0 method is not sufficiently accurate and that it is necessary to cali- brate the instrument by other methods.' When comparing the values of random errors of the differential pyrgeometer with the errors of some other instruments, it is necessary to take into account the technical specifications of the instrument according to the number of measurements for a certain period of time and to compare random errors of different instruments for an equal number of readinges Orige arts has: 2 for- mulas. SUB CnDE: 04/ SL3M DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002 not ACC NRI AT6031977 (N) SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Malovskiy-Malevich, S. P. ORG: none UR/3199/66/000/015/0093/0097 TITLE: Relation of the upward flux of long-wave radiation and surface temperature SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyy geofizicheskiy konitet. il,leteorologicheskiye issledovaniya, no. 15, 1966, 93-97 1 TOPIC TAGS: radiation flux, surface temperature, balancemeter, tem- perature measurement, thermometer X1171W77-70-11 C/o oleo /2- ABSTRACT: An analysis is madc o~ the errors of surface-temperature measurements and the relation of ~he Upward flux of radiation measured at a height of 1 m usinp the Stefan-Boltzmann rule (E - oT4) with a known absolute surface temperature. Calculation errors resulting frora ignoring radiation capacity under the various surface temperatures, the influence of the intermediate air layer and the errors of the mercury thermometer which is caused bry disparity between the mean temperature of the thermometer reservoir and the surface temperature. The values of errors caused Ly the first two factors are given in the form of a 1diagram, subject to meteorological conditions. Examples of calculation Card 112 AT603ISF77 of these three types of errors are given for the typical conditions for comparing balancemeters. For the final estimation of the roial error for davtime measurements, it is necessary to take into account the error resulting from differences of heat radiating from the surface under study and from the thermometer reservoir. It was concluder' that at night, the measured radiation flux is always lower than the computed, while during the day it is always greater. Some quantitative charac- teristics of these differences were calculated. Studies o'f one of these instruments, designed for calibration of radiometers with a germaTiium filter are made, and the data received using this inst-rument are being compared with the obtained calculation results. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas and 2 figures. SUB CODE: 04/ SUBH DATE: none/. ORIG REV: 004 (Wroclaw) Replacing 15 1/,, 220 V brublbe for the illumination of hause numbers by 1,5 W,, 6,3 pygmy incandescent lamps. Gosp paliw 11 Special issue no.(95)57 Ja 163. MALEWqCZ, Jerzy, inz.(Wroclaw) Replacing -, 5 W, "20 V bulbs for th6 1,5 W,6.3 pygmy incandescent lomps. 57 Ja 163. il-lumipvttion of- house numbars. by -.~- I A Gosp Ftp"w 11 Special is'~S'ua no.(95).- MU,EWIcZ, Julians inz. (Nowasybirsk) ------ Cooling installations for condenser systems. &ergetyka 14 no,12: 378 D 160. (HUI 10:5) (condensers (Steam)) (Cooling) RMKOWOLSKA, Elzbieta; osucwdsn, rzabela; MA.LEWSKA Krystyna Group Psychotherapy of neuroses. Neurol., neurochir. psychiat. Pol. 14 no.6:929-933 11-D 164 1. Z Panstwowego Sanatorium dla ?7erwowo Chorych w Warszawin (Dyrektor: dr. med. F. Szumigaj). JANKOWSKIY Tadeusz; ZAIMISKI, Jozef;_.~~SKA, Sabina Clinical significance of some congenital defects of the extra- hepatic bile ducts. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.3:94-96 18 Ja 165 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademii Modycznej w Bialymstoku (Kierownik: prof. dr. T. Jankowski), M=,.WSKA, Zofia, wgr An interesting and successful expario3nt. Farmacja Fol 19 no-5: 97 10 lfr 163. "A I I) --- I-Ij.. i I i~ Y-A ------- mac !a i-r,-; 20 n(- 3 ti, jiungav /4: 124--, ", hr. f. Far -cursicn 1) r) F 164. KAMM-% Evidence for the physiological basis of salt content norms In drinking water; chloride and chloride-3ulfate complexes. J. Hyg. Spidem., Praha 2 ao.2:217-228 1958. 1. Physiologisches laboratorium fur allgemeine und Kommunalbygiene der AHW, UdSSR, Mos~nu. Pogodinka Ho.10. (WATM. normal salt levels in drinking water, pbysiol. basis (Ger)) (CHIORT , effects tap water containing chlorides on gastric secretion & on absorp. rate (Ger)) (GASTRIC JUICE. secretion. eff. of tap water containing chlorides & sul- fates (Ger)) (SULFATES, off ects tap water containing sulfates on gastric secretlon & an absorp. rate Wer)) POI2,ND/Fharmacology and Toxicolo(,j,. TranTailizers V-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 15, 1958, No 71o94 Author : Dlugokecki Mile-czyslaw, Malewski Jan Ins'. : - ~~.j :. -,. (,:The Use of Frenquel in Psychiatric Tzeatneilt Orig Pub : Polski tygod. leimr., 1957, 12, No 47, 1810-1813 Abstract : No abstract Card : 1/1 14AIL.,43KI, jan; RZADKOI-JOIZKA, Elzbieta; MICHNIEWICZ, Maria On corrective experience in psychotherap e fleurol nemvchir PsYch 22 no.2:282-285 Mr-Ap 162# 1. panstwowe Sanatorium dja Nerwowo Chorych, Warszawa, ul. Do3ma 42- (Kierownik: dr F. Szumigaj; ordynator: dr H~ Djugokecki). POLAND 7 Oct 63 MALEWSKI, Juliusz Member of the Sejm; head,delegation of the Front of National Unity, arrived in Czechoslovakia for a week-long visit at the invitation of the Czechoslovak National Front, Prague, 7 October. Rude Pravo, Prague, 8 Oct 63, p 1. SMOS2ZWSKI. Jocef; SAKOWSKI. Jan;.KAj&vWM Treatment of thrombosis of the lower extremities Iq drip transfusion of the blood or plasma. Polski tygod, lak. 9 no-38;1236-1237 20 Sept 54. 1. Z Kliniki Poloznietwa i Chorob Tobiacych A.M. w Lodzi, kisrownik: pror. dr mad. J.Siarossawaki. (BLOOD T'RANSFUSIONs in various diseases. thrombosis of log, drip transfusion) (THROM80SIS, leg, thar., drip blood transfusion) (LSG, BLOOD SUMY, Cirombosis. ther., drip blood transfusion) MALEWSKI, R. "Soviet Method of Complex Intensification in Fishponds.11 P. 2, 'GOSPODARKA RYBNA, Vol. 5, No. 11, Nov. 1953. Warszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East -European Accessions, (EUL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. "I V1. IfFish Braedinrf Center in p. 13, ,,al. 6, 170. 1, Jan. 1954. 'darszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European 'ce:!ssion, (EEAL), LG, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. IIAIZ WSKI, R. "Fish Breeding Center in Kluczylei." (To be contd.) p. 14, (GQSF0Dk:?,Yj~ Rywm, vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 1954. 'Warszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Aloession, (EZIQ. LoC, Vol. 3. No. 12, Dec. 1954. Unal. I-M,77.-ISKI, R. IfFish Breading Center in Kluczyki." (Conclusion). p. 16., RYB,,i,,, vol. 6, No. 3, Mar. 054. 'Warszawa, Pola-nd.) SO: MontWy List of East European Accession, (MAL), L.C., Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. -'/V1 pi t-9- W ~'< I is L 19670-65 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/EPF(n)-2/EPR Pi,-b/Ps-4/Pu-h 3SD ACCESSION NR: AP4045667 P/0046/64/009/07-/0575/0585 (Arkushav3ki, Ya.); AUTHOR: ..Jamski. L.- Arkuszewski, J. Bednarz. R. (Bednarzh, R.) ; Jozefo (Yuzefovich, E T.); lozefowicz,-K._(Yuzefovich, K.); ]L~~ (Kacnmarck, V:); Kulikowska, T. (Kulikovska, T.); K41ewski, S. (Malevski, S.); Mika, J. Mika, Ya.); Szechter, A, (ShikIftiii- A.); Weiss Z. (Vayss, Z.); Bryhn-Ingehrigt9an, K7 (Bry*n-Tngebrigt*sen, K.); Smit, J. Ismit.. StAmm'lgr, R- 7- -T- Utamm'ler, 1- 1. 1.); Jockovic. H. (-otskovich, H.); Fop-~Jordanov. J, (Pop-lordanev. 1.); T�k&cL S~ (Takach, H.) TITLEs Microscopic neutron flux distributions in unit cells of crL- tLcal assemblies of the NPY Project 1~ SOURCEt Nukleonika, v. 9. no. 7~8, 1964, 573-585 TOPIC TAGSl neutron distribution, reactor physics, Lntracell neu- tron distribution, unit call, critical reactor, NPY project ABSTRAM This article, which is one of the first offici&l reports Card 113 L 19670-65 ACCESSION NR3 AP4045667 of the UPY Project, contains a preliminary study of intracell neu- tron distributions in three critical assemblies operating in Norway, Poland, and Yugoslavia. The NPY lattices that were studied and the experimental techniques used in three zero-power -reactors (HORA. ANNA, and RB) are discussed and experimental and theoretical reeults are given in tabular form (refer to the Enclosures). The computational methods used in Norway and applied to the NPY lattices involved the use of two integral transport codes (available for use on the Ferranti Mercury computer) developed by the Netherlands-Norwegian K-7 Project at Kjeller-K-7 THERMOS and K-7 TRANSPO; cross-sections used in these codes arc given in cables. Two analytical methods were used in Polands che first, used for NORA and ANNA, made use of a one-group Amouyal-Benoist approach applied to a multilayar system; the second used the Laguerre polynomial expansion for distributions in the mo- derator. -Two computational methods vere employed in Yugoslavia; a standard one-velocity P3 method with isotropic flux return at the outer boundary and an improved analytical neutron thermalization me- thod developed in Yugoslavia, The experimental and theoretical re- sults obtained for NORA lattices show that the experimental values Card 2/7 L 19670-65 ACCESSION NRs AP4045667 of the disadvantage factors lie vithin the range of theoretical va- lues obtained by different methods. Orig. art. hass 3 figures and 6 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Atomic Energy. Kiallar. Norw ay; Institute of Nuclear Res'~&raD, SMairl-, -7-o land; Boris Kidrich Institute--o-f- Nuclear Scien~es, V%nchs, Yugoslavia SUBMITTEDs 00 ENCLs 04 SUB CODEs NP NO REP SOVt 002 OTHER: 020 Card 3/7 32200 S/201/61/000/003/003/006 4,0 D299/D303 AUTHOR: Maley, L. V. TITLE: Exact estimate of approximation to quasi-linear func- tions by Poisson integrals PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Bielorusskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fi- ziko-tekhnicheskikh nauk. no. 3, 1961, 25-32 TEXT: Let f(x) be a continuous function of period 271~and 71- f(r,x) ~,f(x + t)pr( t)dt (1) where Pr(t) r2 2 (0,4 r,~1) 1 - 2r cos t + r Card 1/5 32200 S/201/61/000/003/003/006 Exact estimate of ... D299/D303 is its Poisson integral. One sets A(f,r) = max If(x) - f(r,x)j jxj (00 A. F. Timan (Ref. 1: DAS USSR, 74, no. 1 ` 1950) proved that the exact estimate of the approximation for each Ot,,r,:I_l has the form, sup .8(f,r) = -~M (1 - r) in r + Me, Tr r fE DIH where 1-r (2) 1 2 - t r 1 t in t + 1~ dt (3) Card 2/5 32"'00 3/201/61/000/003/003/006 Exact estimate of D299/D303 and that for r-->1, the asymptotic formula 2 (1 + in 2)(1 - r) + o(I - r) (4) r - -Ti- holds. The author considers a broader class of functions than those considered in Ref. 1(Op. cit.), namely the class f(x) of continuous (quasi-linear) functions of period 2Tj- which ~3atisfy on the entire number axis the inequality ff(x - h) - 2f(x) + f(x + h)J