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Country : USSR CATMORY : paxm Animals. Sheep A3'3. JOUR. RZBiol-, .--'0- 13, 1958, INTO- 59556 AUTHOR INST. TITLE ORIG. PUB. A33TRACT medium and by 6% compared with undiluted se- conttd. men. The output of lambs decreased by 14 and 8, respectively. With the reduction of the number of spermatozoa by half, the use of an egg yolk-citrated medium produced a higher percentage of fertilization (by 13/of) and a higher output of lambs (by 6 heads) coi-,ipared with the use of milk for semen dilution. The increase of the resistance of semen when di- luted with an egg yolk-citrated mediun and C C ARD: 213 C OU'N' T ~ y : USSR CATLGORY : Farm Animals. Sheep .,12,3. JOITR. RZB:Lol., "40, 13, 1958, No. 59,556 AUTHOR I'173T. ORIG. iU B. : A -P, 3 T -. I A C T:the absence of the increase of resistance cont'd. when milk was used were noted. Tho milk does not protect the speinatozoa from cold stroke. -- I. I. Sokolovskaya CA.ID: 3/3 USSR/Farm. Animals - Sheep and Goats. Aba Jour: 49f Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 78r6. Author Malikov, D. I. Inst Title Electro-Ejaculator for Obtaining Semen from Raw. Orig Pub: Ovtsevodstvo, 1958, No 1, 17-18- Abstract: The new electro-ejaculator (E) for rams is a modernization of the existing E. The part of E with rings Is soaked with a physiological solu- tion and introduced into the rectum for 15-M cm. Current pulses are given for 2-5 seconds with a voltage of 2-3 v, with the same currentless intervals. Ejaculation of the sperm occurred in 0.5-1 min. The sperm did not differ from sperm obtained in an artificial vagina. The construction Card :1/2 Q 47 KALIKOV, D.I. Changisinthe breading value of fine-wool sheep caused b7 growth and aging. Trudy Inst.morf.zhiv. no.31:147-148 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Vassoywkvy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut ovtoevodstva i kozovodatva. (Sheep) NLALLKOV, D. I. "Ecological factors cf spermatogenesis :In ram ." report submitted for 5th Intl Cong, knimal Reproduction ?Y. Artificial Insemination, Trent, Italy, 6-13 Sep 64. ALABU2MV, P-M-; ALIMOV, O-D.; RODIONOV. I.V.; MAIINDV. D.N. Investigating screw gears of an liutomatic feeder for electro- pneumatic bore-hamers. Izv. TPI 106:93-111 158. (MYRA 11:3-1) (Gearing, Spiral) (Boring machinery-Electric driving) ALIMT'-', O.D.; MALINDV, D.N.; RODIONOV. I-V- Some results of the experimental investigetion of screw gears for the feed mechanism of bore-ha=ers. Izv. TPI 106:112-121 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Gearing, Spiral) (Boring machiner7--Testing) ALIMOV. O.D.; USHAKOV. I.A.; MALIKOV. D.N. , Upraise mining in Prokeplyevok-KiBelevsk Basin.. Izv. TPI 106:165-176 '58, (Kuznetsk Basin-Coal mines and area mines of the Kuznetsk (141RA 11:11) mining) ALDIOV. O.De; RODIONOV, I.V.; HALIKOV, D.N.; XWIINSYIY. V.17. Machines for upraise hole boring. Izv. TPI 106:17$1-192 '58. (MIRA U.- 11) (Boring machinery) PHASE I BOOK E)GWITATION SOV/5156 Alimov, Oleg Dmitriyevich, Ivan Grigorlyevich Basov, Valeriy Fedorovich Gorbunov, and Dmitriy Nikiforovich Malikov Burillnyye mashiny (Boring Machinery) Moscow, Gosgortekhizdat, 1960. 256 p. Errata slip inserted- 5,300 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: L.M. Feygin; Tech. Ed.: S.Ya. Shklyar; Ed. of Publishing House: F.I. Abarbarchak. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical parsonnel concerned with the design and operation of boring machinery. It may also be used as a textbook by students at mining and civil-engineering schools of higher education. COVERAGE- The authors describe modern mining equipment and discuss methods and results of investigating the operation and performance of pneumatic hammer drills, electric and pneumatic drills, rotary-percussive machines, and cross- cutting machines. New.. highly efficient models of machines used for drillAng blastholes and large-diameter wells are described and methods for their proper utilization are considered. The book is based on the results of investigations CAr"_/4_ 'Boring Machinery SOV/5156 coad=ted by the authors in the Department of Mining Machinery and Ore Tr&ns- poitation of the Toatskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (TPI) (The Tonsk Poly- technical Institute). Someof this work was e-ccomplished in cooperation with the technical personnel of the Tomskiy electrcmekhanicheskiy zavod im. Vakbrusheva (TEZ-) (The Tomsk Electromechanical Plant imeni Vakhrushev), the mines of the ka-Abinat Kuzbassugoll (KUznetsk Basin Coal Combine), and the Kuznetskiy nat(chno-ifisledovatellskiy ugollnyy institut (KuzNM) (The Kuznetsk Scientific Research Coal Institute). The authors thank Ya.A. Serov and N.P. Ryashentsev, Candidates of Technical Sciences, L.T. Dvornikov, N.S. Kolodyazhnyy, and P.A. Samoylaw, Teachers; A.R. Ayzenshteyn and A.P. Grishin, Engineers at the Tomsk Electromechanical Plant imeni Vakhrushev, and A.N. Volkcrv and N.A. Belan, Scientific Workers of the Kuznetsk Scientific Research Coal In- stitute. The authors also thank E.I. Lisavskiy, G.F. Van'shin, and V.V. Vasillyevy Technicians of the Tomsk Polytechnical Institute, and Ye.I. Volodina, Ye.A. Okunev, fLnd P.A. Tolstikav. There are 183 references: 169 Soviet 7 English, 6 German., and 1 Fiench. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction M&LIKOV, D.N., inzh. ALIMOV, Experiment in raising without the presence of people in the stope. Izv.idA~ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.2:23-26 f6O. (MIRA 14:5) Itf 1, Tomskiy politakhAtcheskiy institu"t. (qcal minin machinery) ALD40V, 0. D.; BASOV, I. G.; MALIKOV,_D. N.; LISOVSKIY, E. I. Results of trials performed b3r a test crew on the RUP,) coal chute widener. Ugol'.38 no-4:41-43 Ap '63. (MIRA 16.4) (Coal mining machiner3r-Testing) USHAKOV, I.A.; ALIKIN, Yu.K.-, ALIIIDV, O.D., MALIKOV, -1 D.-N.; SOKOLOV, I.A.; NEYANIN, S.D. Way of erecting supports in upraise shafts. Ugoll 38 no.1203-54 163. (MIRA 17:5) KOSTRIN, K.V.; KREYMER, M.L.; MALIKOV, F.Kh.; GALTERIN, B.M.; NAFALKOVA, S.A. Refining sour oils in the units and plants of Bashkiria. Trudy BashNII UP no.7:19-29 164. (MIRA 17:9) - - 6e -,,( I- r;Waa -& ~ Is mid of CW smkm m Caw= ftm ta xc=ftx IF. p. m.lik V_, (stanki i t"mmmml. 1949, Mo. 2. 17-18). [tn Rumw~l- HALIKOVO P,P.; EWHOV, A.I., inzhoner, rateenzent; RAVEWO, V.A., inzhener, 'a~~nzent.- GOREWT, V.14.. inchaner, redaktor; DUGIYA, M.A., teklml- chaskiy radaktor (Resistance of metals to cutting] Soprotivlenia metallov rezanUu. Pod red. T.M.Gorelova. 2-e ird. Moskva, Go@. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. I sudoetrolt. lit-r7, 1954. 39 P. (Hauchno-populiar- naia biblioteka rabochago stanochnika. no.3) (MM 8:3) (Metal cutting) Ko u 6 HASE I B K ~XhOi TA(_TMN 491 .Malikov, Fedor Pavlovich Soprotivleniye metallov rezaniyu (Resistance of Metals to Cutting) 3rd ed. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 45 p. (Nauchno-populyarnaya biblioteka rabachego stanochnika, vyp. 3) 10,000 copies printed. Ed.: Gorelov, V.M., Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Sarafannikova, G.A.; Managing Ed. of Ural-Siberian Branch of Mashgiz: Bezukladnikov,M.A. PU OSE: This booklet was published by the "Popular Science Library of the Machine Tool Operator" to raise the technical level of workers and to broaden their theoretical and practical knowledge. COVEYAGE: This booklet discusses the forces acting on the tool during r cutting and explains the changes in forces which depend on the propeXties of the machined metal, the size of the chip, the Card 1/3 Resistance of Metals to Cutting 491 geometry of the tool, etc. Among Soviet scientists st-A-ying metal cutting processes are V.D4 Kuznetsov, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, and professors G.I. Granovskiy, A.M. Rozenberg, M.N. Larin. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Intrddilction Work of Cutting Forces at Work. During Me tals Which are Easy Cutting Tool Material How to.Sharpen-Cuttiqg -Card 2/3 3 7 the Metal Cutting Process 9 to Cut 16 2 and Cutting Forces Tools For Easier Cutting PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIall SOV/4998 Malikov, Fedor Pavlovich__ Novoye v teldmologii mashinostroyeniya (Nev Developments in the Machine Industry) (ChelyOinsk] Chelyabinskoare knizhnoye izd-vo, 1958- 133 P- 3,000 copies- printed. Ed.: Ye. B. Svet; Tech. Ed.: V.I. Kolbichev. PURPOSE- This book is intended for technical personnel in machine plants; it may also be useful to students at schools of higher technical education. COVEME: The author discusses the latest achievements and improvements ia tech- niques for processing ma hine parts. The following are described briefly: the chemical processing of metals, electrical methods of machining metals and car- bide alloys, ultrasonic machining, and fine mechanical finishing of parts, etc. Fbwmples are given of comparative characteristics and economic indices of vari- ous methods which may be helpful to factory workers responsible for selecting the technique required. No personalities are mentioned. There are 53 references, all Soviet. da~ --- ;. SHLEYMOVICH, M.A., inzh., retsenzent; ILINITSKIY, MALIKOV, F.P I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; DUGINA, N.A., tekhn. red. G*'ka for metal-cutting tools] Patrony dlia rezhushchikh ins*umentov; spravochnik. Moskva, Maahgiz, 1963. 103 P. (MIRA 160) (Chucks) MALIKOVS, F.P.; IAZAREV, G.S.; PAKHOMOV, V.V. Now units for cooling metal-cutting tools. Masbinostroitell no.9:33-34 S 163. (MIRA 16tlO) (Metal-cutting tools-Cooling) 124-58-9-10353 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 136 (USSR) AUTHOR: Malikov,G-F----- TITLE: Calculation of Highly Curved Girders According to the Method of Limit Equilibrium (Raschet brus'yev boll shoy krivizny po metodu predel'nogo ravnovesiya) PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1957, Nr 29, pp 5-18 ABSTRACT: Calculation of a highly curved girder with rectilinear cross section by means of the method of limit equilibrium; a number of examples of the calculation of rings with concurrent action of M and N, anci M and Q, respectively, are presented. A. A. Popov 1. Girders--Design 2. Girders--Analysis Card 1/1 SOV/124-58-7-8003 D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 101 (USSR) AUTHOR: Malikov, TITLE: Elastic-plastic Deformation of a Strongly Curved Bar (Uprugo- plasticheskaya deformatsiya brusa bol'shoy krivizny) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the de- gree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Mosk. energ. in-t. (Moscow Power Institute), Moscow, 1958 ASSOCIATION: Mosk. energ. ir.-t (Moscow Power Institute), Moscow 1. Szeel--Deforination Card 1 /1 25(2) SOV/119-59-6--4/18 AUTHOR: Malikov, G. F., Engineer TITLE: "Uotn'Fuira_'V1Z_'of the Quadrant of a Figure-dial Balance With Uniform Graduation (Raschet kvadranta tsiferblatnykh vesov a ravnomernoy shkaloy) PERIODICAL: P.riborostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 6, PP 10-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When assuming the weight of the pendulum and the distance between center of gravity and that. of rotation to be known, t-he task is that of determining ro (radius of the pendulum), e and a (polar coordinates of the point of rotation), and P (angle of the band fastened onto the pendulum , supporting tRe scalepan) by maintaining the condition P - kz (P = load to be weighed, k - constant, z - sinking of the scalepan). Since the nonlinear conditions of this task lead to complicated computations with the method of the Tschernysheff approximation, a simplified procedure is applied for the derivation of the first form. The variation of P is neglected. The are of the scale beam is then computed 10 0 from a guiding curve (Fig 4) by means of a system of linear algebraic equations. The error distribution curve is depicted in figure 5. The maximum error never exceeds 1/6 of the scale graduation. There are 5 figures Card 1/1 and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. MALI 9 Designing a quadrant with a supporting band. Priborostorenie no. 12:7-8 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Weighing machines) M&MOV, Gore Deeign of a quadrant with a supporting prian. -'Imtakh. no.9:9-12 S 161. (MIRA .14:8) (Quadrant) MALIKOV, G.F.; SHNEYDERMAN, A.L. Design of a ring-shaped dynamometer with a~varleblee cross section, Priborostroenie no.80~10 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Dynamometer) fit rai vii _77 -ra iri- 9d& ansometer~ ornent i-t T 4 FURII-~A -001; h__ inte -engiticers, esigners, am WD FERAM 2z bookva5, nded: for I cien. d t-LE, c -pe~r.~ionnel 6-an-cernod with pr oblems of the.application-of inne 'W'ethods- in nmAcuring for cis -it may be of use. also~ to students #cc!zd!,Ang in SEAI~r wur_-,, The d e 2s ipm aof-Gontempor eUptb~ - atratn-kage-fflamenttr are-Aesciib6d amill vititho&a ll~'or their iTivestigat-lon are prxesented.,- Probl6mB of determining thea Of-~-Qrt in zliSti-_ 81mants Are amalyTed alan -CA A rdith tiort~- of 'Itl G-Intlon Is paid to- irwhib application o'~ wthods experlwnta) do in~ I in jor Aerir -~tlon of a rrapaber of parametera Card V- , - - I ~-Card Z/2 4 ',- r- r- SAMLqW, A. P.; AffrIMM, V. A.; KALIM, 0. K. I / 7 . . I - - ~ ------- "Thc mechmi$m Of 'OxtO-Al' h6at transfer In IL fluidized bed sod the .1. factors affecting the hest-transfer ")efficient.- report aubzdtted for 2nd All-Union CW on Rest A Hui Trumfer, Mask, 4-12 my 1964. Urall Branch, AS USM. ZLTBOV, V.Ya.; BASKAKOV, A.P.; GRACIEV, S.V.;_AALIKoV G.K.; ZAVARCV, A.S. Pateiiting in a fluidized bed with pffdt plant equipment. Stall 25 no.7;664-665 Jl 165. - (MIRA 18:7) 1. Ural*skiy politekhnicheskiy institut. ZUBOV. V.Ya.; BASKAKOV., A.P.; GRACHEV, S.V.; ZAVLROV, A.S.;,M&LI.KGV# G.K. Characteristics of wirr patenting in a fluidized bed. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; cheill. met. 8 no.M116-119 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Ura-I'skiy politekhnicheskiy Institut. KHITRIKY S.I.Jv dok-tor takhm-. uauk; KADINOV, Ye.I., inzh.; BORODULIN, G.M., inzh.; TREGUNMO, A.F., inzh.; YATSKJMCH, I.S., inzh.; DEMOV P.V., insh.; FRWITSOV, V.P., inzh.; SMOLYAKOVj V.F., inzh AALiKOV G.P., inzh.-- DOVGIr, M.K,'- inzh.; MOSHKEVICH, Ye.l:, Inzh.; ftfiiRIGH, A.V., invh. Reducing chrmium losses in the manufacture of acid-reBistant and stainless steels in electric are furnaces, Met. i gornorud. prom. no.1:17-20 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 16:6) (Steel, Stainless-glectrometallurgy-) S12 33/62/OCO/&03/&C3/CC A051VA 127 AUTHORS: Frantsov, V. P., Malikov, G. P., Ratner, Z. M., Moshkevich, Ye. I., Engineers TITLE: Casting stainless steel with magnesium-alloy chips PIMIODICAL: Stall, no. 3, 1962, 23P) - 2'))9 Magnesium has a hi-rh affinity to oxygen and nitrogen. hen mar-nez' _17i is added during pouring, it binds the oxygen and nitrogen of the ingot-mold Z~t- mosphere which has a favorable effect on the metal quality . Tests were carried out with bottom-cast 2.85-ton ingots of 1 X i8H 9 T (MIEN19T) stainless steel. Prior to casting, the ingot molds were cleaned, blown through with air, covered, but not coated. The amount of magnesium necessary to bind the o;cyGen of the in- got mold atmosphere is 65 g/ton of ingot, while an additional 10 &/ton is re- quired for binding nitrogen. When Mn (ML), M. J1 1 NMI), M,9 3 (r-U'3),:"1 J-I 5 012,5), 1M.97 (ML7) magnesium alloy chips are used, 80 S/ton is the required quantity. The magnesium must be Introduced into the aerated dry molds either by a spoon or in paper packs. The temperature of the ingot mold can be raised considerably when magnesium chips are used in pouring. Prior to the inflammation of the chips C ard 1/3 S11 33/6 2/CCO/OC33/GO3/" Casting stainless steel with magnesium-alloy chips A054/Ai27 (5 - 7 see. after pouring started), pouring must be slow. After in'fiam:ratllon, the'chips flare up. The lo-wer the metal level in the in~-;ot mold, the smal-er t-'.r" part of the lower ingot surface which is affected by the splashing particles. After flaring up, pouring should be as quick as possible to maintain a thin film on the rising metal surface up to the end of casting. This method improves the ingot surface considerably. Only the lower part of the ingot (about 2C% of the .4rGot height) has superficial defects; the other parts are completely clean. The steels cast with magnesium chips were tested according to rC -_ 7 %'~2 0 -51. Their mechanical properties .,,rere better than tihose (GOST.5632) and GOST 5949 of conventional heats. Spectral analysis did not reveal any magnesium in t"re metal. No difference was found az to the corrosion-resistance of the test Met-11; the service life of the ingot molds used in this method is longer than that Gf conventional ones. The yield of flawless product was raised by an average Of for various kinds of rolled products. The ingots cast with magnesium chips were ground or roughened. As in general only the lower part of the ingot has to be finished, the output in this production sector rose from 0.7 - 1.2 ingot per mnn- shift to 2 - 3 ingots. In roughing the ingots two variants were applied: In thle first, the ingot was machined only at 200 - 250 mm from the bottom (to 10 - 12 MM Car~d 2,13 s/ 13 -,1 6,;-~ I rx,,t" I rz,31~,-, CastinG stainless steel -alth ch, ps A05 4/A 127 -n one direc'ion); in the second version the lower pa-:-t first variant, but the other paits ,,iere also roughened to 4 mn. cording to variant I decreased the metal losses fror.-- 6~,I'j tc - '.::- ,)utnut was raised 1.5 2 times. As, on account of technoicl-ical there m3y be surf ace def ects on tl-.e upper part of the fng~)ts, nethod is no-;.r applied: if 'here a~2e scattered defects in t,-.e mj*ddl(--~ -.nd part ofir' the 4ngots, not deeper th.-n 2 mm, they are roughened :Icccrd-'~-Z 1. If defects appear in the lower part of the ingot, 4 nri decj~, -j-.--t also be roughened according to variant 1, while defects in the middle part are being removed by grinding. I f the middle and upper parts C-f tne iaCot show many defects, caused by faulty technology, the ingots have to be according to variant 2. This combined finishing method greatly reduced metal- ses, which usually occur in roughing. Similar results were obtained ingots of 35 >"I (35KhYuA) steel. To reduce defects in macrostructure, 1.,ridene'l nozzles were applied and the amount of lunkerite filled in the riser was increized from 1.5 to 3 kg/ton. The flashing and spattering of magnesium is not dangerouz for the workers. Card 3/3 S/193/62/000/010/001/007 A004/A101 AUTHOR: Malikov, G. P. TITLE: The electroslag method of smelting steel PERIODICAL. Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, no. 10, 1962, 8 - 13 TEXT: The article is a survey on the development of the electroslag steel- smelting process which had been workid out and introduced by the Institut elek- trosvarki im. Ye. 0. Patona AN UkrSS11 (Electric I.-lelding Institute Im. Ye. 0, Pa- ton AS UkrSSR) on the basis of the ciectroslag welding process. The author dc- scribes the equipment used, e.g. a-c power tran3former, short network, electrode holders with pneumatic or mechanical clamping.;, aatter-cooled crystallizer, etc. He comments on the quality and requi.-ements i,f' the electrodes and flux- uned in the electroslag smelting process and points )ut that two types of flux are used - one for developing the process, an electrically conductive flux of FTAY (PAM) aluminum powder, and the working flu:f, in most cases the AHT 6 (ANF6) grade containing approximately 60% CaF2, 30 - 38% A'9)3, 3 - 6% CaO, up to 2% S'02 and Card 1/2 S/193/62/000/010/001/007 The electroslag method of smelting steel A004/A101 not more than 1% MgO and Fe203, In contrast to all other metal-smelting pro- cesses, in electroslag smelting the iietal is sm2l_~.ed in the 7one c,' Lhe super- heated working slag, the temperature of which is considerably higher than in other steel-smelting processes. The main aim of electroslag smelting is the refining of the metal drops while, at the same time, the izigot is formed in the water-cooled crystallizer. As a result ingots are produced which are free from shrinkage cavities, axial porousness, liquation, nonmetallic inclusions and gases. The metal produced by the electroslag smelting process possesses an ex- ceptionally high density and homogeneity, while the reduced contamination of the metal by gases and nonmetallic inclusions and the decrease in chemical non- homogeneity results in a considerable reduction of anisotropy of mechanical pro- perties and increased ductility. It is pointed out that, although electrosidg steel is still expensive, great savings can be realized in the end, since the output of serviceable products in mechanical engineering plants runs up to IOCq/. There are 2 figures'and 2 tables. Card 2/2 KOCHO, V.S., doktor tekhn. nauk; KOROEKO, I.M.; MALIKOV, G.P. Device for -.ontinuous control of metal temperature in an elemtric arc steel furnace. Avt. i prib. no.448-1,9 O-D 164 (MIRA 18s2) GALITSKIY, Yu.P.; CHUYKO, N.M.; GASIK, 14.1.; YEMLIN, B.I.; PEREVYAZKO, A.T.; BOGDANCHENKO, A.G.; 14ALIKOV, G.P. Using a thermoelectric silicometer in the making of transformer steel. Stall 23 no. 3:231-232 Rr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut i zavod "Dneprosp ts- sta.1111, GRACHEV, L. (Nizhniy Tagil); ILI N, V. (Nizhniy Tagil);- MAMMON , IA- (Nizhniy Tagil); RAKHKOVSKIY, M. (Nizhniy Tagill; SIBGATULLIV, H. fNJ Wmiy Tagil) Electronic bridge circuit for fire prevention systems. Pozh.delo 7 no.8:26 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) . (Fire alarms) (Bridge circuits) ZIZEMKIY, Yefim Illich; SOLOVIYEV, V.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SHCHEDRINSKIY, L.S., inzh., retsenzent; MALIKOV, I.M..,~nd.tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; LESKOVA. L.R., red.; CHISTYAKOVA, R.K., tekhn.redv----- (Reliability of radio and electronic apparatus] Nadezh~ nost' radioelektronnoi apparatury. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 101 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Electronic industries--Wality control) MALIKOV, 1.2,11.; FIDKI-NISTIA(71, A.N. Coefficients of "repairability." Trudy LIEI no.55:41-45 165, Calculation of the reliability of electronic computers. lbid.:79-84 (I-a7tA 18:11) A MALIKOVO IOM. Terminology of the theory of reliability. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; prib. 8 no.2:142-145 165. (mlw, 18. C) 1. Komitet nadezhnosti i kontrolya kachestva Leningradakogo oblast- nogo noveta Nauchno-tekhnicheakogo cbshcheBtva radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi imeni A.S. Popova i Sektsiya nadezhnosti Leningradskogo oblastnogo Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i elektro- svyazi imeni A.S. Popova. KALIKOV, Ivan Vasillyevich; OULOBLIN, G.A., red.; LUMA, OOKOO rea-.' "z::v~-,-T RIFT ~--Yej., (Modern marine steam turbines; principles of design and Operation] Sovremannya parovye turbiny morskilch sudov; oanovy rabochago, protneses, konstruktoil i ekspluatatail. Koskva, Izd-vo 'Morskoi transport," 1960. 375 p. (miRA 14:4) 1. Pirektor TSentrallnogo kotloturbinnogo instituta (for Ogloblin). (Steam turbines, Marine) K. A. MALIKOV, "Investigallion of Balancers Used in Positioning Bells Duri-ng Blast-Furnace Charginge" Cand Tech Sci, Chair for the 7-Techanical Equipping of Metallurgical Plants, Ural Polytechnical Inst imeni S. ,f..Kirov, Min of Higher Zducation USSR, Sverdlovsk, 15c'55. IKL, No 8, Feb 55) SO: Sum. No. 631, 26 Aug 55-Survey of Scienti-fic and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher 6duca,ional Institutions (14) MALIKOV, K.A. Investigating reciprocating levers used for handling cones in charging blast furnaces. no.65: 189-197 '58. (MIRA 12:4) (Blast furnaces) GRIGORIIEV, G.G.; MAMKOV, K.A.; L&BUTINY B.D.; RUINOVICH, A.B. Experimental-data on the useful life of main parts of a blast furnace cbarging arrangement. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.10:180-188 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Urallskiy politokhnicheakiy institut. (Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies) T T 60(1 '4ALIKOV, Ki;. "CC, 4. Uterus - R-uT,,ture - LaLor, Co::.plicLIt;-d Histoiceicj.1 examinat!rM of L I. mt; !n ,"!on i:~i ~.,i llw,ui Akimh. I igl n. no. Iz Kafe(lxy Ffitodoi~yiche:;koy Anst,-ji 1 L I r.1 Na~;?. 9a. 1-lonthly LiA cf 1~usslan ~'Iccc-,iDrs, Liltrary ~f une KALIK07. Kh.K. (Leningrad) Isolated lymphoearcoma of the small intestine combined with tuberculosis@ Arkh.pat. 18 no.3:84-86 156 (KIRA 11:10) 1. Is pntologoanatomicheakogo otdeleniya DetRkogo lachebno-profilAkti- chaskogo oblyedinenlyd imeni Krupskoy (glevnyy vrnch A.I. Chethina). (IMSTINNS, SKALL, neoplasms lyaphoanrcomn with tuberc (Rua)) (LYMPHOSARCOHAO intestine. small, with tubere. (Rua)) (TUBERCULOSIS, GASTROINTESTMAL, small intestine. with lymphoeRrcoma (Rue)) J HALIKOV. Ta.H. (Iisaingrad) Isolated a cute rqocarditis in infants. Arkh.pat . 19 no.11:77-80 '57. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomil Gosudaretveanogo inatituta dlya spetsializatqii i usovershenstvoveniya vrachey (zav. - prof. F-V-31povskly) i bolluitay imenj Krupskoy (glavrq7 vrach A.I. Chyazhina) (MYOCARDITIS. in infant and child, isolated allergic case (Rus)) MAL,IKUV# Kh.M., kand.biologicheakikh nauk Elastic tendons in the heart'of vertebrates and their functional significance. Mod. shur. Uzb. no.3.*73-74 Mr 160; (bMU 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry gistologii i embriologii Andizhanskogo gosudarstvennogo maditainskogo instituta. (UNDOUS) (&LAda) MALIKOV, Kh. M. Congenital imperfections in osteogeneals (oateogenesis Imperfecta I congenita). Pediatriia no.11*55-58 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz Naucbno-isoledovatellskogo instituta rentgenologii, radio- logii i onkologii Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya Uzbekskoy SSR. (BONES,ABNORMITIES AND DEFOEMITIES) -.-,M,ALIKOV, Kh.14. Diffraction of a linear polarized wav,~ rel-aLi7e tD P- s--i-, in an anisotropic medium. lich. zap. Tadzh. un. 26 no~l:,"?--c,3 163- (Iel,7RA 18:2) ACC&5=11 Nit: JA014026 S/0049/64/000/00!/0O&/W4 AUTHOR: MaMov, Kh. M. TITLE: Waves in'anisot~ropic media,, caused by, application of pressure to a apher- ical and a cylindrical cavity SOURGE; AN 3=.' Izv, Seriya goofizicheskaya, no. 1, 1964, 82-84 TOFIC'TAGS: waves anibotrolly, anisotropic medium., pressure, spherical cavity, cylindrical cavitys spherical anisotropys cylindrical anisotropys cylindrical orthotropys anisotropic axis ABSTRACT: This paper contains the derivation of two equations, one to express displacement in a medimm with spherical anisotropy, the second for a medium with cylindrical anisotropy, The results are., for spherical anisotropy, (0 ' 4V2 - Ir LIM 4P as + alp ba (g (a. rj A 9 .24 24 1 1 be I + +(V+T- r 714 *S + 2N) 11 Card ---------- AGMION NR:1 AF40140~6 and, !for cylIndrical anisotropy, pope + where f care JIM X. 1+120. RV 101", Each 6f these may be considerablymodified for special cases, The problem investigated in this paper may be solved InAsind'a way V any ot1wr coordinate :axis is chosen as the axis ot anisobropys In particularp if the axis of a cylindrical cross section coincides with the anisotropic. axisj, the resulting ;problem becomes that gor an isotropic medium. For med4s, with cylindrical ortho- trvZra & aolution is dbta4 cad iA tho oo= way* NZ wWass mr doop thanks to X. V. Zvolinskly for suggesting the problem and to Le X, Flitm&a for his counseW ACADEI~[, OF. SCt3Nd�S`MSR~ INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS OF,THE EARM Card 2 MALIKOV9 K -r-aspirant Temperature of the mucous membrane of the palate below the bases of removable laminated prostheses made of materials of varying thermal condtictivity. Mad. zhur. Uzb. no.8:71-74 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Iz kafedry ortopedicheskoy stomatologii (zav. - prof. V.Yu.Kurlyand- skiy) i kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. P.G. Snyakin) Moskovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheakogo instituta. (PALATE) (MUCOUS MEMBRANE) (DENTAL PROSTRESIS) 0000000000000000*0000 *all I 1 6 6 1 a 9 u to 6 t& m a f& a m Papla 0*- 00 so 04 r 0 i 00 aV~m I 00 400 4 1*411 00 00 *0 11 Out, mom T L F E T I QQ PO 00*000*004000 ;;a, u 11 unubm"Ampaudi 43 (A 4 EO k- I ~- a - a i_ The ps(fiaffau d dae coke and of cake -cad aditum. 0. Trolb and K V. Matikov. ( 'ral. Yet MI. No. 2. -00 it -117; K". R&fe-#-A4WwA4U9, No. R. M --Fiur cukv 44 th- Witt, t~ i l 1 k 00 ~ in l ant an- itts p from the Gubalthin to Rild coal (from the Lenin Cal 'halt, W"v ga%ifird with 41caminapmStar3m.indiam. AircaosumWkmwW% f R .00 t. ag mzs~ in the peripheral and central parts of the qha jrjymnent w" retarded negr the vmU%t and in the center of 0 the aWt slid distribuslaq of fuel was unevvn. TheGuh3- kbin ftmeoire (6-13mm. I watnot inferior to the %lasnito- tank sm4di coke (1& 40 Mtn,) for oll"atim of thr 9-cra- tm. The Itestlas value of the P4 was ON - WN)l cal. f dw cake and ti 1 1 zoo gn o : propor The taixt. (used with a cod; Qu wam 12114 cal. %tbtWory results -,.. all. 0 tained in the gasification of a mixt. of 7,41170 avall cake mW - to-i A' afficaut; (l f 0 900 we it * rV a c :vl% cad; the (usion o was 1317 cal. A highs Cimittat of the Kim LiAl CA PCO. %ihte provj&d amchank-al charlong i. emIguy"t " t1ft W. R. HM ke" poratts. o* 149494C Ll Reatuat CLA114FOCAMN tv to on *Sots statt mot p 16 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KW n I 0 000 1 006001001DO0041004 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 boo so af - CIO 0 goo An L i a ad 0 of a I a a 3 v 00000004000090000 0*0**000000000 00,11 Alla 0 3 so , 40 Gdadcadmol X10914LAtoutu Coal V. Maliku . I Pal. el. 194 9* RFfm(r.-Z%W.-I9s9. No. V. 83- The 40;~r. patticles) contained m4stute .1 ,e, volatile substances 16-20%. Mcratus equipped with a Clualmm" C-Olls Weir ObtAlu"I with XIMICv $nist. with zhurb) Cool. The T 218.9. 1f# 14.0. and Of. L:Icv with Zhurin COW produce caw$ at (2-1460cal, cal.. fv.p. The dAp are line avid tkuse. CLASM"CAY" U 0 At No w 9. a 4, or a a it a 9"J , a 0 v A .4 all 91.1 MIS MY U10441 Q044 ~'%- Ix N~. KIWIVv 1~41& a ?;.~. 4sbY4 in a 6&h-Rcttj~, coo rake odlislaclary tval Ahaw w la 1;1 --00 u1slam C(h J.H. Cto LO 0 coal 4ad Ito uslac. WW q-l&ju W. R. lican i LA 0 4M4 0 06 Ov 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 0 iisee 0 61900000*00*90000040 o o * 4 0000*40 - Is" 11.11417 f is it is is w is a it is w a , . na a all a aa a m 0 it u a u a a 0 a w a 41 a 0 a a I A-J--A-jL-r 1 -Q, , ', 1 2 M M X CR- lit Aoc~ IND coots* PIOCIL1,11 .-D 'ov de- ka t d (h P d e m coa &Padmeutd vwdc4d" p -00 Ural. Md ts. S. G. TvoQj and K. V. Malikov. - y- 12 h ir fir. t939, No. z , so. No. 0. 35-7; Khm. Rifwc Pot, I'llfe wu- obtaincif 4A ell. tit. fief kit. of mil of C.14 brollog valm. C.41. ol, Ill. W, u Willi 00 00 .00 _0 it 0 41 ao e so t A 4, 1 u s Lv .0 a go tol-tv 064 CIA 4 0 ts A it of a 0 0 6 0 or o, j KW 4 1 to *Mo. 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 69 0' 00 00 A Isis. .00 00 00 00 4 00 00 00 0 1110 00 %1 so 00 A il 6 1 4 9 10 It 0 It 14 It M It 111 19 0 fit& .0f. Uzi UU m" Alp Gja&jtlM of wo0d 6CMPS 12 th4f CiDdl Cfaff2tol' K. Ural. Met. 9,.Vo. Ciew. ZtVrWW, 11, 2M4,-DAMP Wood MUHIP4 (wattf cOnte'll, up to 50%. knob tip to 250 nim. ~ 1113cal in - layer 2 V P - deep were cubjected to c"fication In a ( itnerifor. The ga obtained was definitely suptricir tio .. vroduml by gadfietitioti in the umal wiriod, grnct-stoc A L TE*4?UNZ CLaISWKATIGIO 'Rd,, aomv -IF 0 U 5 UN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 161O.-O's, 0 00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 Is. if 9 on 'I", 00000000000000000000 96;*90000*4600060.04000 111"441 alive 11* -00 .00 -06 -40 -00 too _-0O ISO coo P'. I** coo -to A 0 Joe too I I too USBR/Fuel -Zov 48 CO&I Gasification "Tndust~-ial Gasification for Ghelyabl~ask Coal," K. V . M&likov, P. F, Moyseyera, 2 pp "Za Ekon Top" Iqo 11 lxamina,c.ion of the Sukholoznsk factory gae generators established certain conditions for gasify-ing Chelyabinsk 60al. EK or BR type coal =_Pt be pre- viously ground and sorted$ but this does not guarantee uniformity and continuity, Generators ,,z'T/49T43 USE~/ftel (Contd) Nov 48,~ =at have: good ash-removal facilities, a central draft supply (Koller type grid) and proper fuel delivery for the cross section of the abaft.. Shaft Should be water-jacketed. 57/49T43 V_WWWWWWWWW we WWWWWWWIN WWW-W-Irg-Wripprip flip er fjP1 A-" X 1sT 00 0 A LAB04ATURY K=TRIC FILTER. K. .L. Malik" and N.A. Gruzdava. (Zav- 1; odskaya Laboratoriya, 1949, vol. 15, Apr., pp. 482-484). (in Russian). :: A Two types of electrostatic filter are described which have been satls- 00,3 factorily used in laboratory-scals investigations on coking procosseso :0 0 0 5 1 Igo 00 00 :90 00 -so i ee~ roe 00 '00 00 '00 '00 I've* 00 "00 00 us-0-00- Ali N i AM A 1 W j 0 (f I-P or $t 01 a q a K cc a 0 0 i0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 F.A Fe 216, GASIFICATION OF PECHORA BMIN COAL. Mialikov, K.V. and Moiseeva, F.F. (%a Zko;. Topliva (Flue! Ec6n')'. 'X~i.--1951, 16-201 abstr. In Chem. Abstr. , 1952, voi. 1,6, 031b. Samples for this inve3tigation were taken from variats mines and various beds within each nine. The moisture content or coal fed into the -as generator (air-dry) was 7.3h-8.h5, anh (dry basis) 20.h-31*6,, S (dry basis) 1.79-3.989 and volatile mitter (cont-untible-b-gain), 32.6-39ofte The coal cont4l,ned (sulphur-free combustible bas1s) tt.h.88-5.38, C 73.7-76.h, N 1.90-2.3h, 0 16.32-18.9". The calorific value of air-drycoal was 7168-7617 kcal./kg. The coal yielded (dry-basts) semicoke 18.841.7, tar 1.32-10.7. moisture 3.0-5-72%, And gas h5*06-61.36 1. /kg, The compo.9ition of the iras was C0221.66-30.45t C Hm 2*75-3*54 CO 9*25-12*71p H lO.L6-11.45t CH 37.51,40.71,, 8211 6 49-828, wid 14 (X21-3.59%.. its caorine value um 5139:5712 kcal./kg. CA KUNAKOV, N.Ye., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; BOKOV, X.I., retsenzent; HALIKOV. KPV., retsenzent. (Running automobiles on compressed coke gas] Habota avtotransporta na schatom koksovom gaze. MosIcva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. Izd-vo lit-r7 po chernoi i tavetnot metallurgii, 1953. 123 P. (KLRA 7:5) (Coke) (Gas and oil engines) (Automobiles) -1958-1-155 1 37 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958: Nr I p ?4 (USSR) AUTHORS- Suntsov. G. N., Malkkov, K. V TITLE- Incre-Ft,,ing the Calorific Value of Producer Ga.,, by Heating the Blast (Povysheniye teplrtvorney -,posobnosti generatornogo gaza putem podogreva dutya) PERIODICAL- Vr,,nsOyuznr-j Naucihno-issledovatellskiy institut metallurg. teplcLtekhn. Bvul- nauchno-tekhri. infom., 1957, Nr 2, pp 5-12 ABSTRACT: By heating the blist, it ;s possible without any outlay of Capi.t.l to employ existing producers to increase substantially the hec&ng value of the gas by decomposing more steam. In, the laboratories of VNIIMT, -i producer of 300 min diameter with an electrical blast heater --and a scrubber wa~ used in experiments in Sa5if,cation of fine coke i5-20 rnm in particle size and with type D Zhurinsk coal Bl,:sts of various moisture contents were heated to 50-840-'. An optirnum stearn admixture (irl 9/nm3) was found for e-,ch temper:iture in the gaEification of fine coke: 171.2 for 4 200' blast temperature; ~--'14 for 4000; 513 for 700" The COZ content changed from 4 to 9 percent. the CO from 32 Card 1/3 to 29 percent. And the H, from 9 to 26 percent as the blast 117-1958-1-155 Increasing the Caiorifc Value of Prodiscer G;j, (ront. .) temperature was increased from 50 to 8400 and the stem ad- 3 mixture was augmented from 112 to 648 g/nm , The heating value of dry cas increased from 1204 to 1537, and that of moist gas from 11 0 al/nm3 97 to 1366 kc . The percentage of the steam decomposed f = H 2/(H, + H z0) dropped from 94 to 76.7 percent. The coefficient of ccnv,~r3ion of the physic-il heat content of the blast into potentta" heor content in the gas (coefficient of trans- c V ) _Q V formation) 6 - IQ c ' ' ~3 /(qblast .1 .St (,c , Qc' H' H c"L H H 9 9 being the heating value of dry gas with and without heating the blast, V 9 and V 9' being the gas yield per kg fuel, and qbl st q'blast being the physical heat of heated and unheated blasts was 1 0 This mecins that the physictil heat content of the bl~Lst is almost ertirely converted into the chemical heat content of the g Ci s !n 1952 an industrial installation was built at the Nizhne- Sergin_~Idy '~~rks, the blast being heated in a two-stage stack-type recuperator 51 mm in diameter and 3 m high by the combustion products of an open-hearth furnace On heating to 200-2300, the gasification process runs smoothly, the heating value of the dry gas rising from 1490 to 1580 0 kcal/nm3, The results were such Card 2/3 as to cause the pL:int to decide to convert all generators to 1 17- lq~8-1- 155 Increasing the Calorific V~lue of Producer Gas (cont ) operation with hot blast Designs of the laboratory and industrial inst,Alai.;ons tor hlast heating are adduced G G 1. Coal gas-Combustion-Test results 2. Coal gas-Texperature, factors-Tast results Card 3/3 VALIM, X.V.; AMM, V.T. l_."'Or.--.1~01~0-asing the capacity of the feed machanism of a gas generator. Gaz. prom. no.4t-23-26 Ap 158. (KM 11:4) (aas producers) SUBTSOV, G.N.; MALIKOV.., K.V.; SAVOSTIN, D.Z. Operation of mechanized gas generators with stirring bars. v Gaz. prom. no-8:13-17 Ag 158. (MIRA, 11:8) (Gas producers) MALIKOT, K.Y.; WISEMA. P.F.; STMTSOV, G.11, Gasification of Karaganda coal. Gaz. prom. no.9:27-29 S 158. (KRA 11:10) (Karaganda Basin--Coal gasification) ..IMALIKOV, K.T.; SMMOV, G.N.; KOISICTAVA, P.P. 1~. ~.aP~WFA2A,,;Pp Operation of hot gas generators with enriched air blast. Gaz. prom. no.10:22-26 0 158, (MIRA 11:11) (Gas -oroducers) r-~! , MLIKOV, K.V_,-_L4)ISffZVA. P.F. Gasification of coals of the Turguy Basin. Gaz.prom. no.12:17-19 D 158. (MM 11: 12) (Kustanar Province--Coal gasification) HALIKOV, K.V.; MOISMVA, P.P.; SUNTSOV, G.N. Gasification of Karaganda coals. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 14 no.11:83-87 H 158.' (14IRA 11:12) (Karaganda--Coal gasification) KALIKOV, K.- - Gasification of brown coals of the Kansk-Achinsk Basin. Gaz. prom. 4 no.9:17-18 S 159. (kIRA 12*.Il) (Kansk--Achinsk Basin--Coal gasification) 7(0) SOV/32-25-2-43/78 AUTHORS: Malikov, K. V., Suntsov, G. N. TITLE: Apparatus for the Determination of the Dust, Resin, and Moisture Contents of Hot Gas (Ustarovka dlya opredeleniya soderzhaniya pyli, smoly i vlagi v goryachem gaze) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 2, pp 218 - 219 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes an apparatus designed to remove separately from hot gas dust particle3, reci n, and moisture (Fig 1). The bleeder tube protrudes into the gas pipe of the VTI and the gas can be taken out at a rate c orrespondin~ to the rate of flow of the gas in the pipe. The dust is separated in a cyclone. Resin and moisture are removed in in electrical precipitator with a water-cooled casing. The inside diameter of the bleeder tube is 16 mm in the case of a suction rate of 2-5 N cu.m of gas per hour and a rate of flow of the t5aq in the pipe of 9-10 m per second. A schemati c drawine of the cyclone with dimensions suitable for this op eration is given (Fig 2). To prevent the condensation of the resin in the Card 112 cyclone the latter is heated by an elt~ctric heater. The jas Apparatus for the Determination of the Dust, Resin, and SOVi32-25-2-43/78 Moisture Contents of Hot Gas suction is done by an ejector. The resistance of the apparatus is 70 mm water column. When the apparatus was tested with hot (550-6500) producer gas it was proved that a continuous operation over 2-2.5 hours is possible. The dust sediment was entirely free from resin and contained, apart from larEe particles, very fine particles of less than 50 4. On the other hand, only some traces of dust rere found in the resin obtained in the electrical precipitator. There are 2 fif~ureB. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy institut metallur6icheskoy teplotekhniki (All-Union Institute of Metallurgical Heat Engineerinj) Card 2/2 -9 o fill ZE I P A.H V.81; _4.r . El '- * ra ": Q tj . . lol In I Eli 8 1 00 Et EV g,3 f SUNTSOV, G. M. ; MLIKOV, K. T. Experience in using Bashkir brown coal briquets in a fuelbed gas producer. Gaz.prcm- 5 no.6:14-15 Je '60. (HIRA 13:6) (Coal gasification) HAUKOV# K.V.; SUNTSOV, G.N.; PISHVANOV, V.L. Use of fuel oi-1. In blast furnace practice. Metallurg.6 no-5:3-7 My 161. (MIRA 14*-5) 1. Vaesoyuznvy nauchno-Issledovatel Iskiy institut meta1lurgicheakoy toplotekhniki. (Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies) (Petroleum as fuel) MALIKOV,_)~,,Yt; KANOVA, R.A.; KARASIK, G.S.; IINETSM, N.S.; PASTUMOV, G.M.; PUSHKINA, G.A. Simultaneous gasification of peat and peat tar. Gaz. prom. 8 no.2:15-17 163. (MIRA 17:8) MALIKOV) K.V.; PISHMNOV, V.L.; ANDREAV, Ye.I.; RYN'KOV, V.I.; SEMAVIN, P.I. Two-years of experience in the operation of blast furnaces Ath the blowing-in of highly sulfurous mazut. Metallurg 8 no.12t 5-8 D 163. (MIRA 17:4) AGASHIN) A.A.; BABARYKIN, N.N.; VOLKOV, Yu.P.; GALAIDNOV, A.L.; KRYUKOV, N.M.; MALIKOV, K.V.: OSTROUKHOV, M.Ya.; PISHVANOV, V.L.; CHERNYATIN, A.N.; YU6-~Jv Experimental opf-ration of blest furnac(-s on mazut and netural gas. Stall 25 no.5:393-400 My 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Magnitagorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat; Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut metallurg,'.cheskoy teplotekhniki i Chelyabinskiy neuchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallurgii. MALIKOV,, L. M. Osnovy konstruirovanils izmeritellnykh priborov. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1950. 269 p. diagrs. Bibliograohy: p. (268) Fundamentals of designing measuring instruments. DLC: TJ1313.M32 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. IOLLIKOV) L. NM. 'IFundam-entals of the Con.-truction o.~5' '-',c-a-curir4 linstm-erits,"(0zm1r; ~onztr-iiro- vaniya izmeritellnykh priborov), 'MiaahFiz.. 1953 Fomard, Introduction, and Taiiin of Contents translated - U 34510, 6 !.'ay 5'5 MALIKOV, M. 4~ , . ~. 4 V~r- - Df e-cts of polyamide sausage casings. Miam. ind. SSSR 29 no.5:q3 158. (14IR& 11:10) 1. Kabardino-Balkantskiy sovnarkhoz. (Sausage camings) MALIKOV, M19 CAND BIG Scip "BIOLOGY OF THE POISON WEED TRICHODESMA INCANUNI (BGE) OC AND MEASURES FOR CONTROLLING IT." TASHKENT, 1960. (STATE COM FOR HIGHER AND -SEC SPEC ED OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS UzSSR, SAMARKAND STATE UNIV lm ALISHER HAVOI). (KL, 3-61t 210). 141 OV, IM, , s tar shi y pre pcrl a -- r,' rf 'Iff RA I 'alkA~ Np-u-- ',nadly KUZNETSOV, A.P. 0 otv. red.;_MALIKOV, AJ,,--zasIuzhe-,myy dayatell nauki I tekhniki, prof., red.; BARINOV, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; LWITOV, B.M.9 red.; 14ALIKOV, S.F., kand. t--k-bn. n-auk, red. KOLICHENK09 G.N., red. [Hundred years of the state weights and measures service in the U.S.S.R.] Sto let gosudarstvennoi sluzhby rer i vesov v SSSR. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1945- 376 p. (SSSR. GosudarstvenrWe standarty) (MIRA 14:7) 1. Russia(1923- U.S.S.R.) Komitet standartovo mer i izmeritell- nykh prj;borov. 2. Predsedatell Komiteta po delam mier i i=eritell- rqkh priborov pri Sovete Narodnykh Komissarov SSSR (for Kuznetsov) 3. Cblen Komiteta po delam mer i imeritelinykh priborov pri Sovete Narodrqkh Komissarov SSSR (for loeonov) (Weights and measures) TIKHODYNEV, P.M., prof.; YUDIII. M.F., kand.tekhn.nauk,; MLIVY, M.F., prof., retsenzent; KkMOVSKIY. T.G., prof., reI`oiR-ze`:X'-,-MI4KIN, P.S-, [Essays on standard (metrological) meanurnmental Ocherki ob iakhadrqkh ~fttrologicheskikh) Izmeraniiakh. Moskva, Goo. nauchn.-tekhu.izd-vo mashinostroit.i sudostroit.lit-ry 1954. 215 P. (Leuir)grad. Vaesoiuznyi nauchno-iseledovatellskii institut metrologli, no.21) NIRA 13:3) 1. Direktor Voesoyuznogo nauchno-isslodovatel'skogo instituta metrologii imeni D.I.Mendeleyeva (for Yudin). (Mensuration) MaKOV, M. F... PROF PA 4/49T35 KF. PROF. MSE I Treasure IsInd Bibliographlo Report BOOK: Call No.: A756LI06 :Author: :UALIKOV, M.P. PROF., Honored Soientlat FILU Title -... FUNbAMWITALS or, m&TROJOGY - PART 1. MDAMUTALS OF WASURLMENT Transliterated Title: Osnovy matrologly - Chast' I. Uchenie ob Lzmerenli Publishibg Data: Originating Agency: Committee on Measures and Measuring Instruments of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. -Publishing House: Not given* Datei 1949 No- PP-: 477 No. copies: 5s200 Editorial Staff Editor: None Technical Editor: LH. PWr~son FAitdr-in-Chief -. None Appraiser: gone Other: Gratitude is expressed to I.Me and LHe Nalilwv and to P*P. _Arapov Text Data ..Coisrags: The author systematizes a part of the abundant material which has been accumulating during the past century from the time (1849) when Fli. Fatrushevskiy wrote his General Netrologr in Russian. The present volume forms the first part of the Fundamentals j2 Ketrolo and treats the science and methods of obtaining proper measurements. The second part (a separate volume) will describe the units of measure and their standards. The author pays special attention to the theory of systema- tical errors, which is touched upon only slightly by contemporary authors, although they give in detail the theories of accidental errors* .1/2