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BARTA, Lajos. dr..; MALIK, Terez, dr. Data on early symptoms of Infantile diabetes mellitus. GyermekgyogyaBzat 7 n0-3:90-93 Narch 56 1. A Rudapesti Orv--studomanyi Figyetem Gyermakklinikajanak (igazgato: Gegesi Kiss Pal dr. egy. tanar. akad.) Icozlemenye. (DIABNTNS MELLITUS, in inf. & child simultaneous hyper & hypoglycemia (Hun)) GERLOCZY Ferenc; BKNGZA, Bela; 14AIlK. Terez; UGRAY, Miklosne V:tamin metabolism in atrophic infants, G~rermekgyogyaszat 8 no.7-8: 193-196 JulY-Aug 57. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem 1. sz. Gyermekklinikajana (Igazgato: Gegesi Kiss Pal akademikus, egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (INFANT NUTRITION DISORDIRS, metab. vitamins (Hun)) (VITAMINS. metab. in inf. nutrition disord. (Hun)) BMCZE, Bela; GIRLWZY. Ferenc; MALIK, Terez; UGRAY, Miklosne Vitamin metabolism in atrophic infants. II. Vitamin F. (tocopherol) content of the blood serum in eutrophic infants. Gyermekgyog7aszat 8 no.?-8:197-203 JUIY-Aug 57. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanvi Pgyetem I. sz. Gyermekklinikajanak (Igazgato: Gegeel Kies Pal akademikus, egyatemi tanex) kozlemerqe. (VITAHM E. in blood in inf. (Hun)) GFJtWCZY, Ferenc; MOZZ, Bela; MALIK, Terez; UGRAY, 14ikloane Vitamin metabolism in atrophic infants. III. Vitamin X (tocapherol) content of the blood serum in atrophic infants. Gyermekgyogyanzat 8 no.7-8:204-217 July-Aug 57. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Ftgyvetem sz. Gyermekklinikajanak Gegeal Kiss Pal akademilma, egyetemi tana ) kozlemenye. (INFANT NUTRITION DISORDUS, blood in vitamin Z content. relation to degree of atrophy (VITAMIN E. in blood in inf. nutrition disord., relation of content to atrophy (Hun)) (Igazgatr,: (Hun)) degree of BENCZN, B.; GERLOCZY, P.; MALIK, T.; WIRAY, M. Vitamin metabolism of atrophic infants; vitamin A tolerance test of atrophic infants. Gyermekgyogyasz&t 8 no.9-lOt257-264 Sept-Oat 57. 1. A Budapenti Orvostudomanyi Zgyetem I. jz. Gyermek1cliaik&j&nak (Igazgato: Dr. Gegesi Kiss Pal egyatemi tanar, akademikus) kozlemenys. (INFANT NUTRITION DISOREPM, metab. vitamin I tolerance tests in atrophic inf. (Run)) (VITAM'IN X. metab. in atrophy of Inf., tolerance tests (Hun)) GZRWOZY, F.; BENCZE, B.; MALIK, T.; UGJ]AYo 9* Vitamin metabolism of atrophic infants; vitamin A metabolism of atrophic infants in Leiner's disease. Gyarmekgyogyassat 8 no.9-10: 264-277 Sept-Oct 57., 1. A Budapesti Orvastudomanyi Egyatem 1. sz. Gyarmekklinikajanak (Igazgato: Dr. Gegesi Kiss Pal egyatemi tanar, akademikus) kozlemenys. (KRYTHROI)MM ]ESQ.UAKATIVUM, metab. vitamin E tolerance test (Hun)) (VITAMIN E. metab. erythroderma desquamativum, tolerance tests (Hun)) B31CZE, B.; GERLOGZY, F.; KALIK, T.; :qGRAY, H. Vitamin metabolism of atrophic infants. VI. Serum vitamin A content in atroDhic infants. Gyermekgyogyaszat 8 no.11-12:333-343 Nov-Doe 57. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi 11gyetem I. sz. Gyarmekklinikajanak (Igazgato: Dr. Gegesl Kiss Pal egyetemi tanar, akademikus) k-ozlemenye. (VITAMIN A. in blood in atrophy of inf. (Hun)) (111FANT 'uUTRITION DISORHM, blood in vitamin A content in atropby (Hun)) o~ GERLOCZY, BEHOZE, B.; MALIK, T.; UGRAY, M. Vitamin metabolism of atroDhic; infants, VII. Vitamin A tolerance of atrophic infants. Gyermekgyogyaszat 8 no. U-12:344-349 Nov-Dee 57. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanvi ?4yetem I. sz. Gyermekklinikajanak (Igazgato: Dr. Gegeni Kies Pal egyetemi tanar. akademikus) kozlemenye. (VITAMIN A, metab. in atrophy of inf., tolerance tests (Hun)) (INFANT NUTRITION DISORDIM, metab. vitamin A tolerance tests in atrophy (Hun)) X I /~, -zw z,, T.,; GMUWZY, F UGRAY, H. Vitamin metabolism of atrophic infants. VIII. Vitamin A metabolism in Leiner's disease of infants. Gyermekgyogyaszat 8 no. U-12:349-356 Nov-Dee 57. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanvi F._-yetem I. sez. Gyermekklinikajanak (Ignagato: Dr. Gegesi Kies Pal egyetemi tanar, akademikus) kozlemenys. (ERY117MODERMA DESqUARATIVUH, metab. vitamin A (Hun)) (VITAIGH A, metab. in erythroderma desquamativnm (Hun)) GERLOCZY, P.; B-WC23. B.. MALIK, T.; UGRAY, M. Vitamin metabolism in atrophic Infants. IX. Vitamin B tolerance test in atrophic infants. Oyernelrgyogyaszat 9 no-1-3:5-10 Ian-gar 513. 1. A Budapeati Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I. sz. Gyermekklinikajanak (Igazgato Dr. Gegesi Kiss Pal egyetemi tan r, akadamikus) kozlemenye. (INFANT NUTRITION DISORDERS, wetab. vitamin Bl tolerance test in atrophic inf. (Hun)) (VITAMIN Bi, wetab. in atrophic inf., tolerance testa (Hun)) BINOZZ, B.; GMtU)CZY, F.; UGRAY. M. Vitamin metabolism in atrophic infants. X. Vitamin C tolerance test in atrophic infants. Gyernekigogyaazat 9 ro.1-3:11-16 Jan-Kar 58. 1. A T~AgDesti Orvostudornariyi Egyetem I. sz. Gyarmekklinikajanak (igm"zigato': Dr. Gegesi Kiss Pal agyetemi tanar, akademikus) kozlemenye. (INFANT NUTRITION DISORDFaS, metab. vitamin C tolerance test In atrophic inf. (Hun)) (VITMIN G, metab. in atrophic inf., toleranco testa (Hun)) GXRLOCZY , 7. ; BANCZE, B. j. -MALIK, T. ; UGRAY, E. Vitamin metabolism in infantile atrophy. Acts, mod. hung. 12 no.1-2: 1-83 1958. 1. lat Department of paediatrics, University Medical School, Budapest. (WANT NUTRITION DISORD&S, metab. vitamins in infantile atrophy, clin. studies & review) (VITAMITIS, metab. in infantile atrophy, olin. studies & review) 1.1%LTKI V. Contribution to the mechanisn of conve,,,4n,-- in manafacturinF plants. for heawi machi-ne27,,. p. 99 (!'echanicace. Praha. Vol. ^,, no. -/3, '953) r SO: Monthli Lint of East Euroi)ean Accessions, (EFAL), Y, Vol. -'4, June 1955, Uncl I,mIK, V. Construction of new ore-dressinj- plant--. 1 .49. (Nuva leci.nika, Vol.1, no.2, Feb.1956) rraha SO: Monthl-v List of East European Accession (LEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no-7, Jul3~ 1957. Uncl. d 1'11*!A~JF , V. Constructim of ore-crushing plants fr3m the designer's point of view. p. 2,7Y., allDY. Val. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1~56 Praha, Czechoslovakia SOURC _": East European List (E7kL) Library of llongres~, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1-57 1/- ~i/ 11 IAILIY V. --. I Ij - -- Transfer of the production of building maahii=7 to the Ministry of Heavy Machine Manufacture. P. 37 (Mechanisace) Vol. 4, No. 2, Feb. 1957, Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EUP0r-&;,N ACCESSION (EEAI) LC. - VOL. 7, NO. 1, Jial- 1958 MALIK I V. "Measuring temperature in holding furnaces." P. 338 (Slevarenstvi) Vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1957. Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 79 no. 4, April 1958 MALIK, V. Refined mixtures for alu:-dnum alloys. p. 19. SLEVARENSTVI. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 1959. Monthly list of East E~ropean Accessions (EFAI), LC 9 Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1959 uncla. MALIK, V. Comparison of properties of 1-1-Sd n~'oys produced in ~ifferentl ways. SLEVAIRENSTIL (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi a Ceskoslovenska vedecka technicka spolocnost pro hutnictvi a slevarenstv-0 PrahL,, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 7, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Monthly Idst of East European Accessions (EFAI) LG, Vol. 8, No. 122, Dec. 1?59. UNICL MALIKS V. ----------- "Calculating the gradient for roller conveyors.11 p. 251. STROJIREZISTVI. (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi,, Ministerstvo, presneho strojirenstvi a Ministerst-wo autombiloveho prupWalu a zemedelskych stroju). Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, No. h. Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. NALIKI V. Motion equations determining the behavior of objects an an inclined roller con- veyer. P. 501* STROHRENSTVIL (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi, Hinaterstvo vacobecnebo strojirenstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakie Vol. 9, no. 7, July 1959. Monthly List of East Rumpean Accessione (EEAI), LC. Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960. Uncle S11 23/62,/000/005/ol O/oi c A052/A 101' AUTHOR: Malik, V. TITLE: Crushing aluminum alloy grains with titanium and boron PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 5, 1962, 6, abstract 5G50 ("SlbvArenstvi", 9, no. 8, 1961, 302 - 303, Czechoslovakian; Russian, English, German, French summaries) TEXT: A survey of the methods and mechanism of crushing aluminum alloy grains. The results are reported of an experimental investigation carried out at the casting department of the Institute of Metals and Technology (Brno, CzSSR) on a standard aluminum alloy and grain-crushing additions K2TiF6, AlT15 alloy, KBF4 and Na2B407 applied separately and combined. It is established that only by introducing Ti and B in the form of K2TiF6 and KBF4 the mechanical prop- erties of the alloy improve to a certain extent (by 3 - 5 kg,/mm2). An alloy with crushed grains gives a more regular feed to the casting, Is less sensitive to its configuration and to the thickness of the sections. The grain-crilshing effect of the developed mixture AlMAg 716 (MgF2, NaCl, KC1, Na3AlF6, KBF4 and K2TiF6) is based on the fact that it produces nuclei in the melt. The dried Card 1/2 S11 23/62/00(,/W5/01 0/010 Crashing aluminum allay grains with .... AG-52-/AI01 mixture amounting to 1% of the weight of the melt in the hopper is introduced in molten aluminum, overheated by 500 and blasted with Cl'or C2C16 by sinking and lifting the hopper 3 - 6 times. Prior to pouring the treated melt is held for 5 - 10 min, after which the oxide scabs and the floated up mixture are removed from the surface. Ya. Polyakov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 -- MALIK,_V,- Conference of technicians of nonferrous foundries in Povazaka Bystrica. Slavarenst7i 10 no.128504,-505 D 162. MALIK V. uAlluminum handbook." Reviewed by V. Mali . Slevarenstvi 11 no.3: 134-135 Mr 163. MALIK V ~-- ~- 0-1 Fourth International Conference on Metal Die Casting. Sleva Slevarenstvi 11 no.7.294-298 J1 163. MALIK, 7l.; FISCH9R, J. Mod L64tion of Belanger's method of reversal of historadioautographic preparations. Sborn. lek. 61 no.4:120-124 Apr 59. 1. Neuropatologicka laborstor 11. patologickoanatemickeho ustavu. fakulty vaeobeansho lekELratvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Vaclav Jedlicka. Y.M., II. patologie. U Nemocnice 4. Praha 2. (BADIOAUTOGRAM, modified Belaugerle method of reversal of hiatoradio- autographic prep. (Cz)) MALIK, V. I ~~- A method for the demonstration of aWelin sheaths. Sbora. lek. 62 no.7-8:230-235 -0 '60. 7' 1. Neuropatologtka laborator II. patologickoanatomickeho ustavu fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi. Uaivarsity Karlovy v Praze, pradnosta prof..dr. Vaclav Jedlicka. (NMOLOGY) MALIK, Vl. A simple modification of Cajals method for the deterriaation cf astrocytes in formaldehyde-fixed material. Sborn.lek. 62 no.9: 260-262 s 16o. 1. Neuropatologicka laborator 11. patologickoanatomickeho ustavu fakulty vaeobeeneho lekaretvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Vaclav Jedlicka. (N M OGLIA anat & bistol) MATI VI T !!!~ Method of attaching frozen sections to slides for a quick examination of bioptic and necroptic materials. Cs morfologia 9 no.1:82-83 161 (KE3AI 10: 5) 1. Neuropatologicka laborator patologickoanatomickeho ustavu fakulty vooobeeneho lekarst7i University Karlo ' Praha, (MICROSCOPE AND MICROSCOPY) (HISTOLO7 - MALIK. Vl. Impregnation of astrocytes in frozen sections glued to slides. Sborn. lek. 63 no.10:291-293 0 161. 1. Nueropatologicka laborator II. patologickoanatomickeho ustavu fakalty vseobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof, dr. Vaclav Jedlicka. NEUROLOGIA anat & histol) (HISTOLOGICAL TECHIQUES) POTEKHIN, I. I. , glav. red. ; BARANOV, A. N. , red.; . EELYAYEV, Ye. A. , red. ; GELLER, S.Yu., red.; GRAVE, L.I., st. nauchnyy red.; GRIGORIYEV, A.A., red.; GUEER, A.A., red.; KULAGIN, G.D., red.; MALIK, YA.A.,, red. MANCHKHA, F.I., red.; MILOVANOV, I.V., red.; NEZERSOV, G.A., red.; OLIDEROGGE, D.A., red.; ORLOVA, A.S., red.; POPOV, K.M., red. ROZIN, M.S., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; SMIRNOV, S.R., red.; UFIKOV, I.S., red.; SHVEDOV, A.A., red.; YASTREBOVA, I.P., red.; PAVLOVA, T.I., tekhn. red. [Africa; encyclopedia) Afrika; entalklopedichatkii spravochaft. Glav. red. I.I.Potekhin. Chleny red. kollegii: A.N.Baranov i dr. Moskva,, Vol.l. A - L. 1963. 474 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, Gosudarstvennoye nauchnoye izdatell- stvo, Moscow. (A.frica-Dictionaries and encyclopedias) MALIY, -Z. New methods for the pasteurization (sterilization) of milk and creAr. p. ?05. (Prumysl Potravin, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East Furocean Accesstons (EBIAL) 1,C, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 'c)57. Ur1cl. 0 J, CZECHOSLOVjUM',,/I.her.iicv-1 Tochn,;I,.~_y - Chemical Products aii,~. H. Their Applicati-n - F.-DO Inclustry. Abs J-,ur Ref 71-1ur N,:, 9, 1950, N635 Auth)r Malik, Z. Inst Title zchan~izati:~jnn the Dairy Ine-ustry. Orig Pub Prwiysl Potravin, a, No 8) 4u-4i6, 1957, (in Czech with summaries in German, Frmch, EnClish, and Russian) Abstract Ei~~t product lines for the processina of milk int) s-)ur railk DrDducts, butter, cheeses, and for the pr,~'Lucti-)n Df lactic suGar are -'escribecl. FlDw sheets are presentecl. Card 1/1 KAUK, Z. HOLY, C,; I--- Technolog of prodaction in the new S III bakery in Dzxvina. (To be cond.) P. 85. TECHNIKIL VMFU,, MLWARSTVI A FEKARSTVI. (Ministerstvo potravinarskeho praWslu a vykupu zemedelskych vyrobku a Sdruzeni mlynu a pekaren) Prahap Czechoslovakia, Vol. 5. No, 2,, Feb, 1959, Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI),, IC Vol. 9, No, 2, Feb, 1960, Uncl. Z; I --~LY, C. Technology of production in the now 5 111 in Karvina. (Conclosion) p. lh7 TECH-_~j KA VYF.UFU, MLY,,LkRSTVI A HYARST11. (,Ministerstvo potravinar!?~eho .I prumyslu a vykuDu zemedelskych vVrobku a Sduzeni nlynu a pekaren) Praha, Cz echo s lovakL-1, Vol. 5., no. h, 19~9 Montaiy List of i.&st 6uropean 1%ccessions (,x,.L)., iol. 9, no.1; Ja., 19tO Uncl. MALIK-AKIIIIAZAROV. T.Kh.; LIVSHITs, R.S.; OROCHRO, D.I.; SHNAYDER, G.S. Effect of the sectionalization of' the zone of reaction on the dist-ibution and quality of end products in the cataly-6ic cracking in a fluidized bed. IChim. i tekh. topl. i masel 10 no.12:32-35 D 165. MRA 19:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledwiatellskiy instlitut po pererabotk-e nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. WLIKA, K. M. Bee Culture - D-juipment and Supplies Apiary knife. Pchelovodstvo 29, No. 1, 1?52. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Mpy - 195A, Uncl. -- MALIKES, L.Ta.; TIMCHMO., A.I. Preparation of high purity trans-stilbone by the thermal de- composition of benzalazine. Khim.prom. no-3:256-257 Ap-My 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Stilbene) (Banzaldehyde) ALIN.',,!, _V. A., AT-, OV, 0. 7", TIAVTS-'~,]. 'T--~~APTS'5777, F T T F. L. , E. L -,TCy, A D7!R.l,'A",!V, JA.~,A A A n 0-7, "A Fulsed fast rrg~act~r." re-ort submi-ttcd t t;ic ra~- and Intr-r,ned'atte R,~art rv, 7ie~~:ia, 7-11 kip- 1)~1. Acac Aci. :'SSR Moscow SOV/122-59-5-15/32 AUTHOR: Mallkhov, A.P., Engineer TITLE: A New Installation for the Sinking of Wells by the Percussion Cable Method (Novyy stanok dlya udarno-kanatnogo bureniya skvazhtn) PERIODICAL:Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, 1959, Nr 5, p 46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A now well-sinking rig mounted on a track-laying transporting bogy is described, made by the Buzuluk Works (Buzulukskiy zavod). Designated BU-20-2U, the installation intended for opencast working and geological prospecting can sink wells up to 400 mm diameter. The maximum weight of the sinking head is 1200 kg. About 50 blows per minute are carried out with a minimum lift of 520 mm (maximum of 700 mm). The maximum depth of sinking is 200 m. The main electric drive has a power of 20 kw. The total weight of the rig is about 10 tons. The self-propelling speed is o.82 kph but the rig can be towed at 5 kph. The drilling head is actuated by a crank mechanism and an impact beam. When the beam is lowered, the rope Card 1/2 is withdrawn and lifts the head above the shaft face. SOV/122-59-5-15/32 A New Installation for the Sinking of Wells by the Percussion Cable Method When the beam lifts, the rope is released and the head drops. The machine is served by two operators. There is I figure. Card 2/2 IVAHOV, K.Y.; POSLYGIII, V.V.; MALIKHOV, V.P. ; PALIADV, YO.A. (Hockva) Method for studying the role of physical effort in the irradiation of animals. Mod. rad. 4 no.5:84-85 IV '59. OURA 12:7) (ROYMGM RAYS, off. role of phys. effort in rats (Fus )) (W.NaC ISil, eff . on response to x-irradiation in rats (Rua)) KALIKIN. P.r. Simmkov's complex of s7mptoms in alcoholism. Zhur.nev. i palkh. 59 no.6t743-747 '59. (KIRA 13:1) 1. Irafedra paikhtatrit (zav. - prof. P.r. Malkin) Kuvb7shevskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (ALOOHOLISM, physiolog7, zonal palpatory defense mflex sensitivity (Rus)) KALIKOV, A.D. starshiy nnuchnyy notrudnik ", "0 Friction of the fpbric on finishing machinery rolls. Tekst.prom. 18 no-407-58 Ap 158. (KMfi 11:4) 1. Hauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tekstillnogo i legkogo mnshinostroyeniya. (Textile finishing) Wjj=V --.L.D--,-nd.tekhn.nauk Continuous dyeing of compactly woven fabrics by vacuum auction of the dye. Tekst.prom. 19 no.1:52-55 Ja '59. (MVU 12:1) ~Dyes and dyeinc--cotton) 46 Goa *of 0* t 0013 1-1 JA F' - Fof the mamft-d 2.6 .00 pcjwWfts&=aW In t& desk% adoaco Cf- Vkm adl"&MCAL LS192ATWI CIAS ICAIMV Iwo 911VOSAWO - 1414300 wit mv a" ; 0 0 ale 0 0 @'10 as as 0 0, 0 00 0 0 0 0 wee 00 1 :00 do* -00 L No -2500 O"My -1194411 rw-e"- all goo v 0 10 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 sk 0 f VW fyd4o* w#Wt- ~M' Ave, 30, two Lfftl,IVI$ CUSWCAtNO 4 Ol a if a a 40T94 see %*$ use Cog free Qoo 4100 go Me* 00 U00 cloo is ILI 02 al; 0; 1; a it I a -, i a I a AM I a ad a a 9 7 w 0 3 a a 2 0 9 a IS 0 0 0 0 9 0 0-400 O's W WA-o 0 0 0 We 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 4 C- Ices. A. 1). Malikov. V S.S. a!I1 . no dtup tMther w th tR 607XI , 7"Wrl i t CLAritier Is divi,lod 1* 2 unequal livirts dr1wridlus on the quality A the sirup. The larW of these Is diverfril for kiisg fill.. 1. "A- suiptr. The other part b cm. C Wit"I with the white mulatwit and the drufninp from the 'A" fillimm mid dirvvini Im graini"It to vivid "A" :111g.t - '11w fillmn" (A the mi-m-I prMilet 1% himillicif as 61"SAi N11. 11-tt fo (- A I Automatic to"trol of the flow of juice through evaporators and intermediate treating processes sugar refinery~ A. D,33alik.v. U.S-S.R. 69.613, 1~1 I. .111. V'fell) "Vilchronile'all th, OPV - fiolv. of juire I'llrirm.fum .1th th, ~V41.waturs. M. M~h _f~~r alit'! vro: alld C:61.;~ rtlr;~ 6z-)I-*o GI rv ut'tna,~fz 1~ Lhe deci~ivz factor ~vf ich dqwnd los"v-s (If pulp 'twd-fllul M,~14swz_~ V. E.- Pa'-1- ---------- __77. KIJV"-: 77-~ MALIKOV, A.D. Elydrochemical method and aoparatus for checking the saturation process. Sakh. prom. 32 no. 6:28-31 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Sugar manufacture) MALIK(LV.. A.D.. kand.tekhn.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Use of a steam-jet compressor for decating machines. Tekst.prom. 23 no.5172-74 Yq 163. (MM 16-5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut legkogo i tekstillnogo mashinostroyeniya, (VNIILTakmash). (Textile machinery) HALIKOV, A.G. Automatic turning off of a sound signal; exchange of experience. Inerg. blul. no.8:31-32 Ag '57. (MIR& Iota) signaling) (8ignals and MALIKOV, A. L. M&IKOVp A. L. --"The Role of Diffraction in the Formation of Images in the Electron 1,,icroscopell Leiiingrad State Pedagogical Inst imeni A. 1. Gertsen, Leningrad, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Physicomatheplatical Sciences) SO: KnazhnMa Letopis', no. 35, 1955 MrUiKOVA A. N.; WS111, 1. M. "Forming Hollow Parts w-ith Met&Llic Formblocks and Rubber," Av-tomobi-l'naya traktornaya Promyshlennostl (1950) No 12, pp 25/27. B-73331, 1 Apr 54 HALIKOT. A.H.; IMMOOVSKIY, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk,, pro;N"Issor, retsentent; POLTAKOT, G.T.. inzhener. redaktor; TIKHONOV, A.Ya., tekhnicheskI7 redakt.or (Metal economy in forge and presswork shops of automobile plants] Bkonomila metalla v kuznechnykh i pressovykh teekhakh avtomobill- rqkh zavodov. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo man.hinestrolto lit-ry, 1952. 93 P. (Iderofilml (MLRAL 7:10) (Hachine-shop practice) (Automobile Ondustry and trade) 1.MALIKOV, AN. 2.USSR (600) 4.Technology 7. Conserving metal in forge~md press shops of automobile plants. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1952 9. M&Li~ List 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February,1953.Unclassified, MALIKOV, A.M.. Inshener. 1conomizing metals In forging-stamping and pressing shops of the auto- mobile and tractor building indastry. (In.' 4zhkov. D.A., ad. Zkonoulla metallov v kasnachno-shtampovochnom proizvodstva. Moskva, 1953, p.94-106) (ML&A 7:1 ) (Forging) (PUnching machinery) - IT a '01VI,- ... Forgin.g Add~.:,~Lonal informatioti on slamj-ir ~fi-'. rubber. Awl. :-Oril- 'D. -, 19.,.). 9. Monthly List Of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 'June -1953. Unclassified. t !-!ALOV, A. 11. PRVS, V'F.; n"IKOV, A.M., retsenzent; inzhener; MARKIN, R.B. . redakf-or; IMMA. S.B., ipzhoner, redaktor; POPOVA, S.I., tekhaicheakiy redaktor. [Mechanization and automatization of punch-preaB work] Mekha- nizataiia i avtomatizateiia shtampovochnykh rabot. Moskwa, Gos.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo masbinostroitellnoi lit-ry. 1955. 307 P. (Shoot-metal work--Stmping) (HLRA 8:11) KALIKOV. A.H. Automatization of metal otamping work. Avt. I trakt. prom. noolO:19-23 0 155. (KLRA 9:1) l.Kinisterstvo avtomobillnoy promyshlannosti. (Ketalwork) SOV/ 137-57-11-21301 T ran slation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 11, p96(USSR) AUTHOR: Malikov, A.N. TITLE: New Economical Rolled Shapes for the Automotive, Tractor, and Agricultural Machinery Industries (Novyye ekonornichnyye profiii prokata dlya avtomobil'nogo, traktornogo i sel'skokhoz- yaystvennogo mashinostroyeniya) PERIODICAL: V sb.7 Rats ionali zats iya profiley prokata. Moscow, Profiz dat, 1956, pp 60-69 ABSTRACT: Specimens of shapes of constant and cyclically repeated cross section employed in the building of machinery are adduced. The planned 1960 requirement for shapes bent from sheet and strip is indicated. P. N. Card 1/1 SOV/123-59-15-59393 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinastrayeniye, 1959, Nr .15. p 76 (UsSR) AUTHOR. Malikov, A.N. TITLE- Advanced Technological Processes, Equipment, Fittings and Means of Mechanization of Drop Forging PERIODICAL: V sb.: Materialy Soveshchaniya glavn. metallurgov z-dov i in-tov avtomob. prom-sti, Nr 4, M., 1958, PP 3 - 16 ABSTRACT- Advanced technological processes are-Investigated which are employed at.domestic automobile plants (at Gor!-kiy, Pavlodar, Moscow) and foreign ones, when operations of cutting off, heating, cleaning from scales and shaping of blanks and drop forging them on the press, stamping, gaging and cleaning the forged pieces from scales, are performed. The equip- ment and fittings for the mechanization and automation of the pressing process are described, M.G.N. Card 1/1 PHASE I BOOK EMDITATION SOV/3804 Malikov, Anatoliy Nikolayievich Davleniye vmesto rezaniya (Pressworking Instead of Cutting) (Moscow] Moskovskiy rabochiy., 1959. 80 P. 3P5OO copies printed. Ed.: P. Raznikov; Tech. Ed.: N. Shlyk. PURPOSE: This brochure is intended for metalworkers and for those engaged in production plani~ing. COVERAGE: Comparing the technical-economic indices of the two methods of metalworking., the author concludes that the output of a pressvorking *achine tool is 8 to 12 times higher than that of a corresponding metal-cutting machine tool. Parts mad by pressworking require 25 to 40 percent less metal, and the mechanical properttes of pressworked parts are 20 to 30 percent higher. In view of these considerations., and in order to wirpass the US in the use of forging and pressing equipment,, the author suggests a rapid switch from. mstal cutting to metal pressworking. Pressworking includes such operations as rolling, press forging and stampin . Metting., thread and gear rolling,, and many others. No personalities are mentione There are no references. Card l/ 2 Pressvorking Instead of Cutting TABLE OF CONTEYM: Some General Remarks The Right Choice of Metal -- the Road to Economy Specialization and Perfection of Proftction The Extrusion Method Sizing, Embossing, Coining Thread and Gear Rollin Upsetting With Automatic Machines Appendi.x4s AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TS255-M3) Card 2/2 907/3804 5 13 20 25 P-1 " L 1 (1 V ff 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/1586 Tekhnologicheskiy spravochnik po kavke i ob"yemnoy shtempovke (Handbook on Open and Closed Die Forging) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 966 P- 15,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): M.V. Storozhev; Ed. (Inside book): S.B. Kirsanova, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: B.M. Gliner, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: T. F. Sokolova; Managing Ed. for Information Literature (Mashgiz): V.I. Krylov, Engineer. PURPOSE: The handbook is intended for engineers and technicans working in forging and the forming shops and in engineering design bureaus. It may also be used by teachers and students of technical schools. C.OnMGE: The handbook contains information on processes of forging SEM20 t closed die fo-m- ing as carried out on various kinds of forging and pressing machinery. Information is given on initial stockjmaking blanks, quality inspection of forgings and their heat treatment, and on engineering characteristics of basic machinery and mechani- zation equipment, on the making and on technical-econamic indexes and engineering standardization. The authors state that problems of manufacture by forging and press forming which have only been discussed up to now in periodicals and special- Card-*;Rp- Handbook on Open and Closed Die Forging sov/1586 ized literature are given in this handbook. No personalities are mentioned. There are 284 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Ch. I. Initial Stock for Forging and Die Forming (A, N. Malikov and A.F. Fedrov, Engineers) 1 Classification and properties of steel (Tables 1 to 11) 1 Sizes of ingots and billets (Tables 12 to 16) 21 Periodic shapes 26 Non-ferrous alloys (Tab;es 17 to 32) 30 Sizes of nonferrous bar stock (Tables 33 an(I 54) 43 Ch. IT. Plastic Deformation(M.V. Stor~bzhev-,Oandidate of Technical Sciences) 46 Crystalline structure of metals 46 Plastic deformation of metals 47 Mechanism of plastic deformation 47 Cold deformation 50 Hot deformation 54 Effect of various factors on resistance to deformation and plasticity 62 Temperature 62 Card 2/24 Handbook on Open and Closed Die Forging Structure and phase state Prevailing pattern of state of stress Speed of deformation Contact friction Size effect Basic concepts and equations of the state of stress theory Principal normal stresses Principal tangential stresses Octahedral stresses Differential equations of equilibrium Maximum yield stress (Plasticity condition) Distortion-ener&y condition of plasticity Maximum shearing stress condition of plasticity Approximate equations for plasticity conditions Stress-strain relations in plastic deformation General. premises Basic equations Theoretical determination of forces in metal forming General equations sov/1586 6~ 64 64 67 68 68 69 69 70 70 71 72 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 Card 3/24 H&LIKDV, A.H. Blaclzxmiths require that tongs should be discarded. IzobrA rate. no.7:12-15 JI 160. (HIM 13:8) 1. Gl&vW spetsialiat Gosudarstvannogo komiteta Sovets, Ministrov SSSR po avtomatizataii i mashinostroyeniyu. (Forging--Technological innovations) VALETOVv V.V.; VESVIKp M.I.; G014CHAROVp I.S.; DMITROVp D.V.; LUNEV, A.A.0- MOKINO M.I.; NESTEROV9 S.N.; SMIRNOVq V.P.; ALEKSEYEVy S.A.j, re- tsenzent; KARKAZOV, A.G., retsenzchA; KONDFATOWCH, V.M., reteen- zent; LEVIN, B.M... retsenzent; MALIKOV A N * retsenzent; SEGALE- 'N r=senzent; SHTERN, L.T., VICH, S.M.,, retsenzent; SHPAGI. , A. ~., retsenzent; YAKOBI, A.A., retsenzent; TIKHANOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red.; CHERBOVA, Z.I., tekhn. red. (Establishing norms for the consumption of materials in machinery manufacture; manual] Normirovanie raskhoda materialov v mashino- stroenii; spravochnik. Pod red. V.V.Valetova. Moskva, Gos. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. Vol.l. 1961. 583 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Machinery industry) POLYKOVSKT.Y, V.S.; MALIKOV, A.Ye. Some results in microthermometric studies of Iceland spar crystals from the Ugam River. Trudy Uz.geol.upre swair. 102-104 160. TMIRA 14:8) (Ugam Valley--Spar crystals) JD_ :ACCESSION NR: AT3001923 S/2912/62/000/000/OZ OZ67 JAUTROR: Malikov, A. Ye. TITLE: Guidelines for the advancement of the growing of -Lipgle crystals SOURCE: Kris tallizatsiya I fazovyye perekhody. Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR, :196Z, ?.64-267 iTOPIC TAGS: crystal, crystallization, crystallography, single, growing, growth, !Kyropoulos, fusion, solution, supercooled, supercooling, hydrothermal, sublima- tion, gaseous, phase, volcanic, volcanogenic, S, impurity, alloying element, alloy, primer. defect, dislocation, inclusion, fissure, puiffication, temperature barrier, NaCl, Cl. defectoscopy, X-ray, etching, ultrasound ABSTRACT; This condensed topical list comprises brief discussions on the follow- ing problems of the growing of single crystals (GSC) of various substances: (1) The ~most effective methods for the GSC appear to be the methods of heat removal and Icasting. Only these permit complete automation and elimination of the need for 'hyman personnel for continuous control and Intervention. The casting method pro- -posed by the author can, it is hoped, produce 10-15 and more alkali-halide crystals other compounds with 50-100-mm diam from a fusion. (2) The GSC from salld 1/4 19389-63 'ACCESSION NR: AT300_1_0_23,_-_____ Ahat are readily soluble in water or other solvents to old, and the technique s'ha*e changed but little with the passing of time. The Introduction of a cooled crystal. ~lizer and primer affords means for improved control of this process. Severe idefects In crystals occuring with inadequate crystallizer or primer design are ;cited. Special T-controlled crystallizer cabins, some 70'cm wide and Z m high, swith observation glass doors, are recommended. (3) The development of hydro- thermal growing of single crystals is urged. Outside of the synthesis of quartz, 'little is done with this method currently. Development of GSC under reduced pressure in an autoclave and in the presence of a T gradient, as well as under a strictly uniform lengthwise T distribution is urged. The reduction in pressure is. suggested, because the solubility of a substance decreases, 'band favorable condi- I tions for the growth of single crystals are thus provided. An interesting poss ior the development of hydrothermal synthesis appears to be the formation of a s'upersaturated zone in a single point, namely, adjacent to the primer crystal. The addition of a cooler equipped with a primer crystal in the,autoclave would provide a powerful 11c rystallization vestibule" which would be a constant producer, of usable crystalline material. This method appears especially promising for the'l making of hi h-grade single crystals of quartz, cancrinite, nepheline, and others. (4) the GSC ~, rectly from the gaseous phase, such as occurs in nature, for ex- ample, in the volcanogenic process of S-crystal formation, appears to offer the C,,d L 19389-63 ACCESSION NR: AT3001923 advantages of elevated quality. In this direction, the author proposes experiments on the solubility of gases and suggests the design of gas-vapor chambers for the (5) Inasmuch as the actual single crystal grown on a primer crystal inherits: the structural defects of the primer, it is important tkat high-grade primers be developed, free of lattice deformations, dialocations('%impurities, fissures, etc. !The Kyropoulos aqueous -solution c rystal =zation met od appears preferable there-1 for. (6) The following problems of process technology must be resolved: (a) puri-I fication of the substance of impurities up to a prescribed degree of purity; identification of suitable alloying additions for crystals which would not mpair .,the qualities of the crystal; (c) introduction of prescribed additions in the required; quantities; (d) development of materials for crucibles with nonwetting walls (for i fusions); (e) elaboration of suitable oriented primers; (f) a better understanding of the effect of temperature barriers on the crystalline structure; and (g) the making of crystals of required shapes: cubes, hexagons, tapes, spheres, and semispheres. A unitary theory of anneal must be developed to make a removal of I internal stresses possible. Our understanding of the inception of stresses in a observations growing crystal is inhibited by the lack of direct into the initial pro- cess of nucleation of crystals. (7) The filling of holes and vacancies requires the development of annealing procedures in an atmosphere of the same medium in which the crystal had grown; for example, a G1 atmosphere for NaGl. (8) The Card 3/4 L 1938943 ACCESSION NR: AT3001923 following methods for the inspection and control of defects in crystals must be ii developed to make high-quality GSC practicable: (a) The polarized-light optical. method; (b) the X-ray goniometric method; (c) the chemical (etching and decorar.-; ~ng) method; (d) the ultrasonic method., Orig. art. has no tables, figures of for- 1 mulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH, PH, MA, EL NO REFSOV: 000. OTHER: 000 Card 4/ 4 ~%LjKoV, B.F. jiKGSF-kLrjv'KO,A Gs R". F. Podetazhnoye Obrushenlye "od Rydrjym 24931 Mosalenko, A.G, I Malikov. B. Mntom. Gornyy Zhurnal. 1949i No. 8, c. 3-6 SO: Leto-pis, No. ~!, 1949 MKIN, U.S.; KAIPIKOV, B.F.; QAF01MKO. M.K.; CHEWDIM. A.Kh. a~:k Z T~.7 Ore chute sinking with the use of suspended cages. ikor.shar. no.l: Y#-36 Ja 156. (MYRA 9:5) (Sadon-Shaft sinking) BELYAYEV, V.G.; KALIKOV, B.F. Ways of ditermining the efficiency of boring machinery with sinker hammera. Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; tovet. met. 2 no.2:6-10 159. (MIRA 12:?) l.SeverokavkazakiF ogrnometallargichookiy institut, Kafedra razrabotki poleznykh iskopayamkh. (Boring machinery) BELTATLT, VA.;, HALIKOT, Bqffl. Scoanmic avaluatioa of nining the natal-bearing filling materials ta the Sadon Mines Izve vyes achabo zave; tovets not. 3 no. 6:153-156 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Severokavkazakiy gornometallurgichookiy institut. Kafedra rasrabotki mastoroshdanty poleanykh iskopayamykh. (Sadca region-Mining eneginearing-Costs) (Ore dressiag-Gosts) MC,SKALE14KO, A.G.; 14ALIKOV, B.F. Acdu-,,acy In trenching with existence of friable minerals in the hard rock. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tavet., met. 4 no.5:24-29 061. (MIRA 14:10) l.. Sevarokavkazskiy gornometallurgichaskiy institut.9 kafedra razrabotki mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopayam3kh. Rekamendovana kafedroy poiskovo-razvedochnogo dela Severokavkazskogo gornometall- urgichaskogo instituta. (Ores-Sampling and estimation) MALIKOV, B.G.; BRICHM, U.N., DOMI)ARIK, V.S. Results of experimental hydrolysis with a reduced hydronodalus at the Krasnoyarsk Hydrolysis Plant. GidrelizA lesokhIm.prom. 9-10v2:15-16 156. WaA 9:7) lJossayuzun nauchns-iseledevatal'skly institut gidrolJLznoy i sull- fitne-spirtevey premyshlennesti (for Nalikov).2.Krasnoyarskiy gidrolIEVY zaved (for Brichko, Bendarik). (Krasnoyarsk~-Hydrelysis) 3(2) AUTHORS: Petrov, Yeo N., Malikcv, B. N. S07,16-159-6-13/22 TITLE: The Problem of Enriching the Content -.f the Tojj(,graphic Map on a Scale of 1 : '00,000 (K 7.r.~pros-a cb soderzharliya topograficheskcy karty masshtata 1 ~00'000) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 10,59, Nr P- 44-49 ~',SSR) r ABSTRACT: The present topographic map nn h s,;a .c ,,f '. ~ J01,000 offers a very high accu--acy of the. fleld compilatl-or. 9-arvey but, on the other hand, it does not show all the :-f terrain inter- eating for the geologlat alth~--agh thes-, appear in the aerial photographs. The a~-,thpra cut gocloala-geo- morpholog-1cal investigations 'ho areF- of Vie Vakh Basin with the use of aerial surveys .-)n a 3cale of ' . 065,000. They point out some concrete shortcomings of ~he jraps, an-~ the methods of eliminating them. To ctlarify the Mstcry ,f mot;:~cr-a in the Quaternai-j period, to d9termil-ne thc, fc,!-dod stru.':~ture, and to saar-ih a numbGr of mineral the ana.'-yr--'q ~f the morpholoa of river val'eys lo of importan:iz.. There are, for instan,e, the Bo-olilled ';hangfng" va,'..'.--~ys. Th~-:y are formed when the eros-'r)n cf ~he r-'vc.--, 4-9 T,-~- Mr-MOUnt the Card 1/3 rising fcld, and the ri7Er rhanges i'8 -11-( a7o-d the newly The Problem of Enriching the C-:-ntent of "he S0716-59-6-13122 Topographic Map on a Sna'.p of ',-- 100,00~ shaped ale-i-ation, ' a i_`s-_-i:'3.y f-rm-31L in. the old plane 'Fig Such la6e ~-c- observation of the ment'..-riO ae:-,.a-_ Y4,- 4:-Dp~g-.aphl- map, howPV.SrV doea not ?.~. Figure 5 shows a. var'',.rt 9-1- -~.qteo~ ly th~- a fr.)r the oa`.d ru.-qr~.. Portions of tb.-: ea_--,bts ziu:-fane, vshi-lla dr..-.p r),isLd-ab~y, are reproduced in fc-rm r:.' "Inr7led" 'n manj 7-he initial ,3+agp -f their .ATies b- ba~-.k. In such 'lase `~Dq etnk~L~,- -ral-_.3ys r;,,7er-,i by lakes or moors, &p--. the se,.itic-A; of valleys ara distinctly ma:.-~-ed a st6~7--,rs~wsp.!- vievrLng of aerial (F-'.g A). 'Besiaps, oin sqe tbe outitnes of the b.B:i and o' ~t& On -~he topographic map on a scale of 1 . 100,000, the Yrb.:)1e valley se.:!tion is repre- sented as a pathless marshl%nd. The elements Gf the former hydrogz-aphilo system, c"learly vils~.Ll- in tbe a-_-r1a'_ pho --'j o graphs, are =)t shown :;n the tcp._-graph-*.: J,ap (Fig 5 " . in f--'.gu-re 6, the authors shoyr a convenier~t rapresp*.v, ;a-, ;ion of thf~i arpa. As a rule, the topagraphic man 1, , 1,00,000 f.rr -,mplet=-.-.y repri~sents the Card 2/3 el5ments of the ma.76h or-intly r;:'1i?f wh.'-c..12 1,--runft the evolution The Problem of Enriching the Content of the SOV16-59-6-13122 Topographic Map on a Scale 6f 1 : 100,000 of the river bed to be traced. The ~upographic map must indicate the kinks of the longitudinal profi'o of the river, as well as the characteristic relief elements by which the direction of the present tectonic motion can be determined The topographic map does not show the old laka basins and ;he small affluents wh-ich car. be we7l 8een stereoscopically from the relief as well as from the contrast --'P- vegetation. In the area of the West-9--berian Depression, the river terraces are an important objeci-- of investigations. They are n-.,~ shown :-n thF. map 3i.the.r. There are 9 fiTares. Card 3/3 TUYEZOVA, Nina Aleksandrovna; PrJnimali u-~-tstiye: DEMINA, R.G.; BRYUZGINA, N.I.; ROSTOVTSEV, N.N., glavnyy red.; GURARI, F.G., zameatitell glavnogo red.; UYANTSEV, D.F., red.; DFIMIKOV, I.F., red.; KAZARINOV, V.P., red.; KA1HGIN, A.S., red.; KOLOBKOV, M.N., red.; jMMALDj5DX,A-,N., red.; MIKUTSKIY, S,P,,, red.; BOTVINWIKOV, V.I.,, red.; -.BUDNIKCV, V.I,,, red,; BOGOMYAKOV, G.P., red.; SURKOV, V.S., red.; SUKHOV, S.V., red.; BOCHAROVA, N.I., red. [Physical properties of rocks in the West Siberian Plain.) Fizicheakie avoistva gornykh porod Zapadno-Sibirskoi nimennost-1. Moskva, Nedra,, 1964. 127 p. (Sibirskii nauchn(~-issledovateltskii institut geologiij geofiziki i minerallnogo syrlia. Trudyt no.31). (MIRA 18:7) LEBEDEV, I.V.,; KASIYANOV, M.V.. glavnyy red.; GURARI, F.G., zamestitell glavnogo red.; AMSBINSKIY, N.N., red.; ARUSTANDV, A.A., red.; DERBIKOV, I.V., red.; KAZARINOV, V.P., red.; KALUGIN, A.S., red.; MALIKOV, B.N.J. red.; MIKUTSKIY, S.P., r '-ZMM- red.; ROSTOVTSEV, N.N., ed.-, 6V, S.V., red.; TESL9NKO, Yu.V., red.; UMANTSEV, D.F., red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M.,; RAGINA, G.M., vedushchiy red. [Biostratigraphy of Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentsin Western Siberia] Biostratigrafiia mezozoiskikh i tretichnykh otlozhenii Zapadnoi Sibiri. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat. Vol. 1. 1962. 590 p. Vol. 2. (Atlas of paleontological plates and their explanations] Atlas Raleontologicheskikh tablits i obuiasneniia k nim. 1962. 128..pla.U-s. (Its Trudy, no.22). (MIRA 17:4) KAZARINOV, V.P.,; ROSTOVTSEV, N.N., glavnyy red.; SEGAL', Z.G., vedushchiy red.; GURARI, F.G., zamestitell glavnogo red.; AMSEMKIVY, N.11., red.; DERBIKOV, I.V., red.; KALUGPI, A.S., red.; ULIKOV, B.H.P red.; MIKUrSKIY, S.P., red.; SUKHOV, S.V., red.; TESLENKO, Yu.V., red.; UMANTSEV., D.F.., red.; GAVRILOVA, N.V.,, red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M... tekhn. red. (Geology and prospects kfor finding oil and gas in the northwestern part of the Siberian Platfona.) Goologicheikoe stroenie i poropcktivy nefte- gazonosnosti severo-zw,ada Sibirskoi T)latformy. Leningrad, Gostoptekhi- zdat, 1963. 183 P. (Trudy- -S-Ibirskc-fo,'nvatellskogo inslui- tuta geologii, genflzi~-,-*. i miner:il.nogo syrIya, no.28.] (MIRA 16111) , B.N. fir, ore sentat! on if, mjn,-r a,, I-PF C " - .-,L , - ~ ~ I - -' ~ , rz-- --'n maps. Trudy SNI ',Y,--LMS nc. 2 9.~' ' ~~ '- -,-, : I -'J- . I - - - - . -, . . ( VIJ R_k ` 8 , 3 1~ Khronc.pulo, IT. I P. , Khronojuio, L. "-. and thlikov, D. I. "Ways of increasi.11(7 the im,rer~ration of sheep and 'the hreedinj,, cf more successfal Xfgrir' :ihorn-ill- nauch. rabot ('iseso3ruz. rauch.-issled. inft ov-tsevodstva i kozovodstva), -~Ssue 17, 194E - Bibliog: 14 items SO: U-4355, 14 4ugust 531, (Letopis 'Zhurnal IVkh Statey, N, o- 15, 1949.) MALIKWI D. I. "Importance of the Age of the Animals inthe Breeding of Fine-Wool Sheep." Cand Biol Sci, All-Union Sci Res Inst of Sheep and Goat Husbandry, Stavroboll, 1953. (RZhDiol, No 3, Oct 54) Survey of Scientific and Te&mical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) Soz Sum. No. 481, 5 May 55 MALIKOV, D. I. 560 Ispollzovanie baranov-proizvoditelay. stavropoll, kn. izd., 1954. 40 s. s ill. 20 sm. 3.000 ekz. - 60 k.- Bibliogr. v kontse knigi, Z54-4,53002 p 636-3.082.4 + Z016-17 SO: Knizhnaya Letopis, Vol. 1, 1955 stoc'-- I 2u 12. Scient f'J c I.,stitu: e )f Mee, Gcat I'itlo The Liol:,L--ica-~ Fltu.cti -),~ of 13ui--Lci.:cl-.tary Scx--,al Gland Sccreti-i--o. Or;,~ r-ub-: 'ijyul. nauc'--no-te'll.,ri. Vscs. :)lrtscvoclstva i kozcvcdstv--, 1)56(1.)~7), Il- 3 (25), 1-94-1)7- pcri.~ a r-:,'G spull., -. , s i; acti -to' t.~mct: D-- the f irst c~q la m -v- d by the cdditioi~ ..f 1,4 0 illUO, water, and thmi after Vic restoration of isct~ni,-,ity, it was nixed wi,,li less -,,-L,)blc si~crr,. frr,7- t'.;c first ejaculctions of cnother 'Imie rrcrntcz(,-J'-' c~.-t~-vlty was bocst&. 'Ly L11, by tuls Card 1/ S:nll lfcrnc~! stccll:- 'Is ---lux: Rof Zhur-Dicl.. 195(~, 92612. J L Z;. -5 t;,o :-I,Ori- cula-ions was incru.".su, 'L)Y: 1) tl,,c ,-f' snen.. f r.,i,. ',Ji cjavala-ic..., 2) -Iix- ture vri-Ih the livu j-, u--.. -S the sccorl u-J!I-.c-,-.I--ti~-:v3 u: flui.' il,---,~-,. fjrot cnd t' 'c scc-,~- .culpatic,ls f2h~: cffk~cLi ,ICSS Cf firS*t C by Ir,"', -,11,;hc.,Li,,-h wcdj:~it of lt-.;..L;s whicl. wer,~ born froi-i ew(--.3 L.Lx:-d- nated by the s-.1cr wa:: hicher L-- insa!inatcl by tlic cjacu1,Itic)IIL;. Dc i s re c - zendc; Lhat t'ic: s',,.L-u 'Do inser rtatc: ..li4-!-. 1,- -S Lan', a-.d uJaculati-n, -- V.V. ,-a-2 2/2 74 USSRIFan-a ;,aimals. General Problems I,.d3s Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 19, 1958, No 88015 j',uthor XoVD-~ Inst ',11-Union Scientific Rescarch Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding Title Electro Ejaculator for Obtaining Seuen From the Smaller Ruminants Orig 1--ub By,,d. nauchno-te-&hn. inform., Vs,~,S. n.-i. in-t 0vts,:wndstva i kozovoclst,,a, 1956 (1957), No 3, (25), 197-200 .'.bstrv-ct No abstract Card 1/1 CIOMAY USSR Farm Animals. Sheep AM. JOTP,. : RZBiol., No. 1.1, 1958, No. 59556 AUTHGiZ : Malikov, D. Io 1Y3T. Insemination of Ewes with a Reduced Dose of Semen ORIG. PUB. Ovtsevodstvo, 1957, No 9, 21-22 AB3TRACT With an equal number of 3parmatozoa in a ~Iose, the insenInatj.on of owes with semen diluted with an egg yoliz-citrated medium In- creased the fertilization from 73 to 81% and the number of lambs born by 6 heads per 100 dams. The use of milk for the dilution of semen with an equal number of spermatozoa ( about 150 million) decreased fertilization b7 15% compared with the egg yolk-eitrated CAiID: 1/3