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310511 62/012/005/009/02l E075/E136 AU rnuits: :,;ak.5 Linov and Rozmaa, I.M. Ti'rLE: On the transfer of energy in solid solutions PERIGJiCAL: Cotika i spektroskopiya, v.12, no.5, 1962-, 6c)6-6og T6,,,T: Lxpr,-stjions were obtained for the decay of light emission of donor molecules and for the quantum yield of the energy of transfer from donor -to acceptor molecules.. Decay function N D (t) was given by: t t N (t) = N (0) exp 2 q D D 0 0 and the quantum yield of the transfer given asi Tit qe q2 e-X2 dx (2) q where: TO = mean life of thte excited molecules of donor in the absence of acceptor, And q = a value proportional to Card l/ 2 On the transfer of energy in solid .. S/051/62/012/005/009/021 E075/E136 concentration nA of acceptor molecules, which depends on their optical characteristics and dielectric properties of the medium' (factor B) and is 2~ iven by: 1/2 q 2 Tr- 3 BT 1/2 n = 2/3g-L 3/2 BT n s (3) 3 0 A 0 A ND(t) and were evaluated for stationary molecules with different degrees of correlation between directions of the dipole moments of donor and acceptor molecules. It was found that Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) apply to solid solutions, but in Eq.(3) the numerical value of parameter s is different from /2 /I- . The postulate of Foerster-Galanin, stating that the 11 3 molecules are points in space, is considered acceptable if the average distance between donor and acceptor molecules R is greater than the sum of their "radii" R12' The critical concentration of acceptor, above ifhich Zqs. (1), (2) and (3) do not apply, is 6.3 x lo-3 R12- 3. Card 2/2 SUBINITTED: April 6, 1961 S/048/62/O26/)O1/01,)/o1a B125/B104 AUTHOR: Maksimov, M. Z. TITLE; Reactions with exchange of surface nucleons PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya.. Seriya fizicheokaya, v. 261 no. 1, 1962, 131 - 137 TFXT: The author describes only the principal stages of calculation of the differential exchange reaction cross sections, tind presents the final results which were obtained under the following simplifying conditions: The exchange takes place with single odd surface nucleons, and single-particle states are excited. The interaction of colliding ( -J, _;' :r2p'1)6(- _ nurlei is given by V r - r') = -(\4110' r The Coulomb and 0 nuclear interactions of the nuclear residues are neglected. Under these conditions, one obtains d,3 lzavb kb 4=~M -T - .-_. _T__ FG-b r [GAB (2), Card 1/5 Tob 2W'). k- f S/048/62/026/001/01 5/0 16 Reactions with exchange of ... B125/B104 allowing for the corresponding center-of-mass correction for the colliding particles. Here, hi is the nucleon mass; M , M and 11 A a b are the masses of the nuclei A, a, B and b; 'At and -kb are the momenta of the incident and departing particles in the center-of-mass systemi a is the free nucleon scattering cross section; 2 and -G- 2 are the o ICABi abi mean squares of the matrix elements of the transition of.nuclei from A to B, and from a to b, respectively. For 1i a = 11bone has pa/M = it b/M = MA -M a/(MA + Ma). The elimination of the portion due to pure exchange from the angular distribution of the departing particles is important for proving the existence of strongly correlated complexes in the nucl For the investigation of the nuclear excitation level, however, the exchange of surface nucleons is even more significant. Of the thre-- methods for calculating the direct reaction cross sections and the corresponding form factors (I - integration over the external and internal ranges of the nuclei involved; II - integration over the external range only; III - assumption that the nuclear interaction takes place either with the surfaces or with surface nucleonfl, the proper one can be Card 2/5 S/048/62/026/001/015/()lr-, Reactions with exchange of ... B125/B104 chosen only on the strength of experimental data. Most of the direct reactions are described best by II and III. The form factor G1. - Ao" ( QB.) = C~Q P, )^-; (4) Qd 1 1/2 kd - k, 1; Q, 12/S ki - kd I- would follow from III for the deuteron or triton in the stri 'oping and pickup reactions. For III, the elements of the transition matrix are given by 4. (2L + 1) (21A + 1) (21B + 1) (1,LOO/IBO)' X 1-0 4A12 J2 At A (5). X M UAIA, IBIB; '/2L)h4.RATIATiB 1. AIA QRA - 2 A similar expression holds for 1_~abj. For QRA4~1 1, the analogy zith the "long-wave approximation" is complete. OR A1,4 1 is valid especially for Card 3/5 5/048/62/026/001/01~,/018 Reactions with exchange of ... B125/B104 small angles if E a /Ma->-0.4 A2/3 Mev.- IGAB! 2 and, consequently, alno the probability that the nucleus remains in the state nucleon + core can be estimated from measurements of the exchange effects of the various incident particles with one and the same nucleus. If this probability is known, the form factors for other nuclei can be estimated. The angular distribution'of the main group of tritons originating from the reacticin Be9(He3,t)B9 was satisfactorily calculated from the anFular 3, icular distribution of the reaction (He t);~-5(t,He3), which is of interest for t1i present purposc . The influence of the ex: i,e effert in the reactions (d,2n), (d,2p), and (d,pn) at the same nuclc-is can be estimated if 1G 12,1,ffd,- 2 , and the cross section for the reaction He3 t 2ni (He 't~ =>(t,He3) at any nucleus are known. The excitation cross sect~0~1 of collective levels in exchange reactions can also be cale,ilated by Kor,lev's method (Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz., 24, 903 (1960)). Ts. Sh. i'hachiba.ya is thanked for calculations. There are 2 fi(rures and 22 rc r-r!~ncps: 8 Soviet and 14 non-';oviet. The four most recent referenc,~s Carl S/048/62/02 Reactions vvith exchange of B125/BIOA to English-language publicaticna read ao fr-lijwq., ~I_jci E L M., Froc. Phys, Soc, 76. 1,95 (1960) Fairbairn W IV, 67A, 990 (1954). Goldberger M. D,, Blank 1. M Phys. P~_v T-1960); Ajzenberg F., Lauritsen I , Nucl. Phys 3 Middle*.on R, Proc. Phys, Soc,, 74, 196 (1959) ASSOCIATTON, Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii rR-;:, (Phys ico technical institute of tne Acadern.-.- ,f 'S Gruzinskaya SSR) Card 5/5 MAKSIMOV. H#,z. Application of the one-dimensional shower theory to the calculation of intranuclear cascades. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.9:3.172-1179 S 162. (14IRA 15:9) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (Nuclear reactions) MAKSIMOV, M.Z, ,- - , ~~ t - --- Representation of the density of the nucleus and its potential by various analytic functions and their application in studying the interaction of particles with nuclei. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.10:'-"19-1328 0 163.. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Fiziko-teklinicheskiy institut AN GruzSSR. KHULELIE.17E, D.Ye.; CHIKHLADZE', V.L.; K~KSJFMCV, ',!.Z.; MURRIYEV, V.G. Excitation furict,,~-jns of (d',~I) and ((Y-, 1-1) reactions on tin isotopes. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47no.2:393-39c) Ag 164. (M:RA l7tlO) ACCESSION NR: AP4043607 S/0056/64/047/002/0393/0399 AUTHORS: Khulelidze, D. Ye.r Chikhla~ze, V. L.; Maksimov, M. Z.; Onufriyev, V. G. TITLEi Excitation functions of the reactions (a, -e) and (a. n) on tin isotopes POURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 2, 1964, j93-399 TOPIC TAGS: excitation, alpha particle reaction, samarium. telluri- um, tin, alpha cross section ABSTRACT: In view of the unexpectedly large value of the cross section the authors obtained previously (Programma i tezisy* dokladov XIII yezhegodnago soveshchaniya po yadernoy spektroskopii [Program and Topics of Papers of 13th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectrosco3y] AN SSSR, 1963h the excitation fuyWons of tb reac tions Smll.-(ci, y)Tell6' Smi (CIO n)Te'115 and Sm (a, n)Te"? were Card 1/5 ACCE$SION NR: AP4043607 measured in the alpha-particle energy range 10--20 MeV. The valuea obtained for the cross sections at the maximum were 8, 54, and 290 mb, respectively. with the crrsa sections of the (a, Y) reaction very large. A technique usinq stacks of foils was employed., with the energy of the alpha particles incident on each foil calcu- lated from the range-energy ratio (N. Z. Maksimov, ZhETF, v! 37, 127, 1959)j The corresponding cross sections are calculated on the basis of the compound-nucleus model. The probability of gamma emission is calculated both in the single-particle approximation and by means of formulas which take into account the giant reso- nance structure. In the latter case, the agreement with experiment is better. '"In conclusion, the authors are deeply grateful to cor- responding member AN SSSR B. S. Dzhelepov for useful advice and con- tinuous interest in the work.' Orig. art. hass 2 figures and 5 formulas. ASSOCIATIONs None Card 2/5 ACCESSION NR: AP4043607 SUBMITTED: .13Aug63 ENCLt 02 SUB CODEs DIP NR I(EF SOV: 005 OTHER: 011 ca,d 3/5 ACCESSICH NRs AP4043607 ENCLOWtUg 01 hr al--fj SbIAF..q '~WA4 fl-V if$ I I Y I. MY 115. 116 Decay scl~~ of Te and Te for the transitim with 94 keV energy Card 4/5 ACCF.SSja4 HR, AP4043607 dmyll IWO, Vb ZNCU)SURg, 02 IN, /2 ts V I# Ile mev Emmev C'e, Mey Cross sdctions of reactions i a - Sn 112 (a, Y) Te 116b Sn 112 (a, n) Te 115 c - Gn U4 (a# n) Te 117 as a 4-kmction of the alpha-particle 1&. eneM Card 5/5 :AM5023891.7 scamp Lad 19 46.' Y -tut"'dout AA- Nw, 'IT- 71, Cird AA It ITI tt K --J i MO V, KAKSIMOTF ..,slesarl tramvayuogo depo; BELOSTOTSKIT. T.A.. glawnyy inzhener ~jj".k traLwayuogo depo im. Kirova, konsulltant; TAKAROTICH, M.A., redaktor; GUROTA, O.A., tekhaicheskiy redaktor [Pneumatic equipment works faultlessly] Vozdushnoe oborudovante deistruet bezotkazno. Moskva. Izd-vo Ministerstva kommin 11nogo khosiaistva RSFSR. 1953. 33 p. (MLRA 7:9) (Street railroads) (Compressed air) 14PMIMOW., Nina [Maksimov, Nina] (Genf) I Data on the water household of Lake Geneva. Hidrologiai koz- lonY 43 no.6:519-520 D 163. KAXSI~% general-Wor inzhenerno-tekhnicheekoy sluzhby. 1~L%%-."~F-'15,11- ~JAW- Features of the operation of aeronautical equipment under winter conditions. Vest. Vozd. 71. 41 no.12:58-64 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Airplanes-Mintenance and repair) KAKSIMOT. N.A. m20. ~ study of topographic maps in an organized group. Geog.v shkola no.2:44-49 Mr-Ap 154. (KLRA 7:2) (Maps) KANSIMOV, N. Work with Plans and mavs. Geog.v shkole 20 no.4:49-55 JI-Ag '57. (KIAA 10:7) 1. Shkola No.554, Mosk7a. (Kap drawing--Study and teaching) (Kochanical drawing) ,~MAKSIMOYI - __j *Geograpby corner* in school. Geog. v shkole 23 no. 6:61-65 N--D 160o (MIRA 13;11) 1. 544-ya, ahkola. g.Koskvy. (Noscov--Geography--Study and teachi-ag) MAKSIMg,JL&~, Studying the topic "Earth and its m ove ment" in the fifth grade. Geog. v shkole 25 no.6:42-49 N-D 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Astronomical geography-Study and teaching) MAKS]YOV, N.A., aspirant --. &perimimtal study of atrophic rhinitis in young pigs. V6terinarila 4.1 no.809-40 Ag 164. (MIRA .18--4) 1. MoBkovskiy takhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy pramyshlennostio MAKSIRGVJ~ 'i,3pirant . Ptlologi c role of trichomonads in Infectious attrop~lc rhir.1"3 of swine. VeterinariJa 42 nc.5:58 My 165. (MIRA 19; 6i 1. McBkovskiy tekhrmlolvlchesk~y institut rVasnoy i moloch-my - pronVahlennosti. ANDIRYUNIN, A.M.; MAKSIMOV, N.I. IZZ, Autr-atic pumping out of water from quenching stations. Sbor. rate. predl. vnedr. v proizv. no.2:49-50 161o (MIRA 14:7) 1. Magnitorgorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. (Coke :industry) AID P - 4587 S ub USS R/A e ro na ut i c a Card 1/1 Pub.- 135 - 22/2-~ Author Maksimov, N. K. Title Artillery armament of aircraft Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 2, 91-96, F 1956 Abstract On the basis of several American and British aviation periodicals the author reviews the armament of modern fighters and bombers. Several types of American and British aircraft, machine guns, cannons, rockets and missiles af% mentioned. Three photos, 2 sketches, 1 table. Institution : None Submitted : No date Subject USSR/Aeronautics - training Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 26.126 AID P - 5141 Author Maksimov, N. K., Engineer Title Devices f)r recording of projectiles when flying at aerial targets. Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, lo, qq--96, 0 1956 Abstract : The author, on the basis of foreign literature, describes some devices used for recording of projectiles and missiles during the firing at aerial targets. One photo, 3 sketches. Institution : None Submitted No date AID P - 5454 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - arm~,.,,ment Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 31/31 Author Maksimov, N. K., Engineer Title Six-barrel aircraft cannon Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 1, 95-96, Ja 1957 Abstract The author on the basis of foreign literature describes the construction and the use of a sly-barrel aircraft cannon of "Vulcan" design. Institution None Submitted No date V-M- inzhoner; FITROVA. Y.T.. redaktor isdatelletva; GUSEYA, S.S., tekhnicheaki.v redaktor [Regulations concerning crew chiefs, masters. superintendents in construction work] Polozhentia o brigadire, masters i proizvoditele rabot v stroitellstva. Koakva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po strott. i arkhit.. 1957. 22 P. (KIaA 10:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitet po delam strottelletva (Construction Industr7) /` / , ?/,- 0~;j /1" C, ~/I;\~ it! i KAKSIMOV, U.N. --- - Circuits for the topic "Three-phase current." Pblitekh. obuch. no.l: 46-47 Ja l 58. (MIRA 10:12) (Ilectric engineering--Study and teaching) MAKSIMOV, Nx. - Static phase transformer and experiments with it in the secondar7 school. Politekh. obuch. no-5:52-55 M7 158. (MIRA 11:5) l.Podagogicheakiy institut, Yaroslavl'. (Electric transformers) MAKSI MDV, H. H. Functioning model of a wind electric power plant. Politakh.obuch. no.12:67-68 D 158. (HIRA 11:12) Is TaroslAvskly goandaretvanrWy pedago Icheakty institut. (Bloctric power plants-lbdelel (Pbysico--Study and teaching) -MAKSIMOV, 11.14. Working nodal of a water meter. Politolch.obuch. no.6:72-74 Je 159. (MIRA 12-Ul) 1. Yaroslavuldy padagogichankiy Inatitut. (Water mntnra) ~ FJJ,1AUITTK324, IT.P.; SHUVAYEV, A.S.; PALKIN, V.I.; 11112ZOVA, A.S.; TARABMIKO, PJ.; K11011-ISYM, R.V.; C211PP, L.V.; DOBPSIIIY,,o G.S.; FLEROVA, L.I.; RAFIYMTYO, I.I.; -PALIMOV, I.I.; UVAROV, I.M.; NM42,' DUBRC)VM,J, P.Ye.; LIKHACHEVA, O.A.; UVAROVA, I.I. Conference of the Teaching Staff and Students of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; eol, i razv. 6 no.12:143-148 D 163 WIRA 18:25 XRM, Ye.H.; BOLOTINSKIY, Ye.A.; GOSHTEYII. L.S. LJI&X�IHqV, N.N. Registering cathode oxyhemograph [with summary in English]. khim. 2 no.6:457-461 N-D '56. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Institut fiziologii imeni I.P.Nvlova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (OXYGEN. in blood saturation determ. by registering cathode oxyhemograph) MAKSIKOV~ No No, Cand of Geol - Min Sci -- (diss) "Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Eastern Carpathian Paleogene,' Llvav, 1959, 16 pp (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, Ukrainian SSR. LIvov State University im Iv. Franko) (KL, 7-6o, 1o7) RMIGIOT, B.G.; NAISMOV, U.N.: KOSTYUNINA, G.P. Complex automatic safety devices for heating plants. Gaz.proz. 5 no.8:29-32 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Gas appliances-Safety measures) (Automatic control) RODIGNOV, B.G., MAYSP-TOV, N.F., KOSTMIINA, G.F. Automatic temperature control in gas-heated spaces. Ga-. prcci. 6 no.9:25--28 t6l. (MIRA 14:32) (Gas-Heating bmd cooking) (Automatic control) KOSTYUNINAP G.P., inzh.-_,MAKSIMDV. N.N. ~ Temperature fluctuations in gas space heating u3ing continuoas, action appliances. Ispoll. gaza v nar. khoz. no.2:87-102 163. (KRA l8t9) 1. Laboratoriya avtomatizateli i telemakhanJzatalt SaratoveRogo gosudarstvennogo nauabno-issledovatellskogo I proycktnogo instituta po ispollzovaniyu gaza v narodnorm khozyaystve. MAKSD4OVq N.P. Use of microfilming in foreign cartography [survey of foreign literature]. Geod. i kart. no.6:61-69 Je 163. (~aRA 16:9) (14ikrophotography) (Cartography) SMMKOV, Pavel 11avlovich; LEVCHENKO, Leonid Dmitriyevich; -- MAKSD11OV, N.P.p nauchn. red.; GL.,1'MNC-VA, Z.M., red. [Ways of Increasing labor productivity in housing construction] Puti povyoheniia proizvoditellnosti truda v zhilishchnom stroitel'stve. Moskvag Stroiizdat, 1964. 64 p. (MIRA 17:7) "W Yu. A.; Yi:. A.; V. ~v;oiov, A. ?.:.; J. A.; V. i0i. Vy.;o L::' 'y, Yu. A. ; ~Iaiwjkiy, V. jjy otrov, V. V.; V. ; ',tv;-.v-,-ov, D. A. Germanov, Yu. G. .Iaku nov N. P. A.; "-[I in, V. V. 'te -,,,nounccd by "'Nef -pribor" Pactory ~;Lass 42, :~O- !01,466 ;.J;-n.:3trki-.-on of :.-.0o6orsovnza~khoz Nc-f 'opribor" (Zavod L-oroz3L--oy~aiya ;.,-os6oroovna~IchozL)7 ~Zoa*-'Ct PrOM 0b- 1966, 94 tov zn, no. 15, ~~AGS: -,ciLzicolo;,ic zlation, scismoloC;ic instrument C2: Aizthor Ccrtificato -,)resents a rein-mic st tation containinC a sciade oi ~-61 dotocl;or, ~. rk;cordkna Lwaplificr unit, an o--cillo,-rap*n, a manctic drur. a chaw-,ol roproduc-L',ion tu-iit, a control unit, a reproduction amplifier, a -.icI-.:%ano. uo.-(:holo probo, a drum with photo a hio paper, a rotr r, ttin it, Cr 1) ans A - un r.~id a pov;cx supply. To increase the reliability when transfarrine from operation with~ -.o irx-,,hod of reflected vraves to the method of refracted waves, a filter unit is coancozed between the first and second ataGes of the recording amplifier unit. 'A Cor 1/2 UDC: 550-340i19 A C C A26029933 aeries iLnit and a reel type mapietic recorder are connected in -.o Lhc outpiit of the recordin5 amp!.-'ficr unit. ?or operation with the method of vufractril the fiiter w-tit has frequency cutoffs of 7-30 hz, and for operation at se-o-frequency cutoffo of 20-50 hz. To increase the reliability of tne recorded C;iza with operation by the method of remlated directional receptions a switching ~;:-it for tac chayuicls to be summed, a static correction unit, and a sumrdna unit are conaccted in Gorias botween the mapnotic drum recorder and the reproduction amplifier.i "o increase reliability when transferring from operation with the method of roficcwd -aavos to ricisraic loCC;in-, a.frequonc~r selection unit is connected between LL&C multicharaiel borchole probe and the maenotic drum recorder. To improve the quality of the recorded material, an electron beam unit for introducinG static and cyn=ic corrections is connected between the reproduction amplifier and the drum with phoz phic raper. 'M COD:;. OB/ SUBY, DATE: 051lay65 POPOV, I.Y.; MAKSIMOV. N.S. ModeliZ in engineering geolog7. Izv*vys.Etcheb.zav.; geol .1 razv. no-3:106-108 My 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Ko'skovski~ gosudarstvennyy universitet Im. M.V. Lomonosovs. (Geological modeling) Af masimov, H.S. Possibilities for econozdzing electric power used for canicipal needs. Gor.khoz-Mosk- 34 no.2:17-18 7 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika gorodsipy elektroinspektaii Energosbyta "Mosenergo." (Moscow--3lectric utilities) 14ANSIMOV, N.V., starshiy tekhaik-laytenant. Save time In refueling airplanes. Vest.Vozd.71. 40 no.7:7546 ji 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Airplanes--Refueling) 137-58-1-625 s I f"', z - V Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 98 (USSR) AUTHOR: Maksimov, N. V TIT LE: The Condition of the Roll Surfaces in Cold Sheet Mills (0 sostoyanii poverkhnosti valkov listovykh stanov kholodnoy prokatki) PERIODICAL: Tr. Khar'kovsl- politekhn in-ta, 1957, Vol 9, pp 193-197 ABSTRACT: An investigation by rneans of prints establishes that there is a significant difference between the longitudinal and transverse roughnesses of rolls (both when new and when worn). The long- itudinal roughness is more uniform in size The surfaces of cold rolling mill rolls become smoother with use. V ~ D 1. Rolling mill"olls 2. Rolls-Surface conditions Card I/ I SURAPIN, Ye.F.; 14MIKOV, NV- - New notionB about the coefficient of friction in caze of Flastic compression. Trudy KhPI 21 Ser.met. no-4:63-67 '59. (MIRA 14:7) (Friction) MAKSIMOV, N.V. Investigating surface smoothness of rolling-mill rolls. Trudy KhPI 21 Ser.met. no-4:69-72 159. (MIn 14:7) (Rolls (Iron mills)-Testing) SHkWIN, le.F. [deceased]; MAKSIMDV, N.V. ~ --~P - Using,the upsetting of wedgelike specimens for the determination of friction coefficients. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 noJilO5-M 163. WIRA 16-5) 1. Khartkov-skiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Friction-Te sting) PODCHESOV, E.N.; b3TROYNOVSKIY, V.V.; VSTAVSKIY, L.I.; KURASOV, D.A.; CHUMAKOV# V.N.; SOROKIN, V.M., inzh., retsenzent; MAKSIFIOV, t ed"- -k-.VI,,-Acand. tekhn. nauk, red.; VOROBOYEVA, L.V., ekhn.r . (maintenance and repair of ChS2 and ChS3 electric locomotives; work practices in the "Oktiabr'" repair shop of the Southern Railroad] Obsluzhivanie i remont elektrovozov CHS3; opyt kol- lektiva depo "Oktiabr'" IUzhnoi zheleznoi dorogi Moskva Transport, 1964. 99 p. (LRA 17:4~ MAKSIMOV, N.V., inzh.; NOGA, N.A., inzh., MISHCHENKO, I.A., inzh. Increasing the strength of dle blocks. Hashinostroenie no.5t45-46 S-0 164 (MIRA l8z2--) MAKSI140V I D Studying the bvitch-on process of regenerative braking on the N8 electric locomotive. Trudy MIT no.135:92-103 161. (MlWt 15:1) (Electric locomotives-Brak6b) GORNOV, O.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; MAKSIMV, N.V., inzh. -------- - Make fuller use of the potentials for electric power savings in the operation of electric miltiple-unit trains. Zhel.dor. transp. " no.802-54 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Electric railroads-Management) KOLYCHEV, G.K.; LYUTTSAU, A.G., inzh., retsenzent; ~WIMOV, N.V.., kand. tekhn. nau , red.; VASIL'YEVA, N.N., (Block systems of d.c. locomotives] Blokirovki na elektro- vozakh postoiannogo toka. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 62 p. (HOA 17:3) MARCBENKO, Yuriy Valentinovioh; _~IWR~qy, --N.V. 2 kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [maintenance and operation of ~L60 and VL80 electric locomotives'l Obsluzhivan4-e i ekspluatatsiia elektrovogov VL60 i VL80. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 255 P. (MIRA 18:2) GORCHAKOV, Ye.V., k4d.tnk~~n.nnuk; MAKSIMON I V kand., I GfJJ,RFPhSfiENE'r'3, B."'j. Reducing electric power consumption for tr.-ttn tract.-n. 46 no.12.31--~4 D 164. (V]RA 19,:J) .. Glawiy.~r inzhfn~r ~'rsk~~vF,-y loropi for ACC NRt APU6021460 SOURCE CODE: uR/o413/66/oao/oll/oo8o/oo8o INVENTOR: Drozdov, A. A.; Bereza, G. V.; Kochepasov, A. P.; M4#imox. N. V.; SharikoV, V. V. ORG: None TITLE: A device for centralized control of the amplitude of seismic signals in seia- mic stations. Class 42, No. 182353 [announced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geophysical Exploration Methods (Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1.1, 1966, 8o TOPIC TAGS: nonelectric signal equipment, seismology ABSTRACT- This Author's Certificate introduces a device for centralized control of the amplitude of seismic signals in seismic stations. The installation contains a mechanical stepper switch. Reliability is improved by installing a voltage divider at the input of each channel of the seismic station. One arm of this divider is a resistor connected in series with the signal circuit, while the other is a bridge type diode switch connected in parallel with the signal circuit. Card 1/2 UDC: 550-34o,ig DATHe 13May65 lvw~resiator 2".diode avitch s4- L-t w. 3/169/61/000/008/013/()53 A006/A101 AUTHM M&ksimov, N. V. TITLE. Observations of Ice formation on the surface of the Fedahenko glacier tongue PERIOUICAL~ Refarativzyy zhurnal, Geo'izlka, ro. 8, 1962, 68, abstraot 8V514 Cl;r. Sredneaz, n,-1. g1dr'ometaorol. in-ta', 1960, no. 3 k'18), 52-54) TM: The lower ze~tion of ihe snow layer on cha glacier t3ngue trans- f orms into Ice during the melting period. An ice crust of 13 3m mean thickness is formed, which is 10% of the maximum water reserve In the snow and 5% of the m4ddle layer of ice, melting every year (the m&x1mum cr-usm thickness was 27 am in 8 years) , During further me'Lt-.'ng and reduction of snow thickness the lee crust also becomes thinner and malts subsequently. The lee crust3on a glacier are much thicker than -~he similar crusts on gro-and surfaces during thaw weather or in the spring. A, K. [Abstracter's notee Complete translationli Card 1/1 ..,- 14AKBINDV, 0. Management should not be like that. NTO no.10:56 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1.Uchenn sekretarl sovets. Nauchno-takhnicheakogo obahchestva tree ta "RyazanstrW. . (R.vazan--Building research) MAKSIMOVP O.B. -- .... .. - - Effect of a pyridine solution of hydrogen peroxide on brown, bituminous and oxidized coals. Trudy DVFAIJ SSSR. Ser. khim. no.6-60-82 162. (MIRA 17:8) MAYSIMV, O.B. Produots f' the oxidative decomposition of humic acids, Dokl. AN SSSR. 164 no.2.-336-339 S 165. (KERA 18:9) 1, Institut biologicheski aktivnykh veshchestv Dallnevostochnogo filiala SibIrskago otdeleniya AN SSSR. Submitted February 10, 1965. DUHDMOV,H.D., inzhener; SAMSONOV,V.N... KARIPMO,F.A.; KRICIER.H.I.: KUZIKB*P.G., kandidat toldmichaskikh nauk; SHILTAPIN,R.S., kandidat takh. nauk; MUSIN inzhaner; MALYSERV.K.I., profeagor; RODS t takh.nank; GCLIDSHrM,H.N professor; ABMV,Yu.N.,professor. Discussion of the problem of building on coarsely porous settling soils. Stroi. prom. 33 no.5:40-45 Vq '55. (MLRA 8:6) (Soil mechanics) KULICHITM IY; Ya.0.[KulIchytsIkyi, IA.0.1; MMIMOV, O.V. (Maksymov, O.V.1; KHLOIONIN, K.L. Prob~--em of the Lower Oligocene as revealed by the Eastern Carpathians. Geol,zhur. 22 no.1:59-65 162. (143RA l5t2) 1. M rainskiy nauchno-liledovatellskiy gornorudnyy institut, L'vov. (Carpathian Mountains--PalonotologypStratigraphic) ~SHGHEPFTIL'NJKOV, V.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; KAMNSHY, V.A., dotsent.. kand. tokhn. nauk; i~~ J. inzh. Causes of the deterioration of the elastic elements of the type RK-1A drive of generators mounted under passen er cars, Trudy MIIT no.195:20-33 164. IMIRA 18:9) CHEREPANOV, K.A.; MAKSIMOV.9 P.G. Modeling the temperature field of the hearth bottom of an open-hearth furnace by means of an EI-12 electric inte- grator. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.2:173-177 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Sibirskiy metal-lurgicheakiy institut i Kuznetakiy metaLUurgi- cheskiy kombiAat. DINISMIO, Ivan Karlcovich; UPUSTIN. KLrill Yeremayevich; Mall W.-. ZALULich; SZMRINNI]IOT, B.S., redaktor; UPOKIFTASHC T, . ., orlidatelletva; ATTOMICK, X.I., takhnichookly radaktor [Organisation of repairs of open-hearth furnaces] Organizatatia proizvodstva remontov martanovokikh pechai. Koskva. Goo. nauchno- tekhn. isd-vo lit-ry po chernot i tevetnoi astallurgii, 1956. 446 p. (Open-hearth furnaces) (KLRA 9:7) MEMO -77-7-- 161rdmizatImol Work L ReDum of 0 AM -3 MI. '[III ~Uflgian],~-ITM t6lW; 4.60, (.11, 317 Lit at- ~iI6 Kumetsk wotiallorgicAl OOP 171 ation of OJI, npiim arn N~t ~l 7.7" , -T ia Fi t tekk,n lc ne f-,,: j. n all't : S HABIl 'li 1 Y D--ZI:K',Yj-F7, gomn inzi,eTer. st igat irw tae ee -)r-etrj- n,' s,r,:; lag. Gor. zhu--. no. Zsvndno-Sibjrs,ojo f ilin k'naem 1 (frjr lp~i,,ytiii, &ric, alkov) . 2. lornoye e Aj -j- v-~:oeo tretn1lurgicineekorc eonbinate (f or MEil:34mov rend t- engineering', I DUBYNIF,q H.G.; IVAROVA, L.T.J, Breaking ore with deep vertical blastholes. Trudy Inst. g or. dela, Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.3:188-199 160. OMIRA 14:4) (Gornpays. Shoriya-Iron mines and mining) (Blasiing) ammov, P.I. Characteristics on Injuries of the lower extremities in the medicolegal practice of the Noldavian S.S.R. Zdravookhranenie 2 no.6-.37-39 N-D 159. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Iz kafedry sudebuoy meditainy (zav. - doteent P.G. Areshev) KIshinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (K0LDATIA--IVn%NIIS, LOWU--WOMB An INJnIBS) A~: cc lave ,:tcri 1,.za'u-'.On 0 '-,coi sta.- lizer s In 5-17. ir to--'s -, I ] .:.:. Maksir-ov, F.I.I. "E'rrors in the determirztion ol- "Icod -rr -,Z -~onors,lI Ferelivaniye krovi, Collection 3, (-.vanov~:,., !~~14:~, :-.. ----20. SC -. **-3!-,',l', 11. !'arc' 5-;, (b-AOT;iS ',-,-htjrnal '~I.ato:,, Ni-. "I JC4,;,Cl) , -.1'. lhksimov. F.E. and C"rlst.-,,akov, Z.1. ".-rrors In deterid.-im- ~-lood-~-row -~f r%--ci.-.Entn, i"eir forms, -:n,! fln.-atrent", --r', -,, dll-ini- the war), Porplivanip- ~.rovi, 3, (Ivanow-,,, 1 "1" , ~-. 5- : I I'. U-3G42, 11 7'GrL',l 53, (L(A,~pls 1zhurnal Inykji itatey ::o. 7, - mmr.1011, P. 1". Maksimov, P. I-',. IlCrn trans--._--,ti:-i, ~-.alaria transfusions", (Ilnv~-tivati -:-is carried or, durinf- t;~e war), ?erclivaniya krovi, -o .,.ction 3, (Ivanovo), 1 46, p. li;- 0. SO: 3o42, 11 '-'arch ~"3, I'LP'llopis 'Zhunial Iny1ch Statey, 710. 73 !Q4,). "Ar, i~valuation --r urct~s ~iash'~-. agents ani tlneir a,!c-t*-r,. 'or I~a k s Lmov 1% clean1i,.- glass equipment", krovi, ",ollection 3, ~T.Ejr~.OV,,, 162-7 3c: 11 ?:Src7l ~i, (Letc, Js 1zhurn-ol In--kh -tatey 7, ,c.1r) MAKSIMOV, P.R., professor (Ivanovo). Local anesthetization of the distal phalanges. KhirtLrgiia no.6:78-80 Je '53. Off-RA 6:8) (Local anesthesia) (Fingers) MAKSIXOV, P.M., professor; SAMOYWVA. V.N., operatsionnaya sestra. Removal of labels from flasks after the medicines are used up is one of the important measures for the prevention of accidents. Hed.sestra no-7: 8-9 JI '53. NLHA 6:7) 1. Crolastnaya stantaiya perelivaniya krovi, g. Ivanovo. (labels) (Drugs ) US'SR/Medicine Blood TranstusV,)n Jul 53 "Improved Technique for thc- Blood CompatIM I Test in Transfusiors," Prof.~!P. M. )Iaksimov (Ivanovo) alosp Surg Clinic, Ivanovo Med Inst~'-,~--Tvanovo Oblast Blood Transfusion Sta Xlin Med.Vol 31, No 7, PP 87-88 Describes a simplified method of matc'hing and cross matching blood. The entire operation is performed on one shallow dish. Drops of the recipient's and donor's plasma are placed in a definite order, and 270T55 drops of a physiological ralt solution are added, fo differentiation of agglutination reactions. This so-called S-dxop method proposed by Sr Lab Assistant Z. E. Lazarcva has been found to be simple, rapid, and precise in its results. 270T55 C I/ /'? /9 MAU114OV, P.M., professor; NAGOY173121A, M.A.. Exchange transfusion in the treatment of hemolytic shock and of poettransfusion anuria. Khirmrgiia'no-3:51-53 Mr '55. (MLRA 8:7) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khtrargicheakoy kliniki (zav. prof. P.M.Makeimov) Ivanovskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (BLOOD TY.WTSFUSIOIT, exchange, ther. of post-tran5funion hemolytic shock anuria) (SHOCK, post-transfusion hemolytic shock, ther., exchaage blood transfusion) (BLOOD TRAJISFUSION, complications. shock & anuria. ther.. exchange transfusion) (ANURIA, etiology and pathogenesis, blood transfusion, ther.. exchange transfusion) MAKSD-IOV, P. M. Ferelivanly-e Krovi v Bor'be za ZhIzn' i 7.dbro*-1ye (Blood Vransfusion in Pr6serving Life ana IHealM); by P. M. Mak- simov, Moscow, State Medical Publishing House, 1956, 95 pp, with illustrations (from standard USSR library card of the State Library of the USSR imeni V. I. Lenin, No 616G). The book makes a study of the scientific bases of blood transfusion and the practical application of this method. Modern advances accom- PlUbed in the field of blood transfu--ion are recounted. Sum 1239 SALISHCHU, V.I., professor; KAMMOV, P.K*# professor Anniversary of Y.F.Lebedev. senior surgeon of Ivanovo Province. Khirurgiia 32 no.3:88-89 Mr 156. OCLU 9:7) (LIBMT. VIADIMIR FJDCROVIGH. '1896- ) MAKSIMOVO P.M., professor; NEMIY, A.A., assistent; NAGOVITSIRA, M.A., - ---- ' "Wittent; MARTYNOYs P.V., assistent; UREASHKTA, A.T., assistent Substitution of blood in clinical practice. Yest.khir. no.5: 30-33 161. (MM 15:1) 1. Is gospitalluoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zave - prof* P*M. Naksimov) i gospitalluo7 terapevtichaskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. U.8. Hywoyedov) Ivanovskogo meditsinakogo inatituta. (EMD PLASMA SUBSTITUTES) A KS I-M gat Oof. Unto W30- W tho X67fis to Uf, ot aborfif 415. 1, b= - Ot Wo UtO4 *.d - - the I og..p-.Y- 140 j%$xS7 01" ka wto fj4ljCIW o(ow MA 64 the wA -u-fAt ls.Wt- tho 90 go tam. to tbarx U01"s 0 Igo *#A bklt MA Is as OA iftv9"-!!Vtal;; lam a 6,,&M is 146 Wks. WW the tbl, rpe lias VVIS t2-ts in dui"ty *0 1, I.uo A" 10 10-6 wAt!, in $Oka" j, awtom. MAKSIMOV, P.N. . -' "' -- .. ~_ '' Sons oharacteristics of gas and oil pools. aeol. neft., I no-3. 48-52 Mr 157. (KLRA 10.-B) (Timn Ridge--Patroleum geology) (Flachors, Thlley--Fatroleum geology) MAKSIMOV 2 P.N - LIKHOIATNIKOV, V.M. _t; 140DELEVSKIY, M.Sh. 9 Assuring producible oil reserves. Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no,4j22-26 Ap 161. (MIRA W-4) .1. Ukhtinskiy neftyanoy kombinat. (Petroleum geology) F. e. Pchely fffeels. Chebolcsary, Chuvashgosizdat, 1953. 128 P. SO: Monthly List of Russian Acces-sions Vol. 6, flo. 5, August 1953. e KAKSIKOV, P.P. School excursions to an apisr7. Est.v shkole no.2:69-71 Mr-Ap 154. MRA 7:3) 1. Ucitell biologii Bollshe-Bikehikhinakoy semiletney shkoly Kanashokogo rayona Chuvashokoy ASSR. (School excursions) (Bee culture) KAKSIMOV, P.P.,uchitel' Studying agricultural vlant pests Pnd mensures for controlling them. Biol. v shkole no.2:11-34 Mr-_4p 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Bollshe-Bikehikhaknys aredney shkoly Kanashokogo rayona Chuvnehakoy ASSR. (Plants, Protection of--Study and teaching) (slugs (zoology) (plant lice) MAKSIMOV. P-P., uchitelf 'Work of students in bee culture" by E.K. Reizin. Reviewed by P.P. Maksimov. Biol. v shkole no.2:91-93 Mr-Ap '59. MIRA 12:4) 1. Bollahe-Bikshikhakayn arednyaya shkola Kanashakogo rnyona Chuvashakoy ASSR. (Bee culture--Study and teaching) Milzin, 3f-*"-) MAKSIMOV, P.P., uchitell g.Kanash, Chuvashkoy ASSR) Dwarf fruit culture in school. Biol. v shkole no-3:77-79 My-Je 16o. (MIRA 13:7) (Dwarf fruit trees) (School gardens) t