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KAKSIHOV, M. 7ey learn from Soviet miners. Mast-ugl- 3 no.11:29 N154. (China-Coal miners) OWL 8: 3 ) MAKSIMOV, M. Ural mineral new village. Kast-ugl-5 no.2:30 p 156. (Chelyabinsk Basin--Coal miners) (min 9:6) ALEKSMROV, I.; KAXSIHOV, M. More concern and attention to young miners. Kast-ugl. 5 no-5:3-4Nv '56. (JURA 9: 8) (Ukraine--Coal miners) KAKSIMOV. 14. Masto-r coal miners instruct youth. Mast-uel 5 no.ii:i5-M v 156. (KLRA 10:1) (Coftl miners) A- / I ~ / - ~,/ - 6~.l/11 " ~Masimov. M. Kuznetsk ftsin miners. Kast. ugl. 6 no.8:15-16 Ag 157. (IMh 10:9 ) (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal miners) LMIN, D. ; NORKAKSKIY, M.; GOLUBEV. B.; SOROKIN. N.;' jjaAajUQj..jL_;_4LEKSANDROV, I.-, ROGIMIN, V.; LAKISOV, A.; FILICHUY. A.; SAVELITEV. V. Representntives of the people. Mast.ugl. 7 no.4:3-7 Ap 159. (Russia--Politics and government--BiograDhies) (MIRA 11:4) Op .,.Vxsilr-lv, "If. "i.' '41~ -- 11 " Vinnn are orectii,p itast. U91. 7 nc-9:12 5 I (Building) . OqIG~ 111:10) KAKSIK)Y. K. I Force of compatItion and Ito effect. Nbst. ugl. 7 ro.10:13-14 0 158 (MA 11:11) Coal mines and mining) :Soci&list competition) ~ MAKS I MDV. M. Floating rest home. Mast. ugl. 8 no-8:25 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Lugansk Province-Labor rest homes) MAKSIMOV. M. - 1 _-11 ...... labor safety Is the most important objective. Yast.ugl. 4-5 0 '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Coal mines and mining--Safety measures) FARIZOV, 1.0.; K&DOVYY, A.I.; HMIMOV2__M.A.; MASLOV, A.A.; MUSSO, S.,- BOGDANCHIKOV, M.M.; VARENTSOV, K.M.; AVARINO V.Ya.t oty. red.; POLYAK, A.A., otv. red.; TRINICH, F.A., red. izd-va; VCUOVA, V.V., tekbn. red. (Agrarian-peasant question in the independent underdeveloped countries of Asia; India, Burma, Indonesia] Agrarno-krestlipmakii vopros v suv.erennykh slaborazvitykh stranakh Azii; Indiia, Bima, Indoneziia. Moskva, 1961. 353 P. (MIRA 14,:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mirovoy ekonomiki i mezhd narodn-ykh otnoBhenii. (Asia, Southeastern-Agriculture-Economic aspects) MAKSIMOV, ~,G.. insh. Readers' com-ats. Prom. stroi. 37 n0.9:64 S 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Building--Cold weather conditions) GATLAND. K.W.; DUGOSHIN. T.N. [translator) i MAKSIM211AII.-L-t-ranslatorl; VAUNISMY, V.Y. [tranalatorj; GILIUHIN, k.11., d-M-or ielchnichaskikh nauk, redairtor; KRUGLIKOV, r.F., redalctor; KUHNSKO. S.T.. telchniche- ski3r redaktor [Development of the guided missile. Translated from tba Inglish] Razvitie upravliaaaykh snariadov. Perevod a angliiskogo V.N.Duboshina i dr'. Pad recl. A.P.Grishina. Moskva. Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1958. 369 P. (MLEA 9-12) (Quided missles) -11D -ew" 0 a 0-6 10 0 1 W ~216 EAA 11 w 11 4 t$ to 11 a )A Is 27 is IS 14 a to Al is x a 61 It I" I 4; a) 0 413,110 -AL 09 -L X It - IA OD d 4 -,40 09 At. 1. 4dlot, N : Inov-Neflyoft1w KkO3. 26, o. 4. -e Aw"pancy between the only. curves of naturw 4u in oil front a well and thum obtained in the Lab. by dits-solvills 60 in vil (cf. Lhuhly, C.A. 18. 194W) k attfilltitt'd it) 1 he fal -.00 1W '. that twodifivmnt di&mw Lai lil.,cati-i l 1 IRS 4114,41MV trill tal "411 am .-IMIAVIONA It c M 00 ' 00 4 7 00 "21 :0 &0 t190 00 A 1 49161, 11.4K.1, &1191.1'4f WMAIM. no* 61.1 ! as* - --j7.W ~.% .7 - to U V AT 0) 14, , t, 1 4 lit 21 It of 14 a 3 O ; ; otiopoe * 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 00 00 : : 0 111 Is 0 a a 0 0 Z : : :1 : : : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 a t:~e f t,,Lr fl orr~ll -C- Ca ieT 7P IMAKSIMIOV, M. I.; MIRCHINK, M. F. Neftepromysloveys geolog'ye (Oil Field Geology), Moscov-Lerin~..;rsd, 19c2. ~:O. 444, ',( At ~ , I Nil V ) /V'i AID P - 3054 Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 8/20 Author Maksimov, M. I. Title Most advantageous relationship between Injection wells and oil produ,;Ing wells and influence of the forcing pressure in cases of an intra-contour flooding Periodical Neft. khoz., V. 33, no. 8, 38-43, Ag 1955 Abstract The author analyses secondary methods for increasing oil recovery through flooding. He considers the placing of water Injection wells inside the producing wells of an oil field as most advantageous because in such a case the forcing pressure can be brought and utilized to a higher degree. The most economical relationship of the amount of water injection wells to the anount of producing wells is discussed. Charts. Institution : None Submitted : No date MMIMOV. N.I. _-- Some problems of central intraboundary flooding. Reft.khoz. 34 no.10:22-26 0 156. Mu 9: 11) (Oil field flooding) BEIASHY P.M.; MAKSIMOV M.I, Effect of the time factor in the production of watered wells on the shape of the edge water line and oil and water recovery ratio. Txjtdy VNII no.10:221-239 157. (MIRA 14:6) (Oil fields-Production methods) AGADZHAIIOV. Artem Minayevich (deceased]; KAKSIMOV, Mikhail Ivanovich; KHICLIKVIST. G.A. , doktor SIHANIGIN. S.H., doktor geol.-mineral.nauk, prof., retsentent; BMIAN, Yu.K., vedunhchiv red.; POLOSIVA, A.S., [Oil-gield geology) Refte-promysiovaia geologila. Moskva, GOB. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1958. 413 p. (Petroleum geology) (MIRA 11:2) Ii,, e.' ~, /) ~ / . MMV. A*H* (deceas'ed]; UI.IYANOT. A.V. Cdeceaaed]; TEMROVICK. G.I.; USMSKIY. V.A.; RADGE30W. 0.A.; YWYNSKIT, T.T.; ~~ lj~; SUBBOTINA, R.N.; SMANOT, D.L.; ICMCHINK, Kikhail Fedorovich, red.; IONIEL, I.I., veda0ichiy red.; YAMI I ' 'INMYA. A.B.. tekhn. red. [Diotionary of petrolaiis goolog7l Slovarl po geologii nefti. Izd.Z..' ispr. i-dop. Ioningrad, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft i gorno- toplivuoi lit-ry, lanin6r. otd-nie, 1958. 776 p. (MM 11:10) 16* Chlon-korreapondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Ydrehink). (Petroleum goooloa-Dictionaries) MAXSIHOV, It. I. Principal results of studies on oil-field development. Trud VNII no.18:55-74 '58. (MIRA 12:2f (Petroleum engineering) AUTBOR: Maksimov, M.I., Director TITLE: -M-am'~o'gof 7;~~Stratum. ~.Yodell' neftyanogo rIz!!ta PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn', 1958, Nr 11, n 17~ (.US3P,' ABSTRACT: Vith the aid of new engineering methods the annual cil PrD- duction of the USSR will be increased to 350,COC,CCC 400,000,000 tons. For analyzing the productivity o~ weils, the electric integrator "ETI-S" has been designees by 1~he All- Union Oil-Gas Institute. One of the outstanding features of the "EI-S" device is the possibility to simulate the proper- ties of oil strata, such as the face pressure, thickness, permeability, porosity and other characteristics by means of electric current of varying power, tension, etc. As the in- tegrator has a grid of resistance with 20,C)CO no'al points, large oil fields with hundreds of wells can be examined The integrator is fully automatic, and operates with 8,CCO different radio tubes. Research work with the help of this electric integrator is conducted on the basis of gealcgical and operative data, obtained as a result of drilling opera- tions and exploitation of wells. Recently the analog of the Devonian oil stratum of the Bavly deposit of the Tartar A.S.-117 Card 112 was simulated. This deposit is being exDloited by more than Analog of Oil Stratum S(~V/25-~P-11-6/z!" 200 operative and pressure wells. It was found that the level of oil production can be maintained with a reduced num- ber of operative wells. By reducing the number of wells 50 %, the losses of oil will amount to only several percent, There is 1 photo. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatel,skiy institut (The All-Union Oil-Gas Scientific Research Institute) Card 212 'C, Tj~ rr; es a: :,red 7 c*-. ~ -,-i -1i!- f ie~ d subryitte d at t"tc iifth etr-leur., ~n ,resS, g 3C ay Tune 19r.?. i'llew lork. MAKSIKOV, M. I., Candidate Geolog-Mineralog Sci (diss) -- "A method of computing the extractable reserves of oil in the final stage of working, when oil is being forced out by water". Moscow, 1959- 12 pp (Gosplan USSR, Main Admin of Sci Res and Design Organizations., All-Union Petroleum-Gas Sci Res Inst VNII), 150 copies (KLJ, No L>6, 1959, 124) ~.... . _. -_ - -- - AWS-IMOV 1YI-I KAKMV/ M I., KRYLOV. A. P.. TREBIN. F. A., BORISOV. Y. A., KCROTKOV, S. T.. a ABASOV. M. T.. MIRCHIM. M. F.. VASnEVSKIY. V. N.. SHEMACHEV. V.N.. KOZLOV, A. L., and MIMKIY, E.M. *Development of the Theor7 and Practice of Oil and Gas Field Production in the USSR.* Report submitted at the Fifth World Petroleum Cowress, 30 MaY - 5 June 1959. New York City. MAKSIMOV, M.I. Calculatinr th.-! or -i1 reccvered in th final st-!-r~ of ex- ploitation of wells b-- -,,ater flood. Geol. nefti. i r7za 3 no.":L2-47 Mr 159. (~JR,'~ 12:U) 1. Vsesoyuznvy -iavc~!rr)-is,,-Iedovatells'.-ciy neftyanoy institilt. (Oil field flnoding) KELYLOV. A.P.; MAKSIMUV, II.I.; BAYR&K. K.A.; PKRMYkKCV, I.G. Measures for improving the production system in the Tuymazy oil field. Heft.khoz- 37 no.2:44-50 IF '59. (MIR& 12:4) (Tuymazy region--O 1 fielda-Production methods) MAKS DMV, M. I. Methods -for calculating the long-range production program and developn~nt drilling. Trud7 M-I no.26:3-18 6o. (Oil fields-Production methods) (KIRA 13:9) MAKSDIOV, M.L; RAISHEV, B.T.; GATTEIWRGER, Yu.P.; MUSIN, M.Kh. Geology of a producing layer as a basis for improving the program:,iing of petroleum production. Geol, nefti i gaza 5 no. 3:20-24 Mr 161. (KIRA 14:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Oil fields-Production methods) MAKSIMOV, M.I. Industr.-,'s requirements for oil prospecting data to be uBed in programming the development systams. Trudy VIIII no.3):25-32 1~1. (MIRA 16.7) 1. Vaeso-,uznyy neftegazov-jy nauchno-Isaledovatellakiy institut, Moskva. (Petroleum geology) i KRYLOV, Aleksandr Petrovich; BELASH, Pavel Maksimovich; B01USOV, Yuriy Petrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; BUCH114, AlekBandr Nikolayevich; VOINOV, Viktor Viktorovich; GLDGOVSKIY, Mark 141khaylavich; HAKSIMOV, Mikhail Ivanovich- NIKOLAYEVSKIY, Nikolay Matveyevich, doktor ekon. nauk; ROZENBERG, Vaks Davidovich; SAVINA, Z.A., ved. red.; POLOSIDIA, A.S., tekhn. red. [Programming the development of oil fields; principles and methods] Proektirovanie razrabotki neftiarjykh mestorozhdenii; printsipy i metody. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 10,62. 429 p. (MIRA 15:6) l.Chlen-korrespondet Akademii nauk SSSR (for Krylov). (Oil reservoir engineering) KOGAN, L.G.; MAKSIMOV, M.I. Development of nor-,uniform-permeability fields vith variation in reservoir structure. Haucho-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.17: 38-45 162. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Vsesoyu-znyy nef [.egazw;,,- :.,: c~no-igsledovatel'skiy institut. MAKSIMOV, M.I. Distant spacing of production wells is an important measure of the national economy. Geol.nefti i gaza 6 no.8:1-8 Ag 162. (KRA 15:9) 1. Vaesovuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut. (Oil fields-Production methods) MMIMOV, M'I. Thinning the netwirks of oil derricks in exploitation, an important wasure for the Rumanian economy. Analsle geol geogr 17 no.3-.85-93 JI-S 163. KRYLOV, A.P., red.; AYATIAS'YEVA, A.V., kand., red.; Bn"T.'jC-V, Yu.F., do!-tor tekhn. nauk, red.; A.A., red., kand. I.ekhp.. nauk; K-CHIIN, A.11'., kand. ekan. nauk, rea.; VIMWSKI-Y, A.S., -Joktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; 7.~FTTCV Vil.; .. karn. tekhn. nauk, red.; MAKSIMOV, F.I., kand. geol.-mine-. -ik, red.: MARKOVSKI-7-T~,-4n'Ahv-f- red.; MFLIK-PA6HAYEV,V.$.vdoktor geol.-miner. nauk, red.; NIKOIAYEVSKfY, N.M., -, -r ekon. nauk, prof, red.; FKROVSKAYA, A.N,, kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; HLATOVSKIY, V.P., daktor fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; :,,GZE'NB9-tG, r.D., doktor I.ekhn. nauk, red.; ~;AFRONOV, S.V., kand. I.ekhn. nauk, red [Petroleum produ-~tlon; theory and practice. 196' yearbook) Dobycha nefti; teoriia i praktika. Ezhegodn.Ik 1, 63 - V'oskval (N.I- Nedra, 1964. 302 p. -A 17:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN (for Krylov). 2. Vseso,.u=yf neftegazoK~,,,, nauchno-iss'Ledovatelllskiy im3titut (for I'leiik- Fashayev, Rozenberg). 3. In.Al-tut mekh,--niki Ali ~SS'-, (for Nikolayevskly). KALANKAROV, V.A.; ORUDZHEV, S.A.; GALONSKIY, P.P.; KRYIDVp A.P.; MAKSIMDVJI M.I.; TREBIN, F.A. Accomplishments of Soviet petroleum workers in the development of oil fields. Neft. khoz. 42 no.9/10: 89-99 S-0 164. (AURA 171lff MAKSIMOV, Mikhail Ivano-i-itA [Gtiologlcal rlifle:4 f"', t'.,i r,~ u: -. ~ .*~!i,..-,. Geologiche.3kit,- osnovy ne~ tllanykh mo3'o- rozhdenii. Mosk-va, N-Ara., 19'-)'~, 487 p~ (X I ~,A 19 -, I ) MAKSIMOV, M.M. ,,,-'-'F!actors governing the formation of Devonian sediments (layer DI) in the Bavlv oil field and a method using zonal maps for studying them. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz no. 3:3-9 '51. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Moskovskiy noftyanoy inatitut Im. akad. I.H.Gubkina. (Bavly Difltrict--Petroleum geology) (Geology-Raps) 11(0) SOV/93-58-11-7/15 AUTHOR: Krylov, A.P., Maksimov, M.M., Dorokhov, 0.1. TI=: Studying the Fluid Gathering Properties of the D, Formation at the Bavly Oilfield by Mee= of aa IM-5 Electronic Integrator (Izucheniye kol-lek- torskikh evoystv plasta DI Bavlinskogo, mestorozhdeniya na elektrointe- gratore EI-S) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr 11, PP 34-41 (USSR) ABSTYJW.T: This is an experimental study of oilvell spacing at the D formation of the Bavly Oilfield. The experiments were carried out by the A6 Institute by meens of an EI-S electronic integrator [Ref 1] under-water pressure con- ditions The D, formation is of a nonuniform structure and of changeable facies iRef 2] and it was developed by pressure maintenance through water flooding (Ref 3]. The data on its development from 1949 through 1956 are given in Table 1. The formation's resistivity to filtration is reflected in Fig. 1. The formation pressure recorded by the electronic integrator at low and high electric grid capacitance and at an increased volume of water injection is shown by Fig. 2. The electronic integrator produced more accurate data on the formation's resistivity to filtration (Fig. 3) and these are reflected in the isobar maps (Figs. 4 and 4b). The EI-S integrator made it possible to reproduce for the first time the oilfield development process Card 112 Studying the Fluid Gathering (Cont.) SOV/93-58--LI-7/15 under water pressure conditions and to learn in detail the nominiformity of the formation as well an the change in oilwell yield during the 10 years of its development. The results obtained vith the integrator characterize the formation's structure better than those obtained through well drilling and this will make it possible to employ the integrator in studying the fluid gathering properties of formations with sparse wells prior to actual ex- ploration. Furthermore, the new data an the structure of formations will make it possible to carry out correctly the preliminary development of an oil deposit with the aim of increasing the oil output. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 3 Soviet references. Card 2/2 v I - '-nd c Det-i'E:d stlidj o' pi-_)ducllivf~ i3evoni-,.n df.,Do-,its tf "Ae ~avlinnk fu,m.-tioni furt,,!er i'lli of Hichor -,(11w: ti(ji; OP Crder of 'i,7,-d -30nriv nst of P,.~,rolwiu,i ind Gnn !n- of .rid MAKSIMV, M.M. Calculating the resistance of model uells using productivity factors. Nwoh.-tekh. abor. pq dob. nefti no.16:70-72 162. (MIRA 15-9) 1. Vaesovuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut. (Oil reservoir engineering) BRYKINA, M.M., MAL51MV_14.M.; POLIKAIWQVA, R.V.; RYBIN, F.S.; SWRMVAI A.A. CompariMs-9f the f4roperties of reservoir rpcko In level D, of the central *ction of the MinnibaW, c region based on field data ad data obtained with the EI-S electric integrator. Nauch-tekh. abor. po dob. nefti. no.210-13 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vaesoy-uznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. DOROK i IVV, (), I - ; -~~ SI wv , 14, IA. Effect of the lensity of tne we-li Fiattern on the nat-,-ire of ~he displacement of the oil boundaries as revealed by a study of the Bavly o'.1 field. Nauch.-tekh-sbor.po dob.nefti, no. 14- 30-35 161. (~SRA 17:6% AFANASIYEVA, A.V.; KORNEVICH, L.I.; MAKSI.1,4DV M.M.- PALIY, A.O.; ~~.v RAKOVSKIY, N. L. Electric modeling of the flooding of petroleum with a fringe of liquefied gases taking into consideration the mutual solution of fluids. Trudy VNII no.42:198-221 165. (MIRA 18:5) L 4w_'6`8)3_'6'6 Bri-T ( d) /W ( 1IJP(c)B ACC NRt AP6030573 SOURCE CODE: INVENTOR: Kreynin, S. I.; Lashevskiy, R. A.; Maksimov, M. N.; Rabkina, N, Y.; Khavkin, V.. Ye.; Skvortsov,_,A._L.; Norkin, L.IT ORG: none TITLE: Memorydevicd: Class 21, No. 181,935 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znFLki, no. 1~, 1966, 55 TOPIC TAGS: computer memory, computer storage device ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a word-organized memory consisting of multiaperture ferrite plates, and a magnetic decoder with transformers using multiaperture ferrite plates (see Fig. 1). To increase both the speed and capacity Fig. 1. Memory device 1 - Ferrite plate-, 2 - diode matrix; 3 - bias winding; 4 - excitation winding; 5 - output winding; 6 - printed winding. Card 1/2 UDC: 681.142.07 L 4joo)-66 ACC NR, AP6030573 and to reduce the required power, the magnetic decoder contains a diode matrix of integral planar structures with a number of p-n junctions equal to the number of addresses in the device. Orig. art. has: I figure. ILJRI SUB CODE: 09/ SUMB DATE: 20May65/ ATD PRESS: 5075 Card 212 mis 1"1-;-: pflyljlN~,~~ E~:-, ?~i, v ,a-- TSIKERMAN, L.Ya., doktor tekhn.nauk; SLAVIN, M.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; LIMOV 4.P., inzh. M4~6 ,__L_ ElectroniC-aCOUBtical methods for finding the locations of water leakages from underground pipelines. Vod. i san. tekh. no.11:1-3 N '64. (MIRA 18:2) NAISIMOT -M.; KALOV, V.S., red.; T-ARIONOV, G.Te.. cz~~ [Telematering devices) Toleizmeritollnyo ustroistva. Xoskva. Gos.energ.tzd-vo, 1951. 55 p. (Massavala radiabibliotaks, no.106) (KMA 12:5) (Telemetering) USSR/E-lectronics - Radiosondes Feb 53 Meteorology - Measurements "Professor P. A. Molchanov's Radiosonde System," B. F: Krivitskiy and M. Maksimov Radio, No 2, pp 18-20 Claims radio sounding was invented by Molchanov and tested in 1930 for the first time in the world In Pavlovsk. Describes Molchanov's sonde in detail. Gives brief account of a radarsonde developed in the USSR in 1946 by V. V. Kostarev (original paper published in "Meteorol i Gidrol," No 2, 1946). 253T87 MAMIMOVI H. (MI-HA 6:11) "Trokhotrou.' Radio no.11:57-60 V '53. (Electron tubes) Subject USSR/Radio Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 7/11 Authors Maksimov, M. and Yu. Shumikhin, Yu. Title Radio-telemetering Periodical : Radio, 3, 43-46, Mr 1956 AID P - 4398 Abstract : The measuring at a distance by radio recording is discussed. A block diagram of a 23 channel voltage type measuring system is presented. Samples of radio recording of wave signals by means of a measuring radio instrument mounted on a rocket are shown. A detailed description of the instruments' functions is given. Five diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date MP~K$tmoyl mv- SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1493 AUTHOR wSIMOV, I'l. V. TITLE The Reciprocal Correlation of Fluctuation Disturbances at the Output of Frequency Filters. PERIODICAL Radiotechnika, 11, fasc.9, 28-38 (1956) Issued: 10 / 1T56 reviewed: 11 1/ 1956 The present work is devoted to the determination of the function ~-.f recilrocal correlation K(T) of the voltages Ul(t'/ and U,(t) obtained at the output of the 6 filters ~1 and ~ 2 respectively. At first this function is determined in a system with a detector. On this occasion radiofrequency cascades are used which have a resonance system ~,, (filters arranged before the other filters f 1 and ~ 2)' The latter has a sufficiently narrow and symmetric frequency characte- ristic. In the course of computations the expression R(T) = K(T) is used for CT102 the coefficient of reciprocal correlation, where 6 1 and (52are the average values of the squares of the voltages Uj(t) and k . The formula is derived by U2(t) means of which R(T) can be computed in dependence on the parameters of the filters ~ 19 ~ 2' 0. A. similar equation is derived for the function of the reciprocal correlation of the disturbances in the system without detector. Radiotechnika, 11, fasc.9, 28-38 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1493 Accordingly the reciprocal correlation of disturbances is determined by using the resonance circuit as a filter. Again the coefficient of the reciprocal correlation in the system with and without a ddector is determined. The ex- pressions thus obtained for these coefficients show that with the increase of the passage of frequencies, the coefficients of the reciprocal correlation diminish with sufficient rapidity and in accordance with the same rule, both in the system with a linear detector and also in the system without a detector. Computations of the dependences R(O)=F(k) and R1(0)~Fi(k),/ R in tYe case of systems with, and R1 in the case of 3yatems without a detector // make it possible to conclude that for radiotechnical installations the voltages Uj(t) and U2(t) may be described as noncorrelative if k ~/' 4 5. As a rule most radio receivers occurring in practice are marked by such a behavior of the re- sonance frequencies of separating filters. The parameters of the resonance sys- tem of the radio receiver also influence the function of reciprocal corre- lation of disturbances at the output of separating filters. ITISTETUTION: -'/17 AUTHOR: Makelmoy, M.V~ TITLE: Influence of the Fluctuation Noise OL a Pulse Group Selector. (Deyst-vi7e fly-aktuatsionnykh pomekh na selektor gruppy impullsov) PERIODICAL: Radioteklinika i Elektronika, 1957, Vol.II, Nr 8, pp.1071-1073 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Very often the triggering of a monostable circuit is done by a group pulse circuit which is normally known under t'ne name of the coincidence circuit. The output pulse of the coincidence selector is formed by a combination of n input pulses. If the input pulses are subjected to the fluctuatir~n noise, the output pulse would be randomly phase-modulated. 1~ is assumed that in the absence of noise the output pulse occurs at time t = 0 while in the presence of the fluctua.- tion noise it is shifted by LZ . The probability densil.-Y distribution W(,6fC) for tile instants of the apl-ea-rance of the output pulses is given by equation 4, in which "!yr. is the shift of an individual pulse and Wi('Lt) is the 1V probability density distribution for a particular train of input pulses. If it is assumed that the input pulses have CARD 1/2 a Gaussian shape and the input ciradit has a bandwidth Z~f 109-8-1?/'17 Influence of the Fluctuation Noise on a Pulse Group Selector. then the probubility density distribution is given by equation 12: W (at) =gn Af q 6 f q2 Af2 Ar-2 IL 211v:i- + ~ \ It) exp (12) where q = U-msx where U and are the input W SIA 5x aix signal and noise respectively. There are 2 figures and 2 references, one of which is Slavic. SUBMITTED: March 31, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CarC 2/2 MAKSIMOV, M.V. , irizh.-Todpolkovnik, dotsent, kandidat tekhn.nauk fflastrumentation for relaying data by radio from rockets and missiles." Reviewed by M.T.Maksimov. Yest.Tozd.11-no.2:88-89 jr 16o. (KIBA 13:7) (Rocketr7) (Telemetering) 29 5 9 C) 32 7 7 S./-'j8,/ 61/ 016/011/00,o/UO7 D201/DjO4 AUTHoR~ Maksimov, M.V.,, Member of ihe Socie-cy TITLEs- mathematical expectation of t he voltage and the average number of .1pulses per unit time at the outpu-. of a coincidence cirf~uit PERIODICAL.- RadiotekhnJ.Ka,, v,, ,6,, no, il, !961, 59 - 66 TEXT: In analyzing mul-cl-channel radio-lines with a code channel division it. is often necessary to evaluate the mathematies expec- tation ttit of VOIJW ukt) and the average number N av of pulses as prodused at the output of the coincidence stage, to whose input are applied the transmitted codes and chaotic pulse interference (CPI). It is also im tant to knowWn practice the spectral density (en- eig spectrum 0 (#). The solution of the prob'lem of the function T w) wiil be gitan in an article which is to be published at a la- ter date. In the present article the problem of determining 7A and Nav only is considered. This evaluatlon is made for the condi- Card 1/5 29590 S1 108/ 6-1' /.016/01i/006/007 Mathematical expectation of the D201/'D304 tion that only rectanguiar pulses of -,onstant ampiStude and durati- on are applied to the coincidence clrcuit and with the following further assumptions: a) That the Instania of appearance of CP1 have vy the Poisson distribution; b) That the intervals between consecutive pulses are different for each of the transmitted codes which re- sults in maximum interference-killing properties of the radio-line; c) The changes of duration and In the instant8 of appearing of in- put u i(t) and output u 2(t) coincidence c'.'rcul-~, pulses are indepen- dent of each other-, d) That pulses -a 2kt) are independent of each other; e) That the amplitudes and durations of pu'Lses of transm-,t- ted codes and interference at the input of coincidence circuiT re.- main constant; f) That the transmitted codes do not overlap. The above conditions are satisfied usually in prac ' - and the results obtained in this article refle~-t the statist1catproperties of sig- nal8 at the output of coincidence circuits very well. The mathema- tical expea -TTT of pulses produced b1 the coincidence sta.- tation u ges is derived as Card 2/5 29590 S/!08/61,-,'016/011/006/007 Mathematical expectation of the D201/D304 i Cn -TT7 L-n f[n(n - 1)+(N'~ - ")a'lp t- P +')- T + Tj u um nT i o' a'. i Z Pc~ M i (l Pat )n (11) which shows that it may easily be evaluated if the following are knowng duratkon T in of inpui pulses and interference; the pulse am- plitude U M, the number of puises in the transmitted codesq She d%p- rage number z of interference pulses per second, the probability P C of formation of false codes and P at '- prDbabi-lity of attenuation of transmitted signals~ P a and F ac may be e7aluated by analyzing the formation of false codes and from the irbismission of signals and noise t4--ough %he receiver. In practice -che receiving equipment is oiten designed so that P at 0. Eq~ ~111'1 may then be simplified into .=a UM T 2 -1~ + Um Tin t in 1[n(n - 1),~N L)21 zT jn(z-r' In (18) nT i T Card 3/5 1 (-)8/'61/ 01 6/Oli/006/007 Mathematical expectation of the D201/D304 where (as in Eq. (11)) T is the average period of input pulses. Eq. (IBI_is simple and a~piicable in engiZeering design. It shows that u~t) at P 0 and U const, is a function of interference at in Intensity z, of properiies of transmilted signals i,n 11 n29 -y nc; Ir in and T i) and of the number NC- of rad'Lo-ine channels, The average number N av of pulses formed per unil time az the output of the co- Incidence circuit is derived as P (l - P ) I a at 2 21 , zp Nav T Lnlfnl n2 + 'a n,' . C 4 (1 Pat )nj T or equal number of pulses per code of the i1ne n Pc I Pat) 2, (1 - P at)- av T Ln(n -- 1) t ~N 1)n ZP" (20) T Card 4/5 29590 S/108I /61/016/0-L1/006/007 Mathematica.]. expectation of the 1)20WD304 which shows that with increasing n the magnitude const sharply decreases tending to unity at P at Pat $ 0. It means 'Ghat, naving P at equal or near choice of np a practically andisiorted reception view of the average number of puises) may be obtained. figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references. of N av with T i = 0 and to zero at zero, by proper tfrom the point of There are 2 ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obehohestvo radiotekhniki i elektroevyazi im. A~S. Popova (Scientific and Techni- cal Society of Radio Enj~ineering and Electrical Commu- nication im. A-Slb Popov) LAbstractor~s note: Name of Association taken from ist page of journalj SUBMITTED: January 119 1961 kinitially) June 13, 1961 kafter revision) Card 5/5 RARSUKOV, Filipp Ivanovich; IJAI(SIIIOV_,_~tg&yey-Vasil-tyavich4----- STERLIGOVA V.L., red.;-MIATAYNip R.I., tekhn. red. [Radio-telemetry]Radiotelemetriia. 14oskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 183 P. (Telemetering) (141RA 15:8) BARSIJKCV, Fi-lipp Ivanovich; MAKSIMOV, M.V., red.; SHLtOKOVA, M.M., tekhn. red. - - - (Radio telemachanics]Radiotelemekhanika. Moskva. Gos.- energoizdat, 1962. 87 p. (Vassovaia re-diobiblioteka no.433) (Radio control) (Electronic control) WDA 15:10) 3 2- 7 7 ~,, 4, 3 35381 S/108/62/0117/003/0-07/009 D299/D303 AUTHOR: 11ilaksimov, M,V., Member of the Society (see Assoc.-a- t ion TITLE: Spectral density of output volltaae of a coincidence stage PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, v. 17. no. 3, 1962, 61 - 70 TEXT: Formulas are obtained for the spectral lensity T(w) of the output signal U(t) of a coincidence stage, as a function of the sta- tistical characteristics of the puise sequences for;..ed at the ou~- pui, and of the parameters of the transmitted signals and random noises- Assumptions and results from an earlier article by the au- thori(Ref. 1: i(adiotekhnika, v, 16, no. 11, 1961), are used. 'The spectral density of the random pulse-sequence u(t) is (k) 2 IZ(w) = lim -L /A (U))/ T1----) OD1 where tral function of the voltage u, and T. is the Card (~N is the spec -f Vie a /ct /a/ Ir/1 1`1-41,w? S/108/62/017/ 07/rjG7/P;C.,r~ Spectral density of output voltage D299/D303 in,~erval in which the pu se sequence is given. Rectangular pulse3 are considered~ First, A~10 is calculated. In determining the gpe-.- tral density, the interval T, is chosen in such a way that it con- tains (2N - 1) pulses of the sequence u 1.1 and (_;'M , 1) pulses of the z,7equence u 2 (t); the time-coordinate t -a-q--hosen so that 'the mear, pulse of the (2N + 1) pulses of the u 1,11- sequence, is found at the polni T = 0; u 1.i (t) is a function which describes the 1-th sequen- ce of pulses at the output, formed as a resuit of the interaction between The random noises and t~e transmitted signals. Substituting the obtained expression for A(k) in formula (2), one obtain6 an equation for the spectral frequency which contains several quant_~ ,les yet to be determined, viz. (D (w) , T (w) , (Z- (w) and T I., rec Z r ec (W) (CD re,- denoting the total reciprocal spectral density of the va rious sequences u I(t)~ and T 2 ((.) is given by a formula involving the probability density of the sequences u 2(t) and other fun:~t-.-ons Card 2/1 S/108/62/017/003/007/009 Spectral density of output voltage ... D299/D303 of frequency and time).. A final expression for the spectral dengity is obtained: This expression shows that the spectral density (D(w), consisting of a discrete and a continuous part, can be found if --he lollowing quantities are known: the number of pulses in the code ofL each channel. the duration of a pulse, the mean number of noise pulses at the input, the mean period T i of sequence of the pulees a1- (t), the amplitude U m at the output, the n-i,,.-.ber of channels N, and probability-density and time functions; these functions _-an ei- ther be calculated or experimentally determined without difficulty. There are ~ Soviet-bloc references, ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Scientific and Techni- cal Society of Radio Engineering and Electric,,l Comma- nications imeni A.S. Popov) [Abstractor s note: 1-Tame of Association taken from first page of 1,ourna!" SUBMITTED: January 11, 1961 (initially) June 13, 1961 (after revision) Card 3/3 n2tdic veral 7z -KAKSIMOY. H.T,, k9nd.tekhn.nauk; BORDYUKOT, A.P., inzh.. ratuenzent; SrXVN, N -, insh. red.; UTAROTA, A.F., takhn. red. (Boiler units with a large evaporative capacity lesigg and construe-tion] Kotellaye agregaty bollshoi'paroproizvoditel'no- sti; ras.-.hat i konstruktirovanie. Moskva. Qos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mishinostrolt. lit-ry. 1961. 43o p. (KMA 14:5) (Boilers) - .6- AUTHOR: VIKTOROV,D.V., PA - 2069 TITLE: Dependence of tYe-Taper Length of Emulsion Tracks on Particle Charge. (zavisimost' dliny suienija sleds. v fotoemullsijach ot zarjada easticy, Russian). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 1, pp 135-136 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 3 / 1957 Reviewed: 4 / 1957 ABSTRACT: At first preliminary works on the subject are cited and discussed in short. In the course of computations carried out in the pre- sent paper the THOMAS-FERMI computations are used only up to the K shell, and for the K shell the formulae obtained from the quan- tum mechanical computations are used: 2 4/3 (9V), 1 !~ z 2 72 mve/2 - 13,5 Zeff eff < (Z-2) mv e/2 - 13,5 ,eff(ev); (Z-2)-,< Zeff < Z. Here v e denotes the velocity of the orbital electrons. On the occasion of the passage of charged particles through matter with a high nuclear charge number it must be taken into consideration that notall electrons participate in decele- ration but only a part in a proportion of 0 z1/3va A/e 2, where v a denotes the velocity of the orbital elec- trons of the decelerating medium. The formulae applicable on Card 1/3 PA - 2o69 Dependence of the Taper Length of Emulsion Tracks on Particle Charge. these conditions for the loss of energy and for the narrowing length L are given. By "narrowing length" we understand that part of the remaining range from that point where the velocity of the ion of the order of magnitude of the orbital K-electron z is equal to I v - ve , up to complete standstill. For a photo emulsion L - 4,7Z [1 + 0,33 ln(Z - 2)] is obtained (in micron). This formula is in general correct for Z > 2. The values of L computed with this formula are probably somewhat too low for great Z. A table compares the values of L computed by means of this formula with the results obtained by P. FREIER et al. (Phys. Rev-1-4., 1618 (1946) and with experimental data. The values of L fouid by the authors are in better agreement with experimental data than the corresponding results obtained by FREIER. Ls with FREIER,,computations were carried out on the supposition that the width of the tracks of the particles depends upon the specific losses of energy. In the case of nuclear emulsions the proporti- onality of the width of the track of the partiole to specific losses of energy begins with somewhat higher values than in the case of X-ray emulsions. The increase of the developed grains Card 2/3 is in the latter case effected by secondary electrons. The PA - 2o6q Dependence of the Taper Length of Emulsion Tracks on Particle Charge. thickening of the tracks of the multiply charged particles is apparently caused by the same mechanism, To verify the assumption the.t the track is narrowed by diminishing the specific loss of enfirgy with the capture of orbital electrons, the charge of spe- cifio energy losses with multiply charged particles must be measured. The difficulties of the measuring of the taper length of particles with Z /'6 are due to the fact that the specific en)rgy losses on the occasion of the capture of electrons by the de3elerated particle are only inconsiderably modified and that tharefore the width of the track remains practIcally constant. Further investigations in this direction would be desirable, ASSOCIATION: Nct given PRESENTED BY: SUMITTED: AVAILABLE: Wbrary of Congress N1 4 5 Z 56-6-14/47 A IFTH OR Maksimov, M. Z. TITLE: The Emission of Particles by Excited 'Nuclei (Ispuskaniye chastits vozbuzhdennyMj yadrami) PERIODICALz Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy PiziVi, 1')~7, Vol. 53, Nr 6 (12), pp. 1411 - 1416 (UJSR)' ABSTRAM The present paper gives an approximated evaluation of the probabi- lity of the production of a remanent nucleus by the successive emission of several (k) particles by amexcited nucleus in depen- dence on bombarding target nuclei A with any other nuclei a, and therefore it is easy to determine the dependence of the probabilty to be investigated here on the energy of the inciding nuclei. 1"he author here investigates the reactil (A + a) -+ (A + a)* --* (A + a bi) + (b wi-,ere (X) denotes a nucleus with the mass numterl X. 2hus 1he above reaction, accordin,- to what is assumed by Bohr, consists of two independent reactions. The cross section of this reaction car. be represented in the form 0- - a' (a) r-tk, where Cr(a) denotes the cross sec- c tion of-the PrAuctionc of a compound nucleus from the nuclei A and Card 1/3 a, and T k - the probability of the decay of the compound nucleus "'he Emission of Particles by Excited Nuclei 56-6-14/47 into the final products. Expresuions for these quantities tire de- rived and explicitl,,, viritter, down. The cross sections thus computed can be compared with experimental data, and can be u3ed for the purpoae of determinin_,, the yield of the varioua isotq)es. Az n example the author investi.11ates the reaction 61 CU 63 + p --I~ (zn 64)* __b' CU + ( (n + P, or (p + n,) or 22 22pec I alize for'this case. D~p ndence The j st derived fogulae are i A e on excitation energy and mass number can be determined if a certain nuclear model is assumed. Next, the cross section cf the nuclear reaction (A + a) -o- (A + a - kn) + k(n) is couiputed. By means of the formulae derived here it is possible to compute the cross sections of the nuclear reactions with emission of neutrons if the impin~ling nuclei are p, d, or OG-particles. The immediate deter-iination of thresholds from the masses is somewhat difficult, particularly if 2, 3,or more neutrons are/emitted. The results of the couirutations carried out here are illustrnted in form of diagranis, and the cross sections computed agree well with those which are determined by experiments. Ihere are 3 figures, and 11 references, 3 of which are Slavic. Card 2/3 The EmiS3ion of Particles by Excited Nuclei SUBMITTED: June 1, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Con,-,-re3.-3 D ~,-, - i ~ 14, ~ Z,/ Card 3/3 7-, mg Vo 0" A'a to 0 0 o as la- 0 .04 0 4.,n ha" Oc v -0 1" 9 0 m0 *4 9%0 0 0 I-V 1- 06 A UP bd 3. 3 .4 a to A -4 F. 1.4' 1 I A 04 r0 0. wa A a K.'a . 13. .4 1 WO ;-gas tit 0 W ol 0 1,- 1; 2 '01 N4, A-1 1.5 Is 1-a 0 go �51 g. % a - ;. . e3 009 -00 k3 Irp .4 - Is 31 lil 0 & IS: * & 01 P, N IS! PI 16 Z Sj 57-28-6-31/34 AUTHORS: A,-,,rest, IA. IA., Maksimov, M. Z. , Khmelevskiy, A. K. TITLE: The Determination of the Solid Angle Formed by a Circular Tar~:et With Respect to the Point Source (Opredeleniye telesnogo ugla, obrazovannogo krugloy mishenlyu otnositellno tochechnogo io-tochnika) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 6, PP. 1345 - 134a (ussR) APSTRACT: In the present work the authors developed a final and accurate formula for the determination of the solid angle formed in space with respect to any point. In spherical coordinates the required solid angle is expressed in the case p> R by the for- mula OL dy sing d0. 2n S j 0 91 Card 1/3 Calculation of S1 is rendered considerably more simple if the The Determination of the Solid Angle Formed by a 57-28-6-31/34 Circular Target With Respect to the Point Source table for total elliptical integrals of the 3. kind II(n,k), if k2< n