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MAKSIMOV, V.M.,.-Ir,%nd.tekhn.nauk, dots. Work and wayg of improving the roll-t7pe feeder. Izv.v7s.ucheb.zav.- energ. no.6:80-89 Je '58. (MIRA 11:9~ l.Moskovskiy ordena Lenine, energeticheskiy institut. (Pulverizers) MAKSIMOV, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Large ]$Oilers for 450 to 500 mw. blocks. Teploenergetika 8 no.l-. 84-87 Ja '61. (MIRA 14-W (United States-Boilers) (United States-Electric 'power production) MAKSIMOV, V.M., karid.tekhn.nauk Boilers for high-power units made during the current seven-year plan. Biul.tekh.-.ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.-isal.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.6-.47-52 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Boilers) HAEDIOV VA , kand.tekhn.nauk Boile- 17'-c.- of the 500 MW. unit of the Breed electric power pJant. loploenergetika 9 no.1%90 Ja t62, (MIRA 14:12) (Sullivan Co., Ind.-Steam power plants) MAKSIMOV, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk I Steam superheater and boilers for blacks with supercritical pressures. Teploenergetika 9 no.12:74-75 D 162. (KRA 16%1) (United States-Superheaters) MAted States--Boiler~o) KOVAIEV, A.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; LELEYEV, N.S.; KH224ALYANI, D.M.; MAKSIMOV,VX-; FAVASENKO, M.D.; KAGAIT, Ya.A.; MODELI, Z.G.; TROYAIISKIY, Ye.A.; VILEIISSM, T.V.; HYZEKBi, V.Ya.; MOZHAROV, N.A. [Atlas of boiler systems (supplement)] Atlas kotellnykh agregatov (dopolnenie). [ 41 A.F.Kovalev i dr. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 22 fold. (MIRA 17:3) MA.KSIMDVP V.M~= kand. tekhn. nauk Start and adjustment of boilers to operation at supercritical pressures in Failo and Brid electric power plants. Teploenergetika 10 no.8-.86-V Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Electric power plants) MAKSIMOV? V.M., kand. takhn. nauk Adjustment and experience in operating two-frame boilers WltJz supercritical pressures and 250 Mwe to 325 Mw. power ratings abroad. Teploenergetika 10 no.12:84-87 D 163. (MIRA 1718) `~ii.R~ kand.tekh.nauk dotsent Drums of tho~ boiler units of 550 Mw. blocks of the Thorpe Mursch electric power plant. Energomashinostroenie 10 no.1:48 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:4) MIKSTMOV, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk Stud7, calculation, and efficient design of pulverized coal wrev feeders. Thploenergetika 11 no.602-36 Je 164. (KrRA 180) 1. ljoskovskiy energeticheskly ~nstitut. MAKSDIOV, V. 4., kand. tek-hn. nauk Study of the operation of drum-type pul-grized coal, feeders and maeans for inproving their design. Elek. st-a. 35 no.8:15-20 Ag 164. (MIRA 17-12) IMAE A.W XR-4 1&6) MAKSIMOV, V.M., kand.takhn.nauk Adjustment and experience in the operation of the boiler -unit of a 500 Mw. block in the electric power plant in Judos Creek in the U.S,A, Teploenergetika 12 no.l,.90-91 is 165. (MIRA 18:4) URTIYEVp V.P., inzh.; MAKSIMOV, V.M., inzh. Methods of making addition elements for titanium alloys. Metallurgiia 2:251-268 159. (MUIA 14:3) (Iron alloys-Electrometallurgy) (Aluminothermy) BELY.AYEV, Yu.K.; MAKSIMOV, V.M. (Moscow) Analytical properties of a generating function for the number of rene-dals. Teor, veroiat. i ee prim.8 no.1.108-112 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Probabilities) GAVRIla,'IIKO, Yu.P.; CIERED11MELKO, 'u.j,'.; ULIZ IKO, 1-3.; Frir 4 UCL t-* . iimal- s -ye. FALIK-;MC,Iip Y-GMU, A.V.; 1171HO75A, V.A.; -'.Ya.; 'N, V..I.; YLOTISIN, M.A. VASILIYEVP Obtainin4~ iiuxicatq, thin-walled titan~'um parts by casting in shell molds. Titan i ~~E;o apiavy nu.9;270-273 163. (IHIRA 16:9) (Titanium -1'ounding) (Shell molding (Founaing)) MANSIMOVS V.M.j kand. tekhn. nauk Boiler unit with supercritical pressure for a 900 MvI, block of the Bull Run electric power plant, Teploenergetika I) no.6:84-87 je 165. (MIRA 18:9) MAKS1140Y, V.H.,inzh. Investigating the strength of field-welded splices of railroad car components made of St. 3 carbon steel and low-alloy steel subjected to repeated impact atresaeo. Trudy TSMI MPS no.164: 130-146 '58. (MMA l2s2) (Steel, Structural--Welding--Testing) KRAYCHIK, M.M., kand.tean.nauk; YEMEL'YANOV, N.P., knnd.tekbn.nauk; MAKSI14)V, T.H.. inzb. Methods of reducing residual streasee in wbeel rime after spot weld- ing of the rolled iron. Vest.TSKII WS 18 no-1:15-38 P 159. (MIRA 12:3) (Car wbeels--Welding) 0 0 AUMORS: TA)"q, 26014 S/ 135/6 1 10001,3081ft 310, 11 A006/A 10 1 Kraychik, M.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Maksimov, V.N., Engineer TITLE, I The nature of weld joint failure depending on temperature PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 8, 1961, 9 - 10 T M : The nature of failure in welded structures serves to determine the causes. Therefore a comparative evaluation of the Impact strength of welded joints at - 40 to + 20 0C was made on MC7 .3 (MSt-3) and ogr 2 (09G2) steel speci- mens. The chemical composition and mechanical properties of the steels are given in a table. The tests proved that the nature of failure for different specimens is of an impact-fatigue type at room and negative temperatures (_100C), the Ini- tial cracks arise in spots with greatest local stresses, as e.g. the border of the face weld. At lower temperatures (-400C) the steel becomes sensitive to brittle failure; MSt-3 steel, e.g. mainly in the section adjacent to the face weld end and the angle formed by the face weld end and the edge of the strap. It is concluded that the nature of break of a weld (the seat of the crack and the trajectory of its expansion) are not only determined by the shape and dimensions Card 1/2 V" 26014 S/135/61/000/008/003/011 The nature of weld joint failure ... A006/A101 of the structure and the maximum magnitude of actual stresses, but also by the properties of the steel and the temperature at which the failure occurred. There are 2 tables, 3 figures and 3 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: TsNII MPS Card 2/2 MAKSIMOV~ V.N. Repeat impact tester for beams and welded joints. Zav.lab. 27 no.l.,99-, ' 101 161. (14IRA 14:3) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-is Isledcifttel I skiy institmt %.hel zno&brozhnogP transporta. (Testing machines) SHCH&POV, H.P., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; KRASOVSKIY, A.I., kand.tekhn. nauk; VOLOKHVYAIISK-kY-k, 3.3., kand.tekhn.nauk; lakYCHIK, M.N., kand.tekhn.nau ; ~UESD40V V.N inzh.; KC'--.I'L'NIKOV, V.L., inzh.; KUZNETSOV,-V-.IC-.-, inzh. Properties and the weldability of St. 3kp steel with a high arsenic content. Svar. proizv. no.2:1-7 F 162. 041RA 15:2) (Steel alloys-Welding) MAKSIMOV, V.N., inzh. Vertical forces acting on the console part of the car fram . Vest.TSNII MM 21 noJx2(~-214 162. (,MTLRA 1515) (Railroads--Cars-Design and construction) S/135/63/000/004/002/012 AO06/A10l AUTHORS: Kraychik, M. M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Maksimov, V, N., Engineer TITLE: The effect of individual factors upon the resistance to brittle failure of welded structures PERIODICAL: 3varochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 4, 1963, 6 - 9 TEXT: The authors studied 0the problem of brittle failure in welded joints at low temperatures ( -42 to -45 C) and under impact load. The tests were made with a welded low-carbon sheet-steel double T-rail of box-shaped section, having a crack-shaped notch. To reveal the effect of the sequence of applying the seams, the rails were welded with different sequences, predetermining the presence or absence of reactive stresses in the notch zone. Welding was performed with OM-5 electrodes, 5 mm in diameter for angular welds, and 4 mm in diameter, to apply the first layer in butt welds. The rails were cooled down and subjected to impact tests on a single-penduliLm YHM (UKM) ram. S6me rails were tested 2 3 weeks after welding, another portion after one year. It was found that 2 3 weeks after welding the resistance to brittle failure of rails with reactive stresses was Card 1/2 S/135/63/GW/C)C)4/OC)?-/O 12 The effect of individual factors upon the... Aoo6/Aioi 450 kg/cm 2, Independent of the notch depth (4 - 6 mm) against 1,470 and 3,260 kg kg/cm2 in rails without reactive stresses. The brittle failure resistance increas- ed after one year from'450 to 2,130 kg/cm2 and from 1,470 to 3,160 kg/CM2 respec- tively. This increase in brittle failure resistance is determined by the sensiti- vity to brittle failure in the notch. In rails with maximum, medium and least sensitivity tc, brittle failure this increa-se was 370, 114 and 0% respectively. These changes in the weld metal of the notch, revealed within one year, may be caused by one or several factors, such as stress relaxation, aging, or rediffusion of hydrogen. To reveal the decisive factor, further Investigations should be car- ried out. There a-re 7 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: TsNII MPS Card 2/2 MAKSIMOV, V.N., inzh. --TWMNg welded joints for repeated impact at tenqwatureo below freezing. Trudy TSNII VS no.252t84~95 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Steel, Structural-Testing) (Railroads-Cars--Design and constructiQn) ASNIS, A.Ye., doktor tekhn. n-,ik; SHAPOV, N.P., dok+-- teklin. nauk; VOL01UPTYANSKAY.A., E.S., kand. ',ekhn. nauk; faAYCI41K, !%M., band. tekhn. nauk; RAKS_'%C'i. 7.N.) fand. np_-,~k; kand. Arsenous low-alloy steel for car construction. Vest. TSNII '.'PS 23 no.5:27-31 16-4. 1. Institut elektrosvarki -i:..eni PatGna 1;krSSR, Ukrainskiy institut metallov i Vsesoyuzny-j nauchno-isoJedovatel'skiy institut zhelezno- dorozhnogo transporta. Ministerstva putey soobshcl~eniyu. GURIGOR'YEV, A.I.; MAKS-?'DV, V.!"~ infrared absori~*~ion sppctr~q ()" -hc -f me-'a-'3 rf 4 and 'hp.- vdrates. the 3d group o~ a per4od-cal table, . 'r 1, Zhur. neorg. klilm. 9 no.5:i-C60-1065 My '64~ k4 lF.A. 17,.9 1. Wedra neorganicheskoy khiffdi Moskovqkogo gosudarf3lvennogr, unl-versiteta Imeni M.V. Lomonosova. _NM.IMOV, V.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; SINYAVSKIY, V,,S,, kand, tekhn. nauk; MOISEYEEV, I.A., kand, tekhn. nauk Strength of the assemblies of an experimental car made from aluminum alloys. Vest. TSNII MPS 23 no.4:3-7 164, (MIRA 17:8) 3 //1 )C-- t" t' -' MAKSIKOV V.N.- NOVOSHLOVA, A.V.; SHMENEM, K.N. Beryllium oxyacetate. Report N'0.3: Interaction between ber7llium oxyacetate and ammonia. Test. Mosk. un. Ser. mat. mekh., astron.. fiz., khim. 11 no.2:201-204 156. (MIRA 10:12) 1. lCafedra neorganicheskoy khimii Hoskovskogo goeudaratvannogo universiteta. (Beryllium acetates) (Ammonia) it Ianthanum Acetate," by V. H. Maksimov, A. V. Novoselova, and K. N. Semenenkp, Zhurnal-ffe-or-ga-ni-c'Ee-slEoy'Xggii-, Vo-r-27, No 5, -WY--57, 'PP991-1050 It was estPlished that heating of I.-(CF,CQO) - 1-5H20 within the range of 50- 110 results in the loss of 0.5nfj a molecule of water an(i the formation of the monohydrate. The latter is completely dehydrated at 110- 11,50. This dehydration is accomppnied by a partial decompostion of the acetate. At a temperature of about 300 0 La(CH COO) --'s transformed into the "metaacetate" 1,aO(CH 3COO), which is analogOui; to boron metaacetate. When 1a(CH 3C00) 1 5H 0 is boiled with acetic acid anhydride, an anhydrous lanthanum Ic;tat'e Ts obtained which is stable in the air at room temperature. After being heated to 3000 it is also transformed into metaacetate. (U) v 5 AUTHORS: Maksimov, V. N., Semenenko, K. N. 78-3-6-29/30 TITLE: On Lanthanum-Acetate Wit~l 5 ms! Water ~O Yat4-7CL-1:;:: atsetate lantana) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal NeorL-,anicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 6, PP. 1468-1469 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A crystalline lanthanum acetate with 5 mol water was obtained by slow crystallization at temperatures of 13 to 200C. The crystals are big and ,rismatic. The clrerrical composition of this conipound is the follovi-i ---: (in -~-er cent by weight) La 203 - 40,3, C - 17,85, H - 5,00. The parameters of the elementary cells were found by radio-ra~hic investigationst a = b = 9,0 + 0,1 kX, c= 3,9.� 0,1 kX, 4= /3 = I = 96 + lo. The thermobrr&~h-ic analyses of the compound were investi.-,ated and it was found that the compound loses 17 7 1/10 of its wei~!-it at 251C and passes over into lanthanum acetate with 1 2iol water. The last mol water is delivered at 1500C. The anhydro-is lanthanum acetate is stable up to 2500C and beyond this Card 1/2 temperature the decomposition continues white LaO . CH 3 coo On Lanthanum-Acetate With 5 mol Water 78-3-6-29/30 forms. There are 1 fijure and 4 references, 1 of wil-licn is Soviet. SUBMITTED: November 22, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Chemical compound--Properties 2. Chemical compound--Analysis 3. lanthanum acetate--Applications Card 2/2 -573 ') 0 Orz?) 69047 AUTHORSs Maksizov, V. N., Semenenko, 1. 0. S/078/60/005/03/009/048 Naumov-&,--?-.-Ir.,-'Novoselova, A. V. B004/BOO2 TITLE: Aluminum Acetateal PERIODICALt Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol 5, Nr 3, PP 558 - 564 (USSR) ABSTRACTt After a brief survey of publications, the authors report on their investigation of aluminum acetates. They produced aluminumtriacetate from aluminum ethylate and acetic anhydride. Al(CH 3coo) 3 is easily soluble in liquid ammonia under the development of Al(CH 3coo) 3' 3NH 3* During thermal decomposition, the triacetate gradually passes over into di- and monoacetate (Figs 1,2). The data of the radioanal.,rais taken by means of an RKD camera and Fe radiation of the BSV tube are given by table 2. The authors also investigated basic aluminum acetates. From Al(OH) 3 plus acetic acid and also from AlCl, plus acetic acid they obtained the same compound Al(OH)(CH 3COO)2 whose radioanalysis is given in table 1. The basic diacetate has a rhombic, face-centred lattice with the lattice conslants being Gerd 1/3 a - 13.62+0.01 2, b - 14-40:+-0-01 2, c - 12.6o+o.oi X. On the basis 69047 Aluminum Acetates S/078/60/005/03/009/048 B004/BO02 of the density being 1.67, a lattice oell contains 16 molecules. The basic diacetate is little soluble in water, chloroform and liquid SO 2' and ineoluble in alcohol, acetone, ether, and liquid ammonia. On the basis of the thermogram (Fig 3) taken by means of the Klirnakov pyrometer type PK-42, the formula Al(OH)(CH 3COO)2 was found to be right, not Al 2O(CH3 COO) 4* H20. During the reaction of sodium acetate (or barium acetate) and aqueous solutions of AM 3' a basic salt was obtained whose composition is between Al(OH)(CH 3COO)2 .2 H20 and Al(OH)(CH 3coo )2 .2-5H20, and whose radiogram (Table 2) differs from that of Al(OH)(CH 3COO)2 . The thermogram of figure 4 shows the water separation of this salt during heating. The nonaqueous salt thus developing, however, radiographically differs from the salt produced by means of free acetic acid, despite the same stoichiometrio composition. By the influence of sodium acetate on aluminum sulphate, the compound AI(OH)(CH 3coo )2 .2-5H 20 was ob- tained, and during the reaction of sodium acetate and aluminum nitrate, Al(OH)(CH 3COO)2 developedl both were radiographically Card 2/3 identified. Aluminum nitrate with acetic anhydride developed a 69047 Aluminum Acetates S/07Y60/005/03/009/048 B004 B002 compound of varying composition which always contained up to 3% N03 , and whose radiogram was identical with that of aluminum tri- acetate. There are 2 figures, 4 tables, and 22 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTEDs November 22, 1958 Card 3/3 LE'IITSKIY, V.N ; MARCHENKC, I.Yu. P-)lymeric character of 516 basic aluminum chloride and the possibility of a higher basicity of aluminum hydr,)xychlorides. Dokl. 0 SSSR 139 no.4:884-887 Ag '61. (MIRA 14-7) 1. Predstavleno akademikom V.A. Karginym. (Aluminum chloride) LSVITSKIY, E.A.; MAKSIMOV, V.N. Composition of byftolysis lViducts in alumiram chloride solutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no.4:965468 D 161. (MTM 14: 11) 1. Predstavlano akademikom LV. Tananayevym. (Alminnn chloride) (Hydrolysis) MAKSIMOVP V.N.; SEI-ENEUKO, K.N. o-- Thermal stability of cerium and neodymium acetates. Vest.Mosk.un. Ser.2;Khim. 18 no.1:13-17 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii Moskovskago universiteta. (Cerium acetates-Thermal properties) tNeodymium acetates-Thermal properties) MAKSIMOV, V.N.; GRIGORIYEV, A.I. Infrared spectra of basic aluminum acetates. Mur.neorg.khim. 9 no.4tlD23-1024 Ap 164. (KIRA 17:4) FEDOROV, V.D.; MARSIMOV, V.N. Metabolism of sulfur compounds in cultures of photosynthetlzir4 green sulfur bacteria Chlorob.lum thiosulphatophilum. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no.5:1185-1186 1' 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Submitted june 8, 1964. gators'an thi if uchnologloa f bidtt-l.e'Arsv#h'vf viaded "Lie -as P"Y" 4104 ~ : l-%IC----TAGS,s.. :brlttlftiimx--Wod~~ Iwo ABSTRA(Ch" ,-,A-xi -lostimate, 114 ~ resistinc Q- -.- 0-1. MAKSIMOV, V.N.,,,-inzh. Forces acting upon the car on classification yard fiUMPS, Test. TSMII MPS 22 no.436-40 163. (MA 16:8) (Railroads-Hump yards) (Railroads--Cars) MAKSIMOV, V.P., inzh. PackiW, glund of the boiler-preheater. glek.i tepl.tiaga 4 no.1:17 Ja 160. (MIRA 13: 4) (Boilers) (Packing(14echanical engineering)) ROGACHEV, Ye*Ya.t kand.tekhn*nauk;:-MAOjWv, V.P., inzh. Measures for improving the winter operating of the cooling system of a T33 diesel locomotive. Ilek. i topl. tiaga 4 no.11:9-11 N 16o. (KM 13:12) (Diesel locomotives--Cooling) KOROTMV. Yu. P.. KORCRAZ IN. N.V., ZOTOV. G.A.. ZUROV, M., (-WSMOV, V.P., _j%TUKBDW, Ye. L. VOYTSITSSKIT. V.P. I-------------- Nobils unit for tb,6 complete investigation of gas wells* Gaz.prom. 5 no.~:8-13 7 160. (KOA 13:6) (Gas iplls) DOLGAMV, A.N.. insh.; MAKSIMOV. V_4F., inzh.; GERHANOV, A.N., inzh. Characteristics of the heating system of S3 diesel loco- motives. Test.TMI MPS 19 no.4:28-31 160. OCERA 13'-?) (Diesel locomotives) MAKSDIOV, V.P., inzh. Heat losses in the oil and %iater systems of the TEZ diesel locomotive. Vest. TSNII 14PS 21 no.1-2&-29 162. (MIRA 15.2) (Diesel locomotives-Cold weather operation) MAKSIWVY V.P. y pumps operating on oil emulsi . Performance of sinking rotaT- on Nefteprom. delo no.6tl2-15 163. (MM 16tlO) yshlennosti 1. Moskovskiy Institut neftekli'micheskoy i gazovoy prom- im, akademika Gubkina. (Oil well pumps) (Emulsions) MURW'YF,V, I.M.; MAKSIMOV, V.P, Periodic exploitation of flooded we2,-, as a method for improv, g the external parameters of q centrif,,ral n-Inking electric pump. Neft.khoz. 41 no-10935-40 0 16~. (MIRA 17:4) PRKSIWV, V.P.; KHOIOSHYNA, G.G.; IVANOV, S.K.; LEVKOV, P.V. Operation of an automated system of gas gathering points in the Shebelinka gas field. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.1:53-56 ja-Px 164. (MIRA IF-2" VOYTSITSKIY, V.P.; MAKSIMOV, V.P.; KHUDYAKOV, O.F. Removing condensate from gas in the Shehelinka gas field. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.3:49-51 Jl-S 164. (MIRA 17:12) M.AKSI2,1OV, V.P. ; TOKOYY T.N.; ?E7,110"CV, Ye.I.; OUKSYLTK, V.I. Controlling the losses Gf reservoir energy in the production of gas an the Shebelinka.gas field. Gaz. delo no.8:8-12 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Shebelinskoye gazopromyslovoye uprav'Leniye. I V, r V,P* I. IiII40VI Formati..n of oil ~,T,-lsions in the ex. loitation of ~.rowned welis with electric centrifugal sLiking pumps. I,auch.-tek%. s.cor. po Job. nefti no.22:65-70 164. 17:9) 2. ',.os'ccrrskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasno,-,o x~nw,,ieai institut nefte- khinichaskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. akadepuka Gubkina. l4wiMOV), V. 1'. E xpe r rm-eii tal inlre u t i ~ - I t 10 ' th G C f fe C' " 0 1' C, 11 0 M! 11 [14. o riz., (--) n 1. ,;,: operation of the stages of nLnking electri:~ ~:entrifu--,ai pwmps. NaucU.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.22-.',l-'15 I u4. OILI 111:9) 1. I'lookovskiy ordena Tfuuovo~-, Krasnogo Znameni institut nefte, cheskoy i gazovoy ~rD~,Vshlennosti i;:i. Gubki!ia. AM MAKSIMOVI, V. P. Operation of a sinking centrifugal pump in a nonhomogenewlE h-,Ad. Trudy MIMiGP no-48:2M.28,4 164. 18:3) - I 1 7."'1 ~~i , I i - '. .:i, ~, zqa 2' ~4 .-~:m W-- ,Z MAKSIY,CV V.P.- VOLKOV L F. I . Studying the process of paraffin deposition in a single-r'!,e oil gathering sys+-,n in fields of Western Siberia. Nef -.eprom. delo no.10:31-34 165. (Kl-,-tA 19:1) 1. Giproty-umenneftegaz. '68 4!,! 7 -.-ACCE SSION-N, ven,.Ohma~sysjw c Ajowez y- o ch. Is" ItW A "L,-:-V?A"jAAV~L um - . ig-Okinbipl6s, b!66kdli~O -a and'do'.06iriOtloft bf id#6riiA6ti* the 6hotom 4y7.'p ro_ j,' -'C jitdidj d-g dit h" J~r I til ftdkesi-f Of Yx f 41 L 08091-67 __JW_(J)/D1.P(k)/~~,?T(d)/EIVJT(m) E7.dP(w)/E14R(v)/&1P(t)/ETI IJP(c) ACC N11. AP6029959 FM/Pl4/WW/JD/HM SOURCE COM: UR/0413/66/000/015/olh~-/0-145-- INVr',NTOR: Grishin, G. N. ; Maksimov , V. P. ; Sobolev, N. A.; Mhemzratov, V. K. ORG: none TITLE: A device for bonding honeycomb fillers to aircraft skin. Class 62, No. 184626. SOURCE, Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 145 TOPIC TAM: adhesive bonding,' honeycomb structure, -1110 ABSTRACT: ~n Aut~orlerlificate has been issued for a device for cementing honey- comb fillers to aircrdft skin. It consists of a housing with a cover, a recess for mounting cemented parts, a hinge with a pin catch for fastening partts, a hydraulic!i elevator, sleeves for carrying pressurized gas, and reduction valves. For higher efficiency this device is equipped with sealed-membrane compartments which hold pressurized gas and, with an electric heater which, at the given time, polymerizes the glue. [SA) SUB CODE: 01, 13, H/ SUBM DATE: 31may65 Card UdRYUROV, V.14.; SUPOINITSICAYA. K.A.; SHTrjLftTz;R, S.Ya.; fliTYASHIN, P.D. masimov, V.P. New method for maeouriW, cerebrosoinal preElaure. Vop.aeirokf-ir. 21 no-3:52-55 MY-Je '57, (MIRA 10:10) (CSRY,jiROSPINAL FWLD pressure determ.. method) A A/ v. 124-11-12914 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 11, p 90 (USSR) 4 AUTHOR: Maksimov, V. S. T IT LE: The Hydromechanical Calculation of the Seepage through an Earth Dam Equipped with an Impervious Facing and Apron. (Gidromekhanicheskiy rast:het . filltratsii cherez zemlyanuyu plotinu s nepronitsayemyrn ekranom i ponurom) PERIODICAL: Tr. Kuybyshevsk. inzh. -stroit. in-t, 1957, N r 4, pp 185-191 ABSTRACT: In his investigation, the Author divides the seepage flow into three segments: 1) A headwater segment above the apron; 2) a headwater segment above the facing; and 3) the free-surface flow between the facing and the drain. Having utilized N. N. Pavlovskiy's hydromechanical solution for the first segment and F. B. Nell son-Skornyakov's solution for the third segment, the A. has investigated the second segment and has found a relatively simple solution therefor. A correlation with test results obtained in the EGDA test basin indicates tha.'t the proposed calcul- ation method leads to conservative errors of the order of magnitude Card 1/2 of 8 - 14 percent. In order to simplify numerical computations, a IZ4.-II-12914 ' The Hydromechanical Calculation of the Seepage through an Earth Dam Equipped with an Impervious Facing and Apron (continued) nomogram for the determination of the modular coefficients and a computational set-up are proposed. The field of applicability of the subject method appears to be rather limited, since impervious aprons and facings are virtually non- existent. (A. A. Uginchus) Card 2/2 k'Ayc,,F" ~-mrl 'er7il )Ci ll'iyHra 1 icAA- 4 - ' ~ '-' 1.4 - I j~~ I tA -lY,4ro,necrianic;.-l dvoi-g~ f i I t i o n r oV, ti R~ild r: am- o n permeaikiw bases vi tri ant ltr~-,t inn jevi,-e-,z.lf e v , 19 L~ io n , If - I g: i e r -1 ~i tn v ur-~er 2 MAKSIMV, V.S.- inz.b. Hydraulic and bydromecbanical calculations of seepage of earth data with shields and upstream facas. Raucb.dokl.v7s.shkol7; stroi. no.2t221-227 '58. (MIR& 12:1) (Dams) AUTHOR: Maksimov, V.S., Engineer 98-58-6-8/21 TITLE: A Calculation for Earth Dams With Screen and Spillway for Filtration (Raschbt zemlyanykh plotin s ekranom i ponurom na filltratsiyu). For Discussion (V poryadke obsuzhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye Stroitel'stvo, 1958, Nr 6, pp 26-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes an approximative hydromechanical cal- culation for earth dams with a penetrable screen and spill- way for filtration. The calculation is based on a method proposed by the Academician N.N. Pavlovskiy fRef. 3-7. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Dams-Mathematical analysis 2. Dam - sign MMTARYAN. Artashas Relkonovich. Prinimali uchastiye: N'K'3gxQT*-.'V*S&I assistant; FRIDLAND. V.Ya., assistant; KISHCHIM, '* 'a ",'-a-s~sX'9-`tent. FISARNK0. K., red.; KMSZVICH, S., [Hydra6lics and fundamentals of gas dynamics] Gidravlika i osnovy gazodinamiki. Xlev, Goa.izd-vo tekhn.lit-ry USSR, 1959. 279 P. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Kafedra gidravliki Kiyevskogo ordens Lenina politekhnicheakogo institute (for Kaksimov, Pridland). (Hydraulics) (Aerodynamics) /0' 150d 39592 S/263/62/000/011/012/022 1,07/1207 AUTHOR: Mkhitaryan, A. M., Maksimov, V. S., Labinov, S. D. and Fridland, V. Ya. TITLE: Method for studying the boundary layer by means of an electric hot-wire anemometer PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. 32. lzmeritcl'naya tekhnika, no. 11, 1962, 36, abstract 32.11.275. In collection "Novyye metody izmereniy i pribory dlya gidravlich., issled". M., AS USSR, 1961, 90-92 TEXT: The kievskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Kiev Polytechnic Institute) designed a test stand for studying the turbulent boundary layer in order to find optimum methods for its control. The distribution of velocity in the jet cross-section and the turbulence spectra were investigated. Average velocities and fluctuations were measured by means of the 3TAM-3A (ETAM-3A) electric hot-wire anommeter designed by the VEI. Width of the nozzle wire was 19 micr. The average flow velocities were found from the current intensity of the measuring bridge, and the degree of turbulence, from the readings of a C-95 (S-95) electrostatic voltmeter connected to the ampfifier output. Shape and frequency of fluctuations as well as their relative amplitude were determined by means of a 314-7 (EI-7) cathode-ray oscilloscope and recorded on amnO-2 (MPO-2) oscillograph. Calibration was done by a reference Prandtl-tube. A 500 c time marker was used for determining Card 1/2 Method for studying the... S/263,/62/000/011/012/022 1007/1207 the frequency [Abstracter's note: of fluctuations]; the measuring nozzle was moved by means of a screw- coordinator provided with a vernier scale. Accuracy of nozzle setting was 0.005 mm and of mean velocity measurements, 0.5 %. The intensity of fluctuations was determined with an accuracy of 5 to 10 %. A movable element, fastened to the flume bottom and connected to piezoelectric weighing scales designed by the Institut mekhaniki AN USSR (Inbtitutc of Mechanics, AS, UkrSSR) was used for determining the stresses on the surface. The scales had the following design features: during measurement the crystal-bearing ring driven by a special gear induces in the crystal an alternating voltage. Due to this method, distortions of measurement results, caused by leakage of the charge from the crystal, can be avoided. The accuracy of scale readings is I %. There are 3 references and I figure. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 s/147/61/ooo/oo4/ol4/o.~.1 E195/E135 AUTHORS: Mkhit a ryan, A. M. , INaksimov, V. S. Fr i dla nd, V. Ya. and Labinov, S. D. TITLE: An experimental investigation of flow in the initi6l sections of a semi-bounded turbulent jet PERIODICAL. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnay tekhnika, no.4, 1961, 111-119 TEXT; Most of the published experimental and theoretical work on submerged turbulent jets has been concerned with the main part of the jets, which is characterised by flow under the conditions of an enclosed boundary layer. The presence of developed turbulent inter-mixing makes it possible to assume, with an adequate degree of accuracy, a similarity of velocity diagrams expressed in dimensionless coordinates. A more complex problem is the study of the initial section of the jet, where the above assumption would result in considerable errbrs. The authors have carried out an experimental wind-tunnel study of the flow of semi-bounded, turbulent jet, flowing out of a right-angle An experimental investigation of f low... S/147/61/000/004/014/021 E194/E135 nozzle into a prismatic trough. As a resu.1 t o f th i s i tives t iga t i o ii it has been established that , ,%long a length of morc than teii equivalent diameters (of the nozzle) and on 7010' of the width of the trough, there exists a nucleus of constant velocities. In addition, the boundary layer forming on the bottom of the trough is equivalent to a boundary layer forming on a flat plate subjected to a flow of an infinite stream. Experiments carried out with the help of a hot wire anemometer showed that in the nucleus of che stream the degree of turbulence remained constant along the length and width of the trough. Finally, an empirical relationship has been obtained, giving the location of the upper limit of the nucleus of constant velocities in a semi-bounded jet : -x/h -a y/h = L where y is the flow coordinate of points of upper litnit of the nucleus of constant velocities; h is the height of the nozzle; a is a coefficient depending on the amount of turbulence at the outlet from the nozzle, and equal in this case to + 0.0108. Card 2/3 An expez-~,_,,,,It "ve'Jtigatjon There are 8 figures. 5/147/6 E-195/rn 1/000/004/014/021 35 ASSOCIATION: Kafedra gidravliki, (DePartment Kiyevskiy POlitekhnicheskiy in Institute) of HY'raulics, Kie, pOlytechnical SUBY11TTED: January 16, 1961 Card 3/3 27243 J'~21 bG07 2, ~6 0 S/17 11to B1 04YB1 2 5 AUTHORS' Mkhitaryan, A, y., MlaksimOvi V S , Friiland Ya Labinov, S- D- ing the boundary layer in an operatine~ part TITLE: Method Of investigat of a new type iy zhurnal, v 4, nom 9, PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizichesk TEXT: The turbulent boundary layer of a body with a pressure gradient along its axis and a gas jet flowing about it has been studied. The experiments were performed because at present there is no complete theory available, whi3h would permit an exact calculation of the disrupture of the ~)oundary layer First of all, an operating part was developed, which produces a jet with a long core of constant velocity. An attempt was made to obtain a constant velocity, a constant static pressure, and a constant turbulence of flow throughout the operating part. The authors determined the velocity distribution over the cross section of the jet and also the turbulence spectrum. The mean velocities and pressure pulsati-ons were measured by an electrothermoaneinome ter of the type 3TW3A (ETAM-3A) , Shape, frequency, Card 1 / 3 27243 S/17 61/004/OC5/0C2/C13 Method of investigating the B1 04X1 25 0 and amplitude of oscillations were visually determined by means of a cathode-ray oscilloscope and recorded on a film. First, the authors measured the parameters of a free, turbulent, rectangular jet The core of constant velocity of such a jet was not longer than twice the diameter of the nozzle used. At a distanct. of 2-~) nozzle diameters , the authors obser-i ed an intermediate zone between thu cure of the jet with constant velocity and the main part of the jet An analysis of the flow of a free jet shows that the cross section of constant velocity of the jet can only be enlarged by reducing the turbulence and energy loss in its boundary layer For this purpose, it is recommended to bound the jet by a solid surface With the aid of experimental data by other aut- ors; (D, N. Lyakhovskily et al.., Aerodinamika elementarnogo fakela, Soobshcheni, TsKTI, 1936) and on the basis of the Prandtl equation, the following rel.tion is obtained for the calculation of the tangential stress of the jet: Tc = 0 0125 ~u2/2 It is 0 shown that the tangential stress arising with a jet flowing about a plate is one-fourth of that of a free jet In addition, experimental results indicate that the loss in energy occurrinr in the boundary layer of a plate is many ti ;ieg srialler in tY.~ 'boundary layer of a free Jet By Card 2/3 27243 S/17 61 /004/009/002/G1 3 Method of investigating the B104YB125 using a prismatic jet guide that bounds the jet on three sides, it was possible to extend the jet core of constant velocity to a length of about 10 nozzle diameters, The width of the constant-velocity core amounted to 705/o' of the total width of the jet guide There are 4 figures and 11, refer- ences. 3 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Politekhnicheskiy institut, g Kiyev (Polytechnic Institute, Kiyev) SUBMITTED: May 15, 1961 Card 3/3 A DIWBINOV, 5.1-J.; 2kKS-D11011,, V.30 MUITARYAN, A.M. (Kiev) "Theoretical and experimental investigations of the boundary layer control". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and A-plied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 6h. SHMOV9 M.V.-, MAKSIMOVt V.S. " Solubility and decomposition potential of titanium tetrachloride in fused potassium chloride. Elektrokhimiia 1 no.6;727-730 Je 165. (MIRA l8s7) i. rnatitut elektrokhimii Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR. I !,- _.. - t-." MAKSIMOV, V. V. . Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Energy ekpemkiture in students of ~-,f I n irade Schools fair builders as one of the bases of the hygienic stadardization I of their diet." Mos, 1959. 15 pp (Min of Health RSFSR. Len Sanitary-Hygiene Med Inst), 150 copies (KL, 4.3-59, 128) _90- MAUIMOV, V.V. Bnorgy expenditure and hygienic aspects of nutrition of students In building trade schools. Trudy LSGMI no.47:114-127 159. (MIRA 12:9) 1, Kafedra giglyeny pitanlya Leningradskogo aanitarno-gigiyeniche- skogo meditsinskogo Institute. (zav.kafedroy - dotoent Z-H-Agranov- skiy). (VOCATIOIL&L EDUCATION) (M=TION) - DP4S IKQ~~,_ Energy consumption am ng students of vocational construction schools as one of the principles for the establishment of hygienic nutritional standards. Vop. pit. 20 no. 1:14-21 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey gigiyeny (zav. - dots. P.A. Zolotov) Chitinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SCHOOL CHILDREN-FOOD) MAKSIMOV. V.V..-assistent Energy conswaption in boarding school students in pioneer camps. Gig. i san. 26 no.5:33-37 My 661. (MIR&:15:4) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey gigiyeny Chitinskogo maditsibakogo instituta. (NETABOLISM) (CHILDW-EPPLOVENT) MZDIGVj V.V., Daily energy loos in 16 Lo Ll year-old children in boarding school pioneer camps. Padiatriia 42 no-1:42,50 Ja'63. (ML,A 16:10) ~. Iz kafedry obshchey gigiyeny (zav. - dotsent P.A.Zolotov) Chitinskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (METABOLISM) (CHILDREN-CARE AND HYC.U;NE) 14AKSDIOV) V.V. Twenty-four-haur energy expenditure of boarding school students in the performance of useful public serv-ice at Pioneer and Communist Youth League camps. Vop.pit. 22 no.1138-43 Ja-F'63 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Iz kafedry abahchey gJgiyeny (zav. - dotsent P.A.Zolotov) Chitinokolro meditsinskogo Instit--uta. ACC NR - AR603472: SOURCE CODE: UR/0124/66/000/008/AO09/AO09 Maksimov, V. V. AUTHOR: TITLE: Errors ir a gyro semi-compass SOURCE: Rel, z1, Mekhanika, Abs, 1A111 REF SOURCEt Tre Kamansk, aviats, inztal vyps 07, 1066, 30=49 TOPIC TAGS: gyrocompass, vibration, semicompass, friction differential moment, differeniial moment, friction moment, horizontal stabilization moment ABSTRACT: A study was made of the magnitude of the differential moment of friction which produces shifts in the gyroscope toward the azimuth. A relationship 1M1'1_;V1M'_1 derived from experience, is used, in which I MI. Iand Im,_1 are absolute frictional moment values at various signs of relative bearing end rotation and v is a positive coefficient, quantitatively close to unity and dependent on a number o,f factors resulting from the relative distribution of bearing parameters. It is assumed that in airplane and gyroscope vibrations the frictional moments are equal to v M, and MT , but because their vibrations have L different velocities, the duration of the effect of these moments is different and this, Card 1 / 2 ACC NRI AR6034721 affects the magnitude of the frictional differential moment. Values are obtained for the frictional differential moment as a function of the moment of horizontal stabilization of the gyroscope and of the vibrations of its base. The method of harmonic linearization is used to obtain an approximate analytical expression for the frictional differential moment. V. 1. Andrushov. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13/ Card 2/2 DANILIN, Vasiliy Petrovich; TUBMENEN, S.S., zaal. deyatell nauki i tekhniki, doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzo;nt [deceased]; MA.KSIMOVI V.-V., dots., retsenzent; ARUTYUOV, S.S., dots., t I - :Lt - r e senzen ; FRIDLENDER, G.O., prof., nauchn. red.; TITOVA, V.A., red.; DANILDVA, V.V.2 red. [Gyroscopic instruments) Giroskopicheskie prJbory. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 53F p. (MIRA 18:6) n:;f, o fl- C rntr