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MAKSIMOV V A - KOSTTLEV, A. D.; GURKOV, K. S.; VOLODIKO, K. P.; A. I.; SEMHEV, V. F.; KOIMNIKOV,, A. T. YAGODIN., A. I.; PONOKARKNKO, Yu. F.; FOLKOV, A. N.; BELAK, N. A. MM-1 vibrating dril-I and loader. Gor. zhur. no-10:53-56 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Mining machinery) GUI?XOVP K.S.., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOSTYLEV, A.D.$ kand.tekhn.naukj- Kousiaiov, A.T., Jnzh.; MaLIMV, V.A., inzh.; PARIIBKIY., YU.P., inzh. Hydraulic vibrator. Vakhi avtom.proizv. 16 no.7:41-43 JI 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Vibrators) MLMIMGV. V.A. -L The BIFT,~-l boring a-nd loading machJne. Gos.nauch.-iaol, ins t.nauch. J. tolm.inforu. 16 no.11:14-lo 11'13. (141FLA 16,11 ) M-AXSIMOV V.A., -,_inzh.; ORLOV, V.G., inzh.; KOSTYLEV, A.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GURKOV, K.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; KREYMER, V.I., inzh.; BELAN, N.A., inzh. Testing the BFff-l boring and loading machine at the Sarany chromite mine. Shakht. stroi. 8 no.5t17-21 Ity'64 (MIRA 170) 1. laeksandrovskiy mashinostroiteltnyy zavod (for Maksimov). 2. Saranovskiy khromitovyy rudnik Zp-jadna-Urallskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Qrlov). 3. Institut gornogo dela Sibirskogo, otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Kostylev, Ourkov, Kreymer). 4. Kuznetskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy ugol"nyy institut (for Belan). Ef.6'MO, A.D., nailk; GURKO~ K.S. , K&nd. I -qKh-,i.-;fiur Yil.F., Ir-zh.; TA'Sli.K(,'V, A.Ya., MA-f,S:2,fOV, V.A- KOLESNIKOV, A.T. C, . n t% i nu au s ope ra t i (3 r, -,;:) rk:L ng 3 ie me n t o r' a v 1 bi- a %; u n Ugc-.'~-' 39 D 164. 1. Institut 901T,,g~- 4-31-a Sibirskog,- nt&.'ar-~,yu AN "LZR ~f:- Ko--,ylev. Gurkov, Far'.nskiy, TIE-Iikov~. y zavod (F-:7 Maksimov, S-zidy-3'nav, Ma8rinost-oit'e , Iny- ._,NAPI,M.Cv.,-_V.A.,-.inzh.; CRLOV, V.G., gornyy inzh.; KOSTYIDI, A.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GURKOV, K.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; KFTYMER, V.I., inzh.; EFLAN, P inzh.; PONCMARTFNKC), Yu.F., kand. teknn. nauk .4. A. 9 Industrial testing of the BPM-l boring and loading machine. Ugoll 40 no.2143-46 F 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Aleksandr(,vskiy mashinostreitellnyy zavod 'for Maksimov). 2. Saranov- skiy khromitovyy rudnik Zapadno-Ural'skogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Orlov). 3. Institut gornogo dela Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Kostylev, Gurkov, Kreymer). 4. Kuznetskly naiichno-issledovatellskiy ugoltnyy institut (for Belan). 5. Institut gornogo dela imeni A.A.Skochirskcgo (for Ponomarenko). L 40025-66 ACC N& AP6004219 (A SOURCE CODE: UR/0331/65/000/009/0006/0007 A131MOR: Karelin, V. N.; Leshchenko, Ye. N.; Maksimov, V. A. --------------------------- ORG: [Karelin] Khabarovsk Polytechnic Institute (Khabarovskiy politekhnicheskiy insti- tut); [Leshchenkal Administration of Lumber Industry, Khabarovsk_SKKh (Upravleniye lesnoy promyshlennosti Khabarovskogo SNKh); LMaksimov] Zeyskiy lesprcmkhoz TITLE: Heavy duty tractor trailers require more powerful engines SOURCE: Lesnaya promyshlennost', no. 9, 1965, 6-7 TOPIC TAGS: cargo truck, special purpose truck, tractor C)Ij4_)0RXj.J(_. i)~ij(7H1A_)FA2r ABSTRACT: Comparative experimental studies were conducted on a heavy duty tractor -treller and the MAZ-501 modified tractor with trailer 2 R-15 Kh to compare their fuel consumption and labor productivity in transporting logs from logging areas. The spe- cific modifications, total load capacity, method of loading and unloading logs, type of terrain, horsepower efficiency of engines used, the cost of transporting I m3 of lumber and other technical and performance data are given. The tests were conducted during the winter of 1964-1965 by the Khabarovsk Polytechnic Institute at the Zeysk lumber production facility. It was concluded that the MAZ-501 heavy duty tractor trailer with the 2 PP-20 semi-trailer is preferred because it considerably increases UDC: 634.0.377.45 1/2 L 40025-66 ACC NR: AP6004219 e- , the load-carrying capacity of the vehicle and decreases the amount of gas used per volume of ltrAber carried. Orig. art. has: I photograph. SUB CODE: 131p/// SUBM DATE: none ,,.'? 4a, i Card 2/2 1 i I PARSHIKOVP V.N. [Parshykov, V.M.]-,..MAKSIMOV, V.A. (Maksymov, V.0.1 Effect of light and carbon dioxide supply on the characteristics of biochemical processes in young kidney bean and corn plants. Ukr. bot. zhur. 19 no.4:3-14 162. (SERA 15-9) 1. Institut botaniki AN UkrSSR, otdel fotosinteza. (Plants-Assimilation) 4 PARSHIKOV, V.N. [Parshykov, V.M.1; MAKSIMV, V.0. Paper chromatographic determination of am-no acids. Txr. Lot. zhur. 21 no.6:81-92 '64. (MIRA 1. Institut botaniki AN UkrSSR, otdel biokhimii, i lnst4~ut gidrobiologii AN UkrSSR. AUTHOR: Maksimov, V.A., Rodshteyn, P.M.,and Krulevetskiy, A.I. TITLE: z hdanov Coke Over- Works (Zhdanovskiy zavod) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimi.7a, 195?, No.11, PP. 58 - E4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A historical review of the development of the above works is given. There are 5 figures and 1 table. AVAILABLE; Library of Uongress Uardl 1/1 it is on bf the first to be built to Soviet plans by Soviet engineers. Benzol scrubber plant stexted operating Ln 1037. The works was destroyed during the war and reconstruction started in 1943. MUSIMOV, . Zhdmov CokIvg Plant In 25 years old. loks i khim. nD.ils6-8 160. (mm 13:11) 1,-Direktor Zhdawvokogo kokookbimichookogo zavoda. (Zhdanov--Cokizkg Indtmtry) MAKSIMOV.L- SKARBUNI lz~ _ ~V.A. V. S. On the road of creative search-,no. KokB i khim. no.16:3-5 l61. WIRA 15:2) 1. Direktor Zhdanovskogo koksokhimicheskogo zavoda (for Maksimo-7,). (Coke industry) 14AKSIWV, V.A. A remarkabie ~:-. ;.-I ~--, ', :-,7 . -i-,,iy - wr ' - - ~~ - , ~ 0 : 117-1-19 7;-11- 1-:11 a, Lm-1, . v ::-IiAT, V. A., inzh. ; VU1,KOV, A.!;., kand. tekhn. ra,-k; GLR 7-1~- ~-- ~~ F;evel.)Pment cX ac-tuatini~ me--nanlsms of cutter-loaaers. Sbor. K,~.~ZNJUT no.10-,~51-116z, 16~.. (,',!~A 18:9) MAKSIMOV, V.A. Frequency of rains at the Veliko-Anadoll Runof' Station. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.50:70-74 165. (MIRA 18:11) MKSIMOV, V.D. (VIInTITSA) .-- --lif67r-i-~W'the activity of the Vinnitsa Urologiaal Society in 1958. Urologlia 24 no.4;77 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) (VINNITSA--UROLOGICAL SOCIRTIMS) U40V Y V. F. Dissertation: "From the History of the Stuttj of the Mechanical Action of Light." Cand Fhys-1-11ath Sci) Mrmcmi Oblast Podagogical In:-,t) 22 Jun 54. (Vechernyaya Moskva, I-loscow, u 11 jun 54) SO: SM4 318, 23 Dec 1954 0:1 go l, o - o Tk* 4d4 MfdMd lof ka"Me" of Csn*kM than The rt4d method requim 00 A more J sit. Kiror. farsaMl. Ak4d. (U. S. 1. 04 -06 ' Alkalies and is inure cowplimtrd th- the hot thm. _~~ was to investigate th' 004 No. C loo The hot m,,I..j i. tt~~ed for the production -( high-graxle h-grade mLh&* under c thig j ~onditjms for t=u ld d F i l h Th . e ca or some s er C em. prac"S". an mp large-scale tab, Conditions. Cold purification of Cellulose = 00 is .,,Cd for It-, production -1 nitrocellulose P-~- 00" 'Umists of chlorination. followed by treatment with bun, 1 1 11 h I FM,uf purity and a high w of the soln.. for 139 & 19 'r' a mrreerization and sepst, of the base from Vellukw- the production