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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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M.ethodology of determining pressure by inclusions in quartz.
Trudy MGRI 39:92-100 163. (MIRA 16:10)
KAKSAROV. Hikolay Varnaylyenigh
Lyslva. Perm', Permakoe knishnoe lzd-vo. 1959. 120 p.
(KIRA 14:2)
[Theory of airplane engines] Teoriia. aviatsionnykh dvigatelei.
Moskva, Voen.izd-vo, 1950. [Microfilm] (MLRA 8:4)
.,MA AY- Foreno
Tamas IbAaa.d-i. Blot tud 18 no.l6s483-486 21 Ap 163*
Complex compounds SnCl4o?-A-3 and SnCl4*?-A-2B. Report no.2.
Izv.Sakt.plat.i blag.mat. no.27:137-151 152. Off-RA 7:5)
1. Institut khimicheskikh nauk Akademil Kazakhakoy SSR, Alma-Ma.
(Compounds. Complex) (Tin compounds)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Yetallurgiya, 1958, Tir 4, p
AUrHOR3: Krasillnikova, L.N., Maksay,
TITLE: A Fast Colorimetric ~bthod of Analysis of Aluminum Oxide in _',laL;,; Lnd
Agglomerates of the lead and Copper Industry (Bystryy kolorimet riche
metod opredeleniya okisi alyuminiya v shlakakh i aglomerat-aka svintso'!CL~~D
mednogo proizvodstva)
PERIODICAL: Sb- tr. Vses. a.-i. in-ta tsvetn. rrmt., 1956, Nr 1, pp
ABSTRACT: A method of fast colorimetric an lysis for Al by a "Stil'bazo" rc_-aL-1pnt
in lead and copper industry slags and agglomerates has been developed. 7-.0
method is based on the formation of an intracomplex compound - a lacquer
red-orange in color. The dye is brightest at 5.2-5.8 pH. The scasit-_'vity of
the reaction extends to 0.01 mmg Al per cc. The maximum coloration appcurs
after 2 min and is stable for 40 min. Ti, Be, Fe, Cu, and Ln show color
under identical conditions. Only Cu and Fe should be present in the sub-
stance for analysis. It is established that the presence of up to 0.5 M-g. Cu
in the volume subjected to
Card 1/2
A Fast Colorimetric Method (cont.
colorimetry after reduction by ascorbic acid does not interfere with identifi-
cation of At by means of "stil'bazo", provided that there is no Fe. The pre-
sence of up to 1 mg Fe after reduction by ascorbic acid does not interfere
with analysis for At either. Presence of Cu and Fe at the same time makes
identification of At impossible. Therefore samples are fused with Na202 in
an Fe crucible to decompose the alloys and agglomerates. Ascorbic acid sol-
ution is added to reduce traces of Cu and Fe that have gone into solution. The
presence of Pt, Zn, Ca, and SiO2 does not impede the determination. To com-
pensate for errors due to losses of At with precipitates of Fe hydroxide, it is
necessary to plot the calibration curve for the same conditions as those in
which the analysis of the specimen has been made, and not in accordonce with
the standard At solution. The coloration of a solution of the AW"S ti I'ba zo"
complex does not conform to Beer's law. and, therefore, a larger number of
points is required to plot the curve of calibration. Determination of At by this
method and by the gravimetric phosphate methods yield result-, in good agree-
ment. The analysis takes 40-60 min. The detailed course of the analysis is
1. Aluminum oxide--Colortnietric analysis 2 Altun.[.qtjm--i)eLei,mntitlori
Ca rd 2/2
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Oun Ic
Separating R-11 amounts of rhenium from molybdenum,
tungsten and certain other impurities by the method
of ion exchange chromato.graphy. Sbor.trud. VNIITSVET14ET
no.9:115-1-17 165. (14IRA 18:11)
AUTHORS: Rogal I. L'.%!-ay, V. V. 53-V, 2o- 12 3-4- 52,
TITLE: The Caj~ability of Rerener-ition Df the Coverin;-7 Bone-Tissue of
the Cranium of Homothermal Ani,iLls During Po~tnatal Or+ogenesis
(ReFeneratsionnaya sposobriost' cherepnoy pokrovncy u
teplokrovnykh zhivotn7,ikh v pof:t-iat:,.l'nom onto-e:ieze)
PERIODTCAL: Doklady Aka:!emii naul- SSSR, 1')Y), Vol 12', Nr At,
PP 76o - 763 (TTSSR)
ABSTRACT: First the authors dive a sirvey (Refs 2-6) of those
dealing with the differences between the C.fLJa'-'-i1--tY Of
rej,eneration in -rian and !~:oriie domestic animals, on the one
hand and low vertebrqtes on the other hand. The authors intended
to carry out the inve-stilr-ation of the re.'eneration -recesses
of lambs, kids, digs, he::s, ducks and Eeese. The rensons for
the decrease of the capability of rel-eneration in postnatal
development had to be exo"ained. A round piece of bone of a
size of 10 or 20 -xi (pi--s, ki,ls, lambs) or a rertan~-ular
one of 5 - 12 mm (poultry) -;ias sawed out. The main parts of
Ca.-d 1/3 the method had been described earlier (Ref 7). In the mentioned
The Capability of Rej~7eneration of t~-,e Covering Bone-T~ssue SOV/2o-123-4--`2/53
of the Cranium of Homothermal Anima'-3 During i~ostnatal Ontogenesis
domestic animals a regeneration of the bones takes place
only partially; in lanbs (up to 4-5 months old) and kids
the bone is rel;~enerated at the edz-es of the defect, in pigs
as cuneiform outFrovths (Fi--s 1-3). The rest of the defect
is replaced by P fibroun cover. This conrective tissiie hinde;-9
further bore ret-ereration. The covering bone tissue3 of the
cranium of lambs, 1~irls, and pi~,s are on one sind the !-.ane level
in the early postn;ttal periol as concerns tIeir r-i.j~ibility
of re,--ene-ation. The authors expl:iin thr-ir inferior cal--Ibility
of rei-eneration by rn insufficient ~e-diffcrentiation of the
bone ele-n-ents, which leads to an inferior re-formation of the
bones. The Iecreased siipply of j.-:rowth vit~tmins (vit%min A)
and ossification ( B) vit-,riins as well as of mineral substances
exerts an essential influe:.ce., which was proved in earll-r
papers (Refs 7,8). In poultry the bone pieces removed are
re~-,enerated by bone-tissue, except in very old hens, where
only small islets of bone tissue are f~)rmed. In full,- grown
ducks and hens V:e rv~-.ene;-ation takov~ place more than
in young ones. In '-eene it is slower than in ducks and hens.
Card 2/3 In ducks the covering bone is capable of a 9-.ontzineous
The Capability of Re~-7ereration of the Coverin,7 Bone-Tissue S 'V/;~c-123-4-52/53
of the Cranium of Homothermal Animals DlirinL i,ostnatal Ontogene,,is
regeneration (even Ythen 1-2 years old Wid on repeat(~d injur4les).
The vitamin saturation of the fodder and bone transpll-,ntation
hinder the regeneration i)rocef--.sPq in iucks. In ~,;eere a similar
effect was obtained by ultraviolet ra(!ii,~tion. There are 3
figures and 7 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Belotserkovnkiy sel'skokhozyay9tvennyy institut (Belaya Tserkov'
Agricultural Institiite)
PRESENTED: J111Y 7, 1958, by Ye. N. !,.,vlovq'