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MAKINSKIY, T.A. Joint scientific session of the Institute of Neurology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. and the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Neurology of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian S.S.R. Zhur.nerv.i psikh. 62 no.6:954-956 162. (MIRA 15:11) (NEUROLOGY-CONGRESSES) Colo LC bases a new thers u c in chronic. poly. thritis r eumatka. Hormonal rels ship between, pltwt- a e 1y ds. , B. A. a. Die ifedtffti~che 1 147- he funci .tiaini v ut-ffWtsof- u, U., an e, and of crentinine are discussed'i A Zn' C =d a mefficin ur bill, Playing these componcrim is.- SuRrested. A. Dittx je '26, 9314 85083 S/139/60/000/004/033/o44/x-x E031/E413 AUTHORSt Lebedev, V.V. and Makirov, A.Ye. TITLE: Determination of the Parameters of the Distribution of the Dimensions of Particles PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, ig6o, No.4, pp.6o-65 TEXT: The scattering properties of a cloudy medium can be used as a source of information about the distribution of the dimensions of the particles composing it. A similar problem was investigated by K.S.Shifrin (Ref.1) and leads to the inversion of a special form of the Fourier integral. The particle distribution curve is obtained by numerical integration with respect to the angles of scattering of the experimental distribution curve for the intensity of the light. In the present note an attempt is made to modify the problem and, using experimentally measured intensities of light scattered through three angles, establish the parameters of the distribution function. The use of a parametric representation of the particle distribution function simplifies the problem considerably. The distribution function for the particle d1mension is taken in the form dn(r) ArPe-cr dr (2) Card 1/ 3 8503 S/139/60/000/004/038/044/XX E031/E413 Determination of the Parameters of the Distribution of the Dimensions of Particles where c (greater than zero) IL (an integer greater than or equal to zero) are parameters of the distribution and A is a normalizing constant. If the medium consists of suspended reflecting particles, the intensity of scattered light depends only on the character of the distribution of the particles according to their dimensions. The assumption that multiple scattering has negligible inflaence leads to Eq.(5) for the intensity of light scattered through a small angle P. This type of integral has been calculated in explicit form by Shifrin for u = -2(1)2, and leads to the expression for the intensity of the form I)i (a,c) = M-(p +3) T11 + 2 (k) (6) where a = 21Tp / X, X is the wavelength, and k = 1/(Vrj~+c~2/4,2) The functions obtained (To - ~p4) are far from being sufficient to determine the parameters of the distribution function because 11 can have values greater than 2. Expressions for ~05 - ~plo are Card 2/3 85083 S/139/60/000/004/038/01"1/xx E031/E413 Determination of the Parameters of the Distribution of the Dimensions of Particles quoted, With the relations given, Eq,(10) is arrived at which can be used for the experimental determination if the parameters 11 and C, assuming a distribution of the form (2) above, (atc) = I 4JT2 n C~L+l (P (k) (10) 0 11 1 )L2 '11L+ 5~,+2 The method is less strict than Shifrin's but it leads more quickly to the answer, There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 8 references; 7 Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti imeni I.M.Gubkina (Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas industry imeni I.M.Gubkin) SUBMITTED: August 22, 1959 Card 3/3 ~MROV, K. A., FILWO7, V. -., VM1011, 1. -1. 'The compilation of an epidemiological atlas of the so-uthern Ural." p. 52 Des.vatoye Sovenhehaniye Po pa-razitologichesk-im proble-uram i pr1rodnooGhargovym boleznyam. 22-29 Oktyabrya 19.59 g. (Tenth Gonference on Para 91 tolo.-ical Problems and Dispases with Natural Foci 12-29 October 1959). Moscow-Lenin!~rad, 1959 AcadeW of Vedical Sciencos TTS S1 J t bind of 7-TSSR, No. I 254pp. MMIROVP K.A... kandemedonauk plague control measures in India. Vest.AH K&zakh.SSR 17 no.4.99- 101 Ap 161. (India-Plague) (MIM 14.- 5) MAKIROVf K.A., kand. mod. nauk State and outlook for the control of cholera in India. Vast. AN Kazakh. SSR 17 no.9:103-104 S 161. (MIRA 16:8) 14AKIhOV ,~+, some data on the incidezee of smallpox in India. 2:L no.6:53-58 161. (.UJDIA-MULLPOX) Wmv. Kazakh. CUBA 15-2) MUIROV K.A. tL-- - I Some problems of morbidity due to leprosy in India. Zdrav. kazakh. 21 no.12-:46-50 161. (MIRA 15:3) (INDIA-IZ PROSY) MAKIROV, K.A.; KAWULOV, I.K. Current status of and prospects for controlling infectious diseases in liazakhstan. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 32 no.7:12-19 Je 161. WIRA 15: 5) 1. Iz kafedry epidemiologii Kazakhokogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (KAZAKHSTAN-COMUNICABLE DISEASES-PREVENTION) MAKISHZV, GJA. What Is heavy water? Prir I znanie 12 no.10slO-ll D 159. (EW 9:10) (Deuterium oxide) ,-. /I Z) " - I ) ~ / If I I I ", r -3 , vi M ~ f. AFA EVA". , BAUSM, B-T., MMISOV, TU.P., TAMMA, V.W., VCfWVs Mop ZINOVINA, L.A., MKIMMs 320*#JMSOV& M*I.q YAJ=V# M.N.# RM3BOR, I.N., IIDVrM0V, I.P., 30100IMS X, SUSMJN, V.A., UWVM, T.P. Problm of dewlepla oil in Ww OUR P"ort to be suladtted for the glzth Wa4d F*Uv2m= Cougme FramMNart, " J~ 63 inA I< 5 0 &yAVA_qyZVA A, , BUSER, B.T., TOFMSM, TU.P., USILYNA, V.N-v VGMV, V.T., ZIMOVIVA, L.A., XOMMTSM, SW.p MiRSOV, X-l-v KAMPPIVJ~"# NIMBDR, V.I., MDTMV, X.P., SCUMSM, S.T., SUSHMN, V.A., TAMVWV, V.P. Pmblm of dow2apin oU In the =1 ft"rt to be nbsitted for the Slzft Wor2d fttr*2~ Ce~ss ftw*tuft, 2&26 Jam 63 AID P - 2782 Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 10/19 Authors Boldy--ev, B. G. and R. G. Makitra 000"0 Title Synthesis of 2,8-dichloroadenine Periodical Zhur. prikl. khim. 28, 4, 422-427, 1955 Abstract Experiments are described which served to improve E. Fisher's method,of synthesizing adenosine -di- (see Ber. 1914, 47 210). The preparation of 2,6 chloio--8-hydroxypurine, 2,6,8-trichloropurine, and 2,8-dichloroadenine is given. Two tables, 11 ref. (Russian: none). Institution L'vov Polytechnic Institute. Laboratory of the Technology of Organic Synthesis. Submitted 0 8, 1953 -7:- ~j= remp 80 OC" PFOCI -,tijA- formad glow y- T'r- Y, =ep 'of fm H o id thaniorn; iff KIRSAMOV, A.V.; IJAKITRA, R.G. Reaction of phosphorus pentachloride with carboxylic acid amikes. Trichlorophosphazoacyle. Zhur.ob.khim. 26 no.3:907-914 Mr '56. OWL 9: 8) 1. Inatitut organicheskoy khtmit Akademil nauk Ukrainskoy SM. (Phosphorus pentachloride) (Trichlorophosphazoacyl) MAKITRA, R. Gi., Cand ot' Chem Set -- (disB) "Trichlorophosphazoeyoline and their preparation." Kiev, 1957, 8 pp (Institute of Organic Chemistry, AS USSR), 100 copies (KL, 30-57, 108) AUTHORS: Kirsanov, A. V., and Makitra, R. G. 79-2-37/58 TTTLEt N-Acylemidophosphoric Acids (N-atsilamidofosfornyye Kisloty) PLF.qIODTCALt Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 1957, iol 27, No 2, pp. 450-452 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT2 The hydrolysis of d3diloroanhydrides of acylamidophosphoric acid yielded tan (10) acylamidophosphoric acids as listed in the table. The products are described as crystalline substances, easily soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in acetone, ether, benzene and a majority of other organic sol- vents. Nhen heated to a melting point, all acylamidopnosphoric acids decompose and in some instances the decomposition is accompanied by in- tensive darkening and liberation of gases. They cannot be recrystallized and become useless. N-acylamidophosphoric acids are strong acids dis- placing carbonic and acetic acids from their salts. They submit to titra- tion with methyl orange as monobasic and with phenolphthalein as dibasic acids. 1 table. There are 4 references of which 3 are Slavic. MAKHRO~ IXTIORS: ':irsa.; V i t r 2. TITL*. Of (Di e f i rY u-7 i c'-Ic s!- i". _t z; i Io f - 'cr. 1. 1 PERTODIC~*,L; 721 2, "r 1 A 3 STRA C T Li.:e t". of ~ciOz t ie ,'iesters 0., e repre soil t t~.e In,'locnce ol- ~.rylr~tes or -lco :nlL tr?c of !ri . ~, of acc,)rd_i.,.,. to n ho:-.e (l r):, ':y -f --clyl. to sc;Le--.e (2" _'..rcc::_!llOCl2+. 2: ():Z2 C! + rCO 2 ArCO':= (OR~,+ -70 (2,' The nf c con-4 f r, to e u-- Js not tlnle caso wit.- t'le Car-. 1, to sc'if~me (2~ t',L di.Ir,,rlc;-ter_- wit". Die3tcrs of Arc-m-ctic a ~;ood yield o~-.s, c Et -art _:rect-1, tr - c plic-s- ~azoz_cyls W l r v t,- r] or correc,~cnd: n, _-.oacy I c ~,, o r L! it,-: follow r ache.--.e : ArCO" PCI I + These acyl~, are --ore eazil,., --a: ified. to t.. di2steri; of so +. L~ t heatin of io .vater suffici :.- L~r attai~in I- t~.L- co--i-lete :)n of triF.-ox,/:) cyls to the di-_rylesters ',opl-.03.7,..ovic I's _1 :, t..e synthesis o-' tl.u _'ic.:terE: -f - c I d llloro,,.e~;znitrile waz3 i-, so..~ ca3es 1_f!~erat -L' j 'J,), - pr~)duct Y..ccordli, '2~ t~2_, pheayl-, i-crcsyl ic --estors .)f benzoyl-, p-chlorobenzoyl- a.i~, p-nitrolie-nnoyl- a:-idop'ios-horic acid.,; as well as t~,.i_ Ii-u-nai)-Aylente2 of!o-.:,, -spioric ucid, ASSOCIVf !0". Laboratory for z)f the I:,,stitute for Or.,--. ic Chem~_.stry Ukrainiar. SSR 'Laborat-,riya C,a r d 2, Instituta or,.-ar,ic*.-.csI-ci 1.himii -'kad-.LiI' 7__11'al-11~11~.:o, SSR", AUTHORS: Kirsanov, A. V., Derkach, G. 1.; 79-28-5--21/69 Makitra, R. G. TITLEt Triaroxyphosphazoacyl (Triaroksifosfazoatsily) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khi,%ii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 59 pp.: 1227-1232 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The similarity of triaroxyphosphazoacyls (1) and triaro3Qr- phosphazosulfone-compounds (11) shows up in a number of common chemical properties so that their reactions of for- mations are in common: RSO 2N PC13+3NaOR'-:~3NaCl+RSO 2N P(ORI)3 HCON PC1 3+3Na0R' ---b3NaCI4-RCON P(ORI)3 Between then, horever, also specific chemical differences with reGard to heating and hydrolysis. The compounds M split off rather easily (depending on the radical) from the corresponding triesters of phoLiphoric acid and produce nitriles according to the scheme RCON = P(ORI) 3 OP(ORI) 3 Card 1/3 +RCN (III). The compounds (II) are very much stable against Triaro.vjphosphazoacyl 79-28-5-21/69 heating so that until now there has been no case of splitting according to scheme (III), They saponify easily with alkali liquors under the formation of salts of the diesters of the corresponding alkyl- or aryl- -sulfonamidophosphoric acids, but they do not saponify with water in neutral solutions. Therefore the s~rnthesis and the separation of the products (II) do not aeet with any difficulties because of the easy saponifiabilit,-, All compounds (I) saponify on boiling practically quan- titatively to the diesters of the acylamidophosphoric acids for which reason the synthesis, separation and pu rification. of the triaroxyphosphazoacyls takes place so difficulty; for the same reason in the experiments care must be taken that they do not come into contact with atmospheric humidity. This difference can apparently be explained by the fact that in the saponification of the compounds (I) in alkali solutions the carbon- and r,.xy-pn atoms of the carboxyl-,"roup take part in the hyCrglysis and increase the positive charge of the phosphorus atom according to the given scheme 1. In the saponificatJon of Card 2/3 the compounds (II) mainly only the nitro.-ren and phosph- Triaroxyphosphazoacy'k rus atoms ta!-,e part There are 2 tables Soviet. in the hydrclysis (see scheme 2). and 7 references, are ASSOCIATION: Institut organichoskoy khimii AN Mkrainskoy SSR (Institute for Organic Chemistry AS Ukra--iian SSR) SUBMITTED: February 22, 1957 Card 3/3 SEREDA, Ya.I.; MAKITRA, R.G.; GEVORKYAN, M.A. Decarboxylation -if palmitic and stearic acids. Ukr- khim. zbur. 27 no.4:551-552 161. (MVU 14:7) 1. Institut geologii poleznykh iskopayemykb AN USSR. (Palmitic acid) (Stearic acid) (Carboxyl group) iri"nif n14, "Triaroxyphosphazosul-fonaryl Compounds and Diaryl Esters of Arylsulfonamidophosphoric Acids," by A. V. Kirsanov and R.T. Makitra, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Zhurnal Obshchey Xhimii, Vol 27, No 1, Jen57, PP 245-248 The article describes the preparation of 12 chloro- and nitro-sub- ~qtituted triaroxyuhosphazosulfonaryl compounds and 12 chloro- and nitro- .04bstituted diaryl esters of arylsulamidopb-osphoric acids. These com- rx=ds, -vere,,.preyj;ed, wit, a view to testing.t4em. as,possible insecti- U) TOROPOV 0 A,A. v insh.; MAKIVCHUK,, V. F. I inzh. Designing Impulse pressure feeding systems of two-cycle diesel engines,, Eher owshinostroanie 7 no~7:37-39,48 JI 161o IDiesel angines) Fuel pumps) TOROPOV, A.A.,, inzh.; MKIMIUK, V.F... inzh. Calculation and choice of the circuit of a supercharged diesel en- gine with constant gas pressure before the turbine. Energomashino- stroenie 9 no.6:18-20 Je 163. (NIRA 16:9) MAXIVCHUK.,,., ~nzh. Use of a graphical gas dynamics method in solving problems on the exhaust of a two-cycle diesel engine. Knergomashinostroenie 9 no.9:4-8 3 163. (MIRA 16:10) PLAKSUT, Igor' Nikolayevich; OKOIDVICH, Anna Mikhaylovna; aMITRIYEVA, Gali Mikhaylovna; MAMMO, Ivan Ignatlyevich; KRYUKOVA, Nina Ai4reyevna; IBBEEEV, A.K., otv. red.; KACHALKINA, Z.I., red, izd- va; MAKSIMOVA, V.V., tekbn. red.; IL'INSKAYA, G.M., tekbmw--red. (Now technology for the dressingof lead-zinc ores] Novaia tekbno- logiia obogashchaniia svintsovo-tsinkovoi rudy. Moswa, Goa. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gorUomu delu, 1961. 127 p. Offn 15: 1) (Ore dressing) MAKIYENNO, H.A. Scientific and practical conferences of stomatologlots and dentists in Kuibyshev. St~matologil& no.4:61 Jl-Ag 154. (HLRA 7:9) (irurBysmff--MTISTRY) (BEITISTRT--KMYSHZV) HAXIMMO, K.A.,kemd1dat maditainskikh nauk. Fibrous ostoodystropby of facial bons@. Stonstologiia, no.6:43-46 X-D 155. (P7-91, 9:5) 1. In ksfedry gospitaltnoy khirurgii (sav.-prof. A.K. Aminey) XvWbyshevskago meditsinskogo, instituta. (FACIAL BOM, die. dystroplW, fibrous) XAXIIMIKOO-, N.A., kandidat meditainskikh nauk wresting glosealgia. Stomatologila 36 no.3:23-23 Ky-Je '37- (XLRA 10:9) 1. Is kafedry goopitallnoy khtrurgii (sav. - prof. A.K.Ausinev) XWbyshevskogo neditainakogo institute (TOSM-DISEASES) MAKI IQAJk&x,.WASnt -,-'IivIIaRW I Conference of stomatologists and dentists in 340~bjvshev and at the site of the hydroelectric power station. Stomatologiia 37 no**5.-78-79 158 (MMA 11:11) (STOMATOLOGY-CONGRESSES) AMMITEW, G.N.; MAKITMO, M.A., doteent Combined method for the treatment of chronic salivary fistulae by X rays and electrocoagulation. 34 no.6:78-80 11-D 159. (HM 13:5) 1. Iz kafedry rentganologii i radiologit (zav. - prof. Te.L. Kovesh) I kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgit (zav. - prof. A.M. Aminev) MWby- shevskogo meditsinakogo Instituta. (SALIVARY FISTULA ther.) (ELMTROCOAGULATION) MAKIYENO, M.A.. dotsent ......... 1111_ - __ Treatment of -*ndibular fractures with intramedullary nailing. Stomato- logiia 38 no. 4:32-34 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.M. Aminev) Kuy- byshevskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (JAWS--FRACTURE) MAKIYENKO, M.A., dotsent (Kuybyshev (obl.), ul. Frunze, d.179, kv.6, ..... Abstracts of articles received by the editors. Ort. train. i protez. 23 no.10:84 0 162. (MIRA 17:1C) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgi-' (zav.- prof. A.M. Aminev) Kuyby5hevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. MAKIYENKO, M.A,, dotsent Simultaneous surgical treatrent of ankylosis of the temporoman- dibular joint and microgenia. Stomatologila 42 no. 2:28-31 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zaveduyushchiy-prof A.M.Aminev) Kuybyahevskogo meditsinBkogo Instituta. IGMYENKO N. I With Chinese friends. Prof. -tekhn. obr. 13 no .8:28-30 Ag '56. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Zavedt7ushchty Moskovskim mezhoblastr7m uchabno-metodichaskim kabinetom. (China-Technical education) j~ZIYE11KO Nikolay Ivanovich; NOVIKOV, Mikhail Favlovich; GUDILIN. A.N.. - I ON, I I'm Innalmat-ceRnnicheskM nauk; dotsent, rateenzent; KMOLIV, N.V., Inzhener; reteenzent; KOPTZMIY, D.Ta., redaktor; 061%MOV, N.S., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Assembly of machinel7l Sborka promyshlennoi produktaft. Moskva, Vass. urhobno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrezsrvi-.dat, 1954. 363 p. (Machinery) (MLRA 8:6) MAKIYENZ 6,Nikolay Ivanovich; KROLIK. Z.H.; OSTAFINKO. N.Y.; PESHKOV. Te.O.; HUBUT. N.F.; TOIN, S.T.; DUBROVSKIT, V.A., redaktor; MONTA, A.F.. tekbutchaskly redaktor Nachine-shop practice and fundamental knovledge of materials] Slesarnoe delo s oenoyami materialovedentia. Izd. 2-ce. Moskva. GoS. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 414 p. (MIRA 9:10) (Machine-shop practice) (Agricultural machinery--Repairing) MAKIYENKO, N.I.; POPOV, V.M.; KANUKOV, N.D. A manual which can be recommended ("Practical activities in teaching workship" by A. G. Dubov. Reviewed b7 R.I. Makienko, V.M. Popov, and N.D. Kanukov). Politekh.obuch. no.11:85-87 N '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Manual training) KAKIYWO, ftkoW Ivanovich; NOVIKOV, Mikhail Favlovich; m9aHT!yU. V.I., Maw' Vre"V.*;"~MW WLIT, D.Ta., red.; LITTAK, D.S.. red.; RMOT, S.I., tekhn. red. [Aeaembly of machinery] Sborka pron7ohlennol produktail. Izd,Z,, ispr. I dop. Moskva, Toes. uohobno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrezerrizdat, 1958. 494 P. (NM 11-~7) (Machinery-Irecting work) S011113 6--58- 12--2/22 AUTHORS: N - A. OkolovIch, A.M. Makiyenko, N.I., Kryukova., I and --rn~c Metals in the Flotation of Pol:7- TITLE: reas~:LnS metallic Ores by Making Cleaning Operations More Effective (Uvelicheniye izvlecheniya metallov pri flotatsii polimetallichaskikh rud putem povyaheniya effektivnostui perechistn,7kh operatsiy) PLSIODICAL~ Tsvetnyye Metally, 1958, Nr 12, pp 6 - 10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The two most common methods of removing excess of reagent in flotation are the addition of activated carbon (Ref 1) and the use of sodium sulph-ide (Ref 2). Wcrk directed by I.N. Plaksin, Corresponding Member of the Ac.Sc.USSR, showed that another way is the change of the pH of the flotation liquid to regulate the xanthate concentration in the liquid phase of the pulp and produce some reduction in foaming (Ref 3). Lab3ratory experi-ments on crude lead concentrate obtained from the Tekellyska7a obogatiteVnaya fabrika (Tekeli Bensficiation Works) showed that by altering pH to ?.3 from the normal range of 9.0-8.3, the zinc concentration in the froth product was red-,iced bY 5-?0/6 without increasing lead losses (Figure 2 shows the recovery of lead and zinc as functions Cardl/3 of pH); careful control of the process was essential. SOV/136-E:8-12-2/22 Increasing Metals in the Flotation of P-clymetall-r- Ores &,y Making Cleaning Operations More Effective Pulp density was also important (Figure 3); G.M. Dmitriyeva., Candidate of Tech-mical Sciencas, paxti,:Ipated in this wo---k. Results (Table- 1) of comparative flotations of the con.-entra-,ee with three clean- '.-ags of the frk~-.h products showed that with decreasiag in a S:.Lven operation, imprcvements (-.,f resultks ~t-aiaed. '? J. star-vJzxd depressors iS POPUS.Lble. The rasulti (D?.b'9 2) of a fizur-month trial ef the metbcd In pe-r-iods ore quality remained relativea.- con3tant c~-Dnfi-ac--' tte laboratory xesults (Fisrxe and s'-iowa~. that of 3ulphur-'c ac-idd gave a =-,zentrate with 4% IisL zlla; and (Al C + Sio ) Eac!'. The sur;~~ess of me'. 2 A 1 2 enabled water- spray ing, in the clea-ni-n.- dispensed with and saved ILI,' icopeyek per ton of t27-3ated ore. An indicator (0.2% al'3chol solution of blue) is used to find the pH. An editc-ri-aJ ncte Card 2/3 SOV/136-58-12-2/22 increasing Metals Recovery in the Flotation of Polymetallic Ores by Making Cleaning Operations More Effective that the authors' explanation of the works' trials results is not confirmed by the experimental material presented. There are 4 figures, 4 tables and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONS: Tekeliyskaya obogatitellnaya fabrika (Tekeli- Benefteiation Works) and Institut gornogo dela AN SSSR (Mining Institut-e of the Ac.Se.USSR) Card 3/3 r%ASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3977 MWdyenko, Nikolay Ivanovich Slesarnoye delo,, v ponoshch' obuchayushchimaya na proizvodstve (Benchvork Practice; An kid To Factory Trainees) MoscowTrudrazerwizdat, 1959. 221 p. 25,000 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: V.V. Danilevskiy; Ed.; A.L. Bashkovich; Tech. Eds.: S.I. Rakov, and A.M. Taker. PURPOSE: This book is intended for voilor6studeta in plant schools. It may also be used In normal technical schools. COVERAM The book provides a description of all benchwork operations, tools, equipment, and materials necessary in the training of machinists in bench- vork. The fundamentals of physical metallurgy, heat treatment of metals, riVOt- ing, scraping, lapping, brazing, etc. are discussed. No personalities are men- tioned. There are 13 Soviet references. C aWT/It- _MAKIY-ENKQ, Nikolay Ivanovich OBLIVIN, N.N., nauchnyy red.; GARYUNOVA, L.K., red.; TOKER, A.M., tekhn. red. [Bench work]Slesamoe deloo 2., perer. i dop. izd. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1962. 381 p. (MIRA 16t2) (Machine-shop practice) KOSTRYKIII, Mikhail losifovich; LUKASHIN, Tikhon Alekseyevich; VAVILOV, Mikhail Andreyervich; MAKIYEIIKO 11 1 inzh., retsenzent; BOLOTIP, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; KITAYEV, V.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; KADOBNOV, V.F., inzh., retsenzent; BORZOV, K.V., inzh., retsenzent; ORLOV, M.P., inzh., otv. red.; KftASI,'YANSKIY, Ye.A., inzh., red.; SILINA, L.A., red.izd-va; SABITOV, A., tekhn. red. [Metal work shop and electric equipment installation opera- tions] Slesarnoe i elektromontazhnoe delo. Mosk7a, Gosgor- takhizdat, 1963. 182 p. (MIRA 17:1) (Electric wiring) (Metalwork) GLADILIN, Anatoliy Nikulayevich, kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.3 SYROYEGIN, Aleksandr Al-eksarArovich, kand. tekhn. PnPnv. Viktor Mikhaylcrvich.. at. prepod. ZHIDELEV, M.A.,, retsenzent; OVSYANNIKOVA, [Course of industrial training in technical schools for mechanical engineering for operators of grinders, planers, and drilling machines] Kure proizvodstvennogo obucheniia v mashinootroitellrykh tekhnikumakh dlia raboch-Ukh professii: shlifovshchik, strogal'shzhik i sverlovshchik. Moakvap Vysshaia shkola. Pt.l. 1965. 315 p. (MIRA 18:8) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5712 Makiyenko, Semen Ivanovich, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Men'shikov, and tinov Organizatsiya radiosvyazi, radioveshchaniya i radionavigatsii na rechnom transporte (Organizing Radio Communications,, Radio Broadcasting, and Radio Navigation in River Transportation) Moscow, Izd-vo "Rechnoy transporto, 1960. 130 p. 2,800 copies printed. Ed.: D. K. Sukhov; Reviewer: I. I. Pospelov; Ed. of Publishing House: P. M. Kan; Tech. Ed.: V. A. Bodrova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for radio-communication personnel and for ship handlers and other personnel concerned with the operation of fleets, harbors, and maintenance bases. COVERAGE: The book presents the principles of the organization of radio communications, radio broadcasting, and radio navigation In river transportation. Primary attention is paid to radio communi- cation operations aboard ships, in particular during navigation Card 1/5 Organizing Radio Comwunications (Cont.) SOV/5712 in reservoirs. The basic types of shipboard radio equipment are briefly describedi. and problems pertaining to the servicing arid maintenance of shipboai-,! electrical and radio equipment for naxi gation are discussed. Ch. I was written by S. I. Makiyenko ano N. A. Men'shikov, Engineers, and Ch. II by V. P. Konstantinov ', Engineer. The authors thank I. I. Pospelov, Chief of Communi- cations of the VORP (Vsesoyuznoye ob'yedinenlye rechnogo parokhodstva -- All-Union River Steamship Line Association.), S. P. Yanovskiy, Chief of Communications of Yeniseyskoye parokhodstvo (Yenisey Steamship Line), A. A. BabkovY Chief of C6ftimunications of the Obskoye parokhodstvo (ObI Steamship Line and B. Ya. Koposov, Chief Engineer of the Kamskoye pa--okhodstvo (Kama Steamship Line) radio center. There are 13 references, all Soviet. TART OF CONTENTS Foreword Card 2/5 ACCESSION NR: AP045320 AUTHOR: Kozlov, V.; Maklyenko, V.; Khmelyuk, V. TITLE: Passive relay devices S/0209/64/000/006/0068/0071 SOURCE: 'Aviatslya I kosmonavtlka, no. 6, 1964, 68-71 TOPIC TAGS: relay, passive,relay, communtcation satellite, Echo-2, radio trans- mission, radio probe ABSTRACT: The authors briefly discuss the joint British, American and Soviet epxeriment an the reception of radio signals reflected from the artificial Earth satellite "Echo-211 and the Moon (signals transmitted from the Observatory at Jodrell Banks, reflected from the satellite or the Moon and received at the city of Zlmenkl in the Gorlkly oblast). The authors distinguish two possible means of communication through artificial Earth satellites (AES): the use of active or passive relays. They show that the second method does not require the presence in space of a transceiver station, It being sufficient that there merely be some sort of a body to reflect the radio waves transmitted from the Earth. The specific requirements of such a "passive relay" system are briefly outlined. The radio probe of the planet Venus by Soviet scientists In 1962 Is described. Details are ld en,73 the American "Echo-I" and "Echo-Z' satellites, and on the experiments ACCESSION NR: AP4045320 carried out with the second of these during the period from 21 February through 8 March, 1964. Some information with respect to the radio telescope at Zimenki, used by the Soviets to pick up the signals, Is given, and the basic plan of the experiment Is shown In diagrammatic form. The practically distortion-free recep- tion of Morse telegraphy Is noted In the authors' consideration of the results of this interesting series of experiments. The quality of facs1mile and etter-print- Ing telegraphy is noted to have been worse. The authors point to the deed for higher transmitter output and a transition to the centimeter wave band for improv- ed 5ignal-to-noise ratio at the Input of the receiving apparatus. Difficulties In the use of passive relay systems, due to power considerations which have the effect of limiting the bandwidth and the need for a large number of Individual components, are discussed, and the need for passive satellites of other and dif- ferent configurations from that of the "Echo-211 Is analyzed from the point of view of achieving a greater effective surface of reflection, without making their injection into orbit and maintenance of shape more difficult. The use of satel- lites with Van Att grids Is discussed, with the authors claiming that such devices permit a channel bandwidth of 10 Mc in a waveband of 2.75-5-77 cm with an effective satellite area of I m2 at an altitude of approximately 10,000 kilometers. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: Ap4o45320 ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 NO REF SOVs 000 Card- ENCL: 00 OTHEN -000 SUB CODE: ECj SW KHVATXOV, N.M.; MAK=KO, V.F. Application of ultrasonics for removing scale from heat-exchange apparatus. Koks i k:him. no.16:46-49 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kadiyevskiy kokookhimicheskiy zavod. (Heat ,,handers) (Ultr MAKMVSKAU, S. YE. "The Diagnosis of Thrombophlebitic Splenomegalia,," SO: Sov. Med., No. 1, 1949. Mbr., Faculty Therapeutic Clinic. Moscow Medical Inst.,, Ministry Health RSFSR, -c1949-. Mbr., Therapy Clinic, M~scow Oblast Sci. Res. Tuberculosis Inst., -c1949-. KLOMITSKAYA, S.R., kand. med. nauk; IIAKIYEVSKAYA, S. Ye.; ODIIIKOVA, V.A.: PASECHIIK, S.A. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Sov. med. 26 no.1-1:51-56 N162 OMIRA 17:3) 1. Iz 1-y terapevticheskoy kliniki ( zav. - doktor med. nauk M.G. Malkina), bakteriologicheskoy laboratorii ( zav. S.N. Klodnitskaya) i patologoan ate- i cheskogo otdela ( zav. kand. med. nauk A.A. Naumova) Mbskcvskogo oblastnogo nauchnc-issle- dovatel'skogo klinicheskogo instituta imeni M.F. Vladimirskogo. 6023382 sc Makiyevskiy~ A-.' Ye.; (Kiev); Mayevskiy, ORGI none /000/0067/0072' TITLE., New circuits for high frequency digital electronic phasemeters -SOURMs". Vseaoyuznaya konferentsiya p g_avtomaticheskomu kontrolyu i metodam elektri- cheskikh i=ereniy,_5th, Novosibirsk, 1963. Avtomaticheskiy kontrol' i metody elaktri-i cke-9k1kfi-1&er-eniy; -tr'udy konferentsii. t. I: Metody elektrich~-skikh izmereniy. Tsifrovyye immeritelOnyye pribory. Elementy Lzmaritallaykh aistam (Automatic control and electrical measuring techniques; transactions of the conference. v. 1: Electrical measuring techniques. Digital measuring instruments. Elements of measuring systems). Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 67-72 ITOPIC TAGS: phase meter, phase measurement, analog digital encoder ABSTRACT.: Two types of systems are described for measuring the phase difference be- .tween two voltages of equal frequency which is in the range between 10 and 10OMc. In the first system (Fig. 1) the angle to digit photoelectric encoder shaft is rotated until the shaft angle is equal to the measured phase difference satiBfying the coinci-1- dence gate which causes the pulse counter input to be accessible to the source of pulses whose number is directly proportional to the measured phase difference. A minimum phase difference of 2* may be measured when the input voltages are between 0.1[ Card 1/3 S. H. (Kiev) L 11432-67 f-Adlt- NR, AT6023382 and 1OV. In the second system (Fig. 2) a similar encoder shaft is rotated until flip-,, flop is set into a state which allows the gate to be open for time duration propor- tional to the meas-red phase difference. During this time the reversible counter 1'1" - capacitor atte&.uators; 212" mixers; 1' 2' 4 3 - beat frequency oscillator; 4,18 elec tronic switches; 5,6 - tuned amplifiers; 3 7,9 - mixers; 8,10 - filters; 11,17 - sharp edge pulse shapers; 12 - coincidence gate; 14 13 - voltage generator; 14 - shaft encoder; f2 15,16 - frequency dividers; 19 - pulse counter. shared by both input signals. records a proportional number of pulses from the pulse generator. The minimum measurable phase difference by this circuit is 0.7-10. In conclusion the authors propose a phase- meter which would have a single channel time Thi:s would eliminate the source of errors due to a Card Fig. L Type 1 phasemeter kct ~m AmMOZ 1'1" - capacitor attenuators; 2'2" - mixers; 3 - beat frequency oscillators; 4 elec- tronic switch; 5,9,11 - filters; 6 - tuned amplifier; 7 - shaft encoder; 8,10 - fre- quency doublers; 12,16 amplifier-limiters; 13 - sine generator; 14 frequency divider; 15 - control flip-flop; 17 - counter gating flip-flop; 18 - coincidence gate; 19 - pulse generator; 20 - reversible pulse counter. Fig. 2. Type 2 phasemeter small channel phase difference. Orig. art. has. 11 formulas and 3 figures. SUB CODE. 09/ SUBM DATE: 20Sep65/ ORIG REF: 005 Card MAKIYEVSM, S.I.: Vocter Geolog-ldwralo Set (dise) -- "Basic geological factors control.ling the distribution of industrial-mica-bearing Degmatites in the Yena mica-bearing reglon (Kola Peninsula)". Ii3ningrad-Kirovsk, 195P. 19 pp (Leningrad Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Mining Inst im G. V. Plekhanov, Kola Affiliate im S. M. Kirov, Acad Set TGSR ), 150 copies (KL, jqo 1, 1959, 116) KAKIYETSKIY, S.I. Relation of micaceous pegmatites to granitic intrusions and wall rocks. Izv. Kar. i Koll. fil. All SSSR no.2:16-22 058. (MIRA 11:9) 1.Geologicheskiy, Institut Kollskogo filials, AV SSSR. (Strellna Valley--Pegmatites) MAKIYEVSKIY, S.I. Subtype of comb-like pegmatitic bodies. Mat.po min.Koll.poluost. 1:5-13 '59. (MIRA 15:2) (Kola Peninsula--Pegmatite,) MAKIYEVSKIY, S.I. Tectonics and stratigraphy of the White Sea shore. Izv.Kar.i Koll.fil.All SSSR no.4:8-14 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Geologicheskiv institut Kol'skogo filiala AN SSSR. (Murmansk Province--Geolog7) (Karelia--Geology-) MAKIYEVSKIY S I ~ NIKGIAYFVA, K.A. StratigrapMc. interrela-tionnh,ps of Pre-Cambrian sedire-ntary- metamorpbic rocks in the nortlyiestern. part, of the Kola Peninsula, Vop. geol. i mnlri. Koll. poluo.-, nc.4;17,~--40 163. (?.IJRA 16 -. 10) MAKMVSKIY, S.I. Differences in the mineral composition of concordant and intersecting micaceous pegmatiteo. Mat. po min. Koll. Poluost. 3:57-64 162. (MIRA 17:3) . . . . . . . . . . . . - MAK"., DZII.E. RT-667 flable of nuclear moments Tablitsa iaderny!-h momentov. Usnelchi Fizicheskikli Nai-,d,, U4.(3~-: 393-436, 1951. LZHOCZKY, T.;.KAKWAI, E. Pathological sleep of long duragion (tgrpnolapsy) with paradoxical awakening. Acts, mad. bung. 3 no.2:i47-i56 1932. (GIML 23:4) 1. Communication of the Neurological Service of Istvan Hospital in Budapest. E'.' An estimation in the theory of diophantine approximations. In English. p. 291. ACTA MATHEMATICA. (Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 9, no. 3/4, 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. MJUMA.I, L. Ferenc David and the Reformation movement among the masses in Hungary. P. 484. TMMSZET ES TARSADALOM. Budapest* Vol. 114, no. 8. Auge 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (PEAT), W, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1956 MILKKAI, IASZLO. Paraszti es majorsagi mazagazdasagi termeles a XVII. szazadban. (Peasant and estate farming during the 17th century.) Budapest, Hungary, Godollo, 1957. 31 P. Monthly List of Aast European Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959, Uncl. IWOW, Laszlo The International Congress of Historical Sciences in Stockholm. Met tud 15 no.1+9:1539-154Z 1+ D 160. 1. *Elet es Tudomany" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. BENDA, KalTwn, a tortenelamtudomany kandidatusa,, tud&anyos mumimtexel _MAMg3_jAazlo., a tort Ienelemtudomany ka-Aidatusa, tudomanyos munkatars; SZUGS, Jeno,, tudomanyos munkatare Polish-Hungarian historians' conference. Magy tud 68 no.12: 755-758 D 161. 1. Ma M r Tudomanyos Akademia Tortenettudomanyi Intezete, Bu- dapest. PETRI, Editj a foldrajzi tudomanyok kandidatusa; ANTAL, Zoltan,, dr., a foldrajai tudomanyok kandidatusa; BENCZE, Imre, a foldrajzi tudomanyok kmndidatusa;'m!w,, Laszlo dr., a tortenelamtudozawyok kandidatusal RADO, 3amdor;-&.,, a ho erajai tudwanyok doktora; BULL4) Bela# dr.; KOVACSICS, Jozaef# dr.,, prof.; ERD&I, Ferenev drer akademikus; SIMON) Laualop dre A debate on Dro With Lettrichts dissertation for candidacy entitled NEaztergom.0 Poldr&Jzi ert 12 no*2:243-25/+ 663. MIMI, Walter; MAKKAT, Laszlo uftjlo all and Niarasia"p names of teStile fabrics. Met tud 18 no.32.*355-359 24 Mr 1,630 1. Wdet as Tudamany" szerkdazto bizottoagi tagja. r- BOLLOBAS, Bela; PEGYESI, Laszlo; YDIFUCZ, Ferenc; BOROCZKY, Karoly; MAIKKAI, YAhalf; YALTUSZ, Karoly; SIMON, Laszlo; TUSNADY, Gabor; MXft-A-I-,-MIE-a7Iy-; SZOKFFALVI-NAGY, Bela; ACZEL, Janos; HOSSZU-MIKLOS; HALASZ, Gabor; KALMAR, Agota; KATAI, Imre; LOSOHCZI, Laszlo; SZASZ, Domokos The 1961 Yathematieal Contest in Memory of Miklos Schweitzer. Mat lapok 13 no.1/2:153-171 162. 1. "Matematikai Lapok" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Aczel). GSISSZAR, Imre; MLLYUSZ, Karoly; KATAI, Imre; =4, Alajos; MAKKAI, Kihaly The 1960 Miklos Schweitzer Memorial Gontest of Math&rmatics. Mat lapok 12 no.1/2s75-102 161 TIT - a gener g H~.(13udapest) Solution of a problem of G.Gratzer concerning endcmorphism semigroups. Acts. mat Hung 15 no.3/4.-297-307 164. 1. Mathematical Institute of the Rlangarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Kc< K A I . a ~~ - - ~ un Fr, - - ' a s 6a a 1 r thr; '~ne or'- of rao~,-'.s, 1AA-t k-,.t. kozI. C, Serlell-A no.1/2:259-7,94 7"4. RU',WIIA/H,,mn and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T Nervous System. Metabolism. Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959) 26986 Author Eperjessy, A., Kiss, A., Cse(pdi, J., Makkai, D., Nemes, Inst Title The Role of Lipoproteins of the Brain in the Biological Oxidation of Lipids. Orig Pub Rev. med. (RFR), 1956, 2, No 2, 23-28 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 A. A. FA 2!Tij' RMEAVETEV, A. A. 42121 MXAVIE-M, A. A. - N;7uchnyye geologicheskie problemy I nekotorye prakticheskie zadachi, svyazannyye s osvoyeni7~m Folesfya. Izvestiya kKad. Nauk BS-,R, go. 4 IQ,48, c 47-411 W: Tetoiis'Zhur-nal'nykh,7.., Vol. ~-', .9,;8 MjkKXAVA-V, A. A., ed A Problems of kiydrogeolo2:y eW, enjineering geology. 1-jos)--va, ~;os. izd-vo ~-~eol- ht-ry 1?~' P. (Its: Trudy (,Blr'03 1. dater, UnOerground. 2. 3oil mech;nic-9. I. Kotlov, F. V., ed. II. ?-'~,k'-,~veev, A. A., ed. J Translation f.--om: F" v n Y u o 1 -30 1" AUTHOR: Mak'j. TITLE: on Y'l c FERIODICAL: ~ov. geci-~f -iya, ~71h. I:r 56, 1956, pr, 2 1 - 2. 8 - ABSTRACT: The Pripyat' Fo lesl ye district, in the valley of Pripyat' Ri.ver J-s covered with fluvio,-lacial, , alluvi. I :and e-~ Iian sand deposits. he ('eptl-, tc- ~ 11--le d---~- reas es from the higher to thc. lov--r areaE --e,--. - ~--ro over the wi., e by mars hes. Atmospheric , z-eciFita*,.1'*Cj11 1: main F~c,urcp of' the ground water. The groun-1 '--i t e flows -rom the edges to the axial r-art ;,f ?~'h-~ Card 1/3 15 - 5- ','- 7 - 9 "~, 7 Formation and Chemistry of Ground 'Viater (Cont.) in accordance with tY2e general slope of the surface. T!,e ral~e uf flow decreases with the decrease In elevation and is almo:A nor- existent in the broad lovilands. Mineralization of thc; groui,.d watur is as high as 700 mg/liter. Its chemical comrosition variel,'. Tile following types of ground water occur (components are ~,iven in of decreasing percentage content): 1) calcium bicarbonate; chloride-bicarbonate; 3) calcium bicarbonate-chloride; 4) calci= chloride-sulfate; and 5) calcium chloride. The firs", th4_r~, an6 second types of water, occur successively from the ed,, cf low- lands to the axial portion. ',,,ater of the fourth and. fifth -yFes occurs in local areas. This distribution of ground water ex-- plained by the following factors: 1) inflow of deer jro~-r,~ warer along zones of tectonic disturbances; 2) desulfuration aE a rr--st-,i, of biochemical processes occurring in swamp deposits; 3) non-~ni- formity and retardation of the jrloe.- of ground water in peat, Centers of mineralization of ground water along zones of te--tt-nic disturbances have been established in the environs of Slussk (4n Card 2/3 15 - ", ' - -.'- Formation and Chemistry c.' Grounc ',,,, (Cont.) the valley of the Ptich' River), Petrikov (in the valley --I -Iril- Pripyat' River), and Slutsk-Starobin. Card 3/3 k. M. barano75k!-.Y MAYXAVEYEV, A.A-.- Qmternary sediments in the Pripet Polosys. Vop. gidrogeol. i inzh. geol. no. 18:UO-133 159. (MM 14:5) (Pripet VaUey-Geology, Stratigraphic) X&MVEYET, A.A..--- Geological methods for studying the radioactivity of natural waters. Trudy last. geol. nav. An BSSR no. 2:209-215 160. (KIRA 13:12) (water. Underground) MAKKAVISOV doktor gsol.-mineral~ nauk ; LAINGS, O.K., prof., doktor __~~Mg~001-_Mtneral. nauk, red.J71MARINOV, N.A., doktor geol.-mineral.nauk, red.; OVCHIRNIKOV, A.M.v red-,,- SOKOWV, D.S., red.; TOLSTIKHIN, N.I., BINDEMAN, N.N-.,'ikand.geol.-mineral.naukg red.; BRODSKI!rp A.A., kand. geol.-mineral.naukv redo; Y&MLIYAROVA, Ye.P.t red.; CHAFOVSKIYj Ye.G.p dots,j red.; BEKW# Yu.L, vedushohiy red.; MUEHIWAp R.Ap.tekhn# red. [Dictionary of hydrog-eoIogy and-engineering geology] Slovarl po gidro- geologii i inzhenernoi geologii. Moskyap Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 186 p. (KIRA 34:6) 1. HcElcow. Vsesoyuzmyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut gidrogeolo- gii i inzhenernoy geologii. I Wgineering geology-Dictionaries) ff-YABCHENKOV, A.S.; ANTONENKO, K.I.; TITOV, N.A.; CHAPOVSKIY, Ye.G.; CHURINOV, M.V.; KONOPIYANTSEV, A.Z.; VIKTOROV, S.V.; VOSTOKOVAYA, Ye.A.; SADOVSKIY, N.D.; KIJDELIN`, B.I.; OGILIVI, N.A.; UMORtSGAUZEN, G.F.;EL-10r.31M, ~.A.; SHCHERBAKOV, A.V.; POPOV, V.N.;YWLIYMOVA, --~.P.; COKOLOV, S.S.; BERSENEV, I.I.; GROSSHIN, S.I.; W~Z~VA4: 14ARINOV, N.A.; YEFRAOV, A.I.; ASSOVSKIY, G.N.; VLADIMIROV, A.G !deceased ; PROKHOROV, S.P.; FILIPFOVA, BoSe. red. izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Methodological manual on hydrogeological surveying at the scales of 1:lPOOO.,000 - 1:500,000 and 1:200,000 - 1:100,000]Motodiche- skoe ruko-vodstvo po gidrogeologicheslcoi allemke masshtabov 1:1000 COO - L;5000 000 1 1:200 000 - 1:100000. Pod obahchei red. A.A.Ma'-kaveeva i A.S.Riabchenkova. Moskvaj Gos. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1961. 318 P. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) FLinisterstvo geologii i okhrany nedr. (Water, Underground) (Geological surveys) tA&KKAVEM, A.A. dffydroge-ology of the U.S.S.R." by G.N. ramuskii, H.M.Thlatikhina, N.I.Tblatikhin. Reviewed by A.A.Makkaveev. Sov. geol. 4 no.l: 156-157 Ja 161. (KMA 14: 1) 1. Voesoyuznyv nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut gidrogeologii L inshenernoy geologii. (lamenskii. G.N.) (Tolatikhina, X.M.) (Tolatikhin, N.I.) (Waterv Underground) MAUAVEYEV, A.A. Geo3.ogic history of the Pripet Pblerfe in the QUat4rnaU iod. Vop,gidrogeol* i inzh.geol. no.l9zll4-a.24 161. (MIRA 15.2rr (Pblesye--Goolog7) MAKKAVEYEV, A.A. Aims and problems of large-scale hydroreological surveys. Sov.geol. 5 no.2sl27-129 F '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy geologii. (Water, Unde.-ground)(Geological surveys) .4- -- - - . -A. A Domelike structurec in the southern part of V,-ite Dokl. AV, BSSR 9 no. 5:318-319 !~y 165 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatuellskly L-,.gt,,+,ut gidrogeclogill i lnzhere--Y-noy gecIGg-i Gosudar-."vennoro j-eologichf,-Sk.-,j_-o komi- teta SSSR. Submitted Jaruary 26, 1965. MAKKAVEYEVO g~cevt,-, . . 2, 37(10488). htak~ miv is raised. respiratioti and pulse dw W rate uW lun shows an upward trend; bmoglot" wid riscs. Above 4 1 ' th~ hut rhythm Is di.turlml. arterial p"urr declines anal 6 folkywnt by .1owt"I down of mp(rad on and pulse ratt, and lowrdog of ven.m. 1wrt.111r. C. M K,.n6lWff