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MEDVEDYUKp Vikolay Ivanovichl NARYSHKIN, A.A.j nauchn. red.1 MAKSIMOVA, Tu.M., red. [Metal fitting and sheet-metal work] Slasarno-zhostianitakie rabot7, lzd.5., perer. i dop. Moskva# Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 374 p. (MIRA 18:8~ KOVALEVSKIY, IYan Ivanovich, kand. takhn.nauk; Prinimal uchastiye SOOIN,Yu.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; MAKSIMOVA,_Yu.M., red.; Z_ BARANOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. [SW7e work] Pechnye raboty. Izd.4., perer. i dop. Mo- skva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 237 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Stoves) MAKSIMOVA, Z.A. - Representatives of the genus Dechenella. Ka7ser from Devonian deposits of the Urals. Zzhegod.Vses.paleont.ob-va 14:213-236 '53- (MLR& 8:3) (Ural Mountains-Trilobites) BELYAKOV.N.A. [deceased]; MMIVANM.B.Z.; DUBATOLOV,V.N.; YEMYSHEVA.R.S.; KRISHTCF(NICH,A. N., [deceased]; HMIROVA.Z.A-.; MCDZALUSKAYA,Ye.A.; KRLMC O'V.S.; OR V.P_.,_TXrIWrX.B.V.; NOVOZHIIAN.M.I.; OBRUOM,D.V,; RZHOUSNITSKAYA.M.A.; YANOV.R.N.; SPIRINA.N.I..redaktor; GUROVA. 0.A., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Field atlas of characteristic complexes of fauna and flora of Devonian deposits of the Minusinsk Basin] Polevoi ittlas kharak-ternykh kompleksov fauny i flory devonskikh otlozhenii Minuainskoi kotloviny. Sost. N.A. Beliakov, i dr. Pod red. M.A.Rzhonanitskoi i V.S.Keleshchanko, Moskva, Goa.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geologii i akhrane nedr, 1955. 139 P. (MLRA 9: 1) 1. Leningrad. Veesegusnyy geologicheskiy institut. (Minusinsk Basin--Geology. Stratigraphic--Devonian) CHEWSHEVA, N.Ye., redaktor; ITIKITINA, V.N., redaktor KAKSIMOVA Z A 0ai 'if latta; GUROVA, O.A., takhnicheskiy redaktor. [Trilobites of the middle and upper Devonian of the Urals and the Mugodzhar H!Ilal Trilobity arednego i verkhnego devona Urala i severnykh Mugodshar. Moskva. Goe.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i oW.nedr. 1955. 262 p. (Leningrad. VseaoiuznTi gao- logicheskii institut. Trudy, vol.3) (MLRA 10:1) (Ural Mountains--,Trilobites) (ftodzhar Hills--Trilobites) XmINOVA, Z.A. '4~ ~-- ~- - Second[ session of the All-Union ftleontological Society. hfform. abor. VSIMI no.4:168-170 156. (NLBA 10:4) (ftleontology-Sociatiss) USSR Farm Animals. Cattle Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12087 Author Maksimova Z. A. Inst Title The Effect of Feeding Conditions on the Growtn aria Development of Purebred and CrossDred H,~ifers (v,,i.,:- aniye uslovii kormleniya na rost i ra---,,i-tiye porodnykh i pomesnykh telok) Ori.:r Pub: Sb. rabot Leningr. vet. in-ta, 19~6, vyp. 18, -):)-g1 Abstract: In the 4 groups of calves of the East Friesian oreou (2 animals in each group), which were fed differc-11-!t, amounts of fat in their rations, the dijestibili"u-y of substances, utilization of N, Ca, P, indices jf blood, and carcass division, were determined. Itwas established that the high content of milk fat in z~-.e calves' rations promotes diGestibility of the tive substances and their better utilization. Card 1/1 19 MAKSIMOVA, Z. A. Cand Agr Sal -- (diss) "The influence of Feeding Conditions on the Growth and Development of Pure- and Mixed-Breed Calves." Len, 1957. 19 pp 20 am. SID= (Len Veterinary Inst of the Min of Agriculture USSR), 120 copies (KL, 25-57, 116) ,4& ~_ MAKSIMOVA, Z.Ap, - - - -NFWW~ 4 Morphology of the genus Brachymetopus McCoy (Trilobites). Zzhegod. Vaes. paleont. ob-va !'~:58-63 '57. (MIRA 11:4) Milobites) RAKSIMOVA, Z.A. Finding of the shield and ten bod7 segments of a superfamily Phacopoides. Ezhegod. Vses. paleont. representative of the ob-va 16:216-217 15?. (MIRA 11:4) (Trilobites) MAKSIMOVA, Z.A. -,: --- Second session of the All-Union Paleontological society. Ezhegod. Veen. paleont. ob-va 16:291-295 157. (MIRL 11:4) (Paleontology) MMIMOVA, Z.A. Account of the activitites of the All-Union Paleontological Societ7 for 1955. Zzhegod. Vaes. paleont. ob-va 16:295-297 '57. (MIRA 11%4) (Leningrad--Paleontological societies) T I #7 7- 00 d pan be U-IMA such M7 CtHi.~~ M Of 1&43t:6T -bf fRop ailthe- Ladeg-%=13!i. ~~Th-- vildi AIC4 od dWmilt -ea,_ al U 04.- uftlawd ro~ pi -(h6 Ided luch ised (qmc te !he glyto boruta. Theesters b~ Itp- hn&la&Yl[ jH W" m:of ROIL aill. WOMM V- d n . tj ehy I - b 7- ~ap 1. BUBLICHMO, U.L.; DMILTOLOV, V.H.; IWD(OVA, Z.A.; SFASSKIY. N.Ya, Paleontological basis for the stratigraphy of Rudnyy Altai. Trudy Alt.GMITII AN Kazakh.SSR 6:3-39 '58. (MM 12:1) (Altai Mountains--Paleoutolog7) 3(5) AUTHORS: Maksimova, Z. A., Organova, N.M. SOV/20-128-3-44/58 TITLE: First Discovery of Remains of Devonian Fauna in the West Frimorlye PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 3, PP 594-595 tUSSR) ABSTRAM In the range of the Sikhote-Alin' geosyncline, no paleontologioally characterized deposits of the Riddle Paleozoic have hitherto become known though they had been assumed there. The 2nd author found, in 1958, remains of trilobites; Calymene ex gr. blumenbachi Brongn. and Cal. sp. (determinations by Z. A. Maksimova) in the Rayon of Grodekovoo Besides, she found there Pelecypoda of the genera Aviculopectae and Pseudomonotis (determinations by V.M. Kulikov). These organic residues were found in tuffites, higher up than the 1st intermediate layer of aleurolites and loamy slate. In spite of an unsatisfactory state of preservation, the generic determination of the trilobites should be correct (Pig 1). This figure also shows related forms Card 1/2 First Discovery of Remains of Devonian Fauna in the SOV/20-128-3-44/58 West Primorlye of Calymene for comparison: Cal. macrocephala Z. Max. in litt. (Fig 1 b). Deliberations are made on the related forms ana their propagation (yields gained by S. A. Ivanov and Yu. M. Samusin, V. A. Bobrov et al). There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy geologicheskiy instilut (All-Union Scientific Geological Research Institute) Dallnevostochnyy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (Par East Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTEDi may 13, 1959, by D. V. Nalivk-in, Academician SUBMITTED: April 21, 1959 Card 2/2 MAXSIHOTA 5axLdrayZp; HALIVKIN. D.Y.. akademik, glavnyy red.; BUBLICEMO, N.L.. doktor gool.-mineral.nauk,; BALMOVA, Ye.A., kand.geol.-mineral.nauk, red.; ABMICH. P.L., red.izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., [Paleontological basis of Paleozoic stratigraphy in the Rudnvy Altai] Paleontologichaskoe oboanovenie stratigrafii paloozoia Rudnogo Al- taia. Koskva, Gos.neuchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. N0-7. EDevonian and Carboniferous trilobites of the Radnyy Al- tai] Devonskie I kamennougollnye trilobity Rudnogo Altais. 1960. 122 p. (KIRA 13:12) 1. AkBdemiya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Altayakiy gorno-metal- lurgicheskiy neuchno-issledovatel'skiy institut. (Altai Kountains--Trilobitets) MAKSIMOVAI Z.A. Phylum Arthropoda. Class Trilobita. Trudy SffIIGGIMS no.21: 188-189 162. (MIRA 16:12) /,*") /) k/ 3. If 1~ ) 1~ / --/ ~? .I i7jacv, V.Z. ; B., - i I Z.1. --- - Boric ac~,. esters : Friedel-Grafts reacti,,~nv. 'liu:-.-. 27 no.(: 1454-11,5~ je '57. (.!,.L-.RA 10: P i I.Voskov2',-.i7 gosu6z universitet. ( 3~ - '. c (Friedel-Cre-f ts raac-~: :~) MELINIKOV, N.N.; SHVETSOVA-SHILOVSKAYA, K.D.; MAKSIMOVAI Z.1,; BOCHAROVA, L.P.; SHAPOVALOVA, G.K. Recovery of insecticidal preparations in aryl eaters of the ?~-alkyl carbamic acid. Khim. promi. no.10:15-17 0 '61. (MIRA 15:2) (Insecticides) SHVETSOVA-SHILOVSKAYA, K.D.; IJELINIKOV, N.N.;,M~M~Alj~* ZAKHARCVA, T.S.; BOCHMOVA, L.P. Organic inBectifungicides. Part 66: Synthesis and insecticide properties of esters of certain carbamic acids. Zhur-.ob.khim. 32 no.10:3230-3232 0 162. (KRA 15:11) 1. Nauchnyy institut po udobreniyam i insektorungitsidam imeni Ya.V. Samoylova. (Carbamic acid) (Insecticiddy) ~MTSOVA-SHILOVSKAYA, K.D.; MELINIKOV, N.N.; MAKSIMOVA, Z.I. Organic insectofungicides. Part 69: Synthesis of esters of alkyl carbamic acids containing a carbonyl group in the ester radical. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7t2109-21-10 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Nauchnyy institut po udobreniyam i insektofungitsidam imeni Ya.V.Samoylova, Moskva. (Insecticides) (Carbamic acid) (Carbonyl group) SMYNAV NF,; MAKSIMVA* Z*11. Pbotwetrio method of copper determination In tallings frce the flotation of coWler metal area. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gintevetuata no-23041-30 065. (MM 18sl2) MMrjMA-V0ZR3M(SXAYA' 0. A. Makalmova-Vozaesenskaya, G. A. -"Disturbance of the Permeability of the Canillaries in the Presence of Alternation Current Electrotrauma." Gorlkiy St~te Med Inst imeni S. M. Kirov, Gor'kiy, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 24, Moscow, Jim 55, pp 91-104 KAKLAMV. A. From the history of socialietplanning in the national economy of the Chinese People's Republic. Vop.ekon. no.10:139-148 0 '58. (China.-Economic policy) 01IRA 11: U) MAKLAKOV A., chlen Kocmunistioheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza a 1921 g. Monoliths for Lenin's mausoleum. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no.4--5 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Moscow-Sepulchral monuments) . 4 10c)-3-3, 23 AUTHORS: Mellnikov, A.I., Morozov, A.V., Popov, B.N. and Maklakov, A.A. TITIZ: Pressed Catlo--G-Based on Barium-calcium Tungstate (Pressovann y katod na osnove bariy-kalltsijevogo vollfr = PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Blektronika, 1958, Vol-III, NO-3 pp. 322 - 328 (USSR3 ABSTRACT: The active material which is employed in the preparation of pressed film-type cathode should have the following charac- teristicB: capacity to produce the necessary quantity of the activator during its interaction with the reducing agent; good stability under normal atmospheric conditions; a low gas- absorption capacity and a low eiaporation rate. The above requirements are, to a large extent, ft.1filled by barium tungstate, Ba 3W06- This substance can be prepared from pure barium carbonate and tungsten oxides the chemical reaction being in the form: 3BaCO3 + WO3 a Ba 3W06 + 3002 Cardl/? roperties of the cathode can be further improved by using Pressed Cathode Based on Barium-calcium Tangstate 109-3-3/23 barium-calcium tungstate instead of Ba3W06# This can be obtained by adding into the mixture of barium carbonate and tungsten oxide an appropriate quantity of calcium carbonate. The reactions are then in the form represented by Eqs. (2), (3) and (4). The resulting material was used in two types of pressed, experimental cathodes (see Fig6 2a and 6). The cathodes were in the form of molybdeni=_ cylinders; the active mixture consisted of 90% tungsten, 9.5% tungstate and 0.5% aluminium. (by weight). The cathodes were mounted in special diodes (see Fig.3) which were fitted with special cooling copper anodes. The distance between the cathodes and the an des was 0.4 to 0.6 mm. The experimental results are shown in Figs. 4, 51 6 and 7. Fig. 4 shows voltage current charac- teristics of the diodes taken at various cathode temperatures; the two curves of Fig. 4a were taken under pulse conditions, while the curves of Fig. 46 were measured under static conditions. Fig- 5 shows the static emission current of a tube as a function of time; Curve 1 refers to the cathode made of barium tungstate, while Curve 2 illustrates the emission of a barium-calcium tungstate cathode. Fig. 6 illustrates the influence of Oard2/3 hydroSen-poisoning on barium-calcium tungstate cathodes (full Pressed Cathode Based on Barium-calcium TuLgstate 1CC curves illustrate the poisoning effect, while 'dotted' C..rles illustrate the process of the reactivation of the cathode). Secondary electron emission of the cathodes was also inves~i- gated at temperatures of 800, 900, 1 000, 1 100 and 1 200 C and the resulting curves are shown in Fig.?. From the data obtained, it is concluded that the barium-calcium tungstate 2 cathodes can produce stable emission densitiSs of 6 to 7 A/cm at operating temperatures of 1 130 to 1 150 C; the cathodet, have a life of about 1 000 hours, provided the anodes of the tubes are properly cooled. There are 7 figures, and 7 references, 5 of which are English, 1 French and 1 Russian. SUBMITTED: April 10, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHORS,.Savitskaya, Ya,. S., Vikhlyayeva, R. P., Alpatova, N M. TITILDI: An Interdepartmental Seminar on Cathode Electronics ~?th Session) 2ezhduvedomstvennyy seminar po katodnoy elek-tronike (7-e za3e aniye)) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Blektronika, 1958, Vol 3. Nr 6 p 854 (USSR) 1 5 ABSTRACT: On the 3rd February 1956 a Session of the Interdepartmental Seminar took place in the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, During the meeting 6 lectures were delivered. A. A, Maklakov and Ye, P. Ostapchenko dealt with the new methoT__6~pr6`paring barium and barium-calcium aluminates and tungstates, L. Ya, 5moktiy presented the results of her work on the improvement of thr~ processing of sintered cathodes. The lecture of R. M, R,7ba-kova dealt with the investigation of oxide suspensions for directly heated cathodes. A. P. Iyevlev spoke of the production technology and the methods of control of a new barium getter. N. I. Ekivina considered the problem of application of the electro-osmosis for the investigation of the electro-phoresis of alundum. suspensions. The paper of Card 1/2 SOV-109-3-05-26/27 A.n Interdepartmental Seminar on Cat-liode Electronics (7th Se33J-On) Yu. E. Buznikov anal7sed the causes and the mec-Innism of the darkening-! of alandum coati-nc-s during the preparation and the c oe, ra t -;.--)n ) f t'-ap. electr Dn tubes . SUBMITTED: March 14. 1)58 .11 ~Iard 2/2 1. Electron tubes - USSR AUT4"ORS Mellnikov, A. I., Morozov, A. V. 48-22-5-18/2") Popov, B, N,, Maklakov~ A. A. TITLE- Pre.:iqed Cathodes of Aluminates and TungstLtP.S of Barium and Calcium fPresso,.r_nz)yyc 11~_tcdy n% ozinove alyuminatov i vol fr5rv~t,-nr bariya-kulltsiya)(Data From VIII. All Union Conference on Cathode Electronics, Lenin~_-,rad, October 17-24, 1957)(Materialy VIII Vsesoyuznogo coveshchaniya po katodnoy elektronike, Leningrad, 17-24 oktyabrya 1957 off.) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR5Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1958 Vo1, 22, Nr 5. pp, 615--621 (USSR) 1',BSTRACT: Recently-i~'xedemand for new types of catholes has risen, as the oxide cathodes fail in the acception o' e...ission currents of hit-,h density (mostly in high-frequency ap-ar~.,tuses). Therefore -ive sub- the idea of unitin;, ti,e cathode space, w1iere the act ,stance is formed, wit'.: the spon.~e by means of a direct intro- ductio-. of barium combinations into the pores of the latter, h,~s been put forward There are a) i:;,pre,-,nated (Ref 1) and b) pressed catholes (Ref 2). Fijure 1 demonLtrates the con- str~.ctiori of jpre~-ed cathode It i-: a molybdenum cylinder, in- to which a mixture of tne active substance, tungsten powder and Card 1/3 the reducing substLncej has been pressed. At the working Pr-,ased Cat'.'iodr a of Aluminates and Tungstntes of Barium 4;8-22-5-18/22 and Calcium temT)erature of the cathode, the interaction of the com- ponents of tnio mixture leads to the formation of free barium and to the activation of the cathode. As the barium compounds tested so far had proved unsatisfactory (reference 3,4), the authors set themselves the task of test- ing the compounds resulting from the interaction of alka- line earth metal oxides of barium and calcium rith acidity- -and amphoteric oxides. The investigations yielded the following conclusions: 1. The pressed cathodes mentioned in t'-le title permit an unirterrupted emission up to a current density of 8 A cm" 2 if the time of operation excee's looo hours. 2, The mechanical and electrical stability of the cathodes is satisfactory, they are easily enough reactivated after the poisoning. 3. Their production is simpler than that of the L-cathodes. 4,, The emiosion properties and the life of the cathodes depends on the properties of the active substance. Here Card 213 Barium-calcium tunj~state is superior to aluminates because Pressed Cathode,-~ of Aluminatea and Tungstates of 48-22-5-18/22 Barium and Calcium of Its stability in air. 5. The tungstate mentioned last makes possible a longer time of operation than the barium tungstats. 6. P-meliminary tests have shown that the influence of considerable changes in the concentration of tungstate in the emitter on the emission currents of the cathodes is insignificant. A final interpretation of this phenomenonhas not been given yet. S. D. Uman, Z. V, Kukushkina, L. G. dherstnev, Ye. P. Ostapchenko, A. A. Gugnin, A. I. Figner and the firsz two authors joined in the discussion. There are 9 figures and 9 references, 2 of which are Soviet. 1. Cathodes (Electron tube)--Design 2. Cathodes (Electron tube) --Materials 3. Cathodes (Electron tube)--Effectiveness 4. Barium al,xninates--Applications 5 Calcium aluminates--Applications 6. Barium Lungntatoo--Applicatione 7, Calcium tungo tit tea--App It- cations Card 3/3 MAM6AKOV, A.A.; OSTAPCMMO, Te.P. Z-ra7 investigation of the kinetics of formation of barium calcium aluminates and tungstates. Zhur. struk. khim. 1 no.2:178-182 ji-Ag 160. (MMA 13:9) (Barium calcium aluminate) (Barium calcium tungstate) Kazarsk:,y f I MA-KLAKOV, A. I. ~MUKOVP A. 1.--"A Study of the Stability of Open Laminar Diffusion Flames." Kazan' State U imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin. Kazan', 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya Letopist. No. 27, 2 July 1955 Structure of a stationary diffusion flame-brush. Uchozap.Kaz,un, 116 no.1:106-108 155. (MLRA 10:5) 1,Kafedre molakul7aruM I teplov7kh yavleni7. (Flame) -7f F7 7 thult ID-ca"a ftr tLq under I=-P z:ul, rjq,yz~.nov Leata Statc! Un v - Kz wMI. mte 'u-I'Mm th fl-um i~ As, 0~'Z ra c -ill -5 tiou, Chang i, the ~~tdlt ic" L- J.' ~7:- DMITETEV, V.D.; MAKLAKOV, A.I. Determining the combustion properties of Kazan gas by the 11constant pressure bomb" method. Uch. zap. kaz. un. 117 no.9: 167-169 '57. (NIRA 13-1) l.Kazanski7 gosudarstvenny7 universitet im. V.I. Ullyanova-Lenina. Kafedra molekul7arn7kh i teplovykh y-avleni7. (Combustion) (Gases--Analysis) AUTHORs 76-32-5-25/47 TITLE: An Experimental InvestiFation of the Stability of Open Laminary Diffusion Flames (Eksperimentallnoye izucheniye ustoychivo8ti otkrytykh laminarnykh diffuzionnykh plamen) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1956, vol. 32, Nr 5, PP~ 1107-1115 (USSR) ABSTRACT: There is no concrete opinion existing on the proUem mention- ed above; thus the data by Khottell and Gausorn (Ref 1), Cham- berlin and Rose (Ref 2) and Barr (Ref 3) were contradicting and no systematic investigations had been carried out. The present work has this aim, the previous experiments having been mentioned earlier. From the experimental part can be seen that mainly burners with glass tubes were used and that as com- bustion gases carbon monoxide, hydrogen, acetylene, ethylene and hydrogen sulfide, as well as ethanol, ether, acetone, kerosene and gasoline were used, The pictures were taken on a rotating film drum, and the Tepler IAB-451 apparatus was. used . From the experiwental results can be seen ~i-LL at a certain "critical Trelooity" of the fuel the flame looses its stability, with a difference being made between Card 1/3 a linear and a volume velocity. In the case of ethylene the An Experimental Investigation of the Stability of Open 76-32-5-25/47 Laminary Diffusion Flames author could especially clearly observe a soot formation at the surpassing of the laminary velocity of the unsteadyflamei this soot formation pointed at a decrease of the combustion density. It was found that the critical velocity and the forn6- ation of the unsteady flame depend on the nature of the fuel and that a minimum diameter of the )iurner exists below which the flame remains steady at any Y61ocity (for CO for instance) about 3 mm). The flame had two combustion zones -the inner kinetic one, and the outer diffuse one, the fluctuatiom only occurring in the outer one, It was observed that the material of the burner also has an influence on the critical velocity, just as well as the position of the burner, as was observed by N~ N, Norkin (Ref 7),, The frequency of flame fluctuations as well as the form of the flame and its height were also investigated. In evaluating the results the author mentions the work by Lewis and Elbe (Ref 8) and it is commented on to- gether with the two works mentioned in the beginning, on which occasion it is assumed that the formation of "vortexes" in the flame is to be explained by an unequal separation of Card 2/3 the reaction products in the combustion at equal velocity of An Experimental Investigation of the Stability of Open 76-32-5-25/47 Laminary Diffusion Flames escape. Explanations are mentioned for the combustion process, as well as a computation of the diffusion coefficient of oxygen; from a table can be seen that the value of the dif- fusion time is close to that of the fluctuation period of the flame, from which fact the author concludes that in the diffiioion oombustion the diffusion coefficient of oxygen and of the fuel into the combustion products is decisive, and not that of the oxygen into the fuel. There are 6 figures, 5 ta - bles, and 11 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOIN Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V. 1. Ullyanova- ,6enina (Kazan, State University imeni V.I. Ullyanov-Lenin) SUBMITTED: February 1, 1957 1. Flames--Diffusion 2, Flames--Velocity 3. Flames-- Test methods 4. Gases--Combustion Card 3/3 -Z? 578 S/190/611/0031/009/013/016 B124/B101 AUTHORSs Maklakov, A. I., Pimeno7, G. G., Sagitov, R. YS. TITLEs Investigation of polymers qub~ected to uniaxial stretch at high deformation rates PERIODICALs Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedinen-lya, v. 3, no. 9, 1961~ 1410 - 1414 TEXT: The phenomenon of "hairline cracking" and the resulting structural changes are the topic of this publication. An amorphous, transparent film made of Lavsan (polyethylene terephthalat&)', 0.15 to 0.40 mm thick, was investigated. To prepare crystalline samples, the amorphous film was heated to 1200C for 2 hr, which causes the film to be3ome opaque. Tensile tests were performed with an PMA-60 (RMI-60) machine at stretching rates of 100, 200, 500, and 1000 alp/min and constant temperature (0 - 1000C). The X-ray pictures were taken'with a YPC-55 ~URS-55) apparatus (copper anode and nickel filter); the anodevoltage was 35 kv, the amperage 20 ma. The structure of hairline cracks was studied' using an tA~A-6 'MBI-6, % j microscope. The density of the samples was de-ermined by the flotation Card 1/5 2,7578 S/1 9o/6 1/'0o5//009/'0 -. 5/016 Investigation of polymers- B124/B101 technique. The formation of hairline cracks was found to occur in amorphous and crystalline polyethylene terephthalate, low-density poly- ethylene, polypropylene, caprone, and enant, which, excppt for the first, were all crystalline before deformation, which shows that hairline cracking is possible under conditions 3f high-rate cold drawing. Fig. 1 shows that stress curves are the same with formation of a transparent bottleneck and of hairline cracks. The stress which causes the formation of hairline cracks is, however, smaller than the one which yields a trans- parent substance. The structure of hairline cracks in amorphous and crystalline Lavsan is somewhat different. The opacity of samples decreases with increasing temperature at constant stretching rate. The sample re- mains completely transparent when deformed at a definite temperature. The higher the deformation rate, the higher are the initial teLiperatures of stretching without formation of hairline cracks, and vice versa. The formation of hairline cracks occurs below the vitrification point and in the center of the Lavsan sample with only a thin top layer remaining trans- parent. The density of samples of oriented Lavsan with cracks (about 0.82 - 1.13 9/cm3) strongly differs from that of the same 3amples showing no hairline cracks (about 1.52 g//cm3' and drops with ris,_ng temperature and Card 2/5 27578 S/19 61/003/009/013/016 Investigation of polymers... B124YB101 drawing rate. The orientation of the amorphous Lavsan film with hairline cracking leads to the phase transition of the oriented film. This was confirmed by the appearance of new symmetry elements in the X-ray pictures. When the samples showing hairline cracks are heated to 2000C for 5 hr, the bending strength in the direction of drawing, but not per- pendicular to this direction, is considerably reduced. The number of hairline cracks is somewhat reduced by stDrage in a mixture of phenol and tricresol at 20OC; pressures of 150 atm lead to an increase in trans- parency with density increasing from 1.01 to 1.56. The formation of a bottleneck with hairline cracks in forced elastic deformation of amorphous polyethylene terephthalate at room temperature is accompanied by a phase transition, while only the degree of orientaz;ion increases when hairline cracks form in high-rate uniaxial deformation of.crystalline low-pressure polyethylene, polypropylene, enant, and/capronej 'When the stretching rate of Lavsan is reduced below about 200 mm. min, no further hairline cracking is found at room temperature. The dependence of hairline cracking on the regular structure of the molecule in a polymer is proved by the fact that no hairline cracks form in high-pressure polyethylene. V. A. Kargin and G. L. Slonimskiy (Ref. 5t Kratkiye ocherki po fiziko-khimii polimerov Card 3/5 I IL- , - -~,~ -'' ~ - _~__ __ ~ 1, - ~ ~ - - ~- - - -1 1- - 27578 S/190/61/003/009/013/016 Investigation of polymers... B124/B101 (Short treatise on physical chemistry of polymers), izd. _WGU, 1960, p~ 130) are mentioned. There are 3 figuxes, I table, and 8 refArences, 7 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im, V. I, Ul'yanova- Lenina (Kazan' State University imeni V I, Ullyanov-Lenin) SUBMITTED: October 14, 1960 Card 4/5 20 ctroconductiviii'li -vicu-U-1-4:. ]P-(- amEACYO-At ex us,~o --,j)64-bi - 0 of t- azA--zc Ti ACCESSION NR, AT4033991 5/0000/63/000/000/0087/0090 AUTHOM Nikitinas Vo I.g PudovLk4 A. N. __klakov, A.,Iel Balakireva, R. S.1 TITLEs Polymers zonaLatLng of aromatic rings conjugated with hataro atoms* 1. Polypheneylone- and polydLphonylenaimines. SOURCEs Goterotsepny*ye vy*9okomo4ckulyarny*ye soyedineniya (Haterochain macromolecular compounds); abornik statey. Hoscow, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1963, 87-90 TOPIC TAGS: organic semiconductor, semiconducting polymer, poly- phanyleneiminqg polydLphenyleneimLne, polymer electrical property I ABSTRACT: Polyphenyleneimines, semiconducting polymers containing NH groups between aromatic rings in the backbone, have been prepared, and their electrical and magnetic properties have been studied at the KazanskLy gosudarstveipny*y uuLvereLtat Lob. V. 1. Ul'yanov-Lenina (Kazan' State UnLversity)o PolycondensatLon of aromatic diamines wLtl dLhydric phenols was useds Polymer I was obtained from 7 - oqUt;ph:n leas !Cghrminv and hydroquLsonal 119 from beasidifte and hydr on I 1/4 ACCESSION- N-R, ' AT4033991 and 111, from benzidine and 4,4'-dihydroxybiphenyl. The poly- condensation was carried out in the melt at 260-280C for 6 hr. and then at the same temperature and 1-2 um HS for 2 hr. All the polymers are black powders insoluble in the common organic solvents except dLmothylformamLde. Three types of polymers were preparedt repreeLpitated (a), nonreprecipitated (b), and reprecipitated and beat-!treated iri*air at 320C for I hr f'c). On the basis of the synthesis method and IR spectroscopy, the following structures were N H 14 H 14H assumed. D-c electrical conductivity was determined for pellet sam-,--- plea at 20-100C9 The temperature dependence of conductivity obeyed~ an exponential law fairly well, Numerical data are given in Table 11 of the Bnelosurs. All the eamples exhibited high conductivity, positLve-magnatic susceptibility& and an 3PR siSnalo The unpaired 7./ 4 d ACCESSION NR. AT4033991 electron concentration in I& was calculated to be about 1019 -. 1020~ Per grams Orige art* hass 2 tables, I figure# and I formula* ASSOCIATIONt Kazanskiy gosudarstvanny*y universitat in, V& I* Ul'yanov&-LenLn&(J;azan' State Universiti) 7--DATE ACQ"t - 30Apr64 ENCL: 01 HI EDi-' 09Jul&2-- SUB CODR, CH"PH NO REF SOVs 010 OTHERs 000 Card 34 A~CUSION NRt AT4033991 Table Is ElectrLcal and a S a A- Card 4/4' tLc propertLes SUCLOSURE: 01 a S.0 a P~ V4 a is 0 c 0 .68 %9 -86 050 %9 MAKLAKOV., A.I. Application of a radio-frequency method for the measurement of diamagnetic susceptibility. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.11: 2609-2611 N163. (MIR-A 17:2) 1. Kazanskiy gasudarstvennyy universitet, imeni Ullyanova-Lenina. ACCESSION NR, AP4030367 S/0190/64/006/003/0498/0492 AUTUOR& Zhuravleva. 1. P.; Zgadzay, E. A.; Maklakov, A. 1. TITLEt Certain properties of polyphanylonamine SOURCEi Vy*sokomolekul Tarny*ye soyedinenLya. v. 6, no. 3, 1964. 488-492 TOPIC TAGS: organic semiconductor, semiconductor polymer, polyphenylenamLne, electrical property, magnetic property ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the electrical properties of a new semiconducting polymer - polyphenylenemine -J-